Holiday Holiday Happenings Happenings
Nutcracker Prince and Rat King from Ballet Pensacola's The Nutcracker
Real Estate is Real Estate is Our Family Real Estate is is Our Family Real Estate is Real Estate Our Family Real Estate is Real Estate is Real Estate is Business Our Family Real Estate is Our Family Real Estate is Business Real Estate Our Family Real Estate is Our Family Real Estate is Our Family Business Our Family Business Our Family Real Estate is
Business Family WeOur are Northwest Florida’s Our Family Our Family Business Real Estate isFlorida’s Business Business Our Family We are Northwest Business premier Real Estate Brokerage. Business We are Northwest Florida’s Family WeOur are Northwest Florida’s Business Business premier Real Estate Brokerage. Business Our Family We’ve been setting theEstate standard for We areBusiness Northwest Florida’s premier Real Brokerage. premier Real Estate Brokerage. We are Northwest Florida’s We We’ve are Northwest Florida’s We are Northwest Florida’s been setting the standard for Business excellence since 1982! premier Real Estate Brokerage. We areReal Northwest Florida’s We are Northwest Florida’s We’ve been setting the We’ve been setting the standard forstandard for premier Estate Brokerage. Business premier Real Estate Brokerage. premier Real Estate Brokerage. We are Northwest Florida’s We are Northwest Florida’s We are Northwest Florida’s excellence 1982! With over 50 Full-Time Realtors, We’ve been setting thesince standard for premier Real Estate Brokerage. premier Real Estate Brokerage.
excellence since 1982! We areEstate Northwest Florida’s excellence since We’ve been setting the standard for1982! We’ve been setting the standard for We’ve been setting theBrokerage. standard for premier Real Estate Brokerage. premier Real Brokerage. premier Real Estate We are Northwest Florida’s With over 50 Full-Time Realtors, we have specialists in all areas of We’ve been setting the standard for excellence since 1982! We’ve been setting the standard for With over 50 Full-Time Realtors, premier Real Estate Brokerage. With over 50 Full-Time Realtors, excellence since 1982! We areexcellence Northwest Florida’s excellence since 1982! for We’ve been setting thesince standard for for We’ve been setting the1982! standard premier Real Estate Brokerage. We’ve been setting the standard excellence since 1982! we have specialists in all areas Real Estate ranging from With over 50 Full-Time Realtors, excellence since 1982! we have specialists in all areas of We’ve been setting the standard for of With over 50 Full-Time Realtors, premier Real Estate Brokerage. we have specialists in all areas of With over 50 Full-Time Realtors, With over 50 Full-Time Realtors, excellence since 1982! excellence since 1982! We’ve been setting the standard for excellence since 1982! With over 50 Full-Time Realtors, Residential Sales to Commercial we have specialists in all areas of Real Estate ranging from Real Estate ranging from With over 50 Full-Time we have specialists in all areas of excellence since 1982! We’ve been setting the standard for from we have specialists in all areas ofof With over 50 Full-Time Realtors, we have specialists inranging allRealtors, areas Real Estate With over 50 Full-Time Realtors, excellence since 1982! With over 50 Full-Time Realtors, we have specialists in all areas of Shopping Centers, Hotels, Residential Sales to Commercial Real Estate ranging from we have specialists in all areas of Residential Sales to Commercial Real Estate ranging from With over 50 Full-Time Realtors, excellence since 1982! Real Estate ranging from we have specialists in all areas of Real ranging from Residential Sales to Commercial With over 50 Estate Full-Time Realtors, wehave have specialists inall all areas of we specialists in areas of Real Estate ranging from Shopping Centers, Hotels, Selling New Homes Since 1982! Offices and Land Developement. Residential Sales to Commercial Residential Sales to Commercial we have specialists in all areas of With over 50 Full-Time Realtors, Real Estate ranging from Shopping Centers, Hotels, Real Estate ranging from Sales toto Commercial Residential Sales Commercial we Residential have specialists in all areas of Hotels, Shopping Centers, Real Estate ranging from Residential Sales to Commercial Real Estate ranging from Selling New Homes Since 1982! Offices and Land Developement. Centers, Hotels, weShopping have specialists in all areas of 1982! Shopping Centers, Hotels, Real Estate ranging from Residential Sales to Commercial 850.478.4141 Residential Sales to Commercial Selling New Homes Since 1982! Selling New Homes Since Offices and Land Developement. Real Estate ranging from Shopping Centers, Hotels, Shopping Centers, Hotels, Residential Sales to Commercial Selling New Homes Since 1982! Offices and Land Developement. Shopping Centers, Hotels, Residential Sales to Commercial Selling New Homes Since 1982! Offices and Land Developement. Real Estate ranging from #BuySellConnell 850.478.4141 Selling New Homes Since 1982! Selling New Homes Since 1982! Offices and Land Developement. Residential Sales to Commercial Shopping Centers, Hotels, Shopping Centers, Hotels, Selling New Homes Since 1982! Offices and Land Developement. Residential Sales to Commercial Selling New Since 1982! Offices and Land Developement. Shopping Centers, Hotels, Selling New Homes Since 1982! Offices and Land Developement. 850.478.4141 850.478.4141 Connell & Company Realty, Inc. |Homes 2107 Airport Blvd | Pensacola, FL 32504 #BuySellConnell Shopping Centers, Hotels, 850.478.4141 Residential Sales toCenters, Commercial Shopping 850.478.4141 Selling New Homes Since 1982! Offices and Land Developement. Selling New Homes Since 1982! Selling New Homes SinceHotels, 1982! Offices and Land Developement. Shopping Centers, Hotels, 850.478.4141 850.478.4141 Connell & Company Realty, Inc. | 2107 Airport Blvd | Pensacola, FL 32504 Selling New Homes Since 1982! Offices and Land Developement. #BuySellConnell 850.478.4141 850.478.4141 #BuySellConnell 850.478.4141 Selling New Homes Since 1982! Selling New Homes Since 1982! Offices and Land Developement. #BuySellConnell Shopping Centers, Hotels, Selling New Homes Since 1982! Offices and Land Developement. #BuySellConnell Connell & Company Realty, Inc. | 2107 Airport Blvd | Pensacola, FL 32504 Connell &Offices Company Realty, Inc. | 2107 Airport Blvd | Pensacola Selling New Homes Since 1982! and Land Developement. 850.478.4141 #BuySellConnell Connell & Company Realty, Inc. 2107 Airport Blvd | Pensacola, 850.478.4141 850.478.4141 #BuySellConnell Connell & Company Realty, Inc. | 2107| Airport Blvd | Pensacola, FL 32504 FL 32504 #BuySellConnell 850.478.4141 Connell & Company Realty, Inc.Inc. | 2107 Airport Blvd | Pensacola, FL 32504 Connell & Company Inc. | Developement. 2107 Airport Blvd | Pensacola, FL 325 Selling New Homes Since 1982! OfficesRealty, and Land Connell & Company Realty, | Airport 2107 Airport | Pensacola, 32504 850.478.4141 850.478.4141 #BuySellConnell Connell & Company Company Realty, Inc. | Blvd |Blvd Pensacola, FL 32504 Connell & Realty, Inc. |2107 2107 Airport Blvd | Pensacola, FL FL 32504 850.478.4141 #BuySellConnell 850.478.4141 #BuySellConnell Connell&&Company Company Realty, Realty, Inc. || 2107 Airport Blvd | Pensacola, FL FL 32504 #BuySellConnell Connell Inc.ompany 2107 Airport Blvd | Pensacola, 32504 Connell & Company Realty, Inc. | 2107 Airport Blvd | Pensacola, FL 325 arper iTle llC 850.478.4141 Connell & Company Realty, Inc. | 2107 Airport Blvd | Pensacola, FL 32504 #BuySellConnell #BuySellConnell arper iTle ompany llC Connell & Company Realty, Inc. | 2107 Airport Blvd | Pensacola, FL 32504 Connell & Company Realty, Inc. | 2107 Airport Blvd | Pensacola, FL 325 Connell & Company Realty, Inc. | 2107 Airport Blvd | Pensacola, FL 32504 Connell & Company Realty, Inc. | 2107 Airport Blvd | Pensacola, FL 32504 #BuySellConnell
HH TT C C ,, Connell & Company Realty,C Inc.ompany | 2107 Airport Blvd | Pensacola, FL 32504 H arper TlvdiTle iTle , s,llC H arper C ompany , llC arper TiTle Company , llC H T C ompany ,llC llC HH 2107 aarper irporT BT . iTle 14 l ive oak TreeT H arper iTle C ompany llC arper TiTle Company , llC H arper T iTle C ompany , llC H arper T iTle C ompany , 2107 a BTiTle . 14 l o s, llC H arper C ompany Harper arper TiTle iTle CG pensaCola , ,Fl Gompany ulF Breeze, , FlllC 32561 p Fl32504 32504 B o , Fl H C ompany llC arper llC H T C ompany ,,TreeT llC HS S o uhT teiTle hlvd en.rC nRompany Rg14 ei o g i o,,on 2107 aarper BT . iTle 14 l s ,32561 o u t r e n 2107 a irporT B lvd . 14 l ive o ak s TreeT H arper T iTle C ompany , llC H arper T iTle C ompany llC H arper T iTle C ompany llC H arper T iTle ompany , llC 2107 a irporT B lvd . 14 l ive o ak s 2107 a irporT B l ive ak sTreeT 2107 a B . 14 l o s 2107 a B . 14 l o s 2107 airporT lvd. 14 Bl live o o, ak sllC TreeT 2107 airporT Blvd. 14 live oak sTreeT p , FlB32504 Gompany Fl 32561 2107 a . 14 s H arper T iTle C , (850) 435-4435 2107 a B . 14 l o s ensaCola , Fl 32504 G ulF B reeze , Fl 32561 p S o u t h e r n R e g i o n , Fl GulF ulF Breeze reeze ,Fl Fl 32561 , Fl 32504 GulFGBulF Breeze , Fl 32561 pensaCola pensaCola (850) 435-4435 pensaCola Fl,32504 32504 Fl Fl GB Fl 32561 p2107 p2107 Fl 32504 G Bive , Fl ensaCola , Accountable Fl 32504 reeze ,eFl 32561 p a,,,,Fl B32504 14 lBo,,ak o s32561 airporT B32504 lvd . . GG 14 l s,32561 TreeT a irporT B lvd .t 14 lR ive o ak sg TreeT G B ,Fl 32561 p2107 S o u t h e r n R on Local • • Home Loans S o u h e r n R e g iio S o u t h e r n R e g i o n S o u t h e r n e g i o Fl 32504 B 32561 p2107 Local • Accountable • Home Loans S o u t h e r n R e g i o 14 o uBtlvdh. e r n 14Rlive eg i osTreeT nn 21072107 aairporT 14l14 live 2107 aS irporT oak a BBlvd B. . looak os sTreeT s irporT
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1115 E Gonzalez Street | Pensacola, FL 32501
For licensing information14801 go to:Quorum for Florida consumers ( Dr., #300, Dallas, TX 75254.Intended 877-350-5225. Copyright © 2021. only, Florida ADVERTISEMENT. EVERETT FINANCIAL, INC. D/B/A SUPREME NMLS only, ID Florida #2129 For licensing information go to: Intended for LENDING Florida consumers Mortgage Lender Servicer License MLD909. ( Quorum Dr., #300, Dallas, TX 75254. 877-350-5225. Copyright © 2021. Mortgage Lender Servicer License14801 MLD909. ADVERTISEMENT. EVERETT FINANCIAL, INC. D/B/A Intended SUPREME LENDING NMLS ID Florida #2129 ADVERTISEMENT. EVERETT INC. D/B/A SUPREME LENDING NMLS For licensing information go to: for Florida consumers only, ADVERTISEMENT. EVERETT FINANCIAL, FINANCIAL, INC. D/B/A SUPREME LENDING NMLS ID ID #2129 #2129 ( Quorum14801 Dr., #300, Dallas, 75254. 877-350-5225. © 2021. ( 14801 Quorum Dr.,TX #300, Dallas, TX 75254. 75254. Copyright 877-350-5225. Copyright © © 2021. 2021. Mortgage Lender Servicer License 14801 MLD909. ( Quorum Dr., #300, Dallas, TX 877-350-5225. Copyright SWBC Mortgage Corporation, NMLS #9741 licensing at ADVERTISEMENT. EVERETT FINANCIAL, INC. D/B/A SUPREME LENDING NMLS ID #2129 For licensing information go to: Intended for Florida consumers only, Florida For licensing information go to: Intended for Florida consumers only, Florida ADVERTISEMENT. EVERETTgo to: FINANCIAL, INC. D/B/A INC. SUPREME LENDING NMLS IDonly,#2129 For licensing information Intended forSUPREME Florida consumers Florida ADVERTISEMENT. EVERETT FINANCIAL, INC. D/B/A SUPREME LENDING NMLS ID #2129 #2129 ADVERTISEMENT. EVERETT FINANCIAL, D/B/A LENDING NMLS Loans subject to credit andID Mortgage Lender Servicer License MLD909. ( 14801FINANCIAL, Quorum Dr.,#300, #300, Dallas, TX 75254.877-350-5225. 877-350-5225. Copyright ©2021. 2021. ADVERTISEMENT. EVERETT FINANCIAL, INC. D/B/A SUPREME LENDING NMLS ID #2129 ADVERTISEMENT. EVERETT FINANCIAL, INC. D/B/A SUPREME LENDING NMLS ID #2129 Mortgage Lender Servicer License MLD909. ADVERTISEMENT. EVERETT INC. D/B/A SUPREME LENDING NMLS ID #2129 ( 14801 Quorum Dr., Dallas, TX 75254. Copyright © Mortgage Lender Servicer License MLD909. ( 14801 Quorum Dr., Dr., #300, #300, Dallas, TX 75254. 75254. 877-350-5225. 877-350-5225. Copyright © © 2021. 2021. ( 14801 Quorum Dallas, TX Copyright property approval, restrictions and conditions may apply. Forlicensing licensing information goto: to: Intended for Florida consumers only, Florida ( 14801 Quorum Dr., #300, Dallas, TX 75254. 877-350-5225. Copyright © LENDING 2021. ( 14801 Quorum Dr., #300, Dallas, TX 75254. 75254. 877-350-5225. Copyright © 2021. ADVERTISEMENT. EVERETT FINANCIAL, INC. D/B/A SUPREME NMLS ID #2129 ( 14801 Quorum Dr., #300, Dallas, TX 877-350-5225. Copyright © 2021. For information go Intended for Florida consumers only, Florida For licensing information go to: Intended for Florida consumers only, Florida ADVERTISEMENT. EVERETT FINANCIAL, D/B/A SUPREME LENDING NMLS ID100, #2129 Corporate 9311 San Pedro Ave., Ste. San For licensing information go Intended for Florida ADVERTISEMENT. EVERETT FINANCIAL, INC. D/B/A SUPREME LENDING NMLS ID Antonio, #2129 only, Florida ADVERTISEMENT. FINANCIAL, INC. D/B/A LENDING NMLS IDconsumers #2129 For licensing information go to:EVERETT Intended forSUPREME Florida consumers only, Florida Mortgage Lender Servicer License MLD909. ADVERTISEMENT. EVERETT FINANCIAL, INC. D/B/A SUPREME LENDING NMLS ID #2129 For licensing information gooffice: to: Intended for Florida consumers only, Florida For licensing information go to: Intended for Florida only, Florida Mortgage Lender Servicer License MLD909. ( 14801 Quorum Dr., #300, Dallas, TX 75254.consumers 877-350-5225. Copyright © 2021. OPPORTUNITY Mortgage Lender Servicer License MLD909. ( 14801 Quorum Dr., #300, Dallas, TX 75254. 877-350-5225. Copyright © 2021. TX 78216. © 2022 SWBC. All rights reserved OPPORTUNITY ( 14801 Quorum Dr., #300, Dallas, TX 75254. 877-350-5225. Copyright © 2021. Mortgage Lender Servicer License MLD909. Mortgage Lender Servicer License MLD909. ( 14801 Quorum Dr., #300, Dallas, TX 75254. 877-350-5225. Copyright © 2021. ( Quorum Dr., #300, Dallas, TX 75254. 877-350-5225. Copyright © 2021. Mortgage Lender Servicer Servicer License License14801 MLD909. Mortgage Lender MLD909. Forlicensing licensing to: forconsumers Florida ADVERTISEMENT. EVERETT FINANCIAL, INC.Intended D/B/A forSUPREME NMLS consumers ID Florida #2129 For licensing information goinformation to:information Florida consumers only, Florida For go to:go Intended forLENDING Florida only, Florida only, Florida For licensing information go to: Intended forIntended Florida consumers For licensing information go to: Intended for Florida consumersonly, only, Florida OPPORTUNITY Mortgage Lender Servicer License MLD909. Mortgage Lender Servicer License MLD909. ( 14801 Quorum Dr., #300, Dallas, TX 75254. 877-350-5225. Copyright © 2021. Mortgage Lender Servicer License MLD909. Mortgage Lender Servicer License MLD909. Mortgage Lender Servicer License MLD909.
For licensing information go to: Intended for Florida consumers only, Florida Mortgage Lender Servicer License MLD909.
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well, more. believe typicalspirits storeand 2,693 carries 8,167But unique winesthis: 4,874Aunique unique8,167 beers.unique Sure, wewines—with have unbeatable and prices, carries upselection to a quarter we bet you’ll keep coming back for unrivaled service. ofbut a million bottles on the shelves—4,874 Plan your visit at unique spirits and 2,693 unique beers.
We Thank You
What an exciting year it has been! In September 2023, we opened the doors of the new Baptist Hospital, Bear Family Foundation Health Center and Behavioral Health Unit on our campus at the corner of Brent Lane and I-110. Three years ago, the Baptist Health Care Foundation embarked upon the largest capital campaign effort in our organization’s history. Just as our founders did more than 70 years ago, we came to the community with a vision of transforming health care for our community for generations to come. Just as the community responded then, so, too, did you.
Baptist Health Care Thanks You
We are thrilled to share that, because of the generosity and collective power of philanthropy in our community, we received $16.036 million in gifts to our Transforming Baptist for the Future campaign. To our patients, team members, physicians, providers, boards of directors, volunteers, donors, community members, partners — our new campus has become a reality today because of you. Thank you for believing in Baptist as we continue to transform health care for our community for generations to come.
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CONTENTS FEATURES 15 SPILLING THE ‘TEA’ History of camellias, plant care and details on the Pensacola Camellia Club's 85th Annual Camellia Show and Plant Sale 18 THAT'S A WRAP Eco-friendly gift wrap ideas you can feel good about
22 SHOP SMALL, SPEND LOCAL A roundup of holiday gifts from some of our favorite local shops and retailers 27 A SEASON OF GIVING Local nonprofits fight food insecurity across Northwest Florida 33 HOLLY JOLLY HOLIDAY HAPPENINGS Festive events and exciting performances bring the holiday season to life in Pensacola
TOPICS 8 Editor’s Note 10 Page 10 with DeeDee Davis 43 Event Calendar
BUSINESS CLIMATE ON THE MARKET A REAL ESTATE SECTION ON THE COVER: The Nutcracker Prince and the Rat King from Ballet Pensacola's The Nutcracker by Edward A McGrath Photography 6 | DECEMBER 2023
ditor’s Note Kelly Oden Executive Editor
Each December, I am blown away by the shock and, frankly, mild terror I feel when I consider the bullet-fast passing of yet another year. You’d think I’d be used to it by now, but I am always caught off guard. Congratulations. you’re reading this first 2021 issue My phoneIfand social media memory notifications coming mesurvived fast lately, of Pensacola Magazine,are it means youat have with photos celebrating 15 years of 2020, which is no small feat considering the barrage as a mom and coming up of pain,Christmases anxiety, divisiveness, uncertainty, loss and on the without my own loneliness that fourth 2020 brought to bear on themom. entire I’m grateful for all the memories, even if they planet. Many have lost their lives, their loved ones, sometimes tug at my heart strings more their jobs—one after another, the hits just kept than I Good thinkmorning, I can bear. Pensacola! What a strange
and The Nutcracker. In that spirit, we looked high and low for all of the best Holly Jolly Holiday Happenings this season. There’s always something fun going on in December in Pensacola, so we hopediabetes you join at some thesedeath Obesity, andus heart diseaseofbecame fantastic,for whimsical and heartwarming sentences too many people battling Covid. While celebrations. Check our Holiday genetics predispose someout to these illnesses, many can Happenings page changes. 33. be managed or beginning eradicated byon lifestyle I’d
Editor’s Editor’s Note Note
like to focus on making healthy choices while still As you plan your holiday menus, we also enjoying the bad-for-you good stuff in moderation.
hope you will take a little time to consider those who struggle with foodThank insecurity. first responders and hospital workers? Passion and Joy coming. And here we are—on the other side, at least Far too many families across Northwest you for putting yourselves on the front lines place we find ourselves in this spring. The novel incredible special-needs pets and their owners is it August already? IFlorida don’t know about you, but 2020 far too in terms ofHow theagain, Gregorian calendar. What willinup change to put food onoffered the table Once I find myselfhas gearing to keep usstruggle as safe asthat possible. Also, a precious big shout coronavirus COVID-19 arrived our and she discovered while these How is it still 2020? These little of either of these to me. I was so consumed in 2021? lot? A little? We have multiple vaccines day to day, and the holiday season only forAthe holiday season—a stressful time out tomay all the teachers there scrambling community and, although we have so far been babies take a littleout more care, the loveto two questions may seem exacerbates their struggle. We’ve talked anyone, let alone a single parent. with myinmom’s illness and then with that wefor hope will eventually in the coronavirus, putgive together online to keep our kidssurviving luckier than many,reign the fight to keep it from they return islessons worth every second. contradictory, but I can assure you engaged and learning worryingof about spreading continues. We allow went tofor print with with a handful ofinstead organizations working expectations, household the grief of her loss and theof anxiety the put theManaging country to work and some I am back feeling them both equally— things they cannot control. We you! thisand issue on MarchWhen 30. At that time,freely Escambia exoticto animals are more your thing, head hard make sure everyone has enough budgets work/school schedules can Ifpandemic and the sorrow ofappreciate so many national semblance of social normalcy. we can and I don’t think I amcases alone. County had 42 confirmed andI Santa on over to the brand spanking new and to eat—during the holidays and all seem impossible, but this year, hope to news stories that I took little time for myself. visit again, how will our lives be different? What has On that note, I encourage you to read our Rosa had 30. Those numbers rose quickly once significantly enlarged Alabama Gulf Coast Zoo. year long. We hope youwhich willprovides consider banish the focus what really This year isstress just too much. Allus? ofon it—the COVID-19 This year, I Resource hope to Guide, explore creative and personal 2020 taught us? How itand changed I suspect testing washas expanded. Too quickly. The factitis, The new location features allcommunity the hands-on, up supporting their missions. matters—time with family and friends, politics, the pandemic, the pundits. I’m over resources for food, business, endeavors that as help me rediscover myself and will take time we to don’t unpack of the physical, knowallwho might have the mental virus or be close the previous location laughter, cheer and it. So, this month we good chose towill. focusThese on a are and interaction more. The ever-changing nature of plus theof virus without That is discover newplus outlets for personal expression. and emotionalcarrying impacts 2020, but symptoms. I hope time added attractions, amenities and experiences All of this, a wonderful article on the the much things our kids will remember. As far more relaxing and playful “P” word: this crisis necessitates that I mention that whythat it iswe essential that to we,grow as a community, stay will heal and are able inI will positive that willresources makecamellia for a wonderful family day out. beautiful plant. This unique, asus holiday gifts and meals go, do my these may or may not be available Pets.home Whoas doesn’t go all gooey inside over much as humanly possible--leaving Procrastination ways from our individual and experiences. flowering a special to you by theshrub time youholds read this issue. I place in best, itadorable will what itacollective will be, it will an kitten oressentials. playful Only only forbe absolute I pup? likeand the idea, too, Ifthe you’re interested ina conservation, check out people made headway on In 2021, I’m foregoing the traditional hope itmany will provide place to glorious start, some hearts of many Pensacola gardeners. be enough. I see you out mythan fellow While the of most heartless among us,there, I resolutions suspect. practicing physical distancing rather Dakota Parks story on local Panhandle Rooftop ideas or some inspiration either way. The Pensacola Camellia Club holds its home improvement and personal projects in 2020, with specific, measurable outcomes. Instead, single social moms and dads. You got this. distancing. We can remain social via Nesting Biologist, Rebekah Snyder. Through Adoptions are rise during the pandemic camellia show onanything. December 9,not many inthe this modern world—phone Iannual did not. I did not organize I did I am hoping to turnavenues myon energy and focus You maywith also notice that Florida, we have some nonher work Audubon Snyder helps and Iit’s tovideo see why. Petson alleviate the stress, and our related very own has While doeasy plan to2020 focus texts, calls—and I the encourage fix anything. I did notDarien a Hardy language or a new to a few of thecalls, themes that brought tofun pandemic stories inlearn this safe issue. We made to ensure local shorebirds have nesting boredom and loneliness of social distancing and everyone to stay connected to their tribe. We talked toinclude a few local enthusiasts about the andNo the togetherness more than the the call to already planned articles that skill. Nothing. But that’s ok, too. I’m still here. forefront. expectations. No stress. spaces in an increasingly overpopulated region. uncertain futures. There may be many things don’t know what tomorrow bring and many wonders the stunning commercial aspects of thewill holidays, might an still be helpful,ofrelevant or enjoyablecamellia. for2021, I’d That’s accomplishment. However, in out we ourpurchase control in connected 2020, can provide all need to feel towesomething Check itplus out on page 15.them Additionally, when Iofdo gifts,but they will be our readers. Weahope you find useful. All ofto this, fewload DIY pet treat Relationships like lighten my and empty my house of or someone in order to pet get through a loving home to a sweet and whenever get this. more our editor Morgan Cole wrapped a dozen thoughtful, meaningful and, recipes and some good news from the Losingpossible, mylove mom early in 2020 really brought home much of the clutter and unnecessary junk that fills As for us, Pensacola Magazine has been than we could have imagined in return. or so gifts withregarding examples of sustainable local. is home to so Florida legislature protection On the topicPensacola of physical distancing, in our published one title or another for the ideamany that time is Pensacola a limited resource. We have it. It’swrap. timeunder to make room for something While the Humane Society has had gift These gift wrap ideas are new. not wonderful small businesses COVID-19 resource guide, you will seeand that for pets in abusive situations. more than 40 years. We have no plans on great success with adoptions and fostering this moment and the future is always uncertain. only lovely and creative, but they are also retail shops. hope you will join me in PensacolaIneighborhoods and community groups changing that. We will continue to publish year, those who love animals thatways In 2021, I this hope tofound give more attention toknow my safe In this covered allyour of these So, turn issue, off thewe’ve news, put down phonetopics much better for the environment than supporting them this holiday season. have several clever, unique and and to bring you all the information we can the shelters are never empty. There is always a and enjoy thesehelp heartwarming tales and to stay connected and to make a difference relationships with family, friends and community. and more shift their own See focusthe in traditional store-bought gift wrap. Check out our gift guide and holiday for as long to as we can.readers Please reach out to us pet while inroundup need, so if snuggling up a sweet kitty adorable of photos of local animals and practicing physical I must adorable spread on page 19. We hope you market on pagedistancing. 22tofor some 2021. We hope you enjoy. Here’s to your health! with story ideas, inspiration or just a quick or shopping playing with a playful sounds say, I amfetch veryinspiration. impressed withpup the outpouring the folks who care for them. When try a few out this season. local Health hello. We are all working from homeyou’re and we likeofa good waysupport to passI some time, check my love and have seen amongst
While we have always heardpet that good health is our fellow Pensacolians—yeah, the paper outhope our adoptable profiles ontoilet page 34. I also attend as many holiday most valuable asset, to 2020 madebut sure weare knew hoarding was weird, there moreit.than
events asgot possible this year.stories It’s hard We’ve some our enough peoplefeel-good giving of pet themselves for to make to be stressed out when enjoying the up readers as well. Gina Castro met with some for it. Can I get a big round of applause for our twinkling lights, decorated trees, holiday jingles and general good cheer at events like Winterfest, the Christmas parade
done, give your little catnip and are missing our kitty wateracooler conversations. throw yourHolidays. dog a bone.May It’s these simple Happy your days be merry Stay safe, staywill healthy strong, Pensacola! pleasures that keepand us stay all sane. and bright!
Kelly Oden Kelly Oden Kelly Oden Executive Editor Executive Editor
Executive Editor
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8 | DECEMBER 2023
Pensacola Magazine
DECEMBER 2023 Owner & Publisher Malcolm Ballinger Executive Editor Kelly Oden Art Director Ian Lett Graphic Designer/Ad Coordinator Alana Cox Editor Morgan Cole Assistant Editor Nicole Willis Contributing Writers DeeDee Davis Darien Hardy Editorial Intern Madeleine Davis Sales & Marketing Paula Rode, Account Executive, ext. 28 Geneva Strange, Account Executive, ext. 31
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Page 10 DeeDee Davis, Contributing Writer
Blackjack is to remember how to count to 21. Furthermore, I have a whole new respect for players, both veterans and rookies, who come to the table with the proverbial “cheat sheet.” This card is highly recommended, and lists most of the possible card combinations, along with recommendations on how the player should respond. In other words, player shows 12, dealer shows six, odds recommend that you hold. It’s not rocket science and it doesn’t always work, but it is based on the numbers.
We are deep into the holiday season now and with everything going on, it’s important to take deep breaths and appreciate the moment. Too often we get stressed out with the demands we place upon ourselves, especially this time of year. And, while we all experience the extra pressures that come naturally with the holidays, let’s face it, the great share of it lands on women. Shopping, menus, planning for guests, decorating—you name it. I am one of the lucky ones who has a husband who loves to cook and really loves to go to Publix. Every day. Not every couple has this balance of power, so I am going to offer a few pointers regarding effective communication that I have observed over the years. First, there are many things I have learned from occasionally playing Blackjack that can be applied to everyday life. Aside from a basic understanding of the game, skill has very little to do with success. Patience, determination and luck, with emphasis on luck, are far more important to a chip count than memorizing all of the so-called “rules of the game.” The most important rule of
In real life, most men need such a cheat sheet, as they most certainly do not speak or understand the same language that we use. By all means, men do not react or respond to something a woman says or does before consulting the cheat sheet. If she says, “Leave me alone,” you need to apologize profusely because you have done something unacceptable. Who is actually to blame is completely irrelevant. If you want to avoid confrontation and a cold shoulder, just grovel. Trust me, it will be worth it. If she says, “Do I look fat in this? Or “Do I need to lose weight?”, respond by saying “That’s funny. I was just thinking that you had lost weight. You look beautiful.” This is no time for honesty. If she really thought she looked fat, she sure wouldn’t ask her man. She wants affirmation, and you must not be providing enough of it. If she says, “Do you think she is pretty?”, there is only one acceptable response. “Who?” Do not give the impression that you were ogling someone. She says, “Never mind. I’ll do it.” Take immediate action because danger is imminent. She says, “ I am looking old.” You say, “Since when does 25 look old?”
care if you are rewriting the Constitution. Act like nothing is more important than doing whatever she wants. You may be able to use a delay tactic, but not until you have initiated the correct response. She says, “Sure, bring your kids.” Do bring them, but make sure she is the center of attention. If she is happy, they will be happy. Never do anything to alienate the two. Do not ask her where she would like to go for dinner. Choose for her but choose wisely. She appreciates you taking the initiative to select the restaurant, and it’s even better if you make the reservation. I wish women could be more like men and just say what we mean, but that is definitely not the case. And, the last time I checked, there were no podcasts advertised that taught men how to become bilingual in 10 easy lessons. Chinese and French are simple languages to master compared to gender differences. Learning the basics opens the door for effective communication, which is essential to keep a woman happy. What could be more important? The time-tested book Men are From Mars, Women are From Venus is still true. Understandably, the gender identity issue causes a bit of confusion to an already complicated subject, so I am speaking strictly from my own comfort with my identity. No doubt the publisher will have to add a disclaimer to my words of philosophical wisdom that have no scientific basis whatsoever. But some things don’t require any proof other than the results. Merry Christmas and Happy Hanukkah to you all.
She says, “What are you doing right now?” You reply, “Anything you want me to do.” I don’t
Opinion piece: the views expressed in this article are solely of the writer and not representative of Pensacola Magazine
10 | DECEMBER 2023
Our goal is to continue to move Florida forward. We’ve transitioned from foreign oil to natural gas and are moving responsibly toward solar energy, battery storage and clean hydrogen to advance energy independence and stabilize energy costs. Learn more at
Peripheral Neuropathy Breakthrough "My feet feel like they’re on fire.” “Each step feels like I’m walking through wet paint.” “I live in constant fear that I could fall. “ “I can’t sleep, my hands and feet tingle all night." What do all of these people have in common? They suffer from peripheral neuropathy. It's estimated that more than 20 million people in the US have peripheral neuropathy. Unfortunately, this figure may be significantly higher as the disease is often misdiagnosed because of its wide array of symptoms. Dr. Rebecca Gibbons of Acupuncture & Wellness of Pensacola shares this belief. “I have been treating neuropathy in all its various forms, for a long time. So often people come to us because of the symptoms, not because of a diagnosis. They read the testimonial of another patient or one of their friends or family members have been treated here and they say to themselves ‘hey, I feel the same thing.” Fran B. testified to this. “I remember my husband driving me to my consultation and I saw a woman running just outside our neighborhood. I was so envious - I just kept thinking ‘I would give anything just to walk again for more than just a few feet without pain or my legs getting weak’. My primary care doctor told me my troubles with pain and balance were just symptoms of old age and gave me a prescription. I was so depressed.” "Almost all of our patients come to us with a story similar to Fran’s. They’ve been everywhere else. They’ve been told there’s no hope. They’ve been told ‘it’s just part of getting older’,” shares Dr. Gibbons.
Those diagnosed with peripheral neuropathy often face a very grim reality; Western medicine declares that there is no solution while most alternative therapies carry large price tags and offer little to no resolve. Which is why Dr. Gibbons and her staff at AWP pride themselves on being ‘the last resort with the best results’. Peripheral neuropathy is a result of damage to the nerves and this damage is commonly caused by lack of blood flow in the hands and feet. A lack of blood flow results in a lack of nutrients; the nerves then begin to degenerate and die which causes pain ranging from discomfort to debilitating. Because neuropathy is a degenerative condition, once those nerves begin to deteriorate they will continue to do so until they are completely expired, leaving those suffering with crippling balance issues. “In this case, the absence of pain is not necessarily a good thing,” shares Dr. Gibbons. “This usually indicates that your nerves are hanging on by a fragile thread.” When it comes to treating peripheral neuropathy, regardless of its origin, early detection greatly improves your chances of recovery. If you or someone you love are suffering with chronic pain that presents as burning, tingling or ‘pins and needles’ or you’ve recently been diagnosed with peripheral neuropathy, it’s important to know that there are options. There is hope! Call to schedule your consultation 850-530-1028.
Call 850-530-1028 to schedule your consultation or visit WWW.AWPENSACOLA.COM to learn more.
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Spilling the ‘Tea’ by Darien Hardy
Pensacola’s Camellia Craze
id you know that famous southern sweet tea is likely made from a
camellia plant? Camellia sinensis, the tea plant, was used to make the beverage in China as early as 500 B.C. This camellia was the first of its species to make its way to the United States. In the early 1800s, the Camellia japonica was imported from England. By 1920, camellias were popular enough in California that Sacramento was deemed “Camellia City.” Camellia shows became popular in the 1930s, and the American Camellia Society was formed in 1945. This camellia craze eventually took Pensacola by storm, and in 1937, the Pensacola Men’s Camellia Society was formed. By the 70s, the club opened to women as the Pensacola Camellia Society, and, eventually, the society was rebranded as the Pensacola Camellia Club, as we know it today.
The Pensacola Camellia Club partnered with the University of West Florida (UWF) Retired Employee Association to establish the UWF Camellia Garden in 2007 in celebration of UWF’s 40th anniversary. The newly formed UWF Retired Employees Association was searching for a legacy gift for the university to help commemorate the occasion, and the Pensacola Camellia Club was searching for a way to gather, protect and showcase a specimen of every camellia variety developed and registered by local hobbyists since the club’s induction. The UWF Camellia Garden is a part of the American Camellia S o c i e t y ’s G u l f C o a s t Camellia Trail Gardens, which includes many public gardens with significant camellia collections for enthusiasts to enjoy. Skip Vogelsang, former Pensacola Camellia Club president, has been growing camellias for more than 20 years. When he moved to Pensacola 30 years ago, Vogelsang befriended the former director of the local YMCA who gave him and his wife three camellias in three-gallon buckets. Vogelsang planted the camellias in his
yard, where they are still thriving to this day. A decade later, Vogelsang’s wife saw in the PNJ that the Pensacola Camellia Club was holding its annual camellia show and suggested they attend. “I dreaded it,” Vogelsang said. “I envisioned there would be a few little old ladies surrounded by some cups with flowers in them, and I just said ‘please don’t drag me down there.’ Sure enough, we went, and it was just row after row of these long folding tables with camellias. It filled the entire gymnasium, something like 1,500 to 2,000 flowers, and I was flabbergasted.” Vogelsang quickly met and befriended other local camellia growers—Buzz Richie, Retired Marine Colonel Dick Hooton, Federal Judge Roger Vincent and Doc Lundy, who ended up becoming Vogelsang’s mentor. Today, he has developed a hefty collection of about 250 different camellias, all grown and cared for in his home garden. A few years after joining the Pensacola Camellia Club, Vogelsang, Vincent, Hooton and Dr. Norman Vickers introduced another former Pensacola Camellia Club president, and current board of directors member, Paul Bruno, owner of VPaul’s Ristorante, to the club. “My parents had a few plants in the yard. A couple were camellias from the 50s. I thought they were okay,” Bruno said. “ Then, [a few guys] said ‘you need to start growing camellias with us,’ and I said, ‘that’s corny.’ I still went to a show,
“When I say a rose, you can picture exactly in your head what I’m talking about. When I say camellia, there are so many different sizes, forms and colors that it’s hard to believe that they’re all under the same umbrella.”
- Skip Vogelsang
and I was hooked. I saw how competitive they were, so I started planting.” After 20 years of working with the Pensacola Camellia Club, Bruno has collected about 270 camellia plants in his home garden. Bruno said that working with camellias is a good opportunity to have fellow growers over to help with grafting, air layering and share some tips. “It’s a good community,” Bruno said. “We [Pensacola Camellia Club] try to help people learn. We get kids involved. We have a novice show every year for people who have never participated in a show. It’s all free, and we show people how to present, name and file the flowers for presentation.” One Tuesday of each month, Pensacola Camellia Club meetings present speakers and demonstrations with many opportunities for membership and hands-on experiences. This year’s camellia season runs through April, with programs on camellia care, gibbing, propagation and bloom harvesting. 16 | DECEMBER 2023
On December 9, Pensacola Camellia Club will host the 85th Annual Camellia Flower Show at Jean & Paul Amos Performance Studio on the Pensacola State College campus at 1000 College Blvd. in Pensacola. In addition to the show, an open-to-the-public camellia sale will begin at noon. Stop by to learn from seasoned camellia professionals and novices alike about camellia care and gardening. For more information about the club and details on the upcoming camellia show, visit
Planting and Care Camellias are grown most successfully outdoors in the United States along the east coast, along the Pacific Coast from California to Washington and in select internal sections of the country. Nicknamed the “Winter Rose,” camellias are one of few flowers that bloom in colder temperatures. While the flower buds could get damaged in temperatures lower than 10 degrees Fahrenheit and the open blooms could get damaged in temperatures lower than 26 degrees Fahrenheit, the camellia plant can survive temperatures as low as 0 degrees Fahrenheit. Most camellias grow and produce blooms well when planted in partial shade. While gardeners should choose a planting site with well-drained soil and good shade, they should avoid areas where shade trees with shallow root systems would compete for nutrients and water. Additionally, when choosing the planting site, gardeners should take note that camellias develop best in acidic soil. Practically all soils need additional nutrients and organic matter. The American Camellia Society (ACS) recommends 50 percent soil and 50 percent
humus—peat moss, leaf mold, sawdust, pine bark or cow manure—to improve fertility and drainage. Camellias are strong feeders that do best with uniform moisture and a properly balanced fertilizer with nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium. Gardeners can use two basic forms of fertilizer: organic and chemical. Regardless of which type is chosen, both fertilizers should be applied in the same manner. It should be cast on the soil in a doughnut shape starting halfway between the trunk and dripline and extending six to 12 inches beyond the dripline. Apply on top of the mulch and water well to allow the fertilizer to wash into the soil. Camellias are strong and can be resilient when properly taken care of, but several diseases can plague them, just like any other plant. Root rot and dieback are the two most important diseases to look out for. Flower blight is a serious flower problem, but it does not cause death to plants since infection is restricted to flower tissue. As one of his camellias shattered, or fell apart in his hands, Bruno explained how flower, or petal, blight could impact an entire garden: “When the petals come apart like this, you should put them in a bag and put them away because the petals can get on the ground and get a bit of a disease called petal blight,” he said. “[Petal blight] can become airborne and get on other flowers, and it creates brown spots on the blooms.” Gardeners can prune their camellia plants to produce a desired shape, remove weak stems that cannot support blooms, and provide space between limbs so disease and insects can be effectively controlled. To harvest blooms without damaging the plant, pruning is a must. The best time to prune is when the plants have finished blooming right before the new cycle begins. After pruning
any dead wood, the remaining wood will be strong enough to produce healthier blooms and growth for the next season.
The Scientific Side of Camellias
For more information about plant care, fertilization and examples of diseases and pests that could threaten camellias, visit the ACS website at
Camellia growers’ use of gibberellic acid has become exceedingly popular in recent years. Using gibberellic acid, or “gibbing,” involves injecting a steroid into camellia buds to make flowers bloom earlier and bigger. In some instances, color is also intensified.
Species, Varieties and Sizes Camellias come in an array of colors, varieties and sizes. It can be surprising to look at a flower that was thought to be a simple garden bloom, only to find out it’s really a camellia. These plants have an infinite number of genealogical make-ups. The three most popular species in Pensacola are the Camellia japonica, Camellia sasanqua and Camellia reticulata, all of which can be identified by the size and shape of the leaves. Selecting a good variety to plant is an important factor in successfully growing camellias. Selection can be influenced by four factors: the flowers, the growth habit, individual preference and the suitability of the variety to climate. By visiting local camellia shows and growers, gardeners can get a good idea of the types that are most appealing. The beautiful blooms come in six basic forms: single—or higo—semi-double, anemone, peony, formal double and rose form double. Camellias are also grown in a range of sizes: miniature, small, medium, large and extra large. “When I say a rose, you can picture exactly in your head what I’m talking about,” Vogelsang said. “When I say camellia, there are so many different sizes, forms and colors that it’s hard to believe that they’re all under the same umbrella.”
A solution of gibberellic acid must be applied to individual flower buds to stimulate them into action. The flower bud is plump and round while the vegetative bud is smaller and pointed. Select a vegetative bud next to a plump, well-developed flower bud. Gently twist out the vegetative bud leaving behind a “cup” of bud scales at the base. Inject one to two drops of the prepared gib solution into this cup. The acid will translocate to the flower bud, which should begin growing noticeably within two weeks.
“I take a knife, cut all the way around the branch to make a circle, and then about an inch and a half down, I do another circle, making sure to only cut through the top layer of bark. Then, I peel off all that bark all the way around so that I'm down to bare wood,” Vogelsang explained. “So, I've done a lot of damage to this branch. The branch is going to die because it can't get nutrients through the cambium layer and the bark. I keep the branch alive by putting rooting hormone on the wound. Then, I put a big ball of spagna moss, or wet moss, around the wound. I wrap that with saran wrap and resin seal to let no extra moisture in or out. The plant with that rooting hormone starts growing roots into that ball of moss. After six months, I just come in and cut the branch off below that root ball and I have a standalone plant ready to go in some soil.” For more information about gibbing and propagation, visit the ACS website.
Propagation Propagating is the process where camellia growers can create their own plants from existing camellias. The two most popular ways to propagate camellias are grafting and air layering. Grafting is a way to get flowering plants in a shorter time. This process usually takes about two years. Grafting involves taking a scion, or a stem with a growth bud of the variety one wishes to propagate, and inserting it into a stock, or a strong and healthy portion of a camellia plant that furnishes the root system. Large stocks are generally not suitable for grafting. A stock that is a half-inch in diameter is desirable. Prepare the scion by taking one to two inches of mature, current season’s growth with one or more growth buds from a healthy plant. The scion should have one to three leaves. The best season to graft is late winter to early spring, just before new growth begins. Camellia sasanqua is often used as understock because it is resistant to root rot disease. Air Layering is a method of reproducing good-sized plants within a single season. It is based on the centuries-old Chinese propagating process of shaving bark and tissue off sections of branches and layering rooting medium to create new plant systems in the air rather than in the ground. Vogelsang explained that if somebody has a plant that he wants to propagate, he will ask permission to graft it.
Fun Camellia Facts: 1.
Native to Asia, there are more than 200 species of camellias and more than 20,000 varieties.
2. Camellias can bloom in three out of the four seasons, from late fall to early spring, which led to its famed nickname, “winter rose.” 3. According to the American Camellia Society, the most popular camellia isn't usually grown in home gardens. It's Camellia sinensis—the species used to make tea. 4. Famed fashion designer Coco Chanel loved camellias. Images of the elegant blooms showed up in her jewelry, handbags, clothes and other products; also, they aren’t usually fragrant, so they didn't compete with her signature perfume, Chanel No. 5.
That's a Wrap! Eco-Friendly Gift Wrap Ideas You Can Feel Good About by Morgan Cole
Vintage Map
Paper Towel Tube with Burlap City Map
Old Book Page
Paper Grocery Bag
Stamped Kraft Paper
Magazine Page 18 | DECEMBER 2023
It’s no surprise that during the holiday season, there’s a whole lot of gift wrapping going on, and whether or not all that paper can be recycled depends on the type. In fact, most of the gift wrap out there isn't eco-friendly at all—even if it is made of paper. Traditional glossy wrapping paper is finished with polyethylene, polypropylene and laminates, which makes it incredibly hard to recycle.
Fortunately, there are tons of eco-friendly gift wrap options out there that'll still give you that gorgeous under-the-tree look, while minimizing the impact on the planet. Think recyclable paper, reusable fabrics, vintage finds or even a gift wrap that's part of the gift itself. Dress up your packages with baker’s twine, raffia or sprigs of festive greenery to add a little panache. Here are some of our favorite eco-friendly gift-wrapping options to make this holiday truly green.
Recycled Newspaper
Textbook Pages Stamped Kraft Paper with Pearl Embellishments
Holiday Sheet Music
Paper Towel Tube
Magazine Page
Vintage Fabric
Holidays HOW TO HELP
Visit Select number of children to sponsor Each child's wish list will be sent via email. Purchase gifts and deliver to designated location no later than December 5th. For more information contact our foundation at Donations also accepted via Venmo @NWFGALF Northwest Florida Guardian Ad Litem Foundation, Inc is a 501 c3 organization and contributions are tax-deductible. Thank you for your generous donation.
Hope for the Holidays
arm greetings to you! As the holiday season approaches, we find ourselves reflecting on the generosity and compassion that define this remarkable community. It is with immense gratitude that we reach out to you today, for your past support has been nothing short of heartwarming and inspiring. Your belief in our mission to be the voice for children in foster care has been the cornerstone of positive change. Your kindness has woven dreams of brighter futures for these children who, through no fault of their own, have faced unimaginable challenges. With your generous contributions, you have not only filled their lives with hope but also reminded them that they are not alone on their journey. We stand on the threshold of another holiday season, a time of joy and celebration. However, for the children in foster care across Escambia, Okaloosa, and Walton counties, the holiday season can sometimes be a reminder of what they lack. That’s why we are excited to announce the launch of our annual “Hope for the Holidays Campaign.” Imagine the joy on a child’s face as they unwrap a gift chosen just for them. Your support has the power to make this vision a reality. There are two heartfelt ways you can contribute to this year’s campaign:
1 Sponsor a Child’s Wishlist: By sponsoring a child, you will bring their wishes to life.
Your dedication to making their holiday season magical will show them that there is a community that cares about their happiness. The simple act of purchasing gifts from their wish lists can make a world of difference in their lives.
2 Online Donation or Mail-in Contribution: For those who wish to contribute directly, you can make a donation online at, through Venmo @nwfgalf, or by mailing a check to 1800 St. Mary Ave Suite 3, Pensacola, FL 32501, Attn: Northwest Florida Guardian Ad Litem Foundation. Your support, in whatever form, is invaluable and will have a profound impact on the children we serve.
The magic of the holiday season lies in the power of giving, and we humbly ask you to consider being a beacon of hope for these deserving children once more. Your support is not just a donation; it’s a promise of better tomorrows and a reminder that every child deserves to experience the warmth of the season. Thank you for being the heart of our mission, for being the reason behind every smile, and for considering our “Hope for the Holidays Campaign” as part of your giving this year. Together, we can light up the lives of these children and make their dreams come true. With heartfelt appreciation, Northwest Florida Guardian Ad Litem Foundation
Shop Small, Spend Local You'll find the most unique gifts for friends and family when you shop small and shop local. We've rounded up a few local items we wouldn't mind seeing under our trees on Christmas morning.
5 3
1 2
4 7
Rusted Arrow Mercantile 130 Palafox Place
1. Floral Pickleball Paddle, $90 2. Take Me Everywhere Tumbler, $50 3. Grit & Grace Gilded Oyster Dish, $38
22 | DECEMBER 2023
4. Rifle Paper Co. “Garden Party”
6. Leather Valet Tray Map by
5. Pet Pensacola Dogs Crewneck
7. Silver Resin Octopus Book End Set, $99
Stationary Tackle Box, $36
Sweatshirt by WolfGang, LLC, $40
Iron & Grain Leather Co., $39
9 12
Pensacola Hardware Co. 20 E Gregory St.
8. IllumaTrace Blood Tracker Flashlight
11. Trapper Hidden Release Knife in
13. ChirpyTop Wine Pourer by
9. Outset Cast Iron Oyster Grill Pan, $39
12. Two-Piece Nonstick Frying Pan Set
14. Enameled Cast Iron Bread Oven by
by NEBO, $59
10. Beach and Shell Scoop by Sand
Abalone by Cobratec, $112
by GreenPan Reserve, $119
GurglePot, $29
Le Creuset, $300
Dipper, $18 – $45
17 18
Garden Street Vintage
501 N 9th Ave.
15. Men's wear by Johnnie-O, $110 - $198
16. Bottle Lights by Bottlelight Company, $32 – $49
24 | DECEMBER 2023
100 S Jefferson St.
17. NEST Reed Diffusers, $58 – $60 18. Stuffed Animals by JellyCat, $13 – $50
19. Vintage Clothing & Accessories, Prices vary
20. Throwback New Balance Sneakers, Prices vary
23 27
Bodacious Bookstore & Cafe 110 E Intendencia St.
21. Vintage Bookshelf Board Games, $40
22. Storybook Purses, $30 – $50 23. Mini Succulent in Vintage Car
Bo's Local Finds
7201 N 9th Ave., Suite A1
24. Vintage Teapot, $60 25. Vinyl Record, Prices vary
4586 Chumuckla Hwy., Pace
26. Leather Hairon Bag by MYRA, Vendor #72, $81
27. Hand-knitted Throw Blanket by
Blanket Land, Vendor #453, $48
Planter, $25
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A Season of Giving Fighting Food Insecurity Across Northwest Florida by Kelly Oden and Nicole Willis
In recent years, putting food on the table has become increasingly difficult for many families.
Associate Executive Director of Manna Food Bank, Kerri Smayda does not expect these increases to slow down. “Families will continue to find it difficult to feed their families the right quantity and quality of food due to this economic climate,” she said.
While the onset of the COVID pandemic brought a temporary respite through additional food benefits, stimulus disbursements and expanded social services, the termination of these benefits, coupled with rising housing costs and the high price of inflation on all consumer goods, particularly food, has made 2023 an exceptionally difficult year for those grappling with food insecurity.
In fact, according to the Consumer Price Index (CPI), overall food prices were 3.7 percent higher in September 2023 than in September 2022. Food prices are expected to grow more slowly in 2023 than in 2022 but still at above historically average rates according to the USDA Food Price Outlook for 2023 and 2024. In 2024, all food prices (including both at home and away from home food) are predicted to increase 2.9 percent.
Within Escambia County, food insecurity rates hold steady at levels equal to or worse than state and national averages, both in the overall age category and among children. According to the 2021 data from Feeding America's Map the Meal Gap, 17.9 percent of children in Escambia County experience food insecurity, surpassing the rates in Florida (14.3 percent) and the United States (12.8 percent). The overall food insecurity rate in Escambia County stands at 11.6 percent, exceeding the rates for Florida (10.6 percent) and the United States (10.4 percent). And there seems to be no end in sight. At home food prices jumped 13.5 percent from 2021 into 2022—the largest annual increase since May 1979, according to data released in September 2022 by the Bureau of Labor Statistics. These increases have contributed to and are expected to continue creating an increase in food insecurity for children and families.
While food insecurity remains a year-round issue, its impact intensifies during the holiday season, causing deeper financial and emotional strain. The holidays, synonymous with bountiful feasts, pose a considerable challenge for families struggling to provide even basic meals on a daily basis. As the festive season approaches, we urge you to consider supporting local charities committed to alleviating hunger in Escambia and Santa Rosa counties. While we've highlighted a few notable organizations, there are numerous other nonprofits throughout our community working toward the same cause. Find one that speaks to you and make this a true season of giving.
who come to school hungry because the last meal they have eaten was a school lunch—oftentimes not eating for an entire weekend.” Young added that one in seven children in our area face food insecurity. FTGC offers two programs that address this issue head-on: the Backpack Program and the School Pantry Program.
Feeding the Gulf Coast Feeding the Gulf Coast (FTGC) is a Feeding America-affiliated organization that serves those facing poverty, crisis or food insecurity throughout South Alabama, South Mississippi and the Florida Panhandle. The organization’s services extend across 24 counties and include multiple hunger relief programs that address a variety of at-risk populations, including school-aged children facing food insecurity. According to FTGC Director of Marketing and Communications, Amanda Young, “Many teachers in our community report students
The Backpack Program provides younger children with a pre-packed bag containing six meals and two snacks to help keep them full through the weekend. The School Pantry Program is similar to the Backpack Program, except it targets older children and allows them to select their own foods or toiletry items from an on-campus pantry based on their individual needs. “We work directly with school counselors and social workers to pinpoint which students are experiencing food insecurity. We have a list of signs that we share with our guidance counselors and social workers to assist them in assessing if a child is experiencing food insecurity,” Young explained. “Across our Florida service area, we have distributed 42,868 meals through both programs in 2023, serving 4,428 children.” Members of the public can get involved with both programs by sponsoring a child. If you are interested in getting involved with any of FTGC’s programs, visit or call (888) 704-FOOD.
Resource Officer (SRO) program, as those focus on grab-and-go food items—meet USDA standards for a healthy diet. “All of Manna’s programs and partnerships are designed to address the hungerrelated needs of neighbors facing food insecurity with access to nutritious food,” Branton said. This year, Manna has provided significantly more food to hungry individuals than in 2022. “In 2023, Manna distributed 803,338 pounds of food to 86,890 people, a 25 percent increase over the year prior,” Branton explained. As the number of people in need increases, food pantries need more help now than ever. If you are interested in helping Manna in the fight against hunger in Santa Rosa and Escambia counties, consider donating time, money or nonperishable goods. For more information on how to donate or get involved, visit
Manna Food Pantries Manna Food Pantries is a Pensacola-based organization that provides nutritious food to hungry individuals across Escambia and Santa Rosa counties. Established in 1983, Manna has now served hungry children, senior citizens, veterans, families and individuals for more than 40 years. According to Manna Marketing and Events Manager, Melissa Branton, “It is Manna’s priority to provide the healthiest food possible for neighbors in need through its emergency food assistance pantry and its 17 food security programs with 24 community partners.” Manna focuses on providing hungry individuals with healthy and nutritious foods. All of the organization’s food bags—apart from the School
28 | DECEMBER 2023
Waterfront Rescue Mission is a faith-based organization that has supported hungry and homeless individuals along the Gulf Coast since 1949. Though many think of Waterfront as a men’s shelter, the organization offers much more than that. “We serve anyone who is hungry or alone,” explained Waterfront Director of PR and Development, Mark Isbell. Waterfront offers a variety of programs to address the needs of the hungry and homeless in the area including addiction recovery, work training and veteran’s programs. The organization also offers open arms to everyone in the community through its daytime services which are available to men, women and children. “Monday through Friday, anyone can come to campus and get a shower, access laundry, meals and clothing. We also have several community partners that will come to the mission such as Lakeview for mental health and Community Health Northwest Florida which has a clinic here on site if there are health issues. Our goal is to provide a safe place for people,” Isbell explained.
Waterfront Rescue Mission
Waterfront has served 124,593 meals from January to September 2023. According to Isbell, 90 percent of the food that Waterfront serves to those facing food insecurity comes from donations. Due to the importance of food donations, donating goods is an excellent way to help Waterfront in their mission of supporting the Gulf Coast’s hungry and homeless populations. Individuals can get involved with Waterfront by donating food, money or time preparing meals in the kitchen. To learn more about how to get involved, visit
Council on Aging of West Florida (COA) is a Pensacola-based organization that serves, supports and advocates for seniors in Escambia and Santa Rosa counties. One way the organization serves seniors is through one of its longest-running programs, Meals on Wheels (MoW). COA has offered MoW to vulnerable seniors across Northwest Florida since 1974, only two years after COA was founded. Many seniors face food insecurity due to a lack of transportation or the inability to leave home on their own to grocery shop. Programs such as MoW bring food to the doorstep of these individuals, providing them with stress-free meals. “Having the weeks’ worth of meals brought directly to their home allows them to have the nutrition they need without having to coordinate transportation or depend on someone in their life to bring them food or groceries. It allows them to live independently with the food resources they need,” explained COA Marketing Communications Director, Emily Echevarria. To receive subsidized MoW, seniors must participate in an assessment to determine eligibility via the Florida Department of Elder Affairs. Once approved, seniors can receive meals each week.
Council on Aging of West Florida
Volunteers deliver meals and form relationships with the seniors whom they deliver to, providing both socialization and wellness checks. “These [individuals] are by and large homebound seniors that are served by Council on Aging case managers,” Echevarria said. “Sometimes the delivery driver might be the only visitor the client sees that week, so this socialization is another important part of the program.” COA’s MoW program has provided 85,519 meals to 355 individuals this past year. COA will accept donations to support the MoW program if specified in the donation’s description. To donate or learn more about the program, visit
Argo Pantry The Argo Pantry is a free on-campus resource that provides nutritious and healthy foods to currently enrolled UWF students. Since 2014, the Argo Pantry has provided meals, perishable items, nonperishable goods and toiletry items to UWF students in need. “The Argo Pantry works to address food insecurity among college students by providing perishable and nonperishable food items to students,” explained Assistant Dean of Students, Jasmine Rucker. “The Argo Pantry also provides fresh fruits and vegetables monthly, along with providing students meal swipes to the on-campus dining locations.” According to Rucker, the pantry receives about 2,000 visits per school-year and reaches about 300 additional students at oncampus events. “During the Fall 2023 semester, the Argo Pantry will provide over 8,000 non-perishable items to students,” Rucker explained. The Argo Pantry is located in the Dean of Students Office in Building 18 on the UWF campus and is open Monday through Thursday from 10 am to 3 pm. Students can access the pantry once a week using their student identification card. In addition to the one pantry location, two Argo ‘Cantries’ are accessible to students as well. These are boxes that allow students quick access to nonperishable food items. The Argo ‘Cantries’ are located behind the Pace Library Coffee House and in a grassy area of parking lot H. To learn more or get involved with the Argo Pantry, search Argo Pantry at The pantry is currently in need of canned proteins (meats, soups, beans, etc.) and other non-perishable items, which can be found on the pantry’s Amazon Wish List at wishlist/2TXELE8FYUUXG.
30 | DECEMBER 2023
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Holly Jolly Holiday Happenings by Madeleine Davis
t’s that time of year when our downtown streets are lined with twinkling lights, and holiday cheer is found around every corner. Luckily, residents and visitors alike are in for plenty of exciting holiday performances and events this year. Here are just a few of the festivities that will be filling our town with good tidings this holiday season.
Ballet Pensacola Presents The Nutcracker
A Captivating Christmas Adventure
was the night before Christmas, when all through the house not a creature was stirring, not even a mouse–although the Stahlbaum house became infested with mischievous mice as soon as the clock struck midnight, waking dear Clara in a cold fright. The Pensacola Ballet presents the highly anticipated perfor mance of The Nutcracker at the Pensacola Saenger Theatre in December. Follow along with Clara and the Nutcracker Prince to defeat the evil Mouse King and watch her transform into a Sugar Plum fairy right before your very eyes.
“Dancing allows us to do what we love and sharing that with the community and our audiences is something that we all cherish. The memories created are invaluable.”
Twenty-one professional ballet dancers and more than 100 Ballet Pensacola students will take you on this riveting adventure with enchanting costumes and set designs from costume designer Tiffany Nichols and production and technical manager Dominic Krippes. Ballet Pensacola Artistic Director, Darren McIntyre, brings together breathtaking choreography alongside Tchaikovsky’s spectacular musical score to bring The Nutcracker to life. The audience will find themselves in a dream-like state with the little details Ballet Pensacola has incorporated into this production. “Many hours of perfecting shapes and patterns, strengthening technique, building stamina and developing artistry goes into the rehearsal process, with each artist striving for personal bests, so by the time we reach the magic of the theatre, it all looks effortless (and) beautiful, and we perform with ease and grace,” McIntyre said.
34 | DECEMBER 2023
The evening performances of The Nutcracker will showcase Connecticut native Hannah Holtsclaw as Clara for her sixth season with Ballet Pensacola and Felipe Zapiola from Salta City, Argentina as the Prince. The stars of the matinee performances are Destin native Savannah Crabtree and Juan Arango from Medellin, Colombia. “Dancing allows us to do what we love and sharing that with the community and our audiences is something that we all cherish. The memories created are invaluable,” McIntyre said regarding the intensity and passion that Pensacola’s ballet dancers demonstrate. The entire company has put together an amazing performance since starting rehearsals in early September. The company is composed of performers from all over the world who bring exquisite ballet performances to Pensacola. A full cast listing can be found on their website at Performances of The Nutcracker will take place December 15, 16 and 17 at the historic Pensacola Saenger Theatre. Tickets range from $45 to $75 and can be purchased online at or in person at the Saenger Theatre Box Office in downtown Pensacola.
Sugar Plum Fairy Experience
............................................ December 15, 16 and 17 Oyster Bay Boutique Hotel has collaborated with Ballet Pensacola, Reboot and Classic City Catering to deliver a magical and unforgettable Nutcracker experience to a few lucky guests over the weekend of The Nutcracker performance. They will be welcomed into the hotel with a one-night stay, two tickets to Ballet Pensacola’s The Nutcracker and an additional brunch. There is an option for just the ballet and brunch, which will include holiday activities for children and holiday shopping. Holiday surprises will be exhibited throughout the day of guests’ stay. The one-night stay will be available for either Friday, December 15 or Saturday, December 16. Brunch times differ each day. Visit for more information.
................................................Through December 24 Winterfest is back in action this year with its popular line up of holiday tours, parades, photo ops and more until the night before Christmas. Hop on a festive trolley and follow the Christmas spirit with the Grinch, the Polar Express and Ebenezar Scrooge. The Grinch himself constructed a brand-new trolley this year made from Whoville’s trash to bring you along to the annual Whobilation. Be sure to dress in your best Seussian costume for the chance to win a free train ticket. The Scrooge Tour will have you follow Scrooge on an adventure to Christmas Past, Present and Future with a few more ghosts along the way, and the Polar Express Tour will have you dancing in your seat with steaming hot chocolate and believing in Christmas magic. Snap a few photos with Santa Claus after you tell him your Christmas wishlist and snap some with the Grinch—but be careful! If you tell him what you want for Christmas, he might just snatch it from under your tree. For more information and ticket purchases, visit
Lighted Boat Parade at Pensacola Beach
................................................................December 2 The Pensacola Beach Chamber is hosting its annual Lighted Boat Parade located at the Santa Rosa Sound on Saturday, December 2 at 6:30 pm. It will set sail from the Sabine Marina, make its way around at Quietwater Beach and circle back to the marina. A kids’ holiday party will be in place directly before the parade at Shaggy’s Pensacola Beach location. Spectators can watch either from the Sabine or the boardwalk. Boats can be any size, shape or color and can compete for “most merry” and “best of show” awards during the parade. Visit for more information.
The Prophecy Show Presents the Music of Trans Show Siberian Orchestra The Prophecy Presents
.....................................................................December 2
Music of Trans Siberian Orchestra
The Prophecy Show is once again bringing the city of ................................................................December 2 Pensacola a night of holiday rock opera as the longestrunning and most popular tribute to the Trans Siberian The Prophecy Show is once again bringing the city of Orchestra. at holiday the Saenger Theatre, Pensacola Located a night of rock opera as this the group longestwill bring jaw-dropping costumes, lasers, fog Siberian and running and most popular tribute to the Trans choreography that will have audiences more in love Orchestra. Located at the Saenger Theatre, this group will with Christmas season. Come see bringthe jaw-dropping costumes, lasers, fogthis andpowerhouse choreography tribute to the ever-so famous Trans Siberian on that will have audiences more in love withOrchestra the Christmas an electrifying night you’ll never forget. On December season. Come see this powerhouse tribute to the ever-so 2famous startingTrans at 7:30 pm, tickets can on be an purchased online Siberian Orchestra electrifying night at For complete show details, visit you’ll never forget. On December 2 starting at 7:30 pm, tickets can be purchased online at For complete show details, visit
Jackson’s Steakhouse Presents Deck the Halls: A Holiday Event
................................................ December 2, 9 and 16 Deck the Halls by Jackson’s Steakhouse is returning due to popular demand and is going to be spread out over three Saturdays in the month of December, with seatings at 10:30 am and 1 pm. Jackson’s has teamed up with the Pensacola Opera to fill the restaurant with cheer and costumed carolers singing your favorite Christmas songs. Patrons will be serenaded with classics like, Silent Night, We Wish You a Merry Christmas, Away in a Manger and more. Joseph Decker, Tina Wang, Greg Watson and Suzette Leger will be the featured carolers of the evening. Jackson’s head chef, Chef Miller, will provide their full lunch menu and an additional special holiday feature. Make a reservation and join Jackson’s Christmas cheer on December 2, 9 and 16 through their website
Pensacola Children’s Chorus Pensacola PresentsChildren’s ChristmasChorus on the Coast .....................................................December 8, 9 and 10 Presents Christmas on the Coast The Pensacola Children’s Chorus presents ................................................ December 8, 9the anddazzling 10 holiday concert, Christmas on the Coast, at the Saenger The Pensacola Children’s Chorus presents the dazzling Theatre on December 8 through 10, at 7:30 pm or 2:30 holiday concert, Christmas on the Coast, at the Saenger pm. This heart-warming show will be sure to lift your Theatre on December 8 through 10, at 7:30 pm or 2:30 spirits and bring you hearty laughter as talented singers pm. This heart-warming show will be sure to lift your spirits sing your favorite Christmas tunes and touch on the and bring you hearty laughter as talented singers sing your chaotic side of Christmas–ugly sweaters, regifting, lastfavorite Christmas tunes and touch on the chaotic side of minute shopping and everything in between that makes Christmas–ugly sweaters, regifting, last-minute shopping this time of year so special. This angelic choir will bring and everything in between that makes this time of year you a multitude of different cultural songs and traditions so special. This angelic choir will bring you a multitude of that are celebrated throughout the season. For more different cultural songs and traditions that are celebrated information, visit or throughout the season. For more information, visit or
36 | DECEMBER 2023
Cox Pensacola Christmas Parade ................................................................December 9 The Cox Pensacola Christmas Parade is celebrating its 41st year on Saturday, December 9 in downtown Pensacola. This highly anticipated holiday event will start at 5:30 pm and will be livestreamed on Drawing in over 50,000 attendees, this parade has grown exponentially over the years. The Christmas Parade will have over 50 floats parading the town, and performances by high school marching bands from Escambia County and Pace and Milton High Schools. The Pensacola Runners Association has collaborated with the Cox Pensacola Christmas Parade for the annual Downtown Parade Christmas Dash. The 1.2 mile race will be held immediately before the parade and will use the same route as the parade. The Blue Angels flight demonstration crew will also be featured during the parade, so there will be Christmas cheer everywhere you look. All proceeds will go towards the local high school bands booster organization. For more information about the Cox Pensacola Christmas Parade, visit and
Gulf Breeze Zoo’s Gulf Breeze Zoo’s Chri Christmas ZOObilee ........................................ December 9, 10, 16 and 17 stmas ZOObilee
Gulf Breeze Zoo is hosting their fifth annual Christmas .............................................December 9, 10,There 16 andwill 17 ZOObilee on select weekends this December. Gulf BreezeforZoo hosting their fifth annual Christmas be something the is entire family to enjoy with live music on select weekends bouncy this December. There andZOObilee entertainment, winter-themed houses, tasty will be something for thegifts entire family to artists enjoy with live holiday treats and special from local in the music and Market. entertainment, winter-themed bouncy houses, Candy Cane There will also be a visit from the and special giftsWhoville’s from localfavorite artists in big tasty man holiday in a red treats suit, Santa Claus and the man, Candythe Cane Market.Make Theresure will also a visit from the green Grinch. to be hand deliver a bigand manget in apictures red suit,with Santa Claus Whoville’s letter Santa in and his sleigh and favorite make man, face the Grinch. Make sure to Grinch hand deliver the green grumpiest in pictures with The with a a letter andfrom get pictures Santa in his sleigh make photobomb the zoo’swith silliest animals. There and will also grumpiest face 11 in pictures withand Thea Grinch with a be athe chili cook-off from am to 2 pm dance party photobomb from theChristmas zoo’s silliest animals. willwill also at 1:30 pm to get those jitters out. There The Zoo be a chili 11 am to 2 pm a dance party be open fromcook-off 10 am from to 4 pm during the and holiday season. at 1:30 getmember those Christmas out. The online Zoo will Tickets are pm $10toper and can jitters be purchased be open from 10 am to 4 pm during the holiday season. at Tickets are $10 per member and can be purchased online at
White Tie Rock Ensemble–A White Tie Christmas
..............................................................December 16 The White Tie Rock Ensemble presents a holiday tribute concert featuring the music of the Trans-Siberian Orchestra, Paul McCartney, The Eagles, Bruce Springsteen and many other favorites at the Pensacola Bay Center on December 16 at 8 pm. The White Tie Christmas show combines the familiarity of classic rock with a symphonic orchestra for a brand new sound. Simply have a wonderful Christmastime with the White Tie Rock Ensemble. Tickets start at $20 and are available at
Studer Community Institute’s Gingerbread House Competition
..............................................................December 16 Get the chance to join the fun for a great cause with Studer Community Institute’s Gingerbread House Competition on December 16. As a fundraiser for early brain development initiatives, this public event will have plenty of family-friendly winter activities, displayed gingerbread houses, photos with Santa and more holiday entertainment. Enter your spectacular gingerbread house for a chance to take home $2,500. The Gingerbread House Competition will be held at the SCI Building lobby, located at 220 W Garden St. All proceeds will go to SCI’s Early Brain Development Efforts. For more information, visit
Jim Brickman: A Joyful Jim Christmas Brickman: featuring A Joyful Christmas Chrissy Featuring Chrissy Metz Metz
..............................................................December ............................................................December22 22 The Pensacola Saenger Theatre welcomes back Jim Brickman The Pensacola Saenger Theatre welcomes back Jim this holiday season his season new show Joyful Brickman this with holiday withA his newChristmas show A with his one-of-a-kind piano style and brilliant vocals on Joyful Christmas with his one-of-a-kind piano style December 22 at 7:30 pm. He will be joined with Emmy and brilliant vocals on December 22 at 7:30 pm. and Golden nominee the critically He willGlobe be joined withChrissy EmmyMetz andfrom Golden Globe acclaimed NBC series This is Us. The woman see on nominee Chrissy Metz from the critically we acclaimed the big screen can beisseen on the big stage here NBC series This Us. The woman we seeright on the bigin Pensacola; Metz signed a record deal with Universal Music screen can be seen on the big stage right here in GroupPensacola; in Nashville, andsigned she is aseen on deal otherwith TV shows like Metz record Universal American Horror Story, Superstore, The Last OG, My Name Music Group in Nashville, and she is seen on other is EarlTV andshows many like others. Join theHorror duo inStory, a magical evening American Superstore, full ofThe holiday caroles, classics and Brickman’s other hits. Last OG, My Name is Earl and many others.. Tickets are available at Join the duo in a magical evening full of holiday caroles, classics and Brickman’s other hits. Tickets are
Celebrate the New Year! Presented by Pensacola Symphony Orchestra ..............................................................December 31
Sing us a song, piano man! Pianist and vocalist Tony DeSare will bring his infectious cheer and powerful talents with the Pensacola Symphony Orchestra to the Pensacola Saenger Theatre at 7 pm on New Year’s Eve. With songs from Elton John, Ray Charles and Billy Joel, DeSare will bring you an evening of nostalgic classics to ring in the year alongside some Broadway favorites from Wicked, Les Misérables, West Side Story and more. Visit for more information and to buy tickets.
New Years Eve Fireworks at Pensacola Beach
..............................................................December 31 Ring in the new year on the beach with the Pensacola Beach Chamber as they host a fireworks show at precisely midnight on New Year’s Eve. Watch the magical and colorful fireworks paint the sky over our gorgeous white, sandy beach. Spectators may watch from Pensacola Beach or from the Santa Rosa Sound. Bring a sparkle to your kids’ eyes and watch this light display to wrap up the end of 2023. Visit for more information.
38 | DECEMBER 2023
Polar Bear Plunge at Pensacola Beach
.................................................................... January 1 Dip your toes into the icy cold water at Pensacola Beach’s Polar Bear Plunge. Rinse off the last year and celebrate the new year at Paradise Bar & Grill with hundreds of other dippers during this annual tradition starting at 2 pm. With a $15 cash registration fee that includes a Polar Bear Plunge t-shirt, this event will be something of all ages to enjoy. The registration donation is only $10 without the t-shirt and $5 for kiddos 10 and under. Registration begins at noon. All proceeds go to the Pensacola Beach Chamber of Commerce for all of the island events. Visit their website for more information at
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First City Art Center
YOUTH Art Programs Nov. 20-22: Fall Break Camp *Half Day, 9am-12pm or Full Day, 9am-4pm Dec. 21: Christmas Gift Making Series *Half Day Only, 9am-12pm Dec. 22: Christmas Gift Making Series *Half Day Only, 9am-12pm Dec. 27-29: Winter Break Camp *Half Day, 9am-12pm or Full Day, 9am-4pm Jan. 3-5: New Year’s Camp *Half Day, 9am-12pm or Full Day, 9am-4pm (Upcycled Book Calendar) WEEKDAY CLASSES FOR AGES 4-17 After school and morning classes available! Offerings include Clay Handbuilding, Mixed Media Art Journaling, 2D - 3D Art, Yoga & Art, Art Lab...and more! Scan to register & learn more! -->
Come Sing with the Chorus!
What a fantastic organization! PCC puts on fun and interesting shows with diverse sets that challenge and accentuate the talent of all age levels. The real magic happens off stage, where the children are taught leadership skills, the benefits of hard work and demand for team work in the arts. They are pushed to grow their talent and take chances to expand their horizons. All children are welcome and welcomed, which makes for a great learning and growing atmosphere. I can’t wait to see what’s next!” - Jim E.
Schedule an Audition
December 16 | January 3 & 6 R e g is te r a t o in S in g s .o rg /j P e n s a c o la
EVENT CALENDAR Pensacola Ice Flyers Schedule and Theme Nights
O'Riley's Santa Pub Crawl
Flora-Bama’s Annual Santa Drop
December 2
December 9
December home games and theme nights at the Pensacola Bay Center. For tickets and information, visit
Join O'Riley's Irish Pub on Saturday, December 2 for the 11th annual Santa Pub Crawl. Starting at 4 pm, attendees will gain access to deals, exclusive merchandise and prize giveaways. Crawlers are encouraged to come dressed to impress in Santa outfits. This pub crawl is charity-driven, so to participate in the event, guests are asked to donate a toy or a ten ($10). All donations will benefit Toys For Tots, St. Jude Children’s Hospital and Children’s Miracle Network Hospitals. If you want a little extra cheer and a little extra beer, there will also be a pre-crawl VIP party on Friday, and a post-crawl recovery brunch on Sunday. For tickets and details on the pre- and post-crawl events, visit
Kick-off the holiday season at Flora-Bama’s annual Santa Drop! You don't need to take a picture with Santa at the mall when you can see Santa skydive onto our white sandy beaches! Beginning at 11 am, prior to Santa's arrival at 12:30 pm, kids will get to enjoy crafts, games, holiday tunes, face painting and sweet treats. And no worries, there will be plenty of Bushwackers for sale at the bar for those of age. This free, family-friendly event will be hosted at the Flora-Bama located at 17401 Perdido Key Dr. For more information, visit
Pensacola Holiday Market at Community Maritime Park
Get jolly with some jogging! The HoHo Hustle is a holiday-themed 5k race perfect for the whole family. Hustle along the scenic course while drinking hot chocolate and spreading holiday cheer. Don’t forget to attend the postrace party to take a pic with Santa and snack on some holiday treats. Whether you want to race or cheer others on, the HoHo Hustle is the perfect way to run into the holiday season. The race begins at 8 am at Running Wild (3012 E Cervantes St.). To register and to learn more, visit
December 1 at 7:00 pm - Peoria Rivermen vs Ice Flyers; Teddy Bear Toss December 2 at 7:00 pm - Peoria Rivermen vs Ice Flyers; Rally Foundation Night December 23 at 7:00 pm - Macon Mayhem vs Ice Flyers; Peanuts Night December 26 at 7:00 pm - Birmingham Bulls vs Ice Flyers; Youth Jersey Giveaway December 30 at 7:00 pm - Birmingham Bulls vs Ice Flyers; Military Appreciation Night
Seville Quarter Haunted Ghost Tour Now through January 31 Come dine with the spirits of Seville on Seville Quarter’s Haunted Ghost Tour! Take part in a paranormal investigation and then enjoy a meal at one of Pensacola’s oldest and most haunted restaurants. Psychic medium, Ericka Boussarhane, and members of her team will guide guests through the halls of Seville Quarter, telling tales of ghosts, murder, mayhem and more of downtown Historic Pensacola’s paranormal happenings. Tickets include the guided tour and a $12 meal voucher. Seville Quarter is located at 130 E Government St. in downtown Pensacola. Reservations are required. Tour dates and times vary. For reservation information and more details, visit
Holiday Movie Weekends at the Museum November 25 through December 17 From the weekend after Thanksgiving until the weekend before Christmas Eve, the National Naval Aviation Museum will be hosting holiday movie showings. The Polar Express will show on the four Saturdays (11/25, 12/2, 12/9 and 12/16) and Home Alone will show on the four Sundays (11/26, 12/3, 12/10 and 12/17). All movies will begin at 2 pm and tickets are $10. Cookies and hot cocoa will be provided. The National Naval Aviation Museum is located at 1750 Radford Blvd. For more information, visit
42 | DECEMBER 2023
December 2 Kick off your holiday shopping at Community Maritime Park for the Pensacola Holiday Market on December 2, from 10 am to 5 pm. Bring the family to a day full of fun and cheer with hot chocolate, coffee and Turtle Roll Homemade Ice Cream. With numerous vendors with many unique gifts and holiday crafts, there are plenty of opportunities for holiday joy. There will be a bounce house and a kids’ ornament table for the kiddos and a raffle table for the big kids. Stroll along the beautiful park with Christmas music playing around every corner. There will also be a chance for pictures with Old Saint Nick himself. Tickets are $5 per person, and kids 12 and under are free. Visit apexshowsandevents. com for more information.
Surfing Santa Beach Parade December 3 Make your way to Pensacola Beach to see Santa Claus surfing down the beach at the annual Surfing Santa Beach Parade! Starting at 2 pm from Avenida 10, the holly jolly parade will make its way down Via De Luna Drive toward Casino Beach and end at the Gulfside Pavilion. For more information, visit
HoHo Hustle 5k Race December 9
“Sparks” Teen & Adult Workshop at PMA December 9 “Sparks” Igniting Creativity with Marcia Wagner is a teen and adult workshop hosted at the Pensacola Museum of Art. On December 9 from 1 pm to 3 pm, participants will spark the artist within themselves by curiously investigating the creative process. Participants will receive ideas and handouts that will help them overcome creative blocks in various creative disciplines. The workshop’s instructor, Maria Wagner, has been teaching and creating art for over 20 years. This workshop is designed for teens 16+ and adults. No previous experience is necessary to participate. Participation costs $20 for PMA members and $25 for non-members, with all supplies included. For more information, visit
EVENT CALENDAR Craft & Vintage Holiday Market at Odd Colony December 10 Enjoy a brew and some holiday shopping at Odd Colony Brewing Company’s annual Craft & Vintage Holiday Market. This market provides a great opportunity to get some gift shopping done while supporting local artisans and vendors. Vendors will have everything from jewelry and clothing to candles, vintage wares and more. Join the Odd Colony team from 11 pm to 4 pm on December 10 for a fun afternoon of shopping and beer. Odd Colony Brewing Company is located at 260 N Palafox St. For more information, check out @oddcolony on Facebook.
Holidays At The House December 10 Bring your festive spirit to Ronald McDonald House’s holiday market and brunch! This event will benefit the children and families of Ronald McDonald House. Starting at 11 am, attendees will enjoy taking photos with Santa, shopping from a variety of market vendors, door prizes, live music and more. Adult tickets
are $15, tickets for kids ages five to 12 are $10 and kids four and under are free. Holidays At The House is hosted at the Ronald McDonald House located at 5200 Bayou Blvd. For tickets and more information, visit
Thebes, which was released this past October. Stop by Vinyl Music Hall on December 13 for a fun night of music. Doors open at 7 pm and the show begins at 8 pm. Vinyl Music Hall is located at 2 S Palafox St. For tickets and more information, visit
Ornament Making Party
Breakfast with Santa Benefitting GCKH
December 10
December 16
Stop by Sir Richard’s Public House from 12 to 2 pm and get crafty just in time for Christmas at the Ornament Making Party! This free, 21 plus event will feature everything you need to craft a lovely ornament and take home a little Christmas cheer. There will be drink specials and bites available at the party. Sir Richard's Public House is located at 2719 E Cervantes St. For more information, visit
Enjoy a delicious breakfast with Old Saint Nick while supporting a good cause. Hosted at Casino Beach Bar and Grille, Breakfast with Santa will benefit the Gulf Coast Kids House, a children's advocacy center serving Escambia County. Attendees will get to experience a winter wonderland while enjoying a delicious breakfast buffet. Santa will be available for complimentary photos. Guests that bring a toy to donate will receive a printed photo with Santa. Breakfast beings at 9 am. For tickets and more information, visit
The Mountain Goats @ Vinyl Music Hall December 13 Indie-folk band, the Mountain Goats, will be stopping by Vinyl Music Hall as a part of their most recent US tour. This tour highlights the band’s latest album release, Jenny from
Assisted Living License #11190
6982 Pine Forest Rd, Pensacola FL 32526
Business Climate NW Florida’s
Special Section • December 2023
State of the City A Year in Review with Pensacola Mayor D.C. Reeves
Around the Region Find out what's happening in business, government and cultural news throughout Pensacola and Northwest Florida.
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State of the City A Year in Review with Mayor Reeves by Morgan Cole
s the one year mark into his tenure as Pensacola mayor approaches, D.C. Reeves continues to work diligently to address the administration's early goals and to shed light on some recent achievements. During a CivicCon event in February, Reeves presented his first State of the City address where he discussed the city’s work on objectives like building a coalition in an attempt to restore Amtrak train service to the Florida Panhandle, developing a strategy to create more attainable housing and making big investments into public safety and strategic planning. So, what are the results of those efforts now, and what are the administration’s current priorities? Members of the community were invited to find out first-hand at a State of the City address presented by Reeves at the Sanders Beach Community Center in November.
Results of the city’s recent 2023 Resident Satisfaction Survey served as the starting point for Reeves’ remarks during the November presentation. On the issues of what residents love most about living in Pensacola and what they want to see more of in the city, the top response was access to the downtown waterfront on both counts. Reeves pointed to the progress of the Bruce Beach Revitalization Project, which is one of several locations along Pensacola’s plan for a Continuous Waterfront Trail. “If you drive by during the day you can certainly see the promise that has. So, that’s one project that will help us activate our waterfront,” Reeves said.
This presentation included an overview of the progress Pensacola has made under Mayor Reeves’ leadership, including community initiatives, infrastructure developments and other positive changes. The State of the City address also provided a glimpse into what he envisions for the future of our city, and members of the community were provided an opportunity to submit questions for the mayor. Here are some highlights of what has been accomplished over the past year, as well as some issues at the forefront of public concern as 2024 approaches.
Bruce Beach in progress PENSACOLA MAGAZINE | 49
“We'll continue to buckle up our chinstrap and be able to get as many of these things done as we can and make this a place that you can be proud of."
American Magic at Port of Pensacola
“A second that you may have read about is the Sun Trail, which has a multifaceted approach from our grants office to public works, to administration, to communications and everything else for the $6.4 million that we’re putting into potentially connecting to the three-mile bridge all the way to the Bayou Chico Bridge, a protected walking bike path along our waterfront,” he explained.
“Baptist Hospital, obviously, is on the forefront of what I believe is going to be the biggest transformational housing project in the next three to five years,” Reeves said, pointing to the Bayou District Foundation post-Hurricane Katrina mixed-income housing development in New Orleans as an example of what can be done. From a legislative standpoint, Baptist Hospital is second on the city’s priority list.
Mayor Reeves also added that the city plans to compete for a share of $200 million from Tallahassee for unfunded portions of the Sun Trail, including a 2.2-mile stretch that runs through the middle of downtown Pensacola.
The top funding request from the state is about $23 million to help fund a new $70 million terminal at Pensacola International Airport, which is projecting more than 2.6 million annual passengers. This is, by far, a new all-time record for the airport and more than the facility was designed to handle.
In relation to the current city initiatives, survey participants identified reducing homelessness (24 percent), decreasing crime (21 percent) and increasing affordable housing (19 percent) as top priorities. Housing initiatives in the works include $1 million for the purchase of the Pensacola Motor Lodge, $5 million for Brownsville Revitalization and the creation of a new economic development position to help move housing projects across the finish line in a more timely manner. Affordable housing also topped the list of city initiatives. One of the city’s most significant housing initiatives involves plans for the acquisition, demolition, abatement and redevelopment of the old Baptist Hospital.
50 | DECEMBER 2023
“We aren’t bursting at the seams; we’ve lost the seams,” Reeves explained. “Just to give you an idea, the baggage claim lobby was originally built to accommodate 1.4 million passengers.” According to Reeves, the new airport terminal will have five additional gates, expanding it from 12 to 17. Mayor Reeves said, from an economic development standpoint, he felt really good about the city’s new partnership with the American Magic sailing team, which is expected to create 170 high-tech jobs when it moves into its new $15 million headquarters at the Port of Pensacola next year. Reeves also praised the new grants office he created for its work to secure grant funds for the Port of Pensacola, Hurricane Sally recovery, the Hollice T. Williams Greenway and Stormwater Park as well as a host of other projects.
Following best practices of distinguished urban planning UCLA research professor Donald Shoup and the recommendations of consultant Philip Olivier, Reeves has proposed eliminating free two-hour parking and increasing the cost of parking to a baseline of $1 per hour - with prices fluctuating up or down, depending on demand. Agreeing on the confusion over the payment system, Reeves said the city soon will be switching over to a new app, with plans to try out Park Mobile, which has 7.5 million users in Florida. Another issue that has been brought to the forefront in recent months is the difficulty of maintaining the city’s numerous parks and facilities. Currently, a number of city facilities and amenities are in need of repair.
Malcolm Younge Center “They have produced $72 million in grants in eight months,” Reeves stated. “This is front to back, soup to nuts; $72 million in eight months.” Public safety improvements that were discussed include several initiatives for the Pensacola Police Department. Among these improvements are the establishment of a substation at Pensacola State College, the purchase of a new BearCat S.W.A.T. vehicle and the installation of a new ShotSpotter system, providing technology to help the Escambia County Sheriff's Office know when and where gunshots are fired. The system is now active in Escambia County. When it comes to challenges, the city of Pensacola also has its fair share, including the many ongoing issues with downtown parking. “The experience of both city and private lots is eroding the experience of our downtown,” Reeves said, referencing the potential impact on tourism. He pointed to the results of a recent downtown parking survey, in which more than 5,000 people indicated the biggest concerns have to do with availability of parking spaces (27 percent), cost (21 percent) and difficulty using available payment methods (18 percent).
Reeves defended his decisions to suspend curbside recycling in the city and close Bay Bluffs Park for repairs. Bay Bluff Park’s boardwalk has been closed indefinitely due to safety concerns as the city seeks funding for the structure’s repair or replacement. Wayside Park is still undergoing much-needed repairs three years after it was damaged by Hurricane Sally. The city estimates the two rehabilitation projects will cost around $2.4 million total. With the city’s 94 parks, ten community centers and 330 miles of roadway, keeping up with maintenance has become a major challenge, Reeves said. Additionally, 37 years of deferred maintenance to City Hall could cost the city more than $500,000 in emergency repairs and structural improvements. The city has also announced recent plans to demolish the Malcolm Yonge Center after finding it to be structurally unsound, though there has been discussion about the possibly of converting the space to affordable workforce housing. “We'll continue to buckle up our chinstrap and be able to get as many of these things done as we can and make this a place that you can be proud of,” Reeves said, looking ahead to 2024. For more information and to follow updates on the projects outlined in the November State of the City address, visit
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Around the Region UWF Announces 2024 Women in Leadership Conference, Speakers and Ticket Information
The University of West Florida’s Aylstock, Witkin, Kreis & Overholtz Center for Leadership, housed in the College of Business, will host the 10th annual Women in Leadership Conference on March 14, 2024. The conference, presented by Kia Autosport, will be offered in person at the UWF Conference Center on the University’s Pensacola campus, as well as virtually. “The goal of this conference is to educate, empower and inspire women to reach their fullest potential,” Tim Kinsella, executive director of the AWKO Center for Leadership said. “This year, on our 10th anniversary, we are excited to bring world-class speakers and panelists to discuss how understanding your purpose can help you find resiliency in a modern world. We are also excited to bring experts in personal wellbeing and mindfulness to help attendees understand how they can find balance in their busy lives. This will be a fun, energizing event that will help people better understand themselves and connect meaningfully with the people around them.” This year’s conference, themed “Resiliency Through Purpose,” will provide opportunities to learn from and connect with prominent leaders who have achieved personal and professional success. The keynote speaker will be Simplified® founder Emily Ley ’05, ’07. Actor, writer and producer Erik Stolhanske will also speak at the event. In addition, many local businesswomen will share their stories of success as entrepreneurs with attendees. WEAR-TV morning news anchor Laura Hussey will emcee the conference. The conference will include a panel discussion geared toward corporate professionals and a panel discussion for small business professionals. Young professionals will learn how to unlock their personal and professional leadership potential and create a blueprint for success in business and the community. Seasoned professionals will learn to leverage their unique strengths and be agents of positive change in current and future leadership roles. In-person tickets are available for $150 and virtual tickets cost $75. The 2024 Women in Leadership Conference will be held from 9 am to 4 pm, with check-in from 8 to 9 am. Refreshments and lunch will be provided.
47th Annual Stepping Out in Style Fashion Show Raises More than $135,000 for the Baptist Behavioral Health Unit
The 47th annual Stepping Out in Style Fashion Show, presented by the Women’s Board of Baptist Health Care Foundation, raised more than $135,000 to support the senior adult space within the Behavioral Health Unit (BHU) at the new Baptist Hospital campus. The new stateof-the-art BHU opened in September. Baptist is proud to offer this specialized area to meet the needs of older adults in our community. These patients require special consideration in mobility, more advanced medical care, lower stimulus environments and varying treatments to provide cognitive care. The senior adult social space offers comfortable furnishings that assist in preventing falls, allows therapeutic services in a welcoming, healing environment and enables patients to receive care in a space designed to make them feel at home. The fashion show is the largest fundraiser for the Women’s Board of Baptist Health Care Foundation. Professional and local celebrity models showcased the latest fashions from Bluetique, Dillard’s, The Market and Mainly Shoes and The South Outfitters. Baptist Health Care Foundation would like to thank the following sponsors: Acumen Medical Imaging + Interventional; The Averett Family; Ballinger Publishing; Cat Country 98.7 and NewsRadio 92.3/ AM1620; Compass One Healthcare; Coral Bay at Pensacola; Courtyard by Marriott Pensacola Downtown; Cox; Florida Blue; Florida Power & Light Company; Foxy Vacations & Old City Realty; Rachael Gilmer, Personal Injury Attorney; Kia AutoSport; Moore Harper Group - Merrill Lynch; Navy Federal Credit Union; Pensacola News Journal; Poarch Band of Creek Indians; Voya Financial and WEAR Cares. More information is available or 850.908.7906.
For more information about the Women in Leadership Conference, to purchase tickets or to view a complete list of speakers and sponsorship opportunities, visit PENSACOLA MAGAZINE | 53
Around the Region Pensacola State Cuts Ribbon on Bear Jones Moore Reeves Center
“We are so very fortunate to have a legislative delegation that placed this facility as one of their highest priorities. PSC has been blessed with tremendous support from Triumph Gulf Coast and New facility is Home to College’s Math and many other sources. I cannot help but believe it is Advanced Technology Programs because of the job our faculty and staff do for our It was a day of celebration as the ceremonial ribbon students,” he said. was cut on October 30, on Pensacola State College’s new Bear Jones Moore Reeves Center for Math and Triumph Gulf Coast funds were also used for student scholarships, student fee waivers and Advanced Technology. certificates, salaries for the cybersecurity/IT “This is a great day for Pensacola State College, our programs, recruiting, technology, and other students, our supporters, and Escambia and Santa equipment and supplies. Rosa counties,” PSC President Ed Meadows said. “The Bear Jones Moore Reeves Center for Math and “We had been attempting for nearly 10 years to Advanced Technology will provide state-of-the-art fully replace an antiquated building that served us well in the past,” Meadows added. “These funds instructional space for our math department and allowed us to not only complete construction enable us to expand our advanced technology but to grow, accelerate, and expand our existing and cybersecurity programs. Our cybersecurity IT and cybersecurity programs and support our programs are among our most rapidly growing mathematics program. This is truly a huge shot in degree programs.” the arm for PSC and the community." The first classes will be held in the new 59,080-square-foot facility in January. Construction Florida Architects designed the Phase I and Phase on the $22.5 million facility started in June 2022. The II buildings. Ajax Corp was the Phase I general building is Phase II of the College’s STEM complex. contractor. The Morette Company is the Phase II Phase I – the Baars Technology Building ─ opened general contractor. in 2021. The Port of Pensacola is proud to announce The center’s name pays homage to the Bear Family significant achievements in cargo handling and financial results for fiscal year 2023. Foundation, the late Bill and Jo Jones, the Pete Moore Family and James “Jim” Reeves. The group collectively donated $1 million to the College to fund STEM-related scholarships.
Port of Pensacola Announces Steady Cargo Growth and Financial Achievement for Fiscal Year 2023
From October 2022 to September 2023, the port handled 870 million pounds of cargo — a 2.3% percent climb from the previous fiscal year. Additionally, the port welcomed 50 deep draft vessel calls, a surge of 8.6 percecnt compared to 2022. “As recent events prove, the Port of Pensacola is well on its way to remaining a strong deepwater cargo port with an eye on the future,” Mayor D.C. Reeves said. “In redeveloping the port, especially the northeastern side, high tech operations like American Magic and similar companies can succeed and thrive. My administration is dedicated to attracting such ventures and businesses to Pensacola, and the continuous achievements at the port solidify the city’s ability to compete on a global stage.” To learn more about the Port of Pensacola, visit
Greg Harris and the Pensacola Ice Flyers Donate $125,000 to Baptist Health Care Foundation Greg Harris, owner of the Pensacola Ice Flyers, has made a $125,000 gift to support the new Baptist Hospital campus. The donation, made in honor of Harris’ family back home in Canada and the Pensacola Ice Flyers, is the largest donation to date in the hockey team’s history. The Foundation will name the outpatient pharmacy in honor of Harris’ father, who is a pharmacist, and the oncology conference room in honor of his mother, a cancer survivor. Both are located inside the Bear Family Foundation Health Center.
The Bear Jones Moore Reeves Center has eight classrooms/lecture halls, four computer labs, one emerging technologies lab, one prototyping area, 19 faculty offices, and a department head suite The Port of Pensacola’s historic highs of 2022 complete with individual offices for the department continued with cargo activity marking a 17 percent “After hearing all the stories and the greater impact increase, complemented by a consistent 2.3 head and assistant department head. that the people at Baptist have and opportunities the percent growth in annual cargo tonnage from the A 2,735-square-foot rooftop venue is also part of the previous fiscal year. This moderate yet promising hospital has in this community, I was in,” Harris said. “To be a part of something monumental is exciting to center, along with a third-floor connector linking the uptick, amidst the global decline in shipping me. This is not just a community’s legacy or hospital’s Phase I and Phase II buildings. volumes and heightened costs, underscores the legacy, it’s everyone’s legacy who’s a part of it. And strategic benefits recognized by businesses that Several Northwest Florida dignitaries were on now, my family, my Ice Flyers family and all of Ice partner with the Port of Pensacola. hand for the ribbon cutting, including Hal George, Flyer Nation are parts of that. It’s truly an incredible who represented State Sen. Doug Broxson; David “The past year saw the port achieve steady cargo honor to have the Harris Family and the Pensacola Bear, chairman of the Triumph Gulf Coast board growth, even amid economic challenges and Ice Flyers on the walls of the new Baptist Hospital.” of directors; Pensacola Mayor D.C. Reeves; and unprecedented inflation,” Port Director Clark Harris became the new majority owner of the Escambia County Commissioners Robert Bender, Merritt said. “Our dedicated team at the port Pensacola Ice Flyers in the 2012-2013 season, and the Jeff Bergosh and Mike Kohler. stayed actively engaged with the 23 diverse team has since brought home four championships businesses we serve, ensuring smooth operations Dr. Troy Tippett, PSC Board of Trustees chairman, in the Southern Professional Hockey League and and scholarship donors – Belle Bear, Angela Moore and addressing challenges swiftly. We refined our a continuous top-three ranking in the league in approach with established port cargo operators and Jacqueline Moore Pommerening, (Jim) Reeves, attendance. Since his ownership, Harris and Ice and Jay Margedant (nephew of Bill and Jo Jones) ─ like Cemex and GE Wind Energy Power Systems, Flyer Nation have been supporting local nonprofit and we're thrilled to pave the way for innovative also spoke at the event. organizations each season through various ventures like American Magic Sailing — which is fundraising opportunities. Along with $18.9 million in state funding, a gearing up to launch a high-performance training $11,998,919 Triumph Gulf Coast grant was used “What is truly humbling is that Greg did not have center in the heart of the port.” to fund the construction of the Bear Jones Moore any formal connections with Baptist before learning The Port of Pensacola, an enterprise of the City Reeves Center for Math and Advanced Technology. about our campaign to support the new Baptist Triumph Gulf Coast is the organization charged by of Pensacola without reliance on taxpayer funds, Hospital campus from others in the community,” fortified its financial position through a strategy of the state of Florida with distributing the $1.5 billion President and CEO of Baptist Health Care Mark cost optimization and efficiency improvements. settlement from BP stemming from the 2010 oil Faulkner said. “He immediately connected with our By achieving a 17.06 percent growth in revenues spill. Mission of helping people throughout life’s journey. and simultaneously implementing measures to We are excited about this partnership with Greg and Meadows praised the state and local legislative reduce operational expenses by 11.7 percent, the the Pensacola Ice Flyers.” delegation and Triumph Gulf Coast for port effectively increased its profitability in 2023. appropriating funds for the facility.
8 5 0 . 4 3 3 . 1 1 66
ON THE MARKET a Real Estate Section
In This Section 58. By The Numbers A Look at October's Real Estate Market Highlights
62. Inspiring Ideas for Your New Home
BY THE NUMBERS A Look at October's Market Highlights Market Highlights Combined sales slipped 14% compared to the prior month and 18% from the same month last year.
For Sale
The average October DOM for residential and condos combined was 45, two weeks more than last October.
Both single family and condo inventory continued to show modest gains. At 249, October’s pending sales were virtually identical to September and up 8% compared to last October.
Data courtesy of the Pensacola Association of REALTORS ®
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(850) 602-4432 |
Exquisite custom-built 3 bedroom 2.5 bathroom home situated on 15 acres of paradise in Jay. Enjoy a peaceful and private oasis where you can fish in the man-made pond, hunt in the spacious woods, and swim in the screened pool. There are also two barns. One is enclosed and can be used to store your RV or boat. Being offered for $1,400,000. Call today for your private showing!
Susan Bastajian, Realtor 850.516.7732 800 Langley Ave., Pensacola, FL 32504 Military Relocation Professional & Waterfront Property Specialist
Inspiring Ideas for Your New Home M
oving into a new home offers an opportunity to create a space that reflects your family's values, enhances comfort and is better for the environment. Whether you're shopping for a new home, renovating your current space or building from scratch, consider some of the latest trends while searching for inspiration.
Home Automation
From ovens that can be turned on remotely to skylights that open and close automatically and more, there are a multitude of ways to integrate smart home technology into your living space to make it more energy efficient and convenient. Start small with a voice assistant, smart light bulbs, home security system or a programable thermostat. After that, you can implement additional features like smart appliances, remote-controlled window blinds and other electronic devices you can control from your phone for a complete smart home system.
Sustainable Design
A long popular trend, sustainable design has evolved over the years to include more than energy-efficient appliances and LED light bulbs. Now, it's about reducing your carbon footprint and minimizing impact on the environment. To try the trend
62 | DECEMBER 2023
yourself, think big and get creative - install solar panels on your roof, choose highly insulated building materials that don't require deforestation and upcycle old furniture or decor instead of buying new.
Disaster Resiliency
From wildfires that last for months to devastating tornadoes and major floods that impact entire cities, an increase in natural disasters due to climate change has required changes when building homes. Opting for disaster-resilient materials is an important first step. For example, using strong, energy-efficient insulated concrete forms (ICFs), like those from Nudura, instead of traditional wood framing helps homes better withstand extreme weather. Additionally, ICFs can endure winds of up to 250 miles per hour (equivalent to an F4 tornado) and offer a fire protection rating of up to 4 hours.
Outdoor Living
Transforming your backyard can help you make the most of your existing space. To take full advantage of your yard or patio, consider incorporating elements from the interior such as a television and comfortable seating options. Outdoor kitchen setups complete with refrigerators and sinks can make entertaining easier and a fire pit or fireplace can allow your friends and family to enjoy the outdoors even on cool nights.
You no longer have to settle for run-of-themill floor plans or what works for others. If you're considering a new build, work with an architect to create exactly what you're looking for, or speak with a contractor about including personalized architectural features and custom-built storage, for example, in your existing home. To see how you can make sure your home lasts a lifetime, visit #16798 Source: Nudura
On The Gulf Realty
We are Military Relocation Professionals waiting to serve you
Leslie Smith 850.380.3065
Sharon M. Howell 850.554.9376
Micky Kilburn 850.361.8695
Julie Wood 850.602.0184
Terri Dizon 850.501.0121
Vivian Corwin 850.450.4795
Angela Carter 615.973.5852
Colton Brooks 850.418.0085
Pamela White 850.324.8934
4511 Woodbine Rd., Pace, FL 32571 | Office: 850.889.4406
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Are You Happy Where You Live? Are you considering relocating? This is a reason to take action and call me! I am an ethical Realtor, Pensacola native and top producing Realtor for the last 27 years!
CARI WILSON | 8 5 0 . 5 1 6 . 9 7 7 8 | 800 Langley Ave Pensacola, FL 32504
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209 Panferio Dr. $2,000,000
802 Rio Vista Dr, Pensacola Beach For Sale $1,750,000 3 Beds | 2 Full + 1 Half Bath 3,072 SF | MLS# 632023
Contact Conna Today! 850.232.4001
Contact Conna Today! 106 Ariola Dr, Pensacola Beach Sale $5,600,000 850.232.4001 For 5 Beds | 5 Full + 2 Half Baths
Gulf Front | 3,977 SF | MLS# 634122
9180 Chumuckla Hwy, Pace Contact Conna Today! For Sale $2,900,000 850.232.4001 Main House: 4 Beds | 4 Full + 1 Half Bath In-Law Suite: 3 Beds | 2 Full + 1 Half Bath 5,836 SF + 2,000 SF | 20 Acres | MLS# 628929 | FLEX#926072
5400 Willard Norris Rd, Milton For Sale $699,000 4 Beds | 3 Full Baths 3,449 SF | MLS# 633434
4BR/4BA 3,665 SF MLS# 617691
800 Via De Luna Dr, Pensacola Beach For Sale $2,750,000 4 Beds | 3 Full + 1 Half Bath 3,936 SF | MLS# 635212
6573 Yellow Hill Dr, Milton Contact Donna Dickey Today! For Sale $299,500 850-529-0699 3 Beds | 2 Full Baths 1,646 SF | MLS# 629668
Contact Conna Today! 850.232.4001
Contact Vinny Matassa Today! 850-343-5720
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