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Undergraduate research thesis

Rethinking Adaptive Reuse: A study of heritage resorts.

Case studies: Sterling Resorts, Swamimalai, Kumbakonam Hotel de l’orient, Pondicherry Tamil Nadu.

By Balaji Mohan Rajkumar Guided by Prof. A. Srivathsan

An Undergraduate Research Thesis Towards the Degree of Bachelor of Architecture, Faculty ofArchitecture, CEPT University, Ahmedabad, Gujarat, India 2007

Research question

Prologue Adaptive reuse is not a new concept that is being implemented in the architectural profession. Many interventions take place in buildings merely extending their use, without being directlyclaimedasadaptivereuse and many examples arespecifically described as a typical reuseproject. Hundreds of heritagebuildings and precincts have beengiventhis “new life� around the globe. Standing at the intersection of historic preservation, varying user needs and sustainable development, adaptive reuse is probably the best option for finding newlifeforold.Itcanbeagreeduponthatitis probablythemostsuccessfulmethod whichhasbeenfollowed inhistory andatpresenttimes, it is a common method notonlyto retain heritage properties, but also to sustain them. Although it makes sense to reinvent rather thandemolish, there areoftenquestionsraisedregarding theadaptability,thereuse asaprocess,andmorespecificallythemannerandmethodinwhichithasbeencarriedout. It is no longer a question of whether, but a question of how, significant places will be conserved and reused. The intention of the designer and his architectural decisions are oftenpropoundedinsuchadeclaration. In the case of heritage buildings being reused, the aura of the existing building provides a unique experience for the user. In the case of heritage resorts, this aspect is sometimes intentionally enhanced invariouswaysand thedesigner has to deal withconservationand the creationorenhancementofathematicexperience.Certainprojectsareclaimedtohave more emphasis on historicity, heritage value, and conservation (conservation oriented). Whileothersarecelebratedtohaveauniquethematicexperience,theconservationnorms are superficially followed and the experience given to the user seems to be the primary concern(theme oriented). In such projects theidea of authenticity has been central toboth the praise and criticism.Theprojectsthat are functional as a resort but low onauthenticity are criticized, while others are made proud. Certain aspects like identity, tradition, and continuity that are dealt within such projects are celebrated while others like alterations leading to mere spectacle are criticized and categorized as purely thematic. Such claims formthetwopolesunderwhichheritageresortsareeithercelebratedorcriticized . Though the success of the project ultimately depends on the user satisfaction design is consequently nolongerseenasameresatisfactionofneedanditstechnicalandeconomic resolution. It involves an intellectual dimension which goes beyond the user requirement. Hencetheneedofaframeworkthatcanaidbothasacriticalandagenerativetool. Before we deal withsuchissuesinanadaptivereuseproject,it is imperative to understand the process ingeneralandunderstandwhythemethod is often recommended.Thisthesis looks into adaptive reuse a s a partofanintegratedapproach toheritageconservationand howitisanopportunityforbalancingdevelopmentandconservation. After establishing the importance of adaptive reuse, the study focuses on the design process and the attributes that go withit.Itfurtherinquiresintothetwoapproachesoftheclaim,andtheinferencesare developedinto ananalyticalframework,whichislaterappliedtotwoexamplestocometoa conclusionregardingtheissue. Main topics covered: Understanding the phenomenon of adaptive reuse and the factors that influence a designer to take decisions in such a project. Evolution of the framework, which is further applied on two case studies to serve both as a demonstration and validation.




Aim and Scope Aimsandobjectives To study the phenomenon of adaptive reuseofheritagebuildings,inparticular, thereuseofbuildingsleadingtoresorthotels. The studylooksatdesignprocessesusedinvariousprojectsandtriestoevolve aframeworktocriticallyreviewadaptivereuseprojects. Based on the above frame work a matrix or a set of parameters are evolved. These parameters act as operative criteria to understand and evaluate such adaptivereuseprojects. The frame workandthematrixcouldbecomebothcriticalandagenerativetool, andalsobelaterexpandedorreproduced. Scopeandlimitations Even though there are a number of reuse projects in India, only some have been chosen for this study. It focuses only on heritage resorts and the case studiesarerestrictedtoTamilNaduandSriLanka. The topic of this research may overlap with various other disciplines, such as management, planning, and tourism. However, this study is restricted only to thearchitecturalaspects. The boundaries between the categories or parameters used are drawn for convenience of analysis. In reality, there may not be such a categorical distinctionandveryoften theycouldoverlap. Methodology To beginwith,thereisageneraldiscussiononadaptivereuseandhowitisused inheritagebuildings. The second part discusses different attributes pertaining to decisions made in such projects. These attributes are further categorized and a matrix or frameworkisevolved. The final part uses the matrix to critically analyse two adaptive reuse projects varyinginsizeandscale.Thisistoservebothasdemonstrationandvalidation.



Contents CHAPTER 1 Overview on Adaptive Reuse Introduction What isadaptivereuse? Whyheritageresorts? Heritageandadaptivereuse Benefitsofadaptivelyreusingheritagebuildings Environmental Economic Social Promoting innovation Classification Theprocess Attributesandprerequisitestothedesignprocessinanadaptivereuseproject

1 2 3 5 6 8

11 13 14

Choosingbuildingforreuse Spatialobligations Incorporationof infrastructure Aestheticissues Chaptersummary Theissue Themethod

17 18 21

CHAPTER 2 The Debate



ImportanceofHeritage Heritagevalue Heritageprecincts Whyconserve? NuancesofConservation Preservationanddeterioration Preservationofstructuralfabric Restoration Rehabilitation Economicandsocialbenefitsofheritageproperty Whattosave?

24 25 26 27 29


ImportanceofTheme Themebasedprojects Functionalrequirements Servicesstructure Economicaspects Theme–“Heritage”

33 33 35 36 37 38


Tourism What makesahistoric propertyatouristdestination? What do thetouristswant? Heritageandtourism

39 41 41 42

31 32



TheOldvs.TheUse TheMake-believe environment Whatcanbelearntfromsuchspectaclearchitecture? Context andcontinuity Traditionandidentity Inventtradition

43 45 47 48 50 50


HeritageandAuthenticity Howdoesitfailtoprotectheritagevalue? Theevocativenew

52 52 53


EvolutionofFrameworkforAnalysis Frameworkiftheprojectsarepredominantlyheritageoriented Frameworkiftheprojectsarepredominantlythemebased. Architectural features Locationand setting Formanddesign Useandfunction Essence/intangibleaspects Materials Traditionsandtechniques OverallFramework

54 55 55 56

CHAPTER 3 The Demonstration



HotelDel'Orient, Pondicherry. Locationandsetting Formanddesign Architecturalfeatures Traditionsand techniques Useandfunction Essence/intangibleaspects

63 64 65 71 77 78 81

SterlingResorts, Swamimalai. Locationandsetting Formanddesign Architecturalfeatures Traditionsand techniques Useandfunction Essence/intangibleaspects

83 84 89 90 95 98 101



CHAPTER 4 Conclusion










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