Bali Travel Newspaper Vol. III No. 54

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No. 54  March 25 - April 10, 2013

Holydays Related to

Galungan The following are some holydays to be celebrated before, on and aŌer Galungan day on Wednesday, 27 March 2013. Sugihan Jawa and Bali There are two kinds of Sugihan Holydays, which are for both physical and spiritual purifica on. Firstly, Sugihan Pangenten (Sugihan Jawa), which will be celebrated on Thursday, 21 March 2013, is a day of purifica on of Bhuwana Agung (universe) and sacred sites (temple, ancestral Merajan temple, and houses), by offering sesajen, usully flowers, to honor dei es and ancestors. Secondly, Sugihan Bali is celebrated on Friday, 22 March 2013, by holding a ritual and asking for Ɵrtha panglukatan (a means of cleansing) given by a pemangku (priest). Penyekeban On this day, Sunday 24 March 2013, all implements needed to celebrate Galungan Holyday are prepared, by performing a process of mature fruits and star ng to cook a variety of food and delicacies dedicated to the Galungan Holyday. Penyajahan This event falls on Monday, 25 March 2013, invi ng Hindus to master and subvert physical cravings towards promo ng vigilance, pa ence, holiness, and closeness to Ida Sanghyang Widhi (God Almighty). Penampahan Penampahan Galungan, which falls on Tuesday 26 March 2013, is a busy occasion

to survive against Sang Kala Tiga Amangkurat, the dark power trying to provoke the human spirit. On this day, people are to slaughter pigs, nampah celeng, for sacrifice. The meat is then used to make sesaji foods such as lawar chopped meat and satay. In the evening, maprayascita and Bhuta Yadnya rites are carried out by placing the sesaji in courtyards and houses and beside weapons or daily-work tools. A penjor is then placed in front of houses. Galungan Galungan is the peak event, falling on Wednesday 27 March 2013. It reflects the victory of Dharma (Truth) in flight against Adharma (Evil). The prepared sesaji is dedicated to Ida Sanghyang Widhi, followed by common prayer in the ancestral temple, Merajan or Pura. The Philosophical value of Galungan is to uphold Dharma with day-long prayers and pesanƟan, reading or melodically ci ng sacred songs, taken from the wiracarita sacred verses, Mahabharata and Ramayana. By interpre ng the sacred verses, Hindus people receive guidance towards keeping Dharma (virtue) through the ups and downs of economic and poli cal crises. Manis Galungan Manis Galungan days falls on Thursday 28 March 2013, when people visit others, usually family members, before 12.00 o’clock. Some

people, mainly young couples, spend me and tourist a rac ons. Pemaridan Guru Saturday 30 March 2013 is the day of Pemaridan Guru, is a day of self-purifica on both physically and spiritually, followed by nyurud or asking for Yadnya in the form of Guru’s rice cone as a gesture of gaining bestowal from Bhatara Hyang Guru deity. Ulihan Sunday 31 March 2013 is Ulihan day when dei es go back to their respec ve sites in Heaven, while the following day of Monday 1 April 2013 is characterized as Pemacekan Agung, aimed to let Sang Bhuta Galungan’s spirit and entourage go back to their site of origin. Kuningan Friday 5 April 2013 is the day of Penam-

pahan Kuningan, and occasion when Balinese again prepare sesaji for Kuningan Holyday on 6 April 2013, o en called Tumpek Kuningan, Dewa and Pitara gods again bless people, animals, and the natural environment, with waranugraha awards both physically and spiritually. Buda Kliwon Pahang Wednesday 1 May 2013 2013 is a day of Buda Kliwon Wuku Pahang or Buda Kliwon Pegat Uwakan, the end of the Galungan celebra on series. It is a day when Balinese are busy with post Galungan and Kuningan waste material, including uproo ng of penjor poles, to restore a clean and orderly environment. Waste materials remaining from ritual implements are burnt and their ashes put into young yellowish coconut fruit and buried in the sacred yard of houses or Merajan.  BTN/Sumadi/doc

Barong Bangkung, a Tradition to Drive out Evil Spirits










Chief Editor : Wisnu Wardana; Publicist: Jan Hendrik Peters, KG. Dharma Putra, Journalists/ contributors: Torsten Thierbach, Gung Man, Krisna; MarkeƟng : Made Yudha ; Secretariate : Dewi ; Address : Jl. Mela 43 Denpasar, Bali-Indonesia ; Phone/ fax: (0361) 227610 Email : info@ ; Jakarta : Bambang Hermawan, Villa Pamulang Mas, Blok C9/4, Pamulang, Tangerang Selatan ; Yogyakarta : Titah Pratyaksa (083 1190 19410); Bank : BPD Bali KCP. Kamboja No. 0370115000510 A/N Biro Promosi & Pengembangan Pariwisata Budaya.

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ONE of the cultural tradi ons of Balinese community remaining to survive un l today is Barong Bangkung. It is a kind of complete dance equipped with barong performed by two dancers in it. The dance is accompanied by kid gamelan played by children. The dancers accompanying the Barong Bangkung use a variety of masks and are accompanied by the kid gamelan troupe. By and large, the troupe of Barong Bangkung dances from one village to another. Tradi on of Barong Bangkung can be found at every celebra on of Galungan and Kuningan. The barong tradi on aims to drive out the bhutakala or evil spirits in every house compound and the street (almost the same as the func on of ogoh-ogoh or papier mâché demon paraded on Pengrupukan ahead of Nyepi). On that account, the Barong Bangkung troupe will surround the house area when people call them to make a show. Aside from entertaining, the Barong Bangkung performance also does purifica on to the house compound with a fee based on sincerity. GallivanƟng Show between Galungan and Kuningan Barong Bangkung tradi on including the ngelawang or gallivan ng show tradi on is one of the rituals meant to expel catastrophe for Hindus in Bali. Ngelawang is performed

every 6 months (210 days) between Galungan (Wednesday, Mar 27) and Kuningan (Saturday, Apr 6). As the name suggests, the word ngelawang is derived from lawang (door), which means the staging is conducted from house to house and from village to village, market and even amidst the road and other center of crowds. The principal dance is Barong Bangkung namely in the form of boar (bangkal) figure accompanied by bebarongan gamelan music or betel. Other than expelling evil spirits, it is also expected to protect the community from the outbreaks or illnesses caused by evil spirits (bhutakala). Ngelawang is origina ng in the mythology on a beau ful goddess named Goddess Ulun Danu who transformed herself into a kind and helpful giant to villagers in performing exorcisms and distribu ng holy water. At first, the ritual was a sacred and magic one, so that Barong became sanc fied effigy just like Barong and Rangda. These

sanc fied objects were carried around the village or hamlet in order to protect the community psychically, then the sca ered hairs of Rangda and Barong would be collected by residents and confidently made a magical object.

However, in the passage of me and in line with the crea vity of Balinese people, the sanc fied effigies are made replicas and the ngelawang tradi on becomes a spectacle as commonly performed by many children. A erward, they are paid modest as an expression of gra tude.  BTNewspaper/ net/ed

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No. 54 ď Ź March 25 - April 10, 2013

A Gift for School Activities MAYA Ubud Resort & Spa in collabora on with Gita Interna onal Yoga Melbourne, Australia oer their support to a nearby elementary school, SD No. 2 Pejeng Kawan to assist in their educa on ac vi es. The Maya Ubud Green Team recently presented basket balls and some wri ng aids as a special gi for the school. This special mission will help the school to provide more opportuni es for the students to do extra ac vi es beyond the regular in-classroom academic studies. The future planning also includes a number of monitoring programs and other educa onal ini a ves. ď ś BTNewspaper/PR

Biznet Networks are not Spying on Our Internet Users IN CONNECTION with the news that was published in the online media on March 18th, 2013, a number of Internet Services Provider (ISP) companies in Indonesia, including Biznet Networks, have installed and use servers with the purpose of monitoring the traďŹƒc and content of users. Within this ‘press release’, we would like to ensure you that we do not own or run any server of this descrip on, nor do we condone prac ces of this nature. “Biz n et Networks have never been involved in spying or eavesdropping on the inte r net usage of customers and definitely do not own nor have any inten ons of ever owning a device with the func ons for this purp o se. Even ll now, we are having to make inquiries in rela on to the IP address of the source that released this ar cle,â€? said Adi Kusma, the President Director of Biznet Networks.

As one of the largest ISPs, Biznet serves clie n ts from a variety of businesses, both private and government, SME and corporate. Bizn e t ensures data confiden ality and respects the rights of all our customers. About Biznet Networks Since it’s founda on in 2000, Biznet has evolved into a leading provider of fixed-line telecommunica ons and is the leading mulme d ia company in Indonesia. Biznet has expanded its network coverage to major ci es, inc l uding Jakarta and surrounding regions (Bekasi, Depok, Tangerang, Serang), London, Bal i , Surabaya, Yogyakarta, Semarang, and Bogor. Biznet Networks own and operate the newest and largest networks of Fiber Op cs in Indonesia. More informa on about Biznet and its services can be found through the site ď ś

Cleanup Activity on Kuta Beach hoping the contribu ons made were not necessarily shi ing the responsibility of local authori es to his party (the hotel). This four star hotel located on Kuta beach oers a comfort and convenience as well as perches in close proximity to some of the world’s best surf spots. From the hotel, tourists GRAND Istana Rama Hotel conducted a beach cleanup ac vity on Saturday (Mar 9) by involving hotel sta and the management as a real form of the moral responsibility for the environment around the hotel. “This ac vity is our moral responsibility to the environment and to our guests,â€? said General Manager of Grand Istana Rama Hotel, Andi Ananto. Many large bags contained rubbish where they mostly consisted of plas c rubbish collected during the ac vi es. “We want that tourists can enjoy the beau ful beach of Kuta. Not on the contrary, the beach is full of trash heaps. Therefore, the frequency of beach cleanup ac vi es will be conducted for few mes within a month,â€? said Andi while

can walk to interna onal stores around Kuta Square and other entertainment venues such as Double Six and Hard Rock Cafe Bali. Grand Istana Rama Hotel oers 149 refurbished rooms consis ng of superior bungalows and spreading across a total area of 1.7 hectares embellished with lush tropical garden. Each room has an interior that reflects the charm and appeal of Bali. ď ś BTNewspaper/Rudianto

BNDCC Ready to Support Implementation of APEC 2013 THE BALI Nusa Dua Conven on Center (BNDCC) is ready to support Bali and Indones i a in the implementa on of the Asia Pacific Economy Conference (APEC) 2013 to be held on October 2013. “As commitment in the previous year, we are ready to welcome the APEC Summit 2013 with the addi on of the more spacious capacity,â€? said Danny Budiharto, President Director of PT. Nusa Dua Indonesia in the topping o ac vity for the second phase of BNDCC on Saturday (Mar 9). The event was also a ended by the Board of Commissioners and Directors of Dyandra & Co. In this second phase, the BNDCC added as many as 21 mee ng rooms, two towers of 5-star hotel with the capacity of 100 rooms, and basement parking facili es accommoda ng 150 car s . The building of interna onal mee ng and exhibi on with the capacity of 12,000 people was set to be completed next June. The venue would be intended to become the greatest conven on center in Indonesia. “In the whole, it spreads across 50,000 square meters and becomes the biggest conven on center with interna onal sta ndard in Indonesia,â€? said Danny. He also added that un l the topping o, the comple on had reached about 60 percent. Acc ording to him, the development was inspired by the increasing number of variety of events and exhibi ons held in Indonesia each year. Meanwhile, the venue mee ng the interna onal standards was only a few. Therefore, it was required the

venue to meet the demands. “The Meeting, Incen ve, Conven on and Exhibi on (MICE) industry is increasingly prevalent and growing along with the growth of the na onal economy. And Indonesia has become one of the MICE des na ons in the world,� he said.

To success of Bali to host a variety of interna onal conferences in recent years made Bali increasingly recognized as a poten al MICE des na on. Then, to enhance the growth of MICE industry in Indonesia, the existence of venue like the BNDCC had established the posi on of Bali as an interna onal MICE des na on. On the same occasion, it was also held a thanksgiving party for the Hotel Amaris Pra tama Nusa Dua located right behind the BNDCC. It was indeed expected as a place to rest for the MICE par cipants. In addi on, the company would also establish a 5-star hotel in front of the BNDCC. ď ś BTNewspaper/Krisna


Jl. Pantai Kuta, 80361 Bali - Indonesia Tel : (62-361) 752208, Fax : (62-361) 754 852 Email : S12-I.43-13

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18 Saridewi, Seminyak, Kuta Bali - 80361, INDONESIA Phone. +62-361-730999 (hunting) Fax. +62-361-737509 S12-I.44-13

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No. 54 ď Ź March 25 - April 10, 2013


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No. 54  March 25 - April 10, 2013





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No. 54  March 25 - April 10, 2013

Book Review in International Bali Tourism Institute mological and axiological ON FRIDAY, Februaspect. Ontologically, the ary 22, 2013 the Interbook successfully prena onal Bali Tourism Insented a discourse on s tute (STPBI) deno ng the empowerment in the a hospitality and tourism management of resources ins tute under the Dharand tourist des na on. ma Widya Ulangun FounThen, in terms of episteda on held a book review mological aspect, namely as the implementa on of the concepts, theories, one of the points in the and methods of the rethree tasks of higher edusearch on the science of ca on, namely in the field tourism, it had been using of research. The book Participants of book review were seriously listening to the speech delivered by the Coordinator of Private Higher Education the concept of cultural reviewed was en tled for Region VIII Bali and Nusra, Prof. Dr. I Nyoman Sucipta. studies and cri cal theory. DesƟnasi Pariwisata BerBy using cri cal theory, basis Masyarakat or Comtural and func onal officials of the STPBI, tourist des na on by persistently upholding the author had uncovered a series of ismunity Based Tourist Des na on wri en by lecturers from several universi es across the concept of sustainable development. Dr. Dewa Putu Oka Prasiasa, doubling as the the Denpasar municipality, Badung and In the mean me, I Made Sudjana, as sues related to the development of tourist Head of the STPBI Tourism Management. Buleleng county, invitees as well as students Director of the STPBI and Bali Hotel School des na ons and the empowerment of local The book review presented two reviewers of hospitality and tourism management of (SPB) in his speech stated that the book communi es in the resource management namely Prof. Dr. I Nyoman Darma Putra, the Interna onal Bali Tourism Ins tute. review was an implementa on of the three of tourist des na ons. Finally, axiologically a lecturer in the tourism doctoral studies Opening of the book review was tasks of higher educa on that was beneficial the book had managed to present comin the Udayana University and Prof. Dr. marked with a book handover from for those in need of reference in the field prehensive informa on in the discussion Emiliana Mariyah, the Head of Graduate Chairman of the Dharma Widya Ulangun of tourism. Furthermore, he said the book though it was rela vely brief. Then, according to another reviewer, Cultural Studies in the Udayana University. Foundation, I Nyoman Gede Astina, re- review was an important ac vity par cularly Meanwhile, the moderator was I Nengah spectively to the Coordinator of Private in the field of tourism and hospitality as well Prof. I Nyoman Darma Putra, in the whole Laba posing one of the permanent lecturers Higher Education for Region VIII Bali and as an effort to respond to the inten on of the book had given us an understanding on in the STPBI. Nusra Prof. Dr. I Nyoman Sucipta, the Director General of Higher Educa on in or- the failure of community-based tourism. The book review event was opened by Head of the Bali Government Tourism der that tourism studies could increase the He said the failure could be caused by the unreadiness of local communi es in the the Coordinator of Private Higher Educa- Office, Director of STPBI I Made Sudjana research in the field of tourism. on of Region VIII Bali and Nusra Prof. Dr. and Prof. Dr. I Nengah Duija. The book wri en by one of the lecturers development of community-based tourist I Nyoman Sucipta. It was also a ended by Coordinator of the Private Higher Edu- of the STPBI posed one of the sixty books des na on as well as the characteris cs and the Head of the Bali Government Tourism ca on for Region VIII Bali and Nusra, Prof. obtaining the textbook wri ng grant from loca on of the tourist des na on. Office, representa ves of the Indonesia Dr. I Nyoman Sucipta appreciated the STPBI the Directorate General of Higher Educa on, The book review event was ended with Hotel and Restaurant Associa on (PHRI) for the efforts par cularly the contribu on Ministry of Na onal Educa on in 2011. The a luncheon for all par cipants and invitees Bali, Chairman of Dharma Widya Ulangun in the form of academic thinking, namely book consis ng of eight chapters, accord- in the Janger Restaurant of the STPBI with Founda on I Nyoman Gede As na, Direc- in developing the tourism in Bali. He hoped ing to Prof. Emiliana Mariyah, as reviewer, the menus and presenta on were en rely tor of STPBI I Made Sudjana, leadership of the book could be used as addi onal refer- had met the three basic aspects of science, prepared by the students of the STPBI hosstate and private higher educa on, struc- ence in the future to make Bali an excellent either in terms of the ontological, episte- pitality program. 

Archipelago International Opens New Luxury Hotel in Bali canapés and cocktails in the evenings while the 4 P residen al Suites also afford private outdoor – Jacuzzis. There is a restaurant, a pool with sundeck, a p ool bar and a wellness c enter with gym on off er. “Devali” is a chic r estaurant featuring a r elaxed contemporary s e ng with private and communal tables, regular

A R C H I P E L AG O Internao nal’s newest up market hote l brand, Alana, launches this mo nth with the opening of its flagship property in Bali. The Alana Vasan – Seminyak sits in the heart of Pe tenget in South Bali in the direct vicinity of B ali’s most popular restaurants and club locale whilst enjoying a s erene se ng enclosed by emerald green rice fields and is nearby famed Seminyak Beach. T he hotel was designed by Alex Bayus aputro from Genius Loco Architects and features 4 Presiden al and 24 Deluxe Suites with separate lounge space and a mix of 93 oversized guest rooms with private balconies, spacious bathrooms with rain showers, 42” L ED televisions and iPod compa ble sound systems. S uite guests have exclusive access to t he 24-hour club lounge with complement ary WiFi, a lavish a la carte breakfast and

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c hef tables and a menu infused with modern interpreta ons of Balinese cuisine. The “ Splash Pool Bar” invites guest to interact and enjoy pool side refreshments and quality cocktails while the “AUM Wellness Center”, set in the gorgeous landscape of Seminyak, o pens doors to an exo c world of beauty, serenity and u er indulgence. There are also 200m² of mee ng facili es including one mid seized general session room and two func on rooms catering to small and in mate corporate func ons and banquets.  BTNewspaper/PR

‘Save Our Turtle’ Cooperation of NB Foundation with Bali Safari & Marine Park A TOTAL of 35 painte rs par cipated in the e nvironmental preservaon organized by the Ni yari Berkarya Founda on or be er known as NB Founda on. In the press conference before the event of the Save Our Turtle event held in Bali Safari and Marine Park on Wednesday (Mar 13) was revealed that on March 11-13 the ar sts created their works on the theme and nuance of nature and animals but remained to highlight their own style. The program aimed to find sustainable funding for habitat of turtles from the ex ncon, especially on Serangan Beach, Bali and surrounding areas. The results of the Professional Pain ng Ar sts Associa on would then be sold at home and overseas started with an exhibi on in Bali Theater, Bali Safari & Marine Park, on the upcoming May 11-19. “This exhibi on displays the works of hundreds of the ar sts. Hopefully, it can draw a great interest of visitors and this is one of the major exhibi-

ons,” said AA Agung Oka serving as the ambassador of the art and culture to NB Founda on. As the host, Bali Safari & Marine Park would give full support to the event. As one of the largest animal breeding ins tuons in Indonesia, Bali Safari & Marine Park also wanted to give the best for turtle conserva on in Indonesia. “We want to provide a major contribu on to this ac vity,” said Daniel, Sales & Marke ng Manager of Bali Safari & Marine Park. One of the supports given was by preparing a place and hos ng the event on the Mara River Safari Lodge as a place for the ar sts to express their imagina ons through the works of art. Results from the sale of those pain ngs would be dedicated to the making of breeding place and turtle clinic, monitoring of the ‘Save Our Turtle’ program, preserva on of mangrove forests from erosion and maintaining the turtle breeding along with their habitat.  BTNewspaper/Krisna

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No. 54  March 25 - April 10, 2013

A White-Headerd Marsh-Tyrant bird rests on a tree in Hato Pinero, an ecotourism reserve in Venezuela. REUTERS/Jorge Silva


New Green Tourism Initiatives Unveiled at ITB

Ecotrans showcased its massive network and new green tourism initiatives

When Green Travel Meets Big Business  Giulia Carbone explains why the tourism industry needs to address ecological threats TOURISM needs a healthy and pris ne environment. No other industry relies as heavily on un-spoilt scenery and natural diversity to a ract the crowds. When nature suffers, travel companies suffer, too. The ques on is how to create synergies between the tourism industry and conserva on efforts, allowing both to thrive while minimizing nega ve impact. For many conserva on projects, ecotourism seems the perfect way to raise

funds. Travelers in search of pris ne natural beauty can help to finance conserva on efforts while providing an alterna ve income for those who live in the area. This, in turn, can take some pressure off local resources. The reality, however, is that small ecotourism businesses o en fail because they lack professional exper se. One solu on is to match professional travel companies with conserva on projects. The companies benefit because they discover spectacular new des na ons and areas teeming with wildlife. The conserva on projects also win because they learn how to run a thriving small business. Members of my organizaon, the Interna onal Union for Conserva-

on of Nature, have successfully used this strategy to boost their ecotourism ventures while protec ng the environment. Even for large-scale tour operators, hotels and travel companies, protec ng the environment should be more than an a erthought. They should understand their environmental and social footprint, minimize and even offset their impact on the host environment. The challenge is getng businesses, local authori es and civil society to cooperate effec vely. The tourism industry needs to ensure that conserva on strategies are in place to address ecological threats.  BTNewspaper/TE/*/PR

A PACKED and excited room awaited those scheduled to a end the EcoTrans workshop at ITB recently. Presenta ons from members of the network including: EDEN des na ons - now over 100 community tourism des na ons in Europe, Alpine Pearls - the mul -award-winning so mobility network of Alpine villages, Quality Coast, - the network of coastal des na ons NECSTouR network of European regions, Living Lakes - over 100 lakes, European Charter Parks, Pan Parks,- the European wild spaces network Landscape of the Year of four crossborder tourism regions, Danube Region, Ecotourism Club Spain, Ecotourism Des na ons in Romania, TIES Europe, EARTH, ECEAT the Dutch worldwide agency, ECOTRANS - Des Net knowledge network. New ini a ves were introduced and discussed including: Green travel mapping, GreenHopping, Green Des na on Viewer and Eye on Earth. In par cular the MOSAIC project in Olympus, Turkey to showcase good prac ces and to develop an ac on plan for 2020. The VISTA award scheme was discussed as it is growing from a European ini a ve into a global one. All in all, the mee ng showed that green tourism in Europe is more thriving and mul faceted than ever.  BTNewspaper/Valere Tjolle/*/PR

ITB Berlin:

Goa Tourism creates history at ITB Berlin GOA Tourism has created history by winning the pres gious PATWA award in the Best Beach Des na on category on the second day of the world biggest travel and tourism exhibi on - ITB Berlin. The award was given by Pacific Area Travel Writers Associa on (PATWA) and was received by Mr Dilip Paruleker, Tourism Minister, at a glittering awards ceremony a ended by luminaries from the global travel trade industry on Thursday (7/3). The award func on was held at the Interna onal Congress Centre (ICC) on the sidelines of the ITB Berlin. The award has been given in recogni on of the posi ve steps being undertaken by the state government for improving the image of Goa as a safe and a rac ve tourism des na on by implemen ng the concept of tourist police, proper regula on of beach shacks and watersports, improvement of infrastructure on all beaches, formula on of tourism master plan and new tourism policy for the state, innova ve marke ng and promo on methods etc.

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Speaking on the occasion, Mr Paruleker expressed his sa sfac on and felt that the award will cement Goa’s posi on as one of the best beach des na ons in the world. he further said that the state government will rapidly ensure comple on of all tourism infrastructure works and ensure that Goa becomes a safe and a year round tourism des na on. He felt that the award will boost interna onal tourist arrivals in the state as Goa will get posi ve publicity all over the world. He thanked PATWA for conferring this award on Goa. PATWA was established during the PATA Conference in Colombo, Sri Lanka. The aim of PATWA is to promote professional development of travel wri ng and travel communica on which makes invaluable contribu on in the promo on of tourism. PATWA will support the fundamental objec ves of PATA efforts for tourism and at the same me it will maintain adherence to the fundamental principles of the UNESCO, United Na ons and of the World Tourism Organisa on.  BTNewspaper/Theodore Koumelis/PR

Goa Tourism won prestigious award in Best beach Destination category given by Pacific Area Travel Writers Association (PATWA) on the second day of the world biggest travel and tourism exhibition - ITB Berlin.

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No. 54  March 25 - April 10, 2013


ASEAN Development:

APEC-ASEAN Laying Foundation for Green Building Development APEC economies will address green building standardiza on in more depth when they meet in Medan, Indonesia in June 2013. This will segue into work on specific building products, and testing and ra ng best prac ces that can be applied across the region to facilitate trade. Asia Pacific economies are pursuing greater coopera on on the development of smarter, more consistent approaches for building design and construc on to improve energy efficiency and facilitate the trade of associated products in the region. A three-day joint APEC-Associa on of Southeast Asian Na ons (ASEAN) workshop which concluded on Thursday in Lima helped to lay the groundwork. It brought together officials and stakeholders to share experiences and iden fy best prac ces on the development, adop on and implementa on of green building codes. “Peru is currently in the midst of implementing sustainable building policies, a process that has started by reviewing and compiling all related regula on on the ma er,” said Rene Cornejo, Peru’s Minister of Housing, Construc on and Sanita on. “The experiences of other Asia-Pacific economies will serve as valuable lessons and shall be taken into account in the development of studies and green building regula on to be implemented in our economy, especially in social housing promoted by the public building sector”, Cornejo added. Buildings consume 40 percent of global energy, according to the United Na ons Environment Program. Residen al and commercial buildings in par cular account for 60 percent of all electricity use. The workshop, supported, in part, by the APEC Technical Assistance and Training Facility and the Peru government, is a component of a mul year APEC project to boost the capacity of member economies to enhance the performance and energy efficiency of the region’s building sector. “Resilient growth in the Asia-Pacific and the expansion of urban areas globally are promp ng the region’s economies to share informa on on best prac ces in code development and provide tools and insights that can inform policy decisionmaking,” said Teungku Hanafiah, Chair of the APEC Sub-Commi ee on Standards and Conformance. “The goal is to help one another build in more economically and environmentally sustainable ways, and work toward aligning policies in the Asia-Pacific to ensure access to the materials needed to do so.” Focus includes standards and conformity assessment prac ces that will promote the free flow of trade in certain building products, whose use can reduce greenhouse emissions and improve resource management. Delegates noted that the evolving standards and conformance landscape for green building increases the complexity of their task, but that their experience-sharing and dialogue in this evolving area is quite construc ve. The ming is also consistent with some discussions in the building community about what makes a code “green” and possible measurement approaches. APEC economies will address green building standardiza on in more depth when they meet in Medan, Indonesia in June 2013. This will segue into work on specific building products, and testing and ra ng best prac ces that can be applied across the region to facilitate trade.  BTNewspaper/ Theodore Koumelis K12-I.13-12

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