Photo courtesy of a member of Cupar Heritage Trust at Museum, Railway Station, Cupar
Less traffic these days?
Chairman: Zoë Sanders 1zoesanders@gmail.com
Secretary: Sue Smith 870221 secretary@balmullo.net
Vice-Chairman: Alison Jeffrey 870674 alison@balmullo.net
Minute-Secretary: Ann Falconer 870496 anfalconer@tiscali.co.uk
Treasurer & Newsletter: Andrew Falconer 870496 anfalconer@tiscali.co.uk
Councillors: Ina Cameron 870253 twaauldgoats@btinternet.com
Useful Contacts Burnside Hall Keeper Lynn Murphy
Gwenyth Mitchell 870010 gwenyth@balmullo.net Raymond Crush Peter Lomas pil7@talktalk.net
Community Police Officer P.C. Gavin Rae 0845 600 5702
Statements made or opinions expressed in this Newsletter do not necessarily reflect the views of the Balmullo Community Council or any of its officers.
GALA Committee: 077 8033 5250 http://balmullogala.weebly.com
M.P. Sir Menzies Campbell
M.S.P. Rod Campbell
Doctors Surgery Balmullo
Balmullo Primary School
Bell Baxter High School
0345 155 0022
Non Emergency Police Contact
Maggie Taylor 01382 552718 cllr.margaret.taylor@fife.gov.uk Tim Brett 01382 330905 cllr.tim.brett@fife.gov.uk Bill Connor 077 1866 8792 cllr.bill.connor@fife.gov.uk RAF Aircraft Noise
The Minister Rev. Caroline Taylor caro234@btinternet.com Dog Warden
John Normand janormand1@gmail.com
Advert Prices - Small £5, Half Page £10, Full Page £20. You can rent advertising space on a month by month basis or on a longer term basis. The Balmullo Newsletter has a circulation of 700 and is hand delivered FREE of charge. TO ALL ADVERTISERS – Please check your advert. If you would like to remove it or change it in any way, please let us know.
WANTED Detached 2 or 3 bedroom bungalow or cottage Very flexible entry date before year end Phone 075 4300 1017 E-mail t.stephen@tiscali.co.uk
Our next meeting will start with a short presentation by Fiona Sword of IncludeMe. This is a citizen advocacy organisation based in Cupar, which provides support for advocacy partnerships in North-East Fife. Citizen advocacy matches local people with vulnerable adults in their community to provide valuable support and friendship, giving each individual a chance to have their voice heard.
motorists as they approach the roundabout and see the mess immediately adjacent to the Balmullo sign. We are still hoping to have the bench seat at the Hayston Park end of Murray Row properly reinstated, in the correct place, after Councillor Taylor asked for this on our behalf.
The next meeting is in Burnside Hall at 7.30pm on We are considering options for screening or Monday 9th June. hedging the Balmullo Farm area and will be in contact with the owner, Peter Forster. This area A copy of the Minutes will be available on the gives a very poor impression to visitors and passing shelves at the Post Office.
Balmullo Primary School is at the heart of our community – both literally and figuratively. The article in last month’s newsletter on the QR Code Safari showed one example of the broad outlook of the teachers and pupils, with specialist help. More examples were evident recently with an Art Exhibition, showing the wide range of artistic talents of pupils of all ages, and an Opera afternoon. My wife and I attended this latter event, along with parents and friends, and were amazed by the performance of the classes who
took part. With just a few days advance preparation in learning the words, and a morning’s tuition by the visiting professionals from Scottish Opera, we were treated to a great performance with songs, costumes and actions. It’s too long since my own Primary School days to remember much detail, but we certainly never had the opportunity to take part in such an enjoyable project, which was so evidently enjoyed by performers and audience alike.
POINTS FROM THE SECRETARY’S EMAIL A copy of Fife Development Plan Scheme from Dec 2013 and lots of information about TAYplan are available on the Community Council shelves at the Post Office. A TAYplan Main Issues Report has been published to stimulate discussion on how to handle issues such as location of jobs, new houses and green networks, how to deal with climate change and other big
SUE SMITH planning issues in the TAYplan area, which includes North Fife. There will be a community drop-in event at Town Hall, St. Andrews on 31 May from 11:30 am to 4:30 pm. Fife Access Forum is holding a seminar on health and the outdoors on Wednesday 4th June from 9.15 am to 1.00 pm at St. Bryce’s Kirk, Kirkcaldy.
100g (4 oz) smoked back bacon, finely chopped 2 tbsp olive oil 2 medium onions, finely chopped 2 medium carrots, diced 4 cloves of garlic, sliced 140g Puy (or green) lentils 1 tin chopped tomatoes 1 litre chicken stock 1 small bunch of thyme (use powdered)
Soak the lentils overnight if possible, or a few hours at least. Fry the bacon in the olive oil for 2 minutes until the fat starts to run. Add the chopped onions, carrots and garlic. Sweat for 5 minutes then add the lentils, chopped tomatoes, stock and thyme. Bring to the boil and simmer for 45 minutes. Season and part liquidise with hand whisk. Turn out and allow to cool.
THE 200 CLUB DRAW - MAY’S WINNERS £50 £20 £20 £20 £20 £20
Mrs Smith, Mansfield Road Mrs Cameron, Lucklaw Road Mr Clark, Park View Miss Gray, School Road Mr Docherty, Pitcairn Drive Mrs Watson, Cynicus Place
£10 £10 £10 £10 £10
Mr Macpherson, Hillview Road Mrs Murphy, Burnside Mrs Wilson, Park View Mr Charles, Park View Mr & Mrs Wilson, Smithy Road
How to Join Our 200 Club? - It's easy to join the 200 you can enter as many times as you like. We are Club. Call or email Ina at twaauldgoats@btinternet.com currently trying to raise money for various Balmullo or call 870253. It only costs £1 per entry per month, and community activities and projects. GOOD LUCK!
WHAT’S ON? MAY 24th Fife Show, Kinloss, Cupar. 9.00 am – 5.00 pm. Adults £10 , children free. 24th Balmullo Football Tournament. Children’s teams. 25th Balmullo Football Tournament. Adult teams. 25th Balmullo Paths Group – leaving Burnside Hall 2.00 pm. JUNE 4th Burnside Hall AGM & Committee Meeting. 7.30 pm.
BALMULLO S.W.R.I. Our May meeting was a visit to the Tayforth Veterans’ Project, a charity based at a drop-in centre at City Quay in Dundee. The charity was founded by James Reilly and his wife Mary, our Vice-President. As a retired Naval Officer, James can appreciate the difficulties and hardships that can face men or women who have left our Armed Forces, often after many years of distinguished service. The project is dedicated to provide the support and services needed to help ex-service men and women overcome post-conflict issues and assist them to better integrate back into their communities. The drop-in centre was opened in August 2011 and has been designed to be a “welcoming and homely” place, creating a very informal, social and friendly environment where ex -service personnel and their families can feel comfortable, safe and relaxed and better able to discuss the issues affecting their lives. The centre’s services include advice, information and support on Mental Health, Housing,
9th 14th 20th
WRI Meeting. Inter-institute Visit by Dairsie WRI. Burnside Hall 7.15 pm Community Council meeting. Burnside Hall 7.30 pm. All welcome Balmullo Gala Balmullo Bowling Club BBQ. 60’s music Force Two Combo. 8 pm till late. £8 per ticket. Everyone made welcome.
Running an event? Email anfalconer@tiscali.co.uk ANN FALCONER Employment, Education and Training, Benefits, Welfare and Pensions issues, with links into specialist groups and organisations. James and Mary have invested much of their time and specialist knowledge in the charity and fundraising is an on-going necessity. Our members were very interested in this work and many questions were put to James about this very important charity and its operation. Everyone thoroughly enjoyed the visit and Ann Falconer gave a welldeserved vote of thanks. The next meeting will be on Thursday 5th June and will be an Inter-Institute Visit from Dairsie WRI plus a Bring and Buy Sale. The competitions will be Something New from Something Old, a pair of Child’s Knitted Mitts and Flower of the Month. New members are always welcome. Our summer outing will be to Upper Largo Hotel for High Tea on Thursday 3rd July at 6.30 pm. Numbers will be taken and drivers organised at our June meeting.
Can all 2013 Balmullo Gala trophy winners please return their trophies to 8 Borthwick Place ASAP. - Mike Grant 07780 335250.
In Business Until recently it was common practice to pay your suppliers first and worry about HMRC not just second – but last. Now penalties and interest charges suggest that HMRC should come first – right beside your suppliers! Vat penalties, up to 15% for being a day late regularly. Paye interest charges up to 14% of your annual paye bill. Penalties of £1300 for your very late personal Tax Return. Penalties for not filling in a form far less have any tax to pay. All stick no carrot. I’m sorry that this month’s diatribe is dispiriting, but hopefully it will save you money in the long run.
FINANCIAL ADVICE WE HELP - WE SAVE YOU MONEY FULL ACCOUNTANCY AND COMPLETE TAXATION SERVICES WWW.MONTEATHS.COM Cairnfield, 14 School Road, Balmullo, St Andrews, Fife, KY16 0BD Tel 01334 870343 - Fax 01334 871004 E mail : morag@monteaths.com
As is often the case in the world of politics, events can change very quickly. In this case, not even a month ago I wrote about the imminent announcement regarding future broadband upgrades, being implemented by the Scottish Government in conjunction with BT, and my sincere hope that areas in North East Fife would benefit. One day later the Deputy First Minister, Nicola Sturgeon MSP, confirmed that seven locations in North East Fife would benefit – including Balmullo. From a constituency-wide survey I undertook at the end of last year, I know that improved broadband speeds were of significant importance to a very large number of people. Since my election in 2011 complaints about broadband have been very regular and the news that Balmullo will join Anstruther, Cupar, Leuchars Tayport and Ceres in receiving next generation broadband capability in the near future is excellent news. The upgrades will not take effect immediately, of course. As far as I am aware, some areas that were announced for upgrades in January are now “going live”, with Kirkton of Skene, in Aberdeenshire, the first area to benefit, in April. This £410 Million project is the largest broadband project in Europe and I would therefore be surprised if there was a shorter timescale for Balmullo, and other communities in North East Fife that benefitted from the latest announcement, to “go live”. By the end of 2014, however, I would hope that Balmullo will be capable of receiving a vastly superior broadband service (maximum download speeds will be 80Mbps, depending on the area) than it currently receives and I will continue to seek updates from the Scottish Government in relation to its rollout programme. As superfast broadband arrives, however, we have also now begun the process of officially saying
farewell to the RAF at Leuchars. I attended two RAF events recently, including the final Freedom of St Andrews parade on Saturday 10 May. I was very pleased with the sizeable turnout that greeted the Air Force personnel and it was a very emotional day, for many. RAF Leuchars has set a wonderful example of how to create effective, long lasting community links and the appreciation for the work they have done in the area was clear to see at the parade. I am sure that they will continue this level of work when they relocate to Lossiemouth.
Preparations are now well underway to allow the base to transition from Air Force to Army use from 2015 onwards. In what has been a year of goodbyes so far, with the last Airshow preceding the last parade, it will not be long before the last Typhoon takes off from the runway and the vast majority of Air Force staff close the gates behind them, making way for the Army in due course. I am sure the Army will be made to feel more than welcome to their new home, however, and I am hopeful that fresh links will be made between the community and the incoming regiments.
Pains Of Labour
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WILLISON MOTORS QUEEN STREET - TAYPORT Free collection & delivery service from local and surrounding areas MOT Car Sales Servicing & Repairs
MONDAY – FRIDAY 8am to 5.30pm
3 Tarvit Court - Cupar - Fife
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Phone 01334 653922
Tel: 01382 552720
Balmullo football tournament will be Saturday 24th May for children. ÂŁ5 per team entry. Sunday 25th May for adults. ÂŁ10 entry per team. Barbecue hotdogs candy floss and popcorn. Any businesses interested in having there logo displayed on our t-shirts and sponsoring one of our attractions please contact Balmullo gala. Or if you would like a banner displayed on the fence we would like to hear from you. All details of all our attractions and other information contact balmullogala@hotmail.co.uk. YOUR FIFE COUNCILLOR I had better start with an apology. For the past month I have been pre-occupied not with Council work, but moving house. Blame the family. They said I should downsize, "don't want you rattling around in that big house" they said, then more to the point "how are you going to cope with the stairs when you get older?" indicating they thought that such a mobility problem was either imminent or that their mother could not cope with the control box of a stair lift. They may well have a point here as they know how their mother copes with the technological equipment which she has! And so it came to pass that a 'for sale' sign appeared outside my door and in due course I came used to showing potential buyers around my home. I had been told all the tricks of such an operation.....having a pot of strong coffee percolating away and putting a large piece of furniture over the worn patch in the living room carpet! I called them all potential buyers but one or two were merely inquisitive or their hobby seemed to be 'house visiting'. After several false promises someone came along and duly bought my house. I had been determined not to fall into the trap of buying my new home before the old one was sold, subsequently I missed out on two small houses which fitted the bill exactly. Everyone says "they were obviously not meant for me"......statements like that do not help the sadness/annoyance I feel!
MAGGIE TAYLOR Anyway, here I am, sold my house of thirty four years....most of my furniture in storage as my family would much rather shop at IKEA than have pieces like my w o n d e r f u l Victorian mirrored backed sideboard. An e x t r e m e ly emotional exercise throwing out things like engagement cards from nearly fifty years ago! Still not seen the house that is meant for me, so sitting in a rented flat overlooking the Harbour in Tayport, trying to convince myself that when the house that is meant does come along the move won't be as big or as emotional. Hopefully Councillor services will resume as soon as possible.....this depends on BT reconnecting the land line and installing Broadband, all takes time they say. In the meantime, if you need me I can be contacted on 078 7242 3841.
CALL MIKE ON 078 8865 6065 mike@balmullo.net
I wanted to praise one of advertisers, “2 Wheel Care” (page 23) for an excellent, fast and great value repair on my son’s bike. I can highly recommend their work, and I will definitely use them again.
LEUCHARS AND DISTRICT GARDENING AND CRAFTS CLUB I once watched a documentary programme about an agricultural show at the end of which the Secretary was asked if she was happy with the show and when did they start organising next year's show. Her answer was yes and tomorrow! I could empathize with her as the work of the committee is continuous. By the time this is being read we will have had our coffee morning which is the last of this year's winter programme and already we have decided on next winter's programme and by next month's newsletter we expect to have agreement with all the speakers and be able to publish it. We've already had agreement from Andy Smith to return in December with his Floral Art Display which is always looked on as the highlight of the programme. We also had a good response to our request for suggestions some of which will be included this winter and others in the future. Thanks to all who responded. The schedule for this year's shows is now available and has been sent out to our usual exhibitors and if
anyone is interested in giving showing a try contact me or any of the committee, we will all be pleased to give all the help we can. On a personal note if you pass my garden you will see the sweetpeas are all planted out and I'm quite happy with them. The first of the gladioli have been planted and the second half will be planted next week and hopefully they don't catch up with the first and I have a progression of flowers. I've had good germination of carrots, parsnips, and beetroot which are grown in barrels which is just a style of growing in tubs. The peat has been prepared for the potatoes which are grown in poly bags again similar to growing in tubs. I am presently sowing peas and cauliflower in the greenhouse to be planted out when they are big enough. All of this is relatively straightforward and if anyone is interested in growing veg. in tubs or containers pop in and see me I'm usually in the garden and glad of an excuse to have a break and a chat.
WILLIAMSONS TAXIS Freephone 08000 858181 Airports ~ Contracts Full / Half Day Tours Distance No Object 4 ~ 6 ~ 7 ~ 8 Seaters 01334 476787 01334 839279 www.williamsonstaxi.co.uk
Hate Ironing?
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YOUR M.P. "As I write preparations for the Glasgow Commonwealth Games are well underway. I was born and raised in Glasgow and I have no doubt that the Games organisers and the city’s inhabitants will ensure that this summer’s Games will be one of the best ever. There is a great deal of excitement all round Scotland at the prospect of Glasgow hosting the event. There were over two million requests for the one million tickets available and some events are massively oversubscribed. Of course there will always be enthusiasm for any contest which pitches Scotland’s finest against England’s best – I have sat through enough rugby matches at Murrayfield to testify to that! But the level of anticipation ahead of the Commonwealth Games can also be put down to our experience of the 2012 London Olympic and Paralympic Games. The London Games were a huge success, delivered on time and under budget. They could not compete with the billions of pounds lavished on the likes of the Beijing Olympics, or more recently by Russia at Sochi, but they showcased the best of Britain. It helped of course that Team GB did better than even the most optimistic sports fan could have hoped for! But while we all cheered the likes of Mo Farah, Sarah Storey, Jessica Ennis and Katherine Grainger for the medals they won for the UK, there was also a generosity of spirit which saw the achievements of athletes from other countries similarly celebrated. Few will forget the heart-stopping excitement of the mens 100 meters and Usain Bolt’s astonishing victory, or the grace of David Rudisha in winning the 800m in a new world record in a race which he led from start to finish. People now look forward to the Commonwealth Games with the expectation that we will see history once again made on the track and in the arena in Glasgow. Who knows what sporting stars will emerge from these Games? The 'Home Team' often does much better than expected as happened in the 1970 Games in Edinburgh. Let us hope for a repeat performance.
Balmullo Bowling Club Play outdoors in summer Indoors in winter
What isn’t in doubt is that this summer’s Commonwealth Games will be very different to the ones I attended in 1966 in Kingston, Jamaica. I prepared for those Games on a cinder track at Westerlands in Glasgow. There was no such thing as all weather surfaces in those days. My coveted blazer came with sleeves so short it was unwearable until my redoubtable Grandmother a brilliant seamstress - worked a miracle on it. The conditions for the athletes at the Games were rather spartan in a university hall of residence which had no hot water system! The Glasgow Herald reported that the 100 yards (as it was then) was held in an almost deserted stadium. Not much chance of that happening at Hampden! I am afraid Scotland was easily beaten in the medal haul by England. Let’s hope this year’s Games is again very different from 1966 in that respect! I have been very lucky to have had a career that has encompassed both sport and politics. If anything, it has taught me that they’re best kept as separate as possible. Despite everything else going on in Scotland over the coming year I hope that the Commonwealth Games will give all of us an opportunity to draw together as a country, and also as part of a close commonwealth of nations, and celebrate one of the very best of our sporting traditions."
Variety of competitions and friendly matches every week No experience required. All welcome to join. Call John on 870196
We hope you enjoy looking at the photographs of our Balmullo pupils in this month’s edition. The whole school was involved in a recent art exhibition which showcased our pupils artistic talents. We were also visited by Scottish Opera who worked with our P5, P6 and P7 pupils to create an ‘opera in a day’. The experience was hugely enjoyable and the children once again showed us what a talented group they are. It was lovely to see so many of our parents and members of the community at the performance.
including a netball court. We intend to refresh and paint some more games ourselves in the next couple of weeks to ‘brighten’ up our playtimes. The children have certainly enjoyed the ongoing improvements to their playground and we are looking forward to hearing what our Pupil Council would like to do next! The Primary 5 children are currently undertaking a Forest School course led by Chris Childe, a local forest educator. We are so fortunate to be able to take advantage of the wonderful countryside which surrounds our community, making it an ideal learning environment. The children are spending a morning each week up at Willie’s Wood learning outdoor skills including tool making, tying With the warmer weather making a knots and den building. welcome appearance we are all enjoying the prospect of spending more time Finally, as I write this a group of intrepid outdoors. The school is certainly taking Primary 6 children, Mrs. Findlay and advantage of what the outdoors has to Lochore Meadows staff will be making offer. Our Eco Committee together with their way up Mayar, a Munro located Cupar Rotary have transformed our north of Kirriemuir. This is the second year school garden over the last couple of we have taken part in the ‘Munro weeks and we now have a beautiful Challenge’ where children have the landscaped space for the children to opportunity to prove their stamina and explore. The children will now plan the determination in climbing one of planting of vegetables for our raised beds Scotland’s most beautiful mountains. The and the sowing of a wild garden. event was so popular this year that we The school will also be taking part in a have been lucky to secure a second ‘Grounds for Learning’ project which aims opportunity in September for another to further enhance our outdoor area and five pupils to take on the challenge. promote opportunities for planned play and learning activities. The children will We look forward to the warm weather be at the heart of the planning for this continuing and have our fingers crossed project, contributing their ideas and for fine weather on the 5th June when we suggestions. will be celebrating our school Sport’s Day and our Summer Fair, organised by our Our school playground has recently Parent Council. I would like to take this undergone a ‘makeover’ with the opportunity to invite you all, to come painting of new playground games along and share the afternoon with us.
The Christmas 2013 and March 2014 issues described the winter visitors Redwing and Fieldfare and two resident British thrushes, the Song Thrush and Mistle Thrush. The last 2 members of the Thrush family seen regularly in Britain are the Blackbird and Ring Ousel. The Blackbird (Turdus merula) is one of the most common birds in Britain. The photo shows an adult male bird, distinguished by the allblack plumage and yellow bill. A juvenile male has a dark bill and female birds are actually dark brown with a streaked breast. Many pairs breed around Balmullo and at this time of year, the male birds are often seen sitting on roofs or other vantage points singing loudly with their well-known mellow and melodic song.
The Ring Ousel (Turdus torquatus) is often called the Mountain Blackbird because it is similar in size and general look, but breeds in mountainous areas usually with boulders or scree slopes. The obvious difference from a Blackbird is the large white crescent across its breast, most obvious in males but also present but duller in females. It is a summer visitor and can be seen in most of the upland areas of the Highlands and Borders. The song is similar to a Blackbird but higher-pitched and less melodic.
Photographs courtesy of John Anderson, Crail
BALMULLO GALA 14 JUNE 2014 It’s that time of year when the gala is looming And I’m sure on the day business will be blooming For the children fun and games And making money is the aim All you mums and dads out there If you have some time to spare, Head to the park To help us set up before it gets
dark, An hour or two is all we ask As setting up is a huge big task.
Balmullo Gala is to be held on 14th June 2014. There will be lots for all the family to enjoy. Any local businesses wishing to have a stall please contact Balmullo Gala at balmullogala@hotmail.co.uk. SPECIAL ATTRACTION – STAR PRIZE WIN A HONDA CR-V! Roll seven dice – seven 6’s wins the car As always we would appreciate any and all offers of help with the set up before the gala and taking it all down after the gala. The more the merrier.
Clearing away means all the fun
Balmullo Gala would like to thank all who supported the race night which was due to be Friday or Sunday- either day, run on 17th May. However, due Will help to get us on our way. to unforeseen circumstances, For all your support we thank you the night could not go ahead. For another year is done.
now, As, for another year, we take a bow.
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GARDEN TIME AGAIN Bring along your baskets, tubs and window boxes to be filled from a wide range of flowers and herbs OR Choose from a ready made selection Fruit Trees and Bushes—Herbs—Shrubs—Compost Bedding and Trailing Plants Look at Facebook or phone to see what's ready NOW
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Colin Finlay Qualified Electrician Any jobs large or small Discounts for OAPs Balmullo 870578 Mobile 07828 547395
DEREK B CAMPBELL Motor Engineer SERVICING & M.O.T. REPAIRS Tel 870328 ‘Loanhead’ Balmullo St. Andrews KY16 0BQ
Appointments not always necessary Mon Closed Tues 9-3 Wed 9-5 Thur 9-8 Fri 9-6 Sat 8-3 Sun Closed
15 Main Street Leuchars 01334 848625
Geo. Craig Painter & Decorator Over 40 years experience in all aspects of the trade Tel: 01334 870053 Mobile: 07880 754926 Free Estimates
Mob: 07821 086189