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BALMULLO COMMUNITY COUNCIL Members Chairman: Zoë Sanders 1zoesanders@gmail.com Vice-Chairman: Alison Jeffrey alison@balmullo.net Treasurer: Andrew Falconer anfalconer@tiscali.co.uk Secretary: Sue Smith secretary@balmullo.net Minute-Secretary: Ann Falconer anfalconer@tiscali.co.uk Newsletter: Ina Cameron twaauldgoats@btinternet.com

Tim Brett cllr.tim.brett@fife.gov.uk Bill Connor cllr.bill.connor@fife.gov.uk 870674 870496 870221 870496 870253

Councillors John Normand janormand1@gmail.com Gwenyth Mitchell gwenyth@balmullo.net Raymond Crush


Fife Councillors Maggie Taylor 01382 552718 cllr.margaret.taylor@fife.gov.uk

01382 330905 077 1866 8792

Useful Contacts Burnside Hall Keeper: Lynn Murphy


The Minister Rev. Caroline Taylor caro234@btinternet.com


Dog Warden

0845 155 0022

Non Emergency Police Contact


Community Police Officer: P.C. Gavin Rae

0845 600 5702

RAF Aircraft Noise:

01334 839471

GALA Committee: http://balmullogala.weebly.com Member of Parliament Sir Menzies Campbell


Member of Scottish Parliament Rod Campbell


Statements made or opinions expressed in this Newsletter do not necessarily reflect the views of the Balmullo Community Council or any of its officers.

Advert Prices   

Small Half Page Full Page

£5 £10 £20

You can rent advertising space on a month by month basis or on a longer term basis. The Balmullo Newsletter has a circulation of 700 and is hand delivered FREE of charge. TO ALL ADVERTISERS – Please check your advert. If you would like to remove it or change it in any way, please let me know. Either by phone or email. My details are on page 3 of this newsletter - Ina Cameron.

Balmullo Bowling Club Play outdoors in summer Indoors in winter Variety of competitions and friendly matches every week No experience required. All welcome to join. Call John on 01334 870196


Best Foot Forward Podiatrists Jackie Shand and Martha Watt have been busy setting up their practice St Andrews Podiatry. They aim to provide a high quality service in a relaxing and friendly environment. Jackie has been practising in the town for 10 years under her own name and she has now joined forces with Martha in their new premises at Largo Road, St Andrews. Podiatry, often referred to as chiropody, is the diagnosis and treatment of disorders of the foot and lower leg, many of which can be painful and debilitating. The new clinic is equipped to deal with everything from corns, callous and toenail problems to biomechanical abnormalities that effect walking. They also welcome diabetic patients. “One service we offer which is not widely available privately in this area is Nail Surgery, which involves the removal or troublesome toenails, such as ingrown nails or thick damaged nails”, says Jackie. “We also deal with sports injuries and can prescribe orthotics, which are corrective insoles. We treat a wide of range of patients, from children to the elderly.” The new clinic, which has 2 treatment rooms, has free onsite parking and the bus stops are at the door. For more information about the services provided at the new St Andrews Podiatry clinic, which is in the Provost Vets complex at 31 Largo Road, telephone 01334 476100.

St Andrews Podiatry Nail Surgery Available Sports Injuries Verrucae Clinic Home Visits by special arrangement Friendly experienced Podiatrists 31 Largo Road St Andrews KY16 8NJ Appointments 01334 476100




Cllr. Maggie Taylor was absent from the meeting casting vote was in favour. Two of the objecting but Cllr Tim Brett took over her position for the pharmacies – Leuchars and Rowlands appealed to meeting. the National Appeals Panel and the panel asked The Heart Start Defibrillator is not yet installed but Fife PPC to reconsider the application, because not enough time had been available for the objectors the situation is being looked at. to state their case fully. Fife PPC met again on 2nd Park Cottage on School Road is once more being May and this time the Chairman’s casting vote was looked at by the Fife Council. It is noted that some against the approval. A lively discussion ensued on younger children are managing to gain access to the unfairness of the situation and the types of the house and since there is quite a lot of broken remarks made by the PPC members. The glass about we are concerned that someone may apparent absence from or disregard of the results get injured. It has also been noted that there has from multiple residents’ surveys at the PPC been some furniture dumped in the garden. This meetings was noted particularly. It has now been has been reported to the police. agreed that we ask Raymond Kelly if there is Flooding on the path at west of Burnside Hall is anything we can do to help with the appeal he now being worked on by Scottish Water. They intends to lodge. Thereafter we may seek another have managed to expose the pipes to trace the meeting with Fife Health Board to make clear our anger with the treatment of Balmullo residents. leak. We will keep you updated. There have been rats seen in the vicinity of Burnside. They appear to be nesting in the banking of the burn. Environmental Health is looking into the problem. Please be aware and alert any young children to the dangers.

The derelict steading building continues to cause concern and the general state of the area is disgraceful being right at the entrance to Balmullo. The responsibility for this lies with Mr Forster the owner.

We have been informed that as from 1st February 185 people have been caught speeding on the A914 Balmullo to St Michaels road. Please check your speed in this area.

Balmullo Park Committee is looking for some new members following the resignation of Mrs Mary Campbell. There is an article elsewhere in the Newsletter.

Cllr Brett summarised the current position of the Pharmacy. Raymond Kelly’s application was initially approved by Fife PPC in November 2012. The lay member of the committee voted in favour, the pharmacist voted against and the Chairman’ss

The next meeting will be in Burnside Hall at 7.30pm on Monday 10th June.

EDITORIAL The discussion on the pharmacy took up a fair amount of time so we will hope that the on-going measures we are going to take will hopefully end in our favour. We have many aged people and mums with small children, who find it difficult to jump into a car and go for their prescription. As for having it delivered, one has then to make sure you are at home to receive it when the chemist arrives, as I doubt they will leave medication sitting in a mail box all day. Zoe, Lynn and myself attended the Police Forum meeting in Leuchars on Tuesday night. We were informed that police callouts have been quite low over the last couple of months. The did inform us of the 185 speeding tickets handed out on the Balmullo to St Michaels area. Disappointingly 33% of those caught reside in North East Fife; Balmullo,

A copy of the Minutes will be available on the shelves at the Post Office .

INA CAMERON Leuchars, Tayport and Newport, with 5 from Balmullo. The recent high winds have made it a bit difficult to get on with the garden. Hopefully some of the fruit trees will not have lost all their blossom to the winds. The small birds have been having it hard to get about to search for food so anyone who can put up nut holders etc will help them out and also give you some pleasure in seeing the birds in your garden using the feeders. We will have one more newsletter next month then a break ‘till September. If you have information you would like passed around then let me have it early for next month.

Articles for the next newsletter should be sent to me by 10th June 2013.



COUNCILLOR MAGGIE TAYLOR - COMMUNICATION AND THE COUNCILLOR It was a fine feeling to hand that letter over to a Community Council and smugly say “there you go.” I never get just the same feeling of satisfaction in reading out an e-mail response but that could be an age thing I suppose. I have noticed whether the good news comes in letter or e-mail form, instead of thanks, the recipients recognise someone who gets results. And invariably as I walk back from the Community Council my in-tray is once again bulging. The other danger of e-mailing is pressing the button either before it is ready to go or pinging it off to the wrong person. There is hardly a day goes by without some newspaper report of an email causing a great deal of embarrassment to the sender or recipient. This is bad enough but I am surprised at the number of people who tweet without engaging their brains. I think tweeting fingers seem to work but brain cells appear to be frozen when I read some of the rubbish that nowadays flies through the ether. I do not deny all the new technologies are here to stay, I hope you understand that technically your councillor is hanging on by her fingers but the important point is she can still get results. P.S. Here is a little quiz for anyone who fancies themselves in the language of texting. Answers below. 1. GTG 4. BTW 7. BRB 10. ITE

2. CUL8R 5. W8 8. LOL

3. WUU2 6. IKTR 9. NP

P.P.S. Texting language supplied to me by my grandchild. ANSWERS—1. Got to go 2. See you later What you up to? 4. By the way 5. Wait 6. I know that’s right 7. Be right back Laugh out loud 9. No problem 10. It’s the end

8. 3.

Rule one of being a good councillor is having good communication skills but nowadays it is no easy task to keep up to date with all the latest developments. Before the days of tweeting and texting, p e o p l e communicated with one a n o t h e r differently. Apart from anything else, it could take weeks to get a reply to a message. But now the sharing of ideas, the sending of complaints and trying to get things done has become quicker with shiny new technologies; quicker and supposedly easier that is to some people but not to me. My family tell me that I must have had a technological bypass along the way but as your hard working councillor determined to get results, I continue to try and overcome this handicap. Sometimes as I zip off e-mails on your behalf I find myself back thinking of not so long ago days when a finely written letter would be posted to the relevant official and in due course a response would come. Annoyingly it might blandly say, “The matter you raise is being considered” and I knew that it would require another missive and therefore another week or two to shake the official into action. The art of letter writing is unfortunately almost a thing of the past. There was nothing nicer than receiving a nice thank you letter or a letter from friends with all their news. Even better was then what is now called “hard copy” came from an official promising to do something about the problem raised with him/her.




Hello everyone, Balmullo Gala day is just around the corner again and we have a lot of exciting things planned for the day, and during the week leading up to Saturday the 8th of June. On Sunday the 2nd of June we are holding an adult football tournament in the park, with BBQ, and on the Monday night we are holding the boys football tournament, again with BBQ and other refreshments. On gala day due to the success of last years dog show, we are running this as our main attraction this year. We also have the children’s races, which everyone can enter and for those children attending Balmullo Primary school, or living in the village we have the traditional championship races. Other attractions this year include Cupar Archery, Clown and clown workshops, Ashleigh Montador Dance School, the Honda Goldwings, to name but a few, best to come along and see for yourselves what is on offer. In the evening we have live music with bar and burger van on site which was a great night last year. We hope to see you all there on the day supporting local groups and businesses.




The Balmullo Bowling Club held a Macmillan quiet night in. We raised £235.00. We had indoor owling, some of the people had never played before so it was quite hilarious. Dominoes were also played, some of us hadn`t played for years!. The snooker table was up if anyone wanted to participate. The eats were all donated, sandwiches cakes and nibbles. There was a super raffle, guess how many sweeties in the jar and two bottles of wine in a box, everything donated to this great cause. So much for being a quiet night, but very good fun. Thanks to everyone one who donated and spent money.

Bowling Club is having a BBQ on Friday 21st June. It starts at 8pm till late. Music is by John Duncan. CAN YOU HELP?.....

I am looking for a detached property to buy in Balmullo. Please contact Susan on 01334 870136 (after 5) with any details/information. THE 200 CLUB DRAW - MAY’S WINNERS £50 £20 £20 £20 £20 £20 £10 £10 £10 £10 £10

Mr Auld, Park View Mrs Wann, Hayston Park Mr Withers, Borthwick Place Mrs Grant, Hayston Park Mrs Docherty, Pitcairn Drive Mr Mathers, School Road Mr Rodger, Mansfield Road Mrs Allen, Inchlaw Mr Phillips, Mansfield Road Mr Hughes, Smithy Road Mr Erskine, School Road

How to Join Our 200 Club? - It's easy to join the 2 0 0 Club . Ca ll o r ema il I n a a t twaauldgoats@btinternet.com or call 870253. It only costs £1 per entry per month, and you can enter as many times as you like. We are currently trying to raise money for various Balmullo community activities and projects.


WHAT’S ON? JUNE 5th Burnside Hall AGM 7.30pm. All welcome. Details in newsletter 6th WRI in Burnside Hall at 7.30pm. Speaker from Heart Start 8th THE BALMULLO GALA 12pm til late 10th Community Council Meeting in Burnside Hall at 7.30pm All welcome 21st BBQ at Bowling Club 8pm to late. Music by John Duncan

Running an event? Email twaauldgoats@btinternet.com

The Gala desperately needs volunteers to help clear up on Saturday & Sunday afternoon.




1 lb self-raising flour 12 oz margarine 12 oz caster sugar 3 eggs 8 oz dates - chopped 1 pint hot strong tea (or boiling water) 1 tsp bicarbonate of soda 1 tsp vanilla extract


8 oz soft brown sugar 8 oz butter 1 pint double cream


Method 1.

Pour boiling liquid over dates and bicarbonate. In a separate bowl, cream margarine and sugar until white and fluffy. Beat in eggs gradually. Fold in flour. When liquid has been absorbed, add dates to mixture. Mix and bake for 45 minutes to 1 hour in hot oven – 180oC. For sauce, boil butter, sugar and cream together.


3. 4. 5.

Computer Healthcare

Call Mike 078 8865 6065 BALMULLO S.W.R.I. President Mrs. Ann Falconer welcomed members to the meeting on Thursday 2nd May. The meeting took the form of an Inter-Institute Visit, with 4 members of Kingsbarns WRI providing a variety of entertainment. We were challenged by a wide-ranging General Knowledge Quiz and a Memory Game which involved 30 items taken out of a handbag. It was amazing how much the handbag held and how difficult it was to remember everything. A talented accordionist then played a selection of well-known songs and melodies with members joining in. Everyone thoroughly enjoyed themselves and Ann Falconer thanked our visitors for such a diverse and wellpresented evening.


Competition winners: Birthday Card

  

1st Ann Falconer 2nd Marjorie Pasley 3rd Wilma Mackie Polished Black Shoe  1st Margaret Williamson  2nd Ann Falconer  3rd Mary Campbell Flower of the Month  Liz Johnston

The next meeting will be on Thursday 6th June when our speaker will be from the Heart Foundation. The competitions will be a 2 HeartWe also held our annual Bring and Buy Sale which shaped biscuits, a Favourite Bracelet or Bangle was most successful and raised £60.10 for our funds. and Flower of the month. Thanks to all who contributed and bought items.

New members are always welcome.




Here we are in the middle of May and the weather forecaster is telling us to expect April showers, well I think in a strange way he's right as it feels and looks like April but there's nothing to be done but get on with it, the flower shows won't be put back a month.

I plant the corms by taking out a core of earth with a bulb planter 5 inches approx. deep pop some sand into the hole place the corm in and cover with more sand before replacing the earth, the sand helps to protect the corm especially if it has started to sprout and rake in some general I keep a book to record my gardening/showing fertiliser. year, rather than diaries and have done so since The carrots and parsnips were sown last month just after moving to Smithy Road, it now covers and germinated in about a fortnight as expected about 30 years and is about 2/3 full so there's room Peas and cauliflower have been sown in the for about another 15 years. I hope I can make it! greenhouse to be planted out later, the cauliflower There's no secret formulas it's just for looking back at how things were a few year's ago. I've also recorded a couple of annual events to see how they change from year to year. One is when the beech hedging first breaks into leaf at the top end of Smithy Road and yes almost to the day it was a month later than last year, the other is when the house martins return and they were only a week later than last year and we had seen them near Crieff a fortnight earlier but I suppose it's conditions where they have overwintered that determine when they decide to return, bet they wish they had heard that weather forecaster.

will will be sown at fortnightly intervals to get a succession of plants for showing.

The potatoes that have been set out to chit are not sprouting very quickly but as they should have been planted by now I'll just have to get on with it. Suddenly there's a lot to do, but as I'm retired I can get to it every day.

On a different topic, when we retired we moved to the local doctor's surgery as it also had dispensing facilities it was very convenient as I could walk to the surgery for repeat prescriptions along with going to the shop for a paper and didn't need to use the car but although we're told there are still As I said last month I only have minimal heating further appeals available my cynicism tells me that but that's gone now as the paraffin heater has due to the latest objections by the Leuchars sprung a leak and I've decided to leave it until pharmacy and Rowlands in Cupar we won't be next winter to buy another. getting a pharmacy in Balmullo. Most of my sowing/planting is timed for flower So I've decided to go to Dundee with my shows so I'm trying to push on irrespective of prescriptions. I can combine it with a visit to the Art weather conditions. Today I was planting out Gallery/ Museum, bookshop, haircut, pub, or take sweet pea plants between hail showers, and as another bus to the Garden Centre at Monifieth they're fairly hardy they should be O.K. albeit on where I can also have a nice lunch with, as it's the small side. I've also planted out some Gladioli licensed and I'm on the bus, a glass of wine all in all corms, I usually do 3 plantings mid April to mid a nice day out. I'm not encouraging others to May to get a succession for showing but this year it boycott Fife Pharmacies but it's worth a thought. will only be 2 with the second at the end of May.

BALMULLO PLAYING FIELD The Balmullo Playing Field Trustees' are looking for another two people to join us. Please phone for additional Balmullo residents to join the after 6.00 pm. committee. The committee look after the park in Balmullo making sure it is kept up to standard The Committee at present is – and not abused. Dave Christie Chairman If you would like to become a committee member Jackie Bagnall Secretary please contact either Jackie Bagnall 01334 870605 Richard Dennis Trustee or Anne Allardyce 01334 870644. We are looking Anne Allardyce Trustee

Making sense of Technology. Mac ¦ PC ¦ Mobile MIKE 078 8865 6065


D McQueen Gas Oil & Heating Services Milton Lea, By Balmullo, St Andrews Tel: 01334 839144 Mob: 07801 731 531

Repairs & Servicing New Installations Landlord Inspections Gas Safe Reg: 23581


Email: dd.mcqueen@btinternet.com

Computer Healthcare

Call Mike 078 8865 6065

Colin Finlay Qualified Electrician

Pains Of Labour No Time? Too Busy? Help Is At Hand. Gardens, Garages, Maintenance Clearing, Removal Anything Considered. Reasonable Rates Call Jake On 079 6978 0956


Any jobs large or small Discounts for OAPs Balmullo 870578 Mobile 07828 547395

SERVICING & M.O.T. REPAIRS Tel 870328 ‘Loanhead’ Balmullo St. Andrews KY16 0BQ

Appointments not always necessary Mon Closed Tues 9-3 Wed 9-5 Thur 9-8 Fri 9-6 Sat 8-3 Sun Closed

15 Main Street Leuchars 01334 848625




Wednesday evening 17th April we were entertained to our annual Ceilidh by the Billy Anderson Trio. Billy also brought Mima Clarke whom he accompanied when she sang 3 lovely sets of Scot’s songs. We were also entertained by 2 of the 3 winners of the Burns School Competition, Zoe Mitchell and Declan Foulkes. Zoe sang very beautifully, all from memory, and Declan gave us a very good rendition of part of Tam O’ Shanter. Very well done to them both. We were sorry Lucy Bristow could not manage but hope she is now feeling better.



An Extraordinary General meeting was held on 25 April and 24 members of Balmullo Burns Club attended. Chairman Mary Campbell explained that, due to the failure to elect a committee at the recent AGM, the EGM was needed to decide on the future of the Club. Recent club events, including the Billy Anderson Ceilidh in April, have had lower attendances resulting in a loss of income to the Club’s funds. A lively discussion ensued on the best way forward and eventually it was agreed that the Club will continue but without a formal membership and events will be limited to an annual Burns Supper for the time being. The Burns Supper will be held in Balmullo Inn on 25 January 2014 and tickets will be available and advertised nearer that date. Previous committee members will assist with the set-up and running of the event. REPORT ON MEETING FROM CLLR. TIM BRETT As a registered charity, Disabilities Fife is run by disabled people for disabled people. We work to improve access to services and equality of opportunity for all disabled people in Fife. In order to help Fife’s disabled people, we do research; provide information; and operate (i) a telephone helpline; (ii) a website full of useful information; and (iii) a Facebook page. We distribute regular newsletters and hold meetings with disabled people in the three different areas of Fife at which they can air their views on current consultations and can hear expert speakers on a variety of topics. We held our Spring Network meeting on 17 April at the Burnside Hall, Balmullo, and our guest speakers were Patrick Nyramurundira, ScotRail’s Access & Inclusion Manager; Carla Donnachie, Area Service Manager of the Scottish Ambulance Service’s Schedule Care Programme and Pamela Munro, Community Engagement Officer, The Guide Dogs for the Blind Association. Disabilities Fife is keen to engage with local community groups in North East Fife and I or my colleagues would be happy to attend their meetings and provide more information about our work. All disabled people; their families; friends; their carers and anyone interested in our work are most welcome to become members of Disabilities Fife. In particular, we are keen for younger members to join (and work with us, sharing the problems which they have to deal with on a daily basis). We need younger members to shape our agenda and to ensure that Disabilities Fife is a voice for all. I ask disabled people, of all ages, to join us so that we may together voice your concerns and raise the issues directly with Fife Council, NHS Fife and other public bodies. Membership of Disabilities Fife is free and entitles members to regular mailings; information; and our newsletters. A membership form is available either by telephoning or e-mailing our office. The contact details are as below. John Stirling - Chairperson Disabilities Fife, West Bridge Mill, Bridge street Kirkcaldy KY1 1TE Tel: 01592 203993 Text: 07841504318 E-mail: enquiries@disabilitiesfife.org.uk Website: www.disabilitiesfife.org.uk

mac ¦ pc ¦ mobile ¦ networks friendly help call mike on 078 8865 6065



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Introductory Offer £40.00 Offer ends 30th June & will then be £50.00 per treatment. Available in salon from Tuesday 11th June.

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After what had been a reasonably good start to March where we were able to get all our new fruit canes and bushes planted, the cold snap that followed saw us twiddling our thumbs then we should’ve been preparing beds for this year’s crops. Sowing peas in a snow flurry however is now something I can tick off my bucket list!!!! May has seen us almost caught up with jobs. We have 15 varieties of potatoes planted for the shop this year and hopefully they will be poking through the ground in the not too distant future. The peas, broad beans, borlotto beans and beetroot are in the ground and by the end of May we should have some strawberries planted and veg planting well under way with broccoli, caulis, romanescu kohl rabi and celeriac amongst many others. Meg the sheep dog, hard at Netting ‘neeps Our new pullet hens also arrived so work! those of you who like the wee pullet eggs or a double yolker will be able to get them from mid May. After this comes the pumpkin and squash planting for which we sourced an interesting device from the USA to help us and have been told it is the first the gentleman has sent to the UK. As well as the pumpkins and courgettes we will have between 10 and 15 types of squash and gourds available this year. Plants in the nursery are slowly starting to catch up but don’t be looking to put any summer bedding out before the start of June unless you can bring your baskets and tubs in at night. We have started filling baskets already so pop them in if you want a stunning display over the summer. Planting Jerusalem artichokes As always the wee egg shed Mobile shop for City Park sheltered housing which is open when the shop is not ticks away with eggs, jams, veg and frozen fruits but it won’t be long until we in St Andrews open the shop again for the fruit season.




Four young people from

Balmullo were recently

awarded School Colours,

and one was awarded a

Colours Tie.

Josh Martin, Julie Carr, Georgina Rolfe, Cameron Harris. Laura Murphy was absent

FULL COLOURS 5th Year: Georgina Rolfe School Service to the School (Guiding) Cameron Harris School Service in the Community (Scouting) and Sporting Achievement (Karate) 6th Year: Joshua Martin Service to the School (Eco Group) and School Service in the Community (SYP Rep) Laura Murphy Sporting Achievement (Tenpin Bowling)


6 Year: Julie Carr

COLOURS TIE School Service in the Community (Guiding)

and Sporting Achievement (Tenpin Bowling)


DazLyn Motorshine Mobile Valeting We come to you whether it’s the Home Workplace or even the Golf Course, All water and electrics are on board our vehicle.

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Gift Vouchers Available Tel Daz on 07733 116631 www.dazlynmotorshinevaleting.co.uk Find us on FACEBOOK and Yell.com


Balmullo Village Hall Organisation Chair: Vice Chair: Treasurer: Secretary:

Keith Parker, 12 School Road, Balmullo, Fife, KY16 0BD Alison Jeffrey, 52 Pitcairn Drive, Balmullo, Fife, KY16 0DZ Richard Hynd, 21 The Mount, Balmullo, Fife, KY16 0DA Kim Carr, 16 Burnside, Balmullo, Fife, KY16 0AR

Tel: 01334 870650 Tel: 01334 870674 Tel: 01334 870214 Tel: 01334 870914

Registered Charity No: SC 022749


IF YOU WOULD LIKE TO BE NOMINATED TO BE PART OF THE COMMITTEE, NOMIATION FORMS ARE AVAILABLE FROM Kim Carr, Secretary, 16 Burnside – Tel 870914 Or Lynn Murphy, Hallkeeper, 8 Burnside or at Hall – Tel 870466



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‘let us put the sparkle back in your palace’



CCLASP Children with Cancer & Leukaemia Advice & Support for Parents Jake Normand from Balmullo, and 4 friends, are going to cycle the Great Glen over 2 days. Initially we were just going to cycle this route to say we have completed it, but we thought we could raise some money for charity as well, so if you feel you would like to sponsor us for this worthwhile charity, please Donate in the following locations:

Spar, Balmullo The Balmullo Inn, Ceres Butchers, Ceres Luvian’s St Andrews Day 1 - 41 miles - Fort William to Invermoriston. (An overnight stay) Day 2 - 32 miles - Invermoriston to Inverness. All money raised will go to CCLASP




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LEUCHARS QUALITY MEATS 24 Main Street, Leuchars Quality Scotch Beef Pork : Chicken : Lamb Also a selection of Steak Pies Individual Pies : Cold Meats : Eggs & Bacon Orders will be made up on request for collection: at 24 Main Street Leuchars KY16 0HN Tel: 01334 839213 Email: wmcgreg@hotmail.co.uk







Mob: 07821 086189

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