6 minute read
A fresh perspective from a horticulture recruitment expert
Written by Marian Barker
Accredited Supplier, Fresh Horticultural Careers
As we emerge from the pandemic, recruitment for our industry will become an even hotter topic. The industry will be one of the winners at the end of all this as our greenspaces, both public and private, become more important than ever with the pandemic having highlighted just how vital they are to our health and wellbeing.
However, the skills shortage of the last decade will not disappear and we need to be mindful that this does not stifle growth. It is imperative that we do not waste this opportunity to promote the career choices within horticulture and landscaping. In the meantime, finding staff with both experience and qualifications continues to challenge.
Horticulture has always attracted a high percentage of career changers and this is likely to increase post pandemic. However, the majority are most likely to opt for design orientated courses, and qualifications gained will not necessarily help us to identify those with the correct aptitude.
In the long term we need to lobby both the government and education sector to incorporate horticulture qualifications, both practical and academic, into the National Curriculum. We need to signpost the industry to our younger generations at a much earlier stage in their school career. At this time a flexible approach is needed, and employers need to be prepared to offer ongoing training and mentoring both on the job and off-site courses. Inexperienced staff need ongoing support and those newly qualified need the chance to test their knowledge in the field.
As is so often said you can train for skills but not for attitude!
If you’re a member and need help recruiting for a role in the industry, contact marian@freshhortcareers.com, call +44(0)207 7937825 or visit
Supporting members with industry relevant training
Report by Stephen Ensell
Research over the last few years from landscape companies is showing a worrying trend that they are finding it increasingly difficult to source relevant external landscape and horticulture training opportunities for themselves and their employees. With barriers like employee time commitments, and the quality of course content, duration and costs not being appropriate, our Trade Association sees the importance of not only raising industry standards, but also playing a stronger role in supporting and supplying specific training and education. The British Association of Landscape Industries has now taken steps to see how we can support members with this challenge.
Over the last 18 months, through our industry steering group, we have been conducting our own research into existing training and education, exploring and mapping this to the skills and standards that landscape companies need for their employees and the work they carry out. The intention is to develop a technical training scheme that covers these much-needed skills, based on industry fundamental standards, appropriate to the varying levels needed. This will then assist both the employer and the employee to develop essential skills and knowledge, that will help fill skills gaps.
Although the pandemic has hindered the progress of this scheme in terms of bringing it into its pilot phase, additional research work has continued, with syllabuses and assessment criteria being created for several subject areas. With the likely easing of lockdown over the next few months, trials are planned for later in the year.
If you’re interested in getting involved contact stephen.ensell@bali.org.uk or call +44(0)24 7518 5611.
Oakham Garden Services - CAD Design
Recruiting top talent from a contractor’s perspective
Written by Ben Parkinson, Company Director of Accredited Contractor, Oakham Garden Services
With initial indicators signalling that 2021 will again favour the landscaping industry, opportunities are likely to be abundant – but do you have the team to deliver the dream?
As I reflect, as most of us do at this time of year, I can see how far Oakham Garden Services has come. I’ve always thought we had a good team, but I now know that we have a great team! We made a pledge less than two years ago to raise our game and we knew very quickly that we wouldn’t be able to grow our business without investing in our recruitment practices and ensuring that we are in a position to attract and retain the candidates of our choice.
As our business evolves, we have worked hard to build a positive culture and we have created a company that our team wants to be a part of; everyone wants to come to work - they don’t live for the weekends, or dread Monday mornings. They share our excitement about new projects, they are motivated, and they want to excel. We all strive for excellence and we share a thirst for learning, but we do recognise that challenges are inevitable and not every day goes 100% to plan. We all understand the importance of demonstrating professionalism, and this is backed up by encouraging the team to display and showcase their personality, as having fun is important to us all.
We are serious about the work we do and the commitments we make to our clients, but that doesn’t mean we have to be serious at all times!
Finding new team members who complement our business is crucial to our success and future growth. I know what a challenge it can be to get it right, how tempting it can be to rush or compromise and how painful it can be to get it wrong.
We have been working closely with an outsourced HR consultant, Emma Spradbury, since last year and we have implemented a structured, robust and bespoke recruitment process that is designed not only to identify and attract top talent, but to recognise the people we are confident will fit in most comfortably and be happiest working with us.
As Emma says, “Legal compliance is the starting point, of course, but many business owners make the mistake of thinking that they have the skills and experience required because they have been hiring for years; but often they are ignorant to the nuances of Employment Law. Whilst it’s critical to be compliant, will this guarantee an effective process? Absolutely not! A box ticking exercise is likely to take time and cost money but is unlikely to yield the results you were hoping for. Once compliance and consistency are in hand, my priority is to work with my clients to design recruitment and selection activities which will facilitate the outcomes they are looking for whilst complimenting their style - the wins come from being authentic and prioritising the human aspect of what we do, and how we do it.”
At the heart of recruitment, and all of our people practices, are our company values. When we are looking to introduce new team members into the business, we are ultimately offering someone a piece of what we have worked hard to create; it’s not just a job, it’s a genuine opportunity and the start of a potential career with us that doesn’t have a ceiling. We don’t gift that lightly, or without careful consideration.
Feeling inspired? Looking to strive for perfection in a team environment? Visit oakhamgardenservices.co.uk/ work-with-us to find out more.