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Balmullo Newsletter


In this issue Council Contacts


What’s On?


200 Club






Una Smith






Burns Club


Small Ads


Getting To Work


A Big Thank You x 2


Head Gardener


Past Times Christmas


John Normand


Balmullo School


Balmullo Waxwings


Balmullo Community Christmas Tree Main Road, Balmullo - Photo Paul Stockton





Chairman: Zoë Sanders zoesanders@tesco.net Vice-Chairman: John Docherty 871497 john.docherty1@mypostoffice.co.uk

Peter Lomas pil7@talktalk.net


Alison Jeffrey alison@balmullo.net


Irene McNair irene.mcnair@yahoo.co.uk


Fife Councillors

Treasurer: Andrew Falconer anfalconer@tiscali.co.uk


Secretary: Raymond Crush raymondrita@btinternet.com


Minute-Secretary: Isobel Eccleston DavidEccls@aol.com


Newsletter: Ina Cameron 870253 twaauldgoats@btinternet.com

Maggie Taylor 01382 552718 cllr.margaret.taylor@fife.gov.uk Tim Brett 01382 330629 cllr.tim.brett@fife.gov.uk Ron Caird r.caird@tiscali.co.uk

01382 542414

Let us know your views Email us news@balmullo.net

Useful Contacts Burnside Hall Keeper

Lynn Murphy


The Minister

Rev. Caroline Taylor


Dog Warden Community Police


0845 155 0022 P.C. Gavin Rae

RAF Aircraft Noise

0845 600 5702 839471

Statements made or opinions expressed in this Newsletter do not necessarily reflect the views of the Balmullo Community Council or any of its officers. Cost to Advertise: Business Card Quarter page advert Half page advert Full page advert

£3 £5 £9 £18

You can rent advertising space on a month by month basis or on a longer term basis. The Balmullo Newsletter has a circulation of 680 and is hand delivered FREE of charge.

TO ALL ADVERTISERS – Please check your advert. If you would like to remove it or change it in any way, please let me know. Either by phone or email. My details are on page 2 of this newsletter - Ina Cameron.



WHAT’S ON? DECEMBER 18th Cupar Farmers' Market from 9:00am to 1:00pm, in the Crossgate. 19th Church Service in Burnside Hall at 9.30am. All welcome. 24th Christmas Eve Pyjama Family Service at 6.30pm in Burnside Hall. Lasting under an hour. 26th Church Service in Burnside Hall at 9.30am. All welcome. 22nd To 5th Jan Balmullo School holiday 31st Family New Year Party Burnside Hall 8pm till late ~ 2011 ~ JANUARY 6th Back to school! 9th Church Service in Burnside Hall at 9.30am. All welcome 10th Community Council Meeting in School at 7.30pm. All welcome 10th Dementia Talk in Balmullo School at 7.30pm. 15th Cupar Farmers' Market from 9:00am to 1:00pm, in the Crossgate. 16th Church Service in Burnside Hall at 9.30am. All welcome 22nd Annual Burns Supper, 6pm for 6.30pm at Balmullo Inn 23rd

Church Service in Burnside Hall at 9.30am. All welcome FEBRUARY 10th Gardening Club Soft Fruit for small garden.


Church Service in Burnside Hall at 9.30am. All welcome 14th Community Council Meeting in School at 7.30pm. All welcome 20th Church Service in Burnside Hall at 9.30am. All welcome 27th Church Service in Burnside Hall at 9.30am. All welcome MARCH 10th Gardening Club Floral Art with Alyson Christie. 13th Church Service in Burnside Hall at 9.30am. All welcome 14th Community Council Meeting in School at 7.30pm. All welcome 20th Church Service in Burnside Hall at 9.30am. All welcome 27th Church Service in Burnside Hall at 9.30am. All welcome APRIL 10th Church Service in Burnside Hall at 9.30am. All welcome 11th Community Council Meeting in School at 7.30pm. All welcome 14th Gardening Club Village Blacksmith tales from David. 17th Church Service in Burnside Hall at 9.30am. All welcome 22nd Easter Friday 24th Easter Sunday Service Church Service in Burnside Hall at 9.30am. All welcome JUNE 11th Balmullo Gala Day.

Be a WINNER!!! With our 200 club. 200 CLUB DECEMBER WINNERS £50

Mrs Dall, Anderson Drive

£20 £20 £20 £20 £20

Mrs Land, Pitcairn Drive Mrs Jewitt, Inchlaw Mrs Parker, School Road Mrs Bell, Park View Mr Simpson, The Mount

£10 £10 £10 £10 £10

Mrs Mrs Mrs Mrs Mrs

Kirk, Lucklaw Road Rennie, Murray Row J Wilson, Smithy Road Carstorphine, Park View Allan, The Mount

How to Join? It's easy to join the 200 Club. Call or email Ina on 870253 or twaauldgoats@btinternet.com. It only costs £1 per entry per month, and you can enter as many times as you like. We are currently trying to raise money for various Balmullo community activities and projects.


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From the Community Council

Despite the cold and icy bits on the roads we were happy to see a dozen or more residents along to our December meeting. The main points of discussion were as follows. The snow and severe cold affecting all the village road was the main topic of the meeting. I was agreed that although some of the village still remained difficult to walk the Council had done a good job trying to keep the area gritted. A lot of the problems were caused by parked cars which meant the gritters could only tackle the middle part of the road. Where the residents had cleared the footpath in front of their house this had been a big help. The portacabin in the field is just waiting for weather to improve and the services to it will be dismantled and thus allow the building to be removed. Our young committee have put in a lot of hard work seeking a construction which will give them somewhere to gather and spend time with their friends. We will continue to progress this with help from Fife Council looking into helping with some funding etc. A request was made to Cllr Taylor to see if Fife Council could help with the gritting of the Burnside Hall car park to enable residents to more easily access the recycling bins. Mrs Taylor will look into this request. The request for lights at the pedestrian access to Burnside Hall is on going. We wish you all a Merry Christmas and a happy New Year.

Our next meeting is Monday 10th January. Please come and join us.


Ina Cameron

We have attempted to get this newsletter out early this month so that it arrives before Christmas, hope it works. We have also managed to afford to have the Christmas edition complete with some coloured pages. Hope you all like what we have done. I had been asked a few times if the walks still took place on Sundays and because I had not had any posters or communication about it I replied no. I regret this error as it appears that the walks are still arranged on the last Sunday of every month. They leave Burnside Hall at 1pm in the winter and 2pm in the summer. The editorial “staff” hope you have a jolly time over Christmas and New Year. Articles for the next newsletter to reach me by 10th January.

MRS UNA SMITH (AUNTIE UNA) There are not many people in our village who didn‟t know Una. Sadly this month, we have lost her. Before I came to the village Una was involved in all sorts of activities pertaining to village life. I came to know Una when she became Chairperson of the Senior Citizens. She put all her care and attention in to helping to keep the Committee focused. She was a very caring person and I am sure the village will be a poorer place without her. I would like to extend our sympathy on behalf of the Senior Citizens to Bob, Martin and the immediate family. Joan Auld for the B.S.C


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Mike Withers

Well done to the 41 households who signed up to the Balmullo broadband upgrade program last month. BALMULLO, FIFE - Percentage of votes = 6.92% 70 votes have been cast out of a total of 1,011 Obviously we still have a long way to go... It‟s in YOUR hands.


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Mary Smith

The St Andrew's Night Ceilidh was enjoyed by all. Johnnie Duncan played wonderful music which we danced and sang to. It was more like a big family party! Our next important date is Saturday 22nd January 2011 - Annual Burns Supper, 6pm for 6.30pm at Balmullo Inn. Members please contact their Committee for tickets before 15th January 2011. Look forward to seeing you then. Mary - 870328; Bob - 870799; Ann - 870496; Rita - 871400.

RECYCLING AT BURNSIDE HALL Especially during the festive period the recycling unit is well used in the village. The Hall Committee would request that if you are recycling, especially over the festive period, that if the bin you require to use if full, if you can please take your recycling back home and return to the recycling unit at a later date. Last year many people dumped their rubbish at the side of the bins and this caused unnecessary mess to the village. Also someone dumped a washing machine. This is not what the facility is there for. Please help keep the recycling facility in a tidy manner by taking additional rubbish away. We would rather it was well used and tidy rather than having to withdraw the service due to the area being left untidy. Many thanks and hope you all have a Very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year. From the Hall Committee

BALMULLO SMALL ADS How it works:- we have placed a sealed box at the Spar shop in Balmullo. All you have to do is write your ad, (include your name, address and contact number) pop it in an envelope along with a £1 coin, (per advert) and place it in the box. SIMPLES! You must live within the Balmullo and Lucklawhill areas.

Just a £1 per ad!

Zanussi slim line Dishwasher. £30 phone 871542

Just a £1 per ad!



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Gillian Keith

The only way to travel around Balmullo recently! I work at the RAF base and had to ski in last week to get there, it was harder work on the way home! The trails around Lucklaw Hill were fantastic for skiing.


Julie Carr

I would just like to thank all those who supported my Fundraiser Family Bingo and participated in the Guess the Bears Birthday in order for me to attend the Tenpin Bowling Triple Crown Tournament in London earlier this year, representing Scotland. I am pleased to let you know that I won a silver medal in the Mixed Doubles. Many thanks again to everyone who made this trip possible for me. Julie

THE HEAD GARDENER Well it is December, but I don‟t think there is much to do in the garden except moving the snow from the paths. Your Christmas bulbs should be in the heat now if you want them for Christmas. There are some nice pot plants in the shops, but when you buy them make sure they are not too dry. This is also a good time to look at the catalogues for next year. Hope you have a nice Christmas.


Mrs Johnston for once again allowing us to cut down one of her trees for Christmas Mr Donald for cutting it down! Mr & Mrs Stockton for the use of their garden and electricity to site it at.



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HOW THE LOCAL PAPERS REPORTED CHRISTMAS When do the shops and media start their wind up to Christmas? August perhaps! Certainly September. In 1870 there was no mention of the event in The Fife News until 24th December. The Fife News was a Fife-wide weekly paper giving a mixture of local, national and international news. It also featured short stories and poems. In that edition: D. Strachan, a baker of Bonnygate, Cupar, promised currant loaves and buns of first rate quality. Alex Cleghorn, a druggist in Cupar, offered Invisible ink for the new postcard. This ink turns a deep black on being heated. Many local shops were promoting tea, coffee, fruits, cheese, wines and spirits - everything necessary for the festive season. Fakes don‟t appear to be a modern thing either. “Caution was warned against fake „Singer‟ sewing machines.” In the 31st December edition there was a very brief item about Madras College saying that the pupils petitioned for two weeks holiday at Christmas. It says they got a few more days. There was no local report from Leuchars in this paper but the village report for Wemyss possibly reflected the whole area. It said: “the „daft days‟ already the dawn of the social season has appeared in this quarter and mirth and harmless daffin are freely indulged in. The chieftain of our holidays, Handsell Monday, is however looked forward to expectantly. Balls, banqueting &c are being arranged for against the happy occasion.” Handsell Monday was the first Monday of the New Year when employers gave their workers gifts and a holiday. It was certainly observed in Balmullo as noted in the School Log Book. By 1912 Christmas was becoming more commercial. In The Fife News and Coast Chronicle the first advert appears on 16th November. It was for Christmas cards for friends abroad put in by J & G Innes, Cupar. One suggested verse was: Frae the Homeland Here‟s a card frae bonny Scotland To ane aye dear to me, Ye ken my heart gangs wi‟ it, Across the great wide sea. To wish ye every gladness And Happy Christmas cheer Peace, comfort and prosperity In a‟ the coming year. J. R. Russell Many shops offered a range of gifts such as handkerchiefs and mufflers and would send you a Christmas booklet or as one firm put it a “suggestive list”, post free. Auchtermuchty photographer F. Findlay, says of himself: “You can not get better work anywhere, no matter what you pay. I have hundreds of testimonials from very important people to prove it.” Both the „Theatre Royal‟ and the „Royal Lyceum Theatre‟ Edinburgh advertised their Christmas pantomimes. Christmas 1912 saw new technology coming to Cupar: “Opening shortly Union Street Hall Cupar as Cupar‟s own PICTURE PALACE. Electric light, electric pictures Everything new and up to date” They offered a change of programme twice weekly. From the report for Leuchars Parish for 28th December we can see that Winter Fuel Allowance is nothing new. “Christmas Day – At midday a service was held in the Parish Church which was prettily decorated. The usual Christmas treats to juveniles were given during the week. At Balmullo this took the form of a soiree and magic lantern display. Seventy-five poor people each received 15cwt of coal from the Kirk Session. The traffic at the post office was much in excess of former years.” These newspapers are available on microfilm in Cupar Library.




Mike Withers Even though the snow has been thick and crisp and even, John our local postman, has battled through to bring us our daily mail.

John joined Royal Mail as a fresh faced lad straight from Madras School. “I was looking for temporary work and I quite fancied the idea of being a Postman. Although I hadn‟t originally planned on being in the job seventeen years later!” he remarked”. I started off making deliveries around the streets of St. Andrews, and after ten years I luckily made the move to Balmullo.” “The best thing about being a postman is meeting people. It‟s great to be able to stop and have a chat whenever I can.” Fife‟s changeable weather doesn't stop him either. “I was proud to be the first rural Postman from St. Andrews to complete his round, whilst the snow was at it‟s worst, I just got into the „zone‟ and keep on ploughing through.” The snow and ice has been a double whammy for John, as it slowed his deliveries when it is his busiest period John‟s workday starts at 6.15am. At the St. Andrews sorting office. He hand sorts all of his overnight mail, which can be over two and a half thousand items! He then bundles it by street, loads his van and drives over to Balmullo. “I usually arrive by 9.30am and then it takes upwards of six hours to complete the round.” With John living in Balmullo, he is able to provide an extra service to his fellow residents “I do try to help people out by popping back in the early evenings to redeliver signed-for items if I had missed them earlier on in the day.” Outside of his job he loves spending time with his wife Joyce, and their kids. “I also love football and I am passionate about Arsenal FC. I never miss a game on TV and try to go and see them when I can.” As a youngster John used to be very active. He swam for Step Rock Swimming Club and played a lot of football. He even played Junior Football for St. Andrews United. These days John is a dedicated armchair sports fan and also a hardened computer gamer! John also wanted to take the time to say; “I would like to thank all my customers for their kind wishes and gifts throughout the years. Its great to be appreciated! I also want to wish all of you a very merry Christmas and have a happy New Year.”


BALMULLO PRIMARY SCHOOL NEWS After an unexpected week of snow, during which the school had to close to ensure the safety of both pupils and staff, we had to redouble our efforts to ensure that the host of events planned for Christmas went ahead. This is always a very busy term for pupils and staff and at some point over the school closure week a little panic did set in regarding the multitude of events that were planned, however, the only thing to do was to do our best and once again our pupils and staff rose to the occasion to make sure that all was not lost. It is at this time of year that the tasks that we have to do often overtake the real meaning of Christmas. In school, parties, assemblies and pantos take over while the stresses of shopping, cooking and family add to the pressures at home. We try to remain true to what Christmas is about through our school Nativity and in the on-going work that we do with pupils regarding helping others and looking out for those less fortunate than ourselves, not always an easy task but being within the village of Balmullo makes this a little easier Balmullo has a fantastic community and I am pleased to see that, as a school, we are developing better links with other groups and individuals in the village and look forward to this continuing in the new year. As part of this I would like t extend an invitation to the community to attend our Christmas Nativity on Monday 20th December. As thoughts now turn to Christmas day I thought that perhaps we could all write slightly different letters to Santa and will share one with you. Dear Santa, please don‟t come this year. You always bring us fine presents. Thank you, but we have almost everything we want. Lots of children don‟t get presents. Some don‟t have enough to eat or anywhere to live. Some don‟t have anyone to look after them, even when they are sick… So, we don‟t want presents for ourselves this year. At least, nothing much. We want to help others instead. We want to think how we can give the gift of food and health. Why should babies die? Why should mothers weep? Why should some have plenty and others not enough to eat? We want to give the gift of sight and help others see the wonderful beauty of nature. Help us to give the gift of water. In Africa there will be no harvest if they don‟t have water. Give them also the gift of technology to help provide wells so that water is plentiful for those who need it. Let us think how we can give the gift of peace in countries that are suffering from war and violence between men for without peace people won‟t be able to grow enough food or dig enough wells. Give us and others this year the gift of learning to help us understand others and the world in which we live. Dear Santa, at this time of year let us remember the first Christmas gift of Jesus, an innocent baby born in a stable, a gift for all mankind. Take time to think about those less fortunate than ourselves and how we can help. After all, the greatest gift you can give is yourself. Just a thought…….. Sarah Else Headteacher


Monday 20th December 1.30pm Our nativity will be held in the school hall at 2pm on Monday 2oth December. We would be delighted if members of the community came along to celebrate this with us.

Mince pies provided!

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TAYPORT FOOTBALL CLUB YOUR LOCAL SUPER LEAGUE FOOTBALL CLUB Details of forthcoming matches can be found in The Courier, The Evening Telegraph & The Fife Herald as well as on the Club’s Website – www.tayportfc.org and the Club’s Newsline – 01382 552755

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IDEAS! IDEAS! IDEAS! news@balmullo.net

WANT TO WIN? £50 £20 £10 For just £1 per month any of these prizes could be yours. Join the 200 club today!

For info call 870253


3 Tarvit Court Cupar Fife Phone 01334 653922 Your Balmullo Your Newsletter


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May God go with you



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Andrew Falconer

My article in the last issue included the promise of a “Waxwing Winter”. Balmullo has been lucky enough to have regular visits from flocks of up to 50 Waxwings since early November. They‟ve been seen all round the village e.g. School Road, Smithy Road, Pitcairn Drive, Hayston Park, Clay Road, The Mount and Whinny Brae. The left photograph was taken in Burnside and shows a typical view of a Waxwing with its favourite food of juicy berries.

Latin name - Bombycilla garrulus Family - Waxwings (Bombycillidae) Overview - The waxwing is a plump bird, which is slightly smaller than a starling. It has a prominent crest. It is reddishbrown with a black throat, a small black mask round its eye, yellow and white in the wings and a yellow-tipped tail. It does not breed in the UK, but is a winter visitor, in some years in larger numbers, called irruptions, when the population on its breeding grounds gets too big for the food available. Where to see them - The first British arrivals each winter are usually seen on the east coast from Scotland to East Anglia, but birds move inland in search of food, increasing the chances of seeing one inland. When to see them - October to March. What they eat - Berries, rowan and hawthorn, cotoneaster and rose.

particularly but also

Balmullo this month! - All photos courtesy of Norrie Adamson

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