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The Escambia-Santa Rosa Bar Association Executive Council

Officers President Aaron T. McCurdy Vice President Christine A. Kelly Secretary Joseph A. Passeretti Treasurer Rebecca Gilliland

Immediate Past President Garrett P. LaBorde

Executive Council Ryan Cardoso Jessica Etherton Patrick Jennings Joe Kirkland Stephen Luongo John Mahoney II Alexis Mays Rachel Thomas Andrew Spencer Aaron Watson

Young Lawyer Representative Michelle Nguyen

Don’t forget that members save 40% on our ever expanding library of CLEs

Scan this QR code to check out our current selection of great CLE programming!

Stay current on everything going on with the Escambia – Santa Rosa County Bar Association

Be sure to check out the ESRBA website for all upcoming events.

First Judicial Circuit Professionalism Conference February 3, 2023

Attorneys and judges from Escambia, Santa Rosa, Okaloosa and Walton counties will gather Friday, February 3, 2023 at The Island Resort in Fort Walton Beach for the 2023 First Judicial Circuit Professionalism Conference. The conference will begin at 11:30 a.m. with lunch followed by an afternoon of Continuing Legal Education led by judges from across the circuit. There will be opening and closing general sessions led by Circuit Judge John Brown. In between, attorneys and judges will divide into breakout sessions designated by field of law, including civil, criminal, family and probate, real estate and trust. Attendees will have the opportunity to gain three Professionalism CLE credits. The rate is $125 for members of the EscambiaSanta Rosa Bar Association, the Okaloosa Bar Association and/or the Walton County Bar Association and $150 for future members. Conference registration is now open at the events page at www.esrba.com. A discounted room rate has been arranged at the resort starting at $109 per night.

The Escambia-Santa Rosa Bar Foundation

Board of Directors

Officers President Shekka Drayton Vice President D. Steve Traylor, Jr. Secretary & Treasurer John “Buz” Windham

Directors Sheldon Bernau Jeremy Branning Jodi Dubose Stephen Echsner Cameron Townes Gore Heather Lindsay Patrick Martin Aaron T. McCurdy (ESRBA President) Adrianna Spain Warren Todd Mikaela Ziko

Escambia-Santa Rosa Bar Association Young Lawyers Division

Board of Directors

Officers President Michelle Nguyen Vice President Brooke DiSalvo

Treasurer Logan Sliva Secretary Alexandra Messmore

Directors J. Mitchell de Kozan Will Hahn Travis Morock Sarah Papantonio Andrew Spencer Mikaela Ziko

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