Bali Travel Newspaper Vol. 1 No. 19

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”THK Awa rd the ca s & re A f

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Vol. I, No. 19  October 25 - November 10, 2011










IDR. 2,000 Publisher : Wisnu Wardana; Address : Jl. Melati 43 Denpasar, Bali-Indonesia ; Phone/fax (0361) 227610 Email : ; Licence/SIUPK : 0094 / 22-09 / PK / I / 2011; TDP :


ali Nusa Dua Theatre is a new modern theatrical complex that has been designed and built with a state-of-the-art stage, sound and lighting systems. A fully airconditioned auditorium with a seating capacity of 700, complete with handicap accessibility including seating and restroom facilities.

Read more info on Page VII











No. 19  October 25 - November 10 , 2011

The Passion of an Ordinary Man By Jan Hendrik Peters Strategic Advisor THK Foundation

To live in freedom and peace

His name Gede Suarsa, at first sight just an ordinary man, but on second an extraordinary. Even more extraordinary in comparison with some other general managers of star-rated hotels on Bali, who some pretend to be bigger than they really are.

From the first moment I met Gede Suarsa I was impressed by his passion to protect the real Bali as Island of the Gods and to serve the Balinese people. Fighting poverty and improving their welfare are always in his mind both professionally and personally. Unfortunately, not all managers and professionals in hotel industry and tourism are motivated like him. That makes it even more important to try getting a clear picture of his ideas and ambitions could be an example for others to follow. Gede Suarsa was the inspiration of THK in Melia Bali that has been very successful in implementing THK, he became the chairman of the association of hotels and villas that are actively participating in the development of THK. Since this year he was appointed as GM of a new 5-star hotel, C151 smart villas in Seminyak, he has the one ambition to receive the Gold Award on the stage next year, when the THK Awards will be presented.

I am always referring to Nelson Mandela who has dedicated his whole life to the freedom of South-Africa and has become inspiring for people all over the world never to give up the right to live in freedom, for now and in the future. And different from what is happening nowadays, where people are killing each other in the name of freedom, Mandela succeeded to win freedom in a non-violent way, without the use of weapons. Some other names comparable with Mandela could be mentioned. Mahatma Gandhi in India and Martin Luther King in America are of the same stature. Although these men are territory bound by living in respectively South-Africa, India and America, their lives have a worldwide impact. Their success will not stop by death, but still continue for ever. Even people who are born after the death of Mahatma Gandhi and Martin Luther King or at the time that Mandela was already an old man, these men less inspiring. It is astonishing to see that their (auto-) biographies are on the best-selling lists and that modern people are eager to learn from these figures about the realization of their dreams. Ordinary men they became world famous, not because of their ambition to become famous, but much more because of other people who recognized that dream of living in freedom and peace. People of today, living in a world with so much poverty and conflicts, are looking for real leaders who do not compromise for their own benefit, and are dedicated to serve the people. History teaches that religious spirituality is often the base on which freedom and peace can be built. Freedom and peace are universal human rights that are not easily taken for granted, because people died for it. This memory should help us to try hard to respect these human rights in our own society. To realize freedom and peace is most important, but to guarantee these rights for the future, is no less important and requires no less effort. Bali’s identity at stake And this brings me back to Bali where many people still live in poverty and are worrying about their future. Although Bali is a quite smaller stage than the world, it still can be seen as a reflection of the bigger world in which the same mechanism of people with their philosophy, virtues and vices is working.










Chief Editor : Wisnu Wardana; Publicist: Jan Hendrik Peters, KG. Dharma Putra, Journalists/contributors: Torsten Thierbach, Gung Man, Krisna; Marketing : Made Yudha ; Secretariate : Dewi ; Address : Jl. Melati 43 Denpasar, BaliIndonesia ; Phone/fax: (0361) 227610 Email : ; Jakarta : Bambang Hermawan, Villa Pamulang Mas, Blok C9/4, Pamulang, Tangerang Selatan ; NTB : Riyanto Rabbah, Jl. Abdul Kadir Munsi, Gang Dahlia No. 14, Mataram ; Yogyakarta : Titah Pratyaksa (083 1190 19410); Bank : BPD Bali KCP. Kamboja No. 0370115000510 A/N Biro Promosi & Pengembangan Pariwisata Budaya.

Bali blessed by the Gods with freedom and peace is nowadays confused and looking for the right direction. Its identity as Island of the Gods is at stake. This is the real dilemma Bali is facing at the moment. To make sure that Bali will continue as a unique island with a unique culture or to degenerate into an island that has lost its identity and will become just an island completely out of balance with the pressure of mass tourism and commercial eagerness. You could presume that a choice would be easy, but for most Balinese it is apparently not that easy to make a choice between to win or to lose. Moments of truth It is not my intention to compare a man like Gede Suarsa with world leaders such as Mandela, Gandhi and King, but I am convinced that his idealism, behavior and way of living can be helpful in our effort to preserve Bali as the Island of the Gods and to improve the welfare of the Balinese people. That’s why I interviewed him on some specific items.

Everyone without exception has experienced moments of truth in her or his life. For each person these moments of truth will be different. They can be wonderful or tragical but always emotional. Asked about the moments of truth in his life, Gede Suarsa mentioned without any hesitation his offspring of poor grandparents and parents. His entire life he will never forget that these people –how poor themselves- have raised him with love and showed and set an example by showing that you are never poor as long as you have a God. This consciousness of an almighty God, who never forsakes you, has become the red line in his life, personally and professionally. That’s the main reason to visit his village regularly to express his respect to his ancestors and the people of the village who always support each other and live as one family. This is the way Gede Suarsa is living. Praying to God and paying tribute to his ancestors who were poor but felt at the same time rich. This feeling to be rich has become his compass in life; not only in his life as husband and father in his family, but also as member of the banjar and even as general manager of a 5-star hotel. To be honest he said “I sometimes feel uncomfortable when I imagine what my ancestors would say seeing me as GM, driving a big limousine. Then I would tell them that this car means nothing to me and has absolutely not changed my mind. And I would reassure my ancestors not to worry about me and that I still believe in the credo to be rich not because of my income but because of God, who takes care for me”. Being Balinese Gede Suarsa is slightly surprised about my question what it means to be Balinese. It means so much for him that living and working outside Bali would never be a realistic option. The slogan ‘Bali is my life’ could have be invented by him. He expects that in the future more Balinese will be appointed as GM’s of international hotels and resorts on Bali. Foreign GM’s are often assigned to Bali for just a relative short period and after this time they will be transferred to other places such as Hong Kong, Dubai or San Francisco. This explains why most foreign GM’s delegate the implementation of THK to their management team in which the function of director human resources -according to Gede Suarsa- preferably has to be filled by a Balinese. Moreover, a special THK-team will be appointed with members from all departments in the hotel, villa or resort that is specifically focused on starting off new THK activities and supervise the overall implementation of the THK operational plan. The official THK assessment team during its yearly assessment will always discuss the progress of the implementation with this THK team.

ists will demand it. Don’t forget that THK can be considered as the uniqueness of Bali, so there will be no alternative just to integrate the THK philosophy in your management. His dream Asked about his dream, the answer is short and clear: trying to serve people. Apparently, he doesn’t need many words to explain. During the whole interview Gede Suarsa is determined about his drive and what he wants to realize both as a family man and as a professional in tourism. His drive is directly related to his moment of truth. He will never forget that he has been raised by poor parents and grandparents who made him believe that God will not forsake poor people. Since his youth Gede Suarsa feels solidarity with the people in the villages who have difficulty to survive and are worrying about the future of their children and grandchildren. He is supporting them financially from his income as general manager of a luxurious hotel. Sometimes his own family is asking why he does not pay more to his family instead of to the community. Then he explains that first of all he takes care of his own family and pays for all that is needed, but that the extra money will be given to the poor people of the community who also want education and training for their children. In this way he is paying back for what other people have done for him when he was a young boy. Being Balinese Gede Suarsa feels strongly committed to promote THK as a life philosophy. Sometimes he is crying inside when he sees the disastrous impact of mass tourism on the quality of life on Bali. Imagine, if the traditional village (desa adat) would lose its unique culture by urbanization, which means that young people will move to the big city to look for jobs and only old people stay behind and become more and more isolated. The question arises, what will become of Bali? Imagine that the unique irrigation system of subak will disappear because the farmers can not pay the high tax for their rice fields, and have no alternative than just selling their land; again the question arises, what will become of Bali? The only remedy to tackle these problems effectively –according to Gede Suarsa- would be the implementation of THK everywhere on Bali. Many initiatives could be considered but the first one would be to convince government of the necessity that desa adat and subak are the icons of the real Bali and have to be protected by all means against the rapacity of mass tourism. No licenses should be issued anymore for the sale of rice fields and farmers will be stimulated and financially supported to cultivate rice for reasonable profit.

Many International hotels are already supporting all kinds of projects such as orphanages and cleaning the beach, but according to Gede Suarsa much more could be done. For example, if all international hotels would respect and support the philosophy of THK in their business’s or would support community-based tourism, Bali tourism would become more in balance and would attract international tourists looking for spirituality, beauty and peace of mind.

But Gede Suarsa warns that government alone is not enough. It would be logical if also the THK Foundation would focus on preservation of desa adat and subak as the basics of the real Bali. Long before THK was officiously designed as life philosophy for all Balinese, the three dimensions of God, Humans and Nature were already integrated in the institutions of desa adat and subak. The villagers and the farmers lived in harmony and peace as long as they succeeded to keep balance in their life.

International hotels have to assimilate in harmony with their environment, which is a golden rule in marketing. This means to Gede Suarsa that they have to sympathize with the Hindu culture and spirituality by participating enthusiastically in the implementation of the philosophy of THK. He expects that in the next years all hotels, villas and resorts on Bali will decide to implement THK in their organizations, mainly because the international tour-

I was already impressed by Gede Suarsa, but after discussion about his ideas and what is needed for Bali, I am even more impressed. I shall not compare him with world leaders like Mandela, Gandhi and King, but he is still a nice example of how extraordinary an ordinary man can be. As long as people like Gede Suarsa are fighting for a sustainable Bali, it is not too late to turn the tide. 










No. 19  October 25 - November 10 , 2011


Bali Earthquake: BHA Update and Immediate Response  Island experiences tremors at factor 6 on Richter scale; no reports of serious injury GM of Bali Niksoma Beach Resort: FOLLOWING an earthquake that was felt in Bali at 10:55 local time Thursday (13/10), and which was followed by an aftershock in the afternoon, Bali Hotels Association (BHA) would like to issued the following information.

Replace Bathtub with Shower, an Environmental Rescue Effort

While there were no reports of significant injury or major infrastructure damage, BHA is actively monitoring the situation. The association responded quickly by sending out two information emails to its member GMs immediately after the earthquake, which was initially rated at 6.8 on the Richter scale, but later downgraded to 6.

TO I M P L E M E N T the concept of Tri Hita Karana (THK), particularly in the area of Palemahan—harmonious relations to natural environment—Niksoma Bali Beach Resort starts by water saving. It was revealed by Nyoman Astama, General Manager of Bali Niksoma when confirmed by Bali Travel Newspaper on Saturday Nyoman Astama (Oct 15) regarding new innovations made by the hotel located on Jalan Padma Timur, Legian.

The BHA email informed members about the strength of the earthquake, its depth and location as well as that no official tsunami warning was issued.

eign associates which were all answered in a timely manner. BHA continues to closely monitor the situation and will proactively inform its members and associates about new developments in order to ensure the safety of its guests and employees

BHA instructed its members to tune into all available information sources and to listen to official beach sirens where available. The association also instructed hotels to evacuate immediately should a beach siren be triggered. The mail was accompanied by a list of reliable early-warning sources for its members to tune into. The information exchange among BHA members as well as its associates and information-providers ran smoothly.

The association’s internal tsunami early-warning system at the Hard Rock Hotel functioned as intended. The system is linked to Badan Metorologi dan Geofisika (BMKG) in Jakarta and sends out customized evacuation recommendations to its subscribers if a tsunami threat is detected—which wasn’t the case this day. While little panic, serious injury or major damage was reported, BHA received several inquiries from its members as well as government agencies and for-

Security and safety take center stage with BHA. The association is continually training its members for the event of a tsunami as well as earthquakes. BHA member hotels have access to a wide range of resources and expert advice, and the association’stsunami preparedness initiatives have won worldwide recognition, also from the United Nations. Many BHA hotels are ‘Tsunami Ready’ certified. About BHA Bali Hotels Association is a professional group of star-rated hotels and resorts in Bali. Members include general managers from more than 100 hotels and resorts in Bali, representing more than 15,000 hotel rooms and almost 30,000 employees in the tourism sector.  BTNewspaper/PR

“We start to do saving in the water consumption by replacing bathtub with a shower, and now more than 50 percent of the hotel rooms have been using shower,” said Astama. Furthermore, Astama revealed the impact of such a change was he could make efficiency of more than 20 percent on water consumption compared to previous months. The difficulty encountered was during the construction, from a room with bathtub into with a shower. At least, his party should vacate three adjoining rooms and the room on lower or higher floor. Almost 40 percent more of the land at Bali Niksoma posed a green open space and had a few points of biopore made since 2010. The amount would be added, so the rain water would be quickly absorbed into the ground. “With the biopore, we expect there will be more points of water absorption directly into the ground. By doing so, we can maintain the continuity of the ground water in the surrounding area. I have confidence the ground water around Legian is still crystal clear,” he said. It is a good breakthrough for Bali tourism industry. Thus, it can be the beginning of environmental conservation that has begun to threaten Bali, so the Bali Clean and Green will not just a slogan.  BTNewspaper/Krisna

World Tourism Day 2011: Tourism – Linking Cultures WORLD Tourism Day (27 September) is the most widely celebrated global day for tourism. World Tourism Day has been held since 1980 and has been a United Nations “official day” since UNWTO became a UN specialized agency in 2003. In 2011, World Tourism Day was celebrated around the theme, Tourism – Linking Cultures, and highlighted tourism’s role in bringing the cultures of the world together and promoting global understanding through travel. The official World Tourism Day celebrations took place in Aswan, Egypt, and included

a High Level Think Tank on the 2011 theme. Speakers included the Minister of Tourism of Egypt, Mounir Fakhi Abdel-Nour, UNWTO Secretary-General, Taleb Rifai, the Minister for Culture and Tourism of Greece, Pavlos Yeroulanos, and the Chief Executive of TUI, Michael Frenzel. Ban Ki-moon, Secretary-General United Nations stated: “The theme of this year’s World Tourism Day, “Tourism - linking cultures”, highlights the powerful role of tourism in building international understanding and mutual respect. There is no better way to learn about a

new culture than to experience it first-hand. Tourism offers a wonderful connecting thread between visitor and host community. It promotes dialogue and interaction. Such contact between people of different backgrounds is the very foundation for tolerance. In a world struggling for peaceful coexistence, tourism can build bridges and contribute to peace.

I encourage all involved in tourism to embrace the ten principles of the Global Code of Ethics for Tourism. These guidelines for sustainable and responsible tourism development, approved by the UN General Assembly in 2001, are based on the proven interaction between tourism and peace, human rights and understanding.

Tourism’s contributions to development also advance the cause of global solidarity. At a time of profound global economic uncertainty, tourism’s ability to generate socioeconomic opportunities and help reduce the gap between rich and poor, is more important than ever.

World Tourism Day is an opportunity to reflect on the importance of tourism to global well-being. As we travel, let us engage with other cultures and celebrate human diversity. On this observance, let us recognize tourism as a force for a more tolerant, open and united world”.  BTNewspaper/Tatiana











No. 19  October 25 - November 10 , 2011

Grand Re-opening of “Open Kitchen Dining” Restaurant at Novotel Bali Benoa ULUWATU restaurant with an open kitchen concept and Nanas bar Grand ReOpening marks the start of a new dining experience at Novotel Bali Benoa! Novotel Bali Benoa is excited to announce the grand re-opening of its Uluwatu restaurant, new open kitchen and Nanas Bar on Friday (7/10), after an upgraded project completion during the 1st semester 2011. After an extensive renovation of its different room types during the past 3 years, the hotel has now accomplished an important upgrade of its food and beverage facilities. The hotel has achieved the difficult compromise to maintain its Balinese character combined with a contemporary style offering a higher quality of comfort to its guests. With a brand new open kitchen facilitating the interactivity between the employees and the guests, a small restaurant for the children integrated in the main restaurant area, six original mobile counters allowing the team to change the setup whenever they want and adapt its offer accordingly, and this concept makes the hotel unique. The first perfect venue to spend a relaxing day and evening is Nanas bar, the lobby bar. Here you can have a special selection of beverages including signature cocktails, mocktails, wines and cigars as well as bite snacks or tapas as well as wines

pairing with tapas whilst enjoying the big screen television or the live quartet band performance. With a warm décor completed by high cocktails tables, sofa and low tables and free Wi-Fi internet access, you will not believe you are sitting in an area with such a warm and relaxing ambience. The bar is open daily from 10 am till midnight. After getting your refreshment at Nanas Bar, the second place to enjoy is Uluwatu restaurant. Uluwatu restaurant is situated inside the main building in the lobby area, right in the continuity of the main entrance. Moreover, the open-air

view on the beach, swimming pool and Penida Stage is enjoyable throughout both breakfast and dinner. Uluwatu restaurant’s fresh design features superb marble buffet tables, slightly transparent separating walls, specially designed floral carvings on the columns, and of course coconut wood furniture as well as alang-alang roof. This transformation gives a traditional yet upto-date style made with only high-quality materials. “On-the-spot cooking” – Uluwatu Restaurant’s original release of live “onthe-spot cooking” in the international and traditional style, provides live cooking performances for diner’s viewing pleasure. Not only does this creates the feeling of personal involvement but also provides learning experience of the

cooking process. Moreover, the cooking temperature must be suitable for these dishes in order to create an absolutely superb flavor. The restaurant capacity was expanded to cater for approximately 204 guests, and it is open daily from 7 am to 11 am for buffet breakfast and from 7 pm to 10.30 pm for buffet dinner. Our experienced French Chef is implementing the new concepts such as Live Action stations where guests will be able to see their dishes prepared before their eyes, in addition to Theme buffets such as “A Royal Balinese Feast”, “Le Buffet Du Bistro” or “Ocean Treasures” that will be accompanied by exceptional live entertainment. Mr. Olivier Moies-Delval, General Manager of Novotel Bali Benoa also said “The purpose of this upgrade is multiple, in addition to our commitment to continue improving the quality of all our facilities, with its new food & beverage concept we are now reinforcing our leading position as the best four star hotel in our area.”  BTNewspaper/PR

ZLATOGOR THE BEST VODKA FROM UKRAINE The Zlatogor soft Vodka is traditional Ukraine Vodka, loaded with a spicy, clean aroma, soft, slightly sweet in flavour, smoth with a medium to full weight. And made with a high quality alcohol & specially treated water from artesian that been used in production of medicinal mineral water. Zlatogor brand now has stock available in Bali Wein. Distributor in Bali


Jl. Gunung Tangkuban Perahu No.238 XY, Br.Tegal Buah, Padang Sambian Klod - Denpasar - Bali. Ph. 0361-2748572, Fax. 0361-410200

SUPPLIER ADDRESS : Jl. Danau Tamblingan No. 216, Sanur Denpasar 80228, Bali - Indonesia Phone. +62 (361) 281745 Fax. +62 (361)289549 E-mail :

BALI DISTRIBUTOR: PT. DELTA SATRIA DEWATA Jl. Imam Bonjol 226 A - Denpasar Email :










No. 19  October 25 - November 10 , 2011

Activities at Bali Mandira

Mandira Hospitality

The Elysian : “Being Part of the Community” IT’S SIX years since The Elysian first opened its doors in Seminyak and we are delighted to be able to say : “We made it!” October 2005 was not a great time for Bali but we have come a long way since launching during that inauspicious period. One of the underlying reasons for our success has been, without doubt, the support of our friends, neighbours and the local community. In fact, without the cooperation of these groups we would never have been awarded a Gold Medal at the Tri Hita Karana Awards for incorporating sustainable, spiritual, social and environmental elements and practices into the business. Every year, coming up to our anniversary, we instigate a programme of community events to consolidate our beliefs and return the favour to our friends and neighbours. During September, we worked with Surya

Barong Dancers at Mandira Balinese Stage

Surfing Lesson with Instructure

Husada Hospital to present a medical and hygiene workshop at a school in Denpasar. This focused on giving pupils an early understanding of the importance of keeping our environments clean and how that helps people stay healthy. Next, our staff joined forces with The Wolas, Seiryu and Jerami Villas for a beach clean up in Seminyak. We also instigated a highly successful blood donation drive in conjunction with several of our neighbours. The month’s activities culminated in a highly successful trip to an elementary school on Nusa Penida. This small island off our eastern coast is far less developed than Bali. With the valued assistance of Blue Water Express, we traveled across to Nusa Penida harbour, then onwards to the elementary school at Batumadeg. The pupils greeted our team with great excitement before escorting their visitors to a classroom.  BTNewspaper/PR

OktoberFest 2011 ‘Beer, Music and Fun’ D I S C OV E RY Kartika Plaza Hotel took its patrons to the heart of Bavarian culture – Oktoberfest 2011 ‘Beer, Music and Fun’. This folk festival took place from 30 th September – 2 nd October 2011in a Party Tent between Discovery Shopping Mall and Discovery Kartika Plaza Hotel. Oktoberfest is an annual festival, which takes place in Munich, Germany, from late September to early October. It is one of the most popular events in Germany and one of the world’s largest fairs with over six million people attending every year. The concept of Oktoberfest is to enjoy beer and authentic German specialtiesaccompanied by a live Humpapa Band performance and various exciting games & door prizes.

Harris Healthy Life Campaign Launch

Discovery Kartika Plaza Hotel’s Oktoberfest has been the most traditional, authentic and largest Bavarian Party in Bali. There was no admission charge and the fair was opened to the public starting from 5 pm on 30th September and 10 am on 1st& 2nd October.  BTNewspaper/PR

BABY TURTLE RELEASE T H E S E R E N E Mertasari beach of Mercure Resort Sanur has miraculously attracted a female sea turtle to lay her eggs on Sunday (31/7). On this night, she had created a “nest” to lay her 102 eggs, which was recognized by our Security guard on duty in the each area. On the day after, with a help from Mr. Agung Tresna, an expert from Bali Turtle Society (ProFauna), Mercure Resort Hotel immediately relocated the fragile eggs to a safer place. Some of thier guests were also involved in the turtle rescue activity. ‘Agung had guided us on how to build a save a nest for the egg hatchling. The nest should be surrounded by fence to guard them from predators such as dogs, snakes, etc. It should be

HARRIS Resort Kuta Beach, a resort that is always concerned by a healthy lifestyle launched campaign of “HARRIS Healthy Life” on Wednesday (14/10). The purpose is to bring more knowledge to the team of employees of being healthy for themselves and the well being of their families. Before the campaign was launched, the Hotel had several programs to bring to the staff such as Healthy Food, HIV/AIDS facts, Drugs Education, the Dangers of Smoking, and Alcohol Abuse. During the training sessions, videos and photos on facts, impact on social life, health, prevention, misuses and abuses were shown concerning each topic. A doctor with a complete presentation and a Question & Answer session was invited at each program. Testimonials from ex drugs user, HIV/ AIDS infected patient, and HARRIS staff that just stopped to smoke enlightened the participants. The HARRIS Health program is prepared by the resort with the collaboration of Manu Waluya – Public Health Service. The program started in April 2011 and run through the year 2011. “This is our effort to ensure our staff is more health conscious in order to improve productivity to the Resort” said Mrs. Virginie Tutin Sandstrom, the General Manager of Harris Resort Kuta Beach.  BTNewspaper/PR


OPERATIONAL OFFICE Jl. Kertha Dalem No. 96 Sidakarya, Denpasar 80225, Bali, Indonesia Ph.+62-361-7425161, 7425162, Fax.+62-361-728786 Website :, E-mail :

Singaraja Hills is currently in the process of refining tropical viticulture techniques to grow grapes with the characteristics required to compete against varietal wines from temperate climates. The first vintages of these quality wines will be available soon

Office Jln. Tangkuban Perahu 1A Kuta Utara Ph +62 361 734661/ 734931 Fax +62 361 734260 Winery Desa Tajun Jalan Raya Singaraja-Kintamani

For further information, please contact: SENTOSA PRIVATE VILLAS AND SPA, BALI Jl. Pura Telaga Waja, Petitenget, Seminyak, Bali 80361, Indonesia • Phone: +62 361 730 333 • Fax: +62 361 737 111 E-mail: • Website:

covered on the top, to protect them from over-heat and rain.’

According to scientific research, baby turtles better instinctly learned to survive in their habitat since their early age. That is why scientists believed that releasing the new-born baby turtles to their original habitat is the best solution to their survival.  BTNewspaper/PR











No. 19  October 25 - November 10 , 2011

Kuta Karnival IX KUTA Karnival IX, Friday (Oct 14) was opened by Minister of Culture and Tourism represented by Prof. I Gede Pitana. The opening took place on Kuta Beach. The event centered in Jaba Segara Temple was preceded with the appearance of participants of Kuta Karnival from outside Bali, where one of them was from Mentawai Subdistrict (West Sumatra). In his speech, Prof. Gede Pitana conveyed the necessity of continuing to maintain a common commitment in promoting the uniqueness of Bali in the eyes of the world community. “All parties should be mutually supportive and supported,” said Prof. Pitana. The event was followed by the release of hundreds of turtle hatchlings and the carnival of the participants and sponsors of the Kuta Karnival IX. Afterwards, it was resumed with the presentation of musical performances and exhibitions of sponsors.  BTNewspaper/ Photo by: Krisna

Who’s Who I Made Muliartana:

Aspire to Managing His Own Restaurant THE MAN who has been the family of Bali Niksoma for eight years always has loyalty. In addition, he has a high responsibility for the matters of Food & Beverage in Bali Niksoma Beach Resort. A lot of joys and sorrows have been experienced during his service in the hotel. But, according to him, they consist of more joys. This confession was expressed by I Made Muliartana when met by Bali Travel Newspaper on Saturday (Oct 15). “I am happy in Bali Niksoma because under the leadership of Nyoman Astama as General Manager, I can learn a lot, considering the management in practice is the familial one,” said Muliartana who had a hobby in culinary adventure. The career of Muliartana began in 1990 when he was on the staff of the Nusa Dua Beach Hotel after accomplishing his education in Diploma II of the Bali Tourism Institute (STP Nusa Dua—Ed). Then, he was eager to work in a cruise ship namely Carnival Cruise (1993-1997) and assigned in the areas of Food & Beverage as well. Muliartana has joined the hotel since the opening of Bali Niksoma Beach Resort eight years ago. Similarly, since the beginning he has liked to work in the boutique hotel located on Jalan Padma Utara, Legian. “I am also trusted to manage the restaurant which owned by the owner of Bali Niksoma, namely Mozzarella with three branches in Bali. In the near future, it will open the fourth property. If there is a chance I want to open my own restaurant. However, I still want to gain up more and more experience here,” he said while busy preparing a wedding ceremony in the Bali Niksoma Beach Resort.  BTNewspaper/Krisna

Hengky P. Tambayong

Tri Hita Karana Serves as Rescuer of Bali had a high responsibility. Therefore, when his party trained Balinese, they were truly different from those from outside Bali. He said it happened because Balinese had been familiar with tourism. It just needed to be polished a bit they were directly able to master their respective field well.

B E C O M I N G a General Manager of two hotels at the same time is an experience that cannot be forgotten by Hengky P. Tambayong. Currently, he is the General Manager of Harris Tuban and Harris Sunset Road Kuta. In reality, he did not claim himself as Corporate General Manager in the Tauzia Management overseeing the Harris Hotel in Indonesia. “This is what makes me proud and believe it or not, it seems to have been predestined whether visible or not,” said this father of a son. Harris Tuban is a hotel located within close proximity to the Ngurah Rai International Airport. According to assumption, it is a mere transit or stopover hotel. Its mission is changing the image of transit hotel into a hotel with the nuance of family. Seemingly he could realize it because it had become the only hotel that could reach 100 percent occupancy rate for a full month. “It is a remarkable achievement. When I first came into the hotel in 2007, Harris Tuban was in serious apprehensiveness, but with the hard work and spirit of all departments, it could eventually achieve

maximum results,” he said. The Island of Bali, according to Hengky, had something different from all the places existing in Indonesia. According to him, one of the high cultures along with mutual tolerance, and Tri Hita Karana (THK) would be able to protect Bali in the future. “I often hear about this THK, I think only the sublime concept that will be able to rescue Bali, and I will join to participate in this activity later on,” he said eagerly. Hengky added that Balinese people were very intelligent and

He got an interesting incident after filling the position as GM in the Harris Tuban for approximately 3 years. At that time, his staff heard that he would be drawn to Tauzia Management. Simultaneously there were some ideas from someone, the staff of Harris Tuban said prayers up to Besakih Temple to delay his removal. And, miraculously either because the prayers of staff or anything else beyond the reason, the removal was suddenly cancelled and notified instantly. That’s the reason why Hengky should hold two positions of GM simultaneously. “As a matter of fact, there has been a GM scheduled to fill the position in the Harris Tuban. But, so far, the person mentioned has never come into view,” he concluded while laughing.  BTNewspaper/Krisna

Cover Story










No. 19  October 25 - November 10 , 2011


See the Indonesian Archipelago in 90 Minutes BALI Nusa Dua Theatre is a new modern theatrical complex that has been designed and built with a state-of-the-art stage, sound and lighting systems. A fully air-conditioned auditorium with a seating capacity of 700, complete with handicap accessibility including seating and restroom facilities. The theatre features the newest most original and amazing theatrical performance available in Bali. This is the first time ever that a performance of this caliber has been made available in Bali, and it has been called “TheMost Magnificent Show That Indonesia Has Ever Seen”, devdan – Treasure of the Archipelago. The show is described as a brilliant and skillful collaboration of traditional dance and music making it one of the most spectacular cultural performances available in Bali. However, this performance goes a step further by incorporating a spectacle of visual effects, acrobatics and tantalizing aerial acts. The blending of modern contemporary music and dance routines makes the show an electrifying experience for audiences of all ages.

In ninety minutes the audience is swept up in a magical whirlwind journey traveling from Bali to Java, Sumatra, Borneo & Papua. Devdan brings to the audience the diversity and uniqueness of Indonesia’s culture with music and costumes from around the Archipelago while at the same time showcasing modern theatre techniques and routines.

It is said that the theatre and its show were conceived from the long-term love and a strong passion for the performing arts and cultural arts of all kinds by the owner and Chairwomen of Bali Nusa Dua Theatre. “Our show is not just merely another cultural show in Bali, but it is the combination of several art forms including; acrobatics, contemporary dance & music along with traditional dance that helps preserve the

local culture while at the same time blends the trends of modern arts to make the show dynamic and entertaining” To bring the show from the conceptual phase, give it shape, form and life, there was a strong creative team of Indonesians as well as expatriates that worked tirelessly to make the show a reality.

To their credit, they are: Executive Producer- Mrs. Julianti Suparsono, Creative Director - Mr. Hengky Hartadi, Choreographer - Mr. Bimo Wiwohatmo, Stage Director - Mr. Jeffrey Hall (formerly with Cirque du Soleil & ZAIA), Artisic Director - Mr. Jerry Snell (Composer, Singer, Choreographer, Director and Founder of Circus International Action), Artisic Guide & Lighting Designer Mr. Axel Morgenthaler (Lighting Designer - ZAIA), Costume & MakeUp Designer Mrs. Kinting Handoko, Acrobatic Coach - Ms. Vivian Lea (Founder of Aerial Arts Academy – Malaysia, Singapore & Hong Kong), Special Effects & Illusions Designer - Mr. Henry Nelwan. Shortly after the official opening of the devdan performance on June 26, 2011 Director of Production - Mr. Jeffrey Stafford

(Broadway NYC, San Diego Opera, Nevada Ballet Theatre at the Kennedy Center – Washington D.C.), a Theatre Professional with thirty years of theatre experience abroad was appointed to Bali Nusa Dua Theatre to help maintain creative integrity of the show so that audiences coming to watch the show are guaranteed a spectacu-

lar and unforgettable “show experience” every time - all the time. Taken from the ancient Sanskrit words “deva” (God) and “dana (gift), the shows title “devdan” means “a gift from the Gods”. The story of devdan begins in Bali where two young children are lost in the jungle where they make an astonishing discovery, a hidden treasure chest full of ancient artifacts. And then, as they open the treasure chest their magical journey traveling across the vast Archipelago of Indonesia begins. Along their journey to the islands of Bali, Java, Sumatra, Borneo and Papua, the children experience vibrant villages alive with song & dance, mischievous gangs of monkeys, the mysterious Kecak Dance, torrential rains and more. Feel your heart beat with excitement as you encounter gigantic traditional puppets, an enchanted weaving hutthat comes alive with magnificent and brilliantly crafted hitech special effects, superb illusions and life defying aerial acrobatics. Explore the genuine heritage and beauty of Indonesia with the show’s contemporary songs and dances, accented by dramatic and thrilling action. This mega production is a “must see” show, truly a “once in a lifetime experience”. In addition to this fabulous new “must see” show, Bali Nusa Dua Theatre will also be available for private groups, product launchings and events of all dimensions. The dance troop will be available to perform for private parties, or individuals may simply rent out the entire complex for “truly private” functions of all kinds. The theatre is equipped with state-of-the-art lighting and sound systems with over fifty moving lights, a hydraulic stage and many specialized “special effects” equipment. Located in the heart of Nusa Dua adjacent to a minimum of twelve five-star hotels and one of the islands most upscale shopping arcades, Bali Nusa Dua Theatre is easily accessible and very unique. “Devdan – Treasure of the Archipelago” is a refreshingly new and exciting nighttime entertainment activity in Bali, and it truly is a “must see show” for those visiting Bali.  BTNewspaper/PR*











No. 19 ď Ź October 25 - November 10 , 2011

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