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Balmullo Newsletter www.balmullo.com www.issuu.com/balmullo

In this issue Council Contacts




200 Club


Thank Yous


An Open Letter


QR Code Safari


Flu Clinics


What’s On?


Bowling Club




Golf Society


Lauren Macqueen




Cuplahills Farm


Senior Citizens


Recipe of the Month


Beautiful Fife 2012


Forret Curling Club


Councillor Maggie Taylor cuts the ribbon at the official opening ceremony of St Andrews Country Cabins. 4th August 2012.


BALMULLO COMMUNITY COUNCIL Newsletter: Ina Cameron 870253 twaauldgoats@btinternet.com


Chairman: Zoë Sanders 1zoesanders@gmail.com Vice-Chairman: Alison Jeffrey alison@balmullo.net Treasurer: Andrew Falconer anfalconer@tiscali.co.uk Secretary: Sue Smith secretary@balmullo.net Minute-Secretary: Ann Falconer anfalconer@tiscali.co.uk

Councillors 870674 870496 870221 870496

Useful Contacts Burnside Hall Keeper: Lynn Murphy The Minister Rev. Caroline Taylor caro234@btinternet.com

870466 870038

John Normand janormand1@gmail.com Gwenyth Mitchell gwenyth@balmullo.net


Fife Councillors Maggie Taylor 01382 552718 cllr.margaret.taylor@fife.gov.uk Tim Brett 01382 330905 cllr.tim.brett@fife.gov.uk Bill Connor 077 1866 8792 cllr.bill.connor@fife.gov.uk Dog Warden Community Police Officer: P.C. Gavin Rae

0845 155 0022

RAF Aircraft Noise:

01334 839471

0845 600 5702

GALA Committee: http://balmullogala.weebly.com

Statements made or opinions expressed in this Newsletter do not necessarily reflect the views of the Balmullo Community Council or any of its officers. Advert Prices   

Small Half Page Full Page

£5 £10 £20

You can rent advertising space on a month by month basis or on a longer term basis. The Balmullo Newsletter has a circulation of 700 and is hand delivered FREE of charge. TO ALL ADVERTISERS – Please check your advert. If you would like to remove it or change it in any way, please let me know. Either by phone or email. My details are on page 3 of this newsletter - Ina Cameron.

Join in the fun at the next Balmullo Community Council meeting on 8th October 7.30pm in the Village Hall.


ANNOUNCEMENTS The first part of the proceedings was our AGM during which the Committee was elected. Their names and contact info is at the front of the Newsletter. Our Chairman also gave her Annual Report as follows. Once again it is my duty, and pleasure, to make a brief report on the principal issues which the Community Council has dealt with during the past year, all of which have made some satisfactory progress – but as so often is the case, they are not finished yet and will continue to feature on our agenda during the next twelve months as well! Raymond Kelly of the Lomond Pharmacy submitted another application for a pharmacy within the doctor’s practice in Pitcairn Drive. Despite there having been two previous consultations, both of which were deemed to be unacceptable for minor technicalities, the NHS Fife board now felt it necessary to carry out yet another survey on their own behalf. Residents were able to complete this on line but the Community Council arranged for paper copies to be delivered to each house with the Newsletter. The closing date was August 14th, and we understand that the response from the village was very high. The MUGA – Multi-Use Games Area – plans for this exciting project have been lodged with Fife Council, and we await developments. It had been hoped that the RAF engineers would have started the groundwork before the end of the summer, but the planning delay has prevented this. The small derelict house at 13 School Road continued to cause some anxiety, and a survey by Building Standards resulted in a ‘defective building notice’ being served on the owners. Inconsiderate parking on the roads around the Primary School continued to pose problems, not least making it difficult for children to cross the roads safely in the absence of a lollipop man. We asked Fife Council to monitor the parking and it is hoped that double-yellow lines will be introduced in the appropriate places. The future of Quarry Road – the Community Council was made fully aware of the concerns of the residents along Quarry Road west of the quarry, about the dangerous deterioration of the road surface and the clear decision by Fife Council that no more Roads Department funds will be applied to maintain the road. The residents have consulted Fife Council who have placed traffic monitoring equipment on the road as a first step. It is possible that the road may be closed to motor vehicles west of the quarry at some stage in the

COMMUNITY COUNCIL future, while remaining open to locals for recreational purposes – walking, riding, cycling etc. The Young Peoples’ Representatives – the YPRs have actively participated in the planning of the MUGA and the shelter which they hope will be sited near each other in the park. Their decision to hold their meetings before the Community Council meetings in the hope of attracting more young attendants seems to have been successful. Two of the main drivers of the YPR project are however preparing to start at university and it is hoped that this praiseworthy initiative will continue to flourish without them. In my report as Chairman last year I stressed how lucky we are in Balmullo to have the services of such a dedicated group of community councillors and the support of Maggie Taylor our regional councillor, and in her absence Tim Brett. This has continued to be the case and their efforts and skills have made my job very easy. We were sorry to lose John Docherty and Peter Lomas from the Community Council during the year, but were able to welcome Jim Taylor on board. The council meetings have continued to enjoy good attendances each month, with the 200 Club and the ever-improving Newsletter contributing enormously to community cohesion. Ina Cameron, our indefatigable editor, and her enthusiastic design and technical supporter Mike Withers deserve everybody’s gratitude. We then moved on to our normal monthly meeting at which the following points were made. As from 15th October the Bin collecting times will be changed to 6am through to 9pm. New notices will be delivered to each house prior to this change. There is now an increase in Dog Wardens and Fife Council are now able to issue more fines to erring owners. The number to phone is at the start of the newsletter and you are urged to phone the wardens to help eradicate this problem. Once more Balmullo has received the Beautiful Fife Silver Award. Everyone has remarked on how lovely the flower tubs are this year. Please be aware that if you have greenery, flowers or hedging etc which overhangs the boundary of your property then it is your responsibility to trim it back so that it does not interfere with small children, mum’s with prams or elderly people. Quite a few have been reported to Fife Council so have a look and try not to be one of those people to receive a letter from Fife Council on this matter.

Next meeting 8th October 2012 @ 7.30pm in Burnside Hall.



THE 200 CLUB DRAW JULY’S WINNERS £50 Mrs Cameron, Lucklaw Road £20 Mrs Tivendale, School Road £20 Mr Nicoll, Anderson Drive £20 Mrs Fearon, Park View £20 Ms Jones, Hillview Road £20 Mrs Phillips, Mansfield Road £10 Mr Petrie, Hayston Park £10 Mrs White, Murray Court £10 Mr Butt, Inchlaw £10 Mrs Duncan, Greenacre £10 Mrs Samuel, Main Road

AUGUST’S WINNERS £50 Mr Duncan, The Mount £20 Mrs Duncan, Greenacre £20 Mrs Vefkinglu, Smithy Road £20 Mrs Page, Borthwick Place £20 Mr Henderson, Hayston Park £20 Mr Farquhar, Park View £10 Mrs Smith, Park View £10 Mrs Brill, The Mount £10 Mr Scott, Craigann Smithy Road £10 Mr Calder, Lomond Place £10 Mr Hughes, Hillfield Road

SEPTEMBER’S WINNERS £50 Mrs Glen, Dunedin Park £20 Mrs Crush Snr, McWalters Fields £20 Miss Mitchell, Pitcairn Drive £20 Mrs Shoemark, Mansfield Road £20 Mr Thomson, Park View £20 Mrs Young, Park View £10 Mrs Murphy, Burnside £10 Mr Finlayson, School Road £10 Mr Perry, Burnside £10 Mr Kennet, Anderson Drive £10 Mrs Shepherd, Burnside

CONGRATULATIONS TO ALL THIS SUMMER’S 200 CLUB WINNERS! How to Join Our 200 Club? It's easy to join the 200 Club. Call or email Ina at twaauldgoats@btinternet.com or call 870253. It only costs £1 per entry per month, and you can enter as many times as you like. We are currently trying to raise money for various Balmullo community activities and projects.

THANK YOU’S Isabella Kirk would like to thank Balmullo Community Council, WRI, friends, neighbours and residents of Balmullo for all their cards, gifts and best wishes she received on her 100th birthday. Her family would also like to express their thanks and appreciation that so many acknowledged the fact that she is now a centenarian! Elizabeth Hughes would like to give “a big Thank you to all Friends and Neighbours who sent there good wishes , after my recent Surgery in Ninewells. I am progressing well.” Yours Sincerely Elizabeth.



We live at 21 Hillview Road and attempt to keep a neat and tidy garden in which my wife takes great pleasure. Recently, however, we have found that someone has been allowing their dog to use our garden as a toilet, and nearly every morning we find a new pile of dog excrement amongst the flowers or in some cases on the lawn. We always find these piles in the mornings, so I assume that the owner (be it he or she) is letting the dog out late at night and during the hours of darkness! I find picking this mess up extremely nauseating and can only assume that the owner of this particular animal is allowing it to roam freely and has no consideration for us as owners of the property. When we owned a dog (some years ago) we always ensured that we had an adequate supply of “Poop bags” in our pockets when we were out walking with our pet and certainly did not allow him to encroach into other people’s gardens or property. I am sure that the large majority of dog owners do the same. However, it appears that there is one person locally who does not share that same sense of responsibility.

Looking for a good horse rider to help exercise my horse. Please phone 079 7109 8411. The person who fly-tipped their garden rubbish along Clay Road, be aware that you have been reported to Fife Council.






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“2012 FLU CLINICS” This Years Sessions will be held at:

LEUCHARS on Wednesday 24th Oct 09:30 – 12:00 BALMULLO on Tuesday 30th Oct 15:30 – 18:00 No Appointment Necessary Just Turn Up & Report to Reception! Patients eligible for the vaccination are: Patients Aged Over 65 ~ Patients Under 65 with a Chronic Disease & Pregnant Ladies


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WHAT’S ON? SEPTEMBER 29th Garden/Craft Club Coffee Morning 10am in Burnside Hall. All welcome 29th Bowling Club Closing of Green Dance 8pm – late. All welcome 30th Paths Group walk leave Burnside Hall at 2pm OCTOBER 4th WRI Diamond Jubilee Party in Burnside Hall. Arrive for 6.45pm 8th Community Council meeting in Burnside Hall 7.30pm, all welcome. 11th Garden/Craft Club, Winter Talk in Burnside Hall at 7.30pm all welcome 13th Quiz night in Balmullo Inn. 7pm till late. Watch noticeboards for details 19th Bowling Club Prize Bingo. Eyes Down 7.30pm. All welcome 27th Gardening & Craft Club Annual Flower Show in Burnside Hall



Paths Group walk leave Burnside Hall at 2pm NOVEMBER 12th Community Council meeting in Burnside Hall 7.30pm, all welcome. 16th Bowling Club Prize Bingo. Eyes Down 7.30pm. All welcome 25th Paths Group walk leave Burnside Hall at 2pm 30th Burns Club St Andrews Night in Balmullo Inn. DECEMBER 10th Community Council meeting in Burnside Hall 7.30pm, all welcome. 14th Bowling Club Prize Bingo. Eyes Down 7.30pm. All welcome 21st Christmas Dance in Bowling Club 8pm till late. Force Two Combo Running an event? Email twaauldgoats@btinternet.com


Our Closing of the Green Dance is being held on 29th September. Music is by John Duncan. Members and non-Members are all welcome. It starts at 8pm ‘till late. Tickets are £7 and there is a Buffet. We are running a series of Prize Bingo nights during the winter. The dates are 19th October; 16th November and 14th December. All start at 7.30pm and everyone is welcome to come along.

EDITORIAL It was pleasing to see we are still well supported by some of our caring residents who turn up most months to cheer us on. I hope everyone had a good holiday over our so called summer. We will keep our fingers crossed for next year. I attended the Police Forum meeting on Wednesday. As far as Balmullo is concerned we have not had any incidents of late for which we are all pleased. The parking around the school was mentioned and hopefully the double yellow lines will appear soon. Also the Traffic police are being asked to be on hand to move on any badly parked cars. The Community Speed Watch training has taken place and they are awaiting the final decision on the sites to be targeted. If you would like to join this campaign they are still taking names. Be assured that you will be given a choice of village or area once you are trained to use the radar equipment so if you can spare an hours or two a month to help with this worthwhile cause please contact our Community Officer PC861 Gavin Rae on 08456005702 or email Gavin.Rae@fife.pnn.police.uk. For those not aware there has been a burst water

INA CAMERON pipe along the Burnside pathway. At present part of the path has been closed to all just after the small wooden bridge heading towards Logie. The Water Board have the matter in hand now but at the start Lynn Murphy, Richard Hynd, Alison Jeffrey and Gwenyth Mitchell were all out in their wellies helping to redirect the water away from Alison’s house and to ensure nobody came to grief ‘till the emergency services got there. So grateful thanks to all those who helped. Cllr Brett has informed me that any time sandbags are required for such an emergency they are available from the Council Transport Department in Cupar. We have a new Fife Councillor joining us now, Mr Bill Connor. Bill would like it to be known that he runs a Surgery in Burnside Hall on the first Wednesday of each month from 6.30pm to 7pm. His phone number and email address are at the front of this Newsletter.

Articles for the next newsletter should be sent to me by 8th October.


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In August the Society headed to play at Brechin Golf and Squash Club which was formed in 1893 at Trinity Muir with a 9 hole course. In 1904 the original wooded clubhouse was replaced with a larger brick building which remained for a further 70 years. By 1926 the famous James Braid was invited to play the course. Braid was so impressed he suggested suitable sites for sand bunkers in the Limefield section of the course. With the popularity of golf rising, by 1973 the Club realised it’s existing standards were not up to standard and work began in 1975 to extend the clubhouse. This was finally completed in 1977. In 1989 an additional 42 acres of land were acquired from a retiring neighbouring farmer. The fields were on either side of the Brechin bypass and the services of John Farrell were engaged to plan out the new course. Work began on the six new greens in the 1990’s and the new layout was ready to play during the Club’s centenary year in June 1993. They are constantly striving to improve their facilities and services and in May 2003 a larger refurbished clubhouse opened. Fifteen played on one of the driest and most calm days of the year, and although all the rain this year has left it’s mark the course was in pretty good condition. In a close contest there were only 2 points between the top six players. Kenny Field was August’s winner on a count back just beating Harry Black to second. John Cox, Dave Miller and Noel Raleigh won the Yellow Ball contest. Dave Miller was the most accurate at the 10th winning Nearest the Pin, and Noel Raleigh won the Hidden Holes. Kenny Field was this month’s winner of the Bandit’s Hat.

Colin Finlay Qualified Electrician

Sunday 2nd September we headed to Crieff to play the Championship. This is a Stroke Play competition played along with the normal contests. The weather was dry with a calm start turning into a strong breeze by the end. This year’s Championship was a very close contest with a three way tie for the winner and forth place one stroke behind. The winner was John Mill with Bill Simpson as runner up. Having won last year John became the first player to retain the Championship. The Stableford was played alongside and was won by George Wilkinson with Harry Black the runner up. The winning Yellow Ball team was John Mill, Paul Fenwick and Willie Rattray, we also had 4 Nearest the Pins which were won by Nicol McNair x 2, Noel Raleigh and Bill Simpson. A special mention should be made to our youngest member who managed to find a car park on the eighteenth (don’t park next to a golf course). October 7th we head to Kirriemuir to play the Foxes v Hounds. Designed by James Braid, Kirriemuir is a charming wooded parkland course that offers an admirable and highly enjoyable test. The contours of each hole and general layout make for an honest golfing encounter. Avenues of woods, gorse and broom surround lush undulating fairways and greens that are impeccable and true. In keeping with the layout of many great courses, Kirriemuir’s best is reserved for the finish. The formidable 17th is a 180 yard par three guarded by two majestic trees on either side of the green along with it’s attendant bunkers.


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Looking for an activity for your little one? Balmullo Under 5’s have immediate places available Monday & Wednesday mornings 9:15am – 11:15am In Burnside Hall We have a Baby & Toddler group And Playgroup for children over 2 years For more information

please call Fiona on 079 3216 1474



LOCAL BALMULLO GIRL HEADS OFF TO AFRICA! Lauren Macqueen from Balmullo heads off to Africa in November 2012 to complete two life changing projects for the local communities in Africa and needs your help! Here she tells her story… I am an apprentice for BT in Dundee and as part of my apprenticeship journey I have been chosen to participate in “Challenge Africa”. The project has been put together by BT and UK based charity “Challenge Worldwide” who strive to advance the

education of young people involved in the charity’s programmes and to relieve poverty within the communities and developing countries in which we are hosted.

The trip will start for me in St Lazarus School which is located in Kibera, Kenya. This tiny school accepts 130 children who would not be accepted at any other facility due to their families' inability to fund even the most basic requirements for standard school entry: uniform and text books. The school is in danger of financial and physical collapse in every respect having had all other sources of funding fade away under the current economic climate. Teachers are currently not being paid and food is intermittent. For most of the children, this was their only meal of the day. The aims are to fund and refurbish several mud classrooms and launch another year's lunch programme for 130 primary school children. The second leg of the trip will be at the Makat Village (Maasai), Lake Natron in Tanzania where the community is surviving in one of the

most remote areas of the Great Rift Valley. It is surrounded by water but unsafe to drink. The local population suffer appalling and preventable bone deformities and teeth erosion due to the natural fluoride levels in the water as well as a range of other preventable diseases and ailments due to malnutrition and the lack of education, medical c a r e a n d s u p p lie s a n d e m e r g e n c y transportation. The area and community find it almost impossible to retain teachers & medical staff due to the isolation and lack of food and clean water. The aims here are to assist with immediate basic health and nutritional improvements. In order for these aims to be met I need to raise a minimum of 3.5k and as a sign of my own commitment I will be attempting to summit Mount Meru; known as Kilimanjaro’s 'little sister' but in no way less demanding, Mount Meru stands at almost 4,600 metres above sea level. By hosting race nights, music nights, raffles and bake sales in Dundee, as well as having friends and family make generous donations, I have managed to raise 1.7k so far and by writing to the Balmullo Community Council I was given a very generous donation towards my target, which I am very grateful for. Note: I have paid for all costs related to the Mountain climb myself so that all donations will be covering the funding of the materials, transportation and specialist skills associated with the projects detailed above.



President Mrs. Ann Falconer welcomed members to the meeting on Thursday 6th September. Our speaker for the evening was Mrs Fiona Poolman, who is a locally-based Podiatrist. Fiona worked for many years with Tayside NHS but now has a private practice. Her talk was illustrated by slides showing many common foot problems and she gave excellent advice on care of feet, using one of our members to give a practical demonstration. She also advised on selection of sensible shoes and socks and a good exercise routine to keep feet strong and healthy. Everyone thoroughly enjoyed and learned from the talk and a vote of thanks was given by Jacqueline Stockton. Competition winners: 3 Almond Macaroons - 1st Evelyn Erskine Baby Bootees

- 1st Vera Finlayson

Flower of the Month

- Evelyn Erskine

2nd Grace Steven

3rd Wilma Mackie

2nd Penny Wiles

3rd Margaret Williamson

The next meeting will be on Thursday 4th October in Burnside Hall, which is our Diamond Jubilee Party. Please note that members are asked to arrive by the earlier time of 6.45 p.m.


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CUPLAHILLS FARM & ST ANDREWS COUNTRY CABINS What a busy and challenging few months we have had at Cuplahills Farm. Farming has been complicated in 2012 by the relentless rain and lack of sunshine. Ground conditions have made it very difficult to travel on the fields to carry out spraying and fertiliser and the disease pressure on all crops be it oil seed rape, wheat, barley or vegetables has been immense. Crops are exceptionally late to ripen due to the lack of sunshine and yields are well down on normal. This former point is no better demonstrated than by our contractor who noted that on the day we started to harvest our first field this year on Thursday 30th August was the day that harvest was finished 3 years ago! There is still much harvesting to be done but hopefully the weather will relent and rapid pace will be made in the forthcoming weeks. Unfortunately for the consumer, adverse weather pressures combined with increasing demand and low world stocks, is pushing global grain, oilseed and protein prices ever higher which will manifest in higher food prices at the supermarkets. Equally the cost of vegetables has risen to an unprecedented level. Three years into our agri-environmental scheme and the local wildlife and eco systems continue to benefit. The hedges are thriving in the damp conditions and the grass margins have all grown well producing a mass of nectar flowering plants for the struggling bee and insect populations. The wild bird seed mixtures were excellent initially, but their second growing season has seen them become inundated with problem weeds such as the bright yellow ragwort and purple flowering Scotch thistles. Although being loved by insects the inundation is not good in terms of trying to control the spread of these nuisance weeds. A review of the planting and husbandry is perhaps required next year in order to provide maximum benefits to wildlife and countryside.


reasons in the last year, but the spaces have rapidly been filled. The steading has benefitted from a fresh lick of paint which has made a huge difference. Thanks to Kim Rennie for all her hard work which has made a much appreciated difference to the appearance of the buildings. We still have more work to do to replace some of the tired doors and windows on the old stone buildings and there is a new shed to be constructed later in the year to replace one of the stone barns that has become unstable and reached the end of its useful life. The eco-lodges were finally completed in late July just 5 months after work commenced on the rocky outcrop. To celebrate the opening of St Andrews Country Cabins we held a launch party on Friday 10th August when around 90 guests including villagers, friends and family, contractors whose invaluable assistance helped to complete the project, and of course Maggie Taylor and Tim Brett who opened the luxury cabins. We were blessed with a glorious warm, sunny and calm evening which really showed off the luxury eco cabins and the glorious views that can be enjoyed from the site. The drinks flowed, the bbq, which was supplied by fantastic meat from Balgove Larder, was superb and the kids found great entertainment with the play park, toys, paddling pool and hay bales. I think it would be fair to say that everybody had a great time and the feedback suggests that we have succeeded in crea t ing v ery h ig h q ua lity ho liday accommodation.

A prize draw was held to help raise money for charity by giving away a weekend stay in the eco lodges. The successful event raised ÂŁ220 for our chosen charities which include Marie Curie, Kidney Research and the British Heart Foundation all of The wet spring conditions hampered pollination of which are pertinent to us at Cuplahills. the cherry, damson and hazel nut trees and the Congratulations to Avril Buist who was the lucky hawthorn and blackthorn have also suffered as is winner. evident by fruitless branches across the countryside. Information on the eco cabins can be found at This will put ever greater pressure on feeding www.standrewscountrycabins.co.uk or keep up to conditions for birds which will benefit from date with latest news and photos at assistance by feeding in gardens throughout the www.facebook.com/standrewscoutrycabins . We winter months. are very much open for business and are happy to Cuplahills livery is doing well with horses and offer last minute deals. Just call to us on owners seemingly very content. They are a great 01334870225 or contact us by email at bunch of girls all helping each other out and taking equiries@standrewscountrycabins.co.uk great care to keep the fields, stables and farm in Stephen Melville tidy condition. We have had a leave for various





We set off at 10.30am on Friday 1st June, unfortunately our bus wasn’t` full this year. We had a lovely day at Glen Esk Museum, they catered for us with soup and sandwiches at a very reasonable price. On the bus again to Montrose, we spent 2 hours there, I think quite a bit of money was spent shopping. Home around 7.30pm tired but an enjoyable day. The trip is always on the first Friday in June if you would like to go next year let us hear from you. My number is 870013 or call Margaret Kirkaldy on 870727. GALA DAY TEA TENT - We were very busy in our tent and this made some money towards the cost of the Christmas Party. The Committee would like to thank our willing helpers (not young!) who put time in behind the stalls, made tea and coffee and sold raffle tickets. We would also like to thank the ladies who baked, made jam, tablet and all the other goodies. We made quite a lot of money, not as much as last year unfortunately but enough to keep us going for another year. THANK YOU ALL FOR YOUR HELP AND SUPPORT.

Answers to Balmullo Senior Citizens’ Quiz: Pronounce it differently and you could have with tea -Scone A public house and part of your body -Barrhead A river and where you used to save -Clydebank Good news from the hospital -Motherwell Two parts of your body -Eyemouth You cannot live without it -Ayr Nearly every house has one hanging on the wall Callander An animal and it’s enclosure -Bearsden A cheap chef -Penicuik A Declaration was signed here in 1320 -Arbroath Once known as Auld Reekie -Edinburgh What little boys get -Biggar Needed when playing board games -Dyce A stronghold and a boy’s name -Fort William A month of the year surrounded by water -May Island

Once famous for it’s three J’s -Dundee Where the Fairy Flag can be seen -Dunvegan Castle Home of the oldest tennis court in Scotland Falkland You can do this to a cat -Wormit An article of clothing and a road over a river Coatbridge A drink -Rhum A steep sided valley in Scotland and a wild animal -Glen Lyon A female and somewhere you could put your money -Ladybank An animal and a safe place -Buckhaven 12 correct entries received. Winner drawn from the 12 was Mrs Cathleen Brailsford, Balmullo


“2012 FLU CLINICS” Please see page 7




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RECIPE OF THE MONTH—CHRISTMAS MINCE PIES Ingredients 8 oz / 225g plain flour 1.5oz / 43g ground almonds 6oz / 170g butter or margarine 3oz / 85g icing sugar 1 egg yolk Filling 1lb / 450g mincemeat Caster sugar for sprinkling

BEAUTIFUL FIFE 2012 In the May issue, we explained that we had entered the Beautiful Fife 2012 competition, hoping to receive another award for the village in response to the floral displays and many attractive gardens. The judges visited on 23 July and spent about 40 minutes walking around the centre of Balmullo (Pitcairn Drive, Borthwick Place, Burnside Hall, Burnside, School Road, Hayston Park and Main Street) and looking along the other streets. They also asked us questions about the level of participation, funding sources, community groups etc. I gave them copies of the June Newsletter, Flower Show Schedules and other information as examples of Community involvement. Marks were awarded by them under 3 main headings – Horticu ltural Achie ve ment, Environmental Responsibility and Community Participation, with the total mark determining



Method - Sieve flour, almonds and icing sugar into baking bowl. Rub in butter or margarine and stir in egg yolk. Work gently to form soft dough and knead lightly. Wrap and chill for 30 minutes. Pre-heat oven to gas mark 4, 180oC or 350oF Roll out pastry dough. Cut out 16 bases with a 3½“ cutter and 16 lids with a 2½ “ cutter. Fill with 1 tsp. mincemeat and make small hole in lid for steam. Bake for 25 – 30 minutes or until golden. Sprinkle with caster sugar.

BALMULLO COMMUNITY COUNCIL whether we achieved the Gold, Silver Gilt, Silver or Bronze standard. We attended the awards ceremony in Glenrothes and were presented with a Silver award again, by Provost Jim Leishman. The certificate will be on display at Burnside Hall. You may have read the article in the June newsletter about the Balmullo History QR Code Safari. Some of the QR code plaques are displayed attached to our floral tubs. This was noticed by the judges who took a great interest in the project. We were delighted to receive the special Innovation Award and this was later presented to the Primary School class and teacher for display in the School. Well done to everyone who helps to make Balmullo such an attractive village, with special mention to those who help specifically by watering and feeding nearby displays.


With an apology of a summer drawing to a close, The club will look towards setting up other social autumn sporting thoughts switch to Scotland’s other functions once the season gets fully underway. national sport, curling. Excitement is beginning to The club has organised with the assistance of the mount as season 117 for Forret begins to unfold. Kinross Curling Coaching School a free Come and Try The club kicks off its season’s campaign with the Session at the Green Hotel, Kinross on Thursday, 4th Opening Bonspiel at Kinross Ice Rink on the 22nd Oct at 7.00 p.m. This session is open to all, September when 4 rinks compete in a Pot Lid particularly those interested parties we met at this Bonspiel for the Centenary Quaich. The Pot Lid year’s Balmullo Gala day. The class will cover many concept, which is a fun variation on the traditional aspects of the game including warm up, delivery game, has as its aim the objective of getting as many and sweeping techniques, tactical awareness, as possible of the 16 stones played per end in the positioning and etiquette. We should also find time house - the more stones in the house, the greater the to have a light refreshment, another appealing reward in terms of shots. Not only is it popular, it’s feature of the game. Warm clothing, loose fitting confusing particularly for the less numerate amongst jeans and a clean pair of rubber soled shoes are all us. This will mark the season start with the final that’s required. The club has 4 new starts this year McIntosh league game on the 2nd April 2013 and is anxious to recruit more, particularly with the marking season end. increase in the number of Loofie League games (games for novices) following league expansion. For The July golf outing presented the club with joint more information or to register interest in Forret or winners in the form of organiser Craig Lindsay and the Come and Try, please contact Secretary Linda or the ever competitive Peter Lang. The day proved Philip on 01334-828248. not only to be very enjoyable but surprisingly dry.



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