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I’M ABLE TO A absorb knowledge achieve accomplished my goals adapt add analyse animate annoy others and be annoyed answer and ask archive datas authentic making absurd adverts anonymus align have authorytity arguments have apointments and agenda aims in action associate be alieve be academical be able to be addict to coffe be active adventurous affected affectionate others afraid of darkness ambitious amiable animated angry annoyed anxious argumentative arrogant astonished attentive accepts authority accepts what’s given aspiring for more affectionate allows imperfection authoritarian B be believe believe in destiny believe in miracles begin and end build up space buy things bike fast babyish bewildere bored bossy brave brilliant busy brave beyond behind bring coffe break glasses be: alternative be myself have: borders

make: books booklets branding background brainstorm bussises C cancel change the volume challenge myself connect collect confront cook lekker food copy create crop confuse choose create atmosphere creat art combine things compare confront myself be: confused confused clever clean after myself clean windows consequence controversial critical(always) cultural copy create do: clip circle chapters cataloug cards campaign conclusion concept charts cross the border cross the line having conclusions calm capable careful charismatic charming childish cheerful clever compassionate confused conscientious concerned confident considerate cooperative courageous cowardly crafty critical cross cultured curious caring change considerate cooperative

controlling D dare to design deal with obstacles deal with design deal with printing issues desire develop ideas dream define delete decide decorate detail documentary drink coffe in the mornings discover things discuss things digital works have distance have desitination have deadline have dialogue be direct be different be dedicated to my work dangerous daring dauntless decisive dependable determined diligent discreet dissatisfied domineering doubtful directed by externals dependent decisive devoted determined does what is necessary does what is convenient dutiful draw E eat eat bio food edit eject a disck be enthusiastic about new tasks educate enjoy my life evolve exchange ideas explain express erase emphasize edit editorial effort essay exercise

extension experiment experience be effective be easy be extreme be exact be ecofriendly have energy have emotions easygoing efficient embarrassed encouraging energetic enthusiastic exacting excited expert expansive F fascinate feel feel confortable feel the sun on my face fill pages find out fine arts fake focus folders front-page forms format disck fold follow rules frame pictures freelance finish projects be: free be fit flexible frustrated forward have: format friends favourites flip horizontaly flip vertacly follow the rabbit fight with stress facetious fair faithful fearless fidgety fierce finicky foolish fortunate formal frank friendly frustrated funny faith in life faith in oneself faith in others forgiving G generate get informations

get to the point go away google grab graduate garrulous generous gentle giving glamorous grateful goodwill grateful give freedom to others be: generous gifted graphic designer make: grid games gadgets goals graffiti use glyphs get use to the rain H hate rain handel hard-work hand out material help you hold on have hope be honest be hard happy harsh hopeful hospitable humble humorous do handbooks handwrite make handmade things make headlines have habits have harmony have homework have humour having other job

industrious innocent insipid insistant intelligent interested involved ignorant imaginativ ignores for obstacles be: impulsive individual independent ironic important impressed try to be ideal create an illusion install programs have ideas have imagination have input have impact have inspirations have intuition J join having other job jealous jovial K keen kind kepp standart have knowledge make keynote file know people control kerning

L label laugh learn learn dutch lead a group leave the country like link things together listen to you listen to the radio locate I look at you identify look beyond the illustrate randomness imagine love nature imitate love blue color import languid impress lazy improve lively increase logical influence lonely inform loquacious integrate loving interpret loyal intervene looking for social invert approval involve myself looking up irritate insists on own view sth lucky immature make things in the impatient last minute impolite make lists independent

make lette have: my o language long distan projects lunch with use laser be on line

M mail you make you manipulate mindmap mirrow mix modernize move thing move out multiply be:mad mobile modern motiveted do: mistak models motions manuals margins malicious mature moody motivated mysteriou do maps have motto have missi have meth have meta have mem have mess have a mee you use materi having stro muscles

N name notice thin be: natural noisy nervous nice normal make: new newspaper nonsense note naive noisy nothing not have ti eating having nig O obey observe order organize outline overwork obedient observant

ering own


h you

u believe e images

e gs

opinionated optimistic open-minded optimistic be: obvious open for new things online optimistic original outspoken make ornaments have my own opinion have opportunity use offset

P paint paste participate perceive permorm persuade place kes plan play present press preview print produce use programs d project s promote publish o push things forward ion be: passionate hod provocative aphors professional mories precise sage pragmatic eting with positive practical ials punctual ong make: page paiting paperbag paragraph path ngs pattern l photocopy picture postcard poster preparation wslatter progress r produce promotion programa be patience have: power preasure ime for a party a portfolio ghtmares a plot plants pandemonious peaceful picky pleasant polite positive precise proud puzzled

perfects positive practical punctual my priorities my problems use: paper paradox proportions paintbrush Q quick quiet quixotic question rules quit quote important people be: quick quiet do questionnaire do quiz have quality use question mark R react read realize my projects receive a present recognize recommended a good book reconstruct a story record recycle paper reduce reflect register myself reject remark remember remove repeat represent renovate render repair reply to your message reproduce respond relax rotate be: radical real reasonable rebellious rational refined rash reliable relieved religious respectful restless responsive risk-taking realistic reliable random rare make: raport ready-mades

rectangle research retrospective review rubbish run for long distances have my results my rules respect for others release presure take risk rhythm rotate objects S satisfy save say scale scan scribble search select send a email separate seat comfortable sew shift shock show slant skew sleep over sleep to deap have problems with sleeping slice bread self-confident socialize with people sort things speak specialize spray start smart sincere sociable solid stubborn safe scrupulous sarcastic satisfied scared secretive self-centered self-disciplined self-esteem, high secure sensitive serious skillful social independence supersticious suspiciouss studious strange strict sweet sympathetic systematic stretch

struggle with opponets summarize my life surprise stand in spot light sit still solve problems be: sad safe serious sharp significant silent simple skilled smart specific straightforward strategic stuck in my idea student stupid selfconfident symphatic systematic in work make:sentence series of work sit in th garden shapes story sketch snapshot screenshot spelling mistakes spread in InDesign square stamp stickers stroke in the object be stressed be stretched study all my life suggestions symbols have my settings in computer signature situations in life size soul have: my own story standards sketchbook my style subscription my surface symmetry synonym system of understanding system of communication use shortcurts use sissors support good ideas subscript strikethrough letters solving problems stay at home stay with you stay worm T talk take wote

take part in competition teach others taking things over concideratation tape letters tell the truth tell what I think think think about the content think about form think about environment touch things touch your heart transform objects in 3d translate travel train my skills try out things try to pass my exams make: triangel be: a tourist tipsy tired talented talkative tasteful tolerant trusting trustworthy tense terrified thoughtful towards others trusting thoughtful make: tags text boxes tests things timetable for myself typography give tips to other have: targets tasks to-do theory lesssons time topic toolbox use typewriter use tracking letters U underline unfold update upgrade upset others understand uncontrolled unfriendly unselfish upset useful do things unexpected be up-to-date be unhappy unique unusual useful

go to university V vertical scale verify datas view on the situation visit visualize your ideas be vital vintage have vacation my own value variation positive vibe my point of view vibration in my mobile various ideas make: lots of versions video voyage W watch news watch turtorials wait for my turn well read work together worry write be wide open wild warm warm-hearted weak willing work-oriented worried wise wrong make a wallparet web design web blog weekly plan woodwork workout in the gym write my thesis windows open make workshops use watercolours use nice words Z have zero money zoom in zoom out


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