Bali Travel Newspaper Vol. III No. 57

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No. 57 z May 10 - 24, 2013

Philosophy of

Canang and

Kwangen Me Meaning off C Canang an anan nan angg The word canang is derived from Old Javanese vocabulary meaning betel presented to the highly respected guests. In earlier mes, betel really had high value. A er Hinduism developed in Bali, the betel then became an important element in religious rituals and other ac vi es. In Bali, one kind of the offerings is called canang because the basic element of each canang is the betel itself. It cannot be said to have a religious meaning without being equipped with porosan whose main ingredient is betel. Ingredients of canang are ceper or square base made of banana leaf and then on the base are respec vely composed of foliage (plawa), porosan, urasari and various flowers. Meaning of respec ve canang ingredient: • Plawa is foliage. It has been men oned in the Yajña Praker palm-leaf manuscript that plawa symbolizes the growing sacred and silent mind, so that it can counteract the bad influence of worldly passion. • Porosan is made of areca nut and lime wrapped in betel leaves. In the Yajña Praker palm-leaf manuscript areca nut, betel leaf and lime are symbols of worshiping the Almighty God in its manifesta on as Hindu Trinity. Areca nut symbolizes the worship of Lord Brahma; lime symbolizes the worship of Lord Shiva; and the betel symbolizes worship of Lord Vishnu. • Urasari consis ng of jejahitan, reringgitan, and tetuwasan are symbols of accuracy and longevity of mind and symbol of invoca on to God in order our natural environment are in harmony and balance. • Flower symbolizes sincerity. Whatever binding ourselves in this mundane world should be allowed because sooner or later we will even leave behind this world. Therefore, canang signifies the struggle










Chief Editor : Wisnu Wardana; Publicist: Jan Hendrik Peters, KG. Dharma Putra, Journalists/ contributors: Torsten Thierbach, Gung Man, Krisna; MarkeƟng : Made Yudha ; Secretariate : Dewi ; Address : Jl. Mela 43 Denpasar, Bali-Indonesia ; Phone/ fax: (0361) 227610 Email : info@ ; Jakarta : Bambang Hermawan, Villa Pamulang Mas, Blok C9/4, Pamulang, Tangerang Selatan ; Yogyakarta : Titah Pratyaksa (083 1190 19410); Bank : BPD Bali KCP. Kamboja No. 0370115000510 A/N Biro Promosi & Pengembangan Pariwisata Budaya.

of human life by always asking for help and protec on to Almighty God to be able to create, maintain and negate that should be created, maintained and removed for the success of ideals of human life namely happiness. In terms of its use, shape and contents, canang can be classified into several types such as the Canang Genten, Canang Burat Wangi, Lenge Wangi, Canang Sari, Canang Meraka, and others.

Philosophy of Kwangen Kwangen is derived from Old Javanese vocabulary wangi which means fragrant. A er ge ng prefix ke- and suffix -an becomes kewangen and a er undergoing phone c assimila on becomes kwangen meaning fragrance that func ons to scent the name of Supreme God. Kwangen is used as a means in ritual as a complement of upakara or obla on. It is widely used in the worship. In addi on, it is also used as a complement to the Panca Yajña ritual: • Deva Yajña, as a complement of banten tetebasan, prayascita and various types of sesayut. • Rishi Yajña, used to complement banten tetebasan. • Pitri Yajña, used to symbolically revive the corpse consecrated by pu ng the kwangen on every joint of the dead body. • Manusha Yajña, use in otonan or ‘real birthday’ based on pawukon calendar, tooth filing, marriage, and complementary offerings. • Bhuta Yajña, used in ceremonies like memakuh and mecaru. • • •

Ingredients used to make kwangen: Kojong, made from a sheet of banana leaf in triangular taper symbolizing the ardha candra (half-moon). Pelawa, a piece of foliage like cabbage palm leaf, screwpine, croton and other green foliage symbolizing peace. Porosan, made of two pieces of betel leaf rolled with an upturned and face down posi on, and then they are combined. It’s called porosan silih asih represen ng the mutual rela onship between human

• •

devo on and affec on of God. Kembang payas, in semi-circular shape made of a series of jaggy young coconut leaf arrangement. Semi-circular shape symbolizes tone, while the jaggy leaf arrangement symbolizes sincerity. Flowers, namely fresh and fragrant flower symbolizes the freshness and purity of mind in organizing sacrificial ritual. Two pieces of perforated coin symbolize two bindus (tone); the money symbolizes the essence of mind. Besides, the money also func ons as compensa on to all the exis ng shortcomings.

Types of Canang Canang Genten Canang genten has the simplest form describing God in its manifesta on as Trinity. As the base, devotees can use taledan, ceper or square banana leaf. On the base is placed various ingredients such as: flowers and leaves, porosan consis ng of one/two pieces of betel leaf and stuffed a li le lime and areca nut, and then clamped with a piece of young coconut leaf. Meanwhile, the flowers covered with tangkih or kojong made of young coconut leaf. Kojong in round shape is called uras sari. Canang genten, both in large and small size, is even always used to complement the other offerings. However, the ingredients and porosan in use are different. Canang Lengawangi – Buratwangi It has the same shape as canang genten but added with buratwangi and two kinds of lengawangi. The three elements above are put in a kojong or conical base. Buratwangi is made from rice, mashed turmeric and water mixed together with sandalwood or rosewood water. Some mes it is blended with fragrant roots. White lengawangi (fragrant oil) is made of white agarwood and bees wax mixed with coconut oil. Meanwhile, the black lengawangi is made from coconut oil mixed with white beans and hyacinth bean fried un l charred and crushed. Some mes, this mixture is also garnished with a mix of sweet potatoes and taro, which are also fried un l being charred. By and large, to get a good mixture, the coconut oil should be heated first, and then blended with other supplies. Canang buratwangi is used on par cular days such as on full moon, black moon, Sarasva day and as a complement to grandiose offerings.

sugarcane, kekiping (a rice flour snack), gold banana or the like and yellow rice covered with tangkih. It can also be coupled with lengawangi and buratwangi as used in the canang buratwangi. As topping, it is filled with a variety of flowers arranged as beau fully as possible and covered with uras sari or sampian uras. Canang sari comes with sesari in the form of banknotes, coins or perforated coins. It is also complemented with sugarcane, kekiping and golden banana called raka-raka. The raka-raka symbolizes the angels. Gold banana symbolizes Lord Mahadev, but all the bananas in general symbolize Lord Kumara, while sugar cane symbolizes Lord Brahma. Canang sari is used to complement the other offerings or used on par cular days such as: on Kliwon, full moon and black moon or praying in the shrine. Canang Pesucian This canang is also called canang pengraos consis ng of two bases or ceper. At the bo om, it contains lime, areca nut, gambier and tobacco covered with conical wrap or kojong. It is composed of some betel leaves, while the base contains bija and fragrant oil covered with celemik or water le uce and then fi ed with fragrant flowers. Canang Meraka As the base of the canang meraka is used ceper or tamas, then it is filled with sugarcane, bananas, fruits, snacks and a few types of sampian called Srikakili made of young coconut leaf and then was filled with plawa, porosan and flowers. As a ma er of fact, there are s ll many other types of canang like the Canang Tubungan, Canang Gantal, Canang Yasa, Canang Pengraos and others.

Canang Sari It has a shape of somewhat different from the canang genten. It is divided into two parts. Its lower part can be shaped like a round surface or square or taledan. Similarly, it is o en embellished with triangle or plekir ornament on the edges. This part contains plawa, porosan, U-V.58-13

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Fun and Lively Blood Donation

to support & par cipate, by dona ng 350 ml of blood per person. The blood drive event organized by THE 1O1 Bali Legian was ongoing with fun and was lively.

There were gi s for donors and also quizzes throughout the event. As a complement to the donors whose blood was not legible so they can a end a free screening of bones sponsored by Anlene milk, cholesterol and blood sugar as well as favorite day inspecons are the levels of stress and live a healthy life pa erns which were sought a er by almost all par cipants. THE 1O1 Bali Legian main aim for this blood dona on drive was to collect blood to help those in need as there are many people in this community that needs specific types of blood and they need it at any moment. So if you ever get the chance to donate blood, do it! You may never realize that the blood you gave would one day save a life. A drop of blood can save thousands of lives. ™ BTNewspaper/PR

Plant for Life THE GREEN Team of Maya Ubud Resort & Spa is once again approaching and engaging the children of its local community in SDN 2 Pejeng Kawan to par cipate in tree plan ng ac vi es in their school grounds in support of the Earth Day that was celebrated on Sunday (21/4). A fun concept was used on this occasion to create more interest and enthusiasm among the children. The Green Team at Maya Ubud Resort & Spa, led by Romy Anggara, the Chairman of the resort’s Green Globe commi ee provided the plants and organized various games to encourage

Bali Mandira Beach Resort & Spa Activities

Blood Drive IN ORDER to 32nd years of Bali Mandira Beach Resort & Spa’s anniversary and 21st of the Bali Mandira Beach Resort & Spa’s Union anniversary, the en re employees held the blood drive collabora on with the PMI – Badung, on Thursday (18/4). This event is a yearly ac vi es and part of the anniversary program. ™ BTNewspaper/PR

Jl. Padma 2, Legian,Kuta,Bali,Indonesia P.O.Box 1003 TBB 80362 Ph: 62 361 751381 – Fax : 62 361 752377 e-mail: S12-IV.52-13




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Jl. Raya Kuta, No. 62A Badung, Bali - 80361 Tel: +62 361 761 007, Fax: +62 361 761 006 E-mail: S12-IV.54-13

children to be more ac ve in their par cipa on. For the main event, the children were divided into groups with each nomina ng a group leader. The unique manner in which this game was played was that each leader had to close their eyes and then try to iden fy the name of the plants by smell and touch. The winners were awarded with small gi s as a reward and encouragement. The children displayed great enthusiasm and then con nued with the planting of the trees in their school garden. As the children are our future, Maya Ubud Resort & Spa is again ac vely reaching out and embracing the children to help develop their knowledge in not only to protect and appreciate their environment, but also to give them a be er understanding of how to live in harmony with nature by plan ng trees and other plants and knowing what is the func on and benefit of the plants they grow. Through this ac vity, Maya Ubud Resort & Spa hopes the children will learn how to preserve the environment, to encourage their support and raise their awareness to the importance of sustainability management as it relates to the environmental balance necessary to save and protect the earth for future genera ons. ™ BTNewspaper/PR

18 Saridewi, Seminyak, Kuta Bali - 80361, INDONESIA Phone. +62-361-730999 (hunting) Fax. +62-361-737509 S12-I.44-13


‘Bali and Beyond’ Travel Fair THE Associaon of Indonesian Tour and Travel Agencies (ASITA) has ini ated the ‘Bali and Beyond’ Travel Fair as a regular event to promote the island’s tourism. The associa on’s chairman, Ketut Ardana, said Ketut Ardana on Thursday (25/4) that as an interna onal tourist des na on, Bali had yet to have its own promo onal event held locally. Promo onal events that have been held here in the past have only been small-scale table top mee ngs between travel agents. Around 10 years ago, an event called ‘Bali Travel Fair’ was held, but it only took place three mes, he said. It was a promoonal event that was very important as a focus and reason to invite all stakeholders to promote the poten al of the island. “Although Bali’s tourism is widely known, we s ll need to hold promo ons. In addi on to joining events abroad and in other areas in Indonesia, it is important to hold an event in Bali to promote our poten al all out and to evaluate what we have achieved,� he said. “Therefore, we are ini a ng the Bali and Beyond Travel Fair and involving all relevant stakeholders in Bali and outside Bali. We can make use of Bali’s popularity to promote other des na ons in Indonesia,� he added. Every area in this archipelago has its own a rac ons, but not all are widely known and visited by many tourists. There are many tourism stakeholders from other areas in Indonesia that promote their poten al in Bali, but they usually hold separate events. “We want the travel fair to be a joint event for all stakeholders in Bali, and outside, held every year. We are s ll preparing the concept and discussing it with GIPI [the Indonesian Tourism Businesses Associaon]. We will start early next year at the latest,� Ardana said. ™ BTNewspaper/ JP/BDaily


Jl. Pantai Kuta, 80361 Bali - Indonesia Tel : (62-361) 752208, Fax : (62-361) 754 852 Email :


No. 57 z May 10 - 24, 2013

1O1 Smart Living Program

THE 1O1 Bali Legian have recently held a blood dona on 1O1 Smart Living campaign in collabora on with the Indonesian Red Cross (PMI Bali) and Bali Hotels Associa on, also supported by na onal and local media such as The Jakarta Post, Bali Daily and Bali Travel Newspaper as a part of their con nuing eorts to help the local community. Over 198 par cipants registered and donated their me and blood to save lives Wednesday (17/4) during its first blood dona on drive held at THE 1O1 Bali Legian ground floor in the Legian Mee ng Room. Many were employees of the hotel, as well as neighboring hotels, local community, Bali Tourism Media Associa on (BTMA) and other hospitality Industry followed this event. Many of the hotel in-house guests were enthusias c


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No. 57 z May 10 - 24, 2013

Opening of Primebiz Kuta ON WEDNESDAY (1/5), Prime Plaza Hotels and Resorts introduced its latest brand, and welcomed its eighth property to the Prime Plaza group, with the opening of PrimeBiz Kuta. Wrapped in minimalist architecture with res ul interiors, this new, modern hotel is designed to cater for domes c and interna onal business and leisure travellers, convenons and groups, by providing an interna onal standard of hospitality, comfortable accommoda on and quality facili es at affordable prices. PrimeBiz Kuta is ideally posi oned in a prime loca on on Jl Raya Kuta and within walking distance of the local restaurants and souvenir shops of Tuban, South Kuta.

Upholding the renowned hospitality of the Prime Plaza brand, the hotel offers 143 guestrooms within two categories spanning four floors. Each room is furnished with either a queen -size bed or twin beds and a built-in desk and sea ng, complemented by colourful accessories, artwork, and mood ligh ng to create the perfect ambience for a good night’s sleep. Each is equipped with individually-controlled air-condi oning, a 32” LED satellite-channel TV, complimentary WiFi internet access, fridge, safe deposit box, tea and coffee making facilies and a hair dryer. The stylish en-suite bathrooms are fi ed with wide washbasins, wall mirrors, and glass-fronted walk-in rain showers, while a number of the rooms have interconnec ng doors making them suitable for families of four. Suppor ng facili es and services at PrimeBiz Kuta include an outlet of the famous Kopi Bali House restaurant, a roo op swimming pool known as the Sky Pool complete with an adjoining exercise room, and a massage and spa facility with a range of treatments dedicated to relaxa on. PrimeBiz is already developing a strong brand character and is slated to be the discerning choice of young travellers and professionals. “This is a very exci ng addi on to the Prime Plaza Group,” said Hotel Manager, Mr. Taufik Hidayat. “With the new demand for three-star proper es, PrimeBiz Kuta is opening at the right me in the right place, and I believe it will appeal to visitors who are looking for a comfortable yet affordable hotel with just a li le bit extra to offer. I am delighted to be opening Bali’s first PrimeBiz, and I am very much looking forward to welcoming. BTNewspaper/PR

Festive ICA Gathering at Aerowisata Sanur Beach Hotel LAST April, the ICA Gathering was held at Aerowisata Sanur Beach, Friday (26/4). Chairman of the ICA Bali, Komang Adi, in his speech thanked Francis Dehnhardt, General Manager of the Aerowisata Sanur Beach Hotel because he had given every effort to support the gathering. Meanwhile, Chef Lalu Nasir was happy because his hotel was chosen to host the ICA Gathering this me. “The theme of food served to our colleagues from the ICA Chefs today is ASEAN FOOD,” said Chef Lalu who had been working for 3 years at the Aerowisata Sanur Beach Hotel namely since he began to step his foot on the Island of the Gods (2010). Chairman of the ICA Bali, Chef Komang Adi, from Sanur Paradise Plaza Hotel reminded that as a member of the ICA Bali his party gave an opportunity for all the members to take cer fica on. At this me, his party would allocate for 10 members for the cer fica on. His party would also prepare his members to par cipate in

the Sanur Village Fes val and Balinese Food Fes val. A er giving a speech, Chef Komang Adi handed over the cer ficates of apprecia on to the Aerowisata Sanur Beach Hotel received by Chef Lalu Nasir for his par cipaon as the host at the Gathering this me. Gathering at this me was so special because some members of the ICA Bali were celebra ng their birthday in April. They were Chef Nyoman Picha, Chef I Wayan Subrata, Chef Jaka Satria Pamungkas, Chef I Wayan Widastra, Chef Ketut Neta, Chef Nyoman Yasa, Chef Ketut Muliantara, Chef Dhany Parwanto, Chef Jeanil Wangke, Chef I Wayan Ariato, Chef Mohamad Nur, Chef I Made Purwa Dana, Chef Brigi a, Chef I Made Barry, Chef I Wayan Simpen and Chef Fengky. Aside from the song with the theme of birthday, the event was also enlivened by the appearance of Chef Mahadi who sang the song en tled Cucak Rowo together with Chef Bagus Suama. BTNewspaper/Rudianto

Bali Tropic Resort & Spa Celebrated 23rd Anniversary BALI Tropic Resort & Spa celebrated its 23rd anniversary recently; the party was a ended by all staff and their family and also Board of Directors. Shown in the picture: DR. Jro Gede Karang Suarshana, MBA, Managing Director Bali Tropic Resort & Spa (with black cap) praying before cut the yellow rice cone (tumpeng), accompanied by anniversary committee. BTNewspaper/PR



ZLATOGOR THE BEST VODKA FROM UKRAINE T Zlatogor soft Vodka is traditional Ukraine Vodka, loaded with a spicy, clean The aroma, soft, slightly sweet in flavour, smoth with a medium to full weight. And made with a high quality alcohol & specially treated water from artesian that been used in production of medicinal mineral water. Zlatogor brand now has stock available in Bali Wein.

Distributor in Bali


Jl. Gunung Tangkuban Perahu No.238 XY, Br.Tegal Buah, Padang Sambian Klod - Denpasar - Bali. Ph. 0361-2748572, Fax. 0361-410200 K12-V.4-11

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BALI DISTRIBUTOR: PT. DELTA SATRIA DEWATA Jl. Imam Bonjol 226 A - Denpasar Email : K12-III.45-13


Jl. Imam Bonjol 226 A - Denpasar Email :


5/6/2013 11:36:47 AM











No. 57 z May 10 - 24, 2013


HARRIS and WATERBOM in Fun Colorful World

Earth Day

A Green Safari is a Cleaner Bali

BALI Safari & Marine Park, in Gianyar, hosted a special 3-day event at the park to celebrate this year’s Earth Day on April 20-22nd, as part of their annual Educa on, Conserva on and CSR calendar of events. ‘Earth Day’ was created in the spring of 1970 in the USA as a grassroots demonstra on on behalf of the environment. Today, as we know, all across the world, evidence of environmental degrada on is appearing everywhere, and rising concern about global warming and environmental crisis is sweeping the people of this planet. Many people now want to support companies that have a posi ve influence in society and can be called ‘green’. When everyone can work together, they can combine the importance of ‘green or eco’ solu ons and truly make a difference to their immediate environment and of course the Earth’s health & wellbeing. This is where Bali Safari & Marine Park enters the playing field; they are one such company that aims to be environmentally sound and are always looking at ways to improve their environmental opera ons. They have a ‘Green team’ who are always looking at ways the park can reduce their ‘carbon footprint’; now all waste paper goes into their very successful Safari Poopaper factory, and all the dung from their 30+ elephants goes into the ‘poop’ process and comes out the other end as organic paper, and piles and piles of compost, naturally. By hos ng this ‘Earth day 2013’ event, the

park aims to provide an opportunity for visitors to the park, to learn more about ways to keep the environment clean by being responsible for their waste, not only for humans but of course our precious wildlife too. “Everyone can be green” says the Educa on manager, Wendy Husband. The Green Safari team is passionate about the environment and constantly looks at ways they can engage their park visitors and students in fun ac vi es like making ‘poop paper’ and growing a new animal enrichment and food garden. One of ac vi es this year at the park, having the local school students come to the park to be part of the new garden for the animal whilst learning all about organic gardening and can also be ‘hands on’ with the crea on of a spectacular wildlife mural using mul colored plas c bo le lids and pain ng a 5 metre long billboard that will represent how they feel about wildlife and the environment. All the park guests can be involved and can add a li le bit of colour & style to the beau ful island of Bali through a fun and cra y ac vity, and don’t be surprised if some of our safari friends come along to enjoy all the fun too. The Bali Safari team are totally commi ed to their slogan ‘A Green Safari is a Cleaner Bali’ and believe if everyone cares for their very own environment, Bali will con nue to flourish and a ract visitors who are looking for that li le piece of ‘green’ paradise. BTNewspaper/PR


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AT 3 PM, April 28th, unique room at HARRIS Hotel & Residences Riverview Kuta was filled with cheerful kids holding crayons in their hand. They were excited to join “FUN COLORFUL WORLD”, the coloring compe on held by HARRIS Hotel & Residences Riverview Kuta featuring WATERBOM Bali. The excitement got higher when they saw Dino the dinosaurs (HARRIS mascot) and Dinny the duck (WATERBOM mascot) arrived in the venue, taking pictures with the kids and did New HARRIS Move “kiddy” together. Balinese dance from HARRIS player’s children; poem reading and single electone performance from Putra Cahaya Bangsa School also lighted up the event. In the next door at HARRIS Café, parents and non-par cipant kids were enjoying the food stalls, games stalls and cup cake deco-

ra ng corner. They were also had a chance to buy HARRIS Bou que items, WATERBOM merchandises and an entrance cket at a promo on rate. Eventually the winners announced. Pande Regita (5) from TK Barunawa as the 1st winner, Ida Ayu Dwi Nadya Putri (5) from TK Sabana Sari as the 2nd winner and Gabriel Edward San ago Putra Clain (6) as the 3rd Winner. With happy faces they brought home trophies, WATERBOM entrance cket, Mom & Kid’s spa from H’Spa, Pizza for friends voucher from HARRISSIMO café & Lounge and goody bags from HARRIS Hotel & Residences Riverview Kuta, WATERBOM Bali and Nestle. This event conducted by HARRIS Hotel & Residences Riverview Kuta featuring WATERBOM Bali as their support and care to children’s talents and crea vity. BTNewspaper/PR

Pipe-Line for Waterbom WATERBOM Bali is proud and excited to announce the launching of our latest water slide a rac on, The Pipeline. Opened on March 15, The Pipeline whisks riders along a twis ng and banking tube that is sure to make even the most adventurous hearts race. The Pipeline is perched some 20 meters high, directly above the notoriously extreme Climax, giving riders a breathtaking, panoramic view of the Kuta skyline and of Waterbom’s lush tropical gardens. Riders race through the winding and weaving 150 meter tube in approximately 10-13 seconds, experiencing some 3.5 gravita onal forces. Designed and installed by the

leading waterslide manufacturer in the world, Canada’s Whitewater West, The Pipeline is the perfect fix for thrill seekers both young and old. The bigger, be er, and faster Pipeline is Waterbom Bali’s twenty first water slide attrac on and is the first of three exci ng new slides set to open in 2013 at Waterbom Bali. BTNewspaper/PR


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No. 57 z May 10 - 24, 2013

Farm Tourism:

Sustainable Farm Entrepreneurship through Tourism THE Interna onal School of Sustainable Tourism (ISST) led by its president Dr. Mina T. Gabor will conduct the 1st Farm Camps / Farm Tourism Conference on May 22-25, 2013 at the Subic Bay Exhibi on and Conven on Center, Subic Bay Freeport. The theme for the conference is “Sustainable Farm

Entrepreneurship through Tourism”. The conference is meant to equip farm-bound stakeholders and entrepreneurs with the knowledge and exper se in enhancing the quality of experience in their farmlands thru tourism and travel, discovering livelihood opportuni es in farm

tourism, best prac ces and success stories in Philippine Farm Tourism. At least two model countries including provincial models in the country will provide inputs on how they were able to improve the living condi ons of their farmers and farm owners using tourism as their benchmark.

Invited to shed light on their successful agri-tourism programs are speakers from Kota Kinabalu in Malaysia and Taiwan who will dwell on their country experience in tea farming and bamboo propaga on, respec vely, as a source of livelihood opportuni es for local farmers and

a tropical retreat... Bali Tropic Resort & Spa, an exclusive beach hotel in Bali is built in a subtle blend of Balinese's and modern architecture and offers a marvelous ambiance for a truly wonderful and relaxing beach vacation. A beautiful setting among frangipani and Bougainville with the most breath taking views of the warm and wonderful Indian Ocean. Very centrally on the world famous Tanjung Benoa Beach on the south coast of Bali Island.

key players in the agri-tourism sector. Likewise, success stories experienced in different parts of the country will be discussed to include, among others, Bacolod (Nature Farm by Dr. Albert Jo), Ilocos Norte (REFMAD Farms by Editha Dacuycuy), Laguna (diversified faming in Costales Nature Farms by Ronald Costales), Duran Farms by Desiree Duran, fruit trees by Zacarias Sarian, and Negros Occidental (Agritecture by Ramon Penalosa). Other interes ng topics include: guidelines for farm tourism accredita on, merchandise development and branding, and financing farm camps. BTNewspaper/PR/Theodore Koumelis

SUPPLIER ADDRESS : Jl. Danau Tamblingan No. 216, Sanur Denpasar 80228, Bali - Indonesia Phone. +62 (361) 281745 Fax. +62 (361)289549 E-mail :

Jl. Pratama 34A, PO Box 41, Nusa Dua, Tanjung Benoa, Bali 80363, Indonesia Ph. +62 361 772130 | Fax. +62 361 772131 E-mail : | Website : K12-II.5-11



email: info@wapadiume osroom@wapadiume K12-V.35-12



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No. 57 z May 10 - 24, 2013


Green Tourism

Eco-friendly Hotels to Help Travelers Plan Greener Trips z World’s largest travel site awards qualifying accommodations across the U.S. with Bronze, Silver, Gold or Platinum status. TRIPADVISOR announced the launch of its new TripAdvisor GreenLeaders program, helping its community of more than 200 million travelers plan greener trips by highlighting U.S. accommodations engaging in environmentally-friendly practices. Developed in partnership with U.S. Environmental Protection Agency’s ENERGY STAR program, the U.S. Green Building Council, and the United Nations Environment Programme, qualifying hotels and B&Bs will be awarded TripAdvisor GreenLeaders status based on the green practices the property has in place. How it works The TripAdvisor GreenLeaders program considers a property’s holistic approach to green practices and ranks them based on four levels of participation- Bronze, Silver, Gold or Platinum -which will be shown prominently on the property’s listing on the TripAdvisor site. The more green practices a hotel has in place, the higher its TripAdvisor GreenLeaders level. A comprehensive list of eco-friendly practices are evaluated, from linen and towel re-use, recycling and composting through to solar panels, electric car charging stations and green roofing. Accommodations that do not meet the requirements for TripAdvisor GreenLeaders, but do have the seven minimum green practices in place, will be awarded TripAdvisor GreenPartner status. Travelers will be able to tailor their search on TripAdvisor for hotels participating in the TripAdvisor GreenLeaders program, and view a detailed list of environmentally-friendly practices that they can expect at each location. TripAdvisor’s community of travelers will also be invited to comment on a hotel’s green credentials following a stay at a participating property, and in the future their feedback will be displayed on the site. The program has launched with a group of more than 1,000 properties, comprised of independent hotels to multinational brands, including Best Western, Carlson Rezidor Hotel Group, Fairmont Hotels & Resorts, Marriott International and Select Registry, as well as numerous independent hotels. New applications for entry into the TripAdvisor GreenLeaders program will continue to be reviewed against a set of environmental criteria developed for TripAdvisor by a leading environmental consulting firm, with input from expert partners. Want to be green As recently revealed by the TripBarometer by TripAdvisor, the world’s largest accommodation and traveler survey?, 79 percent of travelers place importance on properties implementing eco-friendly practices, and 85 percent of U.S. hoteliers indicate that they currently have green practices in place. “TripAdvisor GreenLeaders uniquely details accommodations’ green practices complemented by feedback from the millions in the TripAdvisor traveler community,” said Jenny Rushmore, director of responsible travel at TripAdvisor. “The transparency of the program makes it easy for environmentallyconscious travelers to plan and book a greener trip.” “Through its Energy Star program, EPA is proud to partner with TripAdvisor to help launch this breakthrough initiative to help foster greener their energy use and related greenhouse gas emissions with help from Energy Star. Now, travel across the country,” said Jean Lupinacci, chief of EPA’s Energy Star program for Commercial Buildings and Industrial Plants. “Thousands of hotels across America are actively managing through the TripAdvisor GreenLeaders program, travelers will have the information they need to choose these types of sustainability-minded hotels.” BTNewspaper/PR/Theodore Koumelis K12-I.13-12

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No. 57 z May 10 - 24, 2013



balitravel_57.indd VIII

5/6/2013 11:36:57 AM

Turn static files into dynamic content formats.

Create a flipbook
Issuu converts static files into: digital portfolios, online yearbooks, online catalogs, digital photo albums and more. Sign up and create your flipbook.