Baldwins 2016 Summer Fixed Price List (full)

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“One of the Most Important Numismatic Events of the Summer….” A H Baldwin & Sons Ltd take great pleasure in welcoming you to the latest instalment of our Fixed Price List series, and would like to take this opportunity to wish you all a healthy summer season for 2016! The first half of 2016 has seen an amazing turn-out at our January auctions in New York, as well as huge numbers (both in attendance and prices realised) in Hong Kong in April. May saw one of the most successful auctions Baldwin’s has ever held with realisations totalling over £1.8 million, including a new world record for a British Penny sold at auction when the Lavrillier Pattern Penny from 1933 sold for £72,000 (and was heavily covered in the national and international press). Proving that the market for good quality rare coins is as strong (if not stronger) than it ever has been. Our position in the world of numismatics has enabled Baldwin’s to amass this Fixed Price List, with this catalogue representing our largest selection ever offered in these pages – almost 1200 (many unique) items, including these wonderful highlights: Greek: An Attractive Tarentum Stater, ex Vlasto & Romeau Collections (AG001) A Beautiful Syracuse Gold 100 Litrai (AG007) and An Attractive Siculo-Punic Tetradrachm (AG008) A Superb & Extremely Rare Gold Stater of Lysimachos (AG011) A Neapolis Stater of Excellent Style (AG012) and A Very Rare Electrum Stater of Kyzikos (AG040) Two Attractive Persian Gold Darics (AG060, AG061) Roman: Two lifetime Julius Caesar Silver Portraits (AR021, AR022) An Attractive Gold Aureus of Cestius & Norbanus (AR024) and An Exceptional Sextus Pompey Silver Denarius (AR028) A Superb Silver Denarius of Nero & Agrippina Jnr. (AR043) and An Exceptionally Rare Gold Aureus of Vespasian (AR048) A Beautiful Gold Aureus of Hadrian (AR049) and a Magnificent Gold Aureus of Caracalla (AR056) An Excellent Run of Later Roman Gold Solidi Byzantine: An Exceptional Thessalonika Mint Gold Solidus of Justinianus I (BY009) A Choice Carthage Mint Solidus of Maurice Tiberius (BY013) and An Excellent Portrait of Christ (BY027) A Very Rare Follis of the Usurper Nicephorus Basilacius (BY033) Anglo-Saxon, Anglo-Gallic: Very Rare Kings of Mercia Pennies with great Provenances Two Extremely Rare Orsnaforda type Viking Pennies Rare selection of Aethelstan portrait Pennies from the mints of Canterbury, London, Oxford, Wallingford Extremely Rare Canterbury mint Benediction hand Type Penny & Watchet mint Penny from Aethelred II Very Rare Edward the Black Prince Guyennois d’Or struck in Bordeaux & Henry VI Angelot d’Or Ancient British, English: Edward III Gold Nobles, Half-Nobles & Quarter-Nobles & three Very Rare Richard II Gold Nobles A selection of Gold Angels, including eight Very Rare Issues Very Rare Elizabeth I Silver Testern with a provenance dating back to 1959 Very Rare “La Rochelle” Expedition Halfcrown-size Pattern for King Charles I King George III Proof Guinea 1774 & two Proof Half-Guineas 1787, one graded PF65 ULTRA CAMEO Proof Half-Sovereigns: 1817 graded PR64 DEEP CAMEO & 1826 graded PF63 CAMEO Two Examples of the Seldom Seen William IV Gold Sovereign of 1836 with Extra N in Shield William IV Proof Crown of 1826 & Highly Unusual Mule on 1831 Proof or Pattern Crown 1831 Victoria “Ansell” Gold Sovereign 1859, Rare “die 827” Sovereign 1863 & Very Rare 1860/59 Penny Extremely Rare Queen Elizabeth II Satin Finish Specimen Sovereigns & VIP Sets & Proofs Scottish, Irish: Scottish Gold Coins, including Mary Queen of Scots Extremely Rare 1555 Gold Portrait Ryal & 1553 Gold Forty-Four Shillings Two Rare Charles I Gold Units with James VI Portrait A Collection of Scottish Tradesman Countermarks on Silver & Copper Coins Hiberno-Norse, Sihtric Anlaffsson Silver Pennies Extremely Rare Cork Mint Edward I Penny & Halfpenny Rare Charles II Armstrong Pattern Farthing & Silver Proof Halfpenny, 1681 Very Rare James II Silver Proof Gunmoney Shilling & Silver Proof Halfpenny Numismatic Literature A complete set of Dumbarton Oaks on Byzantine Coins (NB004) An original copy of Dattari on Roman Alexandria (NB012) A fine copy of Kraay & Hirmer’s classic ‘Greek Coins’ (NB023) Original sets of SNG Copenhagen & Von Aulock (NB040 & NB041) If you can’t quite find what you are looking for here, remember to check our stock listings online, where you can register to receive alerts when new items are uploaded to the website. You can also sign up to follow us on Twitter (@BaldwinsCoins) and Facebook ( to get all the latest news. Please contact us if you have any questions regarding any of the coins featured here, or wish to make an appointment to see us (opening hours Monday to Friday, 9.30am to 5pm). We welcome your comments and can entertain enquiries most easily by email at:

Fixed Price List Summer 2016

All are orders subject to a minimum £7 postage and insurance charge

ANCIENT COINS GREEK An Attractive Tarentum Stater

AG001 Calabria, Tarentum (c.385-380 B.C.), Silver Stater. Naked youth on horseback right, raising his right hand to crown the horse, rev TAPAΣ, Phalanthos riding a dolphin left, resting his hands on the back of the dolphin, 7.86g, 6h (Fischer-Bossert 446a (V194/R340) = Vlasto 350 (this coin); SNG ANS 890 (these dies); Jameson 114 (these dies); HN Italy 880). Beautiful dark old cabinet tone, slight die wear, attractive style and good very fine. £3,500 Ex Camerata Romeau Collection Ex Vlasto Collection 350 From the Ionian Shore Hoard of 1908 (IGCH 1916)

AG002 Lucania, Herakleia (c.281-278 B.C.), Silver Stater, magistrate Philo…. Head of Athena facing, inclined slightly to the right, wearing a triple-crested Attic helmet adorned with Skylla throwing a rock, a monogram on left, rev HPAKΛEIΩN, Herakles standing facing, holding a club and a bow and arrow, a lion’s skin draped over his left arm, Nike flying above to crown him, HA on lower left, ΦIΛΩ, on right, 7.75g, 12h (Van Keuren 92; HN Italy 1390). Light smoothing in obverse field, bright surfaces, nearly extremely fine. £1,600

AG003 Lucania, Metapontum (early to mid 3rd century B.C.), AE 17mm, bust of Athena facing, inclined to the right, wearing a triple-crested helmet and a necklace, rev META, barley-ear, cross-torch to right, 4.46g, 12h (Johnston, ‘The Bronze Coinage of Metapontum’, in Kraay-Mørkholm Essays, p. 128, 46; HN Italy 1682; SNG Copenhagen 1251). Beautiful dark green-brown patina, sharply struck and extremely fine. £700

AG004 Lucania, Thurium (c.443-400 BC), Silver Stater. Head of Athena right, wearing a crested Attic helmet decorated with a wreath, rev [Θ]OYPIΩN, bull walking right, a fish in exergue, 7.94g, 9h (SNG ANS 903 (same dies); HN Italy 1775). A little off centre and light crack in flan, attractive cabinet tone, extremely fine. £1,300 Ex Dr E O and Mrs F M Halliwell Collection of Ancient and English Coins, Baldwin’s Auction 68, 23 September 2010, lot 3371

AG005 Sicily, Akragas, Punic Occupation (213-211 B.C.), Silver Quarter Shekel. Wreathed head of Triptolemos facing right, rev horse right; Punic ḤT below, 1.59g, 8h (Walker, Group II, 2nd series, dies XII/16; Burnett, Enna -). Toned, very fine. £220

AG006 Sicily, Leontinoi (c.450-440 B.C.), Silver Tetradrachm. Laureate head of Apollo facing right, rev LEO-NTI-NO-N, head of a roaring lion facing right, with tongue protruding, four barley-grains around, 17.27g, 10h (Boehringer, Münzgeschichte, 38; SNG ANS 228 (these dies); Rizzo pl. XXIII, 2; SNG Lloyd 1053). Broad flan, toned, good very fine. £2,950 Ex Leonidion Collection, Ponterio 151, 12 November 2009, lot 8018

A Beautiful Syracuse Gold 100 Litrai

AG007 Sicily, Syracuse, Agathokles (317-289 B.C.), Gold 100 Litrai (Double Dekadrachm). Struck c.304289 B.C. Head of Athena facing right, wearing a crested Corinthian helmet decorated with a griffin, and a necklace, rev AΓAΘOKΛEOΣ / [B]AΣIΛEOΣ / T, winged thunderbolt, 5.69g, 1h (Bérend ‘De l’or d’Agothocle’, in Studies to Price, D1/R3; de Luynes 133 (these dies); Gulbenkian 339 (this reverse die)). Light toning over lustre, extremely fine. £16,000 Ex Dr Lawrence A. Adams Collection

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Siculo-Punic Tetradrachm of Attractive Style

AG008 Siculo-Punic (c.320-315 B.C.), Silver Tetradrachm. Head of Tanit-Persephone facing left, wearing a wreath of reeds, a dolphin and a caduceus before, rev horse’s head left, a palm-tree behind with clusters of dates, Punic legend (‘mm’) below, 16.66g, 9h (Jenkins, SNR 56, 1977, 223-4 (O68/R192); Boston 495 (this obverse die)). Good metal and attractive style, lightly toned, about extremely fine, a very rare die combination. £8,500 Purchased from Spink & Son Ltd, 2008 Ex Numismatica Ars Classica, Auction 64, 17 May 2012, lot 767

AG009 Kingdom of Thrace, Lysimachos (323-281 B.C.), Silver Tetradrachm. Mint of Lampsakos, c.297/6-282/1 B.C. Head of Alexander the Great facing right, diademed, wearing horn of Ammon. rev BAΣIΛEΩΣ / ΛYΣIMAXOY, Athena enthroned left, holding Nike and resting her elbow on a shield at her side, a spear rests behind her, a monogram above a crescent in inner left field, 17.28g, 12h (Thompson 61; Müller 395). Attractively toned, good style, extremely fine. £3,750

AG010 Kingdom of Thrace, Lysimachos (323-281 B.C.), Silver Tetradrachm. Mint of Magnesia, c.297/6-282/1 B.C. Head of Alexander the Great facing right, diademed, wearing horn of Ammon, rev BAΣIΛEΩΣ / ΛYΣIMAXOY, Athena enthroned left, holding Nike and resting her elbow on a shield at her side, a spear rests behind her, a monogram in inner left field, 16.82g, 12h (Thompson 113). Broad flan, attractive iridescent cabinet tone, a little softly-struck on reverse otherwise good very fine. £950

A Superb and Extremely Rare Gold Stater of Lysimachos

AG011 Kingdom of Thrace, Lysimachos (323-281 B.C.), Gold Stater. Mint of Lysimacheia, struck posthumously under Ptolemy Keraunos, 281-279 B.C. Diademed head of Alexander the Great facing right, with horn of Ammon, rev BAΣIΛEΩΣ / ΛYΣIMAXOY, Athena seated left, holding Victory and resting her left arm on a shield at her side, behind her rests a spear, head of a lion facing left above an elephant, ΘE monogram on throne, 8.59g, 6h (Leu 50, 25 April 1990, lot 93 (these dies); Thompson -; Müller -). Excellent style, lustrous and extremely fine, extremely rare, possibly only two recorded examples. £16,500 Ex CNG 72, 14 June 2006, lot 499 Ex Dr Lawrence A. Adams Collection

A Neapolis Stater of Excellent Style

AG012 Macedon, Neapolis (c.525-480 B.C.), Silver Stater. Gorgon’s head facing, with tongue protruding, rev incuse square, with crude diagonal divisions and granular surfaces, 9.82g (SNG ANS 400; Pick, AMNG III, 79.1). Excellent style, cabinet tone, good very fine and a very rare early issue. £6,500

AG013 Macedon, Olynthos, Chalkidian League (c.382-379 B.C.), Silver Tetrobol. Laureate head of Apollo facing right, rev X-A-Λ-KIΔ-EΩN around a kithara; all within a shallow incuse, 2.40g, 6h (Robinson & Clement, Group I, 93 (A61/P61); SNG ANS 534–5). A little die-rust on obverse, extremely fine. £380

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Lifetime Philip II Silver Tetradrachm

AG014 Kingdom of Macedon, Philip II (359-336 B.C.), Silver Tetradrachm. Mint of Amphipolis, lifetime issue, struck c.348-336 B.C. Laureate head of Zeus facing right, rev ΦIΛIΠ-ΠOY, naked youth on horseback right, holding a palm and the reins, a grasshopper below horse’s raised foreleg, 14.50g, 3h (Le Rider 200-1 (D93/R-); SNG ANS 489-93; SNG Lockett 1412). Slightly off-centre on obverse, otherwise well-struck in high relief, extremely fine. £2,600 Ex Lanz 34, 25 November 1985, lot 127 Ex M&M 73, 17 October 1988, lot 126

AG015 Kingdom of Macedon, Philip II (359-336 B.C.), Gold Stater. Mint of Pella, struck c.336-328 B.C. Laureate head of Apollo facing right, rev ΦIΛIΠΠOY (in exergue), charioteer driving a galloping quadriga right, a thunderbolt below the horses, 8.60g, 11h (Le Rider cf., pl. 56-7 (D58/R95)). Broad flan, a tiny metal-flaw on ear and a few light scratches otherwise of good style and extremely fine. £3,450

AG016 Kingdom of Macedon, Philip II (359-336 B.C.), Silver Tetradrachm, Mint of Amphipolis, struck c.323-315 B.C. Laureate head of Zeus facing right, rev ΦIΛIΠ-ΠOY, naked youth on horseback right, holding a palm and the reins, a monogram below, Λ below horse’s raised foreleg, 14.24g, 12h (Le Rider pl. 45, 6 (this obverse die); SNG ANS 632-5). Light iridescent toning, good very fine. £750

AG017 Kingdom of Macedon, Philip II (359-336 B.C.), Silver Tetradrachm. Mint of Amphipolis, struck c.323-315 B.C. Laureate head of Zeus facing right, rev ΦIΛIΠ-ΠOY, naked youth on horseback right, holding a palm and the reins, a dolphin below, Π below horse’s raised foreleg, 14.37g, 8h (Le Rider pl. 46, 19; SNG ANS 754 (these dies)). Well-struck, attractive cabinet toning, extremely fine. £1,000

AG018 Kingdom of Macedon, Alexander III, The Great (336-323 B.C.), Silver Tetradrachm. Mint of Amphipolis, struck c.323-320 B.C. Head of young Herakles facing right, wearing a lion’s skin, rev BAΣIΛEΩΣ AΛEΞANΔPOY, Zeus enthroned left, holding an eagle and a sceptre, a Macedonian helmet on left, 17.25g, 7h (Price 113; Müller 224). Well-struck in high relief, good extremely fine. £1,200



AG019 Kingdom of Macedon, Alexander III, The Great (336-323 B.C.), Silver Tetradrachm. Mint of Pella, struck c.325-315 B.C. Head of young Herakles facing right, wearing a lion’s skin, rev AΛEΞANΔPOY, Zeus enthroned left, holding an eagle and a sceptre, a thunderbolt on left, 17.20g, 12h (Price 232; Müller 3). Light die-break on obverse, otherwise well-struck on good metal, extremely fine. £775 AG020 Kingdom of Macedon, Alexander III, The Great (336-323 B.C.), Silver Tetradrachm. Mint of Carrhae (?), struck c.315-305 B.C. Head of young Herakles facing right, wearing a lion’s skin, rev AΛEΞANΔPOY, Zeus enthroned left, holding an eagle and a sceptre, I and a monogram below throne, 17.30g, 2h (Price 3796; Müller 1469). Residual lustre, good extremely fine. £1,150 Ex Lanz 147, 2009, lot 66 Ex Numsimatica Ars Classica 78, 2014, lot 1408

AG021 Kingdom of Macedon, Alexander III, The Great (336-323 B.C.), Gold Stater. Mint of Abydos, struck c.310-301 B.C. Head of Athena facing right, wearing a crested Corinthian helmet decorated with a coiled serpent, rev AΛEΞANΔPOY, Nike standing left, holding a wreath and a stylis, a monogram on left, a griffin-head beneath left wing, 8.55g, 1h (Price 1558). Lustrous, well-struck, good extremely fine. £4,750

AG022 Kingdom of Macedon, Alexander III, The Great (336-323 B.C.), Silver Drachm. Mint of Chios, struck c.290-275 B.C. Head of young Herakles facing right, wearing a lion’s skin, rev AΛEΞANΔPOY, Zeus enthroned left, holding an eagle and a sceptre, a monogram above grapes on left, 4.12g, 12h (Price 2318; Müller 1531). Attractive iridescent cabinet tone, light double-striking on reverse, extremely fine. £280 Ex Gorny & Mosch 199, 2011, lot 216

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AG023 Kingdom of Macedon, Alexander III, The Great (336-323 B.C.), Silver Tetradrachm. Mint of Mesembria, struck c.175-125 B.C. Head of young Herakles facing right, wearing a lion’s skin, rev [B]AΣIΛEΩ[Σ] AΛEΞANΔPOY, Zeus enthroned left, holding an eagle and a sceptre, a Corinthian helmet above a monogram on left, a monogram below throne, 16.50g, 12h (Price 1059; Müller 480). Well-struck in high relief, good extremely fine. £500

AG024 Kingdom of Macedon, Philip III (323-317 B.C.), Gold Stater. Mint of Babylon, struck 323-317 B.C. Head of Athena facing right, wearing a crested Corinthian helmet decorated with a coiled serpent, rev BAΣIΛEΩΣ / ΦΙΛΙΠΠ[ΟΥ], Nike standing left, holding a wreath and stylis, M in left field, ΛΥ below left wing, 8.58g, 12h (Price P180; Müller P97). Residual lustre, extremely fine. £2,950

AG025 Macedon under the Romans, Aesillas (Quaestor, c.95-70 B.C.), Silver Tetradrachm. MAKEΔONΩN, head of Alexander the Great facing right, Θ behind neck, rev AESILLAS, money-chest, club and chair with Q above; all within a wreath, 16.75g, 12h (SNG Copenhagen 1328; SNG Ashmolean 3301). A little softlystruck at lower obverse and reverse, otherwise about extremely fine. £475

AG026 Thessaly, Larissa (c.356-342 B.C.), Silver Drachm. Head of the nymph Larissa facing, slightly inclined to the left, wearing ampyx and an earring, rev ΛAPIΣ / AIΩN, horse grazing right, a plant below, 6.07g, 9h (F. Herrmann, ‘Die Silbermünzen von Larissa in Thessalien’, ZfN XXXV, 1925, pl. V, 12; BCD Thessaly 1156 (this reverse die)). Well-centred, of fine style, beautiful cabinet tone, extremely fine. £1,250

AG027 Thessaly, Larissa (c.356-342 B.C.), Silver Drachm. Head of the nymph Larissa facing, slightly inclined to the left, wearing ampyx and an earring, rev ΛAPIΣ / AIΩN, horse grazing to right, 6.17g, 5h (F. Herrmann, ‘Die Silbermünzen von Larissa in Thessalien’, ZfN XXXV, 1925, pl. V, 6; C. Lorber, ‘A Hoard of Facing Head Larissa Drachms’, SNR 79, 2000, pl. 4, 41). Attractive style, extremely fine. £1,150

AG028 AG029 AG028 Thessaly (c.175-170 B.C.), Silver Drachm. Pseudo-Rhodian imitation issue. Head of Helios facing, slightly inclined to right, rev EPMIAΣ, rose, with a bud on right, Z-Ω either side of stem, 2.69g, 7h (SNG Keckman 793-795 (attributed to Thessaly); Price, Kraay-Mørkholm Essays, pp. 241-2 (attributed to Northern Greece); SNG Copenhagen Suppl. 358 (attributed to Rhodian Peraia)). Attractively toned, good extremely fine. £300 Although the attribution of this issue has been debated, it seems likely that it was struck by Perseus to pay Cretan mercenaries, who would have been familiar with Rhodian issues, in the Third Macedonian War against the Romans (see R. Ashton, NC 1988, pp. 29-30).

AG029 Boiotia, Thebes (c.480-460 B.C.), Silver Hemidrachm. Boiotian shield, rev incuse square with mill-sail pattern, archaic theta at centre, 2.94g (BCD Boiotia, 353; Head, p. 16-17, vii). Beautiful old cabinet tone, good metal, very fine. £450 Ex Coin Galleries, 14 April 1993, lot 262 Ex BCD Collection

Athens Tetradrachm of Attractive Archaic Style

AG030 Attica, Athens (c.490 B.C.), Silver Tetradrachm. Head of Athena facing right, wearing a crested Attic helmet, rev [A]ΘE, owl standing right, its head facing, an olive-twig on left, 16.91g, 5h (Svoronos, pl. 4, 6; Seltman, group G, cf. pl. X, A 148; BMC 4; Asyut 332). Excellent archaic style, a minor scrape on reverse, otherwise good very fine and very rare. £6,500

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AG031 Attica, Athens (c.449-415 B.C.), Silver Tetradrachm. Head of Athena facing right, wearing a crested Attic helmet decorated with three olive leaves and a palmette, rev ΑΘΕ, owl standing right, its head facing, an olive-sprig and a crescent behind; all within an incuse square, 17.08g, 8h (Kroll 8; SNG Copenhagen 31). Good very fine. £775

AG032 Attica, Athens (c.449-415 B.C.), Silver Tetradrachm. Head of Athena facing right, wearing a crested Attic helmet decorated with three olive leaves and a palmette, rev ΑΘΕ, owl standing right, its head facing, an olive-sprig and a crescent behind; all within an incuse square, 17.16g, 7h (Kroll 8; SNG Copenhagen 31). Slightly short of flan, toned, good very fine. £675

AG033 Attica, Athens (c.165-42 B.C.), Silver New Style Tetradrachm. Magistrates Timarchos, Nikago..., and Antiochos, struck 134/3 B.C. Head of Athena Parthenos facing right, wearing a triple-crested Attic helmet decorated with the protomes of four horses above the visor, and a peagasos above the earpiece, rev owl standing right, its head facing, on an amphora, A-ӨE above TIM-APXOY/NIKAΓ[O]/ANTIO/XOΣ, an anchor and star on left, K on amphora, ME below; all within a wreath, 16.77g, 12h (Thompson 368). Broad flan, well-struck, about extremely fine. £1,800

High Relief Aigina Stater

AG034 Islands off Attica, Aigina (c.456-431 B.C.), Silver Stater. Land tortoise with segmented shell, rev incuse square of skew pattern, 12.30g (S. Milbank, ‘The Coinage of Aegina’, ANS NNM 24, 1925, pl. II, 12; SNG Copenhagen 517; Dewing 1683; SNG Lockett 1983). Well-centred, struck in high relief, good very fine. £2,200




AG035 Corinth (c.350-300 B.C.), Silver Stater. Pegasus flying left, koppa below, rev head of Athena facing left, wearing a Corinthian helmet, I below chin, Nike flying left, holding a ribbon, behind, 8.51g, 12h (Ravel 1030; Calciati 420). Lightly toned, about extremely fine. £330 AG036 Peloponnese, Elis under the Achaean League (c.86 B.C.), Silver Hemidrachm. Laureate head of Zeus facing right, rev monogram, F-A left and right, NI over thunderbolt below; all within a wreath, 2.42g, 6h (BCD Peloponnesos 675). Lightly toned, good extremely fine. £320

AG037 Peloponnese, Philasia, Phlious (late 6th to early 5th century B.C.), Silver Obol. Human leg to right, bent, rev incuse square, irregularly divided, 1.06g (BCD Peloponnesos 79 (this reverse die); Seltman, Athens, pl. XIVa). Very fine and extremely rare. £650



AG038 Pontos, Amisos (4 Century B.C.), Silver Siglos. Head of Hera facing right, wearing a turreted crown, rev owl standing facing, its wings spread, a monogram on left, 4.26g, 12h (Waddington, Rec. Gen. 39). Well-struck, extremely fine. £350 th

AG039 Bithynia, Kios (c.345-315 B.C.), Silver Hemidrachm. Magistrate Miletos. Laureate head of Apollo facing right, rev MIΛH/TOΣ, prow of a galley left, ornamented with a star, 2.53g, 12h (SNG Copenhagen 370). Attractive iridescent tone, good extremely fine. £360

A Very Rare Electrum Stater of Kyzikos

AG040 Mysia, Kyzikos (c.550-500 B.C.), Electrum Stater. Ram crouching left, its head turned to right, tunny below, rev quadripartite incuse square, with granular surfaces, 16.10g (von Fritze 47; Boston 1419). Short flan crack, very fine and very rare. £7,500

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AG041 Aiolis, Kyme (c.500 B.C.), Silver Diobol. Horse’s head facing right, rev quadripartite incuse square, roughly divided, 1.17g (Demeester, ‘Les Animaux et la Monnaie Greque’ 100 (this coin)). Good style, toned, about extremely fine and very rare. £475 Ex Hauck & Aufhäuser 12, 1996, lot 117 Ex J. Falm Collection, Numismatica Ars Classica 82, 20 May 2015, lot 166

AG042 Ionia, Uncertain (c.625-600 B.C.), Electrum Twenty-Fourth Stater (Myshemihekte). Phokaic standard. Raised anticlockwise swastika pattern, rev quadripartite incuse square, 0.72g (SNG Kayhan 702; Rosen 365; Weidauer -). About extremely fine. £475

AG043 AG044 AG043 Ionia, Uncertain Mint (c.550-500 B.C.), Silver Diobol. Bull’s head facing left, rev irregular incuse punch, 1.24g (Demeester, ‘Les Animaux et la Monnaie Greque’ 106 (this coin)). Toned, extremely fine and very rare. £375 Ex Tkalec, 2000, lot 110 Ex J. Falm Collection, Numismatica Ars Classica 82, 20 May 2015, lot 172

AG044 Ionia, Ephesos (after 546 B.C.), Silver 1/48 Stater. Bee seen from above, rev EΦ, eagle’s head facing right; all within a shallow incuse square, 0.14g, 9h (Karwiese 30-1; SNG Kayhan 128; Demeester 111 (this coin)). Light porosity, cabinet tone, about extremely fine, extremely rare. £250 Ex Hauck & Aufhäuser 14, 1998, lot 148 and ex sale 15, 2000, lot 154 Ex J. Falm Collection, Numismatica Ars Classica, Auction 82, 20 May 2015, lot 177


AG046 AG045 Ionia, Ephesos (c.200-150 B.C.), Silver Drachm. E-Φ, bee, rev [M]HTPOΔΩP[OΣ], stag standing right, a palm-tree in background, 3.68g, 12h (Kinns, NC 1999, p. 89; Head, p. 59). Well-struck, good extremely fine. £650 AG046 Ionia, Miletos (6th Century B.C.), Silver Trihemiobol. Forepart of lion, seen from above, rev scorpion seen from above; all within and incuse square, 0.57g (Rosen 403; SNG Kayhan 934; Demeester, ‘Les Animaux et la Monnaie Greque’ 117 (this coin)). Toned, good very fine. £320 Ex J. Falm Collection, Numismatica Ars Classica 82, 20 May 2015, lot 183




AG047 Satraps of Caria, Pixodaros (340-334 B.C.), Silver Didrachm. Head of Apollo facing, inclined slightly to right, wearing a laurel-wreath, rev ΠIΞOΔAPOY, Zeus Labraundos standing right, wearing a chiton and a himation, holding a spear in his left hand and a double-headed axe (labrys) over his shoulder in his right, 6.99g, 12h (BMC 5; SNG Keckman 280; SNG Kayhan 891; SNG Lockett 2913). Attractive style, extremely fine. £1,450 Ex Noble Numismatics, Sale 60, 21-23 April 1999, lot 1890

AG048 Kingdom of Lydia (Kroisos, c.564-539 B.C.), Silver Third Stater. Mint of Sardes. Foreparts of a lion and a bull confronted, rev double incuse square punch, 3.46g (Traité I, 412; SNG Kayhan -; Boston 2071). Dark patina, about very fine. £300 Ex Morton & Eden, July 2012, lot 113

An Attractive Lydian Half Stater

AG049 Kingdom of Lydia (temp. Cyrus – Darios I, c.550-520 B.C.), Silver Siglos – Half Stater. Mint of Sardes. Foreparts of a lion and a bull confronted, rev double incuse square punch, 5.34g (Traité I, 409; SNG Kayhan -). Well-struck, clear and with virtually complete types, nearly extremely fine. £2,250


AG051 AG050 Kingdom of Lydia (temp. Cyrus – Darios I, c.550-520 B.C.), Silver Siglos – Half Stater. Mint of Sardes. Foreparts of a lion and a bull confronted, rev double incuse square punch, 5.10g (Traité I, 409; SNG Kayhan -). Dark patina, light porosity, very fine. £850 AG051 Lykaonia, Laranda (4th Century B.C.), Silver Obol. Baaltars seated left, holding lotus-tipped sceptre, a grain-ear and a grape bunch, rev forepart of a wolf right, an inverted crescent above; all within a dotted square border, 0.69g, 6h (SNG France 451; SNG Delepierre 2886; SNG Levante 223 var.; BMC 86). Attractively toned, nearly extremely fine. £180

AG052 Cilicia, Tarsos, Mazaios (Satrap, 361-334 B.C.), Silver Stater, Baaltars, wearing a himation over his lower limbs, seated to left, his head and upper body facing, holding an eagle, an ear of corn and a bunch of grapes in his right hand, and a lotus-headed sceptre in his left, Aramaic legend on right (‘BLTRZ’ = Baaltars), Aramaic letters on left and below seat, rev lion attacking a bull to left, Aramaic legend above (‘MZDI’ = Mazaios), 10.97g, 3h (Casabonne, Series 2, group C; SNG Levante Supp. 20). Well-centred, attractive cabinet tone, extremely fine. £1,500

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AG053 Kingdom of Syria, Antiochos III (223-187 B.C.), Silver Tetradrachm. Mint of Antioch, struck 204-197 B.C. Diademed head facing right, rev BAΣIΛEΩΣ ANT-IOXOY, naked Apollo seated left on omphalos, holding arrow and a bow, monogram on left, 17.01g, 12h (Houghton & Lorber, SC 1044.4a; SNG Spaer 540). Good portrait, struck in high relief, good very fine / very fine. £475 AG054 Kingdom of Syria, Demetrios I Soter (162-150 B.C.), Silver Tetradrachm. Mint of Antioch, dated SE 158 (155/4 B.C.). Diademed head facing right, rev BAΣIΛEΩΣ / ΔHMHTPIOY / ΣΩTHPOΣ, Tyche seated left, holding a baton and a corncuopiae, a winged Tritoness supporting throne, monograms on left, date HNP in exergue, 16.65g, 12h (SC 1641.3c). Good portrait, a few light marks, otherwise nearly extremely fine. £775




AG055 Phoenicia, Tyre (126/5 B.C. – A.D. 65), Silver Shekel, struck 80-79 B.C. Laureate bust of Melqart facing right, rev KAI AΣYΛOY TYPOY IEPAΣ, eagle standing left on prow, palm on far wing, date ZM and club on left, a monogram on right, ‘beth’ between legs, 14.28g, 12h (DCA 919; BMC 139). Iridescent cabinet tone, good very fine. £675 AG056 Arabia, Sabaean (c.380-350 B.C.), Silver Unit, imitating Athenian types. Head of Athena facing right, wearing a crested helmet decorated with olive-leaves, and an earring, South Arabian letter n on cheek, rev AΘE, owl standing right, its head facing, a crescent on left; all within a shallow incuse, 5.17g, 6h (Huth, ACNAC 10, 165). Toned, good very fine. £395 AG057 Kingdom of Parthia, Mithradates II (121-96 B.C.), Silver Drachm. Ekbatana mint, struck c.120-109 B.C. Diademed bust left, rev archer seated right on omphalos, holding a bow, 4.10g, 12h (Sunrise 286; Sellwood 24.9; Shore 69). A few light marks, light iridescent tone, extremely fine. £275



AG058 Kingdom of Parthia, Mithradates II (121-96 B.C.), Silver Drachm. Ekbatana mint, struck c.109-96/5 B.C. Diademed and draped bust facing left, wearing an earring and a torque ending in a sea-horse, rev Archer (Arsakes I) enthroned right, holding a bow, 4.21g, 12h (Sellwood 27.2; Sunrise 294; Shore 86). Broad flan, very good portrait, extremely fine. £350 AG059 Hunnic Tribes, Hephthalites, Vasu Deva and Mardanshah (c.A.D. 730), Silver Drachm, imitating the types of Khusru II. Crowned bust of King facing, Pahlavi legend around border, rev bust of Anahita facing, 3.29g, 12h (Mitchiner 1563). Very fine, rare. £600 Ex Morton & Eden, November 2013, lot 390


Two Attractive Persian Gold Darics

AG060 Persia, Achaemenid Empire (Time of Xerxes II to Artaxerxes II, c.420-375 B.C.), Gold Daric. Great King of Persia in kneeling-running stance right, wearing a kidaris, a quiver at his shoulder, holding a bow in his left hand and a spear in his right, rev uneven striated incuse, 8.44g (Carradice, Type IIIb, pl. XV, 50-1; BMC 84). Of fine and naturalistic style, lightly toned, about extremely fine. £4,500

AG061 Persia, Achaemenid Empire (Time of Xerxes II to Atarxerxes II c.420-375 B.C.), Gold Daric. Great King of Persia in kneeling-running stance right, wearing a kidaris, a quiver at his shoulder, holding a bow in his left hand and a spear in his right, rev uneven rectangular incuse, 8.31g (Sunrise Collection 24 (this coin); Carradice, Type IIIb, A-B, pl. XIII, 27; BMC 43, pl. XXIV, 26). Residual lustre, good extremely fine. £4,250 Ex Sunrise Collection, Triton XVIII, 6 January 2015, lot 226



AG062 Kingdom of Egypt, Ptolemy I (c.305-285 B.C.), Silver Tetradrachm, mint of Alexandria. Diademed head of King facing right, rev BAΣIΛEΩΣ – ΠTOΛEMAIOY, eagle standing left on a thunderbolt, P and a monogram on left, 13.34g, 12h (Svoronos 265; SNG Copenhagen 73). Graffito ΠAPMEN on obverse, attractive cabinet tone, good portrait, extremely fine. £650 Purchased from Spink & Son, London, September 2007

AG063 Kingdom of Egypt, Cleopatra VII (50-31 B.C.), AE 40 Drachmai. Mint of Alexandria. Diademed and draped bust facing right, rev ΒΑΣΙΛΙΣΣΗΣ ΚΛΕOΠΑΤΡΑΣ, eagle standing left on a thunderbolt, a cornucopiae on left, M on right, 8.86g, 12h (Svoronos 1872; SNG Copenhagen 422-4; Noeske 383). Dark red-brown patina, slightly rough surfaces, good portrait, very fine, rare. £1,950



AG064 Zeugitana, Carthage (c.310-270 B.C.), Electrum Stater. Wreathed head of Tanit facing left, wearing a triple-pendant earring and a necklace, rev horse standing right on an exergual line, 7.48g, 12h (Jenkins & Lewis, Group VI, 331). Very light crack in flan, toned, good very fine. £2,450 AG065 Zeugitana, Carthage (c.213-210 B.C.), Silver Half Shekel, Second Punic War Issue. Laureate head of Melkart facing left, rev elephant right, Punic letter A(leph) in exergue, 3.01g, 12h (Burnett, ‘The Enna Hoard and the silver coinage of the Syracusan Democracy’, SNR 62, 1983, 120 (these dies)). Light porosity, about extremely fine, rare. £1,300 This issue has traditionally been attributed to a Spanish mint. However, more recent Sicilian hoard evidence suggests it was struck in Carthage at the time of the Second Punic War. It has also been suggested that the obverse head might be that of Hannibal or another Punic ruler but, in the absence of firm evidence, it is usually identified as Melkart.

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Mint of Rome unless otherwise stated



AR001 Anonymous (225-212 B.C.), Silver Quadrigatus Didrachm, Janiform head of Dioscuri, rev Jupiter, holding a sceptre and hurling a thunderbolt, in a fast quadriga right, driven by Victory, ROMA incuse on raised tablet below, 6.63g, 6h (Cr 28/3; Sydenham 64; RBW 72).Well centred and lightly toned, good very fine. £400 AR002 P. Licinius Nerva (113/112 B.C.), Silver Denarius, helmeted bust of Roma facing left, holding shield in left hand and spear over shoulder in right hand, a monogram on left, a crescent above, ROMA upwards, rev P NERVA, voting scene, one voter on left receives ballot from attendant below whilst voter on right places ballot into cista, a bar above on which stands tablet bearing the letter P, 3.86g, 2h (Cr 292/1; RBW 1125; Sydenham 548). Attractively toned, good very fine. £450



AR003 T. Didius (113/112 B.C.), Silver Denarius, helmeted bust of Roma facing right, ROMA behind (in monogram), rev two gladiators in battle, one armed with a whip, the other with a stave, T DEIDI in exergue, 3.88g, 7h (Cr 294/1; RBW 1134; Sydenham 550). Toned, very fine. £380 Babelon suggests that the reverse scene depicts an episode from the Slavic war, a suggestion dismissed by Sydenham as ‘more than usually fantastic’.

AR004 L. Julius Bursio (83 B.C.), Silver Denarius, youthful male head right, with attributes of Apollo, Mercury and Neptune, a trident over shoulder, control-mark torch behind, rev Victory in quadriga right, holding reins in left hand and a wreath in her right, control-numeral XXXXII above, L IVLI BVRSIO in exergue, 3.92g, 6h (Cr 352/1c; RBW 1349; Sydenham 728b). Lightly toned, extremely fine. £550 Ex Auctiones Basel 10, 1979, lot 364




AR005 L. Cornelius Sulla and L. Manlius Torquatus (82 B.C.), Silver Denarius, helmeted head of Roma facing right, L MANLI T - PRO Q, rev Triumphator, crowned by flying Victory, in quadriga right, holding the reins and a caduceus, L SVLLA I[M…] in exergue, 3.85g, 3h (Cr 367/3; RBW 1384; Sydenham 759). Cabinet tone, good very fine. £250 AR006 L. Cornelius Sulla and L. Manlius Torquatus (82 B.C.), Silver Denarius, helmeted head of Roma facing right, L MANLI T - PRO Q, rev Triumphator, crowned by flying Victory, in quadriga right, holding the reins and a caduceus, L SVLLA IM in exergue, 3.86g, 7h (Cr 367/3; RBW 1384; Sydenham 759). Struck on a broad flan, good very fine. £695 AR007 Q. Caecilius Metellus Pius (81 B.C.), Silver Denarius, diademed head of Pietas facing right, a stork before, rev elephant walking left, Q C M P I in exergue, 3.90g, 8h (Cr 374/1; RBW 1396; Sydenham 750). Light iridescent toning, well centred, good very fine. £595




AR008 Q. Poblicius (80 B.C.), Silver Denarius Serratus, helmeted and draped bust of Roma facing right, ROMA downwards behind, L above, rev Hercules strangling the Nemean lion, a club at his feet, a bow and quiver in left field, L (inverted) above, 3.90g, 8h (Cr 380/1; RBW 1408; Sydenham 768). Attractive light toning, extremely fine. £750 AR009 C. Naevius Balbus (80 B.C.), Silver Denarius Serratus, diademed head of Venus facing right, S C downwards behind, rev Victory in prancing triga right, with reins in both hands, C NAE BALB in exergue, control-numeral C⊥XV above, 3.99g, 1h (Cr 382/1b; RBW 1410; Sydenham 769b). Attractive cabinet tone, almost extremely fine. £350

AR010 M. Volteius (78 B.C.), Silver Denarius, laureate and bearded head of Jupiter facing right, rev Capitoline temple, M VOLTEI [M F] in exergue, 3.95g, 1h (Cr 385/1; RBW 1414; Sydenham 774). Sharply struck, the reverse a little off centre, extremely fine. £775 Ex Tkalec, 28 February 2008, 136

AR011 M. Plaetorius Cestianus (69 B.C.), Silver Denarius, draped female bust (Fortuna?) facing right, a controlmark behind, rev half length, facing bust of Sors, holding a tablet inscribed SORS, MA PLAETORI CEST S C, 4.00g, 5h (Cr 405/2; RBW 1448; Sydenham 801). A little softly struck as usual, good very fine, rare. £1,600



AR012 P. Plautius Hypsaeus (60 B.C.), Silver Denarius, draped bust of Leuconoe right, wearing an earring and a necklace, with pearled band in hair, a dolphin swimming downwards behind, rev Jupiter in quadriga left, holding the reins and hurling a thunderbolt, C YPSAE COS / PRIV in exergue, CEPIT in right field, 3.96g, 4h (Cr 420/2c; RBW 1516; Sydenham 911a). Light graffito on obverse, well centred, about extremely fine. £400 AR013 Q. Sicinius (49 B.C.), Silver Denarius, diademed head of Fortuna Populi Romani right, P R in left field, FORT downwards in right, rev palm branch tied with fillet and winged caduceus in saltire, wreath above, III / VIR on either side, Q SICINIVS below, 3.63g, 5h (Cr 440/1; RBW 1555; Sydenham 938). Beautiful iridescent cabinet tone, well centred, almost extremely fine. £695

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AR014 Julius Caesar, Silver Denarius, mint moving with Caesar, struck 49-48 B.C., elephant right, trampling on dragon, CAESAR in exergue, rev pontifical emblems: culullus, aspergillum, axe and apex, 3.97g, 7h (Cr 443/1; RBW 1557; Sydenham 1006). Attractive cabinet tone, extremely fine. £1,400

AR015 Q. Sicinius and C. Coponius (49 B.C.), Silver Denarius, mint moving with Pompey, head of Apollo facing right, hair tied with band, a star below, Q SICINIVS - III VIR, rev club upright, draped with a lion skin, the head in profile, right, an arrow on left, a bow on right, C COPONIVS -PR S C, 3.96g, 3h (Cr 444/1a; RBW 1558; Sydenham 939). Old cabinet tone, good very fine. £425 A Striking Gallic Portrait

AR016 L. Hostilius Saserna (48 B.C.), Silver Denarius, bearded Gallic male head facing right, with flowing hair, a Gallic shield behind, rev Gallic warrior, with a shield and a spear, in a biga right, driven by a charioteer holding a whip, L HOSTILIVS, above [S]ASERN below, 3.89g, 3h (Cr 448/1b; RBW 1569; Sydenham 952). Striking portrait, lightly toned, extremely fine and rare. £2,500

AR017 D. Iunius Brutus Albinus (48 B.C.), Silver Denarius, head of Pietas facing right, PIET[AS] behind, rev two hands clasped around caduceus, ALBINVS BRVTI F below, 3.77g, 12h (Cr 450/2; RBW 1577; Sydenham 942). Attractive cabinet tone, almost extremely fine. £350

AR018 C. Antius Restio (47 B.C.), Silver Denarius, head of C. Antius Restio facing right, RESTIO behind, rev Hercules Triumphalis walking right, holding a club and a trophy, with a cloak over left arm, C ANTIVS C F on right, 3.58g, 7h (Cr 455/1; RBW 1593; Sydenham 970). A striking portrait, well centred on a full flan, a little softly struck on reverse otherwise extremely fine. £1,100 Ex Sotheby’s, 12 October 1993, lot 1368


AR019 Julius Caesar, Silver Denarius, minted in Spain, struck 46-45 B.C., diademed bust of Venus facing right, Cupid behind, rev Gallic trophy with oval shield and carnyx in each hand, two captives, male and female, below, CAESAR in exergue, 3.66g, 6h (Cr 468/2; RBW 1639; Sydenham 1024). Attractive iridescent cabinet tone, good very fine. £650

AR020 Cn. Pompeius Magnus and M. Poblicius, Silver Denarius, minted in Spain, struck 46-45 B.C., helmeted head of Roma facing right, M POBLICI LEG PRO before, P R behind, rev female figure standing right, with shield on back, holding two spears in left hand and presenting a palm branch to a soldier, standing left, on prow of ship, CN MAGNVS IMP, 3.92g, 7h (Cr 469/1a; RBW 1647; Sydenham 1035). Broad flan, wellstruck, extremely fine. £1,450

A Lifetime Julius Caesar Denarius with an Excellent Portrait

AR021 Julius Caesar, Silver Denarius, lifetime issue, struck by L. Aemilius Buca, January – February, 44 B.C. CAESAR IM – P-M, wreathed head of Caesar facing right, a crescent behind, rev L AEMILIVS – BVCA, Venus standing left, holding Victory and a sceptre, 3.88g., 11h (Cr 480/4; Sydenham 1060; RBW -). Excellent portrait, light die-break on obverse, broad flan, lightly toned, nearly extremely fine. £6,500

AR022 Julius Caesar, Silver Denarius, lifetime issue, struck by P. Sepullius Macer, February – March, 44 B.C. CAESAR – DICT PERPETVO, veiled and wreathed head of Caesar facing right, a crescent behind, rev P SEPVLLIVS – MACER, Venus standing left, holding Victory and a sceptre with a shield at base, 4.00g., 7h (Cr 480/13; Sydenham 1074; RBW 1685). A little softly-struck in part, attractive old cabinet tone, otherwise nearly extremely fine. £3,000 Ex Numismatica Ars Classica, Auction 78, 2014, lot 483

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Portraits of Mark Antony and Julius Caesar

AR023 Mark Antony & Julius Caesar, Silver Denarius, mint travelling with Antony in Gaul, struck 43 B.C., M ANTO IMP R P C, bare head of Antony facing right, a lituus behind, rev CAESAR DIC, wreathed head of Caesar facing right, a capis behind, 3.81g., 9h (Cr 488/2; Sydenham 1166a; RBW 1708 var.). Two very good portraits, toned, good very fine. £3,500 Ex Numismatica Ars Classica L, 18 May 2001, lot 1570 Ex Nomisma 37, 4 October 2008, lot 147

An Attractive Gold Aureus of Cestius & Norbanus

AR024 L. Cestius & C. Norbanus (43 B.C.), Gold Aureus, draped bust of Africa facing right, wearing an elephant’s skin, rev L CESTIVS / EX S C – P R / C NORBA, curule chair, its legs ornamented with flying eagles, the chair surmounted by two snakes, 8.01g., 12h (Cr 491/1b; Calicó 4; Sydenham 1154; RBW 1718). A little soft at centre of reverse as usual, otherwise a well-struck example and extremely fine. £12,500 Ex Heritage, 22 February 2001, lot 5083 Ex Dr Lawrence A. Adams Collection

AR025 P. Clodius (42 B.C.), Silver Denarius, laureate head of Apollo facing right, a lyre behind, rev Diana standing facing, with bow and quiver over shoulder, holding a lighted torch in each hand, P CLODIVS in right field, M F in left, 3.63g, 6h (Cr 494/23; RBW 1727; Sydenham 1117). Attractive iridescent cabinet tone, slightly softly struck at centre, otherwise about extremely fine. £700

AR026 L. Mussidius Longus (42 B.C.), Silver Denarius, radiate and draped bust of Sol facing, slightly inclined to right, rev shrine of Venus Cloacina, L MVSSIDIVS LONGVS above, the platform below inscribed CLOAC, 4.06g, 7h (Cr 494/43b; RBW 1748; Sydenham 1094a). A little softly struck on the reverse, almost extremely fine. £1,750 Ex Bank Leu 17, 3-4 May 1977, lot 807


Portraits of Lepidus and Octavian

AR027 M. Aemilius Lepidus and c.Caesar Octavianus, Silver Denarius, minted in Italy, struck late 43 B.C., head of Lepidus facing right, [LEPIDVS PO]NT MAX III V R P C, rev bare head of Octavian facing right, [CAESAR] IMP III VIR R P [C], 3.74g, 2h (Cr 495/2a; RBW 1752; Sydenham 1323; Woytek ‘Arma et Nummi’ p. 558). Clear portraits, toned, very fine, rare. £1,300 An Excellent Sextus Pompey Silver Denarius

AR028 Sextus Pompey, Silver Denarius, minted in Sicily, struck 37-36 B.C. [MAG P]IVS IMP ITER, diademed and bearded head of Neptune facing right, a trident over his shoulder, rev [PRAEF CLAS ET] ORAE MARIT EX S C, naval trophy set on an anchor and supported by a trident, heads of Scylla and Charybdis at base, 3.50g., 12h (Cr 511/2b; Sydenham 1347; RBW 1784). Well-struck and toned, a little short of flan, extremely fine, a very good example. £5,500 A Good Portrait of Mark Antony

AR029 M. Antonius, Silver Denarius, travelling mint, struck 41 B.C., bare head of Antony facing right, a lituus behind, ANTONIVS IMP III VIR R P C, rev Pietas standing left, holding lighted turibulum in right hand and a cornucopiae, upon which perch two storks, in left, across fields [PI]ETAS - COS, 4.00g, 1h (Cr 516/5; RBW 1796; Sydenham 1172). Minor graffiti ‘KAX’ in obverse field, good portrait, toned, good very fine, rare. £2,200

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An Attractive Denarius of Octavian

AR030 Octavian, Silver Denarius, struck 29-27 B.C., laureate head facing right, as terminus, a thunderbolt behind, rev Octavian, togate, seated left on curule chair, holding Victoriola, IMP – CAESAR across fields, 3.91g, 3h (BMC 637; RIC 270; RCV 1562). Light iridescent toning, struck on a large flan, about extremely fine. £2,200

AR031 Octavian, Silver Denarius, struck 29-27 B.C., laureate head of Apollo facing right, rev Octavian, veiled and laureate, ploughing with yoke of oxen to right, holding a whip, IMP CAESAR in exergue, 3.84g, 9h (BMC 638; C 117; RCV 1560; RIC 272). Struck on a broad flan, good very fine. £550

AR032 Augustus (27 B.C. – A.D. 14), AE As, minted in Syria, struck c.27-20 B.C., CAESAR, bare head facing right, rev AVGVSTVS within a laurel wreath, 10.84g, 1h (BMC 733; RIC 486; RPC 4100). Light smoothing in fields, almost extremely fine. £675

AR033 Augustus (27 B.C. – A.D. 14), Silver Denarius, minted in Spain, struck 19-18 B.C., oak wreathed head of Augustus facing right, rev CAESAR / AVGVSTVS in two lines, above and below two laurel branches, 3.54g, 6h (BMC 319; RIC 33b; RCV 1600 var). Attractively toned, good very fine. £1,750


A Denarius of Augustus of Fine Style

AR034 Augustus (27 B.C. – A.D. 14), Silver Denarius, mint of Lugdunum, struck 15-13 B.C. DIVI F AVGVSTVS, bare head facing right, rev IMP X (in exergue), Augustus, togate, seated left ona stoll set on a platform, extending his right hand towards two male figures standing right, wearing military dress, each holding a parazonium and offering the emperor an olive-branch, 3.87g., 4h (RIC 165a; BMC 445; C 133). Of fine style, attractively toned, good very fine. £2,400 Ex UBS 56, 28-30 January 2003, lot 212

AR035 Augustus (27 B.C. – A.D. 14), AE As, mint of Nemausus, struck c.20-10 B.C., IMP / DIVI F above and below heads of Agrippa, facing left, wearing combined rostral crown and laurel wreath, and Augustus, facing right, wearing oak-wreath, rev COL-NEM, palm tree, the top bent top right, a wreath above, a chained crocodile below, 13.00g, 6h (BMC 425; RIC 158; RPC 524). An attractive type, dark green brown patina with very good portraits, good very fine to nearly extremely fine. £750

AR036 Agrippa (d. 12 B.C.), AE As, struck under Caligula, A.D 40-41, M AGRIPPA L F COS III, head of Agrippa facing left, wearing a rostral crown, rev S – C, Neptune, cloaked, standing left, holding a small dolphin and a vertical trident, 11.60g, 6h (BMC (Tib) 161; RIC 58; RCV 1812). Well centred with a very strong portrait, attractive dark brown/green patina, about extremely fine. £475

AR037 Tiberius (A.D. 14-37), Gold Aureus, mint of Lugdunum, TI CAESAR DIVI AVG F AVGVSTVS, laureate head facing right, rev PONTIF MAXIM, female figure seated right, on chair with ornamented legs above a double line, holding inverted spear in her right hand and a branch in her left, 7.69g, 8h (BMC 39; Calicó 305a; RIC 27 var.; RCV 1760). A few light surface marks, good very fine. £4,250

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AR038 Tiberius (A.D. 14-37), Silver Denarius, mint of Lugdunum, [TI] CAESAR DIVI AVG F AVGVSTV[S], laureate head facing right, rev PONTIF MAXIM, female figure seated right, on chair with ornamented legs above a double line, holding inverted spear in her right hand and a branch in her left, 3.94g, 8h (BMC 45; RIC 28; RCV 1763). Lightly toned, good very fine. £625

Good Portraits of Caligula and Divus Augustus

AR039 Caligula (A.D. 37-41), with Divus Augustus, Silver Denarius, mint of Lugdunum, struck A.D. 37. C CAESAR AVG GERM P M TR POT COS, bare head of Caligula facing right, rev radiate head of Divus Augustus right, flanked by two stars, 3.66g., 11h (RIC 2; BMCRE 4-5; C 11). Two good portraits, toned, good very fine and rare. £6,500 Ex V. Robert Chiodo Collection, Classical Numismatic Review XIX. 3 (Third Quarter 1994), 384



AR040 Claudius (A.D. 41-54), AE 25mm, Macedonian Koinon, TI KΛAYΔIOΣ KAIΣAP, head facing left, rev ΣEBAΣTOΣ [MAK]EΔONΩN, Macedonian shield, 9.09g (BMC 145; Cop 1334; RPC 1612). An attractive portrait, dark green/ brown patina, almost extremely fine. £220 AR041 Claudius (A.D. 41-54), AE 26mm., mint of Antioch, Syria, struck A.D.41-42, [IMP TI] CLAVD [CAE] AV GER, laureate head facing right, rev S C within a laurel-wreath of eight leaves, 16.70g, 12h (BMC 168; McAlee 245; RPC 4277). Attractive green patina, good very fine. £250

AR042 Claudius (A.D. 41-54), AE 17mm., mint of Smyrna, Ionia, struck A.D. 50-54, ZMY(P), draped bust of Nero (?) facing right, rev EΠI ΦIΛIΣTOY EIKAΛIOΣ, Nike right, with trophy over shoulder, 4.37g, 1h (BMC 284; Klose 92; RPC 2476). Well centred, very fine. £250 Klose identifies the draped bust on this issue as Britannicus. However, the portrait is attributed by RPC to Nero as the parallels for similar issues which are found at Ephesus are identified without doubt to both Agrippina and Nero.


A Superb Silver Denarius of Nero and Agrippina Jnr.

AR043 Nero (A.D. 54-68), with Agrippina Jnr., Silver Denarius, struck October-December, A.D. 54. ARIPP AVG DIVI CLAVD NERONIS CAES MATER, confronted busts of Nero facing right, bare-headed, and Agrippina facing left, draped, rev NERONI CLAVD DIVI F CAES AVG GERM IMP TR P around and oak-wreath with EX S C at centre, 3.29g., 8h (RIC 2; BMC 3). With excellent and finely detailed portraits in high relief, about extremely fine and rare, a very good example. £6,500

AR044 Nero (A.D. 54-68), Silver Denarius, struck A.D. 65-66, [NERO] CAESAR AVGVSTVS, bearded and laureate head facing right, rev SALVS (in exergue), Salus, draped, seated left on throne, holding a patera, 3.32g, 6h (BMC 96; c.318; RIC 67). Lightly toned, good very fine. £975

AR045 Nero (A.D. 54-68), AE As, struck A.D. 66-68, IMP NERO CAESAR AVG GERM, laureate head facing right, rev S – C, Victory flying left, with shield inscribed S [P Q R], 10.94g, 7h (BMC 246; RIC 351; WCN 299). Well centred, dark green patina, good very fine. £295 An Attractive Galba Sestertius

AR046 Galba (A.D. 68-69), AE Sestertius, struck c.August-October, A.D. 68. IMP SER SVLP GALBA CAES AVG TR P, laureate and draped bust facing right, rev LIBERTAS PVBLICA, S-C, Libertas, draped, standing left, holding a pileus and a vindicta, 27.38g., 6h (RIC 309; BMC 71). With a strong and arresting portrait, attractive brown patina, broad flan and very fine. £3,000

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AR047 Vitellius (A.D. 69), Silver Denarius, struck late April – 20 December A.D. 69, A VITELLIVS GERM IMP AVG TRP, laureate head facing right, rev CONCOR-DIA P R, Concordia, draped, seated left, holding a patera and a cornucopiae, 3.37g, 7h (BMC 20; RIC 90; RCV 2196 var.). Very fine. £330

An Exceptionally Rare Gold Aureus of Vespasian

AR048 Vespasian (A.D. 69-79), Gold Aureus, struck A.D. 75. IMP CAESAR VESPASIANVS AVG, laureate head facing right, rev Capricorn on a globe right, with a rudder, a cornucopiae on its back, COS VI in exergue, 7.39g, 6h (RIC 769 = Ashmolean collection = Hirsch 55, 11 December 1967, lot 2398; Calicó -; BMC –; Biaggi -; Trau -; Caruso -). Possibly the second example known and the only example in private hands, an important coin, struck on a very broad flan, a few light marks, nearly extremely fine, exceptionally rare. £40,000

A Beautiful Gold Aureus of Hadrian

AR049 Hadrian (A.D. 117-138), Gold Aureus, struck late A.D. 125 - early A.D. 128, HADRIANVS AVGVSTVS, laureate head facing right, with drapery on left shoulder, rev COS / III, she-wolf, left, suckling twins, 7.22g, 5h (Calicó 1233; C.422; RIC 193d). A beautiful example with a wonderful portrait, struck in high relief with some lustre, extremely fine. £17,500

AR050 Hadrian (A.D. 117-138), Silver Denarius, struck late A.D. 125 - early A.D. 128, HADRIANVS AVGVSTVS, laureate head facing right, rev COS – III, Concordia seated left, holding patera, her left elbow resting on the figure of Spes, 3.47g, 6h (C.328; RIC 172; RCV 3475). Struck on a slightly ragged flan, residual lustre, light toning, extremely fine. £425


A Rare Aureus of Hadrian

AR051 Hadrian (A.D. 117-138), Gold Aureus, struck late A.D. 128 - early A.D. 132, HADRIANVS AVGVSTVS P P, laureate, draped and cuirassed head facing right, rev COS III (in exergue), Hadrian on horse pacing right, raising his right hand, 7.14g, 6h (Calicó 1223a (these dies); C.422; RIC 348e). A rare type, a few light surface marks, very fine to good very fine. £6,750

AR052 Hadrian (A.D. 117-138), Silver Denarius, struck A.D. 134-138, HADRIANVS AVG COS III P P, bare head of Hadrian facing left, rev T-ELLVS – STABIL, Tellus standing left, holding a plough-handle and rake, two corn ears in ground below, 3.46g, 5h (C.1426; RIC 276). About very fine, scarce. £260



AR053 Hadrian (A.D. 117-138), AE 21mm, mint of Petra, Arabia, AYTOKPATΩP KAICAP TPAIANOC AΔPIANOC CEBACTOC, laureate and draped bust facing right, rev ΠETPA MHTPOΠOΛIC, turreted, veiled and draped bust of Tyche facing right, 7.13g, 6h (RPC 4101; Sofaer 7; Spijkerman 7). Dark patina with red-brown earthen deposits, good very fine. £275 AR054 Antoninus Pius (A.D. 138-161), AE 20mm, mint of Philippopolis, Thrace, struck c.A.D. 145, AYT AIL ADRI ANTΩNEIN, laureate head facing right, rev ΦΙΛΙΠΠΟ – ΠΟΛΕΙΤΩΝ, Homonoia standing left, holding a patera and a cornucopiae (without altar), 3.17g, 2h (BMC 8 (var.), RPC Online no. 7452 (var.); SNG Cop 769 (var.)). Attractive green patina, struck on a broad flan, almost extremely fine. £350

AR055 Antoninus Pius (A.D. 138-161), AE 31mm, mint of Tripolis, Asia, ΑΥ ΚΑΙСΑΡ ΑΔΡΙΑ ΑΝΤΩΝƐΙΝΟС, laureate bust facing right, rev [ΤΡΙΠΟ] – ΛƐΙΤΩΝ, Artemis standing on left, facing right, drawing an arrow from a quiver over her shoulder, facing a nude Apollo, standing on right, facing left, holding a laurel-branch and a chlamys, 16.39g, 6h (BMC - ; SNG Cop - ; SNG VA - ; RPC Online No. 9726). Attractive dark green patina, struck from dies of fine style and exceptional detail, good very fine and very rare. £450

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A Beautiful Gold Aureus of Caracalla, with an Exceptional Portrait

AR056 Caracalla (A.D. 198-217), Gold Aureus, struck A.D. 206-210, ANTONINVS – PIVS AVG, laureate bust facing right, rev RESTITVTOR – VRBIS, Roma seated left, holding Victory and a spear, a shield resting beside her, 7.15g, 12h (Calicó 2806 (this coin); C.549; RIC 166). A beautiful example, well struck and with an exceptional portrait, good extremely fine. £25,000 Ex NAC 6, 1993, lot 470 Ex Hirsch, 23 September 2015, lot 2088



AR057 Caracalla (A.D. 198-217), Silver Antoninianus, struck A.D. 216, ANTONINVS PIVS AVG GERM, radiate and draped bust facing right, rev P M TR P XVIIII COS IIII P P, Sol standing front, head left, raising right hand and holding a globe, 5.00g, 12h (BMC 170; RCV 6777; RIC 281a). Struck on a broad flan, some light surface marks and a little softly struck on reverse, otherwise nearly extremely fine. £200 AR058 Caracalla (A.D. 198-217), Silver Antoninianus, struck A.D. 217, ANTONINVS PIVS AVG GERM, radiate and draped bust facing right, rev P M TR P XX COS IIII P P, Jupiter, naked, standing front with head facing left, holding a thunderbolt and a sceptre, 4.86g, 1h (BMC 462; RCV 6778; RIC 285d). Struck on a broad flan, lightly toned, extremely fine. £300



AR059 Elagabalus (A.D. 218-222), and Julia Maesa, AE 34mm, mint of Markianapolis, Moesia Inferior, AVT K M AVP ANTΩNEINOC AVΓ IOVΛIA MAICA AVΓ, confronted busts of Elagabalus and Julia Maesa, rev VΠ IOVA ANT CEΛEVKOV MAPKIANOΠOΛI / TΩN, Dionysus, nude, standing front, with head facing left, holding a thyrsus in his left hand whilst pouring wine from a kantharus with his right, 14.46g, 7h (Pick 953; Varbanov 1623). Double struck on reverse, slightly ragged flan, dark patina, very fine. £240 AR060 Philip I (A.D. 244-249), AE Sestertius, struck A.D. 244-249, IMP M IVL PHILIPPVS AVG, laureate, draped and cuirassed bust facing right, rev FELICITAS TEMP / S – C, Felicitas standing left, holding a long caduceus and a cornucopiae, 29.17g, 12h (C 44; RIC 169a). Attractive dark green patina, well centred on a thick, broad and exceptionally heavy flan, extremely fine. £450




AR061 Philip I (A.D. 244-249), AE Sestertius, struck A.D. 244-249, IMP M IVL PHILIPPVS AVG, laureate, draped and cuirassed bust facing right, rev FIDES MILITVM / S – C, Fides standing left holding two standards, 20.19g, 12h (C 59; RIC 172a). Well centred with a strong portrait, attractive dark green patina, extremely fine. £275 AR062 Postumus (A.D. 259-268), AE Sestertius, mint of Lugdunum, struck A.D. 261, IMP C M CASS LAT POSTVMVS PF AVG, radiate, draped and cuirassed bust facing right, rev P M T R P COS III [P P] / S – C, helmeted emperor, in military attire, standing left, holding a globe and a spear, 11.00g, 5h (C 262 var.; RIC 113 var.). Attractive natural light green patina, good very fine. £650



AR063 Probus (A.D. 276-282), AE Antoninianus, struck A.D. 280-281. IMP PROB – VS AVG, radiate and cuirassed bust facing right, rev IOVI CONS – PROB AVG, Jupiter standing left, holding a thunderbolt and a sceptre, R-B either side of a thunderbolt in exergue, 4.24g., 12h (RIC 173; RCV 11986 (this coin)). Some residual silvering, attractive and almost extremely fine. £160 AR064 Diocletian (A.D. 284-305), Silver Argenteus, struck c.A.D. 294, DIOCLETI-ANVS AVG, laureate head facing right, rev PROVIDE – NTIA AVGG, four princes performing sacrifice over a tripod, before a gate in a six-turreted enclosure, R below, 3.12g, 12h (RIC 30a). Well centered on a full flan, light double striking with attractive iridescent cabinet tone, extremely fine. £550

A Very Rare Gold Aureus of Maximian

AR065 Maximian (first reign A.D. 286-305), Gold Aureus, mint of Treveri, struck A.D. 295. MAXIMI ANVS P AVG, laureate head facing right, rev PIETAS AVGG, Pietas standing right, cradling an infant in her arms, children standing with hands raised at her feet on either side, PTR in exergue, 5.77g., 1h (RIC 70b; Calicó 4715 = Biaggi 1800 (this obverse die); Depeyrot 2A/2). Lustrous, extremely fine, very rare. £16,500

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AR066 Maximian (A.D. 286-305), AE Follis, mint of London, struck c.A.D. 303, IMP MAXIMIANVS P F AVG, laureate and cuirassed bust facing right, rev GENIO POPV – LI ROMANI, Genius standing left with modius on head, naked but for chlamys over his left shoulder, holding a patera and a cornucopiae, 10.91g, 6h (RIC 23b). Struck on a broad flan, attractive dark brown patina, extremely fine. £175 AR067 Maximian (A.D. 286-305), AE Follis, mint of London, struck c.A.D. 307, D N MAXIMIANO P F S AVG, laureate and cuirassed bust facing right, rev GENIO - POP ROM, Genius standing left with loins draped, wearing a modius, holding a patera and a cornucopiae, PLN in exergue, 6.77g, 6h (RIC 85). Dark brown patina, almost extremely fine. £100

AR068 Carausius (A.D. 287-293), AE Antoninianus, mint of Camulodunum, IMP CARAVSIVS P F AVG, radiate and draped bust facing right, rev MONETA AVG, Moneta standing left, holding scales and a cornucopiae, C in exergue, 4.61g, 6h (RIC 287). Some residual silvering, dark patina, almost extremely fine. £280

AR069 Carausius (A.D. 287-293), AE Antoninianus, IMP C CARAVSIVS P F AVG, radiate, draped and cuirassed bust facing right, rev SPES PVBL, Spes walking left, holding a flower and raising robe, S - C in field, 4.15g, 6h (RIC 522). Struck on a broad flan, some residual silvering, dark green patina, good very fine/almost extremely fine. £220



AR070 Constantius I (A.D. 305-306), AE Follis, mint of London, struck as Caesar, c.A.D. 300, FL VAL CONSTANTIVS NOB C, laureate and cuirassed bust facing right, rev GENIO POPV – LI ROMANI, Genius standing left, with modius on head, naked but for chlamys over shoulder, holding a patera and a cornucopiae, 11.41g, 6h (RIC 14a). Dark patina, a little rubbed at high points, nearly extremely fine. £95 AR071 Constantius I (A.D. 305-306), AE Follis, mint of London, struck as Caesar, c.A.D. 300, FL VAL CONSTANTIVS NOB C, laureate and cuirassed bust facing right, rev GENIO POPV – LI ROMANI, Genius standing left with modius on head, naked but for chlamys over left shoulder, holding a patera and a cornucopiae, 9.78g, 6h (RIC 14a). Struck on a broad flan, dark patina, good very fine. £95




AR072 Constantius I (A.D. 305-306), AE Follis, mint of London, struck as Caesar, c.A.D. 300, CONSTANTIVS NOB C, laureate and cuirassed bust facing right, rev GENIO POPV - LI ROMANI, Genius standing left, with modius on head, naked but for chlamys over shoulder, holding a patera and a cornucopiae, 10.50g, 7h (RIC 22). Dark brown patina, a little softly struck on reverse, extremely fine. £100 AR073 Constantius I (A.D. 305-306), AE Follis, mint of London, struck as Caesar, c.A.D. 300, CONSTANTIVS NOB C, laureate and cuirassed bust facing right, rev GENIO POP - V LI ROMANI, Genius standing left, with modius on head, naked but for chlamys over shoulder, holding a patera and a cornucopiae, 9.97g, 7h (RIC 37a). Dark brown patina, nearly extremely fine. £95

AR074 Galerius (A.D. 305-311), Silver Argenteus, mint of Ticinum, struck c.A.D. 295, MAXIMIAN-VS CAESAR, laureate head facing right, rev VICTORIA – SARMAT, four princes performing sacrifice over a tripod, before gate in six-turreted enclosure, 3.23g, 12h (RIC 17b). Attractive iridescent cabinet tone, sharply struck, extremely fine. £1,500 Ex Tkalec, October 1998, lot 322

AR075 Galerius (A.D. 305-311), Silver Argenteus, mint of Treveri, struck as Caesar, c.A.D. 295-297, MAXIMIANVS NOB C, laureate head facing right, rev VIRTVS – MILITVM, four princes sacrificing over a tripod, before gate in six-turreted enclosure, D in exergue, 3.26g, 12h (RIC 110b). Toned, struck in high relief, extremely fine. £900

AR076 Galerius (A.D. 305-311), AE Follis, mint of Treveri, struck as Caesar, c.A.D. 302-303, MAXIMIANVS NOBIL C, laureate, draped and cuirassed bust facing right, rev GENIO POPV – LI ROMANI, Genius standing left, head towered, naked but for chlamys over shoulder, holding a patera and a cornucopiae, S-F in field, IITR in exergue, 8.91g, 6h (RIC 532). Attractive rich dark red-brown patina, extremely fine. £180

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AR077 Galerius (A.D. 305-311), AE Follis, mint of London, c.A.D. 307, D N MAXIMIANO P F S AVG, laureate and cuirassed bust facing right, rev GENIO – POP ROM, Genius standing left with head towered, loins draped, holding a patera and a cornucopiae, PLN in exergue, 6.79g, 6h (RIC 90). Dark brown patina, almost extremely fine. £95 AR078 Crispus (A.D. 317-326), AE Follis, mint of Thessalonica, D N FL IVL CRISPVS NOB CAES, laureate and cuirassed bust facing right, rev VIRT – EXERC, ‘plan of a Roman camp’, Sol standing in the middle, wearing a chlamys, raising his right hand and holding a globe in his left, .TS.E. in exergue, 2.76g, 6h (RIC 69). An interesting type, residual silvering, a little softly struck in parts, almost extremely fine. £395

AR079 Constans (A.D. 337-350), Gold Solidus, mint of Aquileia, struck A.D. 340-350, CONSTANS – AVGVSTVS, laurel and rosette-diademed, draped and cuirassed bust facing right, rev VICTORIAE DD NN AVGG, two Victories facing, together holding a wreath inscribed VOT / X / MVLT / XX, SMAQ in exergue, 4.32g, 6h (RIC 45). Lustrous, extremely fine. £3,950

AR080 Constantius II (A.D. 337-361), Gold Solidus, mint of Constantinople, struck A.D. 337-40. D N CONSTANTIVS AVG, rosette-diademed, draped and cuirassed bust facing right, rev VICTORIA CONSTANTI AVG, Victory seated right on a cuirass and round shield, pointing to a round shield inscribed VOT/XV, being supported by a winged Genius standing left, CONS in exergue, 4.37g., 12h (RIC 9; Biaggi 2175; Depeyrot 1/8). Fine style, extremely fine. £3,750

AR081 Constantius II (A.D. 337-361), Gold Solidus, mint of Treveri, struck A.D. 340-350, CONSTANTI – VS AVGVSTVS, pearl-diademed, draped and cuirassed bust facing right, rev VICTORIAE DD NN AVGG, two Victories facing, together holding a wreath inscribed VOT / XX / MVLT / XXX, TR in exergue, 4.35g, 6h (C.280, RIC 132). Sharply struck and toned, good extremely fine. £4,500


A Very Rare Gold 1½ Scripulum of Constantius II

AR082 Constantius II (A.D. 337-361), Gold 1½ Scripulum, or Nine-Siliqua Piece, mint of Antioch, struck A.D. 347-350, CONSTAN – TIVS AVG, pearl-diademed, draped and cuirassed bust facing right, rev VICTORIA AVGVSTORVM, Victory seated right on a cuirass, resting on her knee, and supported by a winged Genius, a shield inscribed VOT / XXX, SMAN in exergue, 1.67g, 12h (C. -, RIC 97). Lightly toned, with a few very light surface marks, else extremely fine and very rare. £7,000

Two Attractive Facing Bust Solidi of Constantius II

AR083 Constantius II (A.D. 337-361), Gold Solidus, mint of Sirmium, struck A.D. 351-355, FL IVL CONSTAN – TIVS PERP AVG, pearl-diademed, helmeted and cuirassed bust facing, slightly inclined to right, holding a spear and an ornamented shield, rev GLORIA – REI – PVBLICAE, Roma and Constantinopolis enthroned, facing, holding between them a shield inscribed VOT / XXX / MVLT / XXXX, Roma holding a spear, Constantinopolis holding a sceptre and with her foot on a prow, *SIRM* in exergue, 4.49g., 1h (C.112, RIC 8, Dep 6/1). A beautiful example, struck in high relief, toned, about extremely fine. £3,750

AR084 Constantius II (A.D. 337-361), Gold Solidus, mint of Constantinople, struck A.D. 351-55. FL IVL CONSTAN-TIVS PERP AVGV, pearl-diademed, helmeted, and cuirassed bust facing, slightly inclined to right, holding a spear over shoulder and a shield decorated with a horseman, rev GLORIA REI PVBLICAE, Roma and Constantinopolis, with right foot resting on a prow and holding a sceptre, enthroned facing, holding between them a shield inscribed VOT / XXX / MVLT / XXXX, CONS in exergue, 4.44g., 1h (RIC 96; Biaggi 2141; Depeyrot 3/4). Flan slightly irregular, lustrous and extremely fine, with a very good portrait. £4,000

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AR085 Constantius II (A.D. 337-361), Silver Siliqua, mint of Lugdunum, struck A.D. 353-355, D N CONSTAN TIVS P F AVG, pearl-diademed, draped and cuirassed bust facing right, rev VOTIS / XXX / MVLTIS / XXXX within wreath, LVG below, 2.06g, 12h (C.5, RIC 216). Toned, good very fine. £150 AR086 Julian II (A.D. 360-363), Silver Siliqua, mint of Arelate. D N IVLIAN-VS P F AVG, pearl-diademed, draped and cuirassed bust facing right, rev VOTIS / V / MVLTIS / X, within a wreath, TCON in exergue, 2.42g., 12h (RIC 295; C 161). Iridescent cabinet tone, very light crack in flan, very fine to good very fine. £140



AR087 Gratian (A.D. 367-383), Silver Siliqua, mint of Treveri, struck A.D. 367-75. D N GRATIA-NVS P F AVG, pearl-diademed, draped and cuirassed bust facing right, rev VRBS ROMA, Roma enthroned left, holding Victory on globe and a spear, TRPS• in exergue, 1.82g, 6h (RIC 27f (1); C 86). Broad flan, lightly toned, nearly extremely fine. £160 AR088 Gratian (A.D. 367-383), Silver Siliqua, mint of Aquileia, struck A.D. 378-83. D N GRATIA-NVS P F AVG, pearl-diademed, draped and cuirassed bust facing right, rev VIRTVS RO-MANORVM, Roma enthroned facing, head turned left, holding a globe and a spear, AQPS in exergue, 2.19g., 12h (RIC 28a; C 56). Attractive cabinet tone, broad flan, nearly extremely fine. £220

AR089 Gratian (A.D. 367-383), Gold Solidus, mint of Mediolanum (?), struck A.D. 379-383, D N GRATIA –NVS P F AVG, pearl-diademed, draped and cuirassed bust facing right, rev VICTOR – IA AVGG, two emperors, nimbate, seated facing, one holding a mappa, together holding a globe, Victory above with outspread wings, a palm below, COM in exergue, 4.46g, 6h (C.38, Depeyrot 1/1, RIC 5d). Attractive light red toning over lustre, good extremely fine. £2,600

AR090 Valentinian II (A.D. 375-392), Gold Solidus, mint of Mediolanum, struck A.D. 383-88. D N VALENTINIANVS P F AVG, pearl-diademed, draped and cuirassed bust facing right, rev VICTOR-IA AVCC, nimbate emperors seated facing, holding between them a globe, figure of Victory, with wings open, behind, a palm-branch below, M-D in field, COM in exergue, 4.40g., 12h (RIC 8a; C 37; Depeyrot 9/1). Very wellstruck, lustrous, good extremely fine. £2,200


AR091 Valentinian II (A.D. 375-392), Gold Solidus, mint of Constantinople, struck A.D. 383-88. D N VALENTINIANVS P F AVG, pearl-diademed, draped and cuirassed bust facing right, rev CONCOR-DIA AVGGG I, Constantinopolis seated facing, head right, on a throne ornamented with lions’ heads, holding a sceptre and a globe, her right foot resting on a prow, CONOB in exergue, 4.37g., 12h (RIC 67a; Depeyrot 46/2). An exceptional example, well-struck on a very broad flan, lightly toned, good extremely fine. £2,800

AR092 Valentinian II (A.D. 375-392), Gold Solidus, mint of Mediolanum (?), struck 28 August A.D. 388 – 15 May A.D. 392, D N VALENTINI – ANVS P F AVG, pearl-diademed, draped and cuirassed bust facing right, rev VICTOR – IA AVGG, two emperors, nimbate, seated facing, together holding a globe, a palm below, M – D in field, COM in exergue, 4.41g, 12h (C.37, RIC 20a). Lustrous, extremely fine. £2,600

AR093 Theodosius I (A.D. 379-395), Gold Solidus, mint of Treveri, struck c.A.D. 379-83. D N THEODO-SIVS P F AVG, pearl-diademed, draped and cuirassed bust facing right, rev VICTOR-IA AVGG, two emperors seated facing, holding a globe between them, figure of Victory with wings spread behind them, a palm-branch below, TROBC in exergue, 4.45g., 6h (RIC 50; C 37; Depeyrot 47/4). Lustrous, good extremely fine. £1,900

AR094 Theodosius I (A.D. 379-395), Gold Solidus, mint of Constantinople, struck c.A.D. 383-8. D N THEODOSIVS P F AVG, pearl-diademed, draped and cuirassed bust facing right, rev CONCORDI-A AVCCC I, Constantinopolis seated facing, head right, on a high-backed throne, holding a sceptre and shield inscribed VOT / X / MVLT/ XV, her right foot resting on a prow, CONOB in exergue, 4.45g., 12h (RIC 71a.5; C 11; Depeyrot 47/1). Lustrous, extremely fine. £1,850

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AR095 Arcadius (A.D. 383-408), Silver Siliqua, mint of Treveri, struck A.D. 392-5. D N ARCADI-VS P F AVG, pearl-diademed, draped and cuirassed bust facing right, rev VIRTVS RO-MANORVM, Roma seated left on a cuirass, holding Victory on a globe and a spear, TRPS in exergue, 1.49g., 6h (RIC 106b). Residual lustre, extremely fine. £175 AR096 Arcadius (A.D. 383-408), Silver Siliqua, mint of Treveri, struck A.D. 392-5. D N ARCAPI-VS P F AVG, pearldiademed, draped and cuirassed bust facing right, rev VIRTVS RO-MANORVM, Roma seated left on a cuirass, holding Victory on a globe and a spear, TRPS in exergue, 1.58g., 12h (RIC 106c). Light crack in flan, nearly extremely fine. £140

AR097 Arcadius (A.D. 383-408), Gold Solidus, mint of Sirmium, struck A.D. 393-394, D N ARCADI – VS P F AVG, pearl-diademed, draped and cuirassed bust facing right, rev VICTORI – A AVGGG Γ, emperor standing right, holding a standard and Victory on globe, his foot on a captive, S – M in field, COMOB in exergue, 4.46g, 6h (RIC 14b). Lustrous, extremely fine. £2,650

AR098 Arcadius (A.D. 383-408), Gold Solidus, mint of Mediolanum, struck A.D. 394-5. D N ARCADI – VS P F AVG, pearl-diademed, draped and cuirassed bust right, rev VICTORI – A AVGGG, emperor standing right, left foot on captive, holding standard and Victory on globe; in field, M – D in field, COMOB in exergue, 4.50g., 6h (RIC 35b; Depeyrot 16/1). Attractively toned and lustrous, good extremely fine. £2,500

AR099 Flavius Victor (A.D. 387-388), Silver Siliqua, mint of Mediolanum. D N FL VIC-TOR P F AVG, pearldiademed, draped and cuirassed bust facing right, rev VIRTVS RO-MANORVM, Roma enthroned facing, head turned to left, holding a globe and a spear, MDPS in exergue, 1.48g., 6h (RIC 19b; C 6). Toned, very fine. £450


AR100 Honorius (A.D. 393-423), Gold Solidus, mint of Sirmium, struck c.A.D. 393-5. D N HONORI-VS P F AVG, pearl-diademed, draped and cuirassed bust facing right, rev VICTORI-A AVGGG B, emperor standing right, his left foot resting on a captive, holding a standard and Victory on a globe, S-M in field, COMOB in exergue, 4.49g., 12h (RIC 14d.2; C 44; Depeyrot 34/3). Lustrous, good extremely fine. £1,800

AR101 Honorius (A.D. 393-423), Gold Solidus, mint of Mediolanum, struck A.D. 394-5. D N HONORI-VS P F AVG, pearl-diademed, draped and cuirassed bust facing right, rev VICTORI-A AVGGG, emperor standing right, his left foot resting on a captive, holding a standard and Victory on a globe, M-D in field, COMOB in exergue, 4.55g., 12h (RIC 35c; C 44; Depeyrot 16/2). Lustrous, good extremely fine. £1,950




AR102 Honorius (A.D. 393-423), Silver Siliqua, mint of Mediolanum, struck A.D. 395-402. D N HONORI-VS P F AVG, pearl-diademed, draped and cuirassed bust facing right, rev VIRTVS RO-MANORVM, Roma seated left on a cuirass, holding Victory on globe and a spear, [MD]PS in exergue, 1.20g, 12h (RIC 1228; C 59). Some light porosity, about extremely fine. £140 AR103 Theodosius II (A.D. 402-450), Gold Solidus, mint of Constantinople, struck A.D. 430-40. D N THEODOSIVS P F AVG, pearl-diademed, helmeted and cuirassed bust facing, slightly inclined to the right, holding a spear in right hand, over left arm an ornamented shield depicting a horseman riding down his enemy, rev VOT XXX MVLT XXXX I, Constantinopolis enthroned left, holding a cross on a globe and a sceptre, a shield rests beside her, a star on right, CONOB in exergue, 4.46g., 6h (RIC 257; Depeyrot 81/1). Well-struck, lustrous, good extremely fine, an excellent example. £1,300 AR104 Valentinian III (A.D. 425-455), Gold Solidus, mint of Ravenna, struck c.A.D. 430-45. D N PLA VALENTI-NIANVS P F AVG, rosette-diademed, draped and cuirassed bust facing right, rev VICTORIA AVGGG, Emperor standing facing, holding a long cross and Victory on a globe, placing his right foot on the head of a human-headed serpent, R – V in field, COMOB in exergue, 4.44g., 12h (RIC 2018; Depeyrot 17/1). Attractively toned, about extremely fine. £1,000 Ex Sotheby’s, 24 May 1997, lot 474

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AR105 Leo I (A.D. 457-474), Gold Solidus, mint of Constantinople, struck A.D. 462 or 466, D N LEO PE-RPET AVG, pearl-diademed, helmeted, and cuirassed bust facing, slightly inclined to right, holding a spear in right hand, over left arm an ornamented shield depicting a horseman riding down his enemy, rev VICTORI-A AVGGG Z, Victory standing left, supporting a long jewelled cross, star in right field, CONOB in exergue, 4.47g, 6h (RIC 605; Depeyrot 93/1). Well-struck, lustrous, extremely fine. £1,250

AR106 Leo I (A.D. 457-474), Gold Solidus, mint of Constantinople, struck A.D. 462 or 466, D N LEO PE-RPET AVG, pearl-diademed, helmeted, and cuirassed bust facing, slightly inclined to right, holding a spear in right hand, over left arm an ornamented shield depicting a horseman riding down his enemy, rev VICTORI-A AVGGG I, Victory standing left, supporting a long jewelled cross, star in right field, CONOB in exergue, 4.47g, 6h (RIC 605; Depeyrot 93/1). Lustrous, extremely fine. £850

AR107 Zeno (A.D. 476-491), Gold Solidus, mint of Constantinople. D N ZENO PERP AVG, pearl-diademed, helmeted and cuirassed bust facing, slightly inclined to right, holding a spear in right hand, over left arm an ornamented shield depicting a horseman riding down his enemy, rev VICTORI-A AVCCC Δ, Victory standing left, holding a long cross, a star on right, CONOB in exergue, 4.47g., 6h (RIC 910; Depeyrot 108/1). Extremely fine. £825

AR108 Zeno (A.D. 476-491), Gold Solidus, mint of Constantinople. D N ZENO PERP AVG, pearl-diademed, helmeted and cuirassed bust facing, slightly inclined to right, holding a spear in right hand, over left arm an ornamented shield depicting a horseman riding down his enemy, rev VICTORI-A AVCCC E, Victory standing left, holding a long cross, a star on right, CONOB in exergue, 4.43g., 6h (RIC 910; Depeyrot 108/1). Slightly softly struck on high points, about extremely fine. £700



Mint of Constantinople unless otherwise stated


Ostrogoths, Theodoric (A.D. 518-526), Gold Tremissis, in the name of Justinus I, mint of Rome, dN IVSTINVS PΓ ΛVC, diademed, draped and cuirassed bust of emperor facing right, rev VICTORIΛ ΛVGVSTORVM, Victory advancing right, facing left, holding a wreath and a globus cruciger, a star in right field, COMOB in exergue, 1.47g, 6h (MIB (1) 25; MEC -). Extremely fine, rare, bold relief. £1,000


Lombards (A.D. 527-565), Silver ¼ Siliqua, in the name of Justinianus I, minted in Upper Italy, ….ANVS PP, diademed and draped bust of emperor facing right, rev rho-headed cross on globus, flanked by pellets above and stars below; all within a wreath, 0.56g, 6h (MEC 295/297). Good fine, rare. £275


Merovingian, Patrician Nemfidius (c.A.D. 706-710), Silver Denier, mint of Marseille, bust facing left with N (?) before face, P on right, rev large NE monogram with MΓ inverted below, 1.01g, 3h (MEC 547 var.). Very fine, rare in this condition. £375


Anastasius I (A.D.491-518), Gold Solidus, DN ANASTA-SIVS PP AVC, three-quarter facing bust of emperor, holding a spear and a shield, rev VICTORI-A AVCCC I, Victory standing left, holding a long voided cross, a star on right, CONOB in exergue, 4.34g, 6h (MIBE 4a; S 3 var.). Extremely fine. £650


Anastasius I (A.D. 491-518), Gold Solidus, DN ANASTA-SIVS PP AVC, three-quarter facing bust of emperor, holding a spear and a shield, rev VICTORI-A AVCCC A, Victory standing left, holding a long staff surmounted by reversed rho, a star on left, CONOB in exergue, 4.50g, 6h (MIBE 7; S 5). Extremely fine with a bold portrait, an attractive coin. £750

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Justinus I (A.D. 518-527), Gold Solidus, DN IVSTI-NUS PP AVI, helmeted and cuirassed, three-quarter facing bust, holding a spear and a shield, rev VICTORI-A AVΓCC H, Angel standing facing, holding a long cross and a globus cruciger, a star on right, CONOB in exergue, 4.49g, 6h (MIBE 3; S 56). Extremely fine. £820


Justinianus I (A.D. 527-565), Gold Solidus, DN IVSTINI-ANVS PP AVC, helmeted and cuirassed, threequarter facing bust, holding a spear and a shield, rev VICTORI-A AVCCC S, Angel standing facing, holding a long cross and a globus cruciger, a star on right, CONOB in exergue, 4.48g, 6h (MIBE 5; S 137). Extremely fine, with a bold portrait. £850


Justinianus I (A.D. 527-565), Gold Solidus, DN IVSTINI-ANVS PP AVI, helmeted and cuirassed bust facing, holding a globus cruciger, rev VICTORI-A AVCCC Z, Angel standing facing, holding a long staff surmounted by rho, and a globus cruciger, a star on right, CONOB in exergue, 4.50g, 6h (MIB 7; S 140). Extremely fine. £520

An Exceptional Thessalonika Mint Solidus of Justinianus I


Justinianus I (A.D. 527-565), Gold Solidus, mint of Thessalonika, DN IVSTINI-ANVS PP AVI, helmeted and cuirassed bust facing, holding a globus cruciger and a shield, rev VICTORI-A AVCCC, Angel standing facing, holding a long linear cross and a globus, a star on right, CONOB in exergue, 4.45g, 6h (MIBE 22³; S 138 (Con)). Extremely fine, an exceptional example of this rare mint. £2,350


Anonymous Ceremonial Silver (time of Justinianus I, c.A.D. 530), Half Siliqua, helmeted and cuirassed bust facing right, rev large K, within a pelleted border, 0.72g, 6h (Bendall, RN 2002, obv. No. 17, rev. no. 21). Good very fine. £350



Justinus II (A.D. 565-578), Gold Solidus, Provincial mint, DN I-VST-NVS PP AVC, helmeted and cuirassed bust facing, holding a globus surmounted by Victory, and a shield, rev VICTORI-A AVCCC Z (retrograde), Constantinopolis seated facing, holding a spear and a globus cruciger, CONOB in exergue, 4.42g, 6h (MIBE -; S -). Extremely fine, rare, of unusual style, particularly the reverse, undoubtedly provincial. £550


Maurice Tiberius (c.A.D. 583/4), Gold Solidus, ON MAVRC – TIb PP AVC, draped and cuirassed bust facing, wearing a plumed helmet and holding a globus cruciger, rev VICTORI-A AVCC B, Angel standing facing, holding a long staff surmounted by rho, and a globus cruciger, K in right field, CONOB in exergue, 4.45g, 7h (MIBE obv. 9², rev. 9¹; S -). Good very fine, unpublished in Sear. £620

A Choice Carthage Mint Solidus of Maurice Tiberius


Maurice Tiberius (A.D. 582-602), Gold Solidus, mint of Carthage, DN MAVRI-C Tb PP ANIB, draped and cuirassed bust facing, wearing a plumed helmet and holding a globe cruciger, rev VICTORI-A AVCC IB = indiction A.D. 593/4, Angel standing facing, holding a long staff surmounted by rho, and a globus cruciger, CONOB in exergue, 4.39g, 6h (MIBE 25.b¹; S 549). Extremely fine, a choice example. £1,350




Focas (A.D. 602-610), Gold Solidus, DN FOCAS – PERP AV, bust of emperor facing, wearing consular robes and a crown, holding a mappa and a short cross, rev VICTORI-A AVCC E, Angel standing facing, holding a long staff surmounted by rho, and a globus cruciger, CONOB in exergue, 4.43g, 7h (MIBE 2, dated specifically to December 603; S 623). Some weakness in striking, otherwise extremely fine and rare. £800


Focas (A.D. 602-610), Gold Solidus, dN FOCAS – PERP AV, draped and cuirassed bust of emperor facing, wearing a crown and holding a globus cruciger, rev VICTORIA – AVGU E, Angel standing facing, holding a long staff surmounted by rho and a globus cruciger, CONOB in exergue, 4.51g, 6h (MIBE 9; S 620). Virtually mint state. £600

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Focas (A.D. 602-610), Gold Solidus, DNN FOCAS – PERP AVC, draped and cuirassed bust of emperor facing, wearing a crown and holding a globus cruciger, rev VICTORIA – AVGU E, Angel standing facing, holding a long staff surmounted by rho and a globus crucier, CONOB in exergue, 4.41g, 7h (MIBE 11; S 620 var.). Legend commencing DNN is dateable to A.D. 609/10 (see Hahn). Extremely fine. £580


Heraclius, Heraclius Constantine and Heraclonas (A.D. 638-641), Gold Solidus, Heraclius standing, flanked by his two sons, each wearing a chlamys and holding a globus cruciger, Heraclius and Heraclius Constantine each wearing a crown, Heraclonas uncrowned, rev VICTORIA AVGU B, cross potent on three steps, flanked by a monogram and Θ = indictional year A.D. 695/6, CONOB+ below, 4.46g, 6h (MIB 41; S 670). Extremely fine, a choice example. £675




Constans II (A.D. 641-668), Gold Solidus, dN CONSTAN-TINUS PP AVI, bust of emperor facing, with short beard, wearing a crown and chlamys and holding a globus cruciger, rev VICTORIA AVGU Z (retrograde), cross potent on three steps, S (indictional year 6) on right, CONOB in exergue, 4.50g, 6h (MIB 14; S 947). Extremely fine. £600


Constans II and Constantine IV (A.D. 654-668), Gold Solidus, dN CONSTANTINUS CONSTA, facing busts of emperors, Constans with a long beard, Constantine IV beardless, each wearing a crown and a chlamys, a cross above, rev VICTORIA – AVGU Θ, cross potent on three steps, CONOB below, 4.34g, 6h (MIB 26; S 959). Extremely fine. £550




Constans II (A.D. 649-650), Gold Globular Solidus, mint of Carthage, DN CON-TANTINP, bust of emperor facing, wearing a short beard, wearing a crown and a chlamys, and holding a globus cruciger, rev VICTORI ΔH (Δ = indiction, H = date A.D. 649/50), cross potent on three steps, P on right, CONOB in exergue, 4.38g, 7h (MIB 62; S 1035). Good very fine. £550


Constans II and Constantine IV (A.D. 654-668), Silver Hexagram, dN CONSTANTINUS C CO[NSTAN], facing busts of Constans, with long beard, and Constantine IV, beardless, each wearing a crown and a chlamys, a cross between heads, rev dEUS AdIUTA ROMANIS, cross potent on globus above three steps, 6.21g, 6h (MIB 149; S 995). About good very fine. £350


Constans II (c.A.D. 652-657), Silver Half-Siliqua, mint of Carthage, DN CO-TΛTA N, facing bust of emperor, with short beard, wearing a crown and a chlamys, and holding a globus cruciger, rev arrangement of PAX, cross above flanked by two pellets, 0.49g, 6h (MIB 157a; S 1050). Good very fine, unusually nice for these, rare. £300





Constantine IV (c.A.D. 674-680), Gold Solidus, dN – T – NUS P, bust of emperor facing, with a shot beard, wearing a helmet and a cuirass, holding a spear diagonally behind head, rev VICTOA – AVGU Θ, cross potent between standing figures of Heraclius and Tiberius, each holding a globus cruciger and wearing a crown and a chalmys, CONOB in exergue, 4.27g, 6h (MIB 7a; S 1156). Extremely fine. £700


Leo III (c.A.D. 718), AE Follis, legend obscure, standing figure of emperor, wearing a crown and loros, and holding an akakia and a long cross, rev large M between ANNO and [XX], officina B, CON in exergue, 2.81g, 6h (MIB 24; S 1513A). Overstruck on an earlier flan (Anastasius II?), good fine and very rare. £420 A Rare Gold Semissis of Leo V and Constantine


Leo V and Constantine (A.D. 813-820), Gold Semissis, mint of Syracuse, LEO-n bASILEU, bust of emperor facing, with a short beard, wearing a crown and a chlamys, and holding a globus cruciger and an akakia, Λ on right, rev COn-STAnI, bust of Constantine, beardless, wearing a crown and a chalmys, and holding a cross potent on globus, K on right, 1.77g, 6h (DO 9; S 1632). Extremely fine, rare. £2,200


Theophilus (A.D. 829-842), Gold Tremissis, mint of Syracuse, star followed by ΘFO-FILOS bA, bust of emperor facing, with a short beard, wearing a crown and a chlamys, and holding a globus cruciger, rev as obverse, bust emperor is wearing a loros and holding a cross potent, 1.24g, 6h (DO 20; S 1679). This type with legend commencing with a star being the first issue from this mint, extremely fine, scarce. £600 An Excellent Portrait of Christ


Constantine VII with Romanus II (A.D. 949-955), Gold Solidus, +IhS XPS REX REGNANTIUM, bust of Christ facing, wearing a nimbus with three pellets within limbs of cross, raising hand in benediction and holding book of Gospels, rev CONSTAnT CE ROMAn AUGG bR, facing busts of Constantine, with short beard, and Romanus, beardless, both crowned, and holding between them a long patriarchal cross, Constantine wears a loros, his son is clad in a chlamys, 4.40g, 6h (DO 15; S 1751). Extremely fine, a really handsome and well-struck example, Christ’s portrait sharp and clear. £1,400

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Constantine VIII (A.D. 1025-1028), Gold Histamenon, +IhS XIS REX REGNANTIhM, bust of Christ facing, wearing a nimbus, pallium and a colobium, raising hand in benediction and holding book of Gospels, rev +CWnSTAnTIn bASILWUS ROM, bust of emperor facing, wearing a crown and loros and holding a labarum and an akakia, 4.42g, 6h (DO 1; S 1815). Extremely fine. £1,150




Constantine X Ducas (A.D. 1059-1067), Gold Histamenon, IhS XIS REX REGNANTIhM, Christ enthroned, raising hand in benediction and holding nook of Gospels, rev +KWN RAC A OΔOVKAC, Constantine, bearded, standing facing on a footstool, wearing a crown, a saccos and a loros, and holding a labarum and a globus cruciger, 4.36g, 6h (DO 1; S 1847). Well-struck on unusually large flan, extremely fine. £350


Constantine X Ducas (A.D. 1059-1067), Gold Histamenon, +IhC XIS ACX – REGNANTIhM, Christ enthroned, raising hand in benediction and holding book of Gospels, rev +KWN RAC I ΔOVKAC, figures of Virgin and Constantine, Virgin crowns the emperor, who wears a saccos and a loros and holds a globus cruciger, 4.37g, 6h (DO 2; S 1848). Unusually well-struck obverse, extremely fine. £600 Ex Bunker Hunt Collection, Sotheby’s, 12 May 1990, lot 817




Michael VII Ducas (A.D. 1071-1078), Silver 2/3 Miliaresion, Christ enthroned facing, raising hand in benediction and holding book of Gospels, IC-XC on left and right, rev +KERΘ – MIXAHΛ – ΔECΠOTH – TWΔOV – KA in five lines; within a dotted border, 1.30g, 6h (DO 11b; S 1875). Very fine, very rare. £520


Michael VII Ducas (A.D. 1071-1078), Silver 2/3 Miliaresion, bust of Virgin facing, holding before her the nimbate infant Christ, MP-ΘV on left and right, rev +OKE – ROHΘEI – MIXAHΛ – ΔECΠOTH – TWΔWKA; within a dotted border, 1.42g, 6h (DO 8; S 1876). Good very fine, rare. £450 A Very Rare Follis of the Usurper Nicephorus Basilacius


Nicephorus Basilacius (Usurper, A.D. 1078), AE Follis, mint of Thessalonika, nimbate bust of Christ facing, raising hand in benediction and holding a scroll, IC-XC on left and right, rev jewelled patriarchal cross on steps, flanked by C-B above, N-B below, 4.16g, 6h (DO 2c (Nicephorus Bryennius); S 1890). About very fine, very rare. £1,400





Alexius I Comnenus (A.D. 1081-1092), Electrum Histamenon, Christ enthroned, raising hand in benediction and holding book of Gospels, IC-XC on left and right, rev +AΛEZIWΔ – ΠOT TW [KM], bust of emperor facing, wearing a crown and a jewelled chlamys, and holding a sceptre and a globus cruciger, 4.37g, 6h (DO IV, pl. I, T, 1b; S 1893). Good very fine. £275


Alexius I Comnenus (A.D. 1081-1092), Electrum Histamenon, mint of Thessalonika, +KER-AΛEZ, bust of Christ facing, holding book of Gospels with both hands, IC-XC on left and right, rev ΔI-MI-TI on left, ΔECΠITH in columnar form on right, St. Demetrius standing facing on right, presenting a labarum to Alexius, Saint wears military attire and holds a sword, emperor wears a crown and a loros and grasps the labarum, 4.37g, 6h (DO IV, pl. 1 (4.2); S 1904). Good very fine, very rare. £750

A Very Rare Silver Trachy of Michael VIII


Michael VIII Paleologus (A.D. 1261-1282), Silver Trachy, Virgin seated on an ornate throne, holding infant Christ, HP-ΘV on left and right, rev emperor, holding a scroll, kneeling before seated Christ and supported by St Michael, legends on left and right, 2.00g, 6h (DO V, 30 var.; S 2245). A little crinkled, but very fine and very rare, with a full striking. £950





Manuel II Paleologus (A.D. 1391-1425), Silver Stavraton, nimbate bust of Christ facing, raising right hand in benediction and holding book of Gospels; all within a circle of pellets, IC-XC on left and right, rev +MANOVH BACIΛEVC etc., nimbate bust of emperor facing, wearing a crown and scalloped tippet, a pellet either side, 3.75g, 12h (DO V, pl. 76, 1470 var.; S 2551 var.). Toned, good very fine. £650


John VIII Paleologus (A.D. 1423-1448), Silver Stavraton, nimbate bust of Christ facing, holding book of Gospels; within a pelleted border, IC-XC on left and right, rev emperor facing, wearing a crown and scalloped tippet; all within two bands of legend, 6.66g, 6h (DO V, 1709 etc.; S 2564). Very fine. £200


Empire of Nicaea, John III Ducas Vatatzes (A.D. 1232-1254), Gold Hyperpyron, mint of Magnesia, nimbate Christ enthroned facing, raising right hand in benediction and holding book of Gospels, IC-XC on left and right, rev standing figures of emperor, wearing a loros and holding a labarum and an akakia, and Virgin, crowning him, legends left and right, 4.22g, 6h (DO IV.2, pl. 30, no. 5-11; S 2073). Traces of double-striking, good early style and very fine. £375

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ANCIENT BRITISH An Interesting Selection from the Geoff Cottam Collection

AB001 Celtic, Cantii, Dubnovellaunus (c.25 BC-AD 5), Gold Stater, ‘Serpent’ type, obverse blank with banding, rev horse right, bucranium and ring-pellets above, serpent below, legend around, with symbols, 5.50g (ABC 303; VA 169-1; S.177). A few light marks and deeper scratch on obverse, graze behind horse, a good, well centred, very fine, very rare. £1,250 Ex Geoff Cottam Collection, Spink Auction 232, 2 December 2015, lot 32

AB002 Celtic, Belgae, uninscribed coinage (c.60-20 BC), Gold Quarter Stater, ‘Hampshire Thunderbolt’ type, two figures in stylised boat, crescent moon to left, trefoil of pellets to right, rev abstract symbols, 1.42g (ABC 767; VA 143-1; S.46). Toned, good very fine, scarce. £450 Ex Geoff Cottam Collection, Spink Auction 232, 2 December 2015, lot 89

AB003 Celtic, Atrebates and Regni, Commius (c.50-25 BC), Gold Stater, ‘Muzzles’ type, devolved head right, rev horse right, symbols and legend surrounding, 5.50g (ABC 1022; VA 350-1; S.65). Some flan flaws, otherwise good very fine, rare. £1,850 Recorded with the Ashmolean Museum, Oxford, ref CCI 99.1695, found Winchester, Hampshire. Ex Geoff Cottam Collection, Spink Auction 232, 2 December 2015, lot 107

AB004 Celtic, Atrebates and Regni, Eppillus (c.20 BC-AD 1), Gold Quarter Stater, ‘Calleva Daisy’ type, CALLEV across field, star above and below, rev dog bounding right, EPPI above, rosette of pellets below, 1.16g (ABC 1148; Bean EPP1-1; VA 407-1; S.96). With flan flaw, toned, a bold very fine, rare. £750 Recorded with the Ashmolean Museum, Oxford, ref CCI 99.1825 Ex Geoff Cottam Collection, Spink Auction 232, 2 December 2015, lot 139


AB005 Celtic, Atrebates and Regni, Eppillus (c.20 BC-AD 1), Gold Quarter Stater, ‘Crescent’ type, crescent at centre, legend surrounding, rev horse right, star above and below, 1.17g (ABC 1157; Bean EPP2-1; VA 409-1; S.97). Obverse slightly off-centre, toned, nearly extremely fine. £1,500 Recorded with the Ashmolean Museum, Oxford, ref CCI 99.1079 Ex Geoff Cottam Collection, Spink Auction 232, 2 December 2015

AB006 Celtic, Atrebates and Regni, Epaticcus (c.20-40 AD), Silver Minim, ‘Boar’s Head’ type, EPATI across central field, pellet in annulet above and below, rev boar’s head right, TA below, 0.31g (ABC 1370; VA 585-1; S.360). A couple of flan flaws, toned, extremely fine, scarce. £275 Ex Geoff Cottam Collection, Spink Auction 232, 2 December 2015, lot 208

AB007 Celtic, Dobunni, Bodvoc (c.25-5 BC), Silver Unit, ‘Young Head’ type, portrait left, pellet and BODVOC before, boss behind, rev horse right, pellet in annulet with symbols above, sun with pellet in annulet below, 1.15g (ABC 2042; VA 1057-1; S.389). A few tiny rim flaws, toned, extremely fine and very pleasing, very rare. £1,850 Found nr. Stourbridge, Worcestershire. Ex Geoff Cottam Collection, Spink Auction 232, 2 December 2015, lot 219

AB008 Celtic, Trinovantes and Catuvellauni, uninscribed coinage (c.60-20 BC), Gold Stater, ‘Waldingfield’ type, degraded head of Apollo right, rev degraded horse right, symbols around, 6.35g (ABC 2335; VA 1462-1; S.25). A few edge flaws to flan, otherwise good fine/good very fine, extremely rare. £1,650 Found Ipswich, Suffolk. Ex Geoff Cottam Collection, Spink Auction 232, 2 December 2015, lot 257

AB009 Celtic, Trinovantes and Catuvellauni, Dubnovellaunus (c.5 BC-AD 10), Gold Stater, ‘Early’ type, wreath with pellet in annulet, at end and centre, opposing crescents at centre, rev horse left, pellet in annulet above, branch and pellet in annulet below, 5.51g (ABC 2389; Kretz A, new rev die 1a; VA 1650-1; S.-). A little creased with some porosity on one side, otherwise almost extremely fine, extremely rare. £1,450 Ex Geoff Cottam Collection, Spink Auction 232, 2 December 2015, lot 272

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AB010 Celtic, Trinovantes and Catuvellauni, uninscribed coinage (c.80-50 BC), Gold Stater, ‘Ingoldisthorpe Zigzag’ type, degraded head of Apollo right, rev horse right, pellets and small pellet in annulet above, 4.49g (ABC 2424; Sills Ingoldisthorpe dies 2; VA; S.20B). A few light flan flaws, a bold very fine, extremely rare. £2,500 Ex Geoff Cottam Collection, Spink Auction 232, 2 December 2015, lot 277


Celtic, Trinovantes and Catuvellauni, uninscribed coinage (c.80-50 BC), Gold Quarter Stater, ‘Westerham Reversed L’ type, two figures in boat rev tree-like motif, with symbols, 1.32g (ABC 2454 var.; VA-; S39C var.). Toned, about very fine and extremely rare. £975 Bought Vosper, 11 April 2011 Ex Geoff Cottam Collection, Spink Auction 232, 2 December 2015, lot 287

AB012 Celtic, Trinovantes and Catuvellauni, uninscribed coinage (c.60-20 BC), Silver Unit, ‘Harlow Horned God’ type, head right with braided hair, symbols before, rev horse left, solar symbols above, leaf below, 1.09g (ABC 2493; VA 1613; S.-). Porous metal and with some touches of verdigris, nearly extremely fine, extremely rare. £950 Ex Geoff Cottam Collection, Spink Auction 232, 2 December 2015, lot 300

AB013 Celtic, Trinovantes and Catuvellauni, Addedomaros (c.45-25 BC), Gold Quarter Stater, ‘X Box’ type, garnished opposing crescents with piles, rev horse right, branch motif above, box with x within, 1.24g (ABC 2520; VA 1638; S.205). Some flan flaws, with residual dirt, a bold very fine, very rare. £875 Ex Geoff Cottam Collection, Spink Auction 232, 2 December 2015, lot 312

AB014 Celtic, Trinovantes and Catuvellauni, Tasciovanus (c.25 BC-AD 10), Gold Quarter Stater, ‘Camul’ type, crossed wreaths, opposing crescents at centre, teardrops in angles, rev horse left, legend surrounding, 1.29g (ABC 2589; VA 1694-1; S.221). Small scrape to horse, good very fine, extremely rare, very few coins show both the CAMUL monogram above the horse and TASCI below. £1,250 Recorded with the Ashmolean Museum, Oxford, ref CCI 00.1991 Ex Geoff Cottam Collection, Spink Auction 232, 2 December 2015, lot 321




AB015 Celtic, Trinovantes and Catuvellauni, Tasciovanus (c.25 BC-AD 10), Silver Unit, ‘Ver’ type, ver within pelleted border, rev horse right, legend around, 1.01g (ABC 2622; VA 1699-1; S.233). Some light marks, good very fine, extremely rare. £750 Found Braughing, Hertfordshire Ex Geoff Cottam Collection, Spink Auction 232, 2 December 2015, lot 328

AB016 Celtic, Trinovantes and Catuvellauni, Tasciovanus (c.25 BC-AD 10), Silver Unit, ‘X-Box’ type, crossed wreaths, ‘X’ within quadrilateral in centre, v e r l in quarters rev boar right, tas above, 1.24g (ABC 2628; VA 1796-1; S.236). Toned, good very fine, very rare. £600 Ex Geoff Cottam Collection, Spink Auction 232, 2 December 2015, lot 330

AB017 Celtic, Trinovantes and Catuvellauni, Andoco (c.20-1 BC), Gold Stater, ‘Bucranium’ type, crossed wreaths with pellet in annulet decoration, opposing crescents in centre of wreath, various symbols in quarters, rev horse right with garnished bucranium and sun above, legend around, 5.43g (ABC 2715; VA 1860-1; S.262). A few tiny flan flaws, toned, nearly extremely fine, very rare. £4,750 Ex Geoff Cottam Collection, Spink Auction 232, 2 December 2015, lot 357

AB018 Celtic, Trinovantes and Catuvellauni, Cunobelin (c.8-41 AD), Gold Quarter Stater, ‘Classic’ type, wheat ear dividing CA-MV, rev horse right, branch above, CVNO and groundline below, 1.32g (ABC 2822; VA 2038-1; S.296). Toned, good very fine, very rare. £1,250 Ex Geoff Cottam Collection, Spink Auction 232, 2 December 2015, lot 380

AB019 Celtic, Trinovantes and Catuvellauni, Cunobelin (c.10-40 AD), Silver Unit, ‘Hunting Dog’ type, CVN in tablet across central field, pelleted border around, rev dog left, pelleted sun above, CAM below, 1.32g (ABC 2846 - this coin; VA 1949-1; S.301). Some pitting and contact marks, nearly extremely fine, very rare. £975 Recorded with the Ashmolean Museum, Oxford, ref CCI 97.1019, found Stanstead, Essex. Ex Geoff Cottam Collection, Spink Auction 232, 2 December 2015, lot 386

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Chick = The Coinage of Kings of Mercia, Offa (757-796), and his Contemporaries by Derek Chick


Early Anglo-Saxon Period (c.600-775), Post Crondall Type (c.655-675), Pale Gold Thrymsa, Pada type III, diademed bust right and legend, rev small cross with pellet centre, annulets in angles within beaded circle and with runic legend surrounding, 1.26g (Metcalf 82; N.31; S.770). Toned, good very fine and very rare. £3,750


Early Anglo-Saxon Period (c.600-775), Post Crondall Type (c.655-675), Transitional Thrymsa / Primary Sceatta, Pada type III, diademed bust right and legend, rev small cross with pellet centre, annulets in angles within beaded circle and with runic legend surrounding, 1.26g (Metcalf 82; N.31/153; S.773). Toned, some black spots, paler gold look to surfaces likely with more silver content, bold very fine and very rare. £2,000


Offa, King of Mercia (757-796), Silver Non-portrait Penny, light coinage, Canterbury mint, moneyer Babba, King’s name in angles of cross-crosslet over circle with pellet in centre, rev moneyer name in angles of cross-crosslet with central compartment containing rosette of pellets, 1.11g (Chick 89; SCBI.2:320; BMC –; N.266; S.904). Toned, good very fine and rare. £2,950

CSE = the Coinage of southern England 796-865 by Rory Naismith

Ex Dr. Andrew Wayne Collection, CNG Triton Auction XIX, 5 January 2016, lot 864


Offa, King of Mercia, Silver Non-portrait Penny, light coinage, London mint, moneyer Ealmund, King’s name in angles of lozenge cross fleury, small cross and pellets in central compartment, rev AL+H / MUN d in three lines divided by beaded bar with fleury terminals,1.24 g (Chick 39h this coin; SCBI.2:317; BMC 25; N.282; S.904). Toned, minor edge loss, otherwise good very fine and very rare. £2,950 Found Chirton, Wiltshire, PAS WILT-31A183. Ex Dr. Andrew Wayne Collection, CNG Triton Auction XIX, 5 January 2016, lot 868



Offa, King of Mercia, Silver Non-portrait Penny, heavy coinage, London mint, moneyer Ethelnoth, King’s name across centre, Mercian m and Latin title in lunette compartments above and below, rev moneyer name in two lines lines divided by solid bars, cross in brackets above, 1.23 g (Chick 229b this coin; SCBI.-; BMC -; N.322; S.908). Toned, good very fine and very rare. £3,950 Found near Empingham, Rutland, before c.1926, sold in Oakham, Rutland in February 1988 Ex Derek Chick Collection, with his detailed ticket Ex Patrick Finn, list 18, 2000, item 81 Ex James A. Hall Collection, DNW Auction 71, 28 September 2006, lot 25 Ex Dr. Andrew Wayne Collection, CNG Triton Auction XIX, 5 January 2016, lot 874


Coenwulf, King of Mercia (796-821), Silver Non-portrait Penny, tribrach type, Canterbury mint, moneyer Dvda, Mercian m at centre, beaded circle and legend surrounding, rev moneyer name around tribrach, 1.06g (CSE C13.2g this coin; N.342; S.914). Small outer rim chip, toned, bold very fine and rare. £2,250 Ex H O O’Hagan, Sotheby’s, 16 December 1907, lot 299, sold for £2/2/- Ex W L Raynes, Glendining’s, 15 February 1950, lot 354, sold for £8/5/- Ex Spink Numismatic Circular, March 1970, item 61 Ex Spink Numismatic Circular, July 1972, item 7369 Ex Spink Numismatic Circular, October 1973, item 7731 Ex Mr and Mrs B R Noble, Glendining’s, 11 December 1975, lot 368


Coenwulf, King of Mercia, Silver Non-portrait Penny, tribrach type, Canterbury mint, moneyer Seberht, Mercian m at centre, beaded circle and legend surrounding, rev moneyer name around tribrach, 1.23g (CSE C15.2f this coin; SCBI.20:578 this coin; N.342; S.914). With outer rim chip, toned, good very fine and rare. £2,250 Ex H W Thorburn, Sotheby’s, 17 November 1918, lot 25, sold for £2/2/- Ex Richard Cyril Lockett, English (part III), Glendining’s, 4 November 1958, lot 2669, sold for £16 Ex Comm. R P Mack, Glendining’s, 18 November 1975, lot 83 Recorded on Early Medieval Corpus, EMC 1020.0578

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Coenwulf, King of Mercia, Silver Portrait Penny, East Anglian mint, moneyer Lul, bust right within linear circle, legend surrounding, rev cross with triangle compartment ends containing pellet, �������� moneyer name in pellet ovals in angles of cross, 1.23g (CSE E10.1g this coin; N.362; S.919). Darkly toned, very fine and very rare. £3,500 Found Wetheringsett-cum-Brockford, Suffolk, Summer 1995 Coin Register 1995.133 Early Medieval Corpus, EMC 1995.0133


Burgred, King of Mercia (852-874), Silver Portrait Penny, type IIa, lunette type D, moneyer Dudeman, bust to edge of coin facing right, linear circle around head, legend commences lower left, BVRGRED REX linear outer circle both sides, rev ruled lines with curved ends divide legend into three lines, DVDEMA / MN°N / ETA:., 1.36g (MacKay HI.24 this coin (O4/R5); N.426; S.940A). Toned, bold very fine. £1,150 Ex E Judson, DNW Auction 55, 8 October 2002, lot 1015 Ex Dr. Andrew Wayne Collection, CNG Triton Auction XIX, 5 January 2016, lot 885 Formerly the plate coin for this Burgred type in the Standard Catalogue pre the Mackay revision for 2016 (S.941>940A)


Burgred, King of Mercia, Silver Portrait Penny, type III, lunette type A, moneyer Coenred, bust to edge of coin facing right, linear circle around head, legend commences lower left, BVRGRED REX, linear outer circle both sides, rev lunettes with pellet horizontals, legend commences across centre, continues in top lunette and ends in bottom lunette, CENRED / MON / ETA, 1.40g (MacKay H10.6, this coin (O3/R3); N.423; S.942B). Toned, good very fine. £1,250 Ex Spink, 1949 Ex Comm. R P Mack sylloge, SCBI.20:609 Ex Spink Auction 188, 29 March 2007, lot 358 Ex Dr. Andrew Wayne Collection, CNG Triton Auction XIX, 5 January 2016, lot 886 Formerly the plate coin for this Burgred type in the Standard Catalogue pre the Mackay revision for 2016 (S.938>942B).


Kings of East Anglia, Eadmund (855-870), Silver Penny, East Anglian mint, moneyer Eadmund, Alpha A with chevron bar at centre, circles and legends surrounding, rev central cross with pellet in each angle, linear circles and legends surrounding, 1.37g (C.S.E. E58; N.456; S.954). Unevenly toned, good very fine and rare. £1,950





Kings of East Anglia, Eadmund, Silver Penny, East Anglian mint, moneyer Beaghelm, central cross with pellet in each angle, linear circles and legends surrounding both sides ���������������������� 1��������������������� .28g (C.S.E. E61.3c, this coin; N.456; S.955). Toned, one small rim nick and bend, otherwise good very fine and rare. £1,950 Ex Buckland Dix and Wood Auction 22, 24 April 1996, lot 12


Kings of East Anglia, Eadmund, Silver Penny, East Anglian mint, moneyer Sigered, Alpha A with chevron bar at centre, pellet each side, circles and legends surrounding, rev central cross with pellet in each angle, linear circles and legends surrounding, 1.23g (C.S.E. E67; N.456; S.954). Unevenly toned, good very fine and rare. £1,950 Extremely Rare Orsnaforda Viking Penny with Blundered Legend


Viking Coinages, Southern Danelaw (898-915), Alfred the Great, Viking imitation Silver Nonportrait Penny, “Orsnaforda” type, moneyer Birnwald, legend in three lines ORSNA / ELFRED+ / FORDA, the S laying on its front, rosette of pellets above and below, outer beaded border both sides, rev inverted die axis,������������������������������������������������������������������� three crosses across centre, blundered moneyer name in two lines, AIRIBI / OIDIIKI, 1.34g (cf.SCBI.2:581; cf.BMC 135/136; cf.N.472; S.971). Toned, traces of red wax in lettering, good very fine and an extremely rare die variety. £5,000 With an old ticket written in the hand of F Elmore-Jones, c.1970. This die variety does not seem to be recorded in the British Museum Catalogue which are mainly examples from the famous Cuerdale Hoard or in the Hunterian Sylloge.

Extremely Rare Orsnaforda Viking Penny with Pellet Type Reverse


Viking Coinages, Southern Danelaw (898-915), Alfred the Great, Viking imitation Silver Nonportrait Penny, “Orsnaforda” type, moneyer Birnwald, legend in three lines ORSNA / IELFREDI / FORDA, four pellets above and below, outer beaded border both sides, rev inverted die axis,���������������������� three pellets across centre, moneyer name in two lines, BERNV / ALD MO, 1.50g (BMC 142; cf.N.646/1; S.971). Toned, good very fine and a very rare die variety with the pellets in field and vertical I either side of King’s name. £5,000 Ex V J E Ryan, English collection (part II), Glendining’s, 22 January 1952, lot 727 Ex Gordon V Doubleday, Anglo Saxon Collection, Glendining’s, 6 October 1987, lot 1

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Edward the Elder (899-924), King of Wessex, Silver Portrait Penny, moneyer Heremod, diademed bust left, linear circles and legend surrounding, ++EDPRAEVVDAE, rev three cross pattée across centre, blundered retrograde legend in two lines, IIEICIO / IIERIOV, tri-pellets above and below, 1.32g (SCBI.26:634; N.651; S.1084). Outer rim chips, toned, some ghosting evident, very fine and rare. £3,500 Ex A E Bagnall Collection, portion purchased by Spink in 1952


Edward the Elder, King of Wessex, Silver Non-portrait Penny, moneyer Grimwald, small cross pattée within linear circle, +EADVVEARD REX, outer beaded border both sides, rev three cross pattée across centre, legend in two lines, GRIMP / ALD MO, tri-pellets above and below, 1.62g (N.649; S.1087). Darkly toned, light die clash evident, a bold very fine. £1,000


Edward the Elder, King of Wessex, Silver Non-portrait Penny, moneyer Mann, small cross pattée within linear circle, +EADVVEARD REX, outer beaded border both sides, rev three cross pattée across centre, legend in two lines, MANN M / ONETA, tri-pellets above, one pellet below, 1.68g (N.649; S.1087). Lightly toned, good very fine. £1,000 Ex The New York Sale XXXVII, Baldwin/M&M/Markov/Goldberg, 7 January 2016, lot 1014


Aethelstan (924-939), Silver Penny, two line type, Southern and Mercia style, moneyer Burnhelm, cross pattée with linear circle surrounding, legend around +ÆĐELSTAN REX, beaded border surrounding, rev moneyer name in two lines divided by three horizontal crosses, tri-pellets above and below, +BVRHE HEM MO, HE ligatured, beaded border surrounding, 1.28g (N.668(a); S.1089). Slightly uneven dark tone, very fine. £1,000 Ex The New York Sale XXXVII, Baldwin/M&M/Markov/Goldberg, 7 January 2016, lot 1015



Aethelstan, Silver Penny, two line type, Southern and Mercia style, moneyer Abonel, cross pattée with linear circle surrounding, legend around +ÆĐELSTAN REX, beaded border surrounding, rev moneyer name in two lines divided by three horizontal crosses, tri-pellets above and below, retrograde legend +ABNE IIOLEĐ, beaded border surrounding, 1.22g (N.668(a); S.1089). Lightly toned, bold very fine. £1,150 Ex The New York Sale XXXVII, Baldwin/M&M/Markov/Goldberg, 7 January 2016, lot 1016


Aethelstan, Silver Penny, two line type, North Eastern style I, moneyer Badda, cross pattée with linear circle surrounding, legend around +ÆĐELSTAN RE, beaded border surrounding, rev moneyer name in two lines divided by three horizontal crosses, tri-pellets above and below, +BADA DA MO, beaded border surrounding, 1.30g (N.668(b); S.1089). Lightly toned, bold very fine. £1,000 Ex The New York Sale XXXVII, Baldwin/M&M/Markov/Goldberg, 7 January 2016, lot 1017


Aethelstan, titled as King of all the Britons, Silver Penny, circumscription cross type, moneyer Ellaf, City of London mint, cross pattée with linear circle surrounding, both sides with legend and beaded border surrounding, +ÆĐELSTAN REX TOT BRIT, rev +ELLAF MONETA LVND CIVITT 1.54g (N.672; S.1093). Lightly toned, small raised die flaw on obverse, a bold very fine. £1,850 Ex The New York Sale XXXVII, Baldwin/M&M/Markov/Goldberg, 7 January 2016, lot 1018


Aethelstan, titled as King of all the Britons, Silver Penny, circumscription cross type, moneyer Regnald, York mint, cross pattée with linear circle surrounding, both sides with legend and beaded border surrounding, extra tiny pellet on obverse by cross, +EĐELSTAN REX TO BRIT, rev +REGNALD MO EFORPIG, 1.44g (N.672; S.1093). Attractively toned, one third of outer rim chipped away, otherwise good very fine. £1,950 Ex The New York Sale XXXVII, Baldwin/M&M/Markov/Goldberg, 7 January 2016, lot 1019

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City of Canterbury Mint Silver Portrait Penny of King Aethelstan


Aethelstan, Silver Penny, portrait type, City of Canterbury mint, moneyer Aethelsige, crowned and draped bust right to edge of coin, linear circle surrounding, legend surrounds commencing lower left, +ÆĐELSTAN REX, linear and beaded border surrounding, rev small cross at centre, linear circle surrounding, legend around, ELSIGE MO DOR CIO DOR, linear and beaded border surrounding, 1.56g (N.675; S.1095). Toned, some spotting on obverse, with a decent portrait, good very fine and rare. £4,750 City of London Mint Silver Portrait Penny of King Aethelstan


Aethelstan, Silver Penny, portrait type, City of London mint, moneyer Grimwald, crowned and draped bust right to edge of coin, linear circle surrounding, legend surrounds commencing lower left, +ÆĐELSTAN REX, linear and beaded border surrounding, rev small cross at centre, linear circle surrounding, legend around, +GRIMPALD MO LOND CI, linear and beaded border surrounding, 1.65g (N.675; S.1095). Lightly toned, with a flan flaw by face and at corresponding part of reverse, small x-shaped scratch on reverse, facial profile a little weak, otherwise about very fine. £3,000 Ex The New York Sale XXXVII, Baldwin/M&M/Markov/Goldberg, 7 January 2016, lot 1020

City of London Mint Silver Portrait Penny of King Aethelstan


Aethelstan, Silver Penny, portrait type, City of London mint, moneyer Liofhelm, crowned and draped bust right to edge of coin, linear circle surrounding, legend surrounds commencing lower left, +ÆĐELSTAN REX, linear and beaded border surrounding, rev small cross at centre, linear circle surrounding, legend around, +LIOFHELM MO LOND CI, linear and beaded border surrounding, 1.61g (N.675; S.1095). A little weak at base of bust and corresponding part of reverse rim, otherwise with a good face, perhaps once cleaned, now lightly toned, very fine. £3,750 Ex The New York Sale XXXVII, Baldwin/M&M/Markov/Goldberg, 7 January 2016, lot 1021


Rare Oxford Mint Silver Portrait Penny of King Aethelstan


Aethelstan, Silver Penny, portrait type, Oxford mint, moneyer Eardulf, crowned and draped bust right to edge of coin, linear circle surrounding, legend surrounds commencing lower left +ÆĐELSTAN REX, linear and beaded border surrounding, rev small cross at centre, linear circle surrounding, legend around +EARDULF MO OX VR, linear and beaded border surrounding, 1.63g (N.675; S.1095). A little weak on hair of bust, lightly toned, otherwise very fine and rare. £3,750 Ex The New York Sale XXXVII, Baldwin/M&M/Markov/Goldberg, 7 January 2016, lot 1022

Rare Wallingford Mint Silver Portrait Penny of King Aethelstan


Aethelstan, Silver Penny, portrait type, Wallingford mint, moneyer Aethelmund, crowned and draped bust right to edge of coin, linear circle surrounding, legend surrounds commencing lower left, +ÆĐELSTAN REX, linear and beaded border surrounding, rev small cross at centre, linear circle surrounding, legend around, +AĐELMVND MON PE, linear and beaded border surrounding, 1.50g (N.675; S.1095). A little weak at top of bust and legend both sides, darkly toned, otherwise very fine and rare. £3,500 Ex The New York Sale XXXVII, Baldwin/M&M/Markov/Goldberg, 7 January 2016, lot 1023

Unusual Wallingford, Oxford Area Silver Portrait Penny of King Aethelstan


Aethelstan, Silver Penny, portrait type, presumably Wallingford mint, moneyer Aethelmund, crowned and draped bust right to edge of coin, linear circle surrounding, legend surrounds commencing lower left, +ÆĐELSTAN REX, linear and beaded border surrounding, rev small cross at centre, linear circle surrounding, legend around, +AĐELMVND MO X, linear and beaded border surrounding, 1.53g (N.675; S.1095). A little weak on parts of reverse legend, lightly toned, otherwise very fine and rare. £3,750 Ex The New York Sale XXXVII, Baldwin/M&M/Markov/Goldberg, 7 January 2016, lot 1024 This coin shares the same obverse die as the previous coin on this list, and the other two recorded Wallingford Pennies in the Sylloge series (SCBI.30:339 + 34:153), though intriguingly there is no Wallingford mint signature and tantalisingly there is an X at the end of the legend before the initial cross. The angle of this is different to the initial cross so could be an X which if joined to the preceding O would give an OX for Oxford reading. However the majority of Oxford coins of Aethelstan also read VR for Urbis as on the coin two lots before this. This coin is therefore more likely one without the mint signature with MO for Moneta and a duplication of the initial cross.

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AS030 AS030



Eadmund (939-946), Silver Penny, two line type, moneyer Birneard, cross pattée with linear circle surrounding, legend around, +EADMVND REX, linear and beaded border surrounding both sides, rev moneyer name in two lines divided by three horizontal crosses, tri-pellets above and below, BIRNE ARD MO, 1.54g (N.688; S.1105). Toned, very fine. £950 Ex The New York Sale XXXVII, Baldwin/M&M/Markov/Goldberg, 7 January 2016, lot 1025


Eadmund, Silver Penny, two line type, moneyer Englberd, cross pattée with linear circle surrounding, legend around +EADMVND REX, linear and beaded border surrounding both sides, rev moneyer name in two lines divided by three horizontal crosses, tri-pellets above and below, ENGLB RED MO, 1.33g (N.688; S.1105). Toned, very fine. £1,000 Ex The New York Sale XXXVII, Baldwin/M&M/Markov/Goldberg, 7 January 2016, lot 1026


Eadmund, Silver Penny, two line type, moneyer Heremod, cross pattée with linear circle surrounding, legend around +EADMVND REX, linear and beaded border surrounding both sides, rev moneyer name in two lines divided by three horizontal crosses, tri-pellets above and below, HERE. MOD MO, 1.48g (N.688; S.1105). Slightly unevenly toned, very fine. £850 Ex The New York Sale XXXVII, Baldwin/M&M/Markov/Goldberg, 7 January 2016, lot 1027


Eadmund, Silver Penny, two line type, moneyer Tilred, cross pattée with linear circle surrounding, legend around +EADMVND REX, linear and beaded border surrounding both sides, rev moneyer name in two lines divided by three horizontal crosses, cross above, pellet below, TILR:. ED MO, 1.56g (N.692/2; S.1105). Lightly toned, a bold very fine, moneyer appears to be unrecorded in North. £975 Ex The New York Sale XXXVII, Baldwin/M&M/Markov/Goldberg, 7 January 2016, lot 1029


Aethelred II (978-1016), Silver Penny, First Hand type (c.979-985), York mint, moneyer Sunnulf, draped and diademed bust right, within linear circle, legend commences at top, +ÆĐELRED REX ANGLOX, outer beaded circle surrounding both sides, rev Hand of Providence with cuff, alpha to left, omega to right, linear circle surrounding, + SVNOLF M-O EOFEF, 1.38g. (BMC type IIa; N 766; S 1144). Toned, good very fine. £675 Purchased from M. Vosper, August 1997 Ex Dr. Andrew Wayne Collection, Classical Numismatic Group, Auction 102, lot 1442


Extremely rare Benediction Hand Type Penny of Canterbury Mint


Aethelred II, Silver Penny, Benediction Hand type (c.991), Canterbury mint, moneyer Leofstan, draped and diademed bust right with sceptre, within linear circle, legend commences at top, +ÆÐELRED REX ANGLOX, outer beaded circle surrounding both sides, rev Hand of Providence issuing down from cross in clouds, giving Latin benediction, linear circle surrounding, + LEFSTAN M-O CÆNT, 1.62g. (BMC type IIf; N 769; S 1147). Small peck mark on obverse, dark toned, very fine, extremely rare. £6,000 Ex A H Baldwin & Sons Ltd, 1993 Ex Michael Sherman Collection, DNW Auction 68, 12 December 2005, lot 222 Ex Dr. Andrew Wayne Collection, Classical Numismatic Group, Auction 102, lot 1441


Aethelred II, Silver Penny, mule of intermediate small cross and CRVX type (c.995), Winchester mint, moneyer Brihtmaer, draped bust left, no sceptre, within linear circle, legend commences at top, +ÆĐELRÆD REX ANGLORX, outer beaded circle surrounding both sides, rev voided cross within linear circle, letters C R V X in each angle, legend surrounding, +BYRHTMÆR M-O PIN, 1.64g (BMC type III; N.773/770; S.1150/1148). Toned, a few pecks, otherwise bold very fine and rare. £1,750 Ex H. Alexander Parsons, Glendining’s, 11 May 1954, lot 175 Ex Marie Karlsson Collection, Classical Numismatic Group, Auction 85, 15 September 2010, lot 1462 Ex Dr. Andrew Wayne Collection, Classical Numismatic Group, Auction 102, lot 1447


Aethelred II, Silver Penny, CRVX type (c.991-997), Wallingford mint, moneyer Sigwulf, draped bust left with sceptre, three pellet head, within linear circle, legend commences at top, +ÆĐELRÆD REX ANGLORX, outer beaded circle surrounding both sides, rev voided cross within linear circle, letters C R V X in each angle, legend surrounding, +SIGEPUF M-O PEGI, 1.12g (BMC type IIIa; N.770; S.1148). Toned, two tiny pinholes near rim, otherwise about very fine. £475


Aethelred II, Silver Penny, long cross type (c.997-1003), Exeter mint, moneyer Dunstan, draped bust left, legend surrounding commences lower left, .+.ÆĐELRÆD REX ANGL, outer beaded circle surrounding both sides, rev long voided cross with tri-crescent terminals, tiny pellet at centre, +DV NSTA NMO EAXE, 1.41g (BMC type IVa; N.774; S.1151). Peck marks on reverse, toned, very fine. £450 Ex Spink Numismatic Circular, HS4494

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Extremely Rare Watchet Mint Aethelred II Long Cross Penny by Hunewine


Aethelred II, Silver Penny, long cross type (c.997-1003), Watchet mint, moneyer Hunewine, draped bust left, legend surrounding commences lower left, .+.ÆĐELRÆD REX ANGLO, outer beaded circle surrounding both sides, rev long voided cross with tri-crescent terminals, tiny pellet at centre, +HVN EPINE M.OP ECED, 1.79g (BMC type IVa; N.774; S.1151). A very pleasing coin in toning and preservation that would be respectable for a common mint, however as a Watchet Mint piece this must be the finest known of this type for this mint, free of any surface marks, extremely fine and extremely rare. £4,500

Interesting Sudbury Mint Last Small Cross Penny with Four Extra Crosses on the Reverse


Aethelred II, Silver Penny, last small cross type (c.1009-1017), variety with four extra crosses on reverse, Sudbury mint, moneyer Branting, diademed and draped bust left within linear circle, legend surrounding commences at top, +ÆĐELRED REX ANG, rev cross pattée, four smaller crosses surrounding, linear circle surrounding, +BRANTING ON SVĐB, 1.32g (BMC type Ie; N.779; S.1154). Toned, good very fine and very rare. £2,250

AS041 AS041


Aethelred II, Silver Penny, last small cross type (c.1009-1017), Winchester mint, moneyer Eadwine, diademed and draped bust left within linear circle, legend surrounding commences at top, +ÆĐELRED REX ANGO, rev cross pattée, linear circle surrounding, +EADPINE ON PINC, 1.24g (BMC type I; N.777; S.1154). Toned, peck marks on reverse, a bold very fine. £425 Ex Baldwin’s Auction 99, 4 May 2016, lot 957


Harold Harefoot (1035-1040), Silver Penny, jewel cross type (Spring 1036-38), Lincoln mint, moneyer Swartbrand, diademed bust left, legend commences at top, +HAR OLD REX, rev cross of four ovals united by twin circles with a central pellet, + SPERTEBRA ON LIN, 0.89g (BMC type I; N.802; S.1163). Toned, slight perforation at eyebrow line, otherwise good very fine and scarce. £1,000 Ex The Viking Collection, Spink Auction 150, 14 March 2001, lot 1041 Ex Spink Auction 219, 24-25 September 2013, lot 157 Ex The New York Sale XXXVII, Baldwin/M&M/Markov/Goldberg, 7 January 2016, lot 1030



Harold Harefoot, Silver Penny, jewel cross type (Spring 1036-38), London mint, moneyer Dudinc, diademed bust left, legend commences at top, +HAR OLD RECX, rev cross of four ovals united by twin circles with a central pellet, + DVDINIC ON LVN, 1.14g (BMC type I; N.802; S.1163). Toned, pleasing, almost extremely fine and scarce this nice. £2,250

Extremely rare Harold I Fleur De Lis Penny With Portrait Facing Right


Harold Harefoot, Silver Penny, fleur de lis type (1038-40), York mint, moneyer Witherine, diademed bust right, retrograde legend commences at left, +HAR OLD RE, rev pellet in annulet centre to long voided cross, fleur de lis in each angle with pellet either side, + PI ĐER INE O EO, 1.01g (BMC type VI; N.806; cf.S.1164). Toned, rim knock, very fine and extremely rare with right facing bust. £4,500




Edward the Confessor (1042-1066), Silver Penny, radiate / small cross type (1044-1046), Northampton mint, moneyer Aelfwine, draped bust left with radiate crown, +EDPER D RE, rev small cross pattée at centre, annulet in field touching inner linear circle, +ÆL.FPNE ON NRH, 0.99g (Freeman 2; BMC type I; N.816; S.1173). A couple of light packs on reverse, toned, good very fine. £850


Edward the Confessor, Silver Penny, small flan type (1048-50), London mint, moneyer Eadwine, diademed bust left, legend commences at top, +EDPA RD RE, rev voided cross with pellet centre, legend continuous around +EDDPIN ON LVND:, 0.63g (Freeman 344; BMC type II; N.818; S.1175). Weak in parts, toned, very fine. £250


Edward the Confessor, Silver Penny, sovereign / eagles type (1056-59), Hastings mint, moneyer Brid, King seated on throne looking right holding orb and long sceptre, legend commences at top, +EDPARD X ANGLOX. outer beaded border both sides, rev short voided cross within linear circle, eagle in each angle, annulet in two opposing angles with eagle, + BRID: ON HÆSTIEN, 1.24g (Freeman 7; BMC type IX; N.827; S.1181). Toned, good very fine. £600

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Edward the Confessor, Silver Penny, hammer cross type (1059-62), Hastings mint, moneyer Brid, crowned and draped bust right with sceptre, legend commences at top, +EDPAI RD RE, rev die axis at 3 o’clock, pellet at centre of voided cross, hammer cross ends, +BRID: ON HÆSTI, 1.34g (BMC type XI; Freeman 8; N.828; S.1182). Toned, extremely fine. £650

Very Rare William II Voided Cross Penny of Shaftesbury


William II (1087-1100), Silver Penny, voided cross type (1092-95?), Shaftesbury mint, moneyer Aelnoth, crowned facing bust to edge of coins with star either side, legend commences lower left, +PILLELM RE, outer beaded circle surrounding both sides, rev annulet at centre of voided cross pattée over a cross annulettée, linear circle surrounding, +ÆLNOĐ- ON SIF, 1.39g (BMC type III; N.853; S.1260). Weak in parts but with a decent face, otherwise almost very fine, toned and very rare. £3,000

Very Rare Lewes Mint Type IV Penny of King Henry I


Henry I (1100-1135), Silver Penny, annulets and piles type (c.1105), Lewes mint, moneyer Winraed, facing crowned bust of King, legend and linear circle surrounding, legend commences at left, hENRIE R---, rev central annulet, four annulets in piles surrounding, +PINR----A, 1.34g (BMC type IV; N.860; S.1265). Double struck in parts hence legend not all legible, otherwise good very fine and very rare. £2,000 Though an older reference now, North does not record activity in type IV at the Lewes mint in this reign.



Henry I, Silver Penny, facing bust / cross fleury type (c.1117), London mint, moneyer Sigar, facing crowned bust of King, legend and linear circle surrounding, legend commences at top, hENRICVS REX, rev cross fleury within beaded circle, +SIGAR: ON LVN, 1.32g (BMC type X; N.866; S.1271). Toned, one small rim nick, well struck for issue, very fine. £1,500


Henry I, Silver Penny, quadrilateral on cross fleury type (c.1125-35), Carlisle mint, moneyer Erebald, facing crowned bust with sceptre to left, beaded circle surrounding, +hENRICVS:, rev quadrilateral with lis angles over cross fleury, +EREBALD: ON ------, 1.27g (BMC type XV; N.871; S.1276). Toned, a little uneven in shape, parts of legend not visible, otherwise very fine for issue and rare. £1,850


Stephen (1135-1154), Silver Penny, cross moline “Watford” type (c.1136-45), Sudbury mint, moneyer Godimer, crowned bust right, arm to edge of coin with sceptre, beaded circle surrounding, legend –T-F---, rev cross moline with a fleur in each angle, beaded circle surrounding, +G----N ---B, 1.38g (N.873; S.1278). Weak in parts, good fine for issue and very rare. £1,000 Ex Prestwich Hoard, 1971, BNJ volume 61, page 6, for Godimer, No.1065 Ex Brian R Osbourne, Glendining’s, 23 April 1991, lot 78 Ex Spink Numismatic Circular, December 1994, item 7904 Ex A H Baldwin & Sons Ltd, Winter Fixed Price List 2011, item AS048 One of only six Sudbury mint pieces in the Prestwich Hoard.


Stephen, Silver Penny, cross moline “Watford” type (c.1136-45), Winchester mint, moneyer Kippig, crowned bust right, arm to edge of coin with sceptre, beaded circle surrounding, legend -----RE-, rev cross moline with a fleur in each angle, beaded circle surrounding, +--IPPIN-:ON:--NC 1.43g (N.873; S.1278). Weak in parts, good fine for issue. £350

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GAL001 Henry II (1152-1168), Silver Denier, Aquitaine, cross pattée within beaded circle, legend surrounding, outer beaded circle both sides, rev cross pattée and legend in three lines ending in w with a higher centre part, 0.72g (Elias 1; AGC 2.1a; S.8001). Once cleaned with tiny pinhole, about very fine for issue. £125



GAL002 Richard I (1169-1199), Silver Denier, Aquitaine, cross pattée within beaded circle, legend surrounding, outer beaded circle both sides, rev m and legend in three lines ending in cross pattée, 0.88g (Elias 5; AGC 5.1a; S.8006). Lightly toned, a couple of light rim imperfections, very fine. £175 GAL003 Richard I, Silver Obole, Aquitaine, cross pattée within beaded circle, legend surrounding, outer beaded circle both sides, rev cross pattée and legend in three lines ending in w with a higher centre part, 0.55g (Elias 6; AGC 6.1a; S.8005). Toned, very fine for issue and rare. £350

GAL004 Edward I (1252-1307), Silver Denier Au Leopard, first type as Prince of Aquitaine, leopard standing left, inner and outer beaded circles and legend surrounding, rev cross pattée, beaded circle and legend surrounding, 0.84g (Elias 13; AGC 11.6j; S.8013). Lightly toned, good very fine. £350

GAL005 Edward I, Silver Denier Au Leopard, as King of England, leopard standing left above ruled lines and legend in two lines, inner and outer beaded circles and legend surrounding, rev cross pattée, diagonal E in one quarter, beaded circle and legend surrounding, 0.92g (Elias 18; AGC 16A.4e; S.8018). Dark tone, very fine. £300

GAL006 Edward II (1307-1327), Silver Maille Blanche Hibernie, cross pattée within twin concentric legend, rev castle with three pellets below, legend surrounding, tressure of nine arcs surrounding with leaves, 2.49g (Elias 32; AGC 22A.6b; S.8026). Toned, good very fine. £350 Ex Spink Auction 210, 6 October 2011, lot 296


Pleasing Edward the Black Prince Gold Guyennois D’or

GAL007 Edward the Black Prince of Aquitaine (1362-1372), Gold Guyennois D’or, Bordeaux mint, armoured King walking right, holding sword and shield, gothic portico around, legend and beaded outer circle surrounding, no stops in legend, lyre at top, ED P GnS REGIS A n GLI E PnCPS AQIT A nIE, rev voided quatrefoil with supine B at centre of ornamental cross, lis and lion in alternate angles, border of 16 arcs attached to beaded inner circle, pellet topped cusps, legend and outer beaded circle surrounding, colon pellet in annulet stops, +GLIA: In EXCELCIS:DEO: ET In: TRA: PAX.hOmIniBVS, 3.68g (BeresfordJones 91/97; cf.Schneider III-32; Elias 141 RR; AGC 151.3a; S.8122). Lightly toned, bold very fine and very rare. £18,000

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GAL008 Edward the Black Prince, Silver Demi-Gros, second issue, Bordeaux mint, half-length bust right with sword over shoulder and pointing right, tressured and beaded circles and legend surrounding, two annulets before legend both sides with annulet stops, B at end of legend, rev long cross pattée, three pellets in each inner angle, twin concentric legends surrounding, two annulets before inner legend, 1.84g (Elias 171; AGC 189.4c; S.8131). Some ghosting, weak in parts, a bold very fine. £375

GAL009 Edward the Black Prince, Silver Hardi D’argent, La Rochelle mint, half-length figure of prince facing with sword and left hand pointing, canopy above, beaded circle and legend surrounding, pellet stops in legend, rev long cross pattée to outer beaded circle, lis in first and third angles, leopard in second and fourth, rosette stops and R at end of legend, 1.15g (Elias 206a; AGC 231B.13i; S.8134). Toned, very fine. £250



GAL010 Edward the Black Prince, Silver Hardi D’argent, Tarbes mint, half-length figure of prince facing with sword and left hand pointing, canopy above, beaded circle and legend surrounding, small T at end of legend, rev long cross pattée to outer beaded circle, lis in first and third angles, leopard in second and fourth, two rosette stops, 0.97g (Elias 207a; AGC 232A.8a; S.8134). Toned, a few rim nicks and some die clash evident, good very fine. £350 GAL011 Richard II (1377-1399), Silver Hardi D’argent, half-length figure of King facing with sword and left hand pointing, canopy above, beaded circle and legend surrounding, rev long cross pattée to outer beaded circle, leopard in first and third angles, 1.23g (Elias 228; AGC 275B.6d; S.8143). Toned, light short scratch on obverse, otherwise about very fine for issue. £250



GAL012 Richard II, Silver Hardi D’argent, half-length figure of King facing with sword and left hand pointing, canopy above, beaded circle and legend surrounding, rev long cross pattée to outer beaded circle, leopard in first and third angles, 0.77g (Elias 228; AGC 275B.7d; S.8143). Toned, with die clash and slight perforation at top, otherwise about very fine for issue. £225 GAL013 Richard II, Silver Hardi D’argent, half-length figure of King facing with sword and left hand pointing, canopy above, beaded circle and legend surrounding, rev long cross pattée to outer beaded circle, leopard in first and third angles, 0.82g (Elias 228; AGC 275B.6d; S.8143). Toned, quite chipped with die clashing, otherwise very fine for issue. £175


Rare Le Mans Mint Gold Salut D’or of King Henry VI

GAL014 Henry VI, King of France and England (1422-1450), Gold Salut D’or, Le Mans mint, Angel Gabriel on right, in profile left behind quartered Arms of France and England, facing Virgin Mary with nimbus, behind Arms of France, ave on scroll reads downwards between them, sunburst above, within beaded circle, initial mark root both sides, double pellet stops heNricvs: dei: gra: fracorv: z: aglie: rex, outer beaded border surrounding both sides, rev inverted die axis, central Latin cross, fleur de lis to left, lion to right, h below, all within double linear tressure of ten arcs, fleur de lis on cusps, all within beaded circle, mullet stops in legend, xpc ‘*viNcit* xpc’* regNat* xpc’* imperat, 3.47g (Beresford-Jones 620; Schneider III-106/107; Elias 269 R; AGC 384.1a; S.8164). Toned, good very fine and rare. £4,750 Very Rare Gold Angelot D’or From the Paris Mint of King Henry VI

GAL015 Henry VI, King of France and England(1422-50), Gold Angelot D’or, Paris mint, Angel Gabriel standing facing behind quartered Arms of France and England and Arms of France, within beaded circle, initial mark crown both sides, colon stops in legend both sides heNricvs: fraNcorv: ET: aNglie: rex outer beaded border surrounding, rev die axis at 10 o’clock, central Latin cross, fleur de lis to left, lion to right, within linear and beaded circle, xpc: viNcit: xpc: regNat: xpc: imperat, 2.28g (Beresford-Jones 660/662; Schneider III-132; Elias 274 RR; AGC 392.1a; S.8165). Toned, some die clash with creasing evident, otherwise bold very fine and very rare. £16,500

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ENGLISH HAMMERED GOLD incorporating the final part of a Collection of Angels Detailed Portrait Gold Noble of the Pre-Treaty Period of King Edward III

BH001 Edward III (1327-1377), Gold Noble, Fourth Coinage (1351-77), Pre-Treaty Period (1351-61), series F/G (1356-61), reverse sub-series Gb or c, London mint, King standing in ship holding sword and shield, three lis in upper left quarter of shield, ship rigging with three ropes to left, three to right, ornaments on top line of hull -11-11- with lions left, quatrefoils 3/4 on castles, long bowsprit, Roman style legend with unbarred N’s, saltire stops, E DWARDx DEIx GRAx REXx AIIGL xZx FRAIICx D hy B, rev struck en médaille, small E at centre, ornate cross with lis terminals, crown over lion in angles, lis over lion in upper right quarter, all within beaded and linear tressure of eight arcs, small fleurs in spandrels, initial mark cross pattée, pellet stops +IhC.AVTEM. TRAIICIEIIS. P. MEDIVM. ILLORVM. IBAT, outer beaded border both sides, 7.68g (Schneider 36; Doubleday 87-89; N.1173/1180; S.1489/1490). Toned, a little off-centre on reverse, almost extremely fine and a rare die variety with a great portrait. £8,500 Ex Marshall Faintich Collection, Classical Numismatic Group Auction 73, 13 September 2006, lot 1245 Ex Paul Broughton Collection, Spink Auction, 22 March 2016, lot 403

Pleasing Treaty Period Calais Mint Gold Noble of King Edward III

BH002 Edward III, Gold Noble, Fourth Coinage (1351-77), Treaty Period (1361-9), Calais mint, King standing in ship holding sword and shield, no flag at stern of ship, four whole lis in upper left quarter, ship rigging with three ropes to left, and two to right, ornaments on top line of hull -11-11 with lions right, quatrefoils 4/4 on castles, no lower part to bowsprit, double saltire stops both sides, no French title, unbarred A’s in legends, ED WARDxx DEIxx GRAxx REXxx AnGLxx DnSxx hyB xZx AQ T, with Aquitaine title, rev die axis 9 o’clock, large C in central compartment with trefoils on angles, upon ornate cross with lis terminals, crown over lion in each angle, all within beaded and linear tressure of eight arcs, fleurs in spandrels, initial mark cross pattée, +IhCxxAVTEMxx TRAnSIEnSxx PERxx MEDIVxx ILLORVMxx IBAT, outer beaded border both sides, 7.71g (cf.Schneider 109; Doubleday 266; N.1235; S.1505). Toned, almost extremely fine and rare this nice. £7,500


BH003 Edward III, Gold Half-Noble, Fourth Coinage (1351-77), Pre-Treaty Period (1351-61), series B/A (1351), King standing in ship holding sword and shield, three whole lis in upper left quarter, ship rigging with three corded ropes to left, and four to right, ornaments on top line of hull 1-1-1 with lions left, quatrefoils 3/3 on castles, short bowsprit, annulet stops, unbarred Roman N’s on obverse, E DWARo Do GRAo REXo ANGL Z FRAo Do hy rev inverted die axis, E in central compartment with trefoils on angles, upon ornate cross with lis terminals, crown over lion in each angle, lis over head of lion in upper right quarter, all within beaded and linear tressure of eight arcs, fleurs in spandrels, initial mark cross pattée, Gothic n’s on reverse, saltire stops, +DOmInEnExx Inxx RVRORExx TVOxx ARGVAS mE, outer beaded border both sides, 3.81g (cf.Schneider 10; Doubleday 14 this coin; N.1140; S.1491). Toned, a little creased, some abrasion to high points, about very fine and very rare. £2,500 Ex Gordon V Doubleday, Coins of Edward III, Glendining’s, 7 June 1972, lot 14

BH004 Edward III, Gold Half-Noble, Fourth Coinage (1351-77), Treaty Period (1361-9), London mint, King standing in ship holding sword and shield, four whole lis in upper left quarter, ship rigging with three ropes to left, and two to right, ornaments on top line of hull -11-1 with lions right, quatrefoils 4/4 on castles, no bowsprit, double saltire stops both sides, no French title, unbarred A’s in legends, saltire before legend, x ED WARDxx DEIxx Gxx REXxx AnGLxx Dxx hIB xZx AQT’, with Aquitaine title, rev die axis 9 o’clock, E in central compartment with trefoils on angles, upon ornate cross with lis terminals, crown over lion in each angle, all within beaded and linear tressure of eight arcs, fleurs in spandrels, initial mark cross pattée, +DOmInExx nExx Inxx RVRORExx TVOxx ARGVASxx mE, outer beaded border both sides, 3.64g (cf.Schneider 77-80; Doubleday 228-236; N.1238; S.1506). Toned, very fine. £2,000

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Extremely rare Third Period Gold Quarter Noble of King Edward III

BH005 Edward III, Gold Quarter-Noble, Third Coinage (1344-51), Third Period (1346-51), quartered shield of arms within beaded and linear linear tressures of six arcs, four whole lis in upper left quarter of shield, pellets on cusps, fleurs in spandrels, all within beaded circle, initial mark cross pattée, double saltire stops both sides, chevron barred A’s both sides, +EDWARxx Rxx AnGL’xzx FRAnCxx D hyB, rev die axis at 11 o’clock, E in centre of ornate cross fleury, fleurs in angles, small lion in each outer angle, alternating with fleur de lis terminals, all within twin linear tressures of eight arcs, beaded circle surrounding, +EXALTABITVRxx Inxx GLORIAxx, outer beaded border both sides, 2.04g (Schneider 7; Doubleday 6-8; N.1112; S.1483). Lightly toned, almost extremely fine and very rare. £2,500 Ex Bonhams, 20 April 2006, lot 358 Ex Paul Broughton Collection, Spink Auction, 22 March 2016, lot 401

BH006 Edward III, Gold Quarter-Noble, Fourth Coinage (1351-77), Treaty Period (1361-9), quartered shield of arms within twin linear tressures of eight arcs, four lis in upper left quarter of shield, stalked trefoils on cusps, blank spandrels, all within beaded circle, initial mark cross pattée, saltire stops both sides, no mark before E in legend with curule style X, +EDWARDxx DEIxx GRAxx REXxx ANGL, rev die axis at 2 o’clock, lis in central compartment with stalked trefoils on angles, upon ornate cross with lis terminals, lion in each angle, all within twin linear tressures of eight arcs, beaded circle surrounding, +EXALTABITVRxx Inxx GLORIA, outer beaded border both sides, 1.93g (cf.Schneider 84; Doubleday 245; N.1243; S.1510). A little uneven in shape, otherwise toned, good very fine. £1,250

BH007 Edward III, Gold Quarter-Noble, Fourth Coinage (1351-77), Treaty Period (1361-9), quartered shield of arms within twin linear tressures of eight arcs, four lis in upper left quarter of shield, stalked trefoils on cusps, blank spandrels, all within beaded circle, initial mark cross pattée, saltire stops both sides, annulet before E in legend with curule style X, +oEDWARDxx DEIxx GRAxx REXxx ANGL, rev inverted die axis, lis in central compartment with stalked trefoils on angles, upon ornate cross with lis terminals, lion in each angle, all within twin linear tressures of eight arcs, beaded circle surrounding, +EXALTABITVRxx Inxx GLORIA, outer beaded border both sides, 1.81g (Schneider 90-91; cf. Doubleday 252-260; N.1244; S.1511). A little uneven in shape, otherwise toned, very fine. £950


Rare Early Type 1b Gold Noble of King Richard II

BH008 Richard II (1377-1399), Gold Noble, first type 1b, with French title, London mint, King standing in ship holding sword and shield, ship rigging with three ropes to left, and one to right, annulet over sail, ornaments on top line of hull -1-1-1 with lions right, quatrefoils 4/4 on castles, no lower part to bowsprit, saltire stops both sides, flat bottomed lettering, RIC ARDxx Dxx Gxx REXxx AnGLxZx FRANCxx Dxx hIB xZx AQ, rev die axis at 2 o’clock, letter R in central compartment, trefoils on angles, upon ornate cross with lis terminals, crown over lion in each angle, all within beaded and linear tressure of eight arcs, large fleurs in spandrels, initial mark cross pattée, +IhCxxAVTEmxx TRAnSIEnSxx PERxx mEDIVxx ILLORVxx IBAT, outer beaded border both sides (cf.Schneider 129; Webb-Ware type 1b; N.1301; S.1654). In PCGS holder graded MS62, a little weakly struck in parts. £6,000 PCGS certification 1811449-002. Ex Richlyn Collection, Heritage, New York, 3 January 2016, lot 31224

Detailed Portrait Gold Noble Type 2a of King Richard II

BH009 Richard II, Gold Noble, second type 2a, London mint, without French title, King standing in ship holding sword and shield, three whole lis in upper left quarter, ship rigging with three ropes to left, and one to right, saltire over sail, ornaments on top line of hull -1-1-1 with lions right, quatrefoils 4/4 on castles, no lower part to bowsprit, saltire stops both sides, RIC ARDxx DEIxx GRAxx REXxx AnGL DnSxx hIB xZx AQT, rev die axis at 8 o’clock, letter R in central compartment, upon ornate cross with lis terminals, crown over lion in each angle, all within beaded and linear tressure of eight arcs, large fleurs in spandrels, initial mark cross pattée, +IhC’xAVTEmx TRAnSIEnSx PERx mEDIVx ILLORVx IBAT, outer beaded border both sides, 7.80g (Schneider 146; Webb-Ware type 2a; N.1304; S.1655). Quite well struck for this King, excellent portrait, otherwise toned, good very fine. £9,500 Ex M W Hall Collection, sold as “Important Collection”, Glendining’s, 3 October 1963, lot 23 Ex Glendining’s, 4 March 1981, lot 13 Ex Clarendon Collection, part I, 28 March 2006, lot 433 Ex Paul Broughton Collection, Spink Auction, 22 March 2016, lot 408

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Very Rare type 2b Gold Noble of King Richard II with Trefoil of Pellets Over Sail

BH010 Richard II, Gold Noble, second type 2b, London mint, without French title, King standing in ship of fine style, holding sword and shield, four whole lis in upper left quarter, ship rigging with three ropes to left, and one to right, trefoil of pellets over sail, ornaments on top line of hull -1-1-1 with lions right, quatrefoils 4/4 on castles, no lower part to bowsprit, saltire stops both sides, RIC ARD’x DEI’x GRA’x REX’x AnGL’x DnS’x hIB’x AQ, rev die axis at 9 o’clock, letter R in central compartment, upon ornate cross with lis terminals, crown over lion in each angle, all within beaded and linear tressure of eight arcs, large fleurs in spandrels, initial mark cross pattée, +IhC’xAVTEmxx TRAnSIEnSxx PERxx mEDIVxx ILLORVmxx IBAT, outer beaded border both sides, 7.65g (cf.Schneider 150-152; Webb-Ware type 2b; N.1304; S.1655). Quite well struck for this King, excellent portrait, the Schneider examples for London have a “slipped” trefoil over sail whereas this piece has distinct pellets like Schneider’s Calais Mint piece (152), toned, good very fine. £9,500 Ex Hess Divo, Zürich, Auction 329, 17 November 2015, lot 383

Very Rare type 3c Gold Noble of the Calais Mint of King Richard II

BH011 Richard II, Gold Noble, third type 3c, Calais mint, French title resumed, King standing in ship holding sword and shield, four whole lis in upper left quarter, ship rigging with three ropes to left, and one to right, saltire over sail at end of legend, pellet above and below shield, lion upward on rudder, ornaments on top line of hull -1-1- with lions right, quatrefoils 4/4 on castles, short bowsprit, saltire stops both sides, RICA RD’x DI’x GRA’x REX’x AnGL’x Zx FRAnC’x D’x hIB’x AQ Tx, rev die axis at 7 o’clock, letter R in central compartment, upon ornate cross with lis terminals, crown over lion in each angle, all within beaded and linear tressure of eight arcs, large fleurs in spandrels, initial mark cross pattée, +IhC’xAVTEmxx TRAnSIEnSxx PERxx mEDIVmxx ILLORVmxx IBAT, outer beaded border both sides, 7.72g (cf.Schneider 180; Webb-Ware type 3c; N.1307; S.1663). Quite well struck for this King though from a partially rusted die, excellent portrait though a little double struck on reverse, otherwise toned, good very fine and very rare. £11,500 Ex Clarendon Collection, part I, 28 March 2006, lot 435 Ex Paul Broughton Collection, Spink Auction, 22 March 2016, lot 410


Detailed Portrait Gold Noble of the Annulet Issue of King Henry VI

BH012 Henry VI, First Reign (1422-1461), Gold Noble, Annulet issue (1422-30), Calais mint, King standing in ship holding sword and shield, three lis in upper left quarter, annulet by sword arm, two ropes to left, one rope to right, ornaments in top line of hull -1-1- with lions facing left, quatrefoils 3/3, trefoil stops in legend, lis after first word, h enric’+ di’ gra; rex; angl; z; franc; dns; hyb’, rev die axis at 3 o’clock, annulet stops in legend, initial mark lis, h at centre, ornate cross with lis terminals, crown over lion in each angle, within beaded and linear tressure of eight arcs, fleurs in spandrels, annulet in upper right spandrel, beaded circle surrounding, legend with annulet stops, +Ih’c* avt’o transienso pero medivmo illorvo’ ibat, outer beaded border both sides, 6.91g (Schneider 299-300; N.1415; S.1803). Fully round with good facial portrait, weaker on hull, otherwise good very fine. £7,500 Ex DNW Auction, 13 December 2006, lot 87 Ex Paul Broughton Collection, Spink Auction, 22 March 2016, lot 416

Very Rare Gold Noble of the Pinecone-Mascle Issue of King Henry VI

BH013 Henry VI, First Reign, Gold Noble, Pinecone-Mascle issue (1431-32), London mint, King standing in ship holding sword and shield, three lis in upper left quarter, two ropes to left, one rope to right, ornaments in top line of hull 1-1-1 with lions facing left, quatrefoils 3/3, pinecone stops with mascle in legend, lis after first word, h enric’p dip grap rex◊ angl, z, franc p dns p hI b, rev die axis at 9 o’clock, annulet stops in legend, initial mark lis, h at centre, ornate cross with lis terminals, crown over lion in each angle, lis over lion in upper right quarter, within beaded and linear tressure of eight arcs, fleurs in spandrels, beaded circle surrounding, legend with annulet stops, +Ihcp avt p tranCiesp per◊ medivm p illorvm p ibat, outer beaded border both sides, 6.95g (Schneider 321-325; N.1457; S.1824). Fully round with good portrait, lightly creased with a light tone, otherwise good very fine and very rare. £10,000 Ex DNW Auction 62, 30 June 2004, lot 59

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BH014 Henry VI, First Reign, Gold Half-Noble, Annulet issue (1422-30), London mint, King standing in ship holding sword and shield, three lis in upper left quarter, annulet by sword arm, two ropes to left, one rope to right, ornaments in top line of hull 1-1-1 with lions facing left, quatrefoils 3/3, trefoil stops in legend, lis after first word, h enric’+ di; gra; rex; angl; z; franc; rev die axis at 7 o’clock, annulet stops in legend, initial mark lis, h at centre, ornate cross with lis terminals, crown over lion in each angle, within beaded and linear tressure of eight arcs, fleurs in spandrels, annulet in upper right spandrel, beaded circle surrounding, legend with annulet stops, +DOmInE* nEo Ino FVROREo TVOo ARGVASo mE, outer beaded border both sides, 3.40g (Schneider 292-293; N.1417; S.1805). Fully round with good depiction of King, pleasing very fine. £2,500 Ex Classical Numismatic Auctions (CNG) Auction XX, 25 March 1992, lot 1265

BH015 Henry VI, First Reign, Gold Quarter-Noble, Annulet issue (1422-30), London Tower mint, quartered shield of arms within twin linear tressures of eight arcs, lis over shield, trefoils on cusps, blank spandrels, all within beaded circle, initial mark lis, trefoil stops, hEnRICx DIx GRAx REXx AnGL’, rev lis in central compartment with trefoils on angles, upon ornate cross with lis terminals, lion in each angle, all within twin linear tressures of eight arcs, beaded circle surrounding, +EXALTABITVR* Ino GLORIA outer beaded border both sides, 1.74g (Schneider 295; N.1420; S.1810). Toned, good very fine. £1,350

BH016 Edward IV, Second Reign (1471-1483), Gold Angel, St Michael with one foot above dragon, other foot intrudes beaded circle, dragons tail through left wing to meet inner circle beads, initial mark pierced cross with pellet in 1st upper left quarter (1477-80), edward× dei× gra`× rex×angl` ×z× franc`×× ×, rev die axis at ������������������������������������������������������������������������������������ 7 o’clock, ship sailing right, with long bowsprit that intrudes legend, initial mark pierced cross with pellet in 3rd lower left quarter (1477-80), perc rvcem×tva`× salva× nos ×xpc`×redempt`, 5.04g (cf.Schneider 463-465; N.1626; S.2091). With small flan split, flaw on reverse otherwise very fine. £2,750 Ex Spink Numismatic Circular, December 1992, item 7400


BH017 Edward IV, Second Reign, Gold Angel, St Michael with one foot on top of dragon, other foot up to beaded circle, dragons tail through left wing to meet inner circle beads, initial mark pierced cross with pellet in 1st upper left quarter (1477-80), edward`×dei× gra`×rex× angl`×z× franc`×× ×, rev inverted die axis, ship sailing right, with long bowsprit that intrudes legend, from top right corner of shield, initial mark pierced cross with pellet in 3rd lower left quarter (1477-80), per crvcem×tva`× salva× nos ×xpc`×redempt`×, 4.84g (cf.Schneider 463-465; N.1626; S.2091). Struck from rusty dies, very fine. £2,750 Ex Spink Numismatic Circular, June 1993, item 3429

BH018 Edward IV, Second Reign, Gold Angel, St Michael with one foot above dragon, other foot intrudes legend, dragons tail points at lowest feather of left wing, pellet on dragons ankle, initial mark cinquefoil (1480-3), edward××dei××gra××rex××angl`×z franc××, rev inverted die axis, ship �������������������������������������������� sailing right, with long bowsprit that intrudes legend, initial mark pierced cross (1477-80), perc rvcem`×tva× salva× nos xpc`×redempt`, 5.15g (cf.Schneider 466; N.1626; S.2091). Toned, a nice depiction of the Angel, bold very fine. £3,000 Ex Glendining’s, 2 November 1963, lot 9

BH019 Edward IV, Second Reign, Gold Angel, St Michael with one foot above dragon, other foot intrudes legend, dragons tail points at lowest feather of left wing, initial mark heraldic cinquefoil (1480-3) both sides, edward dei gra rex angl z franc×× × ××, rev inverted die axis,���������������������������������������� ship sailing right, with long bowsprit that intrudes legend, per crvcem×tva`×salva× nos xpc`redempt, 5.12g (Schneider 467; N.1626; S.2091). A little short of flan, dig in obverse field, otherwise nearly extremely fine. £3,250 Ex Spink, purchased 1994

BH020 Edward IV, Second Reign, Gold Angel, St Michael with one foot on top of dragon, other foot intrudes legend, dragons tail touches lower tip of left wing, initial mark heraldic cinquefoil (1480-3) both sides, edward`×dei××gra`×rex×angl`× z franc ××, rev die axis at 7 o’clock, ship sailing right, with long bowsprit that intrudes legend, extra line to hull of ship, per crvcem×tva`×salva× nos ×xpc`redempt`, 5.09g (Schneider 467; N.1626; S.2091). One weak spot on Angel’s shoulder, otherwise pleasing good very fine. £3,500 Ex Spink, purchased 1992

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BH021 Edward IV, Second Reign, Gold Angel, St Michael with one foot on top of dragon, other foot intrudes legend, dragons tail touches halfway up left wing, initial mark heraldic cinquefoil (1480-3) both sides, edward×dei×gra`×rex×angl`× z frane×, rev die axis at 3 o’clock, ship sailing right, with long bowsprit that intrudes legend, extra line to hull of ship, perc rvcem×tva×salva× nos ××xpc`×redempt`, 5.07g (Schneider 467; N.1626; S.2091). Toned, bold very fine. £3,000 Ex Spink, purchased 1992

Extremely Rare Overstruck Angel of Henry VII Utilising Old Dies of Richard III

BH022 Henry VII (1485-1509), Gold Angel, class I, St Michael with one foot behind dragon, other foot breaks roped circle, dragons tail touches left wing tip, dragon with finer claws, initial mark lis over halved sun and rose (1485-7), henric×di×gra×rex angl×z franc×× ×× with henric over ricard, rev die axis at 3 o’clock, ship sailing right, with long bowsprit that intrudes legend, roped inner circle, four line hull to ship with no pellets, initial mark halved sun and rose (1485-7), perc rvse×tva×salva× nos xpc×redempt, the h over R by mast, 5.15g (Schneider 501; SCBI.23:-; N.1694; S.2180). A little creased and straightened with some light weakness, otherwise very fine and extremely rare with the overstrikes using the dies from the previous reign. £6,500 Ex Spink, purchased 13 May 1993


Extremely Rare Henry VII Gold Angel With Reverse Legend as that of the Gold Noble

BH023 Henry VII, Gold Angel, class III, reverse with reading of the Noble denomination, St Michael with both feet on dragon, dragons tail terminates below left wing tip by roped inner circle, initial mark scallop (1493-5) both sides, henric*di*gra* rex*angl*z *franc` *, rev struck en médaille, ship sailing right, short bowsprit within circle crosses rope, roped inner circle, large h and rose by mast touches rope, thicker five line hull with incuse pellets, crescents in sea, the Noble legend ihc* avt* transies`* mediv* illor*ib, 5.04g (Schneider 516-517; SCBI.23:-; N.1696; S.2184). Flan a little undulating, once cleaned, now toned, good fine to nearly very fine and extremely rare. £4,500 Ex Spink Numismatic Circular, November 1989, item 913 Ex Sheffield Collection, Spink-Noble Australia, 18 November 1993, lot 2664

BH024 Henry VII, Gold Angel, class III, St Michael with both feet on dragon, dragons tail terminates low on roped circle, initial mark pansy (1495-8) both sides, saltire stops, henric`×di`×gra`× rex× angl`×z× franc`, rev die axis at 10 o’clock, ship sailing right, short bowsprit within wire line circle crosses right rope, h touches rope, apostrophe stops only and no V in SALVA, per crvc`tva sala ` nos xpe` redem`, 5.09g (Schneider 521/-; SCBI.23:19; N.1696; S.2183). Lightly creased with a light scratch, very fine, the reverse die not in Schneider, rare. £2,750 Ex Spink, purchased 21 October 1994

BH025 Henry VII, Gold Angel, class III, St Michael with both feet on dragon, dragons tail meets tip of left wing, initial mark anchor with flukes right (1499-1502), henrc`× di`× gra`× rex× agl`×z× franc`, rev struck en médaille, ship sailing right, no bowsprit, h meets rope, initial mark two upright anchors (1499-1502), per×crvce`×tva `×salv`× nos × xpe`rede`×, 5.05g (cf.Schneider 527; SCBI.23:27; N.1696; S.2183). The double mint mark on reverse perhaps a product of double striking, toned, very fine. £2,850 Ex Seaby Coin and Medal Bulletin, March 1956, G286 Ex Format of Birmingham, Fixed Price List 47, item 1047

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Extremely Rare Henry VII Class III Gold Angel with Inverted Anchor Mark on Reverse Only

BH026 Henry VII, Gold Angel, class III, St Michael with both feet on dragon, dragons tail terminates in field far below left wing, no initial mark, henric`× di`×gra`× rex×anglie`× z×fra`, rev struck en médaille, ship sailing right, short bowsprit, h clear of rope, initial mark inverted anchor (1499-1502), `per× crvce`× tva `×salva× nos × xpe`× rede`, 5.09g (cf.Schneider -/527; SCBI.23:32; N.1696; S.2183). Struck from rusty dies with associated surface marks, very fine and extremely rare, seemingly the only one in private hands with the only other recorded in the Ashmoleon Sylloge. £3,250 Ex Spink, purchased 19 July 1993

Extremely Rare Henry VII Gold Angel Muling Class III and Class IV

BH027 Henry VII, Gold Angel, class III/IV, St Michael with both feet on dragon, dragons tail terminates in field below left wing, wing tip touches roped circle, initial mark upright anchor (1499-1502), henric`× di`×gra`× rex× agl`×z× fra`, rev struck en médaille, ship sailing right, bowsprit crosses roped circle, h meets rope, initial mark greyhounds head left (1502-4), per×× crvce`×tva `×salva× nos ×× xpe`×rede`, 5.10g (Schneider 528/531; SCBI.23:33; N.1696/1697; S.2183/2185). Weak on dragon and in waves on reverse, otherwise about very fine and a very rare mule between classes and mintmarks. £3,000 Ex P W P Carlyon-Britton, Gold Coin Collection, sold privately to Spink, 1922 Ex Richard Cyril Lockett, English Collection (part II), Glendining’s, 11 October 1956, lot 1685, sold for £14/10/- Purchased from A H Baldwin & Sons Ltd, 24 June 1995


Unusual Henry VII Gold Angel with Two Mintmarks on the Obverse

BH028 Henry VII, Gold Angel, class V, St Michael with both feet on dragon, and tail nearly touches left wing tip, wire line inner circle, initial mark cross crosslet and pheon upward at end of legend (1505), henric? ×di`× gra`× rex× aglie`×z× fra×`, rev die axis at 3 o’clock, ship sailing right, bowsprit crosses rope, meets wire line inner circle, h clear of rope, initial mark cross crosslet with pellet in first upper left and second upper right quarters (1504-5), per×× crvce`×× tva `××salva×× nos ××xpe`×× rede`, 5.16g (Schneider 537; SCBI.23:-; N.1698; S.2187). Hairline split in flan at lower left, otherwise attractively toned, almost extremely fine and unusual with the double initial marks on obverse. £2,750 Ex Spink Auction 100, 13 October 1993, lot 809

BH029 Henry VII, Gold Angel, class V, St Michael with both feet on dragon, and tail touches left wing tip, initial mark downward pheon (1505-9), henric?× di`×gra`× rex×aglie`×z× fra` ×, rev die axis at 9 o’clock, ship sailing right, bowsprit crosses rope, meets wire line inner circle, h touches rope, initial mark cross crosslet and pheon upward at end of legend, saltire stop after (1505), per×crvce`×tva `×salva× nos ×xpe`×red`×× ×, 5.18g (Schneider 541; SCBI.23:56; N.1698; S.2187). Slightly creased, about very fine and rare with the double marks on reverse. £2,000 Ex Spink, purchased 1992

BH030 Henry VIII (1509-1547), Gold Crown of the Double Rose, second coinage (1526-44), Tower mint, large crowned rose, crowned Gothic h to left, crowned K to right, for Henry and Katharine of Aragon, linear and beaded circle surrounding, initial mark lis (1529-32) both sides, saltire stops both sides, legend with closed C’s and Roman N’s, hENRIC’x VIII’x RVTILANSx ROSAx SINEx SPIA’, rev die axis at 3 o’clock, crowned quartered shield of arms, crowned Gothic h to left, crowned K to right, linear and beaded circle surrounding, Lombardic n’s, DEIx G’x R’x AGLIEx Zx FRAnCx DnSx hIBERnIE, outer beaded border both sides (Schneider 585; N.1788; S.2274). In NGC holder graded AU58, a little double struck in one portion of legend. £3,750 NGC certification 3743671-013 Ex Heritage, 6 January 2014, lot 24063

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Rare Queen Mary Class II Gold Angel with Pellet Stops and Plain Forecastles

BH031 Mary (1553-1554), Gold Angel, class II, St Michael of neat style and small wings slaying dragon, tail terminates just below left wing tip, faint wire line circle, initial mark pomegranate (1553-4) both sides, .maria.φ. d’.g’. ang’. fra’.z: hib’.regin’., rev die axis at 3 o’clock, ship sailing right, long bowsprit touches linear circle, large quartered arms, M and rose above, plain forecastles, .a.dno’. factv’. est. istvd.φ. z.est. mirabi’.×., 5.14g (Schneider 724; N.1958; S.2490A). Lightly toned, good very fine and rare this nice. £9,750 Ex Buckland Dix and Wood, 28 June 1995, lot 221

Very Rare Philip and Mary Gold Angel with Excellent Provenance

BH032 Philip & Mary (1554-1558), Gold Angel, St Michael of neat style and small wings slaying dragon, wire line inner and outer circles, initial mark lis both sides, +.PHILIP; Z: maria:d’.g’. REX .Z.regiNA.A’, rev die axis at 9 o’clock, ship sailing right, long bowsprit touches linear circle, large quartered arms, P and M above, plain flat forecastles, +a.dno’. factvM: est. istvd: z:est: mirai’, 5.15g (Schneider 727; N.1965; S.2496). Lightly toned, a little weak on dragon head and corresponding part of reverse, otherwise a bold very fine and rare this nice. £29,500 Ex Major W S Thorburn, Sotheby’s, 6 July 1887, lot 90 Ex John G Murdoch, first portion, Sotheby’s, 31 March 1903, lot 550, sold for £10 Ex Henry Platt Hall, Glendining’s, 26 July 1950, lot 80, collection bought by Spink en bloc prior to sale Ex R D Beresford-Jones, Spink Auction 29, lot 63 Ex Ross Blakey Collection, sold outside of his auction through Spink, 2013 Ex Paul Broughton Collection, Spink Auction, 22 March 2016, lot 437 There are approximately only 40 Angels of Philip & Mary in existence today of which just under half are in museum collections.


BH033 Elizabeth I (1558-1603), Gold Angel, fifth issue, St Michael slaying dragon, large wings, tail nearly touches wing tip, head touches wing tip, die flaw on angel leg, inner and outer beaded circle, initial mark sword (22 July 1582 to 31 January 1583) both sides, elizabeth: d’.g’. ang’.fr’ et:hi’. regina, rev die axis at 9 o’clock, ship sailing right, three left ropes, two right, long bowsprit crosses both ropes touches inner beaded circle, outer beaded circle, a:dno: factvm. est: istvd: et: est: mirabi’., 5.17g (Schneider 769; N.1991/1; S.2525). Weak in parts, toned, about very fine and rare. £3,250 Ex C J Martin, 6 February 1993

BH034 Elizabeth I, Gold Angel, sixth issue, St Michael slaying dragon, large wings, tail touches wing tip, head distant from wing tip, die flaw on angel leg, inner beaded circle, outer beaded, initial mark scallop over Gothic A (14 February 1585 to 30 May 1587) both sides, elizabeth: d’.g’. ang’.fr’ et:hi’. regina., rev die axis at 9 o’clock, ship sailing right, with upright bowsprit, crosses both ropes and touches beaded circle, three left ropes, two right, beaded circles, .a:dno: factvm: est: istvd: et: est: mira bi’., 5.00g (cf.Schneider 788; N.2005; S.2531). Red tone, a bold very fine and pleasing and a rare overstruck mintmark. £5,000

BH035 Elizabeth I, Gold Angel, sixth issue, St Michael slaying dragon, large wings, tail touches thick wing tip at inner circle, head nearly touches wing tip, head and lower foot touch inner circle, lower leg behind dragon body, inner and outer beaded circles, initial mark hand (assumed 1 February 1590 to 31 January 1592) both sides, elizabeth. d’.g’. ang’.fr’ et:hi’. regina., rev struck en médaille, ship sailing right, with upright bowsprit, crosses both ropes and touches beaded circle, three left ropes, two right, a.dno: factvm: est: istvd et: est: mirabi’., 4.98g (Schneider 790; N.2005; S.2531). Lightly creased, once cleaned, now lightly toned, very fine and rare. £4,500 Ex Spink Numismatic Circular, September 1997

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Rare Mintmark O for 1600 Gold Angel of Queen Elizabeth I

BH036 Elizabeth I, Gold Angel, sixth issue, St Michael slaying dragon, smaller wings, tail terminates in field head near wing tip, lower foot intrudes inner circle, lower leg behind dragon, inner and outer beaded circles, initial mark O (1 May 1600 to 20 May 1601) cypher both sides, elizabeth. d’.g’. ang’. fr’et. hi’. regina., rev die axis at 7 o’clock, ship sailing right, with upright bowsprit, crosses both ropes and touches beaded circle, three left ropes, two right beaded circles, a:dno: factvm: est istvd: et est: mirabi’., 5.17g (Schneider -; N.2005; S.2531). A little uneven in shape, toned good very fine and pleasing, this mintmark not represented in Schneider, rare. £6,500 Ex Spink, purchased 1992

Rare Mintmark 1 for 1601 Gold Pound of Elizabeth I

BH037 Elizabeth I, Gold Pound, seventh issue, ornate crowned bust left breaking inner beaded circle at top, initial mark 1 both sides, rev crowned quartered shield of arms, E to left, R to right, 10.99g (Schneider 805; N.2008; S.2539). One rim nick, dusky tone, a little weak on face and shoulder, otherwise very fine and a rare mintmark. £12,500 Ex Seaby Coin and Medal Bulletin, May 1964, item G1003, offered at £145


Rare King James I Gold Sovereign of 20 Shillings

BH038 James I (1603-1625), Gold Sovereign of Twenty Shillings, first coinage (1603-4), crowned half-length armoured figure right, holding orb with sceptre on shoulder, beaded circles surrounding, initial mark thistle (1603-4) both sides, pellet and comma stops in legend both sides, IACOBVS. D’. G’. ANG’. SCO’. FRAN’. ET. HIB’. REX., outer beaded circle surrounding both sides, rev die axis at 2 o’clock, crowned quartered shield of arms, I to left, R to right, beaded circle surrounding, .EXVRGAT. DEVS. DISSIPENTVR. INIMICI., 11.08g (Schneider II-1; N.2066; S.2608). A full coin with a pleasing portrait, very fine and rare. £25,000 Ex Glendining’s, 28 November 1980, lot 29 Ex St James’s Auction 5, 27 September 2006, lot 307 Ex Paul Broughton Collection, Spink Auction, 22 March 2016, lot 445

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Pleasing Gold Rose Ryal of King James I of 30 Shillings

BH039 James I, Gold Rose Ryal of Thirty Shillings, second coinage (1604-19), King seated facing on throne with orb and sceptre, pillar either side, portcullis below, tressure and beaded circle surrounding, initial mark rose (1605-6) both sides, pellet and comma stops in legend both sides, IACOBVS. D; G; MAG; BRIT. FRAN; ET. HIBER; REX., outer beaded circle surrounding both sides, rev die axis at 8 o’clock, quartered arms upon ornate rose, beaded circle surrounding, .A.DNO; FACTVM. ��������������������������� EST. ISTVD. ET.EST. MIRAB; IN. OCVLIS. NRIS., 13.79g (Schneider II-6; N.2079; S.2613). A little weak on high points of portrait, with light red toning, otherwise pleasing very fine / good very fine. £25,000 Ex Goldberg’s Auction 84, 27 January 2015, lot 3428, when graded as AU53


BH040 James I, Gold Angel, second coinage(1604-19), St Michael slaying dragon, both feet on striped dragon, initial mark escallop (1606-7) both sides, iacobvs. d’.g’. mag’. brit’.fra’. et.hi’.rex., rev die axis at 2 o’clock, ship sailing right, angled bowsprit nearly touches beaded inner circle, .a.dno’.factvm.est. istvd:, 4.60g (Schneider II-15; N.2081; S.2616). Pierced and plugged, toned, almost extremely fine, rare. £3,000 Ex Spink, purchased 26 February 1998

BH041 James I, Gold Angel, second coinage(1604-19), St Michael slaying dragon, both feet on striped dragon, initial mark trefoil (1613) both sides, iacobvs. d’.g’. mag’. brit’. fra’.et. hi’.rex., rev die axis at 3 o’clock, ship sailing, without bowsprit, I and rose more distant from mast, .a.dno’.factvm.est. istvd:, very large lettering, 4.47g (Schneider -; N.2081; S.2615). Creased with slight crack, otherwise very fine and rare, the mark not present in the Schneider Collection. £5,000

BH042 James I, Gold Angel, second coinage (1604-19), St Michael slaying dragon, both feet on striped dragon, initial mark book (1616-7) both sides, iacobvs. d.’g.’ mag.’brit.’ fra.’ et.’ hi.’ rex., rev die axis at 3 o’clock, ship sailing, without bowsprit, .a. dno. factvm. est. istvd., 4.39g (Schneider -; N.2081; S.2616). Pierced and toned, good very fine, the mark not present in the Schneider Collection, very rare. £2,950 Ex Spink, purchased 19 October 1992

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Extremely Rare and Pleasing King James I Gold Spur Ryal of 15 Shillings

BH043 James I, Gold Spur Ryal of Fifteen Shillings, third coinage (1619-25), seated facing crowned lion behind quartered shield of arms holding sceptre, value either side, beaded circle surrounding, initial mark spur rowel (1619-20) both sides, pellet and comma stops in legend both sides, IACOBVS D: G: MAG: BRIT: FRA: ET. HI: REX., outer beaded circle surrounding both sides, rev die axis at 2 o’clock, quartered arms upon ornate rose, beaded circle surrounding, .A.DNO; FACTVM. EST. ��������������������������������������������� ISTVD. ET.EST. MIRAB; IN. OCVLIS. NRIS., 6.24g (Schneider II-79; N.2109; S.2634). One light crease and slight undulation to flan, lightly toned, otherwise almost extremely fine and a pleasing example of this very rare issue. £75,000 Ex Henry Platt Hall, Glendining’s, 26 July 1950, lot 80, collection bought by Spink en bloc prior to sale Ex Spink Numismatic Circular, January 1974, item 184 Ex Spink Coin Auction 176, 30 September 2005, lot 467 Ex Paul Broughton Collection, Spink Auction, 22 March 2016, lot 453, front cover coin

BH044 James I, Gold Angel, third coinage (1619-25), St Michael slaying dragon, both feet on striped dragon, value X in field, initial mark lis (1623-4) both sides, iacobvs d:g: mag: brit: fran. et hib. rex, rev die axis at 7 o’clock, three masted ship in full sail left, no stops in legend, a domino factvm est istvd, 4.39g (Schneider -; N.2110; S.2635). Creased with light crack showing through, toned, good very fine and very rare, the mark not in Schneider. £4,750 Ex Spink, purchased 27 October 1993


BH045 James I, Gold Angel, third coinage (1619-25), St Michael slaying dragon, both feet on striped dragon, value X in field, initial ���������������������������������������� mark���������������������������� trefoil (1624) both sides, iacobvs d:g: mag: bri: fra: et hib: rex, rev die axis at 3 o’clock, three masted ship in full sail left, ships mainsail within inner beaded circle, .a. domino. factvm. est. istvd., 4.09g (Schneider II-81; N.2110; S.2635). Die flaw in obverse legend, lightly toned, bold very fine and very rare. £7,500 Ex Richard Cyril Lockett, English Collection (part II), Glendining’s, 11 October 1956, lot 2118, sold for £85 Ex Spink Numismatic Circular, December 1956, item 10441 Ex Mrs E M H Norweb, English Coins (part I), Spink Auction 48, 13 November 1985, lot 394 Ex Sheffield Collection, Spink-Noble Australia, 18 November 1993, lot 2717

BH046 Charles I (1625-1649), Gold Angel, Tower mint, St Michael slaying dragon, value X in left field, initial mark rose (1631-2) both sides, carolvs d.’g.’ mag.’ br.’ fr.’ et.’hi.’ rex., rev die axis at 8 o’clock, three masted ship in full sail left, amor. popvli. prÆsidivm. regis, 3.79g (Schneider -; Brooker 4 this coin; N.2145; S.2684A). Large piercing, dark tone, a weak very fine and rare, the mark not in the Schneider Collection. £1,950 Ex H W Taffs, Glendining’s, 21 November 1956, lot 21, sold for £36 Ex John G Brooker Collection, dispersed by Spink from 1979 Ex Spink Auction 96, 31 March 1993, lot 129 According to Schneider’s article on the gold Angels of Charles I published in the British Numismatic Journal from 1957, the total amount of fine gold minted into Angels from 1625-42 was £12,658 which is a tiny portion of the £2,822,151 of normal currency 22 carat gold issued in the same period. He also says for every 15lb weight of bullion coined, one Angel should have been saved for the pyx trial, and we have a record of the face value of coins for each pyx trial for each mint mark for Charles I. For the mint mark of rose only £4 of face value was pyx trialled which represents 8 coins. This therefore represents a coinage of 120lb weight of Angels for this mark if mint regulation was adhered to. If an Angel weighs an average of 4 grams this equates to 0.141 ounces, meaning 120lb weight of coins = 13,617 Angels approximately for rose mint mark, pyx trialled on 21 June 1632.

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BH047 Charles I, Gold Angel, Tower mint, St Michael slaying dragon, value X in left field, initial mark tun over crown (1636-8) both sides, carolvs d.’g.’ mag.’ bri.’ fr.’et.’hi.’ rex, rev inverted die axis, three masted ship in full sail left, amor. popvli. prÆsidivm. regis, 3.95g (Schneider -; Brooker 8 this coin; N.2145; S.2684A). Pierced, lightly toned, good very fine and rare. £3,500 Ex Richard Cyril Lockett, English Collection (part III), Glendining’s, 4 November 1958, lot 3348, sold for £95 Ex John G Brooker Collection, dispersed by Spink from 1979 Ex Stacks, New York, 11 December 1986, lot 1105 Ex Spink Auction 124, 19 November 1997 lot 1753 According to Schneider’s article for the mint mark of tun only £3/10 of face value was pyx trialled which represents 7 coins. This therefore represents a coinage of 105lb weight of Angels for this mark if mint regulation was adhered to. If an Angel weighs an average of 4 grams this equates to 0.141 ounces, meaning 105lb weight of coins = 11,915 Angels approximately for tun mint mark, pyx trialled on 8 May 1638.

BH048 Charles I, Gold Angel, Tower mint, St Michael slaying dragon, value X in left field, initial mark tun over crown (1636-8) both sides, carolvs d.’g.’ mag.’ bri.’ fr.’ et.’ hi.’ rex, die axis at 4 o’clock, three masted ship in full sail left, amor. popvli. prÆsidivm. regis, 3.89g (Schneider -; Brooker 8-9; N.2145; S.2684A). Pierced, dark tone, a bold very fine and rare. £3,000 Ex Spink, purchased 30 January 1993 According to Schneider’s article for the mint mark of tun only £3/10 of face value was pyx trialled which represents 7 coins. This therefore represents a coinage of 105lb weight of Angels for this mark if mint regulation was adhered to. If an Angel weighs an average of 4 grams this equates to 0.141 ounces, meaning 105lb weight of coins = 11,915 Angels approximately for tun mint mark, pyx trialled on 8 May 1638.




BH049 Charles I, Gold Crown of Five Shillings, Tower mint, group A, Class I, broader first crowned bust left, jewelled outer arches on crown, value in field behind, linear and beaded circle surrounding, initial mark lis both sides (1625), pellet stops in legend, CAROLVS. D. G. MA. BR. FR. ET. HI. REX, outer beaded circle surrounding both sides, rev die axis at 5 o’clock, crowned quartered rectangular shield of arms, with light garniture, beaded circle surrounding, no punctuation, CVLTORES SVI DEVS PROTEGIT, 2.33g (Brooker 183; Schneider -; N.2179; S.2710). Toned, same dies as Brooker coin with the MA for MAG legend, very fine and rare. £875 BH050 Charles I, Gold Crown of Five Shillings, Tower mint, group D, class I, bust 5, crowned bust left, value in field behind, beaded circle surrounding, initial mark crown both sides (1635-6), pellet stops in legend, CAROLVS. D; G; MA; BR; FR; ET. HI; REX., outer beaded circle surrounding both sides, rev die axis at 7 o’clock, crowned quartered oval shield of arms, with light garniture, crowned C to left, crowned R to right, beaded circle surrounding, CVLTORES. SVI. DEVS. PROTEGIT., 2.22g (Brooker 210; Schneider II-246; N.2185; S.2715). Flan flaw in metal at front of crown, struck on a broad flan, bold very fine. £875 Ex Irelands, Norwich, 12 October 1982, lot 66, sold for £195

BH051 Commonwealth (1649-1660), Gold Unite, 1653, English shield within laurel and palm branch, initial mark sun, .the. commonwealth. of. england., rev die axis at 8 o’clock, English and Irish shield, value and pellets above within beaded circle, date above, .god. with. vs., 9.17g (Schneider 341; N.2715; S.3208). Light tone, one small area of weakness in striking, some light raised die flaws in reverse shields, otherwise good very fine. £10,000 Ex Spink Numismatic Circular, November 1942, item 16791 Ex Marshall Collection, Spink Auction 167, 31 March 2004, lot 27 Ex Paul Broughton Collection, Spink Auction, 22 March 2016, lot 453

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BH052 Elizabeth I (1558-1603), Silver Crown, seventh issue (1601-2), crowned ornate bust left with orb and sceptre, four fingers on sceptre handle, initial mark 1 (1601) both sides, beaded inner and outer circles and legend surrounding both sides, rev inverted die axis, quartered shield over long cross fourchée, 29.69g (Cooper dies B/2; N.2012; S.2582). Toned, light metal striations both sides as usual for this issue, otherwise a pleasing coin, bold very fine. £6,750 ex Spink Numismatic Circular, June 2006, item MS7403, illustrated on the front cover

BH053 Elizabeth I, Silver Crown, seventh issue (1601-2), crowned ornate bust left with orb and sceptre, four fingers on sceptre handle, initial mark 1 (1601) both sides, beaded inner and outer circles and legend surrounding both sides, rev struck en médaille, quartered shield over long cross fourchée, 29.88g (Cooper dies D/6; N.2012; S.2582). Toned, very few light metal flecks or striations for this issue, otherwise a pleasing coin with a good face, bold very fine. £6,500 Ex Roderick Richardson, c.2001, as “bought from Seaby in the 1960s”


Very Pleasing Example of the Oxford Mint 1642 Crown with the Shrewsbury Obverse

BH054 Charles I (1625-1649), Silver Crown, 1642, Oxford mint, Shrewsbury obverse die, King on horseback left riding over arms and armour on ground line, Shrewsbury plume behind, initial mark pellet, beaded inner and outer circles and legend surrounding, rev dies axis at 4 o’clock, Declaration with colon punctuation in two lines, three Oxford plumes and value .V. above, date below, initial mark colon, 30.00g (Brooker 869; N.2405; S.2946). Toned, a couple of light die flaws or metal striations, otherwise almost extremely fine, a wonderful example. £9,750

BH055 Charles I, Silver Crown, 1645, Exeter mint, King on horseback left with flowing wavy sash, holding upright sword, beaded circles and legend surrounding both sides, initial mark castle (1645) both sides, rev die axis at 7 o’clock, oval quartered shield of arms with scrolled frame, wide date before initial mark in legend, 28.51g (Brooker 1043; N.2561; S.3062). Toned, usual uneven shape, slightly double struck on reverse, some die striations visible as raised lines both sides, otherwise good very fine. £2,750 Lovely Example of the Commonwealth 1653 Silver Crown

BH056 Commonwealth (1649-1660), Silver Crown, 1653, English shield within laurel and palm branches, initial mark sun, legends in English surrounding, outer beaded circle both sides, rev die axis at 11 o’clock, shields of England and Ireland, with value above, all within beaded circle, date and legend surrounding, 30.55g (ESC.6; Bull 6; N.2721; S.3214). Attractively toned, with some light flecks or striations, otherwise almost extremely fine. £6,000 Ex Seaby Coin and Medal Bulletin, April 1961, item LS55, priced at £22/10/-

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Halfcrowns Very Rare “La Rochelle” Expedition Halfcrown Size Pattern

BH057 Charles I (1625-1649), Pattern of Halfcrown dimensions on a 35mm flan, 1628, struck in silver, by Nicholas Briot, King on prancing horse right with sword upright on shoulder, stony ground below, .n.briot.f. in exergue with beaded inner circle, initial mark flower, o rex .da. facilem. cvrsvm, lozenge stops, outer beaded circle both sides, rev crowned quartered shield of arms, date either side, inner beaded circle, atqve. avdacibvs. annve. coeptis., edge, plain, 15.36g (Brooker 1258; MIi 252/32; Bull 467; N.2673). Toned, good very fine and very rare. £4,000 Ex H M Lingford Collection, portion purchased by A H Baldwin & Sons Ltd, c.1951 The Latin legend literally translates as “O King, give an easy course and nod with favour on bold undertakings” finely engraved by Nicholas Briot, there has been continued debate as to whether this coin is a pattern for a Halfcrown or if this is a medallion to commemorate the “La Rochelle” Expedition of 1628. This cataloguer favours the piece being a pattern for a Halfcrown as the weight is correct for that denomination and coupled with it being struck with an inverted “coin” die-axis it leans toward being a pattern for coinage albeit with an unusual legend and date. In 1628 Nicholas Briot held a “monopoly on portraiture of the King by coin or medal” and received a salary for this privilege of £250 a year. The entry in Medallic Illustrations is based on the contemporary opinion of Evelyn who lived at the time (though he would have been an 8 year old at the date of this medallion), that it commemorated the La Rochelle Expedition where the English intervened in the disagreement between the French Royal forces of Louis XIII and the Huguenot stronghold of La Rochelle, essentially a Catholic Protestant disagreement. However it hardly seems viable to commemorate the second (by the Duke of Buckingham) of two unsuccessful expeditions to the city of La Rochelle whose inhabitants surrendered without a further fight by 28 October 1628. Presumably the evidence in Evelyn’s time was further weighted toward it being a medallion by the fact that Briot’s name is spelt out with his initial and F for “Fecit” as the “maker” a practice usually only seen on medals at this juncture. However, proposed as a pattern for a coin it seems evident to the cataloguer that Briot no doubt wanted to show all and sundry who the maker was and engraved his name in full a practice we do not see again till Thomas Simon upon his Crown proposals c.1662-3 and then Benedetto Pistrucci with his Crown coinage of George III. This piece seems much more viable than the Crown size patterns also the work of Briot listed as Brooker 1248-50 which are accepted as proposals for coin patterns even though they are well under the weight of a silver Crown. In fact their weights are just over half of that of a true currency crown and they are much more medallic in the nature of their design.


BH058 Charles I, Silver Halfcrown, Tower mint, group II, type 2c, king in armour on smaller horse left, plume on horse’s head, cross on housing, MA for MAG in legend, initial mark portcullis (1633-34), rev draped oval garnished shield, C to left, R to right, initial mark harp (1632-33), 15.03g (Bull 204a/ M20 (2-2) this coin; Brooker -; N.2207; S.2771). Weak on design, good fine / almost very fine and extremely rare muling of mintmarks. £750 Ex R Carlyon-Britton, third collection, purchased by B A Seaby, 1959 (inventory number 15664) Ex Spink Numismatic Circular, September 1988, item 5529 Ex Spink Numismatic Circular 2001, HS0572 Ex Colin Adams Collection, Spink Auction 177, 1 December 2005, lot 96 The only other known example of this mule in private hands, is the one in similar grade of preservation from the Roger Shuttlewood collection, Spink Numismatic Circular, June 2001, HS572, illustrated in Bull. Interestingly the obverse die of the example herewith is from a different portcullis mint mark die, though the reverse die is shared (Bull 190/M20).

BH059 Charles I, Silver Halfcrown, Tower mint, group III, type 3a1, king on horse left with upright sword and flowing sash, initial mark crown (1635-36) both sides, rev oval garnished quartered shield, reverse initial mark struck over bell, 14.80g (Bull 256a/23 (a-10-12) this coin; Brooker 325; N.2209; S.2773). Weak on design, almost extremely fine and a very pleasing piece. £850 Ex Dr E C Carter Collection, purchased by A H Baldwin & Sons Ltd 1950 Ex J M Ashby, Spink Auction 145, 14 July 2000, lot 2054 Ex Colin Adams Collection, Spink Auction 177, 1 December 2005, lot 104

BH060 Charles I, Silver Halfcrown, Tower mint, Nicholas Briot’s hammered issue (1638-39), king on horseback left with upright sword and flowing sash, ground-line below, initial mark triangle both sides, struck over anchor on obverse, group III Tower reverse rev oval garnished quartered shield, 14.95g (Bull 471/23 (4-9); Brooker 734; N.2307/2209; S.2861/2773). Toned, dig under one hoof, double struck both sides, otherwise good very fine and very rare. £2,500 Ex Spink Numismatic Circular, May 2009, item HS3776 Ex Spink Auction, 6 October 2011, lot 240

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BH061 Charles I, Silver Halfcrown, Oxford mint, 1644, King on horseback left with raised sword and short sash, rocky ground with coarse grass below, Oxford plume behind, mintmark Shrewsbury style plume, legend with lozenge stops, rev inverted die axis, Declaration in two lines, three Oxford plumes above, date below and OX in two lines below with lozenge stops, initial mark colon pellets either side of lozenge, 14.83g (Bull 617/1 this coin; Brooker -/908; N.2429; S.2958A). Irregular shape as usual for this issue, toned, a little flatness in strike, almost extremely fine for issue and the plate coin in Bull. ÂŁ2,250 Ex Format of Birmingham, Fixed Price List, October 1991 Ex Alan Morris Collection, dispersed gradually by Lloyd Bennett over the last decade

BH062 Charles I, Silver Halfcrown, Truro mint, King on horseback left with flowing sash, holding upright sword, beaded circles and legend surrounding both sides, initial mark rose both sides, rev quartered shield of arms with rectangular frame, C to left, R to right, 15.04g (Bull 670/21; Brooker 1151 this coin; N.2595; S.3104). Lightly toned, weakly struck at head of King and corresponding part of reverse, free of the usual die break on obverse otherwise a bold very fine for issue and very rare. ÂŁ2,750 Ex Spink Numismatic Circular, May 2009, item HS3784


Extremely Rare Worcester Mint Silver Halfcrown of Charles I

BH063 Charles I, Silver Halfcrown, Worcester mint, King on horseback left with flowing sash, holding upright sword, horse with long mane flowing in front, beaded circles and legend surrounding both sides, initial mark helmet (1643) both sides, rev flat topped quartered shield of arms with scrolled garniture, 14.21g (Bull 669/14 (101-35); Allen C-14; Brooker 1146; N.2593; S.3102). On irregular shaped flan as usual, slightly double struck but with a good depiction of King and horse, otherwise a bold very fine for issue and very rare. ÂŁ4,750 Ex Robert Lyall Collection, DNW Auction 135, 21 March 2016, lot 73 (Mr Lyall bought this coin in 1968) Only three examples known, the other two being Ryan lot 1301 (slightly lesser grade with attempted piercing in obverse field) and Bridgewater House lot 295 (slightly sharper).

BH064 Commonwealth (1649-1660), Silver Halfcrown, 1653, English shield within laurel and palm branches, initial mark sun, legends in English surrounding, outer beaded circle both sides, rev shields of England and Ireland, with value above, all within beaded circle, date and legend surrounding, 14.84g (ESC.431; Bull 28; N.2722; S.3215). Toned, very fine. ÂŁ750

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Extremely Rare Thames Hoard Commonwealth Anchor Mintmark Halfcrown of 1660

BH065 Commonwealth, Silver Halfcrown, 1660, English shield within laurel and palm branches, initial mark anchor, legends in English surrounding, outer beaded circle both sides, rev shields of England and Ireland, with value above, all within beaded circle, date and legend surrounding, 14.69g (ESC.442, R4; Bull 61; N.2723; S.3216). Toned with a patina from the River Thames mud, slightly double struck with crease, almost extremely fine and extremely rare. £3,500 For Further Reading see British Numismatic Journal, volume 69, 1999, “New Hoards From the 17th Century” by B J Cook. Specifically Blackfriars Bridge, Thames Hoard where six 1660 dated Anchor mintmark Halfcrowns that were in this hoard and are listed on page 166.


BH066 Elizabeth I (1558-1603), Silver Shilling, second issue (1560-61), crowned bust left, bust 3C; beaded circles and legend surrounding, initial mark martlet both sides, rev quartered shield of arms on long cross fourchée, toothed outer border both sides, 6.18g (N.1985; S.2555). Toned, bold very fine. £700

Very Rare “Fine Work” Shilling of King Charles I c.1634-35

BH067 Charles I (1625-1649), Silver Shilling, Tower mint, fine work, group E, bust 2, crowned bust left, large value behind, initial mark bell (1634-35) both sides, rev struck en médaille, quartered oval shield of arms, 5.91g (Brooker 481; Sharp E2/2; N.2225; S.2787). Lightly toned, hairline scratch under value, a couple of nicks, otherwise a bold very fine and very rare. £2,750 Ex Seaby Coin and Medal Bulletin, November 1952, item 9894, “very fine style”, offered at 25 Shillings Ex J M Ashby, Spink Auction 145, 14 July 2000, lot 2184


BH068 Charles I, Silver Shilling, Bristol mint, 1644, crowned bust left, plumelet before face, value behind head, no initial mark both sides rev struck en médaille, Declaration in three lines, plumes above with small plumelet either side, date below with BR monogram, 5.51g (Brooker 997; N.2501; S.3016A). Toned with a patina from the River Thames mud, weak patches, almost very fine. £1,000 Ex “A Commonwealth Find” discovered 1995, Baldwin’s Auction 14, 13 October 1997, lot 411 For Further Reading see British Numismatic Journal, volume 69, 1999, “New Hoards From the 17th Century” by B J Cook. Specifically Blackfriars Bridge, Thames Hoard where six 1660 dated Anchor mintmark Halfcrowns that were in this hoard and are listed on page 165.

BH069 Charles I, Obsidional coinage, Silver Shilling, 1645, Newark besieged, on lozenge shaped flan, large crown over value, C to left, R to right, beaded border both sides, rev struck en médaille, inscription and date, NEWARKE type, 5.93g (Brooker 1224; N.2640; S.3142). Toned, pierced at top, with some raised plate design showing through, bold very fine. £875

Extremely Rare Thames Hoard Commonwealth Anchor Mintmark Shilling of 1658

BH070 Commonwealth (1649-1660), Silver Shilling, 1658, English shield within laurel and palm branches, initial mark anchor, legends in English surrounding, outer beaded circle both sides, rev shields of England and Ireland, with value above, all within beaded circle, date and legend surrounding, 5.60g (ESC 998 R2; Bull 161; N.2725; S.3218). Darkly toned with a patina from the River Thames mud, double struck, bold very fine and very rare. £2,750 For Further Reading see British Numismatic Journal, volume 69, 1999, “New Hoards From the 17th Century” by B J Cook. Specifically Blackfriars Bridge, Thames Hoard where six 1660 dated Anchor mintmark Halfcrowns that were in this hoard and are listed on page 167.

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BH071 Elizabeth I (1558-1603), Silver Sixpence, 1578, fifth issue, crowned bust left, large rose behind, linear and beaded circles and legend surrounding, initial mark Greek cross both sides, rev struck en médaille, quartered shield of arms upon long cross fourchée, date above, 3.19g (N.1997; S.2572). Once cleaned, now lightly toned, very fine. £200

BH072 Charles I (1625-1649), Obsidional coinage, Silver Sixpence, 1646, Newark besieged, on lozenge shaped flan, large crown over value, C to left, R to right, beaded border both sides, rev struck en médaille, inscription and date, 2.96g (Brooker 1228; N.2642; S.3146). Toned, weak at bottom of obverse, slightly double struck, otherwise very fine. £2,250 With old ticket stating the coin was bought for “Helen’s birthday” February 19th 1945

Groats Extremely Rare Silver Groat of King Edward I, Fox Type 7 Variety d, the Rarest Type

BH073 Edward I (1272-1307), Silver Groat, London, facing crowned bust with large broad face and short hair, crown with spread side fleurs, surrounding quatrefoil in two beaded and one thick linear lines, drapery with rosette on breast, fleurs in spandrels, colon stops in legend, serif type X, initial mark cross pattée, rev long cross fourchée, upon twin concentric legends, trefoil of pellets in each inner angle, 5.44g (Brady -; Fox 7, variety d; SCBI.39:11; N.1009; S.1379D). Has been gilt on reverse, small edge chip, scratch on obverse, some die flaws on obverse, otherwise toned, very fine and extremely rare. £9,500 Ex J Shirley Fox Collection, portion purchased struck en bloc by Raymond Carlyon-Britton Ex Raymond Carlyon Britton, second collection purchased by B A Seaby Ltd consisting of c.8,000 hammered silver coins With old tickets stating “reserved 29th December 1949” at £10 from Seaby Bulletin – perhaps a pre-list publication reservation as we cannot find this coin listed in the SCMB of 1949 or 1950 though much of Carlyon-Brittons large second collection never made it to publication.


BH074 Edward III (1327-1377), Silver Groat, fourth coinage, Pre-treaty period, class B (1351), London mint, crowned facing bust, all within tressure of nine arcs, fleurs on cusps, initial mark cross pattée, Roman M with open C and E in legend, annulet stops, reads EWARD for King’s name, rev long cross pattée, trefoil of pellets in each inner angle, twin concentric legend surrounding, 4.62g (N.1142; S.1563). Toned, a little weak in parts, very fine. £600 Ex B A Seaby Ltd, purchased 1942 Ex E J Winstanley Collection, private transaction to G V Doubleday Ex Gordon V Doubleday, Glendining’s, 8 June 1972, lot 354 Ex Motcomb Collection, Morton & Eden, 17 March 2016, lot 4

BH075 Edward III, Silver Groat, fourth coinage, Pre-treaty period, class C (1351-52), London mint, crowned facing bust, all within tressure of nine arcs, trefoils on cusps, initial mark cross pattée, Lombardic M with closed C and E in legend, R with wedge tail, annulet stops, rev long cross pattée, trefoil of pellets in each inner angle, twin concentric legend surrounding, 4.58g (Lawrence N.1147; S.1565). Toned, a little weak in parts from slight die clash, good very fine with a great portrait. £500 Ex Motcomb Collection, Morton & Eden, 17 March 2016, lot 7



BH076 Edward III, Silver Groat, fourth coinage, Pre-treaty period, class D (1352-53), London mint, crowned facing bust, all within tressure of nine arcs, trefoils on cusps, initial mark cross pattée 1 broken, Lombardic M with closed C and E in legend, normal R, annulet stops, rev long cross pattée, trefoil of pellets in each inner angle, twin concentric legend surrounding, CIVITAS begins at 9 o’clock, 4.63g (N.1152; S.1566). Toned, a little weak in parts from slight die clash, a bold very fine with a pleasing portrait, rare reverse variety. £500 Ex B A Seaby Ltd, purchased 1965 Ex Motcomb Collection, Morton & Eden, 17 March 2016, lot 10

BH077 Edward III, Silver Groat, fourth coinage, Pre-treaty period, class F (1356), London mint, crowned facing bust, all within tressure of nine arcs, trefoils on cusps, initial mark crown, rev long cross pattée, trefoil of pellets in each inner angle, twin concentric legend surrounding, 4.60g (N.1174; S.1569). Toned, a little weak in parts from slight die clash, good very fine with a pleasing portrait. £375 Ex Motcomb Collection, Morton & Eden, 17 March 2016, lot 17

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BH078 Edward III, Silver Groat, fourth coinage, Pre-treaty period, class F/G mule (c.1356), London mint, crowned facing bust, all within tressure of nine arcs, trefoils on cusps, broken E and D at start of legend, initial mark crown on obverse, rev long cross pattée, trefoil of pellets in each inner angle, one quarter with annulet at centre of pellets, twin concentric legend surrounding, initial mark cross pattée, 4.37g (N.1174/1193; S.1569/1570). Toned, a little weak in parts from slight die clash, good very fine with a pleasing portrait, rare. £450 Ex Motcomb Collection, Morton & Eden, 17 March 2016, lot 18

BH079 Edward III, Silver Groat, fourth coinage, Pre-treaty period, class G (1356-61), London mint, crowned facing bust, all within tressure of nine arcs, trefoils on cusps, annulet under bust in bottom spandrel, initial mark cross pattée, rev long cross pattée, trefoil of pellets in each inner angle, one quarter with annulet at centre of pellets, twin concentric legend surrounding, N’s in legend reverse barred, 4.47g (N.1193; S.1570). Toned, a little weak in parts of legend, good very fine with a pleasing portrait, rare. £425 Ex Motcomb Collection, Morton & Eden, 17 March 2016, lot 19

Extremely Rare Light Coinage Silver Groat of King Henry IV

BH080 Henry IV (1399-1413), Silver Groat, light coinage (1412-13), type II, London mint, crowned facing bust, annulet to left of crown, pellet on fleur to right of crown, trefoil on breast, all within tressure of ten arcs, fleurs on cusps, initial mark cross, rev long cross pattée, trefoil of pellets in each inner angle, twin concentric legend surrounding, N’s in legend reverse barred, 3.75g (N.1359a; S.1727). Steel grey tone, weak in parts of legend and on face, otherwise almost very fine for issue and extremely rare. £7,500 Ex F A Walters, Sotheby’s, 25 October 1932, lot 241, plate II, sold for £17 Ex C Anthony Collection, purchased by B A Seaby, 1948 Ex George R Blake Collection, part I, Seaby Coin and Medal Bulletin, May 1956, item BL35, offered at £27/10/- Ex Raymond Carlyon-Britton Collection, sold through B A Seaby Ltd, from 1958 Ex Motcomb Collection, Morton & Eden, 17 March 2016, lot 36


BH081 Henry VI, First Reign (1422-1461), Silver Groat, Calais mint, pinecone mascle issue (1431-32/3), crowned facing bust, within tressure of nine arcs, large fleur on six cusps, circles and legend surrounding, pinecone and mascle stops both sides, initial mark cross fleury, rev long cross pattée, tri-pellets in each inner angle, twin concentric legends and beaded circles surrounding, initial mark cross pattée, 3.52g (N.1461; S.1875). Toned, good very fine. £250 Ex Motcomb Collection, Morton & Eden, 17 March 2016, lot 59

BH082 Henry VI, First Reign, Silver Groat, Calais mint, rosette mascle issue (1430-31), crowned facing bust, within tressure of nine arcs, large fleur on six cusps, circles and legend surrounding, rosette and mascle stops both sides, initial mark incurved pierced cross, rev long cross pattée, tri-pellets in each inner angle, twin concentric legends and beaded circles surrounding, initial mark cross pattée, 3.74g (N.1446; S.1859). Toned, bold very fine. £225

Rare Heavy Coinage Silver Groat of King Edward IV

BH083 Edward IV, First Reign (1461-1470), Silver Groat, Heavy Coinage (1461-4), London mint, class II, crowned facing bust, quatrefoils each side of neck, crescent on breast, within tressure of nine arcs, large fleur on four cusps, initial mark rose (1464-5) both sides, rev long cross pattée, tri-pellets in each inner angle, twin concentric legends and beaded circles surrounding, 3.83g (N.1531; S.1972). Well struck on a broad flan, a few weak spots, otherwise good very fine. £1,000 Ex Spink Numismatic Circular, no.6414 offered at £4/10/- Ex Motcomb Collection, Morton & Eden, 17 March 2016, lot 88

BH084 Edward IV, First Reign, Silver Groat, Light Coinage (1464-70), London mint, crowned facing bust, trefoils each side of neck, within tressure of nine arcs, trefoils on cusps, initial mark crown (1468-69) on obverse, rev long cross pattée, tri-pellets in each inner angle, twin concentric legends and beaded circles surrounding, initial mark sun, 3.02g (N.1577; S.2003). Toned, good very fine. £250 Ex Motcomb Collection, Morton & Eden, 17 March 2016, lot 111

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BH085 Edward IV, First Reign, Silver Groat, Light Coinage (1464-70), London mint, crowned facing bust, trefoils each side of neck, within tressure of nine arcs, trefoils on cusps, initial mark long cross fitchée (1469-70) on obverse, rev long cross pattée, tri-pellets in each inner angle, twin concentric legends and beaded circles surrounding, initial mark sun, 3.10g (N.1577; S.2003). Toned, practically extremely fine, very pleasing. £750 Ex Spink Coin Auction 207, 23 March 2011, lot 104 Ex Nomos, Switzerland, Fixed Price List, Spring 2012, item 114 Ex Triton Auction XIX, Classical Numismatic Group, 5 January 2016, lot 956

BH086 Edward IV, First Reign, Silver Groat, Light Coinage (1464-70), London mint, crowned facing bust, trefoils each side of neck, within tressure of nine arcs, trefoils on cusps, initial mark long cross fitchée (1469-70) on obverse, rev long cross pattée, tri-pellets in each inner angle, twin concentric legends and beaded circles surrounding, initial mark sun, 2.88g (N.1577; S.2003). Toned, good very fine. £500 Ex B A Seaby Ltd, 1966 priced at £8 Ex Motcomb Collection, Morton & Eden, 17 March 2016, lot 116

BH087 Edward IV, First Reign, Silver Groat, Light Coinage (1464-70), Bristol mint, crowned facing bust, B below, quatrefoils each side of neck, within tressure of nine arcs, fleurs on cusps, initial mark sun (1469-70) on obverse, rev long cross pattée, tri-pellets in each inner angle, twin concentric legends and beaded circles surrounding, initial mark rose, 2.86g (N.1580; S.2004). Toned, short flan crack, good very fine. £650 Ex James Herbert Daniels (1864-1936), 12 Buxton Road, Brighton, East Sussex, 1917, priced at 8/-, same ticket later priced at 27/6d and £3/10/- in future transactions Ex Motcomb Collection, Morton & Eden, 17 March 2016, lot 100

BH088 Edward IV, Second Reign (1471-1483), Silver Groat, London mint, type XVII, crowned facing bust, within tressure of nine arcs, trefoil on seven cusps, trefoil on breast, initial mark pierced cross both sides, rev long cross pattée, tri-pellets in each inner angle, twin concentric legends and beaded circles surrounding, 2.92g (N.1631 ; S.2096). Toned, bold very fine. £250


BH089 Edward IV, Second Reign, Silver Groat, London mint, type XV, crowned facing bust, within tressure of nine arcs, trefoil on cusps, rose either side of neck, initial mark pellet in annulet both sides, rev long cross pattée, tri-pellets in each inner angle, twin concentric legends and beaded circles surrounding, 2.95g (N.1631 ; S.2097). Toned, very fine. £475 Ex Motcomb Collection, Morton & Eden, 17 March 2016, lot 134

Rare Type 1 Silver Groat of King Richard III

BH090 Richard III (1483-1485), Silver Groat, London mint, type 1, crowned facing bust, within tressure of nine arcs, large fleurs on six cusps, initial mark halved sun and rose both sides, rev long cross pattée, tri-pellets in each inner angle, twin concentric legends and beaded circles surrounding, 3.11g (N.1679; S.2154). Toned, a little ragged, a bold very fine and rare. £2,950 Ex Joseph Young, Sotheby’s, 5 February 1919, lot 147 Ex Motcomb Collection, Morton & Eden, 17 March 2016, lot 148

Rare Type 1 Silver Groat of King Richard III

BH091 Richard III, Silver Groat, London mint, type 1, crowned facing bust, within tressure of nine arcs, large fleurs on six cusps, initial mark halved sun and rose both sides, rev long cross pattée, tri-pellets in each inner angle, twin concentric legends and beaded circles surrounding, 2.80g (N.1679; S.2154). Dark tone, good very fine and rare. £3,500 Ex James Herbert Daniels (1864-1936), 12 Buxton Road, Brighton, East Sussex, 1917 priced at 12/6d, same ticket later priced at £3 and £15 in future transactions Ex Motcomb Collection, Morton & Eden, 17 March 2016, lot 147

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Pleasing Type 2a Silver Groat of King Richard III

BH092 Richard III, Silver Groat, London mint, type 2a, in name of Edward, crowned facing bust, within tressure of nine arcs, large fleurs on cusps, pellet in lowest spandrel, initial mark boars head 1 on obverse, rev long cross pattée, tri-pellets in each inner angle, twin concentric legends and beaded circles surrounding, initial mark halved sun and rose, 3.01g (N.1672; S.2155). Dark tone, weakness in striking on King’s crown and corresponding part of reverse, scratch on obverse, a little short of flan, otherwise very fine and extremely rare. £3,750 Ex Motcomb Collection, Morton & Eden, 17 March 2016, lot 146

BH093 Richard III, Silver Groat, London mint, type 2b, crowned facing bust, within tressure of nine arcs, large fleur on six cusps, initial mark boars head 2 both sides, rev long cross pattée, tri-pellets in each inner angle, twin concentric legends and beaded circles surrounding, 2.77g (N.1679; S.2156). Darkly toned, edge chip, otherwise good very fine and scarce. £2,500

BH094 Richard III, Silver Groat, London mint, type 2b, crowned facing bust, within tressure of nine arcs, large fleur on six cusps, initial mark boars head 2 both sides, rev long cross pattée, tri-pellets in each inner angle, twin concentric legends and beaded circles surrounding, 3.15g (N.1679; S.2156). Darkly toned, some light die clash, bold very fine and scarce. £2,850 Ex Motcomb Collection, Morton & Eden, 17 March 2016, lot 152


Rare Type 3 Silver Groat of King Richard III

BH095 Richard III, Silver Groat, London mint, type 3, crowned facing bust, within tressure of nine arcs, large fleur on six cusps, initial mark halved sun and rose 3 both sides, rev long cross pattée, tri-pellets in each inner angle, twin concentric legends and beaded circles surrounding, 3.07g (N.1679; S.2157). Darkly toned, flan slightly undulating, otherwise almost extremely fine and rare. £3,500 Ex E J Winstanley Collection, private transaction Ex Motcomb Collection, Morton & Eden, 17 March 2016, lot 157

Extremely Rare York Mint Silver Groat of King Richard III

BH096 Richard III, Silver Groat, York mint, type 3, crowned facing bust, within tressure of nine arcs, large fleur on six cusps, initial mark halved sun and rose 2 both sides, rev long cross pattée, tri-pellets in each inner angle, twin concentric legends and beaded circles surrounding, 3.05g (N.1681; S.2159). Darkly toned, uneven in shape, light scratch on obverse, otherwise good very fine and extremely rare, the first we have offered for sale on our fixed price lists. £8,500 Ex Motcomb Collection, Morton & Eden, 17 March 2016, lot 159

BH097 Henry VII (1485-1509), Silver Groat, London mint, first period, class 1a, crowned facing bust, within tressure of nine arcs, large fleur on six cusps, initial mark halved lis and rose both sides, rev long cross pattée, tri-pellets in each inner angle, twin concentric legends and beaded circles surrounding, 3.13g (N.1703; S.2193). Dark tone, good very fine. £550 Ex Motcomb Collection, Morton & Eden, 17 March 2016, lot 160

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BH098 Henry VII, Silver Groat, London mint, first period, class 1b, crowned facing bust, saltire either side of neck, within tressure of nine arcs, large fleur on six cusps, initial mark long cross fitchée on obverse only, rev long cross pattée, tri-pellets in each inner angle, twin concentric legends and beaded circles surrounding, saltire after first word, 2.96g (N.1703; S.2194). Dark tone, good very fine. £550 Ex Motcomb Collection, Morton & Eden, 17 March 2016, lot 163

BH099 Henry VII, Silver Groat, London mint, regular profile issue, bust in profile right with triple banded crown, beaded inner and outer circles, initial mark pheon both sides, rev long cross fourchée over quartered shield, legend and beaded circles surrounding, 2.97g (N.1747; S.2258). Dark uneven tone, a bold very fine. £500 With ticket stating bought from B A Seaby Ltd in 1959 for 15/- in a deal with a coin cabinet

BH100 Henry VIII (1509-1547), Silver Groat, second coinage (1526-44), London mint, second crowned bust in profile right, initial mark sunburst both sides, rev quartered shield of arms upon long cross fourchée, saltires in forks, 2.71g (Laker bust type D; N.1797; S.2337E). Dark tone, good very fine, a rare mint mark. £850 Ex Motcomb Collection, Morton & Eden, 17 March 2016, lot 221 It is thought the briefly used sunburst mintmark signified the birth of the future King Edward VI.



BH101 Henry VIII, Silver Groat, second coinage (1526-44), London mint, second crowned bust in profile right, initial mark rose both sides, rev quartered shield of arms upon long cross fourchée, saltires in forks, 2.35g (Laker bust type D; N.1797; S.2337E). Toned, surface marks and short scratches, otherwise almost very fine. £200 BH102 Henry VIII, Silver Groat, second coinage (1526-44), London mint, second crowned bust in profile right, initial mark rose both sides, rev quartered shield of arms upon long cross fourchée, saltires in forks, 2.34g (Laker bust type D; N.1797; S.2337E). Toned, surface marks, creased and slightly bent, otherwise very fine. £200




BH103 Henry VIII, Base Silver Groat, third coinage (1526-44), Bristol mint, older crowned bust in profile threequarters right, bust 1, no obverse initial mark, rev quartered shield of arms upon long cross fourchée, quatrefoil of pellets in forks, initial mark WS, 2.00g (N.1874; S.2372). Toned, flan a little ragged, weaker on obverse, good fine / almost very fine. £500 Ex Motcomb Collection, Morton & Eden, 17 March 2016, lot 231

BH104 Edward VI (1547-1553), Posthumous Coinage in name of Henry VIII, Base Silver Groat, Tower mint, older crowned bust in profile three-quarters right, bust 4, initial mark lis both sides, rev quartered shield of arms upon long cross fourchée, pellet in annulet in forks, 2.55g (N.1871; S.2403). Toned, some spots or patches, weak in one part of legend both sides, bold very fine. £625 Ex Motcomb Collection, Morton & Eden, 17 March 2016, lot 233

BH105 Edward VI, Posthumous Coinage in name of Henry VIII, Base Silver Groat, Durham House mint, older crowned bust in profile three-quarters right, bust 6, initial mark bow both sides, rev quartered shield of arms upon long cross fourchée, pellet in annulet in forks, 2.02g (N.1873; S.2405). Toned, creased and straightened with lamination, some spots and patches, otherwise good very fine and very rare. £975 Ex H W Taffs, Glendining’s, 21 November 1956, lot 171, described as “unusually fine” sold for £16 Ex Raymond Carlyon-Britton Collection, purchased by B A Seaby 1958, inventory number 14129 Ex Motcomb Collection, Morton & Eden, 17 March 2016, lot 235

Extremely Rare Southwark Mint Silver Groat of King Edward VI

BH106 Edward VI, Silver Groat, Southwark mint, crowned bust right, legend surrounding, Roman style lettering with lozenge stops both sides, rev quartered shield of arms over long cross fourchée, initial mark E on reverse only, 2.17g (N.1900; S.2456). Weak in parts, a little uneven in shape, bold fine to almost very fine for issue and very rare. £2,500

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BH107 Mary (1553-1554), Silver Groat, crowned bust left, initial mark pomegranate in legend both sides, rev quartered shield of arms upon long cross fourchée, 1.88g (N.1960; S.2492). Toned, has been creased in two places and straightened, two rim nicks, otherwise a bold fine. £150 BH108 Elizabeth I (1558-1603), Silver Groat, second issue, crowned bust left within beaded circle, legend surrounding, initial mark martlet both sides, rev quartered shield of arms upon long cross fourchée, 1.82g (N.1986; S.2556). Punch mark on reverse, a little undulating, toned, good fine, almost very fine. £75



BH109 Charles I (1625-1649), Silver Groat, Aberystwyth mint, larger crowned bust left with lace collar, banded plume in front, value behind, all within beaded circle, initial mark book both sides, rev oval quartered shield of arms, large plumes above, 1.78g (Brooker 760-763; N.2337; S.2891). Toned, metal flaw under value, almost very fine / extremely fine. £250 BH110 Charles I, Silver Groat, Aberystwyth mint, larger crowned bust left with armoured shoulder, banded plume in front, value behind, all within beaded circle, initial mark book both sides, rev oval quartered shield of arms, large plumes above, 1.68g (Brooker 771; N.2339; S.2892). Toned, a little unevenly, metal flaw on bust, almost very fine, a rare variety. £175



BH111 Charles I, Silver Groat, Aberystwyth mint, smaller crowned bust left, banded plume in front, value behind, all within beaded circle, initial mark book both sides, rev oval quartered shield of arms, large plumes above, 1.95g (Brooker 764-770; N.2338; S.2893). Toned, rim chip, double struck very fine. £225 BH112 Charles I, Silver Groat, Aberystwyth, Dovey Furnace mint, crowned bust left, plume in front, value behind, all within beaded circle, initial mark crown both sides, oval quartered shield of arms, large plumes above, 1.95g (Brooker 790; N.2354; S.2911). Toned, creased twice and straightend with surface flan crack, otherwise good fine and rare. £375

BH113 Charles I, Silver Groat, Oxford mint, 1644, crowned bust left, plumes in front, value behind, lion’s head on shoulder, initial mark floriated cross, rev Declaration in three lines, ruled line above and below, lis either side of plumes above with pellet stops, date below with OX, legend surrounding, 2.01g (Brooker 956; N.2462; S.2985). Weak in parts, toned, very fine and rare. £650


BH114 Charles I, Silver Groat, Oxford mint, 1645, crowned bust left to bottom of coin, value behind, legend surrounding starts lower left, no initial mark, rev Declaration in three lines, two scrolls and X within O above, plumes above that, date below, 2.03g (Brooker 958; N.2466; S.2988). Toned, creased in two places, bold fine and rare. £250

BH115 Charles I, Silver Groat, Bridgnorth on Severn mint, 1646, crowned bust left, plumes in front, value behind, initial mark plumes, rev Declaration in three lines, ruled line below, two scrolls above with three plumes above, date below, legend surrounding, 2.05g (Brooker 1133; N.2525; S.3042). Weak in parts, with flan flaw surface crack on obverse, otherwise toned, bold very fine and rare. £650

BH116 Charles I, Silver Groat, Exeter mint, 1644, crowned bust left, value behind, initial mark rose both sides, date in legend, rev oval quartered shield of arms, legend surrounding, 1.49g (Brooker 1071; N.2579; S.3088). Short flan crack, flat spots in legend both sides, otherwise toned, very fine. £400

Trade Coinage Very Rare Silver Testern Trade Coin of Queen Elizabeth I

BH117 Elizabeth I (1558-1603), East India Trade Coinage, Silver Testern, crowned quartered shield of arms, crowned E to left, crowned R to right, beaded circles and legend surrounding, initial mark cypher O both sides, rev crowned portcullis with chains, legend surrounding, 3.50g (S.2607D). Toned, good very fine and very rare. £8,500 Ex Seaby Coin and Medal Bulletin, January 1959, item X240 and plate V, offered at £20

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BH118 Elizabeth I (1558-1603), Silver Threepence, 1568, third and fourth issues, crowned bust left, large rose behind, linear and beaded circles and legend surrounding, initial mark coronet both sides, rev quartered shield of arms upon long cross fourchée, date above, 1.44g (N.1998; S.2566). Weak in parts, toned, good fine. £75 BH119 Elizabeth I, Silver Threepence, 1575, third and fourth issues, crowned bust left, large rose behind, linear and beaded circles and legend surrounding, initial mark eglantine both sides, rev quartered shield of arms upon long cross fourchée, date above, 1.67g (N.1998; S.2566). Weak in parts, toned, very fine. £175 BH120 Charles I (1625-1649), Silver Threepence, York mint, crowned bust left, value behind, initial mark lion both sides, MAG legend, rev flat topped quartered shield of arms on cross fourchée, EBOR above, legend surrounding, 1.21g (Brooker 1102-3; N.2323; S.2877). Toned, good very fine. £350




BH121 Charles I, Silver Threepence, York mint, crowned bust left, value behind, initial mark lion both sides, MA legend, rev flat topped quartered shield of arms on cross fourchée, EBOR above, legend surrounding, 1.34g (Brooker 1104-9; N.2323; S.2877). Toned, practically very fine. £225 BH122 Charles I, Silver Threepence, Aberystwyth mint, smaller crowned bust left, larger banded plume in front, value behind, all within beaded circle, initial mark book both sides, contraction mark stops, rev oval quartered shield of arms, large plumes above, 1.46g (Brooker 772-775; N.2340; S.2894). Toned, very fine, reverse better. £175 BH123 Charles I, Silver Threepence, Aberystwyth mint, smaller crowned bust left, smaller banded plume in front, value behind, all within beaded circle, initial mark book both sides, double pellet stops, rev oval quartered shield of arms, large plumes above, 1.48g (Brooker 776-777; N.2340; S.2894). Toned, almost very fine, reverse better. £150



BH124 Charles I, Silver Threepence, Aberystwyth mint, larger crowned bust left breaking circle at top, banded plume in front, value behind, initial mark book both sides, double pellet stops, rev oval quartered shield of arms, large plumes above, 1.27g (Brooker 779; N.2341; S.2895). Toned, with small rim split and a couple of flat spots, almost very fine. £125 BH125 Charles I, Silver Threepence, Oxford mint, 1646, last 6 struck over 4, crowned bust left breaks circle at top, value behind, initial mark lis, rev Declaration in three lines, ruled line above and below, three lis above, overstruck date below, legend surrounding, 1.38g (Brooker 963; N.2473; S.2995). Weak in parts, toned, bold very fine and rare. £550





BH126 Charles I, Silver Threepence, Bridgnorth on Severn mint, 1646, crowned bust left, plumes in front, value behind, initial mark plumes, rev Declaration in three lines, two scrolls above with plumes above, date below, legend surrounding, 1.40g (Brooker 1134; N.2526; S.3043). Weak in parts, otherwise toned, very fine and rare. £675 Ex V J E Ryan, English (part II), Glendining’s, 22 January 1952, lot 1218 (part), catalogued as Lundy Island mint

BH127 Charles I, Silver Threepence, Exeter mint, 1644, crowned bust left, value behind, initial mark rose both sides, rev flat topped quartered shield of arms on cross fleury, date above, beaded circle surrounding with legend, 1.03g (Brooker 1072; N.2580; S.3089). Some flatness in legends and a little uneven in shape, otherwise toned, good very fine. £600 BH128 Charles I, Silver Threepence, Worcester mint, crowned bust left, value behind, initial mark lis both sides, rev oval quartered shield of arms in scrolled frame, beaded circle surrounding with legend, 1.26g (Brooker 1177-8; N.2624; S.3117). Pierced, creased and straightened in two places, otherwise toned, a bold very fine. £500 Ex Herbert M Lingford Collection, purchased by A H Baldwin and Sons Ltd, 1951 Sold with Lingford’s ticket stating he bought it from “B” (Baldwin) May 1949

Half-Groats Very Rare Silver Half-Groat of King Richard III

BH129 Richard III (1483-1485), Silver Half-Groat, facing crowned bust in tressure of nine arcs, trefoils on cusps, legend surrounding, initial mark boars head 2 on obverse only, rev long cross pattée, trefoils in inner angles, twin concentric legends surrounding, 1.37g (DIG 2/2; N.1683; S.2161). Weak on face, toned, good fine and very rare. £3,750 Ex F A Walters, Sotheby’s, 24 October 1932, lot 368, sold for £27/10/- Ex V J E Ryan, part II, Glendining’s, 22 January 1952, lot 963, sold for £16 Ex E J Winstanley Collection, early portion purchased by A H Baldwin & Sons Ltd, 1959



BH130 Charles I (1625-1649), Silver Half-Groat, Aberystwyth mint, crowned bust left, no inner circle either side, initial mark book both sides, rev large plume, 0.98g (Brooker 780; N.2342; S.2900A). Toned, a little uneven in shape with one light crease, about very fine rare. £150 BH131 Charles I, Silver Half-Groat, Aberystwyth mint, crowned bust left, value behind, with inner circle either side, initial mark book both sides, rev large plume, 0.85g (Brooker 781-783; N.2343; S.2901). Toned, small rim nick, about very fine, reverse better. £175 Ex V J E Ryan, English part II, Glendining’s, 22 January 1952, lot 1147 (part)

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BH132 Charles I, Silver Half-Groat, Oxford mint, 1644, crowned bust left, value behind, with inner circle either side, initial mark lis both sides, rev Declaration in three lines, ruled line above and below, large central lis with two flanking smaller lis above, date and OX below, legend surrounding, 0.89g (Brooker 964; N.2475; S.2997). Toned, about very fine, reverse better. £375 BH133 Charles I, Silver Half-Groat, Bristol mint, crowned bust left, value behind, with inner circle either side, no initial mark, rev Declaration in three lines, ruled line above and below, BR monogram below, legend surrounding, 0.86g (Brooker 1007; N.2510; S.3026). Toned, pierced, good fine, reverse better, rare. £250 BH134 Charles I, Silver Half-Groat, Worcester mint, crowned bust left, value behind, initial mark lis both sides, rev oval quartered shield of arms in scrolled frame, beaded circle surrounding with legend, 0.82g (Brooker 1179; N.2625; S.3118). Pierced, with some flatness in striking, otherwise toned, a bold very fine and rare. £650

Pennies Very Rare Pattern Pledge Penny of Queen Elizabeth I Dated 1601

BH135 Elizabeth I (1558-1603), Pattern Pledge of a Penny, 1601, struck in silver, crowned bust of Queen facing three-quarters left in ornate dress and ruff, legend commences upper right, +THE .*.. PLEDGE * OF+, beaded circle surrounding, rev inverted die axis, crowned Elizabeth monogram, date and pellet either side of crown, legend surrounding with beaded circle, .A. PENNY., edge plain, 2.23g (Peck 3 VR; N.2051). Toned unevenly, small scratch to left of bust in field, otherwise almost extremely fine, very rare. £5,000 Ticket with coin says A H Baldwin & Sons Ltd, 1928, sold for £6, later bought back and repriced at £21.

BH136 Charles I (1625-1649), Silver Penny, Exeter mint, 1644, crowned bust left, value behind, initial mark rose, rev large rose, date in legend, beaded circle surrounding with legend, 0.48g (Brooker 1075; N.2583; S.3092). Well struck for this diminutive issue, toned, almost extremely fine, very rare. £1,250 Ex B A Seaby Ltd. June 1985 Ex Studio Coins, March 1994 Ex Alan Morris Collection, dispersed over the last decade by Lloyd Bennett


Halfpennies Rare Henry IV Silver Halfpenny of the Heavy Coinage

BH137 Henry IV (1399-1413), Silver Halfpenny, heavy coinage, London mint, smaller facing crowned bust within circle, legend surrounding, rev long cross pattée, tri-pellets in inner angles, legend around, 0.63g (Withers type 4; N.1352; S.1723). Some flatness in striking, from a rusty die, otherwise about very fine, rare. £675

Rare King Richard III Silver Halfpenny

BH138 Richard III (1483-1485), Silver Halfpenny, London mint, facing crowned bust within beaded circle, legend surrounding, initial mark halved sun and rose on obverse, rev long cross pattée, trefoils in angles, legend surrounding, 0.33g (Withers 1a; N.1688; S.2171). Toned, good fine / very fine., rare £1,000 Ex D W Grey, London, 10 December 1969, lot 94



BM001 James II (1685-1688), Gold Guinea, 1687, second laureate and draped bust left, legend and toothed border surrounding, rev crowned cruciform emblematic shields, sceptres in angles, date either side of top crown, legend and toothed border surrounding (MCE.128; S.3402). Once cleaned, with surface marks, and nicks, almost very fine. £2,500

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BM002 William & Mary (1688-1694), Gold Guinea, 1693, conjoined busts right, rev crowned quartered shield of arms, date either side of crown, later harp in Irish arms (MCE.157; S.3426). Lightly toned,���������������� some flecking, otherwise very fine. £3,250

BM003 Anne (1702-1714), Gold �������������������������������������������� Guinea, 1708, second draped bust left, rev Post-Union crowned ������������������ cruciform emblematic shields, sceptres in angles, garter ����������������������������������������� star at centre (MCE.218; S.3572). A few light surface marks, light red tone, almost extremely fine. £6,500

BM004 Anne, ������������������������������������������� Gold Guinea, 1714, third draped bust left, rev Post-Union crowned �������������������������������������� cruciform emblematic shields, sceptres in angles, garter ����������������������������������������� star at centre (MCE.226; S.3574). A few light surface marks, light tone, almost extremely fine. £3,500 Ex St James’s Auction 4, 8 May 2006, lot 472


Rare and Pleasing Proof Gold Guinea of King George III Dated 1774

BM005 George III (1760-1820), Gold Proof Guinea, 1774, engraved by Thomas Pingo, fourth laureate head right, rev struck en médaille, crowned quartered shield of arms, date either side of crown, edge plain (Schneider -; Eimer 74; W.R. 95; S.3728). In PCGS holder graded PR64, brilliant, with light red tone, die flaw in reverse field, otherwise practically as struck and rare. £10,000 PCGS certification 171226.64/28572362 Ex A H Baldwin & Sons Ltd, Fixed Price List, Summer 2013, BM018, sold in raw state

BM006 George III, Gold Guinea, 1789, fifth laureate head right, rev crowned quartered spade shaped shield of arms, date below (������������������ MCE��������������� .393; S.3729). Toned, about very fine. £600 Ex Lord Hylton, Glendining’s, 3 September 1975, lot 21

BM007 George III, Gold Guinea, 1795, fifth laureate head right, rev crowned quartered spade shaped shield of arms, date below (������������������ MCE��������������� .399; S.3729). Toned, extremely fine. £1,250

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BM008 George III, Gold Guinea, 1799, fifth laureate head right, rev crowned quartered spade shaped shield of arms, date below (������������������ MCE��������������� .403; S.3729). Toned, extremely fine, a rare date. £1,850

BM009 George III, Gold “Military” Guinea, 1813, sixth laureate head right, legend and toothed border surrounding, rev struck en médaille, quartered shield on crowned garter, date below, legend surrounding (������������������ MCE��������������� .404; S.3730). Light hairline marks below bust, toned, almost extremely fine. £4,500




BM010 George I (1714-1727), Gold Half-Guinea, 1718, first laureate head right, legend and toothed border surrounding, rev crowned cruciform emblematic shields, sceptres in angles, garter star at centre, legend and toothed border surrounding (������������������ MCE��������������� .266; S.3635). Toned, light scratches on face, about very fine, reverse better. £700 Ex Glendining’s, 4 February 1976, lot 53

BM011 George I, Gold Half-Guinea, 1725, second laureate head right, legend and toothed border surrounding, rev crowned cruciform emblematic shields, sceptres in angles, garter star at centre, legend and toothed border surrounding (������������������ MCE��������������� .274; S.3637). Toned, some light flecking, almost extremely fine. £2,250

BM012 George I, Gold Half-Guinea, 1725, second laureate head right, legend and toothed border surrounding, rev crowned cruciform emblematic shields, sceptres in angles, garter star at centre, legend and toothed border surrounding (������������������ MCE��������������� .274; S.3637). In NGC holder graded AU58, lightly toned, some light flecking, almost extremely fine. £2,250 NGC certification 4220200-002


Very Rare and Well Preserved Gold Lima Half-Guinea of King George II

BM013 George II (1727-1760), Gold Half-Guinea, 1745, LIMA below intermediate laureate head left, letter U in King’s name, rev crowned quartered shield of arms, date either side of crown (Schneider 602; ��������� MCE������ 354; S.3684). Lightly toned, good extremely fine, and very rare this well preserved. £19,500

Very Rare and Well Preserved Proof Half-Guinea Dated 1787

BM014 George III (1760-1820), Gold Proof Half-Guinea, 1787, fifth laureate head right, engraved by Lewis Pingo, rev crowned quartered shield of arms, date below, edge plain (WR.130 R3; Eimer 89; S.3735). In NGC holder graded PF65 Ultra Cameo, a few tiny red spots, otherwise mint state and very rare. £11,500 NGC certification 4220201-004, as of May 2016, one of only 12 examples of the proof graded by NGC tied with two others as finest graded but this is the only one with the ultra cameo accolade. Ex Richlyn Collection, Heritage, New York, 3 January 2016, lot 31258

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BM015 George III, Gold Proof Half-Guinea, 1787, fifth laureate head right, engraved by Lewis Pingo, rev crowned quartered shield of arms, date below, edge plain (WR.130 R3; Eimer 89; S.3735). A few very light surface marks both sides, some rubbing to high points, otherwise good extremely fine, and very rare. £5,750

Third-Guineas Rare King George III Pattern Gold Third-Guinea Dated to the Year of the American War of Independence

BM016 George III (1760-1820), Gold Pattern Third-Guinea, 1776, laureate head right, rev lion standing on crown left, date in legend above, B over R in bri, edge plain (WR.137; Selig 1154). Lightly hairlined both sides with trace of light crease, otherwise extremely fine and scarce. £3,500 Ex London Coins, Auction 134, September 2011, lot 2480 Ex A H Baldwin & Sons Ltd, Fixed Price List, Winter 2011, BM012

BM017 George III, Gold Third-Guinea, 1799, first type, first laureate head right, legend and toothed border surrounding both sides, rev large crown, date in legend below (������������������ MCE��������������� .451; S.3738). Dig on neck toned, almost very fine and a very rare date. £650



BM018 George III, Gold Third-Guinea, 1803, second type, first laureate head right, rev large crown, date below, legend surrounding (������������������ MCE��������������� .455; S.3739). Toned, very fine. £350 BM019 George III, Gold Third-Guinea, 1803, second type, first laureate head right, rev large crown, date below, legend surrounding (������������������ MCE��������������� .455; S.3739). Toned, good fine. £250



BM020 George I (1714-1727), Gold Quarter-Guinea, 1718, laureate head right, rev crowned cruciform emblematic shields, sceptres in angles, garter star at centre, edge, obliquely grained (������������������ MCE��������������� .277; S.3638). Toned, good fine. £250

Five Pounds

BM021 Victoria (1837-1901), Gold Five Pounds, 1887, Jubilee type crowned bust left, J.E.B. on truncation, rev St George slaying dragon with sword, broken lance to lower left, date in exergue, B.P. to upper right (Schneider 653; S.3864). Some hairlining both sides, otherwise good extremely fine, has been graded MS62 as part of the “Zompos Collection”. £3,500 Ex Zompos Collection, Heritage, Chicago, 14 April 2016, lot 30116

Two Pounds

BM022 Victoria (1837-1901), Gold Two Pounds, 1887, Jubilee type crowned bust left, J.E.B. on truncation, rev St George slaying dragon with sword, broken lance to lower left, date in exergue, B.P. to upper right (Schneider 654; S.3865). A few light marks, otherwise good extremely fine. £1,350

BM023 Victoria, Gold Two Pounds, 1887, Jubilee type crowned bust left, J.E.B. on truncation, rev St George slaying dragon with sword, broken lance to lower left, date in exergue, B.P to upper right (Schneider 654; S.3865). Quite scuffed with surface marks, otherwise extremely fine. £950

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BM024 George III (1760-1820), Gold Sovereign, 1817, first laureate head right, date below, rev St George slaying dragon right with broken lance, trace of upper left serif to I of honi (Bentley 4; Marsh 1; MCE.464; S 3785). Toned, surface marks and nicks, fine. £400



BM025 George III, Gold Sovereign, 1818, laureate head right, second legend type with ascending colon between R’s, date below, rev St George and dragon, within ruled garter (Bentley 384; Marsh 2A; S.3785A). A few light hairline scratches and nicks, otherwise a bold fine and rare. £850 BM026 George III, Gold Sovereign, ���������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 1820, closed 2 in date, second laureate head right, with tighter curls, date below, rev St George slaying dragon right with broken lance, trace of upper left serif to I of honi (Bentley 8; Marsh 4; MCE.466; S 3785C). Toned, a few light surface marks, good fine. £500

BM027 George III, Gold Sovereign, 1820, open 2 in date, second laureate head right, with tighter curls, date below, in curving arc, 18 close, 20 wider spaced, rev St George slaying dragon right with broken lance, trace of upper left serif to I of honi (Bentley 942; Marsh 4; MCE.466; S 3785C). Lightly toned, reverse rim nick extremely fine. £1,500



BM028 George IV (1820-1830), Gold Sovereign, 1821, first laureate head left, initials below and legend surrounding, rev St George slaying dragon with sword, broken lance to lower left, date in exergue, B.P. to upper right (Bentley 12; Marsh 5; MCE.471; S.3800). Toned, surface marks, about very fine. £750 Ex Glendining’s, 4 February 1976, lot 20

BM029 George IV, Gold Sovereign, 1822, first laureate head left, initials below and legend surrounding, rev St George slaying dragon with sword, broken lance to lower left, date in exergue, B.P. to upper right (Bentley 13; Marsh 6; MCE.472; S.3800). Toned, once cleaned, peppered with surface marks, very fine. £600




BM030 George IV, Gold Sovereign, 1824, first laureate head left, initials below and legend surrounding, rev St George slaying dragon with sword, broken lance to lower left, date in exergue, B.P. to upper right (Bentley 15; Marsh 8; MCE.474; S.3800). Toned, almost fine. £275 BM031 George IV, Gold Sovereign, 1826, second bare head left, date below, rev crowned quartered shield of arms (Bentley 19; Marsh 11; MCE.477; S.3801). Surface marks and scuffs, scratch on neck, good fine. £400

BM032 George IV, Gold Sovereign, 1829, second bare head left, date below, rev crowned quartered shield of arms (Bentley 22; Marsh 14; MCE.480; S.3801). Surface marks and scuffs, bold fine. £600

BM033 William IV (1830-1837), Gold Sovereign, 1832, second bare head right with coarse hair and flat topped, deeply engraved ear, w.w. fully incuse on truncation, nose points to second I in BRITANNIAR, coarse border teeth, rev crowned quartered shield of arms, with the arms of Hanover as an escutcheon, date below, finer border teeth (Bentley 28; Marsh 17; MCE 490; S 3829B;). A few light surface marks mainly in fields both sides, toned, good very fine. £1,450

Seldom Seen King William IV Gold Sovereign with N Struck in the Shield

BM034 William IV, Gold �������������������������������������������������������������������������������� Sovereign, ��������������������������������������������������������������������������� 1836, extra letter N in shield variety, second bare head right, w.w. incuse on truncation, first W meets field, coarse border teeth, rev crowned quartered shield of arms, with the arms of Hanover as an escutcheon, extra letter N struck in lower left of shield frame, date below (Bentley 31; Marsh 20A R3; MCE.493; S.3829B). Toned, fine and extremely rare. £7,500

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A Second Example of the Seldom Seen King William IV Gold Sovereign with N Struck in the Shield

BM035 William IV, �������������������������������������������������������������������������������� Gold Sovereign, ��������������������������������������������������������������������������� 1836, extra letter N in shield variety, second bare head right, w.w. incuse on truncation, first W meets field, coarse border teeth, rev crowned quartered shield of arms, with the arms of Hanover as an escutcheon, extra letter N struck in lower left of shield frame, date below (Bentley 31; Marsh 20A R3; MCE.493; S.3829B). Toned, good fine with some surface marks, both sides, extremely rare. £7,500

BM036 William IV, Gold Sovereign, 1837, second bare head right with coarse hair and flat topped, deeply engraved ear, rev crowned quartered shield of arms, with the arms of Hanover as an escutcheon, date below (Bentley 32; Marsh 17; MCE 490; S 3829B). A few light surface marks mainly in fields both sides, toned, good fine. £675 Ex Sotheby’s, 15 July 1976

BM037 Victoria (1837-1901), Gold Sovereign, 1842, normal closed 2, first young head left, w.w. raised on truncation, date below, rev crowned quartered shield of arms within laurel wreath, emblems below (Bentley 42; Marsh 25; MCE.502; S.3852). Toned, scuffed with light surface marks, otherwise almost extremely fine. £850



BM038 Victoria, Gold Sovereign, 1845, closer date, first young head left, date below, rev crowned quartered shield of arms within wreath (Bentley 48; Marsh 28; MCE.506; S.3852). Scuffed with surface marks, dig on forehead, toned, good fine. £375 BM039 Victoria, Gold Sovereign, 1847, first young head left, date below, rev crowned quartered shield of arms within wreath (Bentley 53; Marsh 30; MCE.508; S.3852). Almost fine. £275


BM040 Victoria, Gold Sovereign, 1848, second larger young head left, date below, rev crowned quartered shield of arms within wreath (Bentley 56; Marsh 31; MCE.509; S.3852C). A few light surface marks, toned, extremely fine. £1,750

BM041 Victoria, Gold Sovereign, 1849, second larger young head left, date below, rev crowned quartered shield of arms within wreath (Bentley 57; Marsh 32; MCE.510; S.3852C). Toned, heavy surface marks, almost very fine. £375

BM042 Victoria, Gold Sovereign, 1850, second larger young head left, date below, rev crowned quartered shield of arms within wreath (Bentley 59; Marsh 33; MCE.511; S.3852C). Toned, heavy surface marks, almost very fine. £375 A Pleasing Example of the “Ansell” Gold Sovereign Dated 1859

BM043 Victoria, Gold Sovereign, 1859, “Ansell” with extra line to rear ribbon in hair, second larger young head left, date below, rev crowned quartered shield of arms within wreath (Bentley 426; Marsh 42A R4; MCE.520; S.3852E). Toned, extremely fine and very rare. £8,000 Mintage 167,539 Ex A H Baldwin & Sons Ltd, Fixed Price List, Summer 2011, BM029 In 1859 this quantity of coin from the regular mintage was found to be of inferior “brittle” quality and on melting found to have been annealed with quantities of antimony, arsenic and lead. Mr G F Ansell employed in the Rolling Room at the Mint and with a scientific background, was given permission to experiment with this inferior batch of sovereigns. He was successful in adjusting the alloy mix to reproduce them in a much stronger form resulting in the whole quantity being re-coined and denoted with the extra line in the hair fillet. Today they are very rare indeed, especially in the upper grades like we have offered here.

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A Pleasing Example of the Extremely Rare 827 Die Number on Truncation Gold Sovereign

BM044 Victoria, Gold Sovereign, 1863, variety with 827 on truncation of second larger young head left, date below, rev crowned quartered shield of arms within wreath (Bentley 1017; Marsh 46A; MCE.524; S.3852F). Toned, some light surface marks, almost very fine and extremely rare. £10,000 This intriguing variety first came to light in 1954 when an 827 numbered truncation with die number 22 reverse turned up in the Hatton Hoard of gold found in Derbyshire. This initial coin ended up in the British Museum Collection. This variety is termed the “first” variety of the “827” Sovereign coupled without a reverse die number. The “first” non-die number variety will be offered for sale in part three next year. These are called the first variety as it is thought that this die numbered “827” Sovereign was produced and struck from an initial batch of re-melted “scissel” and scrap emanating from the Rothschild brittle ingots delivered to the Mint circa November to December 1863 which were inventory numbered to include ingot number 827. For further reading about the 827 Sovereigns see Spink Numismatic Circular, October 1977, page 421, article by G P Dyer.

BM045 Victoria, Australia type, Gold Sovereign, 1868, Sydney mint, variety alloyed with copper, second young head left tied with a wreath of banksia, date below, rev australia at centre, crown above, wreath of laurel surrounding, legend above, denomination below (Bentley 652; Marsh 373; McD 115a). Some scratches and nicks, otherwise about very fine. £500



BM046 Victoria, Gold ������������������������������������������������������������ ������������������������������������������������������� Sovereign, 1871, die number 28, third young head left, ww incuse on truncation without stops, date below, rev crowned shield of arms within laurel wreath, die number 28 below, emblems below (Bentley 563; Marsh 55; MCE.531; S.3853). Toned, some light surface marks, otherwise good extremely fine. £650 BM047 Victoria, Gold�������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� ������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������ Sovereign, 1887, by Joseph Edgar Boehm, Jubilee style bust left, with small Imperial crown, wearing 13 pearl necklace, J.E.B. fully on truncation, angled J first type legend, rev St George slaying dragon with sword, date in exergue, tiny B.P. to upper right (DISH L7; Bentley 323; Marsh 125, MCE.547; S.3866). Some light bagmarks, otherwise extremely fine. £350

BM048 Victoria, Gold������������������������������������������������������������������� Sovereign, 1887 M, Melbourne mint, Jubilee style bust left, small j.e.b. fully on truncation with hooked J, necklace of 13 pearls, first type legend further from crown, rev St George slaying dragon with sword, M mintmark at centre of ground, date in exergue, b.p. complete to upper right (DISH M1; Bentley 788; McD.175; Marsh 131A R; S.3867). Heavily surface marked, otherwise about very fine and rare. £600


BM049 George V (1910-1936), Gold Sovereign, 1918 I, Bombay mint bare head left, b.m. on truncation, rev St George slaying dragon with sword, I mintmark on ground, date in exergue, tiny b.p. to upper right (Bentley 892; KM.20; Fr.2; Marsh 228; S.3997). In NGC holder graded MS64, toned. £500

Extremely Rare Satin Finish Specimen Gold Sovereign of 1957

BM050 Elizabeth II (1952- ), Specimen Gold Sovereign, 1957, with a satin finish, young laureate head right, tiny incuse m.g. on truncation, +elizabeth. ii. dei. gratia. regina. f: d:, finely toothed border both sides, rev struck en médaille, by Benedetto Pistrucci, St George slaying dragon with sword, horse with long tail, broken lance on groundline to left, date in exergue, tiny b.p. to upper right, edge finely milled (Bentley -; Marsh 297; S.4124). Toned, better definition and a far superior finish to a currency piece, and a lightly striated satin finish to the surfaces, seemingly some sort of VIP issue akin to the specimen Sovereigns of 1958 and 1959 in the Bentley Collection, the first we have ever encountered of this date, extremely rare. £8,000

Extremely Rare Satin Yellow Finish Specimen Gold Sovereign of 1958

BM051 Elizabeth II, Specimen Gold Sovereign, 1958, with a satin yellow finish, young laureate head right, tiny incuse m.g. on truncation, +elizabeth. ii. dei. gratia. regina. f: d:, finely toothed border both sides, rev struck en médaille, by Benedetto Pistrucci, St George slaying dragon with sword, horse with long tail, broken lance on groundline to left, date in exergue, tiny b.p. to upper right, edge coarsely milled (Bentley 1234; Marsh 298; S.4125). Toned, better definition and a far superior finish to a currency piece, and a lightly striated satin finish to the surfaces, extremely rare. £7,500

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Extremely Rare Matt Textured Finish Specimen Gold Sovereign of 1959

BM052 Elizabeth II, Specimen Gold Sovereign, 1959, struck with a more uniform and textured matt red finish, young laureate head right, rev St George slaying dragon with sword, date in exergue, tiny b.p. to upper right (Bentley 370; Marsh 299; S.4125). As struck, the only other we have seen was in the Bentley Collection, of the highest rarity. £5,000


Extremely Rare Proof Gold Half-Sovereign of King George III Dated 1817

BM053 George III (1760-1820), Gold Proof Half-Sovereign, 1817, laureate head right, date below, rev crowned quartered shield of arms with an escutcheon of the Arms of Hanover (WR 204; Marsh 400; S.3786). In PCGS holder graded PR64 Deep Cameo, lightly toned, a few red spots, practically as struck and very rare. £9,500 PCGS certification 206579.64/21474758 Ex Dr Jacob Y Terner, part 2, Goldberg’s Auction 25, 31 May 2004, lot 1236 Ex Richlyn Collection, Heritage, New York, 3 January 2016, lot 31261



BM054 George III, Gold Half-Sovereign, 1820, laureate head right, date below, rev crowned quartered shield of arms with an escutcheon of the Arms of Hanover (Marsh 402; S.3786). Lightly toned, good fine. £300 BM055 George IV (1820-1830), Gold Half-Sovereign, 1824, first laureate head left, rev crowned quartered shield of arms, emblems below, date to right (Marsh 403; S.3803). Toned, good fine. £325


BM056 George IV, Gold Proof Half-Sovereign, ���������������������������������������������������������������������� 1826, bare head left, date below, legend surrounding, rev inverted die axis, crowned quartered shield of arms, legend surrounding (W.R. 249; Marsh 407; MCE.486; S.3804). In NGC holder graded PF63 CAMEO, a few light hairlines, otherwise brilliant, practically as struck. £6,000 NGC Certification 4220200-043.

BM057 George IV, Gold Half-Sovereign, ���������������������������������������������������������������������� 1828, bare head left, date below, legend surrounding, rev crowned quartered shield of arms, legend surrounding (Marsh 409; MCE.488; S.3804). Toned, bold fine. £275

BM058 William IV (1830-1837), Gold Half-Sovereign, 1834, small diameter, ����������������� bare head�������� right, rev quartered shield of arms in crowned frame (Marsh 410; MCE.495; S.3830). In PCGS holder graded MS64, a few light marks, toned, rare. £2,850 PCGS Certification 206604.64/90032090




BM059 William IV, Gold Half-Sovereign, 1834, small diameter, bare ����������������� head�������� right, rev quartered shield of arms in crowned frame (Marsh 410; MCE.495; S.3830). Toned, good fine. £500 BM060 Victoria (1837-1901), Gold Half-Sovereign, 1859, first young head left, type A2, date below, rev crowned quartered shield of arms (Marsh 426; MCE.581; S.3859A). Toned, a few light surface marks both sides, good very fine. £500 BM061 Victoria, Gold Half-Sovereign, 1887, Jubilee type bust left, normal size J.E.B. on truncation, the J imperfect like an I, rev crowned quartered shield of arms, date below (Marsh 478C; S.3869). Toned, extremely fine £225

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BM062 Victoria, Gold Half-Sovereign, 1887M, Melbourne mint, Jubilee type bust left, close J.E.B. on truncation, with hooked J, rev crowned quartered shield of arms, mintmark and date below (Marsh 483A; S.3870A). Toned with underlying brilliance, good extremely fine and very rare. £1,250

BM063 Victoria, Gold Half-Sovereign, 1901, older widow type bust left, rev St George and dragon right, date in exergue (Marsh 496; S.3878). Toned, a few light marks, extremely fine. £275

BM064 George V (1910-1936), Gold Proof �������������������������������������������� Half-Sovereign, 1911, bare head left, rev St George slaying dragon with sword, date in exergue, tiny b.p. to upper right (WR 418; S.4006). In PCGS holder graded PR64CAM, brilliant, as struck. £1,250 PCGS Certification 413097.64/32697027

BM065 George V, Gold �������������������������������������������� Proof Half-Sovereign, 1911, bare head left, rev St George slaying dragon with sword, date in exergue, tiny b.p. to upper right (WR 418; S.4006). In PCGS holder graded PR64, brilliant, as struck. £1,100 PCGS Certification 206804.64/5383873


BM066 George V, Gold �������������������������������������������� Proof Half-Sovereign, 1911, bare head left, rev St George slaying dragon with sword, date in exergue, tiny b.p. to upper right (WR 418; S.4006). In NGC holder graded PF63, brilliant, as struck. £850 NGC Certification 4220200-046

BM067 George VI (1936-1952), Gold Proof �������������������������������������������� Half-Sovereign, 1937, bare head left, rev St George slaying dragon with sword, date in exergue, b.p. to upper right, edge plain (WR 442; S.4077). In PCGS holder graded PR66DCAM, brilliant, as struck. £1,250 PCGS Certification 389387.66/29462470

BM068 George VI, Gold Proof �������������������������������������������� Half-Sovereign, 1937, bare head left, rev St George slaying dragon with sword, date in exergue, b.p. to upper right, edge plain (WR 442; S.4077). In NGC holder graded PR66 Cameo, brilliant, as struck. £1,200 NGC Certification 3074778-001

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Proof Sets

BM069 George VI, Coronation Proof Sets (2), four coin gold set, and 15 coin silver and bronze coin set (S.PS15, PS16). The four coin gold set one of 5,501 struck, some light handling marks otherwise as struck, the silver and bronze set one of 25,000 struck, toned, practically as struck. (19) ÂŁ12,000


BM070 Elizabeth II (1952- ), VIP Proof Set, 1955, Cupro-nickel, Halfcrown, Florin, English type Shilling, Scottish type Shilling, Sixpence, Brass Threepence, Bronze Halfpenny, Farthing (S.4145, 4146, 4147, 4148, 4149, 4153, 4158, 4159). All in NGC holder graded PF66 (Halfcrown), PF68 (Florin), PF66 (English Shilling), PF65 (Scottish Shilling), PF66 (Sixpence), PF67 (Threepence), PF64RB (Halfpenny), PF67RB (Farthing), all practically as struck and extremely rare. (8) ÂŁ19,500 This represents the only UK Proof Coins of 1955 graded by a third party service to-date.

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BM071 Elizabeth II, VIP Proof Set, 1956, Cupro-nickel, Halfcrown, Florin, English type Shilling, Scottish type Shilling, Sixpence, Brass Threepence, Bronze Halfpenny, Farthing (S.4145, 4146, 4147, 4148, 4149, 4153, 4158, 4159). All practically as struck and extremely rare. (8) £15,000

BM072 Elizabeth II, VIP Cupro-nickel Proof Set, 1958, Halfcrown, Florin, English type Shilling, Scottish type Shilling, Sixpence (S.4145, 4146, 4147, 4148, 4149). All practically as struck and extremely rare. (5) £12,000




BM073 James II (1685-1688), Silver Crown, 1687, second laureate and draped bust left, rev crowned cruciform emblematic shields, edge inscribed in raised letters and dated TERTIO (ESC 78; Bull 743; S 3407). Usual striking weakness at upper and lower parts of bust, and at corresponding parts of the reverse, with associated adjustment marks, some small stains on the reverse, otherwise extremely fine, toned. £1,850

BM074 William III (1694-1702), Silver Crown, 1696, first laureate and draped bust right, rev crowned cruciform emblematic shields, lion of Nassau at centre, date either side of English shield, edge inscribed in raised letters and dated OCTAVO (ESC.89; Bull 995; S.3470). In NGC holder graded MS61, haymarked on both sides, with attractive toning. £3,500 NGC Certification 2673946-012

BM075 William III, Silver Crown, 1700, third bust variety right, rev crowned cruciform emblematic shields, lion of Nassau at centre, date either side of English shield, edge inscribed in raised letters and dated DVODECIMO (ESC.97; Bull 1010; S.3474). In NGC holder graded MS62, old grey tone with underlying iridescence. £3,250 NGC Certification 2771975-004

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BM076 Anne (1702-1714), Silver Crown, 1708E, Edinburgh, first draped bust left, rev Post-Union crowned cruciform emblematic shields, garter star at centre, date either side of uppermost shield, edge inscribed in raised letters and dated SEPTIMO (ESC.106; Bull 1356; S.3600). Uneven grey tone, adjustment marks on bust and on reverse, about very fine. £550

BM077 George II (1727-1760), Silver Crown, 1734, young laureate and draped bust left, rev crowned cruciform shields, roses and plumes in angles, garter star at centre, edge, inscribed in raised letters and dated SEPTimo (ESC.119; Bull 1662; S.3686). In NGC holder graded MS62, toned. £4,250 NGC Certification 4224660-003

BM078 George II, Silver Crown, 1746, LIMA below older laureate and draped bust left in armour, rev crowned cruciform shields, garter star at centre, date above, edge inscribed in raised letters and dated DECIMO NONO (ESC.125; Bull 1668; S.3689). Perhaps once lightly polished, now re-toning, extremely fine. £3,250 Rare Proof Bank of England Dollar of 1804

BM079 George III, Silver Proof Bank of England Dollar, 1804, laureate and draped bust right, top leaf to centre of E, rev Britannia seated left within crowned garter, raised K inverted under shield (ESC 154 dies C/2a; Bull 1939; L&S 64; S.3768). Toned, practically as struck and very rare. £3,750


Beautiful Pattern Garter Dollar of King George III with Good Provenance

BM080 George III, Silver Pattern Garter Dollar, 1804, laureate and draped bust right, top leaf to upright of D, rev struck en médaille, quartered shield within crowned garter, an escutcheon of the Arms of Hanover at centre, date above (ESC 182 dies I/3; Bull 1963; L&S 91). Toned, a little unevenly in part, otherwise practically as struck and very rare. £5,000 Ex S H Hamer Collection, Glendining’s, 26 November 1930, lot 573 (part) Ex Collection of Patterns and Proofs the Property of a Gentleman, Spink Auction 38, 10 October 1984, lot 106 Ex Herman Selig Collection, part II, Coins of George III, Spink Auction 131, 2 March 1999, lot 1244

BM081 George III, Silver Pattern Garter Dollar, 1804, laureate and draped bust right, top leaf to upright of D, rev struck en médaille, quartered shield within crowned garter, an escutcheon of the Arms of Hanover at centre, date above (ESC 182 dies I/3; Bull 1963; L&S 91). Toned, a myriad of light nicks and marks mainly on obverse, otherwise extremely fine / good extremely fine, rare. £3,500

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BM082 George IV (1820-1830), Silver Crown, 1821, laureate head left, initials B.P. below and legend surrounding, rev St George slaying the dragon, date in exergue, initials B.P. to upper right, edge inscribed in raised letters and dated SECUNDO (ESC.246; Davies 131; Bull 2310; S.3805). Toned, a few light nicks and marks, extremely fine. £675

PCGS Graded Proof Crown of King George IV Dated 1826

BM083 George IV, Silver Proof Crown, 1826, bare head left, date below, legend surrounding, rev crowned quartered shield of arms, with an escutcheon of the Arms of Hanover, motto on banner below, legend surrounding, edge inscribed in raised letters and dated SEPTIMO (L&S.28; ESC.257; Davies 151; S.3806). In PCGS holder graded PR63, attractively toned, tiny short scratch in obverse field near King’s name, otherwise practically as struck and rare. £18,500 PCGS certification 206397.63/33164162


Seemingly Unique Lead Reverse Striking of a Crown Design Proposed For Two Reigns

BM084 George IV / William IV, Trial striking in lead of a pattern reverse design for a Crown, unsigned but thought to be by J B Merlen, undated but hand etched “1830” in two places, quartered shield of arms within crowned ermine mantle and Order of the Garter, an escutcheon of the Arms of Hanover at centre, toothed border surrounding, trial etchings of dating apparent in four positions, scratched out ANNO in upper left, 1830 in upper right and lower right, ANNO in lower left, rev red wax adhered to rear with remains of paper, where perhaps it was once stuck perhaps in an engraver’s design book, 3.68g (cf.L&S George IV 37-41, William IV 10; Bull George IV rev.4, William IV rev.2). Extremely fine, as made and probably unique, extremely rare. £1,500 This intriguing trial piece was not recorded by Linecar and Stone, probably because it was not present in the Lingford Collection of 1951, where a great number of lead trial pieces appeared that “L&S” picked up on when producing their book in the 1960s. This coin design was most likely by J B Merlen who was responsible for most of the reverses on the coinage of George IV, and there is a later signed version of this reverse with initials at the bottom under the St George on an undated pattern produced for William IV (Linecar and Stone 8). This trial was obviously testing out the various positions to quote the date upon the reverse, however it was obviously decided that the mantle robe extended too far towards the rim in the lower portion of this design, and the adopted reverse then used for William IV’s silver Crowns from 1831 had the design, we are all familiar with as demonstrated on the next coin upon this list. This trial piece then has been stuck to something made with paper like a scrap book, perhaps even a portfolio of Merlen’s work. This is all very intriguing as the design appears on pattern pieces of both the reigns George IV and William IV.

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Highly Unusual William IV Mule of 1834 Obverse Crown Die Mated with an 1831 Reverse

BM085 William IV (1830-1837), Silver Proof or Pattern Crown, 1831, an unsual striking struck with the obverse usually seen for the 1834 dated Pattern, large bare �������������������������������������������������������� head����������������������������������������������� right, WW incuse on truncation, small rim cud at 11 o’clock indicative of this 1834 obverse, rev inverted die axis though slightly off-centre, quartered shield of arms within crowned ermine mantle and Order of the Garter, an escutcheon of the Arms of Hanover at centre, date to lower right, edge plain (ESC.275/271; Bull 2465/2462; L&S 6/1; S.3833). Some wispy light hairline scratches on neck and cheek with a couple more hairlines in fields, otherwise attractively toned, good extremely fine and extremely rare, the first we have offered for sale mating this obverse die with the reverse and only the second time the cataloguer can recall seeing one. £22,500

BM086 Victoria (1837-1901), Silver Proof Gothic Crown, 1847, Gothic style crowned bust left, legend surrounding, rev crowned cruciform shields, emblems in angles, garter star at centre, date in legend in Roman numerals, edge, inscribed in raised letters and dated undecimo (L&S.57; ESC.288; Davies 471; Bull 2571; S.3883). Attractive tone, a few small nicks and marks on obverse, once polished with hairlined fields, otherwise extremely fine. £2,950 Ex F H Fellows Auction, Edgbaston, 12 October 1965, lot 75, sold for £60




BM087 Victoria, Silver Proof Gothic Crown, 1847, Gothic style crowned bust left, legend surrounding, rev crowned cruciform shields, emblems in angles, garter star at centre, date in legend in Roman numerals, edge, inscribed in raised letters and dated undecimo (L&S.57; ESC 288; Davies 471; Bull 2571; S.3883). Perhaps once cleaned with artificial tone, hairlined fields, otherwise extremely fine. £2,750 BM088 George V (1910-1936), Proof Half-silver Wreath Crown, 1927, bare head left, BM on truncation, rev struck en médaille, large crown date above, emblematic wreath surrounding, KG below, edge milled (L&S.36; ESC.367; Davies 1630; Bull 3631; S.4036). Lightly toned, as struck. £300 Total mintage 15,030 pieces

Extremely Rare VIP Proof Wreath Crown Dated 1932

BM089 George V, VIP Proof Half-silver Wreath Crown, 1932, bare head left, BM on truncation, rev large crown date above, emblematic wreath surrounding, KG below, edge milled (L&S.41; ESC.372A; Davies 1635; Bull 3642-3; S.4036). Attractive darker tone, just one tiny area of rub on cheek otherwise practically as struck and extremely rare. £5,000 With a ticket in Michael Sharp’s handwriting stating the coin was a gift from L A Lawrence to Fred Baldwin. L A Lawrence was a regular visitor to the Royal mint, and was a close confidant of Charles Barrett, Curator of the Royal Mint Museum. Mr Lawrence was therefore gifted many VIP proof issue coins over the years, most significantly an example of the 1933 Penny. The recent publication by Maurice Bull updating the English Silver Coinage has unfortunately caused some confusion over designation of the extremely rare proofs of the Wreath Crown of 1928, 1932 and 1933 giving two proof versions for each date when in fact in our experience there are only “VIP” proof issues for the dates of 1928-34 inclusive and 1936.

Extremely Rare VIP Proof Wreath Crown Dated 1933

BM090 George V (1910-1936), VIP Proof Half-silver Wreath Crown, 1933, bare head left, BM on truncation, rev large crown date above, emblematic wreath surrounding, KG below, edge milled (L&S.42; ESC.373A; Davies 1636; Bull 3645-6; S.4036). Attractive darker tone, very slight area of rub on cheek otherwise practically as struck and extremely rare. £5,000 With a ticket in Michael Sharp’s handwriting stating the coin was a gift from L A Lawrence to Fred Baldwin. See footnote to the previous lot.

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BM091 George VI (1936-1952), Cupro-nickel VIP Proof Crown, 1951, Festival of Britain issue, bare head left, denomination below, frosted design and lettering, rev St George and dragon, date in exergue, edge inscribed in incuse letters and dated for the Centenary of the Great Exhibition (ESC 393D R4; Davies 2020; Bull 4025; S.4111). Lightly toned on obverse, otherwise as struck and very rare. £1,000 With an old ticket in the hand of Peter Mitchell designating this coin an “early or special strike” the reverse stating “Ex Evans 1992.”

BM092 Elizabeth II (1952- ), Cupro-nickel VIP Proof Crown, 1960, struck for the New York International Exhibition, obverse design by Mary Gillick, young head right, legend surrounding, denomination below, rev struck en médaille, designed by Edgar Fuller and Cecil Thomas, central crown, cruciform emblems alternating with shields surrounding, frosted design with brilliant interiors, edge milled (L&S.10; Davies 2290; Bull 4338; ESC 393M; S.4143). Brilliant as struck and very rare. £950



BM093 Elizabeth II, Cupro-nickel VIP Proof Crown, 1960, struck for the New York International Exhibition, obverse design by Mary Gillick, young head right, legend surrounding, denomination below, rev struck en médaille, designed by Edgar Fuller and Cecil Thomas, central crown, cruciform emblems alternating with shields surrounding, fully frosted design with shields totally frosted, edge milled (L&S.10; Davies 2290; Bull 4338; ESC 393M; S.4143). Brilliant as struck and very rare, the difference in frosting not yet noted in the reference books. £1,000 BM094 Elizabeth II, Cupro-nickel polished die Crown, 1960, struck for the New York International Exhibition, obverse design by Mary Gillick, young head right, legend surrounding, denomination below, rev struck en médaille, designed by Edgar Fuller and Cecil Thomas, central crown, cruciform emblems alternating with shields surrounding, edge milled (cf.L&S 7; Davies 2290; Bull 4337; ESC 393L; S.4143). Light surface marks, and hairlines, otherwise good extremely fine. £50 The incorrect footnote in Bull’s book about this issue being struck in fine silver should be ignored since it is clearly cupro-nickel.


An Unknown VIP Proof Striking of the 1977 Jubilee Decimal Crown

BM095 Elizabeth II, Silver Proof Decimal Crown (pure silver?), 1977, of Twenty-Five Pence, silver Jubilee issue, Queen on horseback left, legend surrounding, date below, rev struck en médaille, ampulla and anointing spoon in crowned linear circle, floral border surrounding, edge milled, 28.54g (S.4227). Mottled tone especially around rim each side, housed in original Royal Mint red presentation box, Royal Mint crest in silk lid lining, black pad interior, the only one we have ever seen of this ilk, extremely rare, sold with an example of the regular sterling silver proof crown weighing 27.93g and the regular cupro-nickel Crown weighing 28.15g, all in as issued condition. (3) £1,000 This Crown is heavier than the regular sterling silver proof and has much more of a contrast in colour, brilliance and frosting between the raised design, lettering and fields. Based on the heavier weight, we suspect this special presentation piece is pure silver but test need to be conducted. The coins is sold with the regular sterling proof silver version and the currency cupro-nickel piece for comparison. There is a good provenance with this piece which we are able to reveal to the eventual buyer.




BM096 Victoria (1837-1901), Silver Double-Florin, 1887 Arabic 1, Jubilee bust left, J.E.B. on truncation, rev crowned cruciform shields, sceptres in angles, garter star at centre, date above, Arabic 1 in date, edge milled (ESC.395; Davies 541; Bull 2697; S.3923). Attractively toned, prooflike uncirculated. £200 BM097 Victoria, Silver Double-Florin, 1889, Jubilee bust left, rev crowned cruciform shields, sceptres in angles, garter star at centre, date above (ESC.398; Davies 544; Bull 2701; S.3923). Attractively toned, good extremely fine. £200

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BM098 George III (1760-1820), Silver Three Shilling Bank Token, 1811, dies A1/12, laureate and draped bust right in armour, front leaf of laurel wreath points to end of E of DEI in legend, rev struck en médaille, value within wreath of oak leaves, 26 acorns in wreath (cf.ESC.408; Bull 2065; S.3769). Toned, good extremely fine. £350

Very Rare Proof Three Shillings Bank Token Dated 1811

BM099 George III, Silver Proof Three Shillings Bank Token, 1811, dies A3/12, laureate and draped bust right in armour, front leaf of laurel wreath points to upright of E of DEI in legend, rev struck en médaille, value within wreath of oak leaves, 26 acorns in wreath, edge plain, with raised “witness line” distinct where edge retaining collar meets (cf.ESC.414B R4, Bull 2072; S.3769). Attractively toned, practically as struck and very rare. £1,750

BM100 George III, Silver Three Shillings Bank Token, 1812, dies B1/2, large laureate head right, front leaf wreath points between I and G in legend, rev struck en médaille, value within wreath of oak and olive leaves with acorns and berries (ESC.417; Bull 2079; S.3770). Toned, good extremely fine. £350


Halfcrowns A Very Nice Example of an Oliver Cromwell Silver Halfcrown

BM101 Oliver Cromwell (d.1658), Silver Halfcrown, 1658, laureate and draped bust left, rev crowned quartered shield of arms of the Protectorate, edge inscribed in raised letters (ESC.447; S.3227A). Toned, extremely fine / good extremely fine. £7,500 Hard to Find in High Grade 1663 Silver Halfcrown

BM102 Charles II (1660-1685), Silver Halfcrown, 1663, first laureate and draped bust right, crowned cruciform emblematic shields, ������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� interlinked Cs in angles, garter star at centre,������������������������������������� edge inscribed in raised letters XV (ESC.457; Bull 438; S.3361). A few light nicks, otherwise toned, almost extremely fine. £4,250

BM103 William III (1694-1702), Silver Halfcrown, 1696, laureate and draped bust right, rev crowned cruciform emblematic large shields, early harp in Irish arms, Lion of Nassau at centre, edge inscribed in raised letters and dated OCTAVO (ESC.522; Bull 1016; S.3481). Toned, a few light surface marks, flan a little undulating so wear on high points mainly around centre both sides, good very fine / almost extremely fine. £1,250 Bought from Spink, February 2005

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BM104 Anne (1702-1714), Silver Halfcrown, 1708, draped bust left, rev Post-Union crowned cruciform shields, garter star at centre, date above, edge inscribed in raised letters and dated SEPTIMO (ESC.577; Bull 1370; S.3604). Old cabinet tone, some light flecking both sides, otherwise a pleasing extremely fine, and lustrous. £2,250

BM105 George II (1727-1760), Silver Halfcrown, 1746, LIMA below old laureate and draped bust left, rev crowned cruciform shields, garter star at centre, date above, edge inscribed in raised letters and dated DECIMO NONO (ESC.606; Bull 1688; S.3695A). Toned, scratch on reverse, almost very fine. £125

BM106 George III (1760-1820), Oval Countermark of King on Silver Four Reales, 1781 PJ, Madrid mint, Spain of Charles III (ESC.611; Bull 1875; S.3767). Toned, two hairline scratches on obverse, countermark good very fine, host coin very fine, and scarce. £800



BM107 George III, Silver Halfcrown, 1818, small laureate head right, large date below truncation, rev crowned and quartered shield of arms over Garter surrounding, edge milled (ESC.621; Bull 2099; S.3789). Toned, a pleasing extremely fine. £550 Accompanied with an old Seaby ticket dating from 1980

BM108 George IV (1820-1830), Silver Halfcrown, 1821, laureate head left, B.P. under truncation, first crowned, quartered and lightly garnished shield of arms, emblems surrounding, date below (ESC.631; Bull 2360; S.3807). Toned, a little streaky on obverse, otherwise good extremely fine. £675 Ex Seaby Coin and Medal Bulletin, December 1945, item 8503, described as “prooflike” and priced at 13/6d Ex Lord Hamilton of Dalzell, Spink Auction 3, 3 March 1979, lot 526 Ex Classical Numismatic Group, 7 October 2015, lot 2314


BM109 William IV (1830-1837), Silver Halfcrown, 1836, bare head right, WW in script on truncation, rev quartered shield of arms within crowned ermine mantle and Order of the Garter, an escutcheon of the Arms of Hanover at centre, date to lower right (ESC.666; Bull 2482; S.3834). Toned, good extremely fine. £750



BM110 William IV, Silver Halfcrown, 1836, S at end of King’s name struck over a higher S, bare head right, WW in script on truncation, rev quartered shield of arms within crowned ermine mantle and Order of the Garter, an escutcheon of the Arms of Hanover at centre, date to lower right (ESC.666; Bull 2483 R3; S.3834). Toned, extremely fine and a very rare variety recorded in Bull. £750 BM111 Edward VII (1901-1910), Silver Matt Proof Halfcrown, 1902, bare head right, DE S. below truncation, rev crowned quartered shield of arms, date below, edge milled (ESC.747; Bull 3568; S.3980). Toned a little unevenly, good extremely fine. £195 Extremely Rare VIP Proof Halfcrown Dated 1955

BM112 Elizabeth II (1952- ), VIP Proof Cupro-nickel Halfcrown, 1955, young head right, legend surrounding, rev crowned quartered shield of arms, E to left, R to right, legend, denomination and date surrounding, edge milled (ESC.798J; Bull 4358 R4; Davies 2321; S.4145). Lightly toned, as struck and extremely rare. £2,500 Bull gives a dual listing for the proofs of this date when in reality the proofs were all issued for VIP’s and have a brilliant field with came contrast frosted design and lettering. Therefore Bull 4358 is the true number for the Halfcrown. Incidentally the matt finish 1955 maundy set mentioned in Bull’s footnote is not a genuine Royal Mint product and should be deleted from this publication. The 1955 matt Maundy set languishes in Baldwin’s Black Museum after being condemned by the Royal Mint.

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Florins Highly Unusual Reverse Brockage Striking of a Victoria Gothic Florin

BM113 Victoria (1837-1901), Silver ���������������������������������������������������������������������� Gothic Florin, reverse brockage, therefore undated, crowned cruciform shields, emblems in angles, Gothic legend surrounding, rev with enlarged incuse impression of same design, edge milled (S.3891-3901). Toned, about extremely fine, very unusual and much rarer to see a reverse brockage as opposed to an obverse version. £2,500 Extremely Rare VIP Proof Florin Dated 1955

BM114 Elizabeth II (1952- ), VIP Proof Cupro-nickel Florin, 1955, young head right, legend surrounding, rev central rose, wreath of emblems around, legend, denomination and date surrounding, edge milled (ESC.968I; Bull 4401 R4; Davies 2371; S.4146). Lightly toned, a blemish in obverse field, otherwise as struck and extremely rare. £2,250


BM115 George III (1760-1820), Silver Eighteenpence Bank Token, 1811, first laureate and draped bust right in armour, rev value within oak wreath, date below (ESC.969; Bull 2112; S.3771). Toned, good extremely fine. £275


BM116 G��������� eorge III, Silver Eighteenpence Bank Token, 1812, second laureate and draped head right, rev value within oak wreath, date below (ESC.972; Bull 2115; S.3772). Toned, prooflike, good extremely fine. £300 Rare Proof Eighteenpence of King George III

BM117 G��������� eorge III, Silver Proof Eighteenpence Bank Token, 1812, second laureate and draped head right, rev value within oak wreath, date below (ESC.973; Bull 2116; S.3772). Toned, a few blemishes, otherwise as struck and very rare. £1,250



BM118 G��������� eorge III, Silver Eighteenpence Bank Token, 1813, second laureate and draped head right, rev value within oak wreath, date below (ESC.976; Bull 2119; S.3772). Toned, prooflike, good extremely fine. £375 BM119 G��������� eorge III, Silver Eighteenpence Bank Token, 1814, second laureate and draped head right, rev value within oak wreath, date below (ESC.977; Bull 2121; S.3772). Toned, prooflike obverse, good extremely fine. £375

Shillings Superb William III Bristol Shilling of 1696

BM120 William III (1694-1702), Silver Shilling, 1696B, Bristol mint, variety with small x on reverse, first laureate and draped bust right, rev crowned cruciform emblematic shields, lion of Nassau at centre, small x in legend (ESC.1081; Bull 1159; S.3498). Small patch of haymarking on obverse field, otherwise attractively toned, extremely fine, and very pleasing, very rare this well preserved. £1,750 Bought from Spink, February 2013.

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BM121 William III, Silver Shilling, 1697, first laureate and draped bust right, rev crowned cruciform emblematic shields, smaller lions in English shield, lion of Nassau at centre (ESC.1091; Bull 1117; S.3497). Uneven perhaps artificial tone, adjustment marks at top of reverse and drapery of obverse, otherwise extremely fine, with a clear variety. £650

BM122 William III, Silver Shilling, 1697, third laureate and draped bust right, rev crowned cruciform emblematic shields, lion of Nassau at centre (ESC.1091; Bull 1117; S.3497). Hairline raised die flaw down bust, toned, pleasing extremely fine. £675 Ex A H Baldwin & Sons Ltd, 1958. Ex J M Ashby Collection, Spink Auction, 15 July 2000, lot 2494



BM123 William III, Silver Shilling, 1697, third bust variety right, rev crowned cruciform emblematic shields, lion of Nassau at centre (ESC.1108; Bull 1132; S.3511). Adjustment marks and associated weakness on both sides, attractively toned, otherwise extremely fine. £600 BM124 Anne (1702-1714), Silver Shilling, 1709, third draped bust left, rev Post-Union crowned cruciform shields, Garter star at centre, date above in legend (ESC.1154; Bull 1402; S.3610). Pleasing old tone, underlying brilliance, two small flaws in hair, otherwise bold extremely fine. £650



BM125 George II (1727-1760), Silver Shilling, 1734, young laureate and draped bust left, rev crowned cruciform emblematic shields, roses and plumes in angles, Garter star at centre, date above (ESC.1197; Bull 1706; S.3698). Toned, bold very fine. £350 BM126 George II, Silver Shilling, 1739, young laureate and draped bust left, rev crowned cruciform emblematic shields, roses in angles, Garter star at centre, date above (ESC.1201; Bull 1716; S.3701). Toned, almost very fine. £150


Rare Silver Proof Shilling of King George III 1787

BM127 George III (1760-1820), Silver Proof Shilling, 1787, with semée of hearts, laureate and draped bust right in armour, all stops in legend, toothed outer border both sides, rev cruciform shields, with semée of hearts in Hanoverian shield and without ermine, crowns in angles, date below, 7.36g (ESC.1241 R4; Bull 2172; S.3746). Attractively toned, practically as struck and very rare on the heavier weight flan. £2,500 Ex Spink Numismatic Circular, September 1995 Ex Martin Hughes Collection, Spink Auction 139, 16 November 1999, lot 420

Very Unusual Lead Squeeze of the Obverse for the George IV Shilling

BM128 George IV (1820-1830), Trial Striking in Lead of the obverse design for a Shilling, undated, uniface, laureate head left, B.P. below, legend and border surrounding, on a thick flan, 16.79g (S.3810/3811). A lead “squeeze” from an obverse die, toned, extremely fine and extremely rare, the first we have seen. £500

Extremely Rare Small Lion Reverse Pattern for the 1825 George IV Shilling

BM129 George IV, Silver Pattern Shilling, 1825, third bare head left, date below, rev smaller lion standing left on crown over emblems, legend of differing arrangement to currency, edge milled (ESC.1264 R5; Bull 2417; Davies 241). Attractively toned, practically as struck and very rare. £2,500

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BM130 George IV, Silver Proof Shilling, 1826, third bare head left, date below, rev lion standing left on crown over emblems, usual legend surrounding, edge milled (ESC.1258; Bull 2411; Davies 232; S.3812). Attractively toned, as struck and very rare. £1,000

One of the Rarest Dates in the Victorian Silver Series, the 1854 Shilling

BM131 Victoria (1837-1901), Silver ���������������������������������������� Shilling, 1854, second young head left, rev crowned value within wreath, date below (ESC.1302 R2; Bull 3004; Davies 868; S.3904). In PCGS����������������������������������������� holder graded MS62, �������������������������� toned, an extremely rare date. £4,000 PCGS certification 205230.62/33172423

BM132 Victoria, Silver Shilling, ���������������������������������������� 1854, second young head left, rev crowned value within wreath, date below (ESC.1302 R2; Bull 3004; Davies 868; S.3904). Toned, blemish on cheek and hairline mark down neck, otherwise extremely fine, and an extremely rare date. £1,950


Very Rare Weiner Pattern Shilling of Victoria Dated 1863

BM133 Victoria, Silver ������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� Pattern Shilling, 1863, engraved by C H Weiner, coronetted young head left, initials CH.W. on truncation, rev crowned value within wreath, date below (ESC.1374 R3; Bull 3086; Davies 964). Toned, practically as struck and extremely rare. £2,750

BM134 Victoria, Silver ������������������������������������������������������ Shilling, 1872, die number 66, third young head left, rev crowned value within wreath, date and die number below (ESC.1324; Bull 3042; Davies 900; S.3906A). Toned, good very fine. £75



BM135 George V (1910-1936), Silver Proof Shilling, 1911, bare head left, B.M. raised on truncation, rev struck en médaille, lion passant above crown, date beside, edge milled, chamfered rim (ESC.1421; Davies 1793; Bull 3800; S.4013). Brilliant, practically as struck. £175 BM136 George V, Proof Half-Silver Shilling, 1927, modified bare head left, B.M. raised on truncation, rev struck en médaille, lion passant above crown, date below in legend, edge milled (ESC.1440; Bull 3830; S.4039). Toned, good extremely fine. £50

Extremely Rare VIP Proof Shilling Dated 1955

BM137 Elizabeth II (1952- ), VIP Proof Cupro-nickel Shilling, 1955, English type, young head right, legend surrounding, rev crowned English shield of arms, date either side, legend surrounding (ESC.1475Q; Bull 4455 R6; Davies 2411; S.4147). Brilliant with light gold overtone, as struck and extremely rare. £2,000

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Octorinos Extremely Rare Pattern Eight Pence of 1913 Struck For Reginald Huth

BM138 George V (1910-1936), Silver Pattern Eightpence or Octorino, 1913, struck for Reginald Huth by Pinches, draped bust left, legend surrounding, rev struck en médaille, �������������������������������������� crowned cruciform emblematic shields, emblems in angles, Isle of Man triune at centre, EIGHT PENCE legend, edge milled (ESC.1481 R4; Bull 3859). Toned, as struck and very rare. £1,850 Extremely Rare Pattern Octorino of 1913 Struck For Reginald Huth in Copper

BM139 George V, Copper Pattern Eightpence or Octorino, 1913, struck for Reginald Huth by Pinches, draped bust left, legend surrounding, rev struck en médaille, ���������������������������������������������� crowned cruciform emblematic shields, emblems in angles, Isle of Man triune at centre, OCTO RINO legend, edge milled (ESC.1482A R4; Bull 3869). Toned, as struck and very rare. £1,850

Sixpences Pleasing William & Mary Silver Sixpence

BM140 William & Mary (1688-1694), Silver Sixpence, 1693, conjoined laureate and draped busts right, rev crowned cruciform emblematic shields, Lion of Nassau at centre, WM monogram in angles, date around centre (ESC.1529; Bull 869; S.3438). Toned, extremely fine. £1,250



BM141 William III (1694-1702), Silver Sixpence, 1696, first laureate and draped bust right, rev crowned cruciform shields, large crowns and early harp, lion of Nassau at centre, date above (ESC.1533; Bull 1202 S.3520). Toned, weakly struck at centre, almost very fine / very fine. £60 BM142 William III, Silver Sixpence, 1696y, York mint, first laureate and draped bust right, rev crowned cruciform shields, large crowns and early harp, lion of Nassau at centre, date above (ESC.1539; Bull 1296; S.3525). Old cabinet tone, bold very fine. £175




BM143 William III, Silver Sixpence, 1697, third laureate and draped bust right, rev crowned cruciform shields, large crowns and later harp, lion of Nassau at centre, date above (ESC.1566; Bull 1233; S.3538). Old cabinet tone, small flan crack, some flecking, otherwise extremely fine. £250 BM144 William III, Silver Sixpence, 1698, third laureate and draped bust right, rev crowned cruciform shields, large crowns and later harp, lion of Nassau at centre, date above (ESC.1574; Bull 1243; S.3538). Old cabinet tone, a little weak on hair and on French arms, otherwise about extremely fine. £350

BM145 Anne (1702-14), Silver Sixpence, 1703 VIGO below draped bust left, rev Pre-Union crowned cruciform shields, garter star at centre (ESC.1582; Bull 1446; S.3590). Attractively toned, prooflike with some flecking, good extremely fine. £600



BM146 Anne, Silver Sixpence, 1707 below draped bust left, rev Pre-Union crowned cruciform shields, roses and plumes in angles, garter star at centre (ESC.1586; Bull 1451; S.3594). Toned, very fine. £165 BM147 George II (1727-1760), Silver Sixpence, 1728, young laureate and draped bust left, rev crowned cruciform shields, garter star at centre, roses and plumes in angles (ESC.1606; Bull 1740; S.3707). Slight bend in flan, toned, bold very fine. £225



BM148 George II, Silver Sixpence, 1741, young laureate and draped bust left, rev crowned cruciform shields, garter star at centre, roses in angles (ESC.1613; Bull 1751; S.3708). Toned, extremely fine. £475 Ex Slaney Collection, part II, Spink Auction 229, 14 May 2015, lot 501

BM149 George III (1760-1820), Silver Pattern Sixpence, 1787, laureate and draped bust right, rev cruciform shields, crowns in angles, with semée of hearts in Hanoverian shield, border of dots each side, edge plain (ESC.1640; Bull 2212). Toned, a little unevenly, as struck and rare. £750

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BM150 George III, Silver Pattern Sixpence, 1790 by J P Droz, crowned GR cypher within laurel wreath, toothed border both sides, rev Britannia seated left, blank exergue, date in legend, edge plain (ESC.1645; Bull 2219). Toned, good extremely fine and scarce. £450 BM151 George III, Silver Pattern Sixpence, 1790 by J P Droz, crowned GR cypher within laurel wreath, toothed border both sides, rev Britannia seated left, blank exergue, date in legend, edge milled (ESC.1646; Bull 2219-2221). Toned, good extremely fine, and scarce. £450 In his book, Bull has confused the metals and edges in his listings of these patterns for 1790, perhaps it should be 2221 but ignore “gold.”

Very Unusual Lead Squeeze of the Obverse for the George IV Sixpence

BM152 George IV (1820-1830), Trial Striking in Lead of the obverse design for a Sixpence, undated, uniface, laureate head left, B.P. below, legend and border surrounding, 2.64g (S.3813/3814). A lead “squeeze” from an obverse die, toned, extremely fine and extremely rare, the first we have seen. £350

Very Unusual Lead Squeeze of the Reverse for the George IV Sixpence

BM153 George IV, Trial Striking in Lead of the reverse design for a Sixpence, 1821, uniface, crowned garnished quartered shield of arms, emblems and date surrounding, on a thick flan, 7.15g (S.3813). A lead “squeeze” from a reverse die, toned, extremely fine and extremely rare, the first we have seen. £350



BM154 William IV (1830-1837), Silver Sixpence, 1831, bare head right, rev crowned value within wreath, date below (ESC.1670; Davies 360; Bull 2499; S.3836). Toned, good extremely fine. £350 Ex Slaney Collection, part II, Spink Auction 229, 14 May 2015, lot 534

BM155 William IV, Silver Proof Sixpence, 1831, bare head right, rev crowned value within wreath, date below, edge plain (ESC.1672; Davies 360; Bull 2501; S.3836). Toned, as struck. £750


Extremely Rare Proof Silver Sixpence of William IV Dated 1834

BM156 William IV, Silver Proof Sixpence, 1834, bare head right, rev dies axis slight off-set inverted, crowned value within wreath, date below with flat top 3 (ESC.1674B R3; Davies 361; Bull 2506; S.3836). Attractively toned, practically as struck, extremely rare. £1,950 Ex Thomas Bliss Collection, Sotheby’s, 15 May 1916, lot 632 (part)

BM157 Victoria (1837-1901), Silver Proof ��������������������������������������������� Sixpence, 1853, first young head left, rev crowned value within wreath, date below, edge milled (ESC.1699 R2; Davies 1050; Bull 3190; S.3908). Toned, practically as struck, rare. £1,250

Extremely Rare VIP Proof Sixpence Dated 1955

BM158 Elizabeth II (1952- ), VIP Cupro-nickel Proof Sixpence, 1955, young head right, legend surrounding, rev cruciform emblems with entwined stalks, legend and date surrounding, F and D of FID to border bead (ESC.1838J; Davies 2491; Bull 4530; S.4149). Brilliant as struck and extremely rare, the die variety not recorded in Davies. £1,500

Extremely Rare VIP Proof Sixpence Dated 1960

BM159 Elizabeth II, VIP Cupro-nickel Proof Sixpence, 1960, young head right, legend surrounding, rev cruciform emblems with entwined stalks, legend and date surrounding (ESC.1838O; Davies 2497; Bull 4542; S.4149). Uneven tone, otherwise practically as struck and extremely rare. £950

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BM160 George II (1727-1760), Silver Threepence, 1740, young head left, rev crowned 3 (ESC.2027; Bull 1799; S.3713B). Toned, extremely fine. £85 BM161 George III (1760-1820), Silver Threepence, 1762, young head right, rev crowned 3 (ESC.2033; Bull 2254; S.3753). Die flaw on face, toned, extremely fine. £45 BM162 George VI (1936-1952), Brass Threepence, 1946, bare head left, rev thrift plant, date below (Peck 2388; S.4112). Obverse covered in surface marks, almost very fine, reverse much better, very rare. £50

Extremely Rare VIP Proof Brass Threepence Dated 1946

BM163 George VI, VIP Proof Brass Threepence, 1946, bare head left, rev thrift plant, date below (Peck 2389; S.4112). Toned, practically as struck and extremely rare. £1,250

Extremely Rare VIP Proof Brass Threepence Dated 1955

BM164 Elizabeth II (1952- ), VIP Proof Brass Threepence, 1955, young head right, legend surrounding, rev crowned portcullis with chains, date below (Peck 2495; S.4153). Toned, practically as struck and extremely rare. £850





BM165 William III (1694-1702), Silver Half-Groat, 1701, laureate and draped bust right, rev crowned 2 (ESC.2209; Bull 1325; S.3551A). Toned, extremely fine. £100 BM166 Anne (1702-1714), Silver Half-Groat, 1704, draped bust left, rev crowned 2 (ESC.2211; Bull 1509; S.3597). Toned, about extremely fine. £75

Maundy Sets

BM167 Charles II (1660-1685), Silver Maundy Set, 1679, Fourpence to Penny (ESC.2375; Bull 602; S.3392). Toned, very fine to good very fine. £475

BM168 Charles II, Silver Maundy Set, 1681, Fourpence to Penny (ESC.2377 R2; Bull 604; S.3392). Toned, about extremely fine, and a rare date. £650

BM169 George III (1760-1820), Silver Maundy Set, 1800, Fourpence to Penny (ESC.2421; Bull 2239; S.3764). Toned, extremely fine or better. £400

BM170 Victoria (1837-1901), ������������������������������������������������������������������������������ Silver ����������������������������������������������������������������������� Maundy Set, 1849, young head, Fourpence ����������������������������������������� to Penny (ESC.2459; Bull 3492; S.3916). Good extremely fine and rare. £550

BM171 George VI (1936-1952), Half-silver Maundy Set, 1937, Fourpence to Penny (ESC.2554; Bull 4304; S.4086). Toned, good extremely fine. £150 Bull has assigned two different numbers to the Maundy set of 1937 when the footnote says there is no way of distinguishing between the Maundy set for official distribution to that, that was issued in the proof Coronation set.

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MC001 George III (1760-1820), Copper Proof Twopence, 1797, laureate and draped bust right, K.: on shoulder, legend on raised border both sides, some stops blocked, rev inverted die axis, Britannia seated left on rock with shield, holding trident and olive branch, ship to left, SOHO on rock to right, three rows of waves below, date on raised rim below, BRITANNIA. above (Peck 1069; S.3776). A few tiny nicks, digs and surface marks, streaks of tone on reverse, otherwise good extremely fine. £1,250 Ex Gregory Collection (Part I), Baldwin’s Auction 44, 2 May 2006, lot 377

MC002 George III, Copper Twopence, 1797, laureate and draped bust right, ten leaves on wreath, K.: on shoulder, legend on raised border both sides, rev inverted die axis, Britannia seated left on rock with shield, holding trident and olive branch, ship to left, SOHO on rock to right, waves below, date on raised rim below, BRITANNIA. above (Peck 1077; S.3776). A few tiny nicks, digs and surface marks, otherwise extremely fine. £325

MC003 George III, Copper Twopence, 1797, laureate and draped bust right ten leaves on wreath, K.: on shoulder, legend on raised border both sides, rev inverted die axis, Britannia seated left on rock with shield, holding trident and olive branch, ship to left, SOHO on rock to right, waves below, date on raised rim below, BRITANNIA. above (Peck 1077; S.3776). A few tiny nicks, digs and surface marks, rim bruise, otherwise good very fine. £195



MC004 George III (1760-1820), Copper Penny, 1797, laureate and draped bust right, ten leaf wreath, K on shoulder, legend incuse on raised rim surrounding on both sides, rev Britannia seated left, with olive branch trident and shield, ship sailing right on left horizon, SOHO on rock to right, waves below, date on raised rim below (Peck 1133; S.3777). Some lustre, with some toning, good extremely fine. £875

MC005 George III, Copper Penny, 1797, laureate and draped bust right, ten leaf wreath, K on shoulder, legend incuse on raised rim surrounding on both sides, rev Britannia seated left, with olive branch trident and shield, ship sailing right on left horizon, SOHO on rock to right, waves below, date on raised rim below (Peck 1133; S.3777). Some lustre, with light toning, good extremely fine. £875

MC006 George III, Copper Penny, 1806, late Soho, laureate and draped bust right, incuse hair curl, K on shoulder, rev Britannia seated left, with olive branch, trident and shield, ship sailing right on left horizon, SOHO on rock to right, edge grained (Peck 1343; S.3780). Some lustre, with some toning, good extremely fine. £250



MC007 George IV (1820-1830), Copper Penny, 1825, laureate head left, date below, rev Britannia seated right with trident and shield bearing saltire of arms, plain saltire (Peck 1420; S.3823). Toned, extremely fine. £325 MC008 George IV, Copper Penny, 1826, laureate head left, date below, rev Britannia seated right with trident and shield bearing saltire of arms, thin line raised on saltire (Peck 1425; S.3823). Toned, light hairline scratches in obverse field and some speckling, otherwise good very fine. £125

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MC009 George IV, Copper Penny, 1826, laureate head left, date below, rev Britannia seated right with trident and shield bearing saltire of arms, plain saltire (Peck 1422; S.3823). Toned, almost extremely fine. £225

MC010 Victoria (1837-1901), Copper Penny, 1848, 8 over 7, young head left, date below, w.w on truncation rev Britannia seated right with ornamental trident and shield (Peck 1495; S.3948). Considerable lustre, mainly on obverse, slightly uneven tone, with some small spots, good extremely fine. £375



MC011 Victoria, Copper Penny, 1853, young head left, date below, w.w. in truncation, rev Britannia seated right with ornamental trident and shield (Peck 1504; S.3948). Toned, good extremely fine. £250 MC012 Victoria, Copper Penny, 1858, young head left, date below, w.w incuse on truncation, rev Britannia seated right with ornamental trident and shield (Peck 1518; S.3948). Some marks on obverse, uneven toning, underlying lustre on legend, good extremely fine. £250

Extremely Rare 1860 Copper Penny with 60 Struck Over 59

MC013 Victoria, Copper Penny, 1860, 60 struck over 59, ornamental trident, young head left, date below, rev Britannia seated right with trident and shield (Peck 1521; S.3948). Toned, surface marks and nicks otherwise extremely fine, and very rare. £4,500




MC014 Victoria, Bronze Penny, 1860, ‘bun’ style laureate head left, toothed borders, rev Britannia seated right with trident and shield, date in exergue (Fr.10 dies 2+D; Satin 10; Gouby 1860J; S.3954). With a little lustre around the legend on obverse, dark toning, otherwise good extremely fine. £250 MC015 Victoria, Bronze Penny, 1860, ‘bun’ style laureate head left, toothed borders, rev Britannia seated right with trident and shield, date in exergue (Fr.10 dies 2+D; Satin 10; Gouby 1860J; S.3954). With some carbon spots on obverse, toned, with underlying lustre, good extremely fine / extremely fine. £200



MC016 Victoria, Bronze Penny, 1860, ‘bun’ style laureate head left, toothed borders, rev Britannia seated right with trident and shield, date in exergue (Fr.13 dies 3+D; Satin 12; Gouby 1860L; S.3954). Toned with considerable underlying lustre, good extremely fine. £250 MC017 Victoria, Bronze Penny, 1860, N over Z in ONE on reverse, ‘bun’ style laureate head left, toothed borders, rev Britannia seated right with trident and shield, date in exergue (Fr.10 dies 2+D; Satin 11; Gouby 1860JA; S.3954). Toned, with some residual lustre, a few light nicks and knocks, extremely fine, very rare. £750 Ex James Workman Collection (part I), Colin Cooke Ltd, Manchester, 4 October 2010, lot 7



MC018 Victoria, Bronze Penny, 1861, ‘bun’ style laureate head left, toothed borders, rev Britannia seated right with trident and shield, date in exergue (Fr.29 dies 6+D; Satin 33; Gouby 1861K; S.3954). Toned, about extremely fine / extremely fine. £80 MC019 Victoria, Bronze Penny, 1861, second 1 struck over a lower 1, ‘bun’ style laureate head left, toothed borders, rev Britannia seated right with trident and shield, date in exergue (Fr.33 dies 6+G; Satin 36; Gouby 1861N; S.3954). Darkly toned, with a hint of lustre on obverse legend, good extremely fine. £150 Ex Baldwin’s Auction 57, 23 September 2008, lot 686 (part)

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MC020 Victoria, Bronze Penny, 1861, second 1 over 1 showing to left, ‘bun’ style laureate head left, toothed borders, rev Britannia seated right with trident and shield, date in exergue (Fr.33 dies 6+G; Satin 36; Gouby 1861N; S.3954). Some light marks on obverse, a little lustre, toned, good extremely fine. £325 Ex James Workman Collection (part II), Colin Cooke Ltd, Manchester, 25 November 2010, lot 19

MC021 Victoria, Bronze Penny, 1862, ‘bun’ style laureate head left, toothed borders, rev Britannia seated right with trident and shield, date in exergue (Fr.39 dies 6+G; Satin 40; Gouby 1862C; S.3954). Some green spots on reverse otherwise, toned, good extremely fine. £125 Ex Argentum Auction, A H Baldwin & Sons Ltd, 9 February 2008, lot 134



MC022 Victoria, Bronze Penny, 1862, ‘bun’ style laureate head left, toothed borders, rev Britannia seated right with trident and shield, date in exergue (Fr.39 dies 6+G; Satin 40; Gouby 1862C; S.3954). Dark tone, some light marks, extremely fine. £75 MC023 Victoria, Bronze Penny, 1862, ‘bun’ style laureate head left, toothed borders, rev Britannia seated right with trident and shield, date in exergue (Fr.39 dies 6+G; Satin 40; Gouby 1862C; S.3954). Toned, extremely fine. £75



MC024 Victoria, Bronze Penny, 1862, ‘bun’ style laureate head left, toothed borders, rev Britannia seated right with trident and shield, date in exergue (Fr.39 dies 6+G; Satin 40; Gouby 1862C; S.3954). Some lustre around lettering and design, toned, good extremely fine. £250 MC025 Victoria, Bronze Penny, 1862, ‘bun’ style laureate head left, toothed borders, rev Britannia seated right with trident and shield, date in exergue (Fr.39 dies 6+G; Satin 40; Gouby 1862C; S.3954). Some lustre around lettering and design, streaky tone, good extremely fine. £250




MC026 Victoria, Bronze Penny, 1862, ‘bun’ style laureate head left, toothed borders, rev Britannia seated right with trident and shield, date in exergue (Fr.39 dies 6+G; Satin 40; Gouby 1862C; S.3954). Some lustre around rim, uneven tone, good extremely fine. £200 MC027 Victoria, Bronze Penny, 1862, ‘bun’ style laureate head left, toothed borders, rev Britannia seated right with trident and shield, date in exergue (Fr.39 dies 6+G; Satin 40; Gouby 1862C; S.3954). Some lustre with uneven tone, good extremely fine. £200



MC028 Victoria, Bronze Penny, 1863, ‘bun’ style laureate head left, toothed borders, rev Britannia seated right with trident and shield, date in exergue (Fr.42 dies 6+G; Satin 45; Gouby 1863A; S.3954). Dark tone, extremely fine. £85 MC029 Victoria, Bronze Proof Penny, 1868, laureate ‘bun’ type bust left, no signature below bust, rev Britannia seated right with trident and shield, date in exergue (Fr.58 dies 6+G; Gouby 1868P; S.3954). With a few tiny spots speckling the surfaces, partly toned with underlying lustre, practically as struck and rare. £1,250



MC030 Victoria, Bronze Proof Penny, 1868, laureate ‘bun’ type bust left, no signature below bust, rev Britannia seated right with trident and shield, date in exergue (Fr.58 dies 6+G; Gouby 1868P; S.3954). With some spots and speckling on obverse, toned with underlying lustre, practically as struck and rare. £1,000 MC031 Victoria, Bronze Penny, 1868, laureate ‘bun’ type bust left, rev Britannia seated right with trident and shield, date in exergue (Fr.58 dies 6+G; Gouby 1868A; S.3954). Uneven toning, with much lustre, good extremely fine. £600

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MC032 Victoria, Bronze Penny, 1869, laureate ‘bun’ type bust left, rev Britannia seated right with trident and shield, date in exergue (Fr.59 dies 6+G; Gouby 1869A; S.3954). Toned, poor to fair, the rarest date. £75 MC033 Victoria, Bronze Penny, 1874H, Heaton mint, close date, laureate ‘bun’ type bust left, Heaton mint, rev Britannia seated right with trident and shield, date in exergue (Fr.73 dies 7+H; Gouby 1874N; S.3955). Toned, some underlying lustre, some evidence of die clashing, otherwise good extremely fine. £275



MC034 Victoria, Bronze Penny, 1874H, Heaton mint, close date, laureate ‘bun’ type bust left, Heaton mint, rev Britannia seated right with trident and shield, date in exergue (Fr.73 dies 7+H; Gouby 1874N; S.3955). Toned unevenly, with some streaky underlying lustre, otherwise extremely fine. £125 MC035 Victoria, Bronze Penny, 1874H, Heaton mint, wide date, laureate ‘bun’ type bust left, rev Britannia seated right with trident and shield, date in exergue (Fr.71 dies 7+G; Gouby 1874L; S.3955). Toned with a little lustre, some spots and marks mostly on obverse, otherwise extremely fine, / good extremely fine. £225



MC036 Victoria, Bronze Penny, 1874, close date, laureate ‘bun’ type bust left, rev Britannia seated right with trident and shield, date in exergue (Fr.67 dies 6+H; Gouby 1874B; S.3954). Some tiny spots on obverse bust, streaky toning, pleasing extremely fine. £425 MC037 Victoria, Bronze Penny, 1874, close date, laureate ‘bun’ type bust left, rev Britannia seated right with trident and shield, small narrow date in exergue (Fr.67, dies 6+H; Gouby 1874B; S.3954). Toned with a little lustre, good extremely fine. £625 Ex James Workman Collection (part I), Colin Cooke Ltd, Manchester, 4 October 2010, lot 44




MC038 Victoria, Bronze Penny, 1875, wide date, laureate ‘bun’ type bust left, rev Britannia seated right with trident and shield, wide date in exergue (Fr.82, dies 8+J; Gouby 1875C; S.3954). With considerable bright lustre, some toning, good extremely fine. £300 MC039 Victoria, Bronze Penny, 1887, laureate ‘bun’ type bust left, rev Britannia seated right with trident and shield, date in exergue (Fr.125, dies 12+N; Gouby 1887A; S.3954). Toned with underlying lustre, good extremely fine. £200



MC040 Victoria, Bronze Penny, 1888, laureate ‘bun’ type bust left, rev Britannia seated right with trident and shield, date in exergue (Fr.126, dies 12+N; Gouby 1888A; S.3954). Lightly toned and speckled with nearly full lustre, uncirculated. £275 MC041 Victoria, Bronze Penny, 1888, laureate ‘bun’ type bust left, rev Britannia seated right with trident and shield, date in exergue (Fr.126, dies 12+N; Gouby 1888A; S.3954). Lightly toned and speckled with nearly full lustre, uncirculated. £275



MC042 Victoria, Bronze Penny, 1890, laureate ‘bun’ type bust left, rev Britannia seated right with trident and shield, date in exergue (Fr.130, dies 12+N; Gouby 1890A; S.3954). Hazy tone with underlying lustre, good extremely fine. £150 Ex James Workman Collection (part I), Colin Cooke Ltd, Manchester, 4 October 2010, lot 68

MC043 Victoria, Bronze Penny, 1890, laureate ‘bun’ type bust left, rev Britannia seated right with trident and shield, date in exergue (Fr.130, dies 12+N; Gouby 1890A; S.3954). Metal flaw on reverse covering trident, some lustre, toned, good extremely fine. £125 Ex Spink Numismatic Circular, March 1996, item 969 Ex Laurie Bamford Collection, DNW, 20 June 2006, lot 165 (part)

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MC044 Victoria, Bronze Penny, 1890, laureate ‘bun’ type bust left, rev Britannia seated right with trident and shield, date in exergue (Fr.130, dies 12+N; Gouby 1890A; S.3954). Lightly toned with nearly full lustre, some surface marks on reverse, otherwise uncirculated. £275 MC045 Victoria, Bronze Penny, 1891, laureate ‘bun’ type bust left, rev Britannia seated right with trident and shield, date in exergue (Fr.132, dies 12+N; Gouby 1891A; S.3954). Lightly toned with nearly full lustre, some surface marks, on reverse otherwise uncirculated. £275



MC046 Victoria, Bronze Penny, 1892, laureate ‘bun’ type bust left, rev Britannia seated right with trident and shield, date in exergue (Fr.134, dies 12+N; Gouby 1892A; S.3954). Toned, extremely fine / good extremely fine. £125 MC047 Victoria, Bronze Penny, 1893, laureate ‘bun’ type bust left, rev Britannia seated right with trident and shield, date in exergue (Fr.136, dies 12+N; Gouby 1893A; S.3954). Unevenly toned, surface marks, a pleasing extremely fine. £70



MC048 Victoria, Bronze Penny, 1893, laureate ‘bun’ type bust left, rev Britannia seated right with trident and shield, field lamination, date in exergue (Fr.136, dies 12+N; Gouby 1893A; S.3954). Toned with some lustre and underlying prooflike field, flan flaw lamination on reverse, otherwise good extremely fine, unusual. £150 Ex Croydon Coin Auction, June 1989 Ex Laurie Bamford Collection, DNW, 20 June 2006, lot 165 (part) Ex Baldwin’s Auction 55, 7 May 2008, lot 2499

MC049 Victoria, Bronze Penny, 1897, old veiled bust left, rev Britannia seated right with trident and shield, normal tide, date in exergue (Fr.145, dies 1+B; Gouby 1897A; S.3961). With considerable lustre, toned on reverse, good extremely fine. £55




MC050 Edward VII (1901-1910), Bronze Penny, 1902, bare head right, rev Britannia seated right with trident and shield, sea with low tide level (Fr.156, dies 1+A; Gouby 1902A; S.3990A). Lightly toned over considerable underlying lustre, good extremely fine. £250 This coin was previously in an NGC holder graded MS64RB.

MC051 Edward VII, Bronze Penny, 1902, bare head right, rev Britannia seated right with trident and shield, sea with low tide level (Fr.156, dies 1+A; Gouby 1902A; S.3990A). Lightly toned over considerable underlying lustre, good extremely fine. £250



MC052 Edward VII, Bronze Penny, 1902, bare head right, rev Britannia seated right with trident and shield, sea with low tide level (Fr.156, dies 1+A; Gouby 1902A; S.3990A). Toned with just a hint of lustre, good extremely fine. £175 Ex Gregory Collection (part I), Baldwin’s Auction 44, 2 May 2006, lot 456

MC053 Edward VII, Bronze Penny, 1902, bare head right, rev Britannia seated right with trident and shield, sea with low tide level (Fr.156, dies 1+A; Gouby 1902A; S.3990A). Unevenly toned with a little lustre, good extremely fine. £165



MC054 Edward VII, Bronze Penny, 1902, bare head right, rev Britannia seated right with trident and shield, sea with low tide level (Fr.156, dies 1+A; Gouby 1902A; S.3990A). A couple of small spots, lightly toned over considerable mint lustre, good extremely fine. £250 MC055 Edward VII, Bronze Penny, 1902, bare head right, rev Britannia seated right with trident and shield, sea with low tide level (Fr.156, dies 1+A; Gouby 1902A; S.3990A). A few tiny spots, toned over some underlying lustre, good extremely fine. £225

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MC056 Edward VII, Bronze Penny, 1902, bare head right, rev Britannia seated right with trident and shield, sea with low tide level (Fr.156, dies 1+A; Gouby 1902A; S.3990A). A few tiny spots, toned over considerable lustre, good extremely fine. £250 MC057 Edward VII, Bronze Penny, 1902, bare head right, rev Britannia seated right with trident and shield, sea with low tide level (Fr.156, dies 1+A; Gouby 1902A; S.3990A). A few tiny spots, toned over considerable lustre, good extremely fine. £250



MC058 Edward VII, Bronze Penny, 1904, bare head right, rev Britannia seated right with trident and shield (Fr.159, dies 1 + B; Gouby 1904A; S.3990). Some patches of tone over near full lustre, some speckling and spots on reverse, otherwise practically as struck, good extremely fine. £150 MC059 Edward VII, Bronze Penny, 1905, bare head right, rev Britannia seated right with trident and shield (Fr.161, dies 1 + C; Gouby 1905B; S.3990). Dusky tone with some underlying lustre, good extremely fine. £75 Ex James Workman Collection (part II), Colin Cooke Ltd, Manchester, 25 November 2010, lot 81



MC060 Edward VII, Bronze Penny, 1909, bare head right, rev Britannia seated right with trident and shield (Fr.168, dies 2 + D; Gouby 1909A; S.3990). Toned, more so on obverse, over considerable lustre, good extremely fine. £125 MC061 Edward VII, Bronze Penny, 1910, bare head right, rev Britannia seated right with trident and shield (Fr.170, dies 2 + E; Gouby 1910A; S.3990). A little weakly struck at centre, almost full lustre, good extremely fine. £95

MC062 George V (1910-1936), Bronze Penny, 1912H, Heaton mint, bare head left, rev Britannia seated right with trident and shield (Fr.173, dies 1 + A; Gouby 1912H; S 4052). Toned with some lustre, good extremely fine / extremely fine, rare. £200


MC063 George V, Bronze Penny, 1912H, Heaton mint, bare head left, rev Britannia seated right with trident and shield (Fr.173, dies 1 + A; Gouby 1912H; S 4052). Streaky tone, some lustre, weak extremely fine. £95 Ex Argentum Auction, A H Baldwin & Sons Ltd, 8 November 2008, lot 506



MC064 George V, Bronze Penny, 1912H, Heaton mint, bare head left, rev Britannia seated right with trident and shield (Fr.173, dies 1 + A; Gouby 1912H; S 4052). Dusky tone, good extremely fine, with plenty of lustre. £250 Ex James Workman Collection (part I), Colin Cooke Ltd, Manchester, 4 October 2010, lot 86

MC065 George V, Bronze Penny, 1916, bare head left, rev Britannia seated right with trident and shield (Fr.180; Gouby 1916B; S.4051). Lustrous, with some ink spots on reverse, otherwise weak good extremely fine. £50

MC066 George V, Bronze Penny, 1921, bare head left, rev Britannia seated right with trident and shield (Fr.191; Gouby 1921B; S.4051). Traces of lustre in legend, weak extremely fine. £15


MC067 Charles II (1660-1685), Copper Halfpenny, 1673, laureate and cuirassed bust left, toothed border both sides, rev Britannia seated left on globe, with shield, spear and spray of leaves, date in exergue (Peck 510; S.3393). Dark toning, some nicks on both sides, good very fine. £875 Ex Strickland Neville Rolfe, Baldwin’s Auction 65, 5 May 2010, lot 1348

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MC068 James II (1685-1688), Tin Halfpenny, 1686, laureate draped bust right, copper plug, rev inverted die axis, Britannia seated left, edge inscription NVMMORVM * FAMVLVS * 1686. (Peck 543, S.3419). Associated surface markings and light corrosion, otherwise good very fine for issue and rare. £3,000 MC069 James II, Tin Halfpenny, 1687, laureate draped bust right, copper plug, rev inverted die axis, Britannia seated left, edge inscription NVMMORVM * FAMVLVS * 1687 * (Peck 544, S. 3419). Flan flaw, patina of corrosion covering both sides, otherwise a bold very fine for the issue. £850 Ex Slaney Collection (part II), Spink Auction 229, 14 May 2015, lot 556



MC070 William & Mary (1689-1694), Copper Pattern Halfpenny, 1694, conjoined busts right, struck on the smaller flan of 29mm, rev inverted die axis, Britannia seated left, holding olive branch with spear and shield, date in exergue (Peck 598 EXR). Toned, rim nick, about very fine for the issue, extremely rare. £750 MC071 William & Mary, Copper Halfpenny, 1694, conjoined busts right, toothed border both sides, rev Britannia seated left, holding olive branch, with spear and shield, date in exergue (Peck 602; S.3452). Double struck, nick on reverse, good fine. £100 Ex Gregory Collection (part III), Baldwin’s Auction 50, 24 April 2007, lot 322



MC072 William & Mary, Copper Halfpenny, 1694, unbarred A’s on obverse and reverse, conjoined busts right, toothed border both sides, rev Britannia seated left, holding olive branch, with spear and shield, date in exergue (Peck 604/604*; S.3452). Toned, good fine. £250 Ex Gregory Collection (part III), Baldwin’s Auction 50, 24 April 2007, lot 323

MC073 William & Mary, Copper Halfpenny, 1694, conjoined busts right, rev Britannia seated left, holding olive branch with spear and shield, date in exergue (Peck 602; S.3452). Slight off centre striking, porous in places, almost very fine. £150




MC074 William & Mary, Copper Proof Halfpenny, 1694, struck on a flan of 30mm, conjoined bust right, rev inverted die axis, Britannia seated left, holding olive branch, with spear and shield, smaller date figures in exergue (Peck 615). Toned, rim nick, about very fine and rare. £150 Ex DNW, 14 March 2007, lot 1587

MC075 William III (1694-1702), Copper Halfpenny, 1696, first issue, Farthing size N’s on reverse, laureate and cuirassed bust right, rev Britannia seated left, holding olive branch, with spear and shield, date in exergue (cf. Peck 641; S.3554). Darkly toned, some flat points on reverse, very fine and unusual. £175 Ex Gregory Collection (part II), Baldwin’s Auction 47, 25 September 2006, lot 360



MC076 William III, Copper Halfpenny, 1697, first issue, laureate and cuirassed bust right, long serifs close letter E’s in legend, rev Britannia seated left, holding olive branch, with spear and shield, date in exergue (cf. Peck 647; S.3554). Darkly tone, about very fine and unusual. £150 Ex Gregory Collection (part II), Baldwin’s Auction 47, 25 September 2006, lot 363

MC077 William III, Copper Halfpenny, 1697, first issue, laureate and cuirassed bust right, no stop after TERTIVS, rev Britannia seated left, holding olive branch, with spear and shield, date in exergue (Peck 650*; S.3554). Toned, rim a little crimped with surface marks, very fine / about very fine and rare. £225



MC078 William III, Copper Halfpenny, 1697, first issue, laureate and cuirassed bust right, rev Britannia seated left, holding olive branch, with spear and shield, date in exergue (Peck 647; S.3554). Toned, weak in parts, almost very fine. £125 Ex Gregory Collection (part III), Baldwin’s Auction 50, 24 April 2007, lot 329

MC079 William III, Copper Halfpenny, 1697, first issue, laureate and cuirassed bust right, rev inverted die axis, Britannia seated left, holding olive branch, with spear and shield, date in exergue (Peck 647; S.3554). Unevenly toned, weak points on both sides and a little porous, almost very fine. £95

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MC080 William III, Copper Halfpenny, 1697, first issue, laureate and cuirassed bust right, no stop after TERTIVS, rev Britannia seated left, holding olive branch, with spear and shield, date in exergue (Peck 650*; S.3554). Dark toning, porous in places, flat points on reverse, about very fine for issue. £225 Ex Argentum Auction, A H Baldwin & Sons Ltd, November 2007, lot 142

MC081 William III, Copper Halfpenny, 1697 first issue, laureate and cuirassed bust right, rev Britannia seated left, holding olive branch, with spear and shield, date in exergue (Peck 647; S.3554). Light toning, some associated surface markings, about very fine for issue. £125



MC082 William III, Copper Halfpenny, 1697, first issue, laureate and cuirassed bust right, no stop after TERTIVS, rev Britannia seated left, holding olive branch, with spear and shield, date in exergue (Peck 650*; S.3554). Uneven toning, flat points on reverse Britannia, about very fine for issue. £225 MC083 William III, Copper Halfpenny, 1699, no stop after date, second type, laureate and cuirassed bust right, toothed border both sides, rev Britannia seated left on globe, with shield, spear and spray of leaves, date in legend (Peck 675; S.3555). Uneven toning, porous in places with flat spots on reverse Britannia, very fine, rare. £165



MC084 William III, Copper Halfpenny, 1699, second type, no stop after date, laureate and cuirassed bust right, rev Britannia seated left on globe, with shield, spear and spray of leaves, date in legend (Peck 675; S.3555). Uneven flan, toned, good fine to almost very fine for issue. £125 Ex Argentum Auction, A H Baldwin & Sons Ltd, 5 February 2011, lot 110

MC085 William III, Copper Halfpenny, 1699, second type, GVLIEMVS error, laureate and cuirassed bust right, rev Britannia seated left on globe, with shield, spear and spray of leaves, date in legend (Peck 677; S.3555). Porous both sides, dark toning, a bold fine for issue. £250 Ex Gregory Collection (part I), Baldwin’s Auction 44, 2 May 2006, lot 499




MC086 William III, Copper Halfpenny, 1699, third type, laureate and cuirassed bust right, rev Britannia seated left on globe, with shield, spear and spray of leaves, date in exergue (Peck 687; S.3556). Porous in places, with associated surface markings, a fine to almost very fine for issue. £95 Ex Gregory Collection (part III), Baldwin’s Auction 50, 24 April 2007, lot 333

MC087 William III, Copper Halfpenny, 1699, no stops on obverse, third type, laureate and cuirassed bust right, rev inverted die axis, Britannia seated left on globe, with shield, spear and spray of leaves, date in exergue (Peck 693; S.3556). Flan flaw on truncation, die flaw cud by rim, uneven toning, otherwise good fine to almost very fine for issue. £125 Ex Gregory Collection (part I), Baldwin’s Auction 44, 2 May 2006, lot 502

MC088 William III, Copper Pattern Halfpenny, Type 3, Double obverse, inverted die axis, laureate and cuirassed bust right, narrower portrait, wreath with 3 berries, 7 leaves, undated, 9.68g (Peck 707 ER). Darkly toned, about very fine for issue, of the highest rarity. £2,750

MC089 George I (1714-1727), “Dump” issue Copper Halfpenny, 1717, first issue, laureate and cuirassed bust right, toothed border both sides, rev inverted die axis, Britannia seated left on globe, with shield, spear and spray of leaves, date in exergue (Peck 768; S.3659). Toned and speckled, some die flaws on reverse, about extremely fine. £700 Ex Strickland Neville Rolfe, Baldwin’s Auction 65, 5 May 2010, lot 1381

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MC090 George I, “Dump” issue Copper Halfpenny, 1717, first issue, laureate and cuirassed bust right, toothed border both sides, rev Britannia seated left on globe, with shield, spear and spray of leaves, date in exergue (Peck 768; S.3659). Edge flaw, toned, almost very fine. £175 MC091 George I, “Dump” issue Copper Halfpenny, 1717, first issue, laureate and cuirassed bust right, no stops on obverse, toothed border both sides, rev Britannia seated left on globe, with shield, spear and spray of leaves, date in exergue (Peck 769; S.3659). Dark toning, very fine / almost very fine and rare. £250 Ex Colin Cooke, 26 February 1981 Ex Dr Basil Nicholson, Collection of Halfpennies, Colin Cooke Ltd, Autumn 2004, lot 171



MC092 George I, “Dump” issue Copper Halfpenny, 1718, first issue, laureate and cuirassed bust right, toothed border both sides, rev Britannia seated left on globe, with shield, spear and spray of leaves, date in exergue (Peck 774; S.3659). Dark toning, hairline die flaw on obverse, otherwise almost very fine for issue. £175 MC093 George I, “Dump” issue Copper Halfpenny, 1718, first issue, laureate and cuirassed bust right, toothed border both sides, rev Britannia seated left on globe, with shield, spear and spray of leaves, date in exergue, edge plain (Peck 774; S.3659). Weak blocked stops on obverse, hairline flan crack, rim nicks, reverse with verdigris, a bold fine. £50



MC094 George I, “Dump” issue Copper Halfpenny, 1723, second issue, laureate and cuirassed bust right, toothed border both sides, rev Britannia seated left on globe, with shield, spear and spray of leaves, date in exergue (Peck 803; S.3659). Lightly toned with underlying lustre, hairline short scratch on obverse to the right of portrait, otherwise extremely fine, very rare this well preserved. £850 MC095 George II (1727-1760), Copper Halfpenny, 1730, first issue, stop after date, young laureate and cuirassed bust left, rev Britannia seated left on globe, with shield, spear and spray of leaves, date with stop in exergue (Peck 838; S 3717). Uneven toning, slightly off centre double striking on flan, double struck in the date, some edge flaws, almost extremely fine. £300 Ex Peter W Lawrence Collection, purchased by Colin Cooke, 1996 Ex Dr Basil Nicholson, Collection of Halfpennies, Colin Cooke Ltd, Autumn 2004, lot 213




MC096 George II, Copper Halfpenny, 1730, first issue, GEOGIVS error, young laureate and cuirassed bust left, rev Britannia seated left on globe, with shield, spear and spray of leaves, date in exergue (Peck 837; S 3717). Lightly toned, good very fine and rare. £300 Ex Baldwin’s Auction 52, 25 September 2007, lot 512

MC097 George II, Copper Halfpenny, 1730, first issue, GEOGIVS error, young laureate and cuirassed bust left, rev inverted die axis, Britannia seated left on globe, with shield, spear and spray of leaves, date in exergue (Peck 837; S 3717). Lightly toned, some ink spots on both sides, very fine, rare. £150



MC098 George II, Copper Halfpenny, 1742, second issue, older head and cuirassed bust left, toothed border both sides, rev Britannia seated left on globe, with shield, spear and spray of leaves, date in exergue (Peck 872; S 3718). Toned, extremely fine. £275 MC099 George II, Copper Halfpenny, 1745, second issue, older head and cuirassed bust left, toothed border both sides, rev Britannia seated left on globe, with shield, spear and spray of leaves, date in exergue (Peck 875; S 3718). Toned with a hint of colour, extremely fine. £300



MC100 George II, Copper Halfpenny, 1745, second issue, older head and cuirassed bust left, toothed border both sides, rev Britannia seated left on globe, with shield, spear and spray of leaves, date in exergue (Peck 875; S 3718). Dark toning, weak points on legends both sides, otherwise bold very fine for issue. £85 MC101 George II, Copper Halfpenny, 1752, second issue, older head and cuirassed bust left, toothed border both sides, rev Britannia seated left on globe, with shield, spear and spray of leaves, date in exergue (Peck 882; S 3718). Dark toning, one minor hairline raised flaw to the right of bust, extremely fine. £275

MC102 George III (1760-1820), Copper Halfpenny, 1770, laureate and cuirassed bust right, rev Britannia seated left with spear and shield, holding olive branch, date in exergue (Peck 893; S 3774). A hint of lustre in legend, toned, extremely �������������������������������������������������������������� fine with a super depiction of Britannia on reverse. £350 Ex Slaney Collection (part II), Spink Auction 229, 14 May 2015, lot 560

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MC103 George III, Copper Halfpenny, 1770, laureate and cuirassed bust right, rev inverted die axis, Britannia seated left with spear and shield, holding olive branch, date in exergue (Peck 893; S 3774). Toned, good very fine. £125



MC104 George III, Copper Halfpenny, 1770, laureate and cuirassed bust right, rev inverted die axis, Britannia seated left with spear and shield, holding olive branch, date in exergue (Peck 893; S 3774). Unevenly toned, almost extremely fine for issue. £200 MC105 George III, Copper Halfpenny, 1771, laureate and cuirassed bust right, rev Britannia seated left with spear and shield, holding olive branch, plain spear, date in exergue (Peck 896; S 3774). Toned, one small rim bruise on reverse, extremely fine. £250



MC106 George III, Copper Halfpenny, 1771, laureate and cuirassed bust right, rev Britannia seated left with spear and shield, holding olive branch, ball below spear blade, date in exergue (Peck 896; S 3774). Slightly off centre striking, lightly toned, some nicks in obverse to right of portrait, otherwise extremely fine. £225 MC107 George III, Copper Halfpenny, 1771, laureate and cuirassed bust right, rev Britannia seated left with spear and shield, holding olive branch, plain spear, date in exergue (Peck 896; S 3774). Some hairline nicks on portrait, toned, almost extremely fine. £250

MC108 George III, Copper Halfpenny, 1772, laureate and cuirassed bust right, rev Britannia seated left with spear and shield, holding olive branch, ball below spear blade, date in exergue (Peck 901; S 3774). A little weak on laurel wreath of King, attractively toned with lustre, extremely fine. £350


MC109 George III, Copper Pattern Halfpenny, 1788, struck on a 37mm flan, by Pingo, laureate and cuirassed bust right, no stops in legend, toothed border both sides, rev inverted die axis, standing facing Britannia holding olive branch and wand, shield to left, globe to right, date in exergue, BRITANNIA with stop, edge plain (Peck 921VR; Eimer 91b). Practically as struck, toned, four tiny pin-prick digs on the obverse, a couple of carbon spots on obverse, extremely rare. £3,750 Ex Capt R M Murchison Collection, Sotheby’s, 27 June 1864, undetermined lot number Ex Fleet-Surgeon A E Weightman Collection, Sotheby’s, 20 December 1926, lot 99 and plate II, sold for £3/12/- Purchased from A H Baldwin & Sons Ltd in 1950, for £10/10/-, by Rev E Rogers Ex Rev Edgar Rogers OBE, collection purchased by A H Baldwin & Sons Ltd, c.1960 Ex Baldwin’s Auction 52, 25 September 2007, lot 578 Ex Baldwin’s Auction 93, 5 May 2015, lot 195

MC110 George III, Pattern Halfpenny, 1788, struck in brown-gilt copper, late Soho, laureate head right, rev struck en médaille, Britannia seated left, edge inverted RENDER │ TO CESAR │ THE THIN │ GS WHICH │ ARE CE │ SARS: followed by two trefoils and flower (Peck 966; DH.11). Some flecking both sides, lightly toned, practically as struck. £400



MC111 George III, Copper Halfpenny, 1799, laureate and draped bust right, Soho mint, third issue, rev Britannia seated left on shield, holding olive branch and trident, ship to left with 5 incuse gunports, date in exergue (Peck 1248; S 3778). Lightly toned with lustre, some light associated surface markings, good extremely fine. £100 MC112 George III, Copper Halfpenny, 1799, laureate and draped bust right, Soho mint, third issue, rev inverted die axis, Britannia seated left on shield, holding olive branch and trident, ship to left with 5 incuse gunports, date in exergue (Peck 1248; S 3778). Unevenly toned, speckling on both sides, weak striking on legends, otherwise good extremely fine and lustrous. £115

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MC113 George III, Copper Halfpenny, 1799, laureate and draped bust right, Soho mint, third issue, rev inverted die axis, Britannia seated left on shield, holding olive branch and trident, tall ship to left with 5 incuse gunports, date in exergue (Peck 1248; S 3778). Toned, extremely fine. £60 MC114 George III, Copper Proof Halfpenny, 1799, laureate and draped bust right, Soho mint, third issue, rev Britannia seated left on shield, holding olive branch and trident, ship to left with plain hull with raised line, date in exergue (Peck 1235; S 3778). Lightly toned, lustrous on both sides, a couple of spots, practically as struck and rare. £400



MC115 George III, Copper Proof Halfpenny, 1806, late Soho, small laureate and draped bust right, K on shoulder, brooch with two broken jewels, date below, GEORGIUS III.D:G.REX., beaded border both sides, rev struck en médaille, Britannia seated left on rocks with shield, trident and olive branch with two berries, ship to left, no line under soho, BRITANNIA above, plain exergue, edge grained (Peck 1364 KH36; S 3781). Toned with underlying brilliance, one spot on obverse legend, otherwise practically as struck. £350 MC116 George III, Copper Halfpenny, 1806, small laureate and draped bust right, date below, rev Britannia seated left on rocks, no berries to olive branch, edge grained (Peck 1376; S 3781). Toned with considerable lustre, some weak points on parts of legend both sides, otherwise good extremely fine. £95



MC117 George III, Copper Halfpenny, 1806, small laureate and draped bust right, date below, rev Britannia seated left on rocks, no berries to olive branch, edge grained (Peck 1376; S 3781). Toned with a little lustre, otherwise good extremely fine. £85 MC118 George III, Copper Halfpenny, 1806, small laureate and draped bust right, date below, rev Britannia seated left on rocks, no berries to olive branch, edge grained (Peck 1376; S 3781). Toned with a little lustre, otherwise good extremely fine. £85 Ex Cheshire Collection, Goldberg’s Auction 31, 30 May 2005, lot 2513, when in a holder and graded MS61BN




MC119 George III, Copper Halfpenny, 1806, late Soho, small laureate and draped bust right, date below, rev inverted die axis, Britannia seated left with trident and shield, three berries on branch, edge grained (Peck 1377; S 3781). Olive green tone, good extremely fine. £150 Ex Argentum Auction, A H Baldwin & Sons Ltd, 9 February 2008, lot 107

MC120 George IV (1820-1830), Copper Halfpenny, 1827, laureate head left, date below, rev Britannia seated right with shield and trident, shield with two incuse lines on saltire (Peck 1438; S 3824). Some hairlines and nicks in portrait, otherwise toned and lustrous, good extremely fine. £300 Ex Gregory Collection (part I), Baldwin’s Auction 44, 2 May 2006, lot 559 (part)



MC121 George IV, Copper Halfpenny, 1827, laureate head left, date below, rev Britannia seated right with shield and trident, shield with two incuse lines on saltire (Peck 1438; S 3824). Toned, some light nicks on portrait and truncation, otherwise pleasing extremely fine. £150 MC122 Victoria (1837-1901), Copper Halfpenny, 1841, young head left, date below, rev Britannia seated right with trident and shield, emblems in exergue (Peck 1524; S 3949). Toned with some lustre, good extremely fine. £100



MC123 Victoria, Copper Halfpenny, 1853, young head left, date below, rev Britannia seated right with trident and shield, two incuse dots on base of shield, emblems in exergue (Peck 1539; S 3949). Toned with a little lustre, extremely fine. £55 MC124 Victoria, Copper Halfpenny, 1854, young head left, date below, rev Britannia seated right with trident and shield, two incuse dots on base of shield, emblems in exergue (Peck 1542; S 3949). Toned with a few tiny flecks, good extremely fine. £75

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MC125 Victoria, Copper Halfpenny, 1856, young head left, date below, rev Britannia seated right with trident and shield, two incuse dots on base of shield, emblems in exergue (Peck 1544; S 3949). Lustrous, blotchy tone on both sides, otherwise uncirculated. £275 MC126 Victoria, Copper Halfpenny, 1858, altered date 8 struck over 7, young head left, date below, rev Britannia seated right with trident and shield, emblems in exergue (Peck 1548; S 3949). Unevenly toned with considerable lustre, otherwise good extremely fine. £150 Ex Gregory Collection (part I), Baldwin’s Auction 44, 2 May 2006, lot 568 (part)

MC127 Victoria, Bronze Halfpenny, 1860, young laureate bust left, beaded border both sides, rev Britannia seated right with trident and shield, lighthouse to left and ship to right on sea, date in exergue (Fr.258 dies 1+A; S 3956). Lightly toned, light die flaw to left of lighthouse, otherwise prooflike good extremely fine. £150 Ex Gregory Collection (part II), Baldwin’s Auction 47, 25 September 2006, lot 446

MC128 Victoria, Bronze Halfpenny, 1860, filled I in the date, young laureate bust left, beaded border both sides, rev Britannia seated right with trident and shield, lighthouse to left and ship to right on sea, date “860” in exergue (Fr.258 dies 1+A; S 3956). Uneven toning, die flaw on obverse from beaded border to near V in legend, very weak I in date, a little lustre good extremely fine, unusual. £250 Ex St James’s Auction 4, 8 May 2006, lot 617

MC129 Victoria, Bronze Halfpenny, 1861, young laureate bust left, double incuse lines on leaves in wreath, toothed border both sides, rev Britannia seated right, with trident and shield, L.C.W. above 8 and 6 of date, date in exergue (Fr.276 dies 6 +E; S 3956). Darkly toned, a hint of lustre in legend, good extremely fine. £150 Ex Gregory Collection (part I), Baldwin’s Auction 44, 2 May 2006, lot 574


MC130 Victoria, Bronze Halfpenny, 1861, young laureate bust left, double incuse lines on leaves in wreath, rev Britannia seated right, with trident and shield, no initials, date in exergue (Fr.277 dies 6 +G; S 3956). Toned, extremely fine. £100 Ex Rev. E Rogers OBE, collection bought by A H Baldwin & Sons Ltd, & Sons Ltd, c.1960 Ex Baldwin’s Auction 69, 3 May 2011, lot 662 With neat Victorian Collector ticket (R A Hoblyn) stating coin bought from the dealer Lincoln in 1895. These neat tickets are catalogued as “Maish?” In the article “Coin Tickets in the British Hammered Series” British Numismatic Journal Volume 71, 2001, plate 21, however this cataloguer notes that one of the tickets illustrated on the plate for a Henry VII Groat, merely states that this coin was acquired from “Maish”, not owned by him. This cataloguer has noted in the obituary of Richard Armstrong Hoblyn in the proceedings of 1906 edition of the Numismatic Chronicle (p.28) that Mr Hoblyn was “noted for his calligraphy and very neat handwriting”, which no doubt featured on the coin tickets that accompanied his collection. This is the only obituary we have seen that mentions a fact like this. Going back to the coin ticket article plate, the other ticket illustrated features two styles of handwriting, the neat calligraphy on the front describing a Charles I Sixpence and one or two neat sentences on the rear as usual, and then some additional information in a cruder hand. This cataloguer believes this cruder hand demonstrates Richard Hoblyn’s everyday hand-writing which matches some copper coin tickets that were once in Baldwin’s historical coin stock as ex Richard Hoblyn Collection – the series for which Mr Hoblyn was most well-known for. If this is so then this coin is also ex R A Hoblyn, Sotheby’s, 7 December 1906, lot 225 (part)

MC131 Victoria, Bronze Proof Halfpenny, 1868, young laureate bust left, rev Britannia seated right, with trident and shield, date in exergue (Fr.305 dies 7 +G; S 3956). Uneven toning, with near full lustre, good extremely fine and rare. £850

MC132 Victoria, Bronze Proof Halfpenny, 1877, laureate bust left, rev Britannia seated right with trident and shield, date in exergue (Fr.331 dies 13+J; S.3956). Deep red toning with lustre, some tiny black flecks, otherwise practically as struck and very rare. £1,250 Ex Slaney Collection (part II), Spink Auction 229, 14 May 2015, lot 571

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MC133 Victoria, Bronze Halfpenny, 1889, laureate bust left, rev Britannia seated right with trident and shield, date in exergue (Fr.360, dies 17+S; S.3956). Dark toning, extremely fine. £85 With neat Victorian Collector ticket (R A Hoblyn) stating coin acquired, presumably new from bank in 1889. These neat tickets are catalogued as Maish? In the article “Coin Tickets in the British Hammered Series” British Numismatic Journal Volume 71, 2001, plate 21, however this cataloguer noted in the obituary of Richard A Hoblyn in the 1906 edition of the Numismatic Chronicle that Mr Hoblyn was noted for his very neat coin tickets that accompanied his collection, the only obituary we have seen that mentions a fact like this. See footnote to MC132. If this is so this coin is also ex R A Hoblyn, Sotheby’s, 7 December 1906, lot 225 (part).

MC134 Victoria, Bronze Halfpenny, 1890, laureate bust left, rev Britannia seated right with trident and shield, date in exergue (Fr.362, dies 17+S; S.3956). Dusky tone, some flecks on reverse with a hint of lustre, otherwise extremely fine. £85 Ex Rev. E Rogers OBE, collection bought by A H Baldwin & Sons Ltd, & Sons Ltd, c.1960 Ex Baldwin’s Auction 69, 3 May 2011, lot 69 With neat Victorian Collector ticket (R A Hoblyn?) stating coin bought from the dealer Lincoln in 1895. See footnore to previous lot. If this is so this coin is also ex R A Hoblyn, Sotheby’s, 7 December 1906, lot 225 (part).

MC135 Edward VII (1901-1910), Bronze Halfpenny, 1902, low tide, bare head right, rev Britannia seated right with trident and shield, date in exergue (Fr.380 dies 1+A, S. 3991A). Well struck, light toning, good extremely fine. £350 Ex St James’s Auction 18, 27 September 2011, lot 469



MC136 Edward VII, Bronze Halfpenny, 1903, bare head right, rev Britannia seated right with trident and shield, date in exergue (Fr.382 dies 1+B, S.3991). Full lustre, uncirculated. £85 MC137 Edward VII, Bronze Halfpenny, 1905, bare head right, rev struck en médaille, Britannia seated right with trident and shield, date in exergue (Fr.384 dies 1+B, S.3991). Toned with a little lustre, good extremely fine. £80




MC138 Edward VII, Bronze Halfpenny, 1907, bare head right, rev struck en médaille, Britannia seated right with trident and shield, date in exergue (Fr.386 dies 1+B, S.3991). Lustrous, some flecking both sides, good extremely fine. £80 MC139 Edward VII, Bronze Halfpenny, 1907, bare head right, rev struck en médaille, Britannia seated right with trident and shield, date in exergue (Fr.386 dies 1+B, S.3991). Attractively toned, over near full lustre, uncirculated. £90



MC140 Edward VII, Bronze Halfpenny, 1908, bare head right, rev struck en médaille, Britannia seated right with trident and shield, date in exergue (Fr.387 dies 1+B, S.3991). Some toning over near full lustre, uncirculated. £85 MC141 Edward VII, Bronze Halfpenny, 1909, bare head right, rev struck en médaille, Britannia seated right with trident and shield, date in exergue (Fr 388 dies 1+B, S.3991). Lustrous, some flecking both sides, good extremely fine. £95




MC142 Charles II (1660-1685), Copper Farthing, 1673, laureate and cuirassed bust left, no stops in obverse legend, rev Britannia seated left, date in exergue (Peck 525; S.3394). Toned, good fine and very rare. £180 MC143 Charles II, Copper Farthing, 1673, laureate and cuirassed bust left, no stops in obverse legend, rev Britannia seated left, date in exergue (Peck 525; S.3394). Toned, almost fine. £95



MC144 Charles II, Copper Farthing, 1674, laureate and cuirassed bust left, inverted A for V in obverse legend, rev Britannia seated left, date in exergue (cf. Peck 527; S.3394). Toned, fair with a clear variety, rare. £95 Ex David Shaw Collection, Croydon Coin Auction 83, 7 November 1990, lot 785

MC145 Charles II, Copper Farthing, 1674, struck on a thin flan, laureate and cuirassed bust left, rev Britannia seated left, date in exergue, 2.74g (cf. Peck 527; S.3394). Toned, almost fine to fine, rare. £200 Ex Colin Cooke Collection, May 2006, lot 724

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MC146 Charles II, Copper Farthing, 1675, laureate and cuirassed bust left, rev Britannia seated left, date in exergue (Peck 528; S.3394). Toned, very fine. £225 MC147 William & Mary (1688-1694), Copper Farthing, 1694, conjoined busts right, rev Britannia seated left, date in exergue (Peck 616; S.3453). Weak and porous on rim at King’s name and corresponding part of reverse, otherwise toned, good very fine to almost extremely fine. £450 Ex Strickland Neville Rolfe Collection, Baldwin’s Auction 65, 5 May 2010, lot 1367




MC148 William & Mary, Copper Farthing, 1694, conjoined busts right, rev Britannia seated left, date in exergue (Peck 616; S.3453). Porous, toned, good fine. £125 Ex Argentum Auction, A H Baldwin & Sons Ltd, November 2009, lot 135

MC149 William & Mary, Copper Farthing, 1694, conjoined busts right, rev Britannia seated left, date in exergue, single exergue line (Peck 619; S.3453). Porous, toned, very fine. £200 MC150 William & Mary, Copper Farthing, 1694, conjoined busts right, rev Britannia seated left, date in exergue, single exergue line (Peck 619; S.3453). A little porosity, toned, very fine. £175 Ex Gregory Collection (part III), Baldwin’s Auction 50, 24 April 2007, lot 460

MC151 William & Mary, Silver Proof Farthing, 1694, conjoined busts right, no stop at end of legend, rev Britannia seated left, date in exergue, single exergue line, first A in legend unbarred (Peck 627; S.3453). Toned, pleasing extremely fine, rare. £1,750

MC152 William III (1694-1702), Copper Farthing, 1700, laureate and cuirassed bust right, rev Britannia seated left, date in exergue, unbarred As in legend (Peck 669; S.3357). Toned, good fine to almost very fine and rare. £200 Ex Gregory Collection (part II), Baldwin’s Auction 47, 25 September 2006, lot 520


MC153 William III, Copper Farthing, 1700, R for B in reverse legend, laureate and cuirassed bust right, rev Britannia seated left, date in exergue, legend reads RRITANNIA (Peck 670; S.3357). Toned, fair to fine, rim nick, with a clear error, extremely rare. £250 Ex Colin Cooke Collection, May 2006, lot 503

MC154 George I, Silver Proof Farthing, 1718, “dump” issue struck on a large flan, laureate and cuirassed bust right, rev struck en médaille, Britannia seated left on globe with spear, shield and spray of leaves, date below in exergue, edge plain (Peck 790; S 3661). Attractively toned, some cabinet friction on reverse, a pleasing extremely fine, and rare. £2,250 Ex Baldwin’s Auction 52, 25 September 2007, lot 488



MC155 George I, Copper Farthing, 1719, second issue, no stops on obverse, laureate and cuirassed bust right, large letters in legend, rev Britannia seated left on globe with spear, shield and spray of leaves, date in exergue with small 9 (Peck 810; S 3662). Toned, good fine and rare. £125 Ex Gregory Collection (part II), Baldwin’s Auction 47, 25 September 2006, lot 531

MC156 George I, Copper Farthing, 1719, second issue, laureate and cuirassed bust right, rev Britannia seated left on globe with spear, shield and spray of leaves, date in exergue (Peck 812; S 3662). Toned, almost very fine. £125 Ex Gregory Collection (part III), Baldwin’s Auction 50, 24 April 2007, lot 481

MC157 George I, Copper Farthing, 1719, variety with no inner circle on reverse, second issue, laureate and cuirassed bust right, rev Britannia seated left on globe with spear, shield and spray of leaves, date in exergue (cf. Peck 812; S 3662). Toned, almost very fine and rare. £200

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MC158 George I, Copper Farthing, 1721, 1 struck over 0, second issue, laureate and cuirassed bust right, rev Britannia seated left on globe with spear, shield and spray of leaves, date in exergue (Peck 821; S 3662). Toned, about very fine and rare. £175 Ex Gregory Collection (part I), Baldwin’s Auction 44, 2 May 2006, lot 675

MC159 George I, Copper Farthing, 1721, second issue, laureate and cuirassed bust right, rev Britannia seated left on globe with spear, shield and spray of leaves, date in exergue (Peck 822; S 3662). Toned, extremely fine, rare this nice. £675 Ex Gregory Collection (part I), Baldwin’s Auction 44, 2 May 2006, lot 676



MC160 George I, Second issue, Copper Farthing, 1721, stop after date on reverse, laureate and cuirassed bust right, rev Britannia seated left on globe with spear, shield and spray of leaves, date in exergue (Peck 823; S 3662). Toned, good fine to almost very fine. £75 Ex Gregory Collection (part II), Baldwin’s Auction 47, 25 September 2006, lot 533

MC161 George I, Copper Farthing, 1722, second issue, laureate and cuirassed bust right, rev Britannia seated left on globe with spear, shield and spray of leaves, date in exergue (Peck 825; S 3662). Toned, scratch on bust, surface marks, otherwise good very fine. £125




MC162 George I, Copper Farthing, 1724, second issue, laureate and cuirassed bust right, rev Britannia seated left on globe with spear, shield and spray of leaves, date in exergue (Peck 828; S 3662). Toned, bold very fine. £350 Ex Gregory Collection (part I), Baldwin’s Auction 44, 2 May 2006, lot 680

MC163 George II (1727-1760), Copper Farthing, 1735, young laureate ���������������������������������� and cuirassed bust ������ left, rev Britannia seated left on globe with spear, shield and spray of leaves, date in exergue (Peck 863; S.3720). Toned with a hint of lustre, weakly struck on highest points, otherwise almost extremely fine / good very fine. £150 Ex H Deane Collection, purchased by B A Seaby 1946 Ex Gregory Collection (part III), Baldwin’s Auction 50, 24 April 2007, lot 493

MC164 George II, Copper Farthing, 1739, variety with no stop on reverse legend, young ����������������������� laureate and cuirassed bust left, ������ rev Britannia seated left on globe with spear, shield and spray of leaves, date in exergue (cf.Peck 869; S.3720). Toned, almost very fine and unusual. £125 Ex Colin Cooke Collection, May 2006, lot 386




MC165 George III (1760-1820), Copper Farthing, 1773, first laureate and cuirassed bust right, rev Britannia seated left on globe, with shield, spear and spray of leaves, date in exergue (Peck 911; S 3775). Lightly toned, with some lustre, good extremely fine. £300 Ex Dr E A Johnstone, collection bought by A H Baldwin & Sons Ltd, 1973 Ex Colin Cooke Collection, May 2006, lot 357

MC166 George III, Copper Farthing, 1773, second laureate and cuirassed bust right, with more finely scaled cuirass, rev Britannia seated left on globe, with shield, spear and spray of leaves, date in exergue (Peck 913; S 3775). Lightly toned, with much lustre both sides, otherwise good extremely fine. £450 Ex Gregory Collection (part I), Baldwin’s Auction 44, 2 May 2006, lot 688



MC167 George III, Copper Farthing, 1799, small laureate and draped bust right, three berries in wreath, raised dot on lowest fold of drapery, date below, rev Britannia seated left with shield and trident, value below, edge obliquely grained (Peck 1279; S 3779). Toned with some lustre both sides, otherwise good extremely fine. £100 Ex Cheshire Collection, Goldberg’s Auction 31, 30 May 2005, lot 2504, when in holder and graded MS64RB

MC168 George III, Copper Farthing, 1806, small laureate ������������������������������������������������������������ and draped bust right, ����������������������������������� portrait 2 with incuse K on lowest fold of drapery, date below, rev Britannia seated left with shield and trident, edge obliquely grained (Peck 1397; S.3782). Toned with a little lustre, extremely fine. £95 Ex Gregory Collection (part III), Baldwin’s Auction 50, 24 April 2007, lot 523




MC169 George III, Copper Farthing, 1806, small laureate ����������������������������������������������������������� and draped bust right, ���������������������������������� portrait 2 with incuse dot on lowest fold of drapery, date below, rev Britannia seated left with shield and trident, edge obliquely grained (Peck 1398; S.3782). Toned with a little lustre, good extremely fine. £185 MC170 George III, Bronzed Proof Farthing, 1806, small laureate �������������������������������������������������������� and draped bust ������������������������������� right, with incuse K on lowest fold of drapery, date below, rev inverted die axis, Britannia �������������������������������������������������������������� seated left with shield and trident, edge obliquely grained (Peck 1390; S.3782). Toned, with light thumbprint evident, good extremely fine and rare. £275 MC171 George III, Restrike Bronzed Pattern Farthing, 1806, small laureate �������������������������������������������� and draped bust ������������������� right, two berries in wreath with raised K on lowest fold of drapery, date below, rev inverted die axis, ����������������� Britannia seated left with shield and trident, edge plain (Peck 1404; S.3782). Toned, with a few small spots, otherwise good extremely fine and rare. £450

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MC172 George III, Copper Farthing, 1807, small laureate ���������������������������������������������������������������� and draped bust right, ��������������������������������������� with incuse K on lowest fold of drapery, date below, rev Britannia seated left with shield and trident, edge obliquely grained (Peck 1399; S.3782). Toned, with much lustre evident, good extremely fine and rare. £85 MC173 George III, Restrike Bronzed Proof Farthing, 1807, small laureate ���������������������������������������������� and draped bust right, ��������������������� with raised K on lowest fold of drapery, date below, rev inverted die axis, ����������������������������������������������� Britannia seated left with shield and trident, edge plain (Peck 1403; S.3782). Toned, with a little lustre evident, good extremely fine and rare. £400

MC174 George IV (1820-1830), Copper Proof Farthing, 1822, first laureate and draped bust left, raised veins on lower leaves in wreath, rev struck en médaille, Britannia seated right with trident and shield,������ date in exergue, no top serif to 1 (Peck 1410 VR; S.3822). Toned, more so on reverse, very lustrous on obverse, practically as struck and very rare. £1,250

MC175 George IV, Copper Farthing, 1822, first laureate and draped bust left, incuse veins on lower leaves in wreath, some letters in legend incomplete, rev inverted die axis, Britannia seated right with trident and shield,�������������������������������������� date in exergue (Peck 1411; S.3822). Toned, prooflike uncirculated. £150



MC176 George IV, Copper Farthing, 1823, first laureate and draped bust left, incuse veins on lower leaves in wreath, rev Britannia seated right with trident and shield,�������������������������������������� date in exergue (Peck 1412; S.3822). Toned with a hint of lustre, good extremely fine. £100 MC177 George IV, Copper Farthing, 1825, first laureate and draped bust left, lowest leaves with raised veins, rev Britannia seated right with trident and shield,��������������������������������������������������������� date in exergue, no top serif to 1 (Peck 1414; S.3822). Toned, pleasing extremely fine. £65




MC178 George IV, Copper Farthing, 1825, bare head left, date below, rev Britannia seated right with trident and shield,����������������������������������������� emblems in exergue (Peck 1443; S.3825). Toned with a little lustre, extremely fine. £100 MC���� 179 William IV (1830-1837), Copper Farthing, 1831, bare head right, date below, rev Britannia seated right with trident and shield,����������������������������������������� emblems in exergue (Peck 1466; S.3848). Toned with much lustre, a pleasing extremely fine. £100



MC��� 180 William IV, Copper Farthing, 1831, bare head right, date below, rev Britannia seated right with trident and shield,����������������������������������������� emblems in exergue (Peck 1466; S.3848). Toned with much lustre, a pleasing extremely fine. £100 MC��� 181 William IV, Copper Farthing, 1831, bare head right, date below, rev Britannia seated right with trident and shield,����������������������������������������� emblems in exergue (Peck 1466; S.3848). Toned with a little lustre, extremely fine. £95




MC���� 182 William IV, Copper Farthing, 1831, bare head right, date below, rev Britannia seated right with trident and shield,����������������������������������������� emblems in exergue (Peck 1466; S.3848). Toned with a hint of lustre, small dig in obverse field, extremely fine. £65 MC���� 183 William IV, Copper Farthing, 1834, bare head right, date below, rev Britannia seated right with trident and shield,������������������������������������������������������������������������� emblems in exergue, incuse lines on shield saltire (Peck 1470; S.3848). Toned with a little lustre, some hairline marks, extremely fine. £85 MC���� 184 William IV, Copper Farthing, 1835, bare head right, date below, rev struck en médaille, Britannia seated right with trident and shield,������������������������������������������������������������������������� emblems in exergue, raised lines on shield saltire (Peck 1473; S.3848). Toned a little unevenly, extremely fine. £85



MC���� 185 William IV, Copper Farthing, 1835, bare head right, date below, rev struck en médaille, Britannia seated right with trident and shield,������������������������������������������������������������������������� emblems in exergue, raised lines on shield saltire (Peck 1473; S.3848). Toned a little unevenly with a few spots, extremely fine. £75 MC���� 186 William IV, Copper Farthing, 1836, bare head right, date below, rev Britannia seated right with trident and shield,����������������������������������������� emblems in exergue (Peck 1474; S.3848). Toned a little unevenly, extremely fine. £85

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MC���� 187 William IV, Copper Farthing, 1836, bare head right, date below, rev Britannia seated right with trident and shield,����������������������������������������� emblems in exergue (Peck 1474; S.3848). Toned, extremely fine, some cabinet friction on reverse. £85 MC���� 188 William IV, Copper Farthing, 1837, bare head right, date below, rev Britannia seated right with trident and shield,����������������������������������������� emblems in exergue (Peck 1474; S.3848). Toned a little unevenly, hint of lustre on reverse, extremely fine. £85 MC��� 189 Victoria (1837-1901), Copper Farthing, �������������������������������������������� 1838, young head left, date below, rev Britannia seated right with trident and shield, emblems in exergue (Peck 1553; S.3950). Toned with some lustre, otherwise pleasing extremely fine / good extremely fine. £175




MC���� 190 Victoria, Copper �������������������������������������������� Farthing, 1839, young head left, date below, rev Britannia seated right with trident and shield, emblems in exergue (Peck 1554; S.3950). Toned with some lustre, a few tiny spots both sides, otherwise good extremely fine. £125 MC��� 191 Victoria, Proof Farthing, 1839, struck in bronzed copper, young head left, date below, rev struck en médaille, Britannia seated right with trident and shield, emblems in exergue (Peck 1556; S.3950). A few light surface marks, otherwise practically as struck, toned. £500 MC���� 192 Victoria, Proof Farthing, 1839, struck in bronzed copper, young head left, date below, rev struck en médaille, Britannia seated right with trident and shield, emblems in exergue (Peck 1556; S.3950). Some light surface marks, otherwise unevenly toned, good extremely fine. £375 Ex Gregory Collection (part I), Baldwin’s Auction 44, 2 May 2006, lot 712




MC��� 193 Victoria, Copper Farthing, 1840, young head left, WW raised on truncation, date below, rev Britannia seated right with trident and shield, emblems in exergue (Peck 1559; S.3950). Dusky tone with much lustre, otherwise good extremely fine. £125 MC��� 194 Victoria, Copper Farthing, 1842, young head left, WW raised on truncation, date below, rev Britannia seated right with trident and shield, emblems in exergue (Peck 1562; S.3950). Toned, good very fine and a rare date. £100 MC��� 195 Victoria, Copper Farthing, 1843, young head left, WW raised on truncation, date below, rev Britannia seated right with trident and shield, emblems in exergue (Peck 1563; S.3950). Light tone with a little lustre, tiny spot on each side, otherwise extremely fine and a rare date. £50


MC��� 196 Victoria, Copper Farthing, 1844, young head left, WW raised on truncation, date below, rev Britannia seated right with trident and shield, emblems in exergue (Peck 1565; S.3950). Uneven tone, with some blotches of verdigris both sides, otherwise almost extremely fine and a very rare date. £475




MC���� 197 Victoria, Copper Farthing, 1844, young head left, WW raised on truncation, date below, rev Britannia seated right with trident and shield, emblems in exergue (Peck 1565; S.3950). Toned, almost fine and a very rare date. £65 MC���� 198 Victoria, Copper Farthing, 1845, young head left, WW raised on truncation, date below, rev Britannia seated right with trident and shield, emblems in exergue (Peck 1566; S.3950). Once cleaned, some spots each side, good extremely fine. £75 MC���� 199 Victoria, F Copper arthing, 1845, young head left, WW raised on truncation, date below, rev Britannia seated right with trident and shield, emblems in exergue (Peck 1566; S.3950). Toned unevenly with a little lustre, extremely fine. £75

MC��� 200 Victoria, Copper Farthing, 1849, young head left, WW raised on truncation, date below, rev Britannia seated right with trident and shield, emblems in exergue (Peck 1570; S.3950). Toned with much lustre, good extremely fine and a very rare date. £850

MC���� 201 Victoria, Copper Farthing, 1849, young head left, WW raised on truncation, date below, rev Britannia seated right with trident and shield, emblems in exergue (Peck 1570; S.3950). Toned, one small rim bruise, extremely fine and a very rare date. £350

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MC���� 202 Victoria, Copper Farthing, 1849, young head left, WW raised on truncation, date below, rev Britannia seated right with trident and shield, emblems in exergue (Peck 1570; S.3950). Toned, fine, a very rare date. £45 MC���� 203 Victoria, Copper Farthing, 1850, 5 struck over 4, young head left, WW raised on truncation, obverse 2, date below, rev Britannia seated right with trident and shield, emblems in exergue (cf.Peck 1571; S.3950). Toned with a little lustre, good extremely fine and rare. £350




MC��� 204 Victoria, Copper Farthing, 1850, 5 struck over 4, young head left, WW raised on truncation, obverse 2, date below, rev Britannia seated right with trident and shield, emblems in exergue (cf.Peck 1571; S.3950). Toned, some digs on cheek, almost very fine. £25 MC���� 205 Victoria, Copper Farthing, 1851, young head left, WW raised on truncation, obverse 2, date below, rev Britannia seated right with trident and shield, emblems in exergue (Peck 1572; S.3950). Toned unevenly, almost extremely fine. £75 MC���� 206 Victoria, Copper Farthing, 1852, young head left, WW raised on truncation, obverse 2, date below, rev Britannia seated right with trident and shield, emblems in exergue (Peck 1574; S.3950). Toned unevenly with ink mark in obverse field, otherwise good very fine, reverse better. £45



MC��� 207 Victoria, Copper Farthing, 1855, young head left, WW raised on truncation, obverse 3, date below, rev Britannia seated right with trident and shield, emblems in exergue (Peck 1582; S.3950). Toned unevenly with a hint of lustre, a few tiny spots, otherwise extremely fine. £85 MC��� 208 Victoria, Copper Farthing, 1855, young head left, WW incuse on truncation, obverse 2, date below, rev Britannia seated right with trident and shield, emblems in exergue (Peck 1581; S.3950). Toned unevenly with a hint of lustre, some graffiti etched on obverse, otherwise extremely fine. £35 Ex H Dean Collection, purchased by B A Seaby 1946.

MC���� 209 Victoria, Copper Farthing, 1856, young head left, WW raised on truncation, obverse 3, date below, rev Britannia seated right with trident and shield, emblems in exergue (Peck 1583; S.3950). Toned unevenly with a hint of lustre, otherwise good extremely fine. £125





MC���� 210 Victoria, Copper Farthing, 1857, young head left, WW raised on truncation, obverse 3, date below, rev Britannia seated right with trident and shield, emblems in exergue (Peck 1585; S.3950). Toned unevenly with some lustre, otherwise extremely fine. £55 MC���� 211 Victoria, Copper Farthing, 1858, young head left, WW raised on truncation, obverse 3, date below, rev Britannia seated right with trident and shield, emblems in exergue (Peck 1586; S.3950). Toned unevenly with much lustre, patch of verdigris on obverse rim, otherwise extremely fine, reverse better. £75 MC���� 212 Victoria, Copper Farthing, 1859, young head left, WW raised on truncation, obverse 3, date below, rev Britannia seated right with trident and shield, emblems in exergue (Peck 1587; S.3950). Toned unevenly with considerable lustre, a few tiny spots both sides, otherwise extremely fine, reverse better. £125



MC213 Victoria, Farthing, bronze issue, 1860, laureate “bun” type bust left, 4 berries in wreath, beaded border both sides, rev Britannia seated right with trident and shield,�������������������������������������������� date in exergue (Fr.496 dies 1+A; S.3958). Some hairline raised die flaws, full lustre uncirculated��.� £125 MC214 Victoria, Farthing, bronze issue, 1860, laureate “bun” type bust left, 4 berries in wreath, beaded border both sides, rev Britannia seated right with trident and shield,�������������������������������������������� date in exergue (Fr.496 dies 1+A; S.3958). Dusky tone with full underlying lustre uncirculated��.� £110



MC215 Victoria, Farthing, bronze issue, 1860, laureate “bun” type bust left, 4 berries in wreath, beaded border both sides, rev Britannia seated right with trident and shield,�������������������������������������������� date in exergue (Fr.496 dies 1+A; S.3958). Some hairline raised die flaws, uneven light tone, full lustre uncirculated��.� £110 MC216 Victoria, Farthing, bronze issue, 1860, laureate “bun” type bust left, 4 berries in wreath, beaded border both sides, rev Britannia seated right with trident and shield,�������������������������������������������� date in exergue (Fr.496 dies 1+A; S.3958). Unevenly toned with a hint of lustre, extremely fine��.� £35



MC217 Victoria, Farthing, bronze issue, 1860, laureate “bun” type bust left, 4 berries in wreath, toothed border both sides, rev Britannia seated right with trident and shield,�������������������������������������������� date in exergue (Fr.499 dies 2+B; S.3958). Toned, extremely �������������������������������� fine, reverse better.� £65 MC218 Victoria, Farthing, bronze issue, 1860, laureate “bun” type bust left, 4 berries in wreath, toothed border both sides, rev Britannia seated right with trident and shield,�������������������������������������������� date in exergue (Fr.499 dies 2+B; S.3958). Toned with lustre, extremely ���������������� fine.� £40

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MC219 Victoria, Farthing, bronze issue, 1860 TB/BB mule, laureate “bun” type bust left, 4 berries in wreath, toothed border on obverse, beaded border on reverse, rev Britannia seated right with trident and shield,������������������������������������������������ date in exergue (Fr.498 dies 2+A R17; S.3958). Toned, small rim bruise on reverse, about very fine and extremely rare. £400 Ex St James’s Auction 22, 1 October 2012, lot 722

MC220 Victoria, Farthing, bronze issue, 1863, laureate “bun” type bust left, 5 berries in wreath, toothed border both sides, rev Britannia seated right with trident and shield,�������������������������������������������� date in exergue (Fr.509 dies 3+B; S.3958). Toned, very���������������� fine and rare.� £50

MC221 Victoria, Proof Farthing, bronze issue, 1863, laureate “bun” type bust left, 5 berries in wreath, toothed border both sides, rev Britannia seated right with trident and shield,����������������������������������� date in exergue (Fr.510 dies 3+B; S.3958). Toned, practically as struck and extremely������� rare.� £1,500

MC222 Victoria, Proof Farthing, bronze issue, 1868, laureate “bun” type bust left, 5 berries in wreath, toothed border both sides, rev Britannia seated right with trident and shield,����������������������������������� date in exergue (Fr.521 dies 3+B; S.3958). Toned, a few black spots, otherwise good extremely fine and ���������� rare.� £650



MC223 Victoria, Farthing, bronze issue, 1875H, Heaton mint, laureate “bun” type bust left, 4 berries in wreath, toothed border both sides, rev Britannia seated right with trident and shield,���������������������� date with H below in exergue (Fr.532 dies 5+C; S.3959). Toned with considerable underlying lustre, good extremely fine��.� £95 MC224 Victoria, Farthing, bronze issue, 1875H, Heaton mint, laureate “bun” type bust left, 4 berries in wreath, toothed border both sides, rev Britannia seated right with trident and shield,���������������������� date with H below in exergue (Fr.532 dies 5+C; S.3959). Dusky tone with some underlying lustre, bold extremely fine��.� £50





MC225 Victoria, Farthing, bronze issue, 1878, laureate “bun” type bust left, 4 berries in wreath, toothed border both sides, rev Britannia seated right with trident and shield,�������������������������������������������� date in exergue (Fr.536 dies 5+C; S.3958). Toned, prooflike on obverse, some underlying lustre, good extremely fine ��������������� and rare.� £150 Ex Rev. E Rogers OBE, collection bought by A H Baldwin & Sons Ltd, & Sons Ltd, c.1960 The obverse may well be struck from the proof die.

MC226 Victoria, Farthing, bronze issue, 1879, normal 9, laureate “bun” type bust left, 4 berries in wreath, toothed border both sides, rev Britannia seated right with trident and shield,����������������������������������� date in exergue (Fr.538 dies 5+C; S.3958). Dusky tone, extremely fine.� ������ £40 MC227 Victoria, Farthing, bronze issue, 1884, laureate “bun” type bust left, 3 berries in wreath, toothed border both sides, rev Britannia seated right with trident and shield,�������������������������������������������� date in exergue (Fr.553 dies 7+F; S.3958). Dusky tone, extremely fine.� ������ £25




MC228 Victoria, Farthing, bronze issue, 1886, laureate “bun” type bust left, 3 berries in wreath, toothed border both sides, rev Britannia seated right with trident and shield,�������������������������������������������� date in exergue (Fr.557 dies 7+F; S.3958). Toned with underlying lustre, good extremely fine.� ������ £50 Ex Rev. E Rogers OBE, collection bought by A H Baldwin & Sons Ltd, c.1960 Ex Baldwin’s Auction 69, 3 May 2011, lot 711

MC229 Victoria, Farthing, bronze issue, 1887, laureate “bun” type bust left, 3 berries in wreath, toothed border both sides, rev Britannia seated right with trident and shield,�������������������������������������������� date in exergue (Fr.559 dies 7+F; S.3958). Toned with underlying lustre, rim flaw, otherwise extremely fine.� ������ £30 MC230 Victoria, Farthing, bronze issue, 1890, laureate “bun” type bust left, 3 berries in wreath, toothed border both sides, rev Britannia seated right with trident and shield,�������������������������������������������� date in exergue (Fr.562 dies 7+F; S.3958). Nearly full lustre with some tiny spots each side, uncirculated��.� £90 Ex Rev. E Rogers OBE, collection bought by A H Baldwin & Sons Ltd, c.1960 Ex Baldwin’s Auction 69, 3 May 2011, lot 711

MC231 Victoria, Farthing, bronze issue, 1895, laureate “bun” type bust left, 3 berries in wreath, toothed border both sides, rev Britannia seated right with trident and shield,�������������������������������������������� date in exergue (Fr.570 dies 7+F; S.3958). Lightly toned over nearly full lustre with some tiny spots each side, otherwise uncirculated and rare��.� £300

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MC232 Victoria, Farthing, bronze issue, 1895, laureate “bun” type bust left, 3 berries in wreath, toothed border both sides, rev Britannia seated right with trident and shield,�������������������������������������������� date in exergue (Fr.570 dies 7+F; S.3958). Toned with considerable lustre with some tiny spots on reverse, otherwise uncirculated and rare��.� £275 MC233 Victoria, Farthing, bronze issue, 1895, laureate “bun” type bust left, 3 berries in wreath, toothed border both sides, rev Britannia seated right with trident and shield,�������������������������������������������� date in exergue (Fr.570 dies 7+F; S.3958). Dusky tone, with considerable underlying lustre, good extremely fine and rare��.� £225



MC234 Victoria, Farthing, bronze issue, 1895, older veiled bust left, rev Britannia seated right with trident and shield,� date in exergue (Fr.571 dies 1+A; S.3963). Dusky tone with underlying lustre, good extremely fine. £35 MC235 Victoria, Farthing, bronze issue, 1896, older veiled bust left, rev Britannia seated right with trident and shield,�������������������������������������������� date in exergue (Fr.572 dies 1+A; S.3963). Unevenly toned with some underlying lustre, good extremely fine. £25

MC236 Victoria, Pattern Farthing, bronze issue, 1896, smaller older veiled bust left, engraved by Thomas Brock, legend entirely encircles, rev struck en médaille, Britannia seated right with trident and shield,��������� date in exergue (Fr.781 R18; P.2070). Toned with some underlying lustre, a few tiny spots, practically as struck and extremely rare. £1,500

MC237 Victoria, Pattern Farthing, bronze issue, 1896, smaller older veiled bust left, engraved by Thomas Brock, linear circle surrounding bust, legend entirely encircles, rev struck en médaille, Britannia seated right with trident and shield,��������������������������������������� date in exergue (Fr.782 R18; P.2071). Toned unevenly with some underlying lustre, a few tiny spots, practically as struck and extremely rare. £1,500




MC238 Victoria, Farthing, bronze issue, 1901, older veiled bust left, “dark finish”, rev Britannia seated right with trident and shield,�������������������������������������������� date in exergue (Fr.579 dies 1+A; S.3963). Dark finish, toned, good extremely fine. £15 MC239 Victoria, Farthing, bronze issue, 1901, older veiled bust left, “bright finish” rev Britannia seated right with trident and shield,�������������������������������������������� date in exergue (Fr.579 dies 1+A; S.3963). A Farthing that has missed the dark finish process, unevenly toned with some lustre, good extremely fine and unusual. £75 One of a few that missed the darkening process, such oddities do turn up from time to time and this cataloguer has not catalogued one for sale for about 20 years.


MC���� 240 George IV (1820-1830), Bronzed-copper Proof Half-Farthing, 1828, bare head left, date below, rev inverted die axis, Britannia seated right with trident and shield, helmet and trident intrudes legend, emblems in exergue (Peck 1447; S.3826). Toned, good extremely fine and very rare. £1,500

MC��� 241 George IV, Copper Half-Farthing, 1828, reverse B, bare head left, date below, rev Britannia seated right with trident and shield, helmet and trident does not intrude legend, emblems in exergue (Peck 1449; S.3826). Toned with a hint of lustre, good extremely fine and rare. £350

MC���� 242 William IV (1830-1837), Copper Half-Farthing, 1837, bare head right, date below, rev Britannia seated right with trident and shield, emblems in exergue (Peck 1476; S.3849). Toned, extremely fine and rare. £550

MC���� 243 Victoria (1837-1901), Copper Half-Farthing, 1839, young head left, rev crown over denomination and date, emblems below (Peck 1590; S.3951). Full lustre, with a smattering of toning each side, prooflike uncirculated. £200

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MC���� 244 Victoria, Copper Half-Farthing, 1839, young head left, rev crown over denomination and date, emblems below (Peck 1590; S.3951). Toned with much lustre, good extremely fine. £125 MC���� 245 Victoria, Copper Half-Farthing, 1839, young head left, rev crown over denomination and date, emblems below (Peck 1590; S.3951). Toned, good extremely fine. £95 MC���� 246 Victoria, Copper Half-Farthing, 1843, young head left, rev crown over denomination and date, emblems below (Peck 1593; S.3951). Toned with much underlying lustre, small spot each side, good extremely fine. £95




MC���� 247 Victoria, Copper Half-Farthing, 1843, young head left, rev crown over denomination and date, emblems below (Peck 1593; S.3951). Toned with a little lustre, good extremely fine. £85 MC��� 248 Victoria, Copper Half-Farthing, 1844, young head left, rev crown over denomination and date, emblems below (Peck 1594; S.3951). Some light toning with considerable lustre, uncirculated. £115 MC��� 249 Victoria, Copper Half-Farthing, 1844, young head left, rev crown over denomination and date, emblems below (Peck 1594; S.3951). Some light toning with considerable lustre, uncirculated. £115




MC��� 250 Victoria, Copper Half-Farthing, 1844, young head left, rev crown over denomination and date, emblems below (Peck 1594; S.3951). Some light uneven toning with considerable lustre, uncirculated. £100 MC���� 251 Victoria, Copper Half-Farthing, 1844, young head left, rev crown over denomination and date, emblems below (Peck 1594; S.3951). Some light toning with considerable lustre, uncirculated. £115 MC���� 252 Victoria, Copper Half-Farthing, 1844, young head left, rev crown over denomination and date, emblems below (Peck 1594; S.3951). Toned, almost extremely fine. £20



MC���� 253 Victoria, Copper Half-Farthing, 1844, variety with E over N in REGINA, young head left, rev crown over denomination and date, emblems below (Peck 1594; S.3951). Some light toning with a hint of lustre, good extremely fine. £225 MC���� 254 Victoria, Copper Half-Farthing, 1856, large date, young head left, rev crown over denomination and date, emblems below (Peck 1603; S.3951). Toned, fine / good fine and very rare. £75


MC���� 255 Victoria, Copper-nickel Proof Half-Farthing, 1868, young head left, rev crown over denomination and date, emblems below (Peck 1604; S.3951). Toned with light speckling, otherwise practically as struck and very rare. £1,250

MC���� 256 Victoria, Copper Proof Half-Farthing, 1868, young head left, rev crown over denomination and date, emblems below (Peck 1605; S.3951). Toned, practically as struck and very rare. £950


MC���� 257 George IV (1820-1830), Copper �������������������������������������������������� Third-Farthing, 1827, bare head left, date below, rev Britannia seated right with trident and shield, emblems in exergue (Peck 1453; S.3827). Nearly full lustre, light dusky tone in fields, three spots on reverse, otherwise practically as struck. £250 Ex Gregory Collection (part I), Baldwin’s Auction 44, 2 May 2006, lot 729 (part).



MC���� 258 George IV, Copper �������������������������������������������������� Third-Farthing, 1827, bare head left, date below, rev Britannia seated right with trident and shield, emblems in exergue (Peck 1453; S.3827). Nearly full lustre, light dusky tone in fields, otherwise uncirculated. £300 MC��� 259 George IV, Copper �������������������������������������������������� Third-Farthing, 1827, bare head left, date below, rev Britannia seated right with trident and shield, emblems in exergue (Peck 1453; S.3827). Toned, uncirculated. £225 Ex Gregory Collection (part I), Baldwin’s Auction 44, 2 May 2006, lot 729 (part)

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MC��� 260 George IV, Copper �������������������������������������������������� Third-Farthing, 1827, bare head left, date below, rev Britannia seated right with trident and shield, emblems in exergue (Peck 1453; S.3827). Toned unevenly, good extremely fine. £125 MC��� 261 George IV, Copper �������������������������������������������������� Third-Farthing, 1827, bare head left, date below, rev Britannia seated right with trident and shield, emblems in exergue (Peck 1453; S.3827). Toned, extremely fine. £65 MC���� 262 William IV (1830-1837), Copper Third-Farthing, �������������������������������������������������� 1835, bare head right, date below, rev Britannia seated right with trident and shield, emblems in exergue (Peck 1477; S.3850). Lightly toned with considerable lustre, uncirculated. £300




MC��� 263 William IV, Copper �������������������������������������������������� Third-Farthing, 1835, bare head right, date below, rev Britannia seated right with trident and shield, emblems in exergue (Peck 1477; S.3850). Toned with some lustre, good extremely fine. £200 MC��� 264 William IV, Copper �������������������������������������������������� Third-Farthing, 1835, bare head right, date below, rev Britannia seated right with trident and shield, emblems in exergue (Peck 1477; S.3850). Toned with some lustre, good extremely fine, stronger on obverse. £225 MC���� 265 William IV, Copper �������������������������������������������������� Third-Farthing, 1835, bare head right, date below, rev Britannia seated right with trident and shield, emblems in exergue (Peck 1477; S.3850). Toned with underlying brilliance, good extremely fine. £175 Ex Baldwin’s Auction 68, 28 September 2010, lot 3624



MC��� 266 William IV, Copper �������������������������������������������������� Third-Farthing, 1835, bare head right, date below, rev Britannia seated right with trident and shield, emblems in exergue (Peck 1477; S.3850). Toned with underlying brilliance, good extremely fine. £175 MC���� 267 William IV, Copper �������������������������������������������������� Third-Farthing, 1835, bare head right, date below, rev Britannia seated right with trident and shield, emblems in exergue (Peck 1477; S.3850). Toned, extremely fine. £120

MC��� 268 William IV, Copper Proof Third-Farthing, 1835, bare head right, date below, rev Britannia seated right with trident and shield, emblems in exergue (Peck 1478; S.3850). Toned with underlying brilliance, practically as struck. £1,000


MC��� 269 Victoria (1837-1901), Copper ��������������������������������������������������������� Third-Farthing, �������������������������������������������������� 1844, young head left, date below, rev Britannia seated right with trident and shield, emblems in exergue, REG legend (Peck 1606; S.3952). Nearly full lustre, especially on obverse, some dusky tone, uneven on reverse, otherwise practically as struck uncirculated and rare. £375

MC��� 270 Victoria, ��������������������������������������������������������� Copper �������������������������������������������������� Third-Farthing, 1844, young head left, date below, rev Britannia seated right with trident and shield, emblems in exergue, REG legend (Peck 1606; S.3952). Lightly toned over underlying lustre, uncirculated and rare. £375 Ex Gregory Collection (part I), Baldwin’s Auction 44, 2 May 2006, lot 731

MC��� 271 Victoria, ��������������������������������������������������������� Copper �������������������������������������������������� Third-Farthing, 1844, young head left, date below, rev Britannia seated right with trident and shield, emblems in exergue, RE for REG legend (Peck 1606; S.3952). Nearly full lustre, especially on obverse, some dusky tone, uneven on reverse, otherwise practically as struck uncirculated and rare. £875




MC272 Victoria, Bronze Third-Farthing, 1866, laureate head left, rev crowned value and date within oak wreath (Peck 1926; S.3960). Light tone over full lustre, prooflike uncirculated. £110 Ex Gregory Collection (part I), Baldwin’s Auction 44, 2 May 2006, lot 735 (part)

MC273 Victoria, Bronze Third-Farthing, 1866, laureate head left, rev crowned value and date within oak wreath (Peck 1926; S.3960). Light tone over considerable lustre, good extremely fine. £85 MC274 Victoria, Bronze Third-Farthing, 1868, laureate head left, rev crowned value and date within oak wreath (Peck 1928; S.3960). Streaky tone over considerable lustre, uncirculated and rare. £100

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MC275 Victoria, Bronze Third-Farthing, 1884, laureate head left, rev crowned value and date within oak wreath (Peck 1936; S.3960). Toning over considerable lustre, uncirculated and rare. £110 MC276 Victoria, Bronze Third-Farthing, 1885, laureate head left, rev crowned value and date within oak wreath (Peck 1937; S.3960). Lightly toned, a few spots, otherwise uncirculated��.� £110




MC277 Victoria, Bronze Third-Farthing, 1885, laureate head left, rev crowned value and date within oak wreath (Peck 1937; S.3960). Lightly toned with some underlying lustre, good extremely fine��.� £85 MC278 Edward VII (1901-1910), Bronze Third-Farthing, 1902, bare head right, rev crowned value and date within oak wreath (Peck 2241; S.3993). Dusky tone over underlying full lustre, uncirculated�� ��������������. £50 MC���� 279 George V (1910-1936), Bronze Third-Farthing, 1913, bare head left, rev crowned value and date within oak wreath (Peck 2358; S.4062). Toned, a few spots on obverse, otherwise good ��������������������� extremely fine.� £35


MC���� 280 Victoria (1837-1901), Copper ����������������������������������������� Quarter-Farthing, 1839, young head left, rev crown over denomination and date, emblems in exergue (Peck 1608; S.3953). Toned, with a little underlying lustre, good extremely fine. £225

MC���� 281 Victoria, Copper ����������������������������������������� Quarter-Farthing, 1839, young head left, rev crown over denomination and date, emblems in exergue (Peck 1608; S.3953). Toned, with a hint of underlying lustre, good extremely fine. £200

MC���� 282 Victoria, Copper Quarter-Farthing, ����������������������������������������� 1839, young head left, rev crown over denomination and date, emblems in exergue (Peck 1608; S.3953). Toned, good extremely fine. £175

MC���� 283 Victoria, Copper Quarter-Farthing, ����������������������������������������� 1839, young head left, rev crown over denomination and date, emblems in exergue (Peck 1608; S.3953). Toned, extremely fine. £90


MC284 MC285 MC���� 284 Victoria, Copper Quarter-Farthing, ����������������������������������������� 1839, young head left, rev crown over denomination and date, emblems in exergue (Peck 1608; S.3953). Toned, small rim bruise extremely fine. £80 MC���� 285 Victoria, Copper Quarter-Farthing, ����������������������������������������� 1852, young head left, rev crown over denomination and date, emblems in exergue (Peck 1610; S.3953). Speckles of tone over near full lustre, uncirculated. £200

MC286 MC287 MC���� 286 Victoria, Copper Quarter-Farthing, ����������������������������������������� 1852, young head left, rev crown over denomination and date, emblems in exergue (Peck 1610; S.3953). Unevenly toned with some lustre, uncirculated. £195 MC���� 287 Victoria, Copper Quarter-Farthing, ����������������������������������������� 1852, young head left, rev crown over denomination and date, emblems in exergue (Peck 1610; S.3953). Unevenly toned with a little lustre, good extremely fine. £150

MC288 MC289 MC���� 288 Victoria, Copper Quarter-Farthing, ����������������������������������������� 1852, young head left, rev crown over denomination and date, emblems in exergue (Peck 1610; S.3953). Unevenly toned with a little lustre, good extremely fine. £150 MC���� 289 Victoria, Copper Quarter-Farthing, ����������������������������������������� 1852, young head left, rev crown over denomination and date, emblems in exergue (Peck 1610; S.3953). Unevenly toned with a hint of lustre, good extremely fine. £150

MC���� 290 Victoria, Copper-nickel Proof Quarter-Farthing, 1868, young head left, rev crown over denomination and date, emblems below (Peck 1615; S.3953). Toned a little unevenly, practically as struck and very rare. £1,250

MC���� 291 Victoria, Copper Proof Quarter-Farthing, 1868, young head left, rev crown over denomination and date, emblems below (Peck 1616; S.3953). Toned unevenly, practically as struck and very rare. £950

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Hammered Coinage




William I ‘The Lion’ (1165-1214), Silver Sterling, short cross and stars Coinage, phase B (c.1205-30), Edinburgh and Perth Moneyers, Hue and Walter, head left with sceptre within linear inner circle, legend surrounding, rev voided short cross with star in each angle, total of 20 points, all within beaded inner circle, legend surrounding, 1.44g (cf.SCBI.35:65; S.5029). Toned, good very fine for issue. £425


William I ‘The Lion’, Silver Sterling, short cross and stars Coinage, phase B (c.1205-30), Edinburgh and Perth Moneyers, Hue and Walter, head left with sceptre within linear inner circle, legend surrounding, rev voided short cross with star in each angle, total of 25 points, all within beaded inner circle, legend surrounding, 1.39g (cf.SCBI.35:68; S.5029). Toned, bold very fine for issue. £350





William I ‘The Lion’, Silver Sterling, short cross and stars Coinage, phase B (c.1205-30), Edinburgh and Perth Moneyers, Hue and Walter, head left with sceptre within linear inner circle, legend surrounding, rev voided short cross with star in each angle, total of 20 points, all within beaded inner circle, legend surrounding, 1.35g (cf.SCBI.35:71; S.5029). Toned, bold very fine for issue. £250


William I ‘The Lion’, Silver Sterling, short cross and stars Coinage, phase B (c.1205-30), Edinburgh and Perth Moneyers, Hue and Walter, head left with sceptre within linear inner circle, legend surrounding, rev voided short cross with star in each angle, total of 20 points, all within beaded inner circle, legend surrounding, 1.39g (cf.SCBI.35:69; S.5029). Toned, very fine for issue. £250


David II (1329-1371), Silver Penny, second coinage (1357-67), Edinburgh mint, type D, crowned bust left of Robert II style with sceptre, within beaded inner border, legend surrounding, pellet stops, rev long cross pattée, with pierced mullets of five points in two opposing angles, legend surrounding, 1.13g (S.5119). Toned, good very fine. £275 Pleasing Gold Demy of 9 Shillings of King James I of Scotland


James I (1406-1437), Gold Demy of Nine-Shillings, Type II, Scottish lion rampant on lozenge, beaded circle surrounding, initial mark crown, saltire and fleur de lis stops both sides, xIxACOBVS+ DE+I GRACIA+ REX SCx, outer beaded circle surrounding both sides, rev die axis at 10 o’clock, St Andrew’s Cross bearing lis either side, I at centre, within fleured tressure of six arcs, voided quatrefoils in outer arcs, beaded circle surrounding, initial mark cross pattée, saltire stops, SALVVmx FACx PxOPVLVmx TVVM DnE+, 3.22g (SCBI.35:622; S.5190). Toned, very fine, rare. £3,500


Very Rare Gold Demy of 9 Shillings of King James II of Scotland


James II (1437-1460), Gold Demy of Nine-Shillings, Type IVa, Scottish lion rampant on lozenge, beaded circle surrounding, initial mark crown, double saltire stops, IACOBVSxx DEIxx GRACIAxx REXxx SC, outer beaded circle surrounding both sides, rev die axis toward 1 o’clock, St Andrew’s Cross bearing lis either side, within fleured tressure of five arcs, voided quatrefoils with large pellet centres in outer arcs, beaded circle surrounding, initial mark cross pattée, double annulet stops with fleur de lis after last word, SALVmoo FAC POPVLVmoo TVVM oo DnE+oo, 3.34g (cf.SCBI.35:634; S.5217). Toned, a little water worn, very fine, very rare. £3,500 Very Rare Gold Half-Rider of 11 Shillings of King James III of Scotland


James III (1460-1688), Gold Half-Rider of Eleven Shillings and Sixpence, Issue of 1475-83, crowned Scottish arms on long cross pattée, beaded circle surrounding, no stops in legend, IACOBVS DEI GRA REX SC OTORVm, rev die axis at 4 o’clock, King on horseback galloping left meeting inner beaded circle surrounding, lis below sword arm by body, initial mark cross fleury, double pellet stops in legend, SALWm: FAC: POP VLVm: TWm: DomInE, outer beaded circle surrounding both sides, 2.41g (SCBI.35:734; S.5260). Toned, with some light undulation to flan, otherwise about very fine for issue and very rare. £5,000 Ex Heritage, Long Beach Auction 440, 1 June 2007, lot 51943 Ex Heritage, New York Auction, 3 January 2010, lot 22881

Pleasing Gold Half-Unicorn of 9 Shillings of King James IV of Scotland


James IV (1488-1513), Gold Half Unicorn of Nine Shillings, Type I, unicorn left displaying Scottish arms, small chain below under legs, beaded circle surrounding which horn breaks, initial mark lis both sides, double mullet stops in legend both sides, +IACOBVS** DEI** GRACIA** REX** SC OTO, outer beaded circle surrounding both sides, rev struck en médaille, sun with central pellet, over fleur de lis cross ends, beaded circle surrounding, Lombardic n’s, +EXVRGAT** DS** ET** DISIPEnT**In m**, 1.74g (SCBI.35:836; S.5322). Once cleaned, but now lightly toned, good very fine and rare. £4,750 Ex Firth of Clyde Collection, Stacks, USA, 22nd April 2009, lot 2241. Mark Rasmussen Numismatist, Spring 2013, list 24, item 319.

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James IV, Gold Half Unicorn of Nine Shillings, Type I, unicorn left displaying Scottish arms, small chain below under legs, beaded circle surrounding which horn breaks, initial mark blundered lis both sides, double trefoil-like stops in legend, +IACOBVS** DEI** GRACIA** REX** SCT, outer beaded circle surrounding both sides, rev die axis at 3 o’clock, sun with central pellet, over fleur de lis cross ends, beaded circle surrounding, Lombardic n’s, single trefoil-like stops, +EXVRGAT* DnS* ET* DISIPT In Im**, 1.83g (cf.SCBI.35:833; S.5322). Toned, bold very fine and rare. £4,750 Ex Mark Rasmussen Numismatist, Winter 2009, list 18, item 269

Rare Gold Crown of 20 Shillings of King James V of Scotland


James V (1513-1542), Gold Crown of Twenty Shillings, second coinage (1526-39), Type II, crowned Scottish arms with pointed base of shield, saltire either side, small bar below right saltire, beaded circles and legend surrounding, double annulet stops, initial mark star, *IACOBVSoo 5oo DEIooGRAoo REXoo SCOTORV, rev die axis at 9 o’clock, quatrefoil at centre of cross fleury with lis terminals, thistles in angles, initial mark crown, trefoil stops, CRVCIS:. ARMA:. SEQVAMVR, outer beaded border surrounding, 3.42g (Burns 5 Fig 747; SCBI.35:892; S.5369). A little weak in parts of legend, toned, bold very fine and a very rare variety. £6,500 Of the ten different examples listed in the sylloge of Ashmoleon and Hunterian coins only one carries this particular obverse die.

Extremely Rare Gold Three Pound Piece of Mary Queen of Scots


Mary Queen of Scots (1542-1567 abdicated), Gold Portrait Ryal or Three Pound Piece, 1555, bust facing left, legend and outer toothed border surrounding, MARIA DEI. G. SCOTOR. REGINA, rev crowned Scottish arms, date in legend, .IVSTVS. FIDE. VIVIT. 1555., 7.46g (SCBI.35:990; Burns 291.1; SCBI.58:266; S.5397). Some light porosity both sides and surface marks, light red tone to lettering, otherwise almost very fine for issue and extremely rare. £14,500 Ex Spink Auction 25, 24 November 1982, lot 419 Ex St James’s Auction 21, 19 April 2012, lot 536


Extremely Rare Gold 44 Shillings of Mary Queen of Scots


Mary Queen of Scots, Gold Forty-Four Shillings, 1553, crowned Scottish arms, I to left and G to right for “Jacobvs Gubernator” (James Earl of Arran, Regent and Governor of Scotland), linear circle and legend surrounding, initial mark cross pattée, MARIA. D. G. SCOTORVM. REGINA.:, rev inverted die axis, crowned monogram of Maria Regina, large cinquefoil with pellet centre either side, linear ������������������������� circle and legend surrounding, initial mark cross pattée, +DILIGITE. IVSTICIAM.: 1553, 5.12g (SCBI.58:243; SCBI.35; 979/-; Burns 287.5; S.5394). Attractively toned, one light crease, almost extremely fine and rare this well preserved, an extremely rare die combination with the fuller “Queen” obverse legend. £12,500 Ex Sotheby, 13 February 1986, lot 255 Ex A H Baldwin & Sons Ltd, Winter Fixed Price List 2008, item SC010 Ex Spink Auction 210, 6 October 2011, lot 280 Interestingly this coin die links in with the earlier variety of this denomination that has I G both sides of the coin (S.5392) as per the Sylloge 35 reference above. The obverse usually seen with this reverse has Regina abbreviated to R and D and G in the full Latin reading.

Extremely Rare Gold 22 Shillings of Mary Queen of Scots


Mary Queen of Scots, Gold Half-Lion of Twenty Two Shillings, 1553, crowned Scottish arms with rounded bottom to shield, frame intruded by I to left, G to right, pellet stops in legend, MARIA. D. G. R. SCOTORVM, linear and outer beaded border surrounding both sides, rev die axis at 10 o’clock, crowned MR monogram, cinquefoil either side, legend within twin linear circles with tri-pellet stops, initial mark cross pattée, +DILIGITE:. IVSTICIAM. 1553, outer beaded border surrounding, 2.57g (SCBI.35:-/985; S.5396). Toned, almost extremely fine and very rare this nice. £8,750 The I and G on the obverse of these coins stands for Jacobus Gubernator – James, Earl of Arran, Regent and Governor of Scotland seen in the first period coinage before Mary’s first marriage.

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Mary Queen of Scots, Fourth Period, 1565-67, Mary and Henry Darnley, Silver Two Thirds silver Ryal, 1565, crowned Scottish arms, thistle each side, toothed borders and legends surrounding, MARIA & HENRIC9. DEI. GRA. R. &. R. SCOTORV., rev tortoise climbing crowned �������������������������������� palm tree, banner motto DAT GLORIA VIRES across trunk, date either side, toothed borders and legends surrounding, initial mark thistle, EXVRGAT. DEVS. &. DISSIPENTVR. INIMICI. EI9., 20.54g (SCBI.35:1127; S.5426). Toned, almost extremely fine and rare this nicely preserved. £2,000





Mary Queen of Scots, Bawbee, billon issue of Sixpence value, Edinburgh, crowned thistle, M to left, R to right, beaded circles and legend surrounding, MARIA D. G. REGINA. SCOTORV, rev cross potent, cross in each angle, beaded circles and legend surrounding, OPPIDVM. EDINBVRGI, 1.62g (SCBI.35:835-841; S.5432). Toned, some corrosion and rim flaking, otherwise very fine. £100


Mary Queen of Scots, Bawbee, Billon issue of Sixpence value, Stirling, crowned thistle, M to left, R to right, beaded circles and legend surrounding, MARIA D. G. REGINA. SCOTORV, rev cross potent, cross in each angle, beaded circles and legend surrounding, OPPIDVM. STIRLINGI, 1.89g (SCBI.58:443-462; S.5434). Toned, some light corrosion, otherwise very fine and rare. £200 Ex F J Shand Collection, Glendining’s, 8 March 1949, lot 246 (part)


Mary Queen of Scots, with Francis as Dauphin, Lion or hardhead, issue of 23/24th Alloy of One and a Half-pence Value, 1559, crowned FM monogram, dolphin each side looking right, legend surrounding, FRA. ET. MA. D. G. R. R. SCOT. D.D. VIEN., rev crowned Scottish lion rampant left, date in legend surrounding, VICIT VERITAS 1559, second coin with the dolphins looking left, 1.11g (SCBI.58:1077-1090; 5450). Toned, bold very fine for issue. £125 Ex F J Shand Collection, Glendining’s, 8 March 1949, lot 246 (part)


James VI (1567-1625), Gold Sword and Sceptre Piece of 120 Shillings, 1604, eighth coinage, crowned Scottish arms, beaded circles and legend surrounding, initial mark quatrefoil, .IACOBVS. 6. D. G. R. SCOTORVM., outer beaded circle both sides, rev struck en médaille, crossed sword and sceptre, crown above, date with stops either side below, thistle each side, beaded circle surrounding, initial mark quatrefoil with central pellet, .SALVS. POPVLI. SVPREMA. LEX., 4.94g (Burns 956; SCBI.35:-/1193; S.5460). Toned, bold very fine and a rare date, the obverse die not represented in SCBI.35. £2,850 Ex Mark Rasmussen Numismatist, Spring 2013, list 24, item 322



James VI, Gold Unit of £12 Scottish = Twenty Shillings Sterling, tenth coinage (1609-25), type II, crowned and armoured half-length figure of King right, holding orb and sceptre, crown and sceptre break beaded circle surrounding, initial mark thistle, .IACOBVS. D’.G’. MAG’. BRIT’. FRAN’. &. HIB’. REX., rev die axis at 3 o’clock, crowned quartered shield of arms, Scottish Arms in two quarters, I to left, R to right, crown breaks beaded circle surrounding, initial mark thistle with stop either side, .FACIAM. EOS. IN. GENTEM. VNAM., 9.77g (cf. SCBI.35:1351-3; S.5464). Lightly toned, a few light surface marks, about very fine. £2,950 Ex Richlyn Collection, Heritage, New York, 3 January 2016, lot 30729


James VI, Gold Britain Halfcrown of Thirty Shillings Scottish = Thirty Pence Sterling, tenth coinage (1609-25), type II, crowned and armoured bust of King right, all within beaded circle surrounding, initial mark thistle, .I. D.G. ROSAS. SINE. SPINA., rev die axis at 7 o’clock, crowned quartered shield of arms, Scottish Arms in two quarters, crown breaks beaded circle surrounding, initial mark thistle, TVEATVR. VNITA. DEVS., 1.17g (SCBI.35:1359; S.5470). Fully round, weak on high points, otherwise almost very fine and very rare. £1,100

SC022 SC022


James VI, Silver Twenty-Shillings, 1582, After Accession to English Throne, Fourth Coinage, armoured and crowned half-length figure standing with sword left, within beaded circle, rev crowned Scottish arms, I R either side X / XX and S either side, within beaded circle, date above in legend, toothed border both sides, 21.72g (S.5489). Toned, fine / good fine. £350 Ex The Rt. Hon. Earl of Ducie, Glendining’s, 5 October 1949, lot 130 (part)


James VI, Silver Thistle Merk of Ten Shillings, 1594, armoured bust right within beaded circles and legend surrounding, rev crown over thistle plant, date in legend surrounding with beaded circles, 6.30g (SCBI.58:1257; S.5493). Toned, good very fine, appears to be better than the four listed of this date in the sylloge. £950

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Rare First Issue Gold Unite of Charles I with James VI Portrait


Charles I (1625-1649), Gold Unit of £12 Scottish = Twenty Shillings Sterling, first gold coinage (1625-35), crowned and armoured half-length figure of King James right, holding orb and sceptre, crown and sceptre break beaded circle surrounding, initial mark thistle, .CAROLVS. D’.G’. MAG’. BRIT’. FRAN’. &. HIB’. REX., rev die axis at 7 o’clock, crowned quartered shield of arms, Scottish Arms in two quarters, C to left, R to right, crown breaks beaded circle surrounding, initial mark thistle with stop either side, .FACIAM. EOS. IN. GENTEM. VNAM., 9.94g (cf. SCBI.35:1388-90; S.5527). Lightly toned, a few light surface marks, a bold very fine and rare. £4,250 Ex Richlyn Collection, Heritage, New York, 3 January 2016, lot 30730

Rare First Issue Gold Unite of Charles I with James VI Portrait


Charles I, Gold Unit of £12 Scottish = Twenty Shillings Sterling, first gold coinage (1625-35), crowned and armoured half-length figure of King James right, holding orb and sceptre, crown and sceptre break beaded circle surrounding, initial mark thistle, .CAROLVS. D’.G’. MAG’. BRIT’. FRAN’. &. HIB’. REX., rev struck en médaille, crowned quartered shield of arms, Scottish Arms in two quarters, C to left, R to right, crown breaks beaded circle surrounding, initial mark thistle with stop either side, .FACIAM. EOS. IN. GENTEM. VNAM., 9.95g (cf. SCBI.35:1388-90; S.5527). Lightly toned, a few light surface marks, a little weak in parts but with good detail on the armour, a bold very fine and rare. £4,500 Ex Dundee Collection, Spink and Bowers and Ruddy, California, 19 February 1976, lot 289 Ex Heritage, Chicago, 10 April 2014, lot 25950 Ex LVL Collection, Classical Numismatic Group Auction 102, 18 May 2016, lot 1550


Charles I, Silver Thirty Shillings, third coinage (1637-42), Falconer’s issue, type IV, King on horseback left, with rough groundline, sideways F by hoof, beaded circle and legend surrounding, initial mark thistle with star either sides, rev inverted die axis, crowned quartered shield of arms, Arms of Scotland in two quarters, beaded circle and legend surrounding, nothing over crown, 14.89g (SCBI.35:1499; S.5556). Some light adjustment marks apparent, toned, good very fine for issue. £750 Ex Raymond Carlyon-Britton Collection, inventory number 5269, SCMB July 1949, item SC.652


Milled Coinage

SC027 SC027


Charles II (1649-1685), Silver Merk, 1669, First Coinage, Type II, laureate and draped bust right in armour, thistle with leaves below bust, rev die axis at 3 o’clock, cruciform shields, crowned interlinked Cs in angles, value at centre, date in legend (SCBI.35:1579-80; S.5611). Toned, good fine for issue and rare. £275 Ex Harrington E Manville, Scottish Collection, DNW, 15 September 2015, lot 37 “The Scottish Silver Coinage of Charles II” by J K R Murray published in the BNJ Volume 38 of 1969 reveals in the calendar year of 1669 that only 163,470 Merk pieces were struck.


Charles II, Silver Merk, 1673, First Coinage, Type II, laureate and draped bust right in armour, thistle with leaves below bust, rev die axis at 9 o’clock, cruciform shields, crowned interlinked Cs in angles, value at centre, date in legend (SCBI.35:1590-3; S.5611). Toned, some light adjustment marks, good very fine for issue and rare. £475 Ex M. and Elizabeth Stewart Collection, DNW Auction 104, 5 December 2012, lot 715 Ex Harrington E Manville, Scottish Collection, DNW, 15 September 2015, lot 60 “The Scottish Silver Coinage of Charles II” by J K R Murray published in the BNJ Volume 38 of 1969 reveals in the calendar year of 1673 that only 97,921 Merk pieces were struck.

SC029 SC029



Charles II, Silver Merk, 1673, First Coinage, Type II, laureate and draped bust right in armour, thistle with leaves below bust, rev die axis at 9 o’clock, cruciform shields, crowned interlinked Cs in angles, value at centre, date in legend (SCBI.35:1590-3; S.5611). Toned, a little unevenly, bold very fine for issue and rare. £350 Ex M.G. Linger Collection, Classical Numismatic Group, Auction 88, 14 September 2011, lot 2093 Ex Harrington E Manville, Scottish Collection, DNW, 15 September 2015, lot 57 “The Scottish Silver Coinage of Charles II” by J K R Murray published in the BNJ Volume 38 of 1969 reveals in the calendar year of 1673 that only 97,921 Merk pieces were struck.


Charles II, Silver Merk, 1673, First Coinage, Type II, laureate and draped bust right in armour, thistle with leaves below bust, rev die axis at 9 o’clock, cruciform shields, crowned interlinked Cs in angles, value at centre, date in legend (SCBI.35:1590-3; S.5611). Toned, a pleasing very fine for issue and rare. £275 Ex Harrington E Manville, Scottish Collection, DNW, 15 September 2015, lot 57 “The Scottish Silver Coinage of Charles II” by J K R Murray published in the BNJ Volume 38 of 1969 reveals in the calendar year of 1673 that only 97,921 Merk pieces were struck.


Charles II, Silver Merk, 1673, First Coinage, Type II, no stops on obverse, laureate and draped bust right in armour, thistle with leaves below bust, rev die axis at 3 o’clock, cruciform shields, crowned interlinked Cs in angles, value at centre, date in legend (SCBI.35:1590-3; S.5611). Toned, about very fine for issue and very rare. £675 Ex DNW, Auction 67, 28 September 2005, lot 1209 Ex Harrington E Manville, Scottish Collection, DNW, 15 September 2015, lot 63 “The Scottish Silver Coinage of Charles II” by J K R Murray published in the BNJ Volume 38 of 1969 reveals in the calendar year of 1673 that only 97,921 Merk pieces were struck.

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SC032 SC032


Charles II, Silver Half-Merk, 1670, thin 0 in date, First Coinage, Type II, laureate and draped bust right in armour, thistle with leaves below bust, rev struck en médaille, cruciform shields, crowned interlinked Cs in angles, value at centre, date in legend (SCBI.35:1601; S.5614). Toned, almost very fine for issue and a rare date. £300 Ex Arthur M. Fitts III, private transaction, September 1980 Ex Harrington E Manville, Scottish Collection, DNW, 15 September 2015, lot 76 “The Scottish Silver Coinage of Charles II” by J K R Murray published in the BNJ Volume 38 of 1969 reveals in the calendar year of 1670 that only 18,432 Half-Merk pieces were struck.


Charles II, Silver Half-Merk, 1670, normal 0 in date, First Coinage, Type II, laureate and draped bust right in armour, thistle with leaves below bust, rev struck en médaille, cruciform shields, crowned interlinked Cs in angles, value at centre, date in legend (SCBI.35:1601; S.5614). Toned, practically very fine for issue and a rare date. £300 Ex DNW Auction 101, 21 June 2012, lot 943 Ex Harrington E Manville, Scottish Collection, DNW, 15 September 2015, lot 80 “The Scottish Silver Coinage of Charles II” by J K R Murray published in the BNJ Volume 38 of 1969 reveals in the calendar year of 1670 that only 18,432 Half-Merk pieces were struck.


Charles II, Silver Half-Merk, 1671, First Coinage, Type II, laureate and draped bust right in armour, straight ribbons behind head, thistle with leaves below bust, rev die axis at 9 o’clock, cruciform shields, crowned interlinked Cs in angles, value at centre, date in legend (SCBI.35:-; S.5614). Toned, some light surface marks, very fine for issue and very rare, no example of the date in the Ashmoleon sylloge. £475 Ex Morton & Eden Auction 57, 3 July 2012, lot 751 Ex Harrington E Manville, Scottish Collection, DNW, 15 September 2015, lot 83 “The Scottish Silver Coinage of Charles II” by J K R Murray published in the BNJ Volume 38 of 1969 reveals in the calendar year of 1671 that only 18,303 Half-Merk pieces were struck.


Charles II, Silver Half-Merk, 1672, First Coinage, Type II, laureate and draped bust right in armour, straight ribbons behind head, thistle with leaves below bust, rev die axis at 9 o’clock, cruciform shields, crowned interlinked Cs in angles, value at centre, date in legend (SCBI.35:1602-4; S.5614). Toned, some light scratches and surface marks, otherwise bold very fine. £375 Ex Format of Birmingham, Fixed Price List 41, October 1990, item 1483 Ex Harrington E Manville, Scottish Collection, DNW, 15 September 2015, lot 85 “The Scottish Silver Coinage of Charles II” by J K R Murray published in the BNJ Volume 38 of 1969 reveals in the calendar year of 1672 that only 12,333 Half-Merk pieces were struck.



Charles II, Silver Half-Merk, 1672, First Coinage, Type II, laureate and draped bust right in armour, straight ribbons behind head, thistle with leaves below bust, rev die axis at 9 o’clock, cruciform shields, crowned interlinked Cs in angles, value at centre, date in legend (SCBI.35:1602-4; S.5614). Toned, one weak patch both sides generated in the striking of the coin, otherwise very fine. £175 Ex Harrington E Manville, Scottish Collection, DNW, 15 September 2015, lot 86 “The Scottish Silver Coinage of Charles II” by J K R Murray published in the BNJ Volume 38 of 1969 reveals in the calendar year of 1672 that only 12,333 Half-Merk pieces were struck.


William II (1689-1702), Silver Forty Shillings, 1695, laureate and draped bust left, value below drapery, legend surrounding, rev struck en médaille, crowned quartered shield of arms, with an escutcheon of the Lion of Nassau, date at end of legend surrounding, edge inscribed in raised letters dated SEPTIMO (SCBI.35:1736-9; S.5679). Toned, some light haymarks both sides, more so on obverse, bold very fine. £1,000 Ex Spink Numismatic Circular October 1980, item 8399 Ex Harrington E Manville, Scottish Collection, DNW, 15 September 2015, lot 152


William II, Silver Twenty Shillings, 1695, laureate and draped bust left, value below drapery, legend surrounding, rev struck en médaille, crowned quartered shield of arms, with an escutcheon of the Lion of Nassau, date at end of legend surrounding, edge grained (SCBI.35:1745-6; S.5686). Toned, very fine for issue. £950


Anne (1702-1714), Silver Five Shillings, 1705, 5 struck over 4, draped bust left, value below drapery, abbreviated legend surrounding, AN and G type, rev struck en médaille, crowned thistle plant, date at end of legend surrounding, edge grained (SCBI.35:1790; S.5704). Toned, punchmark in obverse field behind bust, otherwise almost extremely fine. £350 Ex James Davidson Collection, Part I, DNW Auction 59, 7 October 2003, lot 969 Ex Harrington E Manville, Scottish Collection, DNW, 15 September 2015, lot 176

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A Collection of Scottish Tradesman Countermarks on Silver and Copper Coins

References: Manville:-Tokens of the Industrial Revolution, Foreign silver coins countermarked for use in Great Britain c.17871828 by H E Manville. Brunk:- Merchant Countermarks on World Coins by Gregory G Brunk. Scott:- British Countermarks on Copper & Bronze Coins by J Gavin Scott. All issued George III (1760-1820) or George IV (1820-30) period unless stated.

Silver Issues


Alloa Colliery, Clackmannanshire, value of Five Shillings struck on a false base metal depiction of a 1794FM, Mexico City, Mexico, Eight Reales of Charles IV of Spain, 5/ incuse at centre of annular countermark, +PAYABLE AT ALLOA COLLIERY, 22.70g (Manville 5; Brunk 50175). Attempted piercing on reverse, heavily surface marked with some porosity, countermark very fine, host coin almost fine, scarce. £950 Manville records 23 surviving examples of this particular false dollar countermark of which this maybe one of those listed. There is only one genuine countermarked dollar which could be the only true survivor meaning all the others like the coin here are interesting contemporary forgeries having likely been produced in the Birmingham area; though one forgery survives with an 1824 overdate which may refer to the 1824 Act of Parliament when John Francis Erskine was restored to his titles and honours that were forfeited after the 1715 Rebellion. Either way these are an interesting part of the social history of the mines at Alloa in Clackmannanshire, where today in the vicinity there are still two large abandoned collieries at Manor Powis and Castlebridge.

SC041 SC041


Dalzell Farms, Lanarkshire, no value given but thought to be Five Shillings, annular countermark with legend *PAYABLE AT DALZELL FARM on France silver Five Francs, Paris mint, Republic year 6, 24.50g (Manville 20; Brunk 51220). Countermark good very fine, toned, host coin a bold fine and very rare, this example not listed by Manville. £2,250 Owned by the Hamilton Family, Dalzell Farm issued these countermarked French 5 Franc coins to its workers, at first those involved in digging and trenching, from c.1820 onwards, which developed by the 1830’s to more of a cotton and silk industry with 205 persons involved in weaving. Counting the surviving examples recorded by Manville, plus one with the Hamilton Family and the example offered here, we arrive at a total of 30 known examples of this countermark.


Adelphi Cotton Works, Deanston, Perthshire, countermark on a Silver French Half-Ecu, 1729 M, Toulouse, woolsack, ADELPHI COTTON WORK surrounding, 13.38g (Manville 24 this coin listed; Brunk 50125). Countermark almost very fine with small die flaw beneath, host coin poor. £1,500 Presumably ex W Talbot-Ready, Sotheby’s, 16 November 1920, lot 943 (part) Manville only lists this one example, untraced at the time of his publication which this coin probably is. John Buchanan of Carston originally erected these cotton spinning mills in 1785 on the south bank of the River Teith at Doune with his brothers. Later the works were owned by Benjamin Flounders with Joseph, Samuel and William Twigg, and it was under their ownership that the Adelphi countermarks were issued circa 1794 until the early 1800s. See Manville Appendix E for further contemporary reading. Today the site is home to the Deanston Whisky Distillery.


SC043 SC043


Thistle Bank, Glasgow, value of Four Shillings and Ninepence countermark on 1803FT, Mexico City mint, Mexico, Eight Reales of King Charles IV of Spain, 4/9 at centre of linear circle and legend surrounding, THISTLE BANK ., reverse of countermark with sideways thistle at 9 o’clock axis to the obverse, 26.64g (Manville 46; Brunk 54325). Series of light scratches on obverse, countermark and host coin about very fine, no host coin as late as this recorded by Manville for the 4/9 denomination, therefore very rare. £1,250 One of two Glasgow banks that issued countermarked coins, the Thistle Bank was founded in November 1761 by the “tobacco lords” including Sir James Maxwell and James Ritchie and Company, deriving its name from the thistle vignette. Based in Bridgegate and later Virginia Street, east side, there were three different denominations of countermarked coin of which the 4/9d always had the thistle at a 9 o’clock die axis on the reverse. There is a record of an invoice for 6,000 countermarked pieces being produced, probably at the 4/9d value in or shortly after 1803, so this coin is likely the latest possible date for the denomination. This record also illustrates the poor survival rate of examples till the present day, with some 60 surviving examples of this denomination recorded by Manville that represents a survival rate of 1% of this total struck. Though of course perhaps more than 6,000 were struck as the evidence is from one surviving invoice.


Thistle Bank, Glasgow, value of Four Shillings and Ninepence, cancelled countermark on 1796FM, Mexico City mint, Mexico, Eight Reales of King Charles IV of Spain, grid pattern cancellation obliterating obverse, reverse of countermark with sideways thistle at 9 o’clock axis to the obverse, 26.88g (Manville 46; Brunk 54325). Coin good very fine and toned, cancellation bold and extremely fine. £1,000 Ex Waldo Newcomer (1867-1934), Baltimore, USA, portion of collection sold to H M F Schulman(?) Ex H D Gibbs Collection, Hans M F Schulman Auction, New York, 19 November 1960, lot 366, illustrated but misidentified as John McLean of Paisley. With later ticket in hand of H E Manville, briefly identifying this piece as Thistle Bank.


McFie, Lindsay and Co. Greenock, value of Four Shillings and Sixpence countermark on 1780FF, Mexico City mint, Mexico, Eight Reales of King Charles III of Spain, 4/6 on stippled centre, beaded circle and legend surrounding, *McFIE LINDSAY & CO * GREENOCK, 26.81g (Manville 57 this coin listed; Brunk 53020). Countermark almost extremely fine, host coin good very fine and rare this nice, additionally this coin is the earliest dated host coin for this countermark recorded by Manville, rare as such. £2,750 Ex Almanazar, San Antonio, Texas, 1972 Ex DNW Auction 88-89, 29 September 2010, lot 1940 This company were listed as General Grocers at 3 William Street from 1815-34 and were noted for having invented and perfected a method to preserve fresh salmon. The countermarked coins were no doubt issued in the early 1820’s and were eventually withdrawn as of 29th August 1828 which was announced in the Greenock Advertiser. There are 27 surviving examples recorded in Manville of which this is the earliest host coin. The next item on this list is an unlisted example making at least 28 examples extant.

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McFie, Lindsay and Co. Greenock, value of Four Shillings and Sixpence countermark on 1810JP, Lima mint, Peru, Eight Reales of King Ferdinand VII of Spain, 4/6 on stippled centre, beaded circle and legend surrounding, *McFIE LINDSAY & CO * GREENOCK, 26.30g (Manville 57; Brunk 53020). Countermark double struck and partly unclear, about very fine, host coin slightly better, this example not listed by Manville, and only two examples listed on Peru host coins out of the 27 survivors listed. £1,750 This coin is not listed by Manville in his census of this company’s coins, therefore at least 28 surviving examples extant.


McFie, Lindsay and Co. Greenock, value of Four Shillings and Sixpence countermark on 1811HJ, Mexico City mint, Mexico, Eight Reales of King Ferdinand VII of Spain, 4/6 on stippled centre, beaded circle and legend surrounding, *McFIE LINDSAY & CO * GREENOCK, 26.34g (Manville 57 this coin listed; Brunk 53020). Countermark slightly intruded by back of head on host coin, host coin and countermark about very fine, very rare. £1,750 Ex Bostonian Collection, Bank Leu, Zürich, 24 October 1990, lot 684


McFie, Lindsay and Co. Greenock, value of Four Shillings and Sixpence countermark on 1817JJ, Mexico City mint, Mexico, Eight Reales of King Ferdinand VII of Spain, 4/6 on stippled centre, beaded circle and legend surrounding, *McFIE LINDSAY & CO * GREENOCK, 25.92g (Manville 57 this coin listed; Brunk 53020). Pierced, Countermark very fine, host coin similar. £1,350 Ex A T Macmillan Collection, DNW Auction 71, 28 September 2006, lot 1034 Ex DNW Auction 122, 2 April 2014, lot 566



J McK & Son, Greenock, value of Four Shillings and Sixpence countermark on 1821RG, Zacatecas mint, Mexico, Eight Reales of King Ferdinand VII of Spain, 4/6 at centre, legend around, J. McK. & SON / GREENOCK, 26.83g (Manville 58; Brunk 53030). Coin and countermark good very fine, one of only two survivors recorded by Manville on Zacatecas Mint pieces, very rare. £2,500 Ex “Bostonian” Collection, Bank Leu, Switzerland, 24 October 1990, lot 685 Ex DNW Auction 88, 29 September 2010, lot 1941 One of 35 surviving examples of this countermark recorded by Manville and one of only two of the Zacatecas Mint. As of 1820 there were a number of “J McK” names in business in Greenock, but this issuer is thought to be John McKelvie listed in 1831 as a Grocer and Spirit Dealer at 25 Dalrymple Street with his son listed in the same year at 16 Shaw Street as a wholesale Grocer and Tea Dealer giving the best match fit for a J McK and son. These countermarked coins were issued in the early 1820s till maybe 1827 or 1828.


J & A Muir, Greenock, value of Four Shillings and Sixpence countermark on 1821RM, Guatemala City mint, Guatemala, Eight Reales of King Ferdinand VII of Spain, 4/6 at centre of beaded circle, legend surrounding with outer beaded circle, *J & A. MUIR* GREENOCK, 26.49g (Manville 59g this coin listed; Brunk 53250). Small attempted piercing on reverse at top, otherwise toned, countermark good very fine, host coin very fine and rare. £2,250 Ex Jess Peters Auction, Decatur, USA, 30 September 1973, lot 834 Ex Norman G Brodie Collection, DNW Auction 55, 8 October 2002, lot 243 Ex DNW Auction 122, 2 April 2014, lot 568 One of seven coins known of this date and mint host coin, and one of 25 recorded surviving examples in Manville. James and Andrew Muir were established in William Street, Greenock as a linen and straw manufactory. By 1820 they are listed as well known haberdashers, and ten years later additionally as silk mercers and hat merchants, with premises at 5, 10 and 12 William Street and another premises at 58 Shaw Street. The business continued into the 1840’s chiefly as hat manufacturers.


J & A Muir, Greenock, value of Four Shillings and Sixpence countermark on 1821RG, Zacatecas mint, Mexico, Eight Reales of King Ferdinand VII of Spain, 4/6 at centre of beaded circle, legend surrounding with outer beaded circle, *J & A. MUIR* GREENOCK, 27.70g (Manville 59 this coin listed; Brunk 53250). Toned, countermark weak on one side, otherwise about very fine, host coin similar, the only coin of this mint with the Muir countermark recorded by Manville, very rare. £2,500 Ex Virgil M Brand Collection, Chicago, dispersed post mortem from c.1932 Ex Mrs E M H Norweb Collection, part IV, Spink Auction 59, 17 June 1987, lot 1637 Ex DNW Auction 88, 29 September 2010, lot 1942

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Lanark Mills, New Lanark, Lanarkshire, value of Four Shillings and Ninepence countermark on 1799FM, Mexico City mint, Mexico, Eight Reales of Charles IV of Spain, incuse 4/9 at centre of annular countermark, PAYABLE AT LANARK MILLS – with lozenge stop, 26.45g (Manville 71; Brunk 52660). Flan flaw on host coin, brightly polished, countermark good very fine, host coin very fine and the rarest Lanark large denomination with only 15 recorded surviving examples in Manville of which this is a 16th unrecorded example, very rare. £2,250 Ex DNW Auction 104, 5 December 2012, lot 794 The first cotton spinning mill was set up at Lanark in April 1785 by David Dale, with a second mill completed by 1788, not long after the first one had burnt to the ground. The first was rebuilt and two more mills added in the 1790s. The village of New Lanark’s population grew from just over 2,000 when the first mill was established to over 7,500 by 1831 when about 2,000 people were employed by the mills. The countermarked coins of varying denominations at Lanark Mills were produced at varying times in relation to the price of silver. The Four and Ninepence denomination was thought to have been circulated from around 1803-1810 when the mills were being run Robert Owen and Company, David Dale having died in 1792. The surviving Lanark Mills buildings and Robert Owen’s house are now a World Heritage site with hotel and visitors centre.


Lanark Mills, New Lanark, Lanarkshire, value of Five Shillings countermark on 1792FM, Mexico City mint, Mexico, Eight Reales of Charles IV of Spain, incuse 5/ at centre of annular countermark, PAYABLE AT LANARK MILLS – with lozenge stop, 26.69g (Manville 69; Brunk 52665). Toned, a couple of rim knocks to host coin, otherwise very fine, countermark almost very fine, scarce. £1,450 Manville records 11 examples of this denomination for this date and Mint of which this coin maybe one of them, the Five Shillings denomination is the more common large Lanark denomination with a total of 144 surviving examples recorded across all dates and mints.


Lanark Mills, New Lanark, Lanarkshire, value of Five Shillings countermark on 1792FM, Mexico City mint, Mexico, Eight Reales of Charles IV of Spain, incuse 5/ at centre of annular countermark, PAYABLE AT LANARK MILLS – with lozenge stop, 26.61g (Manville 69; Brunk 52665). Toned, a couple of rim bruises to host coin, otherwise very fine, countermark almost very fine, scarce. £1,450 Ex DNW Auction 122, 2 April 2014, lot 559 Manville records 11 examples of this denomination for this date and Mint of which this coin maybe one of them, the Five Shillings denomination is the more common large Lanark denomination with a total of 144 surviving examples recorded across all dates and mints.



Lanark Mills, New Lanark, Lanarkshire, value of Five Shillings countermark on 1799FM, Mexico City mint, Mexico, Eight Reales of Charles IV of Spain, incuse 5/ at centre of annular countermark, PAYABLE AT LANARK MILLS – with lozenge stop, 26.51g (Manville 69; Brunk 52665). Toned, pierced, host coin and countermark almost very fine, scarce. £950 Manville records 16 examples of this denomination for this date and Mint of which this coin appears unrecorded as no pierced examples are mentioned. The Five Shillings denomination is the more common large Lanark denomination with a total of 144 surviving examples recorded across all dates and mints.


Lanark Mills, New Lanark, Lanarkshire, value of Five Shillings countermark on 1805TH, Mexico City mint, Mexico, Eight Reales of Charles IV of Spain, incuse 5/ at centre of annular countermark, PAYABLE AT LANARK MILLS – with lozenge stop, 26.18g (Manville 69 this coin listed; Brunk 52665). Toned, host coin and countermark good fine, scarce. £1,500 Ex Walter Allen Collection, Spink Auction 34, 14 March 1984, lot 69 Manville records 2 examples of this denomination for this date and mint, the Five Shillings denomination is the more common large Lanark denomination with a total of 144 surviving examples recorded across all dates and mints.


Lanark Mills, New Lanark, Lanarkshire, value of Five Shillings countermark on 1807TH, Mexico City mint, Mexico, Eight Reales of Charles IV of Spain, incuse 5/ at centre of annular countermark, PAYABLE AT LANARK MILLS – with lozenge stop, 26.98g (Manville 69; Brunk 52665). Toned, host coin and countermark good very fine, scarce. £2,250 Manville records 14 examples of this denomination for this date and Mint of which this is likely one of them, the Five Shillings denomination is the more common large Lanark denomination with a total of 144 surviving examples recorded across all dates and mints.

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Lanark Mills, New Lanark, Lanarkshire, value of Five Shillings countermark on 1807TH, Mexico City mint, Mexico, Eight Reales of Charles IV of Spain, incuse 5/ at centre of annular countermark, PAYABLE AT LANARK MILLS – with lozenge stop, 23.97g (Manville 69 this coin listed; Brunk 52665). Toned, host coin poor and countermark good fine, scarce. £750 Ex Walter Allen Collection, Spink Auction 34, 14 March 1984, lot 70 Manville records 14 examples of this denomination for this date and mint, the Five Shillings denomination is the more common large Lanark denomination with a total of 144 surviving examples recorded across all dates and mints.


W Langmuir, Paisley Dollar Society, Renfrewshire, cancelled countermark with grid pattern struck over both sides, originally issued at Five Shillings and Threepence on 1810HJ, Mexico City, Mexico, Eight Reales of King Ferdinand VII of Spain, legends partly visible only, PAYABLE—ANGMU—, reverse with --ISLEY DOLLAR SOCIET— only visible, 25.47g (Manville 77; Brunk 52700). Cancelled countermark very fine, host coin fair to fine and rare, not listed in Manville. £1,150 William Langmuir was first recorded as a miller at Seedhills, Renfrewshire in 1810, then as a moulterer at Thread Street, Paisley in 1812, a grain dealer in 1813, and back at Seedhills as a flour factor by 1816. These countermarked pieces were issued later in the 1820s where William Langmuir and Sons are listed as grain merchants at 14 Thread Street, with a house at 2 Cart Street; and in later years at other premises also in Thread Street. There are only 15 surviving examples listed by Manville and this date is not one of them, so this is at least a 16th example, and about half of these are cancelled examples.


Rothsay Cotton Works, Isle of Bute, 1820, value of Four Shillings and Sixpence countermark on 1819JJ, Mexico City mint, Mexico, Eight Reales of King Ferdinand VII of Spain, 4/6 / 1820. within roped circle, legend and outer roped circle surrounding, ROTHSAY / COTTON WORKS, small punch “privy” mark below shield design on reverse, 28.42g (Manville 92 this coin listed; Brunk 53815). A couple of flaws on host coin obverse, countermark good very fine, host coin almost very fine and rare, Manville only records four surviving examples of this date and Mint of which this is “b.” £2,250 Ex Virgil M Brand Collection, Chicago, dispersed post mortem from c.1932 Ex Mrs E M H Norweb Collection, part IV, Spink Auction 59, 17 June 1987, lot 1628 Ex DNW Auction 88, 29 September 2010, lot 1930 The Rothsay Cotton Works were built at Rothsay on the Isle of Bute in 1779 by James Kenyon, by the time of the issue of these countermarked coins ownership of the works had passed to William Kelly and Robert Thom. See Manville Appendix G for further contemporary reading. This coin is one of 38 surviving pieces with the reverse privy mark recorded by Manville though perhaps 40 examples are extant. 21 of this recorded total are of a Mexico City host coin and this coin is one of four of this specific date.



Rothsay Cotton Works, Isle of Bute, 1820, value of Four Shillings and Sixpence countermark on 1821JJ, Mexico City mint, Mexico, Eight Reales of King Ferdinand VII of Spain, 4/6 / 1820. within roped circle, legend and outer roped circle surrounding, ROTHSAY / COTTON WORKS, small punch “privy” mark below shield design on reverse, 26.16g (Manville 92 this coin possibly listed; Brunk 53815). Short scratch behind bust on obverse, countermark very fine and not struck up beyond throat of monarch, host coin a bold fine and rare. £1,750 Ex DNW Auction 122, 2 April 2014, lot 583 Manville only records two surviving examples of this date and mint of which this is not the Baldwin example, but not possible for us to confirm for the other ex D W Grey example.




Rothsay Cotton Works, Isle of Bute, value of One Shilling and Eightpence countermark on unidentified cut third of Eight Reales of of Spain, 1/8 within raised legend in sunken circle surrounding, PAYABLE AT ROTHSAY MILLS, 8.15g (Manville 96 this coin possibly listed; Brunk 53790). Countermark very fine, host coin poor, rare. £1,500


Rothsay Cotton Works, Isle of Bute, value of One Shilling and Eightpence countermark on unidentified cut third of Eight Reales of of Spain, 1/8 within raised legend in sunken circle surrounding, PAYABLE AT ROTHSAY MILLS, 7.54g (Manville 96 this coin possibly listed; Brunk 53790). Countermark about very fine, host coin poor, rare. £1,250


Unidentified Location, “J D” with value of Five Shillings and Sixpence, in two lines incuse J D / 5.6. on 1812JP Lima mint, Peru, Eight Reales of King Ferdinand VII of Spain, 27.31g (Manville 115 this coin; Brunk 52415). Coin and countermark good very fine and extremely rare, the only un-cancelled piece recorded by Manville. £5,000 Ex Francis Cokayne Collection, Glendining’s, 17 July 1946, lot 74 Ex H M Lingford Collection, Glendining’s, 24 October 1950, lot 783 Ex H D Gibbs Collection, Hans M F Schulman Auction, New York, 19 November 1960, lot 379 Ex Glendining’s, 24 March 1976, lot 147 Ex Sellchop Collection, Swiss Bank Corporation, Zürich, 14 September 1988, lot 1329

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Unidentified Location, cancelled “J D” with value of Five Shillings and Sixpence, in two lines, four incuse star mark cancellations over J D / 5.6. on 1807TH, Mexico City mint, Mexico, Eight Reales of King Charles IV of Spain, 26.84g (Manville 115 this coin listed; Brunk 52415). Coin and cancellation good very fine and extremely rare. £2,000 This piece mentioned by Manville as seen in London commerce in 1995 and the only one cancelled.


Unidentified Location, “L B” with value of Four Shillings and Ninepence, in two lines, incuse L B / 4 9 on false plated base metal 1792FM, Mexico City mint, Mexico, Eight Reales of King Charles IV of Spain, additional counterstamp in field “T.H – n” 22.71g (Manville 188 footnote; Brunk -). Toned, some light hairline scratches revealing a copper core, good very fine. £750 Manville mentions in his footnote the existence of at least two false dollars stamped with these unidentified initials and value.


Scotland, Unidentified Location, possibly spurious counterstamped silver Bank of England Dollar, 1804, obverse with incuse stamp in three widely spaced lines 5/6 AUG 1812, reverse with incuse stamp above Britannia “5/6”, after the host coin’s inscription of FIVE SHILLINGS incuse stamp of “& 6d” to the left of date “SCO” and to the right “TLA” 26.96g (Manville -; Brunk -). Toned, very fine and the only known example. £750 Ex Augustus Thelluson Collection, first portion, 19 October 1931, lot 374 (part) Ex Duncan S Napier Collection, Glendining’s, 30 May 1956, lot 300 (part) Purchased by A H Baldwin & Sons Ltd, from Harrington Manville in 1989 Presumably this piece was not included in Manville’s publication as it is not easily identifiable and it is seemingly spurious or political in intent, rather than a properly traded token; perhaps a reflection of the silver price in August 1812 going above the face value of the coin, certainly in Scotland. Appendix B of Manville reveals silver market price for August 1812 at 6 Shillings 2 ½d per ounce which is 5 Shillings and 4 Pence per Eight Reales piece.


English Silver Issues


England, Cromford, Derbyshire, value of Four Shillings and Ninepence countermark on 1773FM, Mexico City mint, Mexico, Eight Reales of King Charles III of Spain, 4/9 at centre, legend surrounding, .CROMFORD. DERBYSHIRE, 25.82g (Manville 104; Brunk 51150). Countermark good very fine, host coin fine and rare. £1,750 Ex D W Grey, auctioneers London, 26 April 1972, lot 181 Ex H E Manville Collection, private transaction with Walter Allen, December 1972 Ex Walter Allen Collection, Spink Auction 34, 14 March 1984, lot 8 Ex DNW Auction 122, 2 April 2014, lot 551 These countermarked coins which were used in Cromford in Derbyshire are a departure from the Scottish series, but are linked by the fact that Sir Richard Arkwright an inventor and improver of weaving machinery to that of the “spinning Jenny” invented by James Hargreaves, had his machinery being used in the Lanark Mills in Scotland and some other unauthorised variations used in other locations like Rothsay. Sir Richard must have seen some of the earlier issues of Scottish Countermark pieces being used successfully in these areas and it was more likely his son Richard jnr. who issued these pieces for use in their own mills in Cromford, probably c.1790-1810 period. This piece is the second earliest dated host coin and is one of 62 surviving examples of this denomination for Cromford.

SC069 SC069


England, Cromford, Derbyshire, value of Four Shillings and Ninepence countermark on 1798FM, Mexico City mint, Mexico, Eight Reales of King Charles IV of Spain, 4/9 at centre, legend surrounding, .CROMFORD. DERBYSHIRE, 26.81g (Manville 104 this coin listed; Brunk 51150). Countermark tooled on value (not from punch as Manville suspects), very fine, host coin very fine and rare, an interesting piece with a long provenance. £1,950 Ex “Utrecht Amateur” Collection, J Schulman, Amsterdam, 17 March 1913, lot 64 Ex Francis Cokayne Collection, Glendining’s, 17 July 1946, lot 100, sold for £4/10 Ex H M Lingford Collection, Glendining’s, 24 October 1950, lot 697, sold for £4/10 Ex Spink Numismatic Circular, February 1951, item 41660 This piece was additionally illustrated in “El Duro” published by Herrera, 1914, page 126 and plate xvi No.9.


South Shields, Durham, counterstamp bale-mark reading SO SHIELDS above a ship sailing right in a shield, struck upon a William III, silver Crown, 1696, first laureate and draped bust right, OCTAVO, 24.45g (Manville page 236; Brunk 54120 this coin illustrated). A few nicks and mark, counterstamp good very fine, host coin a bold fine, the only known example on a Crown. £1,750 Ex Francis Cokayne Collection, Glendining’s, 17 July 1946, lot 103 (part) Ex H M Lingford Collection, Glendining’s, 24 October 1950, lot 699, sold for £19 Ex H D Gibbs Collection, Hans M F Schulman Auction, New York, 19 November 1960, lot 131

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Copper Issues

SC071 SC071


Adelphi Cotton Works, Deanston, Perthshire, countermark on a regal copper Halfpenny, woolsack, ADELPHI COTTON WORK surrounding, 7.24g (Scott 77.1c; Brunk 50125). Countermark almost very fine, host coin with some engraving on reverse, poor. £450 John Buchanan of Carston originally erected these cotton spinning mills in 1785 on the south bank of the River Teith at Doune with his brothers. Later the works were owned by Benjamin Flounders with Joseph, Samuel and William Twigg, and it was under their ownership that the Adelphi countermarks were issued circa 1794 until the early 1800s. Today the site is home to the Deanston Whisky Distillery.


Adelphi Cotton Works, Deanston, Perthshire, countermark on George III copper Halfpenny of 1775, woolsack, *ADE--- COTTON ---- surrounding, 7.00g (Scott 77.1d; Brunk 50130). Countermark 60% apparent, otherwise very fine, host coin visible in parts, almost very fine. £450

SC073 SC073


Deanston Cotton Mill, Deanston, Perthshire, annular countermark on a contemporary counterfeit George III copper Halfpenny, legend in circle DEANSTON COTTON MILL, 6.82g (Scott 77.2; Brunk 51295). Countermark about very fine, host coin visible in parts, good fine. £450 The Adelphi Cotton Works becomes the Deanston Cotton Mill under the new ownership of Kirkman Finlay of James Finlay & Co. from 1807-1808 onwards until the 20th Century, these countermarks were produced and used post 1808.


Deanston Cotton Mill, Deanston, Perthshire, annular countermark on a contemporary counterfeit George III copper 1772 Halfpenny, legend in circle DEANSTON COTTON MILL, 7.31g (Scott 77.2; Brunk 51295). Countermark slightly double struck, very fine, host coin visible in parts, good fine. £450




Deanston Cotton Mill, Deanston, Perthshire, annular countermark on a copper Halfpenny, legend in circle DEANSTON COTTON MILL, 7.83g (Scott 77.2; Brunk 51295). Countermark slightly off-centre and partly off coin, almost very fine, host coin mediocre. £300


I. Mitchel, H. Down, Doune, Perthshire, annular countermark on a Dundee copper Halfpenny token, legend in circle, .I. MITCHEL. H. DOWN, 10.80g (Scott 109.1; Brunk 53160). Toned, countermark mostly visible, very fine, host coin almost fine. £450 Ex H D Gibbs Collection, Hans M F Schulman Auction, New York, 19 November 1960, lot 154 This countermark was traditionally thought to be from County Meath in Ireland at the Hill of Down as defined in Scott’s publication. However, other numismatists thought they were affiliated with the Scottish series and this was proven by one of these Mitchel pieces being dredged up from the River Teith below Deanston Mill next to Doune, the Mitchel surname was also known in the town of Doune.


SC077 SC077


Mrs Somervills, Down, Doune, Perthshire, annular countermark on a 1797 mail coach token, legend in circle, .PAYABLE AT MRS ------VILLS. DOWN, 7.84g (Scott 89.2a; Brunk 54150). Countermark weak in one part, otherwise about very fine, host token almost fine, rare. £500 A rare instance of a lady merchant, this Mrs Somervill was likely Isabella Keir wife of William Somervill who died in Doune in 1818. Her husband was a vintner and distiller. These countermarks were traditionally thought to refer to Down in County Armagh Ireland, however their affiliation with the Scottish merchant series and the biographical detail mentioned in this footnote more clearly places it in Doune, Scotland, as there are no Somervills listed in the directories of the Downpatrick area.


Mrs Somervills, Down, Doune, Perthshire, annular countermark on a tradesman’s token Halfpenny, legend in circle, .PAYABLE AT MRS SOMERVILLS. DOWN, 7.25g (Scott 89.2a; Brunk 54150). Countermark a little off-centre, otherwise about very fine, host token poor to fair, rare. £450

SC079 SC079


Mrs Somervills, Down, Doune, Perthshire, annular countermark on a tradesman’s token Halfpenny, legend in circle, .PAY--------VILLS. DOWN, 6.69g (Scott 89.2a; Brunk 54150). Countermark only half apparent, pierced flan, otherwise about very fine, host token poor, rare. £250 Ex Duncan S Napier Collection, Glendining’s, 30 May 1956, lot 300 (part)


Dun McLaren, Lochearnhead, Perthshire, annular countermark on presumably a Tradesman token Halfpenny, legend in circle, DVN MCLAREN MERCHT. LOCHEARN, 7.73g (Scott 77.3; Brunk 53060). Well struck countermark very fine, host coin very poor, rare. £500 Not much is known of the issuer of this countermark as surviving directories date to 1837 or later which is likely two decades later than this token, but in the 1837 directory are listed a James McLaren blacksmith and a John McLaren, grocer, linen draper and shopkeeper. Perhaps one of these gentleman issued these tokens, more likely the latter, or one of these is the son or grandson of the original issuer.




Dun McLaren, Lochearnhead, Perthshire, annular countermark on presumably a Tradesman token Halfpenny, legend in circle, ---- MCLAREN MERCHT. ---HEARN, 5.37g (Scott 77.3; Brunk 53060). A little porous and weak, countermark fine, host coin very poor, rare. £450


Dun McLaren, Lochearnhead, Perthshire, annular countermark on presumably a Tradesman token Halfpenny, legend in circle, DVN MCLAREN MERCH-- ---HEARN, 6.35g (Scott 77.3; Brunk 53060). A little porous and weak, also off-centre, countermark fine, host coin poor, rare. £450

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Lanark Mills, New Lanark, Lanarkshire, value of Two Pence countermark on a lead blank, incuse M over 2 at centre of annular countermark, PAYABLE AT LANARK MILLS – with lozenge stop, 4.64g (Manville -; Brunk -). Toned, fair to fine and extremely rare. £500 Ex H D Gibbs Collection, Hans M F Schulman Auction, New York, 19 November 1960, lot 541 (part)


Rothsay Mills, Isle of Bute, annular countermark on a regal copper Halfpenny, legend in circle, diamond stop at start, PAYABLE AT ROTHSAY MILLS, 8.24g (Scott 60.1a; Brunk 53780). A few surface marks, countermark very fine, host coin very poor. £450 The Rothsay Cotton Works were built at Rothsay on the Isle of Bute in 1779 by James Kenyon, by the time of the issue of these countermarked coins ownership of the works had passed to William Kelly and Robert Thom. Kelly retired in 1826 selling out to Thom, who then brought in a Mr Struthers. The mills continued in operation, only one was left working by 1886 and was still operating in 1900. The last cotton worker from the mills passed away in 1961 aged 92.


Rothsay Mills, Isle of Bute, annular countermark on a tradesman’s token Halfpenny, legend in circle diamond stop at start, PAYABLE AT ROTHSAY MILLS, 5.64g (Scott 60.1a; Brunk 53780). Toned, porous, countermark almost fine, host coin very poor. £250


Glasgow, County Fire Office, oval counter-stamp on a 1797 cartwheel Penny, central flower device on ruled background, linear ovals and legend surrounding, COUNTY FIRE OFFICE * GLASGOW *, reverse with remains of a different mark of which SMITH and part of a wreath device is visible, 25.60g (Scott -; Brunk -). Counterstamp bold very fine, host coin fair. £250 More likely this is a test piece for perhaps a book stamp or embosser, of the County Fire Office of Glasgow, perhaps in a metal stamp manufacturer, as there is clearly the visible remains of another stamp showing “Smith” on the other side. This appears to be mid-late 19th Century in the cataloguer’s opinion. We note an advertisement for this Fire Office in the Glasgow Herald Newspaper of 8th October 1852 at 25 Corn Ram Street, and later in the dawning years of the 19th Century at 158 St Vincent Street, Glasgow.



England, Mary Hampson & Son, Manchester, round countermark with crazed background on a regal halfpenny, MAN/CHES/TER in three lines at centre, mullet above and below, flower stop at bottom, legend around, MARY. HAMPSON. & SON, 6.39g (Scott 19.8; Brunk 52050). Countermark weak at centre, otherwise bold very fine, host coin mediocre, rare. £500 Ex B A Seaby Ltd, 1969 Ex W J Noble, Collection of Tokens (part I), Melbourne, Australia, 8 July 1998, lot 1570 Another rare case of a female name as issuer, one of the Manchester directories lists a Thomas Hampson a manufacturer at Shepherds Court in 1805-07, who could be Mary’s husband or son. There are two Marys in other later directories, one in 1821 a widow at Harding’s Buildings, Salford, and the other in 1824 as a fustian cutter at 4 Back Thomas Street. These countermarks are thought to date to the 1811-12 period.


England, Bradford Workhouse, West Yorkshire, counterstamp on Birmingham Union Copper Company Penny, 1812, raised lettering on incuse arc in two parts BRADFORD in upper arc, WORKHOUSE in lower arc, 27.24g (Manville p.235; Brunk 50550). Surface marks and digs, fine, toned. £150 Ex Duncan S Napier Collection, Glendining’s, 30 May 1956, lot 300 (part) Manville suggest these workhouse pieces were probably stamped for internal accounting purposes.


England, Keighley Poor House, West Yorkshire, counterstamp on Birmingham Union Copper Company Penny, 1812, raised lettering on incuse frame KEIGHLEY stamped both sides of coin, additional incuse stamped KEIGHLEY in arc below, 27.84g (Manville -; Brunk 52505). Toned, good fine. £200 Ex Duncan S Napier Collection, Glendining’s, 30 May 1956, lot 300 (part)


South Shields, Durham, counterstamp bale-mark reading SO SHIELDS above a ship sailing right in a shield, struck upon a copper halfpenny, 6.44g (Manville page 236; Brunk 54120). Toned, counterstamp very fine, host coin very poor. £500

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Hiberno-Norse Kings (late 10th Century to early 12th Century), Silver Penny, Sihtric Anlaffsson, phase I (c.995-1020), draped bust left, with pellet behind bust, legend commences lower left, +SIHTRC REX DIFLN, rev pellet at centre of long voided cross with tri-crescent ends, moneyer Farmen, +FA REMI NMO DIFI, 1.21g (D.F.5; S.6103). Lightly toned, a little double struck, good very fine. £2,250 Originally found in Marlborough, Wiltshire.


Hiberno-Norse Kings, Silver Penny, Sihtric Anlaffsson, phase I (c.995-1020), draped bust left, with pellet behind bust, legend commences lower left, +SIHTRE REX DYFLIN, rev pellet at centre of long voided cross with tri-crescent ends, moneyer Farmen, +FÆ REMI NMO DYFLI, 1.47g (D.F.5; S.6103). Attractively toned, good very fine to almost extremely fine, pleasing. £2,950 Ex Spink Numismatic Circular, February 2003, item IH100, illustrated on front cover





John as Lord of Ireland (1172-1199), Silver Halfpenny, second coinage, group Ib (1190-98), moneyer Norman of Dublin, facing diademed head, legend surrounding ends DOO, rev cross pattée, annulets in angles, legend surrounding, mint reading DV, 0.70g (D.F.36; Withers 5/i or j; S.6205). Toned, struck a little off-centre, good very fine. £300


John as Lord of Ireland, Silver Halfpenny, second coinage, group Ib (1190-98), moneyer Norman of Dublin, facing diademed head, legend surrounding ends DOm, rev cross pattée, annulets in angles, legend surrounding, mint reading DW, 0.58g (D.F.36; Withers 4/e; S.6205). Toned, very fine. £250


John as Lord of Ireland, Silver Halfpenny, second coinage, group Ic (1190-98), moneyer Robert of Dublin, facing diademed head, legend surrounding ends DEm, rev cross pattée, annulets in angles, legend surrounding, mint reading DW, 0.78g (D.F.36; Withers 8/n; S.6206). Toned, good very fine. £400





John as Lord of Ireland, Silver Halfpenny, second coinage, group Ib (1190-98), moneyer Geffrei of Waterford, facing diademed head, legend surrounding with IHANNES, rev cross pattée, annulets in angles, legend surrounding, mint reading WA, 0.65g (D.F.36; Withers 10/b; S.6210). Toned, good very fine. £500


John as Lord of Ireland, Silver Halfpenny, second coinage, group IIa (1190-98), moneyer Thomas of Dublin, facing diademed head, legend surrounding, rev cross pommée, annulets in angles, legend surrounding, mint reading DVV, 0.67g (D.F.39; Withers 3/b; S.6213). Toned, struck off-centre, very fine. £250


John De Courcy, Lord of Ulster (c.1185-1205), St Patrick Coinage, Silver Farthing, type I, probably Downpatrick, cross potent within beaded circle, legend surrounding, rev voided cross potent within beaded circle, legend surrounding, 0.27g (D.F. 49; Withers 1; S.6224). Coin 65% complete as a fragment, toned, about very fine and extremely rare. £3,750




John as King of England (1199-1216), Silver Penny, third coinage, moneyer Roberd of Dublin, facing bust of King in triangle with sceptre, quatrefoil by shoulder, legend surrounding, rev star and crescent in triangle with small sun at each apex, legend surrounding, 1.45g (D.F.50; S.6228). Toned, good very fine. £250


John as King of England, Silver Penny, third coinage, moneyer Roberd of Dublin, facing bust of King in triangle with sceptre, quatrefoil by shoulder, legend surrounding, rev star and crescent in triangle with small sun at each apex, legend surrounding, 1.44g (D.F.50; S.6228). Toned, very fine. £175





John as King of England, Silver Penny, third coinage, moneyer Roberd of Dublin, facing bust of King in triangle with sceptre, quatrefoil by shoulder, legend surrounding, rev star and crescent in triangle with small sun at each apex, legend surrounding, 1.36g (D.F.50; S.6228). Toned, very fine. £175


John as King of England, Silver Penny, third coinage, moneyer Roberd of Dublin, facing bust of King in triangle with sceptre, quatrefoil by shoulder, legend surrounding, rev star and crescent in triangle with small sun at each apex, legend surrounding, 1.47g (D.F.50; S.6228). Toned, very fine. £175


John as King of England, Silver Penny, third coinage, moneyer Roberd of Dublin, facing bust of King in triangle with sceptre, quatrefoil by shoulder, legend surrounding, rev star and crescent in triangle with small sun at each apex, legend surrounding, 1.50g (D.F.50; S.6228). Toned, very fine. £175

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John as King of England, Silver Penny, third coinage, moneyer Roberd of Dublin, facing bust of King in triangle with sceptre, quatrefoil by shoulder, legend surrounding, rev star and crescent in triangle with small sun at each apex, legend surrounding, 1.40g (D.F.50; S.6228). Weak in parts, toned, almost very fine. £125


John as King of England, Silver Penny, third coinage, moneyer Roberd of Dublin, facing bust of King in triangle with sceptre, quatrefoil by shoulder, legend surrounding, rev star and crescent in triangle with small sun at each apex, legend surrounding, 1.46g (D.F.50; S.6228). Weak in parts, toned, almost very fine. £125


John as King of England, Silver Penny, third coinage, moneyer Roberd of Dublin, facing bust of King in triangle with sceptre, quatrefoil by shoulder, legend surrounding, rev star and crescent in triangle with small sun at each apex, legend surrounding, 1.45g (D.F.50; S.6228). Weak in parts, toned, almost very fine. £125





John as King of England, Silver Penny, third coinage, moneyer Roberd of Dublin, facing bust of King in triangle with sceptre, quatrefoil by shoulder, legend surrounding, rev star and crescent in triangle with small sun at each apex, legend surrounding, 1.48g (D.F.50; S.6228). Weak in parts, darkly toned, almost very fine. £125


John as King of England, Silver Penny, third coinage, moneyer Roberd of Dublin, facing bust of King in triangle with sceptre, quatrefoil by shoulder, legend surrounding, rev star and crescent in triangle with small sun at each apex, legend surrounding, 1.42g (D.F.50; S.6228). Weak in parts, toned, good fine. £100


John as King of England, Silver Penny, third coinage, moneyer Willem P of Dublin, facing bust of King in triangle with sceptre, quatrefoil by shoulder, legend surrounding, rev star and crescent in triangle with small sun at each apex, legend surrounding, 1.38g (D.F.50; S.6228A). Weak in parts, darkly toned, almost very fine and rare. £300





John as King of England, Silver Penny, third coinage, moneyer Willem of Limerick, facing bust of King in triangle with sceptre, quatrefoil by shoulder, legend surrounding, rev star and crescent in triangle with small sun at each apex, legend surrounding, 1.23g (D.F.50; S.6229). Weak in parts, toned, good fine, rare. £225


John as King of England, Silver Penny, third coinage, moneyer Willem of Limerick, facing bust of King in triangle with sceptre, quatrefoil by shoulder, legend surrounding, rev star and crescent in triangle with small sun at each apex, legend surrounding, 1.43g (D.F.50; S.6229). Weak in centre, toned, almost very fine, rare. £300


John as King of England, Silver Penny, third coinage, moneyer Willem of Limerick, facing bust of King in triangle with sceptre, quatrefoil by shoulder, legend surrounding, rev star and crescent in triangle with small sun at each apex, legend surrounding, 1.42g (D.F.50; S.6229). Weak in parts, toned, almost very fine, rare. £325






John as King of England, Silver Halfpenny, third coinage, moneyer Roberd of Dublin, facing head of King in triangle with sun at each apex, legend surrounding, rev cross and crescent in triangle with small sun at each apex, legend surrounding, 0.69g (D.F.51; Withers 4/d; S.6231). Weak in parts, toned, good fine and rare. £200


John as King of England, Silver Halfpenny, third coinage, moneyer Roberd of Dublin, facing head of King in triangle with sun at each apex, legend surrounding, rev cross and crescent in triangle with small sun at each apex, legend surrounding, 0.56g (D.F.51; Withers 1/a?; S.6231). Weak in parts, toned, fine and rare. £115


John as King of England, Silver Halfpenny, third coinage, moneyer Willem D of Dublin, facing head of King in triangle with sun at each apex, legend surrounding, rev cross and crescent in triangle with small sun at each apex, legend surrounding, 0.61g (D.F.51; Withers 15/a; S.6231). Weak in parts, toned, almost very fine and rare. £275





John as King of England, Silver Halfpenny, third coinage, moneyer Willem of Limerick, facing head of King in triangle with sun at each apex, legend surrounding, rev cross and crescent in triangle with small sun at each apex, legend surrounding, 0.68g (D.F.51; Withers 1/a; S.6232). A little uneven in shape, weak in parts, almost very fine and rare. £475


John as King of England, Silver Halfpenny, third coinage, moneyer Willem of Limerick, facing head of King in triangle with sun at each apex, legend surrounding, rev cross and crescent in triangle with small sun at each apex, legend surrounding, 0.47g (D.F.51; Withers 1/a; S.6232). Dark tone, porous, almost very fine and rare. £350


John as King of England, Silver Halfpenny, third coinage, moneyer Willem of Limerick, facing head of King in triangle with sun at each apex, legend surrounding, rev cross and crescent in triangle with small sun at each apex, legend surrounding, 0.70g (D.F.51; Withers 1/a; S.6232). Toned, weak in parts, bold fine and rare. £250





John as King of England, Silver Halfpenny, third coinage, moneyer Willem of Limerick, facing head of King in triangle with sun at each apex, legend surrounding, rev cross and crescent in triangle with small sun at each apex, legend surrounding, 0.70g (D.F.51; Withers 1/a; S.6232). Toned, good fine and rare. £300


Henry III (1216-1272), Silver Penny, type 1a, moneyer Ricard at Dublin mint, facing crowned bust in double triangle, holding sceptre, cinquefoil to right, legend surrounding, rev voided long cross, tri-pellets in inner angles, legend around, 1.42g (D.F.53; S.6235). Toned, good very fine. £200


Henry III, Silver Penny, type 1a, moneyer Ricard at Dublin mint, facing crowned bust in double triangle, holding sceptre, cinquefoil to right, legend surrounding, rev voided long cross, tri-pellets in inner angles, legend around, 1.48g (D.F.53; S.6235). Toned, bold very fine. £165

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Henry III, Silver Penny, type 1a, moneyer David at Dublin mint, facing crowned bust in double triangle, holding sceptre, cinquefoil to right, legend surrounding, rev voided long cross, tri-pellets in inner angles, legend around, 1.42g (D.F.53; S.6235). Toned, good very fine. £225


Henry III, Silver Penny, type 1a, moneyer David at Dublin mint, facing crowned bust in double triangle, holding sceptre, cinquefoil to right, legend surrounding, rev voided long cross, tri-pellets in inner angles, legend around, 1.45g (D.F.53; S.6235). Uneven tone, bold very fine. £185


Henry III, Silver Penny, type 1b, moneyer Ricard at Dublin mint, facing crowned bust in single triangle, holding sceptre, cinquefoil to right, legend surrounding, rev voided long cross, tri-pellets in inner angles, legend around, 1.38g (D.F.54; S.6236). Toned, good very fine. £225





Henry III, Silver Penny, type 1b, moneyer Ricard at Dublin mint, facing crowned bust in single triangle, holding sceptre, cinquefoil to right, legend surrounding, rev voided long cross, tri-pellets in inner angles, legend around, 1.47g (D.F.54; S.6236). Toned, very fine. £135


Henry III, Silver Penny, type 1b, moneyer Ricard at Dublin mint, facing crowned bust in single triangle, holding sceptre, cinquefoil to right, legend surrounding, rev voided long cross, tri-pellets in inner angles, legend around, 1.47g (D.F.54; S.6236). Struck off-centre, toned, very fine. £125


Henry III, Silver Penny, type 1c, moneyer Ricard at Dublin mint, facing crowned bust in single triangle, holding sceptre, sexfoil to right, legend surrounding, rev voided long cross, tri-pellets in inner angles, legend around, 1.37g (D.F.55; S.6236). Uneven tone, rim a little crimped, bold very fine and rare. £425





Henry III, Silver Penny, type IIa, moneyer Ricard at Dublin mint, coarser facing crowned bust in single triangle, holding sceptre, cinquefoil to right, legend surrounding, rev voided long cross, tri-pellets in inner angles, legend around, 1.47g (D.F.57; S.6240). Toned, bold very fine. £175


Henry III, Silver Penny, type IId, moneyer Ricard at Dublin mint, coarser facing crowned bust in single triangle with shoulders, holding sceptre, cinquefoil to right, legend surrounding, rev voided long cross, tri-pellets in inner angles, legend around, 1.46g (D.F.61; S.6243). Toned, good very fine and rare. £325


Edward I (1272-1307), Silver Penny, second coinage, type I, Dublin mint, crowned bust with trefoil of pellets below within triangle, legend surrounding, rev long cross pattée, trio of pellets in each inner angle, legend surrounding, 1.24g (D.F.63; S.6246). Toned, some die clash evident and slight surface flan crack, otherwise about very fine. £100






Edward I, Silver Penny, second coinage, type Ia, Dublin mint, crowned bust with trefoil of pellets below within triangle, legend surrounding, pellet either side of R of REX, rev long cross pattée, trio of pellets in each inner angle, legend surrounding, 1.33g (D.F.63; S.6246A). Toned, some die clash evident, otherwise very fine. £150


Edward I, Silver Penny, second coinage, type Ia, Dublin mint, crowned bust with trefoil of pellets below within triangle, legend surrounding, pellet either side of R of REX, rev long cross pattée, trio of pellets in each inner angle, legend surrounding, 1.22g (D.F.63; S.6246A). Toned, some die clash evident, otherwise bold very fine. £175


Edward I, Silver Penny, second coinage, type Ib, Dublin mint, crowned bust with trefoil of pellets below within triangle, legend surrounding, pellet at start of legend, rev long cross pattée, trio of pellets in each inner angle, legend surrounding, 1.42g (D.F.64; S.6247). Toned, good very fine. £200





Edward I, Silver Penny, second coinage, type Ib, Dublin mint, crowned bust with trefoil of pellets below within triangle, legend surrounding, pellet at start of legend, rev long cross pattée, trio of pellets in each inner angle, legend surrounding, 1.43g (D.F.64; S.6247). Toned, good very fine. £200


Edward I, Silver Penny, second coinage, type Ib, Dublin mint, crowned bust with trefoil of pellets below within triangle, legend surrounding, pellet at start of legend, rev long cross pattée, trio of pellets in each inner angle, legend surrounding, 1.36g (D.F.64; S.6247). Toned, weak at centre, good fine. £75


Edward I, Silver Penny, second coinage, type Ib, Dublin mint, crowned bust with trefoil of pellets below within triangle, legend surrounding, pellet at start of legend, rev long cross pattée, trio of pellets in each inner angle, legend surrounding, 1.34g (D.F.64; S.6247). Toned, good very fine. £200





Edward I, Silver Penny, second coinage, type Ib, Dublin mint, crowned bust with trefoil of pellets below within triangle, legend surrounding, pellet at start of legend, rev long cross pattée, trio of pellets in each inner angle, legend surrounding, 1.34g (D.F.64; S.6247). Toned, good very fine. £200


Edward I, Silver Penny, second coinage, type Ib, Waterford mint, crowned bust with trefoil of pellets below within triangle, legend surrounding, pellet at start of legend, rev long cross pattée, trio of pellets in each inner angle, legend surrounding, 1.26g (D.F.64; S.6249). Toned, some die clash evident, otherwise very fine. £125


Edward I, Silver Penny, second coinage, type Ib, Waterford mint, crowned bust with trefoil of pellets below within triangle, legend surrounding, pellet at start of legend, rev long cross pattée, trio of pellets in each inner angle, legend surrounding, 1.32g (D.F.64; S.6249). Toned, some die clash evident, otherwise almost very fine. £100

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Edward I, Silver Penny, second coinage, intermediate issue, Cork mint, crowned bust within triangle, pellet in each apex, legend surrounding, rev long cross pattée, trio of pellets in each inner angle, legend surrounding, 1.36g (D.F.67; S.6259). Toned, weak in parts of obverse, very fine, reverse clearer and better, very rare. £1,750





Edward I, Silver Penny, second coinage, late issue, Dublin mint, crowned bust within triangle, pellet below bust, small letter legend surrounding, rev long cross pattée, trio of pellets in each inner angle, large letter legend surrounding, 1.22g (D.F.68; S.6264). Toned, weak in parts, about very fine. £125


Edward I, Silver Penny, second coinage, late issue, Dublin mint, crowned bust within triangle, pellet below bust, small letter legend surrounding, rev long cross pattée, trio of pellets in each inner angle, large letter legend surrounding, 1.39g (D.F.68; S.6264). Toned, weaker in parts, about very fine. £110


Edward I, Silver Penny, second coinage, late issue, Dublin mint, crowned bust within triangle, pellet below bust, small letter legend surrounding, rev long cross pattée, trio of pellets in each inner angle, large letter legend surrounding, 1.13g (D.F.68; S.6264). Toned, almost fine. £45




Edward I, Silver Halfpenny, second coinage, type Ia, Dublin mint, crowned bust within triangle, legend surrounding, rev long cross pattée, trio of pellets in each inner angle, legend surrounding, 0.62g (D.F.69; Withers 1a; S.6250). Toned, almost very fine. £125


Edward I, Silver Halfpenny, second coinage, type Ia, Waterford mint, crowned bust within triangle, legend surrounding, rev long cross pattée, trio of pellets in each inner angle, legend surrounding, 0.54g (D.F.69; Withers 1a; S.6253). Toned, almost fine. £75


Edward I, Silver Halfpenny, second coinage, intermediate issue, type III, Cork mint, crowned bust within triangle, legend surrounding, rev long cross pattée, trio of pellets in each inner angle, legend surrounding, 0.41g (D.F.69; Withers 2c; S.6262). Toned, good fine and extremely rare. £2,500







Edward I, Silver Farthing, second coinage, Dublin mint, crowned bust within triangle, legend surrounding, rev long cross pattée, trio of pellets in each inner angle, legend surrounding, 0.38g (D.F.70; S.6255). Toned, weak in parts, about very fine. £275


Edward I, Silver Farthing, second coinage, Waterford mint, crowned bust within triangle, legend surrounding, rev long cross pattée, trio of pellets in each inner angle, legend surrounding, 0.37g (D.F.70; S.6256). Toned, bold very fine. £450


Edward I, Silver Farthing, second coinage, Waterford mint, crowned bust within triangle, legend surrounding, rev long cross pattée, trio of pellets in each inner angle, legend surrounding, 0.46g (D.F.70; S.6256). Toned, very fine, reverse good very fine. £400 Ex A H Baldwin & Sons Ltd, Fixed Price List, Summer 2011, item IR011


Edward I, Silver Farthing, second coinage, Waterford mint, crowned bust within triangle, legend surrounding, rev long cross pattée, trio of pellets in each inner angle, legend surrounding, 0.28g (D.F.70; S.6256). Toned, a weak very fine. £275 Ex A H Baldwin & Sons Ltd, Fixed Price List, Winter 2012, item IR013


Edward IV (1461-1483), Silver Groat, light cross and pellets coinage (1472-78), type VI, Dublin mint, facing crowned bust in tressure of nine arcs, G below for moneyer German Lynch, initial mark rosette, rev long cross pattée, tri-pellets in inner angles, twin concentric legends surrounding, initial mark pierced cross, 1.76g (D.F.123; S.6330). Toned, bold very fine and rare. £650






Edward IV, Silver Penny, light cross and pellets coinage (1472-78), type VI, Dublin mint, facing crowned bust in beaded circle, initial mark cross, rev long cross pattée, tri-pellets in inner angles, legend surrounding, 0.45g (Burns Du1; S.6360). Toned, good very fine for issue. £300


Edward IV, Silver Penny, light cross and pellets coinage (1472-78), type VI, Dublin mint, facing crowned bust in beaded circle, trace of saltire to right of crown and saltires by neck(?), rev long cross pattée, tripellets in inner angles, extra pellets in two quarters, legend surrounding, 0.36g (Burns Du15; S.6363). Toned, chipped, almost fine for issue. £30


Edward IV, Silver Penny, light cross and pellets coinage (1472-78), type VI, Dublin mint, facing crowned bust in beaded circle, pellets by neck, rev long cross pattée, tri-pellets in inner angles, legend surrounding, 0.34g (Burns Du5; S.6364). Toned, cracked and repaired, fine for issue. £35 Ex Jasper Burns Collection, sold through York Coins 2010, author of Reference work on this series


Edward IV, Silver Penny, light cross and pellets coinage (1472-78), type VI, Dublin mint, facing crowned bust in beaded circle, pellets by neck, rev long cross pattée, tri-pellets in inner angles, legend surrounding, 0.31g (Burns Du5; S.6364). Toned, a chipped fragment, fine for issue. £35 Ex Jasper Burns Collection, sold through York Coins 2010, author of Reference work on this series

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Edward IV, Silver Penny, light cross and pellets coinage (1472-78), type VI, Drogheda mint, facing crowned bust in beaded circle, rev quatrefoil at centre of long cross pattée, tri-pellets in inner angles, legend surrounding, 0.48g (Burns Dr2; S.6369). Toned, bold very fine for issue. £300 Ex Patrick Finn, List 12, February 1998, lot 382 Ex Spink Auction 188, 29 March 2007, lot 301


Richard III (1483-1485), Silver Groat, Dublin mint, quartered arms over long cross pommée, legend surrounding with annulet after D, rev three crowns in vertical arrangement over long cross pommée, Lord of Ireland title, 1.87g (D.F.176; S.6412). Toned, short of flan, very fine for issue, very rare. £1,850


Richard III, Silver Groat, Dublin mint, quartered arms over long cross pommée, legend surrounding with two small crosses after D, rev three crowns in vertical arrangement over long cross pommée, Lord of Ireland title, 1.87g (D.F.177; S.6412). Toned, small flan split, very fine for issue, very rare. £1,850


Richard III, Silver Groat, Dublin mint, quartered arms over long cross pommée, legend surrounding with two small crosses after D, rev three crowns in vertical arrangement over long cross pommée, Lord of Ireland title, 1.51g (D.F.177; S.6412). Toned, clipped, very fine for issue, very rare. £1,500





Henry VII (1485-1509), Silver Groat, Dublin mint, early three crowns issue, quartered shield of arms within beaded circle, rev three vertical crowns over cross anulettée, 1.60g (D.F.183; S.6414). Toned, slightly clipped perhaps, about very fine. £350


Henry VII, Silver Groat, Dublin mint, early three crowns issue, quartered shield of arms within beaded circle, rev three vertical crowns over cross anulettée, 1.90g (D.F.183; S.6414). Dark uneven tone, weak in parts, otherwise very fine. £450




Henry VII, Silver Groat, Dublin mint, early three crowns issue, quartered shield of arms within beaded circle, rev three vertical crowns over cross anulettée, 1.91g (D.F.183; S.6414). Toned, slight crease and weakness, otherwise very fine. £450


Henry VII, Silver Groat, Dublin mint, early three crowns issue, quartered shield of arms within beaded circle, rev three vertical crowns over cross anulettée, 1.93g (D.F.183; S.6414). Toned, weak in parts, otherwise almost very fine. £375




Henry VII, Silver Groat, Dublin mint, early three crowns issue, quartered shield of arms within beaded circle, rev three vertical crowns over cross anulettée, 1.97g (D.F.183; S.6414). Dark tone, two weak patches, otherwise very fine. £450


Henry VII, Silver Groat, Dublin mint, early three crowns issue, quartered shield of arms within beaded circle, rev three vertical crowns over cross anulettée, 1.89g (D.F.183; S.6414). Toned, weak in parts, otherwise almost very fine. £375




Henry VII, Silver Groat, Dublin mint, early three crowns issue, quartered shield of arms within beaded circle, rev three vertical crowns over cross anulettée, 2.01g (D.F.183; S.6414). Toned, weak in parts, otherwise very fine. £450


Henry VII, Silver Groat, Dublin mint, early three crowns issue, quartered shield of arms within beaded circle, rev three vertical crowns over cross anulettée, 1.95g (D.F.183; S.6414). Toned, weak in parts, otherwise very fine. £450

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Henry VII, Silver Groat, Dublin mint, early three crowns issue, quartered shield of arms within beaded circle, rev three vertical crowns over cross anulettée, 1.91g (D.F.183; S.6414). Toned, weak in parts, edge chip, otherwise almost very fine. £300


Henry VII, Silver Groat, Dublin mint, early three crowns issue, quartered shield of arms within beaded circle, rev three vertical crowns over cross anulettée, 1.83g (D.F.183; S.6414). Toned, weak in parts, good fine. £200




Henry VII, Silver Groat, Dublin mint, early three crowns issue, quartered shield of arms within beaded circle, rev three vertical crowns over cross anulettée, 1.68g (D.F.183; S.6414). Toned, slightly clipped perhaps, about very fine. £375


Henry VII, Silver Groat, Dublin mint, early three crowns issue, quartered shield of arms within beaded circle, Lord of Ireland legend both sides, rev three vertical crowns over cross anulettée, 1.78g (D.F.183; S.6415). Toned, about very fine. £450




Henry VII, Silver Groat, Waterford mint, quartered shield of arms in four arc tressure, titles of Henry in legend, rev h below three ������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� vertical crowns in tressure of nine arcs over cross anulettée, 2.02g (D.F.181; S.6420). Weak in parts, lightly creased, some light green patina, toned, almost very fine. £375


Henry VII, Silver Groat, Waterford mint, quartered shield of arms in four arc tressure, mullet in each lower spandrel, titles of Henry in legend, rev h below ���������������������������������������������������� three vertical crowns in tressure of nine arcs over cross anulettée, 1.92g (D.F.181; S.6421). Weak in parts, lightly creased, some light green patina, toned, almost very fine. £500


Henry VII, Silver Groat, Geraldine issue, type IV (August-October 1487), quartered shield of arms in linear circle, Fitzgerald Arms either side of shield, rev three vertical crowns in tressure of nine arcs over cross anulettée, 1.54g (D.F.186A; S.6432). Toned, weak in parts, perhaps a little clipped, almost very fine. £475





Henry VII, Silver Groat, Geraldine issue, type IV (August-October 1487), quartered shield of arms in linear circle, Fitzgerald Arms either side of shield, rev three vertical crowns in tressure of nine arcs over cross anulettée, 1.82g (D.F.186A; S.6432). Toned, weak in parts, some light hairline scratches, surface crack on reverse, almost very fine. £375


Philip & Mary (1554-1558), Base Silver Sixpenny Groat, 1557, busts in profile facing each other, date either side of crown above, all within beaded circles and legend, initial mark rose both sides, rev crowned harp, crowned P to left, crowned M to right, beaded circles and legend surrounding, 2.76g (D.F.237; S.6501B). Toned, bold fine for issue or better and rare. £95


Elizabeth I (1558-1603), Base Silver issue (1558), Shilling, crowned bust left, REGI legend surrounding, rev crowned harp, crowned E to left, crowned R to right, legend surrounding, 8.78g (D.F.240; S.6503). Some light abrasions both sides, hairline surface marks, a little porous, bold fine for issue and rare. £450





Elizabeth I, Copper Penny, 1601, quartered shield, E to left, R to right, initial mark trefoil, rev crowned harp, date either side, 2.10g (D.F.255; S.6510). Toned, good very fine with a hint of lustre, rare this nice. £250


Elizabeth I, Copper Penny, 1601, quartered shield, E to left, R to right, initial mark star, rev crowned harp, date either side, 1.90g (D.F.255; S.6510). Toned, almost very fine. £100


Elizabeth I, Copper Penny, 1601, quartered shield, E to left, R to right, initial mark star, rev crowned harp, date either side, 1.73g (D.F.255; S.6510). Toned, almost fine. £30


James I (1603-1625), Silver Shilling, second coinage, fourth crowned bust right, beaded circles and legend surrounding, initial mark rose both sides, rev crowned harp, 4.16g (D.F.261; S.6516). Toned, fair to fine. £85

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Charles I (1625-1649), Siege Money, Silver Ormonde Threepence, c.1643, crowned CR, linear and toothed border surrounding, rev value in large letters, 1.39g (D.F.306; S.6549). Toned, a little weak in one part, otherwise very fine and scarce. £500


Charles I, Siege Money, Silver Ormonde Threepence, c.1643, crowned CR, linear and toothed border surrounding, rev value in large letters, 1.06g (D.F.306; S.6549). Toned, quite weak in parts, otherwise fine and scarce. £125


Charles I, Siege Money, Silver Ormonde Threepence, c.1643, crowned CR, linear and toothed border surrounding, rev large value ������������������������������������������������� in large letters, 1.13g (D.F.309; S.6549). Toned, weak in parts, scratch on obverse, otherwise bold fine and rare. £250


Charles II (1660-1685), Copper Farthing, Armstrong Coinage (1660-61), crown over crossed sceptres, legend surrounding with pellet stops, rev struck en médaille, crowned harp, legend surrounding with terminal mark plumes, 1.81g (D.F.338; S.6566). Toned, about very fine. £175


Charles II, Copper Pattern Farthing, Armstrong Coinage (1660-61), crown over crossed sceptres, legend surrounding with lozenge stops, rev inverted die axis, crowned harp, legend surrounding, no mint mark, 1.91g (D.F. -; S.-). Toned, extremely fine and unrecorded, of the style of Nicholas Briot with the lozenge stops, of the highest rarity thus. £1,500


Charles II, Silver Proof Halfpenny, 1681, laureate and draped bust right, small letter legend both sides, rev crowned harp, date either side of crown, edge milled, 7.37g (D.F.355; S.6575). Some scratches on reverse, toned, good very fine and very rare. £2,250


Charles II, Copper Halfpenny, 1682, laureate and draped bust right, small letter legend both sides, rev crowned harp, date either side of crown (D.F.356; S.6575). Toned, fine. £50 Ex Sotheby’s, 25 May 1974





James II (1685-1688), Copper Halfpenny, 1685, laureate and draped bust left, legend surrounding both sides, rev crowned harp, date either side of crown (D.F.361; S.6576). Scratch down bust, toned, fine. £65


James II, Copper Halfpenny, 1686, laureate and draped bust left, legend surrounding both sides, rev crowned harp, date either side of crown (D.F.363; S.6576). Toned, almost fine. £50




James II, Gunmoney Crown, 1690, struck over Gunmoney Halfcrown, King on horseback left, residual design from halfcrown showing, rev crown at centre of cruciform shields, date in angles (D.F.366; S.6578). Toned, very fine for issue. £150


James II, Gunmoney Crown, 1690, struck over Gunmoney Halfcrown, King on horseback left, rev crown at centre of cruciform shields, date in angles (D.F.366; S.6578). Toned, good fine for issue. £120




James II, Gunmoney Crown, 1690, struck over Gunmoney Halfcrown, King on horseback left, rev crown at centre of cruciform shields, date in angles (D.F.366; S.6578). Toned, good fine for issue. £120


James II, Gunmoney Halfcrown, large size, August 1689, laureate head left, legend and toothed border surrounding both sides, rev crown over sceptres in saltire, J to left, R to right, value and date above, month Aug below (D.F.376; S.6579B). Toned, good fine. £75


James II, Gunmoney Halfcrown, large size, September 1689, laureate head left, legend and toothed border surrounding both sides, rev crown over sceptres in saltire, J to left, R to right, value and date above, month Sepr: below (D.F.379; S.6579D). Toned, about very fine. £150

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James II, Gunmoney Halfcrown, large size, October 1689, laureate head left, legend and toothed border surrounding both sides, rev crown over sceptres in saltire, J to left, R to right, value and date above, month Oct: below (D.F.381; S.6579E). Toned, very fine. £150


James II, Gunmoney Halfcrown, large size, February 1689, laureate head left, legend and toothed border surrounding both sides, rev crown over sceptres in saltire, J to left, R to right, value and date above, month Feb: below (D.F.387; S.6579K). Toned, almost extremely fine. £300




James II, Gunmoney Halfcrown, large size, April 1690, laureate head left, legend and toothed border surrounding both sides, rev crown over sceptres in saltire, J to left, R to right, value and date above, month Apr: below (D.F.393; S.6579N). Toned, good fine. £100


James II, Gunmoney Halfcrown, small size, May 1690, laureate head left, legend and toothed border surrounding both sides, rev crown over sceptres in saltire, J to left, R to right, value and date above, month May below (D.F.398; S.6580B). Toned, about very fine / very fine. £125


James II, Gunmoney Halfcrown, small size, May 1690, laureate head left, legend and toothed border surrounding both sides, rev crown over sceptres in saltire, J to left, R to right, value and date above, month May below (D.F.398; S.6580B). Dark tone, very fine. £150




James II, Gunmoney Shilling, large size, November 1689, laureate head left, legend and toothed border surrounding both sides, rev crown over sceptres in saltire, J to left, R to right, value and date above, month Nov. below (D.F.418; S.6581H). Toned, about very fine. £65


James II, Gunmoney Shilling, large size, January 1689, laureate head left, legend and toothed border surrounding both sides, rev crown over sceptres in saltire, J to left, R to right, value and date above, month Jan: below (D.F.421; S.6581M). Toned, about very fine. £75






James II, Gunmoney Shilling, small size, May 1690, laureate head left, legend and toothed border surrounding both sides, rev crown over sceptres in saltire, J to left, R to right, value and date above, month May below (D.F.438; S.6582D). Toned, a little porous, extremely fine. £200


James II, Gunmoney Shilling, small size, May 1690, laureate head left, legend and toothed border surrounding both sides, rev crown over sceptres in saltire, J to left, R to right, value and date above, month May below (D.F.438; S.6582D). Toned, about very fine. £85


James II, Gunmoney Shilling, small size, May 1690, laureate head left, legend and toothed border surrounding both sides, rev crown over sceptres in saltire, J to left, R to right, value and date above, month May below (D.F.438; S.6582D). Toned, “22” inked in field, bold fine. £40


James II, Silver Proof Gunmoney Shilling, small size, May 1690, laureate head left, legend and toothed border surrounding both sides, rev crown over sceptres in saltire, J to left, R to right, value and date above, month May below, 3.80g (D.F.442; S.6582DDD). Toned, almost extremely fine and very rare. £3,500


James II, Silver Proof Gunmoney Shilling, small size, May 1690, laureate head left, legend and toothed border surrounding both sides, rev crown over sceptres in saltire, J to left, R to right, value and date above, month May below, 3.82g (D.F.442; S.6582DDD). Toned, almost extremely fine and very rare. £3,500 Ex Coin Galleries Numismatic Review III, 1969, item A780 Ex Harrington E Manville Collection, DNW, 15 September 2015, lot 302

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James II, Silver Proof Halfpenny, 1690, pewter money type, laureate head left, legend surrounding, rev inverted die axis, crowned harp, date above, legend surrounding, edge milled, 3.82g (D.F.483; S.6591A). Very attractively toned, extremely fine and extremely rare. £3,750 Ex Spink Auction 232, 2 December 2015, lot 1021




James II, Limerick Money Farthing, 1691, struck over Gunmoney small Shilling, laureate and draped bust left, legend surrounding, rev Hibernia left, legend with reversed N and date surrounding (D.F.487; S.6595). Toned, fine. £110


William & Mary (1688-1694), Copper Halfpenny, 1694, conjoined busts right, legend surrounding, rev crowned harp, date either side of crown, legend surrounding (D.F.497; S.6597). Once gilt, bold fine. £45


George I (1714-1727), Copper Woods Farthing, type III, 1723, laureate head right, rev Hibernia left, date in legend (D.F.525; S.6604). Toned, bold very fine. £65




George II (1727-1760), Copper Halfpenny, 1741, type II, laureate head left, rev crowned harp, date below (D.F.543; S.6606). Toned, good fine. £50


George II, Copper Halfpenny, 1750, type III, laureate head left, rev crowned harp, date below (D.F.552; S.6607). Toned, rim nicks, good fine. £40





George III (1760-1820), Copper Voce Populi Halfpenny, type II, 1760, laureate head right, neater style, rev Hibernia seated left, date in exergue (D.F.566). Toned, good fine. £200


George III, Copper Voce Populi Halfpenny, type IX, 1760, laureate head right, P in field, rev Hibernia seated left, date in exergue (D.F.576). Toned, double struck, almost very fine. £300


George III, Bank of Ireland, Silver Proof Six Shillings, 1804, laureate and draped bust right, top leaf of wreath to end of E, legend surrounding, rev Hibernia seated left, value and date in exergue (D.F.616; S.6615). Attractively toned, practically as struck and very rare. £2,500 Ex DNW 77, 12 March 2008, lot 117


George III, Bank Token, Silver Thirty Pence, 1808, laureate and draped bust right, rev Hibernia seated left, value in exergue, harp points to O of legend (D.F.619; S.6616A). Toned unevenly, good extremely fine. £500




George III, Bank Token, Silver Thirty Pence, 1808, laureate and draped bust right, rev Hibernia seated left, value in exergue, harp points to O of legend (D.F.619; S.6616A). Toned, good fine to almost very fine. £120


George III, Bank Token, Silver Thirty Pence, 1808, laureate and draped bust right, rev Hibernia seated left, value in exergue, harp points between O and K of legend (D.F.618; S.6616). Toned unevenly, good fine. £50

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George III, Bank Token, Silver Ten Pence, 1805, laureate and draped bust right, first leaf under D, rev inscription and date (D.F.621; S.6617). Toned, good extremely fine. £100


George III, Bank Token, Silver Ten Pence, 1805, laureate and draped bust right, first leaf under D, rev inscription and date (D.F.621; S.6617). Toned, almost extremely fine. £65




George III, Bank Token, Silver Ten Pence, 1805, laureate and draped bust right, first leaf under D, rev inscription and date (D.F.621; S.6617). Toned, almost very fine. £30


George III, Bank Token, Silver Ten Pence, 1805, laureate and draped bust right, first leaf between D and E, rev inscription and date (D.F.622; S.6617). Toned, good extremely fine. £100

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George III, Bank Token, Silver Ten Pence, 1805, laureate and draped bust right, first leaf between D and E, rev inscription and date (D.F.622; S.6617). Unevenly toned, extremely fine. £70 Ex St James’s Auction 18, 27 September 2011, lot 354 (part)


George III, Bank Token, Silver Ten Pence, 1805, laureate and draped bust right, first leaf between D and E, rev inscription and date (D.F.622; S.6617). Unevenly toned, extremely fine. £70





George III, Bank Token, Silver Ten Pence, 1805, laureate and draped bust right, first leaf between D and E, rev inscription and date (D.F.622; S.6617). Toned, extremely fine. £75


George III, Bank Token, Silver Ten Pence, 1805, laureate and draped bust right, first leaf between D and E, rev inscription and date (D.F.622; S.6617). Three metal flaws on obverse, toned, extremely fine. £70


George III, Bank Token, Silver Ten Pence, 1805, laureate and draped bust right, first leaf between D and E, rev inscription and date (D.F.622; S.6617). Some metal flaws both sides, toned, very fine. £35





George III, Bank Token, Silver Ten Pence, 1806, laureate and draped bust right, first leaf between D and E, rev inscription and date (D.F.623; S.6617). Dark tone, practically extremely fine. £80


George III, Bank Token, Silver Ten Pence, 1806, laureate and draped bust right, first leaf between D and E, rev inscription and date (D.F.623; S.6617). Dark tone, rim nick, practically extremely fine. £70




George III, Bank Token, Silver Ten Pence, 1813, laureate head right, rev inscription and date, wreath of shamrocks surrounding (D.F.624; S.6618). Unevenly toned, extremely fine. £75


George III, Bank Token, Silver Ten Pence, 1813, laureate head right, rev inscription and date, wreath of shamrocks surrounding (D.F.624; S.6618). Unevenly toned, extremely fine. £75





George III, Bank Token, Silver Ten Pence, 1813, laureate head right, rev inscription and date, wreath of shamrocks surrounding (D.F.624; S.6618). Unevenly toned, extremely fine. £75


George III, Bank Token, Silver Ten Pence, 1813, laureate head right, rev inscription and date, wreath of shamrocks surrounding (D.F.624; S.6618). Unevenly toned, extremely fine. £75


George III, Bank Token, Silver Ten Pence, 1813, laureate head right, rev inscription and date, wreath of shamrocks surrounding (D.F.624; S.6618). Unevenly toned, small die flaw under bust, extremely fine. £70





George III, Bank Token, Silver Ten Pence, 1813, laureate head right, rev inscription and date, wreath of shamrocks surrounding (D.F.624; S.6618). Once polished, toned, good very fine. £45


George III, Bank Token, Silver Five Pence, 1805, laureate and draped bust right, rev inscription and date (D.F.626; S.6619). Toned, some flecking, extremely fine. £65


George III, Bank Token, Silver Five Pence, 1805, laureate and draped bust right, rev inscription and date (D.F.626; S.6619). Toned unevenly, extremely fine. £65

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George III, Bank Token, Silver Five Pence, 1805, laureate and draped bust right, rev inscription and date (D.F.626; S.6619). Toned unevenly, good very fine. £50


George III, Bank Token, Silver Five Pence, 1805, laureate and draped bust right, rev inscription and date (D.F.626; S.6619). Toned unevenly, good very fine. £50




George III, Bank Token, Silver Five Pence, 1806, laureate and draped bust right, rev inscription and date (D.F.627; S.6619). Toned, very fine. £30


George III, Bank Token, Silver Five Pence, 1806, laureate and draped bust right, rev inscription and date (D.F.627; S.6619). Toned, about very fine. £25


George III, Copper-gilt Proof Halfpenny, 1805, small laureate and draped bust right, rev crowned harp, date below, edge grained (D.F.599; S.6621). Lightly toned, surface marks both sides, good extremely fine. £475 Ex Spink, 2 December 2015, lot 1031


George III, Copper-gilt Proof Farthing, 1806, small laureate and draped bust right, rev crowned harp, date below, edge grained (D.F.605; S.6622). Lightly toned, good extremely fine. £375 Ex Spink, 2 December 2015, lot 1032


George IV (1820-1830), Copper Proof Penny, 1823, laureate and draped bust left, rev crowned harp, date below (D.F.633; S.6624). In NGC holder graded PF63BN, toned, practically as struck and very rare. £875





George IV, Copper Halfpenny, 1822, laureate and draped bust left, rev crowned harp, date below, edge plain (D.F.633; S.6624). Toned with some lustre, extremely fine. £125


George IV, Copper Halfpenny, 1822, laureate and draped bust left, rev crowned harp, date below, edge plain (D.F.633; S.6624). Toned, good fine. £25




Irish Free State, Silver Florin, 1937, harp with date either side, rev salmon and denomination (D.F.666; S.6626). Toned, very fine. £35


Irish Free State, Silver Sixpence, 1935, harp with date either side, rev Wolfhound and denomination (D.F.677; S.6628). Toned, extremely fine. £50


Irish Republic, Cupro-nickel Halfcrown, 1954, harp with date to right, rev horse and denomination (D.F.711; S.6638). Toned, practically as struck and extremely rare. £1,250


Irish Republic, Cupro-nickel Florin, 1954, harp with date to right, rev salmon and denomination (D.F.729; S.6639). Toned, practically as struck and extremely rare. £1,000


Irish Republic, Cupro-nickel Shilling, 1954, harp with date to right, rev bull and denomination (D.F.748; S.6640). Toned, practically as struck and extremely rare. £875

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NUMISMATIC LITERATURE NB001 Attianese, P. Calabria Greca. Greek Coins of Calabria. San Severina, 1974-1980. Complete in three volumes. Quarto, pp. 398, (2); 439, (1); 548. All three volumes in the original publisher’s cloth and protective sleeves. Minimal wear, overall a very good set. £395 Clain-Stefanelli 2087; Daehn 2631.

NB002 Babelon, E. Catalogues des Monnaies Grècques de la Bibliothèque Nationale. Les Perses Achéménides. Les Satraps et les Dynastes Tributaires de leur Empire Cypre & Phénicie. Paris, 1893. Thick quarto, pp. cxciv, 412; 39 fine plates printed on card. Bound by the New York binders, Stikeman & Co. in half navy crushed morocco and cloth boards and with the neat ex-libris of Edward Newell on the front pastedown. Raised bands, panelled and lettered in gilt, top edge gilt. Some minor rubbing and wear, else a fine copy. £400 Clain-Stefanelli 3059*, Daehn 6181, Grierson 91.

NB003 Babelon, E. Inventaire Sommaire de la Collection Waddington Acquise par l’Etat en 1897. Paris, 1897-1898. Complete in four parts. Quarto. pp. xv, (1), 152; (153)-279, (1); (4), (281)-438, (2); (4), (441)576; 21 fine plates of Roman Provincial and Greek coins all bound in on hinges. All four parts finely bound in half green morocco and marbled boards with the original covers preserved. Spines lettered in gilt. The binding of the first volume a shade darker than the other three. All virtually as new with clean, bright contents throughout. The rarely seen original edition of this magnificent collection, now housed in the Bibliothèque Nationale. Still important. £650 Clain-Stefanelli 2600*; Daehn 4529; Grierson 57.

Complete Set of The Original Dumbarton Oaks References NB004 Bellinger, A. R. & Grierson, P. Catalogue of the Byzantine Coins in the Dumbarton Oaks Collection and in the Whittemore Collection. 1966-1999. Five volumes complete in nine parts. Volume One. Anastasius I to Maurice 491-602, pp. xxvi, 383, 53 plates; Volume Two. Phocas to Theodosius III 602717. 1968. Two volumes, pp. 728, 46 plates; Volume Three. Leo III to Nicephorus III 717-1081. Two Volumes, pp. 887, 70 plates; Volume Four. Alexius I to Michael VIII. Two volumes, pp. 736, 54 plates; Volume Five. Michael VIII to Constantine XI 1258-1453. Two Volumes, pp. 609, 91 plates. The original and much preferred editions of the first three volumes with far superior, collatype plates. Some corners rubbed and bumped, volumes four and five almost as new. All in original cloth. A major and essential work. The standard reference for Byzantine coins. £675 Clain-Stefanelli 5392*





NB005 Betlyon, J. W. The Coinage and Mints of Phoenicia. The Pre-Alexandrine Period. California, 1982. Octavo, pp. xi, (1), 171, (1); 9 plates. Later half morocco and marbled boards, ruled and lettered in gilt. Ex library with a discreet stamp on title page, contents otherwise as new. A very fine copy, seldom offered. £285 Clain-Stefanelli 2895a; Daehn 5571, ‘A revised version of a doctoral dissertation.’

NB006 Bodenstedt, F. Die Elektronmünzen von Phokaia und Mytilene. Tübingen, 1981. Thick quarto, pp. x, 390; 63 plates. Cloth, jacket.The latter a trifle rubbed, minimal wear to extremities, contents as new. A widely used and important reference. £195 An Original Copy of Boehringer on Syracuse NB007 Boehringer, E. Die Münzen von Syrakus. Berlin & Leipzig, 1929. Two parts bound into one volume. Quarto, pp. vi, (2), 297, (9); 32 superb plates. Handsomely bound in later tan cloth, spine lettered direct in gilt. A trifle rubbed, fine overall. Seldom offered and of the utmost importance. £2,450 Clain-Stefanelli 2257*; Daehn 3120; Grierson 64; Kroh 21 (four stars), ‘A die corpus of the early silver issues from 510 to c.415 B.C. Over 733 die-couples are listed with 364 obverse and 500 reverse dies illustrated. Such is the quality of his research that over sixty years later there are very few new dies or die combinations to add to this impressive list and the dating criteria needs to be only slightly adjusted.’

NB008 Cahn, Herbert A. Die Münzen der Sizilischen Stadt Naxos. Basel, 1944. Quarto, pp. 168; 12 plates. Original printed wrappers with photograph laid on. Wrappers a little creased, some minimal wear, very good overall. £265 Clain-Stefanelli 2246*, ‘Emphasizes economic as well as artistic aspects.’ Daehn 3062; Grierson 63; Kroh 20 *(five stars) ‘An excellent die corpus…published in 1944 and still the standard reference.’

NB009 Calciati, R. Pegasi. Mortara, 1990. Two volumes. Quarto, pp. 729, copiously illustrated throughout. Original cloth, jackets. Both volumes housed in slipcase. Almost as new. A superb reference, scarce. £350 Daehn 4253, ‘A corpus of the silver coinage of Corinth, her colonies in Greece, Italy and Sicily and the independent cities which issued coins of Corinthian type.’ Kroh 38 (five stars), ‘It is a brave attempt at a corpus of the silver coinage of Corinth and all her 26 colonies. It contains 732 pages of bilingual (English and Italian) text and examines 13,650 coins…The coverage is certainly comprehensive.’

NB010 Campana, A. La Monetazione Degli Insorti Italici Durante la Guerra Sociale. Soliera, 1987. Quarto, pp. xv, (1), 153, (1); 12 plates of coins. Original heavy card covers. Almost as new. £350 The standard reference, essential for the series and difficult to obtain, with copies selling at over $1300 in recent auctions.

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NB011 Carradice, I. [Ed.] Coinage and Administration in the Athenian and Persian Empires. BAR International Series 343. Oxford, 1987. Quarto, pp. v, (1), 167; 15 plates. Recently bound in half maroon morocco and marbled boards. Ruled and lettered in gilt. Matching endpapers. Contents as new. A most attractive copy of this excellent reference, surprisingly difficult to obtain. Rare thus. £275 Daehn 3995; Kroh 36

Dattari’s Monumental Work on The Coinage of Roman Alexandria NB012 Dattari, G. Monete Imperiali Greche. Numi Augg. Alexandrini. Catalogo Della Collezione G. Dattari Compilato dal Proprietario. Cairo, 1901. Two volumes. Folio,pp. x, 471, (1); 37 plates. Both parts in the original wrappers, chipped and worn. The spine broken on the text volume and the wrappers of the plates volume inverted. Contents clean with the pages unopened, would certainly benefit from rebinding. The much preferred first edition of this exhaustive work with far superior plates to those in the later reprint. Still the classic reference for the coinage of Roman Alexandria. Seldom offered. £495 Clain-Stefanelli 4520*; Kroh 54 ‘One of the most complete references for this coinage… Rarities and unusual types abound (many only recorded here) and, like the BMC, the coins are arranged by types and not according to regnal years.’

NB013 Desneux, Dr. J. Les Tétradrachmes D’Akanthos. Bruxelles, 1949. Quarto, pp. 122; 38 plates. Bound in later half morocco and marbled boards with the original wrappers preserved. Ruled and lettered in gilt. Matching endpapers. The prelims a trifle foxed, contents otherwise as new. An excellent reference, rarely encountered. £435 Clain-Stefanelli 2318; Daehn 3243; Grierson 60.

NB014 Fischer-Bossert, W. The Athenian Decadrachm. American Numismatic Society. Numismatic Notes and Monographs No. 168. New York, 2008. Quarto, pp. x, 94, (4), 41 plates. Original cloth, jacket. A little worn at extremities, otherwise a very good copy. The standard reference, now out of print. £145 Daehn 4012, “A comprehensive examination of the Athenian Decadrachm and its social, political and economic background…Most of the decadrachms, both genuine and false are illustrated.”






NB015 [Florange/Ciani] Collection de Monniaes Grècques H. de Nanteuil. Paris, 1925. Two parts in one volume. Thick quarto, pp. xiv, 343, (2); 59 plates. Contemporary quarter red morocco and marbled boards. Spine lettered in gilt. A most attractive copy, very fine. £595 An important collection, listing over 1,000 coins from Spain to the Aegean Islands and catalogued with the help of Jean Babelon. The collection was added to up until the 1970s at which point it was gradually dispersed, predominantly through the Leu sales of the time. Clain-Stefanelli 1931; Daehn 2041; Grierson 57; Kroh 12.

NB016 Gaebler, H. Die Antiken Münzen von Makedonia und Paionia. Berlin, 1935. Large quarto, pp. vii, 234; 40 plates, (2). Handsomely bound in half green morocco and marbled boards, raised bands, lettered in gilt. Marbled endpapers. Scarce and important, particularly in such fine condition as here. £325 Previously lot 7210 from the Peus sale of the Adolph Hess library. Volume three of the attempted corpus of Greek coins ‘AMNG’ (Die Antiken Munzen Nord-Griechenlands), originally begun under Imhoof-Blumer and best described by ClainStefanelli in Numismatics; an Ancient Science: ‘This dream of a corpus of all ancient Greek coins seems to have haunted numismatists since the early 16th century…But it proved too ambitious even for the late 1800’s and despite competent scholars, this gigantic German work progressed very slowly until it finally came to a halt in the late 1930’s.’ Clain-Stefanelli 2305*; Daehn 3247.

NB017 Grose, S. W. Catalogue of the McClean Collection of Greek Coins. Volume 1. Western Europe, Magna Graecia, Sicily. Volume 2. The Greek Mainland, The Aegean Islands, Crete. Volume 3. Asia Minor, Farther Asia, Egypt, Africa. Cambridge, 1923-1929. Complete in three volumes. Large quarto, pp. x, (2), 380, 111 plates; 536, (112)-248 plates; vi, 507, (249)-380 plates. All three volumes uniformly bound in dark green morocco and matching cloth boards. Raised bands, panelled and lettered in gilt. Top edges gilt. Marbled endpapers. Some unobtrusive watermarks to the top of the first and second volumes otherwise a very good set, expertly bound. A superb record of this remarkable collection, listing over 10,000 coins, now housed in the Fitzwilliam museum. £1,450 Clain-Stefanelli 1887*; Daehn 1770, ‘This is one of the great collections, expertly catalogued…Also includes some very useful indices, including a geographical index and indices to types, inscriptions, monograms, symbols and persons. These indices, along with the vast scope of the collection, make this one of the most useful catalogues for scholars, collectors, and dealers in Greek coins.’ Grierson 57; Kroh 10.

NB018 Head, B. V. Historia Numorum. A Manual of Greek Numismatics. Oxford, 1911. Thick quarto, pp. lxxxviii, 966, 5 tables, numerous illustrations in the text. Original cloth, gilt. Endpapers a trifle foxed otherwise a fine copy of the second and best edition of this still essential standard reference. The most comprehensive single volume reference work on Greek coins. Rare thus. £350 Clain-Stefanelli 1832*; Daehn 90; Grierson 52, ‘Ouvrage de référence classique et essential.’ Kroh 7.

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NB019 Hill, G. F. L’Art dans les Monnaies Grecques. Pièces choisies, Reproduites en Agrandissement et Décrites. Paris/Bruxelles, 1927. Quarto, pp. 65, (3); 64 superb plates of coins, all enlargements. Attractively bound in quarter blue morocco and matching cloth boards. Some minor foxing else a good, clean copy, presented by the author to the Burlington Fine Arts Club with their ex-libris neatly pasted in. Fine. £295 Clain-Stefanelli 3557; Daehn 1168, ‘Reviews the artistic elements of Greek coins. Over 250 of the finest Greek coins are described and shown in enlarged photographs…Most of the coins are from the British Museum, although some are from the Gulbenkian, Jameson, Lloyd and Woodward collections.’

A Good Run of The IBSCC’s Indispensable Forgery Reports


[International Bureau for the Suppression of Counterfeit Coins] Bulletin on Counterfeits. 39 issues. Comprising; Vols. 1-7; Vol. 9-22 (No. 2). 1976-1997. All in the original paper wrappers, a little smoky with some edges browned, fine overall. £750 A good run of these indispensable bulletins covering almost all geographical and historical areas of numismatics. Very rarely offered and of the utmost importance. Kroh 98 (five stars).




NB021 Jenkins, G. K. The Coinage of Gela. Berlin, 1970. Two Volumes. Quarto, pp. xxiv, 312; 16, 56 plates. Both volumes in the original green cloth boards. A trifle rubbed, very fine overall. £850 Clain-Stefanelli 2224*; Daehn 3010, ‘A comprehensive study.’ Grierson 62; Kroh 19 (five stars), ‘Absolutely essential.’

NB022 Kouymjian, D. K. [Ed.] Near Eastern Numismatics, Iconography, Epigraphy and History. Studies in Honor of George C. Miles. American Univeristy of Beirut, 1974. Large quarto, pp. 478; profusely illustrated. Cloth, gilt. An important festschrift containing some major papers as well as a biography and bibliography of Miles’ extensive works. £165

A Beautiful Copy of Kraay & Hirmers Classic Work on Greek Coins

NB023 Kraay, C. & Hirmer, M. Greek Coins. New York. 1966. Folio. 396; 220 plates illustrating 1,329 coins, 20 colour illustrations tipped in, maps. Beautifully bound in half brown morocco and cloth boards, ruled in gilt. Raised bands to spine, lettered in gilt, tope edge gilt. A superb copy of what is generally considered to be the most sumptuously produced book on Greek coins ever published. Further editions appeared in both French and German, but this, the English version, carries the best and most up to date text by Colin Kraay. Extremely fine. £595 Clain-Stefanelli 1849*; Daehn 127, ‘Noted for the 1329 photographs of 809 of the best specimens of Greek coinage.’ Grierson 53, ‘Ouvrage luxueusement illustré.’ Kroh 7, (five stars), ‘The ULTIMATE “coffee-table” book; certainly the finest work on Greek coins ever printed. It is massive in size and contains many fantastic enlargements of the best Greek coins you are ever likely to see. Long out of print this is the world’s most sought after numismatic book.’

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NB024 Lacroix, L. Les Reproductions de Statues sur les Monnaies Grècques. La Statuaire Archaȉque et Classique. Paris, 1949. Octavo, pp. xxii, 372, (2); 28 plates, 15, (1). Original publisher’s cloth, somewhat worn with the spine split at lower end. Contents browned as is usual, else fine. Rare and important. £220 Clain-Stefanelli 3466*; Daehn 985; Grierson 59.

NB025 Lederer, P. Syrakusisches Kleingeld im 5. Jahrhundert vor Chr. Archaische und Übergangs-Zeit. Berlin, 1913. Octavo, pp. 26; 4 plates, illustrations in the text. WITH; Lederer, P. Seltene Griechische Münzen der Sammlung Arthur v. Gwinner. Berlin, 1916. Octavo, pp. 27; 3 plates, further illustrations in the text. Both titles neatly inscribed on the title page. Two important papers, both rare. £295 Clain-Stefanelli 2273 for the first title, the second unlisted.

NB026 May, J. M. F. The Coinage of Damastion and the Lesser Coinages of the Illyro-Paeonian Region. London, 1938. Quarto, pp. xiv, 207; 12 plates. Original cloth boards, bumped and dusty. With author’s compliment slip loosely inserted. Contents fine. A rarely seen reference, still important and widely used. £350 Clain-Stefanelli 2455; Daehn 3821; Kroh 31.

NB027 May, J. M. F. The Coinage of Abdera (540-345 B.C.) Royal Numismatic Society Special Publication No. 3. London, 1966. Quarto, pp. xi, (1), 298, (2); 34 fine plates. Original cloth, jacket in protective sleeve. A fine copy, clean, bright and with little sign of use. £120 Clain-Stefanelli 3276*; Daehn 3690, ‘A detailed study of the coinage of Abdera.’ Grierson 60.




NB028 Meshorer, Y. Qedem. Monographs of the Institute of Archaeology. Nabatean Coins. Jerusalem, 1975. Quarto, pp. 111 pages, 8 b/w plates. Original printed cloth boards. A little dusty with some wear to the spine. Prelims yellowed, contents otherwise very good. The only single volume reference for this area of coinage, out of print and surprisingly difficult to obtain. £95

Minn’s Rarely Seen Work on The Scythians and Greeks NB029 Minns, E. H. Scythians and Greeks. A Survey of Ancient History and Archaeology on the north coast of the Euxine from the Danube to the Caucasus. Cambridge, 1913. Large quarto, pp. xl, 720 pages; 9 photographic coin plates each with page of descriptive text, 11 folding maps and plans, 351 further photographic illustrations and line drawings in the text. In the original blue blind embossed cloth, spine lettered in gilt. Worn and rubbed, hinges broken but still holding. Contents dusty and thumbed, possibly ex library with the labels removed. £495 An impressive, expert and rarely encountered volume covering many different scholarly areas, of which numismatics is but one. The coins illustrated in the plates are clearly attributed to many notable collections: “The following Per­sons and Institutions possess important collections of Greek coins from South Russia and to most of them as indicated below I am indebted for casts: H.I.H. the Grand Duke Alexander Michailovich; his is perhaps the richest of all ... The Hermitage ... The Historical Museum at Moscow contains Burachkov’s coins ... The Museum of the Odessa Historical and Archaeological Society ... The Countess Uvarov ... General A.L. Bertier-de-la-Garde ... Dr. I.A. Terlecki ... The British Museum ... The Imperial Cabinet at Vienna ....”. Ellis Minns was Disney Professor of Archaeology at the University of Cambridge between 1926 and 1938, a position previously occupied by Percy Gardner between 1879 and 1887. Clain-Stefanelli 2624*

NB030 Newell, E. T. The Coinages of Demetrius Poliorcetes. London, 1927. Quarto, pp. 174, 18 fine plates. Original grey cloth with paper label to front board. Pages uncut, contents fresh, clean and virtually as issued. An extremely fine copy, scarce thus. £385 Clain-Stefanelli 2356*; Daehn 3447, ‘A detailed study.’ Grierson 66; Kroh 26 (five stars), ‘A diestudy still used as the standard reference.’

NB031 Price, M. J. The Coinage in the Name of Alexander the Great and Philip Arrhidaeus. A British Museum Catalogue. London, 1991. Two volumes. Large quarto, pp. 637, 159 photographic plates. Red cloth, jackets, slipcase. As new and in original protective wrapping. £395 The standard reference. Out of print and becoming difficult to obtain new.


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NB033 NB032 [Rollin & Feuardent] Collection H. Hoffman. Médailles Grècques et Romaines Françaises et Étrangères. Paris, 2nd May, 1898. Large quarto, pp. photographic portrait of Hoffman as frontispiece, vii, 210, 2,892 lots; 12 superb plates. Full black cloth, gilt. Some scuffing, contents clean and bright. Nearly fine. £395 Babelon 34; Clain-Stefanelli 1735; Grierson 283; Spring 576.

NB033 [Sambon & Canessa] Collections Martinetti & Nervegna. Médailles Grècques et Romaines, Aes Grave. Rome, 18th November, 1907. Quarto, pp. vii, 254 pages, 3184 lots, (2); 43 plates, additional line drawings in the text. Bound in black half morocco and cloth boards, raised bands. Lettered and panelled in gilt, all edges gilt. Marbled endpapers. A very important collection. As new. £165 Clain-Stefanelli 1744; Grierson 284; Spring 621, also listed under the ‘Most Important Sales’ of Roman Imperial coins.



NB034 [Santamaria P. & P.] Collection de Médailles Grècques, Romaines, Aes Grave et Monnaies Italiennes avant appartenu à Feu Le Prof. Carlo Stiavelli et à un autre Collectionneur Distingué. Rome, 6th April, 1908. Quarto, pp. 158, 1299 lots; 18 fine plates. Original printed card covers. Spine broken, contents loose but clean and bright. Very good. £165 Clain-Stefanelli 1777; Grierson 287; Spring 637.

NB035 Särström, M. A Study in the Coinage of the Mamertines. Lund, 1940. Small quarto, pp. xv, (1), 182, (2); 54 plates, one page of corrections loosely inserted. In the original printed card covers, a little discoloured, minimal wear. An important reference, infrequently offered and surprisingly, not listed in either Clain-Stefanelli or Daehn. Scarce thus. £175 NB036 Seltman, Charles T. The Temple Coins of Olympia. First separate edition. Reprinted from Nomisma VIII. IX. XI., Cambridge, 1921. Text and plate volumes, pp. ix, (1), 117, (1); 12 fine plates printed on card and bound in on hinges. The text volume in the original printed wrappers, the spine split with the upper cover and first few pages loose. The plates bound in quarter morocco and red cloth boards, gilt to spine. Worn and rubbed, the plates a little browned and with numerous pencil annotations. A major reference, seldom offered. £275 Clain-Stefanelli 2565*; Daehn 4373, ‘A detailed examination of the coinage which had traditionally been attributed to the city of Elis.’ Kroh 33, ‘A very good die corpus.’





NB037 Schönert-Geiss, E. [Ed.] Griechisches Münzwerk. Die Münzprägung von Bisanthe, Dikaia, Selymbria. Berlin, 1975. Quarto, pp. (6), 62, (2); 8 b/w plates. In the original printed boards, dusty else very good. The specialist reference and die-study for coins of the Thraco-Macedonian area. Infrequently offered. £145 Clain-Stefanelli 2370*; Daehn 3635; Grierson 64.

NB038 [Sotheby, Wilkinson & Hodge] Catalogue of The Bunbury Collection of Greek Coins. First Portion. Italy, Sicily, European Greece, Crete, &c. London, 15th June, 1896. Quarto, pp. iv, 155, (1), 1258 lots; 8 very fine autotype plates; [and] Second and Final Portion. Asia Minor, Africa, &c. London, 7th December, 1896. Quarto, pp. iv, 104, 810 lots; 7 very fine autotype plates. Both volumes neatly bound in quarter black morocco and cloth boards with the original paper wrappers preserved. Spine lettered in gilt. Very fine and important. £350 Sale totals £8700-4-6 & £3880-4-6. Clain-Stefanelli 1950; Grierson 281; Spring 767 & 768, both sales listed under the ‘Most Important Sales’ of Ancient Greek coins. “The collection of Greek coins…is perhaps one of the most extensive and most interesting that has ever been formed by a private individual.”

NB039 Starr, C. G. Athenian Coinage 480-449 B.C. Oxford, 1970. Octavo, pp. xiii, 96, (2); 26 plates. Original cloth, jacket. Annotated and marked throughout in a neat hand. A fine copy of the preferred, first edition of this surprisingly scarce work. £165 Clain-Stefanelli 2522; Daehn 4115, ‘Presents a new chronological arrangement of the coinage of Athens between 480-449B. C., revising the chronologies proposed by Svoronos and Seltman.’ Grierson 61; Kroh 35 (four stars), ‘There is much useful information to be gleaned from this modestly sized book.’


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An Original and Complete Set of SNG Denmark

NB040 [Sylloge Nummorum Graecorum] The Royal Collection of Coins and Medals. Danish National Museum. Copenhagen, Einar Munksgaard, 1942-1979. Complete in 43 volumes and with the rarely seen introduction. Comprising: Introduction. (Reprinted). 1942; 1. Italy. Part I. Etruria-Campania. 1942; 2. Italy. Part II. ApuliaLucania: Metapontum. 1942; 3. Italy. Part III. Lucania: Poseidonia-Bruttium. 1942; 4. Sicily. Part I. Abacaenum-Petra. 1942; 5. Sicily. Part II. Segesta-Sardinia. 1942; 6. Thrace. Part I. The Tauric Chersonese-Thrace: Mesembria. 1942; 7. Thrace. Part II. Odessus-Sestus. Islands, Kings and Dynasts. 1943; 8. Macedonia. Part I. Acanthus-Uranopolis. Dynasts. 1943; 9. Macedonia. Part II. Alexander I-Alexander II. 1943; 10. Macedonia. Part III. Philip III-Philip VI. Macedonia Under the Romans. Kings of Paeonia. 1943; 11. Thessaly-Illyricum. 1943; 12. Eprius-Arcania. 1943; 13. Aetolia-Euboea. 1944; 14. Attica-Aegina. 1944; 15. Corinth. 1944; 16. Phliasia-Laconia. 1944; 17. Argolis-Aegean Islands. 1944; 18. Bosporus-Bithynia. 1944; 19. Mysia. 1945; 20. Troas. 1945; 21. Aeolis-Lesbos. 1945; 22. Ionia. Part I. Clazomenae-Ephesus. 1946; 23. Ionia. Part II. Erythrae-Priene. 1946; 24. Ionia. Part III. Smyrna-Teos. Islands. 1946; 25. Caria. Part I. Alabanda-Orthosia. 1947; 26. Caria. Part II. Sebastopolis-Trapezopolis. Satraps-Islands. 1947; 27. Lydia. Part I. Acrasus-Saȉtta. 1947; 28. Lydia. Part II. Sala-Tripolis. 1947; 29. Phrygia. Part I. Abbaȉtis-Eumeneia. 1948; 30. Phrygia. Part II. Grimenothyrae-Trajanopolis. 1948; 31. Lycia-Pamphylia. 1955; 32. Pisidia. 1956; 33. LycaoniaCilicia. 1956; 34. Cyprus-Cappacdocia. Uncertain Coins. Imperial Cistopheri. 1956; 35. Syria. Seleucid Kings. 1959; 36. Syria: Cities. 1959; 37. Phoenicia. 1961; 38. Palestine-Characene. 1961; 39. Parthia-India. 1965; 40. Egypt: The Ptolemies. 1977; 41. Alexandria-Cyrenaica. 1974; 42. North Africa. Syrtica-Mauretana. 1969; 43. Spain. Gaul. 1979. All in folio, consisting of 597 plates illustrating and describing 22,012 coins from all over the Greek world. All with accompanying pages of descriptive text and with additional essays in the first volume describing the origins and formation of the collection (these also present in the introductory volume, which is a contemporary reprint of these pages). All volumes in the original brown printed card covers, some wear, particularly to spines and extremities, the cover of part four detached. Contents however clean, fresh and virtually as issued. A most attractive set of this phenomenal work, the most important and comprehensive of all the Sylloges and one of the most important references for Ancient Greek coins. Much used, highly sought after and very seldom seen complete. Rare thus. £6,000 Clain-Stefanelli 1912*; Daehn 1982; Kroh 13 (five stars), ‘It is the largest and most compete of all SNGs and is utilized extensively by both scholars and the trade. The coverage is extensive and both the quality of material as well as the research is very good. An astonishing 583 [sic] plates illustrate most of the 22,012 coins (Volume 41, Alexandria, illustrates all but the very worn duplicates). Original full sets are very rare…’


SNG Von Aulock from The Library of Adolph Hess

NB041 [Sylloge Nummorum Graecorum] Deutschland. Sammlung V. Aulock. Berlin, Verlag Gebr. Mann. 1957-1968. Complete in 18 parts. Comprising: 1. Heft. Nr. 1-332: Pontus. Paphlagonien. Bithynien. 1957; 2. Heft. Nr. 333-676: Pontus. Paphlagonien. Bithynien. 1957; 3. Heft. Nr. 677-1049: Pontus. Paphlagonien. Bithynien. 1957; 4. Heft. Nr. 10501438: Mysien. 1957; 5. Heft. Nr. 1439-1767: Troas. Aeolis. Lesbos. 1959; 6. Heft. Nr. 1768-2333. Ionien. 1960; 7. Heft. Nr. 2334-2867. Karien. 1962; 8. Heft. Nr. 2868-3328. Lydien. 1963; 9. Heft. Nr. 3329-4040. Phrygien. 1964; 10. Heft. Nr. 4041-4476. Lykien. 1964; 11. Heft. Nr. 4477-4893. Pamphylien. 1965; 12. Heft. Nr. 4894-5412. Pisidien. Lykaonien. Isaurien. 1694; 13. Heft. Nr. 54136098. Kilikien. 1966; 14. Heft. Nr. 6099-6673. Galatien. Kappadokien. Kaiserzeitliche Kistopheren Posthume Lysimachus- Und Alexander-Tetradrachmen. Incerti. 1967; 15. Heft. Nr. 6676-7190. Nachträge I. Pontus. Paphlagonien. Bithynien. 1967; 16. Heft. Nr. 7191-7758. Nachträge II. Mysien. Troas. Aeolis. Lesbos. 1967; 17. Heft. Nr. 7759-8298. Nachträge III. Ionien. Karien. Lydien. 1968; 18. Heft. Nr. 8299-8739. Nachräge IV. Phrygien. Lykien. Pamphylien. Pisidien. Lykaonien. Isaurien. Kilikien. Galatien. Kappadokien. Kaiserzeitl. Kistophoren. Increti. 1968. All volumes in folio, with a total of 304 finely printed photographic plates illustrating 8,739 coins from Asia Minor, each with accompanying page of descriptive text. All eighteen volumes in the original brown printed card covers. A little worn. From the library of Adolph Hess with a small library label taped to the spine of each volume. Contents very fine throughout. £3,250 Previously lot 7440 in the Peus sale of the Adolph Hess library. Clain-Stefanelli 1914; Daehn 1988; Grierson 56; Kroh 13 (five stars), ‘Concentrates solely on the Greek and Greek Imperial coinage of Asia Minor. The scholarship utilized is excellent and is universally recognized as the ultimate reference for this series. 8,739 coins are illustrated on 304 plates, with a very good German text. These coins were afterwards dispersed through the trade and are usually offered at auction. Original sets of this SNG are very rare…’

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NB042 [Sylloge Nummorum Graecorum] Volume III. The Lockett Collection. Part I: Spain-Italy (Gold and Silver). Part II: Sicily-Thrace (Gold and Silver). Part III: Macedonia-Aegina (Gold and Silver). Part IV: Peloponnese-Aeolis (Gold and Silver). Part V: Lesbos-Cyrenaica: Addenda (Gold and Silver). London, Published for the British Academy, 1938-1945, 1957. The first four volumes first impressions, the fifth volume the second impression (1957). Folio, preface by E.S.G. Robinson, 64 fine plates illustrating 3,542 coins, each with accompanying page of descriptive text. All volumes in the original brown printed boards. Important and scarce. £650 Clain-Stefanelli 1913*; Daehn 1970; Kroh 13 (four stars), ‘This was a private collection and the quality is very good with the scope focused on artistic style. His entire collection was sold by Glendining and Co. 1955-61.’

NB043 [Sylloge Nummorum Graecorum] The Burton Y. Berry Collection. Complete in two parts. Parts 1. Macedonia to Attica. Part 2. Megaris to Egypt. The American Numismatic Society. New York, 1961-1962. Folio, pp. (3); (5), 58 fine plates each with facing page of descriptive text. Both volumes in the original russet printed card covers. A little wear to extremities but contents fine and overall clean. £225 Clain-Stefanelli 1916*; Daehn 1961; Kroh 14, ‘Contains 1,506 coins from Macedonia to Egypt illustrated on 57 fine plates. Berry was a serious collector since the 1920s, and assembled an excellent and varied collection with many unusual and artistic items. Out of print, popular and elusive…’

Svoronos’ Major Work on Crete

NB044 Svoronos, J.N. Numismatique de la Crète Ancienne accompagnee de l’Histoire, la Geographie et la Mythologie de l’Ile. Macon, 1890. Complete in two parts. Quarto, pp. (4), ix, (1), 358; 35 fine plates. Both parts bound in quarter crimson morocco and matching cloth boards, ruled in gilt. Five raised bands, the fourth and fifth lettered direct, the remaining with gilt decoration. Matching endpapers to both volumes. Contents a trifle discoloured, the plate volume more heavily used with annotations and some illustrations inexplicably cut out but neatly glued back in. Very good overall. The standard reference for the series, seldom offered. £2,450 Clain-Stefanelli 2581*; Daehn 4437; Kroh 50 (four stars), ‘This study, as opposed to the BMC, attempts to be a corpus of all known types and is still utilized as such by most researchers… Very rare.’


A Fine Copy of Svoronos’ on The Ptolemies

NB045 Svoronos, J. N. TA NOMIΣMATA TOϒ KPATOϒΣ TΩN ΠTOΛEMAIΩN / Die Münzen der Ptolemaeer. Athens, 1904-1908. Complete in four parts. Quarto, pp. xii, 506 columns, (3), 3 folding tables, (8); 322, (2); lxvii, 396 columns, (2), (401)-438, (2), (442)-622, (1), 80 columns, folding table, 4 plates; 64 plates. All four volumes recently bound in quarter crimson morocco and cloth boards, ruled in gilt. Spines in six compartments, the second and fourth lettered direct, the remaining with gilt emblems. Matching crimson endpapers in each volume. Contents used with some wear and discoloration to page edges. The title page, folding table and plates of the fourth volume partially damaged and crudely repaired with some discolouration and minor loss to the plates in the addenda, the main volume of plates not affected. Very good overall. Seldom offered, with only 600 sets printed and of those, only 400 made available for sale. After over 100 years this remains the standard reference for the series, mainly due Svoronos’s exhaustive and thoroughly researched text, albeit on this occasion somewhat difficult for most to navigate being in Greek and German. Still, highly important and essential for the series. £2,750 Clain-Stefanelli 3173*; Daehn 6688, ‘The standard die study of the Ptolemaic series. Lists 1919 coin varieties.’ Kroh 52 (four stars) ‘Simply the finest work of its kind, with extremely detailed historical and numismatic information. Its main usefulness is in the many tables throughout the text and its third volume of 64 excellent collotype (plus 4 more in the addenda) plates… This has never been reprinted and is quite rare and in great demand.’

Svoronos’ Landmark Work on The Coinage of Athens

NB046 Svoronos, J. Trèsor de la Numismatique Grecque Ancienne. Les Monnaies D’Athènes. Munich, 1923-1926. Folio, pp. (2), xix, (1), 114 superb plates. Superbly bound in quarter crimson morocco and matching cloth boards, ruled in gilt. Five raised bands to spine, the second compartment lettered direct, gilt emblems in the remaining. Matching endpapers. Prelims a trifle dusty, contents otherwise bright and virtually as new. A most attractive copy of this landmark work, completed by Behrendt Pick after the death of Jean Svoronos. Still the standard reference, widely used and of the utmost importance. Extremely fine overall. £3,500 Clain-Stefanelli 2524*; Daehn 4122; Grierson 61; Kroh 36 (four stars), ‘Indubitably the most useful reference on Athenian coins ever published as it included illustrations (from casts) of every coin (usually with their weight in grammes) that was in all known public or private collections at the time, from “owls” through the Imperial period… There were only 500 copies of the originals printed and they are extremely rare and virtually unobtainable… Essential!’

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NB047 Svoronos, J. N. [Ed.] Journal International D’Archéologie Numismatique. Tomes Septieme - Vingtet-Unieme. Athens, 1904-1927. A substantial run (18 of 21 volumes), missing volumes 11, 16 (part 2), and 19. All in the original paper wrappers. Quite worn overall, with the wrappers loose on a number of volumes and the spines of many split as is usual. The contents mainly clean and bright with the pages of most volumes unopened. A considerable run of this hugely important and very rarely seen periodical, packed with valuable information, particularly on Ancient Greek coins and well-illustrated with hundreds of fine collatype plates. £595 Clain-Stefanelli 629; Grierson 19.



NB048 Szaivert, E. & W. & Sear, D. Griechischer Münzkatalog. Two Volumes. Band I: Europa. Munich, 1980. Quarto, pp. 392, 5 page index, illustrations throughout; Band 2: Asien und Afrika. Munich, 1983. Quarto, pp. 477, illustrations throughout. Both volumes bound in half crimson morocco and red buckram boards, ruled in gilt. Raised bands, panelled, lettered and decorated in gilt. All edges gilt. The slightly modified, German edition of Sear’s landmark work, ‘Greek Coins and Their Values.’ A very fine set. £125 Clain-Stefanelli 1876; Daehn 353, ‘It is printed in a larger format and features a few extra coins and some auction prices realized. The catalaogue is presented chronologically (rather than separating the archaic period pieces and bronze coinage as was done in the English editions). A different numbering system is used, but the coins are cross-referenced to the English edition numbers.’ Kroh 7 (four stars), ‘Highly recommended.’

NB049 Webb, Percy H. The Reign and Coinage of Carausius. Reprinted from the Numismatic Chronicle, Fourth Series, Vol. VII. London, 1908. Octavo, pp. vi, (2), 260; 5 fine plates. Original green cloth boards, lettered in gilt. Ex-libris on front pastedown, with some foxing to the prelims, contents otherwise clean. Very fine overall. £125 NB050 Westermark, U. & Jenkins, K. The Coinage of Kamarina. Royal Numismatic Society Special Publication number 9. London, 1980. Quarto, pp. folding map, 283; 40 plates. Original cloth, jacket in protective plastic sleeve. Clean and bright with minimal wear, a very fine copy. £145 Clain-Stefanelli 2215*; Daehn 3040; Kroh 19, ‘It is a true corpus and die-study that is the standard reference for this series (and likely will always be).’



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