Bali Travel Newspaper Vol. III No. 55

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No. 55  April 11 - 24, 2013

“Tawur Agung Kesanga” Ritual at Besakih Temple THE ritual of “Tawur Agung Kesanga” or sacrifices for the universe harmony held in the area of Besakih Temple, Karangasem regency, which was a ended by Hindus from many villages in Bali. “Tawur Agung Kesanga ceremony is in the level of Tabuh Gentuh by slaughtering animals as sacrificial offerings,” Jero Gede Mangku Pande, the organizer of the ritual ac vi es said in Besakih, recently. He said that dozens types of offerings complements the ritual of Tawur Kesanga associated with Nyepi Day Saka New Year 1935 (12-2-2013). The animals sacrificed in the ceremony are buffaloes, cows, goats, deer, geese, ducks, kerkuak birds, pigs, chickens, and monkeys. “All kinds of animal sacrificed are purified (mapepada) that was done

or one day before the ritual,” he said. Bali Governor Made Mangku Pas ka, Vice Governor Anak Agung Puspayoga and Karangasem Regent I Wayan Geredeg blended with local people from different parts of areas in the island. The ceremony that spiritually cleanses the universe was led by three priests, namely Ida Pedanda Shiva, Ida Pedanda Buddha, and Ida Rsi Bujangga Vaishnava. The ceremony took place solemn accompanied by chan ng spiritual songs (kekidung) and the melody of Balinese gamelan instruments. In addi on, some sacred (wali) dances were also performed, the Sidakarya mask-dance and Wayang Lemah and other offering such as Tabuh Rah

or cockfigh ng. Based on the history, Besakih Temple is the biggest Hindu shrines in Bali located at the slope of Mount Agung that has significance for the life of Hindus is the place for the Gods. Besakih Temple also serves as Rwa Bhineda, Sad Kahyangan Jagat, Padma Bhuana, and the center of all religious ceremonies. A en on to Pura Besakih started since the reign of King Sri Udayana Warmadewa (in 1007) un l the reign of the King Sri Krishna Kepakisan generaon (in 1444 and 1454 AD). Great a en on from the King con nued in the Dutch colonial era in Indonesia in the form of large-scale restora on on some sacred building complex damaged by natural disasters.  BTNewspaper/BaliTime/*

Pura Besakih, the Mother Temple in Bali KNOWN as the “Mother Temple” in Bali, Pura Besakih is situated 3,000 feet up the slopes of Mount Agung in East Bali. Pura Besakih, considered the most important Hindu temple in Bali, is actually a complex of 23 separate temples that can be explored by tourists. The Pura Besakih temples are thought to date back to the 14th century, however some locals date them back as early as the 10th century. Constructed on six different levels, Pura Penataran Agung is the epicenter of the temple district. White banners flying around Pura Penataran Agung denote the temple’s dedica on to Shiva. Pura Besakih, famous for allowing Hindu followers from any clans to worship, draws worshipers from all over the world. VisiƟng Pura Besakih Pura Besakih and other loosely-connected Hindu temples around Mount Agung can be explored on a day trip from Ubud or Denpasar. Tourists can wander from temple to temple; each site differs according to deity and purpose. The Pura Besakih temple complex is extremely ac ve; scores of different Hindu ceremonies are held throughout the year. Pura Pentataran Agung and other temples may be closed to tourists during special worship days - ask in Ubud before making the journey to Pura Besakih. While tourism has caused the region around the temple complex to explode









in growth, the popularity has a racted a horde of guides, touts, and hawkers hoping to relieve visitors of extra cash. Miracle or Coincidence? In Hindu belief, the Eka Dasa Rudra ceremony must be performed every 100 years to purify and save the world. The ritual was scheduled to be performed in 1963 at Pura Besakih. In March of that same year, Mount Agung erupted violently blowing the top 400 feet off the volcano. Thousands are thought to have died on Bali as gas and lava spewed from Mount Agung. Miraculously, Pura Besakih remained rela vely untouched on top of the volcano as lava poured down the slopes. Some Ɵps for visiƟng the temple complex Pura Besakih is open from sunrise to dusk, however tour buses begin to pour in around 9 a.m. Take your own sarong: Proper dress is expected inside of Hindu temples; men must cover their legs with a sarong. Sarongs can be rented at the entrance of each temple; however purchasing your own in some places in Bali for a be er idea.


Chief Editor : Wisnu Wardana; Publicist: Jan Hendrik Peters, KG. Dharma Putra, Journalists/ contributors: Torsten Thierbach, Gung Man, Krisna; MarkeƟng : Made Yudha ; Secretariate : Dewi ; Address : Jl. Mela 43 Denpasar, Bali-Indonesia ; Phone/ fax: (0361) 227610 Email : info@ ; Jakarta : Bambang Hermawan, Villa Pamulang Mas, Blok C9/4, Pamulang, Tangerang Selatan ; Yogyakarta : Titah Pratyaksa (083 1190 19410); Bank : BPD Bali KCP. Kamboja No. 0370115000510 A/N Biro Promosi & Pengembangan Pariwisata Budaya.

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Manik Mas Temple: In this temple there are 6 buildings and worship place, including main worship place building shaped safe building, four colonnaded facing to the west. Its func on as a worship place Ida Ratu Mas Melilit.

Besakih temple complex Below is other temples list with some in summary contained in the Bekasih temple complex: Pesimpangan temple: Its func on as a junc on place while Bhatara Besakih when held MelasƟ Ceremony (search for Toya Ning) to Toya Sah, to the Tegal Suci or to Klotok termple is done in every year. Dalem Puri Temple: In this temple there are 10 buildings, including worship place (Pelinggih) shaped style thatched roofed buildings. It func ons as a worship place for Bhatari Uma and Goddess Durga. In this temple there is also worship place Sang Hyang PrajapaƟ as ruler of the human spirit. In the north there is a land called Tegal Penangsar.

Bangun SakƟ Temple In this temple there are four buildings and worship place. The main worship place is Safe Building as worship place to Sang Hyang Ananthaboga. Ulun Kulkul Temple In this temple there are seven buildings and worship place. The most important worship place is the common thatched roofed building as worship God Mahadeva. This temple is one of the worship Gods Catur Loka Phala, the manifesta on of Sang Hyang Widhi, who ruled the East. Jewelry color or clothing in this temple, at the ceremony me all in yellow. Merajan Selonding Temple In the temple stored a number of inscripons and pra ma, slonding gamelan orchestra. According to historical records, the temple is the former Palace of King Sri Wira Dalem Kesari. Today, it serves as a storage area for inheritance objects. Goa Temple (Cave Temple) In this temple there is a big cave, but the parts have been many who collapsed. According to folk belief, the cave was translucent to Cave Lawah, East of Kusamba, As a cave to Sang Hyang Basuki. In this temple there are four worship place. Banuwa Temple In this temple there are four buildings and worship place, the cult anyway addressed to the Goddess Sri (Goddes Of Rice). Each Kepitu Sasih Ceremony or around January, here held Ngusaba Ngeed and Ngusaba Buluh Ceremony aimed at invoking prosperity and rice fields. Merajan Kanginan Temple In this temple there are seven buildings and worship place, which there are worship for Masters Baradah. Hyang Aluh Temple In it there are seven property and worship place. Temple shaped building worship for Ida Ratu Ayu.

Basukihan Temple Here there are 10 buildings and worship place. Worship place meru-shaped roof with mul level 9 as worship for Sang Hyang Naga Basuki. Penataran Agung Besakih Temple This complex includes the largest temple in Besakih. Composed and 7 pages levels with a number of buildings and worship place in total as many as 53. There’s a big seven-roofed meru level 11, 9, 7, 5 and 3. Worship place that is the worship anyway is Padma Tiga as worship for Sang Hyang Widhi Wasa in his manifesta on as Purusha i.e. Ciwa, Sadha Ciwa and Panama Ciwa is the pivot for pretending otherwise. Batu Madeg Temple This temple is a large temple complex, with 29 buildings and worship place. The main worship place roofed meru-shaped roofed 11. This building as a worship for Lord Vishnu as a manifesta on of Sang Hyang Widhi, who controlled the north direc on. Fashion color in this temple are all black. Kiduling Kreteg Temple In it there are 21 buildings and Pelinggih (worship place). The main worship place large roofed meru is anyway level 11 worship for God Brahma as the manifesta on of Sang Hyang Widhi as southern direc on ruler. This temple complex is a large complex, almost as large as a Batu Madeg Temple complex. The color red garment in this temple. Gelap Temple (Dark Temple) Inside are six buildings and Pelinggih. The main worship place meru-roofed is the point 3 as worship for God Ishvara, the manifesta on of Sang Hyang Widhi as eastern direc on ruler. Fashion color in this temple was all-white. Pasar Agung Temple A bit difficult to reach, due to its loca on on the Mount Agung Slope, through to the Selat Village to the Sebudi Village, and then climb about four hours to climb to the north. All worship place were destroyed when Mount Agung erupted in 1963, and towards Eka Dasa Rudra Ceremony at Besakih had begun gradually improved un l now. Besakih Temple is one of the tourist des na ons in Bali. So, if you are travel to Bali, visit this temple in addi on to its nau cal tours. Welcome to vaca on in Bali, Island of Gods.  BTNewspaper/*/net/From Gregory Rodgers

4/6/2013 1:27:17 AM











No. 55 ď Ź April 11 - 24, 2013



Honoured in the 2013 TripAdvisor Travellers’ Choice Awards PRIME Plaza Hotels & Resorts is thrilled to announce that their family-friendly proper es – The Bali Dynasty Resort (BDR) & the Sanur Paradise Plaza Suites (SPPS) have been chosen amongst the Top 10 winners in the Best Hotels for Families Category by TripAdvisor in its 2013 Travellers’ ChoiceŽ awards. Now in its eleventh year TripAdvisor, announced the winners of its 2013 Travellers’ Choice Awards for Hotels for Families, honouring the best family-friendly hotels in the Indonesia and around the globe. Unlike any other hotel honours, TripAdvisor Travellers’ Choice Awards are based on millions of valuable reviews and opinions from the people that count the most, world travellers. “Unbelievable! Best holiday ever!� “Great stay!!�“Great family holiday� “A pleasurable stay� “We have received this award as recogni on of what travellers think of us. As

members of the Prime Plaza Hotels & Resorts group, we are proud that our guests have idenfied our proper es as the preferred places to stay for families,� said General Manager of Bali Dynasty Resort, Robert Kelsall. In addi on to sta hospitality, the Bali Dynasty Resort and the Sanur Paradise Plaza Suites also provide a range of facili es and ac vi es that aim to meet the needs of

Silence for the Earth UNITE: For the world. It was quite a serene and quiet atmosphere in Maya Ubud Resort & Spa on March 21, 2013 when the resort, to show its support for World Silent Day, minimizad the use of energy, ligh ng and vehicles from 10.00 am un l 2.00 pm that day. World Silent Day is partly inspired by Bali’s Hindu Day of Silence, Nyepi, as a global eort to improve the environment. This was ini ally proposed as a global acon to conserve the environment during the United Na ons’ Climate Change Conference here in 2008. This year’s theme was “Let’s Silent For Earthâ€?. With that in mind, Maya Ubud Resort & Spa ac vated a range of energysaving measures, reduced ac vi es and minimized the use of vehicles during on this day. The resort reduced the usage of electricity by turning o all unnecessary

machinery, minimizing the use of computers in all oďŹƒces, dimed or turned o non-essen al interior ligh ng in all corridors, and reduced ligh ng in public areas. In-house guests were made aware of the event and asked to voluntaruily par cipate by turning o the air condi oning and minimize usage of lights in ther rooms and villas. Employees also par cipated by reducing the use of vehicles and motor cycles or by walking to work. As our mission is to do all possible in our own way to stop the degrada on of the earth’s natural environment. Wewill therefore con nue in our support and par cipa on in World Silent Day,as it has a very posi ve impact on our world. Our par cipa onmay have been only four hours, but the eects are much longer las ng and can help promote a future in which humans can live in harmony with nature. ď ś BTNewspaper/PR

Experience Your Earth Day in Style IN ORDER to celebrate the Earth World Day 2013 THE 1O1 Bali Legian presents their annual event called 1O1 Smart Living by organizing blood dona on on 17 April 2013 in collabora on with the Indonesian Red Cross (PMI BALI) and supported by Bali Hotels Associa on (BHA), beside donate your blood you could have a free check for your heart, cholesterol and blood pressure. For ques ons or to sign up please contact: with Ms. Renny Suarini and Ms. Ayu Dwi or call (0361) 3001 101, register under your community name! There’s friendly compe on to see which community can donate the most blood and ul mately save the most lives. Not only blood dona on 19 April 2013, THE 1O1 Bali Legian will clean up THE 1O1 surrounding! This is an annual program to pre-

serve the natural environmental of surround area, but don’t worry a er your contribu on to save lives by dona ng blood then clean up our mother earth, at the same day you need to have earth refreshment by joining The Earth Day Party. This party start on 3pm onward with free salad corner, DJS performance, fire dance and LED Dancer, by joining this party you will show your contribu on by purchasing every cocktail at “EARTH BARâ€? and contribute IDR 9.000ne from each cocktail sold for our Green Planet Program. “This is smart and stylish day to experience your Earth Day this year!â€? ď ś BTNewspaper/PR

families. “This is tes mony to the eorts of our fantas c teams who work hard to ensure families that visit us have an enjoyable and memorable stay. These awards will encourage all proper es under the banner of Prime Plaza Hotels & Resorts management to con nually strive to excel in the area of service quality,â€? said Stuart Bolwell General Manager, Sanur Paradise Plaza Suites. Prime Plaza Hotels and Resorts since its establishment in 2003 has prided itself as ‘The Signature of Indonesian Hospitality’ and on delivering genuine hospitality and service. Now comprising 7 proper es in Bali and Java, such as Jogjakarta Plaza Hotel, Surabaya Plaza Hotel, Sanur Paradise Plaza Hotel, Sanur Paradise Plaza Suites, Kota Bukit Indah Plaza Hotel, Bali Dynasty Resort and Amadea Resort and Villas. Plaza Hotels focus on the business traveller and oer extensive mee ng and

banquet facili es, whilst the Resort brands, situated in prime resort loca ons, focus predominantly on the leisure traveller. About TripAdvisor TripAdvisorÂŽ is the world’s largest travel site,* enabling travellers to plan and have the perfect trip. TripAdvisor oers trusted advice from real travellers and a wide variety of travel choices and planning features with seamless links to booking tools. TripAdvisor branded sites make up the largest travel community in the world, with more than 60 million unique monthly visitors*, and over 75 million reviews and opinions. The sites operate in 30 countries worldwide, including China under daodao. com. TripAdvisor also includes TripAdvisor for Business, a dedicated division that provides the tourism industry access to millions of monthly TripAdvisor visitors. ď ś BTNewspaper/PR

Earth Hour at HARRIS Hotel & Residences Riverview EARTH Hour one of WWF (World Wildlife Fund) program is a single, largest, symbolic mass par cipa on event in the world. Born out of a hope that we could mobilize people to take ac on on climate change, Earth Hour now inspires a global community of millions of people in 7,001 ci es and towns across 152 countries and territories to switch lights o for an hour as a massive show of concern for the environment. HARRIS Hotel & Residences Riverview Kuta, a four stars Hotel located in Jl. Raya Kuta No. 62A, held a special arrangement to par cipate in this occasion. On Saturday (23/3) all the lights at their public areas were turned o from 8.30PM un l 9.30PM. In the rooms, guests that had been informed about the program were encourage turning o the lights and gathered in the Main Pool. About 50 chefs, culinary lovers and suppliers the members of ICA (Indonesian Chef Associa on) who

were having their March gathering there were also joining the crowds. “Heal the worldâ€? by Michael Jackson played as people gathered around the main pool with candles light in their hand and “wishes for mother Earthâ€? whispered in their hearts. A erward, exci ngly “Fire danceâ€? played by four dancers from HARRIS Players successfully brought the evening to the peak. Drinks and canapĂŠs passed around and some prizes were given to lucky draw winners. Later on, HARRIS Move (the specific HARRIS dance) was performed as the lights turned on. “Saving energy is one of our highest concerns that implemented and controlled daily in this Hotel. Earth Hour is a very good program to give a sample for people especially children to put more awareness and concern to nature. We do hope more and more people will par cipate and care. â€? said Mrs. Marija TJIE, the General Manager. ď ś BTNewspaper/PR


Jl. Pantai Kuta, 80361 Bali - Indonesia Tel : (62-361) 752208, Fax : (62-361) 754 852 Email : S12-I.43-13

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18 Saridewi, Seminyak, Kuta Bali - 80361, INDONESIA Phone. +62-361-730999 (hunting) Fax. +62-361-737509 S12-I.44-13

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4/6/2013 1:27:18 AM












No. 55 ď Ź April 11 - 24, 2013


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No. 55  April 11 - 24, 2013





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CANDIDASA, AMLAPURA 80851 BALI-INDONESIA TELEPHONE : +62 363 42191, 42192, 42193 FAX: +62 363 42194 EMAIL : Website :



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4/6/2013 1:27:24 AM












No. 55  April 11 - 24, 2013

Successful Extraordinary Congress in Inna Grand Bali Beach THE Inna Grand Bali Beach perching in the premier area of Sanur, Denpasar Bali has been well known because it is situated in a very strategic loca on. Besides, it is always chosen as the favorite venue of various na onal and interna onal mee ngs, including the venue of the Extraordinary Congress of the Democra c Party recently held in the Agung Room of the Inna Grand Bali Beach, Sanur. Approximately 800 par cipants a ended the Extraordinary Congress opened by the Secretary General of the Democra c Party, Mr. Edhie Baskoro Yudhoyono (Ibas). Meanwhile, the closing session was a ended by the President of the Republic of Indonesia doubling as Chairman of the Board of Trustees of the Democra c Party who was then elected Chairman of the Democra c Party, Mr. Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono (SBY). Seen on the picture are General Manager of the Inna Grand Bali Beach, Mr. Sugeng Pramono (middle) and the Resident Manager

Mrs. IGK Ayu Ariani (far right) are welcoming the arrival of the President and First Lady Ani Yudhoyono in the hotel lobby.  BTNewspaper/PR

Kongres Luar Biasa, Sukses di Inna Grand Bali Beach

INNA Grand Bali Beach, hotel yang berlokasi di kawasan Sanur, Denpasar Bali, terkenal karena berada di area yang sangat strategis, senan asa dipilih sebagai tempat

terselenggaranya beragam pertemuan baik ngkat nasional maupun internasional, termasuk sebagai tempat untuk menyelenggarakan kongres antara lain adalah Kongres Luar Biasa Partai Demokrat yang baru-baru ini diselenggarakan di Agung Room Inna Grand Bali Beach, Sanur. Sekitar 800 orang peserta mengiku Kongres Luar Biasa tersebut yang dibuka oleh Sekjen Partai Demokrat, Bapak Edhie Baskoro Yudhoyono (Ibas) dan pada saat penutupan dihadiri oleh Presiden Republik Indonesia, selaku Ketua Dewan Pembina Partai Demokrat yang terpilih sebagai Ketua Umum Partai Demokrat, Bapak Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono (SBY). Tampak dalam gambar : General Manager Inna Grand Bali Beach, Bapak Sugeng Pramono (tengah) dan Resident Manager, Ibu IGK Ayu Ariani (paling kanan) menyambut kedatangan Presiden beserta Ibu Ani Yudhoyono di lobby hotel.  BTNewspaper/PR

Odalan Ceremony at Grand Istana Rama Hotel Kuta-Bali ON Tuesday (26/3), Grand Istana Rama Hotel held an odalan ceremony followed by all employee to celebrate the day when the temple was built. It was led by “pedanda” (the highest priest of Bali). This ceremony become very a racve for all hotel guests who allowed to come and see the ceremony with their polite dress. As a four-star hotel, Grand Istana Rama has an excellent loca on on Kuta beach, offers a convenience, relaxa on and some of the best surf spots in the world just a few steps from

your door. Next to the largest new shopping mall “Beachwalk” that can be reached within walking distance and near to the entertainment point at Jalan Legian. Grand Istana Rama Hotel has 150 rooms that have been renovated, consists of four types namely Superior Upper, Ground Superior, Deluxe and the Garden Suite and has lush tropical gardens covering an area of 1.7 hectares. All rooms and exterior spaces reflect the charm and fascina on of Bali.  BTNewspaper/PR

Inauguration of Indonesian Bartender Association On Friday (Mar 22), the management of the Indonesian Bartenders Associa on (ABI) was inaugurated at the Intercon Bali. Management of the ABI inaugurated was selected and set forth on January 31. Nevertheless, as an organiza on, the ABI lay under the Indonesian Food & Beverage Execu ve (IFBEC). The management inaugurated consisted of I Ketut Darmayasa (Chairman), AA Ngurah Yoga Semadhi (Deputy I), Sang Ketut Sumi Adnyana (Deputy II), Eka Yuliarsi (Secretary I), Ketut Suardanaya (Treasure I), I Wayan Bayu Hendra (Treasure II), Gede Ngurah Udayana (Training & Development I), I Gus Agung Gede Udiana (Training & Development II), I Putu Sumada (Training & Development III), Agus Raka Nakula (General

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Affair I), Stevanus Santoso (General Affair II), I Wayan Arditha (Marcom & Event I), Irham Gunawan (Marcom & Event II), I Gus Putu Rai Artawan (Procurement I) and I Gede Yudiana (Procurement II). At the same occasion, it was also officially introduced the ABI’s logo and its significance designed by Ngurah Udayana. According to the Chairman of the IFBEC Bali, I Nyoman Gede Suasta, forma on of the organiza on was kindled by encouragement and mo va on in order those ge ng involved in bartender services could brush up and gain knowledge through the organiza on. “Through the associa on and organiza on,

we will be able to increase the knowledge and insight to develop in the field of bartender service,” he said. On that account, as the parent organiza on, his party would soon issue a Decree of the IFBEC Bali, so that the existence of the organiza on would be recognized. In

addi on, Suasta expected that ABI could accommodate the unofficial bartenders that only got the exercise in the streets or in small cafes. “Through the ABI, their skills can be

trained and improved again,” he said while adding if the program would be successful, they could a ain competency and be distributed to companies in need of employees. The ABI was expected to be a professional associa on of beverage sector in Bali. On that account, the main aim of the ABI establishment was as a partner of the government in tourism development program. Addi onally, it was also intended to assist, foster and enhance the professionalism in tourism industry, especially in beverage sector. “ABI also has the responsibility for building the qualified Indonesian human resources, so that all the hospitality industries will consider the qualified bartenders in hiring the ones,” said I Ketut Darmayasa, Chairman of the ABI.  BTNewspaper/Rudianto

4/6/2013 1:27:27 AM











No. 55  April 11 - 24, 2013


A New B2B Travel Show for Indonesia SATTE India, one of the most important professional’s travel show, moves now to Indonesia with its first ediƟon being hosted from June 12 to 14 in Bali InternaƟonal ConvenƟon Centre. The show will collude with Indonesia’s own oldest travel show, TIME Pasar Wisata, hosted now for 18 years by Pacto Convex. INDONESIA’S newest B2B travel event, SATTE Indonesia 2013, is to be held in Bali at Bali Interna onal Conven on Centre (BICC) in Nusa Dua from 12-14 June 2013. The show is an emula on of the already well-established SATTE India, which has organized shows for now 20 years. The first edi on is ge ng the support and par cipa on of top brands and Ins tu ons such as the Ministry of Tourism and Crea ve Economy of the Republic of Indonesia, Berlin Tourismus as well as numerous hotels and foreign office of tourism including several Indian State government tourism bodies but also Abu Dhabi Tourism, Egypt tourism, TAT or Tourism Malaysia. SATTE Indonesia is organizing a buyer program with limited offer being provided on first come first serve basis. They have been already applica on from more than 200 companies from 20+ countries all over the world with a total of 300 Buyers and 1000+ Business Visitors to make mee ng and dealing for their long term needs. SATTE Indonesia 2013 intends to establish a new benchmark for travel and tourism events. Pre-scheduled appointments and business sessions for buyers and sellers will be organize while an extensive program of ac vies will be proposed during the four-day show. The show is due also to compete with Indonesia’s long established own B2B show, TIME Pasar Wisata. Hos ng this year its 19th edi on in Padang, West Sumatra from October 11 to 13, TIME has experienced a diminu on of buyers and sellers par cipa on over the years due to various organiza on constraints. However, the show goes on and over the last few years, it has stabilized with the par cipa on of some 100 buyers mee ng some 100 sellers from 20 Indonesian provinces.  BTNewspaper/Luc Citrinot/*

Governor of Bali

2013 Wild Asia Award Call for Entries THE Wild Asia Responsible Tourism Awards are back and from today (27th March) un l 23rd May, any Asia based accommoda on provider or tour operator commi ed to sustainability can enter, If you believe you should be rewarded because you’re making a difference, download your applica on form from the Wild Asia website, to get the interna onal recogni on you deserve. Launched in 2006, the Wild Asia Responsible Tourism Awards are back for 2013 with an extended selec on of categories to honour innova ve businesses that have excelled through the prac ce of responsible tourism. Now in their seventh year, the Awards are open to accommoda on and tour operator businesses across Asia in all shapes and sizes, budgets and loca ons. Grounded in the Global Sustainable Tourism Criteria, the Awards have helped to shape interna onal standards for environmentally and socially sound tourism. The Wild Asia Awards remain the only Asia wide awards commi ed to recognising sustainable tourism and to date have seen more than two hundred entries. For Finalists of the Responsible Tourism Awards, the accolade and recogni on validates business’s efforts in responsible tourism. The Awards give these enterprises an interna onal pla orm to showcase their achievements in environmental best prac ces and support for local communi-

es, demonstra ng to the world that their businesses care. The 2013 Awards’ Winners will be announced at Asia’s biggest business-to-business travel trade show ITB Asia in Singapore this October, as part of the interna onal responsible tourism networking events. Each year, Wild Asia works to improve the judging and transparency of the Awards. As a result, the 2013 Awards see an exciting interna onal panel of judges, all with a minimum of 10 years responsible tourism experience from all corners of Asia. The 2013 Panel includes representa ves from pres gious pla orms such as the Interna onal Ecotourism Society, the Global Sustainable Tourism Council, Sustainable Travel Interna onal, and PATA. Furthermore, each finalist will undergo rigorous judging and have a full report published on the Wild Asia website highligh ng their achievements and why they were selected. These insigh ul reports will act as prac cal tools for inspiring other tourism operators to adopt their methods of best prac ce. 2013 Categories Best in Community Engagement and Development - This award recognizes excep onal commitment to suppor ng the local community and economy in which your business operates. Best in Cultural Preserva on - This award recognizes en-

gagement and efforts by tourism businesses in preserving, enhancing and promo ng local cultures and heritage. Best in Protec on of Natural Areas and/ or Wildlife Conserva on - This award recognizes tourism businesses’ considera on of their local environment and biodiversity by ac vely suppor ng and protec ng their natural assets. Best in Resource Efficiency - This award recognizes excellence in waste, water and energy management and sustainable architectural design in order to minimize your business’s environmental impact. Most Inspiring Responsible Tourism Accommoda on Provider - This award recognizes the accommoda on provider that excels in all of the above categories by taking into considera on all the key principles of responsible tourism (maximum posi ve impacts to the local community and minimum nega ve impacts to the environment) and awards innova on for this most inspiring accommoda on of the year. Most Inspiring Responsible Tour Operator (NEW!) - This award recognizes the tour operator that excels in all of the above categories by taking into considera on all the key principles of responsible tourism (maximum posi ve impacts to the local community and minimum nega ve impacts to the environment) and awards innova on for this most inspiring responsible tourism business of the year.  BTNewspaper/Valere Tjolle

Tourism Players Must Work Together and Never Sell Bali Cheaply THE discussion en tled Tourism Tuesday is regularly performed by the Bali Tourism Board (GIPI Bali— Ed) and on the occasion of Tuesday (Mar 19) presented Governor of Bali, Made Mangku Pas ka, in the BTB Hall on Jalan Raya Puputan, Denpasar. The theme featured was The Impact of Tourism Growth on Macro Economy and CreaƟve Economy guided by Nyoman Madiun. On that occasion, Governor explained about Bali tourism development strategy and reminded that Bali tourism should not be sold cheaply. The key solu on was that all the tourism stakeholders should work together in promo ng Bali. It was intended to maintain the quality of Bali as one of the world tourist des na ons, while tourism was the driving force of the Bali’s economy. “This sector has made great contribu ons to Bali’s economy and con nue to grow,”

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said Made Mangku Pas ka. From the exis ng data, the economic growth of Bali con nued to rise toward posi ve direc on. Currently, the economic growth of Bali reached 6.60 percent. In addion, the poverty rate in Bali could have been derived from 6.17 percent in 2008 to 3.9 percent. “For the poverty rate, we are ranked second a er the Greater Jakarta having the smallest amount of poor popula on in Indonesia,” he added. Similarly, the unemployment rate in Bali could have also been reduced. “We are the best across Indonesia in the reduc on of unemployment that currently lies in 2 percent,” said Pas ka. However, the presenta on of data by the governor sourcing from the BPS did not make him prideful. According to him, there were s ll many villages in Bali whose economic condi on was low and secluded. “I’m realis c because

in truth we have 82 villages whose poverty rate reaches 35 percent,” he added. This indicated the gap was s ll sharp in Balinese life. “The rich is getng richer, while the poor is ge ng poorer,” he said. In response to such field reality, the governor had first priority in the poverty reduc on and

prospering the poor community. Related to this effort, the governor expected the tourism industry in Bali could work together and accommodated the products and crea on of rural communi es because his party currently made a program named the Integrated Rural Development Movement (Gerbang-

sadu). This program provided capital assistance amoun ng to IDR 1 billion in order villages could make crea on and have professional management for rural enterprises. “We hope the tourism business people could play a posi ve role to help build the rural economy,” he said.  BTNewspaper/Krisna

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No. 55  April 11 - 24, 2013


STPBI Endek Fashion Show 2013

Introducing Endek as Property of Balinese Community


OCATED in The Grand Santhi Hotel on Saturday (Mar 16), the students of the Interna onal Bali Tourism Ins tute (STPBI) prac ced the management implementaon as the final assignment and became one of the requirements for comple ng the educa on in the campus located on Jalan Kecak Denpasar. The event held en tled Endek Fashion Show 2013. Endek is one of the fabrics becoming the hallmark of Denpasar City. According to the Director of the STPBI, IGM Sudjana, the event was indeed held to sharpen the management skills of the STPBI students. “This experience is expected to be a provision in their next scope of work,” said Sudjana. Meanwhile, the selec on of endek as the theme was intended that the endek and crea vity would grow in line with the program of the Denpasar Municipality.

The Head of Denpasar Culture Agency, Made Mudra, having the opportunity to a end and open the event, said that it was an effort to socialize the endek as the characteris c of Denpasar City. “Mayor of Denpasar pays good a en on to the endek as a local product having good quality,” he said. With the slogan We Have, We’re Proud and We Wear, the Denpasar Municipality a empted to mo vate, especially to designers and industry players, in order to con nuously introduce the endek of Denpasar. “It is a space for fashion designers, especially endek to be crea ve and explore their talents. Besides, par cipants of the fashion show can develop themselves and enrich their experience,” he added. Today, people s ll realized if the endek was solely owned by the upper class. Therefore, this moment should be able to provide a space for people to learn more about the endek to be used any me, not just for formal occasions. Par cipants of this fashion show, according to Chairman of the Organizing Commi ee, IB Nyoman Yudiartha, was divided into age groups of 3-7 years, 8-12 years and 13-22 years with a total of 184 par cipants. They struggled for a trophy, plaque, coaching cash, and gi from the sponsors. Par cipants came from several modeling schools in Bali and general public.  BTNewspaper/Krisna K12-I.13-12

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