Bali Travel Newspapers Vol. I No. 2

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Vol. I, No.2 February 11, 2011

OUR ARTICLES & OPINION Building a Living Museum, Creating Bali Clean and Green; Dr. Ketut Sumadi On hearing the word ‘museum,’ one’s association will drift into a place storing antiques, ancient heirlooms or relics of past history. In Bali, there are many museums storing a variety of historical religious magic objects. But please now; turn your attention to the branding of Bali as heavily suggested by the Governor of Bali Mangku Pastika, namely making the Bali Clean and Green. Page II

Pace of Investors in Bali and Role of Bali Government to Realize the THK; Stefan Fenanlampir This topic is very interesting to observe. It highlights the conduct of investors regarded to be the savior god of the Bali’s economy. But, at the same time it is one of the main causes of damage occurred to the socio-cultural and the environmental order in Bali. Likewise, the topic triggers many questions, including whether investors are really naughty. Is it true that investors break the rules arbitrarily? To what extent is the understanding of investors on the philosophy and values of Tri Hita Karana? If the answer is correct, is it happening because of the control function of local government is weak? Page II

OUR READERS’ LETTER Public Announcement On January 18, 2011, Hard Rock Hotel Bali was recently visited by a representative of the Ministry of Health and World Health Organization and a full inspection of the Hotels air-conditioning systems were conducted. Hard Rock Hotel Bali has been certified of being free from Legionnaires disease due to the high standards of air conditioning maintenance. Page II

FEATURE ATTRACTION Excursion to Bali Safari & Marine Park If you are still looking for tourist attractions on the Island of Bali, it would good if you drop by at Bali Safari & Marine Park. Here, you can enjoy the amazing beauty of virtually endangered animals, such as Bali starlings, Komodo and others forth. In addition, you can also explore the splendor of Balinese culture show cased within the area, like the village hall where teenagers are exercising various Balinese dances. It will make you spellbound. Page III

OUR GUESTS Thomas Keller: So, what activity does he do while in Matahari Beach Resort & Spa? “Of course, I dive. In fact the undersea panorama such as coral reef I’ve seen is increasingly better around this hotel,” he said. Page V

The governor of Bali, Made Mangku Pastika presented an Emerald Award to Magnus Bauch, the owner of Matahari Beach.

Matahari Beach Resort & Spa:

Resort Designed Based on THK Concept The hotel situated in north Bali is so enchanting and has a variety of unique stories. Since its development plan in 1989 until its operation to these days, the resort has many intriguing stories to reveal. Magnus Bauch, owner of the hotel who has won the ASEAN Green Hotel on the recommendation of Tri Hita Karana (THK) Tourism Awards, shared his experience since the search for the location of the hotel to the design of a unique and homey building in order guests would feel comfortable and stay longer. “At least, they will enjoy the serene atmosphere of Bali being different from their place of origin,” he said to begin the story with the team of the Bali Travel Newspapers and Jalan-Jalan Nusantara. Mr. Bauch arrived in Bali when he was 17 years old. At that time, he was just as tourist who was amazed by the Paradise Island. Subsequently, he came back to Bali as a consultant in the meat packing company in Bali. This young man from Germany was enjoying his work on this Paradise Island. Once married to a Balinese (Dayu Parwathi), he had been very busy looking for a suitable home for 17 years for his old age. Finally, his brother-in-law, Ida Bagus Pujaerawan, found a unique and challenging location at Pemuteran, Buleleng. At that time, the area was very barren. The land that later on became the location of Matahari Beach Resort & Spa was overgrown by bushes and the beach was less maintained. However, behind such pristine condition Bauch found a miracle. Having had a closer look at the location, Bauch swam into the middle of the beach that was poorly maintained, but remained original and natural, or ‘virgin.’


When he turned back to the mainland, Bauch’s eyes widened. “There is a beautiful small hill and the beach is truly incredible. It is a wonderful location for a resort I have been looking for,” he said. Ultimately, Bauch started to design the building of his ‘home’ which is now become the greatest taxpayer of the hotel and restau-

rant category in Buleleng Regency. The construction was designed in Balinese architectural style. Each room should have a Balinese characteristic. “Not only that, the construction also used local materials,” he said while adding that architects and artisans getting involved in the construction of the hotel were also local people. Only the excavation and masonry works took advantage of employees from Java as Balinese had less resistance against the heat. The hotel had established a good social interaction with the surrounding community. “It shows our Pawongan or social aspect has run flourishingly. It poses one of the aspects in the Tri Hita Karana (THK) establishing the harmony with the surrounding community,” he observed. Meanwhile, in the aspect of Palemahan or environment, the hotel was very concerned with the environment. On the construction phases, no single existing plant could be cut down. Then, in the matter of hotel waste, Bauch asserted, there were no waste water pipes going directly to the sea. For the waste water treatment, his party implemented the Sewage Treatment Plan (STP) and for the waste itself the management applied the concept of Reusing, Reducing and Recycling (3Rs). “Here, from GM to gardener has to collect all the plastic wastes. If you find single plastic garbage around the hotel, I’ll bet,” Bauch said seriously. In the area of Parahyangan (spiritual aspect), the hotel management took special account of harmony among the Hindus, Christians, Catholics and Muslims. They really got along in the vicinity of the hotel. The afternoon talks with Magnus Bauch and his wife was concluded by invitation to tourists to spend holiday in their property as offering an exceptionally natural Balinese architecture. “That’s why there is no TV set or newspapers in our hotel rooms. It is intended to make sure that your holiday with family will truly convenient while enjoying the pristine nature,” he said with a laugh. v (BTNewspapers/Krishna)

See also page V


Green Corner

Building a Living Museum, Creating Bali Clean and Green By: Dr. Ketut Sumadi * On hearing the word ‘museum,’ one’s association will drift into a place storing antiques, ancient heirlooms or relics of past history. In Bali, there are many museums storing a variety of historical religious magic objects. But please now; turn your attention to the branding of Bali as heavily suggested by the Governor of Bali Mangku Pastika, namely making the Bali Clean and Green. To realize the branding, it seems to be a major challenge for the Balinese. One of the projects is to build a ‘living museum,’ namely an area planted with various plants for religious ceremonies. Up to now, the Balinese and Hindus in Bali continue to perform rituals, but materials of their oblation are very difficult to obtain. Various needs such as young coconut leaf, coconut, flowers, banana leaves, or bamboo are brought in from outside Bali. As a result, the Hindus in Bali turn dependent on the supplies from outside the region and the cost of the ceremony becomes more expensive. Every customary village in Bali has a land property called the pelaba pura land. The land can be made a ‘living museum’ in order to sustain the ceremonial activities undertaken by each customary village. If this can be realized, devotees will be able to perform the rituals practically and inexpensively. Early Hindus in Bali, in truth

have been taught about the concept of building a ‘living museum’ through the Tumpek Bubuh ritual. Unfortunately, until now this ritual is only implemented as far as the making of offerings, so the practice of universal meaning for the religious life is forgotten. Because of people being easy to sell their land for consumptive behavior, to realize the aspiration of living museum will be difficult for customary village as it will find obstacles in the land procurement. However, it does not necessarily mean, there is no solution to achieve such an ideal. Today, there are some Balinese people who have awareness to make their land an area for herbal plants. To maintain sustainability of forest, the Balinese have a concept of forest categorization, namely: (1) Sriwana (forest in harmony with the residential area), (2) Tapawana (forest in harmony with the sanctum), and (3) Mahawana (sacredness and sustainability of forest preserved together). Similarly, in the farming systems in the rice fields or estates, the Balinese perform ritual to worship the Goddess Sri as the goddess of prosperity and Lord Vishnu as a protector. As reference for the rice field land cultivation, they have a time division called Kertamasa, taking into account the positions of stars, moon and sun. The Bali-

nese also has a few months that are appropriate and inappropriate for growing rice or other crops (non-irrigated farming) called sasih (month) amounted to 12. Daily life of Balinese in protecting the environment is the same as what is carried out by environmentalists worldwide. Do not be surprised if one day in Bali you see a big tree on the roadside or in fields decorated with checkered (chessboard-like black-white) cloth and given offerings. This is a clue reminding us of always maintaining the harmonious relationship to the universe and everything inside it. Bali as a fertile, prosperous, beautiful land and retaining abundant food remains to become the hope of the Hindus—everything planted will flourish, every need can be

obtained easily. In other words, Tumpek Bubuh reminds everyone, that every act of pollution or environmental destruction, no matter how small it is, they must be ready to bear the consequences. The earth only provides what is required by human beings, not meet their gluttony and greed. The measures to build the living museum, in fact, represent a strategic effort to preserve the Hindu culture, especially in Bali, in line with the concept of Tri Hita Karana. “Whoever with loving devotion offers unto me a leaf, a flower, a fruit, I affectionately accept that devotional offering from that pure hearted being,” said Krishna to Arjuna about the offerings that will give birth to a harmonious life. Every customary village in Bali can work together to realize an area fully planted with ritual

plants, a living museum. Later on, this area can also be developed into a tourist objects and attractions. As a matter of fact, it is one of the implementations of the Cultural Tourism concept and the real form of branding currently socialized namely the Clean and Green Bali. In the end, the development of ‘living museum’ will lead to the establishment of harmonization between the state, society and market in the development of communitybased Bali sustainable tourism. Just now, the customary village is not willing to become a trailblazer, can we change this? v *) The writer is lecturer in the Hindu Dharma Institute (IHDN) of Denpasar


Public Announcement On January 18, 2011, Hard Rock Hotel Bali was recently visited by a representative of the Ministry of Health and World Health Organization and a full inspection of the Hotels air-conditioning systems were conducted. Hard Rock Hotel Bali has been certified of being free from Legionnaires disease due to the high standards of air conditioning maintenance. The Hard Rock Hotel Bali has a regular maintenance and quality inspection agreement with international air-conditioning company Carrier. In addition, Hard

Rock Hotel Bali employs the highly advanced UV light water filtration system in addition to the regular use of aqua right tablets in all air-conditioning unit water supplies which has been approved as a best practice for future inspections of Bali hotels by the Ministry of Health and World Health Organization. The certification of our air-conditioning system by the Ministry of Health is also posted on our website under media room’s tab for all public’s perusal. v (PR/January 24, 2011)

Investors in Bali and Role of Bali Government to Realize the THK By: Stefan Fenanlampir* This topic is very interesting to observe. It highlights the conduct of investors regarded to be the savior god of the Bali’s economy. But, at the same time it is one of the main causes of damage occurred to the socio-cultural and the environmental order in Bali. Likewise, the topic triggers many questions, including whether investors are really naughty. Is it true that investors break the rules? To what extent is the understanding of investors on the philosophy and values of Tri Hita Karana? I suspect, is it happening because of the control function of local government is weak? Then, does the management authority of Bali region starting from the aspect of planning, implementation, control, monitoring to evaluation fully lie in the hands of regional government from the highest level in the province to the regency, sub district and villages? If so, is it reasonable for us to blame foreign and local investors? The answer is of course not. Instead, the most responsible party, in my opinion, is the regional government of Bali, both the executive and legislative. The two institutions become the source of many problems due to lack of control and law enforcement is very weak. As a matter of fact, it is not investor breaking the rules,

but the regional government of Bali itself that is actually breaking the rules made or let the rule be violated by the public. Various statutory provisions and regional regulations have been very good but the implementation is very weak because its law enforcement is very weak. It is worth noting that the investment climate is needed to stimulate the economic growth and improve the people’s welfare. Investors come to Bali with a myriad of hopes in order their investment could provide a broad economic impact and added value, either to the company, region or the surrounding community. Although investors have a strategic role in the regional development of Bali, this does not necessarily mean that investors have full authority to implement any desires. Investors must comply with all applicable regulations ranging from licensing, feasibility study, Analysis of Environmental Impact (EIA), and so forth. Regional government as a vanguard must provide investors with various aspects of enlightenment concerning with the Tri Hita Karana philosophy and it should be the foundation and philosophy of Bali regional development. Investors must understand about the cultural

values and the values of indigenous wisdom before starting their business. The spirit of Tri Hita Karana should not only permeate the innerself and every aspect of Balinese life, but also the inner-self and every aspect of life of the non-Balinese people, including the foreign investors and others living in Bali. Just have a look at the example in the country of Uncle Sam, the United States. To open a small restaurant though, an investor must meet all requirements given by the city authorities, among other things: spacious kitchen with appliances meeting the standards of sanitation and hygiene, sewerage, toilet, spacious parking lot et cetera. There are standard operating procedures to be followed. If any of these requirements are not met, then the investment will never happen. Another example, if someone violates the traffic then the concerned person would be subject to the provisions in force even if the person is important. Law has no favoritism. There, there is no compromise. Here on the contrary, different cases in our country, including in Bali have the habit of compromising, justifying anything for money and favoritism is a major barrier to the establishment of fair law enforcement.

Then, simply look at the left and right side of all existing roads in Bali. It has certainly been filled with stalls, shops, restaurants, cafes, art shops, with various attributes and names reflecting a slight discrimination based on tribe, religion, race and intergroup. There are Christian stalls, Muslim stalls, Hindu shops and so forth. It gives a dirty and chaotic impression. As soon as a road section is opened it is then followed by the establishment of shop-house, kiosk, café, and stall. Everything turns chaotic as we implement the ‘ribbon development system.’ As consequence, the spatial layout becomes disorganized. There are no more water catchment areas. When it rains briefly floods occur everywhere. There is less beauty. A basic question then arises, have the stalls, kiosks, restaurants and cafes scattering everywhere like mushrooms had a license? If they have had, have they met all requirements set by the government to open a business? Does the local government come down to the field to conduct inspections for examining the feasibility of a business before the business license granted? What happens in general, people open a business without a license, and then regional officials simply come to the field to collect

levies, taxes. Let’s look at the hills. They have also been full of villa development. Hilltops should be left as a green zone overgrown by trees having a dual function, namely to prevent flood and landslides as well as save water. But in reality, all hills have been filled with the building of hotels and villas. It is the chaos of our development. We have had a Regional regulation on Spatial Layout Plan. Similarly, we have had many other regional regulations becoming the foundation of the Bali’s development. Let us comply with them. Regional governments are required to enforce the law strictly. There should be no more habit of compromising, justifying any means for the sake of money, favoritism and corruption, collusion and or nepotism. If this principle is carried out, we can surely align ourselves with other developed countries. Let’s get started and it is never too late. Let us together keep Bali advanced and modern without forgetting its identity, namely the Tri Hita Karana constituting the soul and spirit of the Balinese. I do hope it will work! *) The writer is an observer of Balinese culture and member of the Society of Tri Hita Karana


General Info Consulates and Representatives in Bali: Australian Consulate Jl.Tantular 32 Renon, Denpasar Website: Consular hours: Monday to Friday 8:00am12:00pm - 12.30pm-4:00pm Visa hours: Monday to Friday 8.30am12:00pm Emergency: (0361) 241118 and follow the menu to connect direct to the 24hr Consular Operations Centre in Canberra Honorary Consulate of Brazil - Bali Address: C/- By The Sea Store, Jl Raya Legian No.186, Kuta 80361 Phone: (0361) 757 775, Fax: (0361) 751 005 Email: Office hours: Monday to Friday 10.00am6:00pm Emergency: 081344928 British Honorary Consulate - Bali/ Lombok Jl. Tirta Nadi 20, Sanur, Denpasar 80238 Email: Phone: (0361) 270 601 Office hours Monday to Friday 8:30am12:30pm Emergency: 0811802435. Jakarta Duty Officer or 08123838844 Bali Honorary Consul 08123838844 Cosulate of Chile - Bali/Lombok Jl. Pengembak Gg 1 No. 3, Sanur, Denpasar 80827

Office hours: Monday to Friday 9:00am5:00pm Emergency: 0811394045 Consulate of Czech Republic Jl. Pengembak 17, Sanur Office hours: Monday to Friday 8:30am4:30pm Emergency: 08123970129 Consulate of France Jl. Mertasari Gg. II No. 08, Sanur Office hours: Monday to Friday 9:00am12:00pm Emergency: 08123800124 Consulat of Germany Jl. Pantai Karang No. 17, Sanur email: Office hours: Monday to Friday 8:00am12:00pm Emergency: 08123913938 Consulate of Hungary Address: C/- Marintur Jl. Bypass Ngurah Rai No. 219 Sanur Email: Phone: (0361) 287701; Fax: (0361) 735232 Office Hours: Monday to Friday 10:00am12:00pm Emergency: 0811389680 or 0816790046 Consulate of Italy C/- Lotus Enterprise Building, Jl. Bypass Ngurah Rai, Jimbaran Website:

Public hours: Monday to Friday 10:00am1:00pm Office hours: Monday to Friday 10:00am4:00pm Phone: (0361) 701 005 Emergency: 08123904471 Consulate of Japan Jl. Raya Puputan 170, Renon, Denpasar 80235 Office hours: Monday to Friday 8:30am12:30pm – 1:30pm-4:00pm Emergency: 08123801941 Consulate of Malaysia Address: Alam Kulkul Boutique Resort Jl Pantai Kuta, Legian Bali 80030 Phone: (0361) 752 520; Fax: (0361) 752 519 Email: Cunsulate of Mexico Puri Astina Putra Building, Jl. Prof. Moh. Yamin No. 1A, Renon, Denpasar email: Office hours: Monday to Friday 9:00am3:00pm Emergency: (0361) 288 218 or 0811399929 Consualte of the Netherlands Jl. Raya Kuta 127, Kuta 80361 website: Office hours: Monday to Friday 8:30am12:30pm – 1:30pm-4:00pm Visa hours: 8:30am-12:30pm only Emergency: +62 818789444 Danish/Denmark & Norway Consulate Website: Office hours: Monday to Friday 9:00am2:00pm Phone: (0361) 701070 ext 32; Fax : (0361)

701 073/4 Emergency: 08123802104 or 08123930809 Consulate of The Russian Federation Jl. By Pass Ngurah Rai No.118A Jimbaran Email: Office hours: Monday – Friday 8.30am – 4.00pm Emergency: 081 657 1018 Consulate of The Slovak Republik Jl. Gunung Agung no. 93, Denpasar 80118 Email: Office hours: Monday – Friday 8.00am – 4.00pm, Saturday 8.00am – 2.00pm Emergency: 081 1810 680 Consulate of Spain Kompleks Istana Kuta Galeria, Blok Vallet 2, No. 11, Jl. Patih Jelantik, Kuta Office hours: Monday to Friday 9:00am12:00pm – 1:00pm-4:00pm Emergency: (0361) 975 736 or 08123840801 Consulate of Sweden & Finland Jl. Segara Ayu, Sanur, PO Box 3091 Denpasar 80030 Email: Office hours: Tuesday & Thursday 9:00am12:00pm Emergency: 08179723658, 081 1380 367 (private) Swiss Consulate and Austrian Representave for Consular Affairs Kompleks Istana Kuta Galeria (former Central Parking), Blok Valet 2 No. 12, Jl. Patih Jelantik, Kuta Email: Office hours Monday to Friday 9:00am1:00pm Emergency: (0361) 754 719; (0361) 730 149 or 08123948861 or 0818566392 The Royal Thai Consulate Email: Address: Jl Puputan Raya No. 81, Renon Denpasar 80235 Office hours Monday to Friday 9:00am12:00pm – 1:00pm-4:00pm Visa hours Monday to Friday 9:00am12:00pm – 1:30pm-4:00pm Emergency: 08164724466 Phone: (0361) 263 310; Fax: (0361) 238 044 Consulate General Democratic of Timor Leste Jalan Prof. Yamin No. 4, Renon Denpasar Email: Office hours: Monday – Friday 08.30am – 4.40pm Emergency: 081353 243522, 081 557 02399, 081 236 55988 Consulate of United States of America Jl. Hayam Wuruk No. 310, Denpasar 80235 Email : Office hours: Monday to Friday 8:00am12:00pm – 1:00pm – 4:30pm Emergency: Duty officer in Surabaya 081 133 4183 Indian Cultural Centre (Embassy of India, Jakarta) in Bali Jln. Raya Puputan Renon No. 42-44 Denpasar - Bali Phone : (0361) 241 978, Fax. (0361) 241 980


Excursion to Bali Safari & Marine Park If you are still looking for tourist attractions on the Island of Bali, it would good if you drop by at Bali Safari & Marine Park. Here, you can enjoy the amazing beauty of virtually endangered animals, such as Bali starlings, Komodo and others forth. In addition, you can also explore the splendor of Balinese culture show cased within the area, like the village hall where teenagers are exercising various Balinese dances. It will make you spellbound. Also there are typically wonderful Balinese knick-knacks, animal dolls and the family playground. Within the Bali Safari and Marine Park itself, there are five venues that will be ready to please you, such as the Safari Explanation, Tsavo Lion Restaurant, Mara River Safari Lodge, Kampung Gajah and Fun Zone. If you pay a visit to the Safari Explanation, you will see more than 60 animals of diverse species, and you can definitely immortalize the moment by taking a snapshot with them. After, the Tsavo Lion Restaurant is a place where you can enjoy lunch and see a lion that has been tamed by its keeper. Surely,

Museum in Bali Museum Puri Lukisan Founder: Tjokorda Gde Agung Sukawati (1954). Address: Jalan Raya Ubud, Telp: (62-361) 971159; Fax: (62-361) 975136; Email:; Website: Neka Art Museum Founder: Suteja Neka (1976); Address: Jalan Raya Sanggingan, Ubud, Gianyar; Telp: (62-361) 975074, (62-361) 975034); Fax: (62-361) 975639; Email: info@; Website: Museum Sidik Jari Founder: Ngurah Gede Pemecutan (1993); Address: Jalan Raya Hayam Wuruk 175, Tanjung Bungkak, Denpasar; Telp: (62-361) 235115; Fax: (62-361)765256 Nyoman Gunarsa Museum Founder: Nyoman Gunarsa (1994); Address: Jalan Pertigaan Banda No.1, Takmung, Banjarrangkan, Klungkung; Telp: (62-366) 22255; Fax: (62-366) 22256; Email:; Website:

this is going to be a memorable lunch you could imagine. Then if you want to enjoy and see the beauty of an African village and its grandeur, you can visit the Maya River Safari Lodge. Here, you can relax while seeing the beautiful stretch of river in the middle of a typical African countryside. Another attraction is traveling with the elephants; you can visit the Kampong Gajah. In this elephant village, you will get different perspectives as you have the opportunity to ride an elephant while seeing the beauty of wild nature in the Bali Safari and Marine Park. Ultimately, the last amusement destination in the park area is the Fun Zone where you can relax seeing the beauty of unique animals while getting splashed in the Water Park, enjoy with fun like in Waterbom and Fantasy Garden.

loveliness of Balinese culture featured in the park, like the staging of Bali Agung, teenagers absorbed in exercising the Balinese dance, Balinese-style temple, village hall and others,” said the father of two children escorting his family.

According to one of the visitors, Ridwan, a domestic tourist from Solo, who was enjoying all things in the Bali Safari & Marine Park. “In Bali Safari & Marine Park, we do not only enjoy the beauty of the animal, but also the

In the meantime, George, a British tourist, said that he really liked all things presented in the Bali Safari & Marine Park. The splendors on offer were cool and shady atmosphere, gentle and harmless wildlife handled by professional

Museum Rudana

Putrawan Museum of Art

Museum Margarana

Founder: Nyoman Rudana (1995); Address: Jalan Cok Rai Pudak 44, Peliatan, Ubud ; Telp: (62-361) 975779; Fax: (62-361)975091; Email: rudana@indosat.; Website:

Founder: Made Putrawan (2004); Address: Jalan Trenggana 108, Penatih, Denpasar; Telp: (62-0361) 463737; Fax: (62-0361)462724; Email:; Website:, www.

Founder: The Government of Bali in 1983; Address: Kelaci Village, Tabanan; Telp: (62-361) 7442553

Museum Arma Founder: Agung Rai (1996); Address: Jalan Pengosekan, Ubud; Telp: (62-361) 976659; Fax: (62-361) 974429; Email:; Website:

Museum Bali Founder: The Government of Holland and Bali in 1932; Address: Jalan Mayor Wisnu, Denpasar; Telp: (62-361) 222680, 235059

tamer, up to stylish arrangement of the venue set up in typical exquisite Balinese architecture. “Bali Safari & Marine Park is very different from other safari parks I’ve ever been. Here, the Balinese nuances are really highlighted,” he said smilingly. He hoped the Bali Safari & Marine Park could become a favorite tourist destination, considering it was situated in strategic location and offered a fun atmosphere for every tourist looking for enjoyment in their leisure time. v (BTNewspapers/Titah Pratyaksa)

Museum Situs Purbakala Founder: The Government of Bali in 1994; Address: Jalan Melaya,Gilimanuk (near Java-Bali ferry port). Museum Gedong Kirtya Founders: Mr.Liefrinck & Dr.H.N.Van der Tuuk in 1928; Address: Jalan Veteran, Singaraja; Telp: (62361) 286201

Blanco Renaissance Museum

Museum Gedong Arca

Founder: Don Antonio Blanco (1998); Address: Campuhan, Ubud; Telp: (62-361) 975502; Fax: (62-361) 975551; Email:; Website: www.;

Founder: The Government of Bali in 1974; Address: Bedulu, Blahbatuh, Gianyar; Telp: (62-361) 942347, 942354; Fax: (62-361) 942354; Email:

Museum Pendet

Monumen Perjuangan Rakyat Bali

Museum Semarajaya

Founder: I Wayan Pendet (1999); Address: Bale Bali Nyuh Kuning, Ubud; Telp: (62-361) 971338; Email:

Founder: The Government of Bali in 2003; Address: Jalan Raya Puputan, Niti Mandala, Denpasar; Telp: (62-361) 264517; Fax: (62-361) 264516

Founder: The Government of Bali in 1992; Address: Jalan Untung Surapati No.3, Semarapura; Telp: (62-366) 21448; Fax: (62-366) 22848

Runa Jewelry Museum

Museum La Mayeur

Founder: Adriaan Palar (2001); Address: Banjar Abiansemal, Lodtunduh, Ubud; Telp: (62-361) 980710; Fax: (62-361) 981563; Email:; Website:

Founder: The Government of Bali in 1957; Address: Jalan Hang Tuah, Sanur Beach, Denpasar; Telp: (62-361) 286201; Fax: (62-361) 222680

Museum Subak Founder: The Government of Bali in 1975; Address: Sanggulan Village, Jalan Gatot Subroto, Tabanan; Telp: (62-361) 810315; Email:

Museum Buleleng Founder: The Government of Bali in 2002; Address: Jalan Veteran, Singaraja; Telp: (62-361) 286201 Lata Mahosadhi Founder: Indonesian Institute of Art (ISI Bali) in 1997; Address: Jalan Nusa Indah, Denpasar: Telp: (62361) 227361; Fax: (62-361) 975551

IV Food & Beverenge New Executive Chef Fresh from the Jumeirah Emirates Tower Hotel in Dubai, Zulal Ahmad (Zee) has joined Hard Rock Hotel Bali as Executive Chef to oversee its 5 restaurants and bars, InRoom Dining, weddings, corporate functions and banqueting services. Chef “Zee” brings with him 26 years of culinary experience in 12 luxury hotels to his role. He took his first steps in the catering industry in his home country, Indonesia. He continued this path in Christmas Island - Australia where he focused more on Indonesian and Asian cuisine. From there he moved to many different hotels around Indonesia as an Executive Sous Chef where again he was star-rated as the hotel’s top Asian Cuisine Chef. The Indonesian native who grew up in a Jakarta, said he jumped at the opportunity to work at Hard Rock Hotel Bali, as the Leading Entertainment Hotel in Bali which has been honored with several awards. The most recent accolade

was The Most Favorite Hotel in Indonesia at the Indonesian Tourism Award 2010 in Jakarta. “I had heard many good things about the property and was excited to work with the team at Hard Rock Hotel Bali. This hotel provides a unique and memorable guest experience with all the staffs’ attitude and the brand’s high recognition by Indonesians thru the numerous and prestigious awards it has won. I feel so extremely proud to be a part of this team,” Chef Zee said. General Manager Andrew Khoo said Zee’s strong background at high-end restaurants and luxury hotels would further enhance the dining experiences available at Hard Rock Hotel Bali’s restaurants. “With Zee’s wealth of experience, we are looking forward to taking our restaurants and bars to an even higher level of satisfaction and provide diners with another “address” for good quality food.” v (BTNewspapers/PR)


I Made Yudha, the treasurer of the Tri Hita Karana Foundation, presented the THK Award to the Municipality Waterworks (PDAM) of Gianyar Regency.



February March April May June July August September October November December

Dr. K.G. Dharma Putra, Secretary of the Tri Hita Karana Foundation, handed over the THK Award to Headmaster of SMPN 2 Singaraja secondary school, Ketut Arya.

Open dialogue in the Faculty of Economics, University of Udayana.

To promote the programs of Tri Hita Karana, the THK Foundation built a partnership with Alam TV.

Seminar entitled ‘Realizing Cultural Spiritual Tourism’ was conducted in the Inna Grand Bali Beach, Sanur.



MONTH January

In connection with establishing partnership between the Anand Ashram Foundation and Tri Hita Karana Foundation, the board of trustees of the Anand Ashram Foundation recently paid a visit to the office of Tri Hita Karana Foundation doubling as editorial office of Bali Travel Newspapers.




Note : The date will be advised later

Indonesian Food and Beverage Executive Club (IFBEC) organized a Gathering at Klapa Klab, New Kuta Beach, Pecatu (Jan 31). The IFBEC meeting formerly known as FBMA, earlier this year prepared the activities of the association for the year 2011.

Aston continues to grow and will open 13 more hotels by 2011, in Indonesia, Malaysia and the Philippines. It was announced at the press conference and Media Gathering (Jan 27) in Kuta.

International Seminar held by Dwijendra University, Denpasar, recently featured the topic “Establishment of National Character Building on Tri Hita Karana toward ‘Moksartham Jagadhita’ (self-realization and the benefit of the world).”


Profile Magnus Bauch


Owner of Matahari Beach Resort & Spa:

Thomas Keller:

In Love to Matahari Beach Resort & Spa

“We Guarantee You will Get the Best Services Here” Matahari (the sun) is the light of life existing on earth. However, the meaning of the word ‘sun’ as mentioned above is very rarely heard by the Europeans.

At least twice a year, Thomas Keller visits and stays in the Matahari Beach Resort & Spa. Though the distance from the Ngurah Rai International Airport to the Pemuteran Village, Buleleng, location of the hotel, takes him approximately 2-3 hours by land vehicle, it does not make him feel tired or fatigued.

On the contrary, the word Matahari (the sun) as the name of a secret agent in the World War I era, was very familiar to European citizens, especially for the generation born during the World War I because it was the name a Dutch woman who was an Orientals dancer and political spy for the governments of Germany and France. “That is why I agreed when offered the name of Matahari Beach for our hotel in Bali,” said Magnus Bauch, owner of the Matahari Beach Resort & Spa to Bali Travel Newspapers and Jalan-Jalan Nusantara during a visit to Pemuteran, Buleleng, where the hotel is situated. Magnus Bauch of Germany-born familiarly addressed as Mr. Joni by residents around Pemuteran added the name Matahari Beach (MB) seemed to fit well with his initial name, namely MB

The tiredness from the long flight from Europe to Bali disappeared instantly when the plane lands in Bali. “Everything will be comfortable when the airline touches the island of Bali. I really enjoy the winding journey to the Matahari Beach Resort & Spa,” he told Bali Travel Newspapers.

Magnus Bauch standing for Magnus Bauch. “That’s why the name of Matahari Beach is synonymous with the name of our family,” he said.

The man born in Zurich, Switzerland, had begun to fall in love with Bali, especially with the Matahari Beach Resort & Spa since the first visit in 2004. “Since then, I come to Bali and spent between 2-3 weeks in this hotel,” he said.

Even, the wife of Mr. Joni, namely Dayu Parwathi from Mambal, also added that MB was equal to Mambal Bagus where the Brahmin family came from.

So, what activity does he do while in Matahari Beach Resort & Spa? “Of course, I dive. In fact the undersea panorama such as coral reef I’ve seen is increasingly better around this hotel,” he said. v (BTNewspapers/Krisna)

Dayu Parwathi Bauch

Gold Medal for the Laguna Resort & Spa The Laguna, a Luxury Collection Resort & Spa, Nusa Dua, Bali receives a Gold level recognition in the prestigious Bali’s Tri Hita Karana Tourism Awards (THK). The award process is entered by many resorts, hotels, schools, government institutions and tourist attractions in Bali and is organized by Tri Hita Karana Foundation on an annual basis. The award process is based on recognizing accommodation operators, institutions and tourist attractions in Bali that embody high levels of service professionalism while at the same time embracing the indigenous spiritual and community values of Balinese culture. The Gold recognition of Tri Hita Karana Awards recognizes the resort’s commitment to continue efforts to preserve the sustainable environment and Balinese culture and to build a harmonious living in the resort and its surrounding communities. The management and ambassadors of The Laguna Resort

& Spa, Nusa Dua, Bali actively present the core 3 pillars of Balinese concept of including; Parhyangan, Pawongan and Palemahan. The pillar of Parhyangan is the concept that relates to the harmonious relations between human to their God, Pawongan relates to the harmonious relationship between human to human and Palemahan which highlights the relations between human to its environment. These pillars are very similar to many of the hotels very own ‘Starwood Cares’ pillars including ‘Care to Associates’ (employees), ‘Care to Guests’, ‘Care to Business’ and ‘Care to Community’ which are actively promoted and applied in the resort. This exceptional award recognition brings The Laguna Resort & Spa, Nusa Dua, Bali to the next level of luxury accommodation to position it amongst others in Bali with high attention, efforts and an ongoing effort to preserve Bali’s natural and cultural heritage to build and maintain a sustainable tourism environment in Bali. v (BTNewspapers/Internet)

In short, Magnus Bauch hoped that guests staying in Matahari Beach would be guaranteed to get satisfaction in their holiday on the Bali Island. “By and large, our guests mostly consisting of European stayed at least for a week and definitely got satisfying services from our hotel employees,” he said while promoting. v (BTNewspapers/Krisna)

BTDC Receives Tri Hita Karana Awards 2010 PT (Persero) Bali Tourism Development Corporation (BTDC) received again the Tri Hita Karana (THK) Award 2010. In this year, BTDC was awarded gold medal for the category of specific resort. “This proves the commitment of BTDC against the environmental concern and the three aspects of harmonization that are always well maintained for the tourism sustainability,” said I Made Mandra, Managing Director of BTDC on the sidelines of receiving the award that night. As many as 34 hotels and three tourist destinations in Bali were competing in the matter of maintaining self-harmony, environmental and spiritual values through the tenth Tri Hita Karana Awards 2010. Presentation of THK Award was divided into three categories, ranging from the THK Tourism Awards for the hotel and tourist destination, THK Widya Nugraha for schools and colleges, and THK Praja Nugraha for government offices. Governor of Bali Made Mangku Pastika

said the Tri Hita Karana (THK) program was assessed to be in line with the campaign of Clean and Green Bali being promoted intensively. It would make Bali a top destination. “Through this THK program, the harmony within the social, environmental and spiritual aspect will be well maintained,” said the Governor. Presentation of the Tri Hita Karana Awards held in Ksiraarnawa Hall of the Denpasar Art Center was also attended by Minister of Culture and Tourism, Jero Wacik and former Minister of Culture and Tourism, I Gede Ardika. On that occasion, Jero Wacik conveyed the Tri Hita Karana institution should be a vibrant institution, where the composition should consist of people of non-governmental organizations (NGOs). “Presentation of the THK Awards denotes the first measure toward Bali becoming the Green Province,” he said. v


The Winning of the THK Awards Virginie Tutin Sandstrom:

Implementing THK from Hotel Employees Talking about the concept of Tri Hita Karana (THK), should definitely be accompanied by a simple explanation, said the General Manager of Harris Resort Hotel Kuta, Virginie Tutin Sandstrom. To Bali Travel Newspapers (Jan 10), the mother of one daughter said that her management wanted to promote the THK concept sustainably, so that it could become a phrase that could be understood by anyone, and not only by the Balinese society. ”My obsession implementing the Tri Hita Karana in the 4-star hotel started from the environment of the hotel employees before transmitted to guests. This is so our guests will feel comfortable when spending holidays in Harris Resort Hotel Kuta,” she said smiling pleasantly. The friendly GM added Bali was the rendezvous of foreign tourists and had great potential to promote and even the spirit of Bali that lay in the philosophy of Tri Hita Karana. Virginie wanted the systems in

hotel to keep on running so the tourist numbers would continue to rise each year. Also Virginie had many innovations to achieve the Emerald Trophy in the THK Awards 2011. For example, the program Bring Your Own Bag (BYOB), her party provided the families of employee’s with a cloth bag to avoid using plastic bags when they shopped in the market. BYOB is an initiative by the management of Harris Resort Hotel Kuta to reduce the amount of plastic

waste in Bali. More than 800 orange bags were distributed to employees of Harris Group. ‘’It was expectedly, the employees would use it when they later on shopped in traditional markets, supermarkets or shops so the use of plastic waste could be diminished. “The management really wants to make Bali a tourist destination showcasing the beauty of the island, not plastic waste,” she said that afternoon. v (BTNewspapers/Krisna/Titah)

Harris Resort Kuta:

Quality and Intensify Training for Employees Strategically located on the beautiful beach front of Kuta, the Harris Resort Kuta poses the most appropriate accommodation for anyone who wants to enjoy the magical Island of Bali. The hotel winning a gold medal of Tri Hita Karana (2010) is one the four-star hotels successfully applying the concept of Tri Hita Karana in the hotel management.

For Parahyangan aspect, all employees of Harris Resort Kuta were keen to put on Balinese customary attires on celebrating the Galungan Festivity. It was something ‘unique’ for the guests. “You will definitely feel that it is the Galungan celebration denoting a Hindu religious holiday,” she said while adding that for other religions, like Islam and Christianity, the Harris Resort Kuta also held a unique event for all religions.

It would be the right choice if you decide on Harris Resort Kuta as a tranquil and convenient sanctuary for you and your family, or friends because the Harris Resort Kuta has very comfortable facilities. There are 191 rooms, swimming pool, restaurant & bar, spa and more. To improve the quality of performance of its employees, the Harris Resort Kuta organizes intensive training for 3 months added to the skills of the employee. The training is to improve the quality of service provided to guests with the aim the Harris Resort Kuta could become the leading

tourist accommodation in Kuta. “We would like to provide the best,” said Virginie as the General Manager (GM) of the Harris Resort Kuta. It was good the gold medal of the Tri Hita Karana 2010 went to Harris Resort Kuta especially with the seriousness of the aspiration of Virginie and all staff to provide the best facilities and services for their valued guests. The concept of Tri Hita Karana applied in managing the hotel continued to be improved, both in the field of Parahyangan (spiritual), Pawongan (social), or Palemahan (environmental aspect).

In the aspect of Pawongan, according to Ramasari, the Human Resources Manager aside from providing training for employees, her party also helped and provided assistance to se­veral foundations and orphanages. The company also carried out a variety of social activities such as sports or arts and culture. Ultimately, in the Palemahan aspect, the Harris Resort Kuta was famous for its plastic waste processing. The plastic waste could be recycled into shopping bags that could be used repeatedly. “Processing of plastic waste will reduce the amount of plastic used on this earth to make Bali Green,” said Audrey as administrator in the field of Palemahan smilingly. Congratulations! You certainly won the Emerald trophy and become a Green Hotel this year. v (BTNewspapers/ Krisna/Titah)


The Winning of the THK Awards Melia Benoa:

“A Tri Hita Karana-based Hotel” The spirit of the Tri Hita Karana’s aura can be perceived when you stay in Melia Benoa. The hotel strategically situated on the coast of Tanjung Benoa is one of the hotels winning the gold medal of the Tri Hita Karana (THK) Awards 2010. It was very competitive with other hotels winning the gold and other emerald medal, Melia Benoa has a variety of advantages and attractive facilities that are inseparable from the concept of Tri Hita Karana. An example in the area of environment (Palemahan), the management of Melia Benoa resells the used cardboard, oil, plastic or other salable goods, where the proceeds are then used to manage the environment around the hotel. “The proceeds will be used again for other interests, such as to be donated to an orphanage or used for financing social activities,” said Agung Mayura, Human Resources Manager of Melia Benoa. “We continue to strive to promote the concept of Tri Hita Karana, not only in Melia Benoa itself, but also in the communities around the Melia Benoa,” he added. In addition, his staff maintained a number of rare plants also those nearing extinction. The cool atmosphere accompanied by a gentle breeze would make you more comfortable in enjoying the beautiful atmosphere of Bali in Melia Benoa. With the existing hotel facilities including a restaurant & bar, swim-

ming pool, fitness center, spa & health center, non-smoking rooms, you would really be made content. Then, in the area of Pawongan (social aspect), Melia Benoa regularly participated in various social activities sponsoring some village youth club activities, padudusan alit religious ceremonies and more. It also gave donations to various activities such as Christmas feast and inviting several orphanages to sing together in Melia Benoa.

Emerald Medal Award for Tanah Lot On Saturday, December 4, 2010, THK (Tri Hita Karana) Tourism Award Accreditation was held at Taman Budaya Ksirarnawa Art Center Denpasar Bali. Tri Hita Karana Tourism Awards ceremony ran from 6 pm until 10pm. The event was attended by Minister of Culture and Tourism or its representative, the Governor of Bali or a representative, and the tourism industry in Bali. In addition of to the three concepts, it is also its own l with Hindu Religion Concept, which is called Tri Hita Karana (three of the harmony, balance to create the peaceful and happiness). Tri Hita Karana is a Hindu concept of balance or harmony between human and God, human and human, and human with the environment. The awarding of Tri Hita Karana Award is held every year and followed by the applicants in Bali tourism, including tourism industry category hotels and tourism attractions (DTW). Tanah Lot is one of the tourist places who always participated in the Tri Hita Karana Tourism Awards and Accreditation. Tanah Lot was won the gold medal in 2006 and in 2007, in the year

2008-2009 Tanah Lot got a gold medal and emerald medal. And in year 2010, Tanah Lot get Emerald Supplementary award. Emerald award is given to the tourism industry which has achieved gold three times in a row. There are additional categories in the Tri Hita Karana Award This award is given to the tourism industry who have improved the most and able to maintain and implement the Tri Hita Karana in the environment or object resort hotel. Tanah Lot, which has the motto “go professional”, is the only tourist attraction to attain the emerald obtain supplementary award, because it has succeeded in maintaining and implementing the Tri Hita Karana in the environment. This award was received directly by the Operations Manager Tanah Lot, Mr. Made Sujana. This award is a pride for all people of Tanah Lot which has supported the activities of this Tri Hita Karana. All from the spirit and support from every avenue such as from Tanah Lot employees Tanah Lot attractions, local communities, traders and others. v (BTNewspapers/ Internet)

Dharma Wacana or Hindu sermon and reflection were also held in Melia Benoa by inviting the person of Hindu spiritual leader, Ida Pedanda Made Gunung. “The sermon is expected to provide spiritual enlightenment to employees, so they can improve their effectiveness in extending services the guests staying in the Melia Benoa,” Agung said. Meanwhile, for the area of Parahyangan (spiritual aspect), the hotel actively organized pilgrimage

Villa Kubu Accepted Gold Awards

(tirthayatra) to various temples, where in 2011 was scheduled to visit the Goa Lawah and Silayukti Temple. As for other religions, namely Islam the hotel also provided with a small mosque where the Islamic employees or guests could take advantage of the sanctum for daily prayers. The balance of the three elements in the Tri Hita Karana (Parahyangan, Pawongan, and Palemahan) would make the hotel Melia Benoa a Tri Hita Karana-based hotel consistently

maintaining harmonious relationship among the staff and employees, God, environment, community as well as in-house guests. On that account, the comfort and tranquility would thoroughly be felt in Melia Benoa. So why wait, get the experience of Melia Benoa. It is an appropriate hideaway for those wishing to enjoy a harmonious, quiet and comfortable atmosphere on the Island of Gods. Get it and feel it! v (BTNewspapers/Titah Pratyaksa)

Villa Kubu has proudly accepted the Gold Tri Hita Karana award for honoring the Balinese design concepts of creating harmony between man, nature and the heavens by using natural local building materials. This award was established to acknowledge companies in Bali that protect the environment and promote cultural integration of their businesses with Balinese traditions. v (BTNewspapers/Internet)

Nusa Dua Beach Hotel & Spa Won Award of THK’10 For the third consecutive year, Nusa Dua Beach Hotel and Spa won gold medal and received an award in Tri Hita Karana Award 2010. Nusa Dua Beach Hotel and Spa competed with 34 other hotels in Bali for the coveted Tri Hita Karana Tourism Award. Entering its tenth year, this annual award is considered an initial step towards establishing Bali as a Green Province. “This award shows how we maintain our commitment towards the environment and achiev-

ing harmony internally and with our surroundings,” claims Reto Torriani, General Manager of Nusa Dua Beach Hotel and Spa. The award night hosted by the Tri Hita Karana Foundation was held at Gedung Ksirarnawa and attended by Minister of Culture and Tourism Jero Wacik, Governor of Bali Mangku Pastika and former minister of culture I Gede Ardika. v

Bali Dynasty Resort Receives Gold Award The Bali Dynasty Resort is delighted to announce that it had the honor to receive a Gold Medal, a high distinction in Bali’s prestigious Tri Hita Karana Awards. This accreditation certificate was presented on 4th December 2010 at Ksiraarnawa Bali Art Centre.

Tri Hita Karana (THK) denotes an indigenous life concept of the Balinese community to attain secular and spiritual bliss through a harmonious relationship between humans and God (Parhyangan), humans and fellow humans (Pawongan) as well as humans and the environment (Palemahan) into integral oneness.

This presentation of awards has been held annually since 2000 to acknowledge the efforts of local hotels, resorts and villas that choose to adhere to the spiritual and social principles of this unique Balinese Hindu concept. This award is indeed a great privilege for Bali Dynasty Resort. v (BTNewspapers/Internet)


Sport & Recreation Bali Junior Golf Tournament Series:

Good Sportsmanship, Fun, Competition, Kids & Golf This last weekend over forty junior golfers took their talents to New Kuta Golf Course in Pecatu Bali, to compete in the PGI Bali Junior Golf Tournament Series 1. Light rain greeted the Junior Players on Sunday morning (30/1) as they arrived at 6am , by the time the juniors were ready to tee off at 7am, the sun was shining and a great day of golf was about to get underway.

There were a few light showers during the day but that did not dampen the spirits of the 40 junior plus players whose ages ranged from 17 – 8 years old. Creating the feel of a “professional” tournament was important to the tournament committee and many behind-the-scene hours were spent getting the members registered for tournaments. Prior to the tournaments, pairings and tee times have to be made and posted for the golfers, pairings sheets printed, scorecard labels printed and affixed, score boards readied, medals or awards counted out for the winners. With the support of the team at New Kuta Golf and some parent volunteers the juniors were shuttled to their relevant tee boxes and the tournament got underway without a hitch. As play progressed through the tournament, there are lost balls, balls hit out of bounds, obstructions and loose impediments - just to name a few of

the things that golfers faced as their round continued. Some players learning the rules the hard way on course. Eight committee members located at different areas of the golf course helped with rules decisions, to help look for lost balls, to spot check groups for scoring accuracy, also to speed up slower groups when there are gaps in play, or very often to just give a pat on the back and words of encouragement to the golfers. Once the round was over, it was time to tally up and turn the score cards in. The Bali Junior Golf Tournament Committee was there to assist with any questions, add up and post scores on the scoreboard as well as the website and make award presentations. With the day over, the golfers went home thinking about how they played. Some may be thinking, “If I could only have that shot over again,” or “Wasn’t that a great shot?” Others may just be thinking about how hot it had been or how hilly the course was, however, everyone was appreciative of the opportunity


Overall Category PLAYER Overall Winner Tom Copley – Perth Overall Runner Yeyen Safitri _ Bali Up BOYS DIVISION Division A Winner Justin Purslowe - Perth Runner Up Andrew Mulyadi - Bali Division B Winner Liam Purslowe - Perth Runner Up Alam Rifqi – Jakarta Division C Winner Mitchell Boorn – Perth Runner Up Jose Masana – Bali Division D Winner Fauzan – Jakarta Runner Up Ace Anderson – Bali GIRLS DIVISION Division A Winner Made Dita Widyantari – Bali Runner Up Melinda Tanan - Bali Division B Winner Victoria Chandra - Bali Runner Up Ida Ayu Melati – Bali Division D Winner Meva Schmit - Bali Runner Up Viera Permata Rosada – Jakarta Nearest to the Made Dita Widyantari line – Balli Nearest to the Meva Schmit – Balil pin

42 42 39 43 43 51 51 47

44 86 46 88 43 82 45 88 50 93 47 98 45 96 49 96


41 85

56 40 43 45 61

62 118 39 79 43 86 44 89 50 111

to be part of the Bali Junior Golf Tournament. Bali Junior Golf Community Tournament Committee members are also grateful that they had the opportunity to instill the desire and integrity of the “greatest game ever played” into these young junior golfers. v (BTNewspapers/BaliSportsMag)

Women’s Cricket In the replay match, Makassar (5/124) defeated Udayana/Badung (3/112). Makassar gained a lot of confidence after easily defeating both Gianyar Teams the day before in the modified windball match. Too many wide balls cost Udayana the win under the modified format of 2 runs per extra, but no repeat ball. The new rule for the person batting to retire at 25 runs didn’t help for either for Udayana as Sari was going hot in her batting session. All in all, the girls gained valuable experience and confidence in their abilities. v (BTNewspapers/BaliSportsMag/Wayan Samuel)

OUT IN TOTAL 38 39 77 37 41 78

Welcome to the North-West of Bali Welcome to Matahari Beach Resort & Spa Hidden in an almost unknown part of Bali, our hotel is a perfect place for those seeking a relaxing holiday. Magnus and Parwathi Bauch created together with their team a hotel which echoes a traditional Balinese village.

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