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5/22/2013 9:57:38 AM
No. 58 z May 25 - June 10, 2013
Artistic Goods in Bali From the Form of Devotion to the Mass Handicraft Industry Human beings have the ins nct to always improve their civiliza on. So, cultures and civiliza ons grow variously according to the demand of human life in facing the challenge of nature. From the feeling of dependency to the power of nature the facili es that have ar s c values, including pain ng, architecture,, sculpture, dancing, singing and so on were developed. p
Chief Editor : Wisnu Wardana; Publicist: Jan Hendrik Peters, KG. Dharma Putra, Journalists/ contributors: Torsten Thierbach, Gung Man, Krisna; MarkeƟng : Made Yudha ; Secretariate : Dewi ; Address : Jl. Mela 43 Denpasar, Bali-Indonesia ; Phone/ fax: (0361) 227610 Email : info@ www-balitravelnews.com ; Jakarta : Bambang Hermawan, Villa Pamulang Mas, Blok C9/4, Pamulang, Tangerang Selatan ; Yogyakarta : Titah Pratyaksa (083 1190 19410); Bank : BPD Bali KCP. Kamboja No. 0370115000510 A/N Biro Promosi & Pengembangan Pariwisata Budaya.
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THE FUNCTION of art was once for the importance of ceremonies, both in temples and palaces in Bali. The work was offered as a form of decora on of the temples, king’s residences, officials or the individual’s own home. They painted, danced, played instruments, made sculptures, carved as one expression of sincere devo on to Ida Sang Hyang Widi (God), kings, leader, and society. The daily ac vity of the Balinese ar sts cannot be separated from the ritual and tradional processes which are based on the flexible teaching of the Hindu religion, their daily life is ngayah; a long dedica on/devo on to reach the perfec on of life. This ngayah concept was also the reason why the Balinese ar sts in the past never included their names in their crea ons; they were more tolerant and focused on togetherness, so that many ar s c works are anonymous. Thus, the Balinese art culture is more of a communal art culture. In Bali, arts have lived since the pre-historical era. Balinese history itselff can as, be divided into four (empat) eras, namely: the pre-Hindu era (VIIII century); the Balinese kingdomss era (VIII - XIII); the Entrance of the Majapahit era (XIII - XV); thee eContact with the Western and Indeple, pendence era (XV - XX). For example, the art found in the Pre-Hindu Era, according to the data in the Muar seum Purbakala Bedulu, Gianyar he include the kinds of tools from the de stone era (palaeolithic), tools made c), of bones and horns (mesolithic), c), smoothen stone tools (neolithic), isarcophagus (megalithic), and various kinds of statues, bracelets, lamps, ke le-drums, from the bronze and iron era. Tourism Influence The development of the Balinese culture in Bali has become more dynamic, but the Balinese people do not take external influence uncondi onally. They have selected and adapted to conform to the local values and condi ons, that the mixture of the external and internal cultures has created a new kind of art works, either in pain ngs, sculptures, plaits, dances or other. In its history, the culture of Bali is the mixture of various cultural elements for thousands
of years, as the effect of contact between the Balinese people with the outer world, like China, Egypt, Japan, India, and Europe. But history has also shown that they didn’t take the outer cultural elements uncondi onally, but selected and modified them in such a way to conform to the Balinese culture, so that they looked insignificant and as if “original” of Bali. The term “ar st” also appeared a er the Western influence. Ar sts o en put their personal names in each of their works freely, to be known by people. Before, the most popular
of ar s c items produced large scale to fulfil the tourists’ demands. People who work in the handicra industry are not from certain families, but more determined by the factors of courage and funds. Don’t be surprised if you find handicra centres producing various kinds of art ar cles all over Bali. The people of Bali have started to depend on the tourism industry. Art-shops have started to mushroom, offering art-cra s with compe ve prices along the streets. Art-vendors also join the crowds by offering their items to tourists in tourism objects
te for ar sts in Bali was term tukang, followed by words iden fying their professions: tukang gambar/hias (painters/decorators) called sangging, tukang bangunan (people who build houses) called undagi, tukang igel (dancers) called pragina. The professions were at first passed on through grandfathers to grandchildren. Before involved in such ac vity, they had to clean themselves through ritual process. Though there was no specific term of “ar st”, but the Balinese people had already lived in the ac vi es of arts. No wonder M. Covarrubias said that all Balinese are ar sts. The development of the Balinese Art Culture can be easily seen in various kinds
that may irritate you; please try to understand. In the tourism world of Bali, the Balinese pa ern of arts now tends to business calculaon, profit and loss. They also have the concept of art within the management system, much different from before where their art concept was purely ngayah and non-profit. So, tourism has changed the Balinese people to become very dynamic figures. Each me people talk about Bali, either in the economic, social-cultural, educa on or environment and the natural resources sectors or the development in general, tourism always becomes the “agent” or “actor” which plays a very important role. On the other hand, each me people talk about tourism, either in na onal or interna onal scope, Bali is always taken as the inspira on, discussed, analysed, and is the most famous case. BTNewspaper/Ketut Sumadi
5/22/2013 9:57:41 AM
No. 58 z May 25 - June 10, 2013
BHA Partnership with Qooco Mobile-Learning Technology Bali Hotels Associa on (BHA) chooses Mobile-Learning Technology Company Qooco to introduce its first-ever online language learning program. Customized program caters to changing language requirements for hospitality and service sta in Bali
Hard Rock Hotel Celebrated Its Anniversary HARD Rock Hotel Bali celebrated its 15th anniversary with moments of surprise with an extravagant party held on Wednesday (15/5). Some 200 guests a ended the Hard Rock party of the year, celebra ng a 15-year milestone of Asia’s first Hard Rock Hotel. Earlier that day, sta joined by the General Manager delivered a surprise check-in experience to one of the Hotel’s guest. A family from Australia was about to check in when the Hard Rock band members surprised them with a rocking arrival experience all the way un l the big announcement was made. The family’s guestroom was upgraded to the Luxury Kids Suite for their en re stay. Party music and dances were performed by the band members and the family was thrilled to blow the birthday cake candle altogether. The excitement piled up to the moment the children entered the suite that came with their own kids bedroom with its own games and ameni es. “We feel overjoyed to be welcomed like Rock Stars and at the same me astounded to receive such
kind complimentaries. Happy Anniversary to Hard Rock Hotel Bali,� said the lucky guest. In the evening, the Hard Rock enthusiasts, business partners and media representa ves sang encores to Rock and Top 40 songs performed by Devo on Band. The evening caught on with the crowd-favorite Hard Rock dancers. “Words cannot express how grateful we are today. 15 years in business and it is s ll Bali’s leading entertainment Hotel,� said Andrew Khoo, M.I.H, General Manager, Hard Rock Hotel Bali. “We look forward to years to come as we endeavor to deliver the Hard Rock authen c experience for every guest.� ™ BTNewspaper/PR
Bali Mandira Beach Resort & Spa Activities
Anniversary of Bali Mandira Beach Resort & Spa BALI Mandira Beach Resort & Spa has celebrated its 32nd anniversary, while the Labor Union has been opera ng for 21 years. Celebra on of the anniversary was very dierent from the previous years. It was only performed in the mee ng room and a ended by employees, management and owner without involving the employees’ family. Though celebra on of this year was very simple, it did not reduce the significance and meaning of togetherness of the event. The anniversary celebra on was commenced with a variety of ac vi es such as blood dona on, family ou ng, sta awards submission and distribu on of door prizes.
Jl. Padma 2, Legian,Kuta,Bali,Indonesia P.O.Box 1003 TBB 80362 Ph: 62 361 751381 – Fax : 62 361 752377 e-mail: info@balimandira.com www.balimandira.com S12-IV.52-13
AS PART of its dedica on to upholding quality service, the BHA has partnered with mobile learning technology company Qooco to implement its first-ever sta language training program. The leading hotel group, whose members include General Managers from more than 100 hotels and resorts in Bali represen ng almost 30,000 employees, will use Qooco’s online language learning programs to improve their spoken Mandarin and English language abili es. In the past two years, Bali has experienced a phenomenal increase in the number of Chinese tourists. In 2010, Bali had a 175.25 percent growth in Chinese tourists compared to the previous year. Last year in 2012, Chinese visitors were the second largest foreign arrivals to visit Bali. Australians, who generally speak English, were ranked at number one. Through virtual simula ons of real life scenarios encountered by service sta, users learn the vocabulary and dialogue necessary to handle specific situa ons in areas of food and beverage, kitchen, security, spa, housekeeping and front desk services. Qooco’s state-of-the-art speech and analy cs technologies instantly analyze and graphically illustrate the accuracy of tone and pronunciaon, allowing for immediate feedback and live tui on. All lessons, conducted en rely online, are scored and tracked using data so that progress can be monitored over me – a par cularly useful tool for management to iden fy problem areas and easily map the results of the program. “At Qooco we believe in the potenal that technology has to transform the way organiza ons train sta,â€? said David Topolewski, CEO at Qooco, “Mobile learning, also known as m-learning, oers cost eec ve training solu ons with lessons that
can be accessed any me, anywhere, and s ll provide immediate feedback. Language can only be mastered through frequent prac ce and Qooco’s ease of access and fun and engaging teaching methods will give sta and employees results that are measurable and eec ve.â€? For the Bali Hotels Associa on the investment in language learning means that sta are able to connect with guests in a more a en ve and engaging way, posi vely enhancing the service experience for guests. At the same me there is also a bo om line incen ve to inves ng in language training. Sta learn to explain oerings in a more convincing and impac ul way, likening the chances for up sell. They are more likely to establish trust with guests and be seen as a reliable source of informa on. Taking language learning programmes online also means that there is flexibility and sta can train at a me that is convenient for them and their employer. “As an interna onal des na on, language is the first barrier that local talent has to overcome to deliver first-class service. It is also a skill that benefits from on-going pracce and prac cal applica on. The BHA works with Qooco because it provides an easy and upgradable system that allows con nuous learning at a personalized pace for every sta member and hotel.â€?said Alessandro Migliore, Chairman of the BHA. The learning ini a ve will begin in May and it is an cipated that several thousand users will benefit from the program this year. ™ BTNewspaper/PR
As seen in the photograph, the celebra on was marked with the cu ng of rice cone by the owner, general manager and representaves of the labor union. ™ BTNewspaper/PR
Jl. Raya Kuta, No. 62A Badung, Bali - 80361 Tel: +62 361 761 007, Fax: +62 361 761 006 E-mail: sales@harris-riverview-bali.com S12-IV.54-13
Jl. Pantai Kuta, 80361 Bali - Indonesia Tel : (62-361) 752208, Fax : (62-361) 754 852 Email : sales@grandistanarama.com S12-I.43-13
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18 Saridewi, Seminyak, Kuta Bali - 80361, INDONESIA Phone. +62-361-730999 (hunting) Fax. +62-361-737509 S12-I.44-13
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5/22/2013 9:57:46 AM
No. 58 z May 25 - June 10, 2013
New Menu at Lagoon Restaurant THE FIVEͳSTAR Ayodya Resort Bali is proud to present an en cing new menu at Lagoona Restaurant. Lagoona is a large, open-sided pavilion, cooled by natural breezes and bordered by a sparkling lagoon on one side and a white sand beach on the other. The restaurant is blessed with a breathtaking view of the Indian Ocean and therefore offers a great start to the day with hearty breakfast.
During a ernoon it becomes a venue for casual snacks and light leisurely lunches, while a er dark it takes on a very different and contras ng persona. At nigh all, guests will be drawn by the roman c ambience, mellow music and the flickering lights of the candles that grace Lagoona’s tables. Mingling Western and Asian flavours with fresh produce, Lagoona’s aim is to offer guests a pleasing experience featuring simple, tasty food in an elegant but casual restaurant. Lagoona’s exci ng BBQ menu celebrates excellence. Healthy ingredients and generous por ons are enhanced by layers of taste, plenty of variety and an imagina ve presenta on. The restaurant is under the auspices of Execu ve Chef Wayan Mawa, a dynamic Balinese man who has worked all over the world from
Guam to Taiwan, Indonesia, Malaysia, India, Cambodia, Egypt and The Caribbean at pres gious branded hotels, including Stella di Mare Sinai; Raffles Siem Reap and Phnom Penh; Jalousie Planta on Resort San Lucia; Intercon nental Mumbai, Delhi and Bangalore; Holiday Inn Lombok; and Radisson Bali and Langkawi. At Lagoona, Chef Mawa and his team showcase their ar s c flair with an abundance of natural colour, an inspired use of herbs and spices, and delicious desserts characterised by crea ve surprises. Tantalise the taste buds with flavourful appe sers including ‘Mezze Pla er’, ‘Romaine Le uce, Apple, Walnut and Garlic Prawns’ and ‘CrispyFried Coconut Prawns’. Choose some light lunches or refreshing soups such as the ‘Saffron Baked Seafood Soup’ flavoured with garlic, thyme and tomatoes, and designed to suit Bali’s tropical climate. Relish the wide choice of beef, lamb, rib eye and seafood from the grill, including Prime Rib Eye Steak, Lamb Chops, Beef Sirloin, Baby Pork Ribs, Bratwurst Sausages, Chicken Breast and the giant meat skewers known as ‘Sate Gede’. Chef Wayan Mawa welcomes feedback and is always very pleased to respond to guests’ wishes and individual needs. Guests can now look forward to a unique culinary experience in the stylish-yet-unpreten ous, homely environment of Lagoona Restaurant. For more informa on and reserva ons, please contact a travel professional or access our website at www.ayodyaresortbali.com. BTNewspaper/PR
The Indonesian Sommelier Association Bali Chapter:
Inaugurates Its Own Wine Classroom in Sanur THE INDONESIAN Sommelier Associaon Bali Chapter inaugurates its own wine classroom in Sanur, Bali. Fully sponsored by the Balinese winemakers Ha en Wines, the classroom is a newly renovated 30 pupil capacity room, tucked in the center of Jalan Danau Tamblingan, on the access road to Sand Restaurant and Beach Club. This classroom comes to the rescue of the growing Indonesian Sommelier Associa on Bali Chapter, and allows the young group to offer classes to its members and to young aspiring Sommeliers and wine service professionals in Bali. This wine classroom is a dedicated space for the Associa on’s bi-monthly wine classes, supplier and wine professionals presenta ons. O en hos ng suppliers winemakers and winery guests, the Associa on now has a private space for mee ngs and gatherings. Soon launching a special Amateur Wine Class opened to the public, the Associa on will be using the classroom to welcome the public for a calendar of presenta ons and courses. ISA Bali Chapter Bali is an island where the hospitality industry has been thriving for decades and where the wine industry has been booming, with the high demands of tourism. Over the years, wines have been introduced in Bali, yet service professionals have had li le place to improve their skills and knowledge on wines in general. With the crea on of The Indonesia Sommelier Associa on – ISA, Bali Chapter, encourages Bali’s Food and Beverage & Hospitality Industry professionals to learn about wines and work
towards becoming professional Sommeliers. The Indonesia Sommelier Associa on (ISA) is a non-profit organiza on which is affiliated to The AssociaƟon de la Sommellerie InternaƟonale (ASI), founded in Reims (France) in June 1969, and which has the following aims: To bring together the na onal Sommellerie associa ons (one member associa on per country) and to promote their founding where they do not yet exist; To co-ordinate ac ons aimed at developing and advancing the profession by various means (training courses, etc.); To enhance the Sommelier’s profession by educa ng the consumer; To defend the ethics of the profession. The Island of Gods, Bali finally saw the inaugura on of the Indonesia Sommelier Associa on Bali Chapter at Aston Beach Resort and Spa Nusa Dua on November 12th 2012, with a one-day intensive Wine workshop, a cocktail recep on, a press conference and the inaugura on itself. This pres gious associaon’s gathering was a ended by 6 wine Masters from Europe and also board members of The Indonesia Sommelier Associa on which officially announced the inaugura on of the ISA-Bali Chapter. The first founding 28 members were present. “We believe the associa on to soon be much bigger than when we started, since the Hospitality industry will be in constant need of more wine professionals. The Sommelier profession will soon be in high demand in Bali and our associa on is part of upgrading the service level on our island,” says Kertawidyawa , President of the Bali Chapter of ISA. BTNewspaper/PR
ZLATOGOR THE BEST VODKA FROM UKRAINE T Zlatogor soft Vodka is traditional Ukraine Vodka, loaded with a spicy, clean The aroma, soft, slightly sweet in flavour, smoth with a medium to full weight. And made with a high quality alcohol & specially treated water from artesian that been used in production of medicinal mineral water. Zlatogor brand now has stock available in Bali Wein.
Distributor in Bali
Jl. Gunung Tangkuban Perahu No.238 XY, Br.Tegal Buah, Padang Sambian Klod - Denpasar - Bali. Ph. 0361-2748572, Fax. 0361-410200 K12-V.4-11
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BALI DISTRIBUTOR: PT. DELTA SATRIA DEWATA Jl. Imam Bonjol 226 A - Denpasar Email : marketingdenpasar@aio.co.id. K12-III.45-13
Jl. Imam Bonjol 226 A - Denpasar Email : marketingdenpasar@aio.co.id.
5/22/2013 9:57:47 AM
No. 58 z May 25 - June 10, 2013
Harris Hotel Bukit Jimbaran:
“A Perfect Place to Stay” WELCOME to HARRIS Hotel Bukit Jimbaran Bali, located on the top of the hill of South Bali with incredible views over Jimbaran Bay and Indian Ocean. HARRIS Hotel Bukit Jimbaran Bali aims to create an atmosphere of conviviality and social in macy through a range of leisure facili es HARRIS Hotel Bukit Jimbaran opened its door on 20th May 2013 with special opening rate of IDR 498,000 ne room only. It features the H’ Spa, a modern spa with a fully equipped wellness center, Jacuzzi, Sauna, Fitness room and reflexology massage to completely unwind and prepare the body and mind for total relaxa on. For those who are travelling with children,
families can enjoy the famous DINO Kids Club that provides a safe and entertaining environment where children can play and learn at the same me with the professional players that will take care of them. A complete schedule of daily ac vies in the Kids Club or in the Kids Pool is available for parents looking for free me. The Jim’Bar’N Roo op Bar, Lounge and Dining will also be the perfect place to unwind and enjoy the nightlife. With a stunning 360° views over Bali and Jimbaran Bay, be prepared to ‘See Bali Differently’, from the top of the Hill of Jimbaran. Moreover, HARRIS Bukit Jimbaran also features a Roo op Wedding chapel with a dedicated team of organizers, which will enhance the ‘D’
day of any couple to explore a new life of togetherness. Guests will have the choice between a dinner under the sky or private recep on in our Ballroom accommoda ng up to 200 people for dinner. The 245 Rooms & Suites are designed with innova ve elements in all aspects of the rooms, with dedicated flexible workspaces, Free Wi-Fi in all areas, private balcony, 32” LED TV and In-room Minibar and Safe. The hotel also provides free shu le to PANDAWA beach, in order to enjoy a full day on a white-sand beach with clear blue water… HARRIS Hotel Bukit Jimbaran reservation hotline is available at +62 361 846 8777 or send an email to res@harris-bukitjimbaran-bali.com BTNewspaper/PR
SUPPLIER ADDRESS : Jl. Danau Tamblingan No. 216, Sanur Denpasar 80228, Bali - Indonesia Phone. +62 (361) 281745 Fax. +62 (361)289549 E-mail : widiani_bali@yahoo.com B12-I.25-12
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5/22/2013 9:57:50 AM
No. 58 z May 25 - June 10, 2013
Awards a Positive International Image A er successfully achieving several awards last year, Saturday (27/4), THE 1O1 Bali Legian achieved another pres gious award, Anugerah Citra Indonesia Award in a category of The Best Hotel with Excep onal Hospitality of the Year taking place in Grand Sahid Hotel, Jakarta.
a tropical retreat... Bali Tropic Resort & Spa, an exclusive beach hotel in Bali is built in a subtle blend of Balinese's and modern architecture and offers a marvelous ambiance for a truly wonderful and relaxing beach vacation. A beautiful setting among frangipani and Bougainville with the most breath taking views of the warm and wonderful Indian Ocean. Very centrally on the world famous Tanjung Benoa Beach on the south coast of Bali Island.
Jl. Pratama 34A, PO Box 41, Nusa Dua, Tanjung Benoa, Bali 80363, Indonesia Ph. +62 361 772130 | Fax. +62 361 772131 E-mail : hotel@balitropic-resort.com | Website : www.balitropic-resort.com
ANUGERAH Citra Indonesia Award is an annual program held by Sembilan Bersama Media and Indonesian Inspire Magazine. The coverage and selec on of award nominators involved all Indonesia regions by using polling of readers and internet. Anugerah Citra Indonesia Award merely gives close atten on to a major na onal company that successfully promotes and maintains the posi ve image of Indonesia in the eyes of Interna onal perspec ve. For THE 1O1 Bali Legian, this Award contributes a special meaning since THE 1O1 Bali Legian is one of new borne Indonesian local hotels able to join interna onal compe on with other well established local hotel chains and Interna onal companies, which are holding all the cards in Indonesia hotel industry nowadays and able to compete with interna onal companies. “Since it was first founded, THE 1O1 Bali Legian has had its vision in its capability to compete with Na onal or even another Interna onal Brand by implemen ng Interna onal S ta n d a rd a n d O p e ra n g Procedure (SOP),” stated Dewi Mas Bloem, General Manager of THE 1O1 Bali Legian. BTNewspaper/PR
email: info@wapadiume osroom@wapadiume K12-V.35-12
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5/22/2013 9:57:53 AM
No. 58 z May 25 - June 10, 2013
The Marine Foundation Sinking another Underwater Sculpture in Bali z First in series of events of the Art for Oceans program 2013 ON TUESDAY (May, 28th, 2013), the Marine founda on, a UK based NGO in collabora on with Coral Reef Alliance (CORAL), Reef Check Founda on Indonesia (RCFI), and Bunutan village, Karangasem is sinking the sculpture of mermaid in Amed, North of Bali, as a part of the Art for Oceans program 2013. The mermaid sculpture, funded by the Body Shop Indonesia, is conceptualized by Celia Gregory of the Marine founda on and brought to life by Balinese ar st Wayan Winten. The underwater sculpture, made from Ph neutral cement, provides substrate for coral reef and fish habitat to speed the recovery of the coral reef as well as an interesting tourist a rac on. The sculpture is public art, so it unites stakeholders to protect and promote sustainable tourism in the area. The underwater sculpture is part of the Art for Oceans Program. It aims to address the issue of coral reef degradaon as well as to raise awareness of the pressing need to protect the health of our oceans. Coral mines, bombing, and anchoring were common cause of The Coral Goddess sculpture destroying the coral reefs in the past. in Permuteran, Bali Nowadays, cyanide fishing, massive unfriendly development, overfishing, as well as climate change further deteriorate the reefs. Coral reefs are the rain forests of the world oceans; they are fish nurseries and provide natural protec on for beaches against erosion. 85% of reefs are under threat from human ac vies and half of these reefs are nearly destroyed. Global warming accelerates the destruc on, which in turn threatens the livelihoods of people that live in coastal areas by reducing the number of fish and disabling the economic ac vi es (over 60% of Indonesia’s popula on lives in coastal areas).
Wayan Winten and Celia Gregory in Winten’s studio in Ubud, Bali
Model with goddess in Permuteran
About the Art for Oceans program The Art for Oceans Indonesia is a campaign, ini ated by the Marine founda on, consis ng of series of public events, which is launching with an event in Bali, Indonesia on June the 8th, World Ocean day with a panel of experts, and an exhibion of underwater photography, the venue to be announced. The program invites ar sts and the broader art world in Indonesia guided by Rizki Zaelani, Na onal Museum Curator to engage their artwork and spread the message of the importance of preserva on of the oceans and sustainable management of the reefs. The focus is in se ng up a series of exhibi ons, and na onal sculpture compe on in partnership with local NGOs involved in conserva on work, businesses, na onal and interna onal media. About the Marine foundaƟon Celia Gregory is a sculptor from UK, an internaonally acclaimed ar st and founder of the Marine Founda on. Since 2012 Celia is a member of the Ocean Ar sts Society www.oceanar stssociety.org. The Marine founda on is funded by the Roddick founda on. In the past 5 years, the founda on has created and installed four underwater sculptures in Indonesia in areas where the coral reefs were badly damaged and worked in close collabora on with acclaimed scien sts, environmental NGOs, local ar sts and stakeholders. The most famous of the sculptures, The Coral Goddess www.facebook.com/ pages/The-Coral-Goddess within the Karang Lestari Bio-rock reef regenera on project in Pemuteran, Bali, won a UNDP award for marine conserva on. For more info about the partners, please visit www. reefcheck.org, www.coral.org . BTNewspaper/PR K12-I.13-12
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5/22/2013 9:57:56 AM
No. 58 z May 25 - June 10, 2013
Wonderful Indonesia Fremantle to Bali Yacht Race and Rally 2013 THE WONDERFUL Indonesia Fremantle to Bali Interna onal Yacht Race and Rally (WIFB) 2013 is a yacht race and rally posing the result of coopera on between the Ministry of Tourism and Crea ve Economy of the Republic of Indonesia, Consulate General of the RI in Perth and Garuda Indonesia with Fremantle Sailing Club (FSC) Australia. This ac vity aims at promo ng marine tourism and improving the image of Indonesian tourism in the world as well as further strengthening bilateral rela ons between Indonesia and Australia. Aside from increasing the posi ve rela onship between Indonesia and Australia, this ac vity can also help strengthen the es with the countries par cipa ng in the yacht race. This race can help the effort of the Ministry of Tourism and Crea ve Economy to a ract more yachts and interna onal sailors to Indonesia because Indonesia has more than 17,500 islands and not many countries can offer this kind of ac vity to sailing enthusiasts. Implementa on of the WIFB 2013 is the second me where the previous ac vity held in 2011 was named the “Visit Indonesia Fremantle to Bali (VIFB 2011). Meanwhile, this year the ac vity is renamed to Wonderful Indonesia Fremantle to Bali Yacht & Rally (WIFB) 2013. The race was followed by 33 yachts covering a distance of 1,440 nau cal miles. Release of the yacht with the waving of
red-white flag was symbolically carried out by Governor of Western Australia, H.E. Mr. Malcolm McCusker from the Fremantle Sailing Club Marina Harbor, Australia, on May 4, 2013. The race and rally par cipants started to arrive at finish line in the Bali Interna onal Marina, Benoa, on May 10, 2013 to May 18, 2013. Furthermore, some of the par cipants directly
returned to Australia, while some others resumed their voyage by dropping in some tourist des na ons in Indonesia, especially in the region of West Nusa Tenggara and East Nusa Tenggara. They would carry out social ac vi es in the f orm of sport equipment dona on to schools and communi es in the local region.
In the previous years, the yacht race from Fremantle port to Indonesia ever organized, among others, were as follows: Cliffminex Fremantle to Bali Ocean Classic (1981) Sandalford Fremantle to Bali Ocean Classic (1986) Challenge Bank Fremantle to Bali Ocean Classic (1988) - Challenge Bank Fremantle to Lombok Ocean Classic (1990) - Challenge Bank Fremantle to Lombok Ocean Classic (1993) - Fremantle to Lombok Interna onal Yacht Race (1997)
Having been dormant for 14 years, the Ministry of Tourism and Crea ve Economy of Indonesia supported the proposal of Fremantle Sailing Club to re-organize the ac vies named the Wonderful Indonesia Fremantle to Bali (WIFB) Yacht Race and Rally 2013. Under the deal, the FSC would host the yacht race over 5 mes in succession star ng in 2011 and then every two years, where it was expected to draw the interests of more par cipants in years to come. This event was also covered by various interna onal media, so that in terms of promo on and image of the Indonesian tourism, it had significant news value to enhance the posi ve image of the na onal tourism. Direct impact of the implementaon of this event was to bring in more than 500 tourists directly to Indonesia, especially to Bali which consisted of yacht racers (owner and crews), organizing commi ee of FSC, VIP guests, as well as the families of the crews coming by plane. On May 18, 2013 at 7:00 p.m. a gala dinner was held and conferment of the awards to all the winners of the Wonderful Indonesia Fremantle to Bali Interna onal Yacht Race and Rally 2013 that was also a ended by Dr. Kim Hames as Deputy Premier of Western Australia doubling as Minister of Tourism and Health, which provided an apprecia on to the reorganiza on of the race. BTNewspaper/PR
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5/22/2013 9:57:58 AM