In this issue Council Contacts
What’s On?
200 Club
Balmullo Pharmacy
Senior Citizens
Can you help?
Sir Menzies Campbell
Burns Club
Burns School Comp.
Gardening Club
Balmullo School
Bell Baxter High School 11 Rod Campbell MUGA
13 14-15
Fife Thistle FC
Burnside Hall
Balmullo Newsletter Also online at
Councillors Alison Jeffrey
Chairman: Zoë Sanders
John Normand
John Docherty 871497
Jim Taylor
Treasurer: Andrew Falconer
Secretary: Raymond Crush
Fife Councillors Maggie Taylor 01382 552718 Tim Brett 01382 330905 Ron Caird
Situation Vacant
01382 542414
Newsletter: Ina Cameron 870253
Useful Contacts Burnside Hall Keeper
Lynn Murphy
The Minister
Rev. Caroline Taylor
Dog Warden Community Police
0845 155 0022 P.C. Gavin Rae
0845 600 5702
RAF Aircraft Noise
GALA Committee
Statements made or opinions expressed in this Newsletter do not necessarily reflect the views of the Balmullo Community Council or any of its officers. Advert Prices Small Half Page Full Page
£5 £10 £20
You can rent advertising space on a month by month basis or on a longer term basis. The Balmullo Newsletter has a circulation of 700 and is hand delivered FREE of charge.
TO ALL ADVERTISERS – Please check your advert. If you would like to remove it or change it in any way, please let me know. Either by phone or email. My details are on page 2 of this newsletter - Ina Cameron.
FEBRUARY 26th Paths Group leaving Burnside Hall at 1pm MARCH 8th Crafts evening in Burnside Hall at 7.30pm. Come buy for Mother’s Day. 11th Senior Citizens AGM in Bowling Club at 2 p m . All welcome 12th Community Council meeting in Burnside Hall at 7.30pm. All welcome 16th Bowling Club Prize Bingo. Eyes Down 7.30pm 21st Burns Club AGM in Balmullo Inn at 8pm 25th Paths Group leaving Burnside Hall at 2pm APRIL 14th Bowling Club Opening of Green Dance. 8 p m . Details in Newsletter.
Burns Club Billy Anderson Ceilidh 8pm in Balmullo Inn Paths Group walk, leave Burnside Hall at 2pm
JUNE 22nd
Burns Club Music Evening Bruce Davies 8pm in Balmullo Inn SEPTEMBER 19th Burns Club Music evening Robert Kerr 8 p m in Balmullo Inn OCTOBER 30th Burns Club St Andrews Night Dance music Deirdre Adamson 8pm in Balmullo Inn
Running an event? Email
200 CLUB FEBRUARY WINNERS £50 £20 £20 £20 £20 £20 £10 £10 £10 £10 £10
Mrs Finnie, Park View Mrs Shepherd, Burnside Mrs Caulfield, Pitcairn Drive Mr Crowe, Main Road Mrs Normand, Lomond Place Mr Comerford, Inchlaw Mr Chalmers, Smithy Road Mrs Mitchell, Hillside Mrs Auld, School Road Mr Harrow, Melville Close Mrs Monteath, School Road
Mobile Library Every 2nd Monday Lucklaw Road (2.00pm) & Hayston Park (2.40pm)
Please use the Van as often as possible.
How to Join? It's easy to join the 200 Club. Call or email Ina at or call 870253. It only costs £1 per entry per month, and you can enter as many times as you like. We are currently trying to raise money for various Balmullo community activities and projects.
Claire Barr
Me and my dogs we like to walk and J and Z they just love to talk to all the people that we meet in the woods and on the street. We've been told that in our yellow jackets we are a sight so when you see us please DIP your lights, and when approaching blind corners please beware, slow down, and show some care. Move over, give us a chance before someone ends up in an ambulance!!
17/02/12 to 10/03/12
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Only £1 Only £1 Only £3.99 BOGOF Only £1 Only £4.69
Community Council
Our February meeting started with Marie Ferguson, Practice Manager at the Balmullo Surgery giving us an update on the proposed application for a Pharmacy based within the practice premises. New regulations require a public consultation process initially. So far half of the questionnaires delivered around the village have been returned which is a very good response rate. Comments are also requested by email or letter before the end of February. Evidence is needed to prove that a Pharmacy here is both necessary and desirable. There are further details in the newsletter. The pedestrian access at Burnside Hall has had a site visit Cllr Brett is looking into ways of finding some funds for this project. Fife Council have agreed that the collapsed wall at the access point is their responsibility and repairs will be organised in due course. We will be advised by PC Gavin Rae when the Community Speed Watch training will start. The patched work on Quarry Road is already starting to break up again because of the heavy usage. Once ownership of the frontage is established a decision will be made on the best way to preserve and restrict usage of the road. Parking at Burnside has now been completed and seems to be working well. The yellow zig-zag markings at the school require to be repainted. Cllr Brett will also see if double yellow lines can be painted on the corner of School Road and Hayston Park to enforce the no parking regulations. He will also ask if the Police could attend some mornings to deal with offenders. RAF Leuchars has been chosen to provide the Typhoon Display Team (1 aircraft) for 2012 and practice displays will be starting soon and continuing throughout the air display season. The hedges bordering the school have been cut back to clear surrounding pavements. A very reasonable quotation for the work was obtained and was affordable within the School’s budget. Ronnie Davidson gave an update on progress of the MUGA project, which has been accepted as providing a legacy for sports and fitness under the auspices of the London 2012 Olympics. This should make it easier to obtain funding to cover both the MUGA and the shelter proposed by the YPRs. A revised plan of the Park was circulated at the meeting and this was approved by those present. The next meeting of the MUGA group is on Monday 27th February at 7pm in the School and anyone interested can attend. Our next meeting is Monday 12th March at 7.30pm in Burnside Hall.
Ina Cameron
The Core Paths Plan has been adopted as instructed by the Scottish Government. In answer to the query “What constitutes a Core Path” the relevant web page at Fife Direct states These ‘core paths’ systems will be available for recreation and every day journeys by local people and visitors, providing opportunities for walking, cycling, riding and other activities for all ages and abilities. More details are available on line. We have been having some great weather this year compared to the snow and ice of last year. If all you budding gardeners are in need of fertiliser to set up your garden to get ready for spring planting we still have bags of horse manure, and it is free, just give me a call. Would like to add a little note for those who may not know that Mary Giel, who used to stay at 63 Park View died on 21st January. Mary was a good supporter of our Community Council and paid regularly into the 200 club. Every time I popped in to see her she always had a cheery word even though she was housebound.
Marie Ferguson, Practice Manager
Dr Kennedy and Dr Mitchell are looking to apply for a Pharmacy Contract. It is envisaged that the Pharmacy will be situated within the Balmullo Practice building and have opening hours that mirror those of the Surgery. Before an application can be submitted, new regulations require that there is a consultation period whereby all local residents are invited to comment on this proposal. We need to provide evidence that a Balmullo Pharmacy is both necessary and desirable to assist with this application. If you wish, please submit your comments / suggestions by e-mail to or by letter to Practice Manager, Pitcairn Practice, 1 Pitcairn Drive, Balmullo, Fife, KY16 0DZ, no later than 29th February 2012.
CAN YOU HELP? Fife Children’s Panel are looking for people who care about children to sit on their Panel. No experience or qualifications are required. To find out more, call Elizabeth Mair on 01592 583125 or email
Joan Auld
The A.G.M. for the Senior Citizens will be held in the Bowling Club on the 11th March at 2pm. Please come along and air your views/complaints etc. The summer trip will be here before we know it, so put your thinking caps on and give us some ideas of where you would like to go.
Pitcairn Plumbing Services Plumbing, Installations. Maintenance and Repairs Bathrooms and Kitchens etc. No job too small Competitive prices and Free Estimates
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Sir Menzies Campbell
"As the Member of Parliament for a largely rural constituency, one of the issues i am most frequently contacted about is the lack of adequate broadband provision. Advances in technology mean that businesses no longer need to be based in cities or large towns for their customers to reach them. The fact that so much can now be done online means many businesses can operate just as efficiently (and often with greatly reduced overheads), in the countryside. Having a vibrant business community obviously generates benefits to the wider community. At a more personal level too, services such as Skype mean that, even when the distance between them is very great, families can speak to each other face to face via their home computers. The unfortunate irony however is that, though these developments bring most benefits to people and businesses located in more rural areas, it is exactly these areas which are lagging behind the rest of the country in the broadband revolution. As part of a £2.5billion investment programme BT are currently installing fibre optic technology across the country. This investment does not rely upon public funding however; it is entirely commercially driven. BT have admitted in letters to me that it will be 'commercially challenging' to provide super-fast broadband to as much as one third of the United Kingdom. This is where the Government steps in and, perhaps surprisingly, the EU. In Cornwall £53.5million of European Regional Development Funding unlocked an investment of £75million from BT. This led to the upgrade of exchanges across the region. The Scottish Government currently have funding of £140million available. Depending upon how they use this money, a significant contribution would come from the telecoms industry. We wait to see what steps the Scottish Government will now take. I am writing to BT to ask when residents and businesses in Balmullo can expect super-fast broadband to be rolled out in their area and to the Scottish Government to ask what it will do to bridge the gap between what the telecoms industry will provide and what people living in rural areas have a right to expect. I will keep everyone up to date on developments." Office of Sir Menzies Campbell MP Member of Parliament for North East Fife House of Commons, London, SW1A 0AA Tel: 020 7219 6910 | Fax: 020 7219 0559
Mary Russell
Our Burns Supper on 21st January was a great success due mostly to the following people. Mr Bobby Crowe got the evening off to a good start with his rendition of the Selkirk Grace, followed by Mrs Ina Cameron, Poosie Nancy who carried the haggis piped in by Bill Duff where it was given to Jim Taylor, who gave an excellent Address to the Haggis. After a very good meal Commander Jim Smith gave an entertaining and knowledgeable Immortal Memory showing his love of the works of Robert Burns. Andrew Falconer toasted the Lassies with a few mentions of ‘birds’?? and Mrs Rita Crush replied on behalf of the lassies with her expectations of men through her life. After a short break Commander Jim Smith recited and performed Tam o’ Shanter to much laughter. We finished off the evening with dancing to the music of the John White Sound. Our next Meeting is the Annual General Meeting on 21st March 2012 at 8pm in the Balmullo Inn.
BALMULLO SCHOOL BURNS COMPETITION Competition held in Balmullo School on 25th January 2012. Pupils’ performances were of very high standard as usual with much credit to the teachers of Balmullo School. The prize winners were as follows:
Lucy Campbell The George Spence Quaich Robert Withers The Jim Cameron Rose Bowl Neil Chalmers The Bob Munn Salver
Burns Club Committee members enjoyed a very good meal, served by the pupils, and a marvellous and happy afternoon of dancing and singing. From the Editor........ Would also like to pass on our congratulations to Scott Murphy, the 5 year old son of Eric our Quarry Manager, who won 1st prize at his school for reciting 2 verses of To a Mouse.
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Leslie Bisset
The Club’s first talk of 2012 on Thursday 9th February was on the subject of Water Birds. Andrew Falconer’s encyclopaedic knowledge of his subject, coupled with excellent photographs and, in some cases bird song, ensured an informative, enjoyable evening. The best sites for finding water birds at the seashore and inland water, the optimum times of year and the identification of a range of the more easily spotted birds was covered. Accessibility and those responsible for the sites were well made points. Andrew’s enlightened, dedicated enthusiasm for his subject carried over to the knowledgeable audience and this exchange added greatly to the enjoyment of the evening. Time passed very quickly indeed and it is doubtful if any member of the audience will look at a stretch of open water in quite the same way again. Mention should also be made of the welcoming drinks and the raffles that round off these evenings organised by members of the Committee and their friends. The next Club event will be the Crafts Evening on 8th March in the Burnside Hall at 7.30p.m.. Jewellery, painting, cards, candle-making, wood carving, glassware and baking will be some of the items on show. Please, do remember there will plenty gifts to choose from for Mother’s Day!
CLOTHING ALTERATIONS For this service to Ladies & Gents garments phone Mrs Burns 01382 552223
Ann Falconer
President Mrs Ann Falconer welcomed members and guests to the meeting on Thursday 2 nd February. Our guest speaker for the evening was jeweller Mr Eric Young who has a business and shop in Bonnygate, Cupar. Eric started prospecting for agates at the tender age of 5, taking advantage of the plentiful supply to be found in North-east Fife. Years later, as a young jeweller, he decided to put his collection to good use and, in collaboration with a goldsmith, designed and marketed a range of beautiful jewellery. He illustrated his talk with samples of rough, uncut stones and a few of the finished pieces. Everyone thoroughly enjoyed the talk and was very impressed and captivated by the lovely pendants. Mrs Ann Falconer gave a vote of thanks. Competition winners:Piece of Jewellery
Valentine’s Card
Flower Of The Month
1st Wilma Mackie
1st Margaret Auchterlonie
Wilma Mackie
2nd Grace Steven
2nd Marjorie Pasley
3rd Rita Crush
3rd Wilma Mackie
The next meeting will be on Thursday 1st March at 7.15 pm in Burnside Hall. Our guests for the evening will be Cupar Quilters, who will bring a selection of their varied and attractive work. Competitions will be 3 Rock Buns, a Sewn Pincushion and Flower of the Month. We look forward to welcoming any new members.
Michael Grant
Preparations are underway for the 2012 Balmullo Gala which will be held on the Saturday 9 th of June. In order to put on the Gala each year we rely on the assistance of many villagers, this year is no different. CAN YOU PROVIDE SOME OF YOUR TIME TO ASSIST? We meet monthly in the Balmullo Inn and if you are interested in helping in the planning, setting up or helping us run one of our stalls then please come along to one of our meetings or phone Mike on 07816593327 and see our Facebook page for more details. Your participation can be as involved as you desire, any help will be greatly appreciated. Without the continued support of the villagers this annual traditional event will not be able to continue, however with your help we can all work together and make it prosper.
CLAIRVOYANT NIGHT The Balmullo Gala have secured the services of 3 mediums who have informed us that they are going to hold a Clairvoyant evening on the 17th of May in Balmullo, at this moment in time they have not yet informed us of the location! More details to follow soon.
Sarah Else
At last, Spring has sprung! It is great to see the lighter mornings and evenings as we travel to and from school everyday. Longer days give us more of a chance to get out and about and we have certainly been doing that with our classes. As part of our “Citizenship Week” our pupils have been looking at what it means to be a “good citizen” and considering the difference that they can make in their community. Our primary one children undertook a litter pick in the park, our primary two children are exploring their village and the way in which it has evolved over the years, primary threes along with some fours and fives went litter picking up the pathway and around Willie’s Woods, primary fives and sixes are looking at how they can improve the school grounds whilst some primary six and sevens are undertaking a survey of the local area to consider areas of graffiti/ damage that they perhaps could be involved in cleaning up. As part of the on-going community liaison we have good links with the community council and were able to respond promptly to the recent hedge cutting request. This is an on-going issue for us as the council does not maintain this and as such we have to find either volunteers, or funds, from within school to ensure that this is done. One other area of concern for us within this community is the on-going issue with dangerous parking at school entry and exit times. We are currently liaising with the local community police officer to look at ways that we can encourage parents to be more responsible regarding where they park at these times. On a more positive note, our nursery children are involved in raising funds for Marie Curie Cancer care and have been growing bulbs to sell at a small coffee morning. Our Burns Afternoon was also a great success and I know that those from within the community that attended had a wonderful time listening to and watching the children perform a range of Scots poetry, song and dance. My thanks to the Burns Committee for their continued support with this aspect of school life. Once again we look forward to working in partnership with our community to ensure the best, all round education for our young people. Sarah Else - Head Teacher -
Philip Black
It was a pleasure to hold our first meeting for parents of P7 pupils in our associated primaries last Wednesday in preparation for the move to Bell Baxter in August. It was a most successful event with some 400 parents and over 200 pupils present. Following my presentation, parents and pupils were invited tom tour the school and visit classrooms. We were delighted by the many positive comments following this tour. it was a real delight to see so many people attend this event and afterwards everyone was so complimentary about the school, the staff and our prefects. I will now visit primaries in the coming months to talk about the curriculum and I look forward to my visit to Balmullo. Philip Black - Rector - Bell Baxter High School - Cupar - 01334 659459
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Rod Campbell After a brief break from Parliamentary duties over the festive period, work swiftly began again at the start of January. January is always seen as a cold, dark, uninspiring month. Of course, for many people, it is also one that will involve additional scrimping and saving as we count the cost of Christmas just passed, and wait that extra week before payday arrives. After having celebrated an early pay day in December, many of us will curse the longer wait before paying off our bills. Of course, January is not all doom and gloom. That said, two of the biggest highlights happened to coincide with one another. 25 January 2012 saw both the 253rd anniversary of the birth of Robert Burns and the launch of the Scottish Government’s consultation on an Independence Referendum.
For Burns’ night, I was invited to take part in a Burns’ supper in Dundee and to propose the “Toast to Scotland” – Sheena Wellington proposed the immortal memory, as well as entertaining the audience with snippets of Burns’ songs. Of course, one over-riding memory of Sheena Wellington – who has a Doctorate from St Andrews University – is from the opening of the Scottish Parliament in 1999, and her rendition of “A Man’s A Man For a’ That”. Her performance, at the opening of the first Scottish Parliament for three hundred years, is often cited as one of the highlights of the day, and I would tend to agree. Some 13 years after that performance, however, The Scottish Government announced its consultation on an Independence Referendum. This is a historic opportunity to decide Scotland’s future. The Scottish Government has yet to agree the details with the UK Government, but hopefully progress will be made shortly. Notwithstanding that, as satirists have suggested, one day the debate focuses on Scotland being forced out of the European Union, the next day on being forced to use the Euro. One day Scotland won’t be allowed to use the pound, the next day we will not be allowed to use the Euro. Some people have even wrongly suggested that Edinburgh Zoo could lose its Pandas in the event of independence! Clearly, the debate has lacked substance so far, but I have no doubt that will come. The Scottish Government believes this decision should be made in Scotland, by the people of Scotland. These are important times, with the biggest political decision in 300 years to be made coming in a little over 2 ½ years. Everybody – from small places like Balmullo, to larger places such as St Andrews and Edinburgh – has an opportunity to be involved. You can have your say and be involved in the consultation about the referendum by visiting the consultation website: At a more local level, another consultation – this time on the future of Madras College – closed last week. I have had many constituents make their opinion on the matter clear to me, and I await with interest the outcome of that consultation. Roderick Campbell M.S.P. I can be contacted by the following means: Phone: 01334 844971 (Cupar) or 0131 348 6524 (Edinburgh) Email: Post:- Unit F1, The Granary Business Centre, Coal Road, Cupar or The Scottish Parliament, Holyrood, Edinburgh EH9 1SP
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Ronnie Davidson
We have been making steady progress with plans for a Multi-Use Games Area in Balmullo. The first milestone was to form a constituted group to take responsibility for the project. The second milestone is to consult widely across the community to agree the location and specification. The current plan is to locate the MUGA in the park, next to the school boundary. The project will also include some other general upgrading including some levelling of the football pitch and some new planting and screening. Fife Council has plans to upgrade the children’s play area at the same time. The third milestone is to get official recognition for the project. This will help us to convince funders to support this particular project. We applied for a London 2012 Olympic Inspire Mark with the help of Fife Council. The purpose of the mark is to give projects an official status as contributors to the legacy of the games. In Scotland this also carries forward to the 2014 Commonwealth Games. Great news, we got it! The next few months are about completing the community consultation, finalising specification and lodging a planning application. We are very grateful to Alan Bisset at Fife Council for his support. Then of course it’s all about raising the money. We have opened a new bank account and this lays in wait for the £100,000 that will be needed to build. So if you want to know more or want get involved in some way, perhaps you have an idea about how you would like use the new facility then please get in touch and come along to the group meetings. You can always keep up to date on (Balmullo MUGA logo designed by Conan)
Balmullo Community meeting in the Village Hall March 12th 2012 @ 7.30pm FIFE THISTLE FOOTBALL CLUB
Colin Murray
With the festive break and the winter weather Fife Thistle have only played two matches since last months newsletter and unfortunately their winning run was brought to an abrupt halt in 2012 as they lost narrowly away to St. Monans Swallows and at home to Kirkcaldy YM. The match against St. Monans saw the return of former Manager and Thistles all time top scorer James Murray who was back in Scotland on holiday from his home in Phoenix and with top scorer Jason Herkes away in Texas for his wedding the veteran led the line looking to grab his 200th goal for the club, but unfortunately Thistle spent the whole game huffing and puffing, but failing to find the target before falling to a late and controversial goal from the hosts. Next up came league leaders Kirkcaldy YM with Thistle looking to maintain their decent home record, but the Balmullo side put in an abject first half performance trailing 2-0 at the break before bouncing back in the second half and pulling the game back level at 2-2, but sloppy defending allowed Kirkcaldy to restore their two goal advantage before Webster pulled a goal back to set up an exciting finale however the visitors held firm to take full points and stretch their lead at the top of the table despite the efforts of the Balmullo Inn Man of the Match Richard Grimshaw-Else (picture attached). 7th January 2012 - League Division One St. Monans Swallows 1 – 0 Fife Thistle HT 0-0 Team – Sullivan, Dunn (Stuart 46), Dawkins (Webster 78), Robertson (Capt.), Ross, Kreczak, A. Murray (Simpson 60), Layton, Kirby, Grimshaw-Else, J. Murray. Subs not used – Austen & Hallam 21st January 2012 - League Division One Fife Thistle 3 – 4 Kirkcaldy YM HT 0-2 Scorers – Kirby, Grimshaw-Else, Webster Team – Sullivan, Robertson (Capt.), Ross, Cameron, Kreczak, Kirby, Stuart (Webster 80), Layton, Dawkins (Simpson 70), Grimshaw-Else, Deakin. Subs not used - C. Murray, Hallam, Spratt and Chaplin For the latest results and details of fixtures please visit
Chairman Keith Parker
In this year of the 200th Birthday of Charles Dickens and the Queen’s Diamond Jubilee, it’s hard to believe that ten years have passed since we celebrated the Queen’s Golden Jubilee at Burnside Hall and 12 years since I was asked to help make up the numbers for the Hall Committee and then found myself in the position of Chairman. The Queen probably also finds it hard to believe she has been in charge for 60 years (so I guess 12 as Chairman is not so very much). Throughout this time the facilities provided have been maintained to a very high standard, thanks to the never ending efforts of the hall keeper Lynn, resulting in a building that looks almost the same as when it first opened. There are a few noticeable changes, such as the Solar Panels on the roof, which thanks to our early action are delivering substantial returns and should continue to do so for the next 24 or more years. There are a number of issues that arise as the building gets older and we have had to replace some of the doors and windows and are now looking at the heating to see if more efficient and cost effective heaters may be available. The make up of the management committee has remained fairly static, with a number of people including the secretary Kim and Treasurer Richard, probably due long service medals. As ever if there are other people who could contribute to the management of the Hall I would be delighted to hear from them. The range of organisations using the Hall over the years has altered from time to time but the Hall continues to provide a meeting place for many local, and not so local people, from the scouts and rainbows to ballroom dancers and the Monday club, the under 5’s club to the gardening club, carol singing to church services and for many others the hall provides an excellent venue. We are always keen to encourage more groups to make use of the facility, although thanks to the excellent regular bookings, there are only limited times available. The structure of charges for the Hall have been designed to cover the costs of the yearly operation of the hall without eating into the capital reserves, in order that the future running of the hall can be suitably maintained. Income has been assisted by funds generated from such events as the Gala Day BBQ and New Year’s Eve Party, for which a big thank you is due to a small number of enthusiastic people. With very low interest rates, very little extra income is generated from any money we invest. So as we look ahead, we hope that the Hall will continue to provide a focus for Balmullo Perhaps we will get a few community fruit trees, some street lighting by the footpath..... or if there are things you would like to help arrange, then get in touch.
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