Mine Games

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MINE GAMES!<<< >>> by Joe Zvada <<<

16 Ballooning


July/August 2014

Ballooning 17

>>>Location: Casa Grande, AZ >>>Date: March 22, 2014 >>>Balloon: Audio Wave - Cameron O-65 Rebuilt by Zing Aerosports >>>Pilots: Erin Romaneschi and Joe Zvada >>>Mission: Fly into a 1000ft deep abandoned copper mine Flight Report: Prior Google Earth searching revealed a peculiar depression in the earth just outside of Casa Grande, AZ. We were there to investigate. An orange sun rose through high thin clouds on the morning of the flight. Surface winds were flowing to the west with a right turn all the way over to about 030 degrees as you climbed; you could go almost anywhere. The pack launched south of the crater and rode the mid level winds to the north. The big hole in the ground is an abandoned copper mine measuring 1000 ft deep and about a half mile across. From a distance it is hard to identify, only as we approached did it slowly come into view. It appeared small

at first, hiding it’s true depth and span until we were almost directly above. Our altitude went from 100ft to 800ft in a matter of seconds as the ground fell away below us. The air in the mine was smooth and flows in a slow circular pattern, a pleasant atmosphere for balloons. At roughly a half mile across, there was plenty of room to spare for all six balloons flying that day. The terrain inside the mine appeared very hostile for balloons and people. Earth was stripped away in layers to exhume the copper, and each layer created 50ft cliffs of loose rock and dirt. The bottom of the mine is filled with about 200ft of water, turned toxic by the chemicals used in the mining process. An emergency landing here would most likely result in a chopper rescue. The ascent transition from the air in the mine to air above ground level could be challenging if there had been more speed, but winds were slow and our exit was smooth. A steady climb out of the mine followed by a gentle acceleration into the slow surface wind. We flew about a half mile north of the mine and landed on the first east west road we crossed. Watch the video of the flight at BalloonPong.com/videos >>> Above: Paul Olguin in the mine. Note the terraced landscape. <<< >>> Below: Joe Zvada and Erin Romaneschi stare down at the 800ft abyss. <<< >>> Opposite: Michael Glen flies low over the mine’s toxic lake <<<

18 Ballooning


July/August 2014

Ballooning 19

>>> The mine is about 0.5 mile across and 800ft deep to the water <<< 20 Ballooning


July/August 2014

Ballooning 21

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