Winterfest 2023 Holidays Uncorked
Sweeten the Season with Delicious Desserts
Honoring our Veterans
Real Estate is Real Estate is Our Family Real Estate is is Our Family Real Estate is Real Estate Our Family Real Estate is Real Estate is Real Estate is Business Our Family Real Estate is Our Family Real Estate is Business Real Estate Our Family Real Estate is Our Family Real Estate is Our Family Business Our Family Business Our Family Real Estate is
Business Family WeOur are Northwest Florida’s Our Family Our Family Business Real Estate isFlorida’s Business Business Our Family We are Northwest Business premier Real Estate Brokerage. Business We are Northwest Florida’s Family WeOur are Northwest Florida’s Business Business premier Real Estate Brokerage. Business Our Family We’ve been setting theEstate standard for We areBusiness Northwest Florida’s premier Real Brokerage. premier Real Estate Brokerage. We are Northwest Florida’s We We’ve are Northwest Florida’s We are Northwest Florida’s been setting the standard for Business excellence since 1982! premier Real Estate Brokerage. We areReal Northwest Florida’s We are Northwest Florida’s We’ve been setting the We’ve been setting the standard forstandard for premier Estate Brokerage. Business premier Real Estate Brokerage. premier Real Estate Brokerage. We are Northwest Florida’s We are Northwest Florida’s We are Northwest Florida’s excellence 1982! With over 50 Full-Time Realtors, We’ve been setting thesince standard for premier Real Estate Brokerage. premier Real Estate Brokerage.
excellence since 1982! We areEstate Northwest Florida’s excellence since We’ve been setting the standard for1982! We’ve been setting the standard for We’ve been setting theBrokerage. standard for premier Real Estate Brokerage. premier Real Brokerage. premier Real Estate We are Northwest Florida’s With over 50 Full-Time Realtors, we have specialists in all areas of We’ve been setting the standard for excellence since 1982! We’ve been setting the standard for With over 50 Full-Time Realtors, premier Real Estate Brokerage. With over 50 Full-Time Realtors, excellence since 1982! We areexcellence Northwest Florida’s excellence since 1982! for We’ve been setting thesince standard for for We’ve been setting the1982! standard premier Real Estate Brokerage. We’ve been setting the standard excellence since 1982! we have specialists in all areas Real Estate ranging from With over 50 Full-Time Realtors, excellence since 1982! we have specialists in all areas of We’ve been setting the standard for of With over 50 Full-Time Realtors, premier Real Estate Brokerage. we have specialists in all areas of With over 50 Full-Time Realtors, With over 50 Full-Time Realtors, excellence since 1982! excellence since 1982! We’ve been setting the standard for excellence since 1982! With over 50 Full-Time Realtors, Residential Sales to Commercial we have specialists in all areas of Real Estate ranging from Real Estate ranging from With over 50 Full-Time we have specialists in all areas of excellence since 1982! We’ve been setting the standard for from we have specialists in all areas ofof With over 50 Full-Time Realtors, we have specialists inranging allRealtors, areas Real Estate With over 50 Full-Time Realtors, excellence since 1982! With over 50 Full-Time Realtors, we have specialists in all areas of Shopping Centers, Hotels, Residential Sales to Commercial Real Estate ranging from we have specialists in all areas of Residential Sales to Commercial Real Estate ranging from With over 50 Full-Time Realtors, excellence since 1982! Real Estate ranging from we have specialists in all areas of Real ranging from Residential Sales to Commercial With over 50 Estate Full-Time Realtors, wehave have specialists inall all areas of we specialists in areas of Real Estate ranging from Shopping Centers, Hotels, Selling New Homes Since 1982! Offices and Land Developement. Residential Sales to Commercial Residential Sales to Commercial we have specialists in all areas of With over 50 Full-Time Realtors, Real Estate ranging from Shopping Centers, Hotels, Real Estate ranging from Sales toto Commercial Residential Sales Commercial we Residential have specialists in all areas of Hotels, Shopping Centers, Real Estate ranging from Residential Sales to Commercial Real Estate ranging from Selling New Homes Since 1982! Offices and Land Developement. Centers, Hotels, weShopping have specialists in all areas of 1982! Shopping Centers, Hotels, Real Estate ranging from Residential Sales to Commercial 850.478.4141 Residential Sales to Commercial Selling New Homes Since 1982! Selling New Homes Since Offices and Land Developement. Real Estate ranging from Shopping Centers, Hotels, Shopping Centers, Hotels, Residential Sales to Commercial Selling New Homes Since 1982! Offices and Land Developement. Shopping Centers, Hotels, Residential Sales to Commercial Selling New Homes Since 1982! Offices and Land Developement. Real Estate ranging from #BuySellConnell 850.478.4141 Selling New Homes Since 1982! Selling New Homes Since 1982! Offices and Land Developement. Residential Sales to Commercial Shopping Centers, Hotels, Shopping Centers, Hotels, Selling New Homes Since 1982! Offices and Land Developement. Residential Sales to Commercial Selling New Since 1982! Offices and Land Developement. Shopping Centers, Hotels, Selling New Homes Since 1982! Offices and Land Developement. 850.478.4141 850.478.4141 Connell & Company Realty, Inc. |Homes 2107 Airport Blvd | Pensacola, FL 32504 #BuySellConnell Shopping Centers, Hotels, 850.478.4141 Residential Sales toCenters, Commercial Shopping 850.478.4141 Selling New Homes Since 1982! Offices and Land Developement. Selling New Homes Since 1982! Selling New Homes SinceHotels, 1982! Offices and Land Developement. Shopping Centers, Hotels, 850.478.4141 850.478.4141 Connell & Company Realty, Inc. | 2107 Airport Blvd | Pensacola, FL 32504 Selling New Homes Since 1982! Offices and Land Developement. #BuySellConnell 850.478.4141 850.478.4141 #BuySellConnell 850.478.4141 Selling New Homes Since 1982! Selling New Homes Since 1982! Offices and Land Developement. #BuySellConnell Shopping Centers, Hotels, Selling New Homes Since 1982! Offices and Land Developement. #BuySellConnell Connell & Company Realty, Inc. | 2107 Airport Blvd | Pensacola, FL 32504 Connell &Offices Company Realty, Inc. | 2107 Airport Blvd | Pensacola Selling New Homes Since 1982! and Land Developement. 850.478.4141 #BuySellConnell Connell & Company Realty, Inc. 2107 Airport Blvd | Pensacola, 850.478.4141 850.478.4141 #BuySellConnell Connell & Company Realty, Inc. | 2107| Airport Blvd | Pensacola, FL 32504 FL 32504 #BuySellConnell 850.478.4141 Connell & Company Realty, Inc.Inc. | 2107 Airport Blvd | Pensacola, FL 32504 Connell & Company Inc. | Developement. 2107 Airport Blvd | Pensacola, FL 325 Selling New Homes Since 1982! OfficesRealty, and Land Connell & Company Realty, | Airport 2107 Airport | Pensacola, 32504 850.478.4141 850.478.4141 #BuySellConnell Connell & Company Company Realty, Inc. | Blvd |Blvd Pensacola, FL 32504 Connell & Realty, Inc. |2107 2107 Airport Blvd | Pensacola, FL FL 32504 850.478.4141 #BuySellConnell 850.478.4141 #BuySellConnell Connell&&Company Company Realty, Realty, Inc. || 2107 Airport Blvd | Pensacola, FL FL 32504 #BuySellConnell Connell Inc.ompany 2107 Airport Blvd | Pensacola, 32504 Connell & Company Realty, Inc. | 2107 Airport Blvd | Pensacola, FL 325 arper iTle llC 850.478.4141 Connell & Company Realty, Inc. | 2107 Airport Blvd | Pensacola, FL 32504 #BuySellConnell #BuySellConnell arper iTle ompany llC Connell & Company Realty, Inc. | 2107 Airport Blvd | Pensacola, FL 32504 Connell & Company Realty, Inc. | 2107 Airport Blvd | Pensacola, FL 325 Connell & Company Realty, Inc. | 2107 Airport Blvd | Pensacola, FL 32504 Connell & Company Realty, Inc. | 2107 Airport Blvd | Pensacola, FL 32504 #BuySellConnell
HH TT C C ,, Connell & Company Realty,C Inc.ompany | 2107 Airport Blvd | Pensacola, FL 32504 H arper TlvdiTle iTle , s,llC H arper C ompany , llC arper TiTle Company , llC H T C ompany ,llC llC HH 2107 aarper irporT BT . iTle 14 l ive oak TreeT H arper iTle C ompany llC arper TiTle Company , llC H arper T iTle C ompany , llC H arper T iTle C ompany , 2107 a BTiTle . 14 l o s, llC H arper C ompany Harper arper TiTle iTle CG pensaCola , ,Fl Gompany ulF Breeze, , FlllC 32561 p Fl32504 32504 B o , Fl H C ompany llC arper llC H T C ompany ,,TreeT llC HS S o uhT teiTle hlvd en.rC nRompany Rg14 ei o g i o,,on 2107 aarper BT . iTle 14 l s ,32561 o u t r e n 2107 a irporT B lvd . 14 l ive o ak s TreeT H arper T iTle C ompany , llC H arper T iTle C ompany llC H arper T iTle C ompany llC H arper T iTle ompany , llC 2107 a irporT B lvd . 14 l ive o ak s 2107 a irporT B l ive ak sTreeT 2107 a B . 14 l o s 2107 a B . 14 l o s 2107 airporT lvd. 14 Bl live o o, ak sllC TreeT 2107 airporT Blvd. 14 live oak sTreeT p , FlB32504 Gompany Fl 32561 2107 a . 14 s H arper T iTle C , (850) 435-4435 2107 a B . 14 l o s ensaCola , Fl 32504 G ulF B reeze , Fl 32561 p S o u t h e r n R e g i o n , Fl GulF ulF Breeze reeze ,Fl Fl 32561 , Fl 32504 GulFGBulF Breeze , Fl 32561 pensaCola pensaCola (850) 435-4435 pensaCola Fl,32504 32504 Fl Fl GB Fl 32561 p2107 p2107 Fl 32504 G Bive , Fl ensaCola , Accountable Fl 32504 reeze ,eFl 32561 p a,,,,Fl B32504 14 lBo,,ak o s32561 airporT B32504 lvd . . GG 14 l s,32561 TreeT a irporT B lvd .t 14 lR ive o ak sg TreeT G B ,Fl 32561 p2107 S o u t h e r n R on Local • • Home Loans S o u h e r n R e g iio S o u t h e r n R e g i o n S o u t h e r n e g i o Fl 32504 B 32561 p2107 Local • Accountable • Home Loans S o u t h e r n R e g i o 14 o uBtlvdh. e r n 14Rlive eg i osTreeT nn 21072107 aairporT 14l14 live 2107 aS irporT oak a BBlvd B. . looak os sTreeT s irporT
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1115 E Gonzalez Street | Pensacola, FL 32501
For licensing information14801 go to:Quorum for Florida consumers ( Dr., #300, Dallas, TX 75254.Intended 877-350-5225. Copyright © 2021. only, Florida ADVERTISEMENT. EVERETT FINANCIAL, INC. D/B/A SUPREME NMLS only, ID Florida #2129 For licensing information go to: Intended for LENDING Florida consumers Mortgage Lender Servicer License MLD909. ( Quorum Dr., #300, Dallas, TX 75254. 877-350-5225. Copyright © 2021. Mortgage Lender Servicer License14801 MLD909. ADVERTISEMENT. EVERETT FINANCIAL, INC. D/B/A Intended SUPREME LENDING NMLS ID Florida #2129 ADVERTISEMENT. EVERETT INC. D/B/A SUPREME LENDING NMLS For licensing information go to: for Florida consumers only, ADVERTISEMENT. EVERETT FINANCIAL, FINANCIAL, INC. D/B/A SUPREME LENDING NMLS ID ID #2129 #2129 ( Quorum14801 Dr., #300, Dallas, 75254. 877-350-5225. © 2021. ( 14801 Quorum Dr.,TX #300, Dallas, TX 75254. 75254. Copyright 877-350-5225. Copyright © © 2021. 2021. Mortgage Lender Servicer License 14801 MLD909. ( Quorum Dr., #300, Dallas, TX 877-350-5225. Copyright SWBC Mortgage Corporation, NMLS #9741 licensing at ADVERTISEMENT. EVERETT FINANCIAL, INC. D/B/A SUPREME LENDING NMLS ID #2129 For licensing information go to: Intended for Florida consumers only, Florida For licensing information go to: Intended for Florida consumers only, Florida ADVERTISEMENT. EVERETTgo to: FINANCIAL, INC. D/B/A INC. SUPREME LENDING NMLS IDonly,#2129 For licensing information Intended forSUPREME Florida consumers Florida ADVERTISEMENT. EVERETT FINANCIAL, INC. D/B/A SUPREME LENDING NMLS ID #2129 #2129 ADVERTISEMENT. EVERETT FINANCIAL, D/B/A LENDING NMLS Loans subject to credit andID Mortgage Lender Servicer License MLD909. ( 14801FINANCIAL, Quorum Dr.,#300, #300, Dallas, TX 75254.877-350-5225. 877-350-5225. Copyright ©2021. 2021. ADVERTISEMENT. EVERETT FINANCIAL, INC. D/B/A SUPREME LENDING NMLS ID #2129 ADVERTISEMENT. EVERETT FINANCIAL, INC. D/B/A SUPREME LENDING NMLS ID #2129 Mortgage Lender Servicer License MLD909. ADVERTISEMENT. EVERETT INC. D/B/A SUPREME LENDING NMLS ID #2129 ( 14801 Quorum Dr., Dallas, TX 75254. Copyright © Mortgage Lender Servicer License MLD909. ( 14801 Quorum Dr., Dr., #300, #300, Dallas, TX 75254. 75254. 877-350-5225. 877-350-5225. Copyright © © 2021. 2021. ( 14801 Quorum Dallas, TX Copyright property approval, restrictions and conditions may apply. Forlicensing licensing information goto: to: Intended for Florida consumers only, Florida ( 14801 Quorum Dr., #300, Dallas, TX 75254. 877-350-5225. Copyright © LENDING 2021. ( 14801 Quorum Dr., #300, Dallas, TX 75254. 75254. 877-350-5225. Copyright © 2021. ADVERTISEMENT. EVERETT FINANCIAL, INC. D/B/A SUPREME NMLS ID #2129 ( 14801 Quorum Dr., #300, Dallas, TX 877-350-5225. Copyright © 2021. For information go Intended for Florida consumers only, Florida For licensing information go to: Intended for Florida consumers only, Florida ADVERTISEMENT. EVERETT FINANCIAL, D/B/A SUPREME LENDING NMLS ID100, #2129 Corporate 9311 San Pedro Ave., Ste. San For licensing information go Intended for Florida ADVERTISEMENT. EVERETT FINANCIAL, INC. D/B/A SUPREME LENDING NMLS ID Antonio, #2129 only, Florida ADVERTISEMENT. FINANCIAL, INC. D/B/A LENDING NMLS IDconsumers #2129 For licensing information go to:EVERETT Intended forSUPREME Florida consumers only, Florida Mortgage Lender Servicer License MLD909. ADVERTISEMENT. EVERETT FINANCIAL, INC. D/B/A SUPREME LENDING NMLS ID #2129 For licensing information gooffice: to: Intended for Florida consumers only, Florida For licensing information go to: Intended for Florida only, Florida Mortgage Lender Servicer License MLD909. ( 14801 Quorum Dr., #300, Dallas, TX 75254.consumers 877-350-5225. Copyright © 2021. OPPORTUNITY Mortgage Lender Servicer License MLD909. ( 14801 Quorum Dr., #300, Dallas, TX 75254. 877-350-5225. Copyright © 2021. TX 78216. © 2022 SWBC. All rights reserved OPPORTUNITY ( 14801 Quorum Dr., #300, Dallas, TX 75254. 877-350-5225. Copyright © 2021. Mortgage Lender Servicer License MLD909. Mortgage Lender Servicer License MLD909. ( 14801 Quorum Dr., #300, Dallas, TX 75254. 877-350-5225. Copyright © 2021. ( Quorum Dr., #300, Dallas, TX 75254. 877-350-5225. Copyright © 2021. Mortgage Lender Servicer Servicer License License14801 MLD909. Mortgage Lender MLD909. Forlicensing licensing to: forconsumers Florida ADVERTISEMENT. EVERETT FINANCIAL, INC.Intended D/B/A forSUPREME NMLS consumers ID Florida #2129 For licensing information goinformation to:information Florida consumers only, Florida For go to:go Intended forLENDING Florida only, Florida only, Florida For licensing information go to: Intended forIntended Florida consumers For licensing information go to: Intended for Florida consumersonly, only, Florida OPPORTUNITY Mortgage Lender Servicer License MLD909. Mortgage Lender Servicer License MLD909. ( 14801 Quorum Dr., #300, Dallas, TX 75254. 877-350-5225. Copyright © 2021. Mortgage Lender Servicer License MLD909. Mortgage Lender Servicer License MLD909. Mortgage Lender Servicer License MLD909.
For licensing information go to: Intended for Florida consumers only, Florida Mortgage Lender Servicer License MLD909.
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CONTENTS FEATURES 14 WINTERFEST 2023 This annual event brings classic holiday stories to life throughout downtown Pensacola 16 56TH ANNUAL SNOWBALL DERBY Pensacola's favorite stock car race returns with some of the top names in short track motor racing
21 HONORING OUR VETERANS Veterans Memorial Park Foundation hosts Week in the Park event in honor of Veterans Day 24 HOLIDAYS UNCORKED A selection of perfectly paired wines for your holiday gatherings 26 SPICE UP THE SEASON Take your holiday celebrations to the next level with these DIY spice blends 28 SWEETEN THE SEASON WITH DELICIOUS DESSERTS Five local chefs share their sweetest holiday recipes
TOPICS 8 Editor’s Note 10 Page 10 with DeeDee Davis 43 Event Calendar
6 | NOVEMBER 2023
NOVEMBER 2023 Owner & Publisher Malcolm Ballinger
I recently found myself scoffing at the holiday displays in the stores.
ss Note Note
“It’s not even Halloween yet,” I said.
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Obesity, diabetes and heart disease became death daughter, always the optimist (and already anticipating sentences for too many people My battling Covid. While what gifts might appear beneath our tree), said, “It’s never genetics predispose some to these illnesses, many can too early to decorate for Christmas.” be managed or eradicated by lifestyle changes. I’d like to focus on making healthyI choices while and still kept my negative attitude to myself, but just smiled enjoying the bad-for-you good just stuffbetween in moderation. us, pre-Halloween is way too early to start
decorating for Christmas. The weekend after Thanksgiving first responders and hospital workers? Thank Kelly Oden is the earliest acceptable date one should pick out a tree, Passion and Joy you for putting yourselves onand the front incredible special-needs pets their lines owners dust off the ornaments and start hanging lights (in my Editor IExecutive don’t know about you, but 2020 to keep us as safe asthat possible. bigoffered shout far too and she discovered whileAlso, thesea precious humble opinion, of course). That said, here I sit on October little of either of these to me. I was so consumed out to all the teachers out there scrambling babies may take a little more care, the loveto 30, getting ready to send our November with myinmom’s illness and then with putgive together online to keep our kidssurviving issue to print—and guess what we are talking they return islessons worth every second. about? Holiday recipes engaged learning instead worryingof about the grief and of her lossevents, and theofspices, anxiety the and wine suggestions, of course! Call me a hypocrite if you must, but wehead always work a month ahead, and Thanksgiving is a things cannot control. We appreciate you! Ifpandemic exoticthey animals are more your thing, and the sorrow of so many national holiday, and it isspanking in November. on over to the brand new and news stories I took you littleto time for myself. On that note,that I encourage read our
significantly enlarged Alabama Gulf Coast Zoo. COVID-19 which provides This year, I Resource hope to Guide, explore creative personal for waiting until after Thanksgiving to Winterfest, it features seems, myand preference The new location allshares the hands-on, up resources for food, business, communitymyself and endeavors that help me rediscover begin dolingasout the Christmas cheer. Precisely one day after the turkey feast, the close interaction the previous location plus and more. The ever-changing nature of discover new outlets for personal expression. streets of downtown will alive with holiday characters, lights, treats, shows and added attractions, amenities and come experiences this crisis necessitates that I mention that more. For nearly two decades, Winterfest has delighted locals and visitors alike with that will make for a wonderful family day these resources may or may not be availableout. an ever-growing It’s a must-see event—especially if you have Procrastination to you by the time youChristmas read this issue.extravaganza. I IfWhile you’reitones. interested ina conservation, check out little many people made headway on hope will provide place to glorious start, some Dakota Parks on local Panhandle Rooftop ideas or somestory inspiration either way. projects home improvement and personal in 2020, Nesting Biologist, Snyder. With the manyRebekah holidays on Through the horizon in the coming months, we asked a handful I You didmay not.also I did notthat organize anything. I did not notice we have some nonher work with Audubon Snyder helps of Pensacola chefs Florida, to share their favorite holiday dessert recipes. These could be fix anything. I did a language or a or new pandemic related stories inlearn thisfamily issue. Weculture made to ensure local shorebirds have safe nesting representative ofnot their traditions or just an all-around favorite that the call to include already planned articles that skill. Nothing. But that’s ok, too. I’m still here. spaces in an increasingly overpopulated has become their go-to dessertregion. this time of year. With five very different recipes to might an stillaccomplishment. be helpful, relevant or enjoyable in for2021, I’d That’s However, choose from, you will certainly find the perfect dish to make for your upcoming our readers. Weahope you find them useful. All of this, plus few DIY pet treat like to lighten my load and empty my house of holiday gatherings. recipes andthe some goodand newsunnecessary from the junk that fills much clutter As for of us, Pensacola Magazine has been Florida legislature regarding protection We’re also aorlittle issue. Our seasonal spice mix recipes will add published under one title another for in this it. It’s time togetting make room for spicy something new.
Executive Editor Kelly Oden Art Director Ian Lett Graphic Designer/Ad Coordinator Alana Cox Editor Morgan Cole Assistant Editor Nicole Willis Contributing Writers DeeDee Davis Darien Hardy Editorial Intern Madeleine Davis Sales & Marketing Paula Rode, Account Executive, ext. 28 Geneva Strange, Account Executive, ext. 31
21 E. Garden St., Ste. 205 Pensacola, FL 32502 850.433.1166 | fax: 850.435.9174
for petsthan inof abusive situations. amore dash fall magic to no your drinks and baked goods. Plus, they smell amazing 40 years. We have plansmeals, on
and make gifts! In this issue, we’ve covered allyour of these So, turn off thegreat news,DIY put down phonetopics and to bring you all the information we can and enjoy these heartwarming talestheir and own focus in and more to help readers shift for as long as we can.all Please reach out info to us on Pensacola’s week-long celebration of Veteran’s We’ve gathered this, plus adorable of ideas, photos of local animals and 2021. We hope you enjoy. totoyour health! with story inspiration orHere’s just a quick Day. There are so many ways honor those who have served. We hope you can make the folksWe who care for them. When you’re hello. are all or working from homeand and show we it out to one two events your support. done, give your kitty a little catnip and are missing our water cooler conversations. throw your dog a bone. It’s these simple Happy Thanksgiving and I hope you enjoy the issue! Stay safe,that staywill healthy strong, Pensacola! pleasures keepand us stay all sane. changing that. We will continue to publish
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NW Florida’s Business Climate Magazine and Pensacola Magazine is locally-owned and operated. All Rights Reserved. Reproduction or use of the contents herein is prohibited without written permission from the publisher. Comments and opinions expressed in this magazine represent the personal views of the individuals to whom they are attributed and/or the person identified as the author of the article, and they are not necessarily those of the publisher. This magazine accepts no responsibility for these opinions. The publisher reserves the right to edit all manuscripts. All advertising information is the responsibility of the individual advertiser. Appearance in this magazine does not necessarily reflect endorsement of any products or services by Ballinger Publishing. © 2023
2-13 Bigger. Funner. Artier. Join us as the streets come alive for the 10th Anniversary of Foo Foo Fest. Discover it all in beautiful Pensacola, Fl., Nov. 2-13, 2023. Start Planning at
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Years of
Page 10 DeeDee Davis, Contributing Writer
from their villages. They would rather starve than get dirty or do anything labor intensive, and that is exactly what happened. Those fortunate enough to be around for the big feast learned their lesson and were grateful for the opportunity to develop calloused hands.
Thanksgiving is one of my favorite holidays. How can anyone not love a holiday that focuses purely on gratitude and food? Heinous acts of terrorism, out of control immigration woes, nasty politics and, of course, a lousy football record causes us to often lose focus on all of the good things we have in our lives. Dimwitted grandstanding elected officials taking cheap shots at each other may be the norm, but it is still gross and embarrassing. Thanksgiving reminds us to be appreciative of what we have and concentrate on what is really important. The problems will certainly be there the day after, but taking the time to give thanks has a way of re-energizing you to handle the challenges that you face and make them more manageable. The early Americans who celebrated Thanksgiving taught us a lot. First, though the Massachusetts Pilgrims usually get the credit for the celebration, they certainly weren’t the only ones who took time out to offer thanks for the seasonal bounty. Earlier in Virginia they were already doing the same. The lesson is multifaceted here, beginning with the fact that it’s not important who gets credit for the idea. Thanksgiving wasn’t a national holiday until Abraham Lincoln declared it so. Another point to be made is that this was very much about survival. All of the early celebrations were about the miracle of not starving to death. Too many prima donnas immigrated to this new world and not enough worker bees who were willing to roll up ye old shirt sleeves and farm the rich beds of seafood a stone’s throw away
Thanksgiving is also about alliances and humanity. If the Native Americans had any idea of what was coming, I doubt they would have been quite so helpful. It’s amazing how humble and non-threatening you can be when you are hungry. I suppose the Pilgrims felt they paid their debt to the very ones who helped to save them from oblivion by inviting them to share in their day of joy. For that brief moment in time, issues such as territorial expansion, power, fear and distrust were put on the back burner and it was simply people giving thanks to God for helping hands, for sustenance and for deliverance. The modern translation of Thanksgiving is not so different. Our version, of course, borders on pure gluttony, but it remains a time to share with family and friends and all of those who contribute to the feast. As those before us understood, the food serves as a symbolic and welcome distraction. Donald Trump indicted again? Pass the mashed potatoes, please. While the basic recreation of the holiday remains, all families have their own traditions as well. My sister’s grown children still recall times they spent the day (every other year) with their remarried father and his wife. Their stepmother required that everyone at the table dress as a Pilgrim or an Indian to “get in the spirit.” Now, they howl about some of the costumes they had to endure, but at the time, they were mortified. I can only picture them sitting across the table from one another, William Bradford meets Pocahontas, as they giggled uncontrollably and were ultimately banished from the colony, or, in this case, the table. Imagining my pitiful wimpy ex-brother-in-law dressed in anything other than camouflage, let alone feathers, reminds me that there is justice in this world. I feel safe in saying this tradition will not be passed on to another generation.
adventuresome with our palette, but we are adamant about the dressing. My daughter almost married a New Yorker and she had to accept the harsh reality that at his family’s table, a foreign substance appears annually that is identified, to her dismay, as the dressing. Our very southern family would surrender to Sherman before they would serve anything other than cornbread dressing. Yankees, on the other hand, offer up some substitute with god-knows-what as the base. We think it was bread but the texture was so unfamiliar that we shudder to think this might be the same thing that we butter for breakfast. Someone suggested that in the spirit of compromise I should prepare both options. Fearing the wrath of my long deceased grandmother, I declined. If someone else brought it, fine. But Lord help me if I personally had anything to do with it. And don’t even get me started on what they do to sweet potatoes. By the way, the wedding never happened and I feel fairly confident that the dressing played a significant role in the change of plans. Clearly, the Thanksgiving tradition is one to be cherished. It is the perfect occasion to blend history with family while adding your own personal touch. And, regardless of what dressing you serve, remember to be grateful for what you have. Bad times come and bad times go, but friends and family persevere. Happy Thanksgiving, everyone. Happy Birthday! 1
Sandy Ceseretti
Brenda Hageman
Bo Johnson & Malcolm Ballinger
Judy Johnson
Diane Somer
Blended families clearly bring their own set of challenges into a holiday that is all about food. In our own family, we are open and
Opinion piece: the views expressed in this article are solely of the writer and not representative of Pensacola Magazine 10 | NOVEMBER 2023
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12 | NOVEMBER 2023
Nov 17 - Dec 24
❆ Tours
• Grinch Tours: Merry Match & A Whoville Christmas Caper • Polar Express • Scrooge
❆ Elf Parade ❆ Pictures with Santa ❆ & More!
Winterfest 2023 Brings Classic Holiday Stories to Life in Downtown Pensacola
by Darien Hardy
t is once again that time of year when storage bins filled with strands of lights, tinsel, warm holiday pajamas and glittering ornaments are pulled from the corner of the attic or the back of the closet. Much like our homes, downtown Pensacola will soon be lit up with holiday flare and members of the community will come together for one of the city’s favorite Christmas events: Winterfest. This year’s event will run November 17 through December 24 and feature brand new festivities, fan-favorite events and more zany activities. Winterfest festivities will kick off at 223 South Palafox Place in downtown Pensacola. With more actors, songs, festivities and tours, event organizers say this Winterfest is the biggest year yet.
bring to Martha May Whovier and tools to work on his trolley with.
Today's Winterfest hails back to when community members would decorate Pensacola’s downtown historic village and people would drive their cars around to see the lights. From there, a group of neighbors came together to give trolley tours around the village. Soon, they added storylines that took guests through many different classic Christmas stories.
Also coming this year is the brand-new trolley tour “A Whoville Christmas Caper,” which will take guests on a 25-minute ride to see the beautiful holiday decorations around downtown Pensacola. While Winterfest organizers warn that the Grinch is on some sort of a decoration-stealing bender, they assure guests that he will not spoil any of the fun.
This year, Winterfest has many exciting events in the works including two parades and a brand new tour. The Elf Parade— which Winterfest puts on every year—gets all the favorite holiday characters together to walk through downtown Pensacola. As they lead the way to the Christmas Market, children may join the lineup donned in their best holiday attire. On the sidelines, families may compete in various costume and decoration contests. This year's themes—each divided into their own section—are "best wagon," "best stroller," "best costume," "best ears" and "best ugly sweater." The Christmas Market will be held at the plaza on the corner of Zaragoza and Tarragona Streets. The beloved Grinchmas parade encourages folks to bring the Grinch presents that would make his heart grow three sizes. Eventgoers may bring things like onions, drawings of the Grinch, shiny things to 14 | NOVEMBER 2023
“Everyone who’s anyone in Whoville will be there—a real Who’s Who, if you will,” Winterfest PR Manager Kismet Dunkerly said. Dunkerly has worked with Winterfest since 2019, and in 2021, Dunkerly started to work in Winterfest’s public relations department.
“I’m beyond excited for this tour because we’ve cast the most wonderfully hilarious and talented Who’s we could find, and they do not disappoint,” Dunkerly said. Finally, Winterfest will be hosting a talented artist by the name of Mr. Scott to transform guests into caricature Whoville versions of themselves. Mr. Scott has been a professional artist for more than 35 years. He is proficient in a variety of different styles, but he is best known for his comic book art style. You can check out some of Mr. Scott’s artwork online at To be sure you do not miss out on any of the Winterfest fun, we have brought you complete details on this year’s holiday tours, performances, photo opportunities and more. For tickets and to view the full lineup of scheduled Winterfest events, visit
“I’m beyond A Whoville Christmas Caper In this brand-new trolley tour, the Grinch is back to his old tricks, but the Whoville police are hard at work to be a match for his mischiefmaking pranks. Winter fest organizers advise the Pensacola community to guard their Christmas trees and cheer, for the Grinch is on the loose. Cindy Lou Who may be able to save the day and melt the Grinch’s hard, cold heart—or the Grinch will end up in the Whoville slammer. Either way, join the Whoville gang for an evening of excitement as the hunt is on for that naughty Grinch. Tickets are $10 for children and $14 for adults.
excited for this tour because we’ve cast the most wonderfully hilarious and talented Who’s we could find, and they do not disappoint.”
Polar Express Tour Join the Conductor for a magical journey through a wormhole on the Polar Express. Share in the adventure as the Conductor recounts the story of the boy who received the first gift of Christmas: a bell from Santa’s sleigh. Rekindle the wonder of the beloved storybook, along with the belief in the magic of Christmas. Remember to dress warm and cozy for this openair trolley ride. Tickets are $9 for children and $12 for adults.
The Grinch’s Merry Match A fan-favorite trolley tour that debuted in 2021, the Merry Match, is back again this year. The Grinch was getting a little jealous of everyone else having a trolley tour but him, so he decided to build his own trolley from trash he found on Mount Crumpit. Winterfest organizers hope the trolley will hold together but assure guests that the Whoville fire department is always ready with their emergency exit slide in case anything goes wrong. Tickets are $10 for children and $14 for adults.
Photos with Santa Santa Claus is coming to town and will be available for pictures after each trolley tour. Professional photos will be available for purchase and guests are welcome to bring their personal cameras to take pictures or video during their visit. Children can also bring their Christmas letters to give to the jolly man himself, or they can drop them off in mailboxes that will be stationed throughout the event space. Digital files cost $37 to $50. If you have a large group and would like to take lots of photos, make sure to reserve extra time.
Scrooge Tour Take part in some ghostly fun with the classic tale: A Christmas Carol. Beginning at the steps of the old courthouse for a free to the public pre-show, guests will encounter Ebenezer Scrooge’s long-deceased partner Jacob Marley. Marley wears many chains around him with each link representing a selfish misdeed from his life. During the 25-minute trolley tour, guests will meet the Ghosts of Christmas Past, Present and Future as they show Scrooge how he became so callous toward others, what the true meaning of Christmas is and that fortune is not as important as he thought. Tickets are $16 for children and $20 for adults.
Tombstone Photos with the Ghost of Christmas Future After the ScroogeTour, guests may encounter the Ghost of Christmas Future and get a photo taken with their own tombstone including a personalized epitaph. There will be 10 styles of epitaphs to choose from. Just fill in the names of the party and pick the epitaph for each person after booking tickets. Additional charges may apply.
Photos with the Grinch Mr. Grinch sure is a mean one, but Santa’s favorite nemesis is begrudgingly allowing Winterfest guests to invade his space for this viral photo opportunity. Guests will meet the Grinch at his throne behind Santa’s sleigh, but unlike Santa, the Grinch likes to ask children what they do not want for Christmas. Guests should take caution, though, as Mr. Grinch has some tricks up his sleeve and a special lever that can launch guests out of their seats. Digital files cost $37 to $50. If you have a large group and would like to take lots of photos, make sure to reserve extra time. PENSACOLA MAGAZINE | 15
56 Annual Snowball Derby
Pensacola's Favorite Stock Car Race Returns
by Nicole Willis
rab your sunglasses and a cold beer because the Snowball Derby is here! That’s right, the annual Snowball Derby has returned for its 56th year. This 300-lap, 150mile super late model stock car race draws the attention of thousands of racers and fans alike to Pensacola for a chance to witness some of the best names in short track racing. Hosted annually at Five Flags Speedway in Pensacola, the Snowball Derby was first held in 1968. The derby was started by Tom Dawson, whose family previously owned Five Flags Speedway during the time of the first derby. Today, the track is owned by the Bryant family who gained ownership in 2007. The Bryant family has a deep-rooted love for racing and the Snowball Derby, as current Five Flags Speedway general manager, Tim Bryant, has also competed in the Snowball Derby several times himself. The family has worked to keep the tradition of this popular race alive, as
16 | NOVEMBER 2023
Trophy.’ That has become who are both two-time winners nationally recognized and we're of the Snowball Derby. Elliot also pretty proud of that.” became the derby’s youngest winner at only 16 years old. The Since its inception, the event has Snowball Derby has become so grown to include some of the popular among racing drivers biggest names in NASCAR, such and fans that NASCAR actually as Kyle Busch and Chase Elliot, changed the date of its annual Cup Series Award Banquet so that it did not interfere with the schedules of drivers who it only continues to gain the wanted to compete in the derby. attention of more racers and fans each year. The Snowball Derby draws some of the biggest names “It's very unusual for one in stock car racing including [racing event] to go 56 previous Snowball Derby years without interruption,” winners Bobby Gill, Darrell explained Br yant. “So Waltrip and Steve Wallace. that 's testament to not With names such as these, just the Bryants, but all of there is no telling which star the management teams drivers will grace the track that were here before us, in 2023. The drivers for this especially the Dawson family year’s derby have not yet been who started the event in picked, as entries are still 1968. Tom Dawson was the being received. According to owner and promoter in those Bryant, they typically receive days. When we [the Bryant between 250 and 300 race family] took over the track, we entries each year. actually named the winner's trophy the ‘ Tom Dawson
“We employ around 200 people for four days out here, each with a task. Our mission is just to make a good experience for both the competitors and the fans.”
Race organizers are expecting and preparing for quite the turnout this year, as attendance has been extremely high and selling out in recent years. Bryant says that he and the team at Five Flags Speedway are preparing for thousands of people being in attendance at one time.
The 2023 Snowball Derby is co-presented by longtime partner Bayou Fox Hooters and new partner Safe Locator. Opening night of the 2023 Snowball Derby is November 30 at 7 pm. The derby then continues on Friday and Saturday, with the main event taking place on Sunday. Races start at 7 pm on Thursday, Friday and Saturday with the main race taking place at 1 pm on Sunday.
Br yant and the team at Five Flags Speedway have been working throughout the year to prepare for this highly anticipated event. “ This event is nearly yearround [work] for us, but the month of November is really hectic and, of course, race week is especially so,” Bryant said. “ We employ around 200 people for four days out here, each with a task. Our mission is just to make a good experience for both the competitors and the fans.”
“We usually have 10,000 people between the grandstands and the infield watching the Snowball Derby. Over the course of four days—because the preliminar y starts on Thursday and the main event is Sunday—we run an excess of 30,000 people through our gates,” Bryant explained. Tickets for the 56th annual Snowball Derby are on sale now and can be purchased and reserved over the phone by calling the track office at (850) 944-8400. Tickets are also sold at Five Flags Speedway on the
event date up until race time. “For this event, we don't do online ticket sales. I know that sounds antiquated, but over the years, we've just gotten so well acquainted with our race fans and so many of them are repeaters that are still doing it the old fashioned way. You can call the track office and order tickets and we'll hold them for you at will call,” Bryant explained. Parking and shuttle services to and from the track will be available on race day. Five Flags Speedway is located at 7451 Pine Forest Road in Pensacola. For more details, visit or /5flagsspeedway.
Merry Christmas
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For every wish granted, 3 more children are patiently waiting for their wish.
WISHES NEED YOU! To Learn more about your local Make-A-Wish® chapter, please contact: Northwest Director Of Development,
Kathleen Hampton
Phone: (407) 622-4673 ext. 201 Email: Address: P.O. Box 14211 Tallahassee, FL 32317 Website:
“I wish for a winter wonderland!” Brielle, 11
nervous system disorder
More Than a Wish: Make-A-Wish® Foundation Brings Lasting Hope and Support by Savannah Vasquez
his year a local Destin family was facing the worst news, their 3-year-old daughter Chloe was diagnosed with a brain tumor. When families face critical illnesses with children, it seems like the entire world is falling apart; that’s why Make-A-Wish Foundation strives to bring hope back to these precious families and especially to the young fighters who are facing countless hospital stays, doctor’s visits, and medical restrictions. “About 89% of medical professionals believe that a wish can have a positive influence on a child’s physical health, ,” said Kathleen Hampton, Make-A-Wish Foundation’s NW Florida Region’s Director of Development. “Just the knowledge that their wish will come true seems to give these young patients a rejuvenated since of being to fight their illness so they can go on their trip. These Wish experiences are something they hold onto because it helps them forget about their illness for a little while and gives them hope for the future.” Chloe’s family followed their medical team’s referral and set up a discovery call with Make-A-Wish to see if her wish to visit Disney World could be made a reality. “The majority of our wishes are Disney World trips because Disney World is a place that everyone wants to go,” said Kathleen. “Make-A-Wish has a strong partnership with Disney World, and they make special preparations for Wish kids and families providing VIP services and fun for the entire family.” In early March, Chloe’s Wish came true, as her family visited Disney’s parks for six days and five nights with park hopper passes to Disney's four parks, day passes to Universal Studios and Island of Adventure and a special surprise visit to LEGOLAND.
interested in,” said Rebecca. “Their family was amazing to work with, they were so kind. Her mom emailed me a ton of photos from the wish, they got matching t-shirts and looked like they had a really good time.” "We had the most amazing trip!” Chole’s mom said in an email to Make-A-Wish Central & Northern Florida. “We managed to make to all seven parks, and we also did a lot of activities at Disney World. We cannot thank you and the Wish Foundation enough. This was the trip of a lifetime that we will never forget! Thank you so much for everything!" After a wish is granted, the children and their families are welcomed into our Wish Alumni Community and encouraged to stay connected with our chapter post-wish. There are a variety of ways our Wish Alumni become involved through volunteering, serving as a Wish Ambassador, and wishing it forward by fundraising for future wishes to be granted. The Central and Northern Florida chapter of Make-A-Wish Foundation serves children from 45 counties. Last year, this chapter alone granted 306 wishes for kids ages 2 ½ to 18, residing in Central and Northern Florida. This year, the team already has 365 wishes scheduled, one for every day of the calendar year. “Make-A-Wish does not receive any government funding and relies 100% on the support of individuals and businesses to fund wishes through monetary contributions and donations of in-kind goods and services,” said Kathleen.
“Chole’s family also went to Peppa Pig Theme Park within LEGOLAND because that was something she was really
Honoring Our Veterans by Madeleine Davis Pensacola harbors an extensive military community, including the nation’s second largest concentrated population of veterans. More than 35,000 military retirees are estimated to call the cradle of naval aviation home. Observed on November 11, Veterans Day is an important holiday and an opportunity to honor and support all those who served in our military. The federal holiday was first named Armistice Day to commemorate the end of WWI, the war to end all wars, because hostilities ceased on the 11th hour of the 11th day of the 11th month in 1918. It was then changed to Veterans Day a few years after WWII to honor all of the veterans who served in wars. To this day, it gives US citizens the opportunity to show respect to those who have served our country for the price of freedom.
“They [veterans] come from homes like ours. They’re our classmates, our brothers and sisters, our parents, our aunts and uncles, and they’re our grandparents. They’re our husbands and wives. They’re your friends and neighbors, and they’re our sons and daughters."
“(Veterans) have liberated the oppressed, lifted up the discouraged, given new hopes and vision to the defeated and they have unchained the exploited in the four corners of the Earth. They have served well, and they have served selflessly. They have made great sacrifices on the loneliest outposts of the planet and yet, they serve and serve again,” President of Veterans Memorial Park and retired Major in the Marine Corps, Rob Doss said. Veterans Memorial Park, Defenders of Freedom Florida and Gulf Coast Veterans Week have collaborated with Foo Foo Festival to cultivate a week-long list of events to ensure that veterans are receiving the appreciation they deserve with a celebration of music, art and laughter called Weekin-the-Park. Here are some highlighted events happening during the week of Veterans Day at Memorial Park. These American-spirited events kick off on November 4, featuring Music in the Park, with performances by veteran singer Josh Davis and veteran-fronted group Blackbird Anthem in collaboration with Foo Foo Fest and the Great Gulfcoast Arts Festival. This patriotic country performance will be from 2 to 5 pm. The following day will exhibit Art in the Park–Gallery Row, which will feature a multitude of art booths from local artists, PENSACOLA MAGAZINE | 21
by toxic exposure, traumatic brain injury and other potentially life-threatening injuries. Women, minorities and the LGBTQ+ community encounter many obstacles in addition to these. Because of the emotional and physical trauma, veterans are inclined to face crises, lose jobs or become homeless during any stage of their lives.
galleries and organizations. There will be plenty of opportunities for children and artists to get a hands-on patriotic experience with drawing, painting and demonstrations. This will lead up to the public display of the Mariner, the latest work from local sculptor Randy New, who is also the son of an Army veteran. New has sculpted many of the recognizable monuments at Veterans Memorial Park. Some of his distinct creations include the Korean War Monument, Global War on Terror Memorial and The Monument to Children. New plans to donate an eight-inch link for auction to serve as part of an interactive painting experience for guests for The Mariner sculpture project. The link’s theme will be based on late Jimmy Buffet’s song Son of a Son of a Sailor. An Evening in the Park will be held Friday, November 10, in collaboration with University of West Florida Military and Veterans Resource Center, with the theme “Laughter is Good for the Soul,” which will showcase a 30-person comedy group of military retirees called the GIs of Comedy. Something all veterans need is good-spirited laughter, and that is why this troupe of troops have dedicated their lives to serving their country, and now they do it one joke at a time. Their mission is to heal fellow soldiers of the United States Armed Forces with laughter, comedy and support. Week-in-the-Park wraps up with an anticipated ceremony and parade on November 11. Food trucks, music and exhibits begin at 9 am before the parade begins promptly at 10 am. The ceremony will feature Hon. Gary Bergosh, retired Marine Corps officer, as the featured keynote speaker. The parade will begin at 10 am at the corner of Spring and Main 22 | NOVEMBER 2023
“...they [veterans] come from homes like ours. They’re our classmates, our brothers and sisters, our parents, our aunts and uncles, and they’re our grandparents. They’re our husbands and wives. They’re streets and end at the Memorial Park. your friends and neighbors, and they’re Performances from The Blue Anchor our sons and daughters,” Maj. Doss said. Belles, McGuire’s Pipe Band and the Escambia County Massed High School The VA encourages veterans to receive Band will be showcased as well. help during any time of adversity because of the vast array of obstacles. They have Jennifer Harrison from Gulf Coast Veterans plenty of resources for veterans and their Week demonstrates how civilians can families for transitional periods, mental best support our veterans. “Be a kind health crises, health challenges and much human. Show gratitude and realize many more. There are also a sufficient amount have invisible wounds that they can not of resources and local organizations like or do not want to bring to the surface, but American Legions, Veterans of Foreign they still want to be treated with dignity Affairs, Marine Corps League and many and respect. Express your gratitude by more that can be located by dialing and showing up and going to the Veterans calling 211. and Memorial events,” Harrison said. “Whether a person agrees with a decision Oftentimes, the biggest challenges to commit troops to battle, everyone veterans face are readjusting to civilian should respect the individual who life and a sense of lost purpose. There thinks of duty and their country before are more ways that civilians can show themselves and bear in mind that our support to our veterans besides discounts, veterans don’t determine our national free meals or tributes. Some of the ways policy; they’re instruments of it,” Maj. civilians can support our veterans is by Doss said. donating time and services to them, whether that be visiting the wounded For more information about Veterans Day, a in a Veteran Affairs facility, volunteering comprehensive list of events and veteranat a local veteran organization or simply specific organizations and resources, visit striking a conversation. and Many of the other challenges that veterans confront after leaving the military are post-traumatic stress disorder, illness
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Holidays Uncorked As the holiday season approaches, we begin to plan our festive gatherings with friends and family. Planning menus, counting place settings and choosing the right wine to complement your holiday fare can sometimes be overwhelming. To help with one of those decisions, we’ve asked the experts at Total Wine & More for their recommendations for the perfect wines to serve this season. Whether you're hosting a large feast for extended family or a small, intimate gathering of your nearest and dearest, one or two of these suggestions are sure to add plenty of holiday cheer to your celebration. 1858 Cabernet Sauvignon
Unanime Cabernet Sauvignon, 2018
Producer: Wagner Family Origin/region: Paso Robles Flavor Profile: Full-bodied, Black Cherry, Plum, Spice Pairing Suggestions: Steak and lamb
Producer: Mascota Vineyards – Rod “Opi” Sadler Origin/region: Mendoza Flavor Profile: Full-bodied, Black Cherry, Chocolate Pairing Suggestions: Chocolate and peanut butter
La Belle Angele Pinot Noir, 2021 Producer: Delaunay Vins and Domaines Origin/region: France Flavor Profile: Medium-bodied, Black Cherry, Black Currant, Spice Pairing Suggestions: Beef, pork, chicken and Brie Cheese 24 | NOVEMBER 2023
Bougrier ‘V’ Vouvray Chenin Blanc Winemaker: Bougrier Family Origin/region: France Flavor Profile: Light-bodied, Citrus, Floral Pairing Suggestions: Seafood dishes
Tesoro della Regina Pinot Grigio, 2020 Muirwood Chardonnay Arroyo Seco, 2021 Producer: Arroyo Seco Vineyards Origin/region: Monterey Flavor Profile: Full-bodied, Oak, Tropical, Citrus Pairing Suggestions: Turkey and shellfish
Producer: Tesoro della Regina Origin/region: Vladadige Flavor Profile: Medium-bodied, Apple, Citrus, Minerality Pairing Suggestions: Mac & cheese, grilled fish and chicken
Wine descriptions courtesy of Total Wine & More. PENSACOLA MAGAZINE | 25
Spice up the Season Illustrations by Alana Cox
What better to warm the spirit during the cool fall and winter months than a collection of aromatic and flavorful spice blends. These homemade spice mixes can add depth and warmth to drinks, baked goods and even savory holiday dishes. They also serve as great holiday gifts, smell amazing and provide plenty of health benefits. What’s not to love?
Vanilla Extract* Ingredients
10 grade “A” whole Madagasc bourbon vanilla beans 375 milliliters of vodka (375 ml bottle of Tito’s Handmade Vodka)
Split open each of the vanilla p whole beans to expose seeds. Dro of vanilla beans into the bottle illa Tito's. Seal bottle. Let the van st lea beans infuse in vodka for at it 8 weeks. For best flavor, wa 6 to 12 months before using.
To Use
Use for baking, cocktails, ha coffees or as you would wit t. store-bought vanilla extrac
* Courtesy of Vanessa Cox
Spicy Hot Chocolate Mix* Ingredients
1 cup unsweetened cocoa powder 1 cup brown sugar 1 cup powdered milk 4 teaspoons cinnamon 1 teaspoon cayenne pepper
Whisk together cocoa powder, powdered milk (can make without) cinnamon, cayenne and brown sugar and in a medium glass mixing bowl.
To Use
* Courtesy of Vanessa Cox
26 | NOVEMBER 2023
Use two tablespoons of cocoa mix per eight ounces of hot milk.
Chai Mix
3 tablespoons ground cinnamon 1 tablespoon ground
cardamom 1 tablespoon ground ginger 1/2 tablespoon ground allspice 1/2 tablespoon ground cloves 1/2 tablespoon ground nutmeg 1/2 tablespoon fresh ground
Mix all ingredients in an airtight jar. Shake well.
To Use
Add 1-2 teaspoons (to taste) to coffee or tea, baked goods, smoothies, hot cocoa or warm almond milk .
black pepper
Mulling Spices
To Use
3 ounces cinnamon sticks 1/3 cup cardamom pods 1/4 cup star anise pods 6 whole nutmeg 1/4 cup allspice berries 1/4 cup whole cloves 2 tablespoons finely chopped crystallized ginger 1/3 cup dried orange peel, chopped 1/3 cup dried lemon peel, chopped Muslin spice bags
For mulled wine: Combine one spice bag, one bottle of red wine and 1/4 cup of honey in a pot. Heat over a low heat for 20 minutes. Serve warm.
Pumpkin Spice Mix
Place cinnamon sticks, cardamom pods, allspice berries, cloves, star anise and nutmeg in a large Ziploc bag. Use a rolling pin to crush spices and release the natural oils. Add orange peel, lemon peel and crystallized ginger to the bag. Mix well. Add 2-3 tablespoons into each spice bag and tie the bag tightly.
For mulled cider: Combine one spice bag and 1/2 gallon of apple cider in a pot. Bring mixture to boil and then simmer on low heat for 20 to 30 minutes. Serve warm. Ingredients
2 tablespoons ground cinnamon 1 tablespoon ground ginger 1 teaspoon ground cloves 1 teaspoon ground nutmeg 1 teaspoon allspice 1 teaspoon ground anise 1 teaspoon ground turmeric
Mix all ingredients in a small mason jar and shake well.
To Use
Add a pinch to baked goods, pies or ground coffee.
weeten the Season with Delicious Desserts
The holidays are drawing near and there's no better excuse to indulge in the delicious desserts that seem so abundant during the season. This year, we’ve asked a few local chefs to share one of their favorite holiday recipes. Whether it’s a unique reflection of their cultural heritage or simply a fan favorite, these seasonal, aromatic desserts are sure to impress. So, grab your aprons and get ready to whip up one, or all, of these unique culinary creations.
28 | NOVEMBER 2023
From Executive Chef Gus Silivos of Agapi Bistro + Garden INGREDIENTS 3.5 cups of sugar 1 ⅓ cup water 1 Cinnamon stick Peel of 1 lemon 10 drops of lemon juice 1 tablespoon honey 2 ¼ cups milk 2 ¼ cups heavy cream 1 cup sugar 3/4 cup ground (thin) semolina 1 teaspoon vanilla extract 4 eggs (separated into whites and yolks) 2 tablespoons butter 20 sheets of phyllo pastry 1 cup butter
METHOD SYRUP In a small pan add 2.5 cups of sugar plus the listed water, cinnamon stick, lemon peel and juice and bring to a boil until sugar has dissolved. Remove from heat, add honey and stir. Let cool completely.
Butter the bottom and sides of a large 9x13 baking tray. Melt 1 and 1/4 cups butter over low heat. Remove the phyllo roll from the plastic sleeve. You’ll use 10 sheets of phyllo for the bottom.
Layer the 10 sheets one by one, brushing with butter between each layer. Trim phyllo sheets to fit the pan and use trimming as part of the layering process on top and bottom.
Tip in the custard, smoothing the surface with a spatula and fold the phyllo sheet flaps over the custard. Sprinkle it with melted butter.
Add 10 sheets to top, sprinkling with melted butter. With a knife, trim some of the excess phyllo and use your pastry brush to help turn the phyllo inwards, toward the bottom of the pan to seal.
Scar the top in pieces with a sharp knife. Cut down until the knife reaches the cream. Pour over the remaining butter. Sprinkle with drops of water.
Bake at 325 degrees F for 45 minutes, rotate, then bake another 15 to 20 minutes, until phyllo is crisp and golden.
Once ready, ladle the cold syrup over the pastry (cold syrup on hot Galaktoboureko). Let it absorb for 3 to 4 hours, then serve and enjoy!
CUSTARD 1. In a saucepan add milk, cream and 1/2 cup sugar and slowly bring to a boil (do not whisk yet). As soon as it comes to a boil add the semolina and vanilla extract and begin whisking. Turn the heat to medium and whisk constantly until the mixture becomes creamy. Remove from heat, add a knob of butter and fold. Let it cool while preparing the next steps or your mix will curdle when you fold in the eggs. Whisk occasionally. 2. Place egg whites and 3.5 tablespoons of sugar in a dry mixing bowl. Using an electric mixer, whisk the egg whites and sugar until thick and glossy and peaks form when you lift the whisk (meringues). Set aside. 3. In another bowl, whisk the egg yolks and 3.5 tablespoons sugar until thick and foamy, about 5 mins. 4. With a spatula, add 1/4 of the meringues (from step 2) into the egg yolk-sugar mixture (from step 3) and blend with light circular movement from bottom up. Gradually add all the meringues into the mixture and fold. 5. Now fold together the mixtures from steps 1 and 4.
Honeycrisp Apple Cake By Executive Chef Irv Miller and Pastry Chef Mikosha Franklin of Jackson’s Steakhouse
6 cups peeled and thin sliced apples (Honeycrisp or Stayman) 1/2 cup granulated sugar 1/8 teaspoon ground ginger 2 teaspoons ground cinnamon 1/8 teaspoon allspice CAKE MIXTURE
3 cups cake flour 1/2 teaspoon salt 3 teaspoons baking powder 1/2 teaspoon baking soda 1/2 teaspoon cinnamon 2 cups granulated sugar 1 cup buttermilk 4 eggs 1 cup vegetable oil 1 cup confectioners sugar
30 | NOVEMBER 2023
In a medium mixing bowl combine apples, ginger, sugar and cinnamon, set aside. CAKE MIXTURE
In a separate mixing bowl sift and combine flour, salt, baking powder, baking soda and cinnamon. Whisk in sugar until blended. In a small bowl, use a hand mixer to beat eggs, buttermilk and oil until smooth. Make a well in the center of the flour mixture and mix until all the flour is incorporated. Do not over mix.
Preheat the oven to 325 degrees F. Spray or butter a standard tube cake pan and lightly dust with flour. Pour batter to cover the bottom of the tube cake pan. Add a layer of apples. Repeat until all batter and apples are used up, with the final layer being the arranged apple slices. Bake for 55 minutes or until a toothpick is inserted to the center and when removed comes out clean. Remove from the oven and let the cake cool. Remove from pan and invert onto plate. Invert one more time so apple slices are on top. Dust top liberally with confectioners sugar. Top cake with sweetened whipped cream (optional). Slice and serve.
Thai Pumpkin Custard สังขยาฟั กทอง Sangkhaya Fak Thong Courtesy of Pam Van Ness of Sabai Thai
INGREDIENTS 1 small kabocha squash 4 eggs 1 egg yolk 3/4 coconut milk 1/4 coconut cream 1/2 cup palm sugar or brown sugar 1/2 teaspoon salt 1 teaspoon vanilla extract Add a few dashes of nutmeg to make it even more festive.
METHOD PREPARE THE PUMPKIN: Wash your pumpkin thoroughly. Cut a circular opening in the top. Scoop out all of the pumpkin insides and rinse to ensure it's clean and smooth inside. Turn the pumpkin upside down on a towel to drip dry. MAKE THE CUSTARD: Mix the palm sugar, coconut milk, salt and vanilla extract over medium heat until the palm sugar dissolves. Remove from the burner and let cool back to room temperature. Add your eggs to the coconut milk mixture and mix well to form the custard.
POUR CUSTARD INTO PUMPKIN: Pour the custard into your hollowed out pumpkin, just to the bottom of the circular opening. STEAM THE PUMPKIN CUSTARD: Add water to the bottom of a steamer pot and heat on medium- high. Place the pumpkin filled with custard on the top of the steamer. Leave the pumpkin open at the top. If you would like to steam the pumpkin top, set it next to the pumpkin in the steamer pot. Let the pumpkin steam for 45 minutes untouched. Once it's done, allow it to cool completely. If the custard overflowed the pumpkin, just skim the top off. Then slice into individual pieces and enjoy! PENSACOLA MAGAZINE | 31
Every name tells a story.
Andy Flight Nurse
Just saying Ian, Nicole or Michael brings about strong memories. But then there’s Andy. He has lived in the Panhandle for over 32 years serving as a firefighter and paramedic. Now, as a flight nurse, Andy provides rapid-response medical care and life-saving treatment to those in need. At FPL, we understand the importance of reliable energy and restoring power safely and as quickly as possible when needed during emergency situations. That’s why we prepare all year to be ready for hurricane season.
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Chocolate Flan Courtesy of La Mexicana Restaurant INGREDIENTS
CAKE 1 stick plus 2 tablespoons unsalted butter, softened 1/4 cup homemade or storebought caramel sauce 1 cup lightly packed dark brown sugar 1 large egg, room temperature 1 1/2 cup all-purpose flour 1/4 cup unsweetened Dutchprocessed cocoa powder 1 teaspoon baking powder 3/4 teaspoon baking soda 1/2 teaspoon kosher salt 1/2 cup brewed coffee or water, room temperature 1/2 cup buttermilk, room temperature
In a large bowl, whisk eggs, condensed milk and vanilla until combined. Add milk and whisk until incorporated (some bubbles are okay). Slowly pour the flan mixture over the back of a large spoon into a Bundt pan.
FLAN 5 large eggs 1 (14-oz.) can sweetened condensed milk 2 teaspoons pure vanilla extract 1 cup whole milk or half-and-half
Preheat to 350. Generously grease a 10- to 12-cup Bundt pan with 2 tablespoons butter. Pour caramel sauce in the bottom of the pan and set aside. In a large bowl, beat brown sugar and 1/2 cup butter on medium-high speed until mixture is light and fluffy—for about 3 to 5 minutes. Beat in egg until combined. In a medium bowl, whisk flour, cocoa powder, baking powder, baking soda and salt. Add half of the dry ingredients to the egg mixture, beating until just combined. Pour in coffee and beat until incorporated. Add remaining dry ingredients and buttermilk and beat until just combined. Pour batter into the prepared pan on top of caramel.
Tightly cover pan with foil and place in a large roasting pan. Carefully transfer pans to middle rack of oven, then pour boiling water (about 3 cups) into roasting pan until it reaches halfway up the sides of Bundt pan. Bake chocolate flan cake until a tester inserted into the center of cake comes out mostly clean, 60 to 70 minutes. Carefully transfer Bundt pan to a wire rack and uncover. Let cool 1 hour, then refrigerate at least 2 hours before serving. Loosen cake by placing Bundt pan in a large bowl of hot water. Place a platter upside down on cake pan, then flip to unmold cake. Spoon any remaining caramel from pan over top of cake.
Pumpkin Spice Crème Brûlée George Bistro + Bar
6 egg yolks 5 1/3 tablespoons sugar 1/2 cup pumpkin puree 1 teaspoon vanilla 1/4 teaspoon nutmeg 1/4 teaspoon cinnamon 11 ounces heavy cream Turbinado (raw) sugar
Heat pumpkin puree in a saucepan over medium heat, stirring constantly until smooth (approximately 8 to 10 minutes). Remove from heat.
Pour evenly into ramekins. Place ramekins in a baking dish. Fill the dish with hot water halfway up the sides of the ramekins.
In a bowl, combine yolks, cinnamon and nutmeg. Whisk until incorporated. Once pumpkin puree is cool, add to yolk and spice mixture. Stir until combined.
Bake at 300 degrees F for 26 minutes, until centers are just set. Remove ramekins from pan, refrigerate at least one hour.
In a saucepan, combine heavy cream, vanilla and sugar. Heat to a simmer, then quickly remove from heat. Slowly add hot cream to the pumpkin mixture until combined. Strain using a fine mesh strainer. 34 | NOVEMBER 2023
When ready to serve, top each custard with sugar in a thin layer. Fire with a torch (or use an oven broiler) until sugar melts and browns.
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Holidays HOW TO HELP
Visit Select number of children to sponsor Each child's wish list will be sent via email. Purchase gifts and deliver to designated location no later than December 5th. For more information contact our foundation at Donations also accepted via Venmo @NWFGALF Northwest Florida Guardian Ad Litem Foundation, Inc is a 501 c3 organization and contributions are tax-deductible. Thank you for your generous donation.
Hope for the Holidays
arm greetings to you! As the holiday season approaches, we find ourselves reflecting on the generosity and compassion that define this remarkable community. It is with immense gratitude that we reach out to you today, for your past support has been nothing short of heartwarming and inspiring. Your belief in our mission to be the voice for children in foster care has been the cornerstone of positive change. Your kindness has woven dreams of brighter futures for these children who, through no fault of their own, have faced unimaginable challenges. With your generous contributions, you have not only filled their lives with hope but also reminded them that they are not alone on their journey. We stand on the threshold of another holiday season, a time of joy and celebration. However, for the children in foster care across Escambia, Okaloosa, and Walton counties, the holiday season can sometimes be a reminder of what they lack. That’s why we are excited to announce the launch of our annual “Hope for the Holidays Campaign.” Imagine the joy on a child’s face as they unwrap a gift chosen just for them. Your support has the power to make this vision a reality. There are two heartfelt ways you can contribute to this year’s campaign:
1 Sponsor a Child’s Wishlist: By sponsoring a child, you will bring their wishes to life.
Your dedication to making their holiday season magical will show them that there is a community that cares about their happiness. The simple act of purchasing gifts from their wish lists can make a world of difference in their lives.
2 Online Donation or Mail-in Contribution: For those who wish to contribute directly, you can make a donation online at, through Venmo @nwfgalf, or by mailing a check to 1800 St. Mary Ave Suite 3, Pensacola, FL 32501, Attn: Northwest Florida Guardian Ad Litem Foundation. Your support, in whatever form, is invaluable and will have a profound impact on the children we serve.
The magic of the holiday season lies in the power of giving, and we humbly ask you to consider being a beacon of hope for these deserving children once more. Your support is not just a donation; it’s a promise of better tomorrows and a reminder that every child deserves to experience the warmth of the season. Thank you for being the heart of our mission, for being the reason behind every smile, and for considering our “Hope for the Holidays Campaign” as part of your giving this year. Together, we can light up the lives of these children and make their dreams come true. With heartfelt appreciation, Northwest Florida Guardian Ad Litem Foundation
A Different Kind of Doctor A local doctor provides truly compassionate care and solutions for chronic pain and complicated conditions. Do you ever wonder what it is that makes some doctors so incredibly compassionate while others have a bedside manner better suited for the DMV? In the case of Dr. Rebecca Gibbons, RN, DOM, AP of AAIM | Achieve Acupuncture and Integrative Medicine it is a case of true empathy. “I worked in hospitals as an RN for over 15 years and saw how patients suffered from pain and other chronic conditions. Some people were able to find relief with medications, injections or surgeries but many times we would see them come back within days, weeks or months. I saw their lives were not only filled with discomfort but their days were filled with doctors appointments, hospital stays, ER visits, prescription refills and physical therapy. That is no way to live. Not only does it take a toll on the person but it also takes a toll on their family members as well.” Dr. Gibbons also had a personal experience with pain. “I had suffered from severe back pain and did not feel comfortable taking medications because of the way they made me feel. A friend recommended I see an acupuncturist. After a series of treatments I was able to get relief from the pain. I was able to sleep again and the anxiety that I was feeling had also subsided.” After her incredible experience with the healing arts she made the life changing decision to become an Acupuncture Physician, “Acupuncture quite literally changed my life and I want to share that with as many people as I can,” she proclaims. “I know the frustration of feeling hopeless and frustrated. This is why I practice the brand of medicine I do and why I've made it my life's mission to treat the 'untreatable'. As an RN, I saw so many people who had been given a disheartening prognosis, prescribed medications and told ‘this is just something you're going to have to learn to live with."
" But now as an Acupuncture Physician, I am able to integrate both eastern and western medicine to treat those who have chronic pain, neuropathy and other chronic conditions.” Understanding that Eastern Medicine excels where Western Medicine fails, Dr. Gibbons set forth to develop treatment protocols for all variations of peripheral neuropathy (including diabetic and chemotherapyinduced) and back pain and now has an 80% success rate in treating this once difficult to manage condition. Furthermore, Dr. Gibbons has surrounded herself with staff that embraces the same approach to patient care. "I have fabulous staff who share the same vision as I do when it comes helping our patients get relief and to help them to be able to live life to its fullest." Dr. Rebecca Gibbons has a long history of treating complicated, conditions such as peripheral neuropathy, chronic pain, autoimmune disorders and infertility. She understands how tragic it can be if left untreated.
Call 850-530-1028 to schedule your consultation or to learn more about what Dr. Gibbons treats visit WWW.AWPENSACOLA.COM .
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EVENT CALENDAR NAS’s Lt. Amanda Lee. This event is free and open to the public. Guests are invited to bring their own seating, but paid seating will also be available. The Blue Angels Homecoming Air Show is hosted at Naval Air Station Pensacola at 150 Hase Rd. Gates open at 8 am and the show begins at 9:30 am. For tickets and more information, visit
Mark Kosower as soloist. The performance will take place at the Pensacola Saenger Theatre, located at 118 South Palafox Pl. The show starts at 7:30 pm and doors open at 6:30 pm. For tickets and more information, visit
November 11 at 7:05 pm - Knoxville Ice Bears vs Ice Flyers; Veterans Appreciation Night
63rd Annual Pensacola Greek Festival
November 4 & 5
November 18 at 7:05 pm - Macon Mayhem vs Ice Flyers; Star Wars Night
The 63rd Annual Pensacola Greek Festival is back and better than ever before. The Pensacola Greek Festival is a celebration of Greek heritage focusing on food, music, dancing and family-friendly fun! Experience the wonderful aroma of freshly grilled meats, the sound of traditional Greek music and the sight of colorful decorations. Indulge in gyros, spanakopita, baklava, kourabiedes and other authentic Greek dishes. Don’t miss out on this once-a-year opportunity to taste and experience the best of Greek culture. The 63rd Annual Pensacola Greek Festival is hosted at Annunciation Greek Orthodox Church located at 1720 W Garden St. For more information, visit
Pensacola Ice Flyers Schedule and Theme Nights November home games and theme nights at the Pensacola Bay Center. For tickets and more information, visit November 10 at 7:05 pm - Knoxville Ice Bears vs Ice Flyers; Adult Jersey Giveaway
November 22 at 7:05 pm - Birmingham Bulls vs Ice Flyers; Thanksgiving Eve
Seville Quarter Haunted Ghost Tour Now through January 31 Come dine with the spirits of Seville on Seville Quarter’s Haunted Ghost Tour! Take part in a paranormal investigation and then enjoy a meal at one of Pensacola’s oldest and most haunted restaurants. Psychic medium, Ericka Boussarhane, and members of her team will guide guests through the halls of Seville Quarter, telling tales of ghosts, murder, mayhem and more of downtown Historic Pensacola’s paranormal happenings. Tickets include the guided tour and a $12 meal voucher. Seville Quarter is located at 130 E Government St. in downtown Pensacola. Reservations are required. Tour dates and times vary. For reservation information and more details, visit
Foo Foo Festival November 2 through 13 Pensacola’s favorite fall celebration—Foo Foo Festival—is back for its tenth year. From November 2-13, Pensacola will come alive with various arts, entertainment and culture events. Highly anticipated Foo Foo happenings include the Great Gulfcoast Arts Festival, Night Moves Music Fest and the Magic Carpet art display which will fly high over Tarragona St. in downtown Pensacola. For more information and details on the many Foo Foo events, visit
Blue Angels Homecoming Air Show November 3 & 4 The Blue Angels Homecoming Air Show is one of the most attended events in Pensacola, attracting 150,000-180,000 spectators every year. This two-day event features a world class show with aerobatics performed by Pensacola’s own Blue Angels. This year’s show theme is “Celebrating Women In Aviation,” to honor historical women in aviation as well as
November 3 to 5
Katt Williams: The Dark Matter Tour November 4 Comedy legend and Emmy® Award-winning actor, Katt Williams, is bringing The Dark Matter Tour to Pensacola. Produced by North American Entertainment Group, this highly anticipated tour will be hitting the Pensacola Bay Center, promising a night of unparalleled comedy that breaks through boundaries and challenges the status quo. The show begins at 8 pm and doors open at 7 pm. The Pensacola Bay Center is located at 201 E Gregory St. For tickets and more information, visit
PSO’s Tchaikovsky Symphony No. 4 November 4 Under the baton of Guest Conductor Brett Mitchell, the Pensacola Symphony Orchestra will perform Tchaikovsky’s towering Fourth Symphony. From its opening horn calls signaling inescapable fate to its rambunctious conclusion featuring a flurry of cymbal crashes and orchestral fireworks, it serves as a “faithful echo” of an intensely emotional journey. The program also features Mason Bates’ Garages of the Valley about the Silicon Valley spaces that housed the visionaries behind Apple, Hewlett Packard, Intel and Google, and Camille Saint-Saëns’ First Cello Concerto with Principal Cellist of The Cleveland Orchestra
Perfect Plain's 6th Anniversary Fall Festival Join Perfect Plain Brewing Co. November 4-5 for a weekend full of fall festival activities for the brewery’s 6th anniversary party! The weekend-long celebration will include vendors, a fall market, live music, karaoke and more. To add to the celebration, Perfect Plain will be offering beer specials and specialty can releases throughout the weekend. The celebration will take place at Perfect Plain Brewing Co., located at 50 E. Garden St. in downtown Pensacola. For more information, visit
East Hill Makers Market November 7 Enjoy an afternoon of shopping, food trucks and kids activities the East Hill Makers Market. Hosted at Cordova Square by the East Hill Neighborhood Association, the market will feature over 30 craft and food vendors. Come shop, meet and mingle with your neighbors from 2 pm to 5 pm. This event is free and open to the public. Cordova Square is located at 1101 N. 12th Ave. For more information, visit
2023 Pensacola Beach Art & Wine Festival November 12 Sip, stroll and shop your way around the Pensacola Beach Boardwalk when it turns into an art and wine lover’s paradise at the Pensacola Beach Art & Wine Festival. The Pensacola Beach Chamber of Commerce invites the public to spend an afternoon sampling wines and perusing the works of some of the Gulf Coast’s most talented artists. Starting at 11 am and lasting until 4 pm, the festival brings together about 20 local artists and more than 30 wine selections. The festival is free to the public, however, to participate in the wine tastings festival-goers must purchase a ticket and receive a wristband. The Pensacola Beach Boardwalk is located at 400 Quietwater Beach Rd. For more information, visit
EVENT CALENDAR Jim Breuer: Survival With Laughter November 16 One of Comedy Central’s “100 Greatest Standups of All Time,” SNL alum Jim Breuer is stopping by the Pensacola Saenger Theatre this month. Hotter than ever, his Comedy Central specials such as “Hardcore” and “Let’s Clear The Air,” are some of the highest-rated in the network’s history his “And Laughter For All” on EPIX was the highest-rated original comedy special on EPIX to date, earning its spot as a family favorite for its relatable and multigenerational humor. The Pensacola Saenger Theatre is located at 118 South Palafox Pl. The show starts at 7:30 pm and doors open at 6:30 pm. For tickets and more information, visit
Pensacola Fall Food Truck Fest November 18 Tempt your taste buds and come hungry to Pensacola Fall Food Truck Fest. This family-friendly event features a wide variety of food trucks and vendors, as well as live entertainment, bounce houses for the kids and a heated culinary competition. The Pensacola Fall Food Truck Fest is hosted at Community Maritime Park at 301 West Main St. Tickets start at $5 and kids 12 and under are
free. For tickets and more information, visit
Wolfgang’s 2nd Annual Pupsgiving November 18 Join Wolfgang for a tail-wagging celebration at the 2nd Annual Pupsgiving. Hosted from 11 am to 1 pm at Garden & Grain, Pupsgiving gives humans and pups the chance to decorate and enjoy fall-themed treats crafted by Diamond's Tasty Treasures. Dog-friendly icing and supplies will be available. Tickets also include some perks like BOGO champagne and 15% off from Garden & Grain, as well as $2 off all drafts at Perfect Plain. It wouldn’t be Pupsgiving without the opportunity to give. Participants who bring a donation of treats, a fleece blanket and a toy for the animals at the Escambia County Department of Animal Welfare will receive a complimentary 12oz Perfect Plain beer. Tickets are on sale now for $25 and are limited. For tickets and more information, visit
St. Paul Catholic Church Christmas Market November 18 & 19 Start your Thanksgiving and Christmas shopping early at St. Paul Catholic Church’s
Christmas Market. On November 18 and 19 from 9 am to 3 pm, stop by the church to shop from a variety of local vendors. There will be plenty of excellent gifts and holiday treats for sale including homemade baked goods and gift baskets. St. Paul Catholic Church is located at 3131 Hyde Park Rd. If you are interested in being a vendor at the market or want more information, contact Judy Galbavy at (850) 380-1160 or Nanci Pruter at (850) 490-0009.
Pensacola Turkey Trot November 23 Kick off the Thanksgiving Day festivities early at the Pensacola Turkey Trot! This 5k race’s course runs through the heart of downtown Pensacola, with the race beginning and ending in front of Seville Square (399 S. Alcaniz Street). Attendees and runners alike are invited to get in the spirit by dressing up in their most fitting turkey-themed apparel. The race begins at 8 am on Thanksgiving Day. A post race party and awards ceremony will be held at Seville Square. For more information, visit event/2023-pensacola-turkey-trot/.
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Business Climate NW Florida’s
Special Section • November 2023
IMPACT 100 Pensacola Bay Area Announces 2023 Grant Recipients Members of IMPACT 100 awarded a total of $108,364 to 11 local nonprofit organizations.
Around the Region Find out what's happening in business, government and cultural news throughout Pensacola and Northwest Florida.
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IMPACT 100 Pensacola Bay Area Announces 2023 Grant Recipients by Morgan Cole
ARTS, CULTURE by awarding substantial grants to deserving nonprofit organizations throughout Escambia and Santa Rosa counties. & HISTORY ach year, IMPACT 100 Pensacola Bay Area members strive to make a lasting difference in our community
Established in 2003 by four local women, IMPACT 100 has become the largest IMPACT 100 chapter in the world. The idea behind IMPACT 100 involves recruiting at least 100 women to donate $1,000 each and pooling those resources into one big grant to be awarded to qualifying nonprofits. IMPACT 100 Pensacola Bay Area announced the eleven grant recipients selected at this year’s Annual Meeting held on October 22. The nonprofit organizations will each receive a grant award of $108,364 from the members of IMPACT 100 Pensacola Bay Area. With 1,192 members this year, IMPACT 100 was able to award $108,364 each to 11 nonprofit organizations in our community for a total impact of more than $1 million. Since its inception, IMPACT 100 Pensacola Bay Area has awarded more than $16 million in grants to worthy nonprofits serving Pensacola Bay Area communities. “Again, this year, hundreds of IMPACT 100 members participated in the Focus Area Committee selection process to review each grant application, conduct site visits to all applicants, and select finalists from each Focus Area Committee,” President of IMPACT 100 Pensacola Bay Area Kristin Longley said. “We are so thankful for our members who participated and to our volunteer Board. Their dedication and hard work enable IMPACT 100 to continue serving the community we love while investing each dollar of our $1000 membership directly to deserving nonprofit organizations.” For complete details on the 2023 IMPACT 100 Pensacola Bay Area grant recipients, visit The grant recipients selected by IMPACT 100’s members for 2023 are as follows:
Pensacola Children’s Chorus, Inc. dba Pensacola Children’s Chorus STEP BOLDLY: Building Confidence with a Reliable Performance Stage The mission of the Pensacola Children's Chorus is to foster the personal and social growth of its members and engage the community through inspirational musical experiences. IMPACT 100 funds will be used to create a reliable performance stage to craft an entirely new performance experience with a newly constructed set. In addition, grant funds will be used to craft an orchestra pit cover to extend the usable floor closer to the audience and acquire stage curtains to direct audience focus to the singers. With a dependable stage, singers can shift focus from safety to showcasing their hard work, thereby solidifying life skills by performing. With more confident singers, audiences can take greater pride in the wealth of Northwest Florida's youthful talent. The Santa Rosa Band of the Lower Muscogee, Inc. dba Santa Rosa Creek Band Traditional Council Roundhouse The Santa Rosa Band of the Lower Muscogee’s mission is to establish community awareness of the Santa Rosa Creek Band through education, outreach programs and traditional events promoting the growth of and support for the Creek culture. The band will use funds to construct an authentic reproduction of a traditional-style Council Roundhouse, which is used to hold various functions in Native American communities serving as a venue for dances, ceremonies, civic meetings and lodging. The IMPACT 100 grant funds will be used to purchase a portion of the roof system and the Z-Palm thatch-style shingles.
EDUCATION Santa Rosa County 4-H Association dba Santa Rosa County 4-H To Make the Best Better: Finish the 4-H Field Education Facility Santa Rosa County 4-H serves youth through organized clubs, special interest groups, enrichment programs, camping and individual memberships. IMPACT 100 funds will be used to purchase and install kitchen cabinets, a bathroom shower and a pavilion fan, as well as the purchase of modular livestock panels and poultry cages in order to increase the number of livestock clinics available for youth. Remaining grant funds will be used to purchase a new 15-passenger van and enclosed trailer, as the previous van is shared with seven other programs in Santa Rosa County and is no longer a form of reliable transportation. Umbrella Learning Academy Corp. dba Umbrella Learning Academy ULA Gives Kids a Life The Umbrella Learning Academy (ULA) is an inclusive private school that serves students from pre-k through 12th grade. Its mission is to empower students to discover, develop and manage their unique gifts and talents through individualized learning plans focusing on where a student is now and where their future goals are. IMPACT 100 grant funds will be used to purchase two 15-passenger vans, train staff to operate them, and cover the cost of car seats, boosters and equipment to aid students with disabilities. This would allow the school to offer daily transportation to families who need that service, as well as increase ULA’s ability to participate in community service opportunities, local enrichment programs and local and state 4-H programming.
ENVIRONMENT & RECREATION Emerald Coast Wildlife Refuge, Inc. dba Emerald Coast Wildlife Refuge Near to Nature: Environment Education “Wild Pursuits” Nature Clubhouse The Mission of the Emerald Coast Wildlife Refuge (ECWR) is education, conservation and rehabilitation for the welfare of Florida's natural fauna and marine mammals. Founded in 1994, ECWR has grown from a single volunteer responding to a stranded dolphin, to a nationally recognized state and federally permitted rehabilitation center. ECWR will use IMPACT 100 funds for its Wild Pursuits Environmental Clubhouse, which is a nature-themed outdoor space with hands-on, interactive exhibits to create teachable moments. Designed to connect people with experiences that demonstrate how behavior impacts our environment, the new space will host various camps, lecture series and field trips. The clubhouse will also allow ECWR to offer unique STEAM wildlife and marine mammal programs to larger numbers of students and groups throughout each year. Ocean Hour, Inc. dba Ocean Hour Improving Sustainability in Our Pensacola Parks Founded in 2012, Ocean Hour is a local nonprofit organization that hosts weekly Saturday morning beach cleanups at multiple locations throughout Escambia, Santa Rosa and Okaloosa counties. The organization conducts 130 cleanups across 16 sites each year. Ocean Hour will use IMPACT 100 funds for its Improving Sustainability in our Pensacola Parks program, which seeks to purchase and install five water bottle fill stations and 15 solar-powered trash compactor bins with educational signage at high-volume parks and athletic fields across the city. Also included in the project, is a social media marketing campaign to raise awareness of the new equipment and its benefits.
50 | NOVEMBER 2023
HEALTH & WELLNESS Center for Independent Living of Northwest Florida, Inc. dba CIL of Northwest Florida MILES Project (Mobile Independent Living Education and Services-Health and Wellness)
FAMILY Children in Crisis, Inc. Wheels of IMPACT Located in Fort Walton Beach, Children In Crisis (CIC) is a nonprofit charity that assists children who have been removed from an unsafe environment on short notice and are in need of emergency shelter. Children come to the organization through local emergency shelters, providing a safe environment for young children ages 6 to 14. Children in Crisis also provides the children with reliable transportation services. IMPACT 100 grant funds will be used to replace both vans with two new Ford Explorer XLT SUVs with six-year, 100,000-mile premium care bumper-to-bumper warranties. The vans will be used to transport children to off-campus medical appointments, counseling appointments, court ordered and legal affairs, community services, summer activities, school meetings and educational enrichment programs. Valerie’s House, Inc. dba Valerie’s House Pensacola Build for Valerie’s House Pensacola Permanent Location: The Kitchen Is The Heart of a Home The mission of Valerie’s House is to help children and families work through the loss of a loved one together and go on to live fulfilling lives. Founded in 2016, Valerie’s House first opened its doors in Fort Myers, Florida and has followed with permanent expansion chapters in Naples (2017), Port Charlotte (2019) and Pensacola in late 2020, launching the first peer-to-peer support group in April 2021. A critical part of the Valerie’s House model is to serve a meal before each group night. The organization’s current headquarters are located in a historic home, which does not include a full-size, functioning kitchen space to serve its clients. IMPACT 100 funds will be used to build out the kitchen, which previously served as a commercial space, to make it more functional and comfortable in order to support VHP’s programs and meal preparation needs.
Founded in Pensacola in 1980, the Center for Independent Living of Northwest Florida (CILNWF) is a non-residential, communitybased nonprofit organization dedicated to supporting and empowering individuals with disabilities. The MILES Project will fund the purchase of a vehicle that will allow participants to achieve independence and serves as a solution to overcome challenges faced by people with disabilities (PWD), addressing issues like transportation, nutrition, healthcare and safe living conditions. This initiative enhances outreach for those with limited resources, aiding them in accessing community services. With the IMPACT 100 grant funds, CILNWF will purchase a 2023 fully customized Pacifica Conversion Van wrapped with the IMPACT 100 logo and insurance on the van for two years. Health and Hope Clinic, Inc. dba Health and Hope Clinic Building Health and Wellness for our Community Health And Hope Clinic (The Clinic) is a longstanding free health facility serving the uninsured and underserved population in Escambia and Santa Rosa counties. The Clinic's mission is to provide health care to the uninsured poor by meeting the physical, emotional and spiritual needs of patients. Health and Hope Clinic seeks to expand the full-capacity clinic to provide additional access to mental health services. IMPACT 100 funds will be used to expand The Clinic to include confidential and private space for volunteer counselors to provide direct mental health services, free-of-charge, to impoverished citizens and improve access to care by increasing the number of patients receiving free mental health services in the clinic setting. Santa Rosa Kids’ House, Inc. dba Santa Rosa Kids’ House Healing: The Experience Established in 2008, the Santa Rosa Kids' House (SRKH) is a child advocacy center established to support abused and neglected children in Santa Rosa County. SRKH’s core mission is to provide a well-coordinated multi-disciplined response to child abuse in an environment that puts the needs of the child first. IMPACT 100 grant funds will be used to renovate the reception and lobby areas to include the addition of a confidential intake area adjacent to the lobby. This project will create areas for toddlers and teenagers and provide calming semi-private spaces for children and families while they await services. The primary goal is to provide a serene environment where children and families can find solace while they wait.
WEEKDAY PROGRAMS Pensacola Morning News with Andrew McKay 5a-9am
Fox News Radio Guy Benson 2p-4pm
Pensacola Expert Panel with Jan Casey 9a-11am
Pensacola Right Now with Joe & Gracie 4p-7pm
Markley, Van Camp & Robbins 11a-2pm
The Dave Ramsey Show 7p-10pm
Around the Region New Baptist Hospital Hybrid Operating Room to be Named in Honor of Fred and Susie Donovan
"I’ve said from the beginning that for our city to thrive, it has to be a city for all of us – not just some of us,” Mayor D.C. Reeves said. "This $1 million will help us improve quality of life and health outcomes in our most underserved communities. I appreciate this historic investment by the USDA that more than triples our funding for Pensacola’s tree canopy, and I thank our Grants Office for another job well done.” The City of Pensacola was selected from a pool of 842 grant proposals and is one of 23 awardees in the State of Florida. The Grants Office will continue to work with the USDA and the U.S. Forestry Service’s grant staff to further specify the funding’s specific usage and ways it can benefit communities in the City of Pensacola. To learn more about Urban and Community Forestry Grants, visit the USDA Forest Service website.
Fred and Susie Donovan made a $100,000 donation to Baptist Health Care Foundation in support the new Baptist Hospital campus. The Foundation will name the hybrid operating room in honor of their generous gift. The Donovans are excited to partner with Baptist during its transformational journey, and they’re hopeful that their gift will be a legacy for their children and grandchildren on the impact of generosity in our community. “Baptist has always been here for us,” Susie Donovan said. “We have great memories, and our experiences have all been good and positive. It was a natural thing to do. It makes me feel very proud to be part of it. It’s beautiful – the lighting, the artwork, the town square. You feel wrapped up in a good way.” Fred Donovan Sr. served on Baptist boards from 1983 to 2010, with many years as chairman or vice chairman. In 2011, Fred was recognized as an honorary board member, and in 2018, he was awarded the Foundation Hollinger Award for Lifetime Achievement to honor his long-term commitment to Baptist. “I continue to be inspired by people like Fred and Susie who have been longtime friends of Baptist, and I am grateful they believe in our Mission of helping people throughout life’s journey,” President and CEO of Baptist Health Care Mark Faulkner said. “Fred spent many years as an active board member and board chair through several integral moments in our organization’s history. I am thankful for his years of dedication, leadership and their family’s support for our new health care campus. Their generosity will help us continue to transform for those who need us.”
City of Pensacola Awarded $1 Million in Federal Grant Funding The City of Pensacola has been awarded $1 million in federal funding from the Forest Service’s Urban and Community Forestry Program to support inner-city communities through equitable access to trees and their natural benefits. The grant dollars will be used to support the city’s disadvantaged communities in three areas: • Tree planting and maintenance • Restoration and resilience • Workforce development The funding is part of more than $1 billion awarded by the United States Department of Agriculture for this program, which was made possible by the 2022 Inflation Reduction Act.
Santa Rosa County Awarded $4.2 Million for Infrastructure Improvements through Florida Job Growth Grant Fund Information provided by The Office of Governor Ron DeSantis On October 17, Governor Ron DeSantis announced the award of $4.2 million to Santa Rosa County through the Job Growth Grant Fund (JGGF) to support the aerospace and defense sectors by connecting Naval Air Station Whiting Field to Whiting Aviation Park. The JGGF award will help construct a helipad and an approximately 2,800 linear foot taxiway to connect the two areas and expand business opportunities. This project is expected to create more than 150 new high-wage jobs and will facilitate the growth of Florida’s aerospace, defense, and security sectors. “Today’s award will connect the Santa Rosa community with highwage job opportunities and further support the growth of the aerospace industry,” said Governor Ron DeSantis. “As an important military community, Santa Rosa has access to a talented workforce, making it a great place for aerospace and defense companies to do business.” Today's award follows the groundbreaking of the Leonardo Helicopters Florida Support Center in Whiting Aviation Park, beginning the construction of a 113,000 sq/ft aviation maintenance facility. The facility will support Santa Rosa County’s growing aviation and aerospace industries and bring additional opportunity to the surrounding military community through high-skill, high-wage jobs. “As Chair of Space Florida's Board of Directors, I congratulate Leonardo Helicopters for their continued investments in Santa Rosa County that will inspire future business growth and workforce development,” said Lieutenant Governor Jeanette Nuñez. “Today’s Job Growth Grant Fund award builds upon those investments and reaffirms Florida’s commitment to the future of Florida’s aerospace and defense industries.” “Today's award simultaneously grows available jobs, connects businesses to local developed talent, and provides Floridians with meaningful long-term careers in the booming aerospace industry,” said Secretary of Commerce J. Alex Kelly." I applaud Leonardo Helicopters for their continued dedication to aerospace workforce development in Santa Rosa." The Florida Job Growth Grant Fund is an economic development program designed to promote public infrastructure and workforce training across the state. Proposals are reviewed by FloridaCommerce and are chosen by Governor DeSantis to meet the demands for workforce training or infrastructure needs in communities around the state. FloridaCommerce is currently accepting proposals until all funding has been awarded. For more information, visit JobGrowth. PENSACOLA MAGAZINE | 53
Around the Region UWF Awarded $1.6 Million Grant to her studies without the ERCCD and this grant, which allows her family to pay a small portion of Support Student-Parents the total cost of childcare for her four children. The University of West Florida Educational Research Center for Child Development received a $1.6 million, four-year grant from the U.S. Department of Education to assist Pell-eligible and Pell-recipient student-parents with the costs of childcare. This is the largest grant the University has been awarded to offset childcare costs for students. In addition to securing the grant, UWF’s Educational Research Center for Child Development also accomplished the nearimpossible feat of a perfect review panel. “This grant allows student parents to persist in their degree while simultaneously laying a lasting foundation for their child's future education and development without the financial burden of rising childcare costs,” said Kaley Devito, associate director of the ERCCD. “This is a great accomplishment for the center."
“Being a full-time student and mother of four, I don’t have the time to work to pay for childcare; my husband works full-time as well,” Klump said. UWF's ERCCD has been around since the “I wouldn't have been able to get this far in my early 1970s and has been the first educational bachelor’s degree program without the center experience for thousands of children. ERCCD is a and the financial security of this grant.” Gold Seal Quality Care Program, which means it Klump will graduate in December and plans to has been acknowledged as a childcare facility that start UWF’s master’s program in exercise science has gone above the required minimum licensing in the spring. She’ll continue to use the center as standards to become accredited. a graduate student. She said within the last four years the staff have become like family to her.
“When I was in and out of the hospital pregnant with twins a year and a half ago, everyone was so helpful, and we really relied on their care,” Klump said. “They have been like family to us, and I would say all The Child Care Access Means Parents in School, the families that use the center known as CCAMPIS, grant is helping parents like would say the same. Every day Hanna Klump, whose four children are currently my kids are around people enrolled at the ERCCD while she works to earn who really care about them, her bachelor’s degree in exercise science. Klump, and it will be bittersweet when who is a U.S. Navy veteran, decided to use her they outgrow the center.” military benefits to enroll at UWF three years ago. The UWF grant supports At the time, she had one child. Since she became ERCCD parents with 50 to 90% a UWF student, her family has grown in size. She off childcare fees. The total says it wouldn’t have been possible to continue financial support is dependent
upon several personal factors including the number of classes the student is enrolled in, how many children are enrolled at the center and whether they are the single head of the household. Students must be in good academic standing.
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ON THE MARKET a Real Estate Section
In This Section 62. Fall in Love with Your Home Four Ways to Renovate Your Home This Autumn
64. Steps to Take Before Contractors Begin Work on Your Home
BY THE NUMBERS A Look at September's Market Highlights Market Highlights Third quarter and YTD sales were down 16% and 21%, respectively, compared to the same periods last year.
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Combined sales were virtually tied with August and down 14% compared to last September.
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Data courtesy of the Pensacola Association of REALTORS ®
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Fall in Love with Your Home
Four Ways to Renovate Your Home This Autumn
all is the perfect time to take on some home renovations, before the holidays hit and winter sets in. With just a few changes, you can make your home into a more functional space and create a warm, inviting atmosphere in which you and others will enjoy spending time for many seasons to come.
"ReNature by CoreLuxe is a perfect flooring solution that unites progressive manufacturing with design ingenuity, resulting in a product that's both resilient and stylish," said Jen Meska, Head of Merchandising at LL Flooring. "This flooring is manufactured with a commitment to material reuse, while providing a tough, resilient and waterproof solution for pros and homeowners."
Let these four home renovation ideas inspire you to spruce up your space this autumn.
The company also offers myriad stylish, quality options in solid hardwood and Duravana hybrid resilient flooring, so you can choose the perfect flooring for your fall home renovation project.
1. Make over the mudroom
If you have a mudroom, you know how helpful this space can be during the changing season. Over the course of fall and winter, a mudroom can help keep your house clean and organized by containing the mess of wet coats and dirty boots.
3. Give your fireplace a facelift
As the weather cools down, it's time to light your fireplace. But before you do, give your fireplace a makeover so you can transform your living room into a relaxing and welcoming space for your friends and family.
Upgrade your mudroom to make it more functional and easier to maintain. For example, you can incorporate storage solutions to store and organize your boots, add a bench to sit on while Some easy ways to give your fireplace a facelift include you take your shoes off and install hooks to hang your coats. updating or replacing the mantel or replacing the current surround with new stone or tile. If you're feeling ambitious, 2. Upgrade your flooring add a built-in seating area nearby. This seating area One way to bring a whole new look to your home is by makes it easier to enjoy the warmth and glow of the bringing in new flooring, which can serve as the foundation fireplace and acts as a focal point for fall gatherings. for all interior styles. And, while there are so many great flooring options to select from, many homeowners today 4. Extend your entertaining space outdoors are opting to seek out floors that not only look great but Don't limit your entertaining to the indoors. With also can stand up to busy households and traffic. a few additions, you can easily extend your living or dining room into your outdoor space. A great option that brings fantastic, real-wood looks coupled with kid-and-pet-proof performance is LL Flooring's new Add a firepit or fire table to your deck or patio so you can have ReNature by CoreLuxe. This floor is waterproof and resistant cozy conversations around the fire underneath the stars. Also, to dents, scratches, scuffs, and stains - plus it's made from consider investing in comfortable outdoor furniture so you can 25% recycled materials, another perk for homeowners dine outdoors or enjoy drinks surrounded by the fall foliage. who prioritize aesthetics, functionality and responsible These additions make it easy to maximize your time outdoors. manufacturing. What's more, with renovation season This fall, give your home a little time, love and care. Using these upon us, DIY'ers will love this easy-to-install flooring. four tips, you'll be well on your way to turning your home into a space you'll love to spend time in this season and beyond.
62 | NOVEMBER 2023
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This home has an open floor plan, is Solar Energy efficient, on 1/2 an acre, with a fully fenced in backyard.
I am an ethical Realtor, Pensacola native and top producing Realtor for the last 27 years!
Adorable• Hip•Pet & Wheelchair Friendly!
800 Langley Ave Pensacola, FL 32504
MLS# 635007
KATHY TANNER 850.982.0755
KELLEY AMOS 850.417.5779
421 E Zaragoza St. Pensacola, FL 32502 | 850.435.9007
JOHNWAAS, WAAS, WHEN WHEN ONLY BEST WILLWILL DO! JOHN ONLYTHE THE BEST DO! Selling or Buying a home? Choose a Realtor who has been endorsed by Florida Realtors as one of the Best of the Best! This endorsement is Florida Realtors’ highest Broker/Owner, John Waas Realty professional honor, earned by top Realtors as demonstrated through their sales, volunteerism, advocacy and ethical conduct. Out of over 238,000 Realtors in Florida, 20 are Board Certified! Selling or only Buying a home?
John Waas
With over 30 years ofareal estate experience, John’sendorsed by Florida Choose Realtor who has been professional knowledge, attention to detail and genuine Realtors as one of the Best of the Best! This endorsement is concern for his Sellers and Buyers are evident by the Florida Realtors’ highest honor, earned by top many accolades he has earned overprofessional the years. Contact himRealtors today to discuss your next sale orthrough purchase.their sales, volunteerism, as demonstrated
advocacy and ethical conduct. Out of over 238,000 Realtors in Florida, only JOHN 20 are Board Certified! WAAS With over 30 years of real estate experience, BROKER/OWNER, JOHN WAAS REALTY John’s professional knowledge, attention to detail and (850)for 602-4432 genuine concern his Sellers and Buyers are evident by the many accolades he has earned over the years. Contact him today to discuss your next sale or purchase.
(850) 602-4432 |
Steps to Take Before Contractors Begin Work on Your Home A
CHIEVING YOUR DREAM HOME through a remodeling project is an exciting prospect. Just ask the 55% of homeowners who reported renovating a part of their home in the past year. As eager as you are for the work to get started, taking the time to ensure the job is done smoothly, safely and securely is important. Before contractors begin, take the following steps first: 1. Ensure that any contractor working on and having access to your home is adequately insured and bonded should there be a mishap, injury on site, or damage to your property. It is appropriate to ask for your contractor’s license as well as proof of insurance, coverage limit details and a lien waiver. 2. Read the contract carefully and ensure it includes a construction schedule, detailed hard and soft cost estimates, and any other information that may be required by your city’s building inspection department, such as construction drawings or permitting plans. 3. Make a good investment by checking references and reviewing any Better Business Bureau ratings or complaints that have been filed against the company. Some states also provide public access to civil and small claims cases that have been filed against companies or individuals. This is important, considering homeowners spend significant sums to renovate their spaces according to their vision. In fact, the Joint Center for Housing Centers of Harvard University estimates that Americans will spend $485 billion on home improvement projects in 2023. 4. You can’t be there at all times to let in contractors. Certainly, don’t start giving out your garage door code or leaving your door open -- this comes at high risk for theft. Instead, invest in a versatile lock box for which only you control the combination so you can grant access to a
64 | NOVEMBER 2023
particular contractor on a given day, and then change the combination for the next need or worker. From the front door to the pool gate to the storage shed, find lock boxes that fit your project’s needs. The newest models from Master Lock include #5480D, which features a removable shackle for easy installation in many locations; #5481D, which is wall-mountable, and #5482D, which features a removable cable that provides flexibility to secure it in hard-to-reach and discreet locations. All feature double the storage capacity to accommodate keys, fobs, garage door openers or key cards in all shapes and sizes. “We studied customers’ needs and reimagined our product solution to provide bigger, easier to use lock boxes that work for any door, piece of property or access point,” says Becky Fellows, senior category manager at Master Lock. “And after the remodel, you can repurpose it to provide a dog walker or short-term renter access to your property.” 5. Make a plan for pets. This could be as simple as using gates to separate them from construction. However, if the project is kicking up dust and debris, or your pet is sensitive to loud noises, consider having them stay elsewhere, whether that’s with friends or at a pet hotel. 6. Protect your property and make life easier for your contractor by clearing their work area of furniture and other items. Determine whether you’ll relocate these items to rooms not being remodeled, store them in the garage or shed, or use a third-party storage space. No matter the size of your home project, if contractors are involved, you’ll want to ensure they are up to the task, and that your home is prepared for their arrival.
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e Escape e
To your Gulf Coast waterfront Paradise on Perdido Bay! Spectacular views, 24 hour security, 40 minutes to PNS airport, and low Alabama taxes.
For Sale: $1,258,000 | MLS #628963
Call or Text Meg Vogt for private viewing!
LIVE THE DREAM 9180 Chumuckla Hwy, Pace
“The Resort Property Specialist”
For Sale $2,900,000
20 Acres • 4 Bedrooms 5.5 Bathrooms • 5,836 SF • MLS# 628929 In-Law Suite/Workshop: 3 Bedrooms 2.5 Bathrooms • 2,000 SF
106 Ariola Dr, Pensacola Beach
For Sale $5,600,000
Gulf Front • 5 Bedrooms 5 Full Bathrooms 2 Half Bathrooms • 3,977 SF • MLS# 634122 Quality features include: Two master suites, fully furnished, Elevator, & heated in-ground pool.
802 Rio Vista Dr, Pensacola Beach
For Sale $1,750,000
Soundview • 3 Bedrooms 2 Full Bathrooms 1 Half Bathroom • 3,072 SF • MLS# 632023 Quality features include: Contemporary home, sound view, geothermal, & office/fourth bedroom.
800 Via De Luna Dr, Pensacola Beach
For Sale $2,750,000
Direct Gulf & Sound Views • 4 Bedrooms 4 Full Bathrooms 1 Half Bathroom • 3,936 SF • MLS# 635212 Quality Features Incude: heated pool & hot tub, elevator, Loft living with two extra bedrooms, excellent rental opportunity.
5033 N 12th Ave, Pensacola, FL 32504 (850) 477-6818 |