Backround information about presidential debate 1995

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The Ongoing Performance Analyzing Polish Presidential Election debate, Kwaśniewski vs. Wałęsa from 1995

LECH WAŁĘSA First Polish Democratic President 1990-1995. Co-founder and leader of Solidarnosc (Solidarity) - independent trade union in Soviet Block, which lead Poland to overthrew communism as first in Europe. Human-right activist and Nobel Prize Winner, 1983. Participant of the Round Table, 1989.

Lech Wałęsa


The Ongoing Performance


This year, Poland celebrates 25 years anniversary of Democracy. Exactly on 4 June 1989, a famous Polish ac­ tress appeared on television to comment on the triumph of the underground Solidarity movement in the country’s first semi-free elections. She was visibly moved as she said: ‘La­dies and gentlemen, today in Poland Communism has end­ed.’ Indeed, Solidarity and the formed Round Table chiseled the first cracks in the Berlin Wall. But given the legacy of this unlikely success story, after more than two decades, Poles are still so adamant about claiming their place in the West - why? Is it because they feel a lack of confidence about their position? Or they refer to much to the past? Does this have something to do with those firts years of shaping the democracy? Changing from one political and economical system to another is never easy. Often firts years of democracy bring dissapointment- this is exactlly what happend to Poland. First 5 years was marked by political, economic and social changes. They were difficult to implement and their results were not to be seen very quickly. Having very high expectations, people started to get impatient and to blamed the government and par­ticularly President Lech Wałęsa (leader of the Solidarność movement, who led Poland to freedom) for their worst life situation. Both people and government were widely divid­ed – disappointment from the democratic system and the Wałęsa politics was growing.


Analyzing Polish Presidential Election Debate from 1995

Poles once again collectively saw themselves as victims of history – this time colonized by western capital­ ism. Unable to confront the present, they flee into the past. Under Soviet occupation and earlier in the parti­ tion era, Poles had created no deep-rooted structures for making their newly independent country autonomous and forward-thinking, and now have simply gotten lost in the transformation to capitalism. They’ve got nostalgic about communistic times and wanted to go back to it. Presidential election that had occurred in 1995 Poland was the second in the history of democratic Poland. This time Poles were not choosing between good and evil that means: Democracy or Communism. They needed to decide how Poland needs to grow and who could contribute better to the process of building their young democracy. This was even a harder choice. What made this election so specific? Both Lech Wałęsa and Aleksander Kwaśniewski were representatives of the past. Kwaśniewski, post member of communistic party, wanted to move on, focus on the future. He was denaying his earlier connections to Russia. Claiming that a lot of time was wasted, and Poland needed responsable and dynamic leader. Wałęsa on the other hand stated that, Poland should deal with the past first, close the chapter of Com­munism and people connected to it, in order to move fur­ther. To build strong foundations for the future. Their believes where contraditionary, but they represented devision in the society. Kwaśniewski created a image of himself as a man of the future and Wałęsa as a man of the past. Society needed to choose be­tween the past and the future.


The Ongoing Performance

Even though future had won and Kwaśniewski proved to be a good president. Poland till now, haven’t build up strong fundations and still deal with the communistic past as Wałesa foresaw. Beside that it was a first fully democratic elec­tions in the history of my country- but also this example in­itiated “Americanization” of political marketing techniques in Poland.

AMERICANIZATION Analyzing the campaign in 1995, it should be noted that the majority of the candidates decided to hire professionals from the field of electoral marketing, image creation, etc. (Bars electoral Hanna Gronkiewicz-Waltz and Lech Wałęsa used the services of experts who have dealt with the Conservatives during the election campaign in the UK in 1992, while Jacek Kuroń – Freedom Union Candidate - helped a director of the Institute of Philosophy and Soci­ ology, as well as television professionals). Rented Western political advertising agencies (at that time, there where no Polish agencies in that field) passed and presented on Pol­ ish ground Western key patterns of political marketing. In most cases it passed the exam – what proves presidential campaign of Aleksander Kwaśniewski used in 1995. Since that time we may notice an increase in pro­ fessionalization of political activities. This process, called of Americanization Polish election campaign, is associated with the subordination of all the objectives to election vic­ tory. Becomes necessary to use techniques and marketing methods, conducting surveys, and use media it in order to reach out voters. The division of voters according to spe­


Analyzing Polish Presidential Election Debate from 1995

cific characteristics – becomes a base for build up the im­ age of the candidate, and for planning and implementing electoral strategies. Candidates become aware of what their electorate needs. In subsequent, presidential campaigns used bet­ ter, more diverse marketing techniques and communi­cation within the organization, as a result - outside communication becomes better. Actions taken by the electoral staffs were also getting better and were coordinated in more efficent way. Politics and politicians have become a commodity and product – and had space to grow. From that point on, electoral campaigns could no longer have simple and classical form. The struggle for Polish presidency in 1995, proved that the use of political marketing in the campaign, can not only con­tribute to the victory, but also affect the growth of interest in the election itself. It also shown that knowledge of the methods and techniques is one thing, and the ability to use them is another. This disability is has proved to be very painful. In 1995, 13 candidates took a chance, but only two had a potential to win: Lech Wałęsa- the leader of “Solidarity” and leader of ruling the country for last two years SLD (Democratic Left Alliance Party) - Aleksander Kwasniewski (leading in almost all polls). The only unknown was whether they meet in the second round or does one of them win by majoryty of votes.


The Ongoing Performance

ELECTIONS CAMPAIGN OF PRESIDENT LECH WAŁĘSA Staff of Lech Wałęsa did not go beyond the cur­ rent standard actions in the field of political marketing, not noticing the changes in social mood that occurred after overthrowing the communism. This ­communication strategies leaned on “the legend of the President” and his fight against communism. “The are many candidates, but only one Lech Wałęsa” - sounded leading presidential campaign slogan. Political program was pushed to the back burner, while mer­its of Wałęsa fighting against the former regime were exposured in the first place. “Wałęsa knows the whole world” – was the other slogan pointing out his success in foreign policy, (we can not forget also about the removal of Russian troops from Poland). These two statements were his only real promotion. His achievements were often repeated by media and series of press conferences. Wałęsa was trying really hard to change his image, shaped by years of his presidency - a President, who is in a per­manent conflict against everyone and who has problems with expressing his thoughts in a correct Polish grammar. Moreover he was lacking the ability to work in a constructive and leading debilitating conflicts. During the campaign and the debate Wałesa sharply attacked Aleksander Kwaśniewski by reminding him the era of PRL (Peoples Republic of Poland). His staff launched a strongly negative campaign against the


Analyzing Polish Presidential Election Debate from 1995

Lech Walesa and other members of Solidarność Movement, enter Round table gathering. 1989 Poland becomes a democratic country.


The Ongoing Performance


Analyzing Polish Presidential Election Debate from 1995

Lech Walesa signing agreement on the strikefight for democracy. He sign documents with a big pen on which there was image of Polish Pope. - “Man of hope.�


The Ongoing Performance

Solidarność i Lech Wałęsa campaign, 1989


Analyzing Polish Presidential Election Debate from 1995

competitor – claiming that Kwaśniewski is a “Communist, and succes­sors of totalitarian methods used in regime”. For Kwaśniewski it was very important, who he would face in the second round. Lech Wałęsa was a perfect opponent for him. Therefore, Kwaśniewski’s office began to spread rumors, that Kwaśniewski can fight a battle and win it only with Wałęsa. Winning with such a symbol as Wałęsa would hugely enhance his victory. His crew prepared a cover of a newspaper, which showed two candidates to­gether with the caption: “Wałęsa: a can­didate nominated by Kwaśniewski”. And that, worked out good – media began to talk about Wałęsa, and that increased people’s support - the votes.


The Ongoing Performance


HIRING SPECIALIST The first thing Kwaśniewski did was hiring an experienced spe­cialist in political marketing – Jacques Segueld. “I will nev­er forget my first meeting with President Kwaśniewski” – Seguel mentioned in the movie “Wizards of high politics”. “When we met, he said: ‘I heard that you liked challenges? Let me tell you something: I’m young, and the Poles want to have a mature and experienced man as a president. I’m an atheist, and more than 90 % Poles are Roman Catholics. Basically, the Poles hate General Jaruzelski. And I was his minister of sport. Do you accept the challenge? ‘”.– He did, and Kwaśniewski won the election in 1995. Through this collaboration, the Poles saw rapid change in Kwaśniewski appearance. He lost weight, his blue eyes, smile and a suntan, were charming and won him the female electorate. Tabloids propagated recipe for presi­dential cabbage diet. Seguel also used natural predis­ position of “his” candidate, and created Kwaśniewski’s image of a man of state – to build his prestige required. Kwasniewski presented himself as a mature politician and reached to the imagination of different groups of voters.


Analyzing Polish Presidential Election Debate from 1995

BEYOND THE DIVISIONS One of the most important goals in the promotion strategy was blurring the historical divisions in society and to convince people that the candidate from the left wing party stands beyond it- so you can choose him and not his party. This is why his campaign leading slogan was: “Choose the future”, “Our future”. COLOR The dominant color of electoral materials was blue - a color, that has never been used in Poland by the left w ­ ing party before. Till now, Kwaśniewski as an ex-com­ munist is associated with the red color, when Wałęsa with blue, despite that Solidarność was using red. By choosing the blue color Kwaśniweski deliberately wanted to be pre­ served better. Blue color symbolize wisdom, loyalty, de­ pendability. SONG A pioneering approach to communicating with voters, can be seen through usage of disco-polo music (easy going, wedding and fest music). Top One band, specially pre­pared the campaign “anthem” – “Ole, Olek win” with the re­frain: “Ole, Olek win, Ole , Olek for president only you / Ole Olek today, Ole, Olek’s choice is the future and style”. On the video Kwasniewski was dancing to this music. In a short time, that song became a big hit and for a few weeks went up to the top of the charts “Disco Relax” on TV Polsat. “We wanted to modernize the campaign. I was 40 and I could af­ ford more at that time – including dancing. Disco-polo back them was a very popular genre, and we wanted to reach out to voters “– said A. Kwasniewski later in an interview.


The Ongoing Performance

BUS AND ROAD TRIPS Another brilliant point of his campaign was a bus called “Kwak”. With that bus Kwaśniewski had visited near­ ly 150 - mostly small - villages, where his arrival became a huge event. Visits were carefully prepared by local cells and bars SdRP. Before each meeting, candidate received a full report on local issues, which facilitated his conversa­ tions with voters. Itinerary the Polish provinces, where as researchs were suggesting – most stayed undecided. Research for those trips was based on the analysis of previ­ ous elections results. Basically, candidate drove only where SLD obtained good results and he wanted to increase them. BILLBOARDS The fact worth mentioning is that for the first time in the history of Polish election, campaign could use paid election ads in the TV and bilboards on behalf of electoral committees. Besides bilboards, Kwaśniewski had posters, cal­ endars, stickers and school agendas with his image and they were distributed during his visits and happenings. Kwaśniewski was presenting himself in sports sweatshirt with his hands in his pockets a la James Dean. Such steps have proven to be effective. It happened, due to social desire to entrust power in pragmatic politician, with conciliation and more­over someone effective and representative. Exactly that picture Kwaśniewski was creating during the campaign and debate. PEOPLE’s BLINDNESS Obviously, during the campaigne new information came out about the candidates. In case of Kwaśniewski it was deception concerning his education - namely, he had


Analyzing Polish Presidential Election Debate from 1995

no higher education, that he claimed he had. He was also suspected to be a Russian spy. Unfortunately for Wałęsa, there was not enough evidence to prove it (or the trial was set up). However, it turned out, that in an atmosphere of strong po­larization of society making any accusation does not really matter, because all the allegations were regarded as a man­ifestation of negative campaigning. FAMILY As another example for “Americanization” was ap­pearance of the future First Lady. Softly involved in the campaign Jolanta Kwaśniewska showed, how candidates can gain thanks to pretty and smart partners.


The Ongoing Performance

Aleksander Kwasniewski and his wife, waving in parliament.


Analyzing Polish Presidential Election Debate from 1995

“Ole, Olek, for president only you. Let's choose our future, and acting. Media aren't supporting me. Church repeatedly said that everything else instead of me. Some special movements was created in order to scared people from my person. But, people wants me, they want to choose me! (applause) I am ready to apologize more than hundred times for all what happened in the past, but also a hundred times I would like to ask you let's go further. Let's choose future.� text from the ad


The Ongoing Performance

“Let’s choose future”

“Kwak”, campaign bus


Analyzing Polish Presidential Election Debate from 1995

Snapshots from his TV advert for presidential campaign of Aleksander Kwaśniewski 1995, with disco-polo music


The Ongoing Performance


Analyzing Polish Presidential Election Debate from 1995




The Ongoing Performance


Analyzing Polish Presidential Election Debate from 1995

Kwasniewski replied calmly: "Wałęsa is a man of the past. So many times referred to the "Tribune of the People", the Communists, he showed that without this he can not live. I want to go forward. " As a answer to a journalist Wałęsa was seething with anger: "And all the computers will prove to you- Sir that you are not right, but you say no, just because. I speak the sacred words to you Sir, and you Sir says my cow ". Kwaśniewski has set himself as a "man of the future," Wałęsa said that he "can not be without regard to the past to build the future." All those words, and behavior contributed to Wałęsa loss. Audience saw the rough, badly dressed Wałęsa and self-possessed, well-dressed Kwaśniewski, principle of contrast felt to the detriment of Wałęsa.

__WEB ______________________ARTICLES 1. Political marketing in Poland http://www.marketingpolityczny. org/amerykanska-teoria-i-polska-praktyka/#.U4CY2pSSyDj 2. Poland in the debate,1, ______________________VIDEO 1. Advertisement of Aleksander Kwaśniewski, 1995, watch?v=Z0jLTqdoCn4 2. Fragment of presidential debate Kwaśniewski- Wałęsa watch?v=aDSdyAifN08 ___BOOK 1. Antoni Dudek, “Pierwsze lata III Rzeczypospolitej 1989- 2001”, Arkana Historii, wydawnictwo Arkana


The Ongoing Performance


Analyzing Polish Presidential Election Debate from 1995

Lech Wałęsa from the felt and Aleksander Kwaśniewski from the right side.


The Ongoing Performance


Analyzing Polish Presidential Election Debate from 1995


The Ongoing Performance

In the fragment that is available online - we see more Wałęsa than Kwaśniewski. Wałęsa has underestimated his opponent, he wasn’t prepared. “The television crew was against me, I did not know that the cameras are turned on” - explains the years Walesa. He admits: “Everything in my life owed to ​​work, and there was fight for position - that, what I can’t.”


Analyzing Polish Presidential Election Debate from 1995


The Ongoing Performance

Snapshots from debate. Kwaśniewski is on the left.


Analyzing Polish Presidential Election Debate from 1995


The Ongoing Performance

Shaking hands after finished debate.


Analyzing Polish Presidential Election Debate from 1995

Aleksander Kwaśniewski - “Let’s choose future”


The Ongoing Performance

This debate was my first political experience.

Gabriela Baka Thesis

In the age of 10 at school I was asked which candidate I'm supporting. Even children, were conscious about importance of that elections.

Design Academy Eindhoven Master Program Department of Information Design

ALEKSANDER KWAŚNIEWSKI Polish politician. Kwaśniewski was second democratically elected president in 1995, defeating Lech Wałęsa in analised debate. He was re-elected in 2000 in a decisive 1rst round victory. In the 1980s he was a Minister of Sport (communist government). After the fall of communism he became the leader of the Left-wing Social Democracy.


The Ongoing Performance

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