Bali Travel Newspapers Vol. I No. 13

Page 1

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”THK Awa rd the ca s & re A fo r


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Vol. I, No. 13  July 25 - August 10, 2011










IDR. 2,000 Publisher : Wisnu Wardana; Address : Jl. Melati 43 Denpasar, Bali-Indonesia ; Phone/fax (0361) 227610 Email : ; Licence/SIUPK : 0094 / 22-09 / PK / I / 2011; TDP :

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TaPPROXI MAT ELY 5 kilometers east of ge villa al ition trad a sits ple Tem n man Ayu ed gnat desi is ge villa The a.’ ‘Bah ed nam ung as one of the tourism villages by Bad ge villa the 2 199 e sinc Government and ge. Villa ism Tour has been called Baha Baha Village, Baha Tourism Village is located at kilo meters 5 ut abo , ung Bad Men gwi Sub dist rict, attraction. It is between Taman Ayun and Sangeh pasar or 90 Den approximately 19 kilometers from Ngurah Rai from cle vehi a minutes away when using urable. favo are s ition cond c traffi Airport, Bali when

More info: read page III

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No. 13, July 25 - August 10, 2011

The Big Five of Tri Hita Karana (2)

Main characteristics of the concept of THK By Jan Hendrik Peters Strategic Advisor THK Foundation


In Bali Travel Newspaper no 12 The Big Five was discussed, but not yet finished. In this issue the discussion will be continued. Integral, universal, harmony, guiding and spiritual (taksu) have been mentioned as the main characteristics which are shaping the outline of THK and gives insight in its significance. These five characteristics you can feel and believe rather than see and touch. They belong to the invisible domain of this philosophy (niskala) and not so much to the visible domain (sekala), which makes it hard to discuss. The quality of for example of an airplane, you can see, touch and verify with the help of a written specification, but the emotion to fly in such an airplane kilometers high into the sky is just a feeling, which you can not touch. And the decision of buying a flight ticket is much more based on the so-called software than on the hardware, you can check. The same reasoning applies to the significance of THK. Some aspects in the validation of this philosophy you can see, touch and smell (many rituals, many temples, so many flowers and incense), but most you have to believe. Since the vast majority of Balinese believe in this philosophy of THK already for ages, you could say that it has proven itself, by that fact only. The Balinese have received THK as a gift from God, as a life guide to become happy.

Self-control under all circumstances is some kind of discipline for Balinese which differs from the behavior of western people who do not mind to expose their emotions. To lose your temper is not done here on Bali. Only when you master your emotions, you feel more in balance with yourself and that feeling will bring about peace and harmony. Still this challenge to self-control does not mean that at any price differences of opinion between people must be avoided. I bet how many times people just get out of the way of any heated discussion just because such a discussion would be conflicting harmony according to their belief in THK in which balance and harmony have to be respected. I am convinced that this behavior has all to do with a misinterpretation of the characteristic of harmony in THK. The contrary is true. Harmony will most of the time become the result of heated discussions in which each party is pushing its own opinion. However, if the conflict rises so high that discussion is no option anymore, parties or countries are forced to fight each other. If they can not solve the problems with words or negotiations, war is often inevitable. Still, Gandhi has shown that with patience and perseverance the most serious conflicts can be solved without violence and bloodshed, but unfortunately men like Gandhi are rare. The only one person I know, comparable with Gandhi, would be Nelson Mandela, who with patience and perseverance has changed the world in the same manner as Gandhi has done before him. War as last resource A decision to wage war is a horrific action that can only be justified by the perspective of peace and harmony when the war is over. In other words war as the last resource that could only be used if all discussions and negotiations have failed. The moment the war is over the door will be open for a situation of harmony and peace, in which the balance between good and bad will be restored. Wars that are declared out of misuse of power or recklessness, without any respect for other people, are immoral. And leaders who declared war against their own people will be held responsible for bloodshed among those, who were for a longtime suppressed. These people had no other chance than to fight dictatorship that had stripped them from the most elementary human

rights such as freedom of speech or of religion. Nowadays conflicts flare up everywhere in the world, where people who have been suppressed too long are protesting to restore democracy and human rights. And the key question in all these conflicts is whether a solution can be found without violence and bloodshed. Leaders have to do their utmost to solve conflicts before it comes so far that war is inevitable. The price for war to be paid is the death of many innocent people, so starting a war is only justified if there is no other way out. Arjuna determined not to fight In the holy book ‘Bhagavad-Gita’ the issue of war is comprehensively discussed in a dialogue between Arjuna and Lord Krishna. In this extraordinary scripture Lord Krishna explains that war as last resort is justified. If good and bad are clearly out of balance and even bad is in the upper hand, war is inevitable. The Bhagavad-Gita starts when the two armies of respectively the Kurus and the Pandavas are opposing each other on the battlefield of Kuruksetra. War was at hand. All negotiations so far had failed by the obstinacy and arrogance of Duryodhana, the oldest brother of the Kurus who did not want a peaceful solution at all but just wanted to usurp the kingdom of the Pandavas by evil plans. When Arjuna, one of the Pandavas and a mighty warrior, observed the armies on the battlefield of Kuruksetra, eager to know who his adversaries were, he recognized intimate relatives, teachers and friends in both armies, ready to fight and sacrifice their lives. Then Arjuna failed in strength and gave up his determination to fight. The teachings of Lord Krishna At this very moment Lord Krishna, as the Supreme Personality of Godhead begins his teachings to Arjuna by explaining the fundamental distinction between the temporary material body and the eternal spiritual soul. The Lord explains the process of transmigration, the nature of selfless service to the Supreme and the characteristics of a self-realized person. It will be out of the context of this article to try to detail more of the teachings of Krishna. That would be arrogant and in conflict with the message that to do so, you have to be a devotee yourself. These teachings materialize the complete text of Bhagavad-Gita and I have to confess that reading this scripture for the first time has been an unforgettable experience in terms of literature but even more as a spiritual life guide for mankind. At the same time I realize that fully understanding the teachings of Lord Krishna requires much more study and also the guiding of a spiritual master who, as a devotee himself, knows about the

meaning and interpretation of the seven hundred concise verses of Bhagavad-Gita, renowned as the jewel of Hindu spiritual wisdom. Fight for peace and harmony After listening and understanding all the teachings of Lord Krishna, Arjuna was once again convinced that he had to fight, even if this would imply the killing of family, teachers and friends. All the earlier efforts for peaceful negotiations had stranded on the arrogance of the Kurus and war as the last resort had become inevitable. This battle and the loss of so many lives were justified. After victory of the Pandavas, men of the highest morale stature, over the impious Kurus, the balance between good and bad would be restored and a new period of peace and harmony would lie ahead. Speaking about harmonious as one of the characteristics of THK the battle between the Kurus and the Pandavas makes clear that war is only justified as a last resort, with other words that before war all efforts have been done to find a peaceful solution for what ever conflict or problem; that discussions and negotiations will be held in which all opinions are freely voiced without compromise in order to finally agree about the best plan, which will be acceptable for all; that even sometimes heated discussions are necessary to come to an agreement and that last but not least truth always wins over cowardice. I will not pretend that this attitude is always easy. On the contrary, but it is worthwhile to try hard if we will be awarded living in peace and harmony with each other. Some recommendations to highlight THK THK implies first and for all the worship of God. Participating in the many rituals of Hindu belief is already an important step to practice the requirement of worship, no doubt about that. A second step could be to study the holy book of Bhagavad-Gita that can be considered as the inspiring heart of Hindu belief. While the meaning of all the teachings is not easy to understand, less complex versions of the Bhagavad-Gita already exist which could be consulted for use in daily life. Against this background the THK Foundation would do good to promote the integration of Hindu religion on all types of schools on Bali, so students will become familiar with the Hindu teachings and motivated to implement this belief in their life. The philosophy of THK will be very helpful in achieving this ambition. Cooperation with institutes and universities of Hindu determination is an opportunity for both THK Foundation and teaching institutions. Together they can try to bridge the gap between theory and practice and moreover together they can prevent the youth from losing their religious identity. 

Top 10 Trends for the Boutique Hotel Sector DELEGATES at the inaugural Boutique Hotel Summit, Europe’s first B2B conference for the boutique and lifestyle hotel sectors, enjoyed a lively discussion about the future










Chief Editor : Wisnu Wardana; Publicist: Jan Hendrik Peters, KG. Dharma Putra, Journalists/contributors: Torsten Thierbach, Gung Man, Krisna; Marketing : Made Yudha ; Secretariate : Dewi ; Address : Jl. Melati 43 Denpasar, BaliIndonesia ; Phone/fax: (0361) 227610 Email : ; Jakarta : Bambang Hermawan, Villa Pamulang Mas, Blok C9/4, Pamulang, Tangerang Selatan ; NTB : Riyanto Rabbah, Jl. Abdul Kadir Munsi, Gang Dahlia No. 14, Mataram ; Yogyakarta : Titah Pratyaksa (083 1190 19410); Bank : BPD Bali KCP. Kamboja No. 0370115000510 A/N Biro Promosi & Pengembangan Pariwisata Budaya.

direction of the sector, with a panel of leading industry figures sharing their 10 top trends and buzzwords for the boutique market. The session was a fitting finale to the conference, which was held at London’s St Ermin’s Hotel in June, and attracted an international audience of 170 delegates. Event organiser Piers Brown said: “The boutique hotel sector is a fascinating market which is evolving at a rapid rate, so it was really enlightening to hear how our panellists see things changing over the next few years. The session certainly provided delegates with food for thought, and we will certainly be revisiting some of these topics in more detail at next year’s event.” The panel consisted of Ben Elliot, founder of Quintessentially; Catherine Martin, assistant editor of Sleeper Magazine; Philippe Bijiaoui of Hotel Missoni; Mark Cannata, head of culture and heritage at HOK Architects; and Andrew Coutts, president and CEO of The ILM Group. The session was moderated by Russell Kett, managing director of HVS London. Ten trends and buzzwords for boutique hotels: Experience and integrity: Boutique hotel

guests are looking for something different from the “cookie cutter” approach. It is essential to give them an experience they will remember fondly, and this is more important than getting obsessed with design details; Clubs: Look out for a proliferation of members’ clubs incorporated in to boutique hotels, particularly in key urban markets such as London and New York; Caring for the environment: There is a small but growing band of environmentally aware travellers who are increasingly concerned with their carbon footprint. Boutique hotels can cater for them in a variety of ways from serving locally sourced, seasonal food to allowing guests to control their energy usage. It is also important not to force the green agenda down people’s throats; Boutique goes budget: Until now boutique hotels have been operating at the upper end of the price scale, but there is huge scope for budget hotels to offer a more distinctive, less homogenised experience; In-room technology: It’s important for boutique hotels to offer technology that is at least as good as the guest would expect to have in their home, but it must be user friendly and practical. The technology must also sit

comfortably if installed in heritage buildings, and not jar with its surroundings; Authenticity: Boutique hotels are particularly suited to conversions of historic or interesting buildings. By doing this with sensitivity to the materials used and the original structure, they can be among the most sustainable and authentic hotels in terms of the built environment; Variety: Boutiques can capitalise on their flexibility and independence by providing individually designed guestrooms rather than standardised offers; Location, not brand: Boutique guests are looking to interact with the hotel itself, and the passionate people who drive it and provide great service, not a company or an international brand; Boutique B&B: A significant trend towards offering B&B in distinctive, design-led properties with a range of added service and experiences available, such as visiting chefs, wine tastings etc.; Lifestyle hotels: While the multinationals will struggle to replicate the true boutique experience, they will increasingly focus on the lifestyle model of 100 to 200 room hotels, using their economies of scale and management experience.  BTNewspaper/Vicky Karantzavelou/










No. 13, July 25 - August 10, 2011


Baha Tourism Village Approximately 5 kilometers east of Taman Ayun Temple sits a traditional village named ‘Baha.’ The village is designated as one of the tourism villages by Badung Government and since 1992 the village has been called Baha Tourism Village.

BAHA Tourism Village is located at Baha Village, Mengwi Subdistrict, Badung, about 5 kilometers between Taman Ayun and Sangeh attraction. It is approximately 19 kilometers from Denpasar or 90 minutes away when using a vehicle from Ngurah Rai Airport, Bali when traffic conditions are favourable. Most of the villagers are working as laborers, sharecroppers and landowners, so that they should join the members of Subak, an organization that regulates the distribution management of water for agricultural irrigation. Subak community at this village has a meeting hall called Subak Lepud Meeting Hall which is used as a meeting place and various ceremonies related to agriculture.

ily with a combination of Balinese traditional architecture, so as to give typical impression for tourists. The Village temple located in the southern area of the village is decorated with carvings of an ancient ornamental style and it is also a very interesting place to visit. Potential Village Aside from having beautiful and natural scenery, the other potential that can be enjoyed by visitors is Kecak A Cappella troupe consisting of men and women, fishing pond and Legong performance. In addition, many local villagers have the skill as a carvers, weavers, various domestic industries, and religious ceremonies are often held here. Likewise, the local community remains to preserve their traditional

and angkul-angkul before entering the house compound). It is certainly quite interesting object of cultural tourism that preserves the natural beauty. Cengkok Hamlet One of the hamlets that is ready to receive foreign and domestic tourists to stay overnight at the Baha Tourism Village is Cengkok Hamlet. It is quite unique. With less than 50 households, Cengkok Hamlet is also a Customary Hamlet. In other words, it is an independent hamlet having a complete trinity temple along with a grave.

Another unique aspect can be found at this village is uniformed angkul-angkul or entrance into the house compound of each fam-

culture and architecture. Other than maintaining the angkul-angkul, each home provides a telajakan (landscaping garden between a ditch

Residents of Cengkok Hamlet are ready to accept the arrival of tourists. For instance, the house of Made Nariana, aside from being clean, it is one of the rooms equipped with a indoor bathroom. On that account, this house has been selected by guests from Hol-

Closing of BAF 2011 Increase Superior Culture THE most grandiose annual art event in Bali is over. The 33rd Bali Arts Festival (BAF) 2011organized on June 10-July 2011 was closed by Governor of Bali, Made Mangku Pastika, in the Ardha Candra Amphitheater, Bali Art Center, Saturday (Jul 9). As a venue for fostering the arts, both local and contemporary art, BAF played an important role in the heart of each artist in Bali in particular and Indonesia in general.

“BAF is the property of Bali and the international community. Therefore, let’s maintain it as a foundation for endurance of Balinese culture,” said the Governor. The strategy also needed increasing to keep the BAF away from monotonous impression and should be provided with an understanding and education, so that it could open the horizon and mindset of the community. Diplomacy against the continuation of culture was also essential to preserve Bali or countries in the world, and to make the values of Balinese arts and culture sustainable. However, it should not eliminate the excellence of cultural values. Closing of the annual art event was also attended by Deputy Governor of Bali, Puspayoga, elements of provincial administration officials as well as participating artists in the Bali Arts Festival 2011.

In his speech, the Governor of Bali began with several intriguing jokes and criticism, especially those intended to the executive committee of BAF. However, he stayed to remind that BAF posed an art event loved by everyone. On that account, Governor appealed the entire component of community to maintain and make a selfevaluation each year. This number one man in Bali invited all artists to continuously develop themselves, and not to lose creativities in undertaking the art activities.

On that occasion, it was also handed over the prizes to winners of various competitions organized during the implementation of BAF 2011. A fragmentary drama also jazzed up the closing ceremony telling about the heroism of Sri Ram who sacrificed himself for Ayodhya Kingdom and his soul was then contested by Lord Brahma and Lord Yamadipati. In the future, according to an artist interviewed by Bali Travel Newspaper, government should pay attention to the artists for survival and improvement of Balinese art creativity. “As artist, we do hope that government could help us and care for our survival,” said Wayan Tablo, a Balinese psalmodic artist.  BTNewspaper/Krisna

land to stay several times. Activities that can be conducted during the visit at Cengkok Customary Hamlet are quite diverse. In the afternoon, guests can see the activities of people who are learning to play gamelan music in the hamlet hall and trekking around the rice fields and rivers flanking the village, while in the morning guests can see the activity of farmers in the rice field. Then, what to do when getting hungry? Guests can also learn to cook in traditional kitchen and the enjoy the food cooked. Having been satisfied, visitors can laze in the gazebo while reading books they usually bring along. “Here, the atmosphere is very quiet and free from air pollution,” said Eddy Hesselink, a Dutch tourist with his daughter who had spent one night in the house of Made Nariana. Happy Traveling!  BTNewspaper/Krisna











No. 13, July 25 - August 10, 2011

Culinary Adventure at Discovery Kartika Plaza

Typical Chicken Betutu and Tempting Organic Salad THIS favorite restaurant among the tourists in Sanur has a variety of typical menus served well presented and of high quality. Some typical Indonesian, local Balinese and Western cuisines are available and become leading menus of Café Batu Jimbar. Among them, there are chicken soup, wakublanga, chicken betutu (roasted chicken with Balinese mixed spices) of typical Batu Jimbar, Special Mixed Rice of Batu Jimbar, and Batu Jimbar Salad. A c co rd i n g to Ta r i , O p e r a ti o n s Manager of Café Batu Jimbar, historically it was established on September 14, 1991 and located on Jalan Danau Tamblingan 152 and in 2006 it was moved to Jalan Danau Tamblingan 75. “The name of Batu Jimbar was taken because it is located in the area of Batu Jimbar, Sanur,” Tari said. Interestingly, all vegetable ingredients in use were organic and very healthy. They were picked freshly from the farm in the region of Baturiti, Tabanan. Of course, such ingredients had made the cooking taste very good and healthy because they had been processed properly. As if we had been taken back to nature and given a good impression for a try. According to one of the visitors, Mr. Gusti Dana, chicken betutu and salad of Café Batu Jimbar were very delicious and so fresh with organic vegetables picked straight from the garden. “We suggest you to try first the chicken betutu. In the matter of taste, it is like no other in Sanur,” said Mr. Gusti while laughing and raising his thumb. It is very good if you want to taste such distinctive Chicken Betutu by directly paying a visit to Cafe Batu Jimbar on Jalan Danau Tamblingan 75 Sanur.  BTNewspaper/Photo by: Krisna

THE choice of food and beverage outlets at Discovery Kartika Plaza Hotel offer a wide array of dining experiences to enrich your holiday, starting from The Pond Restaurant with it’s buffet breakfast and a la carte national & international cuisine to freshly cooked pasta and pizza at La Cucina Restaurant, and Asian delicacies at Tepan Noodle Restaurant. Chilling out and lounging, pamper your appetite at Sunset Lounge, swim – up bar in the main pool “Kul – Kul Pool Bar”, or just relaxing while spoilt by the breeze of South Kuta Beach at Tupai Bar. Betutu Promotion For those who are a fans of Indonesian cuisine, stop in to try the spicy flavored Chicken or Duck Betutu at our newly – renovated Restaurant. Diners may savor and enjoy this traditional Balinese dish throughout this July – August. For only Rp 80,000++/person complimented with rice, condiments and SayurUrap (Balinese Vegetable Salad). Risotto Promotion Whether you are choosing for dining or chit-

chatting occasion, there is no reason not to enjoy the savory and different tastes of Risotto created by our Executive Chef, Werner Junker. These assortments of Risotto starts from Rp 65.000,- ++and available daily at La Cucina Restaurant. Shabu – Shabu Promotion Come to Tepan Noodle Restaurant and explore the different tastes& presentations of Shabu – Shabu throughout this July & August. Prices starts from Rp 85.000,- ++/person. Coffee Luwak at Tepan Deck Some people might choose beer or cocktail during their chit-chat, but a coffee lover will obviously try and choose Coffee Luwak to accompany. Invite your friends to explore the smooth-taste of Coffee Luwak while relaxing at our beachfront Tepan Deck. Coffee Luwak is served starts fromRp 60,000 / nett. Daily available at Tepan Deck and Sunset Lounge. Please contact ext. 88003 / 88006 for table reservation.  BTNewspaper/PR

BALI’S SCALLOP PROMOTION COMMENCING from the 1st of August until the 31st of October 2011 The Golden Lotus Chinese Restaurant will offer their next quarter food promotion “Bali Scallops” The Golden Lotus team will showcase this seafood sensation in various delicious culinary creations. We are offering four varieties of scallops dishes each served with a delicious sauce: - Sauteed Scallops with Szechuan sauce - Steamed Scallops on Japanese tofu with Black Bean sauce. - Buttered Scallops with Lemon sauce & Sesamsed sauce. - Sauteed Scallops with Garlic Butter sauce. Starting from IDR 80,000 per portion, enough for 2 people. Visit the Golden Lotus and try our delicious Scallops! For further information, please contact: Irma Wardani (Ms) Public Relations Bali Dynasty Resort Tel: (0361) 752403 Fax: (0361) 752402 Email:

BALI DISTRIBUTOR: PT. DELTA SATRIA DEWATA Jl. Imam Bonjol 226 A - Denpasar Email :










No. 13, July 25 - August 10, 2011


Exclusive T-Shirt

Dekuta Grows Up and Stand Out – Double Your Style and Celebrations – DEKUTA Boutique Hotel is delighted to announce that ‘Double Your Style & Celebrations’ event was an overwhelming success. An event to celebrate launching of two products from Dekuta at the same time, which is the launch of NEW website and also the opening of a local boutique called DESTORE. Double Your Style & Celebrations was different from most other launch celebrations, this event was packed with casual friendliness and full of celebrations and games. In addition to demonstrating the ‘new style and features’ of the website. Dekuta also held the most current popular game Angry Birds Competition as one of the top events. Other surprises game is Coins Hunter also attracted media and invited guests to join and make the party even more fun. “This is our new revolutionary website featuring the latest

interaction social media’s network with our Style. Comfort, Ambience and Flair concept” Said Mr. Erik Fatono the Managing Director of Dekuta. “We elaborate our vision and mission here, we are here to present the values of success and existence in the Hospitality area, not to forget the guests satisfaction” Dekuta always loves to improve performance each year by following the trend on what’s happening in a real world of hospitality and outside. By creating this event, Dekuta will continue to provide and and maintaining grow with unique also different personality to be a better direction and more capturing the modern people such as explorers, culture seekers and professional as the target. Dekuta hotels will continue to grow and stand out as one of the best boutique hotels, edgy, different and full of creativity.  BTNewspaper/PR

FOREVER respectful of the art of Surfing photography, Quiksilver honored one of the sports finest surf photographers with an exclusive series of t-shirts featuring the world class photography of Jason Childs. These iconic Indonesian images will feature some of Jason Childs’s favorite photos that he has captured over his long, distinguished career based on the Island of Bali, Indonesia. “Quiksilver is delighted to work with Jason on this collaboration,” says Simon MacGregor, Quiksilver Marketing Chief for Asia Pacific, “To bring his art work to another platform. We have always held that Surf photography is critical to surf culture. Advertising campaigns, magazine press, retail stores, online…

The 101 Legian Bali Hotel—Grand Opening of The 101 Legian Bali Hotel on Friday (Jun 8) took place with style. The happening combined with the anniversary of one of the media in Bali, was beautifully arranged with a ‘standing party’ and graced with presentation of bartender show, fashion show and dance performance. General Manager of The 101 Legian Hotel Bali, Dewi Mas Bloem, expressed the hotel located in the heart of Legian tourist resort would continue to maintain the values of Balinese culture and become the leading destination of hotel accommodation in Legian.  BTNewspapers/photo by Krisna

“Through this T-shirt range, Quiksilver, is not only paying homage to Jason Childs, but to surf photographers the world over, who dedicate so much of their lives to capturing these moments of surfing purity.”  BTNewspaper/PR TALAGA SPA located in Seminyak specializes in using pure virgin coconut oil in all of its treatments. Virgin Coconut Oil (VCO) is known for its healing properties of improving the immune system, promoting weight loss and softening the skin and hair just to name a few of its benefits. All of Talaga’s therapists practice meditation and are trained to balance energy. “Try Aromatherapy Healing Massage for 90 minutes of relaxing bliss. Begin with an aromatherapy foot bath session, then our lady therapist will deliver a special session of massage, by following her intuition to find the knots of your tired muscle. She will then perform five basic massage movements to give you deep relaxation. Then a final energy will be delivered for a total therapeutic impact,” said Sarifudin from Talaga Spa to Bali Travel Newspaper recently. Talaga Spa has 10 different coconut rituals plus a la carte. Special discount prices are available for local residents. More info: 361-8733831 / 8783951.  BTNewspaper/PR

Welcome to the North-West of Bali Welcome to Matahari Beach Resort & Spa Hidden in an almost unknown part of Bali, our hotel is a perfect place for those seeking a relaxing holiday. Magnus and Parwathi Bauch created together with their team a hotel which echoes a traditional Balinese village.

SUPPLIER ADDRESS : Jl. Danau Tamblingan No. 216, Sanur Denpasar 80228, Bali - Indonesia Phone. +62 (361) 281745 Fax. +62 (361)289549 E-mail :

Jl. Raya Seririt - Gilimanuk, Ds. Pemuteran, Kec. Gerokgak, Kab. Buleleng - 81155 BALI - INDONESIA, Tel (++ 62) 362 92 312 / 93 435, Fax (++ 62) 362 92 313

without photography, we would be blind to wonders of surfing. We approached Jason because of his unquestioned dedication to his art. We were proud to invite him to work with our design team. The results are spectacular”











No. 13, July 25 - August 10, 2011


“Just Across from Singapore” WHEN one looks out from Singapore’s high towers across the Straits onto the Indonesian islands, there the islands of Batam and Bintan appear very inviting, basking in the sun. Lying less than one hour by fast ferry from Singapore, the islands promise a completely contrasting environment from that of busy metropolitan Singapore.

The island of Batam today is the third busiest entry port to Indonesia next to Bali and Jakarta. Situated so near to Singapore, it is a favorite resort for residents and international tourists in Singapore who wish to get closer to nature, relax for a short vacation of golf or sailing, enjoy mouth watering fresh seafood, luxuriate in a traditional royal spa, go shopping

Batam and Bintan are only two of the more than 2,400 islands that make up the Riau Islands province, stretching from Sumatra, rounding north east all the way to the Anambas islands in the South China Sea.

Located some 4 hours drive from Surabaya, the capital of East Java, Mount Bromo is a part of the ‘Bromo Tengger Semeru National Park’ that covers a massive area of 800 square kilometres.

or just for family fun. Although Batam , Bintan and the Karimun islands are designated an industrial free trade zone, yet there are still plenty of wide open spaces and hundreds of large and small untouched islands in the Riau archipelago where one can have that feeling that one is entirely alone on the island. Twenty years into its hectic development, Batam has indeed become more crowded, where business mixes with pleasure. With no less than six ferry terminals , wide roads criss-crossing the island, an international airport and clusters of industries, hotels and housing estates, Batam still promises a leisurely weekend getaway offering reasonably priced freshly caught seafood, fine golfing, plenty of duty-free shopping, or an escape to a remote island ideal for trekking, diving, snorkeling and lazy fishing.

For shopaholics, Batam offers the excitement of shopping at the Nagoya Superblock with its 450 kiosks and 170 shops with a Hypermarket on Nagoya Hill. Batam has six golf courses, a large number of good hotels for businessmen in Nagoya town , beach resorts and Spas at Nongsa, and shopping malls galore. One of the well-known Golf Course is the Palm Springs Golf and Country Club, which is conveniently located only 2 minutes away from Batam’s Nongsapura Ferry Terminal. Batam’s own Nongsa Point Marina has berthing facilities for yachts , and sailing and diving facilities for those wishing to explore Riau’s many islands. The island of Batam itself is connected by six large modern bridgesknown as the Barelang bridges - to

the islands of Rempang and Galang to its south. On Galang are remnants of the Vietnamese Refugee camp now a museum to the struggles for survival that the Vietnamese had gone through, leaving their country in small, cramped boats to escape brutalities at home. At Telunas beach on Sugi island, already in the Karimun archipelago, an idyllic resort offers groups of visitors the exhilarating experience of living on a remote island, away from the noise of civilization to listen to the sounds of nature. Here rooms built on stilts overlook blue-green waters. Explore the jungle, enjoy the serenity of white sandy beaches and return home completely invigorated.  BTNewspaper/telunasbeach/

Mount Bromo WHILE it may be small when measured against other volcanoes in Indonesia, the magnificent Mt. Bromo will not disappoint with its spectacular views and dramatic landscapes. At 2392 meters tall, Mt. Bromo is not among the tallest of Indonesia’s mountains but its stunning beauty lies in its incredible setting.

From a vantage point on Mount Penanjakan (2,770 meters above sea level), 2.5 hours from Malang, visitors from around the world come to see the sunrise over Mt. Bromo. From this spot the vista is magnificent. All you will hear is the click of cameras as visitors snap their camera’s hoping to capture

the incredible scene of Mt Bromo in the foreground with Mt. Semeru smoking in the distance and the sun shining brightly, quickly rising in the sky. The eerie landscape has spurned countless legends and myths. Mt. Bromo has particular significance for the Tengger people who believe that this was the site where a brave prince sacrificed his life for his family. The people here appease the Gods once a year during the annual Kasada festival where offerings of vegetables, chickens and money are thrown into the crater of the volcano.  BTNewspaper/










No. 13, July 25 - August 10, 2011


Discovery Kartika Plaza Hotel & Villas

The Magical Design and Top-class Services DISCOVERY Kartika Plaza Hotel is ideally set on the beachfront of South Kuta and surrounded by tropical gardens. With a wide choice of restaurants and excellent sporting facilities, it is close to all the main shops and entertainment and also a perfect venue for conferences. The most important hotel in the area, it offers 318 rooms, suites and villas. All guest rooms have garden or ocean views, private balconies, air-conditioning, cable TV, 32-inch LCD TV, access to a free WI-FI internet, mini bar, tea/coffee making facilities, in-room safe and a choice of a shower or tub. The exclusive Discovery Beach

Front Villas are stylish and spacious. The magical villa design, mixed with magnificent views of the beach and garden, excellent food and top-class service will bring you unforgettable moments. They each offer 24-hour butler service and access to all the five-star facilities of the hotel. Features of these villas include two master bedrooms, kitchenette, luxurious bathroom, outdoor tropical shower and a private plunge pool overlooking the sea. Hotel guest will not need to travel far to enjoy culinary adventure Bali has to offer. The choice of food and beverage outlets at Discovery Kartika Plaza Hotel offer

a wide array of dining experiences to enrich your holiday, starting from The Pond Restaurant with it’s buffet breakfast and a la carte national & international cuisine to freshly cooked pasta and pizza at La Cucina Restaurant, and Asian delicacies at Tepan Noodle Restaurant. For Chilin and Lounge, pamper your appetite at Sunset Lounge, swim – up bar in the main pool “Kul – Kul Pool Bar”, or just relaxing while spoil by the breeze of South Kuta Beach at Tupai Bar. The unique feature of culinary experience at this hotel is of course, the five themed nights at the open air area, which overlooking to the

magnificent South Kuta Beach. Here, guests can indulge themselves with top-quality seafood at the Grilled Seafood Night, a great selection of Asian dishes, the passion of Italian cuisines, the famous barbeque on the beach, or various roast dishes at Assorted Roast Dinner, accompanied by live entertainment. For those who are looking to set their wedding apart and leave a lasting impression on everyone who attends, Discovery Kartika Plaza Hotel facilities might provide the answer. You can either choose their ballroom, which is the biggest ballroom in the Kuta area, the spectacular Beach Gate area overlook-

ing to the ocean, or the Discovery Beach Front’s most spacious villas which can cater up to 20 people. It is simply perfect for that ultimate seaside weddings and unforgettable romantic escape.” For further information and reservation, please contact: Discovery Kartika PLaza Hotel & Villas, Bali, Jl. Kartika Plaza, P.O. Box 1012, South Kuta Beach 80361, Bali, Indonesia, T: (+62 361) 751067 | F: (+62 361) 752475 (operator), 753988 (sales office), E: | W:, Facebook Page: Discovery Kartika Plaza, Twitter : @ KartikaPlazaHtl. 

Ida Bagus Raka Subawa

Implementation of Tri Hita Karana Is Our Benchmark IDA BAGUS RAKA SUBAWA, General Manager of Kuta Paradiso Hotel Bali located on Jalan Kartika Plaza has a wealth of experience in tourism industry. After a few months occupying the position of GM of the hotel situated within the heart and pulse of Bali’s tourism economy, he has showen some breakthroughs.

Kuta Paradiso Hotel LOCATED at south Kuta beach, Kuta Paradiso Hotel is luxury five-star hotel, a resort style in downtown Kuta area. A combination of 243 deluxe, superior rooms and suites are arranged in two wings leading off the hotel’s spacious lobby. All rooms are providing comfortable, tasteful accommodation overlooking the ocean and the hotel’s landscaped tropical gardens. It is just five minutes drive from the airport, centrally surrounded by restaurants, amusement centre, and nightlife entertainment. The famous Kuta Squareshopping centre is just at this hotel’s doorstep.  BTNewspaper/PR

Mr. Raka, his familiar greeting, began his career in tourism industry at the Sanur Beach Hotel in 1974, then he moved from one hotel to another. “I started my career from Sanur Beach and ended in Kuta Paradiso Hotel,” he said modestly. His most interesting experience was when ‘exploring’ the land of Papua, precisely in Biak. When the Aerowisata Hotel was opened there, Mr. Raka was appointed to the staff. “Almost four years I had spent my time in Papua and I got a lot of experience during my service there,” said Mr. Raka. After coming back from the land of Papua, he served as manager of Nusa Dua Beach Hotel until 1998. After resting for about 10 months, Mr. Raka then turned active in Kuta Paradiso Hotel and was assigned to handle the welfare of employees, namely Human Resorces Department. According to Mr. Raka, serving as a General

Manager was a noble responsibility to continuously pay attention to their employees and the hotel property itself. Such responsibility could be undertaken if his party had and always carried out the concept of Tri Hita Karana, as a fundamental concept to work and to be applied in the heart of each employee. Furthermore, mission of Mr. Raka was to fix a lot of facilities of this five-star hotel, expand access and provide the best for Balinese people and the owner of Kuta Paradiso Hotel. “We need to repair the facilities and we also strive to improve ourselves and our abilities,” he said. Tri Hita Karana concept was always implemented and made into the benchmark in every single activity carried out. It was the concept that would provide and maintain the local cultural values and maintain the hallmark of Bali later on. “Of course, we will continue to apply this concept. Hopefully, in the upcoming year 2012, we will be able to actively participate in the Tri Hita Karana Awards & Accreditations and coalesce into a member of the Society for THK Perpetrators and Observers,” he said while smiling kindly.  BTNewspaper/Krisna











No. 13, July 25 - August 10, 2011

Festival 2011

How to Make a Balinese Kite BALINESE kites are famous for their colorful designs and beautiful craftsmanship. The Balinese Kite Festival held every year (this year on 28-31 July), celebrates the beauty of the kites; it is a wish for good harvests. Make your own small kite at home to fly, or use it for decoration. Instructions Things you’ll need (Paper; Flour; Water; Medium-sized bowl; Paint brush; Lightweight fabric; Wooden dowels, 5 mm or thinner; Acrylic paint; Kite string; Paper and pencil; Hot-glue gun).

How to make: 1). Plan your design. Popular motifs include birds, bats or dragons. Sketch your design onto some paper. You will refer to it later; 2). Tear thee paper into strips. Mix the flour and water in the bowl, creating a slightly runny paste. Paint each strip of paper with the mixture. Layer the strips, building upon each to make the animal’s body; 3). Let t the body dry thoro u g h l y. This can t take several days, depending on the saturation of the paper. Paint the body in your chosen colors after the paper has dried; 4). Set the body on the fabric; lightly trace the shape of the wings with a pencil. Cut out the wing, leaving an extra inch around the traced line; 5). Set the dowel along the top edge of the wing; carefully cut it to size. Fold the excess fabric over the dowel. Glue it down with the hot-glue gun, encasing the dowel in fabric; 6). Position the body on the wing, and glue it in place. Turn the kite over. Glue a second dowel vertically in the center of the wing, behind the body, to provide added stability; 7). Paint the wing to match the body, and let it dry. Add glitter, feathers, or any other decorations using the hot-glue gun. Tie a length of string to the dowels for easy hanging.  BTNewspaper/ By Erin Sawyer, eHow Contributor; Difficulty: Moderately Easy

THE ANNUAL tradition of the Bali Kite Festival will return to the beaches of Sanur at Padang Galak, July 28-31, 2011, where the event is expected to draw more than 1,000 teams competing for honor. As in the past, large teams of young men from local villages across Bali – all dressed in traditional Balinese costumes, will launch kites so large and elaborate that two lanes of traffic are sometimes blocked when transporting the kites to and from the competition grounds.  BTNewspaper/PR

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