Bali Travel Newspaper Vol. I No. 15

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Vol. I, No. 15  August 25 - September 10, 2011










IDR. 2,000 Publisher : Wisnu Wardana; Address : Jl. Melati 43 Denpasar, Bali-Indonesia ; Phone/fax (0361) 227610 Email : ; Licence/SIUPK : 0094 / 22-09 / PK / I / 2011; TDP :


ALI Island is strategically surrounded by sea filled with a variety of ‘inhabitants’ ranging from microorganisms such as sea worms to big fish like tuna, snapper, sharks, and not infrequently, the whale has been stranded on the outskirts of the beach in Bali. The report of Travel Newspaper in this edition highlights the Dolphin Tour that has begun to draw the interest of tourists. According to our records, dolphin in Bali naturally divides itself into two poles. The first is the dolphin occupying the southern coast. It is rather ‘wild,’ so that it is required a speed boat with a speed of 60-70 km/h because the character of southern coast of Bali has fairly large waves. If we wish to take dolphin tour in this area, you must take a wild boatride. SEE PAGE VIII

Welcome to the North-West of Bali Welcome to Matahari Beach Resort & Spa

Jl. Raya Seririt - Gilimanuk, Ds. Pemuteran Kec. Gerokgak, Kab. Buleleng - 81155 BALI - INDONESIA Tel (++ 62) 362 92 312 / 93 435, Fax (++ 62) 362 92 313

Hidden in an almost unknown part of Bali, our hotel is a perfect place for those seeking a relaxing holiday. Magnus and Parwathi Bauch created together with their team a hotel which echoes a traditional Balinese village.











No. 15, August 25 - September 10, 2011

Innovation in Hospitality and Tourism

THK as Frame of Reference to Take the Right Decisions in Developing Innovation  season-based low profitability of tourism businesses,

purpose and a strategy that everyone understands, it is easy to generate and evaluate new ideas. Constancy of purpose and strategy, well communicated, reinforced and compensated, is what makes firms in the hotel and tourism industry successful on the internet.

Innovation and competition

 insufficient codification of knowledge,

THK and internet

Although innovation principally covers both profit and non-profit activities, it is mainly commercial and a response to competition. Without competition there would be no innovation, simple like that. That’s precisely why we may not expect innovations from government bodies. Innovation is the battlefield of businesses and entrepreneurs including the technicians and scientists they employ. Although not actively involved in innovation the role of government is still needed in stimulating innovation and removing barriers for innovation. This is particularly true in a period of negative growth when new investments are needed based on new technologies, insights and partnerships.

 lack of managerial resources able to acquire knowledge and transform it into business strategies and practices.

THK can be considered as the uniqueness of Bali. It is the spiritual concept that affects all aspects of life. As long as The Balinese accept THK as their guide, Bali will develop as a prime tourism destination. The THK Foundation has the ambition to promote THK as a life guiding philosophy on Bali and beyond. Although the message of THK still remains unchanged, the way of promotion has to be adapted to modern times. This implies that the internet has to be used as the most important promotion tool. THK on the internet requires that the credo of THK, the message and the impact on daily life have to be defined or redefined and codified. Defining objectives and strategy is equally important for THK as it is for hotels, villas and resorts to be successful on the internet.

By Jan Hendrik Peters Strategic Advisor THK Foundation

Innovation is of all times; there has been innovation as long as there are people and it will continue to be with us. In general, innovation has brought prosperity to many, but it has not been innovative enough to bring it to all. Progress and innovation seem to be synonymous. However, these times of recession all over the world prove that innovation is not always a step forward. Innovations in the banking industry –think of sub-prime mortgages and hedging- make it painfully clear that innovations can be extremely risky. Even the strongest economies of the world are nowadays heavily damaged by innovations that originated from greed and short-term gain. Still, that’s no reason to stop or diminish the energy that mankind puts in innovation. On a longer term there is hope again; innovation remains the motor of progress in the world. Despite this positive perspective innovation is not without risk. It depends completely how innovation is used. If misused and misguided the results of innovations will be negative and will do more bad than good. For example, high tech innovation such as the production of nuclear power can be used for better or for worse, or you even can say for peace or war. That’s why it is extremely important that from the very beginning the intentions of innovation are clear and well-defined. Clear strategies and objectives are required to make sure that innovation will be used for the benefit and well-being of people. Against this background the philosophy of Tri Hita Karana offers the perspective to take the right decisions and never to lose sight of balance and harmony. Or in other words, innovation remains the motor of progress in the world as long as it is in line with the values of THK. And don’t understand me wrongly, in this respect I mean THK as a universal concept that can be used all over the world.

Innovations can be evolutionary (the hybrid car), revolutionary (internet) or a mix of these two (I-pod). It goes without saying that the vast majority of innovations is of an evolutionary character, building further on existing technologies and practices. This is particularly true in the hospitality and tourism industry. These industries are no frontrunners in innovation; they apply, sometimes in a creative way, modern technologies, that were invented for completely different industries. Innovations will only be undertaken when there is sufficiently high dividend which pays for the added cost and risk of innovation. Innovative characteristics hospitality industry The hospitality industry as well as the tourism industry are both terms too generic to describe their innovative characteristics. For the hospitality industry difference should be made between business to business (BtoB) and business to consumer (BtoC), although much overlap between the two still exists. As for BtoB the trend is more exclusiveness, more luxury, more lifestyle, more branding. In search for the next generation of hospitality real innovation is scarce and maybe even not required. Incremental steps may be a more realistic and safe way. Developments in the BtoC approach concentrate more and more on personal attention and qualified facilities such as wellness, golf course, club facilities and childcare. Exclusivity and luxury may be less important than the need for facilities like sports, adventure and culture. Innovative characteristics tourism industry Focussing on the tourism industry and generally speaking, tourism businesses have been found to be mainly imitators and adaptors rather than innovators. Reasons for this low occurrence of innovation are:  Small average size of firms in Bali tourism,










Chief Editor : Wisnu Wardana; Publicist: Jan Hendrik Peters, KG. Dharma Putra, Journalists/contributors: Torsten Thierbach, Gung Man, Krisna; Marketing : Made Yudha ; Secretariate : Dewi ; Address : Jl. Melati 43 Denpasar, BaliIndonesia ; Phone/fax: (0361) 227610 Email : ; Jakarta : Bambang Hermawan, Villa Pamulang Mas, Blok C9/4, Pamulang, Tangerang Selatan ; NTB : Riyanto Rabbah, Jl. Abdul Kadir Munsi, Gang Dahlia No. 14, Mataram ; Yogyakarta : Titah Pratyaksa (083 1190 19410); Bank : BPD Bali KCP. Kamboja No. 0370115000510 A/N Biro Promosi & Pengembangan Pariwisata Budaya.

 high firm mortality and high start-up rates,  fragmented markets,

Tourism is dominated by small and mediumsized enterprises and most of them are owned and managed by a single person or family. Innovation capacity is closely and positively correlated with the size of the firm. Small firms often lack time, money and knowledge for innovative activities. They tend to follow and imitate larger enterprises that are able to implement changes more quickly and thus creating competitive advantages. Internet: the new battlefield Does this mean that you can forget about real innovation in the hotel en tourism industry? No, far from that! The internet is turning the whole distribution chain in hospitality and tourism upside down. Every hotel manager nowadays is exploring and inventing new ways of marketing through internet, changing his job and that of his colleagues fundamentally. Internet is and will be the new battlefield. That battlefield however demands a clear and maybe completely new strategy. Clear objectives and strategies The internet has recently developed as by far the most important promotion tool in the hotel and tourism industry. Brochures, adverts, all traditional promotion media remain interesting but mainly to support websites, social media and other internet and email promotion. The virtual world, the ultimate platform for marketing managers and salesmen, still has the image of fast change, capriciousness, even insecurity, but be aware: it can be deadly. The internet is like the real world; the difference is that the internet is organizing itself in a more logical way than the real world does and is much faster. Most managers nowadays are tempted to harvest short-term opportunities and quick gains. Bonus systems often invite them to think short-term and so do many shareholders. Owners however tend to be more long-term thinking. They invested their money for the long-term and aim for a good return in the long run. In the hotel and tourism industry we often meet this duality between short-term gains and long-term profit. This duality is a characteristic of small and medium-sized enterprises and is comprehensible. However, this duality is a great barrier to innovation and a dangerous trap in the virtual world. Internet is a multiplier: successes can be built in weeks; failures can be punished in seconds without possible repair. Since innovation is risky and uncertain, selection of alternatives and implementation of decisions become much easier when there is full clarity of direction. In a firm that has a very clear

Green Tourism GREEN tourism is a phrase you may have heard banded about and are wondering what it really means. Well there’s not a strict definition as such, but overall green tourism is about being an environmentally friendly tourist or providing environmentally friendly tourist services. With carbon emissions constantly in the headlines, the idea of green tourism from the point of view of how we get to our destinations may be something you are already

thinking about. If your trip is within the UK you may be considering taking public transport, for example. Or if you are travelling abroad, you may be offsetting the carbon emissions of your flight. But, in addition, the idea of green tourism means you should be thinking about what happens when you get there. It is important to respect the environment not only where we live but in those places to which we travel, whether that be in the UK or further a field. Take a look at our sustainable tourism

THK as frame of reference Innovation can be used for better or for worse. Nuclear power for example can be used for the medical treatment of people with a serious illness or misused for the production of nuclear bombs to destroy other people; it can be used as resource of energy or misused as long as no solution has been found to deal with the nuclear waste. Aerospace technology enabled men to travel into space and even go to the moon. And it will not be long before international tourists will book on a space shuttle to experience space. But mind you, that same technology can be misused by undemocratic or criminal people, who don’t bother about the values of THK and only focus on their own ego at the expense of others. And so I could go on and on. Nuclear power is an extreme example just to illustrate the other side of innovation. Less spectacular examples of innovation can be given, that occur in hotels, villas, resorts, government offices and our own lives. The replacement of employees by robots, would this be using or misusing innovation and does it make difference if this will be done on Bali with such a high unemployment rate. Innovation can not be stopped; it would be against the nature of mankind. But is it ethical to introduce full scale internet in your hotel, while the majority of people on Bali has not even a telephone or computer? Internet confronts us with many more dilemma’s of this kind; dilemma’s that have to be answered before implementation. I don’t believe in standardized answers and solutions. People and situations are different and will need different solutions. How can we solve all these problems without a frame of reference? It is exactly in this respect that the philosophy of THK is offering a feasible solution. Balance and harmony are the ethical principles to be discounted in decisions to develop innovation. The establishment of THK ethical committees in hotels, villas and resorts, but not to forget government offices is strongly recommended. With a positive advice of these committees innovation can go ahead! 

page for some tips relating in particular to travel abroad. As well as considering the impact of the individual tourists on the local and global environment, green tourism should also cover the facilities and services on offer to tourists and how they can effect the environment. In the UK the Green Tourism Business Scheme awards businesses according to their ‘green’ credentials including areas such as energy, water and waste. As a consumer you can use their website to find accommodation, eateries and attractions which have been classified as gold, silver or bronze.  BTNewspaper/










No. 15, August 25 - September 10, 2011


UK Riots Keep British Holidaymakers in Bali Street unrest taking place in the United Kingdom is causing some British holidaymakers to extend their stays in Bali.

RIOTING across England has resulted in more than 1,200 arrests, millions of dollars in property damage, and the death of at least three people.

I immediately contacted my family in London. Luckily, they were safe. I stayed back in Bali as long as the unrest is not yet abated.”

VIVAnews quotes John, a 27-yearold tourist from London as opting to stay in Bali, saying on August 11: “I had been in Bali when the riot took place.

The Londoner added: “I hope the local security forces can immediately neutralize the situation. Only after it is neutral and safe will I think of going

back to London.” Another visitor from Birmingham, Sheila (23), who is in Bali on holiday with her boyfriend, says she is content to stay in Bali until the situation returns to normal in the UK. “I came here with my boyfriend. I should have gone back to Birmingham this afternoon.

However, because of the riots, I must extend my vacation,” said Sheila. A possible sign of the times, the young UK tourists are tracking developments back home via social networking sites, such as Twitter and Facebook.  BTNewspaper/

Lonely Planet’s Guide to Traveling “with the stars” IF YOU can’t be a star, join them, aptly sums up Lonely Planet’s “new list.” Compiled by the travel guide’s US travel editor, Robert Reid, the list reveals ways you can travel “with the stars.” From visiting shops, restaurants or hotels that are owned by “stars” to staying on their private island, there are some great ways to travel that will give you a special taste of Hollywood. Hotels and villas Richard Branson: Necker Island (British Virgin Islands ) The goateed man behind Virgin, Richard Branson has opened up his home on his private Necker Island in the British Virgin Islands to visitors. It’s all his, and you can get exclusive use – rooms in the Great House, as well as the six Bali Houses scattered around the 74-acre island – for $54,500 a night (for up to 28 people). Prices at least include all meals, all drinks as well as service from the 60 staff members. If you’re on your own, couples can book during are a handful of ‘celebration weeks’ when individual rooms are available (from $26,500 a week). Best are the Bali Houses, each coming with a private pool, open bedrooms catching sea breeze and private beaches. Keith Richards: Rocky Point Villa (Parrot Cay, Turks & Caicos) For beach-time luxury, Keitt really does home here – it’s just one of a series of celeb-studded three-bedroom villas with big sundecks, private pool and butler service in the Turks & Caicos that start at $10 million if you’re looking to buy. To rent, it runs $8100 a week in peak season, but $4500 from June through October. Kate Pierson of the B-52s: Lazy Meadow (Woodstock, New York) Far far far more economical – and funky – is Kate Pierson of the B-52’s boutique hotel, a renovated ’50s cabin complex a couple hours from New York City in the Catskills. Rates start at $175 a night. Each cabin was decorated by the artists who lent their colorful home for the B-52’s ‘Love Shack’ video, and there are ’50s-era Airstream Trailers to rent out too. There’s nearby streams, hiking trails and towns to explore. Doris Day: Cypress Inn (Carmel, California) Most equate Carmel with former mayor Clint Eastwood, but Doris ‘Que Sera Sera’ Day calls it home too. Airy, terra-cotta hallways give a Mediterranean feel to this historic hotel, open since 1929. And Doris’ seriously pet-tastic rules (quote open to canine guests) is quite, um, ‘que sera sera’ too. Clint Eastwood: Mission Ranch (Carmel, California) Speaking of Clint, his Carmel ranch features a complex of 1850s buildings

spread across sea-facing fields in Carmel too. There’s some surprising deals from $135 a night for a room in the ranch house. Francis Ford Coppola: Coppola Resorts (Belize & others) Coppola’s not just in it for the tourist dough, he steps in to help rebuild communities. Highly regarded resorts like Placencia, Belize‘s Turtle Inn are made from hurricanewrecked predecessors transformed into a dose of paradise, with nice beaches and diving opportunities. Summer rates start at $285. Restaurants and bars Mike Dirnt of Green Day: Rudy Can’t Fail Cafe (Oakland, CA) The recently opened second rock’n’roll themed café – named for a Clash song – is set next to the historic Fox Theater in Oakland’s rising ‘Uptown’ neighborhood, which was pretty much a ghost town a few years ago. Makes sense to co-owner Mike Dirnt (Green Day’s bassist), who was born in town. It’s a bit of a ’50s throw-back, with thematic dolls and a hearty gamut of diner fare. Morgan Freeman: Ground Zero Blues Club (Clarksdale, Mississippi) Near the fabled crossroads – down on Highway 61, where Robert Johnson supposedly sold his soul for guitar prowess – Clarksdale is a slightly worn Delta town with a heavy dose of blues and barbecue. (April’s Juke Joint festival is a sidewalk-spiller scene

of ribs and blues bands; unreal). The town’s focal point, right by the tracks, is the paintpeeling brick building known as Ground Zero, a blues bar co-owned by Morgan Freeman. It’s only 10, but looks 80 – in all the right ways.

cisco’s Mission District. It’s also a shop, famed for its pirate supplies for the ‘working buccaneer.’ When all else fails, what’s wrong with a little fun and a lot of inspiration? See Eggers talk, nervously, on how he started it for TED Talks.

Carlos Santana: Maria Maria (Walnut Creek & San Diego, CA; Austin, TX)

Susan Sarandon: SPiN (New York City)

The Grammy-winning guitarist named his mini chain (four locations) of modern Mexican fare after his hit song. Food makes regulars forget any celeb connection, though if they look closely at the artist signature they can remember (Carlos’ art decorates the walls). Shops and clubs Jack White: Third Man Records (Nashville) Jack Whites – of White Stripes (and ‘Cold Mountain’ let’s not forget) fame – opened this record shop in Nashville a couple years ago. He won’t likely be manning the register when you go by, but it’s clearly a business true to his unique aesthetic and something he means. It recently starred on the Comedy Central TV show, the Colbert Report, where the mock-conservative talking head recorded with the label’s band Black Belles. (See Jack hold his own with Colbert.) Dave Eggers: 826 Valencia (San Francisco) Eclectic author, the guy behind the ever-artful McSweeney’s literary journal, created this not-for-profit writing center/ shop to inspire youth to write in San Fran-

She doesn’t know how to play ping pong, or really care to learn, but sees her ownership role of the star-studded pingpong club in Manhattan as something like ‘Miss Kitty’ from the TV show Gunsmoke. Why though? She said, after getting beaten in China, she likes any sport where a little girl can beat a tough guy. It’s as much playing as, the site confesses, drinking or people-watching. The catch is to play you must apply for membership – starting at $65 a month (the application requires self-evaluation at ping-pong skills, a seventiered rating from ‘embarrassing’ to ‘professional’). Carly Simon: Midnight Farm (Martha’s Vineyard, Massachusetts) In Vineyard Haven on Martha’s Vineyard – the town that still makes boats, true to the island salty past – Carly Simon co-owns the shop Midnight Farm, a precious little shop that covers most bases: wall art, sundresses, hand creams, books, and signed copies of Carly’s CDs (her music always makes the website).  BTNewspaper/by Nelson Alcantara, eTN editor-in-chief











No. 15, August 25 - September 10, 2011

Chili Festival at Bali Safari

Increasingly Rousing with Hundreds of Sambal BALI Safari and Marine Park re-organized the Chili Festival Bali Safari (Chibari) for the third time. This event took place for a whole month, starting from August 7 until September 7, 2011. Uniquely, this festival presents more than 300 kinds of original sauces from all regions across Bali. General Manager of Bali Safari and Marine Park, Hans Manansang, expressed his gratitude for the appreciation and enthusiasm of participants who came from many subdistricts throughout Bali. At the speech in the opening session of the 3rd Chili Festival on Hanuman Stage of Bali Safari and Marine Park, he hoped the Chibari could inspire and preserve the local culinary traditions.

by the Regent of Gianyar, Tjokorda Oka Artha Ardhana Sukawati, marked by the cutting of chili by Hans Manansang as Chairman of the Committee. After the opening ceremony was over, invitees and visitors could taste in person the samples of chili-sauce made by participants. Those chili-sauces had unique names and were completed with ‘Fun Facts’ explaining every sauce made by the participants. One of the participants was from Medahan Village, Blahbatuh Subdistrict, Nengah Sriada, included her homemade chili sauce named ‘Sambal Plecing Kangkung di Alas.’ She first followed the festival

It was officially opened

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to represent the Purna Kumara Don Biu Kindergarten. “Bali has different sauce recipes in every region and here I would like to introduce my original creation sauce. Hopefully, it can be accepted by visitors,” said Mrs. Nengah. Visitors could also interact directly to learn how to make the sauce at each visit on Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday at 2:45 p.m. Local time in Wantilan Ganesha. Meanwhile, on Thursday, Friday, Saturday and Sunday visitors could taste the chili creations made by participants in Wantilan Ganesha starting from 1:30 p.m. fr To welcome the Chili Festival, Bali Safari and Marine Park also provided a special price for the owner of Bali ID P card so that more people could enjoy such hundreds of ca sauces served during whole month to support the commitsa ment of Bali Safari and Marine Park in the preservation of m cculture and wildlife as well as play its role as conservation aand educational institution promoting the ‘culture and nature.’ Of course, all visitors were advised to bring as n much water as possible to hold spicy sauces at Bali Safari. m  BTNewspaper/Prika/Dira










No. 15, August 25 - September 10, 2011


Dinner for 12 Foreign Ministers

Turtle Babies Back to the Ocean

ON THE occasion of the 44th ASEAN Foreign Ministers Meeting in Bali, Mr. Marty Natalegawa, Minister of Foreign Affairs, Republic of Indonesia, and his wife, Mrs. Sranya B. Natalegawa, hosted dinner for 10 ASEAN Foreign Ministers on Tuesday (19 July) at The Shore Restaurant. Two foreign ministers from other neighboring countries, East Timor and Papua New Guinea, were also invited to savor the fine dining experience in Indonesian cuisine in a relaxed yet elegant atmosphere. Under a starry night sky and the

soothing sounds of the waves, the respective foreign ministers and their wives sit side by side in a long table. They relished Balinese style appetizer, asian flavors main course and traditional Indonesian deserts which took the delegates to the next level in experiencing authentic Indonesian cuisine. Conversation occurred in a relaxed way while the respective guests were swept away by the smooth sound of jazz singers. Optimistically, it

allowed them to extend the sense of familiarity among ASEAN countries and their neighbors.  BTNewspaper/PR


IT HAS been a very blessed year for Nikko Bali Resort and Spa as five sea turtle nests were discovered on the beaches of the resort. With a total of more than 500 eggs, up to date Nikko Bali Resort and Spa has managed to take care of these nests and hatched more than 300 eggs from all the nests. The eggs are highly sensitive to climate and weather condition that is why it is quite common that not all the eggs will successfully hatch.

fasting break conducted by management of Kuta Paradiso Hotel in cooperation with travel agencies on Friday (Aug 12) took place solemnly and modestly. The event held once during the Ramadhan was intended to establish a good cooperation of travel agencies and the hotel management. General Manager of Kuta Paradiso, Ida Bagus Raka Subawa, revealed that such an event could strengthen the values of interfaith togetherness. “It is meant to establish harmony among the fellow human beings in accordance with the concept of Tri Hita Karana and it can be adopted on all fronts,” said Raka Subawa.  BTNewspaper/ Photo: by Krisna

The resort has just welcomed a whooping total of 144 sea turtle babies from two nests and released them on Friday (August 12). Guests, especially children, were excited about this huge number of hatchlings and enthusiastically lined up along the beach where a ft th d allll guests t secure line was installed. After the command, released these hatchlings to the soft sand and cheered them as they made their way to the Indian Ocean. Prayers and hopes sent them away so that one day the surviving turtles will find their way back to the same beach to lay eggs once again.  BTNewspaper/PR

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No. 15, August 25 - September 10, 2011

Sonobudoyo Museum:

‘My Museum, Your Museum, Our Museum’ ‘If one does not know, he will not love it.’ IT WILL be incomplete if you go to Yogyakarta without paying a visit to Sonobudoyo Museum. Like the parable above, in the Sonobudoyo Museum you will know more about various cultures existing in Indonesia, including the culture in Yogyakarta. The museum located on the Jalan Trikora 6 Yogyakarta is one of the prehistoric museums collecting numerous items that have high historical values. Sonobudoyo Museum was originally established in 1913 with

nayang ing Brahmana Budha” with the equivalence to November 6, 1935 AD. During the Japanese occupation, the Sonobudoyo Museum is managed by the Regent Panirdyopati Wiyoto Prajo. Later on, in the era of the independence it was managed by the Regent Budaya Pratiwa, denoting the rank of Special Region of Yogyakarta. Collection of the Sonobudoyo Museum was added from year to year, including the collection of prehistoric, classical, Islamic, ethnographical manuscripts and books.

children is only IDR 2,500 as well as for foreign tourist was only IDR 5,000 per person. For groups, they will get discount worth IDR 500 per person from the normal price. According to the Section Head of Guidance, Information and Documentation of the Sonobudoyo Museum, Diah Tutuko Suryandaru, her party was ready to provide excellent service for visitors who came to the Sonobudoyo Museum. “If required, we will provide a museum guide so that every visitor can better understand about our collections, and it is free of charge,” she added. Ten Types of Collections In this museum, you will see ten kinds of collections on display. Among them, there are geological, biological, ethnographical, archaeological, historical, numismatic and heraldic, philological, ceramological, fine art as well as technological items.

the members including Th. Karsten P.H.W. Sitsen and Koperberg. Building of the Sonobudoyo Museum utilized the former ‘schauten’ land a gift from the Sultan Hamengkubuwono VIII and was characterized by the chronogram ‘Buta ngrasa estining lata’ or equivalent to 1934 AD. Meanwhile, the inauguration was conducted by Sri Sultan Hamengkubuwono VIII on Wage Wednesday, Javanese Ruwah 9, 1866 with chronogram “Kayu Wi-

Well, if you are inpatient to wait and immediately want to see the contents of Sonobudoyo Museum, you can directly come to the museum that is open from Tuesday to Sunday. With admission fee of IDR 3,000 per person, you can have a look at the museum’s collection that has been routinely maintained by operator of the museum. Meanwhile, admission fee for

For geological collection, there are rocks, minerals, fossils and other objects of nature formation. Similarly, there are also biological collection such as skull or skeleton,

plants and animals. For ethnographical collection, you can see diverse results of culture depicting the ethnic identity. Then, historical collection showcases the objects since the entry of western culture up to these days. The next is a collection showcasing numismatics and heraldic currency, merit awards as well as symbols and official ranks including stamps or seals. Meanwhile, for philological collection, there is handwriting describing things or events. In addition, ceramological collection exhibits a collection made of baked clay in the form of glassware. No less interestingly is the collection of fine arts that expresses the artistic experience through two-dimensional or three-dimensional objects. Ultimately, the museum also showcases a collection of technological objects depicting the development of technology in the form of equip-

ment or products made en masse by industry or factory. Besides, the Sonobudoyo Museum also stores about a 1200 kris dagger collection which are largely

Diah Tutuko Suryandaru

‘The Museum Is Delightful’ WORKING for 20 years in the Sonobudoyo Museum is the most delightful thing for Diah Tutuko Suryandaru. The graduate of Fine Arts Department in the Indonesia Institute of Arts (ISI) of Yogyakarta admitted to be deeply pleased with everything he worked, including her current position as Section Head of Guidance, Information and Documentation in the Sonobudoyo Museum, Yogyakarta. “Working in a museum is delightful,” he said while smiling. Afterward, he added that by working in the museum, she could learn a lot about the pastime histories of Indonesia, and use it as a foothold for a better future. Lately, many people are reluctant to pay a visit to museum. They raise many

reasons whether it is considered something archaic, unfashionable, and others. In reality, many things can be obtained when visiting a museum.

younger generation to spend their spare time, rather than playing or hanging out to shopping mall that was only spending money.

Other than offering low-priced admission fee, the venue is also convenient and offers adequate facilities.

To that end, he suggested in order the museum was also provided a hotspot facility, cafeteria, playground, library and so forth. Additionally, there should be programs of the government agencies to make the museum a comfortable place to organize various social activities. On that account, if convenient atmosphere could be created, adequate facilities were available, and community supported the importance of museum, the museum could be made into an appropriate place of learning and fun for whoever making a visit.  BTNewspaper/Titah

Similarly, Diah often guided visitors who wanted to know more about a variety of museum collections retained in the Sonobudoyo Museum. “Aside from being able to learn something from the museum, I can also share my knowledge with visitors,” he said. There was interesting idea proposed by Diah, namely how to make the museum to persistently become a favorite place for

the contribution of the Java Institute. In the meantime, there is also buddha iron that is used as raw material to make kris originating from the year around 700 AD. Facilities and additional services To further pamper the visiting guests, the Sonobudoyo Museum provides some additional facilities such as libraries, laboratories, auditoriums and puppet attractions in short duration. In the meantime, the library facilities are remarkably different from libraries in general. In this library, you can see numerous collections of ancient Javanese and Dutch-language manuscripts. Then, the laboratory is taken advantage to maintain the collection of objects so that their safety will be more secure from the damage caused by climatic factors and age. The laboratory has equipment to analyze and perform treatment to the museum collections. Interestingly, for you who would like to organize some activities such as seminars, workshop, lecture, meeting and so forth, you can use the auditorium provided by the museum located on the first floor accommodating some 75 participants, while on the second floor has a capacity of 100 participants. They are also fully equipped with air conditioning, sound system, lecture chair and seminar table. If you are still not satisfied, you can watch a puppet shadow attraction in short duration. This attraction can be found every night in the Sonobudoyo Museum with admission fee of IDR 20,000 per person.  BTNewspaper/Titah










No. 15, August 25 - September 10, 2011


Special Area of BTDC Nusa Dua

Realizing Bali as a Green Province THIS favorite area for foreign tourists is indeed consistent with the increase of Balinese cultural concept. It is the main attraction making Bali so famous throughout the world. All these facts were revealed in the talks with the Director of Bali Tourism Development Corporation (BTDC), Ida Bagus Wirajaya, accompanied by the boards of directors on Tuesday (Jul 2). To preserve the values of local tradition were indeed easy yet tricky. However, if undertaken in accordance with our respective conscience and accompanied by the implementation of the Tri Hita Karana concept, we definitely had a strong cornerstone in every single activity undertaken in Bali.

THK activities look to have been implemented so intensely in the region of BTDC. Earnestness of hoteliers in the BTDC region to apply the THK foundation in the activities makes the area unique and different from other tourist resorts outside Bali, although those hotels are affiliated with international chain hotels. Similar atmosphere can also be felt in the area of BTDC’s office. The temples becoming the basis of harmonious relationship with the Creator in Hinduism are well maintained and filled with spiritual

activities at all times. Simply attempt to make a visit on the day of Kajeng Kliwon, an encounter of five-day week and three-day week in Balinese calendar, denoting a sacred day for Hindus in Bali, there must be solemn worship activities. Likewise, such elegant harmony also happens to the interfaith relations. “As a matter of fact, in every religion there is a concept of Tri Hita Karana, but the name may be slightly different,” said Ida Bagus Wirajaya. As an embodiment of harmony in the human relationship to fellow human or Pawongan aspect, the concept really works and always resides in the heart of each staff of BTDC Nusa Dua. With the es establishment of employee cooperative and equal ees’ tre treatment extended to all em employees in accordance w the prevailing laws in with In Indonesia, they can carry on pr properly all the duties and re responsibilities. No single co conflict ever occurs.

THK Awards & Accreditations 2011, BTDC wanted to show off its attitude to continuously safeguard the interests of maintaining the harmony of Bali. If this year it could receive the next gold, BTDC Nusa Dua as tourist destination of a specific area would

be able to obtain the Emerald Award after attaining three Gold Awards successively in 2009, 2010 and 2011. “We want the THK concept implemented in all sectors of tourism, and the BTDC would like to become the

leading sector,” said Wirajaya. In harmony with the later developments, BTDC was expected to give contribution in realizing the common ideals to reach Bali as a Green Paradise.  BTNewspaper/Krisna

Ida Bagus Wirajaya

For Palemahan aspect, n namely harmony with the s surrounding environment, B BTDC always arranges regu ularly the existing trees a even it has a database and t on those trees. “Capital owners who want to invest in BTDC may not cut down any tree trunk located on the land where they want to built,” said Wirajaya. The former General Manager of Inna Putri Bali revealed the seriousness of BTDC Nusa Dua Bali to take part in maintaining the harmony in accordance with the concept of Tri Hita Karana. On that account, BTDC Nusa Dua was expected to be a filter to select the external influences that could undermine the future of Bali. By taking part as a participant of

“Green Paradise Must Be Realized If Participating in THK Awards” THIS President Director of BTDC Nusa Dua always has clever ideas that can draw the admiration of tourism circles. These facts were revealed when the team of Bali Travel Newspaper met him on Tuesday (Jul 2). One of his ideas was the plan for spatial planning of Bali so that it would not run out of its green land. “If the development is too rapid as today, the aspiration of Bali as a Green Paradise cannot be materialized,” said the former General Manager of Inna Grand Bali Beach. “However, by implementing one of the Balinese concepts and philosophies in the Tri Hita Karana, it is expected to serve as a filter to realize Bali

as a Green Paradise.” According to the man who was always smiling, Bali along with THK philosophy should become a reference to a model of tourism. “Even though THK concept has been made reference by the UN-WTO, we need to make more promotion in order Bali remains in harmony with the concept of THK,” said Wirajaya. Hopefully, this harmonious relationship could later on help Bali realize the Green Paradise and become one of the world cultural regions. “Do not only theorize, let’s realize it with THK Awards & Accreditations,” said Wirajaya.  BTNewspaper/Krisna











No. 15, August 25 - September 10, 2011

dolphins seems increasingly clearer. d Well W ... they are really dolphins we are waiting for! They are numerous, perhaps more than 100!

SECONDLY, it is the dolphin occupying the northern coast of Bali. Here, the waves were calm so that when joining the Dolphin Tour here you can take advantage of traditional fishing boat. It utilizes human power assisted by small engine attached to the rear side of the boat. Dolphin watching In the southern sea of Bali Island, we can encounter many dolphins. The appearance of those dolphins is very interesting and impressive. Dolphin watching tours in the southern coast starts at 8:15 a.m. Local Time. Speed boat departs from the quay of Benoa Harbor that is regularly used by cruise ships such as Quick Silver. Participants of the tour are advised not to wear pants while taking part in this tour. On the voyage to southern coast, we will see a line of luxury hotels along the Nusa Dua area. Approximately one hour after departure, we begin to look forward to the emergence of amusing dolphins. Since the dolphins are a bit far, they will not be so apparent. After finding a crowd of dolphins, the speed boat moves slowly to approach them. When getting closer, the crowd of

“So far, I think the dolphins are not interesting at all. However, when I see i the d dolphins living in the vast ocean from a close distance, they are really amazing,” l said a Japanese tourist named Konishi. Seeing the dolphins swimming freely in the ocean is really impressive! Its body is glistening in the sun. Slowly they approach the speed boat, then swim and jump to follow us. “Such a leap I have ever seen in the dolphin attractions,” he said again. Dolphins also have a sense of curiousness. They welcome our speed boat by swimming and jumping. They seem very thrilled! We can see the dolphins ns that are near and in the distance for about 30 minutes. Konishi was delighted to see the emergence of those dolphins and was no longer dizzy. After that, he was back to Benoa. Emergence of dolphins living in the vast ocean cannot be ascertained. So, please understand if in a day tour, you cannot see the emergence of those dolphins. To be sure, dolphins are clever, funny and unique sea ‘inhabitants.’ Lovina Dolphin Watching Tours Another story about dolphin is from

the coast of Northern Bali. To start the journey of Lovina Dolphin Tour, we have to get up early in the morning. At the dawn, we will sail to the area of Lovina Beach Resort in Northern Bali. With traditional fishing boat affixed with an engine or what the so-called motorized boat, we will see the attraction of dolphin dance welcoming the morning sun.

If we stay in Kuta or Nusa Dua, this journey will start earlier. We have to go in the morning at 3:00 a.m. Local Time to Singaraja (2.5 hours drive from Denpasar). And, we must arrive at Lovina between 5:30 to 6:00 a.m., and then ride a fishing boat to begin the search for wild dolphins and get ready with your camera! If you do not want to wake up too early, you should stay at Lovina Beach. There are quite a lot of hotels in this tourist resort. Of course, you will be comfortable to enjoy the pursuit of the dolphins and they are just like competing cheerfully against the boat you are riding. Happy watching dolphins!  BTNewspaper/Int/Krisna

Dojang Satria Jaya Taekwondo Club of Mumbul Hamlet

TAEKWONDO (also spelled Tae Kwon Do, Taekwon-Do) is a Korean martial art that has also been popular in Indonesia. It is the national sport of Korea. This kind of martial art is the world’s most widely played and competed in the Olympics. In Indonesia taekwondo has become popular since promoted heavily by Saseong Nim Daxon Joetandi (seventh degree of Kukkiwon), a professional banker known as the youngest black belt holder in Indonesia since the age of 7 years. In Korean, Tae means ‘to strike or crush with the feet,’ kwon means ‘fist’ and do means ‘way’ or ‘the art.’ Therefore, Taekwondo can be translated freely into ‘the art of hand and foot’ or ‘path’ or ‘way of the foot and fist.’ Although there are many doctrinal and technical differences among the taekwondo organizations, by and large the art puts emphasis on the kicks performed from a moving stance, using the coverage and greater leg strength to defeat the opponent from a distance. It is seen in the exercise of Dojang Satria Jaya Taekwondo Club of Mumbul

Hamlet, Nusa Dua, where the practice of kicking by the taekwondo martial art from Korea was performed elegantly by the students there. The Dojang founded a year ago wanted to develop the taekwondo in Badung Regency as an option for young people to forge themselves into a better path. “We as the founder of the Dojang would like to direct the young people to reach physical and mental health,” said Made Muliasa, Deputy Chairman of the Dojang to Bali Travel Newspaper on Thursday (Aug 4). Achievement reached by the Dojang, among others, has followed the degree promotion for 2 times, attended a senior bantam weight in the regional championship in 2008 to fight freely achieving gold medal on behalf Made Muliasa. Meanwhile, its organizational structure consisting of Founder and Advisor is occupied by a legislator in the Badung House from Mumbul Nusa Dua, I Nyoman Kariana, and then Made Cb. Adi (Chairman), Made Muliasa (Deputy Chairman) and Kadek Kertayasa (Treasurer).  BTNewspaper/Krisna

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