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Members Chairman: Zoë Sanders 1zoesanders@gmail.com Vice-Chairman: Alison Jeffrey alison@balmullo.net Treasurer: Andrew Falconer anfalconer@tiscali.co.uk Secretary: Sue Smith secretary@balmullo.net Minute-Secretary: Ann Falconer anfalconer@tiscali.co.uk Newsletter: Ina Cameron twaauldgoats@btinternet.com

Tim Brett cllr.tim.brett@fife.gov.uk Bill Connor cllr.bill.connor@fife.gov.uk 870674 870496 870221

870496 870253

Councillors John Normand janormand1@gmail.com Gwenyth Mitchell gwenyth@balmullo.net Raymond Crush


Fife Councillors Maggie Taylor 01382 552718 cllr.margaret.taylor@fife.gov.uk

01382 330905 077 1866 8792

Useful Contacts Burnside Hall Keeper: Lynn Murphy


The Minister Rev. Caroline Taylor caro234@btinternet.com


Dog Warden

0845 155 0022

Non Emergency Police Contact


Community Police Officer: P.C. Gavin Rae

0845 600 5702

RAF Aircraft Noise:

01334 839471

GALA Committee: http://balmullogala.weebly.com 077 8033 5250 Member of Parliament Sir Menzies Campbell 656361 Member of Scottish Parliament Rod Campbell


Statements made or opinions expressed in this Newsletter do not necessarily reflect the views of the Balmullo Community Council or any of its officers.

Advert Prices   

Small Half Page Full Page

£5 £10 £20

You can rent advertising space on a month by month basis or on a longer term basis. The Balmullo Newsletter has a circulation of 700 and is hand delivered FREE of charge. TO ALL ADVERTISERS – Please check your advert. If you would like to remove it or change it in any way, please let me know. Either by phone or email. My details are on page 3 of this newsletter - Ina Cameron.

Balmullo Bowling Club Play outdoors in summer Indoors in winter Variety of competitions and friendly matches every week No experience required. All welcome to join. Call John on 01334 870196




Good to see everyone who turned up for our last We are once more helping towards an appeal meeting ‘till September. The following covers some following the rejection of the Pharmacy of the issues we dealt with. application. Fingers crossed this time. The Heart Start Group are looking at a possible We had a member of the North Fife Rotary Club site for the defibrillator. Hopefully this will be at our meeting. He explained that they had some finalised soon. funds which we could apply for to help with any The Quarry Road sign will once again be moved to projects in Balmullo, particularly involving children. the correct location by our friendly handyman.

We have asked Cllr Taylor if anything can be done to cut back the tall white weeds that are taking over most of the verges. Please be particularly careful at corners as you have to be well out past the verge to see if anything is coming on the road.

Overgrown hedges are being reported so if you have a hedge which overhangs the pavement please arrange to have it cut back before the Council sends you a letter to this effect, Murray Row was one of the areas which was felt to be in The next meeting will be in Burnside Hall at need of attention since a lot of people walk along 7.30pm on Monday 9th September, this is also our there AGM so feel free to come along.

Bus routes are being targeted again. There is an A copy of the Minutes will be available on the article in the Newsletter to help understand the shelves at the Post Office . situation.

EDITORIAL This is the last Newsletter ‘till September so keep a note of items you may be interested in and put them in your diary. We had a good turn out, and when the Gala came up everyone there said it was very good, some thought better than last year. I was sorry to have missed it (I can’t remember having missed one before) but had been away for a short break on Mull. What with the fantastic scenery and weather equal to the South of France it was truly wonderful. I think we have managed to put together a good newsletter for the last of this session. Hope everyone has a good holiday and that the weather gets warmer and drier than of late. Was looking through the Elmwood Campus

INA CAMERON Awards for 2013 and see that Analisa Irvine was awarded the Ray Baker Award – Fife Health Board Prize for Best NC Health & Social Care Student. Also Christina Jack won the SRUC Elmwood Campus Award for Flexible Learning. Congratulation to the two ladies. While on about awards I was delighted to see our Treasurer Andrew Falconer has received the Gala Award for Outstanding Contribution to the Balmullo Community. Andrew is a very deserving winner.

Articles for the next newsletter should be sent to me by 9th September 2013.

A DATE FOR YOUR DIARY On 12th October Catherine Brailsford is holding a sale in the Burnside Hall. There will be lots of craft material and other items for those interested in Craft work. The sale starts at 10am. Further details from Catherine on 870884.

CYNICUS......AND MARTIN ANDERSON For those in the village who might have an interest in, or would like to know more about, the original owner who built Cynicus Castle there is an exhibition in the St Andrews Preservation Trust Museum at 12 North Street St Andrews giving an insight into his life. Martin Anderson was a very interesting and gifted person and the exhibition is worth a visit. Anyway lets face it, what else would you do on a wet and windy day in St Andrews? The exhibition runs until September.

Next Balmullo Community Council meeting is September 9th @ 7.30pm in the Burnside Hall.



THE 200 CLUB DRAW - JUNE’S WINNERS £50 £20 £20 £20 £20 £20 £10 £10 £10 £10 £10

Mr Paterson, Pitcairn Drive Mr & Mrs Bucket, Pitcairn Drive Mr Murphy, The Quarry Mr Lowe. Dunedin Park Mrs Hinds, Pitcairn Drive Mr Connal, School Road Mrs McNeil, Park View Mrs Crush Snr, McWalters Fields Mrs Glen, Dunedin Park Mr Cramb, School Road Mrs Hall, School Road

How to Join Our 200 Club? - It's easy to join the 2 0 0 Club . Ca ll o r ema il I n a a t twaauldgoats@btinternet.com or call 870253. It only costs £1 per entry per month, and you can enter as many times as you like. We are currently trying to raise money for various Balmullo community activities and projects.


WHAT’S ON? JUNE 21st BBQ at Bowling Club 8pm to late. Music by John Duncan AUGUST 3rd Summer Flower Show in Burnside Hall 1.30pm to 5pm 31st Open day at Forgan Arts Centre SEPTEMBER 1st Open day at Forgan Arts Centre 9th Community Council meeting in Burnside

Hall at 7.30pm. All welcome 21st & 22nd Exhibition at Forgan Arts Centre 23rd Enrollment Day at Forgan Arts Centre 30th Classes start at Forgan Arts Centre OCTOBER 12th Craft Sale in Burnside Hall at 10am Details in Newsletter

Running an event? Email twaauldgoats@btinternet.com

BALMULLO S.W.R.I. President Mrs. Ann Falconer welcomed members to the meeting on Thursday 6th June. Our speaker for the evening was James Reilly, husband of our Committee member Mary. They were the founder members of the Tayforth Veterans’ Project, a charity for ex-servicemen based in Dundee. James is a retired Naval Officer who appreciates the difficulties and hardships that can face men or women who have left our Armed Forces, often after many years of distinguished service. The charity offers advice on housing, health, state benefits, future employment and support in everyday life, at a drop-in centre at City Quay in Dundee. James and Mary have invested much of their time and specialist knowledge in the charity and fundraising is an on-going necessity. Our members were very interested in this work and many questions were put to James about this very important charity and its operation. Everyone thoroughly enjoyed his visit and Jacqueline Stockton gave our visitor a well-deserved vote of thanks.


Competition winners: Bracelet

  

1st Grace Steven 2nd Mary Campbell 3rd Jacqueline Stockton Two Heart Biscuits  1st Ann Falconer  2nd Helen McNaughton  3rd Grace Steven Flower of the Month  Margaret Williamson Our summer outing will be to Monturpie Guest House and Restaurant for High Tea on Thursday 4th July at 6 pm. Drivers and passengers have been organised. The next meeting will be on Thursday 5th September, when we will have a Jewellery Demonstration by Mrs Linda Normand. The competitions will be a Favourite or Unusual Necklace, a sewn Needle case and Flower of the Month.

New members are always welcome.


St Andrews Podiatry Nail Surgery Available Sports Injuries Verrucae Clinic Home Visits by special arrangement Friendly experienced Podiatrists 31 Largo Road St Andrews KY16 8NJ

Appointments 01334 476100



We are lucky in Balmullo to have a good population of House Martins building their nests on many of the houses. It is a species whose numbers have declined rapidly in Britain generally. The causes of the decline are unknown. The losses of many once-common farmland birds have been caused by agricultural intensification but this explanation does not seem to fit the decline of the House Martin. One of the difficulties in working out the cause is that House Martins, like Swallows*, spend the winter far away in Africa; even worse, we do not know exactly where they go in that vast continent. The British Trust for Ornithology (BTO) is aiming to find out by fitting electronic tracking devices to a number of House Martins this year. Because House Martins are such small birds, the trackers have to be tiny (about the size of a shirt button). This means that, unlike the larger devices that have been fitted to birds such as Ospreys, they cannot provide a continuous broadcast of the bird's position; instead, the birds carrying the trackers will have to be caught again when they return to Britain next year and the information downloaded from their trackers. Once we get that

JEREMY GREENWOOD information, it will be possible to look at w h e t h e r conditions have been changing in the African wintering grou nds, in order to try to determine the possible causes of the reduction i n t h e population. (You can find m o r e information on www.bto.org) Of course, House Martins a r e n ot universally welcome. They stick their mud nests under our eaves and the droppings of the nestlings are ejected onto whatever is below – windows, windowsills, pathways, etc. This can present a continual cleaning problem through the summer. In many continental countries, where the species is commoner in towns than in much of Britain, householders routinely fit shelves below the nests, to retain the droppings until they are washed off in the winter. A more drastic solution is to destroy the nests but it is strictly illegal to do this while they are being used, even if they are only just being built and do not yet contain any eggs. The law allows a fine of up to £5000 per nest destroyed, or even custodial sentences, so this can be a costly way of keeping the surroundings of one's house clean. It is not illegal to knock down the nests during the winter, when the birds are away in Africa, but this is unlikely to be a long-term solution because the birds may simply rebuild their nests when they return next spring. *For those who are unsure of the difference between the two species, Swallows have noticeably long tails and House Martins short ones, as well as conspicuous white rumps.


D McQueen Gas Oil & Heating Services Milton Lea, By Balmullo, St Andrews Tel: 01334 839144 Mob: 07801 731 531

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Pains Of Labour No Time? Too Busy? Help Is At Hand. Gardens, Garages, Maintenance Clearing, Removal Anything Considered. Reasonable Rates Call Jake On 079 6978 0956

Colin Finlay Qualified Electrician


Any jobs large or small Discounts for OAPs

Balmullo 870578 Mobile 07828 547395

SERVICING & M.O.T. REPAIRS Tel 870328 ‘Loanhead’ Balmullo St. Andrews KY16 0BQ

Appointments not always necessary Mon Closed Tues 9-3 Wed 9-5 Thur 9-8 Fri 9-6 Sat 8-3 Sun Closed

15 Main Street Leuchars 01334 848625




Who was it who said “variety is the spice of life”? …they must have been thinking of the role of a councillor. Working with my two colleagues in the Taybridgehead ward we deal with a wide range of different issues. This week for instance there have been concerns about the state of a council house garden, I have chased up for the Council for the umpteenth time the replacement of road signs, supported a parent over the travel arrangements of her child who will be starting at secondary school and raised concerns about the length of time it took to answer the emergency alarm from one of our sheltered housing complexes. I try to “sign post” people to the right person who can deal with their problem but some people need more help and I am happy to support them. As a councillor I also get involved in a range of community issues –this week we have had further discussions with Ronnie Davidson about the funding of the proposed MUGA in Balmullo. I have spoken to the University of St Andrews about their plans for the mill site at Guardbridge and a Wormit resident has raised concerns about facilities at Waterston Crook. We work closely with our five Community Councils and attend their monthly meetings. These are the basis of our system of local government –an opportunity for local concerns to be raised, to check that services are being delivered properly and to hold your local councillors to account! We then get involved in Committees which have wider responsibilities –either in NE Fife or for Fife as a whole .In NE Fife we have a monthly planning Committee and a separate Area Committee where we get reports on all other Council services and of our partners too such as the police and the NHS. These meetings are held in Cupar and are open to the public who can come and listen …there is also an opportunity for the public to ask a question at the end of the Area Committee meeting which does not happen very often. There are then Fife wide Committees and each of us are on different ones, I sit on the Council’s Executive which is the main committee responsible for setting priorities and overseeing the budget but I am also a member of the Standards and Audit , Pensions Committee, the Corporate Parenting Board and 2 health and care committees …the Health and Social Care Partnership and the Health and Wellbeing Alliance. Being able to read and digest large quantities of written information is a useful attribute as well. Lastly councillors act as ambassadors for their communities and work with other public bodies. So this week we had a meeting of the group that is overseeing the plans for the departure of the RAF from Leuchars next year and the arrival of the army in 2015.I was also involved in a reception for 12 rotary visitors from Wyoming and Colorado in the USA who were visiting NE Fife. So life is never dull and I’m never looking for things to do but am always pleased to hear from constituents if they have concerns or issues that they want to raise with me. Oh yes and I do occasionally have time to see my wife!

FORGAN ARTS CENTRE, NEWPORT-ON-TAY Are you interested in Painting, Pottery, Sewing, Crafts, Dressmaking, Stained Glass, Flower Arranging/ Floral Art, Upholstery and Bridge?? If you are, then The Forgan Arts Centre could be the place or you. We offer a range of leisure classes attracting members from a wide area of Fife and beyond. Our Tutors are exceptionally well qualified and the classes are suitable for all abilities, both beginners and the experienced craft person are very welcome. We are holding an open weekend on Saturday 31st August and Sunday 1st September at which there will be demonstrations from each of the classes. There will also be the opportunity to try out some of the crafts yourself. This could be your chance to try something new! We will be open from about 12 noon and hope to see you there. For exact times check the website where you will also find details all our classes: www.forganartscentre.co.uk There is also an exhibition in September 21st & 22nd. Classes start on the 30th of September, the enrolling date is 23rd September. We are open to suggestions for any classes we don’t offer at present but that could be of interest. Fife Style Card will give you a discount for the courses. The cards are available from the Libraries at Cupar and St Andrews. There is limited parking at the Centre but additional parking is available a few yards beyond in the field where they sell strawberries etc.





I am writing this article following the belated arrival of the 2013 summer. After months of, seemingly endless, darkness and rain, it is now a pleasure to be out and about in the constituency, talking to people. I recently visited Guardbridge Primary School – one of several schools I have visited in the past year – and saw the facilities there. When I was there, all the children and staff were very pleasant and enthusiastic about being at school. Whilst I would hope this is always the case, I am sure that even they have days when they are not so enthused at the prospect of going to School on any given day. I am sure the prospect of the summer holidays will be of great comfort to them, however.

The most interesting part of my visit came when I spoke to the P1 – 3 class, however, and they were asked to guess what my occupation was. There were a number of suggestions, with some interesting and flattering ones, such as my being a teacher, or a writer. (Whilst I may share a name with a prominent children’s author, I must say that we are, in fact, different people.) Some other suggestions were, perhaps, less than flattering, such as being a bank manager. It is fair to say that the past few years have seen a backlash against bankers, and I would far rather be known as a writer, if that were the alternative! By contrast, the 3rd – 9th of June saw Dementia Awareness Week take place. This annual event is run by Alzheimer Scotland and is designed to help the organisation concentrate its efforts to reach more people. Dementia almost exclusively affects older people, and very few people will not have personal awareness of somebody suffering from it. The work of organisations, such as Alzheimer Scotland is essential, and I believe the Scottish Government’s second, three-year dementia strategy, which was launched on Monday 3 May, will help to continue to improve treatment for patients. The diagnosis, and treatment, of Alzheimers is a very specific medical issue, and I hope to see continued improvements in the diagnosis rates in the future. Of course, general medical needs can be met by a number of means, and local delivery of services is often regarded as an important way of meeting these needs – for young and old alike. I was, therefore, very disappointed by the decision of NHS Fife’s Pharmacy Practices Committee not to grant permission for a dispensing pharmacy to open in Balmullo. I am aware of, and share, the great frustration of many in the community regarding this decision, and do not fully understand why the PCC have refused the application, having accepted it last year. This contrast, from acceptance to refusal, has led to me raising this matter with the Chair of the PPC, and I would hope to receive answers in the near future.



Having achieved planning permission last autumn the focus has been on funding applications. Filling in funding forms is relatively straightforward but the task of meeting additional information requirements is more complicated. The Muga Group now has in place a range of policies and procedures as well as most of the various background and project documents needed to satisfy funders. We have an open application into the Fife Environmental Trust and are currently preparing a bid for money from the Scottish Government Legacy 2014 Fund. We have already secured a grant from the Fife Community Safety Fund and local groups including the Gala Committee and Park Committee have made a contribution. The next meeting is on 24th June but there will be another in late August if anyone wants to help please let me know. We now have plans to offer a seasonal calendar for the Muga with a new timetable each spring, summer, autumn and winter. The Muga group will therefore meet four times a year to manage the facility when built and agree the timetable. Although we paln to have the Muga accessible at all times, members of the Muga group will be able to book time in the calendar. If you or your organisation would like to have access to the Muga then please do come along to the next meeting and get involved. Ronnie Davidson, Chairpersonmuga@balmullo.org.uk





What a relief to see that the countryside is now looking green and pleasant with the sun shining and the warmth making everybody feel so much better about life. I don’t think many farmers will remember when winter crops looked so poor, were so far behind in their growth stages and when spring cultivations were so late to commence. The crop that showed some of the greatest affects of the poor weather was Winter Oilseed Rape which was 5-6 weeks later in flowering than last year – I am sure the hay fever sufferers were not complaining however! At Cuplahills we only managed to get 1/3 of our planned winter wheat acreage planted this year and we had to re-sow some 20ac of oilseed rape that just did not have the vigour to withstand the winter. On the plus side the spring barley, which is destined for whisky production, is looking great and will hopefully continue to perform well. The change in cropping rotation, extra costs, reduced yields and the delayed growth stages will have a significant effect on profitability for farmers across the country. Livestock farmers in particular have suffered this year. The combination of extra feed consumption, inflated concentrate and forage prices, an extra long winter and slow grass growth means that many farmers have endured one of the toughest winters they will remember. It is however of some comfort that livestock prices are strong with cattle and sheep starting to fetch the prices that are needed for the industry to remain sustainable. The waiting game now starts until hay and harvest time arrives, so fingers crossed for a good summer. Wildlife & Environment The grass margins around the arable fields have filled out with the clover ready to flower and provide the bees with a nectar source. We have resown the two year wild bird seed plots around the farm this year with a mixture of barley and small seeds including linseed, phacelia, clover, utopia and mustard, which should result in a glorious flush of colour later in the year. The hedges that were planted 2 and 3 years ago are really starting to fill out although it is noticeable that many of the Blackthorn bushes that were looking so strong have been killed by the cold, wet winter. The gaps left will be beaten up next year. We have planted around 100 trees this winter within hedgerows, by farm tracks and along the quarry road. These will hopefully grow up to provide valuable habitats and further enhance the appearance of the countryside.



CUPLAHILLS FARM & ST ANDREWS COUNTRY CABINS NEWS CONTINUED St Andrews Country Cabins & Farmhouse B&B The log cabins will have been open for one year at the end of July. It has been a very successful first year and we have had so many amazing comments left by guests. It makes us appreciate what a fantastic part of Scotland we live in and how much the area has to offer. Amanda and I have many new ideas that we want to introduce at the farm and cabins in the future, and these will hopefully be investigated further and rolled out in the near future. Balmullo primary school P5 & P6 visited the farm twice this year to lend a hand. Despite the horrendously cold weather and the gale that was blowing, they bravely marched up the road and planted hedges around the cabins as part of our shelter belt. They also provided 60 trees that were awarded as part of the Queens Jubilee in 2012. The trees have been planted in the Community woodland and are all thriving. There is even an oak growing by the farm track which was grown from an acorn seed collected from the Royal gardens.

CONSULTATION ON BUS ROUTES Contracts for subsidised bus routes in North Fife are due for renewal in August 2014. Fife Council would like to hear our views on the importance of two local routes 94/94a and 42. We can give our views by collecting a questionnaire from St. Andrews Bus Station, phoning 01592 583223 to have a questionnaire posted out or going to the website www.fifedirect,org.uk/haveyoursay You can call in at St Andrews Bus Station waiting area on 26th June 7:30 – 11:30 & 14:30 – 18:30 or visit the Red Revolution Bus at Cupar, Crossgate Stance B, 28th June, 14:30 -17:00 The consultation ends on 31st July.

LETTER RECEIVED FROM FIFE NHS BOARD “REVIEW OF PRIMARY CARE EMERGENCY SERVICES (PCES) Following the most recent round of public meetings which have been held with the public to discuss the review of the Fife Primary Care Emergency Services (PCES) an undertaking was given to make available all of the documentation which relates to the review of this service. The documentation is now available and can be downloaded from NHS Fife website at www.nhsfife.org/PCESTo enable us to continue to gather comments from the public a generic email account has been set up Fife-uhb-PCEScomments@nhs.net or via the online comments form at www.nhsfife.org/PCES. Comments posted to this email account will be added to the evidence which will be presented to the Board in August. Alternatively you can send in your written comments to The Head of Corporate Services, Hayfield House, Hayfield Road, Kirkcaldy, KY2 5AH. Comments can be posted up to and including 31st July 2013.”

POINTS FROM THE COMMUNITY COUNCIL E-MAILS The Fife Housing Partnership is delighted to present the Specific Needs Housing Approach 2013-2016. It can be accessed via Fife Direct. The Fife Housing Partnership is also delighted to present the Older Persons' Housing Approach 20132016. It too can be accessed via Fife Direct. Tellme Scotland is a website that provides a single online access for public information notices throughout Scotland, You can access it on www.tellmescotland.gov.uk


LEUCHARS QUALITY MEATS 24 Main Street, Leuchars Quality Scotch Beef Pork : Chicken : Lamb Also a selection of Steak Pies Individual Pies : Cold Meats : Eggs & Bacon Orders will be made up on request for collection: at 24 Main Street Leuchars KY16 0HN Tel: 01334 839213 Email: wmcgreg@hotmail.co.uk




We started our events early this year with 3 football tournaments taking place in the park the weekend before the Gala. This was well attended and supported and was a great two days in the park. Thank you Stevie Thaw and everyone who helped make the event a huge success. For once the weather was kind to the Balmullo Gala and we had a wonderful day, which was enjoyed by lots of people. We had a host of attraction and our main event being our Dog Show, with many dogs entering the competitions. So thank you to Sue Forrester for a wonderful attraction and all the businesses that supported this. The dancers were from the Ashleigh Montador Dance Academy and for the first time the routine included children from the Balmullo. Over the weekend we had fantastic support from many people and businesses from around the village who were able to spare some of their time to help us give the village your Gala. The list is extremely long this year and I am sure each and everyone of you who gave up your time, know who you are and how appreciative the Gala Committee are of your efforts over the weekend. If you have a small business or an organisation you would like to promote at a future Gala or if you have a suggestion on what they would like to see at the Gala in future years please feel free to let a committee member know or join us at a meeting sometime. I hope the village enjoyed the occasion, and we didn’t disturb the neighbours too much. We look forward to seeing you all again next time. Its time for the Gala Committee to have a rest over the summer. Gala Queen 2013 Abbi Taylor Attendants : Cara Pattie Herald: Page:

Joint Second

Finlay Foulkes Ross Merick Fraser Reed

Overall Hill Race Winner—being the first person from Balmullo and the first person under the age of 18 to cross the finish line was, Robert Withers. Junior Hill Race Champion Girl


Senior Hill Race Champion Girl


Isla Thom

Morgan Middleton

Declan Foulkes

Robert Withers

Balmullo 5’s Football Tournaments Adult Winners Fife Thistle B Senior Winners Partick Nipples Junior Winners Markinch Boys

A big thank you to all that helped make the 2013 gala, the best Balmullo Gala yet.

Zoe Stewart Declan Foulkes Charlie Murray

Award for outstanding contribution to the Balmullo Community was awarded to Andrew


GALA WINNERS Senior Championships

Girl Morgan Middleton Emma Duncan Naomi Middleton

Boy Ben Drew Joe Forrester Scott Petrie

Girls Erin Moore Emma Sampson Amaidh Grant

Boys Scott Thaw

Junior Championships

Overall Hill Race Winner Robert Withers




The Dog Show ran smoothly thanks to everybody behind the scenes - Many thanks to Yvonne Bishop, Catrina Main and Brigid Thompson for running the Dog Show Tent and sorting certificates/prizes and juggling rosettes, to Paul Connelly (Wolfspeak Dog Agility/Training - Kilmany) for coming over and judging Most Obedient; to Robert Garside (robertgarside photography@live.co.uk) for taking a valuable Saturday off and coming to us for free amazing photos. To all the wonderful folk from RAF Leuchars who came along and supported our Gala and helped us to advertise free of charge thanks Vron Wootten x To Graham for having to listen to 'How Much is that Doggie in the Window' at full blast and uncomplaining. To our wonderful judges from Second Chance Dogs Home - Yvonne and Dawn - Second Chance Dogs Home nr Kirkcaldy have just celebrated 13 years of rehoming dogs - that would be just over 3,000 dogs - well done St Ena - it was lovely to meet you in person at long last. Please support their upcoming events: 1. Wolfspeak Tri-Charity Day - Kilmany Saturday 13th July 10am - 4pm 2. Bark in the Park - Lochore Meadows Sunday 4th August. And as always to our wonderful sponsors who gave graciously: Watts Restaurant, Cupar, Crop Services Pitscottie, Robert Garside Photography, Ben McLeod of House Restaurants in St. Andrews, St. Andrew's Pet Shop and Fisher and Donaldson (great cake!! and who are also the best Face Painters in Fife!!). The Gala donated a bag of Dog Food to Second Chance Dog's Kennels and on a final happy note - many thanks to the thoughtful winner of the bag of Dog's food from St. Andrew's Pet Shop, South Street who also donated their bag to Second Chance Kennels - it was a happy sight seeing Yvonne and Dawn, each with a bag of food over one shoulder and a bottle of wine in the other hand!! Well done ladies. Thank you all for coming along and braving the heat - your dogs were wonderful and so well behaved. Please visit either Robert Garside Photography or Balmullo Pet Care on Facebook to have a look at/order any pictures from the Dog Show.


BALMULLO PRIMARY SCHOOL Now that the weather appears to have settled and we are at last seeing some sunnier days many of our pupils have been enjoying ‘the great outdoors’. Community Links - Mrs Smith and the pupils of Room 6 have made valuable links with local farmer, Mr Melville. Last term the children walked up to Cuplahills Farm on a cold and windy day to plant hedgerows around the edge of the area where the eco-cabins have been built. This was also an opportunity to become more knowledgeable about the different types of hedges that they were planting and the types of wildlife that would be attracted to them. This term the children have used the information to plan and develop a wider topic on ‘Farming, Trees and Wildlife’. Last week they returned ‘back up the hill’ to Cuplahills Farm to check on the hedgerow and share some of their new knowledge with Mr Melville. We are very grateful to Mr Melville for encouraging us to get involved and being so welcoming on our visit to the farm. We look forward to next session when we can hopefully continue to work together in partnership creating a strong link with our local community. Munro Challenge - On Friday 17th May, ten intrepid young hillwalkers and a much older Mrs Coggins headed for the hills! Having already completed a walk in The Lomonds, by Falkland with Mrs Smith the children were well prepared for the challenge of climbing one of Scotland’s most beautiful and accessible mountains – Mayar, near Glen Clova in Angus. The weather proved to be perfect for walking and allowed the children the pleasure of seeing the Scottish landscape at its best. The group worked really well as a team, supporting each other when ‘the going got tough’. We wee all rewarded with spectacular views from the summit and opportunity to throw snowballs in May! Motivated by the thought of ‘chips’ on the way home the children made quick work of the decent and were rewarded with their chips as we made our way back to Balmullo – exhausted but happy! Congratulations to the whole Munro Team – Callum Finlay, Eve Robb, Anna Robb, Rebecca McQueen, Stewart Ross, Erin Doyle, Kay Bush, Scott Thaw, Ethan Stothers and Oliver Withers. An achievement to make us all feel proud. Sports Day - This year our sports day will be held on Wednesday 19th June, weather permitting. The day will be organised in two halves with a Potted Sports event and a traditional sports day format. We would like to welcome the community along to watch our youngsters enjoy this traditional, fun event which will take place on the school sports field. I hope the weather stays warm, and that you all enjoy a very pleasant summer.

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Home 01334 871221 ¦ Mobile 079 7127 0987 20 Lucklaw Road - Balmullo

FROM A CONFUSED RESIDENT..... I know we have been asking for some time for the old Quarry Road sign to be placed on the new Quarry Road. I am not sure what happened but about a month ago this did in fact happen. Well, a few days ago some Council workers came along with a new Quarry Road sign and placed it back on the old bit of Quarry Road. Am I missing something?





Leuchars & District Gardening & Crafts Club will be holding its annual Summer Flower Show on Saturday 3 August from 1:30 pm till 5:00 pm in Burnside Hall. The show has many gardening & crafts classes and is always looking for more entries, particularly from those who have not entered before. There are classes for Cut Flowers of various varieties such as Dahlias, Sweet Peas, Roses and Carnations, Pot Plants such as Geraniums and Fuchsias, all types of Vegetables and early Summer Fruits. Floral Art topics such as “Wimbledon” and “Harvest Time” provide scope for imaginative arrangements and classes for Preserves, Baking and Handicrafts cover a wide range of traditional homemaker skills. One special feature of the Show is our Children’s Section which has 6 classes for each of 3 age groups – 7 and under, 8 to 11 and 12 to 16. No matter the age of your children, they can all have a go at painting, drawing, baking or e.g. creating an animal made from vegetables. There are special Cups for the best overall entry in each age group. “I have never entered a flower show” – I can just hear that response to this article. Well, you don’t have to be an expert as we have specific classes for Novices (until you have won such a class 3 times). The Novice Classes also include Cut Flowers, Pot Plants, Vegetables, Floral Art, Preserves and Baking. You can enter as many classes as you like for the small Show Membership fee of £2.50, with Children free. Entries have to be submitted on the previous Friday evening or early on Saturday – last entry at 9:30 am. A full Schedule of classes (which also covers the Autumn Show on 26 October) can be obtained from Secretary Bill Duff or by contacting me (details inside front cover). As well as cash prizes for 1 st, 2nd and 3rd in each class, there are many Cups for best exhibit or most points in various Sections. Of course, we are also delighted if you just want to come along and see the Show. Admission is £2.50 including refreshments. Many of the exhibitors and visitors to our previous Shows have commented on the excellent displays and staging – some have been kind enough to suggest we have the “best show in East Fife”.


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The 2012-13 season came to an end for Fife Thistle in disappointing fashion as they ended the league campaign with a couple of defeats which meant despite only losing one league game between the end of November and the start of May they finished 4th in the table and although this was enough to gain promotion back into the 1st division it was not quite the target that had been set back in August, but a poor start to the season proved costly. There were plenty highlights through the campaign with a resounding 8-0 win away to D un f er mlin e sid e Bay sid e featuring highly and a late comeback at home to Glenrothes when Thistle came back from 2-0 Rossi challenges Donald down with 15 minutes to go to win 3-2 another high. There were a few lows too many along the way too with a defeat on penalties to Balgonie Scotia in the League Cup a painful way to go out, but the most painful moment was defeat to eventual league winners Auchtermuchty Bellvue away from home in November when the hosts grabbed a 97th minute winner in a game Thistle had dominated. Thistle ended the season with their annual match against the former players and an entertaining match at a sun drenched Balmullo ended in a 3-3 draw before the old boys won on penalties to win the trophy for the second consecutive year.

The club are looking for playing and committee members for next season. Anyone interested should get in touch with Colin Murray on 077 0238 5567 or email colin@fifethistle.co.uk



I suspect that lurking in the various garages and sheds around Balmullo are many tools and bits of equipment which we hardly ever use, but don’t want to part with as they may come in useful one day. Similarly, I suspect, quite a few of us have had the need to use such a tool in the past, gone out and bought it and now it languishes in that garage unused. . I am thinking here of the more unusual things such as sets of long ladders, cement mixers, garden rotovators, engine hoists etc, rather than the more common wood saws, hammers, sewing machines, hoovers or hand held drills that most of us have. I have an idea which might address these issues and at the same time, foster some more “community spirit” within the village. If many of these items could be listed out and circulated within the village, then when someone wanted to use a tool for a “one off ” exercise, then they could find out who has one and borrow it for a short period. I am sure this type of thing already happens in any community within a group of friends or neighbours. But what happens if you are new to the village or the tool you want is not held within your group of acquaintances? For such a scheme to work, a sufficient number of people would have to agree to lend out their tools to potential strangers (who could become friends?!) and list all the more obscure tools that they have. A data base could then be made up listing all the available tools which could be divided up into sections such as garage, garden, home etc. For the scheme not to fall into disrepute, a set of guidelines would have to be drawn up which could cover situations where the tool got lost or damaged, and where it could be used – e.g. only within Balmullo and immediate surroundings and not for any commercial use. Perhaps people could mull over this idea during the summer and get back to me by phone on 01334870214 or by e-mail on richardhynd@aol.com ? If there is enough support forthcoming, then the scheme could perhaps move ahead in the autumn. NB; My husband used to do this often. He had a sheet that showed when the tool went out, who it went to and the date it was returned. That way you have a record to see where it is at all times...Ed.




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