2015 February Newsletter

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One of our younger residents is soon going off abroad to represent his country. Daniel Greenwood has been selected to play for the Scotland under-13’s Ice Hockey team. He started playing ice hockey with Dundee Stars Juniors when he was eight years old. He presently plays for Murrayfield & Scotland. He is very excited about travelling to Paris at Easter time to play for Scotland in a tournament being held there. As well as a busy schedule of league games for his club, travelling the length and breadth of the country each weekend, he also attends monthly training in Dumfries with the Scotland Team. Residents of Pitcairn Drive will have seen Daniel out with his hockey stick (and his mother...) practising his stick-hand ling drills in all weathers. He is very proud t o b e representing Scotland, and I am sure that Balmullo is also very proud of their very own "International"!





Chairman: Zoë Sanders 1zoesanders@gmail.com

Secretary: Sue Smith 870221 secretary@balmullo.net

Vice-Chairman: Alison Jeffrey 870674 alison@balmullo.net

Minute-Secretary: Ann Falconer 870496 anfalconer@tiscali.co.uk

Treasurer & Newsletter: Andrew Falconer 870496 anfalconer@tiscali.co.uk

Councillors: Ina Cameron 870253 twaauldgoats@btinternet.com



Useful Contacts Burnside Hall Keeper Lynn Murphy Dog Warden

John Normand janormand1@gmail.com Gwenyth Mitchell 870010 gwenyth@balmullo.net Peter Lomas 870848 pil77@btinternet.com Colin Finlay

Maggie Taylor 07872 423841 cllr.margaret.taylor@fife.gov.uk Tim Brett 01382 330905 cllr.tim.brett@fife.gov.uk Bill Connor 077 1866 8792 cllr.bill.connor@fife.gov.uk

870466 0345 155 0022

GALA Committee: 077 8033 5250 http://balmullogala.weebly.com M.P. Sir Menzies Campbell 656361 M.S.P. Rod Campbell


Non Emergency Police Contact


Doctors Surgery Balmullo




Balmullo Primary School


Community Police Officer PC Norrie Hill

Bell Baxter High School



Statements made or opinions expressed in this Newsletter do not necessarily reflect the views of the Balmullo Community Council or any of its officers.


Advert Prices - Small £5, Half Page £10, Full Page £20. You can rent advertising space on a month by month basis or on a longer term basis. The Balmullo Newsletter has a circulation of 700 and is hand delivered FREE of charge. TO ALL ADVERTISERS – Please check your advert. If you would like to remove it or change it in any way, please let us know.


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ANNOUNCEMENTS Significant roadworks are taking place from 20:00 on Sunday 22 February till 21:00 on Friday 3 April. The A914 will have a one-way system southbound only from Forgan roundabout to the C12 junction just north of St. Michaels. Northbound traffic will be diverted via the C12 to the A92 Five Roads roundabout and hence to Forgan roundabout. The Q2 and Q3 minor roads leading west and east respectively from the A914 will be closed.

BALMULLO COMMUNITY COUNCIL incomes less than £300,000. It replaces a scheme that ends on 31 March. The Fife Council Draft Budget will soon be available to view at www.fifedirect.org.uk

The subject of Quarry Road was raised again. There is nothing more that the Community Council can do to close this road but we must yet again reiterate the direct warning made in previous issues – Quarry Road is unsafe and must not be used by vehicles. This unadopted road will not be repaired and is in a Applications are open for a new scheme to dangerous state. assist OSCR-registered charities and Community Amateur Sports Clubs with the The next meeting is in Burnside Hall at payment of water and sewerage charges. The 7.30pm on Monday 12th March. new scheme takes effect from 1 April 2015 and A copy of the Minutes will be available on the shelves at the Post Office. applies for those eligible organisations with POINTS FROM THE SECRETARY’S EMAIL


Fife Pilgrim’s Way follows the route of Mediaeval pilgrims from Culross and North Queensferry to St Andrews via Dunfermline. The organisers have asked any walking, rambling or historical groups who may be interested in a new path to contact them. Contact jeri.strathearn@fife.gov.uk. We hope to put more information in a future newsletter.

Fife Cultural Roadshow will take place on 20th May at the Rothes Halls


Variety of competitions and friendly matches every week

Cllr Connor has highlighted two courses that may be of interest. One in Tayport Library entitled Silver Surfers. It is an 8 week course on Thursday afternoons from 22nd Jan to 26th March from 1:30 – 3:30. For more information call Nicki Brown on 07932038041 or Fiona Localities Consultation Report has been Campbell on 03451 555555 ext 456894 published and is available on the Council Cooking on a Budget – at Rio Community website. Following a three month consultation, Centre in Newport on Wednesdays from 21st Jan it has been confirmed that Fife’s joint health and – 25th March. For more information call Nicki social care services will be planned across seven Brown on 07932038041 localities. North East Fife locality takes in Auchtermuchty, Cupar, Tay Bridgehead, St Andrews, Crail and Anstruther

Bowling Club Play outdoors in summer Indoors in winter

No experience required. All welcome to join. Call John on 870196


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THE 200 CLUB DRAW - THIS MONTHS WINNERS £50 £20 £20 £20 £20 £20

Mr Maguire, Hillview Road Mrs Smillie, Park View Mrs Graham, Park View Mrs Hannah, Cynicus Place Mrs Smart, Smithy Lane Mr Normand, Greenacre

£10 £10 £10 £10 £10

Mrs Duncan, Park View Mrs Walklett, Park View Miss Phillips, Anderson Drive Mrs Smith, Mansfield Road Mrs Phillips, Dunedin Park

How to Join Our 200 Club? - It's easy to join the enter as many times as you like. We are currently 200 Club. Ca ll or e ma il I na at trying to raise money for various Balmullo twaauldgoats@btinternet.com or call 870253. It community activities and projects. GOOD LUCK! only costs £1 per entry per month, and you can


FEBRUARY 28th Book Fair. Forgan Arts Centre. 10.00 am – 4.00 pm. Adults £4, Children £3. MARCH 5th WRI Meeting. Talk on Ceres Fife Folk Museum. Burnside Hall. 7.15 pm. 9th Community Council meeting. Burnside Hall 7.30 pm. All welcome. 12th Gardening Club Winter Talk. Green Thumb on lawn care . Burnside Hall 7.30 pm. 20th Prize Bingo Evening. Bowling Club. 7.30 pm. All welcome. EDITORIAL

Once again, I have been asked to raise the issue of the few irresponsible dog owners who don’t bother to clean up after their dogs. Some fun has been made of the newsletter having to feature this problem on a regular basis e.g. referred to as the “Dog Poo Times” but it’s a serious issue. In this case, a resident who lives near the Primary School reported a large deposit left on the footpath in Hayston Park – just where many mothers and young children have to walk. It’s sad that they are subjected to this mess and have to watch where they put their feet. On a more positive note, I recently spotted another deposit on the footpath leading from Inchlaw to Cuplahills Track and, after going home to collect a bag,

APRIL 1st Burnside Hall Committee Meeting. 7.30 pm. 2nd WRI Meeting. Burnside Hall. 7.15 pm. 9th Gardening Club Winter Talk. Quiz Night – teams welcome. Burnside Hall 7.30 pm. 13th Community Council meeting. Burnside Hall 7.30 pm. All welcome. RUNNING AN EVENT? EMAIL ANFALCONER@TISCALI.CO.UK ANDREW FALCONER

was pleased to see a responsible dog walker doing the necessary and saving me the bother. What a shame others give dog owners a bad name! At this month’s Community Council meeting we received lots of positive feedback from councillors and public attendees, saying that the Newsletter was well received, particularly by newer residents, who get information on local events, clubs, shops and tradesmen. In fact, our local Fife Councillors, Maggie Taylor and Bill Connor, noted that both Newport and Tayport Community Councils are trying to get newsletters started, using ours as a good example to follow. “Imitation is the sincerest form of flattery” indeed!




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'Armed police are a common sight around Westminster. Most people agree that their presence is necessary at a high profile public building during a time of heightened security. Equally, the unobtrusive but clear presence of police officers carrying guns at the London Olympic and Paralympic Games and at the Glasgow Commonwealth Games was a result of the recognition that sporting events, along with other events at which the public congregate in large numbers, (which polices a population higher than that are now potential targets for those who seek of Scotland) searched 19 children under 9 in to do us harm. the last year, Police Scotland have searched But just because armed police have a role to 159. play in keeping us safe, that doesn't mean police officers carrying guns while attending routine duties is acceptable. Last year, concerns were raised about this issue. I was among a number to question the need for what appeared to be a national move towards routinely armed policing. I was pleased therefore to see recently that the Scottish Police Authority have decided that a ban on routinely armed policing should be maintained. Liberal Democrat Leader Willie Rennie MSP led the opposition to the use of socalled consensual stop and search of young children. Children as young as five and six have been asked to consent to be searched by police officers where there were no grounds for suspicion that illegal activities were taking place. In June 2014 the Assistant Chief Constable Wayne Mawson described the practice as 'indefensible' and said it would stop. This February however the BBC reported that since he made those comments, 356 children have been searched by the police. The BBC also pointed to statistics which showed that while London's Metropolitan police force

In response to questions from Willie Rennie, Nicola Sturgeon announced a review of the use of so-called consensual stop and search and indicated that its practice will stop. The police must have the power to stop people and search for drugs, knives or guns where there is a suspicion of illegal behaviour. But I think most people would agree that the use of such tactics on very small children is wholly unacceptable. Comparisons with other police forces in the UK such as the Metropolitan Police would suggest that Police Scotland are using the practice more frequently than can be justified.

In my experience as the MP for North East Fife I have found the police force to be made up of men and women of exemplary character who do their very best to help people, often under extremely challenging conditions. And it is right that operational matters are left in the hands of senior police officers. It is the role of Government however to provide clear guidance as to how such powers can be used and equally importantly when they cannot be used.'





The Balmullo Burns Club held their remembered and sung all around the annual Burns Supper on Saturday world to this day giving Auld Lang Syne evening 31 January in the Balmullo Inn. and A Man's a Man as just two examples. The Chairman, David Wilson, welcomed the company and stated he was pleased to see a continuation and a full house again this year as at last year's AGM the club was on the verge of being dissolved and although enough people had stepped in at the last minute the club was still in need of some fresh faces to keep it going and he intimated this year's AGM would be in the Balmullo Inn at 8.00 pm. on 18 March 2015. He intimated the passing this past year of the last of our founder members Bobby Crowe, also Mrs. Fargie, Mr. D. Hannah and Mr. G. Oliphant, and asked the company to be upstanding for a minute's silence for absent friends. He then wished everyone well and hoped that they would enjoy the evening with good speakers, a good supper and dancing afterwards.

Pat Melville gave a splendid Toast to the Lassies reminising on how the lassies in his life, going back as far as his grandmothers, had made him the man he is. Mary Reilly gave the reply with her poem of to the lads. The Chairman then gave a vote of thanks to all the speakers, Poosie Nancy, the Piper, all the committee who had helped to set up the Lounge, the caterers for providing a delicious supper, Andrew and Ashley Crookston of the Inn and of course JohnWhite who would be providing the music for the dancing to follow.

Jim Smith then returned to the floor and gave a remarkable performance of Tam O' Shanter ably assisted by Kate ( Mrs. Smith ) and Meg his trusted, hobby horse, grey mare and was given, justifiably, a George Wilson said Grace and Poosie warm round of applause. Nancy ( Ann Duff ) brought in the Haggis preceded by piper Bill Duff. This year the Along with the raffle the winner of our chef had managed to capture both a Scottish Food Quiz was drawn and male and female haggis and so Ron anounced: Mrs. E. Taylor, Balmullo.There Cruikshanks cut baith up wi' ready sleight were 3 correct entries who managed to whilst ably proposing the Toast to the find the answer to all 25 jumbled words the most difficult being rbnieo which was Haggis. bronie from Shetland. The company then enjoyed a delicious supper of soup, haggis, neeps and tatties, The evening continued with dancing and oatcakes and cheese, coffee and fudge all finished with the company singing The well prepared and presented by the chef Star O' Rabbie Burns and Auld Lang Syne. and staff of the Golf Hotel Crail. The Immortal Memory was proposed by The Chairman thanked everyone for Jim Smith who spoke of although Burns coming, reminded them of the AGM on has had his critics over the years he the 18 March and hoped to see them all quoted many of his writings which are again next year.


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ROD CAMPBELL people the care they receive falls far short of the palliative care that many cancer sufferers receive. What seems clear however, is that as the proportion of the population aged 65 and over increases so does the number of people at risk of developing dementia. Indeed the number of sufferers is set to double in Scotland between 2011 and 2031. So this will be an important issue in the years ahead. I raised this issue at a recent First Minister’s Questions and was assured that a strategic framework for action for palliative care and end of life care is due to be published in the spring. I am sure that the Cross Party Group will consider this carefully.

One of the most enjoyable parts of my parliamentary life is the opportunity to participate in a wide variety of Cross Party Groups, in my case that varies from Tibet to Park Homes and Human Trafficking. Cross Party Groups are designed to stimulate discussion and indeed action on issues in a nonpartisan manner. I am fortunate to be the Convener of the Cross Party Group on Dementia, which is an issue close to my heart, following the death of my mother from this dreadful affliction last year after many years with the illness. My mother was fortunate she was able to live at home in Edinburgh with the assistance of a great group of carers who visited her four times a day. I am certain that for most people being able to see out your days at home is the preferred option.

At the same session of Parliament, I was able to congratulate Tommy Whitelaw who was awarded a British Citizen Award for his services to healthcare for his campaigning work in relation to dementia following his experience caring for his late mother. Tommy, as you may know, has travelled around Scotland and beyond collecting and sharing stories of other carers – in Tommy’s view everyone affected by dementia has a unique story to tell and we should take time to listen. This month I was also able to sponsor an event at the Parliament to recognise the first anniversary of the Dementia Research Consortium, for the many active professionals involved in seeking a cure or at the very least a better understanding of the disease and its progress. In particular, it was a good opportunity to hear Professor Frank GunnMoore from St Andrews who is focusing on using all three science disciplines (Biology, Chemistry and Physics) to understand and develop treatments for Alzheimer’s disease. For many researchers funding issues are never far away – however, the sheer scale of the dementia “timebomb” really should encourage policy makers to take it seriously.

End of life care for dementia sufferers has been the subject of a recent report from Marie Curie in which they highlight that, although Standards of Care for Dementia in Scotland outline the right to end of life care, in practice for too many We can but hope.





President Mrs. Ann Falconer welcomed members, husbands and many guests to our, now annual, open meeting on Thursday 5th February, saying it was a pleasure to see the hall so full.

Reviews have been first-class and occupancy rates have now exceeded 60%. Part-time employment has been provided for 4 Balmullo residents and local businesses have also benefited.

This event featured local farmer Stephen Melville who gave a well illustrated talk on Cuplahills Farm and St Andrews Country Cabins. Stephen began by giving some personal background, explaining that he was the 3rd generation of his family to run the farm after studying for an agricultural degree and then qualifying as a chartered accountant. He then became a farm business consultant which still takes up 4 days a week leaving limited time to run Cuplahills Farm. The 320 acre farm is arable, growing oilseed rape, winter wheat and spring barley, but there is also a livery business with stables and other facilities. Most of the farming work is contracted out to specialists with heavy machinery and trained workforce. Stephen’s father Willie also planted up 2 areas of Community Woodland for use by locals and visitors.

Finally Stephen treated us to some “then and now” photos, including the first motor car to visit Cuplahills and some views now lost, finishing with the promotional video for the Cabins. After a few questions, Ann Falconer proposed a hearty vote of thanks to Stephen which was warmly endorsed by all. An excellent supper with homemade sandwiches, cakes and biscuits was then provided by members of the Committee.

Stephen then described the planning, finance and construction of the 2 eco-cabins which were opened in 2012. Particular mention was made of the superb position with stunning views and the green credentials of the lodges which have solar panels, extra insulation and sedum roofs.

Competitions will be an article from a Bygone Era, 2 Girdle Scones and Flower of the Month. We look forward to welcoming any new members.

Competition winners: Small antique -

1st Mary Campbell 2nd Rita Crush; 3rd Grace Steven Flower of the month - Vera Finlayson The next meeting will be on Thursday 6th March at 7.15 pm in Burnside Hall and will include a talk on Ceres Fife Folk Museum.

LEUCHARS AND DISTRICT GARDENING AND CRAFTS CLUB The club’s February winter talk was “The History of Jute in Dundee”. This was a very interesting topic, as it covered all aspects of the jute process, from growing the plant in India, to the import and processing at the many mills in the city. The speaker was John Quinn, a volunteer at the Verdant Works Jute Museum which shows all aspects of the jute trade, and its impact on the social life in Dundee. John put the jute industry in context by explaining that at its peak there were over 120 jute mills in Dundee, employing around 50,000. This was over 30% of the population, but the majority were women and children, cheaper to employ than men. The men were called “kettle bilers” as they often looked after


the homes and younger children. He contrasted the living conditions of the workers, in overcrowded very basic housing, with that of the employers or “Jute Barons”, who built grand mansions or “palaces” usually in outlying areas like Brought Ferry. The growth of the industry in India, where the plants grew, and the introduction of new materials like polypropylene fibre, spelt the end of the mills in Dundee by the 1960’s. Our next winter talk on Thursday, March 12th at 7.30pm is entitled “Grass Treatment and Management” and will be given by 'Greenthumb', a company who already visits many lawns in Balmullo! Entrance is £2.50, including a glass of wine or soft drink.



SNOW SIGHTS One of the delights of winter for a naturalist is that snow can provide fine opportunities for tracking wildlife. Footprints in mud can be revealing but rarely provide more than a snapshot of what has been going one. Snow, in contrast, may allow one to follow where animals have been and what they have been doing over hundreds of metres or even kilometres. There has been only one suitable morning of snow in Balmullo this winter but I was able to get up the hill early enough for the picture not to have been disturbed by other people. As soon as I was in the field, I picked up a fox track. At first I could not be sure that it was a fox rather than a dog who had been up before me but then I found some clear prints and there was no doubt. A fox (left in the picure) has a narrower foot, with the pads being much smaller than the pads on a dog's foot (right). In a dog the two central pads are so large that they extend backwards between the side pads – in the fox, there is little or no overlap. The trail went straight up the field with no deviations. Quite often when following a fox I have seen places where it has pounced on a mouse or vole but not on this occasion.

JEREMY GREENWOOD clearly kept under cover. But in the wood there were plenty of rabbit tracks, showing how the animals had been casting about looking for some sweet grass. Then another fox and roe deer. Just a single deer or more? The tracks were not numerous enough to suggest a group but it could have been two or three. And who had gone first, the fox or the deer? The snow was frustratingly too uneven to tell which prints lay on top, which underneath. Not many bird tracks, though pheasants had crossed the path in several places, leaving the large prints of their three forwardly-directed toes and, between each successive footprint, the mark of where their tails had trailed on the ground. I have sometimes even seen, at the place where a pheasant has taken flight, marks made by its wings as it beat its way into the air. Not this time but it was a grand morning anyway, confirming that one doesn't actually need to see the animals to be able to make out something of their lives.

The fox had turned off at the top of the field but I carried on over the top of the hill and down into the wood. Out in the open there had been no tracks other than the fox's – there had been a stiff wind before dawn and most creatures had



A resident from a central area of the village open or washing out. raised very valid concerns abut the lighting of domestic bonfires, so please take note! He Ultimately the lighting of bonfires can be an offence under the statutory nuisance said provisions of the Environmental Protection “I don't know if this is an issue in other parts of Act 1990. But of course there should be no the village but there are a number of need for anyone to light a bonfire in a potential problems arising from the lighting of residential area given the excellent roadside bonfires - air pollution, health (particularly for collection service operated by Fife Council.” people suffering from asthma etc), safety, and simple annoyance if you have your windows




To celebrate World Book Day (5th March), Forgan Arts Centre is holding a Book Fair – there will be second-hand book stalls, unique artist-made books and a table featuring books by local authors. There will also be micro-workshops throughout the day – anyone can come and make their own books to take away. Also games – Literary Bingo and Pin the Tale on the Author! Grab some

bargains, have some book-themed fun and it all goes towards helping Forgan to continue to provide arts activities for all ages throughout the year. £4 adults/£3 children concession – pay at the door (children accompanied by an adult) Fundraising event for Forgan Arts Centre Registered charity SCO08537






1½ tsp olive or rape seed oil 1 small onion, finely chopped 1 stick celery, chopped ½ green pepper, deseeded and diced 1 unpeeled potato (175g/6oz), chopped 85g/3oz button mushrooms. sliced 300ml/½ pint low salt vegetable stock freshly ground black pepper, to taste 150ml/¼ pint semi-skimmed milk 85g/3oz cooked chicken breast, chopped 85g/3oz canned (no salt) sweetcorn – drained weight Parsley

1. Heat the oil in a non-stick saucepan, add the onions, celery and green pepper and sauté gently over a medium heat for about 5 minutes or until the vegetables are beginning to soften. 2. Stir in the washed, chopped potatoes, mushrooms, vegetable stock and black pepper. Bring to the boil, reduce heat, cover and simmer for 15-20 minutes until the vegetables are just cooked, stirring occasionally. 3. Stir in milk, chicken and sweetcorn. Cover and gently bring back to the boil. Simmer gently for 5 minutes, stirring once or twice. This recipe is for a healthy and tasty soup, 4. Stir in parsley. Serve on its own or with which serves 2 people. warm crusty bread or rolls.

Help shape the future of Balmullo in 2015 and beyond. Join our Community Council.






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Sparrows tend to be thought of as common species but this is no longer the case in some areas of the country e.g. when I was at Edinburgh University there were lots of House Sparrows in Princes Street Gardens - now there are none. Balmullo is lucky to have good numbers of both species of Sparrow resident in Britain. House Sparrow (Passer Domesticus) is 14-16 cm. in length The

and is found around many of our streets and gardens. The male bird (right) is darker around the head with a grey cap, dark eye area and stout black bill. The female is generally paler, but both have a dark brown back with black streaks and paler underparts. House Sparrows will visit seed and peanut feeders readily and often push out smaller tits and shy finches. They usually nest under tiles or in recesses and are also very social, often seen in flocks. The Tree Sparrow (Passer Montanus) at 12½-14 cm. long, is slightly smaller and neater than its close relative. Both sexes look similar and have a reddish-brown cap with a black bib, greyish underparts and a dark brown back with black streaks. The main distinguishing feature is a nearly full white collar with prominent black cheek patches. These are birds of fields and woodlands, and have suffered a drastic fall in numbers in recent years. However, they can be seen around Quarry Road, Willie’s Wood and Cuplahills Farm. Photograph courtesy of John Anderson, Crail

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