Balmullo Newsletter
In this issue Council Contacts
What’s On?
200 Club
Head Gardener
Winter Birds
Dr. Salamonski
Balmullo’s Past
Health Matters
Balmullo School
YPR Group
Sarah Else
Small Ads
Monthly Recipe
School Road, Balmullo - Photo Courtesy of Norrie Adamson
Chairman: Zoë Sanders Vice-Chairman: John Docherty 871497
Peter Lomas
Alison Jeffrey
Irene McNair
Fife Councillors
Treasurer: Andrew Falconer
Secretary: Raymond Crush
Minute-Secretary: Isobel Eccleston
Newsletter: Ina Cameron 870253
Maggie Taylor 01382 552718 Tim Brett 01382 330629 Ron Caird
01382 542414
Let us know your views Email us
Useful Contacts Burnside Hall Keeper
Lynn Murphy
The Minister
Rev. Caroline Taylor
Dog Warden Community Police
0845 155 0022 P.C. Gavin Rae
RAF Aircraft Noise
0845 600 5702 839471
Statements made or opinions expressed in this Newsletter do not necessarily reflect the views of the Balmullo Community Council or any of its officers. Cost to Advertise: Business Card Quarter page advert Half page advert Full page advert
£3 £5 £9 £18
You can rent advertising space on a month by month basis or on a longer term basis. The Balmullo Newsletter has a circulation of 680 and is hand delivered FREE of charge.
TO ALL ADVERTISERS – Please check your advert. If you would like to remove it or change it in any way, please let me know. Either by phone or email. My details are on page 2 of this newsletter - Ina Cameron.
WHAT’S ON? NOVEMBER 18th & 19th Balmullo School In-Service Day. 19th Prize Bingo at Bowling Club, eyes down 7.30pm. All welcome. 20th Cupar Farmers' Market from 9:00am to 1:00pm, in the CROSSGATE. 21st Church Service in Burnside Hall at 9.30am. All welcome. 24th Girly Things for Breast Cancer in Balmullo Hall at 8pm. 25th Gardening & Crafts Club AGM 7pm in Burnside Hall. 26th Burns Club St Andrew‟s Night 7.30pm in Balmullo Inn. 28th Church Service in Burnside Hall at 9.30am. All welcome. DECEMBER 2nd S.W.R.I. Christmas Party. 4th Senior Citizens‟ Christmas Party. 4th St. Andrews Farmers' Market from 9:00am to 1:00pm, in the Argyle St Car Park. 4th St Athernase Christmas buffet dance Burnside Hall at 7pm. 13th Community Council Meeting in the School at 7.30pm. All welcome.
9th Gardening Club Let’s Cook Festive Flavour. 10th Special Christmas Prize Bingo at the Bowling Club. 12th Church Service in Burnside Hall at 9.30am. All welcome. 13th Community Council meeting in the School at 7.30pm. All welcome. 17th Bowling Club Dance 8pm to late Christmas Dance - Music by John Duncan Tickets £7. 18th Cupar Farmers' Market from 9:00am to 1:00pm, in the Crossgate. 19th Church Service in Burnside Hall at 9.30am. All welcome. 26th Church Service in Burnside Hall at 9.30am. All welcome. 22nd To 5th Jan Balmullo School holiday ~ 2011 ~ January 6th Back to school! January 10th Dementia Talk in Balmullo School at 7.30pm. February 10th Gardening Club Soft Fruit for small garden. March 10th Gardening Club Floral Art with Alyson Christie. April 14th Gardening Club Village Blacksmith tales from David.
ST ATHERNASE CHRISTMAS BUFFET DANCE To be held on Saturday 4th December in the Burnside Hall. Tickets £18. Start 7 for 7.30pm with The Gary Sutherland Band. Contact Mary Smith (838934) to book tickets.
Be a WINNER! With the 200 club. 200 CLUB NOVEMBER WINNERS £50
Miss Dingwall, Park View
£20 £20 £20 £20 £20
Mr Robertson, Park View Mr Simpson, The Mount Mrs Finnie, Park View Mr Duncan, The Mount Mr Rodger, Mansfield Road
£10 £10 £10 £10 £10
Mrs Niwa, Lucklaw Road Mr Monteath, School Road Mrs Watson, Park View Mrs Paton, Lucklawhill Mr Haslett, Park View
How to Join? It's easy to join the 200 Club. Call or email Ina on 870253 or It only costs £1 per entry per month, and you can enter as many times as you like. We are currently trying to raise money for various Balmullo community activities and projects.
We produce the ultimate in traditional farm fresh turkeys… the KellyBronze. It is free ranged and reared on a diet of 70% cereals with no animal protein no growth promoters and no additives. With 'good old-fashioned' flavour and texture, the KellyBronze is bred to provide the ultimate experience in Christmas dining. Turkeys reared at Hayston Farm in Balmullo.
Order for Christmas 2010 before it is too late…
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From the Community Council
Even with the severe weather we had on Monday night, 16 members of the public braved the elements to attend our meeting for which we thank them very much. The points discussed were as follows: Christmas Carol singing has definitely been arranged for Sunday 19th December in Burnside Hall. The Hall will be open at 6pm ready to start at 6.30pm. Please come along and join in some or all of the singing. We will hopefully be able to award you with tea, coffee and mince pies. Children are welcome. It is hoped that all grit bins requested have been put in place if not speak to Cllr. Taylor. The Sunday route for the bin lorries to empty the recycling bins at Burnside Hall has been changed from 7.30am to a later time in the day. We are delighted to include our first article from the Young People‟s group. They have their thoughts for a project to obtain support for a “shelter” for the young people to have a dry place to meet and chat outside. The group is at present made up of Cameron Campbell, Danielle Carr and Lewis Fordyce and they will keep you informed through their monthly article. Trying to get the portacabin removed from the village park is proving more difficult than at first thought. The Park Trustees have received a quote of £887.57 plus vat to close off the electricity supply to make the building safe. Because it is no longer a secure structure it is advisable to warn all children of the dangers of entering the property at present. Mr Withers asked if it might be feasible to set up a team of volunteers to provide support to anyone who needed assistance in the event of severe weather like last winter. If you feel you could help out when necessary please give your name to any of the Community Council members. Due to privacy issues we cannot keep a list of those who might need help but we can suggest that if anyone needs help themselves or knows of someone who cannot get help locally they should contact one of us. Our next meeting is Monday 13th December. Please come and join us.
Ina Cameron
Thank you to all who phoned me to offer help delivering the newsletter in the areas where our original helpers could not continue. I will be in touch when the November issue is ready. I must also apologise for the lateness of the October issue. This was due to some unforeseen problems we had collecting all the contents. FROM NOW ON CAN WE PLEASE ASK IF YOU HAVE SOMETHING FOR INCLUSION IN THE NEWSLETTER THAT IT ARRIVES WITH ME BY THE SECOND MONDAY OF EACH MONTH. This way we hope to get it to the printer earlier. Articles for the next newsletter to reach me by 13th December.
Mike Withers
If you want to get REALLY MEGA FAST broadband in Balmullo then it is up to you. It doesn't matter which ISP you are with, as BT runs our Balmullo exchange. BALMULLO, FIFE Percentage of votes = 2.87% 29 votes have been cast out of a total of 1,011 'VOTE NOW' and your area could be next to enjoy superfast broadband Prepare to have your life transformed with superfast speeds. Need I say more? and VOTE NOW!
RECENT BROADBAND ISSUES I thought that you might be interested in finding out what happened to our broadband service over the last couple of weeks. So here is a B.T. transcript of what happened:“BT has been struck by yet another major broadband outage on its UK network, which is affecting areas in the North of England, Scotland and Northern Ireland. The unspecified fault began at around 9pm last night and continues to be an issue for some people this morning. The outage, which comes less than two days after a similar disruption affected Birmingham and the surrounding UK Midlands area (here), is said to only be affecting older 20CN BT lines (8Mbps services). However we know people on 21CN connections that have also experienced a loss of service, which may or may not be related. BT Update 3am (30th October 2010) We are aware of a temporary problem in the [Edinburgh], Fair Isles, Northern Highlands and Islands area that may be causing some users difficulties accessing the Internet. Our engineers are working to resolve this problem and we apologise for any inconvenience this may cause. Our sincere apologies to everyone affected in the UK. Engineers will continue to work on this until it's resolved. Thanks for your patience. Much like Thursday's fault, most of the problems are occurring on lines going through Edinburgh's Broadband Remote Access Servers (BRAS). Some ISPs are reporting that their lines are back to normal, although most others are not. The issues in the Fair isles, Northern Highlands and Islands area were resolved at around 8am this morning, although problems continue to be affecting lines both in and around Edinburgh. UPDATE 4:56pm The problems continue to affect customers in the North of England, Scotland and Northern Ireland. This is despite a brief period earlier today where BT claimed to have resolved the situation on its 20CN broadband network. Currently BT cannot provide us with an estimated time for the repairs to be completed. Some ISPs are reporting that the problem has been resolved, although this is not true of all connections. UPDATE 31st October 2010 All ISPs are now reporting that BT's 20CN based broadband services have been fully restored to normal. Some 20,000 people were affected by the situation, although the real-world figure (where connections are often shared) is probably significantly higher. The situation appears to have been completely fixed late last night and anybody still having problems should power your broadband equipment off for 10 minutes before trying to reconnect. If that fails then contact your ISP to report a fault. UPDATE 3rd November 2010 Here we go again..�
GEORGE DUTHIE Feral Pigeons, Wood Pigeons, Rabbits, Rats & Crows Preserve your crops, lawns, & garden produce
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Independent estate agent Property letting and management If you are thinking of selling ~ letting ~ buying ~ renting Then contact Ian Goddard on 01382 540451 Email: Website:
Jeremy Greenwood
Someone once worked out that a Coal Tit needs to find an insect every twenty seconds during a mid-winter day if it is to survive and other small birds are much the same. Just keeping warm demands a lot of energy in cold weather and there is not much time to gather it during the short days. No wonder that birds flock to gardens in which extra food is supplied for them! Bread will do well enough but pinhead oatmeal or uncooked porridge oats are probably nutritionally superior. Oil-rich foods such as sun-flower seeds and pea-nuts are especially good, as are suet and other hard fats; grated cheese is very acceptable to many species. Friends who used the blender to mix suet into rolled oats used to get a frenzy of birds when they put it out. Niger (often spelled nyjer or even nyjah by the PC brigade) is a tiny seed that will bring in the goldfinches. Windfall apples are welcomed by blackbirds and thrushes, especially if chopped into chunks; so is dried fruit that has been soaked first. (Beware: the latter may make your dog ill). Mealworms (live or dead) will make you a robin's friend for life. Avoid soft fats and oils, which may soil the birds' plumage: the remnants of last night's fish-and-chips are probably not a good idea. Cooked porridge and pasta may also stick to feathers and beaks. Foods that may swell in the birds' stomachs, such as uncooked rice or desiccated coconut are bad. So are salted nuts. Don't forget hygiene: wash out feeders regularly and shift the feeding sites around the garden, to avoid any build-up of faeces in the soil. Feeding garden birds is big business nowadays but, of course, the quality of what is for sale varies. Some "mixed seed", for example, is made up of carefullyselected seeds chosen to give a good nutritional balance; but some is bulked up with wheat and other coarse grains that are too big for most garden birds. And one sees shrivelled and mouldy peanuts for sale far too often. The best guidance is to buy products bearing the logo of the British Trust for Ornithology (BTO), the RSPB or the Bird Food Standards Association. Having done that, try out various products to see which work best in your garden. Do not forget that birds also need water, not just to drink but also to bathe. If you don't have a pond, or when the pond freezes over, provide a shallow container of water for your guests. I use an old rubber dustbin-lid, from which it is easy to knock out the ice every day before refilling it.
THE HEAD GARDENER November is here again but it has not been very good weather to garden in. This is a good time to plant base rooted plants, roses, fruit trees also raspberries and strawberries. This is also time to lift the chrysanthemums and put in boxes to be put in the greenhouse. Also lift the dahlias, clean all the soil off the roots and place in the boxes to store in a frost free place. Another job is to trim the roses to about a third to avoid windrock. If it is a good day you can clean up the strawberry bed and give it a light feed and fork over. The winter onions have all started to grow and I have given them all a light dress of Growmore to take them over the winter. I hope to get some manure to spread on the garden in the next few weeks. I hope you get all your jobs done.
Cynicus Picture Framing ‘
Quality Framing with a Personal Service’ Artwork, needlework, photographs, prints… you name it, we’ll frame it. Henry Brooks 13 Craig Road, Tayport Tel: 01382 552383 e-mail:
Andrew Falconer
As winter approaches, we start to see different species of birds around the village, now that the swallows, house martins and warblers have left for warmer climes. Our most common local winter visitors are the Redwing and Fieldfare, members of the thrush family. These are usually seen in flocks feeding in fields, commonly between Balmullo and Lucklawhill in the fields off School Road. The severe weather of last winter saw many of these looking for food in our gardens. This already promises to be a Waxwing winter. Thousands of these strikingly different birds have arrived in Scotland since the middle of October. About the same size as Starlings, they have pinkish-buff plumage, black eye-patches and a prominent crest, together with “sealing-wax red” wingtips. They‟re commonly found in small flocks feeding on rowan or similar berries. On 4th November, I watched about 20 flying around Burnside Estate before heading off towards Cupar. We often see Carrion Crows, Rooks or Jackdaws around the village or at the Quarry. Ravens, largest member of the crow family and much more common in the Highlands, can sometimes be seen above Lucklaw Hill. They are all black, as big as Buzzards, with a distinctive diamond-shaped tail and a very deep croak. I saw 2 mobbing a Buzzard on 7th October, from Quarry Road. If you‟re looking for a Christmas gift for a keen birdwatcher, consider a bird feeder specially made for very fine, black Niger seed to attract beautiful Goldfinches. I recently installed one in my back garden, and after a few days waiting, the first Goldfinch appeared. They are now daily visitors with up to 10 at a time. Finally, remember to keep your eyes open when out and about. On 5 November I was delighted to find 3 Snow Buntings foraging on the beach at the end of West Sands, St. Andrews.
DR. JOHN SALAMONSKI Thank you all very much for your extreme kindness and generosity. This was unexpected and welcome. I shall use the money to complete my sea fishing kit so it will go to a good cause! I appreciate the time and effort you have put in to arrange the collection and extend my thanks to all who have contributed so selflessly. It has been a privilege and pleasure to have been your doctor, you have all been so friendly that it has made it all much easier for me. My speech had to be cut very short – I was becoming too emotional! I will miss you all. Kind regards John Salamonski
FROM A CHILDS POINT OF VIEW Bob took his 4 year old son, Josh, out to McDonald's for dinner one evening. As they were eating hamburgers, Josh asked "Daddy, what are these little things on the hamburger buns?" He responded that they were tiny seeds and they were OK to eat. His son was quiet for a couple of minutes and obviously in deep thought. Finally, Josh looked up and said, "Dad, if we go home and plant these seeds in our garden, we will have enough hamburgers to last forever."
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CHARACTERS FROM BALMULLO’S PAST These stories were all told in Balmullo Senior Citizens booklet; „Old Balmullo,1982,‟ edited by Betty Roger, whose widower Craig lives in Mansfield Road. Betty spoke to a lot of older folk in the village in 1982 and wrote down their memories. „Ba‟bee Louie‟ was a well known figure in the village. She lived in Stable Row (now Grant‟s Cottages). Her wide range of ba‟bee sweets were a great favourite with the children. She had only one eye, and this gave her rather a severe look. She loved the children and would slip them extra sweets. Her homemade cakes and scones were served with either tea or ginger ale. „Beenie Mitchell‟ lived in Stable Row, too. How Beenie loved a good gossip. Whenever she heard a juicy piece of news, she would hurry off, remarking, “Goadalmichty me, a maun tell ma auld mither that.” In Murray Row lived „Auld Annie‟. Her cottage is now demolished. She lived near Jock Taylor, who was the village pig killer. One night Jock „slung‟ a pig and went away and left it. When he came back a piece of pork was missing. Auld Annie was so poor that suspicion fell on her. The police questioned Annie, but could find nothing. Later, the smell of pork frying came from Annie‟s and the police were called again but still found nothing. It turned out that Annie had the piece of pork tied under her skirt. David Foggie was an artist and he lived where „Woodlands‟ is now. When he lived there it was nicknamed „Glower ower‟ because people, wanting to watch him paint, would climb the hill behind his house and stare into his studio. Where Balmullo Inn is, Mr and Mrs Jimmy Gray had a shop. Jimmy was known as „genial Jimmy‟. As well as groceries being sold, it was a post office, and also sold teas and wines. At one time it was also a tailor‟s shop. Mr and Mrs Gray delivered groceries to Guardbridge by horse and cart. Mr Gray died in 1938 and the shop was empty for nine months. It was then taken over by Mrs Moncur in 1939. Mrs Moncur was there for 40 years. The licence the shop held for sale of alcohol permitted alcohol to be drunk outside the shop only. When Mrs Moncur retired, it is believed that the licence she held was the last of its type in Fife, if not in Scotland. Because drink could only be consumed outside, many an impromptu dance was held in the road. It was a grand sight to see. There were quite a few fine fiddlers in the village. More recently, a resident from 1975 recalls that Mrs Moncur would not sell more than two cans of beer per customer, and that it could be difficult for visitors to buy a newspaper as few spare copies were stocked. George Motion had a joiner‟s shop where the Highlite Tone is now. It was said, „Be it a cricket bat, cradle or cart, each was a piece of art.‟ Around 1911 a blacksmith employed at the Smithy, called Will Shepherd, used to be given bed and board, plus £12 for 6 months wages. When Will left Balmullo he went to America and shod horses for Tom Mix, who was a cowboy film star from 1909 – 1935. If you have any stories of old Balmullo do let me know. (Sue Smith, 870221)
HEALTH MATTERS ~ DEMENTIA Dementia is a syndrome (a group of related symptoms) that is associated with an on-going decline of the brain and its abilities. These include: memory
thinking language understanding
judgement People with dementia may also become apathetic, have problems controlling their emotions or behaving appropriately in social situations. Aspects of their personality may change or they may see or hear things that other people do not, or have false beliefs. Most cases of dementia are caused by damage to the structure of the brain. People with dementia usually need help from friends or relatives, including help in making decisions. How common is dementia? Dementia is a common condition. In England alone, there are currently 570,000 people living with dementia. That number is expected to double over the next 30 years. Usually dementia occurs in people who are 65 or over. The older you get, the more likely you are to develop it. Dementia is slightly more common in women than in men Types of dementia Listed below are the different types of dementia: Alzheimer's disease, where small clumps of protein, known as plaques, begin to develop around brain cells. This disrupts the normal workings of the brain. Vascular dementia, where problems with blood circulation result in parts of the brain not receiving enough blood and oxygen. Dementia with Lewy bodies, where abnormal structures, known as Lewy bodies, develop inside the brain. Frontotemporal dementia, where the frontal and temporal lobes (two parts of the brain) begin to shrink. Unlike other types of dementia, frontotemporal dementia usually develops in people who are under 65. It is much rarer than other types of dementia. Outlook There is no cure for dementia and symptoms will get worse over time. However, there are a number of effective treatments that can help people to cope better with their symptoms and improve their quality of life. Want to know more? Alzheimer‟s Society: documentID=106
The Dementia Centre:
DEMENTIA TALK A short talk on the above will be given by Ann Little, the North East Fife Dementia Advisor, at the Balmullo Community Council Meeting on 10th January 2011 at 7.30pm in the School. All are welcome.
BALMULLO PRIMARY SCHOOL NEWS This term is one of the busiest within the school calendar – nativity rehearsals, parties, panto, parent evenings – the list goes on. It is a time when working together is of the greatest importance and the support from parents and other community members is invaluable. Children will be involved in whole school events, trips and extra curricular activities that will allow them to make use of a huge range of their skills and talents as well as the continued daily curricular requests placed upon them by teachers. As a school we attend the Fife Scottish Country dance festival, this gives our pupils a chance to learn traditional dances that are still a huge part of our Scottish culture.
We are still looking for a member of the wider community to work with us to help us to become a Rights Respecting School. “Rights Respecting School” sits perfectly within the new curriculum. Teachers, children and parents have reported that participation has resulted in:
Improved pupil self-esteem
Pupils‟ enhanced moral development
Improved behaviour and relationships ( reductions in bullying, exclusions and improved attendance)
More positive attitudes towards diversity in society and the reduction of prejudice
Pupils‟ development as global citizens
Overall school improvement (including learning environment and academic standards)
If you are, or know anyone who might be, interested in being part of this then please contact me at the school. Further detail as to what a “Rights Respecting School” is, can be found at Once again we look forward to working in partnership with our community to ensure the best, all round education for our young people. Sarah Else Head Teacher
Monday 20th December 1.30pm Our nativity will be held in the school hall at 2pm on Monday 2oth December. We would be delighted if members of the community came along to celebrate this with us.
Mince pies provided!
Ann Falconer
President Mrs. Mary Campbell welcomed members to our annual business meeting on Thursday 4th November. Members of Cults SWRI attended to supervise the election of our new committee. Mrs Mary Campbell continues as President. Other committee members elected were Mrs Ann Falconer, Mrs Grace Steven, Mrs Rita Crush, Mrs Doreen Hopkins, Mrs Betty Gough, Mrs Wilma Mackie, Mrs Mary Reilly and Mrs Jacqueline Stockton. The Red Cross also came along with Christmas gifts and cards, giving members the opportunity to purchase items and support the charity. The meeting concluded with the prize-giving ceremony for the year. Overall winner was Mrs Ann Falconer with runner-up Mrs Jacqueline Stockton. Balmullo SWRI has been very successful in recent competitions, winning the Crawford Cup at the recent Cupar Inter-Institute Group meeting and the Aitken Medal at the Leuchars & District Gardening Club Autumn Show. The annual Christmas party will be held on Thursday 2nd December, where a wide variety of festive dishes will be provided by the members. We look forward to seeing as many members as possible for this special night. New members are always welcome.
Balmullo YPR Group WE NEED YOUR HELP! What are YPRs?
Who are my YPRs? What are the current plans? How can I support you? What if I would like something other than a shelter?
YPR’s are Young Peoples Representatives. Our job is to act as a link between you, the younger residents of the village, and the Balmullo Community Council, with the hope of making your ideas a reality. Cameron Campbell Danielle Carr Lewis Fordyce We have submitted an idea to have a shelter built in the village. This would be somewhere to hang-out with your friends while being protected from the wind & rain. At the moment, we are looking for backing to show that you are happy with this idea. If you are, you can either email us or join us on Facebook. Details are below. Again, contact us by email or via the Facebook page. At our next meeting in January we will then put forward your alternative ideas.
Contact Us: Email: Facebook: Search for Balmullo YPR Group
Did you know? A hardboiled egg will spin, an uncooked egg will not.
Mike Withers
This month I thought it would be interesting to hear from our Head Teacher at Balmullo Primary School. “Becoming the Head at Balmullo made me realise how much I needed to learn.” Sarah Else comments on taking over the reigns at our primary school. She joined Balmullo in the winter of 2007 in the role of Head Teacher. This is her first headship. Her initial impressions of the school were how incredibly high the standards were, and also how different she would be from the previous head, Mary Petrie. She soon appreciated that the outgoing head would be a very tough act to follow. “It has taken time to learn about my staff and focus on their needs, to be able to give them the right support, thus enabling them to be able to deliver the “Curriculum For Excellence” effectively. Also I have actively sought parents trust and support. It is on-going process but as time moves on I feel that we are moving in the right direction.” Upon being asked why Sarah became a teacher, she replied “I want to make a difference and that I need to be challenged by my job.” After leaving school, becoming a teacher was not an obvious career path. “During and after my degree in Business Management I worked at Safeway, rising from the shop floor to eventually becoming a Store Manager. “I was responsible for the integration of Safeway systems and staff into the new owners (Presto) stores back in the late eighties and early nineties.” Sarah loved this job and it took her to stores in Newcastle, Dundee and St. Andrews. Once the takeover had been achieved and she had managed stores, she felt that the challenge was over and decided to leave Safeway. He next stop was to become a student again and go back to University. Once there, she decided to become a teacher. Her family tried to dissuade her from moving into education. Sarah has two aunts, one uncle, five cousins AND her mum that are all teachers, so there must have been some inevitability of Sarah becoming one! Once qualified, she worked as a supply teacher in schools all over Fife, including Hill of Beath, Kirkcaldy, and East Wemyss. Eventually she settled at Cairnyhill, just outside Dunfermline. Back to the present, and Sarah is looking forward to greater parental participation. “It is essential that parents are involved in their child's education and that their skills are utilised in supporting the school and its wider community.” Sarah really wants to make the school the hub of our community and intends to start to look at running further educational courses for adults during the day and evening, thus bringing the focus on lifelong learning. “Please feel free to let me know what type of courses that you would like to be run.” Out of school, Sarah is a real action girl, she loves to walk the Sidlaw hills with her dog, Bauer and prays for snow at Glenshee so she can go skiing. She enjoys abseiling too, although her husband isn't too keen on this one! To relax, a good book is always to be found at her side. The cinema is a big passion too, Sarah calls it “me time” and feels that it allows a total escape from pressures of everyday life. TV plays a small, but regular part in her “me time” too. Strictly, X-Factor and her favourite programme, Merlin are all weekend staples. Sarah is looking forward to working in partnership with pupils, teachers, families and the wider community of Balmullo for the years to come.
TAYPORT FOOTBALL CLUB YOUR LOCAL SUPER LEAGUE FOOTBALL CLUB Details of forthcoming matches can be found in The Courier, The Evening Telegraph & The Fife Herald as well as on the Club’s Website – and the Club’s Newsline – 01382 552755
Interested in Sponsorship or Advertising? Contact Commercial Manager John Drysdale on 07962 023683 or at
SEASON TICKETS Mid season tickets now available
Adults - £30 Under 16/Over 65 - £12 Contact Abby on 01382 552644 or at
Every Sunday Evening in the Bell Rock Tavern
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DazLyn Motorshine Mobile Valeting We come to you whether it’s the Home Workplace or even the Golf Course, All water and electrics are on board our vehicle.
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Gift Vouchers Available Tel Daz on 07733 116631 Find us on FACEBOOK and
BALMULLO SMALL ADS How it works:- we have placed a sealed box at the Spar shop in Balmullo. All you have to do is write your ad, (include your name, address and contact number) pop it in an envelope along with a £1 coin, (per advert) and place it in the box. SIMPLES! You must live within the Balmullo and Lucklawhill areas.
Jaybe single folding guest bed. Never been used. £100 ono - phone 870670
Lec Fridge, £40 ono Phone 07711 545927
Lec Fridge Freezer, £50 ono Phone 07711 545927
Beko Freezer, 3 drawer and Ice tray, £50 ono Phone 07711 545927
Just a £1 an ad!
Frigidaire Freezer, 2 drawer & open shelf, £40 ono Phone 07711 545927
MONTHLY RECIPE LEEK & HAM FLAN - Zoe Sanders Ingredients
leeks very gently, stirring occasionally, until tender but not brown.
Shortcrust pastry for 7" flan tin. 2 Medium leeks thinly sliced
Add ham.
2oz/50g butter
Roll out pastry and line 7in/18cm flan dish.
3oz/75g ham coarsely chopped 3oz/75g sliced
2 eggs
thinly Put the leek and ham mixture in the pastry case and cover with the cheese.
1/4 pt/150ml milk or single cream pinch of cayenne pepper salt and black pepper Method
Whisk the eggs lightly and beat in the milk or cream. Season with cayenne pepper, salt and black pepper and strain the mixture into the flan.
Cook for 10 minutes, then reduce the Pre-heat the oven to Gas Mark7, temperature to Gas Mark 4, 180C for 220C a further 25-30 minutes or until set Melt the butter in a pan and cook the and golden brown.
Lucklaw Free Range. Your perfect Christmas begins with us. After a successful 2009 season we are pleased to offer you our free range geese and turkeys oven ready for Christmas. All our Turkeys and Geese will be packaged neatly in carry home boxes with a recipe leaflet and cooking instructions. We can offer you range of pork trimmings as well as our usual selection of pork products from our own herd of free range rare breed pigs. Christmas hams, pigs in blankets, chipolatas, sage and onion, pork and apricot, pork and chestnut and orange and cranberry stuffing's are all available to order online. Order the very best in Festive Fayre online at Or telephone any orders to 01334 870475 or Steven on 07739 550746 All orders will be available for collection at Loanfoot Farm Balmullo on the 22nd, 23rd and 24th of December. Enjoy warm Christmas mince pies and mulled wine when you collect your order. Earlier collection and delivery of your order by arrangement.
Simply Beautiful Health & Beauty Therapy NEW BEAUTY ROOM OPEN IN BALMULLO 15% off with this advert For all your Beauty needs in a relaxed friendly atmosphere Waxing (incl. Brazilian & Hollywood), Reiki (using Crystals), Aromatherapy, Facials (including Collagen and Algae), Manicures, Gel Nails, Pedicures, Eye Tinting and Perming, Hopi Ear Candles, Massage, Stone Therapy, Electrolysis, Thai Foot Massage, Slim Gel Wrap, Fake Tan, Makeup, Indian Head Massage, Threading, Gel Colour Polish,
Eyelash Extensions
GIFT VOUCHERS MAKE AN IDEAL PRESENT FOR THAT SPECIAL PERSON. We also do treatments for young girls (birthday parties) & for the ladies we do parties for all occasions. Enjoy being pampered in your own home or our Salons, (far more relaxing than an Ann Summers party!). Please phone us for further information.
136 South Street, St. Andrews Fife KY16 9EQ
38 Park View, Balmullo, Fife KY16 0DN Ground Floor Level
Phone: 01334 479060 Mobile: 07828394716 (Balmullo) E-mail:
Mobile Library Every 2nd Monday Lucklaw Road (2.20pm) & Hayston Park (2.50pm)
Please use the Van as often as possible.
Mark Atkinson Plastering/Brickwork/Paths/Steps/Slab Laying Garden / Building Maintenance 136 South Street, St. Andrews Fife Phone: 01334 870981 Mobile: 07796833314
Balmullo Bowling Green
Motor Engineer
Play outdoors in summer Indoors in winter
Variety of competitions and friendly matches every week
Tel 870328
No experience required. All welcome to join.
‘Loanhead’ Balmullo St. Andrews KY16 0BQ
Call Irene on 01334 870315
Andy Smith Painter & Decorator All aspects of interior and exterior decoration completed to a high standard Competitive prices and free estimates
07768 527442
WANT TO WIN? £50 £20 £10 For just £1 per month any of these prizes could be yours. Join the 200 club today!
For info call 870253
Plumbing and heating CORGI REGISTERED
3 Tarvit Court Cupar Fife Phone 01334 653922 Your Balmullo Your Newsletter
CHIC O’HARE DOMESTIC APPLIANCE REPAIRS Over 20 years experience Prompt reliable service NEWPORT-ON-TAY TEL 01382 541702 MOBILE 07802 538284
Fast and Reliable Service Call on 07980 934516 Or leave a message on 01334 870384
HEY BIG SPENDER The tax allowable pension premium allowance is back from 6 April 2011 and is ÂŁ50000 pa. Plus, any unused allowance can be carried forward up to 3 years. TAX ASSESSMENTS HMRC are sending out tax bills, mostly for 2008/09 and 2009/10. Check the figures for accuracy. However if you have received assessments for earlier years as well, it is possible that HMRC could/should have acted earlier, so an appeal might be successful. FINANCIAL ADVICE
WWW.MONTEATHS.COM Cairnfield, 14 School Road, Balmullo, St Andrews, Fife, KY16 0BD
Tel 01334 870343 - Fax 01334 871004 E mail :
Fast and reliable service Emergency Call-Outs 207782
MILLBANK, 28 SCHOOL ROAD, BALMULLO TEL/FAX: 01334 870691 MOB: 07966 937842 EMAIL:
Mob: 07821 086189
Colin Finlay
Opening Hours Mon Closed Tues 9 - 3 Wed 9-5 Thur 9-8 Fri 9-6 Sat 8-3 Sun Closed
Qualified Electrician Any jobs large or small
15 Main Street - Leuchars
Appointments not always necessary
Discounts for OAPs Balmullo 870578 Mobile 07828 547395
Plumbing & Heating A Comprehensive Service for Installation, Service & Repair of Plumbing, Heating, & Bathrooms
U.E.S. LTD Unit 4, Newark Road South, Eastfield, Glenrothes
Telephone 01592 773275
Office: 01334 829 246 Mobile: 07747 064 061
Pitcairn Plumbing Services Plumbing, Installations. Maintenance and Repairs Bathrooms and Kitchens etc. No job too small Competitive prices and Free Estimates
Tel: 01334 870619 Mob: 07917 701411 E-mail:
Bill Donald Services Flooring Ltd Out of this world! E mail
01334 870815 Mobile 0797 442 1236 Phone
Some say, on another planet...