Ballet Tucson Sponsorship Information

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About bAllet tucson As southern Arizona’s only professional ballet company, ballet tucson is composed of versatile and beautifully trained artists. each season, the company entertains the tucson community with historic classics as well as innovative contemporary works. In addition to the professional company, ballet tucson has created ballet tucson 2, a youth performing ensemble for aspiring dancers. ballet tucson provides a rich training ground for the serious student by offering interaction with professional dancers, teachers, and choreographers. this in turn allows young dancers to view ballet as a career, while simultaneously instilling a love for the art, and providing a means for greater self-expression and discipline that carries forward to all future career choices. the 2015-2016 season marks the company’s 30th anniversary and its 12th year as tucson’s professional ballet company.


ballet tucson, as an integral part of the arts community, educates, supports, and advances dance as a professional art.

MIssIon stAteMent

ballet tucson provides artistry of the highest quality through professional performances, education, and community outreach.

ARtIstIc GoAls

• Provide professional dance performances of the highest caliber with a diverse repertoire of historic classics as well as innovative contemporary works. • train the next generation of choreographers and dancers. • Provide opportunities to young dancers to perform in a professional setting. • educate the greater tucson community about dance via teaching in title I schools and provide free tickets to underserved populations.

HIstoRy of bAllet tucson ballet Arts foundation (now ballet tucson) was established in June of 1986. our main goal is to foster and develop both a professional company, crafting premiere artistic presentations, and a children’s performing ensemble, designed to meet the needs of young dancers with career aspirations in southern Arizona. the ensemble’s preview performance took place in April 1987 at centennial Hall in tucson, with more than 900 in attendance, and garnering rave reviews. Arizona Daily Star critic Robert cauthorn captured the excitement of the crowd when he proclaimed, “ballet is back!” ballet tucson has since been composed of artists who have danced professionally throughout the united states, in such companies as American ballet theatre, new york city ballet, Pacific northwest ballet, cleveland ballet, Milwaukee ballet, and the Houston ballet. the children’s ensemble has appeared in numerous performances throughout Arizona and also in Mexico, ukraine, and france. 1994 marked the debut of tucson’s own production of the full-length holiday classic The Nutcracker. five sold-out performances left audiences cheering for more while solidifying the production as a local tradition in tucson. the “ballet from classroom to stage Project” was inaugurated in the 1990-91 season. It toured tucson public schools with the support of the tucson-Pima Arts council, offering tens of thousands of children their first exposure to ballet in their own schools. the company has also participated in residencies, performances, and workshops with young Audiences, the Imagination celebration, Arizona opera company, neA’s Dance on tour, ballet West, Milwaukee ballet, Pacific northwest ballet, ballet Arizona, and the Philharmonia orchestra of tucson. ballet tucson recently introduced a new emerging education program in tusD title I elementary schools. students participating in “Putting your best foot forward with ballet tucson” learn important life lessons such as teamwork, discipline, and self-confidence along with basic ballet technique and creative movement. over the years, students and instructors have taken part in an international dance exchange with participating countries including ukraine, Russia, and france. the Annual summer Dance Workshop, the inaugural activity of ballet Arts foundation, has been held for 30 years in cooperation with the university of Arizona school of Dance. for four weeks each summer, students ranging in age from 5 to 18 participate in a 4-week intensive where nationally and internationally recognized master teachers come to tucson to work with the students. the workshop culminates in a performance held at the uA’s stevie eller Dance theatre in late June.

ARtIstIc leADeRsHIP MARy betH cAbAnA: founDInG ARtIstIc DIRectoR

Principal dancer with cleveland ballet, ballet oklahoma, Arizona Dance theatre, and san Diego ballet. faculty at the school of cleveland ballet, ballet Arts-carnegie Hall, Dance concepts-nyc, and was the Principal Instructor and Administrator for Arizona Dance theatre (ballet Arizona). choreographed over one hundred original works for ballet tucson and staged dances for Arizona opera company, Arizona theatre company, yuma ballet theatre, blue lake fine Arts camp, ohio ballet, ballet Pacifica, and burklyn ballet theatre. Recognized as one of the foremost dance teachers in the united states.

cHIeko IMADA: AssIstAnt ARtIstIc DIRectoR

former soloist and ballet mistress with the Inoue ballet of tokyo and principal dancer with ballet tucson. Member of tenth st. Danceworks and ballet Arizona, performing in europe, korea, the Philippines, Australia, and the south Pacific. Prolific choreographer of ballets for ballet tucson, including Phantom of the Opera (with Mary beth cabana).

DAnIel PRecuP: bAllet MAsteR

Graduate of the acclaimed national choreographic school in bucharest, Romania. former principal dancer with the oleg Danovski ballet theatre, oakland ballet, and ballet tucson, dancing leading roles in many of the company’s productions. choreographed exciting new works for ballet tucson, including Boler-O and Carmen.

DeAnnA Doncsecz: coMPAny ReGIsseuR

Graduated summa cum laude from the university of Arizona with a b.f.A in dance. A principal dancer with ballet tucson and company Regisseur for ballet tucson, ballet tucson 2, and the children’s ensemble.

eDucAtIonAl outReAcH PRoGRAM “PuttInG youR best foot foRWARD.” —

What teachers are saying

oVeRAll • 100% reported “satisfied” or “extremely satisfied” scores on the overall experience of the program. • 100% rated “extremely satisfied” scores on the program being inspirational to students. “Our partnership with Ballet Tucson has made a huge impact in my students’ lives. It has given them self-esteem, physical and mental strength, and a new respect for ballet.” “They loved their instructors and along with their families were able to have an amazing and positive experience…“

About stuDents • over 87% of students in participating schools are eligible for a free or reduced lunch program. • 75% of students in the program had never seen a professional dance performance. • over 85% of teachers report that students experienced a change in their thinking about dance. • 90% report that students gained new insights into other curriculum areas during the program. “All of my students loved learning and responded very well to instruction. They always looked forward to each class.” “Following a sequence and listening to multi-step directions can sometimes be difficult for my students. In dance class, they honed this skill.”

About scHools • Participating schools are title I schools in tucson unified school District. • the arts are under-represented at all participating schools in the program. • While music is an offering at some of the schools, none of the schools offer theater or dance. “If it were not for your program, many of our students would not be exposed to ballet and would miss the wonderful opportunity to make connections to the real world and the arts.” “The program strengthens both our arts education and literacy education curriculum while providing teachers and students a powerful model for successful integration.”

coMMunIty seRVIce •

We offer over 1,000 free tickets each season to at-risk and under-served students and families in the community, providing them with opportunities to attend live ballet performances that they would not otherwise be able to afford.

We implement school outreach programs for tucson-area under-served title I schools that promote self-confidence, health, and physical fitness by providing many children and students their first exposure to ballet.

We touch the lives of thousands of young children in tucson and southern Arizona who have participated in performances, workshops, master classes, and other programs.

We provide local jobs for choreographers, dancers, scenic artists, costume designers, sound engineers, lighting designers, stage crews, seamstresses, etc., all very specialized positions requiring specific talents.

• We support an apprentice/trainee program, which selects young artists with outstanding potential from around the united states to train fulltime with the company in preparation for professional dance careers. • We inspire the next generation of dancers by providing enriching opportunities to perform alongside the company’s professionals in full-length family-oriented productions such as Cinderella, Sleeping Beauty, Swan Lake, and A Midsummer Night’s Dream. • We add to the local vibrant arts scene and quality of life for those who live and work in our community.

All Photos Courtesy of Ed Flores

fInAncIAl InfoRMAtIon AnD neeD BALLET TUCSON—ballet Arts foundation founded in 1986. 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization, federal eIn: 86-0557264 tucson’s only Professional ballet company

ballet tucson’s annual revenues and expenditures are currently approximately $600,000. for the fiscal year ending July 31, 2014, ballet tucson ended the year with an $11,564 surplus, which reduced our accumulated deficit to just $4,065. subscriptions and individual ticket sales are our biggest source of revenue, at 41.5 percent of the budget. However, individual and corporate donations and fundraising activities are an essential component of our ability to balance our budget (representing about 40 percent of revenue). nearly three-quarters of all funds goes directly into the production of our ballets and performances, including salaries and fees for ancillary production crews, rent for the theaters we perform in, and storage for out sets and costumes. less than 10 percent is spent on administration.

stRAteGIc PlAn foR fIscAl yeARs 2015-2018 In 2015 the board initiated a strategic planning process to determine what is necessary to sustain ballet tucson at its current level of operations and to enhance the organization going forward. Action items include: • Develop an artistic and administrative infrastructure to support the current programs while creating the possibility of expansion. • Increase the length of the performance calendar by the professional company. • expand outreach programs to create a wider audience for ballet.

ouR GoAls MoVInG foRWARD • Double individual and corporate giving over three years. • expand foundation support by 30 percent. • Increase ticket subscriptions and ticket sales.

ballet tucson is seeking your assistance to achieve our artistic and financial goals. support our 30th “Pearl” Anniversary 3-year fund drive to sustain ballet tucson.

DonoR leVels AnD GIfts coRPs De bAllet – $50

• Recognition on our website. • ballet tucson car Magnet. Proudly display your support for Ballet Tucson!

soloIst – $100

• Recognition on our website and playbill insert. • ballet tucson car Magnet and 3-in-1 pen. Pen features stylus, LED light, and case!

PRIncIPAl – $300

• Recognition on our website and playbill insert. • ballet tucson car Magnet and 3-in-1 pen. • 30th Anniversary keychain. Laser engraved limited edition!

PRIMA bAlleRInA – $500

• • • • •

Recognition on our website and playbill insert. ballet tucson car magnet and 3-in-1 pen. 2 tickets to The Nutcracker. Makes a great gift for the holidays! 30th Anniversary keychain. Invitation to the annual Appreciation Day for major donors and sponsors: includes a reception and chance to go behind the scenes to see the dancers in a rehearsal.

PeARl sustAIneR – $1000

• • • • •

Recognition on our website and playbill insert. 2 ballet tucson car Magnets and 3-in-1 pens. 2 tickets to The Nutcracker. 2 30th Anniversary keychains. A decorative glass and brushed aluminum plaque acknowledging your contribution to ballet tucson’s Pearl Anniversary season For desk display or wall mount! • Invitation to the annual Appreciation Day for major donors and sponsors: includes a reception and chance to go behind the scenes to see the dancers in a rehearsal.

PeARl DAnceR sPonsoRs – $3000

• • • • •

Recognition on our website and playbill insert. 2 ballet tucson car Magnets and 3-in-1 pens. 2 tickets to The Nutcracker. 2 30th Anniversary keychains. A decorative glass and brushed aluminum plaque acknowledging your contribution to ballet tucson’s Pearl Anniversary season. • Invitation to the annual Appreciation Day for major donors and sponsors: includes a reception and chance to go behind the scenes to see the dancers in a rehearsal. • name listed as a dancer sponsor next to one of ballet tucson’s dancers for the season in the playbill. • A specially framed large photograph signed by your sponsored dancer.

DonoR leVels AnD GIfts PeARl PARtneR sPonsoRs – $5000

• Recognition on our website and playbill insert. • 2 ballet tucson car Magnets and 3-in-1 pens. • 2 tickets to our fall Gala, or upgrade from Regular season to Gala season tickets. Attend our 30th Anniversary bash and premiere of the new season! • 2 30th Anniversary keychains. • 2 special event tickets for either the sugar Plum tea or Annual spring fundraiser. • 10 individual tickets to ballet tucson performances. (excluding Gala) • Invitation to the annual Appreciation Day for major donors and sponsors: includes a reception and chance to go behind the scenes to see the dancers in a rehearsal. • name listed as a dancer sponsor next to one of ballet tucson’s dancers for the season in the playbill. • A specially framed large photograph signed by your sponsored dancer. • Membership in the 30th Anniversary “Partner’s circle,” an alliance of passionate ballet tucson supporters. Includes a lunch with the Artistic Director and company leadership, and a decorative glass and brushed aluminum plaque acknowledging your contribution as a member of the Partner’s circle.

PeARl DIRectoR sPonsoR – $10,000 • • • • • • •

• • • •

Recognition on our website and playbill insert. 2 ballet tucson car Magnets and 3-in-1 pens. 2 tickets to our fall Gala, or upgrade from Regular season to Gala season tickets. 2 30th Anniversary keychains. 2 special event tickets for either the sugar Plum tea or Annual spring fundraiser. 10 individual tickets to ballet tucson performances. (excluding Gala) Invitation to the annual Appreciation Day for major donors and sponsors: includes a reception and chance to go behind the scenes to see the dancers in a rehearsal. name listed as a dancer sponsor next to one of ballet tucson’s dancers for the season in the playbill. A specially framed large photograph signed by your sponsored dancer. Membership in the 30th Anniversary “Partner’s circle,” an alliance of passionate ballet tucson supporters. Includes a lunch with the Artistic Director and company leadership, and a decorative glass and brushed aluminum plaque acknowledging your contribution as a member of the Partner’s circle. name mentioned to the audience before each performance at one of our major programs.

PeARl seAson sPonsoR – $30,000 • • • • • • •

• • • • •

Recognition on our website and playbill insert. 2 ballet tucson car Magnets and 3-in-1 pens. 2 tickets to our fall Gala, or upgrade from Regular season to Gala season tickets. 2 30th Anniversary keychains. 2 special event tickets for either the sugar Plum tea or Annual spring fundraiser. 10 individual performance tickets. (excluding Gala) Invitation to the annual Appreciation Day for major donors and sponsors: includes a reception and chance to go behind the scenes to see the dancers in a rehearsal. name listed as a dancer sponsor next to one of ballet tucson’s dancers for the season in the playbill. A specially framed large photograph signed by your sponsored dancer. Membership in the 30th Anniversary “Partner’s circle,” an alliance of passionate ballet tucson supporters. Includes a private lunch with the Artistic Director and company leadership, and a decorative glass and brushed aluminum plaque acknowledging your contribution as a member of the Partner’s circle. name mentioned to the audience before each performance. full-page photograph inserted in a place of prominence in the 2015-2016 playbill, including your name and a short quote of your choice. season annotated as presented by you.

coRPoRAte sPonsoRsHIP oPPoRtunItIes coMMIssIon An oRIGInAl bAllet – $30,000 to $50,000+ • engage with ballet tucson at the highest level and leave your permanent mark on the dance community. An original work to be created by a nationally recognized choreographer, either a guest artist or member of the ballet tucson artistic staff. • the sponsor will be credited as having commissioned the piece for as long as it is performed by ballet tucson (or other companies) either in tucson or on tour. • the sponsor will be mentioned in all press releases and publications as having sponsored the work, including a quote from the sponsor as to why the sponsor chose to support ballet tucson in such a fashion. Media opportunities including branding your company as a creative force for the arts in Arizona. • Invitation to attend rehearsals and dress rehearsal to see the creative process in person.* • Will also be credited as a season sponsor and receive all applicable benefits therein. • sponsorship dollars are tax deductible.

coRPoRAte seAson sPonsoR – $25,000 – cAPPeD At 4 seAson sPonsoRs A yeAR • season runs october to May, providing maximum activation amongst our key demographic: educated, high-income, both family and senior aged audience members and potential customers.** • Recognition in opening remarks before performances of ballet tucson as a season sponsor and leader in supporting the arts in tucson. • A full page, full color advertisement of prominence in ballet tucson’s season program booklet that reaches over 15,000. Most of our audience takes the Playbill with them, creating a lasting impression. • special recognition as a corporate season sponsor on poster in the lobby, including the company logo, during the season. • Acknowledged as a dancer sponsor with your logo placed next to a dancer’s photograph in the season playbill distributed at every ballet tucson performance. • Prominent logo placement and recognition as a corporate season sponsor in applicable advertisements for ballet tucson performances. total local impressions: 500,000+ *** • Prominent logo placement on ballet tucson’s eye-catching advertising posters (16” X 22” in full color) – 400 distributed throughout tucson to announce season performances. • Prominent logo placement on beautifully designed direct mailer cards (5” X 8”, in full color) – 10,000 distributed to an exclusive list of ballet and arts audience members to announce each season performance; and 30,000 inserted into local print media. • 20 complimentary tickets to be used at any ballet tucson season performance. (excluding Gala) • table for 8 to ballet tucson’s annual sugar Plum tea event. • table for 8 to ballet tucson’s annual spring fundraiser. • Invitation to the annual Appreciation Day for major donors and sponsors: includes a reception and chance to go behind the scenes to see the dancers in a rehearsal. • A special Promo code for your customers to get 15% off ballet ticket purchases. • sponsorship dollars are tax deductible.

coRPoRAte sPonsoRsHIP oPPoRtunItIes coRPoRAte PRoGRAM oR eVent sPonsoR – $8,000 to $15,000 – cAPPeD At 4 sHoW sPonsoRs A yeAR • season runs october to May, providing maximum activation amongst our key demographic: educated, high-income, both family and senior aged audience members and potential customers.** • Recognition in opening remarks before each performance of your sponsored program as a Program sponsor and leader in supporting the arts in tucson. • A full page, full color advertisement in ballet tucson’s season program booklet that reaches over 15,000. Most of our audience takes the Playbill with them, creating a lasting impression. • special recognition as a corporate Program sponsor on poster in the lobby, including the company logo, during every performance of your sponsored show. • Acknowledged as a dancer sponsor with your logo placed next to a dancer’s photograph in the season playbill distributed at every ballet tucson performance. • logo placement on ballet tucson’s eye-catching advertising posters (16” X 22” in full color) – 400 distributed throughout tucson to announce season performances. • logo placement on beautifully designed direct mailer cards (5” X 8”, in full color) – 10,000 distributed to an exclusive list of ballet and arts audience members to announce each season performance; and 30,000 inserted into local print media. • 10 complimentary tickets to be used at any ballet tucson season performance. (excluding Gala) • table for 8 to ballet tucson’s annual sugar Plum tea event. • table for 8 to ballet tucson’s annual spring fundraiser. • Invitation to the annual Appreciation Day for major donors and sponsors: includes a reception and chance to go behind the scenes to see the dancers in a rehearsal. • A special Promo code for your customers to get 10% off ballet ticket purchases. • sponsorship dollars are tax deductible.

DAnceR sPonsoRsHIP – $3000 to $8000 • season runs october to May, providing maximum activation amongst our key demographic: educated, high-income, both family and senior aged audience members and potential customers.**. • A half page, full color advertisement in ballet tucson’s season program booklet that reaches over 15,000. Most of our audience takes the Playbill with them, creating a lasting impression. • Acknowledged as a dancer sponsor with your logo placed next to a dancer’s photograph in the season playbill distributed at every ballet tucson performance. • logo placement on ballet tucson’s eye-catching advertising posters (16” X 22” in full color) – 400 distributed throughout tucson to announce season performances. • 5 complimentary tickets to be used at any ballet tucson season performance. (excluding Gala) • 5 tickets to ballet tucson’s annual sugar Plum tea event. • 5tickets to ballet tucson’s annual spring fundraiser event. • Invitation to the annual Appreciation Day for major donors and sponsors: includes a reception and chance to go behind the scenes to see the dancers in a rehearsal. • sponsorship dollars are tax deductible. *All choreography and composition of the final piece resides with ballet tucson, it’s choreographers, and artistic staff. the sponsor will in no way be allowed to influence artistic decisions or the process of creating the piece. While the sponsor will be listed as having commissioned the piece in perpetuity, the finished piece will be the original work of ballet tucson, which will retain copyright and ownership. **Dance/ballet supporter demographics in tucson market: 67% Women, 33% Men; 85% college educated; 49% Married; Median Age 40.9 yrs; Median HH Income $46,783 (significantly higher than tucson median income). sampled: 2003. ***typical season advertising purchases include full-page ads, half-page ads, postcard inserts, television 30-second, e-blasts, and digital banner ads. Placement typically includes new york times (local), Arizona Daily star, tucson lifestyle, tucson Weekly, edible baja Arizona, Desert leaf, kVoA, kolD. logo placements are not guaranteed on all ads. certain media organizations exercise more stringent control than others and space may be limited.

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