ANDREW FALCONER Red deer (Cervus Elaphus) are a familiar sight around the Highlands and Islands of Scotland, particularly at this time of the year, as the harsh weather drives them down to lower levels in search of grazing. They can also be seen locally at deer centres and venison farms. They are Britain’s largest native deer species, with stags averaging 2m in length and about 1.2m high at the shoulder, but hinds significantly smaller. The stag grows a new set of antlers each year, starting in spring when they are covered by soft “velvet” for protection. The velvet is shed in autumn before the breeding season or “rut” and the antlers harden for use in fights between stags that determine which stag can mate with a harem of hinds. Roe Deer, the only other native species and commonly seen around woods and fields locally, is much smaller with very small antlers.
Reindeer (Rangifer Tarandus) are found in the northern, arctic areas of Europe, Siberis and North America (where they are called Caribou). They are not native to Britain, but in 1952, reindeer were brought to Scotland from Sweden and a herd established in Glenmore Forest Park. There are now around 50 ranging the Cairngorm area and around 100 in the Cromdale Mountains about 30 miles away. A few can be seen at the Reindeer Centre in Glenmore but there are also guided hill visits to the main herd. Reindeer are very similar in size to red deer although mature red deer stags are larger. Reindeer antlers are also shed early in the year and grow back over the summer, but they are quite a different shape – as can be seen. Reindeer in the Cairngorm herd are usually friendly enough to be hand-fed and can be “adopted” for a small annual fee which helps with maintenance and upkeep.
Chairman: Zoë Sanders 1zoesanders@gmail.com
Secretary: Sue Smith 870221 secretary@balmullo.net
Vice-Chairman: Alison Jeffrey 870674 alison@balmullo.net
Minute-Secretary: Ann Falconer 870496 anfalconer@tiscali.co.uk
Treasurer & Newsletter: Andrew Falconer 870496 anfalconer@tiscali.co.uk
Councillors: Ina Cameron 870253 twaauldgoats@btinternet.com
Useful Contacts Burnside Hall Keeper Lynn Murphy Dog Warden
John Normand janormand1@gmail.com Gwenyth Mitchell 870010 gwenyth@balmullo.net Peter Lomas 870848 pil77@btinternet.com Colin Finlay
Maggie Taylor 07872 423841 cllr.margaret.taylor@fife.gov.uk Tim Brett 01382 330905 cllr.tim.brett@fife.gov.uk Bill Connor 077 1866 8792 cllr.bill.connor@fife.gov.uk
870466 0345 155 0022
GALA Committee: 077 8033 5250 http://balmullogala.weebly.com M.P. Sir Menzies Campbell 656361 M.S.P. Rod Campbell
Non Emergency Police Contact
Doctors Surgery Balmullo
Balmullo Primary School
Bell Baxter High School
Community Police Officer P.C. Gavin Rae 0845 600 5702
Statements made or opinions expressed in this Newsletter do not necessarily reflect the views of the Balmullo Community Council or any of its officers.
Advert Prices - Small £5, Half Page £10, Full Page £20. You can rent advertising space on a month by month basis or on a longer term basis. The Balmullo Newsletter has a circulation of 700 and is hand delivered FREE of charge. TO ALL ADVERTISERS – Please check your advert. If you would like to remove it or change it in any way, please let us know.
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The training and awareness session for use of the defibrillator was well attended and we intend to have further sessions in future years as long as Heart Start can manage to run them. The more people around the village who “know the ropes” the more chance there is of saving a life if the need arises.
Programme but it may not be done till well into that period.
We are having further e-mail discussions with the Greenbelt Group to try and get improvements to the management of the “green areas” around Burnside Estate. We hope to have an on-site meeting in the near future.
The next meeting is in Burnside Hall at 7.30pm on Monday 12th January.
The subject of Quarry Road was raised again but we must reiterate the direct warning made in the October issue – Quarry Road is unsafe and is used at your own risk. This unadopted road will not be repaired and can only get worse.
A copy of the Minutes will be available on the shelves at the Post Office.
Fife Council have included the resurfacing of Whinny Brae in their 2015/16 Transportation Works
EDITORIAL Firstly thanks to all those who answered our request for a Newsletter distributor for Borthwick Place – we had several volunteers. Secondly, thank you to all of our advertisers, both regular and occasional. Without their contribution, the newsletter would not be viable. This has also allowed us to have colour covers now as standard and occasional colour centrefolds. As I write this, the first snow of winter is expected according to the forecast and it certainly feels cold enough for it. If we do have severe or long-lying
ANDREW FALCONER snow, like the winters of 2009/10 or 2010/11, Community Council members are willing to help any older or less able resident who has difficulty getting their paths or driveway cleared – either personally or by finding another volunteer. Any able-bodied resident who is willing to add their name to a winter volunteer list should contact me in the first instance. Finally, a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to all our readers from the production team of Mike Withers, Jon Gill and me.
The latest edition of the “Fife Cares” Newsletter is available on the Fife Direct website and is an interesting read.
The Annual Burns Supper held by the Club has normally attend and tickets will also be available been arranged for Saturday 31 January 2015 and from either the Chairman David Wilson tel: 870306 will be held as usual in the Balmullo Inn. or the Secretary Bill Duff tel: 870787. The committee will be contacting people who
Bowling Club Play outdoors in summer Indoors in winter
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Hate Ironing? No Time To Do It?
Don't Get Steamed Up Problem Solved Call Me Aileen on 07814 618402 ÂŁ10 per hour
THE 200 CLUB DRAW - THIS MONTHS WINNERS £50 £20 £20 £20 £20 £20
Mrs Tulleth, Anderson Drive Mrs Wilson, The Smiddy Mrs Mitchell, The Mount Mrs Robertson, Park View Mrs Hughes, Smithy Road Mrs Cameron, Lucklaw Road
£10 £10 £10 £10 £10
Mr Guthrie, Lucklaw Road Mrs Smurthwaite, Park View Mr Harrow, Melville Close Mr Comerford, Inchlaw Mr McLeish, Inchlaw
How to Join Our 200 Club? - It's easy to join the enter as many times as you like. We are currently 200 C lu b . Ca ll or e ma il I na a t trying to raise money for various Balmullo twaauldgoats@btinternet.com or call 870253. It community activities and projects. GOOD LUCK! only costs £1 per entry per month, and you can
CAN YOU HELP OUR 200 CLUB? We have recently lost 2 collectors who have been forced to give up so we desperately need volunteers to collect monthly contributions. However many residents pay larger amounts to allow less frequent collection so the task is not onerous. Please consider if you could help! WHAT’S ON? JANUARY 2015 8th WRI Meeting. Burnside Hall. 7.15 pm. 12th Community Council meeting. Burnside Hall 7.30 pm. All welcome. 31st Balmullo Burns Club Burns Supper. Balmullo Inn. 6.00 pm. FEBRUARY 4th Burnside Hall Committee Meeting.
7.30 5th – 9th Hall
pm. WRI Meeting - OPEN. Stephen Melville Eco-houses. Burnside Hall. 7.15 pm. Community Council meeting. Burnside 7.30 pm. All welcome.
RECIPE OF THE MONTH MADEIRA CAKE This firm sponge cake makes a good base for 50g / 2 oz ground almonds decorating. It is an alternative to rich fruit Juice of a medium-sized lemon cake mixtures and can be used for a sponge Method layer in a wedding cake. The mixture will make a 18cm (7in) round cake or a 15cm (6 Cream the butter and sugar until light and fluffy. Beat the eggs together and gradually in) square. beat in the creamed mixture. Sift together the flours and ground almonds. Ingredients Fold into the creamed mixture together with 100g / 4 oz. self-raising flour the lemon Juice. 25g / 1 oz. plain flour Pour into a greased baking tin and bake at 100g / 4 oz. sugar 160oC (Gas Mark 3) for 40 minutes, or until 100g / 4 oz. butter risen and golden brown and firm to the 2 medium eggs touch.
Help shape the future of Balmullo in 2015 and beyond. Join our Community Council.
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YOUR MEMBER OF PARLIAMENT " B e c o m i n g the former Leader of a political party, as I did in 2007, is a role that one obviously expects to fill at some stage without ever really thinking what it might actually involve. I have in fact found it to be a very fulfilling one as it has allowed me to pursue those issues in politics which particularly interest me - foreign affairs, constitutional change and promoting sport for young people to name just a few. One task which does fall heavily on the shoulders of ex-Leaders however, and one which no one warned me about in advance, is the annual 'year in review' feature which radio programmes in particular are so fond of doing in December. These are actually usually very enjoyable affairs, and I have frequently spent an agreeable half hour reminiscing about the last twelve months with the likes of David Blunkett, Michael Howard and David Davis when party political differences are momentarily forgotten (or at least put to one side). Squeezing into half an hour all the events for which 2014 will be remembered will be quite a c ha lle nge. Undou b t e d ly Sc ot la nd 's referendum on its future within the United Kingdom was the most important single political act of the year (and arguably the decade). The repercussions flowing from the result will be felt in 2015 and look set to feature prominently in the General Election campaigns of all parties. In thirty years as a politician I have never known a vote like the one that was held on 18 September and doubt I will again in my lifetime. It galvanised a huge number of people to get out and vote and that can only bode well for future engagement in politics, especially among young people. 2014 will also be remembered for the
Commonwealth Games Glasgow hosted to universal acclaim. As someone who was born and raised in Glasgow, and whose athletics career began there, I had no doubt the city would produce a fine Games. The home nation athletes did particularly well. I was also struck by how seamlessly integrated the parasports were in the Games. I hope this can provide a model for future events. While domestic affairs have dominated the headlines throughout much of the year, events overseas have frequently made for grim reading. The ebola crisis shows little sign of abating, and while the international response has been pitifully inadequate the UK can justifiably be proud of the effort it has made to help, in particular that of the NHS personnel and members of our Armed Forces who are doing everything they can to provide assistance in the affected regions. Elsewhere, the rise of ISIL in Iraq and the ongoing conflict in Syria have produced horrors which are beyond most people's comprehension and to which there is no obvious solution. 2015 will bring a General Election and there is the potential for yet more seismic change in our political landscape. But by anyone's reckoning 2014 has been a remarkable, eventful year."
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ROD CAMPBELL servicemen ,a beauty queen who represented New Zealand in the “Miss Universe” contest and, until she died last year at the age of 110, the oldest person in New Zealand. Finally, dare i say it, I am related to the current leader of a small political party in New Zealand. It all makes for fascinating reading. My New Zealand relatives have been fascinated by the referendum, while recognising of course that decisions on Scotland’s constitutional future are for Scotland itself. Whatever your views on the Smith Commission’s recent report, the inevitable result of the referendum is that the implementation of the report will require the approval of the UK parliament.
I am in no doubt however that the appetite for change is considerable. It seems highly likely that Scotland’s future will remain, as it should be, high At this time of year thoughts inevitably turn to on the agenda of the Westminster Government in families – for me it is particularly poignant this 2015. year as my mother died in the summer after a long battle with dementia – she died at home, For many families this Christmas will be a however, and that would not have been possible challenge, trying to manage household budgets at without the dedication and commitment of the a time of continuing austerity. As the Courier has recently reported the numbers of children locally care workers who visited regularly each day. dependent on foodbanks is quite shameful in the On a brighter note, within the last few days i have 21st century – it cannot be the mark of a society received, from New Zealand, a book containing a without problems. family history covering the last two centuries and Again, recent reports of people fighting over goods beyond. for sale on “Black Friday” suggests that there are The book commences with the life of Nisbet some people with the wrong approach to McRobie who lived in Cupar between 1783 and Christmas. While these approaches may assist 1850, not far from my current office. From there his retailers whose profit margins are increasingly son, Alexander, departed to the East Neuk to stretched, let’s hope this is not a trend for the marry and become the father of ten children. As future. was the pattern in the mid nineteenth century two of those children went to New Zealand, one to Whatever your religion, or if you have none, this Australia and two to the USA , although one time of year ought to be about looking after not returned to Anstruther having lost money in the only your own family but those less fortunate than yourself whether materially or increasingly as a Wall Street Crash. result of social isolation. I am the descendent of one son who stayed behind but my New Zealand relatives have certainly had some interesting characters – an All Black , also May i wish you all the very best for 2015. carrying the name of Nisbet McRobie, a
FORGAN ARTS CENTRE – NEW SPRING SEASON 2015 The new Spring brochure for Forgan Arts Centre is launched, for classes and events starting in January, through to May 2015. Classes include Upholstery, Pottery, Dressmaking, Painting, Stained Glass, Craft, Floral Art, Felting, Life Drawing, Watercolour, Art for Adults and Building a Folio – these are always hugely popular so get in quick to book your place! The new season begins on Monday 12th January and runs for around 10 weeks, continuing after Easter. Our season really kicks off with the very first Forgan Salon evening on Friday 23rd January, where our inaugural guest will be Diana Sykes, Director of Fife Contemporary Art and Craft, with other treats being announced for the night. We are delighted to introduce some brand new features for the Spring programme! New classes include Knitting for Beginners, Freestyle Creative Sewing, Storytelling for the Curious + Terrified and Mythology. Shorter courses will suit those with hectic schedules: three and six-week courses as well as workshops on Saturdays, including Creative Woodcarving, Candle Making and the brand new Forgan Young Writers Group.
Special one-day workshops are not to be missed – themed just for Spring we’re having a sound therapy workshop that includes a refreshing ‘gong bath’ on Saturday 21st March; also come along to find out how to ‘grow a poem’ on Saturday 25th April! To mark World Book Day, we’re holding a Book Fair on Saturday 28th February – with all sorts of literary gems waiting to be discovered: books for sale, original artistmade books, literary bingo, activities and games. Full details and much more can be found in the Spring brochure – available to download from the website or to pick up in person. Booking opens on Tuesday 9th December – you can book for classes and events in person, online, by email or phone. Contact info@forganartscentre.co.uk or 01382 542062 to enquire. You can become a Member at any time, for further booking discounts. Forgan Arts Centre, Cupar Road, Newporton-Tay, DD6 8RA 01382 542062 www.forganartscentre.co.uk info@forganartscentre.co.uk
I would like to thank the many people who have sent best wishes, flowers and cards and wishes everyone a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year. A BIG THANK YOU
I would like to say a big thank you to all the Brownies and their parents and family for the support during a fundraiser recently. I am going to Africa next summer with VESA (Volunteer Eco Students Abroad) and have to raise funds myself for building materials, food, flights, accommodation etc. While there I will be working in an orphanage, helping with building works, and working on a nature reserve. The Brownies worked hard preparing Christmas Crafts and gaining their hostess badge at a night where parents came along and were treated to a cup of tea and some home made goodies. All proceeds of the night were kindly donated to my fundraising and it is much appreciated. So a big thank you to all the Leaders, Brownies and their families, and also thanks to Auntie Lynn for making and donating her delicious homemade tablet. I am hoping to hold a quiz night and bingo night next year and I am currently running a quiz and a "guess the orang-utan's birthday". If you would like to participate that would be great. Hoping everyone has a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.
President Ann Falconer welcomed members the eventual winner of the main prize was to the annual Christmas party on Thursday Mary Farmer. 4th December. Grace Steven then brought some order to Everyone enjoyed an excellent Christmas proceedings by reading a Christmas poem buffet with a wide variety of festive dishes and a comic tale about her many men friends provided by many volunteer members. such as “Arthur Itis” and “Johnnie Walker”. Thank you to all those involved for their Ann Falconer ended the evening with a vote efforts in making the meal so enjoyable. of thanks to everyone who had helped make the evening such a success. There was some concern when it was reported that Santa had been directed along the The first meeting of 2015 will be on Thursday unsafe quarry road by a dodgy “Santanav” 8th January at 7.15 pm in Burnside Hall. The and his sleigh had crashed. However, his little evening will be a Members’ Fun Night with a elf Annie Claus, who helped him last Beetle Drive. Please remember that Christmas, had been able to carry on and subscriptions are due to be paid to the presented Christmas gifts. She brought along Treasurer. Competitions will be a favourite Rudolph the Reindeer who pulled a colourful Mug or Cup & Saucer, 3 Cup Cakes and little cart to carry the presents around. Flower of the Month. Rudolph started getting a bit too frisky with We look forward to welcoming any new some of the ladies so was sent off after members. receiving a carrot from Evelyn Erskine. A Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to The party game was the ever-popular “Pass all. the Parcel” with a few gifts and surprises but LEUCHARS AND DISTRICT GARDENING AND CRAFTS CLUB Our November talk was a presentation by the Scottish Charities Air Ambulance. It was a very interesting talk on how the Charity was set up and its benefits by helping ill and injured people get to hospital when speed is a priority.
distinctive festive feel with his choice of flowers and the addition of Christmas baubles. There was the usual light-hearted interaction with the audience with everyone picking up tips on how to brighten up the home with flowers over the festive period and of course the lucky raffle prize winners who left with the arrangements kindly donated by Andy. It was a very pleasant evening enjoyed by all as shown by the warm hearted applause after the vote of thanks.
November is also the month when we hold our AGM. Gwenyth Mitchell in the Chair reported on another successful year and thanked the committee, sponsors, exhibitors and everyone who had helped during the year. The Treasurer submitted a statement of Although there is not a talk in January we accounts and reported the club remained in a recommence in February with a talk on strong financial state. The existing Officers and Thursday 12 February on the history of jute in Committee were re-elected for a further year. Dundee. This will be as usual at 7.30 pm. in December's talk was our annual Floral Art the Burnside Hall. demonstration presented again by our local Wishing a Merry Christmas and a Happy successful exhibitor and demonstrator Andy Gardening New Year to everyone. Smith. This is always the highlight of our talks season with mincemeat pies an addition to the refreshments and Andy adding a
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