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More info see page II
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4/19/2013 1:15:07 AM
No. 56 April 25 - May 10, 2013
Moon Profile Basic Lunar Information Name Age Mass Shape Family Ac ve Rela onships Distance from earth
: Moon : 4.5 billion years old : 73’490’000’000’000’000 million kg : Egg-shaped : Member of our solar system, satellite of earth : Orbits around the earth : 384’467 km (~364 397 km at perigee, ~406 731 km at apogee) Traveling by car : 130 days Traveling by rocket : 13 hours Traveling by light speed : 1.52 sec Diameter : 3476 km (1/4 of the Earth’s) Gravity accelera on : 1.62m/sec2 (1/6 of Earth’s) Revolu on period : 27.3217 days Mean Synodic period (new moon to new moon): 29.530588861 days Mean orbital velocity : 1.023 km/sec
Full Moon Celebration in Bali Perfect Energy for Our Work During the Ɵme of Full Moon in Bali on April 25, 2013, the perfect energy will be influence on our work. This will have two special significances: firstly it will give us a chance to experience a ceremony, and secondly, we can tap into and use its power for our work.
ACCORDING to Balispirit.com hardly a day goes by in Bali without some kind of ceremony being celebrated as the Balinese honor all the cycles of life – baby ceremonies, puberty rites, weddings, crema ons, Temple fes vals. Balinese religion (called Agama Hindu Dharma) consist of three primary elements: Hinduism based on what is prac ced in India but differing substan ally from those tradions, animism (where every living thing has a soul) and ancestor worship (the Balinese deify their ancestors a er a proscribed process of cleansing has been done). It is fascina ng to witness and even more so to be a part of. We are hoping to take you all to the Moon Temple for the evening ceremony where Balinese locals will be in their finest a re, a market will be laid out and two orchestras will be playing. It is a very special experience and the atmosphere will be electric. Humans have an ancient and sacred relaonship with the moon. Lunar calendars were probably the first method of me keeping and in fact the word month is derived from moon phase. The moon affects the des; the way plants grow, as well as human fer lity and
Chief Editor : Wisnu Wardana; Publicist: Jan Hendrik Peters, KG. Dharma Putra, Journalists/ contributors: Torsten Thierbach, Gung Man, Krisna; MarkeƟng : Made Yudha ; Secretariate : Dewi ; Address : Jl. Mela 43 Denpasar, Bali-Indonesia ; Phone/ fax: (0361) 227610 Email : info@ www-balitravelnews.com ; Jakarta : Bambang Hermawan, Villa Pamulang Mas, Blok C9/4, Pamulang, Tangerang Selatan ; Yogyakarta : Titah Pratyaksa (083 1190 19410); Bank : BPD Bali KCP. Kamboja No. 0370115000510 A/N Biro Promosi & Pengembangan Pariwisata Budaya.
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behavior. The Full Moon is a me when the Moon is at its most powerful, and its influence is most potent. This is the ideal me for healing, guidance, and comple on. In Bali, the full moon, known as Purnama,
is considered a good day for plan ng, especially for plants that bear fruit. So very o en people will delay plan ng un l the day of the full moon, when they are more assured of successful harvest. This will have added significance for the work you will be doing on your life and business plans. Usually during Purnama, the village temple will feature special prayers, wayang puppet performances, arja plays, Balinese dancing. Towering offerings called sesajen, are also brought to the temple. Each Purnama sees long parades of Balinese women, dressed in bright tradi onal costumes carrying elaborate offerings of fruits and foodstuffs on towers above their heads to the local temple.
Balinese believe if you bathe in water containing fragrant frangipani flowers, under the light of the full moon, you will enjoy youth fullness and good health. Might be a good me to cruise the streams with a flashlight! Plan ng fruit bearing trees is encouraged on Purnama. In Bali everything has a place and me. Some people also believe that to bathe in water perfumed by the fragrant petals of the frangipani flower under the light of the full moon will wash away your sins, while ensuring that you will remain youthfully a rac ve. That will do for us won’t it!!! A photojournalist has created a beau ful blog about his experience of a Full Moon ceremony in Bali …… BTNewspaper/net/ginalazenby
Interesting Facts About the Moon ROTATION of moon: The same side of the Moon always faces the Earth. The Moon’s rotaon period is synchronous with its revolu on period around the Earth. Change of distance: Because of a loss of orbital energy to gravity from the Earth, the Moon is very gradually moving away from the Earth. In the very early history of the Earth, the Moon looked about 3 mes larger in apparent size in the sky, because it was closer to the Earth. Lunar atmosphere: The Moon has almost no atmosphere, because of its weak gravity. All types of gas will escape from its surface. Without an atmosphere, there is no wind or water erosion. The Moon’s surface is about the same now as it was 3 billion years ago. The astronauts’ footprints remain unchanged on the Moon’s surface. The footprints should last at least 10 million years. Temperatures on the moon, dress code: The surface temperature fluctuates from roughly +300° F during the 2-week day me to -270 F during the 2-week night. This is because there is not enough atmosphere to keep the Moon warm at night, nor protect it from the Sun’s rays in the day me. If you are wondering what to wear, an astronaut’s suit is the most appropriate answer. The Apollo 11 mission to the moon: The Apollo 11 Saturn V space vehicle, at Launch Pad 39A, awaits the li off scheduled for 9:32 a.m. EDT, along with astronauts Neil A. Armstrong, Michael Collins and Edwin E. Aldrin Jr. During the planned eight-day mission, Armstrong and Aldrin descended in a lunar module to the Moon’s surface while Collins was orbi ng overhead in the command module. The two astronauts spent 22 hours on the Moon, including two and one-half hours outside the lunar module. They gathered samples of lunar material and deployed scien fic experiments.
They rejoined Collins at the command module for the return trip to Earth. The astronauts splashed down in the Pacific Ocean and recovery was made by the U.S.S. Hornet on July 24, 1969. Size comparison: The volume of the Earth’s moon is the same as the volume of the Pacific Ocean. Lunar magneƟc field: The Moon has no global magne c field. You cannot use a compass to find your direc on. Tides and the moon: The moon causes many of the des in the Earth’s oceans. This is because of the gravity force between the Earth and Moon. At full Moon and new Moon, the Sun, Earth and Moon are lined up, producing the higher than normal des (called spring des, for the way they spring up). When the Moon is at first or last quarter, smaller neap des form. Sun and Moon Eclipses: An eclipse of the Sun can occur only at New Moon, while an eclipse of the Moon can occur only at Full Moon. Legal status - Buying land on the moon: Though several flags of the United States have been symbolically planted on the moon, the U.S. government makes no claim to any part of the Moon’s surface. The U.S. is party to the Outer Space Treaty, which places the Moon under the same jurisdic on as interna onal waters. This treaty also restricts use of the Moon to peaceful purposes, explicitly banning weapons of mass destruc on (including nuclear weapons) and military installa ons of any kind. A second treaty, the Moon Treaty, was proposed to restrict the exploita on of the Moon’s resources by any single na on, but it has not been signed by any of the space-faring na ons. Several individuals have made claims to the Moon in whole or in part, though none of these claims are generally considered credible .
4/19/2013 1:15:11 AM
No. 56 ď Ź April 25 - May 10, 2013
High-Speed Wi-Fi Connection at Aston Bali Beach Resort & Spa ASTON Bali Beach Resort & Spa is delighted to enhance the guest experiences during their journey at the heart of Tropical Island with the implementa on of complimentary high speed wi-fi connec on throughout the resort area and in all guest rooms. Guest will be able to access this indulged benefit for 24 hours as the resort recognizes the demand to stay connected with families, friends and business while travelling. “Connec vity is an important role of Aston Bali experience. And now, I am delighted to see that complimentary wi-fi connec on has become one of our signature services,� said Ian Cameron, General Manager at Aston Bali Beach Resort & Spa.
In a year filled with developments and advancements as Aston Bali prepares for its rebranding eorts to be Grand Aston Bali Beach Resort later this year, oering guest complimentary high-speed wi-fi access upholds its reputa on as one of the leading 5 star resort on island. ď ś BTNewspaper/PR
BIMC Hospital Supports Bali WISE in Women’s Health Education TODAY (Nusa Dua, April 04th, 2013), the BIMC Hospital Group and the ROLE Founda on signed a Memorandum of Understanding establishing their collabora on to provide health educa on to women from low-income families, witnessed by Western Australian Senator Glenn Sterle, Chair of the Senate Legisla on Rural, Regional Aairs and Transport Commi ee. With the inten on to contribute to a healthier Bali, BIMC Hospital Group is convinced that suppor ng the ROLE Founda on’s program for women educa on, Bali WISE, will make a dierence. “As a healthcare facility with highly qualified doctors and nurses, health educa on is a vital part of our services to the people in Bali. Even if we can’t reach everyone with our services, our corporate social responsibility ac vi es allow us to widen the audience and increase the impact we make,â€? explained Roland Staehler, Chief Marke ng OďŹƒcer BIMC Hospital Group. “With Bali WISE we have found the right partner for our eorts.â€? As one of the programs of Nusa Dua-based ROLE Founda on, founded by Australian Mike O’Leary, Bali WISE’s vision is to break the poverty cycle through women’ and girls’ skills educa on by providing free educa on, job skills and employment opportuni es to women in need. BIMC HOSPITAL is now the new medical partner for health-related educa on in the curriculum. Bali WISE releases approximately 200 ready-to-work women every year. Nurturing the women with basic skills as reading, wri ng,
English language, personal hygiene, health and oďŹƒce skills, the program also provides vocaonal skills supported by hotels, spas and other business ins tu ons. “90% of our graduates find work immediately, either with our Project Partners or through their own connec ons,â€? said Liza Dawn, Chief Opera ng OďŹƒcer of Bali WISE. “individuals and organisa ons like Bali Interna onal Women’s Associa on (BIWA) regularly approach us to source sta from our recent graduatesâ€? she added. Senator Glenn Sterle witnessed the ceremony as part of his informa on visit collecting first hand insights regarding the medical infrastructure in Bali, the most popular travel des na on for Western Australians abroad. Being strongly involved in social community development programs in Western Australia himself, he emphasized how important educaon was in order to achieve real change. Kicking o the collabora on shortly a er signing the MoU, BIMC Hospital provided a seminar on “Women and Family Healthâ€? to over 20 young underprivileged women, students of BaliWISE programs. The seminar which took place at the BIMC Hospital in Nusa Dua, was led by Dr Meike Magnasofa, the Medical Director of the BIMC Hospital in Kuta. The topic drew extra a en on which led to many ques ons asked by the a endants. “It was a successful class, the students enthusias cally wanted to know and learn more. This was exactly what we wanted it to be.â€? said Dr Meike Magnasofa. ď ś BTNewspaper/PR
Food Promotion at Bali Dynasty Peking Duck (Rp. 360.000 net/person, enough for up to 4 people) THIS elegant and sophis cated Chinese Restaurant serving the Finest Cantonese, Szechuan cuisines and Dim Sum lunch prepared by our Master Chefs. The deligh ul atmosphere of our private rooms complements that important business gathering or special occasion. From the 1st of May un l 31 July 2013 guests can enjoy one of Golden Lotus’s most popular dishes on the menu, the signature dish Peking Duck. Peking Duck is a famous duck dish from Beijing that has been prepared since the imperial era, and is now considered a na onal dish of China. This special dish is served as three separate courses. Firstly the whole crispy Peking Duck is presented and carved by the Chef at your table .The Duck’s crispy skin is rolled in Chinese
pancakes and mixed with Black Bean Sauce, Cucumber and Spring Onions. For the next course t h e D u c k ’s meat is cooked with Black Bean sauce and mixed with vegetables and then finally the soup is served consis ng of the stock made from the duck bones with vegetables added. During the special promo on period this delicacy is available at only Rp.360,000 net for a whole Duck. Visit the Golden Lotus and try our famous Peking Duck. There’s enough for up to four people! ď ś BTNewspaper/PR
Eden Hotel Kuta, Open It’s Door to Public EDEN Hotel Kuta Bali, the 1st managed by TAUZIA Hotel Management in Bali has opened its door to public on Monday (15/4). “Be the first to experience the new concept of 4 Star Hotel where the touch of nature blends with casual atmosphere of the Island. It is for our Guests who wish to have a taste of tranquility surrounded by the simple beauty of nature that resembles the Garden of Edenâ€?, said Sebas en Menesguen, the General Manager. Nestled away at Karka Plaza Street, Eden Hotel oers a tranquil retreat in the heart of vibrant Kuta. Ideally situated, the hotel is only 10 minutes away from the Interna onal Airport. Nearby endless entertainment, dining and shopping venues including the Waterbom Bali, Centro Discovery Shopping Mall, Kuta Square, Hard Rock Cafe, Kuta Bex Shopping Center, Beach Walk and Legian shopping area. Tranquil sanctuary Featuring a back to nature concept, the hotel features 277 rooms and suites designed to oer the ul mate comfort and pro-
vide Guests with a relaxing sanctuary from the outside world. All accommoda on features contemporary furnishings and are equipped with modern ameni es including air-condi oning, flat screen television, DVD player (on request), WiFi internet access, mini bar, safety deposit box, and coee and tea making facili es. Suites addi onally boast spacious, separate living rooms. Paradisus Restaurant is open for all-day dining and specializes in exquisite Balinese favorites as well as interna onal dishes. Head over to Deck Bar for a range of delicious canapes and refreshing interna onal beverages. Enjoy a fulsome lunch at the pool deck, or swim up and savor a thirst-quenching cocktail at the Sunken Pool Bar. For the convenience of guests, room service is available 24-hours. Eden Hotel Kuta Bali also oers the perfect venue for business travelers with two conference and event rooms, extensive mee ng facili es available as well. Other facili es include the Elysium Spa, the Internet Corner, OTA Kid’s Club and Eden Bou que. ď ś BTNewspaper/PR
Jl. Pantai Kuta, 80361 Bali - Indonesia Tel : (62-361) 752208, Fax : (62-361) 754 852 Email : sales@grandistanarama.com S12-I.43-13
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18 Saridewi, Seminyak, Kuta Bali - 80361, INDONESIA Phone. +62-361-730999 (hunting) Fax. +62-361-737509 S12-I.44-13
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4/19/2013 1:15:14 AM
No. 56 ď Ź April 25 - May 10, 2013
advertising & subscription contact (0361) 227610 K12-III.41-13
ZLATOGOR THE BEST VODKA FROM UKRAINE T Zlatogor soft Vodka is traditional Ukraine Vodka, loaded with a spicy, clean The aroma, soft, slightly sweet in flavour, smoth with a medium to full weight. And made with a high quality alcohol & specially treated water from artesian that been used in production of medicinal mineral water. Zlatogor brand now has stock available in Bali Wein.
Distributor in Bali
Jl. Gunung Tangkuban Perahu No.238 XY, Br.Tegal Buah, Padang Sambian Klod - Denpasar - Bali. Ph. 0361-2748572, Fax. 0361-410200 K12-V.4-11
BALI DISTRIBUTOR: PT. DELTA SATRIA DEWATA Jl. Imam Bonjol 226 A - Denpasar Email : marketingdenpasar@aio.co.id.
Jl. Imam Bonjol 226 A - Denpasar Email : marketingdenpasar@aio.co.id.
Jl. Bumbak Dauh, Umalas, Kerobokan Kuta Utara - Badung - Bali - Indonesia T : +62 361 9002601 | F : +62 361 9002603 email : info@deumalokhabali.com www.deumalokhabali.com
Delivery 767589
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4/19/2013 1:15:16 AM
No. 56 April 25 - May 10, 2013
BALI PALMS RESORT Hotel, Apartements & Villas
CANDIDASA, AMLAPURA 80851 BALI-INDONESIA TELEPHONE : +62 363 42191, 42192, 42193 FAX: +62 363 42194 EMAIL : info@balipalmsresort.com Website : www.Balipalmsresort.com
Dusun Samuh, Candidasa – Amlapura 80851 Bali – Indonesia Phone : +62 363 41829 (Hunting) / Fax : +62 363 41622 / 41003 Email : reservations@balishangrila.net / www.balishangrila.net K12-II.1-11
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4/19/2013 1:15:20 AM
No. 56 April 25 - May 10, 2013
Melia Bali to Save the Electricity as a Commitment to Earth Hour ON SATURDAY (23/3) at 8:30 pm, tens of millions of people throughout the world turned out their lights for one hour -- Earth Hour -- to demonstrate their concern for our living planet and send a tangible message to support ac on on climate change. Meliá Bali has pledged to support this ini a ve. “We invite our guests, business partners and suppliers to par cipate in this inspiring event, which includes the following ac vi es. March 12, 2013 marked the first day of the Balinese New Year 1935, which is called NYEPI SILENT DAY. The three and half million people on this humble island saved 3600 MW of electricity worth 5.5 million rupiah on March 12 and the resort substan ally reduced its usual daily usage of 23,000 KWH per day.” Meliá Bali as the first in Asia and one
of only fourteen hotels in the world to be awarded the dis nc on of EarthCheck Pla num, reduced its use of electricity in solidarity with the millions throughout the world who support sustainable development and
a philosophy of harmony with Nature. In the evening about 1,000 people, including Meliá Bali employees and guests, were taking part in the event by switching off the air condi on and reduce the room lights to save electric-
ity. Guests may choose to spend the evening by dining under the stars at Sateria Beach Restaurant to save 300 KWH of electricity, a reduc on from the resort’s usual daily usage of 23,000 KWH per day. The resort con nues to support not just the Earth Hour campaign but also the Silent Day for the world, which we believe contributes to the reduc on of greenhouse gas emissions. A leader in Bali’s hospitality industry in both environmental and social sustainability, Meliá Bali is proud of its environmentally and socially conscious commitment. In 2012 the resort maintained this important posi on with recogni on as ASEAN Green Hotel 2012 - 2014 and also Pla num Resort in the Tri Hita Karana Tourism Award 2012, Bali’s highest sustainable tourism honor. BTNewspaper/PR
Tauzia Properties in Bali
TAUZIA Bali Sales Office organizes visit to 20 media in Bali par cipated by all TAUZIA proper es in Bali includes HARRIS Hotel Tuban, HARRIS Resort Kuta Beach, HARRIS Hotel and Residences Riverview, HARRIS Hotel and Residences Sunset Road, POP! Hotel Teuku Umar Denpasar, POP! Hotel Kuta Beach and soon to open EDEN Hotel Kuta and HARRIS
Hotel Bukit Jimbaran. Bali Media Visit is a regular program holds twice a year con nuing the close rela onship of TAUZIA proper es and media in Bali. “This media visit is to underline TAUZIA’s growing network in Bali and in the same me introducing our upcoming hotels which are Eden Hotel Kuta Bali to open April 15th 2013 follows by HARRIS Hotel Bukit Jimbaran in May 23rd 2013,” said Hengky TAMBAYONG, General Manager TAUZIA Bali Sales Office, “We, as a network, are always keen to have an occasion like this (group media visit) as we could also update each other and be together.” TAUZIA proper es in Bali represents by 5 HARRIS Hotels, 2 POP! Hotels and 1 hotel Managed by TAUZIA (Eden Hotel Kuta Bali) in opera ons and 19 more hotels under development. A total of 27 hotels will operate in Bali by end of 2015 under Worldhotels, Preference, HARRIS Hotels, Managed by TAUZIA, YELLO! Hotels and POP! Hotels brands. BTNewspaper/PR
Exclusive Trip to Thailand IN CONJUNCTION to 34th anniversary Thai Airways in Bali (1979 – 2013), THAI Bali leaded by Mr. Phi-roon Sakulthong took top 10 travel agents (from Bali and East Indonesia) with exclusive trip during 1-6 APR to Chiang Mai and Phuket beside Bangkok, the most popular tourist des na on in Thailand for upda ng new TG in-flight products and services direct flight Denpasar and Bangkok vv. daily service with B777-200 aircra with in-flight entertainment (IFE ) in all Business (Royal Silk) and Economy class, foods onboard and legendary Thai hospitality and THAI Smile, new regional flight by THAI airways from Chiang Mai (northern Thailand) direct to Phuket (southern Thailand). In addi on, the team shall experience most update and interes ng ac vi es including ea ng and shopping at the same
The first Indonesian president, new wax at Madame Taussaud, Siam Discovery mall Bangkok, Thailand.
me. Furthermore, this trip shall boost tourism between people of Thailand and Indonesia in line with a coopera on ASEAN and especially between two countries. BTNewspaper/PR
Learning with Fun AS PART of its ongoing CSR program, on last 9th of April 2013, Maya Ubud Resort and Spa, Bali together with Ms. Lucille Wood and Ms. Dianne Lucas of the Gita Interna onal Yoga Founda on in Australia, visited our neighboring primary school, SD2 Pejeng Kawanin and conducted a “Learning with Fun” program for the children, to provide them with a new fun approach in their daily learning process. The educa on of our children is of the utmost importance in this day and age and Maya Ubud Resort & Spa supported and par cipated in this new approach to make the learning process for young children more a rac ve, joyful and fun. Student par cipa on was encouraged in order to avoid a passive learning experience, as many schools are s ll not aware of how to create a conducive environment that can engage the children. Bearing in mind the concept of “Learning with Fun”, the session evolves around encouraging an engagement with the children in an atmosphere of relaxa on to enhance their comprehension. For it is strongly believed this will help balance their intellectual abili es. The aim of this program was to improve and encourage the children’s ability to be more crea ve, produc ve, intelligent, and create a willingness and desire to learn well with passion. More than 50 children, ranging from the 1st to the th 6 grade par cipated in the program. All displayed great enthusiasm and expressed their expecta on to having other more similar programs in the near future. BTNewspaper/PR
Christian Madsen
RM of InterContinental Bali INTERCONTINENTAL Bali Resort takes great pleasure to announce the recent appointment of Mr. Chris an Madsen as Resort Manager. He comes to the island of Bali direct from a 2 year s nt as Hotel Manager at the iconic InterCon nental Phoenicia Beirut, Lebanon. With over 14 years of professional experience within the hospitality industry, Chris an will be a valuable addi on to the Resort. Prior to comple ng his studies at the Danish Hotel Academy, Chris an graduated from Business School and also served 2 years as Lieutenant in the Danish Military. Having worked his way up through the hotel hierarchy, Chris an has an established background in opera ons.
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His first overseas posi on was as Front Office Manager at a resort in Oman where he was quickly promoted to the role of Opera ons Manager. Similar appointments took Chris an to Dubai and Thailand followed by a pre-opening tenure in Malaysia. Chris an is a passionate & straight forward leader with crea ve nature and is very much looking forward to working with the dedicated Balinese team and experience all the beau es of the island has to offer. He will be responsible for the overall daily opera ons of the Resort and will report directly to Area General Manager, of Mr. Michel Chertouh. BTNewspaper/PR
4/19/2013 1:15:23 AM
No. 56 April 25 - May 10, 2013
Launches Sustainable Food and Tourism Program
Travel firms of all sizes urged to do just one green thing for campaign.
Make a Pledge to Make Holidays Greener this Year TRAVEL firms of all shapes and sizes are being urged to make a pledge to do just one thing to support sustainable holidays as part of this year’s Make Holidays Greener campaign. This year’s awareness raising campaign will run throughout the month of July and the Travel Founda on has launched a new sec on on the website this week with ideas about how firms can get involved. This year, the campaign theme is ‘link to what’s local’. Salli Felton, ac ng chief execu ve, The Travel Founda on said: “We want to raise awareness about the things that make holidays special - local culture, local delicacies and souvenirs, local history, the environment and above all, local people.” “Greener, sustainable, responsible - whatever we call it - we want people to remember that holidays enable local people to benefit from tourism, and it’s the local people who help holidaymakers have unique and memorable experiences.” This year the Travel Founda on is encouraging travel businesses to go that extra mile to inspire staff and customers with greener holidays, and how they can make a difference. The industry is already ge ng behind this year’s campaign with the following pledges: - TUI
UK & Ireland pledge to find out about the local people in des na ons who are helping their customers experience local cultures, and making their holiday extra special; - HF Holidays pledge to train staff and volunteer leaders with the Go Greener Holidays training quiz on ;h p://www. travelfounda ontraining.com; Thomas Cook pledge to use the Greener Excursions tool in their charter des na ons to assess the sustainability of their excursion program Ideas and inspira on for pledges are listed online at h p://www.thetravelfounda on.org. uk/greenerhols/find_out_more and include: Running training workshops for staff; - Holding local producers events in des na on so that customers can try local delicacies and buy local cra s; - Running a ‘holiday hero’ compe on to find out how people in the local community are making holidays special; - Salli Felton added: “This is about ge ng everyone who works in travel to think more about the part they can play in looking a er our beau ful holiday desna ons.” To find out more about ge ng involved visit the website, tweet @travelTF using the hashtag #greenerhols or email admin@thetravelfounda on.org.uk BTNewspaper/Valere Tjolle/ TravelMole
WHOLEFOODS “The Way Travel Should Taste” set to give ac ve foodies have a new way to connect with worldwide cultures and food tradi ons. I neraries include: Local guides (when possible); Exclusive interac on with na ve farmers, chefs/restaurants, wineries and/or cheese makers; Ac ve i neraries: walking, hiking or cycling as a main means of exploring the des na on; Excursions to indigenous food fes vals, visuallystriking landscapes and/or historically significant sites; Overnights in unique accommoda ons (locally-owned hotels, when possible); A focus on forging real connec ons and long-term friendships with fellow guests and local residents in each des na on. Says Wholefoods “Levels of exer on and food experiences vary, but all i neraries are designed to support local communi es, respect the environment and encourage travelers to interact with one another and the des na on’s food producers.” “We’re all about authen c experiences and rich cultural connec ons,” said Kathy Dragon, execu ve director of Whole Journeys. “Why we travel, where we travel, what we do and who we meet while we are there, and how we share the experiences when we return home, can affect posi ve change in the world. Guests come away from their trips with a wider worldview and, hopefully, a deeper apprecia on for
global diversity.” I neraries run from five days to two weeks. Most trips accommodate a maximum of 16 guests. Pricing is compe ve, usually between $3,000 and $4,500. Travelers book their own airfare; guides, visits, hotels and most meals are included. Programs can also be customized for private groups with a focus on a specific interest or region based on the company’s network of trusted guides and producers.
2013 i neraries currently available for booking include: The Savory Trails of Tuscany, Italy - A Food Lover’s Journey on Foot; Tuscan Farm to Table, Italy - The Taste of Tradi on; La Dolce Dolomites, Italy - Hiking at Its Peak, Tas ng to Perfec on; Savor the Salmon River, Idaho, USA - Epicurean adventure along the main salmon river, in partnership with O.A.R.S.; Ancient Tea & Horse Route, China - Ceremonies & Culture in a Cup; Toscana in Bicicle a, Italy Epicurean Tuscany by Bike; Create the Taste of Tuscany, Italy - Cooking by the Fireside “La Cucina al Focolare”. BTNewspaper/Valere Tjolle/ TravelMole
Natural Dyes Training ROLE’s newly DAP funded Sustainable Product Development project as part of the Social Business Development Program has started the training in making ‘natural dyes’ from different kinds of leaves and wood. Ngurah Hendrawan from Nusa Penida spent one week with the women teaching them how to make beau ful blue, red and yellow colors from secang wood, Indigo or Mango leaves.
The aim of the project is to teach local women in tradi onal natural dying and weaving techniques to give them the opportunity of crea ng an independent and self-sustainable Women’s Weaving Coopera ve. The second part of the training will be the tradi onal weaving for which 5 looms have arrived. It will start in the third week of April under the guidance of Pak Ngurah Hendrawan and his wife, from Nusa Penida. BTNewspaper/PR Local children are enjoying interactive environmental tours.
Children’s Interactive Diet, Health and Exercise Program WITHIN the framework of ROLE’s very successful Children’s Interac ve Diet, Health and Exercise Program about 150 children have been coming to the Island Sustainability Educa on Center over the course of the last 4 weeks. In an interac ve guided tour around the different sta ons of the park the children from public schools in Pecatu, Ungasan and Benoa received an introduc on to Waste Management, Reforesta on, Natural Medicines, and Permaculture. Under the guidance of our Eco Ambassador Students they were making seedlings, tasted healthy Jamu and fruit from the park and could play funny games in the facili es of the park. BTNewspaper/PR
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4/19/2013 1:15:25 AM
No. 56 April 25 - May 10, 2013
Greenleaf Warung Organic
“THE health and wellbeing haven; we gather together everything that is good for you.” Organic foods can be considered to be be er and healthier not only for you but also for the environment. “We use organic & greenhouse pes cide-free ingredients whenever possible. We also shop daily for our ingredients from local purveyors & farmers’ markets. However, we also use non organic ingredients if organic produce is not available, we lightly season our dishes with natural herbs and spices, and avoid MSG and other ar ficial food addives. Because we cook everything from fresh ingredients, but it might take effect to our cooking me, please be pa ent with it.” Enjoy innova ve our seasonal cuisine and local organic food at Greenleaf Warung Organic, a unique and healthy dining experience located in Sanur area, Jalan Tandakan No.7, Sanur, Bali. BTNewspaper/PR
Warung Kayu Api Balinese & International Cuisine WITH its strategic loca on along Jalan By Pass Ngurah Rai in Sanur, Bali, Warung Kayu Api - Balinese & InternaƟonal Cuisine is an ideal place to eat, meet friends and business partners or just to relax with a good cup of coffee or a cocktail – all this whilst enjoying amazing views across the adjacent golf course. At the separate Warung Surya at the front, guests will find Bali’s most famous dishes, such as Babi Guling (suckling pig), Nasi Ayam and Nasi Bebek Betutu chicken and duck in Balinese spices), whilst the all-day-dining menu offers steaks from the char-grill, giant seafood and meat skewers, pasta, pizza, sandwiches, snacks and many other interna onal favorites. Warung Kayu Api has a capacity of 130 seats over two floors, three lounge areas and a 14seat, air-condi oned private dining or mee ng room. Parking is available on site and at the shop houses next door. BTNewspaper/PR
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