One of our most familiar garden birds is the Chaffinch (Fringilla coelebs), which is also one of the most common resident British birds, found in gardens, fields and woods. The male (photo) has a rusty-red face and breast, pale blue-grey crown and nape, and brown back. The female is greyishbrown above and greyish white above. Both sexes h a v e t w o prominent white wing bars, white sides to the tail, and are about 14-16 cm long. In autumn and winter, chaffinches often feed in large flocks with other finches (e.g. goldfinches, greenfinches and linnets) in stubble fields or fields which had vegetable crops with lots of seeds left. In winter, particularly in cold weather, these flocks sometimes have a few more unusual finches, such as Bramblings. The Brambling (Fringilla montifringilla) is a winter visitor to Britain, mainly from Scandinavia. It is the same size as a Chaffinch but has a white rump and an all black tail (obvious in flight). The wing bars are rusty-coloured and less apparent; the breast is tinged orange, the head and back are streaked greyish-brown. The male and female are similar in their winter plumage, except that the male has a slightly darker head and back (black in summer). In the snowy weather before Christmas 2010, a Brambling visited my garden feeders for a few days, but also in most recent winters a few could be found around Cuplahills Farm and along the track from the farm towards the end of Quarry Road. They sometimes stay in the area until March, by which time the male birds are acquiring their summer plumage with black heads, making them stand out from the crowd. Photographs courtesy of John Anderson, Crail.
Chairman: Zoë Sanders 1zoesanders@gmail.com
Secretary: Sue Smith 870221 secretary@balmullo.net
John Normand janormand1@gmail.com
Vice-Chairman: Alison Jeffrey 870674 alison@balmullo.net
Minute-Secretary: Ann Falconer 870496 anfalconer@tiscali.co.uk
gwenyth@balmullo.net Raymond Crush
Treasurer & Newsletter: Andrew Falconer 870496 anfalconer@tiscali.co.uk
Councillors: Ina Cameron 870253 twaauldgoats@btinternet.com
Useful Contacts Burnside Hall Keeper Lynn Murphy Dog Warden
Gwenyth Mitchell
Peter Lomas 870848 pil77@btinternet.com Colin Finlay
0345 155 0022
GALA Committee: 077 8033 5250 http://balmullogala.weebly.com M.P. Sir Menzies Campbell 656361 M.S.P. Rod Campbell
Non Emergency Police Contact
Doctors Surgery Balmullo
Balmullo Primary School
Bell Baxter High School
Statements made or opinions expressed in this Newsletter do not necessarily reflect the views of the Balmullo Community Council or any of its officers.
Maggie Taylor 01382 552718 cllr.margaret.taylor@fife.gov.uk Tim Brett 01382 330905 cllr.tim.brett@fife.gov.uk Bill Connor 077 1866 8792 cllr.bill.connor@fife.gov.uk
Community Police Officer P.C. Gavin Rae 0845 600 5702
Advert Prices - Small £5, Half Page £10, Full Page £20. You can rent advertising space on a month by month basis or on a longer term basis. The Balmullo Newsletter has a circulation of 700 and is hand delivered FREE of charge. TO ALL ADVERTISERS – Please check your advert. If you would like to remove it or change it in any way, please let us know.
2 Wheel Care Cycle Repairs & Servicing by C&G and Cytech Qualified Mechanic Call us on 07955 979355 2 Wheel Care is dedicated to providing customers with an efficient and professional cycle service. We provide maintenance and repair services for all types and makes of bikes with an emphasis on excellence and attention to detail. FREE ESTIMATES COLLECTION & DELIVERY SERVICE
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The value of having a defibrillator available to the public at Pitcairn Surgery was demonstrated recently when a lady became ill at Burnside Hall. Thankfully it was not actually needed, but the need for awareness of where it is and how and when to use it (or not!) was shown. Please note that to open the defibrillator box needs a firm pull from the top on both sides and also remember that the case is “alarmed” and makes quite a loud high -pitched noise when opened – this is intentional.
Fife Council has asked all Community Councils to prepare a Community Emergency Plan, which could come into use in the event of severe weather, a prolonged power cut, a major accident or other significant incident. Balmullo will have such a plan approved and in place some time in 2015.
Gwenyth Mitchell is the Community Councillor who acts as “Defibrillator Guardian” and carries out regular checks on its readiness. In any case, if you take the defibrillator, whether or not used, contact Gwenyth or another councillor.
The next meeting is in Burnside Hall at 7.30pm on Monday 8th December.
EDITORIAL A bumper contribution this month from the children at Balmullo Primary School, showing the excellent standard of written work. It’s interesting to see the places they go to and how these types of visits can encourage knowledge and experiences which expand their horizons. How about some similar articles from the adults in the village who have made unusual trips or perhaps tried new challenges which they are willing to share with readers? Just e-mail me a word document, with photos if available – just as the children have
We are organising a Carol Concert again this year, on Sunday 14th December at 6.30 pm in Burnside Hall. There will be mince pies and tea or coffee for all, so please come along and bring the family!
A copy of the Minutes will be available on the shelves at the Post Office.
ANDREW FALCONER done, and I’ll be delighted to include it in a future issue. This month I want to make a point of thanking the many volunteers who deliver the Newsletter around their area. Our Secretary Sue Smith and her husband Ian do much of the initial sorting into bundles before passing these onto the individuals who go round popping your copy through your letterbox. We’re looking for a new volunteer to take on distribution for Borthwick Place (32 copies) as our current distributor is moving home.
The latest edition of the “Fife Cares” Newsletter is enquiries@hags-smp.co.uk to book an available on the Fife Direct website and is an appointment with your local Sales Manager. interesting read. Full planning permission has been granted for Fife HAGS SMP (a playground equipment company) is Council to form a new car park at Leuchars offering up to 50% off play, sports and fitness Railway Station, although the land has not yet equipment until the 10th December. Contact 0845 been sold to them. 260 1655 or email them at
The Annual Burns Supper held by the Club has normally attend and tickets will also be available been arranged for Saturday 31 January 2015 and from either the Chairman David Wilson tel: 870306 will be held as usual in the Balmullo Inn. or the Secretary Bill Duff tel: 870787. The committee will be contacting people who
Variety of competitions and friendly matches every week No experience required. All welcome to join.
Play outdoors in summer Indoors in winter
Call John on 870196
Bowling Club
Call us on 079 4999 5906 or 01334 870233
THE 200 CLUB DRAW - THIS MONTHS WINNERS £50 £20 £20 £20 £20 £20
Mrs Kilgour, Mansfield Road Mrs Haskell, Pitcairn Drive Mrs Cook, Park View Mrs Watson, Park View Mr Phillips, Mansfield Road Mr Thomson, Park View
£10 £10 £10 £10 £10
Mrs Carr, Pitcairn Drive Mrs Auld, Park View Mrs Tulleth, Anderson Drive Mrs Herd, Park View Mrs Latto, The Mount
How to Join Our 200 Club? - It's easy to join the enter as many times as you like. We are currently 200 Club. Ca ll or e ma il I na at trying to raise money for various Balmullo twaauldgoats@btinternet.com or call 870253. It community activities and projects. GOOD LUCK! only costs £1 per entry per month, and you can
CAN YOU HELP OUR 200 CLUB? We have recently lost 2 collectors who have been forced to give up so we desperately need volunteers to collect monthly contributions. However many residents pay larger amounts to allow less frequent collection so the task is not onerous. Please consider if you could help! WHAT’S ON?
NOVEMBER 28th Carpet Bowling & Dominoes. Bowling Club. 7.30 pm. Young & old welcome. DECEMBER 3rd Burnside Hall Committee Meeting. 7.30 pm. 4th WRI Christmas Party. Burnside Hall. 5th Prize Bingo Evening. Bowling Club. 7.30 All welcome. 8th Community Council meeting. Burnside Hall
7.30 pm. All welcome. Gardening Club Winter Talk – Floral Art with Andy Smith. Burnside Hall 7.30 pm. 14th Carol Concert. Burnside Hall 6.30 pm. Mince Pies & drinks. All welcome. JANUARY 2015 8th WRI Meeting. Burnside Hall. 7.15 pm. 12th Community Council meeting. Burnside Hall 7.30 pm. All welcome. 11th
6 oz. self-raising flour 4 oz marzipan 1 tsp. cinnamon 1 tsp. nutmeg 4 oz. currants 4 oz. raisins 8 oz. sultanas 3 oz. cherries - halved 4 oz. dried apricots sliced 6 oz. softened butter 3 medium eggs - beaten 6 oz. soft brown sugar 1 orange - grated rind and juice 1 lemon - grated rind and juice
Combine flour and spices. Roll marzipan into approx. 40 marble sized balls. Combine with sultanas, cherries, apricots, walnuts, orange and lemon rinds and juice (max. 5 fl. oz.) Soften butter in bowl. Add sugar, eggs & flour and beat for 1 minute until everything is thoroughly combined. Do not overbeat. Stir marzipan & fruit mixture into creamed mixture until thoroughly combined - mixture may look curdled (doesn't matter). Transfer to 7" square cake tin & bake for 2½ hours at 150°C / Gas 2. Leave to cool in tin.
CALL MIKE ON 078 8865 6065 mike@balmullo.net
Every year, on Remembrance Sunday, the nation stops to reflect upon and commemorate the sacrifices that have been made by the men and women of our Armed Forces. In recent years this has included many who have lost their lives or sustained life-changing injuries in the course of their duties in Iraq and Afghanistan. 2014 also marks the centenary of the outbreak of the First World War. As a member of the Westminster Government's First World War Centenary Commemoration Advisory Group I have been closely involved in deciding how to pay tribute to all those who fell during the Great War. As is often the case, the events and initiatives undertaken have varied greatly in scope and size but have uniformly caught the public's imagination and proven successful. The huge numbers flocking to the Tower of London to see the ceramic poppy display is a great example. The Tower of London's poppies, in their overwhelming numbers, are a powerful reminder of the scale of the loss of life this country suffered during that war.
in Fife, where they came from, what happened to them and whom they left behind.
In this centenary year other stories are coming to light which add yet more colour to our knowledge of the First World War. A campaign is underway to bring home a Hull steam trawler - the Viola - which is currently abandoned and rusting in South Georgia. The boat, which skirmished with U-boats during the First World War, has for many people become a symbol of the role fishing vessels played during that war. Before any effort is made to bring the boat home a survey must establish its But alongside an event such as this there are current condition. I look forward to hearing smaller, more intimate, initiatives underway how much progress has been made towards which are designed to remind us of the bringing the Viola home to Hull. individuals who went to war and to tell their stories. The Commonwealth War Graves At the Tower of London the poppies remain, Commission (CWGC) for example has installed though the display has been greatly reduced in over 100 visitor information panels throughout size. I was one of those who argued for it to the UK to highlight some of the personal stories stay in place past Armistice Day and I am of those who are buried or commemorated in pleased that the organisers agreed to do this. graves in Britain. The panels incorporate codes But the display must eventually be taken which, when scanned, allow visitors to read down. When the poppies are removed from these stories and understand the historical their current site they will be sent to those context. people who have applied to buy one. It is In July this year I visited North East Fife's gratifying to think that these ceramic flowers, Commonwealth war graves with a which so powerfully conveyed the scale of loss representative of the CWGC. I would in the First World War, will continue to bloom encourage everyone to take a little time to in people's gardens and homes across Britain visit one of these sites and learn and further afield, a lasting and very fitting something more about the people whose tribute in this centenary year." names are on the gravestones and memorials
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The majority of my time as an MSP is spent considering things at a local level – how things will have an impact on the local area, and considering things in very close detail. There are occasions, however, where smaller, local interest is silenced by a wider, national, even intercontinental, interest. One such occasion is on Remembrance Day. Every year, since my election in 2011, I have been privileged to receive an invitation to lay a wreath at the Remembrance Day service held in St Andrews. Organised by the St Andrews Branch of the Royal British Legion Scotland, the day consists of a Church Service at the Parish Church of the Holy Trinity, a procession to the War Memorial and a wreath laying service. Every year, I am pleased to join former members of the Armed Forces, and the public, in commemorating those who have sacrificed their One, interesting, point is that, in England and lives in conflicts across the World. Wales, there are 53 civil parishes where all soldiers who fought in the First World War, This year is, of course, a landmark year in world returned and these are known as “Thankful history due to the Centenary of the outbreak of villages”, or “Blessed villages”. Indeed, 13 of these World War 1. Several events have taken place are “Doubly Thankful villages” as all soldiers they across the country to mark this, and it is was a sent to World War 2 also returned home. humbling experience to be part of events in St Unfortunately, regardless of where you live in Andrews this year and to be reminded of the North East Fife, or Scotland for that matter, tragedy of that War, the number of young men every local community suffered loss as a result of killed in the fields of mainland Europe and the the First World War. sacrifices they made. I am pleased to have the opportunity to publicly As part of the Centenary commemoration show my respect for the brave men and women events, two communities in North East Fife have who fought in the First World War, and all others benefitted from Scottish Government funding to since. As Humza Yousaf MSP, the Scottish help renovate existing, or erect new, war Government’s Minister for External Relations, monuments. mentioned in a recent article in the Daily Record, this is a time when we can remember everybody “The Angel” in Cupar has been renovated, and I who fought, and sacrificed, all across the globe. I am pleased to see that its protective coverings also entirely agree with him that we should show were removed in time for Remembrance Day. respect for those who served, and continue to Falkland, meanwhile, is now home to a brand serve, in the Armed Forces during times of War, new war memorial, one which I am sure the even if we do not agree with the particular war community will be very proud of. they fought in. Their sacrifices should never be forgotten.
IMPORTANT ADVICE FROM PITCAIRN SURGERY - BOGUS PHONE CALLS A number of patients have contacted the Surgery, worried about phone calls they have received. Two types of incident are involved. 1. The person receives a call from someone pertaining to be from Fife Health Board, but it is an 020 number. They are told that they need to change their medication, but they don't need to see their GP or Pharmacist. They are asked for credit card details and the medication will be sent directly to their home for the cost of £20 per month. THIS IS A HOAX and on no account should any patient change their medication without first consulting their GP. In addition no-one from the Health Board would ever ask for credit card details. The police are aware of this, but as it is an
international scam, they are limited as to what they can do about it. 2. Another incident that was brought to our attention was a company who telephone and say they need to come and give you a Health Assessment, and try to make an appointment to come to your house. Again, the Surgery has spoken to the Police about this and they are potentially a legitimate company who sell healthcare aids, BUT, this is cold calling and is against Trading Standards! Again if the Surgery was ever to arrange an assessment it would be with the patient’s knowledge and agreement, so if anyone receives such a call they should not agree to let anyone come to their home - and definitely not let them in.
President Mrs. Ann Falconer welcomed Balmerino SWRI also provided entertainment members and guests to our annual business for the evening with well-known songs from the meeting on Thursday 6th November. Great War, very appropriate this year, and a floral quiz won by the team of Mary Reilly, The meeting included the prize-giving ceremony Helen McNaughton, Anne Sweeney and Betty for the year. Overall points winner was Mrs Gina Gough. Baird with runner-up Mrs Wilma Mackie. The Ina Brown Quaich was won by Mrs Chrissie The Red Cross came along with Christmas gifts Hannah and the Joan Gray Trophy by Mrs and cards, giving members the opportunity to Penny Wiles. purchase items and support the charity, raising an excellent total of £230. Members of Balmerino SWRI attended to supervise the election of our new committee. The annual Christmas party will be held on Mrs Ann Falconer was re-elected as President. Thursday 4th December, where a wide variety Other committee members elected were Mrs of festive dishes will be provided by the Rita Crush, Mrs Evelyn Erskine, Mrs Elizabeth members. We look forward to seeing as many Hughes, Mrs Wilma Mackie, Mrs Jan Redpath, members as possible for this special night which Mrs Mary Reilly, Mrs Jacqueline Stockton and has an early start time of 7.00 pm. Mrs Penny Wiles.
Help shape the future of Balmullo Join the Community Council 8th December in Burnside Hall at 1930
LEUCHARS AND DISTRICT GARDENING AND CRAFTS CLUB The Club held another successful Autumn Flower Show in the Burnside Hall on Saturday 25 October. The President Mr James Murray opened the Show and congratulated the Committee and all the Exhibitors for putting on another beautiful show. The Trophies were presented by past Chairman Dr. Leslie Bisset and the present Chairman thanked everyone involved in setting up and running the show, both the members of the committee and everyone who turns up regularly to give invaluable help. Entries were up in Floral Art and Honey hopefully as a sign of a better year for beekeepers, but down in the Industrial Section which includes Crafts and Baking. Local Trophy winners were: Alison Jeffrey: the George Gay Memorial Trophy for the best exhibit in the Novice section. Nathan Lee: the LDGCC Trophy for the best exhibit Children 7 years and under. Rebecca McQueen: the LDGCC Trophy for the best exhibit Children 8 to 11 years. Nathan also won our new Trophy, presented by Mr. and Mrs. Johnston,
Leuchars for the best overall Miniature Garden in a Seed Tray. Other local prize winners were: Andy Smith for Cut Flowers, Floral Art, and Photography. George Reid for Fruit, Vegetables, and Pot Plants. Colin Finlay for Pot Plants, Novice, and Honey. Gwenyth Mitchell for Pot Plants. Alison Jeffrey for Pot Plants and Novice. Sue Forrester for Novice and Industrial. Yvonne Bishop for Novice. Aaron Lee for Childrens. Ann Duff for Floral Art. Bill Duff for Vegetables and Honey. The committee thank all who entered and look forward to seeing them again next year. Thursday 11 December will see our annual Floral Art demonstration by local expert Andy Smith in the Burnside Hall at 7.30 when we expect to see the usual large turnout with mince pies included with the glass of wine or fruit juice.
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BALMULLO PRIMARY SCHOOL Recent visits to the Scottish Parliament in Edinburgh and the Ardroy Outdoor Education Centre near Lochgoilhead are described by various groups of pupils. On the 12th September 2014 Balmullo primary 5/6/7 went to the Scottish Parliament in Edinburgh as part of our topic, Union and Independence. We learned lots of information about the S c o t t i s h Parliament including history about the parliament, the MSP’s, the political parties, the mace, reserved and d e v o l v e d matters, the tapestries and the debating chamber. As part as our visit we had a school tour around
the parliament and we watched a presentation about the act of union and independence. We had to guess what certain items were and then talked about them. Every room in the parliament is important in its own way but the most important room is probably The Debating Chamber. It holds over 130 seats for the MSP’s to debate in. Around the chamber there are areas for spectators, press and media stations. There are many other rooms including the committee rooms, the tapestry room and the tea room. After our visit to the Scottish Parliament we made leaflets to explain the information we had learnt. We also made Scottish Parliament timelines about major actions in history to do with the parliament. We are just some of the many people that have visited the parliament and so far we have learnt so much and will hope to learn even more. By Conan, Elliot and Stewart.
We visited to the Scottish Parliament as part of our topic on Union and Independence. We were toured through the building and stopped in different rooms. We were also told about MSP'S (Member Of The Scottish Parliament). The debating chamber is the main room in the Parliament where the MSP'S do debates. In that room we saw the Mace. The Mace was a gift from the Queen to The Scottish Parliament at the opening. The Mace is still taken out today when a debate is in action.
Whilst we were doing our project about the Scottish Parliament, p6 and 7 paid a visit to the Scottish Parliament in Edinburgh. The first thing we did was split up into groups and explored with a guide to help us. Our group went into the room were the MSP’s come up with laws, that room is called the committee room. After that we went to the debating chamber; this is where MSPs vote to pass or deny the law. It is a huge hall with 131 chairs and desks for the MSPs! We also learnt that the public can come in and watch. Next we went to a room where we voted using machines to say whether we thought something was decided by the Scottish or the UK Parliament. We also learnt more about the history of the Scottish Parliament. The last thing we did on our enjoyable trip was look at the tapestry of Scotland. We would like to thank Mr Chambers and Mrs Haldane for taking us. By Ewan and Callum
The Committee Room is where committee's meet to prepare speeches for debates. When we were in the Committee Room we held our own debate about whether or not children should have fizzy drinks. We spoke in the little microphones. It was very fun. The Garden Lobby is the main hallway from MSP's offices to the Debating Chamber and other important rooms. We stopped in the Garden Lobby and were told that the Parliament was designed to look like a tree. We were also told that other parts of the building are based on Scotland. In the Parliament is the Tapestry Of Scotland. The Tapestry shows of historical Scottish events. We found it interesting. The Tapestry was hand made with beautiful threads. Written By Teagen, Casey and Amaidh
For our Scottish Parliament project P5/6/7 paid a visit with their teachers, to the Scottish Parliament in Edinburgh. Some of the main things we looked at and learned about were the mace, tapestry, debating chamber, political parties and about voting and law making. In the committee room we learned about creating laws and about voting. We got told to sit in a seat and our guide told us about law making. Firstly if any of the MSP’s come up with an idea for a law, the rest of the MSP’s would debate it and then vote for if they thought it should become a law. We discussed if homework should be banned. If the vote becomes a yes they have to write it as a law and send it to the queen, then the queen signs it and becomes a law. We all enjoyed learning about how laws were made. We also got told about the political parties, there are five parties in total the Greens, Liberal Democrats, Conservatives, Labour and the Scottish National Party. Alex Salmond is the first minister because the leader of the largest party becomes the first minister. The debating chamber is the place where most of the laws and debates are made. In the debating chamber there are 131 seats including the two seats next to the Presiding Officer. In total there are 129 MSP’s. The mace inside the debating chamber was given to the Scottish Parliament as a gift from the queen to represent power and strength. It is made of gold and silver. We got to see the mace up close but we weren’t allowed to touch it. We would like to thank all the teachers who came and we all enjoyed visiting the Scottish Parliament! By Connor, Matthew and Finlay F
P5, 6 and 7 went on a educational trip to the Scottish Parliament in Edinburgh on the 12th of September. On our tour we saw many different rooms and debating areas such as the Committee Room, Garden Lobby and the main place, the Debating Chamber. The Debating Chamber is a place for all the members to vote and debate. In the Chamber there are 131 chairs for all the MSPs and Presiding Officer. Also the mace is placed in here to show everybody the meaning of the parliament. On the mace is writing that says Justice, Wisdom, Compassion and Integrity; the values of the Scottish Parliament. In the committee room, smaller groups of MSPs hold debates in more depth. Everyone got a chance to speak through the microphones and we pretended to be a member of the Scottish Parliament (MSP). The Garden Lobby is a place where the MSPs create some of their speeches and have their interviews carried out. This is also a main path with beautiful pictures and architecture. All of us found out about lots of facts involving the parliament like, what MSPs are, what happens and is done in the building. In the entrance hall way there is the Tapestry of Scotland which shows a timeline of the history of the nation. We found it very interesting as how it told a story. We all very much enjoyed this trip and found it fascinating. We hope to come back again! By Keera, Zainab, Lucy and Chloe ( P7 )
On the 1st to the 5th of September P6’s from Balmullo Primary School went to Ardroy. It took us about 3 and half hours to get to Ardroy; once we got there we explored the place and unpacked in our dorms in the Heron Block. Once unpacked we got straight into our teamwork activity Jacob’s ladder, which is a ladder you had to climb up using ropes and teamwork. Almost everyone got up. We also got to meet our instructors Nicky and Steve.
Orienteering is a puzzle where you and your partner go around Ardroy looking for plates Our night activities included Nightline when with letters and numbers hidden in different some one was blind folded and the other places. Day activities included Abseiling, person had to lead them round the Canoeing, Kayaking and a sensory walk. obstacles. The Quest is a series of challenges you had to complete as a team. The The Splosh was everyone’s favourite activity. Labyrinth is a pitch black tunnel that you You had to walk a mile to get to the river. crawled through as a team and had to We then walked up the river completing a complete it with out getting lost. Night series of challenges including the rope swing, (pictured below). At the end, the Splosh itself is a jump from a rock about four metres above a mountain pool. It was deep and cold but great fun; even our teacher did it. It was very sad to leave at the end of the week but we can still look forward to going next year!! By Finlay A., Jen and Ruaraidh
On the 1st of September, P6 went on a trip to a place called Ardroy Outdoor Education Centre n e a r Lochgoilhead. In the day we did a variety of activities such as: Splosh, Jacob’s l a d d e r , Adventure Day, Kayaking, Abseiling and Sensory Walk. The Splosh is a water activity and you do lots of challenges walking up a mountain river. At the end you do a jump off of a 4 metre drop into a deep pool with a waterfall at the side. Jacobs Ladder is a tall ladder with the steps apart from each other and the aim is to climb to the top of the ladder; Jacobs Ladder is about 15 metres tall! One day in the week at Ardroy you have an Adventure Day. On Adventure Day you go on a day trip wherever the group wants to go. You On September the 1ST, primary 6 went to Ardroy Outdoor Education Centre near Lochgoilhead. When we got there we were shown our dorms and told our groups. We were in three dorms, Seals, Dolphins and Porpoise. We were all so excited and could not wait to meet our instructors and start our activities.. Our instructors were Ste-
can go up a hill, go in a canoe or go in the woods. One group kayaked and explored the shore near the centre, the other group canoed down the loch, having the chance to get near to a seal colony and to explore a beach. We went abseiling on a cliff in the woods on the far side of the loch. We all managed to do it successfully although the harnesses were not comfortable. Our sensory walk in the hills gave us the chance to stand under a waterfall, to explore an old settlement from hundreds of years ago and we went exploring barefoot, standing on different grasses and mosses and even putting our feet into boggy mud. The Centre is where we got our food, drinks, meeting rooms and our dormitories. We all stayed in Heron Block which is a little cabin. The cabin has all of the rooms, Dolphin, Porpoise and seal. We had very helpful instructors named Nikki and Steve; they were great fun. Thank you so much to Ardroy for a wonderful Experience!!! By EsmĂŠe, Eve and Marcus
brave, we faced our fears. After that we got our waterproofs, wellies, fleeces and backpacks. Every day we did different activities including: Splosh, Labyrinth, Abseiling, Canoeing, and Kayaking. We also did night activities. Some of them were called the Quest, Night Orienteering, Night line. It was amazing because we always had something to do. The Splosh is a gorge walk up a mountain river. At the end you jump from a cliff into a mountain pool next to a waterfall. In Night line you worked in pairs; one was blind-folded and the other had to guide them through a series of obstacles. All through the week, we met new challenges.
Every evening there was lovely and tasty food. If you did not like the main course you could have the alternative course. There is a large house where you sleep and stay. We lived in the cabin next to it. Ardroy is a great experience and everyone came back with their own feelings and memories. We all can not wait to go ve and Nicky. They were so nice. Everyone at back next year!!! Ardroy was wonderful. We would love to say a big thank you to all the The first activity was Jacobs Ladder, a fifteen me- people at Ardroy; we had the best time ever!!! tre ladder which you need to use ropes to climb. By Alex and Emma Some of us were scared but some of us were
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So here it is. The wet weather has returned to blight us as the nights continue to draw in. Overall we can’t really complain about the last 12 months from a farming point of view. There were great establishment conditions for crops, plenty of warm sun through the summer and until recently it had remained relatively dry, which had meant that cereals and most vegetables were harvested in good conditions.
basic economics. There is a surplus of cereals, meat and milk across the developed world and competition is therefore strong, with the buyer holding the strongest hand. The problem is worsened by the fact that many of the largest market outlets i.e. Americas, EU and Asia are still suffering financial downturns which is supressing demand and typical households are buying less due to overstretched budgets.
Many farmers across the country experienced bumper yields, but the more people I speak to across the country in my farm consultancy role, the more I realise there were also a lot of very average or even poor yields. From a personal point of view the spring malting barley performed well at 3t/ac, winter oilseed rape did exceptionally well at a little over 2t/ac, but wheat was down to around 3.4t/ac from 4.2t/ac last year.
Farmers across the UK and Europe are set to experience a change to the basic subsidy that is provided to support food production and assist with countryside maintenance. The changes being implemented will result in the vast majority of farmers receiving a lot less financial support. Farmers are now going to be forced to do more for wildlife and the countryside if they want to receive their full subsidy. Whilst this will affect us at Cuplahills, I take great strength from the fact that we have done more than our fair share of environmental investment in order to improve wildlife habitats and access to the countryside for all.
It is during years such as this that farmers really can be tested. They think that they are doing everything right in almost perfect conditions and yet still many come up worse than they do during times when everything seems to be conspiring against them. St Andrews Country Cabins In farming it is very rare that all sectors (arable, vegetables, milk and livestock) experience a downturn at once, however this is the current phenomenon in the UK. Wheat prices plummeted from a high of around £180/t in summer 2013 to a low of £107 at harvest 2014. Many potato farmers that did not have contracts in place this year are struggling to receive £40/t if they can find a market at all and that is with many having production costs of £80-£90/t. The beef and sheep prices are currently down by approximately 12% although the situation was worse earlier in the year. Milk prices are back for almost everyone, although those who do not have strong super market supply contracts are facing reductions of 25 -30% in milk price compared to this time last year, and it is forecast to get worse.
Much to our delight our second year of trading has been even more successful than the first with occupancy of over 64%, which is higher than the regional average. What is particularly gratifying is the repeat custom that we receive primarily from our largest market i.e. those with young families. The comments that we receive in the visitor book and on Trip Advisor are also amazing. It is wonderful to be able to provide a facility that guests appreciate so much and which enables them to enjoy this wonderful part of Scotland.
A huge thanks goes to our cleaners Ina Cameron, Avril Buist, and Derek and Evelyn Calder. They do a magnificent job and guests regularly comment on how spotlessly clean the cabins are upon arrival. They set the standard that ensures our guests have a comfortable and enjoyable stay and want to What always strikes me is that despite the price return. downturns in the basic agricultural products, the On a final note we currently have vacancies over general public never really seem to see the benefit Christmas and so if anyone has friends or family of these falls. This is not to say that farmers are staying over the festive period, but maybe does benefitting, indeed the only winner tends to be the not have the space to accommodate them in their final retailer, which in most cases is the own house, by all means please get in touch (01334 Supermarket. 870225) cuplahills@btconnect.com. It would be unfair to blame the supermarkets for all of the current price woes in farming. In most cases it is simply down to supply and demand i.e.
Stephen Melville
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