Bajan Sun Magazine Edition 11 January 2015

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Kemar Roach

" Tr a i t o f Successful ENTREPRENEURS The EXECUTION Factor

Essentials for Inspiring Your Sales Team MEET Fitness Model Natalie Webb-Howell

J E W E L S HA N N O N Designer of Distinction

" Entrepreneur’s

New Year Resolutions for Healthy Ageing in

Welcome to ROCKiT DeZigns Handcrafted Jewellery

Where you will find an exceptional variety of unique and distinctive handcrafted pieces . | | @BajanSunOnline


…advertise with us…

www.BajanSunOnlinecom/Magazine Email: Twitter:@BajanSunOnline Facebook: Bajan Sun Magazine

"Bajan Sun Online Magazine” is a publication geared towards the advancement of Small Businesses through affordable Marketing. | | @BajanSunOnline

JAN 2015

Editor’s Note E

ntrepreneurs are forward thinkers. They cultivate new ideas and inspire those around them to use innovation to discover new opportunities for new products, services or intellectual solutions. Entrepreneurs show initiative that is self -motivated based on their inner vision and drive to take action. For businesses, having such inspiration and energy can keep fellow employees motivated and willing to meet organizational goals. The entrepreneurial spirit can assist companies to weave together a seamless workflow between and among various company departments. The entrepreneurial spirit also encourages self-pride and recognition for each individual’s contribution to a corporate end product. In the long run, such spirit breathes necessary vitality into long-term organizational lifespans. If you are considering starting an entrepreneurial business, or expanding your leadership capabilities in your current business, take a look at our advertising services. Bajan Sun Marketing is a great method of exposure and easy to incorporate into any marketing plan.

Raeann Beckles

Contact Us Give us a call for more information about our services and products Visit us on Facebook: Like us on Facebook: BajanSunMagazine Follow us on Instagram: @BajanSunMagaxine Visit us on Youtube: Follow us on Twitter: @BajanSunOnline | | @BajanSunOnline


Fay G. Parris RN, RM, BSc Nursing Education, MEd. Administration, MSc. Nursing-Clinical Nurse Specialist (Gerontology) Nursing Instructor, BCC

Norma T. Hollis America’s Leading Authentic Voice DoctorŽ Mentor, Transformational Artist ~ Visionary Advocate of the Human Spirit

Dr. Andrew Forde

Dr. Anita Davis-DeFoe

Office is located in the Pine Medical Centre, Suite 3, 3rd Ave, Belleville, St Michael, Barbados. Telephone (246) 429 5863 Email:

Author. Thought Leader. Social Entrepreneur, Organization and Leadership Development Solutionist

Judy Beckles

Denise J Charles

HR Specialist, Advocate for Persons with Disabilities, Disability Sports Co-ordinator (Special Olympics & Paralympics)

Author of How to Have Mind Blowing Sex Without Losing Your Brain and Your Baby is Coming Now Push. | | @BajanSunOnline

JAN 2015


Publisher The BIM

Charmaine J. Forde Cher Corbin

Liberal Arts Major at Community College of Philadelphia and a Soldiers Angel volunteer

Barbadian Forensic Scientist, Visual Artist , Writer & Author

Jerome "The Trainer" Greenidge Personal Trainer, Physique Pro Fitness Consultant

D’borah Ramdin Make up and Cosmetology Specialist

Lisa White

Mariposa Reina

CPDT-KA The Dog Trainer

Writer, Poet, Performer, Teacher | | @BajanSunOnline


One trait of Successful Entrepreneurs

15 Imagine a World 16-21

Jewel Shannon: Designer of Distinction


Katryn Barwise - The Philanthropist


Kizzy Thomas - Antiguan

&29 Model 30-33

My Art by Michelle Lee B.W.O.G.


Unedited: Inside the Heart of a Truly Passionate Bass Player


To be Successful Do Only What Counts

43 44-47

Caribbean Youth Has Spoken The Triumphant Story of Jamaican Born Nollis Dewar




Meet Fitness Model Natalie Webb-Howell


Fitness Competitor Kara-Lynn Belle


The Art of Being A Great CEO | | @BajanSunOnline

JAN 2015


Achieving the Physique you desire for 2015 & Beyond


TTPC’s Road Trip to Parapan 2015


Kemar Roach Bajan Fast

&69 Bowler 70-71

Beauty Intricacies: Fade

&73 Those Scars Right 74-75

Skin Guru: Tinea “Ringworm” Infections

77 Eight New Year Resolutions for Healthy Ageing in 2015 and

Beyond 78-81

Royal Impressions

83 Essentials for Inspiring Your Sales Team 84-90

Toni Thorne - A Born Entrepreneur

91 How to Interact with Deaf in

the Workplace 92-93

The Execution Factor

& 95 99 Tech Tip 102&105 A Successful Entrepreneur’s Arsenal | | @BajanSunOnline


When The Woman In His Head Isn’t In His Bed

111 In the Spotlight Relina Coward 112-113

7 Principles Every CEO Must Nail


Race of Champions


Why Do You Want A Puppy/ Dog?


Signs A Sales Rep Will Be A Good Hire




The History of Rum


The Bartender - David Barker

135 138-139

Bajan Dialect 101 A Journey Into The Abyss Of The Mind


Christmas Seduction Part 2


Poets & Poetry


T’malson’s Craft


Harper’s Artistry


Creative Visions by Sophia Jones Photography | | @BajanSunOnline

JAN 2015

A r t & Cre a t i v e D i re c t o r : F r a n kl y n Pa r r i s Editor: Ra e a n n B e c kl e s A s s t . E di t o r : C h e r Co r b i n Design & Layout: F r a n kl y n Pa r r i s Graphic Designer: F r a n kl y n Pa r r i s Q u a n t a n o Pa r r i s Tr a c y G re e n i d g e Advertising Sales: Q u a n t a n o Pa r r i s Ta s h a n n a Pa r r i s Photographers: Zi c o Mi l l e r Clyde Barnette Shaun Graham | | @BajanSunOnline

JAN 2015

One Trait of Successful Entrepreneurs


he popular search for traits that predict business success is inevitably and fatally flawed for one simple reason: it’s not personal characteristics that make businesses successful, but their products and services that beat the competition.

presence. Some were so boring they could put you to sleep while others could captivate an audience with their engaging stories. They ran the gamut from geeks with Ph.D's to marketing and financial wizards.

None of the great business leaders I’ve known and worked with over the decades were defined by who they were. They were defined by what they did. They were defined by their work. Simply put, they were better at their jobs than the vast majority of their peers.

While they dif not fit any particular model, I can certainly share some interesting observations and insights that may have influenced their rise to such lofty positions in the business world.

Other than that, they were unique, and they certainly did not fit any of the popular notions we hear about these days.

They spanned the spectrum from painfully shy and introverted to classic icons that exude executive

For one thing, they were all brilliant. They were all hungry for knowledge and experience. They all had common sense. That’s the closest thing to a common intrinsic characteristic I can offer. I don’t really think of it as unique because – well, there’s simply no way to sugarcoat this so I’m not going to try – smarts are a necessity. | | @BajanSunOnline

That said, they didn’t generally strike me as particularly emotionally intelligent, at least not according to the popular definition. While some were perhaps more self-aware and empathetic than most, others were so singularly focused on their work, their products, and the business at hand that I don’t think there was much room left for anything else.

While some were more impetuous and egocentric than others – to their detriment, I may add – they were generally a mature bunch. They were comfortable in their own skins, didn’t take themselves too seriously, and had a sense of humor and humility. They usually welcomed constructive debate as a means to effective decision-making.

With rare exception, they all worked their tails off and rose through the ranks to become executives at bigger companies before starting their own ventures, being chosen to lead others or becoming VCs. I wouldn’t say any of them were born to be or set out to be entrepreneurs. It was more a result than a goal.

That said, one of the heralded attributes of great leaders – their passion and vision – is often a double-edged sword that can cloud perspective and lead to myopia or nearsightedness. This is a common problem that I believe caused many of those I worked with to be less successful than they might have been.

By the time I came to know them, they were all business savvy. They each had a clear and visceral, if not pragmatic, understanding of finance, competitive markets and how companies operate. Some may have learned it by osmosis while others made it their business to understand business, but sooner or later it does come with the territory.

Finally, and this is perhaps the most noteworthy point, I’m certain they would all agree that business and entrepreneurial success is based primarily on developing products and services that are far better at meeting critical customer needs than the competition. If you want to step into their shoes someday, that’s where I would start. | | @BajanSunOnline

Hincks Street, Bridgetow n, St Michael

Opening Hours - Mon - Sat: 9:00am - 5:00pm Delivery Island Wide

JAN 2015

a World By Norma T. Hollis


magine a world where everyone is clear that they come with a message and everyone clearly shares their message. In this world, each person is raised to know and develop his or her natural affinities to accomplish their unique mission. Everyone knows they have a mission, a purpose, a direction for being on the planet. Each person comes from a place of authenticity when talking about who they are and what they are to do. There is no need for doubt, fear, mistrust or chaos. People are clear about their purpose, and with that clarity, seek to fulfill their purpose. On this planet numbers of people fulfill their purpose, so it is a world with little confusion, a great deal of cooperation and a high quality of life. The inhabitants of this world live authentically. They understand themselves and seek to use their natural gifts and talents for the common good. They have learned how to use their power of voice to positively impact others. They help their children develop their natural gifts and talents so that they too can lead authentic lives. When you see an inhabitant of this planet you are impressed by their healthy appearance. They have glowing skin, lots of energy and a positively contagious spirit. The inhabitants seem to have a strong sense of community, caring about themselves and the people around them. It is a positive environment where everyone has the potential to live to the fullest and they are eager to fulfill their potential.

contentment and raise the quality of your life. Your purpose is powerful. Your message needs to be heard. You were born with a unique combination of natural gifts and talents that express themselves in numerous ways. These are a foundation for your power of voice. It is refined by your experiences in the world. Your experiences build character and personality and help make you who you are. These are expressed in your lifestyle, your relationships, your health status and how you live your life. The way you deal with your experiences is a voice to those who are watching you. What do people see when they are watching you? Is it someone who has found and mastered their voice and shares it readily? Or is it someone who hides from the voice within, fearful of sharing it? Are you authentically living the life that has been handed you? Are you mastering your voice and sharing a message or allowing your voice to remain quiet within you? To what degree are you sharing the “real” parts of yourself with others? It’s important that you recognize the voice that lives within you and that you listen and respond to it. If you are not in touch with the voice that lives within then you might not understand what I am talking about. Being true to your inner voice and being authentic adds to your quality of life. It’s worth the effort to go find, live and share the power of your voice.

The world awaits you.

You can be a part of this vision. By finding, living and sharing your voice you can attain a higher degree of | | @BajanSunOnline | | @BajanSunOnline

JAN 2015

By Raeann Beckles


orn in the Caribbean Island of Barbados, Jewel Shannon is a designer of distinction whose work is adding a unique flair to the

fashion world.

Jewel draws constant inspiration from growing up in

Barbados; this is seen in her playfully casual line, her mind provoking swimwear collection and elegant body sculpting evening gowns.


detailed attention to form and function allows her to bring out the best features





Jewel Shannon's Designs have been featured in several news periodicals in the United States such as the New York Daily News, the New York Times, and Fox 5, as well as on several television and cable programs. Her unique and exotic couture swimsuit collection has dominated eight cover of Black

Men's Swimsuit Magazine. Through her work with Black Men Magazine and Today's Black Woman Magazine, she is currently the Fashion Editor of IB







The moods of Jewel's collections are feminine, exotic and mysterious. Her Island Jewels Resort wear collection is uniquely designed for the women of privilege who is going on vacation, on a cruise or world tour. Dangerous after Dark is created for women who want to be the center of attention, bold,




mysterious. | | @BajanSunOnline | | @BajanSunOnline

JAN 2015

The Zync Collection is a

designed to fit the specific taste of the exclusive

bold combination of rich

clientele. With unique detail, this collection is created



with a difference using a variety of beautiful and rare

rhinestones and sequence

fabrics. "My collection is for the woman who is


sophisticated, unique, sexy, smart, confident yet




Jewel Couture


As Jewel Shannon continues to create

Collection features Couture

couture garments for individuals with exceptional

evening and bridal gowns

fashion taste, she can be described as A Gem in the


fashion world and a designer to be followed in the



woman of class and style;

future.. | | @BajanSunOnline

Personalities who have worn Jewel Shannon’s Designs

Wendy Williams WBLS Lady Saw- Reggae Artist Cecille, Reggae Artist Carl Henry Reggae/R&B Artist Free- BET 106 and Park-Host Egypt- Power 105- Host Phylicia Rashad - Actress

Ashanti - Entertainer Tiffany, (BET) Alison Hinds, Barbados Melyssa Ford- BET AJ- BET Tiffany- BET Free- BET

Queen Latifah, Actress/Singer Honorable Una Clarke, VP/Advisor to the Governor Yvonne Graham, Brooklyn Deputy Borough President Yolanda Martin, Former Councilwoman, 38th CD Yvette Clarke, Councilwoman 40th CD .

Photo Shoot Locations: Aruba, Nassau, Bahamas Barbados, Bermuda St Thomas Jamaica, Puerto Rico Trinidad

Antigua | | @BajanSunOnline

JAN 2015


Ms Barbados Heritage Miss Jamaica Universe Miss Jamaica USA Miss Barbados USA Miss Guyana USA Miss Guyana Universe Miss Trinidad USA Miss Caribbean USA Miss Antigua Miss New York State Miss Grenada

Jewel Shannon’s Designs Featured on Magazine

Covers | | @BajanSunOnline

Katryn Barwise | | @BajanSunOnline

JAN 2015



he 23year old model, singer & songwriter

Africa Fire 2013, Miss Humanity South Africa 2014 and

Katryn Barwise has a passion for performing

Miss Humanity International 2014. August 2014 saw the

and youth development.

crowning of Katryn as Miss Humanity International

She is the owner of Limpopo Beauty Modeling Academy, which will be celebrating six years of existence on February 5th 2015. The modeling school is a youth development organization that offers young girls from the ages four to 24 years old the opportunity to build their brand as a model. She trains them and helps

2014 in Barbados. What a remarkable display of beauty and brains, with a purpose. She competed against countries from all over the world.

During this

competition she also won the following awards: Best Humanitarian Project, Best interview, Best Gown and Best National Costume.

them develop their modeling skills, public speaking

As a beauty queen Katryn started her extensive range of

skills and self confidence. She has various branches over

charity projects in 2008 and has been very involved in

the Limpopo Province.

her community ever since. Her biggest project to date is

Katryn is also a singer and songwriter and recorded her first album when she was 16 years old. Followed by the 2nd at age 18 and the 3rd at age 21. She has been singing from a young age and often sings on big stages at festivals as well as at modeling events, as she is a

respected model in the fashion industry. To date, Katryn’s biggest Titles include: Miss Limpopo

putting together a task team with the lepelle Nkumpi Municipality and building a new Centre for Phontsho Disability. A centre where 55 children with disabilities lived in very poor conditions. With the help from the department of Women, Children and People with Disabilities she built a centre worth seven Million rands and she got sponsors to fully equip the entire Centre from kitchen appliances, bedding, school desks etc.

Teen 2008, Miss Limpopo 2012, Miss Earth South | | @BajanSunOnline | | @BajanSunOnline

JAN 2015 As a business women Katryn enjoys organizing events for her modeling school that also acts as food drives for her charity projects. She plans events to not only further her business but to also create role models in her community and provide girls with the platform to make a difference. She has organized hundreds of events since 2007. The first pageant she organized all by herself was during her Matric year for the Letaba Show in 2008, she secured a main sponsor of R20 000. Some of her annual events/pageants include:

Face of Tzaneng Mall Queen of the North (Hosted in Mall of the North) Miss Mokopane crossing Mall Miss Summer Glitz South Africa Various Fashion shows for well know retail shops Katryn gets booked to MC/Sing at various festivals, events as well as at modeling related events all over South Africa, some of her best experiences include: Performing at Innibos Festivals Windpompfees

Country show with Lance James 2007 Performing at Greenfields Centurion Supersterre Limpopo Winner 2007 A different Beat African show Rand Easter show CMA CD Launch Cadilacs Pretoria Koedoe fees Britz Country music on the Steam Train in Johannesburg Performing at Various Forever Resorts annually Performing at ATKV resorts Kuruman Show Opening the Bulls vs Cheetahs Game at Peter Mokaba Stadium two years in a row for more than 12 thousand people She has also appeared on various magazine covers and is quickly climbing the ladder to reach new heights in her singing as well as modeling career. Katryn is a philanthropist and has an obsession for making a difference and being a role model to the youth in South Africa. She lives by the Motto: Believe what you can become, and become what you believe and most of all reach for the stars! | | @BajanSunOnline

KIZZY THOMAS | | @BajanSunOnline

JAN 2015



izzy Cheresse Thomas is an articulate, charismatic, intelligent and outspoken young woman with

positive goals for the future. Standing at five feet seven and a quarter inches (5'7 1/4') tall; Kizzy weighs one hundred and thirty pounds (130lbs) with vital statistics 36', 28’, 38’. Throughout her life, Kizzy has had an interest in being a model. However, only explored it over the past year and half. This desire she shared with one of her friends, who encouraged her to pursue the path she now confidently traverses. Today Kizzy is signed with the Xquisite Model Agency! Quite recently, Kizzy participated in Antigua & Barbuda's Independence fashion show which was held on Sunday

Inspired by the infamous Tyra Banks and Naomi

26th October, 2014. A beautiful Independence celebration

Campbell, Kizzy is excelling! As Kizzy stated “they are

indeed and one where Kizzy graced the stage with style.

both black, strong and successful individuals who have

Throughout the years, Kizzy also participated in various

taken their career to the next level through hard work,

other pageants, where she secured titles and accolades for

determination and commitment, this is why I admire

her beauty and brains!

them.” But though possessing admiration for these two models, it is Kizzy’s upbringing in John Hughes Village, that has taught her strong morals and values which she still upholds today. Kizzy also warmly credits her sound family background for her character and principles. But, Kizzy is

more than just beauty, she has the qualifications which compliments her package. Kizzy is a graduate of the All Saints Secondary School and has pursued her Associate Degree in Hospitality Management at the Antigua & Barbuda Hospitality Training Institute. Her passion for customer service has inspired her ambition to one day become a Flight Attendant or Hotel Manager for one of the world's leading premium class resorts. Kizzy believes in the power of her dreams and thus far it has not failed her! | | @BajanSunOnline





The products are made from Top Grain Leather (100% pure leather – higher quality than genuine leather) 100% Natural Rubber soles. The soles are water and oil resistant

products are designed to suit our climate and rugged conditions.

B AR B AD O S C O N TAC T : 1 - 2 4 6 - 2 4 5 6 6 2 9 | | @BajanSunOnline

JAN 2015

Keeping on top of her ‘fitness’ game comes with great

the industry. As such, it is the desire of Kizzy to see this

ease to Kizzy as she has been involved in sports since


she was nine years old. Also, being an athlete, and

recommendations which she believes must be taken into



account and action. As she exclaims, “there has to be a

basketball, volleyball, and particularly netball has

regional and international competition where young

helped Kizzy maintain her physique. An avid netballer,

ladies can enter, gain the much needed exposure and

Kizzy is currently the Assistant Secretary/Treasurer for

build themselves as individuals!” She also suggested

the Antigua and Barbuda Netball Association.

that a school be erected for young aspiring models to be

However, the lack of adequate remuneration and

educated on all areas of the industry. Thereby

exposure, as well as the fact that only one type of

improving the image of the local modeling industry and

modeling (runway modeling) is being explored, within

creating avenues for young Antiguans interested in

the Antiguan Modeling Industry has unquestionably

pursuing this field to be adequately equipped.










impacted upon how models view themselves as well as | | @BajanSunOnline | | @BajanSunOnline

JAN 2015

Michelle Lee is the CEO and Head Designer of My Art by Michelle Lee B.W.O.G. By Raeann Beckles


ichelle Lee is the CEO and Head Designer of My Art by Michelle Lee B.W.O.G, located in the Twin Island Republic of Trinidad and Tobago and which has been in operation for over 18 years. With a client base of predominantly career individuals, Michelle designs clothing for both males and females of all body types. Michelle also provides image consulting services as most clients’ need to be advised on what style and colour best suits them. Her focus on personal attention and customized well fitted clothing, has resulted in total customer satisfaction and has allowed her throughout the years to secure support from friends, clients and family alike. | | @BajanSunOnline

Her commitment to her craft has also allowed her to

Hence, Michelle takes delight in reforming the thoughts

host an annual fashion show for the past five years,

of some of her clients through her designs. She

utilizing her clients as her models. But though faced

promotes through her clothing, respect and love for

with the challenges of securing a team of workers/

who you are and what you look like. As such, she

designers who possess a love for the job and not just

inspires through her designs and injects confidence into

the remuneration package, Michelle persist. Michelle

her clients.

also noted that, most women are not displeased with the designer’s techniques, but rather with the mirrored version of themselves. She said, some ladies see themselves in other people’s images, for example the Kardashians or America’s Next Top Models; ‘sisters’

It is the desire of Michelle to see her company become a household name locally and regionally, as well as to open a school with persons interested in producing quality clothing; clothing that inspires.

who never find satisfaction in their own beauty. These

We wish Michelle and My Art by Michelle Lee B.W.O.G

are some of the challenges Michelle faces as a designer.

all the very best!!! | | @BajanSunOnline

JAN 2015 | | @BajanSunOnline | | @BajanSunOnline

JAN 2015

UNEDITED: INSIDE THE HEART OF A TRULY PASSIONATE BASS PLAYER By Raeann Beckles …BASS, it’s like a Guitar, But Cooler… “When I play the bass I feel alive, free, she’s my dance partner, my voice and so much more. But, the most powerful feeling that generates when I play is love. Love for GOD, love for others, love for my purpose as a musician.” Anton Ricardo


hough he plays the acoustic guitar and percussions, his love for his bass guitar surpasses all others; as he so passionately reveals, “no other instrument helps me to express how I feel inside like the bass.”

Trinidad born Anton Ricardo Constantine, or Anton Ricardo as he is more warmly called in the music industry, discovered his love for this instrument at the tender age of eight. Uncover the heart of this truly passionate Bass Guitarist/ Musician as we have a heart to heart chat with him. Q&A with Anton Ricardo: Q: At what age you recognized your love for the bass guitar and music?

A: I am really glad you used the word ‘love’ because that’s how I feel about this instrument, Love! As a child (not very long ago J) I discovered that music was my first love, not the television at all. I only pretended to like the TV so I could fool my mom. So when I got punished it was always the TV, leaving me with my radio, unscathed. Brilliant right J? So I guess I was probably about 8 or 9 years old when I started being mindful of bass lines from the music I listened to and sang them out loudly. Yep, the lower notes called out to me. The first

time I actually laid my hands on an electric bass I was about 10 or 11. I felt a connection that reached deep into my soul, so much love and though I didn’t have the means to acquire one I never stopped thinking about the bass or feeling desperate to have my own, or at least access to one. At the time, my angel of a mom worked two jobs to care for my ‘sibs’ and I so she would have had to sell her soul to get me a bass and GOD knows we don’t want that. Hey, so I decided to become my own luthier and built one out of ply and nylon from our clothes linesJ. If only I had thought about adding hair back then, she would have been my wife today J. Q: What is it about the bass guitar that you love so much? A: You know what? I’m not trying to be biased or slight other instruments, I love them all but for me there’s no other instrument that helps me to express how I feel inside like the bass. I actually feel (not just hear) each note, each line, each rhythm pattern, the low frequencies from deep within me before I play it. If I were to lose my speech (GOD forbid) I think I could pick my bass up and say everything that’s in my heart and people would understand. Q: How often do you practice?

A: Well I kinda don’t like that word ‘practice’ anymore, because for me there’s nothing tedious about playing the bass. Let’s just say I bond with my ‘babies’ daily and get to know them better J. Usually it’s no less than two hours at a time because I’m employed otherwise. Sometimes I’m blessed enough to have a day to myself and when that happens my bass guitars are strapped across my chest for the entire day. Once I pick them up I can’t stop. | | @BajanSunOnline

Q: How long have you been performing?

Q: What are your most memorable performances?

A: Ther e’s a little story surrounding that question. Though I’ve

A: I’ve played for gospel artist ‘Luckey’ and closest friend for years

loved the bass from childhood my first opportunity to have access to

and toured the world with her. One time we performed at a concert

one came when I dedicated myself to Christ as a young man. One

in the US where we did a couple songs with just vocals and bass, a

Sunday in 1993 I asked my then pastor Reverend Ronald Sinanan if

lot of it was spontaneous harmonizing. The response was amazing.

he would get a bass guitar for the church. He asked me in a deep

What started off as deafening silence turned into crying, people

serious tone “if the church purchased a bass would you dedicate to

reaching out to GOD and so many people wanted to know more

playing it?” Being a generally shy guy I modestly replied “oh yes

about Jesus just from that performance.

Sir” whilst inside I was about to collapse with excitement. A few

Alternative Quartet and play at Jazz Festivals with them. I have so

days later he went and got a red Palmer 4 string with no hesitation.

much fun with that group. Earlier in 2014 we performed at a jazz

He gave me unlimited access to the church and by the next Sunday I

festival where the audience didn’t allow us to leave the stage, encore

was playing in our church service. I never looked back. I spent

after encore. I’ve grown accustomed to AQ and encores but

I also tour with the

countless hours playing, bonding with the bass and after one year in

hibernation, main gospel acts in Trinidad approached me to play for

this one was different and funny.

them. So I started performing alongside some of these artistes in

Q: What is the crowd response like when you perform and

1995, approaching 20 years. Pastor Ronald Sinanan invested into

play bass?

my life and my purpose that day, and I am eternally thankful that he

never suppressed me, but encouraged me to expand my horizons as a musician and be great. What a leader!

A: Inter estingly enough, I’ve never been booed. Even at times when I thought I deserved it J. There are always those performances that don’t go right, but generally I get

Q: Where have you performed?

everything from screams, cheers and whistles to tears and A: Apar t fr om locally, and I mention ‘locally’ first because I love

somber responses to my playing. I never take it for granted. I

my country, I’ve played at gospel concerts and jazz festivals in the

honour the audience for supporting me by giving my best

Caribbean, the US and Europe. Had a great time at the Naniki Jazz

always and connecting with them on stage. What I cherish

Fest right here in Barbados earlier in 2014 too J

the most though is when I get people to worship GOD though my playing. | | @BajanSunOnline

JAN 2015 Q: Which other artists have you performed with (locally, regionally, internationally)?

A: My gr eatest challenge I would say has been in keeping myself relevant and up to date with where music is going. It

A: Locally I’ve performed with gospel artistes the likes of the

keeps evolving; it’s almost hard to keep up. I don’t want to be

late Reverend Eldon Paul, Sherwin Gardener, Vanessa Briggs,

boxed into what I think I know about music, I want to always

Peter Regis, Roxanne Layne and Renewed, J Errol Lewis and

hit the ‘refresh’ button and download the evolution into my

Renaissance, Anthony Dolland and Christlike, Jadee, Samuel

system. For instance, I think it’s safe to say there isn’t any

Dyer, JWave and many others. I also performed with Jazz

musical progression that we can call ‘new’, but the styles, the

artistes like Gerelle Forbes, Ruth Osman Rose, Michael

fusions, the different ways music is approached nowadays is

Boothman, Panist Kern Summerville, Moricia Cagan, and oth-

mind blowing. So to paraphrase what the Greats have said

ers. One time I played for what is widely considered our

“listen 90% of the times”, research, dissect and of course in-

premier jazz band in T&T, Elan Parlė. This band is the brain

teracting with greater musicians than myself gets me there.

child of musical genius Michael Low Chew Tung and when I

Q: Who are your greatest influences on bass?

got called to come fill in for their bass player I felt only too honoured. Regionally, I performed with Jamaican gospel ar-

A: Abr aham Labor iel Sr no doubt. As a young bass play-

tistes such as Jermaine Edwards, Goddy Goddy and did a cou-

er I was dubbed a clone of him. Then there’s Michael Curtis

ple of songs with Chevelle Franklyn when she visited Trini-

Ruiz, a Trinidad born bass player who is a musical genius and

dad and same with the Legendary Lester Lewis. Artistes I

master at his craft. Stanley Clarke means a lot to me. His

played with from beyond the Caribbean are: Ron Kenoly,

music is a huge part of me and how I approach soloing. An-

Donnie McClurkin, Keith Staten (of Commissioned), Alvin

thony Jackson is a scientist on bass and I really love his play-

Slaughter, Vashawn Mitchell, Fayola Carr and others.

ing. Victor Wooten and Marcus Miller are extra terrestrial.


when they visited Trinidad!

On upright bass I like Ron Carter and Christian McBride and on fretless bass it’s Pino Paladino all time for me. If I were to

Q: Who are your biggest supporters (family, best friend

generally describe my playing I’d say a combination of Abra-


ham Laboriel and Stanley Clarke.

A: My family no doubt. They never get tir ed hear ing me play; I’m really blessed to have them. I have some really close friends who never leave my side and friends who keep me alive in the music industry, too many to list but I love them all and owe them eternally. The pastors at my home church The Apostle’s Ministries are so supportive of me. I mentioned earlier about Pastor Ron starting me off on this journey, well Pastors Kirk, Hosea and Antonio kept me on my path. They saw something worthwhile in me even when I felt it wasn’t apparent, never allowed me to quit and to this day, treat me like I am the greatest musician on the planet. Q: What's your greatest challenge musically and how have

you overcome it or intend to overcome it? | | @BajanSunOnline | | @BajanSunOnline

JAN 2015



veryone is obsessed with the habits of the wealthy these days. The great irony is, if

successful people concerned themselves with that sort of nonsense they never would have made it big in the first

place. Truth is, none of that stuff matters. It’s all just a

Figuring out what it takes to be a good employee and how to motivate and manage others. Learning what works and what doesn’t work in the real world. Putting yourself out there so you’re aware of

waste of time and focus. If you want to be successful, you have to learn what

opportunities and maybe even create your own luck.

really makes a difference, what really matters. You need

Understanding that it’s all completely and entirely up

to do that and keep the distractions – everything that

to you – nobody else can do it for you and nobody is

doesn’t matter – to a minimum. Now I’ll tell you what

holding you back, either.

matters but I’ve got to warn you: it’s really simple. But

Having your priorities straight, the work ethic to

then, all great lessons in life are simple.

always get the job done, and the discipline to focus on

What matters is what you do. How do you figure out

what matters and not on what doesn’t.

what to do? Strangely enough, you figure out what to do

It always comes down to the same thing. Doing what

by doing. By …

matters. That’s exactly how world-class companies like

Getting out into the world, getting a job, experiencing

GE and P&G breed hundreds, if not thousands, of entrepreneurs who found tomorrow’s startups and CEOs

and learning. Figuring out how business works. Learning what you like to do and what you’re good at – your strengths to leverage and weaknesses to overcome.

that turn good companies into great ones: on-the-job experience. Now I’ll tell you what doesn’t matter. What doesn’t

matter is what everyone else says and does. That’s right; none of it matters. Not a word. Of course, the exception

Gaining confidence from your successes and wisdom from your failures.

is the people you come across in your real-world experience. If you get out in the world and do things,

Meeting smart people, asking good questions and listening to what they have to say.

you will inevitably meet and learn from thousands of people. That’s 99 percent of the wisdom you’ll need. No kidding. | | @BajanSunOnline

Here’s another way to look at it. Let’s talk about spheres of influence. The popular wisdom of the day is that everyone should have these enormous spheres of communication and social networks, the bigger the better.

Popular wisdom is wrong and I’ll tell you why.

Social networking – tweeting, posting, linking, blogging, too – is what I call “one-to-many” communications. The level of interaction and quality of communication is lousy because a billion people are all doing the same thing so nobody has the bandwidth to read but a tiny fraction of what shows up in their stream. That’s why the vast majority of online interaction is a complete waste of time. Everything you post just bounces around the Web and nothing ever really comes of it. Nothing that matters, anyway. It’s like throwing a bucket of water into the ocean. Sure, there’s more water in the ocean now, but so what?

Also, whatever you learn online is visible to everyone so it provides no competitive advantage whatsoever. The way to be successful is to keep your sphere of influence small and focused. How small and focused? That depends. Mark Zuckerberg and Bill Gates wrote code. Richard Branson sold records. Their spheres were relatively small and extremely focused in the early days of their careers while they were building their businesses. Then they grew in time. That’s usually how it works. It basically comes down to this: You do want to broaden your sphere but you want to broaden it by doing what matters, not by wasting your time on what doesn’t matter. Not only does reading about rich people’s habits not matter, the same is true of the vast majority of what you do online. And if they wasted their time with all that stuff, wealthy people would never have become wealthy to begin with. The only thing successful people do that matters is focus on doing what matters. Simple as that. | | @BajanSunOnline

JAN 2015 | | @BajanSunOnline | | @BajanSunOnline

JAN 2015

Caribbean Youth Has Spoken By Richard Welch

Q: What in your opinion should be a key area of focus for the Caribbean at present?

A: Regional TourismEnjoying Our Islands' treasures.

Q: Why do you see this area as relevant to the Caribbean presently?

A: There is a tendency for Caribbean people to have a penchant for foreign products and experiences and as a result, there is greater need to recognize the treasures that exist within our Region.

Q: What do you think can be done to enhance/ develop/market etc this particular area?

A: Individuals from the different Caribbean territories can become "Local Ambassadors" promoting their country's treasures.

Q: What in your opinion are our challenges within the Caribbean to achieving this relevant area?

A: One challenge that Caribbean people face is the belief that foreign experiences have greater value than that of the Region.

Q: Who do you think needs to get on board to ensure this area is developed adequately?

A: Although I believe that Government sectors play an important role in this development, they cannot be solely responsible. However, they can equip us by educating us, the wider public, on achieving this goal. Teachers at the primary and secondary school levels can also play an important role in educating our future generations in preserving the longevity of a country.

Q: What role do you see yourself playing in aiding the achievement of this particular area? A: In this technological era, social media channels such as Facebook, Twitter and Instagram have played a tremendous role in the way information is sent and retrieved. Having access to these tools can help persons including myself to market our countries and reach a wider scope of people. | | @BajanSunOnline | | @BajanSunOnline

The Triumphant Story of Jamaican Born Nollis Dewar By Raeann Beckles …Destiny Knows No Limit… The Triumphant Story of Jamaican Born Nollis Dewar


versatile appearing in the music video “A Night to Remember” with Mary J Blige & an intense interview with Track & Field’s living legend Usain Bolt. He is known for his distinctively smooth voice, hypnotizing

ollis Sylbier Dewar (born March 14, 1985) is an

brown eyes and positive soul.

actor & model in Los Angeles, California. Nollis

Nollis Dewar was born in Montego Bay, Jamaica to

has been featured in the Jamaica Observer, titled “Dreams

father Myron Dewar and mother Juliet Reid. He is the

of The Silver Screen” which speaks highly of the Actors

oldest sibling of five sisters and four brothers. Growing

future. Mr. Dewar has thus far landed principal acting

up in Somerton, St James the “country life" was very

roles in short independent films “Rebellious”, “Big

difficult but Nollis would remain positive and joyful. His

Dreamers” & “Change a Life”.

He has also worked

parents who were only teenagers at the time of birth were

commercially with Nothing Films & Spears & Arrows

not able to financially or mentally support the young

Production Company to produce two major commercial

child. So they left him in care of his grandmother' Vita

advertisements. The Caribbean born Entertainer is very

Myrie shortly after he was born. | | @BajanSunOnline

JAN 2015 The Triumphant Story of Jamaican Born Nollis Dewar continued At the age of four Nollis met a woman by the name of Rosa Sanders whom was an American citizen from Los Angeles, CA. Rosa was visiting the Caribbean island with thoughts of starting a new life in Jamaica. While seeking a potential home to purchase in Montego Bay Rosa met Kenneth Dewar, The grandfather of Nollis at the Pork Pit Restaurant. Rosa and Kenneth started dating and Rosa eventually met & fell in love with the young joyful Nollis. Rosa decided she would stay in Montego Bay & purchased a beautiful home in Bogue Heights. Rosa became a nurse at the Cornwall Regional Hospital in Montego Bay. Rosa was much more financially secure than the Dewar family and thought it would be a great idea if Nollis moved in with her and Kenneth at her new home. Her wish was granted and Nollis was now fortunate to have such a positive change in his life. Nollis would go on to attend Harrison Prep Elementary School & in later years Herbert Morrison Comprehensive High School in Montego Bay. After a very heart breaking separation with her spouse Kenneth who happened to be the grandfather of Nollis, Rosa decided to move back to the United States of America and she originally planned to take Nollis with her. Kenneth decided to keep Nollis although Rosa insisted Nollis remain with her. Without court documents Rosa stood no chance and would eventually leave the island without Nollis. Without a home Nollis was forced to live with friends of Kenneth in Tower Hill for a few years. The family in Tower Hill took very good care of him and loved him as if he was one of their own. Years went by and Nollis lived from home to home, family to friends and back to Family. Living in Tower Hill, Norwood, Pit Four, Greenwood and eventually back to Somerton to stay in a home owned by his grandmother Vita Myrie. Nollis was basically living on his own. The responsibilities and hardship would eventually become too much for the young teenager.

In December of 1998 Nollis learned that his biological father Myron Dewar was killed in New York by two unknown gunmen. Nollis did not really know how to feel and had no one to truly talk to. The next few years would be filled with depression but the community of Somerton, St James did not allow the depression to consume him. Rosa living in Los Angeles at the time heard about the tragic news and lifestyle that Nollis was now living. She decided to attempt to adopt Nollis and asked his family (which was truly no one in particular) for permission. Finally her wish was granted and the documents were filed. Nollis legally migrated to the United States in the year 2002. Nollis arrived in Los Angeles, California and began attending school immediately. Nollis attended “LA High" for the first semester but moved away from Los Angeles, California to attend school in Windsor, Connecticut. Nollis wanted to live in a different climate other than the scorching heat he was use to his entire life. Nollis had an Aunt (Flo Dewar) living in Connecticut and she was happy to have him stay with her while he finished his schooling.

While living in Connecticut Nollis was very well liked by the east coast community. He excelled at school plays, talent shows and Athletics. His drama teacher would always attempt to sign him up for acting programs but because of his athletic built Nollis was already very busy with track & field and Americanfootball. In the year 2004 Nollis earned a Full Scholarship to attend the University of Connecticut in which he would be a part of their football program. However, in 2006 that relationship was abruptly ended when an unhappy, rebellious and confused Nollis decided to organize a party in his hotel room in South Florida two days before his games against the University of South Florida. He was released from the football program but decide to remain at the University of Connecticut and earned his Bachelor’s degree in Sociology and a minor in Psychology. In 2009 Nollis however was offered a rare opportunity that he could not refuse. He was offered a full scholarship to attend the University of North Alabama to play one year under newly acquired/Famous coaches Jeff and Bobby Bowden. With his credits towards graduation completed essentially “Nothing to lose" Nollis took the offer and boarded the next flight to Florence, Alabama. | | @BajanSunOnline

Faith again would play a major role in the life of the aspiring actor. Within three days of his arrival to Los Angeles, Nollis was offered a position working as a concierge in a very luxurious apartment building in Hollywood, CA. Tenants such as Cameron Diaz, Taylor Schilling, Lena Dunham, Huell Houser, Kathy Lee Gifford, Allan Mindel, Jon Hamburg, James name just a few were celebrities of the five star establishment. It was a dream position for the young aspiring actor. Within a few weeks tenants began to notice the young talent and started to give him advice on how to get started on his dream. Kathy Lee Gifford was quoted as saying that Nollis was "So handsome that he has to be a model". The tenants began referring Nollis to different acting coaches, acting classes, agents and photographers right away. Overwhelmed with the love and attention he was receiving he took their advice one by one.

January 7th, 2014 Nollis officially landed his first big role. He was casted in a commercial for the Tom Bradley International Terminal at the Los Angeles International Airport. This was a major spring board for the young Actor/Model. He began receiving contract offers from many managers and talent agencies. The young talent would only continue to book more wonderful opportunities. Independent films, commercials, magazine features, print work, theatre roles and even a small role in a promotional video for the movie “Think like a Man” feat Mary J Blige. Nollis has recently covered the California based magazine "Karibbean Expressions" in which the headlines read "Sky is The Limit". This is truly just the beginning for the young Caribbean talent on the rise. Unfortunately Rosa Dewar died May 11th 2014 (Mother’s Day) from a long battle with cancer. This young man has a past fit for television and an opportunity to build a future that shall be fit for the big screen. The sky is truly the limit for Nollis Dewar.

While attending "UNA" Nollis took a few drama courses and was casted in one of Shakespeare most famous plays "Hamlet" As Horatio. The drama teacher fell in love with Nollis and told him that he should pursue a career in acting. Nollis then made a promise that when the semester was finished he would do just that. Moving to Florence, Alabama and attending UNA was the turning point in his life. He now knew what direction he wanted his life to take on. Nollis now had a plan to work and save as much money as he could, to move back to California to pursue a career in acting. In 2012 that dream finally came through' Nollis packed an U-Haul truck and drove three days and three nights across country back to Los Angeles, CA. | | @BajanSunOnline

JAN 2015

By Raeann Beckles

This artistes development company and music studio has a vintage heart, a modern head and vibe. Located in beautiful Barbados, STARWAY is a state of the art studio with its own sense of style and unique blend of gear.


rtistes Development Company and Music Recording Studio - STARWAY Studios, has been in operation since 2007 offering recording, arranging, mixing, mastering, song writing, sound design, adverts/ jingles, marketing and publishing services. Under the leadership of Producer/ Engineer Corey Jordan, STARWAY Sudios helps artistes realize their musical visions. STARWAY Studios represents possibilities and shows that good music and an admirable performance is all about, always reaching for a higher standard. As Corey explained, “there are great benefits in performing admirably and supporting growth of our culture. When we are able to do this, our actions and example will be a shining star for others.�

Corey Jordan is a producer, engineer, multiinstrumentalist and studio musician. The talented Corey first became involved with music at a young age teaching himself to play piano, and he gained musical recognition performing at the National Independence Festival of Creative Arts (NIFCA). Super-producer Corey Jordan has stamped his indelible imprint on the music scene since the mid-1990s. In 2001, he swept into the Soca arena and joined the band Krosfyah as keyboardist and has been producing, arranging, mixing and mastering music for bands and solo artistes in home and professional studios for more than ten years. His production has helped create hits for artistes such as Edwin Yearwood, Alison Hinds, Biggie Irie, Machel Montano, Lil Rick, Philip 7, Tony Bailey, Tian Winter, Adrian Dutchin, Peter Ram, Statement, Rita Jones and T.O.K, among many others. Respected beyond the genre of Soca music, his musical influences cross cultural lines and genres. He has been sought by artistes and producers whose music similarly knows no boundaries. Corey stays ahead of the curve with his originality and experimentation. Confident and charismatic, his goal is to create mind-blowing music that moves the soul. | | @BajanSunOnline

Built and operated by Corey Jordan, STARWAY Studios is more than just a place to record. With over 15 years performing and recording in the industry, Corey has an unparalleled passion for arrangement, production and attention to detail. This state-of-the -art, cutting edge modern recording studio is intimate and unique, built with a focus on great gear, comfort, ideal acoustics and high quality professional sound. STARWAY control room houses a console, a host of killer analog outboard gear, digital plugins, and industry standard Pro Tools / Logic Pro. It's not only the perfect writing and recording room, but it can handle overdubbing, main vocal tracking, final mixing, and mastering as well. The rooms capture all of the elements a creative team needs to not only be inspired but also productive.

RECORDING & ARRANGING MIXING & MASTERING Are a few of the services offered at STARWAY Great initial recording and arranging are the first steps towards a great sounding record, and this is best achieved in a great sounding room with a great engineer and great musicians. Solo artistes come lay their final vocals in the best possible conditions to insure the perfect mood and perfect take. Bands come capture their tracks through our Console using our collection of excellent microphones and preamps aided by an ample selection of outboard gear. Basics, overdubs, vocals, voice over, tracking, STARWAY Studios has the room, the engineer and

musicians to start your project on the right foot. There is no great record without a great mix and master. Mixing and Mastering is an art form, it is the make or break of a track. STARWAY built its reputation on pristine sounding award winning mixes and masters. Corey Jordan cranks out record after record with his signature sound. STARWAY is becoming legendary in the region with clients coming in from Barbados, Jamaica, Antigua, Trinidad, Guyana, North America, Latin America and the UK. Using a hybrid of analog and digital tools, Corey will bring the sound of your record to the big leagues and usher your project through its crystallizing moment. | | @BajanSunOnline

JAN 2015 But like most entrepreneurs and businesses, Starway Studios has had its’ share of challenges. As Corey exclaimed, “selecting the right business, financing the business and finding customers” were among his challenges. He explained further, “There is a certain type of person who will be your customer. Not everybody in the world will need what you’re providing, so your job is to simply find the people who are in need of your service and offer them high quality professional service and support.” Corey, expressed that “music is my life and my passion.

However, despite the challenges, it has been a beautiful

The passion that I have for music is extremely high and

journey for Starway Studios so far. As Corey would

I embrace it every day. I like to improve the conditions

have us know, is has been a pleasure for him, and

of people, whether they are in my community, country,

indeed and honor, to work with some of the most

region, or the world at large. This is where my deepest

talented and charismatic artistes, writers, producers,

satisfaction is - with performing some task that will

engineers, and musicians locally and internationally.

benefit others. I believe that following our dreams is the

Through Starway Studios, Corey has been able to

key to discovering our personal destiny and living a

explore the talents that he has been given and also

fulfilling life. That is what inspired me to get into this

utilize those talents to help others explore their own


talents and share with the world. | | @BajanSunOnline






Mon - Fri

4am - 9pm




4am - 3pm




4am - 1pm

Daily (walk -ins)


T U D O R S T R E E T, B R I D G E T O W N , S T. M I C H AE L


MEET Fitness Model

natalie webb-howell


“If you truly want to change your life, you must be first willing to change your mind”


atalie Webb-Howell is a true example of a life transformed!

Bikini Athlete and reigning CAC Tall Class Champion Natalie Webb-Howell has been weight and conditioning training for three years. Diagnosed with Adrenal Exhaustion in May 2012, Natalie decided one day that ‘this’ has got to be all mental. Motivated by a desire

By Raeann Beckles

to defeat her obstacle and improve her health, Natalie decided she was going to take matters into her own hands. An avid believer in the power and reality of the Law of Attraction, one week later Natalie met with Rosalind Vanterpool and enquired about Nationals. Following this a meeting was arranged with Coach Carl Moore, two months prior to the Nationals show. Needless to say, with the commitment and the desire to succeed, Natalie entered the show and won her division. | | @BajanSunOnline

JAN 2015 | | @BajanSunOnline

Today, Natalie has shown resilience and is committed to her healthy lifestyle. It is her vision to further transform and develop her physique to the highest level that she can. To achieve this, Natalie trains five days a week, and adheres to a diet which contains a combination of macronutrients which are Protein, Carbs (yes contrary to popular beliefs carbs aren't the enemy), and fats (yes they are good fats as well, lol). PHOTO BY: GROOVER IMAGES | | @BajanSunOnline

JAN 2015

Natalie Webb-Howell As a female competitor, Natalie indicated that her

Barbados World 2002, Miss Caribbean Bikini 2008,

greatest challenges originated in the mind. She stated

BABBFF Bikini Tall Class Winner 2012, CAC

that “diet is very important in transforming the body,

Finalist 2012, BABBFF Bikini Tall Class Winner

so conditioning the mind to be consistent and not

2013, CAC Tall Class Champion 2013, BABBFF Tall

‘stray’, would be her greatest challenge. A challenge

Class 2nd Place 2014 and CAC Tall Class Champion

Natalie has certainly overcome and continues to




Barbados Amateur





the Fitness

Federation, CAC Games, Miss Caribbean Bikini, and Miss Barbados World; Natalie has captured a number of accolades. Natalie is the proud holder of: Miss

While Natalie can attribute her achievements to a number of persons and sacrifices, she particularly wants to thank Summit ProBodies for her success without whom none of her achievements would be possible!


Fitness Competitor

Kara-Lynn Belle

By Raeann Beckles

“With the strength of God I hope to continue to be as fit, healthy and as competitive an athlete as I possibly can, while inspiring others along the way.” Kara-Lynn Belle


esistance training targeting various muscle groups such as shoulders, arms, chest, back, core, and legs as well as cardio inclusive of power walking, using the elliptical, and taking part in occasional spin and boot camp classes constitutes the type of training regime that Kara-Lynn Belle adheres to. Having been training for approximately four years, Kara-Lynn exercises five days per week during off season, and six days closer to competition. Her diet includes meals five times per day. These meals consist of chicken, tilapia, tuna, eggs, sweet potatoes, oats, lettuce, kale, cucumbers, broccoli, avocado pear and occasionally plain Greek yogurt for

extra happiness, ‘lol.’ But while diet plays an integral part, so does supplements. Supplements are a vital part of Karap-Lynn’s diet as well, as they help with strengthening bones, repairing worn muscles and building a strong immune system. They also provide the additional nutrients needed by the body, which may not be adequately supplied by foods. But, what motivated Kara-Lynn to venture along this path? In her own words… “I was an occasional gym member until I was approached about being interested in competing in The Island Fitness Competition in 2011. Thereafter I joined Strike Force Gym where I met IFBB Pro Lyndon Belgrave, IFBB Pro Rosalind Vaterpool, Matthew Pilgrim and Carl Moore who currently manage Summit Pro Bodies. Being surrounded by this team and my fellow gym/team mates, made me realize my potential and love for training.” | | @BajanSunOnline

JAN 2015

PHOTO BY: ROBERT HINDS | | @BajanSunOnline | | @BajanSunOnline

JAN 2015

Kara-Lynn Belle To date Kara-Lynn have entered a total of six competitions. The Barbados Amateur Body Building and Fitness Federation’s Bridgetown and Nationals competitions for the period 2012 to 2014, placing in the top three every time. But, her greatest competitive

achievement to date was being chosen to represent Barbados at the 2013 Central American Championships in the Dominican Republic. Although she was unable to advance to the finals, knowing that she was given the opportunity to represent her country was a great honor in itself. What is more is that, for Kara-Lynn her physical transformation, especially her back and glutes has brought her much joy. She stated that “training and competing has helped me to live a fitter and healthier lifestyle. However, my lifestyle is not merely about how it benefits me but also others. Each time I lift weights or step on stage to compete, is not only with the hope of securing a title, but inspiring at least one other person to live a healthier lifestyle. If I can do it so can anyone else.” Additionally, Kara-Lynn believes that regardless of gender both males and females can face similar challenges. However, as a female her main challenge is mind preparedness; to know that she is stronger than she believes. As she expressed “the body achieves what the mind believes, and if I believe that with patience and consistency I can and will become stronger every day, then I will eventually achieve the body that I so desire.”


Despite viewing her training as a hobby, going forward Kara-Lynn intends to continue working hard until she eventually becomes a Pro athlete and represent Barbados on the international stage. With the strength of God, the support of family, friends and the guidance and support of her team Summit Pro Bodies, Kara-Lynn knows this will eventually become a reality! | | @BajanSunOnline



he funny thing is, if you can judge yourself that honestly, if you know yourself, if your people know they can be straight with you, then you’re probably a way better boss than you think you are. Besides, humility and self-awareness goes a long way toward motivating employees. A sense of humor doesn’t hurt either.

Employees want to be a part of something great. They want to be part of something bigger than them. If you’re passionate about what you’re trying to achieve, let them in on it. Make them part of your crusade to do what’s never been done before.

Here are a few more ways to inspire your people to do great work and create an environment where they actually like coming to work.

Let’s face it: mediocre people want to get paid and keep their jobs no matter what they do. You don’t need them in your company. If you want people who want to be rewarded for being the best, for doing great work – and you should – then give them a pure meritocracy.

Big responsibility. Perhaps more than anything, people love to be challenged. They want to know that their achievements matter. If you give highly capable people a lot of responsibility they will work their tails off, make smart decisions and thrive. And they will want more. An outrageous goal.

Pure meritocracy.

Effective management. Exceptional employees want to work for an exceptional company. That means the company’s management team has to be effective and the company has to be successful. The best way to motivate your employees is to be great at your own job: managing the business. | | @BajanSunOnline

JAN 2015



There’s no two ways about it: everyone wants a piece of the action. Profit sharing, equity, whatever your capitalization model, you need to reward the folks you want to keep around for the long haul with long-term incentives.

If your employees huddle every morning to find out what kind of mood you’re in, that’s a bad sign. Nobody wants to work for a workplace version of an abusive alcoholic parent. We all have issues. Keep them in your head where they belong, don’t bring them to work.


Lose the self-serving surveys.

Free food, free drinks, business class international travel, a place to work out or blow off some steam, weekly parties – don’t ask me why but perks go a long way. Just figure out what you can afford, what makes sense and then stick to it. Once you give them something, there’s nothing worse than taking it away.

More often these days companies are expanding the ubiquitous annual employee surveys to include more frequent, even weekly, pulse surveys. Why? Because most employee surveys are self-serving and in smaller companies they’re completely worthless. If you’re really that out of touch with what’s going on at your company, you’re not doing your job effectively.

Recognition and appreciation. When your people go above and beyond and accomplish something great, like hitting an aggressive product-launch schedule on budget, let them know you and the company appreciate them by giving them some public recognition. Just keep it rare so it doesn’t lose its impact.

One more thing. Don’t get caught up in all the emotional intelligence hype. It’s nothing but a fad. You don’t need a book, a seminar or some dumb test a child could game to tell you how to be a great boss. Use a little common sense, pay attention to what’s going on and be aware of how you’re acting. It isn’t rocket science. | | @BajanSunOnline | | @BajanSunOnline

JAN 2015



he “New Year” is almost over and most of the people I know have not achieved the fitness or weight loss they thought they would have by this time. When I chat with those same people they all claim that 2015 is the year they will finally get the body they so badly want. Ninety percent of those said people will look the same if not worse this same time next year. You must ask yourself: ‘why does this happen every year?’ You have seen them all flooding the gyms and walking around the garrison and the beaches all trying to fulfill this quest to look more attractive by losing the gut they have carried around for more than 12 or 15 years. What I will attempt to do is try to look at why this cycle happens every single year in this short yet interesting article. Changing your body is not an easy task and yet people think that by buying a pair of sneakers and a few short pants and a gym membership enables you to get that perfect body. The people who accomplish this task are the ones that work hard and change the way they think. It all begins with the brain, not the gym membership. If your brain isn't right you will never lose weight or if you lose a little weight you regain it all in fewer than three months. I have found that people who write down what they want to change about their body and set targets are the ones who get the results. You simply can't say that you want to get fitter and stronger looking and it will just happen. You have to look at what steps are needed to get this done. The physical action of losing weight ie running or weight training is only twenty percent of the equation. The other eighty percent is nutrition and it is the single biggest reason people are not only getting bigger but not getting any fitter. I recommend hiring a trainer who knows what he is doing. How do you know that he or she is qualified to be in charge of your body? Well first look at where they were trained and who they have trained. Ask questions about what he or she has done over the years. Make it your business to ask people who they said they have trained and call and speak to them

directly. After hiring your trainer sit and look over your targets and set realistic goals. Have the trainer look at pics of you when you were between the ages of 16 to 28. I have found that the weight in this age group is usually what you can aspire to if you are in your forties and upwards. If you are 320 lbs and weighed 220 at 21 then you can realistically say that a weight of 195 is very achievable. That is not to say that you can't be lower but it is a believable target. After attaining that goal then you can look at setting new targets. Boring you with what your trainer should do after that is not necessary. He or she will employ hopefully up to date techniques that can get you results in at least 8 to 12 weeks. The aim for this article is to show you what is really needed to get you the results you deserve. I will be launching the first official app this side of the Caribbean in two weeks and within this app will be short intense workouts lasting only eight minutes with an intense nutritional program to get you there. The interesting thing about my app is that you will get free coaching from me through my facebook page. Look out for it in the apple store. It is called ‘8 min burn’ and it is one of the few apps with nutrition and free coaching. Before the New Year, go to my fitness page "provenphysique" and like the page. You will see loads of info on fitness and nutrition as well as fitness routines. So you have no excuses for can either hire a trainer and work one on one or you can hire the trainer for a short period so you can know what you are doing and have periodic checks on your progress or you can access my app and my free coaching with me as your trainer if you want. So you have options to really make a significant change in how you look and feel for 2015. May 2015 bring you all your desires. For more info on these and more techniques contact Jerome at 1-246-239-7184 or go to my facebook page "provenphysique". Email : | | @BajanSunOnline | | @BajanSunOnline

JAN 2015

TTPC’s Road Trip To Parapan 2015 By Judy Beckles


he next two years will be exciting times for athletes as they make their way to the most prestigious event in sport the “Olympics” and by extension the “Paralympics” in Rio 2016.

All around the world, athletes are already heavily engaged in their preparations towards the Games, so that entering as many competitions which will enhance and contribute to their best performance is crucial of their ultimate objective in medalling and hearing the sound of their National Anthems. So it is no different for the Trinidad and Tobago Paralympic Committee (TTPC) in ensuring that their athletes are well prepared and exposed to the best options for competition. The period of December 4 – 10 2014, saw two athletes (one male and one female) from the TTPC, along with a coach and team manager, off to Mexico to attend the Mexico Open Championship. Both athletes were to participate in Track and Field events. The female track athlete had to be classified to verify her class (T44) as well as eligibility to compete at the Games. In order for athletes to enter an event, he/she must be classified to decide their class. The male athlete was already classified (F44).

grouped together for competition. This, to a certain extent, is similar to grouping athletes by age, gender and weight. As a result of the successful outcome of Classifications, both athletes therefore competed at the Games and were rewarded with two gold medals each. This was in fact the first competition for the female athletes, who entered the 100 and 200 meter track events. On both counts Shew emerged winner in her category, thus achieving gold on both counts. The male athlete, who has competed previously at several competitions in the Shot Put and Discus (field) events, set out to go beyond his personal best and certainly accomplished that feat by becoming the World record holder in the Shot Put with a distance throw of 18.70m as well surpassing the Pan American record of 60.72m in the Discus event. It can therefore be said that our (TTPC) objective was achieved and overall that we had a successful outcome, all part of our preparations for Toronto 2015 and ultimately Rio 2016.

In order to ensure that competition is fair and equal, all Paralympic sports have a system in place which ensures that winning is determined by skill, fitness, power, endurance, tactical ability and mental focus, the same factors that account for success in sport for able bodied athletes. This process is called classification and its purpose is to minimise the impact of impairments on the activity (sport discipline). Through classification, it is determined which athletes are eligible to compete in a sport and how athletes are | | @BajanSunOnline | | @BajanSunOnline

JAN 2015

Kemar Roach - "Aspire To Inspire" By Raeann Beckles "Aspire To Inspire" I believe if I perform at my best then, I can bring joy and interest into others to do the same. Kemar Roach’s Mantra


ubai, Australia, Sri Lanka, India, England, and Pakistan are but a few of the places where

Barbadian Born Fast Bowler Kemar Andre' Jamal Roach has travelled to represent Barbados and the Caribbean on the world stage of Cricket. Though involved in the sport since the age of 10 through inspiration by his step father who played for the northern club called ‘Lords’; Kemar Roach as he is more popularly known today, has been playing professionally for the past six years. These six years has

landed Roach the presently highest team bowling ranking of 9th position. He is also the 19th West Indian Bowler to take 100 Test Wickets and has secured for

himself a World Cup Hat Trick.


to Kemar! With his net of inspiration expanding, Roach thanks his primary school coach Richard Straker, secondary school coach Peter Vaughan and Advisor Corey Collymore for his achievements and advancement. “My family keeps

me going especially my daughter Kemaria and my son Kemani”, these warm words were expressed by Roach when asked what keeps him going. During the years, Roach was also privileged to have met and interacted with both Sir Garfield Sobers and Brian Charles Lara, two widely admired and respected legends. But, Roach’s all-time favorites are Corey Collymore and Malcolm Marshall. “Past West Indies Fast Bowler Corey Collymore. It's just the way he carries himself and the respect he gets wherever he goes is something I would like for myself.” These words escaped Roach’s lips when asked about who he admires. | | @BajanSunOnline

With strong desires to be a part of the West Indies Team which is ranked No. 1 again and also be the No. 1 Fast Bowler in the World, Roach commits to a lifestyle of training. He indicated that, “cricket requires you to be fit in order to do your job well, as such, I am always training.� His training regime incorporates a lot of running and specific bowling drills. However, as he would have us know he does not adhere to a steady diet, but, consumes a lot of fish during the Cricket season. Roach is very thankful for what he has achieved to date and where he has come from. He especially thanks God for giving him his talent and allowing him to use it to inspire others around the world. Roach also thanks Woodworm Cricket Gear Company for their sponsorship as they equip Roach and others to pursue Cricket with More Bite! | | @BajanSunOnline

JAN 2015

Beauty Intricacies

By Deborah Ramdin

FADE THOSE SCARS RIGHT! Bleaching is never the way to go; in recent times a lot of people are following the trend of bleaching their skin in order to fade blemishes from acne. I am here to say STOP! You stand a better chance at staying in the sun and trying to bring the lighter parts of your complexion even to the marks. Bleaching is dangerous! It can result in, “severe burning or itching of the skin. Unlike mild skin irritation expected with application [of skin bleaching products], the pain would be severe and intolerable. Crusting on the skin could appear, as well as swelling of areas where skin bleach has been applied�, among other dangerous side effects. There are other natural ways to eliminate the scars from acne. Here are a few recipes that should help Nutmeg recipe This recipe can be used daily to eliminate the scars from acne. Nutmeg has numerous medicinal properties among which is the ability to fade scars and restore the skin.

Ingredients: 1 tsp. Nutmeg 1 tsp. Turmeric (optional but recommended) 1 tsp. Milk Procedure: Mix ingredients into a paste and apply to scars for 20 minutes. Rinse face with water. | | @BajanSunOnline

Distributed by:

Lemon recipe “Lemon juice is a citric acid that is part of the Alpha Hydroxy Acids (AHAs) group. The AHAs slough off dead skin cells, help the new cells grow underneath, and

give elasticity to the skin.” This recipe is not recommended for people with hyper sensitive skin; however, it is extremely effective for fading acne scars. Ingredients: 1 lemon 1 Cotton ball Procedure: Cleanse face with your favorite cleanser. Squeeze 1 teaspoon of lemon juice into a small bowl. Use a cotton ball to soak up some juice. If there is a burning sensation then water can be added to dilute the lemon juice. Dab the juice onto the affected area. Leave the juice overnight and rinse in the morning. Apply it again (under your makeup if you’re female). Note, if you find the lemon juice too strong to leave on, even diluted with water, wash it off after 10 minutes in cold water. | | @BajanSunOnline

JAN 2015

Beauty Intricacies continued Vitamin E and Tea tree oil recipe


Vitamin E is effective because it contains of large quantities regenerating antioxidants. These properties help in the healing of the skin and, when applied topically, the






1 Vitamin E gel Capsule 1 tsp. tea tree oil Procedure: Daily apply mixture to the affected area. The scars will not vanish in a day it takes time, commitment and patience in order to bring your skin back to a healthy state. So avoid getting frustrated when immediate results are not seen. In order for you to maintain or achieve a beautiful complexion, caring the skin should be an everyday process just like taking a shower.







scattered areas of scalp dryness and can progress to



generalised dandruff. Single or multiple oval patches

Epidermophyton cause these infections. These fungi

of hair loss may contain black dots (broken hairs),

invade the upper layer of the skin composed of keratin

dryness, pustules or a swollen abscess like mass

and also affect the hair and nails. Infections can

(kerion). Yellow crusting and exudates (wetness) can

spread from person to person (anthropophilic),

also be associated with severe infection. Swollen

animals to man (zoophilic) and less commonly from

glands (lymph nodes) appear in the neck.



the soil to man (geophilic).









asymmetrical. There are three main patterns: Moist peeling and cracking of the skin between the toes A moccasin - type pattern consisting of powdery dryness, peeling and scaling of one sole Acute infections present as small fluid filled structures called vesicles before forming blisters. These can affect the soles and between the toes.


Tinea corporis occurs on the trunk and limbs and consist of oval plaques with raised scaling edges and central healing. The edges of these ‘ring like’ lesions may also contain papules or pustules. These patches may be single or

multiple but tend to be

asymmetrically distributed. Tinea capitis is a chronic scalp infection usually affecting children under 12 yrs of age. It starts as | | @BajanSunOnline

JAN 2015

Even though a common infection, individuals and doctors can sometimes use steroid containing creams creating a condition called Tinea incognito. This results in spreading of the infection and a loss of the characteristic skin changes. TREATMENT Simple Tinea infections affecting the skin can be treated with






Infections of the scalp, nails and chronic widespread skin infections require oral antifungal treatments. Fungal spores persist for months in bathrooms,

Fingernails require 6-8 weeks while toenails require

changing rooms and swimming pools. Walking bare

three months.

footed and sharing towels can cause infection.








Tinea ungium can affect one or more nails and presents

medication. But, children can attend school during

in various ways. Crumbling of the end of the nail

treatment, providing the lesions are not weeping or

associated with unsticking and scaling under the nail.

pustular. Simple hygienic practices as well as avoiding

The surface or lateral border can have a white or yellow

the sharing of combs, hats, pillowcases and frequent use

flaking as well and in severe cases the entire nail can be

of an antifungal shampoo help to prevent spread.

destroyed. Tinea facei is the name given to infections involving the

face. The appearance can be classical but zoophilic infections are often misdiagnosed due to the pustular appearance. When the beard area is involved the infection is called Tinea Barbae. Tinea manum is less common and presents as powdery scaling of the creases of one palm. A cause of jock itch is Tinea cruris, which affects the groin. | | @BajanSunOnline | | @BajanSunOnline

JAN 2015

Eight New Year Resolutions for Healthy Ageing in 2015 and Beyond By Fay Parris


his is the time when a new page is turned for a new year; it’s like having a new book. Plans are made how to make the entries in this book more impactful. And yes…older adults also plan to make the best of the upcoming year. Though past experiences of the many years planned, may make the older adult cautious; the excitement of a new beginning takes over. Here are some helpful hints at effective New Year’s resolutions: Reconnect with old friends as this impacts positively on mental health. Research indicates that older adults with strong social ties live longer than those who don’t and are also less likely to experience dementia. The use of social media is a great way for the elderly to reconnect with friends and family. Many older adults use FACEBOOK as a means of chatting with friends, reconnecting with old schoolmates, or following the many pictures posted there – rejuvenating. Record thoughts and feelings on matters of importance either by writing or on the computer. Some people may journal by writing letters to others sharing their thoughts and ideas. This creates a measure of excitement to the activity as persons plan what news to put in the journal.

exercise together. Minimize stress levels and get adequate rest. Plan to eat nutritious foods and exercise daily. Encourage other family members to do the same, this helps in motivation. Get acquainted with technology – use of the computer, smart phone or tablet to connect with others and to play games, computer games are not only for the young but there are many games that enhance brain activity reducing the risk of Alzheimer’s disease. Make advanced directives for the future indicating the type of care the older adult would desire should he or she become incapacitated later on. Make decisions on the selection of a primary care giver if that becomes necessary whether it is a family member or a professional caregiver. Make decisions about estate planning and wills which ensures the older adults wishes are recorded and understood by all. Seek the help of a professional when putting plans in place and they can advise in areas that may not be clear to the general population. Remember to make resolutions in the presence of others to ensure that they are done and to enlist their help.

Plan physical activities to ensure healthy aging, it’s never too late to pursue a healthy lifestyle. Take walks in groups, do ballroom dancing or | | @BajanSunOnline

Royal Impressions By Raeann Beckles


alisia Boxill is the CEO and Founder of Royal Impressions, a full scale Image





business, which has been in operation from November 2013. Though operating for just over a year, Royal Impressions has made advances catering to the likes of clothing boutiques, persons






entrepreneurs, institutes, local gospel artiste and photographers





Caribbean, the UK and the US.


JAN 2015

At Royal Impressions, clients can choose from an array of services inclusive of, Image Development (Hair,





Development sessions, Etiquette Training (Dinning, Social and Professional), Fashion Merchandizing, Colour





Wardrobe Consultation, Personal Shopping, Before & After Photos, Beauty Box & Girls Night Out Sessions (These are special events for the clients at Royal Impressions to bond and interact with each other as we give back) and Seminars and Workshops. At Royal Impressions, technology plays a huge role, as it has become a tool for Jalisia to conduct research, market and network with persons via social media as well as utilize apps in the advancement of her business.

Forward thinking Jalisia, is not only an Entrepreneur

but also a contestant in the Barbados Miss Holetown 2015 pageant. Jalisia uses this pageant as a platform to project her business and the importance of personal development to one’s life. So far tremendous business opportunities have been coming from this endeavor of which Jalisia is enthusiastic and eager about. This is just the beginning of a young entrepreneur with big dreams which she intends to make her reality.


a Fashion Clothing Line as well as Image and Etiquette Manuals; develop a Royal Impressions Find Your Voice quotes and Image App and lastly, continue to contribute to the personal development in the lives of many. Q & A with Jalisia Boxill of Royal Impressions: Q: What are some of your achievements within your business? A: My achievements would have to be fr om a personal point of view. When I have people approach me randomly and say they have heard about my business or they love what I am doing, then they give me a review on how it has impacted their personal lives and how they have developed as an individual from it. That for me is my biggest achievement. I enjoy the development of others and to see that I am contributing to the lives of people in such a positive way is so fulfilling. With that being said I am encouraged to know that one of my missions in life is being accomplished. Q: What would you say are some of your greatest challenges as an entrepreneur?

As Jalisia shared, she expects within the next five years to have built a strong foundation and grace the international waters in a huge way; revolutionize the minds of many with development seminars; work with some of the best Image Consultants and Motivational Speakers around the world; build a legacy and create a platform as big as or bigger than Martin Luther King, Zig Ziglar and Jesse Jackson; make history being the change that she wants to see in the world; be the Author of books titled: The Queen’s Guide, Finding Your Voice and The Unleashing of a Renewed Mind; run an Image Consultant School in Barbados that will be well renowned in the Caribbean and Internationally; have | | @BajanSunOnline

JAN 2015

A: Some of my gr eatest challenges would be br eaking mindsets, freeing people from mediocrity, traditional thinking and comfort zones. Our biggest battle field is the battle that goes on in the mind. When you have a business of this nature it isn’t always easy to break mindsets. You have to understand that you are going up against a generation of mindsets and cultural patterns. This is like dealing with the psychology of the mind and helping mold people into the best them ever. Selfactualization and realization becomes so real to them, that they begin to pay attention to many facets of their life, that they never noticed before. It’s so freeing to see it being unfold, not easy in the process but a beautiful journey nevertheless. Many people don’t care to develop a healthy image forgetting that’s how the mind works; at first glance we notice the image of an individual and judge/perceive them by such. Personal development skills are imperative, and this is something that most people don’t pay attention to. However, these are skills that contribute greatly to your life. When being interviewed for a job, these are the things that are noticed, based on strategic questions. Other corporate jobs pay close attention to your life socially, personally and from a professional stance. Personal Development assists with all of this.

Q: How have you dealt with your business challenges or how do you propose to deal with those challenges? A: Consistency is key! Believing is your br and is imperative and feeding your mind is influential. Challenges for me are always stepping stones. The moment I reach one I position my mind to be triumphant from it. Most of the times in life when we hit road blocks/stumbling blocks that seem unsolvable, we often suppress to it. What I have recognized is that blocks create an opportunity for something greater to be discovered or revealed. To every problem there is a solution. Having a target/ focus in mind is always essential and believing in it is always remarkable. With that mindset you are unstoppable and you will accomplish any task. Nothing defeats a made up mind, our minds are our greatest weapons when focused. This is why I’ve chosen to focus tremendously on developing individuals. | | @BajanSunOnline | | @BajanSunOnline

JAN 2015



t can be difficult to keep people loyal in direct sales since in this industry, people tend to always be looking for the “next big thing.” However there is a lot that can be done to keep a direct sales force not only loyal, but also motivated and consistently hungry to succeed. Following are the four points I have learned are most important.

1. Provide clear direction. Perhaps the most important part of keeping a sales force motivated is providing a clear direction. If you aren’t able to provide a clear vision of the path the company is heading down, then you can’t provide your sales force with deliverables to prove the company and its team members are actually heading down that path. Without the vision and steps to get there, you won’t be able to keep your sales force motivated. On the contrary, the best leaders have a clear vision of where they want to take their organization, and are therefore able to mobilize troops to accomplish seemingly impossible goals. 2. Be likable. Positioning yourself as a “likeable” and respected CEO is imperative to maintaining a loyal and motivated direct sales force. With employees, you can force people to follow you even if you’re not respected. In direct selling, your sales force is a “volunteer army,” so they get to decide who they work for, how long they work and where they work. If people don’t like and respect you, they won’t stay with you.

3. Be transparent and communicate. Communication is key in any relationship, including that of a direct sales team. Keeping the company in the news and then sharing the good news with your sales force creates a sense of pride for the brand they work for. Also, keeping your sales force updated on what the company is doing allows them to be part of the bigger conversation, and shows they are valued. The sales force is not always located near a company’s headquarters, but oftentimes dispersed across a wide territory. Video updates from the CEO are a great way to keep team members that may be located far away feeling closely connected and can help break up the distance.

Another part of communication with your direct sales force is ensuring the messages being communicated are the same across the board. Something that speaks to this is the phrase “one voice, one vision.” When messages become mixed and diluted, trust between the sales force and company leadership become strained. Monthly video updates allow company leaders to implement the “one voice, one vision” strategy, assuring the sales foce by communicating the same message over and over that the company is staying on the path they were told it is going down. Transparency and communication go hand in hand. A monthly video is one way to provide this. 4. It’s all about the product and the opportunity. Just as important as the points above, you need to provide your sales force with the best opportunity possible and a product they are proud of. It’s crucial the field believes in the product they are selling, since in today’s market there are so many copycats out there. Essentially, if you don’t have a real value proposition, you won’t be successful.. | | @BajanSunOnline


JAN 2015


Entrepreneur, Philanthropist, Mentor, Advocate, Do-er,

that provides 30 HIV- infected children, living at



Martha’s House in Jamaica the opportunity to explore

Overcomer, A Positive Voice and the list goes on…Toni

their creativity through art and music; a new festival,

Thorne: Crafting Her Own Fate!

Settlers: the West Coast Experience, in Barbados; the




It goes without saying that the life of Toni Thorne has been one filled with purpose and destiny. This ever evolving young light, has not only touched the lives of her friends and family, but also, many others across the

Pompasette magazine; the Annual Pomp Weekend; "The Toni








Creative Director for Island Fusion - "Barbados' hottest

Foreday morning Band", among many others.

region and internationally. Therefore, the many awards

In addition to all of Toni’s accomplishments, she is also

which she so humbly but proudly boasts, comes as no

the Chief Cook and Bottle-washer (CCBW) of Thorne

surprise. For her many endeavors, Toni has been awarded

Publishing & Productions which has been formally

the title of National Youth Awardee in the areas of HIV

realigned and established over the past two years. Thorne



Publishing & Productions under Toni’s guide utilizes

Barbados' Top Outstanding Young Person of the Year.

creative and artistic elements to address social issues and

Toni also has under her belt numerous awards from

provide platforms and outlets for the region's youth. The

NIFCA and various business competitions as well.

business also does creative consultations with various





From the tender age of seven, Toni’s leadership qualities was brought to the spot light when she spearheaded a summer camp for her Planet Club. Throughout the years since, Toni has headed and initiated a number of ventures, inclusive of the BoUiK, a fashion design and

local brands and organizations. Though the CCBW, Toni has a Special Projects Officer, Tarah Griffith and two Admin Assistants, Janelle Pierre and Wendy Storey (parttime) who make up her team. Together, Toni and her Team are traversing their path quite successfully!

creative lifestyle company; Martha’s Smile, an initiative

85 | | @BajanSunOnline


But as expected, Toni’s achievements have been met with many challenges; challenges which she has today faced, overcame and used as stepping stones to her advancement. Like most people, Toni had to overcome financial constraints - and pockets of discrimination based on the fact that she is a young black woman. As she stated: “People judge you based on your youth. We are getting better right now, but there are still some people that do not take you seriously because of your age.”

positive light.

She continued to highlight the classism and racism that still exists in today’s society. On the issue of gender she lamented, “We as women have been made to feel like children in terms of taking our own place. If a woman speaks up, she is seen as crass, but if a man speaks up, he is seen as very confident. You never hear anybody refer to a woman as a maverick.” In this regard, her confident and outspoken nature has not always been viewed in a

In discussing other challenges facing young female

When asked ‘What would you say are some of your greatest challenges as an entrepreneur?’ Toni expressed “As a female entrepreneur, I have many challenges. It looks glamorous but I can confidently say that entrepreneurship is not for the faint-hearted. Not feeling guilty about charging what my services are worth has been a constant zone of discomfort. However, that is definitely getting better.”

entrepreneurs, Toni noted that many are uncertain about the path they should take to realize their goals. There is much fear in taking the first step. She, too, had to overcome this fear along her journey. “It is hard to tell yourself, ‘let me take this leap of faith and really believe in what I am doing and push and be a full-fledged entrepreneur.” | | @BajanSunOnline

JAN 2015 Toni explained further that there is additional pressure for female entrepreneurs to conform to societal norms and find a stable job. “We are moving towards better days, but our parents’ and grandparents’ generations are afraid of people stepping out and doing their own thing as opposed to going the conventional route.” She noted the difference between the support offered to men during this process and that offered to women. Her advice to her female mentees is, “You don’t do ‘can’t do,’ you always do ‘can do!’” She also encouraged young entrepreneurs in her field to “Work hard, don't have a sense of entitlement, leave all egos at the door and trust your instinct.”

friends as being an inspiration to her success. As with most endeavors in life, Toni has had to work hard to achieve her dreams. She shared, “Nothing in life that is worth it comes easy. You have to work hard.”

Toni continued by saying “We as female entrepreneurs don’t have examples of women in the old boys’ club, and I am seeing more women moving towards wanting to achieve that, but it is one thing to want and it is another thing to do. … I think that our generation will be the movers and shakers to breaking the name from the old boys’ club to the old beauties’ club.” She highlighted that the women who are respected usually occupy political posts as opposed to positions as business leaders.

Toni further shared that overcoming these barriers is a process. She believes that we do a lot of talking, and people really respect doers and doing. “When people see that you can deliver on your word, I think people respect that and then they start to take you a lot more seriously.” She also credits the increasing support of family and



JAN 2015

Beyond the generalized challenges faced by female entrepreneurs; Toni was asked how she deals with her business challenges or how she intends to deal with them. In response to this, Toni simply stated “A business will always have challenges. The best thing I did in 2013 was to get mentors. Persons with professional experience who are super-intelligent that genuinely care about my growth and development as an individual and a young business woman. I have also drafted a team that is very efficient. This, for me, was important because we run a more effective operation and can more easily and readily effect change and have a greater impact with all the projects we are working on.”

Toni was also asked ‘Do you believe that you have achieved your goals or do you think that you have more to accomplish?’ In a few words she shared “If I had to put my professional experience as a percentage, I would say that I am 5% of where I am destined and hoping to be.” As such, going forward, Toni looks forward to the many opportunities offered by the Internet to build upon and diversify her business. She knows that there will be further challenges along the way but believes that any obstacles can be overcome by building relationships based on mutual respect. If all else fails, her philosophy is, “If you shout loud enough, somebody will hear and somebody will have to do something.” As such, she looks forward to only progress in the next leg of her race. As she shared, but if we are to put a time stamp of five years, “I would like to be closer to my vision of self-actualization. I would be 33 years old in five years. Therefore, I visualize a closer relationship with my Creator, a healthy body, a happy family, a raving regional business and a successful part-time legal career. That is what I see for myself in five years!” | | @BajanSunOnline

JAN 2015


Key Messages from Toni for women of all ages as they seek economic independence and work towards realizing their dreams:

inspired to act. Toni Talks Technology:

Act on your goals and maintain a positive attitude and you can overcome most social and economic hurdles and gain support. Provide

Share success stories so that others can be


“Technology has made everything more accessible. Whether it is access to information or our target market. I love the fact that I can make negotiations on something like Whatsapp. I tend to be very impatient





at times and want to confirm certain things. I can be at the beach and discuss business with a supplier or a

Value the support networks of family and friends and, equally important, provide support to others.

client! A basic thing: a cellular phone with at least $10.00 of credit on it, can be such an asset to any Entrepreneur in any field. I am excited to see what the

technology world has to offer in the future.� | | @BajanSunOnline


She replied, "I am deaf. This means that I cannot hear. It

face the sun so that there isn't a shadow cast in your face

does not make me stupid or of lesser value to people who

and the sun doesn't glare in theirs.

can hear."


Let me start this article by saying that the terms used for


persons who cannot hear are either deaf or hard of

movements, making it difficult for a deaf person to


The words coined by us such as "hearing

follow your words. (Many deaf people can lip read to a

impaired" and "hearing challenged" give the impression

certain extent.) Similarly, if you exaggerate your

that something needs to be fixed when in truth and in fact

mouth movements you will be harder to understand than

this is NOT the case. Deaf individuals are a beautiful,

if you speak normally.

talented people with their own language, background and culture. HOW

Whispering or shouting will distort your lip

It is also very important if a company, organisation or small workplace is having a meeting to hire an








experienced interpreter so that the Deaf worker can not only understand what is being said and discussed but can

We the 'hearing' society should never be afraid to

also make contributions to the topic at hand.

embrace Deaf persons into our place of work. Rather we

Nearly every office/workplace has its human challenges,

should see it as an opportunity to learn a different

the 'who said what' issue. It is even more challenging

language and interact on a different level.

when a Deaf person is left out of little office break and

1. GET THE DEAF PERSONS ATTENTION before attempting to communicate.

Make eye contact.


needed, you can use a small wave or light touch to get the

person's attention. While you should be considerate and not poke people, generally it is not considered rude in deaf communities to lightly touch people you do not know to get their attention.

lunch time fun. What could be done to remedy this? The company can hire an interpreter to come in maybe once or twice a week to teach the basics of sign language communication.

Sign Language is so beautiful and

expressive it would be a plus for any organisation willing to embrace it. All in all do not be afraid to open your doors and

2. STAY IN THEIR FIELD OF VISION. Try to keep your eyes at the same level as their eyes and you should be a little further away than normal speaking distance about 3-6 feet away. This helps to make sure they'll see all of your gestures. If you're indoors, make sure there's

welcome a Deaf person into your organisation after all aren't we our brother's (sister's) keeper and don't they have a right to be gainfully employed and contribute to society? Happy signing!

enough light for them to see you clearly. If you're outside, | | @BajanSunOnline

The EXECUTION Factor “Insights for Individuals and Organizations On The Journey to Greatness” Pathways to Transformational Leadership By Dr. Anita Davis-DeFoe


eadership is a mysterious blend of managerial acumen, strategic vision, operational efficiency, performance management, tactical planning, emotional intelligence, and the capacity to inspire others to marshal all of their abilities in support of a common mission. Leadership is the nourishing ingredient which can ignite an organization to flourish, or stifle to the point that it languishes in a sea of mediocrity. Characteristics attributed to effective 21st century leaders, are skills like: 

The creation of an organizational vision such that people share it and work tirelessly to bring it to fruition, or;

Fostering communication networks and a culture that breeds trust, confidence and commitment, or maybe;

Stirring personal motivation so that people exert deliberate effort to achieve organizational goals, or what about;

Building teams that tap into synergy, interdependence and performance excellence, and;

Understanding that organizations are social systems which require tapping into emotional intelligence; or perhaps,

Making calculated risks within the framework of an overall organizational strategy, and

Nurturing strategic collaborative relationships which support organizational goals and function as a catalyst for creating opportunities for goal achievement.

Leadership and management of organizations have shifted from transactional functioning, the old “step and fetch it” mentality; to an essential need for transformational cultures which fully engage and encourage the participation of workers at all levels. No longer can performance excellence be achieved in autocratic climates, with orders and assignments dished out without any consideration for the motivations, interests or personality of the individual holding the plate. In simplistic terms, phenomenal leaders choose, create, communicate, collaborate, convince, coach, calibrate, cause, and calculate, always mindful that leadership is not a system. While certainly, a leader must be intimately acquainted with management theory and its practice, becoming a leader by practice and not merely by position, results from no standard recipe. Impactful leaders are as memorable as are the results they foster are monumental; the path to this pinnacle for everyone is uniquely their own. | | @BajanSunOnline

JAN 2015

Generally, leaders convey five basic leadership personality styles; destructor, procrastinator, caretaker, preparer or accomplisher as they are challenged on a daily basis by four major factors in leadership; personal leadership savvy, the individuality of the followers, the situation and inherent communication networks throughout the organization. This is the case no matter if the organization is corporate, nonprofit or faith-based. Leadership perspectives commonly reflect a structural, human resource, political or symbolic framework. Structural framework leaders rely heavily on structure, strategy, environment, implementation, experimentation and adaptation; typically focused on positions and duties as detailed on the organizational chart. Human Resource framework leaders focus on engaging staff, being accessible and visible, sharing information, increasing participation, and spiraling communication and decisionmaking throughout the organization. Political framework leaders use persuasion, negotiation and ultimately coercion to lead, based upon what they want, what they believe they can get, the political lay of the land, as well as interests; while symbolic framework leaders use compelling language and imagery to convey a vision, and as a means to marshal support. It is said that competitiveness has been lost by countless organizations as a result of more emphasis being placed on structural, political and symbolic frameworks, instead of human resources. You see, no matter how significant the financial, product and services, technological or facility resources of an organization; in the end, the social systems, which are the people that comprise any entity, and certainly a truism in the world of organization development, are the key inputs of creativity, innovation, effort and ultimately results. To lead, one must have a destination in mind, and a path to get there. I believe there is a pathway to leadership, and for those leaders who have the courage to discover and honor their gifts and talents, choose to work with a spiritual of excellence laced with personal values, while refusing to play organizational games or allow naysayers and detractors to derail them, achieving their leadership potential is possible. From my work, and shared experiences, I would like to suggest that there are ten

pathways to leadership greatness, each linked to a leadership skill that whether or not innate, can be learned. Pathways to Transformational Leadership Leadership PATH 1… The Roots of Leadership… Knowing and Leading Self Leadership PATH 2… The Heart of Leadership… Servant Leadership

Leadership PATH 3… The Mind of Leadership… Visionary Leadership Leadership PATH 4… The Soul of Leadership… Strategic Leadership Leadership PATH 5… The Spirit of Leadership … Inspirational Leadership Leadership PATH 6… The Practice of Leadership… Process Management Leadership Leadership PATH 7… The Intent of Leadership… Focus Leadership Leadership PATH 8… The Revolution of Leadership… Change Management Leadership Leadership PATH 9… The Revitalization of Leadership …Transformational Leadership Leadership PATH 10…The Hope of Leadership …Legacy Leadership Through these competencies, each of us has the potential to unleash the leadership greatness within; expand the understanding and practice of the essential leadership tools that effective leaders embody, while gaining personal and organizational leadership insights which enable us to model and coach the cornerstones of synergetic leadership to others. John Maxwell, in his work, The 21 Irrefutable Laws of Leadership, sums it up well in what he calls the “Law of the Lid.” Maxwell says that no organization’s effectiveness will ever surpass that of the leader, and for those of us who choose to embrace this mindset, it becomes clear, that in the absence of transformational leadership, an organization will merely flounder. Transformational and authentic leadership is the hope for the future, for without it, organizational chaos will continue to burgeon. | | @BajanSunOnline

JAN 2015 Dr. Anita Davis-DeFoe, a thought leader, an International

Pathways to Transformational Leadership offer insights about

Social Entrepreneur, Management Consultant Business De-

21st Century skills essential for today’s leader. Ten manageri-

velopment and Quality Management expert, holds an earned

al and leadership competencies are critical for strategically

doctorate in Organization and Human Development. She has

marshalling an organization’s resources so that its mission

over 20 years of experience motivating, coaching, inspiring

and vision can be realized. At the core of this effort, is effec-

and transforming organizations, youth and adults. She has

tively engaging individuals so that functional areas outputs

crafted and implemented myriad programs aimed at assisting

across the organizational system are in congruence.

organizations and people of all ages to discover their inner greatness and unique strengths. The CaribVoice Radio Host

To lead, one must have a destination in mind, and a path to

is the author of a personal and leadership development curric-

get there. I believe there is a pathway to leadership, and for

ulum for girls entitled, Soulful One: For Girls on the Pathway

those leaders who have the courage to discover and honor

to Greatness; and three books, A Woman’s Guide to Soulful

their gifts and talents, choose to work with a spiritual of ex-

Living: Seven Keys to Life and Work Success; Tropical Es-

cellence laced with personal values, while refusing to play

capes, a novel; and Follow Her Lead: Leadership Lessons For

organizational games or allow naysayers and detractors to

Women As They Journey From the Backroom to the Board-

derail them, achieving their leadership potential is possible.


From my work, and shared experiences, I would like to suggest that there are ten pathways to leadership greatness, each

linked to a leadership skill that whether or not innate, can be learned. | | @BajanSunOnline


DEC 2014

Tel: 1-246-830 3893 Email:

JAN 2015



For PC Support W

e offer a wide range of Computers: Laptop, Notebook & Desktop Repair/ Upgrades & Virus removal Services in Barbados. The best choice for on-site Computer repair, PC service, and Virus removal. Our experienced technicians are available 7 days a week to resolve issues as complex as setting up a business network, or as simple as helping you get the most out of your PC or laptop, all within 24 hours of scheduling your appointment. Nerd Tech is a computer service company in Barbados. Whether you're looking for help fixing your PC, Virus removal or computer upgrades Nerd Tech can help.

We are specialist in providing on site computer repair services and network support for all sized business, on site computer and network services that are convenient and reliable, Why hassle with disassembling your PC from your home and bring it to a repair shop every time when it has the problems ? When virus and spyware issues surface or other computer headaches arise. Let Nerd Tech come to you. Computer Repair From email trouble to complete system restoration, Friendly Computers is your one-stop shop for computer repair. Why wait weeks or longer for your computer to get fixed? Friendly Computers offers same-day, on-site computer repair for any computer need! Computer Upgrades Want to upgrade to Windows 7? Running out of hard drive space? Need a better video card to play that new video game? Friendly Computers is your source for quality, name brand computer parts. Our Friendly representatives can help you choose the parts you need to get your computer up to speed. Data Recovery At Friendly Computers, we know how important your data is to you. Whether you’ve mistakenly deleted an

important document, or your hard drive has failed, our skilled technicians can assist you in getting your data back. From hard drives to flash drives, Friendly Computers can recover data from almost any media. Multiple recovery options are available, ranging from software utilities for corrupted operating systems and virus/spyware attacks, to clean-room recovery for mechanical failures. Friendly Computers can help you determine which recovery option is right for your situation. Virus & Spyware Removal Has your computer been plagued with viruses or spyware? Are you getting pop-ups while surfing the net? Does your internet browser take you to web pages you don’t know? Friendly Computers can help. Using the most up-to-date antivirus and anti-spyware utilities, our technicians can scan your system, identify the problems, and remove them from your computer. We can also help you choose the best protection for your system based on your individual needs, and offer suggestions to minimize the risks while online. From home users to business networks, Friendly Computers can help keep your systems secure.

Networking Friendly Computers is your network specialist. Whether you have 2 computers or 200, Friendly Computers has a network solution for you. Wired or wireless, our technicians can help you choose the right equipment for your needs, then develop a strategic implementation plan to minimize costly down time. Tel: Email: Follow us Like us on NerdTechBim

on Face


Twitter: @NerdTechBim Book: | | @BajanSunOnline


JAN 2015

Tech Tips for the Basic Computer User Today, companies can be contacted many

answer to your question before calling or e-

e-mail a computer company, keep the below

mailing support. Many answers are online. 

available time, not only for the wait but the time

applicable numbers written down. For example,

likely required to troubleshoot the issue.

product or computer.

product, make sure you are next to the product in case you need to follow directions. Have a piece of paper and pencil prepared ready in case additional information needs to be written down.

If your product is bad or needs replacing have all purchase information available.

If you are calling for support for a computer

Make sure you have at least 30 minutes of

If you are calling about a product have all the Serial Number and Model number of the

If you have Internet access try searching for an

different ways. However, when planning to call or recommendations in mind. 

If you are planning on purchasing or the support call is fee-based, have more than one credit card ready.

Finally, once you have connected with someone make sure to write down their name in case you need to get back in touch with him or her.

99 | | @BajanSunOnline

BAJAN We build Creative, Effective & Professional Websites

Tel: 1-246-245-6629 | Email:




ere at Bajan Web Designs we are all about making your life as easy as possible, we don’t like how other agencies will baffle you with technical jargon to make them sound worth more than they are. This is why we have a new way of doing things, you the client get a specialist design and development team, working on your website for a simple clear cut price. Every website will be custom designed, developed and tested to the highest standards – except we won’t change our quote every other day. We have packages set up already so that you can decide what you want and how much you want to pay for it. Our first E-Commerce package is our “Starter E-commerce Package” and is excellent value for money, custom designed and developed. Our Starter E-commerce Package at Bajan Web Designs will contain everything to launch your site. Designed to start your online shopping empire. At Bajan Web Designs we understand that security and handling money online is a serious business and we aren't going to lie, we put our trust into a merchant service called Shopify. Enabling us to build you an Ecommerce website that is safe, secure and future proof. Shopify also allows us to build your website at the fraction of the cost many of agencies charge. Our starter package runs on the Basic security package which starts at $75.00 a month and as your online business grows we can expand the Shopify cover to allow you to sell more! ( a full list of prices is at the bottom). So if your looking for an Ecommerce Website at a cheap price to start Building your company's online shopping experience, this is the package for you. For $1375.00 the starter package contains; Custom Website design. Online Catalog.

1 .COM or .CO.UK (many other domains available such as .org , .net , .it) 3 Email Addresses. 1 Years hosting! Did we say custom design? We can customize any template Mobile Version of the site is only $250 extra! Secure Payment Gateway - 50 payment services supported ACCEPT CREDIT CARDS & PAYPAL

Currency, Tax and Different languages Free SSL security certificate. Shipping rate calculator. So if you’re looking for a online business, or want a chat about our services then email via

Web Design 

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Web Support | | @BajanSunOnline


A Successful Entrepreneur’s Arsenal f every entrepreneur thought of himself as a startup founder, there would be a lot more

successful startups and a lot fewer failed entrepreneurs.


Raise capital continuously It is quite evident that some companies have no chance

The problem is they don’t. For

probability of success at the lowest burn rate.

of making it because they tried to bootstrap their




operations since they are already short on cash and

entrepreneurs have a utopian belief that the rules of

have no time to raise capital. Businesses have to grow

business, finance and competitive markets don’t apply

and that can’t happen unless you’re constantly raising

to them.

capital for the next phase.

Sadly, they’re incorrect.

Solve the customer’s problem.

It doesn’t matter what product or service you have in

One of the biggest mistakes entrepreneurs make is that

mind, what market you plan to address, or what type of

they come up with something they want to do that

customer you think you’re going to sell to, the rules are

doesn’t solve the customer’s problem better than their

always the same.

competitor. If you can’t come up with that, keep

The good news is it isn’t rocket science, but if you don’t do certain things and do them right, you’ll never

looking. That’s the key to making it. First figure out the problem. Then solve it.

get your startup off the ground.

Devise a differentiated strategy.

Focus on doing just one thing

You probably won’t nail it right out of the gate – few

Initially focus on demonstrating a concept. Then move on to developing a product, followed by getting initial customer traction, then phased production. A laser focus on one phase at a time enables the highest

startups do – but sooner or later you’ll have to come up with a unique strategy that nobody’s thought of and customers can’t resist. Every startup either figures it out eventually or fails along the way. It’s one or the

other. PHOTO BY: CLYDE BARNETT | | @BajanSunOnline

JAN 2015



Work 24x7 and wear lots of hats.

Most entrepreneurs are good at something and they

If you think you have what it takes to run a startup, get

want to turn it into a business. Unfortunately, they

ready to work 24x7 and wear all sorts of hats. And

don’t know the business side. They just think that, if

everyone you hire should be motivated to do the same.

they do it, it will sell. Unfortunately, that’s not how

It comes with the territory. If that workaholic energy

competitive markets work. You have to understand

level isn’t there, chances are you’re not going to make

your market, your competitors and your unique


customer value proposition.

A recent, albeit limited, survey found that the vast

Have a strong leader with a solid team. There are basics of project management and building and motivating a team that every founder has to learn to successfully run a venture. Unfortunately there is a prevalence of startups with founders that have no idea

majority of Millennials think entrepreneurship is a mindset that has nothing to do with starting or running a business. Um … no. It has everything to do with starting and running a company. And if you think it doesn’t, you never will.

how to manage and enormous gaping holes where key

capabilities need to be all the time. Sad but true. | | @BajanSunOnline

JAN 2015

By Denise J Charles


hen a guy that I know posed this idea some

time back to a group of us (woman in head differing from woman in

bed) , I thought it particularly uncanny. As a man and a husband, he actually admitted that this was a specific problem for several men. It broached a little discussion about one




anomalies Very


of we

develop an ideal about the person we want to spend the rest of our lives with and very often our reallife partner never even begins to make the grade. We girls often have this fairy-tale expectation of the tall, dashing Prince who will sweep us off our feet, support our independence, hand over the money (never mind we earn our

We often have an idealistic expectation of our future partner

own) be a tiger in the bedroom, meet all of our emotional

which may have its genesis somewhere in our childhood.

needs, be a great kisser, listener, gourmet Chef and several

Maybe if we had a good relationship with our Mom or Dad,

other things all rolled into one.

we expect our partner to be just like them. The opposite is

also true; a horrible Father will make many a girl long for a By the same token, a guy wants the girl who is low

guy who is the exact opposite. It could very well also be

maintenance but sexy to the nines, educated, confident,

linked to “first-love-syndrome”: a condition where we

nurturing (as in great Mother material) , uninhibited in bed

compare every relationship to our first. But this article will

but wholesome enough to meet his Mother, not needy or

not focus on us girls this time around. What happens when

clingy or a nag and don’t forget with loads of fragrant hair

our guy has a woman fixed in his head who bears little

( many of the females I know actually will not significantly

resemblance to who we really are? Can a guy be cured of this

shorten their hair because of this perception that guys love

problem and can a relationship survive? More importantly

long hair). That being said, the truth is that this conflict

what happens when the woman in head versus woman in bed

between reality and the ideal, is a problem for both sexes.

problem hits home in the bedroom? | | @BajanSunOnline

WHEN THE WOMAN IN HIS HEAD ISN'T THE ONE IN HIS BED CONTINUED If I had to ask all the men I know if they were really sexually







relationships I don’t know how many of them would be honest. Even if they were candid enough to admit being unhappy I am not sure that they would connect this unhappiness to their own unrealistic expectations. The truth is that continuing to live with an “ideal” in the head, can lead to all sorts of complications in the figurative and literal bed of a relationship.When this idea of the ideal partner is extended to the sex life then it begins to take on a whole new dynamic.

Let’s face it girls, where guys are concerned, sex is right up there with breathing and oxygen. Somehow their testosterone has not only convinced them that they can’t live without sex but they usually believe that they need lots of it and in great variety! What happens then to a guy’s sexual psyche when he makes a decision to keep all of his sexual eggs in one basket as it were. I’ll tell you what. He develops a long list of expectations which he believes must be fulfilled in order that he might be truly sexually happy.

JAN 2015

Some of the primary expectations of males include: 1. An on-par sex drive or at least a willingness to provide sex on demand

element of surprise in the relationship by initiating something out of the ordinary. Preserving our sense of sexual mystery even when we have been married for several years is also an important part of keeping the

2. Sexual confidence and freedom from inhibition 3. A willingness to initiate sex and try new things

relationship fresh. That means not always doing what is expected in the way it is expected. It also means switching things up a bit, flipping the sexual script (for

4. An ability to forgive and forget his sexual

example abandoning the missionary position for a

indiscretions (as in his cheating if he does)

month), planning a sexy surprise and learning how to be totally unpredictable. This can keep a man so much

5. A willingness to “praise the penis” or in other words, assure him of his sexual prowess 6. A sexy body capable of basic gymnastic contortions 7. Fearlessness when it comes to talking sexy These are not exhaustive by any means and may vary

depending on the personality, religious persuasion, experience or socialization of the male. At any rate, I think we can safely say that many men have a wonderful sex ideal somewhat like this in their heads. While there is absolutely nothing wrong with trying to

on his toes that he doesn’t have the time to pine over his sexual ideal. In fact we can become the new ideal and every previous lover or present fantasy, can pale in comparison. To be fair in this discussion however the responsibility for the balance of which I speak, should not lie solely with us women. Men must be made aware that unlike the days of yore, sex no longer revolves around them. This satellite mentality is outdated and harmful to relationships. It highlights how sexually selfish men can be in expecting to have their every whim and fancy

please one’s partner sexually, a relationship is about

catered to at all times, regardless. Let's face it;

growth and development in all areas, including the

fantasizing about another woman can be lethal to a

bedroom. It can also become a little sticky when one

relationship. An unrealistic sexual ideal by which a

member of the couple -mainly the male- is setting all

man measures his partner can also spell death to his

the rules.

woman’s sexual confidence; especially after she’s

It is however not only important for a couple to grow

gained a few pounds from the baby or comes home

together sexually but there must be a delicate balance

chronically tired from work. A harsh and critical

between compromising to please and being allowed to

response to his partner which screams rejection, can

be one’s self. No man should force us to swing from the chandeliers in some Tarzan suit if we’re afraid of heights, simply because he likes jungle themes. At the

same time, as women, we can learn to preserve an

really seal the deal in deepening the levels of sexual dissatisfaction in the relationship. In plain language, a woman can’t get her sexy on if she believes she is no longer sexy. | | @BajanSunOnline

When The Woman In His Head Isn't The One In His Bed continued

Men must learn simply to appreciate the woman they’ve got. Taking on specific domestic chores -not as a favour- but deliberately assuming responsibility for them so their wives can be more energized for sex, can go a long way in balancing the equation. Affirming and validating their partners through genuine compliments, the provision of emotional support through listening, spending quality time together and the strengthening of intimacy through open dialogue, can significantly contribute to a woman’s sense of well being. Once those essential relationship needs are met, any woman would willingly unleash her sexual tiger to make both her man and herself, deliriously happy. | | @BajanSunOnline

JAN 2015

IN THE SPOTLIGHT By Charmaine J Forde

Relina Coward “I think a good entrepreneur has a very clear grasp of what the goal is; an unwavering sense of the goal, an

utterly agile approach of getting there.”- John Katzman (CEO of Noodle Education) Before thirty four year old Relina Coward graduated from St. Leonard’s Secondary Girls School in Barbados, she knew exactly what she wanted; that dream was to become a business owner. Her dream was to either become a seamstress or the owner of a day care and preschool. She wanted to become a seamstress for the opportunity of

designing her own clothes, and her second option ; she

wanted to own a twenty four hour Nursery and Preschool; she even had a third option; this determined young lady had a backup plan just in case things didn’t work out as planned. Although she encountered some challenges, these setbacks never dampened her dream; she decided to enter the Food and Beverage Industry instead. Relina, who grew up in King William Street and Free Hill, Black Rock, credits her grandmother for influencing her; she also credits her pastors, a few friends, positive individuals and God for inspiring her. She says “I love what I do and being a young female entrepreneur, being a single mother and also a Christian, I put my all into our business, after God. My vision is to help the Barbadian society, both children and adults to become healthy and remain healthy. I am committed to whatever I set my mind to do… Onward and upward is my new motto.” This young business woman is the Operating Manager at Healthy Fruit Juices, and is the proud mother of three beautiful children; two daughters, ages fifteen and thirteen and a two year old handsome son. Outside of work, she likes cooking, meeting new people and being innovative. Relina Coward, I salute you! Charmaine J. Forde is a Liberal Arts Major



Community and






volunteer. | | @BajanSunOnline

7 Fundamentals A CEO Must Nail because you call J ust doesn’t make you one.

yourself a CEO

people want to buy, nothing else matters seriously.

For one thing, if a board of directors doesn’t name you chief executive officer of a real corporation, you’re sort of like a silly little kid playing grownup. More importantly, you’re probably misrepresenting your abilities, as well.

If you can’t sell your vision. Nobody will buy it. We all talk about the importance of vision, but you have to be able to sell it to potential customers, employees and investors and I mean all day long. If your stakeholders don’t buy it, nobody else will either. If you find yourself pitching your concept in your dreams, you’re on the right track.

If you don’t have these seven concepts down, you may want to think about changing your Twitter and LinkedIn profiles. And I definitely wouldn’t quit my day job just yet, either. Your product is your brand - you’re not. The secret to great marketing is to come up with a killer product customers need at the right price. You can promote your business and yourself all day long, but if you can’t come up with an awesome product that

Additionally, you must always have enough money in the bank. The number one failure for small businesses is they run out of cash. There was a time when you could bootstrap a company, but markets are so hypercompetitive these days it’s much harder than it used to be. I’m not a believer in Kickstarter, either. If you can’t sell at least one or two investors on your idea, you’re probably not ready for prime time. | | @BajanSunOnline

JAN 2015

You must focus on doing one thing better than anyone. Everybody knows they need to differentiate but few understand what that really means. It means coming up with a customer value proposition that your company and your company alone does better than anyone else. Once you figure out what that is, focus on doing that and just that. Business is about understanding people. Business is not about building your personal brand, your network or your Twitter following. It’s not about your blog or what you post on LinkedIn or Facebook. Business is about people. It’s about relationships. If you want to do business in the real world, you’ve got to connect and build relationships with real people in the real world - period. You have to know what you’re doing. Passion alone won’t cut it these days. Whatever it is you’ve decided to do, if you have no idea what you’re doing, you

will fail and fail miserably. Sooner or later you’ll have to make smart decisions and that means having enough experience and capability to know smart from not-sosmart. And no, just thinking you’re smart won’t cut it either. Everyone thinks they’re smart. You’ve got to hire, motivate and retain talented people. This is one of the trickiest aspects of running a company. I’ve known dozens of corporate CEOs who couldn’t hire the right people or keep them motivated to save their lives. It’s a remarkably common pitfall of small businesses and startups, as well. If you think running a company is like falling off a log, be my guest, go for it. But I guarantee you’ll see things differently after falling on your face a few times. Save yourself the trouble and get a handle on things. Don’t be in such a hurry to call yourself a CEO. Better off becoming one first. | | @BajanSunOnline

114 | | @BajanSunOnline

JAN 2015

Faith Callender

Listen Careful is a positive reggae song which outlines many of the societal struggles of Caribbean youth. While serving as an uplifting piece, the track also sternly warns against falling into common traps of misguidance and urges especially young women to further themselves in life. This song performed by Faith Callender was written by Rhea Layne and Produced by KB Sharp and Hit Island Studios. You can also look out for a music video pretty soon sponsored by Iconic Fashions.


SoundCloud link Fan Page | | @BajanSunOnline



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JAN 2015



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Physique Pro Fitness Consultancy Tel:1-246-239-7184 Email : Facebook: ProvenPhysique | | @BajanSunOnline | | @BajanSunOnline

JAN 2015 | | @BajanSunOnline

WHY DO YOU WANT A Puppy / DOG? By Lisa White CPDT-KA


any people like dogs, but everybody loves puppies – they are so cute and irresistible. However, after the initial thrill of owning a dog has passed, many people tend to lose interest, especially if the dog is giving trouble.

Getting a dog means making a commitment to the animal for his lifetime – approximately eight years for large dogs, 13 years for medium and 15 years for small dogs. Before you actually choose a dog, there are certain things to consider …. | | @BajanSunOnline

JAN 2015

Owning a dog changes your domestic and social life.

Even after his initial purchase, the dog will continue to

A puppy becomes an adolescent dog, a grown dog and then an old dog.

A dog needs lots of care, love and attention

Every single day, you teach him, however unintentionally.

The dog is your responsibility for the rest of his life.

Dogs can destroy your shoes, clothes, furniture, even your car bumper, and mud flaps.

then get another type of pet like a goldfish. Do I Have Enough Space? A dog needs a comfortable shelter

cost you money. 

consuming. If you can’t dedicate a meager two hours a day,

Puppies have accidents if not

supervised. Do you want to clean up the mess in your house, on your carpet, outside in the garage or driveway? Do you want a dog that jumps up on you dirtying up your clothes, or a dog that nips at you constantly, a dog that escapes or wanders from home being a nuisance in the neighbourhood? Can you

to protect him from the sun and rain, a safe fenced enclosure and lots of room to exercise. Do I have enough patience, energy, discipline and stamina to train my dog? Dogs are like children; they will test you

constantly and try to take advantage of any situation that is to their benefit. Like children, they can bring frustration as well as joy and affection. Can I afford the cost of keeping a dog? Food, supplements, toys, grooming, training and vet bills do add up over the years. And what about when you go away? You will probably have to leave your dog at boarding kennels. Add to that the price of repairing or replacing shoes, furniture, car bumpers, etc; no doubt there will be some damage.

afford to spend money on quality food, training and veterinary

Please think carefully!! There are too many unwanted dogs;

care? What will happen when you travel, who will look after

over 3,000 dogs are destroyed in Barbados.

your dog, can you afford boarding kennels which run from

Remember, a pet is for life.

$9.00 to $25.00 a day? Other questions you must ask yourself:Why Have A Dog? Is it for companionship, for protection, as a status symbol, or is it just a piece of property? If it is for a status symbol or just a piece of property, then

perhaps you should buy an inanimate object such as brand name gear, a stereo or car; something without feelings. If it is going to be tied up constantly or kept in a pen constantly and used as a watchdog, then buy an alarm system or install burglar bars – something maintenance-free. Trust me; it is much cheaper and less responsibility than a dog. Do I have Enough Time For A Dog? A dog needs lots of time and attention – daily walks, grooming, training, feeding and loving.

These are absolutely necessary and very time | | @BajanSunOnline

JAN 2015



esume and interviewing skills aren't enough when it

focus on other factors that are less important. Expect

comes to figuring out whether a job candidate would

disappointment if you're basing your hiring decisions on past

make a great salesperson. It has been observed that money

performances. The world is full of salespeople who caught a

motivation is the factor that sets apart great salespeople from

lucky break and were in the right place at the right time for a

the mediocre ones, or worse.

hot product.

Money motivation means a salesperson lives to earn

At times managers make the mistake of hiring likeable

commissions and win prizes. A really money-motivated

people because they think they make great salespeople.

salesperson does what it takes to close the sale. To

People who really like others and want to help them make

accomplish this, such salespeople become masters of

the right decision would be a perfect fit in customer service,

strategy. They know the product, they know the competition,

but not in sales. They lack the killer instinct.

and they have good relationships with their customers. It's crucial that a business owner or his or her sales department manager figures out whether a job candidate has




motivation isn't a skill; it's a trait. A sales manager can add focus to a salesperson's desire to



money, can't





salesperson to become money motivated. Some companies too often | | @BajanSunOnline

Money motivation isn't just about having the enthusiasm to

they pull out the latest iPhone and show you the great apps

make a lot of money. It's about knowing how to do it. When

they've downloaded onto it?

interviewing an applicant for a sales position, see if they ask the type of questions that show they're already thinking about what it will take to make it in the job. Here are some telltale signs that a sales position applicant is truly money motivated: They



They started early. I've generally found that money motivated people have been earning money to buy things since they were young. When mom and dad told them they couldn't afford to buy them an Xbox, did they give up on it? Or did they start delivering papers, mowing


When it's their turn to talk, they might

lawns or selling door-to-door to make the money to buy it?

ask if the compensation plan is capped.

They are obsessed with the methodology of

How much does your top sales person

closing sales. You may say your top sales

bring in – and are there any special

person makes $125,000 annually. Does the

factors (longevity, special sales territory)

job candidate ask about how many cold calls

that give the top earner a special

your top person makes a week to get there?

advantage? What does the average

How do they split their time between cold-

performer earn annually? Is there a

calling and investigating leads? How do they

President's Club? These questions show

get sales referrals? How do they create a

they're delving into what it takes to earn

sense of urgency in a customer during a

money in the position.

sales call?

They like what they buy with their money. If they talk about

Money-motivation is such an important trait in sales that

all the toys and fun stuff they want to buy with the

some companies go as far as to ask sales candidates to

commissions you're going to give them, it's a good sign.

submit previous pay slips so they can prove they've been

Sure, they have to worry about paying for necessities like

able to earn the type of money they would like to bring in

everyone else, but they want to make even more money so

now. A truly money-motivated person wouldn't hesitate to

they can buy a luxury car, or go on an exotic vacation. I've

turn them in. They're already focused on going beyond your

found money-motivated people especially like gadgets. Do

quota to earn the type of money they want to make. | | @BajanSunOnline | | @BajanSunOnline

JAN 2015







Entertainment Network (TEN) joined the select

few who are awarded the opportunity to broadcast on cable television to the unique Barbadian market including the diaspora and beyond. TEN is a cable & web based TV Network where viewers can watch ON

DEMAND and in HD or view the streaming channel content daily. This flagship channel proudly showcases 90%


produced content, and is committed to providing fresh, modern styled shows showcasing the culture of the region.

Content with a Community Collective in Mind It’s the desire of the Trident10TV Team to foster, develop, building

heal, and





relationship its


programming. The Trident10TV Team is non-partisan, and completely embrace all races, ethnicities, genders, cultures


viewpoints but reserve the right to opt out of selecting programming



believe may be personally demeaning and/or offensive to






Moreover, everything from food to culture and current



events, and entertainment from Jackie Opel to Rihanna,

approach to media is aggressive, bold and has never

can all be found on Trident10TV. This mixture ensures

been done like this before.

that all ages of Barbadians, locally and across the diaspora can enjoy its content. Trident10TV is Barbados, the way you want to see it!!

sponsors do


and/or that


In that stead Trident10TV only desire is to continue to be






and instrumental in the paradigm shift as it relates to

In addition to Trident10TV, is New Hope which is also




managed by the Trident10TV Team. This second

television programming in the Caribbean. As such,

addition, is the Caribbean’s premier faith based channel

Trident10TV invites you to relax, watch and enjoy their

with programming as diverse as the people.

entertainingly modern format daily. | | @BajanSunOnline




Have a delicious taste of history while sampling local rum and mouth-watering LOCAL CUSINE on the TOUR. Join us ON the Strictly Bajan Rum Shop Tour! for a look back in time at the rum history, culture and heritage in Barbados. Hear stories of Old Bars, making of Rum, learning local traditions and more. It’s the Real McCoy!



246.844.7008 | | @BajanSunOnline


trictly Bajan Rum Shop Tours - a very special Morning tour of The Rum Shop Culture & Barbadian Heritage. As the name suggests this tour is strictly local and seeks to provide visitors with a truly Authentic Barbados Experience. As such, this tour exposes our guests to Traditional Rum Shops, Traditional Bajan (people), Traditional Food and Local Beverages. But even more, our 'visiting friends' have the opportunity to be part of our Culture, and Heritage. The tour incorporates on bus fun activities, games and competitions. While the tour is fun it is also educational and informative, allowing for a fun learning environment. This being said, our tour begins with a visit to the facilities of the world's oldest Rum and pioneer of fine liquor: Mount Gay Visitors Centre. Following this, our tour proceeds to visit three (3) Rum Shops: where our guests can indulge in Traditional Dishes and Beverages and be delighted by local craft and entertainers. On route to the first Rum Shop stop visitors are provided with a sample of Claytons Kola Tonic (Sponsor)

Buljol and one (1) Banks Beer (Sponsor): part of the All Inclusive Package. On route to the third Rum Shop stop visitors are provided with a sample of Claytons Kola Tonic with Mount Gay Rum (Sponsors) Third Stop: Rum Shop and Traditional Dish: Visitors interact with shop owner/s who provides our guests with a brief history of their establishment as well as Local Lunch and a glass of Claytons Kola Tonic mixed with Mount Gay Rum (Sponsors): part of the All Inclusive Package. At this final stop guests are also entertained by local artists and are delighted by local arts and crafts. Please note, the Rum Shops are alternated on a per week basis. Tour Days: Tuesday/Thursday/Saturday Tour Time: 10:00am to 2:00pm Tour Guide: Knowledgeable about our Barbadian Culture/Friendly and Personable Tour Driver: Experienced and Safe

First Stop: Rum Shop and Traditional Dish: Visitors interact with shop owner/s who provides our guests with a brief history of their establishment as well as Mini Cutters: Ham/Egg/Cheese and a glass of Claytons Kola Tonic (Sponsor): part of the All Inclusive Package. On route to the second Rum Shop stop visitors are provided with a can of Claytons Kola Kick (Sponsor) Second Stop: Local Bar and Traditional Dish: Visitors interact with shop owner/s who provides our guests with a brief history of their establishment as well as a Local Pickle Dish: 127 Chicken Foot/Pudding and Souse/

Tour Transport: Fully Air Conditioned 40 Seater Coach Tour Security/Safety: First Aid Kit on board with trained First Responder Tour Cost: Tourist: $65.00 USD/ $130.00 BDS - All Inclusive Package. Locals: $ 50.00 USD/ $100.00 BDS Visit our website and view our other tour packages. Contact Tel: 1 246 844-7008 Email: Follow us on twitter: @RumShopsTours Visit us online: | | @BajanSunOnline




visit to Barbados is a visit to the birthplace of rum as we know it today. The fact that there are four distilleries on the 21 x 14 mile island, theres no other place where the rum culture more pronounced. From your first step on to the island, you will see one or more of the thousands of Rum Shops that cover our beautiful country. These are the real everyday watering holes of the island. This is a place you walk in order a bottle of rum, a mixer, a glass and a bowl of ice that you take to a chair or something you can sit on and enjoy your cocktail. You will find yourself with the rest of the locals playing dominos or cards, fellow tourists looking around in disbelief and everyone else of who know what origin. The countryside is dotted with old sugar mills and remnants of the once dominant sugar industry that made the island so important to the British in the 1700’s. There is a large sugar mill museum as well as several old cane crushing windmills left on the island. One of the more complete sugar plantations is the St. Nicolas Abbey. There they still grow the sugar cane, crush it, and make rum on the plantation. Larry Warren and his family have brought this majestic old sugar plantation back from the brink of collapse to a wonderful snipit of life in the colonial days in Barbados.

While on the island, you would be remiss not to take the time to travel around the island and see all of the beautiful scenery. Visit a couple of distilleries and many rum shops, or take a trip around the island to see the destinations was as enjoyable as anything we say. No visit to Barbados would be complete without a tour of our local hang outs and enjoying local traditions. Not only in drinking of local brews but meeting the true Bajan’s and tasting our delicious dishes, recipes passed through generations. Explore our country with Strictly Bajan Rum Shop Tours. Keep in mind that the Rums of Barbados are wonderful, from the inexpensive rums to the finest anywhere. Old Brigand and Special Barbados Rums are great examples of inexpensive rums made in Barbados. If you taste calls for a more high end rum may I suggest Doorly’s XO, Cockspur 12 Yr Old or Mount Gay 10 Yr Old. Don’t miss an opportunity to see the island and sip the many fine rums that the island has to offer in one of the many Rum Shops. Drink the local Beer, Banks Beer and if you are drinking Rum try it with the local chaser Claytons Kola Tonic. Keep an eye out for cheap drinks offers theres always one. Also food in the Rum Shops is usually of a really good standard, particularly the flying fish. | | @BajanSunOnline

JAN 2015


arbados’ national dish is coucou and flying fish. This dish which is also another corn meal product like conkie, was traditionally served on Fridays or Saturdays. Packaged cornmeal can be purchased at any supermarket in Barbados, while you can find the okras from a street vendor or outdoor market.

our coins, in artwork and is part of the official logo of The Barbados Tourism Authority. In addition, the Barbados Coat of Arms shows a Pelican and dolphin, with the dolphin representing the flying fish.

The coucou is stirred continuously with a coucou stick (a long stick which resembles a small replica of a cricket bat). It has to be stirred vigorously to ensure all lumps are out so that you can have a smooth, fluffy meal. However if you run into difficulties when cooking it, add more okra water if the cornmeal gets too tough and if it is too soft, allow it to continue cooking until the right texture is reached.

but that they use their fins to propel themselves when moving through the waters. This is particularly useful when they are trying to get away from predators. The flying fish is one of Barbados’ most desirable delicacies. Any place where you would find Barbados nightlife e.g. Oistins, Baxters Road you are sure to find this fish.

Traditionally coucou was served in an oval form. To obtain this shape it was placed in a round enamel bowl or in a calabash shell. Calabash is a large ball shape fruit of a tropical American tree. It has to be eaten while hot, but be cautious because it can burn you. Breadfruit, yam and green banana which are grown locally in Barbados can also be used to make coucou. Barbados was called the ‘land of flying fish’ because of the plentiful amount of flying fish found in Barbados’ waters and now the flying fish is Barbados’ national fish. Its symbol is on

The flying fish got their name not because they actually fly

Ranked No. 3 on National Geographic’s Top 10 National Dishes Described as: “a polenta-like cornmeal and okra porridge, coo -coo pairs perfectly with flying fish – once abundant but now overfished and scarce – which is either steamed with lime juice, spices, and vegetables or fried and served with a spicy sauce.” Let’s face it, besides the good taste of coucou, here’s one more reason why we should be always proud of our national dish. | | @BajanSunOnline

The History of Rum

By Frederick H. Smith, Ph.D.


n the summer of 1996 I went to Barbados to prepare a historical archaeological field school in

deceased, we determined that the graveyard was the final resting place of Bridgetown’s slave population.

Bridgetown with my colleague Dr. Karl Watson and his

Throughout the day, construction workers and residents

students from the department of history at the University


of the West Indies, Cave Hill. On the morning of

excavation and pondered our work. Some mentioned the

Saturday, July 13, Watson called to say that construction

ghosts of those buried at the site and the restlessness

workers in a part of the city known as the Pierhead had

of duppies, the mischievous, and sometimes malicious,

unearthed skeletal remains while preparing a site for the

spirits of the dead. At the end of the day, we removed

expansion of a local shopping mall.

the skeleton with the tobacco pipe and began packaging

The skeletal remains turned out to be human, and further investigation revealed more burials at the site. We spent the day surveying this unmarked and forgotten cemetery, and recording information about the site. Based on the absence of grave markers, the cemetery’s location on the periphery of the town, and the presence of a mideighteenth century white kaolin clay tobacco pipe, which






it for proper storage at the University of the West Indies. About that time, someone in the crowd shouted that we needed to pour libations to those buried at the site, and within minutes a bottle of rum was produced for that purpose. The rum was poured on the ground and the pouring





the duppies “rest in peace” and “leave us alone.”

had been placed in the crook of the right arm of one the | | @BajanSunOnline


JAN 2015 This event was a major turning point in my academic career. Since 1991, I had conducted fieldwork in

alcohol industries, slavery and slave emancipation, temperance movements, and globalization.

different parts of the Caribbean and during these visits

My book also examines the social and sacred uses of

had the opportunity to observe the central place of rum

rum and identifies the forces that shaped alcohol

and other forms of alcohol in Caribbean society. I had

drinking in the Caribbean. While the enormous

also come across numerous references to rum in the

amounts of rum available in the Caribbean contributed

primary documents I was reading. During the

to a climate of excessive drinking, levels of alcohol

excavations at the Pierhead cemetery in Bridgetown,

consumption varied among different social groups.

however, I was an actual


participant in an event that

patterns reflect more than

embodied and


simply access to rum. For

centuries of alcohol-related

example, levels of drinking

traditions in the Caribbean,

and drunken comportment

which inspired me to pursue

conveyed messages about

further study.

the underlying tensions that which were driven by the

of alcohol in the Caribbean


from the sixteenth century

based on class, race, gender, religion, and ethnic identity.

Americas, it contributes to growing





new ground in using an







investigates the economic impact of Caribbean rum on multiple scales, including rum’s contribution to sugar plantation revenues, its role in bolstering colonial and post-colonial economies, and its impact on Atlantic trade.




poor natural


conflicts, and unstable food

documentary, and








were often magnified by

Atlantic studies and breaks interdisciplinary


contentious social hierarchy


Europe, and throughout the the


labor and set within a highly

to the present. Drawing on from


existed in the Caribbean,

My book explores the role







everyone in the Caribbean drank, the differing levels of alcohol use by various social groups highlights the ways in which drinking became a means to confront anxiety.


Frederick Smith is author of Caribbean Rum: A Social

determined the volume and value of rum exports from

and Economic History.He teaches Anthropology at the

the Caribbean, especially war, competition from other

College of William & Mary. | | @BajanSunOnline


“My favorite drink to mix is the next creation; who knows.” David Barker


David Barker

resented with only two options ‘cook’ or ‘assistant bartender’ upon returning to Barbados, David

Barker opted to become a bartender, which allowed him to further explore the bartending skills he had gained from attending the Barbados Community College (BCC) in his earlier years. But, it was David’s training by Extreme Bartending from Canada which pushed him further. It was at this point he knew that if he was going to do this, he had to do it with style. Now, some 17 years later, David is still at it and excelling. Through his continued journey to improve himself, as a Bartender and Mixologist, David entered a number of local and international competitions such as: Sky Vodka and Campari Flair, Brokers Gin, The Rums of Barbados Master Mixer, Angostura Mixmaster Challenge, Stoli Cocktail Master, Don Julio, and the most recent the Absolut Art Wars competition where David, gained the title of Winning Mixologist.






definitely opened doors for him both locally and international, having showedcased his skills at Walt Disney, The Radisson, and South Africa among others. | | @BajanSunOnline

JAN 2015

It is without second guessing, that David’s years of

try to make it right.”

experience would have resulted in him perfecting a

As David would have us know, the secret to his

signature drink or at least a ‘must try’ drink. As such,

success thus far is seeing his craft as not just one of

the James Bond Jr, is that drink, which has gotten

those jobs. But rather, a profession which needs to be

David favour with locals, tourists and kids alike. And

embraced. He stated “This is why I strive to bring

as expected, the responses to David’s creations has

awareness to this beautiful art of my chosen career.


My love for my profession is never ending.”






Delicious, and Spicy!” When asked: What drink/

cocktail mix are you known for? David candidly

David is currently featured on a local TV show called

stated, “I am a man of mystery. I love to battle with

“In Da Mix”, where he pushes the boundaries to

the senses so I try to make special drinks depending

infuse both local and international products with a hint

on customer’s tastes. It’s all about the challenge. I

of euphoric energy. He can also be seen at the Tapas

like to taste flavor and show color, so based on that I

Restaurant, Hastings Main Road, Barbados.

By Raeann Beckles | | @BajanSunOnline

Bajan as a Bus Stop | | @BajanSunOnline

JAN 2015

Bajan dialect 101 B

ajan dialect is an iconic part of the Barbadian culture, and as such we thought you might be interested in learning a few key local sayings.

Things being referred to as ‘scruffy’ or ‘ingrunt’ can actually be meant as a compliment: “You pants suit look scruffy denn!”

‘Skinning ya teeth’ is when you smile and ‘puting up ya face’ is when you look upset.

‘Doing the dawg’ does not mean impersonating a dog. This phrase is used when talking about someone celebrating excessively: “We did de dawg at that fete last night!”

If you should fall down and are hurt, these words will be used by locals to describe you: ‘break up’, ‘skin up’, ‘lick up’ or ‘catspraddle’: “I just get lick up by that there wave!” | | @BajanSunOnline | | @BajanSunOnline

PRIVATE TUTORING English and Math Tutoring Course


f your aim is to improve your aptitude and knowledge base in a particular field, all education pertaining to this subject will be useful. If this statement is assumed true, then the benefits afforded by private tuition are enormous. You will have the advantage of a whole teacher to yourself, with their lesson plans and strategies of teaching designed just for you! It seems impossible to doubt the enormous benefits this will offer. In a classroom, one teacher may be faced with approximately thirty pupils, each with different abilities, different rates of learning, and individual strengths and weaknesses. Yet despite this, for the majority of the lesson the teacher will be forced to treat his class as if it contained just one student. He or she will orate from one end of the classroom, unable to gauge how effectively each pupil is assimilating the lesson. The lesson plans will be designed to fit the needs of the average pupil; and the teacher will proceed at a rate suitable for the average pupil. In this environment it is all to easy for a bright child or adolescent to fail to grasp one particular point, as the swathe of teacher talk washes over them like the unrelenting tides. It is unlikely even the best of teachers would spot the particular point of misunderstanding cast on the countenance on one pupil, hidden amongst so many other faces. To draw attention to their lack of understanding can be intimidating for the pupil: everyone else is silent, so they must have understood. Do I want to draw attention to myself? All too often the misunderstanding goes unexpressed and unaided. The obvious benefit of one to one tuition is that the tutor can tailor their teaching style to the abilities of their student. They will be able to gauge the level of the pupils understanding, and, more importantly, track down the sources of misunderstanding, and deal with them effectively. Away from the bustle of the classroom, the student will feel more able to voice their difficulties; and having just one pupil to deal with, the teacher will be more capable of resolving them.

Other subjects available: POA and POB Subject: English/Mathematics/POA/POB Days: Tuesdays/Thursdays/Saturdays

Package: Hours: 4-5pm and 5-6pm each day (Tue/Thur) Saturdays: 1-2pm, 2-3pm, 3-4pm, 4-5pm Cost per hour: $25 Cost per two hours: $40 If you, your child or anyone you know, require personal assistance in any of the above areas, then you've come to the right place/person. This course caters to children and adults alike. It's all about you or someone you know understanding, learning and moving forward to achieve their academic goals. Parents see below: 1. Parents are free to select the time/day best for their child. 2. This package is ideal for kids who need that additional push and help with understanding concepts etc. Creative tools (music/games/challenges/ other creative activities) will be used to ensure the child benefits/learns. 3. As we approach exams, the course is expected to intensify, focusing on pass papers, practice tests using exam conditions. Mentoring is also provided at this stage to ensure that the child is well prepared all-round for exam. 4. Should you (parent) require a copy of my CV, please feel free to request such. Upon reviewing my CV, you may see an area that you think your child can also benefit from. Please feel free to inform me of that area which will allow your child to gain even further knowledge/ skills.

Contact Information: Raeann Beckles at 1-246-844-7008 or | | @BajanSunOnline | | @BajanSunOnline

JAN 2015

A Journey Into The Abyss Of The Mind By Ainsley Carter


Journey into the Abyss

aka (Alana Slimz) in producing this book, ‘A Journey into

of the Mind, looks at

the Abyss of the Mind’.

some of life’s scenarios and what we as individuals are

Along the way there was always negativity and set backs of

faced with on a day-to-day

all kinds, which in a way was good for me as I took them as

basis. Throughout this book, I

they came along with the help of friends and turned them

am hoping that the reader(s)

into positives. As with everything else throughout life we

will be able to identify with

are all faced with struggles and problems of all types

some of the struggles and

and magnitudes, but it’s what we do when we confront

understand that they are not

them. Nothing in life is ever easy, as the road ahead is

alone and they too can shake

always long and winding, but perseverance seldom fails.


Having and believing in your higher power will certainly



negativity they are faced with. Remember



pay off as it did for me.


always come the sun and the

Many nights I would cry, (some say men don’t cry) well I


am in touch with my feelings and that’s the best time to write poetry, which worked well for me, as I was able to

Ainsley was born on February 6th on the beautiful Island of

connect with the raw negative energy and found that so

Barbados, where he grew up in the parish of St George.

many words flow into my mind (The Abyss).

Growing up in Barbados had its ups and downs but nonetheless with great support from family and friends he

My struggles with work, life, and death of friends and

was able to overcome those obstacles. His first book 'Poetry

family really showed me the true value of life and living and

a way of Life' was published in September 2010 this

the ability to write such great material to inspire others and

eventually set the stage for him, the realization of his

in doing this it has lifted me up daily and put a smile on my

dreams and aims soared higher allowing him to produce

face amidst whatever was going on. So Today, I can

another book, 'A Journey into the Abyss of the Mind'.

stand and give a positive testimony of breaking free from the dark abyss created by negative, depressive thoughts,

The response I had gotten from my first publication, ‘Poetry

broken hearted relationships and illness.

a way of Life’, has edged me into doing more writing and following in the footsteps of other great poets like Maya

I am a true success and will continue to assert myself and

Angelou, Edgar Allan Poe, Sir Walter Raleigh etc.

assist in contributing to others in their journey to enable them to reach their goals and getting out of their dark

I have pushed myself and was nudged along the way by my


friends, Franklyn Parris and Adriana Alana Marion Walkes, | | @BajanSunOnline | | @BajanSunOnline

JAN 2015

Christmas Seduction Part 2 © MariposaƸ̵̡ӜƷ ̵̨̄ 2014


J laughed and walked quickly to the kitchen. Hastily wiping her tears away, Sade smiled at him, he was full of surprises. She followed him into the kitchen and sat like a child, all big eyed and in awe as he opened the basket; the contents duplicated her gastronomical creations. She was impressed. “Have some faith in me baby, did you think I won’t have been up to something of my own?” She nodded silently, and then she found her tongue, “Why don’t we have dinner on the terrace? After all you have everything so well packed already. We can refrigerate what I cooked later.” “Sounds like an awesome idea, just wait till you see dessert.” Sade excused herself and went into the bedroom, quietly closed the door and lent on it, she took a few deep breaths while looking in the huge mirror, her reflection smiled back, she swore her heart had missed a few beats earlier, but now she was fine. She replenished her make-up, pulled her hat down more over her face, grabbed a red pashmina, smiled and blew herself a kiss then sashayed out to join him on the terrace. The night air was a bit chilly, thank goodness she had the sense to grab the woolen accessory. The sound of crickets occasionally penetrated the air; their chirping always amused Sade, she always thought they were conversing but not listening to each other. The mini waterfall spilled on to the rock bed, creating a relaxing sound that Sade found extremely soothing. Looking into the water, the uneven black granite glistened in the moonlight as if trying to calm her racing pulse as anticipation mounted. The terrace was sacred, a sanctuary to meditate, relax and rejuvenate, AJ was lucky, he was the only guy that she entertained in her special spot.

The table was beautifully laid out with the contents of the basket, then she saw a cooler she didn’t notice before, AJ saw her looking at it and steered her toward her chair, like the perfect gentleman he seated her, and then proceeded to his seat. Dinner was punctuated with many smiles and light conversation, he laughed when he remembered her face when he spoke harshly, then apologized for hurting her feelings. She smiled and in her best voice said “I will pay you back, I promise, so how about dessert” and leant over and kissed him softly on the lips. AJ could only wonder what she had in store; he knew her mind and the delicate flower before him could morph into a real tigress. “Impatient are we, okay Precious, dessert it shall be.”AJ quickly cleared the table, then asked Sade to close her eyes he quickly complied, only because she was anxious to know the surprise. He crept up stealthily and hugged her from behind, kissing her in the neck, then blindfolded her, “a bit of insurance, no peeking”. “I can see payback will be a big event” she muttered playfully, she listened, straining her ears for familiar sounds to alert her to what the surprise dessert was but there were none. It felt as though he was gone forever. Then he was back guiding her steps. “Do you trust me baby, walk with me”, his voice shook with anticipation and when he stood behind her, his arousal was noticeable. He led her, it felt like the kitchen, then AJ said “Ok babes, stick your hand out”, even with the blind fold on she did her regular response, cocked her head on a side and said “huh” “stick your hand out”. Curiosity was killing her, “Beautiful Surprise” played softly as she cautiously stuck her hand out, she felt him hold her hand firmly and then folded her fingers in a pointing fashion. | | @BajanSunOnline

142 | | @BajanSunOnline

JAN 2015

Christmas Seduction continued She felt warmth, thick gooey warmth, then he stuck her

savored the chocolate. He fed her between kisses, she

finger into her mouth. Chocolate? The connoisseur that

had no idea which was sweeter the chocolate covered

she is knew it was dark chocolate. She moaned, and

fruit or the chocolate kisses, all she knew was that she

then went quiet at the orgasmic groan that escaped her.

wanted more of both. When they shared the last kebab,

The blind fold was removed and she stared into a small

she asked “AJ, how did you do this?”, he laughed

chocolate fountain on the table with an assortment of

softly, kissing her chocolate covered mouth and replied

skewered fruit, strawberries, kiwi, red grapes, green

“Your hints were heard loud and clear my love, I won’t

grapes and pineapple slices. She was lost, as if reading

ever act on things you say the same time, it won’t be a

her mind he put a kebab with her favorite fruit in her

surprise then would it? Now how about I clean up

hand, she noticed the pineapple was heart shaped.

here while you get out the kitchen, you can go soak in

She gingerly put the fruit under the chocolate that was

the tub while I clean up, there is another surprise on the

cascading down, she turned it slowly, and watching

bed for you” with that he swatted her behind playfully

him as it slowly coated and hid the fruit from her view.

and proceeded to clean the kitchen. She smiled,

Her mind was going crazy, the things she could do with

watching him a while, not believing her good fortune to

AJ to thank him for this decadent feast. Holding her

have a man who treats her like a queen, as she rightly

fruit and chocolate on a plate she walked towards him,

deserved; she hastily wiped an unbidden tear away,

offering him her pineapple heart, he looked at her, his

chastising herself for being so weak and went to

eyes dancing with mischief and licked some chocolate

prepare for what promised to be a passionate ending to

from a small part of the pineapple. She took a sharp

a wonderful night.

intake of breath, feeling his tongue, damn that

The bedroom had a hint of sandalwood in the air and

pineapple was lucky. “I will get back at you baby” she

there was a beautiful gift bag on the bed. Sade shook

whispered, “I look forward to it sugar” and they

her head and laughed, AJ won again.

simultaneously bit the pineapple heart from opposite ends. She smiled, stuck a finger under the chocolate and

© MariposaƸ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ 2015

licked it, glancing coyly at him, only to see him watching her and smiling at her childish delight as she

143 | | @BajanSunOnline

POETS Aries Hl is a multi-talented young man who is from the island of Barbados in the Caribbean. He is a singer, rapper, song writer, poet and a dancer. Aries Hl was born on April 15th 1989 and given the name Carlos Antonio Bovell. His first dabble into the creative arts with dancing, and as a member of the dance group Higher Level he reached great success. Currently pursuing his passion for music and poetry, he aims to make a change and be an inspiration for people all around the world as his positivity and belief in his abilities takes him towards his dreams

Dillon Ollivierre is an award winning poet whose creativity,versatility and depth combines to create a visual heart felt masterpiece. Born on the morning of January 26th 1989, at the Kingstown General Hospital in St.Vincent. Dillon Ollivierre is the only child for his parents Lucian and Verina Ollivierre and resides at Friendship, Bequia. He began writing in 2005 while attending the Bequia Seventh Day Adventist Secondary School. His inspiration derived mainly from love. The first poem he attempted was to express his love to his crush but his attempt was proven futile as he did not feel it truly interpreted his true feelings. Nevertheless, he strived for excellence each day as he continued to gain many support and motivation for what was such difficult pieces.

Dillon's poetry has been featured on local websites, in local newspapers and on various websites throughout the Caribbean and the world.As his poetry continues to gain new readers Dillon has develop a passion for tackling issues which affects our youths and our people, one issue which he constantly addressing is crime and violence. Due to Dillon's stance on the issue On Janaury 9, 2012 Prime Minister Dr. Ralph Gonsalves made mention of Dillon’s poem which he found while reading the Caribbean net news which he deemed as “ very interesting poem with real focal sentiments’ . Few days later on January Dillon Ollivierre was once again mention in the house of parliament this time by the then New Democratic Party Senator Anesia Baptiste. With Dillon capturing the attention of many readers he did his first local interview with Ashford Peters, Freelancer for the News Newspaper which was published on January 27, 2012 with the heading ‘ poet calls for local art to be more prominent in classrooms’. Dillon has won two awards: KEE Creative Arts In Entertainment Award in 2012 and The National Poetry Award - Young Poet of the Year 2014 ( St.Vincent & The Grenadines) . This he says ' is motivation to continue to relate, educate and motivate his readers, while also addressing issues, and serving God by embracing his talent and his purpose' . Dillon’s commitment and passion to represent the youths is evident in his writing as he often speaks directly to them, encouraging them and motivating them to contribute, to be the change they want to see in the world. Dillon displays has shown and is daily exhibiting the young activist within. | | @BajanSunOnline

JAN 2015

POETRY My Lady's Creation My lady I am nothing but a blank page laying on the table of life, a blank page waiting dearly for your emotional expression, I wait to feel your hands create beautiful pictures upon my emptiness, my lady I am your unseen creativity hidden deeply inside, My lady upon me let your feelings be transformed into art work, let your thoughts become the master piece which they await to be, become the painter who paints her heart's every rhythm, become the painter who translates images from her

heart beats, My lady I am but a admirer of what lives inside you, I become lost in my interpretations of your art, your love is felt with every stroke upon my surface, your energy turns this blank page into something beautiful, My lady I thank you for your expressing upon me, now a priceless piece hangs on your wall, from a blank page you created a world class painting, simply by making the choice to believe in love.

By Aahle

Bequia Bequia! A major tourist destination White sandy beaches that captivates your imagination The hot sun that provides a tan Toes curl in the wet sand

The scenery is magical Easter Regatta; it’s exceptional Christmas; it’s incredible The feeling it gives is beyond comprehendible The local culture; it’s amazing Whale hunting; it’s captivating Carnival; it’s all about parading Bequia; it’s all about offering our visitors what they need, the perfect island with activities that’s exciting Visitors far and near they fall in love with our blessed island Our friendly locals they say “ Welcome”

Embracing visitors with love An imaginary hug Bequia! Let’s continue to develop our island Listen and understand Let’s continue to walk towards productivity Creativity! Let’s use our minds to create new ideas that will be beneficial Let’s add an extra pinch of creativity to the magic Let’s put more measures in place, let’s do more for our island Do you understand? Our island is not just about locals but the many who fall in love with it By Dillon Ollivierre | | @BajanSunOnline | | @BajanSunOnline

JAN 2015

My New Year Resolution It’s that time of year

especially within ourselves

when Santa has already come

something we are sure to feel happy with

and is no longer here.

Like: to lose weight,

They say time flies when we are having fun

Keep fit,

And yes, indeed it does,

Or simply to save money

as a New Year is about to come. (2015)

Or next time give more gifts

But just before

But whatever we decide

The old one goes

Or choose

Let’s put aside

Let’s make it right

All our woes

And put all our efforts in,

And make amends

on the stroke of midnight...

And not commotion And on the stroke of midnight Make our New Year Resolution

Written by Ainsley Carter, author of published books, “Poetry a way of life”, and “A journey into the Abyss of the Mind”. ™

Let’s all try for something that we can stick to

My New Year Resolution is:- | | @BajanSunOnline | | @BajanSunOnline

JAN 2015

T'malson's Craft


is name is Gregory Gibson



journey began some 10 years ago




jewelry but has branched off into the lavish



copper. Their slogan "where every spoil is a new creation,"

T'malson's Craft is slowly salivating on people's tongues with fresh blends of fine hand crafted jewelry to provide that unique look.

The "pieces" are made from real copper which are coated with a special solution to provide an array of colors like red, purple, yellow and green. These pieces are also fused with other material like pearls, semi-precious stones, bones and clay.

Their aim is to be the envy of the fashion industry, both local and international. Therefore T’malson’s Craft is always seeking to create new ideas and styles. We are the makers of "unique" pieces of jewelry specializing






T’malson’s Craft also offers a repair service. | | @BajanSunOnline

By Raeann Beckles 1989 saw the birth

important to him. At last in 2012 when Antonio started

of Antonio Harper a

working with his father's road marking company, it hit him,

natural artist and an

that natural passion finally hit him. As it were, Antonio had an


encounter with his true love... Painting!!



the paradise

island of Barbados.

With this confirmation, Antonio pursued his next goal which was to fine tune this love, talent and passion to make it complete. This is when Antonio took all his previous life




beginnings in Clapham St. Michael, Antonio was always known for his creative side. More interestingly, the various Art

experiences and skills to nourish his self taught idea of creating some really cool art with spray paint. At this point, the true journey began!

and Technical programs offered at both his primary and secondary schools also allowed Antonio to express his creativity. It was no secret how his fond love and passion grew for painting, as he was surrounded by other paint Artisans after leaving school in 2006; which undoubtedly encouraged him to see his talent as more than a hobby to past time. Over the next few years Antonio struggled to find that one talent within himself that made him complete, which stretched from being a Welder, Electrician, Delivery Driver, Tennis Coach, Sales Assistant to a Mechanical Diesel Engineer. But for Antonio, finding that inner peace was most | | @BajanSunOnline

JAN 2015 It was there more of his Artistic skills and talents began to slowly emerge. He never thought he could be an Artist. However, one day inspiration came to him to try painting on paper and from that day forward he started his Spray Painting journey, with the vision of truly




through his Art. By this time, how things were shaping up for Antonio and





fairytale, a dream come true even. A few months after that, Antonio and Nathalie received their first From that moment onward Antonio and his very supportive girlfriend Nathalie Roachford, met by his Dad's house every morning to see what his dreams and ideas can be in reality.

Having optimism on their side, they patiently hand carved, shaped and painted, what were the first prototypes, to see what they could be. Super excited that they came out better than expected, that gave both Antonio and Nathalie the drive to continue improving upon the samples. After, a few months

real break in business, when they were given the humble opportunity to partner with the leading retail fabric company in Barbados ‘Abeds’. This

opportunity called on their skills to design and create over 100 awards, made out of coconut shell in accordance with the company's 50th Anniversary. It was a mammoth job for them. However, it was the beginning of many more opportunities to come.

had gone by, their first prototypes had improved 100% in quality and in standard. It was now time to take the products to ‘Market’. After receiving so many reviews and

great compliments, Antonio and Nathalie started to receive orders from friends and family which started the buzz about the "glass looking shells" around the neighborhood. Continuing on their upward trend the couple were faced with some personal challenges which lead to the physical moving of the business to Antonio's home in Clapham. | | @BajanSunOnline


modern day love story that surely challenges the perception of adult relationships – two people from completely different walks of life connect. Rosalie

especially Artista Network and get a feel for the many poetry groups and their activities. He signed into the first poetry group he came upon – The Poets’ Rendezvous, what he found there would prove to send him off kilter for quite some time.

A single mother, Rosalie was recently laid-off from her job and needed to find some source of income. Her first love, writing, quickly became a focal point for her and on the advice of her thirteen year old daughter she joined the Artista Network and entered the Poets’ Rendezvous.

Virtuālis is a journey of two souls, a cry for solace and love; a conversation of the heart which is freely expressed and interestingly painted with the poetic words of two artists.

With much hesitation, she posted a poem and waited. What she found in her inbox was totally unexpected.

“And what would the world say when they see it?”


“What could they say but – Romeo and Juliet.”

A professor of Black American Literature had recently lost his only son in a tragic biking accident. He buried himself in his work and his research for his new book. He had been advised, by his students no less, to troll the social media,

“But you do know that they both died in the end?” ©Cher Corbin 2014 | | @BajanSunOnline

JAN 2015 | | @BajanSunOnline

rianna Sophia Jones Photography | | @BajanSunOnline

JAN 2015

By Raeann Beckles …“I Cover Anything The

dad Sophia perfected her photography skills. At age 16,

Eyes Can See”…

Sophia’s ability to capture amazing pictures, landed her,


her first published image in the NY Teen Lines Magazine. orn to parents Sir

Since then, her images has also been featured in a number

Chester Young &

of national publications including Jet Magazine, Vibe, Eb-

Judith Angela Thorne, So-

ony, XXL, The Source, Cosmopolitan, National Enquirer,

phia Jones embarked upon

Bill Board, Rolling Stone, Sister 2 Sister, US Magazine,

her journey of photography

People, People Espanol, Teen People, ECW Press, SPIN,

at the tender age of eight

M Magazine, The Daily Beast, Fuse, Estelle, Upscale, La-

when she got her first cam-

tina, Urban Access, Smooth, Maxim, Teen Lines, The

era. Undoubtedly this was

Connection, Ozone, Hip Hop Weekly, Country Weekly,

an exciting time in her life which has shaped the path that

Marie Claire, Nite Life, The Buzz, Orlando Sentinel, and

she so confidently tread today. Through the years she

Osceola Gazette.

practiced and with the support and encouragement of her

Sophia Jones Photography | | @BajanSunOnline

LL Cool J Sophia Jones Photography | | @BajanSunOnline

JAN 2015

Hilary Clinton Sophia Jones Photography

Though a freelance photographer, Sophia’s love for photography has granted her a contract with Corbis & Retna. To Sophia photography is a medium of capturing time. As it were photography captures and freezes a moment that can never be recovered, but will live for a life time in an image. Her passion for photography has not only landed her in major print and online publications but also, has taken her around the globe to photograph major events such as, Award Shows, Red Carpet Events, Events, Concerts, Behind The Scenes, Music Videos, Car Shows, Food, Models, Liquor Promotions, Beautiful Scenic Places, Family Portraits, Maternity, Baby, Weddings, and Political Events among others. Sophia has also photographed major events for companies such as Wells Fargo, Honda, MSN, MSN Control Room, MSN Music, Disney, Courvoisier, Bacardi, Kmart, Pepsi, Brahma Beer, Mazda,

Maybach, BET, Cox Radio, Mercedes, Reach Media, Draft Pick, Vital Marketing, Hit Man Production, SCI Companies, Frontline Promotions, Jade Events, Flowers Communication, Richmond Group, ARPR, Echoing Sondz, Ray Brendan Hal, Black America Web, Kool Running, Bullet Proof Management, Black Wall Street Records, Hip Hop DX, Hip Hop Barber Shop, Digital Guestlist, Spokeo, London Featres, Image Collect, Globe Photos, Corbis and Being the CEO of Sophia Jones Photography, a photography and videography business based in Orlando Florida, Sophia is willing to travel to her clients where ever they may be. Her clients are important to her and she works closely with them to meet all their needs and ensure they get total satisfaction. Now ten years later and going strong, Sophia sees greater exposure and growth ahead. It is her vision to be a leading photographic company providing innovative products and services that capture the spirit of today and preserve the memories of tomorrow. Sophia is committed to excellence and total customer satisfaction in her performance and pledge to professionally carry out her responsibilities.

Kanye west Sophia Jones Photography

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