Balmullo Newsletter
In this issue Council Contacts
What’s On?
200 Club
Balmullo School
Next Boxes
Head Gardener
Gardening Club
Gala Committee
Menzies Campbell
Golf Society
Burns Club
Senior Citizens
Balmullo Small Ads
Pause for Thought
The Fife Show
Y.P.R. Group
Financial Matters
A Different January
The Quiz Results
Main Street, Balmullo - Photo courtesy of Andrew Falconer
Chairman: Zoë Sanders Vice-Chairman: John Docherty 871497
Peter Lomas
Alison Jeffrey
Irene McNair
Fife Councillors
Treasurer: Andrew Falconer
Secretary: Raymond Crush
Minute-Secretary: Isobel Eccleston
Newsletter: Ina Cameron 870253
Maggie Taylor 01382 552718 Tim Brett 01382 330905 Ron Caird
01382 542414
Let us know your views Email us
Useful Contacts Burnside Hall Keeper
Lynn Murphy
The Minister
Rev. Caroline Taylor
Dog Warden Community Police
0845 155 0022 P.C. Gavin Rae
RAF Aircraft Noise
0845 600 5702 839471
Statements made or opinions expressed in this Newsletter do not necessarily reflect the views of the Balmullo Community Council or any of its officers. Cost to Advertise: Business Card Quarter page advert Half page advert Full page advert
£3 £5 £9 £18
You can rent advertising space on a month by month basis or on a longer term basis. The Balmullo Newsletter has a circulation of 680 and is hand delivered FREE of charge.
TO ALL ADVERTISERS – Please check your advert. If you would like to remove it or change it in any way, please let me know. Either by phone or email. My details are on page 2 of this newsletter - Ina Cameron.
FEBRUARY 27th Church Service, 9.30am Burnside Hall 27th Paths Group walk. Leave Burnside Hall at 1pm. All welcome MARCH 3rd WRI meeting in Burnside Hall. All ladies welcome 4th Bowling Club Race Evening at 7.30pm 10th Gardening Club Floral Art with Alyson Christie in Burnside Hall at 7.30pm. 11th Prize Bingo in Bowling Club. 7.30pm start. All welcome 13th Church Service in Burnside Hall at 9.30am. All welcome 14th 6.30pm in school meeting of the Young People’s Group followed by Community Council Meeting in School at 7.30pm. All welcome 16th Burns Club AGM. All welcome 19th Cake & Candy, Burnside Hall 10 –2pm 19th 80’s Disco Balmullo Inn 8pm—1am 20th Church Service in Burnside Hall at 9.30am. All welcome 27th Church Service in Burnside Hall at 9.30am. All welcome 27th Paths Group walk. Leave Burnside Hall at 2pm. All welcome APRIL 2nd Quizzieoke in Balmullo Inn at 7.30pm. Further details in Newsletter 7th WRI meeting n Burnside Hall, All ladies welcome 9th Bowing Club Opening Dance 8pm till late. All welcome 10th Church Service in Burnside Hall at 9.30am. All welcome 11th Community Council Meeting in School at 7.30pm. All welcome
14th 15th 17th 20th 22nd 24th 24th MAY 12th 29th
Gardening Club - tales from the Village Blacksmith, David Bingo in the Bowling Club. Start 7.30pm. All welcome Church Service in Burnside Hall at 9.30am. All welcome Burns Club Billy Anderson Ceilidh Easter Friday Easter Sunday Service Church Service in Burnside Hall at 9.30am. All welcome Paths Group walk. Leave Burnside Hall at 1pm. All welcome WRI meeting in Burnside Hall. All ladies welcome Paths Group walk. Leave Burnside Hall at 2pm. All welcome
JUNE 2nd WRI meeting in Burnside Hall. All ladies welcome 11th Balmullo Gala Day. 17th Bowling Club BBQ supper dance. 8pm till late. All welcome 26th Paths Group walk. Leave Burnside Hall at 2pm. All welcome 22nd Burns Club Music Evening JULY 31st Paths Group walk. Leave Burnside Hall at 2pm. All welcome AUGUST 28th Paths Group walk. Leave Burnside Hall at 2pm. All welcome SEPTEMBER 24th Bowling Club Closing of the Green Dance. 8pm till late. All welcome OCTOBER 5th Burns Club Music & Poetry Evening NOVEMBER 25th Burns Club St Andrew’s Night Dance DECEMBER 16th Bowling Club Xmas Dance. 8pm till late. All welcome
Mrs Christie, Park View
£20 £20 £20 £20 £20
Mr Mathers, School Road Mrs Wardlaw, Park View Mrs Crowe, Main Road Mrs Colford, Clay Road Mr & Mrs Alcock, Lucklawhill
£10 £10 £10 £10 £10
Mr Lorimer, Smithy Road Mrs Munn, Park View Mr Hain, David Wilson Park Mrs Aveling, Park View Mr & Mrs Findlay, Pitcairn Drive
How to Join? It's easy to join the 200 Club. Call or email Ina on 870253 or It only costs £1 per entry per month, and you can enter as many times as you like. We are currently trying to raise money for various Balmullo community activities and projects.
Be a WINNER!!! With our 200 club.
Colin Finlay
Opening Hours Mon Closed Tues 9 - 3 Wed 9-5 Thur 9-8 Fri 9-6 Sat 8-3 Sun Closed
Qualified Electrician Any jobs large or small
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From the Community Council
Some people have been complaining about the grit still lying on the pavements. We know this is both unsightly and a nuisance but because we cannot guarantee that the bad weather will not return it has been agreed by Fife Council to leave it for now. What some residents are doing is sweeping it up at their frontage and saving it in a pail or such ready to use again if necessary. This seems sensible. As you are all aware Dr Johnston is taking up a post in Australia. Anyone wishing to donate towards his going away are asked to please put cash or a cheque payable to Balmullo Community Council in an envelope with your name and address and hand this to any councillor (or post to Treasurer at 7 Inchlaw, Balmullo, KY16 0EA). We will collate all donations and present Dr. Johnston with a suitable commemorative gift, possibly at our next meeting on 14 March. St Andrews’ residents have been offered free insulation or improvements to boilers from Scottish Hydro Electric free of charge. This service may now be passed on to residents of Balmullo. We are still pursuing an application for additional lighting on the pedestrian path at Burnside Hall. Balmullo residents will shortly receive another bin for cans and plastic. Mr Paul Doherty, from Fife Council, will come to our March Community Council meeting to explain. So please come along to find out more. If you have an appointment for Queen Margaret Hospital in Dunfermline please be aware that the parking is very difficult and cars parked on the nearby streets are now being fined by the police. Our Young People’s Group have put in a power of work towards the possibility of a shelter in the park for the use of the younger people in the village. Please come along to their meeting on MONDAY 14th MARCH in the school and hear what they have to say.
Our next meeting is Monday 14th March. Please come and join us.
Ina Cameron
Can I firstly say sorry the picture on last month’s newsletter was wrongly named Craigie Castle, it should have read Cruvie Castle, which is up near Straiton Farm. Thanks to all who come along and listen to the various issues we need to discuss, their input is most valuable. We have notified Cllr Taylor of one or two major issues caused by the bad weather, if you know of any in our area please give us details. Because of the constant rain some of the paths for walking are very treacherous please take care when you are out and about. FOR THE PRESENT PLEASE ENSURE THAT ALL ARTICLES FOR THE NEWSLETTER ARE SENT DIRECTLY TO ME AT, should not be used for the moment.
TO ALL ADVERTISERS Realising that you may be having difficulty in getting your customers to pay quickly for work done we are also having cash problems where invoices remain unpaid. It would be helpful if you could alert our treasurer that you will be continuing to pay and that it is an oversight which you will need to address as soon as you can.
Get the leg warmers out!!! 80’s & 90’s
DISCO Saturday 19th March 8pm – 1am Balmullo Inn Tickets £6 For tickets contact Fiona on 07932161474 or In aid of Balmullo Under 5 Playgroup
Cynicus Picture Framing ‘
Quality Framing with a Personal Service’ Artwork, needlework, photographs, prints… you name it, we’ll frame it. Henry Brooks 13 Craig Road, Tayport Tel: 01382 552383 e-mail:
Sarah Else
Spring is in the Air It is great to see the first green shoots that herald the start of Spring, signs surely of better weather and longer days. Longer, warmer days encourage us to be out and about more in the space within the village. The young people of the village are keen to improve the outdoor facilities for themselves and others and I was delighted to meet with the YPR and discuss their project through which they hope to fund and erect a shelter within the park. This ties in beautifully with the proposal to improve the sporting facilities through the provision of a MUGA, a proposal that has received the backing of the community council, park committee and hall committee as well as other groups within the village. As we make further progress with this I will update you through this newsletter. As part of the ―bigger picture‖ the school is involved in the ―Get Set‖ programme and is committed to exemplifying the values of the Olympic and Paralympic Games. With regards to improving our school environment we will be holding another ―Day of Action‖ on Saturday 7th May from 12noon until around 5pm. If you have a little time to spare on this day to help clean, tidy and paint around the school grounds then we would be delighted if you were able to come along and give even a ½ hour on the above afternoon. Tea, coffee and hot chocolate provided. Bring a paintbrush! Sarah Else - Head Teacher
Jeremy Greenwood
It's a good idea to clean out nest boxes every winter because various parasites overwinter in the old nest, waiting for the birds to use the same box again so that they can infest the new brood of chicks. To prevent people interfering with active nests, it is illegal to clean out ones boxes except between 1 August and 31 January. To be honest, however, one is unlikely to cause any disturbance as far north as we are if one does it during February; so, if you haven't done it yet, you have the choice of letting the fleas get at this spring's broods of blue tits or of breaking the law! New nest boxes Both the RSPB ( and the BTO ( are currently offering a free nest box to every new member. RSPB also sell boxes, as do other conservation organizations and specialist bird-food suppliers. Many of the boxes that one sees for sale in places like garden centres are not well designed. If you want to make a box and have lost the newsletter in which I wrote about this last year, the BTO website provides instructions. Go to the home-page and scroll through the news items until you get to "Love in the Air"; click on more information. The instructions are on the page that comes up. The BTO also sells a comprehensive guide to making a whole variety of different nest boxes. You can order it on-line. Or, by following the links on the BTO website to Volunteer Surveys and then Nest Record Scheme, you can find how to download a pdf of the guide for free. Nest box cameras Nest box cameras are now available at a moderate price (both BTO and RSPB sell them). They allow you to watch and record the action in your nest box on your TV. I don't have one myself yet but I have seen them in action and they are a great way of watching what your birds are up to – it's like your private Springwatch.
Freephone 08000 858181 Airports ~ Contracts Full / Half Day Tours Distance No Object 4 ~ 6 ~ 7 ~ 8 Seaters 01334 476787 01334 839279
FRESH Pittenweem Fish In Balmullo every
Classes in Burnside Hall Balmullo Thursday 10 to 11am (running now) & Wednesday 8 to 9pm starting 6th April FOR MORE INFO PLEASE CALL CAROL ON 078 5554 4805 INFO@CLEARVIEWPILATES.CO.UK
WILLISON MOTORS QUEEN STREET TAYPORT Free collection & delivery service from local and surrounding areas MOT Car Sales Servicing & Repairs MONDAY – FRIDAY 8am to 5.30pm Thursday Late night until 8pm
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THE HEAD GARDENER February is here, but the weather is not much better so we hope by the end of the month it has improved. I am waiting for my seeds to arrive, but I have a few of last year’s seed left so I will sow them and hope they will give me a start. The onion seeds need to be sown early (Kelsae) also tomatoes. When there is some sun just have a look round the garden and you will see nature does not stop for bad weather. A lot of bulbs are through, there are a few snowdrops and aconites and the crocus are well up. There are also shrubs which give joy at this time of year Viburnum, Hamamelis, Mahonia, Cornus and Daphne. I hope you have not lost too many plants this winter.
Ali Macmillan
On Thursday February 10th we welcomed Dr Rex Brennan from the Scottish Crop Research Institute (SCRI) to talk to the club about soft fruit for small gardens. The talk was well attended and gave an insight into the best varieties of grow-your-own, as well as giving an overview of the important role that SCRI has played in developing the Scottish soft fruit market. Next Talk: Floral Art with Alyson Christie Thursday March 10th, 7.30pm, Burnside Hall, Balmullo Alyson Christie stays in Balmullo and has been a regular visitor to the Gardening Club over the last few years. Since Alyson's last talk she has completed her 'Demonstrator's Certificate', and now travels throughout Scotland. On March 10th she will be demonstrating some fresh ideas in floral art.
BALMULLO GALA COMMITTEE A big thank you to everyone who came to the Gala AGM – some much needed new blood has been added to the Committee. However two of the new committee members gave email addresses which I think I have taken down wrongly. Huge apologies for this to Jackie Corstorphine and Joyce Mckay this has been an error on my part – we absolutely do not want to lose any new committee members – I would be very grateful if you would email me on and I will email you back with details of our next meeting and the minutes of the last one. ONCE AGAIN HUGE APOLOGIES – MY FAULT COMPLETELY NEW GALA MEMBERS ARE VERY IMPORTANT TO US!!!!
CREATIVE STITCHES & HOBBYCRAFT Creative Stitches & Hobbycraft in the S.E.C.C. Glasgow on Friday 4th March. There is a coach leaving Forgan Arts Centre, Newport at 9.00am. On the return journey it leaves the SECC at 3.30pm. There are seats still available at £20 per person (this includes entry). Phone 01382 542247.
Virus Removal PC & Laptop Upgrades PC & Laptop Servicing Bespoke PC Builds Wireless & Wired Networking Security iPod - PSP - PS3 - Wii Phones - Apple Mac Repaired & Upgraded No Techno babble just straight talking
Contact Mike on 078 8865 6065
YOUR MEMBER OF PARLIAMENT Since I was first elected as MP for North East Fife in1987 I have taken an interest in Defence. It seemed only sensible since RAF Leuchars played such an important part in the community, and since then I have retained that interest making many friends from those who have served there. That experience has given an extra impetus to my involvement in the campaign for the retention of RAF Leuchars. But as I reflect on that long established interest it occurs to me that one of the privileges of being an MP is the opportunity to have so many such experiences. In a constituency as varied as mine there are a remarkable range of activities which attract or even demand the attention of a local MP. My attention to St. Andrews University dates from the date of my election as MP but is now more formalised in my capacity as Chancellor, a position which has no executive responsibility but carries with it the authority to confer degrees on graduating students and on individuals whom the University wishes to honour. Farming and fishing were once the staple of the local economy and although they have changed a great deal in my 24 years as MP the chance to meet farmers and fishermen and to understand their love for the land and respect for the sea inspires admiration. To understand the East Neuk of Fife it is necessary to understand the different characters of the villages which make it up, and the commitment of those who man the lifeboat and the legions who raise money for it. And there is the cricket at Freuchie and Falkland where the competition is fierce, the welcome warm, and the hospitality dangerously generous. There is serious rugby at Howe of Fife and epic local derbies with Madras and Waid. Music abounds in North East Fife with light opera and festivals of the visual and performing arts almost every week of the summer. Newburgh, Newport, Balmullo and Balmerino are part of the tapestry of history of North East Fife along with St. Andrews and Falkland. And always too, local pride and responsibility in the community with a well developed charitable conscience in places like Cupar and Collesie. What in my point? It is simply this that the diverse range of life and work in North East Fife is demanding but rewarding for an MP. This is no one paced, single interest, monolithic constituency. All human life is here and I love it. Menzies Campbell M.P. North East Fife - - 01334 656361
Ann Falconer
President Mrs. Mary Campbell welcomed members and guests to the meeting on Thursday 3rd February, which was a party night following cancellation of the traditional Christmas party due to snow. All present tucked into a special buffet with a wide variety of festive dishes provided by the members. Thank you to everyone for their efforts in making the meal so enjoyable. Entertainment was provided by a local group, who gave humorous recitations, a selection of songs and a piano solo. All of these were much appreciated by our members. The competition - an Old Photograph, was won by Betty Gough. The evening was rounded off with distribution of gifts for all. The next meeting will be on Thursday 3rd March at 7.15 pm in Burnside Hall. Our speaker for the evening will be Mr D. Pickard, who will give a talk entitled The Farmer’s Year. Competitions will be a Wedge of Vegetable Quiche, a pair of Knitted Bootees and Flower of the Month. We look forward to welcoming any new members.
DEPENDABLE PAVING Tree and Garden Services Specialising in Gravel Gardens / Driveways / Slabs / Chips / Mono-blocking Patios Laid / Cleaning / Painting Hedge Trimming & Planting Fencing Repaired / Removed Turfing / All Rubbish Removed. Trees too close to house - causing damage to footings? WE CAN HELP Trimming, Pruning, Pollarding, Felling Spraying for all kinds of trees AND Fruit trees Dundee 01382
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Quizzieoke Balmullo Inn Saturday 2nd April 2011 at 7.30pm Teams of up to 5 people - £10 per team (Karaoke will be held in the bar after so if that’s not your cup of tea worry not!!!)
CHARITY CAR WASH to be held in village! Watch for dates and venue later
Peter Colford
February - Sunday saw the Golf Society dust off their clubs and venture out for the first outing of the year. After the snow that fell in November had cleared we missed both the December and January outings. Perhaps because of this or the late organisation the numbers for this month were down from usual. However 11 players ventured out to Drumoig Golf Club for the first outing of the year, and despite the prediction of heavy rain we enjoyed a mostly dry round with only the one shower about half way round. Dave Goodwin put his new driver to good use winning by 7 points with Gordon Laing leading the rest of the pack. Nearest the pin was the tricky 16th and was won by Barry Lewis. The yellow ball winners were Willie Rattray, Gordon Laing and Peter Colford. The Hidden Holes (2, 14 13) was won by Dave Goodwin and not surprisingly the Bandit of the Month was Dave Goodwin. Next month on the 6th March we head to Crail to play the Craighead Course. Founded in 1786 the Crail Golfing Society is the seventh oldest golfing society in the world and a bona fide jewel in the crown of Scottish golf. The Balcomie Course is recognised as a true classic although it’s sister course, Craighead Links, is by no means filler – it stands on merit alone. Notable features include wide, sweeping fairways, large expansive greens and sizeable bunkers that are only too happy to provide a temporary home for your ball. Visitors are presented with a true test of Scottish links golf that isn’t easily forgotten.
Mary Smith
Burns Supper. David Wilson got the evening off to a good start by saying the Selkirk Grace followed by the piping in of the Haggis by Bill Duff with Poosie Nancy Isa Baxter carrying the chieftain of the pudding race, which was addressed with traditional vigour by George Oliphant. We then enjoyed our Supper followed by The Immortal Memory given with great feeling and humour by Craig Rodger. The toast to the Lassies by Bill Duff and the reply given by Claire Barr caused much hilarity. The evening continued with dancing, singing and a modicum of whisky. Balmullo School Competition. Again the standard was very high with 28 pupils taking part. Winners are as follows: George Spence Quaich – Jake Middleton the Cameron Rose Bowl – Sophie Land the Bob Munn Salver – Morgan Middleton. Next Meeting: A.G.M. on Wednesday 16th March 2011 8pm Balmullo Inn Club’s Future Events Wednesday 16th March 2011 – Annual General Meeting Wednesday 20th April 2011 – Billy Anderson Ceilidh Wednesday 22nd June 2011 – Music Evening with Karen Hannah & Alan Small Wednesday 5th October 2011 – Music & Poetry Evening with Bowhill Peoples Club Friday 25th November 2011 – St Andrew’s Night Dance to music of Neil Galloway Saturday 21st January 2012 – Annual Burns Supper All events held in lounge of the Balmullo Inn, Main Street, Balmullo. 7.30 for 8pm
Val Phillips
The Senior Citizens AGM will be held at the Bowling Club on Sunday 13th March at 2.30pm. PLEASE COME ALONG AND SUPPORT YOUR CLUB. Look forward to seeing you all there.
Saturday 19th March 10am – 2pm Craft Tables, Raffle, Face Painting, Cake & Candy Teas & Coffees Burnside Hall Balmullo All proceeds in aid of Balmullo Under 5’s
Support your Community by coming along to the monthly meetings. Have your say.
Get involved. Make Balmullo change for the better. See you on the 14th March.
BALMULLO ADVERTS Filing cabinet, four drawers. Coffee and Cream colour. Locking and anti-tilt mechanisms. £50 ono. Phone 870154
Only £1
Strawberry plants 40p each or 6 for £1.90. Call 870975 for more details.
Caroline Taylor
―If you can keep your head when all about you are losing theirs and blaming it on you . . .‖ These are the opening lines of Rudyard Kipling’s poem, ―If‖. It found its way into a collection of one hundred favourite poems chosen by Classic FM listeners and published in 2009. I’d like to add another thought: ―If I can keep a sense of optimism when the news is filled with doom and gloom . . .‖ That’s my aim for 2011, well, one of them. I try to list every day the things I’m grateful for – even apparently small things like a child from primary school shouting ―Hallo, Caroline!‖ across the street. It’s surprising how therapeutic this can be – it certainly helps to put things in perspective. The late bishop Oscar Romero of El Salvador said this: ―We cannot do everything and there is a sense of liberation in realising that. This enables us to do something and to do it well. It may be incomplete, but it is a beginning, a step along the way, an opportunity for the Lord’s grace to enter and do the rest.‖ Caroline Taylor (parish minister)
THE FIFE SHOW Saturday May 21st 2011 at Kinloss Farm, Cupar. Entertainment for all the family 9am to 5pm. Adults £10; OAPs £5; Children under 14 Free, and parking is FREE. Come along and enjoy, it is like a mini Highland show with stalls, animal judging, horse jumping, ploughing, tractor sledge drag racing. Food vendors are available as are the ever popular ice cream vans.
Sign the Online Petition at Although a LibDem petition, this has full cross-party support.
YPR GROUP UPDATE Hello, and sorry for the long wait for an update. Since we feel most of the younger people don’t look at the newsletter, we have decided not to continue with a regular, monthly page. However, we hope the information we put in here can be passed on to the young people by the reader. Since November, we have been focussing on our plan to install a youth shelter – somewhere for young people to hang out and keep sheltered from the elements. Many people are in support for this idea to be realised, however the concern of many is that as soon as it is put up it will be vandalised. Lewis has worked hard on contacting different companies RE: youth shelters. Our favourite, if installed sooner rather than later, will be the first of its kind in use and so Balmullo will gain prestige for this. This particular shelter comes with solar lights and is vandal-proof, which shall hopefully ease the worries of those we have talked to about such a project. Our next step is to secure funding. This is what we are currently working on and we are looking at a variety of possible sources, including Awards for All, Tay FM and local businesses. We have various forms to fill out and we hope we can achieve enough funding to purchase this shelter. We have also spoken to the Parks Committee who have said they would be happy for such a shelter to be placed within the park grounds. This will also allow links with the Balmullo Primary School MUGA project, which is hoped to be constructed in the park. The shelter & MUGA could complement each other and would be an ideal focal point for the young people in the village. We are taking a role with the MUGA project as it develops. On top of this, we are now a fully established part of the Community Council. All three of us are now seated on the table during the monthly meetings. All in all, we have been working productively to try and achieve this idea by the end of the year. Our main task at the minute is to continue gaining support for the project. We do have a support sheet available, which residents can sign. A location for this is still TBC. We also would like to hear any other ideas from the young people, so we can start on other projects that could prove beneficial to the village. In the spring we are hoping to create a link with the pupils at Balmullo School by launching a “Design a YPR Group logo” competition. We would really appreciate if you could pass some of this information on to any young person in your household, as we are sure our projects are really going to benefit the young people of the village. We would like to extend a warm invitation for everyone to see our group in action & to give your opinions on our projects at our monthly meetings. Please feel free to join us at 6.30pm on Monday 14th March 2011 at Balmullo Primary School. Finally, remember we have various ways of being contacted. Our Email is and you can find us on Facebook by searching for “Balmullo YPR Group”. We are also in the process of establishing a Twitter account – watch this space! Thank you for taking the time to read about our group and we hope to see as many of you as possible at our meeting on March 14th. From your YPRs,
Cameron, Danielle
Lewis (left) - A youth shelter similar to the one
we hope to establish in the village
Fergus D Burns
It is fully expected that half a million public sector jobs will be lost during 2011, plus many other jobs in other industries. This may well effect you or someone close to you and I wanted to explain your rights should you be made redundant and what payments you may be entitled to. Next month, I will explain what happens if your employer goes bust, your rights should this happen and list what organisations can help you. What redundancy pay-outs are you entitled to? There are three main types of pay-out you can expect:
Notice of termination. Your employer should give proper notice of termination. If there is nothing in your contract, the minimum is a week for each complete year (up to a maximum of 12 weeks). Yet your employer may give you pay in lieu of notice, or simply pay you for the period without you attending. Holiday pay. If you have accrued but not used holiday days, you are entitled to be paid for these (or given the option to use them in your final weeks) Redundancy pay-out. A redundancy pay-out is effectively compensation for your loss of work and the first £30,000 is tax free.
PLEASE NOTE - Many firms have their own policies which are much more generous than the legal minimum, so the first step is to check your contract or staff handbook and see what it says. If it's not specified then it will usually follow the legal minimum. Minimum Statutory Redundancy Payments After two years with your employer, you'll qualify for a minimum statutory redundancy payment. If you've worked there less than this you've no right to any recompense. For those who have at least 24 months' continuous service, your entitlement depends on your age and longevity at the company.
Under 22. Half a week's pay for each full year of continuous service Aged 22-40. A week's pay per year of continuous service Over 41. A week and a half's pay for each year of service
However before you start adding it up, it's based on a maximum weeks pay of £380, so if you earn more than £19,760 a year then it is capped at this figure!! Plus it isn't the age you are now that counts, but the age during each year you've been in your job, an example is given below:John has worked for his employer for 10 years and earns £300 per week, he is now 43 and redundant. He worked for eight years under the age of 41 and 2 years over the age of 41, so he will get two years at a week and a half and eight years at a week which equates to eleven weeks x £300 = £3,300.00 of redundancy payment.
IAN GODDARD PROPERTIES 15 High Street + Newport-on-Tay Fife DD6 8AB
Independent estate agent Property letting and management If you are thinking of selling ~ letting ~ buying ~ renting Then contact Ian Goddard on 01382 540451 Email: Website:
David Shepherd Leaving behind the snow and ice of Borthwick Place in mid January, we set off for our other house in my wife’s homeland of Sri Lanka. Our suitcases were laden with gifts and goods for assorted relatives and charities to the extent that, while packing, an ever increasing pile of our own clothes and belongings had to be removed from the cases and left on the bedroom floor to make room. School books, pens, dictionaries and c h o co l a te s we re mu c h m ore important than our clothes and shoes!
After about twenty hours of travelling through the air conditioned, relative calm of airports and aircraft, you are suddenly propelled into the heat and bustle of Sri Lanka. Your senses are almost overwhelmed with heat, sun, smells, noise, colours, coconut palms, exotic vegetation and chaotic traffic. Everywhere too – the locals’ broad smiles! Fife immediately seems like a distant memory. My wife Rani had called in numerous favours owed by various nephews and nieces so that we were met at the airport and transported to our Sri Lankan home via fruit stalls and shops. We arrived laden with fresh bananas, mangos, pineapples, jack fruits and other necessities (gin, tonic, limes...). After opening up the house, more relatives arrived and spent a few days, under Rani’s supervision, cleaning, repairing, gardening, painting, etc. until, finally everything was to her satisfaction. She even had me up on the roof attempting to repair a leak! I’m always amazed at the speed the garden plants grow. Throw a cutting into a corner and next year, it’s a tree. Maintenance is very important out there. Leave something un-attended and, if the heat and humidity doesn’t get it, then the ants will! No sooner had we settled in than we had to leave on a one week’s trip down the coast to a wedding near Galle. Galle was one of the worst hit areas of the Tsunami and we subsequently sent a lot of funds, raised in and around St Andrews, to help rebuild a village nearby. We still visit the primary school there when we can. We were to attend a wedding of the daughter of Sri Lankan friends to her American fiancé. It was an exotic three day affair, with the beach and the sea always present. It’s the first wedding I’ve attended that involved an elephant!, which climbed into the hotel garden, with it’s Mahout handler, from the beach for a photo shoot with the Bride and Groom. The wedding was also attended by a lot of their American friends and relatives, from LA and Hawaii as well as Japan and China. Along with the Sri Lankans (and one Scot!) it was a very cosmopolitan and entertaining mix. Soon, it was time to head back and after a few hot busy days in the capital, Colombo, it was time for me to head to the airport and make the long journey home while my wife has stayed on for another month. Standing in a freezing, windswept Edinburgh airport, late at night, waiting for the park and ride bus, it did not quite have the appeal and excitement of our arrival at the other end two weeks before. Still – it’s good to be home and I don’t need to worry about sunburn and biting insects for a while!
DazLyn Motorshine Mobile Valeting We come to you whether it’s the Home Workplace or even the Golf Course, All water and electrics are on board our vehicle.
Cars Vans Caravans Conservatories From a Mini Valet to a Full Showroom Finish including Sanitisation, Bacteria, and Virus Elimination system. (Certificate can be provided to confirm this treatment).
Gift Vouchers Available Tel Daz on 07733 116631 Find us on FACEBOOK and
LAST MONTHS QUIZ RESULTS It was a bit disappointing to get only 10 replies from a village of over 600 houses, - that really tells you something! 0 S is Z - squared is zero. (I accepted sum is zero) 1 F O the C N – flew over the cuckoo’s nest 1 E in a H A – electron in a hydrogen atom 2 G of V – gentlemen of Verona 2 L on a B – legs on a biped 3 B M – blind mice 3 L on a T – legs on a tripod 3 M in a B – men in a boat 4 S in the O C – strokes in the Otto cycle 4 P of the M – phases of the moon 7 C of the R – colours of the rainbow 8 S on an O – sides on an octagon 12 D of C – days of Christmas. (I accepted disciples of Christ) 12 V in a C B – volts in a car battery 14 L in a S – lines in a sonnet 15 P in a R U T – players in a rugby union team 16 O in a P – ounces in a pound 24 B B in a P – blackbirds baked in a pie (I know, the correct words are four & twenty blackbirds baked in a pie) 24 H from T – hours from Tulsa 25 Y M for a S W – years married for a silver wedding 30 D H S – days hath September 32 D F, F P of W – degrees Fahrenheit freezing point of water 40 W – winks 50 W to L Y L – ways to leave your lover 88 K on a P K – keys on a piano keyboard 90 D in a R A – degrees in a right angle 180 H S in D – high score in darts 240 O P in a P – old pennies in a pound 20 H and 12 P in a B – hexagons & pentagons in a Buckminsterfullerene (ball) The winner is Mr Harris, with only 2 errors. (4 S and 14 L, Very well done.
VAT FLAT RATE SCEME (FRS) If turnover (vat incl) is under £150k then you can apply to use this scheme. Once “in” turnover can rise to £230k before you have to leave. Continue to charge vat on sales but instead of working out the vat on your expenses each quarter just hand over a fixed % (somewhere between 4%14.5%) of your gross to the VAT man- A 5 min job, thereby saving time and money. You can still claim back the vat on large capital items. Disadvantage: the vat percentage is geared to equate with a “ normal” vat bill plus your book-keepers/ accountant’s fee for vat work and the accountant will have more to do when the accounts are to be prepared. FINANCIAL ADVICE
WWW.MONTEATHS.COM Cairnfield, 14 School Road, Balmullo, St Andrews, Fife, KY16 0BD
Tel 01334 870343 - Fax 01334 871004 E mail :
Mobile Library Every 2nd Monday Lucklaw Road (2.20pm) & Hayston Park (2.50pm)
Please use the Van as often as possible.
GALA DAY 11TH JUNE Balmullo Bowling Green
Motor Engineer
Play outdoors in summer Indoors in winter
Variety of competitions and friendly matches every week
Tel 870328
No experience required. All welcome to join.
‘Loanhead’ Balmullo St. Andrews KY16 0BQ
Call Irene on 01334 870315
Andy Smith Painter & Decorator All aspects of interior and exterior decoration completed to a high standard Competitive prices and free estimates
07768 527442
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3 Tarvit Court Cupar Fife Phone 01334 653922 Your Balmullo Your Newsletter
CHIC O’HARE DOMESTIC APPLIANCE REPAIRS Over 20 years experience Prompt reliable service NEWPORT-ON-TAY TEL 01382 541702 MOBILE 07802 538284
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From 18/02/2011 To 11/03/2011
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MILLBANK, 28 SCHOOL ROAD, BALMULLO TEL/FAX: 01334 870691 MOB: 07966 937842 EMAIL:
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Pitcairn Plumbing Services Plumbing, Installations. Maintenance and Repairs Bathrooms and Kitchens etc. No job too small Competitive prices and Free Estimates
Tel: 01334 870619 Mob: 07917 701411 E-mail:
Bill Donald Services Flooring Ltd Out of this world! E mail
01334 870815 Mobile 0797 442 1236 Phone
Some say, on another planet...