Bali Expat – Issue 39 – Fresh & Funky

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BALI EXPAT­­ ­◆ 15th – 28th January 2014




Exciting News! As of February 2014, Jakarta Expat and Bali Expat will join to become one bi-weekly publication titled Indonesia Expat. This upgraded title will be distributed all over Indonesia, from Sumatra in the West to West Papua in the East, with a print run of 15,000 copies per fortnight, 30,000 monthly. For more information including advertising rates, please get in touch! E-mail : Phone : +62 (0) 21 7179 4550


15th – 28th January 2014 ◆ BALI EXPAT­­­


“Celebrate what you want to see more of.” -Tom Peters-


elcome to the first issue of 2014 and I hope it will be a happy and healthy year for you all. If you’ve made New Year’s resolutions, just remember to keep your goal in mind every day, and with enough hard work and determination, anything is possible.

39th Edition | 15th – 28th January 2014 Editor in Chief Angela Richardson Editorial Assistant Gabriella Panjaitan Management Edo Frese Sales Erna Distribution Dian Mardianingsih Graphics Frederick Ng Finance & Admin Lini Verawaty

If you spent the turn of this New Year in Bali, you may have got a little wet, but hopefully that didn’t dampen the festivities for you. I, myself, was extremely lucky to have spent my New Year’s Eve at Papua Paradise in Raja Ampat, surrounded by wonderful company from all over the world, each there to experience the natural wonders this magical part of the planet has on offer, and we were even treated to some fireworks. Accustomed to heading off to bed at 9pm while staying at this eco resort, it was quite the feat to make it past midnight, but made it we did, and with some time to pause for reflection. What came to mind during this peaceful celebration is that there comes a point in your life when you walk away from drama and the people who create it and you surround yourself with those who make you laugh and are a positive influence on your life. Positivity reflects positivity, and the same goes for negativity, too, so don’t sweat the bad stuff and learn to let go. Life is too short to be anything but happy. I’ve often given myself a hard time for mistakes, but it’s time to realize that falling down is a part of life; getting back up is living. Having said all that, I hope that 2014 will be full of mistakes that we can each learn from, and that no matter how hard we fall, we will all get back up again; stronger, better, and ready for the next fall. And remember to leave your comfort zones, as this is where the magic happens. I am also pleased to announce some very exciting news: As of February 2014, Jakarta Expat and Bali Expat will merge into one bi-weekly publication titled Indonesia Expat. This upgraded title will be distributed all over Indonesia, from Sumatra in the West to West Papua in the East, with a print run of 15,000 copies per fortnight, 30,000 monthly. Content will include Feature stories, Meet the Expat interviews, Business Profiles, Travel pieces, Property news, Lifestyle, Sports & Health, Culture & History, Conservation news and more. For more information, please don't hesitate to get in touch. All the best in the year ahead!

Bi-Weekly E-Newsletter Scan the barcode to receive Bali and Jakarta Expat's free bi-weekly e-newsletter!

Contributors Stephanie Brookes Terry Collins Karen Davis Lorca Paul Enrich Seamus McElroy Eamonn Sadler Editorial Enquiries Circulation Enquiries Subscription Events

Angela Richardson

in this 39th issue: Making the Most of Your Life .................................................................................... 4 Book Review: Welcome to Smisland ........................................................................ 5 Top 10 Wellness Travel Trends for 2014 ................................................................... 6 Meet the Expat: Catherine Fourcard ....................................................................... 8 Dewi from Petang Village, Badung: A Sucess Story ............................................. 9 Surfing: The Secret Island ......................................................................................... 10 New Bali Starling Bloodline Released into Island Bird Sanctuary .................... 12 Light Entertainment: Two Plus Two Equals 3.9996 ..............................................13

Bali Expat is published bi-weekly by PT. Koleksi Klasik. Opinions expressed in this publication are those of the writers and the publisher does not accept any responsibility for any errors, ommisions, or complaints arising there from.


No parts of this publication can be reproduced in whole or in part, in print or electronically without permission of the publisher. All trademarks, logos, brands and designs are copyright and fully reserved by PT. Koleksi Klasik Indonesia.

Published by PT. KOLEKSI KLASIK INDONESIA Jl. Kemang Raya No. 29A Kemang, Jakarta — Indonesia Tel: 021 7179 4550 (Jakarta) 0361 935 1250 (Bali) Fax: 021 7179 4546 Office hours: 09.00 – 17.00 Monday – Friday

Spotted by Joshua J. (send in your spotted pics to!)

Exciting News! As of February 2014, Jakarta Expat and Bali Expat will join to become one bi-weekly publication titled Indonesia Expat. This upgraded title will be distributed all over Indonesia, from Sumatra in the West to West Papua in the East, with a print run of 15,000 copies per fortnight, 30,000 monthly. For more information including advertising rates, please get in touch! E-mail : Phone : +62 (0) 21 7179 4550

BALI EXPAT­­ ­◆ 15th – 28th January 2014



15th – 28th January 2014 ◆ BALI EXPAT­­­

FUTURE PLANS by Seamus McElroy

Making the Most of Your Life

Making the Most of Your Life


n making the most of your life, humourist Clement Freud said, “If you resolve to give up smoking, drinking and loving, you don’t actually live longer; it just seems longer.” "Making the most of your life" is a new computer program and webbased application being developed, which gives you your health, wealth and happiness profile throughout your life - from the age of 30 to old age. It is coming up with some fascinating and some really quite surprising conclusions. As most of us now know, every New Year adds one fifth to one sixth of a year to that year’s cohort of babies’ life expectancy; so babies born this year of 2014 will live one year longer than their cousins born five or six years ago, in 2008 or 2009. Not only has this trend been going on for nearly a century, it is expected to run on to at least 2060, by which time average life expectancy is expected to be around 100 years in many western countries. The population in almost every western nation is getting heavier and heavier, with 50% of adult men and nearly 40% of adult women expected to be at least obese — if not clinically obese — by 2030. This is being fed by our generation putting on weight as we age, but more worryingly by our children being even fatter than we were at their age! Being clinically obese for any prolonged period dramatically shortens your life expectancy. Similarly, prolonged heavy smoking and drinking has the same impact. So, Clement Freud

was clearly wrong on this score, but he was 100% right about maintaining a close loving relationship with your partner, family and good friends, that by keeping a healthy lifestyle and weight, and a happy positive disposition helps you not only to live longer, but to enjoy your life for longer, too.

The three ages of man (and woman)

We all separate our lives into being young (0-30), middle age (30-60) and old age (60 plus). A century ago, when pensions were first introduced in the UK, the first place this happened for people anywhere in the world, working people (mostly men) were only expected to live a few years after they retired, and wives did not share their husband’s pensions. This inequity for these women who had brought up largish families then largely fell to their children to support them throughout their widowed life. Not surprisingly, contributions to a working man’s pension at that time were only a very small proportion of his monthly wage. Today, when a third of a person’s life is expected to be lived beyond pension age, the combined employer and employee’s contribution is expected to be between 16%–18% of their gross salary throughout their working life of 45 to 50 years if they are to live reasonably comfortably in their retirement. So, for every $1,000 you earn throughout your life, you need to save and invest $170 towards your retirement. Very few of us in practice come anywhere close to that!

This free online app, which will be launched in 2015 by the Centre for Aging Better, will help people decide the least disagreeable way of developing and then maintaining their health, wealth and happiness as they age. The website, unlike others that are currently out there, uses the latest scientific, actuarial and government data to predict how the lives of users of different ethnic and socio-economic backgrounds will progress — and also allows them to see the impacts on their health, wealth and happiness of how the different choices/decisions they make over the course of their lives alter the outcomes. It will be able to answer some of the most popular questions such as “What is my healthy life expectancy?”, “What would I have to change in my diet to live a year longer?”, and “What income will I have at different stages in my life?”, and “How could I boost my retirement income by $1,000 per year?” The Centre for Aging Better will be given data from Public Health England, National Institute for Health and Care Excellence and the Office of National Statistics UK. It will ask you for your financial, dietary, exercise and health profile, which you can update or set up with different profiles of yourself to both project likely outcomes and to use alternative portfolios which will see what impact making different career, spending and saving, lifestyle, dietary and exercise decisions will make.

OBESITY Being clinically obese for any prolonged period dramatically shortens your life expectancy. Similarly, prolonged heavy smoking and drinking has the same impact.

Both men and women’s bodies are at their physiologically fittest at the age of 25 to 30, and with the average age of both marriage and women having their first baby in many western countries now being about 32, it makes good sense to start mapping your future from the age of 30, which is when the majority of us start to take our future lives more seriously. As parents, you want to be there for your kids throughout their early years and until they have flown the nest. With women now having most of their children in their mid-twenties to latethirties, their children will be dependent upon them up to their mid-fifties to early sixties. With someone born today expected to live to their mid-nineties, it is increasingly important to plan your retirement from an earlier age and treat it as a part of your life plan from that time on. For someone who has retired in their 60s, they can then expect to go through three further stages. First, being fit and active, second

being somewhat dependent and needing an increasing amount of medical and physical care, third being dependent upon others because of age or disease and requiring an increasing amount of medical attention to keep them alive. This third stage is where the extra costs of keeping someone comfortable in their old age really escalate, typically accounting for 80% to 90% of the total costs of their medical and care costs throughout their life.

Location, location, location

Perhaps one of the most surprising results from this research is what is called the ‘post code lottery’ when it comes to quality of life and life expectancy. This shows that compared to the average (mean) for the population of a country, it really does matter where you live. For those of us living in the best post codes, with a good healthy clean environment, with better than average schooling leading to better than average main jobs and incomes, we will in all likelihood have a healthier wealthier life which is up to seven or so years longer than our neighbour from an average post code, with the difference between the best and worst post codes being over a decade in terms of life expectancy. This has got to be an argument to support your efforts to live a major part of your life in Bali as opposed to Jakarta or other major world megacity!

Seamus McElroy is an environmental consultant and University lecturer based in Bali.


BALI EXPAT­­ ­◆ 15th – 28th January 2014

BOOK REVIEW by Terry Collins

Welcome to Smisland Mathieu Sechet (aka Nyoman Seseh) (with Keira O'Connor) pub. Bali Buku 2013


fter 10 years working in advertising, Mathieu Sechet enrolled in a French pastry school. Having made frequent visits to Bali from 2005, he says that after graduation three years ago he could then settle here. As many do, he took up surfing — "but I'm not so good at all actually" — and, as few do, launched a marmalade brand. "This was a great chance to do everything from the visual identity to the final product, including the recipes. And so I finally came back to my first love, graphic design, and a year and a half ago I decided to write Welcome to Smisland." "Write" is perhaps not the appropriate word because

Smisland is a book unlike any other you'll have come across. Mathieu says that he "tried to create an alternative to traditional books, which could appeal to both tourists and expatriates, as a souvenir, a coffee table book, and an original 'welcome gift' for hotels as well." And that's what it is; a hardback book with a mixture of photogenic scenery, ceremonies and people smiling "because that's what most Balinese do", printed on high quality glossy paper. Where Smisland particularly resonates with this reviewer is in the ‘cartoons’, particularly in the series on reflexology, which is graphic art. Having once undergone a session at my wife’s urging, the reflexologist told me that I had problems with my

kidneys and should drink more. I asked him if beer was OK and thankfully he replied in the affirmative. And this picture is a reminder why I prefer to drink jamu. FOOD REFLEXOLOGY IN PRACTICE In attempting to pin down its attractions I had to resort to a thesaurus. Words such as ‘quirky’ and ‘wacky’ first sprang to mind, but they don't exactly capture the book's essence. Then I remembered that every expat in Indonesia experiences moments on a daily basis that make one pause, blink and mutter, which, although occasionally frustrating, baffling even, later become amusing anecdotes. There is a need to put those experiences into our own cultural

framework before we can bridge the gap to understanding and semi-acculturalisation. Are the Balinese really amused when they see the westernised 'new age' enterprises in Ubud, the pub crawls in Ubud and Legian, and the artificiality of Nusa Dua, which appears to be paved with Astro Turf? Or are those smiles a mask; the Balinese performing in their personal topeng dance? Mathieu says that "underneath all the humour, and because I love Bali, the book is a bit more serious than at first meets the eye. I can say that's a "buku campuran" with 50% photographs, 50% graphic design, and a lot of smiling with a pinch of thinking." He hopes to produce “Welcome to Smisland 2” perhaps in two years,

with a focus on other subjects such as legong, babi guling etc. I look forward to that, with the hope that his eye remains unjaundiced and his mind irreverent. "Welcome to Smisland" is available in Ganesha Bookshop, Le Rendezvous Doux & La Bohême (Ubud), Gusto (Kerobokan), and Flow & Yonder (Canggu), and soon as a Kobo e-book. Samples can also be viewed at his website: Sadly, from my breakfast point of view, he has stopped making marmalade. The ebook version of "Welcome to Smisland" is also available at

Terry Collins is the co-author of Culture Shock Jakarta! and writes the Jakartass blog, now also on Facebook.


15th – 28th January 2014 ◆ BALI EXPAT­­­

TRENDS by Paul Enrich

Top 10 Wellness Travel Trends for 2014


ith the closure of 2013, industry strategies for 2014 and beyond are being defined — and redefined — by the ever-growing health and wellness travel sector, which is blossoming in a big way and moving beyond its niche. The interest in wellness related activities is becoming big business for the travel industry and Bali, in particular, stands to gain significantly with this shift as consumers have at their disposal a burgeoning industry; one that has already developed to a degree locally into a powerful market of its own, and not being incorporated as a second tier service into the larger overall travel ecosystem. Preoccupation with healthier lifestyles has spawned exceptional growth within the global wellness tourism sector. This trend is now worth $US438.6 billion a year and is set to swell to $715.6 billion by 2017 — a 9 percent rise each year.

This is nearly 50 percent faster than the corresponding growth in the conventional tourism market, and with Asia expected to form the ‘epicentre’ of the new wellness tourism market into the future, opportunity is bountiful for Bali. Times are changing and consumers have caught on to vacations of substance. Mindsets are shifting from what we might consider the ‘typical tourist behaviour’ to vacations that search for deeper meaning for mind, body and soul. Consumers are viewing vacations as an important way to improve health, happiness and productivity. Vacation trips are often a catalyst for transformation and consumers view wellness travel as a personal investment. How will this sector evolve over this coming year and beyond? In this edition of Bali Expat we take a look at the top trends in wellness travel for 2014, some of which

are smart and practical, others a bit on the esoteric side (well suited for Bali) which show a shift in the collective mindset towards one of personal care on a deeper level, not to mention experiential memories that break down old views about how we see ourselves, our world and our fellow journeymen.

SNAPSHOT: TOP 10 WELLNESS TRAVEL TRENDS FOR 2014 1. Mind Matters 2. The Rise of Wellness Travel Agents 3. La Local Vita 4. Breaking Bread with Wellness Travel 5. Vacation RX 6. Looking for Personal Enrichment 7. Burgeoning Secondary Wellness Market 8. Slow Travel 9. Affluent & Altruistic 10. Spas on a Mission

Mind Matters

Consumers have caught on to mindful vacations that offer mental restoration. Practices learned on a trip such as meditation, yoga, qi gong and journaling can be incorporated at home to help manage stress, improve cognitive capacity and maintain emotional equilibrium.

The Rise of Wellness Travel Agents

With the growing interest in trips to enhance mind, body and spirit, wellness tourism has created a new niche for travel agents to grow or expand their business while offering a personally and professionally rewarding career specialty.

La Local Vita

Consumers have developed a deeper appreciation for locally relevant and authentic experiences, with an emphasis on living ‘la local vita’ (the local life).

Mindsets have shifted away from well trodden tourist behaviour to a keen interest in communitybased exploration where getting to know the locals in a meaningful way deepens the experience.

Breaking Bread with Wellness

Food tourism is a big trend intersecting with wellness travel. In addition to the physical aspect of sustenance, food tours, cooking classes, agriculture and farm-totable experiences speak to the emotional, social, intellectual and sustainable aspects of wellbeing.

Vacation RX:

“Take two weeks and call me in the morning.” Physicians are now prescribing vacations as an antidote from stress. Doctor’s prescribing physical activity in places such as parks and natural surroundings are on the increase to help relieve burnout, and also combat obesity and diabetes in children.


BALI EXPAT­­ ­◆ 15th – 28th January 2014

Looking for Personal Enrichment

With the understanding that wellness is more than fitness and nutrition, consumers are choosing trips that either focus solely on personal enrichment or as a part of their travel plans. In search of fulfilment and meaning, many consumers are viewing vacations, weekend getaways and retreats as a catalyst for change.

Slow Travel

Have you ever felt pressured to run through your vacation checking off sites to see and things to do? Slow travel advocates are changing the pace in order to sip, savour and revel in the vacation experience.

Affluent & Altruistic

Spurned by personal growth and discovery, affluent travellers value experiences connecting them to charitable causes and local communities. Volunteering on vacation has become increasingly popular and research shows altruism can improve wellbeing.

Burgeoning Secondary Wellness Market

There is a large segment of travellers who may not opt for wellness retreats or tours but are committed to maintaining their healthy lifestyle on the road. Airports and hotels are investing resources to attract these guests that are both business and leisure travellers.

Spas on a Mission

The spa industry is staking a claim on wellness tourism and on wellness in general. Eager to shake the image of pampering for the affluent, spas are repacking and rebranding as wellness providers to attract a larger market.

Paul Enrich is a freelance writer covering tales and topics as diverse as life around us. Always in transit mode, he’s continually on the move; one moment here, the next there in search for that tale to tell.


15th – 28th January 2014 ◆ BALI EXPAT­­­

MEET THE EXPAT by Karen Davis


Catherine Fourcard

The creative owner of Innuendo Boutiques and creator of Watercress Café

Catherine, where are you from? I was born and raised in the northeast of France. And what brought you here to Bali? When I was eighteen in 1977 I drove from Germany to Tehran, Iran, in a convoy, bringing cars to the Shah. We were paid two hundred dollars to deliver the vehicles. From Tehran I went overland to India and Nepal and lived there for six months on the money I was paid and I still had money to buy things to sell in the next place I went, which was Darwin, Australia. There I met up with my partner from France whom I had known from high school in Paris since I was fifteen years old. We lived very simply in nature. No real shelter, just around the campfire with a blanket below the night sky. We washed in the clean river and lived freely without material concerns. I have great memories of those days. My first son, Pablo was born in 1980. We came to Bali in 1982 with him. I found Bali to be the perfect place to discover my own creativity; enjoying a simple, beautiful lifestyle. I started making clothes and jewellery for a certain

clientele of travellers. I made and sold my creations at markets and specific boutiques wherever we travelled; from Bali to Europe and Australia. You are known for your designs of fine fabrics and perfect cuts. How did you start your boutiques? I never studied at any school. I learned in the field watching people from a young age. My mother managed a lingerie factory for three years when I was nine, ten and eleven years old. I loved the machines, the smell and feel of the fabrics and how they draped. During that time, working alongside my mother had a big impact on me. Because I loved dressing up so much I learned the process of making fine garments. My passion became my lifestyle. In 1993 I returned to Australia with my family; now three children, Pablo, Angelica and Vadim and created the Innuendo label, formerly the Katz label. It was easier in those days. Business was done on a more personal level. Ten years ago I opened an Innuendo shop in Seminyak. Five years ago I opened Innuendo on Oberoi road and one on Gili Trawangan. I design what I love in

my own studio and meticulously train and overlook a staff of twenty nine people. I know after over thirty years of designing I am very good at what I do. My cuts are precise. I can make any woman of any size look beautiful. Large, thin, tall or petite; I can transform her into the best- dressed woman by accentuating her best features. I have that skill and would love to pass it on one day. I like classic cuts in natural fabrics because they are more elegant. What motivated you to do the restaurant, Watercress? Food has always been my other passion. One of my missions in life is feeding people. I had three young kids and the family meals every day were very important; a sacred time to be sitting around the table together enjoying a beautiful homemade meal. On weekends I would have all their friends as well so I cooked a lot. When I came back to Bali in 2005 I was busy with the business and my kids were grown up. I started cooking with my pembantu, Wayan. I taught her all aspects of cooking from how to buy the fresh food, clean and prepare and store it. This became a part of my new lifestyle.

Every day I would buy organic vegetables from different sources and we would prepare a lunch for six or seven friends to enjoy. I always told Wayan when she is able to cook by herself a meal for twenty five guests we would be ready to open a restaurant. After seven years the time was finally right. We opened the Watercress Café in September 2012 on Jalan Batu Belig. The concept at Watercress is that the food goes fresh from the garden, to the kitchen, to the plate. It’s colourful, extremely tasty and generous food. At Watercress we have twenty to twenty five different dishes prepared every day and put out on display so people can design their own plate without waiting too long. There is also a fantastic breakfast menu to order from and a unique range of fresh fruit and vegetable juices. Since the initial opening we could see by the large, diverse cosmopolitan clientele that there is obviously a growing demand for delicious

and healthy gourmet food in this era of processed junk food. Having planted the seeds of this venture and with all my other responsibilities, I was very happy to pass the restaurant on to my son, Pablo. He is doing a great job of managing the place. At the end of January, Watercress will be open at night as well as the current breakfast and lunch. It is always busy here with a diverse cosmopolitan clientele. What are your future plans? I would like to take my life in a different direction. I would love to teach my knowledge of making clothes and pass the business on to someone who shares my passion. What advice do you have for young people starting in business? If you do what you love you are bound to succeed because it comes from your heart. Follow your passion! Thank you, Catherine!

Chilean-born American, Karen Davis is a journalist, artist and art therapist. Formerly a NYC fashion designer, she has been coming to Bali since 1979 and now resides here.


BALI EXPAT­­ ­◆ 15th – 28th January 2014

FACES OF BALI by Stephanie Brookes

Dewi from Petang Village, Badung, Bali

A Success Story


ewi is a bright, young 19-yearold and has a real spark about her. She was so excited to tell me her story because when she started her first job, straight out of school as a tour guide, she could not speak English. She left school at 17 and even though she had nine years of English at school, Dewi told me, “I was really bad at English. I had no confidence and was too shy to speak.” Her uncle introduced her to a local Balinese tour operator and suggested she become a tour guide. This seemed like an unreachable goal for Dewi. She went along for the interview and got the job. In three months Dewi learnt English. She was fortunate to learn from an Australian lady from Wagga Wagga who taught her pronunciation and conversational skills. She attended school every day for three months. “The first words I learnt were ‘enough’ and ‘tired’,” Dewi explained. As a trainee tour guide Dewi would sit in the back of the tour van and listen to the dialogue between the English speaking clients and the guide. The concentration required was intense, but she was determined to absorb as much as she could, and after three months of training, Dewi was taking Englishspeaking tourists around Bali and conversing confidently with them. “I am always joking and laughing with my clients,” Dewi said. “I feel at ease with my English skills now and I just make sure my clients have a good time and relax.”

Last month, Dewi had a very interesting encounter with an Australian tourist. “I got on very well with this client,” Dewi explained. “We toured around the island for five days and one morning he jumped in the van and said, you are not a tour guide today, you are a friend.” He explained he was a motivational speaker and business leader and the group of people he was travelling with were all young entrepreneurs. He was impressed with Dewi’s spirit and energy and by the end of the day a plan was made for Dewi to visit Australia and learn about business. For a young girl of 19, who only one and a half years ago was living in a small village with her parents who are rice and cocoa farmers, this is an incredible opportunity. Her boss has given her one month off and Dewi now possesses a brand new passport. With these bright young successful Australians, who are keen to teach her about business, Dewi is going to step into a new world and this was all made possible by her enthusiasm and belief in herself and her positive “can do” attitude. Dewi has a clear vision for the future and left me with these parting words, “For everybody in the world, work is tiring, but if you love your job, you will get what you want in life.”

Dewi can be contacted on

Stephanie Brookes is a travel writer and blogger with tales from Indonesia and beyond. Please visit her website


15th – 28th January 2014 ◆ BALI EXPAT­­­

SURFING words & photos by Lorca

The Secret Island


ravelling to an Indonesian island that is not in the guide books and barely mentioned on Wikipedia in search of waves is always an adventure. Earlier this year a friend and I had a couple of hot tips from a few trusted friends and the luxury of a week to visit an island off an island, off an island in search of the perfect surf at our disposal. It was a full word-of-mouth, rollthe-dice kind of trip, but with the swell forecast looking promising we knew waves were coming, so the first piece of the puzzle was set in place. Passing a smoking volcano crater on Sumatra on our tiny prop plane flight to the island as the sun rose was a sign that we were definitely going into the wild. Upon arrival the first thing was to sort out accommodation and then transport. There were many losmen (budget accommodation) and newly built air-conditioned bungalows available, so that part was easy. All sorts of motorbikes were available to rent, but we waited to seek out the one local on the island who had made a motorbike with surfboard racks on it. These were not the professionally finished racks you see in Bali; these were a rough form of rack made by a backyard welder with barely enough space for your feet when a board was carried and there was no bungee

cord to hold the board in the rack, or foam to keep the sides from damaging. The racks were strictly surfboard on metal, but after a few strategically placed towels and a little screwdriver adjustment for foot space, we were mobile and off, headed to the beach with the pedal to the metal.

EVERYONE had big smiles on their faces, everyone sharing waves and happy for the other surfer’s ride, totally opposite to the vibe on Bali or other crowded Indonesian waves.

Being a freshly developed island, the roads were potholed and we even went to dirt at times. Bridges had sketchy platforms to cross over that one wrong swerve meant going overboard. Farm animals roamed freely and on the drive to the beach we spotted a black monkey, countless deer, cows and buffalo, which, although very natural, made you proceed with caution in case you hit one by accident. They say over 200 people die a year by coconuts falling on their heads and on this island there was no shortage of doubt that this could be true with the amount of heavily fruiting coconut trees that sprung up everywhere like weeds amongst a dense green background. This was tropical paradise at its rawest, and the air was about as fresh as you can imagine.

breaks that were working with not a soul in the area. When we got to the beach we were looking for, there were already surfers out. News does travel in this small world and the wave had been found for some years, but obviously the cat was not totally out of the bag with only about six out enjoying overhead to double overhead (6–10ft) waves breaking left and right off of a perfect peak in glassy smooth conditions. Everyone had big smiles on their faces, everyone sharing waves and happy for the other surfer’s ride, totally opposite to the vibe on Bali or other crowded Indonesian waves.

The one lane coastal highway ran parallel to the beach and there were signs of waves everywhere. Not every wave looked amazing, but there were some definite

The story goes that this wave was formed from the 2004 earthquake that pushed the coral reefs up close to two metres in some areas, creating

this wave and also the deadly tsunami that wiped out parts of Sumatra, Thailand and more in the process. Legend has it that the villagers on this island were told by their ancestors that when there is a terrible earthquake and the reef dries up and the animals start going wild, run for high land because the big wave is coming. And that’s what they did, and though the coastline was destroyed, nobody died because of the tsunami in 2004. Some good did come of it, with this wave being created, where it never existed when the reef was deeper, although the tens of thousands of lives lost elsewhere is nothing to be taken lightly. Day One was just about over and with the sun setting pushing pinks, oranges and yellows into the sky, the only thing missing was a cold Bintang. Yes, on these strict Muslim outer islands, beer and all alcohol is seriously illegal, and you can’t just cruise down to Circle K and grab one because there are no Circle Ks or any mini marts, nor do any of the warung sell alcohol except for the kind you can’t drink. The island was promoting healthy living. Day Two saw more exploration. Waves to ourselves, waves with nobody, waves in the middle of

nowhere; good waves at that, too. After basic pancakes and coffee in our air-conditioned bungalow (OK, we weren’t roughing it that much) we would load the boards and take off. Past the buffalo, past the waving kids yelling “Hello Mister!” Groundhog Day never felt so good; days melted into days and no phone signal meant no contact and no emails, and neither of us felt the urge to switch to a local SIM card to communicate more. The only indication that time was moving was our growing sunburns and the calendar at the front desk where we luckily did ask what day it was. Finally it was time to go and we had to say goodbye. The locals don’t have a surf shop on the island, so we gave what we could; boardshorts, t-shirts, hats, stickers. The surfboards we kept because they were magic, plus the one local surfer on the island already had a good board. As soon as it started, the trip was finished; waves caught, mission completed, time to go home. You always say you will go back to a special place you visited and in my experience, it’s always 50-50. That’s why you have to live every moment to the fullest and take lots of pictures because you never know, it might not be the same the next time you visit.

Lorca is editor and co-publisher of Lines magazine, an Indonesian publication that covers environment, lifestyle and the best of local surfing. Find Lines on Facebook: Lines Magazine-Bali.

BALI EXPAT­­ ­◆ 15th – 28th January 2014



15th – 28th January 2014 ◆ BALI EXPAT­­­


New Bali Starling Bloodline Released into Island Bird Sanctuary


pair of critically endangered Bali starlings (Jalak Bali), from the West Bali National Park, have been set free on Friends of the National Parks Foundation’s (FNPF) bird sanctuary on Nusa Penida island on 30 December 2013. “Indonesia’s Minister of Forestry, Zulkifli Hasan, released the birds in a special ceremony near our conservation centre,” says FNPF Founder and CEO Dr. I Gede Nyoman Bayu Wirayudha. “We’re very excited – these birds will bring a new bloodline to the more than 100 Bali starlings already living in the wild within island sanctuary.”

FNPF is an Indonesian non-profit organization working to protect wildlife and its habitat, at the same time as supporting local communities. “FNPF has been providing technical support and advice to West Bali National Park for its Bali starling conservation program for more than 10 years. It’s fantastic to have the opportunity to introduce into our sanctuary a new bloodline from the leading government institution working to save this precious endemic bird,” says Dr. Wirayudha. The sanctuary, the only one of its kind in Indonesia, provides an

unofficial haven for endangered birds. Within the sanctuary, just off the coast of mainland Bali, FNPF rehabilitates and releases ex-captive birds, is involved in reforestation and community development. The project has the backing of the islands’ 46 villages. Indonesia has the world’s second highest number of endangered birds, and the Bali starling is one of world’s most endangered birds. This is the second time a Minister of Forestry has released birds on behalf of FNPF. In 2009, Indonesia’s then Minister of Forestry visited Nusa Penida to release two Bali starlings.

The sanctuary also has the backing of the Bali Bureau of Natural Resources Conservation Agency (BKSDA), which recently sponsored the installation of four bird nest boxes into trees on the island, as well as donating seeds and polybags for FNPF’s nursery. FNPF’s conservation projects, which respect the interdependence of wildlife, habitat and local people, are designed to be holistic, sustainable and have been internationally recognized by organizations such as the Whitley Fund for Nature, and the Rainforest Action Network.

FNPF relies solely on the generous support of their donors and volunteers to continue its work. To make a donation visit their website at FNPF thanks its donors, such as the Humane Society International (Australia), who have supported its work on Nusa Penida.


BALI EXPAT­­ ­◆ 15th – 28th January 2014


To find out more about live stand-up comedy in Indonesia please e-mail text or call (+62) 821 1194 3084 or register at

Two Plus Two Equals 3.9996


like to tell people I am numerically dyslexic. When I look at a page of numbers, for example a spreadsheet, all I can see is a load of numbers lying around saying nothing to me. My eye simply falls to the bottom right-hand corner, then, if it likes the number it finds there, it slowly works its way back up the sheet to see where the number came from. As it does so, the numbers seem to jump to attention and start talking. Then I don’t understand what they are saying so I ask my accountant what’s going on. Then I look confused and I ask if we’re making money or losing money. I think this is caused by lack of interest more than anything else. I’m fairly sure I have the mental capacity to be better at maths (or “math” for the Americans) than I am, but I am just not interested. I prefer words.

But I am fascinated by what can happen with numbers. There are disputes, laws and absolutes that seem impossible to the average idiot (like me). For example, what would you say if I told you that .9999 (recurring) is equal to one? Most people would say I’m proving how mathematically challenged I am. Let me try to explain the argument; what is “one third” expressed as a decimal? It’s .3333 (recurring), right? And three “thirds” added together make a whole “one”. Multiply .3333 (recurring) by three in the same way and you get .9999 (recurring). So .9999 (recurring) is equal to one. If I cut a cake into three equal pieces and gave three people one piece each they’d each have 33.3333 (recurring) percent of the cake. If all three people gave their piece of the cake back to me, I would again have 100% of

the cake. Not 99.9999 (recurring) percent. What’s really fascinating is that great mathematicians from all over the world debate this issue over and over again. How can there be any uncertainty in math(s)? At the root of this debate is the concept of infinity. That’ll keep you glued to your computer screen for a few more hours (and for once it won’t matter if somebody catches you).

How about this: Imagine you are on a game show and you are told that one of three doors in front you has a million dollar prize behind it. The other two doors have nothing behind them. You must choose a door. After you have chosen your door (but not yet opened it), the host will open another one of the doors, show you there is nothing behind it and ask you if you wish to stay with your first choice of door or switch to the other closed door. Either the door you chose or the last one of the three definitely has a million dollars behind it. What would you do? Stay with your first choice or switch? If you’re like me you’ll think it’s a 50 / 50 choice, assume there’s a reason why they want you to switch and stick to your

first choice. But we’d probably be wrong. The fact is, if you stay with your first choice you have roughly a one in three (33.3333 percent) chance of being right, but if you switch you have a roughly two in three (66.6666 percent) chance of being right. So, you are twice as likely to win the million dollars if you switch. Google “Monty Hall problem” for an explanation. Amazing and completely counterintuitive. If you knew and understand all of the above already then you are a real smarty pants and you probably got beaten up a lot at school. There’s always .9999.

To read more by Eamonn Sadler go to


COMPETITION Sms the funniest thing you can think of that you would find on a pub blackboard sign. The funniest entry gets two tickets to the Bali Comedy Club, courtesy of Bali Comedy Club.

08211 1194 3084 Congratulatios to Dean of Kerobokan who won with this funny entry!

For the Macet Mind

is made possible by:

Across 1. At one time (4) 3. Cattle rush (8) 8. Pull sharply (4) 9. Church service (8) 11. Stealing someone else's work (10) 14. Counting frame (6) 15. Hard feelings (6) 17. Ripon Close (anag) - cemetery (10) 20. New Year's Eve in Scotland (8) 21. French military cap (4) 22. Struggled (8) 23. Cow shelter (4)

DOWN 1. International contest (8) 2. Heavy red mineral containing mercury (8) 4. Old-fashioned word for pub (6) 5. Document written by hand (10) 6. Asteroid — Greek god of love (4) 7. Irritable (4) 10. Officer below the rank of captain (10) 12. Sexual unfaithfulness to spouse (8) 13. Sweat (8) 16. Bring into being (6) 18. Point out — parade (4) 19. Fit of shivering (4)

Answers in the next edition!

ANSWERS FOR EDITION 38 ACROSS — 1. Clientele 8. Even 9. Discourse 10. Grip 13. Jaded 15. Fasten 16. Either 17. Eraser 19. Stolen 20. Lanky 21. Well 24. Distemper 25. Ring 26. Archangel

DOWN — 2. Lair 3. Each 4. Toucan 5. Lessee 6. Overwhelm 7. Inspiring 11. Afterward 12. Assailant 13. Jewel 14. Ditty 18. Rapier 19. Sketch 22. Omen 23. Cede



15th – 28th January 2014 ◆ BALI EXPAT­­­


Burns Night at Bali Dynasty 25 January, 2014 Seven Days Nyepi Bali Photography Tour 26 March – 2 April, 2014 David Metcalf (Dayak Dave) is hosting a photography tour once again; this time in Bali for the Nyepi holidays. Together with Mark Rayner, this seven-day photography tour will start on March 26th and is designed to not only teach and improve your photography skills, but also to challenge you in the application of the theories. Dave and Mark will take you to some of the nontouristy places in order to get great shots of the raw, natural Balinese beauty. There will be wildlife photography, images of Balinese dancers, as well as photos of the vibrant and colourful side of the island. Contact Dave for more information on the tour on or call 08111331255. www.davidmetcalfphotography. com

Bali Dynasty Resort is hosting Burns Night to celebrate the life of famous Scottish poet, Robert Burns and his work. The night will take a Scottish theme and you should expect Scottish festivities in all its glory. Pre-drinks will be followed by Cock-a-leekie soup, haggis, rare Scottish rib of beef, toffee pudding and many more; and of course beer and Scotch Whiskey. It will be a night of vibrant people, bagpipes, Scottish poetry and songs. Come wearing yer best tartan! Bali Dynasty Resort is located at Jalan Kartika Plaza, Kuta, Tuban. For more information and to get tickets, call (0361) 752-403 or e-mail events@ Conference

Third Annual Indonesia Mining 2014 16 – 19 February, 2014 Now in its third year, the Annual Indonesia Mining Conference is set to take place at the Westin Resort Nusa Dua, Bali. Mining industry stakeholders will gain much insight into new regulations and policies as well as having the opportunity to open a discussion with some of the industry’s top names and investors at this conference. Financiers and new interested parties to the mining industry will also benefit from the countless network-building experience to be had at the conference. Visit www. for more details. Travel

Air Bali Helicopter Trips to Gili Trawangan 1 January – 1 February, 2014 For those who favour diving at Gili Trawangan, Lombok, an added bonus is this opportunity

to ride Air Bali’s Helicopter for a trip around the island. Venturing the East coast of Bali and Mount Agung, this helicopter trip is a treat for your eyes. The trip departs from Air Bali’s helipad in Benoa Harbour. To book a flight, call (0361) 767-466 or (0361) 766582. You can also send an e-mail to . Happy flying!

Sydney to Bali Cruise 16 – 28 February, 2014 The Crystal Cruisers is offering you the chance to get some peace and quiet at sea while revelling in some adventure as well. Take a cruise on board the Crystal Symphony from Sydney and you will get the opportunity to explore and experience the beauty of the Pacific Ocean, the Great Barrier Reef, the Arafura sea, the Timor sea, Komodo Island and of course Bali. This 12-day cruise is one not to miss. Send an e-mail to internationalsales@crystalcruises. com or cruisequestions@ to book the voyage for you and your family.


Inner Balance Pilates & Yoga Retreat 15 – 22 February, 2014 Bali Wellness Retreat is offering you the chance to find that inner balance to bring yourself to a peaceful state this new year by participating in the Inner Balance Pilates & Yoga Retreat; a sevenday getaway away from the hustle and bustle of big cities. For US$1,420 you will get a package of seven night accommodation, pilates & yoga classes, oneon-one assessments with yoga gurus Natasja Barnard and Casey Conroy, lectures on mindful and intuitive eating, massages and even transportation from and to the airport. For an extra cost, you can also participate in a Balinese cooking class and surfing lessons. Bali Wellness Retreat is located at Jl. Gatot Subroto No. 103 D. For more details on the retreat, contact (0361) 413-538 or info@


BALI EXPAT­­ ­◆ 15th – 28th January 2014

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Building painting services you receive. Paint the walls paint the roof, tiles, ceiling paint gypsum, partition, poxy paint, floor wood paint, frame, metal paint, tralis, canopy, etc. Call BAYU 085792007765 Cheap and nice If you need transport, honest,clean, reliable and speaks good english. He has a new Suzuki APV with good air con,he is a very good safe driver. Mobile 081338629598, email. Who wants to learn Indonesian with a method? Pls contact me on 087859111149 or pls send me an email to tjonly4u@yahoo. com Profesional photos for villas,2 sessions (day&night)150$. Contact: 085737296881

Classifieds are still FREE! Send in your classifieds to: Next issue deadline: 22ND JANUARY, 2014

Have something to sell? Looking for something to buy? Looking for staff? Selling property? Or need a place to live? Why not place your classified ad with Bali Expat! Your classified will be placed once for 2 weeks online and once in our printed version which has a circulation of 12,500 copies bi weekly.

Zen Villa 2 bdrms 2 ensuites plunge pool bale bengong air cond ceiling fans fully furnished 2 TV's Printer/ copier/scanner WiFi parking 24/7 security. Available now US $20000 pa. Apply to

Classifieds: free of charge (50 words max). Send in your classifieds to:

Property Villa Damee — Your luxury stay in the rice fields in a traditional village, 10 mins out of Ubud. 3 Bedroom Villa, Breakfast included, Private pool Sleeps 6 people, Welcome drink, Villa cook, 5 full time staff, 24 hr security, Complimentary escorted village tour and local river walk . Villa Damee, Br Kelusu, Pejeng Kelod, Ubud, Bali. Bookings – Tel: 0813 53486791 – Stephanie Brookes and David Metcalf | e: A new boutique hotel in prime location of legian beach for rent. 10 m away from the beach. 72 deluxe rooms (44 sqm), 1 junior suite (100m), 2 executive room (125 sqm) and presidential suite (300sqm). rooftop pool and bar, gym, spa, restaurant, function and meeting room. for more info call/wa: 0818.070.26269

Experience staying at a beautiful original antique Javanese Joglo house in the foothills of Mount Merapi. Joglo Ago is a three doublebedroom villa with gardens perfect for a weekend retreat from the hustle and bustle of city life. In close proximity to Mount Merapi and Borobudur Temple. Visit www. for more information or call Indah 08123563626.

House For Sell or Lease at Pulau Moyo Denpasar Bali. A newly house with 3 bed rooms, 3 bath rooms. Contact: Made 087861976177

2 Kavling lands for sale. Location: Buana Sari, Kalibubuk-Lovina Bali. Land size: 3.55are and 1.85are. Price: IDR 45millions/are. Serious buyer, please pm or contact 087860842277

Sale land North Bali 200 to 1000 m2 land plots. Close To Beach and Good For Villas area. Price 50 Juta / Are 100m2, Contact: Mr. Agung No 087861744995

Villa for rent in Ubud (Penestanan). 1 bedroom, kitchen, terras, lovely garden, rice fields view, hot water in bathroom and kitchen, WiFi, full furnitured (rattan furniture ) Price is 5 millions Rp. per month included electricity, water , cleaning and pool cleaning. Extra expenses — internet. Available since 9 of January. Phone: 081236364376 Nadia or 081353367893 (Yulia)

For Lease : 2 bedroom villa in jl Merthanadi Kerobokan. 2 AC , two bathrooms, big open living. private pool with wooden deck and sun chairs . Indovision/Speedy Internet / LED TV /fully furnished / Safe and secure. 135 juta from 5 jan 2014 till 1 dec 2014, Extension possible.

Williams Studio Room next to Seminyak Square. 3 minute walk to the KUDETA Beach, PRICE : 275,ooo Rp per day, AC, Hot Water, Big Flat TV with TV Cable, DVD, Little Kitchen, Kettle, Coffee & Tea, Fridge, cleaner 3x a week, High Speed Wi-fi, safety box, Laundry, All bill include. Contact: 0812-385-7566 OVER CONTRACT direct owner 2+1BR villa UMALAS BUMBAK area, agents co-broking ibu Betty: +6281381777257. Pin BB: 2A38EBDE private clients can sms owner. Phone: +6281338286581. E-mail: villabalipassion@ Skype: villabalipassion

For sale: Sanur, Bali - BEACHFRONT LAND - $99,900usd total! approx- 4.7 are total, 30 years leasehold, buildable, vacant, unobstructed ocean and island views.north Sanur. email: Small beautiful house for rent. Prana Gading Jimbaran, two bedroom, beautiful garden, 4 minutes from Jimbaran Beach. Included TV, AC, bed, refrigerator, kitchen. Call: 0813 3878 3212 (Nyoman), 0818 0564 6369. Good access and big street.


Large Unfurnished cottage wanted for one year lease, Budget 7 juta per month anywhere from Sehseh to Seminyak. E-mail: I have small house for rent jalan taman sari kerobokan. 55 million Rupiah per year. E-mail me: ( No agent) Villa for sale. Locaton : Central Seminyak, Petitenget, Batubelig. Land size: 15–20 Are Status: Freehold, Budget max: $6,000,000,(appox. IDR 72 M). Please contact us at (0361) 735 590 email: For

If you live in the Canggu area, you're lucky. The non-profit language learning organization CINTA BAHASA has just opened a new learning center right here in the Canggu area. cinta-bahasa-indonesian-language-schooltestimonials/ BLI MADE RENT CARS & TOURS SERVICE, only IDR 350K/ 10 hrs , included driver and petrol. Text or call: 087861976177 or pin BB: 229FEA7F.

For Sale For Sale, Pictorial Guide to Indonesian Reef Fishes Part 1-3, By Rudie Kutier & Takamasa Tonozuka. 3000 photos, fish size, location, Latin name, description, depth, etc. 1 million rupiah for one set.Special price for big order. asksalvatore@gmail. com Sanur. For sale: Volkswagen 1981year,1600cc,Tipe Combi,good paint,Manual,Rare car,Prices IDR 40milion,negotiations until deal,call 081246431901. For Sale Canon 5D mark 2 with canon 24-105 f4 LIS USM in perfect condition, with 3 batteries and 5 memory cards 16/32 gb asking 2200 usd, text me on 081805344455 For sale Yamaha 200cc , Excellent condition 15 million. Contact David - ilovebalivillas@ Ph: 0877 60045288

Medical evacuation health and life insurance. Let us diagnose your needs. Contact Paul Beale: Mobile: +62 816 137 0663 Office: +62 21 522 0990 E-mail:

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For sale Martinez southern star series solid top guitar. Model number Ms-44CE-NST. With inbuilt Martinez Acus-4TR pick up 2.5 mil Ono. Contact Dave - 0877 60045288 Bike For Sale: DUCATI, type: Street Fighter, year: 2011, engine: 1099cc, Rp. 80juta (nego but not much), location: Denpasar Bali, inbox me or call/sms 085237312000


15th – 28th January 2014 ◆ BALI EXPAT­­­

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