Weekend Balita August 29, 2015

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Megan Young to unveil fresh, ‘Filipinized’ Marimar See MEGAN YOUNG page 22


AUG. 29 - SEPT. 4, 2015


Asians slam Jeb Bush on 14th Amendment GOP presidential candidate says Asians abusing US birthright citizenship Asian leaders burned social media, TV networks and sent out press releases condemning Republican presidential contender and former Florida Governor Jeb Bush who accused Asians of abusing the 14th Amendment of the US Constitution. US lawmakers including Representatives Judy Chu and Mike Honda slammed Bush for his “derogatory” remarks on Asians in the US relating to the term “anchor babies” where pregnant women from Asia would come to the US just to give birth so their children would become automatic US citizens. In an interview on Monday, Jeb Bush defended his use of the term “anchor babies” by saying “frankly, it is more related to Asian people.” Rep. Chu (CA-27), the first Chinese-American woman elected to See ASIANS SLAM, page 12

No matter which ethnic group you’re referring to, “anchor babies” is a slur that stigmatizes children from birth, says Rep. Judy Chu, who slammed presidential hopeful Jeb Bush (photo above) on the issue of birthright citizenship.

Pinoys in US are outstanding immigrants (Conclusion) Filipino-Americans by the numbers By Abner Galino

Pinoys seem to be everywhere in the US. There is nary a state where you can’t bump into a compatriot while out and walking around on some tourist destinations. Yes, we are here and there but Filipinos are actually settled mostly in three states: California, New York and Hawaii. More than half of Filipino immigrants in California are settled in the metropolitan areas of Los Angeles-Long BeachAnaheim and San Francisco-Oakland-

Hayward, with populations of 289,000 and 158,000, respectively. San Diego-Carlsbad is home to 94,000 Pinoys. Outside of California, Pinoys are mostly settled in the metropolitan area of New York, accounting for 153,000 of its immigrant population. But these places, although teeming with compatriots, would not be able to replicate the feeling of being back in Makati or Manila like Honolulu could. In terms of concentration, Pinoys in Honolulu are unbeatable. Their number, 78,000 (although smaller compared to metropolitan areas

mentioned above) represents 8.6 percent of the total population of metropolitan Honolulu. The numbers may look big but Los Angeles-Long Beach-Anaheim Pinoy population only represents 2.2 percent of the total Metro area population. We account for 3.6 percent of the Metro area population in San Francisco-Oakland-Hayward, 0.8 percent in New York-Newark-Jersey City Metro area (NY-NJ-PA), and 3.0 percent in San Diego-Carlsbad (CA). Other Metro areas with big concentraSee IMMIGRANTS, page 12

‘1000s’ of politicians hold Swiss accounts, FM official reveals Bern, Switzerland | AFP | Monday 8/24/2015 – Thousands of so-called “politically exposed persons”, or PEPs – a category that includes heads of state and other top officials – hold Swiss bank accounts, a Swiss foreign ministry official said Monday. Swiss authorities estimate that “there are thousands of PEPs (with accounts) in Switzerland, not hundreds,” Valentin Zellweger, who heads the ministry’s Directorate of International Law, told reporters. Switzerland has repeatedly been embarrassed by revelations, splashed across front pages worldwide, of global political heavyweights hiding funds – sometimes embezzled from public coffers – in the Alpine nation’s famous banks. But the country has not taken such scandals sitting down: it has been freezing suspicious assets for a quarter century. By the end of this year, Bern aims to finalise a law aimed at simplifying the process of freezing and unblocking such funds. In total, Switzerland has since 2003 returned a total of around $1.8 billion See SWISS ACCOUNTS, page 12

Despite being accused and “detained” for corruption charges, Senate Minority Leader Juan Ponce Enrile has been released and returned to work at the Senate, where he questions Sen. Sonny Angara during a session on tax issues. Enrile returned to work Monday, after posting P1.45-million bail for plunder and graft charges filed against him. (MNS photo)

PHL stocks plunge 6.7% amid global equities route Manila, Philippines | AFP | Monday 8/24/2015 – The Philippine stock market plunged 6.70 percent on Monday, wiping out this year’s record gains as worries over the impact of China’s slowing economy sparked a fresh rout in Asian stocks. The country’s benchmark index closed down 487.97 points to 6,791.01, the largest one-day drop since June 2013 and some 16 percent off the record highs touched in April. Shares in Asia declined dramatically on Monday, led by a more than eight percent

fall in Shanghai, after concerns about the Chinese economy sparked a sell-off in global financial markets. Analysts blamed the downturn in global equities for Manila’s woes, arguing that the Philippines’ economy is still strong. “Eighty to 90 percent of this sell-off is due to what is happening in China and the US. If you examine our fundamentals, we are still intact,” Louis Limlingan, head of sales at Regina Capital Development told AFP. See EQUITIES, page 12


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Weekend Balita, Sat. - Fri., Aug. 29 -Sept. 4, 2015



Weekend Balita, Sat. - Fri., Aug. 29 -Sept. 4, 2015

Can bankruptcy stop a foreclosure?

Recent press reports now indicate that banks are ready to begin a new push on delinquent mortgages through foreclosures and trust deed sales. Although the recession seems to have bottomed out, and house prices are no longer falling, many home owners are still behind on their payments, or sitting in homes that remain upside down in value versus debt, or both. Bottom line, home values have not yet appreciated to the point where it makes sense to stay, or pay off large delinquencies in order to avoid a foreclosure. to develop a repayment plan for the debtor Even with the new lower mortgage to follow over the next three to five years. rates, few home owners will succeed in Upon completion of the repayment plan, refinancing under the government’s Harp the bankruptcy court will discharge any 2 program, that provides re-finance op- remaining eligible debts. tions for properties under water. For most, A Chapter 13 bankruptcy filing can if your credit is compromised, or you do stall or derail foreclosure proceedings. not have at least 40% equity, you are out That’s because of bankruptcy’s “automatic of luck. Therefore a bank foreclosure may stay” provisions that force creditors to well be unavoidable during this new fore- the sidelines while the bankruptcy court closure wave that’s about to begin. sorts things out. The lender can petition So how does that work? When you are the court to allow it to continue with the unable to make your mortgage payments foreclosure, depending on where you are in on time, the bank starts a foreclosure the foreclosure process, but it should buy process. Foreclosure is a legal procedure you some time. that involves mortgaged properties. If a The following, is from page 24 of homeowner defaults on his or her mort- the U.S. Courts’ publication Bankruptcy gage, by either failing to make mortgage Basics: payments or failing to follow other terms of By virtue of the automatic stay, an the mortgage document, foreclosure may individual debtor faced with a threatened be the result. The homeowner relinquishes foreclosure of the mortgage on his or her all rights to the property, and the mortgage principal residence can prevent an imlender takes possession of the property. mediate foreclosure by filing a chapter 13 Usually there is a forced sale of the prop- petition. Chapter 13 then affords the debtor erty at public auction; the proceeds of this a right to cure defaults on long-term home sale are applied to the mortgage debt. mortgage debts by bringing the payments The most widely used remedy in dealing current over a reasonable period of time. with foreclosure, is bankruptcy. Bankrupt- The debtor is permitted to cure a default cy is a legal procedure that begins when with respect to a lien on the debtor’s prinan individual has a cash flow deficiency cipal residence up until the completion caused by debts they cannot manage. It of a foreclosure sale under state law. 11 can also protect against judgments, pay U.S.C § 1322©. garnishments, evictions and buy time in Clearly, you should hire a bankruptcy foreclosure situations. attorney to guide you through this complex For those with little income, a chapter process. That’s why the Law Offices of 7 bankruptcy gives debtors a fresh start. Paul M. Allen is here to help you. Attorney All unsecured debts are discharged. If you Paul Allen can re-structure your finances do have a regular income that is greater through the flexibility of a Chapter 13 plan, than the cost of living index for your and provide you with options that will help area, you can still qualify for a chapter 13 you through many difficult situations. bankruptcy. For a free consultation, contact the law The U.S. Courts’ publication Bank- offices of Paul M. Allen and schedule your ruptcy Basics refers to a Chapter 13 appointment with Attorney Allen. Offices bankruptcy as “an adjustment of debts of in Glendale and La Palma conveniently an individual with regular income” where located to serve you. Call today at 818the debtor works with the bankruptcy court 552-4500.

Manila court stops BOC from cancelling P650-M data base contract MANILA, Aug 25 (Mabuhay) – A regional trial court of Manila has stopped the Bureau of Customs from cancelling the P650-million contract on the Integrated Customs Processing System. The Omnibus Order from the Manila Regional Trial Court-Branch issued the preliminary injunctioni on Monday, Aug.

24. Copies of the order were released to reporters at a press conference on Tuesday regarding the controversial move of the BOC to inspect balikbayan boxes. A source at the BOC said that Commissioner Alberto Lina is not in a position to comment on the matter the burea hasn’t yet received a copy of the decision. (MNS)

A year after South Napa quake, damage proves widespread and costly SACRAMENTO, August 24, 2015 – The California Earthquake Authority (CEA) today announced preliminary findings of research on how the 6.0-magnitude earthquake that struck Napa one year ago today affected single-family homes. Although a 6.0 magnitude earthquake is not considered a major earthquake, the damage was widespread and has proved costly to homeowners. In the first phase of a CEA research project on the quake’s impact, 633 residents of the city of Napa completed an online survey to document how their houses performed in the earthquake. Key findings include: Ninety-one percent of respondents experienced some kind of damage at their house that led to potential safety hazards.

Forty-seven percent said their house needed repairs that took over a week to complete, including 20 percent who said important repairs were still not finished as of six months later. Ninety-four percent of respondents experienced some kind of utility disruption at their house, and for 12 percent it lasted more than four days. Thirty-seven percent said the total cost of the event for their household was over $5,000, including 13 percent who had costs over $25,000. Only 12 percent of houses surveyed were retrofitted. Retrofits were more common in older (pre-1950) houses and in houses with cripple walls greater than four feet (chest height).


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Weekend Balita, Sat. - Fri., Aug. 29 - Sept. 4, 2015


Mar Roxas courts NUP for 2016 polls MANILA, Aug 25 (Mabuhay) – After courting the support of the Nationalist People’s Coalition (NPC), Interior Secretary Mar Roxas will meet with members of the National Unity Party (NUP) on Wednesday night in a bid to secure their support for his candidacy in the 2016 elections. Roxas is the preferred successor of President Aquino and the standard bearer of the administration Liberal Party. Two weeks ago, Roxas met with some members of NPC, the country’s 2nd largest party whose several members have openly expressed preference for Senator Grace Poe. “Tomorrow night, we (NUP) have a scheduled meeting with Sec. Mar Roxas. We will listen to his plans…Our meeting will be in Quezon City Gloria Maris. The

whole party, all members of the NUP, governors and city mayors, we have right now 30 elected congress persons, and 5 or 6 governors,” Barzaga said on Tuesday. Barzaga believes many of his party mates are supportive of Roxas. He personally noted the supposed gains achieved under the current administration. “I have been talking to some of our members. Most of them are supportive of Mar Roxas… I have been in public service for a number of years. This is my 18th year. I was mayor for period of 9 years and I have seen remarkable changes in so far as the administration of President Aquino is concerned …I firmly believe somebody has to continue his programs,” he said. Barzaga, however, said the doors of

NUP remain open for Senator Grace Poe and Vice President Jejomar Binay. “If there will be an invitation coming from them, we will meet them.” Barzaga said Roxas initiated the meeting with NUP. “I think it is the responsibility of the candidates to approach us, to explain their platform. Parang hindi maganda na kami mag-initiate.” The NUP is one of the parties in the majority coalition at the Lower House led by the Liberal Party. The coalition counts the NPC, as well as the Nacionalista Party and the United Nationalist Alliance of Vice President Jejomar Binay. NUP’s Honorary Chairman is Speaker Sonny Belmonte. The NUP is composed of former members of former President Gloria Macapagal Arroyo’s KAMPI, which separated

from Lakas after the election of President Aquino. NUP was formed in December 2011 by a group of congressmen and governors, mostly from the Lakas-KAMPI party. It got its Commission on Elections (Comelec) accreditation as a national political party in October 2012. In the 2013 national and local elections, NUP was accredited by Comelec as one of the country’s major political parties. It aligned itself with the Liberal Party-led multi-party coalition in the 2013 elections with common candidates in many congressional and local government unit derbies. NUP has over 1,500 elected local officials, consisting of city and municipal mayors, vice mayors and councilors. It has 30 congressmen and 9 provincial governors. (MNS)

Trillanes: VP Binay earned P2B in kickbacks from service deals MANILA, Aug 26 (Mabuhay) – Vice President Jejomar Binay pocketed some P2 billion from the salaries of alleged ghost personnel in Makati City and contracts entered into by firms owned by his supposed dummies, Senator Antonio Trillanes IV said Wednesday. At the resumption of the Senate blue ribbon subcommittee’s hearing on alleged anomalies linked to Binay and his family, Trillanes said Binay, who served as Makati mayor for several terms, got around P2 billion from the city government’s contracts for janitorial, security and IT services. He said all services were cornered by firms whose owners have connections with the Binay family. Binay’s son, Junjun, was the suspended mayor of Makati. Engineer Mario Hechanova, former

head of the Makati General Services Department (GSD), said the Binays earned from the projects in two ways. “Lahat ng project sa Makati ay biddingbiddingan [fake bidding]… Dalawa ang pwede, ghost deployment at profit sa kumpanya,” he said. In his presentation before the subcommittee, Hechanova said at least P648 million was earned from the security services and another P612 million from janitorial services for the past 10 years, for a total of P1.26 billion. His presentation did not include figures covering contracts for IT services. According to Hechnova, 10 percent of employees hired through the said contracts were “ghost” personnel. For security guards, 60 of the 600 were allegedly non-existent personnel.



Weekend Balita, Sat. - Fri., Aug. 29 - Sept. 4, 2015

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Aquino leads commemoration of 32nd martyrdom of his father Ninoy MANILA, Aug 21 (Mabuhay) – President Benigno Aquino III on Friday led the commemoration of the 32nd martyrdom anniversary of his father, the late former Sen. Benigno “Ninoy” Aquino Jr. President Aquino went to the Manila Memorial Park in Paranaque City to join family and friends in offering prayers for his father who was assassinated. The President was joined by his sisters Ballsy Aquino-Cruz, Viel Aquino-Dee and Pinky Aquino-Abellada in offering prayers for their martyred father. Liberal Party standard-bearer Interior Secretary Mar Roxas, Defense Secretary Voltaire Gazmin and Budget Secretary Butch Abad also attended the activity. Groups also commemorate the martyrdom of Ninoy Aquino by offering flowers at the tarmac of the Ninoy Aquino International Airport (NAIA) where he was killed on August 21, 1983. Last Thursday, Presidential Communications Operations Office (PCOO) Secretary Herminio ‘Sonny’ Coloma Jr. said the commemoration of the 32nd death anniversary of Ninoy reaffirms every Filipino’s responsibility to help achieve freer society and national development. Coloma said Ninoy Aquino, who selflessly offered his life for the restoration of democracy in the country, continues to inspire generations of Filipinos to overcome difficulties and challenges in attaining their aspirations for a better future.

August 21 is a non-working holiday which commemorates the assassination of Ninoy Aquino on August 21, 1983. It is known as the “Araw ng Kabayanihan ni Ninoy Aquino”. Aquino was a prominent critic of former President Ferdinand Marcos. When Marcos declared Martial Law in September 1972, Aquino was one of those imprisoned. While in prison, he continued to campaign for democracy and even stood for election. In 1980, he suffered two heart attacks and was permitted to seek medical treatment in the United States, where he remained in exile for about three years. He wanted to challenge Marcos in a parliamentary election and on August 21, 1983, while he was being escorted off the airplane at the former Manila International Airport, he was shot dead. The assassination led to a major political upheaval in the Philippines and in 1986, after a snap presidential election, his widow Corazon Aquino was elected president. The holiday was first celebrated in 2004 after the issuance of Republic Act 9256. The holiday was included in former President Gloria Macapagal-Arroyo’s “holiday economics” policy, which adjusted holidays to form longer weekends to promote local tourism. It was however moved back to its original date of August 21, in 2010 by President Aquino. (MNS)

PHL still a rice importer, needs enough supply and buffer stock MANILA, Aug 25 (Mabuhay) – The government has no choice but to continue importing rice until the Philippines achieves complete sufficiency in the commodity and has assured that there is enough buffer stock for the lean months. The country has an estimated 4- to 5-percent shortage in rice since the sufficiency rate stands at 96 percent, Agriculture Secretary Proceso Alcala said. “Hangga’t hindi natin naaabot ang 100-percent rice sufficiency, plus buffer, mag-i-import tayo,” he told lawmakers during the budget briefing for the Department of Agriculture at the House of Representatives Tuesday. According to the Office of the Presidential Assistant for Food Security and Modernization, the National Food Authority (NFA) has achieved a 15-day national average in the buffer stock for 2014. The Philippines is one of the largest rice importers in the world. Since February 2015, the NFA has imported 750,000 metric tons (MT) of rice via governmentto-government arrangements. The NFA has been authorized to buy another P250,000 MT, particularly if the El Niño drought impacts on the harvest. Even as the government is continuously working to achieve a 100-percent rice self-sufficiency by 2016, Alcala said the country will have to import rice to ensure enough buffer stock is at hand. “Hindi pwedeng eksakto lang [na 100-percent rice self-sufficiency. Kailangan pa rin natin ng buffer stock, especially for the lean months between the summer harvest season and the wet season. Kailangang makasiguro tayong ang ating mga kababayan ay may sapat na bigas at any given time,” the Agriculture chief noted. Under the Aquino administration, Alcala said the DA was able to increase rice self-sufficiency from 82 percent in 2010 to 96 percent last year. The latest data from the United States Department of Agriculture show that the Philippines recorded the fastest production

growth among the world’s rice producers in 2010 to 2014, with an average growth of 4.02 percent compared with the global average of 1.39 percent. Also in 2014, the country achieved the highest palay production in history with 18.97 million MT at yield of 4 MT per hectare. “Kahit na patuloy tayong nangangarap at nagsusulong ng mga programa para maachieve ang full rice sufficiency ay hindi na rin kahiya-hiya ang performance ng ahensya at mga farmers. Hindi natin maaabot ang pagiging number one sa mundo kung mali ang ating aksyon. I think we’re on the right track,” Alcala said. For 2016, DA is seeking a budget of P53.59 billion, or P1.35 billion higher than its budget for the current year. Of the P34.5 billion allotted to the agency’s key programs and projects, P7 billion will go to programs aimed at improving rice production while P2.9 billion has been earmarked for the high-value crops development program. Other programs which will get a considerable portion of the DA’s proposed budget next year are the Philippine Rural Development Project (P9 billion), farm-to-market roads (P7 billion), fisheries program (P4.3 billion), corn program (P2.2 billion), livestock program (P1.1 billion), and organic agriculture program (P635 million).(MNS)


President Benigno S. Aquino III prays before the grave of his parents during commemoration rites marking the 32nd death anniversary of his father, former Senator Benigno “Ninoy” Aquino, Jr., at the Manila Memorial Park in Sucat, Parañaque City on Friday (August 21). (Photo by Benhur Arcayan / Joseph Vidal / Malacañang Photo Bureau)

PHL to ensure Mt. Hamiguitan won’t be delisted as World Heritage Site after ‘Pamana’ death – Palace MANILA, Aug 22 (Mabuhay) – Malacañang on Saturday assured the public that the Department of Environment and Natural Resources (DENR) is doing what is needed to resolve the issue of the death of Philippine eagle “Pamana.” This is amid a supposed threat against Mt. Hamiguitan’s status as United Nations Educational Scientific and Cultural Organization (Unesco) World Heritage Site. The three-year old female Philippine eagle was found dead in the Mt. Hamiguitan Range Wildlife Sanctuary, which is a Unesco heritage site and protected area. “I think DENR already released a reward to get to the bottom, really, of what happened to ‘Pamana,’” Deputy President Spokesperson Abigail Valte said over state-run Radyo ng Bayan. “I’m sure that everyone wants to make certain that we are not delisted and that

we do not lose that designation,” she added. Environmental group Kalikasan People’s Network for the Environment (Kalikasan PNE) earlier criticized the government for not prioritizing conservation efforts. It said that unchecked poaching in the area was because of lack of funding and manpower. Mt. Hamiguitan Range Wildlife Sanctuary was included in the World Heritage list in 2014 and was then recognized as an area that “provides critical habitat for a range of plant and animal species.” “The property showcases terrestrial and aquatic habitats at different elevations, and includes threatened and endemic flora and fauna species, eight of which are found only at Mount Hamiguitan. These include critically endangered trees, plants and the iconic Philippine Eagle and Philippine Cockatoo,” a Unesco media release said.


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Weekend Balita, Sat. - Fri., Aug. 29 -Sept. 4, 2015


Bongbong Marcos’ son mulls presidential run

CONTENDERS?: DILG Secretary Mar Roxas III (left) chats with Senators Grace PoeLlamanzares (seated), JV Ejercito, and Ferdinand Marcos Jr. during the Senate deliberation back in November last year. Roxas may have to face Marcos and Poe in next year’s presidential elections. (MNS photo)

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Manila, Philippines | AFP | Wednesday 8/26/2015 – The son and namesake of late Philippine dictator Ferdinand Marcos said Wednesday he may run for president in next year’s elections, offering his once-exiled family the chance of the ultimate political comeback. Ferdinand Marcos Jnr, popularly known as “Bongbong�, said he would not seek a second term as senator and was aiming for “higher office�, which in the Philippines can only be president or vice president. “The discussions I have been having with different groups, with other individuals have really centred on higher office,� the 57-year-old said on ABSCBN television. Asked directly if he would run for president or vice president, Marcos said: “It’s extremely difficult to make a decision at this point.� Ferdinand Marcos Snr ruled the Philippines for two decades until 1986 when millions of people took to the streets in a famous “people power� revolution. The Marcos family fled to the United States, and the patriarch died in exile in Hawaii in 1989. The rest of the family, headed by controversial matriarch Imelda, returned in 1991 and began a successful political comeback despite accusations the presidential couple stole billions in state coffers and oversaw widespread human rights abuses. “Bongbong� Marcos won a Senate position in 2010, the first time since his father’s demise that a family member had won a nationally elected post.

The Marcos matriarch, famous for her luxurious lifestyle, has also since 2010 been a member of parliament, representing her husband’s northern stronghold of Ilocos Norte province. Imelda, now aged 86, has spoken often of her desire for her son to take the presidency back for the family. However, public opinion surveys currently show there is little support for Marcos Jnr as president. “I always see surveys as a starting point,� he said about his poor poll ratings. The current Philippine president, Benigno Aquino, is the only son and namesake of the late strongman’s political nemesis, whose assassination in 1983 led to the popular uprising three years later. The assassinated hero’s wife, Corazon Aquino, led the revolution and was the nation’s first president after Marcos’s fall. Highlighting the fickle nature of Philippine politics, Marcos said he could run for the vice presidency next year on a ticket with current presidential favorite Jejomar Binay. Binay was a human rights campaigner during the dictatorship and is now the vice president, but he has faced widespread accusations of corruption in recent years. “This is Philippine politics, you cannot discount the possibility of things you did not imagine would happen, could happen. Never say never,� he said when asked about a Binay union. Last month, Aquino anointed his unpopular interior minister, Manuel Roxas, as his preferred successor.

Free Business Seminar at 1Heart Caregiver Services Headquarters Los Angeles California Are you tired of working for someone else and seeing the company you’re working for flourish and grow while you’re stuck on a 9 to 5 job? Have you been contemplating on being your own boss? Running your own business? Is this the right time? Everyone knows that the Senior care industry is a growing market. The demand for services related to Senior care as our aging population grows in significant numbers is tremendous and inevitable. Why not take advantage of the opportunities this market offers? With all these questions in mind, 1Heart Caregiver Services LLC is conducting its Business Opportunity Seminar this September 16, 2015, entitled “Learn How to Make Money in the Booming Homecare Business.â€? in its main headquarters at 3600 Wilshire Blvd Suite 1426, Los Angeles CA 90010. “What we’ve found is that many of the attendees know about the size, growth and the business opportunities the senior market present, but most of them don’t know where to start. This seminar can show them how.â€? said the Kevin Tagarao (Vice President of Operations). 1Heart’s Director of Business and Business Development, Randy Clarito and Devin Conner (National Franchise Consultant) will be hosting the event. Both are experts in their respective fields with over a decade of combined Franchise Business experience. The presentations will include: • The different business opportunities in the Senior Care Industry

• The Pros and Cons of each business model • The benefits of owning a home care franchise • What makes home care a potentially lucrative business ‌and many more This event aims to further educate business owners and future business owners to be able to get into an industry that helps a growing number of baby boomers and serves as a possible highly profitable income generating business. International Franchise Association IFA have stated that a franchise business increases your chances of business success because you are associating with proven products, services and methods. IFA celebrating 55 years of excellence, education and advocacy, is the world’s oldest and largest organization representing franchising worldwide and promoting more than 780,000 franchise establishments that support nearly 8.9 million direct jobs and $890 billion of economic output for the U.S. economy. The senior care franchise industry as a whole offers the following benefits: • Lowest investment risk • Minimal brick and mortar expense • Short ramp up time • Affordable multiple franchise opportunities • Considered one of the most profitable franchise business Call 1-844-8-1HEART (1-844-8143278) to register for free. Limited seats are available.



Weekend Balita, Sat. - Fri., Aug. 29 -Sept. 4, 2015

The market economist still thinks out US economy is weak? Per Wall Street Journal, the American Economy remains weak, with growth at the lowest level in more than three decades. Fewer jobs created than hoped for, and the 215,000 jobs add in july did"nt change the picture of a faltering employment market. Current numbers according to Financial Times, "show a mere 0.2% rise in employment costs, or wages, against the 0.6% that the financial world expected". That i can see, seems like people have jobs but they might have jobs just to get by, jobs to temporarily fill in for now, ers be cautious? A 2014 survey of large which is better than being unemployed. and medium size firms by Aon Hewitt Since the "Great Recssion" ended in reported that many have shifted funds 2009, economist are saying that this is from annual increases for salaried workthe weakest US recovery comeback since ers into a variety of one-time payments, World War II. such as profit sharing, personal incenPeople seem to notice that the White tive plans and bonuses. This allows the House has little urgency these days about corporation to avoid fixed cost and have the true condition of the economy and flexible options to deal with a fragile yet focused on current presidential can- economic recovery. didates and the media coveraging them, The Stocks recent 10%+ dropped Email servers, the fantasy of overturning might be a sign that the economy is not the Affordable Care Act, immigration as robust as we think, traders feared that and criminality, CEO pay and other slowing growth in China, and the dematters with only the barest relation to valuation of the Yuan could stifle global what matters most: Economic Growth economic recovery. The entire Asian and Recovery and the jobs that come region is feeling a fever because China with it. Most American have realized caught a cold. With interest rates ready that the "Dream:" is still a dream and to rise in the US, these are going to be the rallying of a great economical come tough times for all of us to have endure. back from a Great Recession might just Stocks could drop another 10% from be all hyped. We need jobs and job cre- here or they could go back up again, so ators, US big corporations are still very diversification, patience and above all, pessimistic about the future outcome of knowledge are your best weapons against this government. irreducible uncertainty. The US has added 11.5 million jobs I was just back from a business trip during the five years of labor-force ex- to Manila, there are definite signs that pansion through June, but the number of the Philippine Economy is very robust full-time jobs today is 0.7%, or 822,000 and that the infrastructure is definitely lower than it was at the prerecession trying to make things right and better. peak and that was eith eyars ago. What I see a lot more building and road work we saw were increases in part-time jobs, but for now the traffic seemed to have millions more are jobless or no longer worsened, but hopefully within a few looking for work though they are at years this road improvement could help prime working age. With the govern- grow the Philippine economy at a much ment increase health care cost for big faster rate, to better the lives of the most corporations, these job creators are hav- Filipino Kababayans. ing to re-think their hiring practices. I Thanks for your support, please call am sure that most of you that are in the Ken Go of 1st Innovative Finance Group healthcare business are seeing this com- at 562-508-7048 or write to Kennethgo@ mon scenario. verizon.net, The labor participation rate has fallen to 62.6%, the number of unemployed who stopped looking and dropped out of the workforce increased by 141,000 in June. Discouraged workers totaled 668,000 in July, little changed from a year ago. On top of all this, the housing recovery is short of where many economists thought it would be. Consumer spending is on the rocks. Why would'nt consum-

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That old college try? Not when it comes to dormitory safety Awareness and education are the best ways to learn about electrical safety both on- and off-campus By Paul Netter Southern California Edison

Chandler Brown is a quick study. A Harvard freshman majoring in environmental engineering, he recently moved into his dorm room. The Edison Scholar has a basic understanding of electrical hazards, but acknowledged that he probably couldn’t write that safety thesis just yet. “I could probably use common sense and get past [electrical dangers] pretty well,” said Brown, who graduated last May as valedictorian at Silverado High School in Victorville. “But to actually be educated, no not necessarily.” Brown isn’t alone. He is one of millions of students heading to universities over the next month who should do their homework to stay safe from the electrical shocks, injuries and fires that can occur at on- and off-campus housing. U.S. fire departments respond to an estimated 3,810 blazes in dormitories, fraternities and sororities annually, according to the National Fire Protection Association. Those fires result in an annual average of two deaths, 30 injuries and $9 million in property damage, and they most often occur in September and October. Randall Wright, an inspector with the L.A. County Fire Department, agrees with the fire protection association that some of the greatest hazards in college housing are overloaded extension cords and electrical outlets, unattended cooking and candles. Add to that students arriving with their computers, appliances and gadgets to older dormitories whose wiring often isn’t built to handle the electronics overload. Wright believes the maturity that occurs in college should extend to safety. “Learning to live with others, it’s really on the student to get that new level of maturity to realize that unlike at home, their actions can now affect many others,” he said. Don Neal, Southern California Edison’s (SCE) director of Corporate Environmental, Health and Safety, also recommends checking with the school’s rules before using electronics in the dorm room, noting that schools usually have a list of prohibited items. “Students should also plug only one high-wattage appliance into an outlet and that appliance should never be plugged into an extension cord,” said Neal. “When used, extension cords should be strictly

temporary.” Appliances that heat should not be used around notebooks, loose papers and anything combustible since they can ignite if the contact is too close. Yet, unattended cooking is the biggest culprit in college housing fires, with cooking equipment involved in 84 percent of them on average, according to the fire association. For Wright, it makes smoke detectors indispensable. Every room should have one and they should be tested monthly, he said. They should never be disabled and their batteries should be changed at least every six months. “College is an experience like few others,” said Neal. “That experience can be enjoyed more safely when the high-powered electronics and appliances that students bring from home are not left unsupervised or used improperly.”


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Waiver of joint petition to remove conditional permanent residency on a marriage entered less than two years The Immigration Marriage Fraud Amendments of 1986 (IMFA) requires an alien obtaining a green card through a marriage less than two years old to come back at the end of that two years with the petitioning spouse and show that they are still married or, if the marriage was terminated, to show that the marriage was entered in good faith before the USCIS will issue them a permanent (unconditional) green card. Any alien who obtains a green card through a spousal petition by riage was entered in good faith. virtue of a marriage entered less than However, sometimes alien spouses twenty four months before the status is are not able to file this Joint Petition to obtained will only receive a conditional remove the condition on their green card green card under INA §216(d). To remove because the couple got divorced or are in this condition, both spouses must file a the process of filing a divorce and is having form I-751 with the USCIS within 90 day difficulties getting the cooperation of the period preceding the expiration of the US citizen spouse. When the alien spouse conditional green card along with other falls into this situation, it is still possible supporting documents showing the mar- for them to obtain their permanent green

card by filing a waiver. The waiver must be based on one of the following reasons 1) Extreme hardship would result if such alien is removed 2) The qualifying marriage was entered in good faith by the alien spouse, but ‌ has been terminated (divorce or annulled), and the alien was not at fault in failing to timely file the joint petition and attend the interview; or 3) The qualifying marriage was entered into in good faith by the alien spouse and during the marriage the alien spouse or child was battered by or was the subject of extreme cruelty perpetrated by the US citizen parent or permanent resident spouse or parent and the alien was not at fault in failing to file the joint petition and attend the interview. (Ref: INA §216Š(4); 8 CFR 216.5) If you have a conditional green card and your are having difficulty obtaining cooperation from your US citizen spouse in signing a joint petition to remove this conditional green card, you should consult an attorney to assist you in planning for and obtaining a waiver.

Please note that this article is not legal advice and is not intended as legal advice. The article is intended to provide only general, non-specific legal information. This article is not intended to cover all the issues related to the topic discussed. The specific facts that apply to your matter may make the outcome different than would be anticipated by you. This article does create any attorney client relationship between you and the Law Offices of Kenneth U. Reyes, P.C. This article is not a solicitation. Attorney Kenneth Reyes is a graduate of Southwestern University School of Law in Los Angeles. He was President of the Philippine American Bar Association. He is a member of the American Immigration Lawyers’ Association (AILA) and the Los Angeles County Bar Association, Immigration and Family Law Sections. You may contact Atty. Reyes at (213) 388-1611 or via e-mail at kureyeslaw@gmail.com. LAW OFFICES OF KENNETH REYES, P.C. is located at 3699 Wilshire Blvd., Suite 700, Los Angeles, CA.

Senior with little income but large home equity seeks Chapter 13 Chapter 13 Client is 68 and relies on social security of $800. Wife is 55 and is a self-employed health professional. Wife, although a health professional, only grosses $20K a year. And I thought everyone in the health industry was raking it in. They bought their residence 20 years ago for $300K. It is now worth $700K. They have a mortgage balance of $200K. So they have $500K of equity. That’s not bad at all. However, because their income is low, they have not been able to pay their the house at auction, the bank will bid the mortgage of $1200 monthly for 10 months. balance of the loan of $200K, and in that They come to me with a notice of auction situation his $500K equity will evaporate sale for next week. Husband asks if a loan into thin air. Maybe a bank employee will modification at this stage will stop the bid slightly higher than $200K, then resell foreclosure. I said no. Although there is a the house at $700K and making a half law that says so, in reality, it doesn’t stop million profit overnight at the expense of the foreclosure. He also asks me if I can client who I must say is one of the most sue the bank for predatory lending to stop stubborn people I have met. It’s as if his the foreclosure. I said no. I said you can stubbornness will solve the problem of sue the bank but its not going to stop the saving his house. foreclosure. I said the only thing you can do PAYING FOR/ELIMINATING NURSto stop the foreclosure right now is the file ING HOME COSTS a Chapter 13. You can then pay the default Client is 67. He has been fairly blessed of $12K at the rate of $200 monthly and with good health until recently. He owns stop the foreclosure for 5 years as long as a house with $300K of equity. He has a you are timely making the plan payments retirement account of $500K. While going to the court. The problem, I said, is that for his daily morning walk with his dog, next month, you have to resume the current he suffered a massive heart attack. Now, he mortgage payment of $1200 for the month cannot take care of himself. His wife and of October so that in October, you actually family are worried that that they would need $1200 for the current portion of the have to place him in a nursing home. They mortgage and another $200 for the plan checked around and found a nice nursing payment. The total of $1,400 is $200 more home with first class surrounding and fathan you mortgage of $1200 which you cilities. They would like to put him there. have not been able to pay for ten months, But the monthly expense for that nursing but it does give you enough breathing time home is $8,000 a month. At that rate, they to figure out what you can do next. The would burn through the retirement account foreclosure of September 8 will not push of $500K in five years. And may even have through because of the Chapter 13. There- to sell their house. fore, your house is safe in the meantime. His wife and family are very concerned I suggested that he can sell the house that this catastrophe will devastate them while he was on the Chapter 13 so that he financially. I present them with a legal can maximize the realization of his $500K solution that will let them keep the $500K of equity, then just purchase a condo with of retirement account and keep their house. the $500K so he won’t have to pay for a At the same time, the solution will provide mortgage anymore, and he will probably grants and subsidies that will pay for the have $100K of cash left as emergency $8,000 monthly as long as he needs nursing funds. I suggested another way to pay off home care. I can get them the care that clithe mortgage but I will not mention it here. ent needs without bankrupting the family. What’s important is that the filing of the There are special laws that allow middle Chapter 13 now will stop the September 8 class families to avoid paying thousands foreclosure and give him enough time to of dollars out of their pocket monthly for figure out what his next move is going to nursing home care, assisted living care and be. Otherwise, if he doesn’t do anything home care. and keeps on dragging his feet and not take So, why get financially devastated the right step which is filing the Chapter when a health crisis happens that cannot 13, he will end up losing his house on be avoided? If your loved one is in this September 8. If his house is foreclosed on situation now, or you need to do advance September 8 and there are no bidders for See YANG, page 9


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OC businesses eye-ball companies for opportunities at ABAOC Annual Event Orange County’s small and mid-sized businesses had the opportunity to bag lucrative contract via the annual event sponsored by one of the most active business associations in Orange County. The event is one of the business organization’s most awaited signature projects.. At the Wyndham Hotel this week, dozens of business entrepreneurs joined the ranks of the lively crowd who where able to eye-ball various recipients of their goods and services they offer. Going stronger by the years since being launched many years back, the event was launched to open up avenues for business and professional connections. The day-long event which was held at various convenient locations in Orange County had always exceeded expectations. The annual event has been labeled as “Orange County’s Best Business Conference” with features attractive enough to merit the attendance of the members of ABAOC Procon: Orange County the business community some of which entrepreneurs get the opportunity to meet included business presentations, excel- their partners at the other end of the business lent networking resources, attendance relationship with this year’s Procurement of of corporate buyers all of which were Conference of the Asian Business of Orange County. File photo shows the movers Gloria made available under one roof and in Rull, Christine Tang and Pres. Tom Nguyen one day. This year’s event also had an of one of Orange County’s most active array of resource persons gathered under nonprofit organizations in one of their recent a set-up where they shared their invalu- functions. able experiences and insights in the many Panda Restaurant; Virginia Abadessa, Director, Contracts Administration and areas of business operations. Among those in the two panels of Materials Management, Orange County speakers were Arnice Lamb, Manager, Transportation Authority and Vaughn Supplier Diversity, The Walt Disney Williams III, Category Manager, SouthCompany; Monica Heredia, – Supplier ern California Gas Company. ABAOC was founded in 1992 “to Diversity Manager, Verizon; John Arena, Business Outreach Program Manager, provide Asian American business comMetropolitan Water District of Southern munity the opportunity the access to California; Eric Fisher, Principal Manag- economic advancement by way of er, Supplier Diversity and Development networking, education and community of Southern California Edison; Adrian representation”. It has been a leader for Brown, JD, CPPO, Principal Buyer, the last two decades in serving the small Metropolitan Water District of South- business community in Orange County ern California; Arnice Lamb, The Walt and has been successful in implementDisney Company; Rif W. Wiguna, Vice ing outreach programs in support of its President, Supply Chain Management, members.

‘Hand of God’ untangles traffic mess Manila, Philippines | AFP | Tuesday 8/25/2015 – An 83-year-old Catholic cardinal in the Philippines came to the rescue of thousands of stranded motorists over the weekend after single-handedly untangling a traffic jam in Manila during a typhoon. Gaudencio Rosales took matters into his own hands on Sunday as he traversed a typhoon-lashed Philippine highway on the outskirts of the capital to help settle a traffic dispute. “We were trapped for over an hour and we were rushing to another engagement. I said to myself: ‘we cannot take this anymore,’” the retired Manila cardinal told AFP on Tuesday. With no traffic policemen in sight amid the onslaught of Typhoon Goni, Rosales said he zipped up his raincoat and walked nearly a kilometer to find out what was

causing the 1.6-kilometre (mile) long snarl, the likes of which have become a daily misery for Filipinos. “We’re all in a hurry,” he said to the erring motorists, after discovering six cars fighting over two lanes in Santo Tomas town on Manila’s outskirts. As his boots filled up with rainwater, the hooded old man used hand signals to force the vehicles to back up, freeing up the jam. The rain later let up to reveal a giant crucifix peeking out of his jacket. The chastened motorists then got out of their vehicles to kiss his ring. “They were very apologetic,” Rosales said of the culprits. About 80 percent of the Philippines’ 100 million strong population are Roman Catholic, who are considered among the world’s most devout.

YANG From page 8

planning maybe a couple of years from now, come and see me. I can help you solve this problem legally and allow you to keep all your assets while getting the nursing care that your loved one needs. “SEE, THE FORMER THINGS HAVE TAKEN PLACE, AND NEW THINGS I DECLARE; BEFORE THEY SPRING INTO BEING I ANNOUNCE THEM TO YOU.” ISAIAH 42:9 Lawrence Bautista Yang is a graduate of Georgetown University Law Center and

has been in law practice for thirty years. He specializes in bankruptcy, business and civil litigation and has handled more than five thousand successful bankruptcy cases in California. He speaks Tagalog and looks forward to discussing your case with you personally. Please call Angie, Barbara or Jess at (626) 284-1142 for an appointment at 1000 S Fremont Ave, MAILSTOP 58, Building A-1 SUITE 1125, Alhambra, CA 91803 OR at 20274 Carrey Road, Walnut, CA 91789.

Arellano Hi Reunion: The members of Class 1967 of Arellano High School in Manila hand their hand full in celebrating the birthday of their former classmate Estellita Silvestre, (third from left, seated) and attending the reunion at the Crowne Plaza Hotel in Union City. Preparations are now underway to celebrate the batch’s 50th year schedules in 2017 in Manila, Philippines.


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Photo shows the Ordination rites officiated by Most Rev. Thomas Curry (right) and Deacon Ed Wills. Photo By: Jean O. Ng.

Experiencing the rite of ordination to the sacred priesthood of Fr. Peter Vecellio, O.C. D. On the solemnity of the annual celebration of the Catholic feast of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary recently, this author was invited by Jean O. Ng, an ardent parishioner of Saint Therese Church in the City of Alhambra, to experience the solemn rite of ordination to the sacred priesthood of Fr. Peter Mary Vecellio of the Eucharistic Heart of Jesus, O.C.D. Fr. Peter was born in Minneapolis, MN. to parents: Raymund and Mary Vecellio, but was raised in the town of Minnetonka, MN. He attended St. Joseph’s Catholic Grade School and Benilde-St. Margaret’s CathoThere are two Carmelite Orders in the lic High School. He further attended the Church: the Carmelite Order of the AnUniversity of Minnesota, but graduated at cient Observance (O. Cram.) and the the Franciscan University of Steubenville. Discalced Carmelite Order (OCD). The While at Franciscan University, he went Discalced became a separate order under through a major conversion in his life Teresa of Avila, so as to return to the more where he felt the “calling” to “offer his austere and contemplative life lived by the whole life to God ,” and become a priest. first Carmelites, and eventually by the end It was his mother, through the intercession of the seventeenth (17th) century, the Disof the Blessed Mother, who played an calced developed their own secular order. important role in guiding him go through ‘Discalced,’ meant ‘shoeless’ signithe whole process. fying their great austerity. But seculars Fr. Peter chose to join the Order of Dis- do not consider foregoing shoes to be a calced Carmelites (O.C.D) because for necessity for living internal austerity and him, “ultimately St. Therese and Our poverty, Members of the OCDS on the Lady led him to the Carmelite order and other hand, are distinct from the secuhe was attracted to the Carmelites’ empha- lar order known as the Lay Carmelites sis on prayer and the contemplative life.” (T.O.Carm.).” According to historical accounts, the Soon after Father Vecellio’s ordinaOrder of Discalced Carmelites “was ju- tion, he was assigned to serve at the El ristically erected in 1593. Carmelo Retreat House in Redlands, They are commonly known as Secular California where his goal is to serve the Carmelites and they are an integral part best way he can in doing retreat work, as of the Discalced Carmelite Order (OCD) well as to grow his love and dedication to and they are juristically dependent upon the saints of Carmel and of the Carmelthe Discalced Carmelite Friars, who are ite charisma of prayer and transforming in ‘fraternal communion’ with them and union with God.” the cloistered Nuns of the Order. Surely, all of us who attended his orThey share the same charisma with dination do wish him well in his chosen the friars and nuns, each according to his vocation and we’re hopeful that some of or her particular state of life, forming a the younger generation can follow in his single family with the same spirituality, footsteps. May the Lord be always with Fr. Peter and called by God to holiness and aposin all his religious undertakings. tolic mission.

Photo shows Fr. Peter Mary Vecellio, O.C.D. during Communion rites with Bro. Charles Nawodylo. Photo by: Jean O. Ng


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From page 1

From page 1

“We are being dragged down by the larger world economy,” he added. Limlingan said the rout was compounded by a public holiday in the Philippines on Friday, meaning shares were playing catchup with two days of losses. “We are playing reverse-catch up. We

were closed Friday so we did not react to the US performance (last week),” he said. Top-traded Ayala land sank 9.03 percent to 33.75 pesos, while GT Capital Holdings plunged 10.13 percent to 1,136.00 pesos. Philippine Long Distance Telephone retreated 7.78 percent to 2,536.00 pesos.


embezzled by Ferdinand Marcos of the Philippines, the late Nigerian military dictator Sani Abacha, former Peruvian spy chief Vladimir Montesinos, Jean-Claude Duvalier of Haiti and others. That is more than any other country has returned and represents a quarter of the

$4-5 billion in assets restituted globally, Swiss authorities said last year. The country has meanwhile recently seized around $400 million in connection with a massive corruption probe targeting Brazil’s state oil company Petrobras.

tion of Pinoys are: Chicago-NapervilleElgin (IL-IN-WI) with 80,000 or 0.8 percent of Metro area population; Las Vegas-Henderson-Paradise (NV) with 64,000 or 3.2 percent of Metro area population; Riverside-San Bernardino-Ontario (CA) with 62,000 or 1.4 percent of Metro area population; San Jose-Sunnyvale-Santa Clara (CA) with 60,000 or 3.2 percent of Metro area population; and WashingtonArlington-Alexandria (DC-VA-MD-W) with 47,000 or 0.8 percent of Metro area population. Yes, we are mostly urban dwellers and being so have a lot to do with the nature of our jobs and our capability to afford the cost of living in these metropolitan areas. All these data were taken from the US Census Bureau’s Current Population Survey from 2009 to 2013 which were collated by the Migration Policy Institute (MPI). Here are other interesting numbers from the same report: 79 percent of Pinoys got their green

ASIANS SLAM From page 1

Congress and a co-sponsor of bipartisan immigration reform efforts, released the following said “No matter which ethnic group you’re referring to, ‘anchor babies’ is a slur that stigmatizes children from birth. The problem with our immigration system is not birthright citizenship. The problem is a broken immigration system that forces families to live apart or live in fear.” Chu added, (what) we need (is) a conversation that leads to a solution on visas and naturalization and seriously considers how we can integrate the 11.5 million undocumented immigrants already living and contributing here. All that is accom-

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cards through family reunification channels. 52 percent of Pinoys gained lawful permanent resident (LPR) status as immediate relatives of US citizens under age 21. 21 percent of Pinoys gained their LPR status through employment-based preferences Only 10 Filipinos received asylum in 2011 and no one arrived as refugee on that year. Filipino immigrants naturalized at higher rate (67 percent) than US immigrants overall. 649,000 Pinoys were granted LPR status from 2002 to 2012 or 5.6 percent of the total admissions and adjustments during this period. From 2002 to 2012, an estimated 428,000 Pinoys were naturalized as US citizens. It is estimated that 270,000 Filipino undocumented workers are in the US in 2011. plished through talk of anchor-babies – be they from Latin America, Asia, Europe, or Africa – is to use xenophobic fears to further isolate immigrants. It’s time for our country to return to a substantive discussion on immigration.” For his part, Honda said, “As Chair Emeritus of the Congressional Asian Pacific American Caucus, and Chair of its Immigration Task Force, I cannot stand idly by as Asian Americans and all immigrants are disparaged this way. We have a long and celebrated history founded on a multitude of cultures and backgrounds, and the use of such slurs has no place in our country and is, quite simply, un-American.”



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Bankruptcy: Is it the right decision for you? Deciding if bankruptcy is right for you can be one of the most important decisions you’ll ever make in your life. As much as possible, most people try to avoid it, of course. But sometimes, the hole you’ve dug up is too deep that there is no other way out. For example, perhaps you owe so much that there’s simply no way for you to ever repay your creditors. Filing bankruptcy, although not your first choice, may be a better alternative to remaining stuck in debt for the rest of your life. come quick and easy. Most people will The answer, of course, doesn’t always postpone making a decision until they have

Expediting permanent residency through a cross-cultural relationship The United States was founded under the ideal of being a melting pot, where different people from different places around the world would blend as one harmonious community. Although it is debatable whether this ideal has been achieved or not, it is clear that more and more people are finding love outside of their nationality and culture. Wonderfully, the immigration laws contain provisions that may benefit married couples who have been born in different countries. These provisions could be very helpful to individuals from countries one born in a country other than the Philipthat are experiencing severe backlogs and pines, the immigration laws allow use of waiting periods, such as those born in the the waiting list for the spouse’s country Philippines, mainland China, Mexico and of birth. In our example, if she marries India. In general, for purposes of the visa someone born in Dubai, the cut-off priority waiting lists, an individual is charged to the date can be charged to the waiting list for Dubai, which is May 8, 2004. The waiting country in which they are born. This typically applies even to children period would therefore be about 11 years, who are born outside of their parents’ na- which is 4 years faster than if she remained tive country, which is increasingly more single and 11 years faster than if she were common given the large number of over- to marry a Philippine born individual. With respect to the timing of the marseas workers.An important exception to this general rule applies to married couples riage, careful assessment must be made who are born in different countries, with beforehand to ensure that there are no hopefully one of them from a country that negative consequences to getting married is not experiencing a severe backlog. The and to determine the potential benefits. If exception states that a person may use their not properly assessed, a poorly-timed marspouse’s country of birth for purposes of riage may in fact destroy a petition. On determining which country’s waiting list the other hand, a well-timed marriage may quickly advance an individual’s eligibility they will be charged. It is available for either relative petitions to obtain a green card. The cross-chargeability provisions of or employment-based petitions. However, the law does require that the spouses apply the immigration laws are most beneficial to individuals who are born in countries exfor their green cards at the same time. As an example, a U.S. citizen mother periencing severe backlogs. In today’s age files a relative petition on behalf of her of increasing intercultural marriages—rePhilippine born unmarried daughter over sulting from an increase in travel, working age 21 on September 1, 2015. Under the abroad, and the internet – individuals must visa bulletin, the cut-off priority date for be knowledgeable about these provisions this category (F1) at that time is October as they may be able to benefit and reduce 22, 2000. The waiting period is therefore their waiting times significantly. For further information, please schedbe about 15 years. Now, if the unmarried daughter marries ule an appointment with an attorney at a Philippine born individual, the daughter Aquino & Loew, Certified Immigration continues to be eligible for a green card, Law Specialists; (888) 797-1140 or but would be reclassified to the category (626) 799-3089; info@aquinoloew.com. for married children (F3). For this category Please also visit Aquino & Loew at www. under the Philippines, the cut-off priority aquinoloew.com, watch us on Kababayan date is September 15, 1993, which adds Today every 1st Tuesday, connect with us about 7 years to the waiting period. So, on Facebook and Twitter, and read about unfortunately, the marriage between two us on Yelp. Aquino & Loew also handles Philippine born individuals makes the wait family law and criminal matters. Providing Personalized Service Nationwide & even longer. However, if the Filipina marries some- Abroad Since 1996.

US Marine fought but did not murder Laude: lawyer OLONGAPO, Philippines | AFP | Monday 8/24/2015 – A US Marine accused of murder told a Philippine court Monday he fought with and subdued a transgender Filipina in self-defence but denied murdering her, his lawyer said. Eight months after he was charged over the death of Jennifer Laude, Joseph Scott Pemberton admitted they fought after oral sex because Laude did not have a female organ, said his lawyer Rowena Flores. The trial is closed to the press and court officials do not comment on details. The case has attracted national attention as the Philippines seeks closer defense ties with its longtime ally the United States, in the face of Chinese territorial claims in the South China Sea. Pemberton, who was 22 at the time, said Laude, 26, slapped him and caused him to

respond “in defense”, Flores said. “After some time, to subdue Jeffrey, Joseph Scott Pemberton held his (Laude’s) head under his armpit. Jeffrey stopped moving. Joseph Scott Pemberton tried to revive him,” Flores added, using the victim’s former name of Jeffrey. She quoted Pemberton as saying “I felt like I was raped by Laude.” Harry Roque, a lawyer representing the victim’s family at the trial, said the US marine testified he held Laude in an “armlock” until she stopped moving. “He then dragged her to (the) bathroom and dumped her,” Roque added. Another lawyer for the family, Virgie Suarez, said Pemberton confessed to choking Laude but said he thought she was just unconscious. Flores said Pemberton told the court he left Laude “alive in the bathroom”.

their back into a corner and they feel like the walls are caving in. If you are in this situation, I know how you feel. At what point does it make sense to file bankruptcy and get legal protection? If your financial situation is causing you a lot of stress and worries, perhaps bankruptcy is the best solution for your mental well-being if you’re already doing your best but it’s still not good enough. Filing bankruptcy provides immediate debt relief because it automatically stops collection actions against you and your property. That means no more collection calls, lawsuits, wage garnishments and no more sheriffs at your door. For the first time after a long while, you can finally breathe better and feel like a human being again. In Chapter 7, credit card debts, personal loans, medical bills and other unsecured debts are erased completely. Although in Chapter 7 non-exempt property can be taken to pay creditors, this is very rare because most Chapter 7 cases are no-asset cases. If your case is such, you lose nothing but your debts and you get to keep your home, automobile, bank accounts, retirement plans, etc. In Chapter 13, you agree to repay all or a portion of your debts over 3 to 5 years. In most cases, you can cut your current credit card payments in half or even more, depending on your income and expenses.

So, rather than struggling to pay your debts and the ridiculous interest rates that the credit card companies are charging you, you can be out of debt in a much shorter period of time while paying zero percent interest on your credit cards. Trust me. With the interest rates of 2229% that the credit card companies are charging you, you are likely to be in debt for the rest of your life if all you can afford is to make minimum payments. If filing bankruptcy makes sense for your situation, it may be the only way you will ever get a fresh financial start. If there are ways to avoid it, I can help you review your options. For a free consultation, call my office at Toll-Free 1-866-477-7772. We have offices in Los Angeles, Pasadena, Cerritos and Valencia. (None of the information herein is intended to give legal advice for any specific situation. Atty. Ray Bulaon has successfully helped over 5,000 clients in getting out of debt. For a free attorney evaluation of your situation, please call Ray Bulaon Law Offices at TOLL FREE 1-866-477-7772). (None of the information herein is intended to give legal advice for any specific situation. Atty. Ray Bulaon has successfully helped over 5,000 clients in getting out of debt. For a free attorney evaluation of your situation, please call Ray Bulaon Law Offices at TOLL FREE 1-866-477-7772).


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Migrant crisis a ‘humanitarian disaster’: Austrian minister

Gevgelija, Macedonia | AFP | Monday 8/24/2015 – Austrian Foreign Minister Sebastian Kurz on Monday described Europe’s refugee crisis as a “humanitarian disaster” and called for a new strategy to tackle the growing influx. Visiting the frontier between Greece and Macedonia, a new flashpoint in the crisis, Kurz also deplored the “lack of checks on migrants” within the European Union. “It’s a humanitarian disaster, a disaster for the European Union as a whole, and there is a pressing need for us to focus on the situation in the western Balkans,” he told reporters. “We have to find a new strategy to support Greece and the western Balkan countries.” The EU is grappling with an unprecedented influx of people fleeing war, repression and poverty in what the bloc has described as its worst refugee crisis in 50 years. Nearly 340,000 migrants have arrived in the EU in the first seven months of this year, according to the bloc’s Frontex border agency. Greece has recorded 160,000 since the start of the year, mainly coming in via Turkey. More than 42,000 have gone through Macedonia since mid-June to try to enter the European Union, particularly the countries of the passport-free Schengen area.

Roxas warns public vs ways of ‘trapos’ CEBU CITY, Aug 24 (Mabuhay) – Interior Secretary Manuel “Mar” Roxas II on Monday issued a warning against “traditional politicians” who are wooing voters in campaigns but will “take advantage” of the people once they get elected. “Siga sila at maaari silang magpatuloy ng pananamantala sa inyo. Iyan ang trapo (traditional politician) style ng pamamahala (They are tough and they will continue to take advantage of you. This is the trapo style of governance),” he said in a speech at the “Daang Matuwid People’s Dialogue” at Cebu Normal University here in Cebu City on Monday morning. Coincidentally, Vice President Jejomar Binay, who will run against Roxas in the presidential elections in 2016, and Senator Grace Poe, Roxas’ prospective running mate, are in Cebu for separate speaking engagements. Roxas was joined in the dialogue by Presidential Secretary Edwin Lacierda, Justice Secretary Leila de Lima, Budget Secretary Florencio “Butch” Abad, Social Welfare Secretary Corazon “Dinky” Soliman, Health Secretary Janette Garin, and Metropolitan Manila Development Authority chairman Francis Tolentino. Roxas also criticized “traveling” politicians who have been going around the country to promote themselves but do not have clear plans to improve the condition of the people. “Meron namang iba dyan na mamumuno lang pero wala namang plano, wala namang patutunguhan at wala namang paraan para marating ang kanilang nais para sa bansa. In short, mamamasyal lang,” Roxas said. “Tayo sa Daang Matuwid, malinaw ang ating patutunguhan.” (There are others who lead but don’t have plans, no direction and no means to reach what they want for the country. In short, they just want to coast along. With us in Daang Matuwid [straight path], the direction is clear.) Roxas has been tapped by President Benigno Aquino III to become the standard-bearer of the Liberal Party in next year’s presidential race.

Balikbayan box controversy

Despite strong public indignation over the implementation of a new “draconian” policy to be adopted by the Bureau of Customs (BOC) regarding balikbayan boxes, President Aquino appears to be firm in his decision to execute the controversial scheme. In his recent speech he made in Cebu, President Aquino made a flimsy excuse of implementing the controversial and unpopular BOC plan in an effort to curb “technical smuggling” in the country. He told his yellow ribbon fanatics in Cebu to give BOC personnel a chance to do its job, which at the moment has been put on hold. The government is claiming that it is losing P600 million a year to untaxed imports through “balikbayan boxes.” However, a study conducted by Global Financial Integrity is showing that the Aquino administration losses in revenue through balikbayan boxes was minimal compared to the estimated $3.85 billion lost to smuggling in the country Once implemented, the new BOC plan as approved by President Aquino will allow corrupt customs personnel to start doing random checks on all the contents of all balikbayan boxes entering the country and to tax those exceeding $500,00 in value. The new BOC policy reflects on President Aquino’s insensitivity and callousness toward hardworking and often abused OFWs. This President is the most heartless, uncaring and unforgiving President I have ever known. He is much, much worse than former President Ferdinand Marcos. At least Marcos allowed Senator Ninoy Aquino to fly to the United States to have a heart bypass surgery to prolong his life. This latest controversial BOC policy will surely hurt the chances of DILG Secretary Mar Roxas of being elected the country’s next President. Shortly after the new BOC policy regarding balikbayan boxes was announced, thousands of overseas Filipino workers have turned to social media to vent their ire over the decision of the BOC to conduct random inspection on balikbayan boxes. Government statistics show that there are close to 2.6 million OFWs working all over the world, many of them based in the Middle East. Some are

in Europe, United States, Canada, Japan, Singapore, Hong Kong and in the African continent. Just imagine the total number of voters Secretary Roxas will lose come election day next year. I expect all these dejected OFWs and their relatives to vote for someone else other than the perceived presidential candidate of Aquino which is Roxas. No less than Labor Secretary Rosalinda Baldoz, a staunch Aquino supporter, has expressed her resentment on the new BOC policy on “ balikbayan boxes. Baldoz , in a press statement, said that the monetary value inside a balikbayan box of an OFW is not so high or great to merit BOC’s special interest for revenue generation. Let us wait and find out if the widespread outrage on the balikbayan boxes controversy would compel President Aquino to stop the BOC from conducting random checks on balikbayan boxes. Meanwhile, Senator Antonio Trillanes is now on center stage. Vice President Jojo Binay is asking the Senate Ethics Committee to probe Senator Trillanes for allegedly using P1.63 million of public funds for personal expenses. A news report found out that Trillanes is using more than half of his budget allocation to pay his 63 consultants, which includes his brother, family drivers, houseboy, campaign donors, media workers and ex-mutineer friends. Based on COA report, Trillanes paid all his consultants an estimated P9.77 million from July to December last year, exceeding his budget of P3.30 million. His two campaign donors, identified as Robert Fong and Fabian Go, were each paid P80,000 a month as consultants. Trillanes is one of three Senators in the Senate Blue Ribbon Subcommittee investigating VP Binay and his family of unexplained wealth and corruption during their tenure as Makati city mayors. Let us see if Senator Franklin Drilon, a known stooge of President Aquino, will not lift a finger to prevent the Senate Ethics committee to conduct a probe.

China-spurred market turbulence to hit global growth: analysts By Paul Handley

Another bout of unnerving global panic-selling erupted Monday, with some markets recording their largest one-week losses since 2008, raising fresh worries over the strength of the global economy and yet another financial crisis. While analysts said a repeat of the 1997 or 2008 crashes was not in the cards – mainly because of reforms undertaken since – they warned that continued turbulence emanating from China would take a toll on global economic growth, especially in emerging economies. After an 8.5 percent plunge in Shanghai shares Monday, investors dumped stocks across nearly all markets, with the main US and European exchanges repeating Friday’s losses with drops of 3.6-5.4 percent, wiping out any profits earned over the past year. The carnage was even worse in emerging economies, spurring comparisons to the 1997 financial crisis, which left East and Southeast Asian economies in tatters and some seeking bailouts from the International Monetary Fund. At that time, China was a rock of stability. This time, it is the source of the turmoil. Beijing’s failed efforts to calm its own capital markets and stem the domestic economic slowdown were compounded by the unexpected devaluation of the yuan two weeks ago. That sparked a wholesale outflow of capital not only from China but from most emerging economies and, effectively, a bout of competitive devaluations. Weeks later, the worries that leaders in Beijing have not yet got a handle on the country’s economic problems have only grown. ‘Broader malaise’

“What we are facing now is the increasing uncertainty over the ability of the Chinese authorities to manage the transition in China,” Angel Ubide, an economist at the Peterson Institute for International Economics, told AFP. The failed market interventions, he said, have only increased questions “about whether the Chinese authorities are really on top of things.” Already amid worries about China and other emerging economies, the IMF in July cut its 2015 growth forecast for the year to 3.3 percent from 3.5 percent predicted just three months earlier. Another downgrade could come, economists say, but mainly from ongoing problems in other emerging markets that are exacerbated by China’s woes. Charles Collyns, an economist at the International Institute of Finance in Washington, called the market turbulence “a classic uncertainty shock that has a maximum impact in the short term.” “I do think that there are enduring factors that do imply a more enduring impact on the global economy. I don’t think you can just shrug your shoulders and say, don’t worry, come back in two weeks,” Collyns said. “There is a broader malaise across emerging markets,” he said, pointing to the political crises in Brazil and Turkey, stalled reforms in India, the impact of sanctions on Russia, and the loss of income in oil exporters like Nigeria. Even so, Collyns and other analysts were quick to dismiss the suggestion of another global financial crisis in the air. After the 1997 Asian upheaval, emerging economies freed up their currencies and capital markets, and their companies stopped depending excessively on what were once cheap dollar loans.



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Prescription cost – a compelling ingredient in a Medicare Advantage Plan In 2016 My hunch tells me that a great majority of senior Balita readers are Medi-Medis, i.e., qualified for both Medicare and Medi-Cal. In health insurance lingo, they are termed as Dual Eligibles. Given this premise, I research and study relevant programs such as Medi-Cal, Social Security Retirement and Pension benefits, Extra Help with Rx Cost, Supplemental Security Income (SSI), In-Home Support Services on Original Medicare (and enroll on a (IHSS), Home Health Care, and the like, Part D and Medicare Supplement Plan) that will benefit this segment of readers. or enroll in a Medicare Advantage Plan. The outcomes of my study are seen in print Those enrolled on a Medicare Advantage Plan have done so because of the managed in my weekly columns. There are those who call for assistance. I care feature, medical emergency benefit do not charge them any fees nor an obliga- outside of the U.S., vision, hearing and tion is created on their part as a result of my dental benefits not covered by Medicare, help. There are those who pay for gasoline and a host of other extras offered by health out of their own free will. Many treat me insurance carriers and sometimes, by to snacks or lunch in a Filipino restaurant health care providers. Medicare open enrollment is fast apas a show of gratitude. A very Filipino way proaching and it is wise for Medicare of saying “thank you�! Of course, this is on top of my regular members to review what they have, analyze weekly snippets on Medicare, designed to what they need and start looking for plans educate and engage my readers on a subject that address their specific concern. that impact their lives until they breathe Despite the announced mergers and their last here on earth. acquisitions by big players in the industry By now, Medicare members know that (Aetna and Humana, Anthem and Cigna), they have 2 options to choose from. Stay Southern California (Los Angeles. San

Endless summer: How to keep your holiday glow, from head to toe Monday August 24 2015 (Relaxnews) – Summer is winding down, but that doesn’t mean you have to submit to the winter blues without putting up a fight. If you want to carry your sunkissed glow into the autumn then here are some tips. Skin If you’ve managed to get a beautiful tan this summer then you’ll want to hold on to it as long as possible. The key words here are exfoliation and moisturizing. Get rid of rough patches of skin with a scrub such as the new Peter Thomas Roth Strawberry Scrub Fruit Enzyme Polisher ($38), If you’ve managed to get a beautiful tan this summer then you’ll which contains straw- want to hold on to it as long as possible. The key words here are b e r r y e n z y m e s t o exfoliation and moisturizing. Š NinaMalyna/shuĆŠerstock.com tion to making your limbs look longer. brighten the complexion, or whip up your own DIY scrub Hair If your hair has lightened over using ingredients such as sugar, sea salt the summer months and you find yourand natural oils – check out this SunK- self with blonder strands than usual issAlba tutorial for more ideas:www. then John Frieda’s Highlight Activating youtube.com/watch?v=SvXdYGTCc0E. Enhancing haircare range could help Exfoliation will ensure that your skin prolong the effect. Or head to the salon looks healthy, glowing and even. for a few professional highlights to keep Regular and intense hydration is the things summery. “Brondeâ€? is the hotsecret to keeping your tan locked down test hair color of the moment, and can so consider investing in a rich moistur- even be recreated at home—see this izer like the new Body Shop Mega Olive L’OrĂŠal tutorial for a handy demo: www. Body Butter ($36), made with Fair Trade youtube.com/watch?v=2R4u7Plg5PY. organic olive oil. If you want to cheat a When it comes to styling, keep those little (hey, there’s no harm) then add a beachy waves in the picture with the help of little fake tan into the mix to maintain that a sea spray such as Sachujuan’s Ocean Mist vacation vibe. Industry favorite St. Tropez Texturizing Spray ($28), which promises released its first In Shower Gradual Tan, the texture and smell of a hard day’s surfing. which can be applied to wet skin in the Nails Finally, keep your nails summery shower this summer ($25), so bronzing with fresh nail polish such as the plum has never been easier. A spritz of oil such shade from Essie’s Flowerista series as Johnson’s Baby Light Oil Spray (around ($8.50) for Spring/Summer 2015, inspired $4.80) on your limbs and chest will also by colorful blooms and ranging from rich make you appear more tanned, in addi- nudes to a strong fuchsia vibe.

Bernardino, Riverside, Orange and San Diego) still has lots of plan sponsors offering competitive benefits, making the playing field very exciting in 2016. Because of new breakthroughs in the pharmaceutical field, adjusted pricing structures in many companies, Medicare members will be better served by focusing their sights on formularies of Plan sponsors, tiered structures and benefits, and match these with their own circumstances to arrive at the who and which plan will provide them with the optimal value on their prescription cost in 2016. If you need help, you may call me at 323-535-7373 or, e-mail at: leo.balita@

gmail.com. My thanks to PNB staff at Seafoods City Northridge branch, Ms Emy Tan, for going out of her way to help a senior secure his SSS documents. You represent what is good in the Filipino. About the author: Leo Monsalud studied for his MBA and Law at the University of the Philippines. He worked for United Laboratories, Inc. where his last position held was vicepresident assigned as general manager of a division. He writes regular columns in Balita Media on Medicare and Obamacare. He holds CA license # 0G55218 as well as a Non-Resident license for Nevada.


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Better diet with barley

By: Jannelle So-Perkins

Here is my dilemma: I can’t eat a meal without rice. But too much rice is considered an unhealthy diet which can cause a plethora of health problems. The most common and popular alternative these days is brown rice. But it’s too bland for most people’s taste and it’s no different for me. So, what gives? Is this a hopeless situation? “No,” said Masami Iwase-Watanabe, an esteemed advertising and food professional in the Japanese-American community in Southern California. “I know because I also encounter the same problems with my Japanese cooking class. We have to use a lot of rice in our sushi dishes. Even my own sons do not willingly eat brown rice or whole grain rice which are considered healthier. So I had to do some research.” This was how Iwase-Watanabe discovered the benefits of a rising star in the cereal grain category: Barley, a versatile cereal grain with a rich, nut-like flavor and an appealing, chewy pasta-like consistency. Experts agree that though similar to rice, barley offers more health benefits. In fact, in 2006, the Food and Drug Administration announced that it was allowing foods that contain barley to make a claim that they can reduce the risk of coronary heart disease. And this is especially useful information for Filipinos since heart diseases is one of the top causes of death in the community. But it’s not all that barley can address. It seems it can be consumed for weight-management, allowing for a sense of “fulness.”

A bowl of white rice mixed with barley.

“Barley’s beneficial quality lies in its higher fiber content, soluble and insoluble. Soluble fiber is dissolved by water and is therefore dissolved in the GI (gastrointestinal) tract. It not only draws water into the GI tract, but it actually thickens the water, increasing satiety, or a sense of “fullness”, possibly causing people to eat less,” said endocrinologist Dr. Gladys Palomeno. This gives an explanation to the findings of the European Food Safety Agency that soluble fibers contribute to the reduction of glucose rise after a meal, the maintenance of normal blood-LDL cholesterol concentrations, and the improvement of the intestinal environment. Regarding the insoluble fiber contained in barley, Dr. Palomeno explained that since it is not dissolved, but instead passes through the GI tract and is then excreted, “this insoluble fiber bulks the stool and improves passage of the stool through the GI tract, decreasing constipation.” She

Iwase-Watanabe’s family photo at the dining table.

added that insoluble fiber can also decrease absorption of fats, which can help with cholesterol levels. “In these ways soluble and insoluble fiber can help patients with diabetes and cholesterol problems,” said Palomeno. The fiber content in barley is four times the amount found in brown rice and 25 times the amount found in white rice. In addition, the amount of fiber in barley is sometimes greater than the amount of fiber in some vegetables. “In addition, barley contains vitamins including iron, niacin, B6, magnesium, phosphorus, potassium and zinc,” Palo-

meno added, but also gave this advice: “With this said, barley cannot compensate for eating an otherwise bad diet. Although barley has many beneficial effects, we must recognize that eating barley will not cure the effects of a poor lifestyle.” Iwase-Watanabe is pleased with herself. She has been slowly introducing barley to her dishes by mixing it with white rice. “Barley tastes more similar to white rice than brown rice does. So most of the time, kids don’t even notice the difference, yet they reap the benefits of eating healthier with less white rice and more barley grains,” she said.



Weekend Balita, Sat. - Fri., Aug. 29 - Sept. 4, 2015



s the kids head back to school, there’s no better time to make a fresh start in the kitchen, too. Substituting nutritious ingredients such as sorghum in your favorite grain-based foods is an easy way to upgrade your family’s menu this fall. Some of the traditional snacks kids love most — such as cakes, cookies and doughnuts — can all be prepared using sorghum, a gluten-free cereal grain grown throughout the world. This highly versatile ingredient is naturally high in fiber, iron and protein, and can be used in a wide range of preparations. In fact, white food-grade sorghum can be milled directly into whole grain flour to produce foods such as brownies, breads, pizza dough, pastas, cereals, pancakes and waffles. Whether it’s a power breakfast to fuel the day, a sweet lunchbox treat or a tasty after school snack, these recipes showcase how simple it can be to give your kids’ favorite treats a nutritious makeover they’ll be thrilled to sample. For more nutritious back to school recipes and tips for cooking with sorghum, visit www.HealthySorghum.com.

Sorghum Pancakes Recipe provided by Barbara Kliment 1 3/4 cups sorghum flour 1/4 cup cornstarch 3 teaspoons baking powder 2 teaspoons sugar 1/2 teaspoon salt 1/2 cup powdered buttermilk 2 eggs 3 tablespoons melted butter 1 1/2 cups water Heat oven to 200°F. Combine dry ingredients. In separate bowl, beat together eggs, melted butter and water; add to dry ingredients and mix just until well blended. Heat large skillet or griddle over medium-low heat. Spray pan with cooking oil. Wet fingertips under faucet and shake them over hot griddle. If water droplets “sizzle,” heat is right to begin making pancakes. For large cakes pour 1/4 cup of batter into pan; for small use 2 tablespoons of batter. Cook until bubbles form on top; flip and cook until golden brown on bottom. Transfer to baking sheet and keep warm in oven while making rest of pancakes. Serve warm with butter and syrup.

Chewy Oatmeal Toffee Cookies Recipe provided by Kate Lange 1 cup butter, softened 2 eggs 2 cups light brown sugar 2 teaspoons vanilla extract 1 cup sorghum flour

3/4 cup unbleached white flour 1/2 teaspoon salt 1 teaspoon baking soda 1/8 teaspoon allspice 1 1/2 teaspoons cinnamon 1/8 teaspoon cloves 3 cups oatmeal 1 cup coconut flakes 1 (10-ounce) package almond toffee bits Heat oven to 375°F. Lightly grease cookie sheet. Cream butter, eggs, brown sugar and vanilla in large bowl until light and fluffy. Mix flour, salt, soda, allspice, cinnamon and cloves; add to butter mixture. Beat until well blended. Stir in oatmeal, coconut and toffee bits with spoon. Drop by rounded teaspoons about 2 inches apart onto prepared sheet. Bake 8-10 minutes or until edges are lightly browned. Cool 1 minute; remove to wire rack.

Milo Doughnuts Recipe provided by Karla Lubben 1 egg 1/2 cup sugar 1/2 cup milk 2 tablespoons melted shortening or lard 1/2 cup sifted sorghum flour 1 1/2 cups sifted all-purpose flour 2 teaspoons baking powder Dash of cinnamon Dash of salt

8 cups vegetable oil Glaze: 1/2 cup powdered sugar 2 teaspoons warm milk 1/2 teaspoon vanilla In large bowl, beat together egg and sugar. Stir in milk and shortening. Sift together all dry ingredients. Add dry ingredients to egg mixture and stir to combine. Chill dough for 30 minutes. On lightly floured surface, flatten dough to 1/2-inch thickness with your finger-tips or rolling pin. Cut out doughnuts using a doughnut cutter or two sizes of round cookie cutters. Transfer doughnuts to waxed paper and allow to dry for 10 minutes. In deep heavy pot or electric fryer, heat oil to 375°F. Using wire spatula dipped in hot oil, carefully transfer doughnuts into hot oil. Cook 2-3 doughnuts at a time turning them when brown on one side. Remove to paper towel or racks to drain. For glazed doughnuts, combine powdered sugar, milk and vanilla flavoring. Drizzle on doughnuts or sprinkle doughnuts with powdered sugar or mixture of cinnamon and sugar.

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Celiac-friendly substitutions: 

2 teaspoons vanilla extract: Use 2 teaspoons X-Tra Touch vanilla or any other glutenfree vanilla.

3/4 cup unbleached white flour: Replace with 6 tablespoons chickpea (garbanzo bean) flour and 6 tablespoons sweet rice flour, or use 3/4 cup commercial glutenfree flour.

3 cups oatmeal: Replace with 3-4 cups of any gluten-free, ready-to-eat flake cereal slightly crushed, or glutenfree crispy rice cereal.

1 (10-ounce) package almond toffee bits: Verify product is glutenfree or use 1 3/4 cups chopped almonds or walnuts.



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ENTERTAINMENT Kenzo clarifies ‘relationship’ Annabelle calls Ruffa ‘bobo’ with Julia Barretto when it comes to love Former “Pinoy Big Brother 737” housemate Kenzo Gutierrez clarified that he was never the boyfriend of young actress Julia Barretto. This after he shared to his fellow housemates while he was still inside the “PBB” house that he and Barretto entered into a relationship, which lasted only two months, when they were high school freshmen. Gutierrez admitted that they indeed dated but were never officially together. “Well, as I said, I’ve been 100% honest inside the house so if I’ve mentioned that I did date her,” he said. “Ask my friends, it’s really true. We weren’t officially boyfriend-girlfriend but we just dated.” Gutierrez added: “We liked each other. That’s basically it so nothing more than that.” According to Gutierrez, he and Barretto have yet to speak to each other since he got out of the famous yellow house.

Kenzo Gutierrez

“Bago ako pumasok ng ‘PBB,’ we were still able to go out once with my barkada but then, ever since I went out of the house, hindi pa,” he said. Although they had a thing in the past, Gutierrez said he and Barretto remain friends and he is open to working with the Kapamilya actress. (MNS)

Megan Young to unveil fresh, ‘Filipinized’ Marimar We’ve followed the life of Marimar since Mexican star Thalia portrayed her over a decade ago. We were still at it when GMA-7 did a local adaptation of the series, tapping Marian Rivera to portray the poor young innocent girl who lives in a hut on the beach by the ocean. If you think Megan Young’s Marimar is a mere rehash of a well-loved character, think again. According to the former beauty queen, the new version will be quite different and fresh. “Iba talaga ‘yung story niya,” she stressed during a recent interview. “‘Wag muna ninyong i-pre judge, dahil iba talaga siya eh. Kung mapapanood mo siya, hindi mo iisipin na remake siya,” she added. This goes with how she will portray the sultry, fiery character. Megan shared that her Marimar will not show “too much skin.” “She won’t show parts of the body that shouldn’t be seen,” Megan explained. “Tasteful version ang gagawin namin, hindi bastusin (ang dating).” Apparently, Megan is concerned about young girls looking up to the character. “Kahit na sabihin mong may pagka-seductive si (Marimar), at the end of the day, children look up to her. Ako, when I have little girls come up to me, ayokong isipin nila na (bastusin) ako,” she explained. If anything, Megan assured her Marimar is still very much a fighter; one who never gives up easily despite the hardships she faces. “Dito talagang maipapakita ang character nating mga Filipina na handang humarap sa kahit anong pagsubok,” she said. “The thing is, hindi naman pwede na all out na talagang love story lang siya. It’s a character that you can fall in love with and imagine yourself to be, kasi she’s the Filipina of today. Ganu’n ‘yung peg niya.” She went on, “Ni-re-represent niya ’yung mga Pilipina. She (Marimar) grew up in the province, she’s a fighter. May mga pangarap siya na gusto niya makapag-aral, makapunta ng Maynila at gusto niyang

“Pagdating sa love life, bobo talaga siya.” This was the frank assessment of talent manager and Cebu native Annabelle Rama when asked about her daughter, television host/actress Ruffa Gutierrez. “Actually, wala naman akong problema sa kanya, ang away namin palagi, since day one ay sa lalake. Wala ng iba. Masipag siyang magtrabaho, mabuti siyang ina sa mga anak niya, (pero) pagdating sa love life niya, bobo talaga siya,” she said. Rama is against Gutierrez’s relationship with French-Moroccan businessman Jordan Mouyal, whom the feisty talent manager criticized as financially unstable. Asked if Mouyal could do something to allay her concerns, Rama only said: “Wala na siyang dapat gawin, umalis na lang siya.” In a prior interview, the talent manager said all she wants is for her Ruffa Gutierrez daughter to find someone who will be there to support her and her grand children Lorin and Venice. “Gusto ko na makakuha siya ng lalake na makapag support sa kanya at sa mga anak niya. Hindi naman habang buhay andiyan siya. Maski sana nagtatrabaho siya, meron siyang kadamay, meron siyang partner. Na maski wala na ako sa mundong ito, alam ko na maayos na siya,” Rama said. Gutierrez said that even though she and her mother don’t see eye to eye on certain things, she knows that Rama’s loyalty is with her. “I think with our family, especially my mom, andiyan parin yung loyalty talaga. Kahit na may hinanakit siya sa akin, andiyan pa rin na ako yung nag-iisa niyang anak na babae. She just need to accept the fact that I’m growing up,” she said. “Kahit hindi kami nag-uusap, I remember may nagsulat sa akin na hindi maganda. Nalaman ko na lang kay Jun [Lalin] na galit siya sa reporter na yun. She loves me talaga even when she’s mad at me. Gusto niyang awayin yung reporter!” Gutierrez said she understands where her mother is coming from but the latter should give her a chance to prove that she has learned from past mistakes. “She should give me a chance and she should give others a chance also,” the actress said. (MNS)

Vilma Santos may run for Congress Megan Young

ma-i-angat ‘yung pamilya niya. And I’m sure that every Filipina and Filipino can relate na gusto nilang ma-i-angat ang pamilya nila sa buhay, ‘di ba? ‘Yun ang gusto naming iparating, na si Marimar eh parang kayo lang (din) na nangangarap, at hindi sumusuko na kahit sasabihin mong wala sila masyadong resources, gagawa at gagawa siya ng paraan para makatulong sa family niya at makapag-succeed siya sa buhay.” Megan revealed feeling both excited and apprehensive about the teleserye, which will premiere Aug. 24. “Kasi parang maraming expectations agad, kahit ngayon pa lang,” she said. Megan will be joined by Tom Rodriguez in the series. The hunk will portray Sergio Santibañez, Marimar’s love interest. Asked how she feels about being paired with him, Megan shared, “Magkakilala na kami (since 2011), so parang hindi na kami strangers. Wala naman ng ilangan masyado.” The 25-year-old added, “Actually, I am excited working with him kasi I saw him sa ‘My Husband’s Lover,’ so alam ko na Tom is really a great actor. And naka-work ko naman na siya, so alam ko ‘yung work ethic niya.” (MNS)

Batangas Governor Vilma Santos said she is not interested in running for vice president in 2016 elections but she is contemplating a run for Congress. Santos said she is not ready for a national position. “Wala akong plano, wala akong ambisyon. Hindi kasi madali na trabaho yun. Yung governor, sakripisyo na, how much more kung pag-uusapan natin (yung bise) na hindi biro. Alam ko yung kakayanan ko. Hindi ako prepared for that,” she said. She said she is seriously contemplating to run as representative of Batangas. “I may run for Congress, kasi hindi naman siya ganun kahigpit like 24/7, 8 days a week. Eight days a week, as in literal, hindi ko kaya ‘yon. Ito, legislative, pero not as heavy kasi batas din ito. That’s part of my learning too, pero hindi ganoon kalaki ang burden,” she said. Santos, who spent nine years as a mayor of Lipa and another nine years as governor of Batangas, said it was not an easy job but a fulfilling one. She said that it entails a lot of sacrifice, especially from her family life, but she made a promise to the people, which is to serve them, and does not regret a thing. “Hindi madali. Marami akong sakripisyo at sa totoo lang, kung iisipin mo yung public service, sacrifice yan. Hindi totoo na masarap yan. Hindi kung gusto mo na maging epektibo,” she said.

“Wala akong regrets kahit marami akong natapon na pagkakataon, income number one. Pero yung fulfillment na you’re a woman, you preside a meeting and they Vilma Santos listen to you. That’s a legacy. The respect they give you because they follow you, kung ano yung ginagawa mo, yun ang legacy mo,” she ended. Santos’ eldest son, Luis Manzano, in an earlier interview said he supports his mother’s decision not to run for vice president. He said his mother would prefer a “hands-on” approach when it comes to public service. “Hindi siya yung tumakbong mayor para tumakbong senador, para tumakbong presidente. Hindi iyon ang diskarte niya. Ang mommy ko talaga, it’s not about running for higher office. It’s about being able to serve. The fact na pinag-aagawan siya shows public trust. It shows faith. It shows that my mom is doing an excellent job. So, I’m very thankful for that.” Manzano also revealed that he himself is still thinking whether to join government service. (MNS)



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Back wages: They belong to you Filed in Wage Enforcement, Workplace Rights by Michael Eastwood on August 22, 2015 n the Wage and Hour Division, we feel a particular pride and satisfaction knowing that workers who have suffered labor violations end up receiving their entitled back wages. During our investigations we meet workers and ask them questions about their work, their hours and their pay so that we can determine if they have been shortchanged. However, we do not always have the chance to meet these workers when the back wage checks are distributed. That was the case when a wage distribution gathering took place near San Francisco. At the meeting, dozens of Filipino residential care workers from several facilities owned by a single employer in the Bay area arrived to get their checks. In all, an investigation we conducted found that seven residential care facilities in San Mateo, Burlingame and South San Francisco owned by Adora Ancheta failed to pay minimum wage and overtime to 53 workers. As a result, Ancheta had to pay $101,791 in back wages and an additional $101,791 in liquidated damages to the workers. With the workers gathered, the employer’s accountant discussed the investigation and advised the workers that if they had any questions regarding their checks that we were there to assist. We were able to see our work come to full fruition.

The back wage distribution went smoothly. We also met Ms. Ancheta’s daughters, Kersten and Kelly Ancheta. They are both proud of their active role in the business now as her mother’s personal labor compliance team, and expressed a great deal of enthusiasm on behalf of Ms. Ancheta. Even though this case resulted in the payment of a substantial amount of back wages along with liquidated damages, it’s an example of one in which the employer had a positive attitude toward the investigation and the work that we do at the Wage and Hour Division. Most importantly, Ms. Ancheta now understands the need to be in compliance. Most of the caregivers in this case have now received their checks. They will be better able to pay for their childrens’ schooling, medical expenses, groceries and rent. Teodulo E. De La Rosa is one of these workers. He was impressed that the U.S. government helped him recover more than $700 in unpaid back wages. “It is not only that I got the check in such a short time, he said, but the fact that from now on my employer is going to pay me what I am supposed to get, not less. This money I received is already helping me pay the bills I need to pay and also is helping me to continue to assist the members of my family here with me.” De La Rosa was very fortunate that we were able to find him and others like him. For a variety of reasons, however,

Fires in US state of Washington largest in its history Los Angeles, United States | AFP | Monday 8/24/2015 – A group of wildfires blazing in the western US state of Washington have become the largest in the state’s history, and 2015 has become the state’s worst fire year on record, officials said Monday. The hard-hit state is only one of many in the region suffering from what has become one of the worst fire seasons in recent history for the United States as a whole. The so-called Okanogan complex of wildfires in the north-central part of Washington state has already surpassed last year’s record-breaking Carlton fires, US Forest Service fire spokesman Mike Ferris told AFP. The Okanogan fire, which is still only 10 percent contained, had grown to more than 250,000 acres (104,000 hectares) Monday, according to the National Interagency Fire Center (NIFC). Three firefighters were killed battling a portion of the Okanogan fire last week and a fourth remained in critical condition. Currently, 1,250 people are helping quell the blaze. Statewide, 19 wildfires greater than 1,000 acres in area are currently raging, according to the NIFC. The active fires have ravaged more than 630,000 acres, destroying approximately 200 homes and threatening another 12,000, according to Washington state officials. That combined damage makes 2015 “certainly the most severe in terms of timing of multiple large fires simultaneously,” Jaime Smith, a spokeswoman for state Governor Jay Inslee, told AFP Monday. “Last year, up until this point considered the worst wildfire season in the state, we saw about 419,000 acres burn.”

Smith said more than 1,200 people had been evacuated due to the fires and that the Red Cross was assisting with temporary emergency housing. President Barack Obama has approved Inslee’s request for a federal declaration of emergency, which releases federal funds to help the state pay for the cost of fighting the blazes. The Okanogan fire alone has already cost $8.5 million to date, the NIFC said Monday. Seven hundred members of the Washington National Guard were added to the state-wide firefighting effort Sunday, and helicopters from surrounding states were brought in to help. Two hundred soldiers from the US Army who had been stationed at Joint Base Lewis-McChord in western Washington were also deployed to assist the firefighting effort. A white haze blanketed the northwestern United States in satellite images released by NASA Monday, obscuring the green forests of the Rocky and Cascade mountain ranges. Twenty active fires more than 1,000 acres in area are currently raging in California alone. Another 14 greater than 1,000 acres remain active in Oregon. Nationwide, nearly 7.5 million acres have burned already this year – almost three times the acreage that had burned at this point in 2014. Currently, more than 27,000 firefighters and support personnel are battling major blazes across the country, NIFC said Monday. Fighting those fires cost federal agencies $1.5 billion last year – not counting the expenditures by state and local governments or the losses caused by the fires.

Residential care worker Teodulo E. De La Rosa (left) said the money is already helping him pay the bills and support his family. Rodney Bundalian (right) also received back wages.

sometimes it is hard to locate low-wage workers. In California alone, there are approximately $14 million dollars waiting to be collected by some 21,000 workers. And there are many millions of dollars in back wages still waiting to be collected by workers nationwide. At the division, we remain committed to find them. One of those efforts is our Workers Owed Wages system, which allows workers to search an online data-

base to determine if they are owed back wages as the result of investigations that have already taken place. One of our top priorities is to ensure that the money we collect is rightfully and expeditiously paid to the workers who earned it. (Michael Eastwood is the Wage and Hour Division’s assistant district director in San Francisco. He is based in the San Jose area office.)

Richard Gaid Manginsay, 43 Richard (Ricky, Toto or Chard) ard) Gaid drawing of Bart. Manginsay was born October 4, 1971 in A pillar of the Filipino ComCagayan de Oro and was raised in Bamuni munity, Richard was as dedicated nes. He colod, Lanao Del Norte, Philippines. to hi his family and friends as he was cer, but passed away far too soon from cancer, his w work. Always with an easy smile peacefully in his newlywed’s arms in their and m mischievous twinkle in his eye, home in Calabasas, California on h inspired and mentored those he August 13, 2015 at the age 43. around him to be the best Richard’s desire to be an artist version of themselves that began at an early age, with enthey could be, to achieve couragement from his mother their dreams, to encourage and being surrounded by arartistic endeavors in chiltistic members of the family. dren, follow the heart and to After graduating from La Salle find the humor in all things Richard (Ricky, Toto or Chard) Gaid Manginsay Academy in Iligan City, he atwhile remaining humble. tended college at MAPUA, where he landed his Richard is survived by his wife, Jennifer N first job at the Philippines based Fil-Cartoons. Manginsay, his son, Wes Nathan Manginsay There, his obsession grew into a lifelong pas- and her children, Jenneil, Joaquin and Gabrision. While working at Fil-cartoons, Richard elle, father, Rufino Manginsay, brothers Mauworked on shows such as THE REN & ST- relio, Ronnie and Rey, sisters Rosemarie and IMPY SHOW, TINY TOON ADVENTURES Rosebeth as well as countless friends whom and DEXTER’S LABORATORY, etc. Soon considered him family and millions of fans enough, Richard was noticed by Fox Anima- around the globe whom never knew him but tion Studios and was offered a job in Phoenix, have been touched by his desire to make the Arizona in 1996. His work can be seen in such world smile. features such as ANASTASIA, TITAN A.E. and He is predeceased by his mother, Monica BARTOK THE MAGNIFICENT. He later relo- Manginsay. cated to Glendale, California, where he honed VIEWING / VISITATION: Saturday, Septemhis skills at DreamWorks Animation and spent ber 05, 2015 from 4:00pm - 9:00pm. ROOM years animating for Film Roman’s FUTUR- E, Forest Lawn - Hollywood Hills, 6300 Forest AMA, KING OF THE HILL and finally the Lawn Drive, Los Angeles, CA 90068 show that he became synonymous with, THE SIMPSONS. He left for a brief stint for FAMFUNERAL SERVICE: Sunday, September 06, ILY GUY, but quickly returned to THE SIMP- 5:00pm - 6:00pm. Mass - Forest Lawn - HolSONS, where he spent the rest of his career, do- lywood Hills - Old North Church 6300 Forest ing character layouts and rising to the rank of Lawn Drive, Los Angeles, CA 90068 Assistant Director. His team received an Emmy In his high school days, Ricky used to play Award nomination for Outstanding Animated baseball. It was his fervent wish before he Program in 2012. passed away to have the baseball program reRichard’s dedication to his craft was unpar- established at his favorite alma mater, De Laalleled. Even in his downtime, he always carried Salle Academy in Iligan, Philippines. In lieu of a black Sharpie and was constantly drawing on flowers, the Ricky Manginsay Fund has been napkins, tablecloths or whatever materials were established for those wishing to contribute. available to him. He was often the first to be in These funds will be used to support the De Lathe office, last to leave and long hours on the Salle Academy Baseball Program. weekends were normal for him as he didn’t Checks written to support Richard’s wish consider it work. His only complaint was that should be made payable to DLSAASC (De Laone particular office wouldn’t allow him inside Salle Alumni Association of Southern Calforbefore 6am and kicked him out at 7pm. Visi- nia (c/o Ricky Manginsay Fund ) and mailed tors to Los Angeles knew of the three must-see to: attractions in the city; Disneyland, The Hollywood Sign and Richard’s now infamous tour of DLSAAC Ricky Manginsay Fund Starz Plaza, where THE SIMPSONS is created. 5758 Las Virgenes Road # 292 Guests always left with a smile and a keepsake Calabasas, CA 91302

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BMW hybrid system balances power with responsibility

BMW Power eDrive demonstration: The powertrain will be used in BMW’s flagship models. ©BMW Group

(Relaxnews) – At a special event at its company headquarters this week, BMW took the wraps off a new plug-in hybrid system and with it, signalled the direction that Europe’s leading carmakers are going in order to meet increasingly stringent pollution, emissions sand fuel economy regulations that are coming into force. Called the Power eDrive and demonstrated in a special prototype BMW 5-Series GT, the new powertrain promises the sort of power one expects from a 6-liter V12 Rolls-Royce but combined with the CO2 emissions more associated with a Toyota Prius. By 2021, companies will have to meet a ‘fleet average’ emission level of 95g of CO2 /km. In simple terms it means when the emissions levels of all of a manufacturer’s different cars are added together and the average taken, it needs to be 95g of CO2 /km.

That’s an easy target to hit for a company like Smart, which only builds two, highly efficient, tiny city cars. But for brands like Volvo, VW and BMW, with potent luxury sedans, serious sportscars and heavy SUVs in their ranges, the challenges and costs are major—a point that was high on the agenda at this year’s International Conference on Advanced Automotive 48V Power Supply Systems, held in Düsseldorf earlier in November. “Until we have a really significant breakthrough with battery chemistry or fuel-cell technology, the high voltage approach to hybridization and pure battery electric vehicles will remain too expensive for universal application across high volume vehicle platforms,” said Paul Bloore, product validation manager for CPT, a multinational company that provides “clean technology” to car companies, at the event. Instead, car companies will gravitate towards solutions that balance efficiency with expense, which means evolving existing engines, powertrains and hybrid technologies in the hopes of hitting emissions targets. Thrill of the ride not sacrificed But even with that approach, the BMW eDrive shows that the cars of the next decade will be able to meet increasingly stringent targets yet still be exhilarating to drive. The eDrive uses a 228bhp turbocharged four cylinder engine and two electric motors which can deliver an incredible 670bhp when working together—more power than any car in BMW’s range (including Rolls-Royce) can currently offer. The gas engine’s main job is to generate power for the electric motors but can also send power to the wheels for extra acceleration. The car can travel for 62 miles (100km) on electric power alone and despite only having a 30-liter fuel tank will cover 370 miles (595km) before it needs to be plugged in and the tank topped up. The new drive train is expected to be offered on BMW’s premium SUVs and could soon be powering its smaller Rolls-Royce models, too. BMW hasn’t mentioned CO2 figures, but an earlier incarnation of the technology was demonstrated at the 2013 Frankfurt Motor Show capable of emitting just 90g/km when powering a BMW X5 SUV.



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Buyers, critics agog with new Honda Fit Offering one of the most space efficient and versatile packages in the U.S. market, the 2016 Honda Fit tops it off with fun, fuel efficiency and style TORRANCE, Calif. Launching last year to strong reviews and eager buyers, the third-generation Honda Fit has since set a blistering sales pace while continu-

2016 Honda Fit

ing to garner praise. Now the playful and practical 2016 Fit is ready to take the baton, carrying forward best-in-class passenger and cargo space, 41 mpg highway fueleconomy rating1 and sporty yet refined dynamics when it goes on sale July 1 at Honda dealerships nationwide. With a starting manufacturer’s suggested retail price (MSRP) of $15,790 for the Fit LX with 6-speed manual transmission, the 2016 Fit includes an abundance of class-above standard features including

roofline spoiler, LED taillights, Bluetoot connectivity and a rearview camera. All Fits are powered by a responsive directinjected1.5-liter i-VTEC engine from the Honda Earth Dreams Technology lineup, producing 130 horsepower3 and 114 pound feet of torque4, with an EPA fuel-economy rating of 33/41/36 (city/highway/combined) 5 for the LX with Continuously Variable Transmission (CVT). “The new Fit has been a tremendous hit with buyers seeking a fun, practical and stylish transportation solution,” said Jeff Conrad, Senior Vice President and General Manager of Honda. “It’s a satisfying car for a wide variety of needs and lifestyles.” Outstanding versatility is fundamental to the design of the Fit. With class-leading interior space and clever configurability courtesy of its center-mounted fuel tank and ingenious Magic Seat, the Fit epitomizes functionality with spacious and comfortable seating for five and the ability to accommodate large amounts of cargo, including long and tall items. The 2016 Fit offers a sophisticated yet sporty ride, with responsive and stable handling dynamics. Honda’s next-generation

Advanced Compatibility Engineering (ACE) body structure also benefits handling, as well as safety performance. In fact, the Fit achieves the highest crashsafety ratings in its class for both the U.S. government and the Insurance Institute for Highway Safety (IIHS). An Earth Dreams Technology™ directinjection 1.5L DOHC i-VTEC 4-cylinder engine powers the Fit. It’s tuned for a fine balance of power, torque and response, and is carefully matched with two recently developed transmissions – a slick-shifting 6-speed manual and a CVT with Honda’s exclusive G-Shift Control. The 2016 Fit has an EPA fuel-economy rating of 29/37/32 (city/highway/combined)5 for the manual transmission, 33/41/36 for the LX trim with CVT and 32/38/35 for the EX and EX-L trim with CVT. The Fit sports a fresh, dynamic exterior design with headlights that integrate into a solid grille design and an aggressive lower intake. Chiseled sides emphasize the wheels and the dynamically tapered roofline that terminates in a color-matched spoiler. Eight colors, including several vibrant options accentuate the design. Inside, the Fit’s interior room and visibility create a sense of airy spaciousness, complemented by soft-touch materials for a quality feel. The available Display Audio touchscreen interface and available leather seating (EX-L models) further communicate a premium feel. A high level of standard and available features are offered in three trims –LX, EX, and EX-L. Standard features on all Fit models include auto on-off headlights, LED brake lights, Bluetooth, HandsFreeLink and a center storage console with armrest. Items such as Smart Entry Push Button Start, a one-touch operated moonroof, 7-inch touchscreen Display Audio7with next-generation HondaLink and heated leather seats are among the available upgrades. You can check out the new Honda Fit they are all raving about or other Honda vehicles – old and new models – at Honda Scott Robinson located at 20340 Hawthorne Blvd., Torrance, CA 90503. Better yet, get in touch with them immediately by calling them at 1-855-736-9376. Although a Honda is a Honda wherever you see one, Filipinos flock to Carson Honda because of the friendly Filipino staff at the dealership and of course because of the service our kababayans provide. One of them, Rohmer Manalese, has even earned the “Best in Customer Satisfaction,” an honor he keeps consistently, along with the three other Filipino sales staff in the persons of Ricky Agagas, Terzo Pallen and Christian Reyes, all of whom are veterans in the car sales industry. “We have a great staff and this is a great dealership,” Carson Honda General Manager Krisztian Kratky said. “We have a friendly atmosphere.” Carson Honda is located at 1435 E. 223rd Street, Carson, CA 90745. They can be reached toll free at 1-800-503-2321.



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Weekend Balita, Sat. - Fri., Aug. 29 - Sept. 4, 2015


Mitsubishi Motors introduces more powerful Outlander Sport Mitsubishi Motors North America, Inc. (MMNA) has introduced a more powerful version of the 2015 Outlander Sport 5-passenger crossover that includes a larger displacement 2.4-liter MIVEC 4-cylinder engine producing 168 horsepower – a 20 horsepower increase over the current 2.0-liter engine. With a starting MSRP of $21,295, the 2015 Mitsubishi Outlander Sport 2.4 ES features a black center bumper to visually differentiate this model from the standard ES trim level. The 2015 Mitsubishi Outlander Sport 2.4 GT has a MSRP of $23,595 and includes additional features such as a power driver’s seat, leatherwrapped parking brake handle, aluminum pedals, and exterior enhancements including a black center bumper along with black roof rails and outside mirrors with LED turn indicators. The 2.4 GT model includes an optional GT Premium Package that consists of a 710-watt Rockford Fosgate premium sound system with 9 speakers including 10-in. dual-voice coil subwoofer with Punch Control, DTS Neural Surround, PremiDIA-WIDE surround, and Dolby Volume; panoramic glass roof with adjustable LED mood lighting and auto dimming rearview mirror. The GT Touring Package adds additional features including leather seating surfaces and MMCS Navigation system with 7-in. high definition touch panel, 3D mapping, point-of-interest information and real-time traffic. Every 2015 Outlander Sport model

includes Mitsubishi Motors’ warranty – one of the most comprehensive in the automotive industry. Warranty coverage includes a fullytransferable 5-year/60,000 mile new vehicle limited warranty; 10year/100,000 mile powertrain limited warranty; 7-year/100,000 mile anti-corrosion perforation limited warranty and 5-year/ unlimited mile roadside assistance benefits. Mitsubishi OutlanderSport The 2015 Mitsubishi Outlander seven-passenger crossover has been named by Kelley Blue Book’s KBB.com as one of its “10 Most Affordable 3-Row Vehicles.” In 2014, Outlander also was recognized for its affordability by Kelley Blue Book’s KBB.com. In its assessment this year, Kelley Blue Book’s KBB.com noted that the 2015 Mitsubishi Outlander “is loaded with value” and that “in addition to its available three

rows of seats, the Outlander also comes standard with micron air filtration, hill-start assist, traction and stability control, seven a i r bags and a 10-year/100,000mile powertrain w a r r a n t y, o n e of the industry’s best.” “The 2015 Mitsubishi Outlander is an outstanding value proposition and comes with a long list of standard safety features and amenities,” states Don Swearingen, Executive Vice President, MMNA. “And for 2016, the Outlander will feature bold new styling and over 100 key engineering and interior refinements, adding even more value to an already feature-laden vehicle.” The 2015 Mitsubishi Outlander is an Insurance Institute for Highway Safety (IIHS) “Top Safety Pick+” – the highest safety achievement designated by the

non-profit agency that performs crash test evaluations on vehicles – because of the availability of Forward Collision Mitigation. The 2015 model also includes standard features including an anti-lock braking system (ABS) with Electronic Brake-force Distribution (EBD) and Brake Assist (BA), Tire Pressure Monitoring System (TPMS) and Mitsubishi Motors’ patented Reinforced Impact Safety Evolution (RISE) body/chassis construction technology that helps absorb and/or dissipate energy in the event of a collision to help protect the vehicle’s occupants. “The 2015 Mitsubishi Outlander is an outstanding value proposition and comes with a long list of standard safety features and amenities,” states Don Swearingen, Executive Vice President, MMNA. “And for 2016, the Outlander will feature bold new styling and over 100 key engineering and interior refinements, adding even more value to an already feature-laden vehicle.” For a closer look at the new Outlander, or any other Mitsubishi vehicle, Come and visit our kababayans at Cerritos Mitsubishi, where kababayans are always treated as special customers. Even their marketing thrust is anchored on that magical Tagalog word: Kababayan. They also have a Kabayan Price. Call Eugene C. and Vincent P., who lead the sales operation for the Filipino market. Call now toll free at 1-888-835-6136 to get the same Number 1 customer service from our very own kababayans.

Tesla will soon enable an autopilot mode and offer an alternative charging method Thursday August 20 2015 (Relaxnews) – The innovative American car manufacturer Tesla has become the gold standard in the world of electric cars. According to Autoblog, only a select few Model S owners will be able to test the brand’s autopilot function to start. With the help of a camera, radar and an ultrasound sensor, the autopilot function includes automatic alignment behind other vehicles in all directions, a programmed adherence to speed limits and an emergency brake. In the future, all owners of the Tesla Model S will benefit from the technology via a systems update. For the moment however, Tesla is a long way from presenting an entirely autonomous electric car, which seems to be Apple’s current objective.

The car manufacturer has also worked hard on its charging poles and presented a surprising prototype over the summer. The charger moves like an automated snake and automatically plugs itself into the vehicle without any human intervention. The motor brand would like to favor this sort of solution in the future rather than opting for the induction charging method, tested in particular by Volvo. The latter method involves transferring energy using an electromagnetic field in order to charge electric cars wirelessly. A pioneer of the electric car, Tesla revealed the Roadster, its first model, in 2008. The Model S line, currently available, is the fastest 100% electric sedan in the world.

The Tesla Model S is tesƟng out a unique “autopilot” funcƟon. ©Tesla

Close end lease for 2015 Nissan Altima 2.5S for $169 per month plus tax for 36 months on above average approved credit. Paymen t net of $1,550 Nissan Lease Rebate and $600 Nissan College Grad Rebate. College Grad Rebate requires recent college graduation and proof of employment. $1999 cash or trade equity, plus tax, license and registration fees due at lease signing. No security deposit. 12,000 miles per year, 36k total miles with 15 cents per mile thereafter. Subject to availability and charges for excess wear and tear. Not all lessees may qualify, higher lease rates apply for lessees with lower credit ratings. Offer expires 08/31/15.



Weekend Balita, Sat. - Fri., Aug. 29 - Sept. 4, 2015

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Weekend Balita, Sat. - Fri., Aug. 29 - Sept. 4, 2015


All-new 2016 Honda Pilot earns 2015 top safety pick + rating Get your new Honda at Honda Scott Robinson in Torrance TORRANCE, Calif., Aug 21, 2015 – 2016 Pilot offers the most comprehensive set of advanced safety and driver-assistive technologies ever available on a Honda vehicle Available Honda Sensing™ suite of advanced safety and driver-assistive technologies combines camera and radar systems to help detect vehicles, pedestrians and roadway markings Honda’s aims to reduce collisions, injuries and fatalities involving its vehicles, using Honda Sensing™ technology The fully redesigned 2016 Honda Pilot (automobiles.honda.com/pilot/) has received a 2015 TOP SAFETY PICK+ rating from the Insurance Institute for Highway Safety (IIHS) when equipped with optional front crash prevention, bringing Honda one step closer to fulfilling the company’s goal to be the first three-row mainstream SUV with the highest available U.S. government (NCAP) and IIHS safety ratings. This IIHS distinction includes a top rating of GOOD in five IIHS crash test modes including a top score of GOOD in the Insurance Institute’s stringent small overlap frontal crash test. The 2015 TOP SAFETY PICK+ designation is awarded to vehicles that also have an available front crash prevention system that earns an advanced or superior rating from the Institute. The 2016 Pilot offers an available frontal crash prevention system that earns a top rating of superior. “The 2016 Pilot is not only the most technologically advanced Honda vehicle on the road today, but the top choice for family SUV buyers interested in safety performance,” said Jeff Conrad, Honda Division senior vice president and general manager. “No other midsize mainstream SUV on the market today can match the comprehensive suite of Honda Sensing™ advanced safety and driver-assistive technologies on the new Honda Pilot.” Available on Pilot EX trims and above, Honda Sensing can help improve drivers’ situational awareness with its various systems, which include the Collision Mitigation Braking System™ (CMBS™) with Forward Collision Warning (FCW), Lane Keeping Assist System (LKAS), Adaptive Cruise Control (ACC), Lane Departure Warning (LDW) and Road Departure Mitigation (RDM). These systems benefit from the adoption of a sensor fusion technology integrating the capabilities of a windshield-

mounted monocular camera and front grille-mounted millimeter wave radar system to provide enhanced sensing with the ability to identify and anticipate multiple collision scenarios, including those involving a pedestrian. When the system anticipates a collision or road departure, it can initiate warnings and, in certain instances, initiate emergency braking and steering. “The Pilot demonstrates Honda’s commitment to achieving the highest levels of safety performance,” said IIHS president Adrian Lund. “The Pilot’s crashworthiness ratings set a high standard, and its optional front crash prevention system will help drivers avoid some kinds of crashes to begin with.” In addition, the 2016 Pilot adopts the latest generation of Honda’s Advanced Compatibility Engineering™ (ACE™) body structure along with a new “3-bone” underbody frame design and new hotstamped ultra-high strength steel door rings. Together with Honda Sensing™, these engineering features and technologies deliver major gains to the Pilot’s collision avoidance and collision protection capabilities. Standard safety equipment on all Honda models include Vehicle Stability Assist™ (VSA®) electronic stability control system, Anti-lock Braking System (ABS) with Brake Assist, frontal airbags, side airbags, side-curtain airbags and a front seat design that can help reduce the severity of neck injury in the event of a rear collision. Honda is also leading the industry in the deployment of rearview cameras, which are standard equipment on all model year 2015 and newer Honda vehicles. The third generation of Honda’s popular three-row SUV Pilot was designed and developed by Honda R&D Americas, Inc., in Los Angeles and Ohio, and is manufactured exclusively by Honda Manufacturing of Alabama, LLC, in Lincoln, Alabama. You can check out the new Honda Pilot they are all raving about or other Honda vehicles – old and new models – at Honda Scott Robinson located at 20340 Hawthorne Blvd., Torrance, CA 90503. Better yet, get in touch with them immediately by calling them at 1-844-816-4545.


Weekend Balita, Sat. - Fri., Aug. 29 - Sept. 4, 2015


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Weekend Balita, Sat. - Fri., Aug. 29 - Sept. 4, 2015


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Weekend Balita, Sat. - Fri., Aug. 29 - Sept. 4, 2015


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Weekend Balita, Sat. - Fri., Aug. 29 - Sept. 4, 2015



Weekend Balita, Sat. - Fri., Aug. 29 - Sept. 4, 2015


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Weekend Balita, Sat. - Fri., Aug. 29 - Sept. 4, 2015



Weekend Balita, Sat. - Fri., Aug. 29 - Sept. 4, 2015


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Weekend Balita, Sat. - Fri., Aug. 29 - Sept. 4, 2015


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