Diversity Report 2015

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DIVERSITY REPORT 2015 Propelling Diversity Forward to Achieve Excellence


Balch & Bingham is committed to maintaining a diverse and inclusive workplace for all. We understand that achieving greater diversity is essential to delivering excellent service to our clients. We are dedicated to providing a work environment where people of all backgrounds, ages, colors, genders, races, national origins, religions, sexual orientations or disabilities, are valued for their perspectives, skills and talent. DIVERSITY COMMITTEE MISSION STATEMENT


A LETTER FROM THE BALCH DIVERSITY CHAIR The new year provides Balch with an opportunity to reflect on our commitment to diversity and inclusion as we pave the way for a successful 2016. During 2015, the firm celebrated many great successes, including hosting our inaugural diversity summit, “Diversity Dialogue in the Changing Workplace;” participating in the commemoration of the Selma to Montgomery Voting Rights March; organizing the fifth annual Susan B. Livingston Boot Camp for Success – attended by more than 40 students; and celebrating many other initiatives.

DIVERSITY COMMITTEE MEMBERS Leslie Allen Matthew Ames Lisa Arrington Steven Burns Tashwanda Pinchback Dixon

Moving forward, I believe it is critical to continue the firm’s efforts in partnering with our clients with respect to diversity initiatives. We greatly appreciate their participation in our efforts and we are proud to support theirs. In addition, I anticipate an increased focus on inclusion efforts to ensure that our firm continues to be a place where differences are valued.

Mike Edwards

Beginning in 2016, I am pleased to announce that KELLY F. PATE, partner in our Montgomery office and member of the Labor & Employment and Litigation Sections, will join me as the co-chair of the Diversity Committee. Kelly’s insight and passion for supporting diversity in our profession will greatly benefit our committee and the firm.

Peter LeJeune

As always, we welcome your feedback. Please email me at dkauffman@balch.com. Warmest regards,

Max Galiana Doug Kauffman David Miceli Jenelle R. McGraw Kelly Pate Riley Roby Mary Forman Samuels Barrie Wilson

Doug Kauffman Chair of Diversity



We are proud of our work in 2015, which yielded many community partnerships, firm-hosted events and a steadfast commitment to building a more diverse legal community. Please find below our highlights.



»» Balch Joins the Magic City Bar Association in Celebrating 30 Years of Existence

»» Balch Joins the Nation in Commemorating the Selma to Montgomery Voting Rights March

»» Balch Partners, Conrad Anderson IV and Chad A. Pilcher, Proudly Serve in Leadership Roles to Help Support Alabama Classic Foundation

»» Balch Associate Tashwanda Pinchback Dixon Returns to Alma Mater to Honor Vanderbilt Law School’s First African-American Students at Inaugural BLSA Alumni Event

»» Susan B. Livingston Honored Posthumously by the Birmingham Bar Association with the Nina Miglionico “Paving the Way” Leadership Award »» Famed American Sports Historian and Author, Keith Dunnavant, Addresses Balch’s Black History Month Luncheon

»» Alabama Diversity Council’s Alabama Women in Leadership Symposium Educates Balch Staff and Attorneys on the Power of Women in the Workplace »» Momentum Women’s Breakfast in Honor of Women’s History Month »» Balch Celebrates the University of Alabama’s 14th Annual BLSA Scholarship Banquet

Bryan Stevenson, equal justice initiative director, speaking at the Heroes Breakfast in Montgomery, Ala., on Wednesday, March 25.


Birmingham office members Kathy Collier, Susan Nettles Han, Lisa Arrington and Jenelle Evans McGraw.

Tashwanda Pinchback Dixon, associate in Balch’s Atlanta office and member of the firm’s Labor & Employment and Litigation Sections, at Vanderbilt Law School’s BLSA Alumni event.

Judge Carlton Reeves and Armin J. Moeller, Jr., partner in the firm’s Jackson office and member of the Labor & Employment Section. Balch attorneys and clients at Serenbe Farms cooking an organic dinner.


FALL 2015

»» Kimberly Bell Named to the National Black Lawyers’ Top 40 Under 40 Organization

»» Balch’s Montgomery Office Proudly Hosts and Celebrates Judge Gordon A. Martin, Jr., with the Mississippi Center for Justice

»» Minority Pre-Law Conference, an organization that Balch Associate Lee Johnsey is an active member of, Educates Alabama Students About Civil and Criminal Justice System

»» Birmingham Business Journal’s Fifth Annual Women’s Summit Empowers Women with Tools for Success

»» Atlanta Female Attorneys Combine Women’s Initiative Event with Marketing for “Plot to Plate” Event »» Diversity Dialogue in the Changing Workplace »» Balch Hosts Fifth Annual Susan B. Livingston Boot Camp for Success

»» Women’s Co-Mentoring Program Kick-Off Event Focuses on Women and Wealth »» The Women’s Fund of Greater Birmingham Smart Party »» Balch Celebrates Diversity at Montgomery Area Chamber of Commerce’s Diversity Summit »» The Future of Workplace Inclusion: LGBT Equality

2015 Susan B. Livingston Boot Camp for Success attendees.

»» Balch Honors Montgomery Bus Boycott and Civil Rights Movement

Jonathan Porter, vice president of Human Resources and Ethics at Alabama Power, is joined by a panel of Alabama-based human resources leaders.


“It was an unforgettable experience and opportunity to celebrate such a momentous historical event that impacted not only our city, but state, nation and world as well.” RILEY ROBY, PARTNER IN THE FIRM’S MONTGOMERY OFFICE AND MEMBER OF THE REAL ESTATE, LENDING AND COMMERCIAL PRACTICE GROUP




In a special program honoring the 60th Anniversary of the Montgomery Bus Boycott, Balch proudly supported the National Bar Association, the oldest and largest association of black lawyers, judges and law students in the United States, and the Tuskegee Human & Civil Rights Multicultural Center’s joint event, “The Role Lawyers Played in the Montgomery Bus Boycott and Civil Rights Movement.” Taking place on Nov. 30 and Dec. 1, 2015, the two-day program included the re-enactment of the arrest of Rosa Parks and the unveiling of a historic marker marking the place of her arrest; a tour of the Tuskegee History Center; a public event at Dexter Avenue King Memorial Baptist Church; and a two-hour CLE seminar hosted by the Alabama Lawyers Association at Alabama State University.

In March, Balch was a proud sponsor of the “Dream Marches On” events, commemorating the Selma to Montgomery Voting Rights March. “Dream Marches On” events included several activities such as the Montgomery Gala & Concert featuring Grammy-award-winning Patti LaBelle to honor the Selma to Montgomery Voting Rights March, the Heroes Breakfast and the 50th anniversary of Bloody Sunday. Balch attorneys and staff enjoyed participating in several of the events and learning about this historical movement’s impact on our nation.

Distinguished speakers, among many distinguished professionals, included: • Former Secretary of State Hilary Clinton • Fred Gray, Sr., civil rights attorney who represented Rosa Parks • Benjamin L. Crump, 2015 president of the National Bar Association and civil rights attorney

“It was a great honor and privilege to support the ‘Dream Marches On’ events in Montgomery and Selma,” said RILEY ROBY, partner in the firm’s Montgomery office and member of the Real Estate, Lending and Commercial Practice Group. “Dream Marches On” was hosted by the City of Montgomery, Montgomery Area Chamber of Commerce Convention and Visitor Bureau, City of Selma, Selma-Dallas County Tourism and Selma to Montgomery National Historic Trail.

• Paulette Brown, 2015 American Bar Association president (Brown is the first African-American female to serve in this leadership position.) • The Hon. U. W. Clemon, former Chief Judge for the Northern District of Alabama


“Our plan for the Women’s Co-Mentoring Program is to provide networking opportunities for our women attorneys and their clients, and to present speakers on topics of interest to members of the program.” LESLIE GARRETT ALLEN, PARTNER IN THE FIRM’S BIRMINGHAM OFFICE AND MEMBER OF THE ENERGY PRACTICE GROUP



"For somebody who doesn't have any lawyers

This summer, Balch hosted its fifth annual Susan B. Livingston Boot Camp for Success in our Birmingham office with a goal to promote diversity in the legal profession by supporting future attorneys from diverse and underrepresented backgrounds starting from the beginning of their careers. The program is named in honor of the late Susan B. Livingston, former Balch partner and chair of the diversity committee, who kicked off the program in 2011 with approximately 20 law students from Cumberland School of Law. The program has now grown to include students from 12 different law schools across Balch’s footprint, including: Cumberland School of Law, Emory University, Georgia State University, Mercer University, the University of Alabama, University of Florida and Vanderbilt University.

school - this has been a great experience

The seminar, led by Balch attorneys, corporate leaders and other accomplished attorneys from a wide variety of backgrounds and career paths included candid presentations, panel discussions and small-group roundtable discussions led by seasoned attorneys who offered their perspectives on how students can succeed academically and professionally. Other sessions included a mock law class, tips on how to study and succeed during the first year of law school, and a session that featured experienced attorneys sharing advice about the job search process, specifically focused on developing interview skills and avoiding common missteps.

in the family - no one who has been to law for me to ask questions, to be able to hear questions of my peers and to get ideas of what to do and what not to do, especially in this first year." C.J. DONALD, SUSAN B. LIVINGSTON BOOT CAMP FOR SUCCESS ATTENDEE

"I think Boot Camp has been really valuable to just give you an inside of what it takes to work at a big firm ... how to get that first interview and put yourself out there as a law student and distinguish yourself, and get that first job." KRISTEN WILSON, SUSAN B. LIVINGSTON BOOT CAMP FOR SUCCESS ATTENDEE


“Our diversity summit provided an opportunity for our firm and our peers to thoughtfully discuss the importance of diversity and inclusion, its effect on businesses’ bottom lines and the legality behind messaging and initiatives.” TASHWANDA PINCHBACK DIXON, ASSOCIATE IN THE FIRM’S ATLANTA OFFICE AND MEMBER OF THE LABOR & EMPLOYMENT AND LITIGATION SECTIONS




On June 19, 2015, Balch hosted its inaugural diversity summit, “Diversity Dialogue in the Changing Workplace.” The summit included three sessions that provided thoughtful conversations surrounding diversity and inclusion in the workplace, with stimulating discussions following each panel.

Human Rights Campaign (HRC)’s Alabama chapter joined forces with well-respected corporations across the region, including Balch, to convene for its first-ever summit discussing the business case for LGBT inclusion in Alabama workplaces. Through featured speakers, panel discussions, and breakout sessions, the November 12 gathering allowed private sector leaders the opportunity to discuss LGBT-friendly workplace policies and practices that can help companies better attract and retain the nation’s best talent and remain competitive in an increasingly global marketplace. A recent HRC survey discussing LGBT Alabamians found that nearly 40 percent of respondents have experienced harassment at work, and 25 percent have experienced employment discrimination. We are proud to stand alongside others in our community who supported the event including, BBVA Compass, Ameriprise Financial Inc., Books-A-Million, Alabama Power, HealthSouth and Protective Life Insurance Company. Collectively, these companies have more than 10,000 employees across ten cities throughout Alabama.

THE FIRST SESSION featured a discussion entitled “How Organizations are Now Approaching Diversity and Inclusion” led by panelists Lajuana Bradford, senior vice president, director of corporate diversity and public affairs at Regions Financial Corporation; Dr. Conrado Marion-Landais, Ph.D., member of Georgia Power’s Diversity and Inclusion organization; and Dr. Overtoun Jenda, associate provost for diversity and multicultural affairs at Auburn University. Tashwanda Pinchback Dixon, associate in the firm’s Atlanta office and member of the Labor & Employment and Litigation Sections, served as a moderator. THE SECOND SESSION was led by Dr. Charles Carson, associate dean of Brock School of Business at Samford University. A two-time recipient of the Brock School of Business’ Outstanding Scholarship Award, Dr. Carson has published more than 25 peer-reviewed articles in academic journals. Several of his articles have been published in leading academic journals such as Educational and Psychological Measurement, Management Decision, Journal of Managerial Issues and Human Performance. Dr. Carson discussed how diversity impacts a business’s bottom line in his discussion entitled “Providing the Bottom Line Business Case for Diversity.” THE FINAL SESSION, “Keeping Diversity Messaging and Initiatives Legal,” was led by DOUG KAUFFMAN and KELLY PATE.


Q&A WITH KELLY PATE KELLY PATE, partner in the firm’s

Montgomery office and member of the Labor & Employment and Litigation Sections, will join Doug Kauffman as the co-chair of the Diversity Committee in 2016. 12



Investing in it. Tangible investments in diversity and inclusion not just because it is the right thing to do, but because it is a good business decision yield better returns. Businesses that incorporate this strategy seem better able to attract, cultivate and retain diverse leaders. For example, businesses may enter customer markets that are diverse or recruit from geographically diverse areas. Those positive actions may help create a culture that promotes the development of diverse leaders.

According to the Alabama bar president, the state bar is 70% male and 92% Caucasian and most of the state’s lawyers began practicing in the 2000s. Continued efforts to support and encourage diversity and inclusion are necessary in our profession at large. Our lawyers are engaged throughout the state and the nation in professional organizations. We have the opportunity to recruit and cultivate our own diverse leaders and set an example for the profession.

Q: WHAT ARE YOUR GOALS FOR THE DIVERSITY COMMITTEE IN 2016? I am looking forward to continued efforts internally and externally to create, maintain, and strengthen a diverse and inclusive workplace in our firm and our profession. Fulfilling our commitment to this mission means more than having an eloquent statement, it means that we must work hard to live it in demonstrable ways each day with our partners, associates, and staff, with our industry colleagues, with our clients, and within our communities. Our profession and our clients are better served when we value and encourage diversity.


COMING IN 2016 BALCH AND SOUTHERN COMPANY PARTNER TO OFFER JOINT SUMMER CLERKSHIP During the summer of 2016, Balch and the Southern Company will offer a joint clerkship to one qualified student. Students from Balch’s 2015 Susan B. Livingston Boot Camp for Success class will have the first opportunity to apply, followed by an open admission process for applicants outside of the 2015 Boot Camp class. The student chosen for this opportunity will spend six weeks as a law clerk with Balch followed by three weeks working in-house within the legal department of the Southern Company. Interested students should send an up-to-date resume and cover letter to BARRIE WILSON at bwilson@balch.com with the subject line of email entitled “Balch/Southern Company Clerkship.”

Balch & Bingham looks forward to 2016 with a continued dedication to our colleagues, clients and communities.

WOMEN’S CO-MENTORING PROGRAM ENCOURAGES MENTORSHIP AMONG BALCH FEMALE ATTORNEYS AND STAFF A key program for Balch’s women attorneys is the firm’s Co-Mentoring Program. The program has mentored more than 54 women since its start in 2012, providing networking opportunities and support for women attorneys in the firm. The program pairs seasoned attorneys with new attorneys to generate positive mentoring relationships that benefit all involved. In 2016, the program will combine small group and seminar meetings. Every other month, small groups of 7-8 participants will meet for lunch or dinner to discuss relevant issues and share their experiences and advice. During alternate months, the program will meet as a larger group to hear speakers and discuss topics as a collective group.

No representation is made that the quality of the legal services to be performed is greater than the quality of legal services performed by other lawyers. Copyright © 2015 Balch & Bingham LLP

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