This month I’ve picked two birds which can be seen fairly easily around Balmullo, but which can be difficult to distinguish, as they have similar plumage and habitats.
and on the breast, but it is smaller than the Skylark at 14-15.5 cm long, with both sexes alike. The bill is finer than the Skylark and the song flight is also very distinctive. It rises from the ground or a low perch, giving a series of repeated calls like “zi zi zi zi” as it climbs higher and then floats down quietly to the ground like a parachute descending. The best place to see Meadow Pipits near Balmullo is around the top of Lucklaw Hill in the short grassy areas. Another good place to see both of these The Skylark (Alauda arvensis) is a birds is at Outhead, at the end of West greyish-brown colour, streaked above Sands, St. Andrews or near Tentsmuir and on the breast, with a white belly. It is Point. 16-18 cm long and both sexes are alike. It has a small blunt crest which it can erect. It is normally heard before it is seen, as a small dot fluttering high in the air singing strongly before dropping down quickly to the ground. We are lucky to have a good population around Balmullo as n u m b e r s h a v e c r a s h ed elsewhere. I took this photo in my back gard en when cultivating it for the first time. The Meadow Pipit (Anthus Pratensis) is also greyish-brown with streaking above (Photo courtesy of John Anderson, Crail).
Chairman, Treasurer & Newsletter Andrew Falconer 870496 anfalconer@tiscali.co.uk Vice-Chairman: Alison Jeffrey 870674 alison@balmullo.net
Minute-Secretary: Ann Falconer 870496 anfalconer@tiscali.co.uk Councillors: Ina Cameron
Secretary: Sue Smith 870221 secretary@balmullo.net
Gwenyth Mitchell 870010 gwenyth@balmullo.net Peter Lomas 870848 pil77@btinternet.com
Colin Finlay
John Normand janormand1@gmail.com
Maggie Taylor 07872 423841 cllr.margaret.taylor@fife.gov.uk Tim Brett 01382 330905 cllr.tim.brett@fife.gov.uk Bill Connor 077 1866 8792 cllr.bill.connor@fife.gov.uk
Useful Contacts
Burnside Hall Keeper Lynn Murphy 870466 GALA Committee: 077 8033 5250 http://balmullogala.weebly.com Community Police Officers 101 PC’s Susie Martin & Norrie Hill Non Emergency Police Contact 101 Dog Warden 0345 155 0022
M.P. Stephen Gethins M.S.P. Rod Campbell Doctors Surgery Balmullo Balmullo Primary School Bell Baxter High School Madras High School
TBA 844971 871164 659451 659459 659402
Statements made or opinions expressed in this Newsletter do not necessarily reflect the views of the Balmullo Community Council or any of its officers.
Advert Prices - Small £5, Half Page £10, Full Page £20. You can rent advertising space on a month by month basis or on a longer term basis. The Balmullo Newsletter has a circulation of 700 and is hand delivered FREE of charge. TO ALL ADVERTISERS – Please check your advert. If you would like to remove it or change it in any way, please let us know.
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ANNOUNCEMENTS At our AGM, Zoe Sanders resigned as Chairman after 8 years and was warmly thanked for all the service and time she has given. Andrew Falconer was proposed as Chairman and agreed to take on this additional role, but on a temporary basis. We are actively seeking a new Chairman – a role which is very important but not too demanding. Councillor David Ross, Leader of Fife Council, has written to the PM and FM offering support from Fife in dealing with the Refugee Crisis. A local task force will be set up to work with partners in a joint approach towards providing assistance. Around 140 people are expected to come to Fife over the next 5 years. Individuals can help by getting in touch on line at www.fifedirect.gov.uk/here to help or calling 03451 555555 ext. 440644, if they are able to offer assistance with accommodation.
BALMULLO COMMUNITY COUNCIL Fife Council and the landowner have reached agreement on purchase of the ground next to the existing car park at Leuchars Station. This will allow construction of the much-needed overflow car park at the station. Charges will be introduced to help with future maintenance costs. There will be severe travel disruption on the main A919 from Guardbridge to St Andrews in Spring 2016 when major pipe-laying work gets underway. The new Energy Centre will pump hot water 4 miles to heat and cool student residences and laboratories in St Andrews. Diversions will be in place through Balmullo. Detailed consultation has still to take place with services. The next meeting is in Burnside Hall at 7.30pm on Monday 12th October. A copy of the Minutes will be available on the shelves at the Post Office.
There are several Conferences organised by in Spar. Holyrood Magazine coming up. Have your say on the future of Scottish Community Justice - Wednesday 21 October | Planning. Poster in Spar. COSLA, Edinburgh FIFE Access Forum and Fife Council’s Outdoor Rural Communities: the next steps for growth - Access team are holding their annual Seminar event on Tuesday 6th October, from 9am – Wednesday 28 October, Central Perth 1pm, at Christ’s Kirk Church, Pitcoudie, Community Energy - Tuesday 6 October | Glenrothes. The event is free, with a light lunch Central Perth provided. Booking is essential - for more Fife Council has extended the public information or to book a place call Alison Irvine consultation on the proposed changes to Fife’s o n 01592 583239 or e-mail library service. To take part in the consultation outdooraccess@fife.gov.uk . you can complete a questionnaire in any Fife The Scottish Government is running a library or take part online by 6th Nov. 2015 via consultation exercise entitled, ‘Creating a the following link: www.fifedirect.org.uk/ Fairer Scotland. What Matters to You? To join libreview in the discussion you can You are invited to attend Scottish Community Resuscitation Conference Sunday 18th October 2015 at School of Medicine, University of St Andrews. Poster about this on Community Council shelf
c on ta c t : w w w. f a ire r. s c ot , tw it ter @scotgovfairer #fairerscotland, facebook fairer,Scotland or you can write to Freepost Fairer Scotland.
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Mrs Crush Snr, McWalters Fields
Mrs Young, Park View Mrs Herd, Park View Mr & Mrs Bucket, Pitcairn Drive Mrs Cramb, School Road Mrs Glen, Dunedin Park
£50 £20 £20 £20 £20 £20
£20 £20 £20 £20 £20
Mrs Butt, Inchlaw Mrs White, Murray Court Mrs Dora, Anderson Drive Mrs Brown, Hayston Park Mr Hutcheson, Hillview Road
Mr Pattie, Inchlaw
Mrs Walker, School Road Mrs Kerr, School Road Mrs Allan, The Mount Mr Clark, Pitcairn Mrs Wilson, School Road
£10 £10 £10 £10 £10
£10 £10 £10 £10 £10
Mrs McLeish, Inchlaw Mrs Donnelly, Greenacre Mr Sankey, Park View Mr Smith, Park View Mrs Rogerson, Burnside
Mrs Low, Park View
Mrs Murphy, Burnside Mr Milne, Burnside Mrs Parry-Richard, Pitcairn Drive Mrs Drew, Park View Mr Harris, The Mount
£10 £10 £10 £10 £10
Mrs Wilson, Smithy Road Mrs Wilson, Park View Mrs McRae, Anderson Drive Ms Petrie, Pitcairn Drive Mr Kirkaldy, Dunedin Park
How to Join Our 200 Club? - It's easy to join you like. We are currently trying to raise the 200 Club. Call or email Ina at money for various Balmullo community twaauldgoats@btinternet.com or call activities and projects. 870253. It only costs £1 per entry per month, and you can enter as many times as
OCTOBER 1st WRI Meeting. Mellis Cheese Co. Burnside Hall. 7.15 pm. 3rd Balmullo Bowling Club Dance. Force 2 Combo. 8.00 pm till late. £8 entry. 7th Burnside Hall Committee Meeting. 7.30 pm. 8th Leuchars & District Gardening Club. Beetle Drive. Burnside Hall 7.30 pm. 12th Community Council meeting. Burnside Hall 7.30 pm. All welcome. 23rd Hog Roast & Supper Dance. Rotary Club. Blyth Hall, Newport. 7.30 – 11.00pm. 31st Leuchars & District Gardening Club. Autumn Flower Show. 1.30 – 4.00pm. NOVEMBER 5th WRI Meeting. Annual Business Meeting. Burnside Hall. 7.15 pm. 9th Community Council meeting. Burnside Hall 7.30 pm. All welcome
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Firstly we want to congratulate Bob Herd of Smithy Lane, who entered the Beautiful Fife Gardens category and was awarded a Gold certificate. The judges summary remark said “A well designed and sensitively developed garden”. Then, on 9th September, Zoe Sanders and I attended the awards ceremony for the Beautiful Fife campaign 2015 at Glenrothes. I am delighted to report that Balmullo was awarded a Silver Gilt certificate, an improvement on the Silver received for the last few years. This is a reflection not just on the floral displays but also on the overall appearance of the village and gardens and the involvement of the community. BALMULLO S.W.R.I.
President Mrs. Ann Falconer welcomed everyone to the first meeting after the summer break on Thursday 3rd September. As this was an open event, a special welcome was extended to guests from neighbouring institutes and other visitors, even a few men. Ann introduced local resident Andy Smith accompanied by his wife Helen. Andy had kindly agreed to demonstrate his expertise and skill in floral art, which has earned him many prizes at flower shows and competitions. Andy’s general theme was “Down the Garden Path” and he created 5 different arrangements using a variety of bases, including a green garden riddle and a large piece of driftwood. Andy had prepared some of the foliage surrounds in advance, using varieties such as Choisya, Pieris and Fatsia. He then used a great range of flowers to complete very colourful arrangements, including Lisianthus, Gerbera, Gladioli, Statice and many varieties of Alstroemeria. The results
I would particularly like to thank Elizabeth Kerr and Linda Reid, who were conveniently working in their very colourful gardens when the judges walked round and were happy to chat with them and discuss their plants. I would also like to thank all those who have helped throughout the summer by watering and feeding the planters close to their homes – John & Isa Baxter, Derek Calder, John Erskine, Sue Forrester, Kim Laverty, Lynn Murphy, Fiona Shepherd and Zoe Sanders (with apologies for any accidental omission). Last, but not least, my wife Ann who helps me greatly with all the planting and maintenance. ANN FALCONER
were stunning and Mary Reilly gave Andy a well-earned vote of thanks. Everyone enjoyed a delicious supper baked and prepared by Committee members, before the raffle was drawn, with the floral arrangements being the star prizes. Competition winners: Floral Table Centre - 1st Chrissie Hannah; 2nd Jan Redpath; 3rd Jill Dhanjal Flower of the Month Chrissie Hannah The next meeting will be on Thursday 1st October at 7.15 pm in Burnside Hall when there will be a visit from Mellis Cheesemongers, who have shops in Edinburgh, Glasgow, Aberdeen and St Andrews. Competitions will be 3 Cheese Scones, a Photograph with a Catchy Caption and Flower of the Month. We look forward to welcoming any new members.
NHS Fife is in consultation with Mr Raymond Kelly (of Lomond Pharmacy) regarding his proposed application for a new pharmacy to open within Balmullo Surgery, 1 Pitcairn Drive, Balmullo. Mr Kelly proposes to provide the full range of NHS pharmaceutical services, including any additional services required under an NHS arrangement. The proposed opening hours are Monday to Friday: 9.00 am – 6.00 pm and Saturday: 9.00 am – 1.00 pm. NHS regulations for Pharmaceutical Services were amended in 2014 and one change was to introduce a preapplication consultation, to be undertaken jointly by the applicant and the local NHS Board, with the Board taking the lead. The joint consultation has two purposes – to assess the current provision of pharmaceutical services in the neighbourhood and whether it is adequate, and to establish the level of support of residents in the neighbourhood for the application. Members of the public are invited to participate in the consultation. To take part please complete the Pharmacy Consultation Survey at www.nhsfife.org or alternatively a hard copy of the questionnaire can be obtained by contacting the Primary Care Department on 01592 226413. It is obviously very important that we get a high level of response to this
consultation and show that there is massive support for a pharmacy in Balmullo. It is easier to fill in on-line but if you don’t have access to the internet, call the number above and you’ll be asked for your name and address. A paper copy of the consultation will be sent to you along with a stamped, addressed envelope for your reply. The Public Consultation will end at 5.00pm on 6 November 2015. No responses can be accepted after this date, but that still leaves plenty of time to complete it. The 2014 Regulations introduce provision for a community representative to participate directly in the consideration of an application and to have the same status and weight as other interested parties to an application. In effect, this means that the community representative is able to make written and oral representations to a PPC, and has the right to appeal against a decision. The community representative must be a person nominated by the Community Council serving the neighbourhood in which the pharmaceutical services would be provided from amongst their elected members. We intend to take advantage of that opportunity, assuming Raymond Kelly agrees, and represent the community as well as we can after the application has been made.
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This year's Summer Flower Show seems a long time ago Vegetables: G. Redpath, A. Jeffrey, G. Reid, I. Rolfe, S. and we're now organising the Winter Series and our Rolfe, G. Mitchell, G. McCandlish, W. Duff. Autumn Show. Pot Plants: A. Jeffrey, G. Reid, G. Mitchell, M. Reilly. The Summer Show was again very successful both Fruits: A. Jeffrey, G. Reid, G. Rolfe, G. McCandlish, Y. financially and with exhibits. Even considering the Bishop, S. Boyd. poorer weather this year, the quality of exhibits were of a high standard across the show confirmed by the Floral Art: A. Duff, A. Smith, Y. Bishop, C. Finlay. comments of the judges, although the cut flower judge Preserves: S. Rolfe. thought my sweet peas were not as good as last year, Baking: S. Rolfe, E. Finlay, G. Baird, J. Redpath, G. which reluctantly I had to agree with. Mitchell, A. Duff. The sweet pea plants took a check when planted out in Handicrafts: D. Hopkins,Y. Bishop, A. Duff, M. Milne, S. the spring and I lost a number to the weather early on. Rolfe, D. Mackie. By the first show, the Scottish National Sweet Pea show in Grangemouth, all of us were suffering from bud drop, Childrens: Nathan Lee, Aaron Lee, Murron Guest, cold damp nights result in the buds shrivelling up and Sophie Bell, Flora McCandlish. dropping off, and I was the only one able to exhibit in Hen's Eggs: G. McCandlish, A Lang. the 6 vase championship class, the rest of the year has been successful around the local shows culminating Novice: D. Addison, G. McCandlish, F, Sauberlich, Y. with the winning of the Sweet Pea trophy at the Dundee Bishop, M. McQueen. Show. I would also like to thank all who contributed to I hope no one has been missed, my apologies if anyone the charity bucket at the end of my drive throughout the has. summer and I'll soon be passing the money on to the We had a good turnout of the public and if anyone Salvation Army again this year. thought they could do as well then come along next year As I go around shows, both exhibiting and judging, I there is a comprehensive novice section to start off and probably take more notice than the general public of the there is always help on hand in the hall to help with standard of exhibits and the organisation of the shows staging. and feel we have one of the best shows around, and The Baking Section was well supported locally, but there would like on behalf of the committee to thank all of the was a lack of jams. people who help set up the show, help out on show day, and the sponsors who donate cash and raffle prizes, all We still get good entries in the childrens section up to 11 years but the 12 to 16 years was again empty. With of which make the show the success it is. this in mind the committee are looking at lowering and This year I had to make big detours to pick up our rearranging the age groups as we accept no 16 year gardens judge from south of St. Andrews as the Open olds are interested in making miniature gardens or golf coincided with our annual competition. The weather animals from vegetables, but hopefully may consider was good and we spent an enjoyable day visiting many the novice classes. gardens in the area. The committee wish to thank all who exhibited and Village prizewinners were: whether you were a prizewinner or not you were part of Linda Reid, vegetable garden and container display. a lovely show and no matter how well the show is Gwenyth Mitchell, and Alison Jeffrey, hanging baskets organised it is the exhibitors on the day who make the show and we look forward to seeing you all again at the and container display. next one. Bob Herd, landscaped garden ( large ) and Linda Reid , The first in our Winter Series will be a Beetle Drive on landscaped garden ( small ). the 8th October, see advert. At the summer show the following people were The Autumn Flower Show 31 October 1.30 to 4.00 pm. successful on the benches: in the Burnside Hall. Cut Flowers: G. Redpath, A. Jeffrey, C. Finlay, S. Rolfe, Bill Duff, Secretary. 1B Smithy Road. Tel: 870787 W. Duff.
31 15
TEMPORARYMULTI-USE BALMULLO TRAFFIC REGULATION GAMES AREAORDERS & CHARGING FOR COMMUNITY EVENTS The Balmullo Multi-Use Games Area was officially opened at 9.15am Thursday 27th August by Councillor Tim Brett and 100 pupils from Balmullo Primary School. The Multi-Use Games Area (MUGA) has been a five-year project which is recognised as a legacy project of Glasgow 2014 and an ‘Inspired by 2012’ project of London 2012. Of the many funders, Sport Scotland Legacy Fund, the Ministry of Defence Community Covenant Fund and Fife Council were the l a r g e s t c o n t r i b u t o r s . According to local resident Ronnie Davidson, chair of the community group which was established to develop the facility, it is already a big hit with the locals: “The new games area is a state of the art facility for the village and we are so lucky to have something like this in our park. The school has direct access for use during the school day and its open at all times for the
kids to play in at evenings and weekends.” Members of the community were thanked for their dedication and contributions to getting the project completed. Mr Davidson said: “We hit many barriers on the way with this project, but ongoing support from the Balmullo Community Council, the school head teacher, the park committee, Fife Council parks department, Fife Thistle football team and in particular our local Fife Councillors enabled us to keep the momentum going over a long period.” The games area is said to be suitable for a wide range of sports including tennis, football and basketball and can be used in the evening as floodlights have also been installed. Any community groups or residents who are keen to use the facility should contact Ronnie Davidson ronnie@careerstudio.co.uk.
I wanted to take this opportunity to let you all know how my volunteering experience in South Africa went and more importantly to thank all those people who helped make this experience possible. I had an amazing time volunteering in South Africa. I
had the opportunity to spend time at both the cheetah and crocodile centres, where I got to work hands on with the animals while working to maintain their enclosures. These centres work hard to protect the animals,
DANIELLE CARR doing this by working as part of a breeding programme allowing the offspring to b e reintegrated back into the wild and also providing help to i n j u r e d animals in the wild. I was also involved in building a house for a woman and her 10 children. My group managed to lay all the floors in the house and were able to start laying the bricks for the walls. It was great to see the house coming together due to the work we were doing. It really made me feel like I was making a difference to these people’s lives, and soon they will have a house that is big enough for the family and will also have clean running water. This will not only benefit the family, it also benefits the community as the well will provide clean water for them all. I got to spend a few days at a local day care centre where I helped teach the older children English and was able to colour in with the younger ones. It was fun spending time with the children and getting to see what their lives are like. It was good to see where the books and school materials were going and how they were used. I was able to spend some time on safari and see the beautiful animals in the wild and get to take in the amazing scenery. This experience was a trip of a
lifetime and I am grateful to have been given this opportunity. It would not have been possible without the support and kind donations from many people who I would like to thank. So thanks to:To the bowling club for allowing me to use the club for my quiz night and to all the members of the bowling club for their help at the quiz night and for all their kind donations To all who attended my quiz night and made it a success To the Spar shop for allowing me to put a collection bucket in the shop and to Spar’s customers for all the money they put in the bucket To the Gala Committee for allowing me to have a stall at the gala and to everyone who attended my stall at the gala To everyone who gave me donations for my trip And to my family for all their help organising the events and for all their donations to my trip A huge thank you to everyone who helped make my volunteering trip possible.
BUTTERFLY MIGRANTS – LITTLE MIRACLES IN OUR GARDENS spectacular migrations of any European butterfly, coming to Europe from winter quarters in North Africa and the Middle East. The numbers arriving vary considerably from year to year. Sometimes there are hardly any but this year many appeared in southern Britain in late May and June and one was even reported from Shetland by 8 June. 2015 has not matched up to the spectacular invasion of 2009 but the numbers seem to have been well above average.
The cold wet and windy weather that we suffered this spring and summer meant few butterflies until the sun came through and temperatures rose in the later part of August, bringing butterflies thronging onto the Buddleia and other garden plants, not to mention those feeding busily on flower-rich corners among the cornfields. Small Tortoiseshells and Peacocks were abundant and so Red Admiral
were Red Admirals, despite the fact that the latter species overwinters in only small numbers in Britain (and those in the far south). Our summer Red Admirals originate as migrants from central Europe, producing a further generation after they get here. August also brought the occasional Painted Lady, the species that has the most
passage. The annual round-trip, o f m a n y t h o u s a n ds o f kilometres, is probably longer than the well-known migration of the Monarch butterfly in North America. So, the swallows on the wires are not the only migrants that have been gracing the village Small Tortoiseshell
recently. We marvel at small birds flying down to Africa but how much more extraordinary are the feats of tiny butterflies. And remember, the ones who go south are not the ones that have come north or even their children; they are their grandchildren or even their great grandchildren.
We used to think that any Painted Ladies in Britain died as the winter came on but a few years ago studies using radar to "watch" them found that there was a regular migration southwards in the (If you want to know more about autumn, back towards butterflies, visit www.butterflytheir southern and conservation.org/) south-eastern home lands. It Painted Lady had not been o b s e r v e d before because it takes place at height (usually 500m or more) and the insects use following winds to make a qu ick
In the 3 months since my last article, back in June, a lot has happened – starting, of course, with the Balmullo Gala, where I shared a stall with Stephen Gethins MP. If only I had known then that the weather that day would turn out to be one of the better days of the so called “summer” that we had this year. As an MSP, every summer is busy. Although Parliament may be in recess, there is a lot of constituency work to do and to catch up on. There can be any number of events to attend any given week, from community events such as art fayres, gala days and flower shows to more “private” visits to care homes or community groups. Then, of course, there are my surgeries and other visits to areas to see constituents with particular concerns. With such a large constituency it is impossible to get to every event in every area, but I have enjoyed being able to get out and about, even if the weather was a disappointment. The Scottish Parliament is now back in session, meaning the national newspapers have more stories for their pages. One story that will have been impossible to miss over the past few months is, of course, the ongoing refugee crisis. At what was a very emotive first FMQs after the end of summer recess, I asked the First Minister what the Scottish Government can do to assist the UK Government in relation to the crisis. I welcome the strong line the Scottish Government is taking on this matter and praise the desire to help those who are fleeing war, and poverty. The headlines, and photographs, in relation to the refugee crisis in recent months have been difficult to look at, let alone fully comprehend. According to the UNHCR – The UN Refugee Agency – there are over 4,000,000 registered Syrian refugees. Jordan has taken in over
670,000 people, whilst Lebanon has taken in over 1.1Million people. By comparison, the UK Government has proposed accepting only up to 20,000, over the next 5 years. The thousands of people who are now reaching Europe, desperate for a better life, desperate to be safe from the atrocities they have escaped from, deserve support and deserve our help. We are witnessing the single largest displacement of people since the Second World War and it is our moral duty to help. I am proud of the response, and goodwill, of the people of North East Fife, to the crisis. Collections continue to take place in Cupar, Anstruther and Tayport, just for example, with all donations going to those who have nothing, besides what they could carry on their journey. At FMQs, following my question, there was a rare moment of consensus across the Chamber. Everybody is agreed that this is a human, moral issue. Everybody is also agreed that Scotland can, and must, play its part to help in this refugee crisis.
FORGAN ARTS CENTRE – AUTUMN SEASON 2015 The new Autumn brochure for Forgan Arts welcome to come along and try something at Centre is launched and booking is open now the Centre. Special events to look out for - for courses, workshops and events taking are The Forgan Salon on 13th November, place September to December 2015. The with guest speaker Eleanor Livingstone, programme features all the favourite regular Director of StAnza poetry festival; and the courses (listed below), as well as shorter annual Christmas Fayre at Blyth Hall on 5th courses, workshops and events. We aim to December. cater for all ages and abilities – everyone is 10-week courses: Pottery for adults and children; Beginners Upholstery Painting Art for Beginners Dressmaking Floral Art Crafts
Stained Glass Photography Felting Expressive Drawing Watercolour Short courses: Charcoal Drawing Adobe Lightroom Adobe Photoshop
Special Events: The Forgan Salon: Friday 13th November, 7.30pm – with Eleanor Livingstone, Director of StAnza: Scotland’s International Poetry Festival. Plus musical guest. £7/£5/£4 on the door. Christmas Fayre: Saturday 5th December – Forgan’s annual fundraiser and celebration, with sale of artwork, games and music. At Blyth Hall, Newport – 11.00am-4.00pm. £1.50/50p on the door.
Workshops: Bike Maintenance Candle-making (for Christmas) Lino-Cutting Card-making (for Christmas)
Full details – times, prices, how to book and much more can be found online and in the Autumn brochure – available on our website or to pick up in person. Enquiries always welcome – info@forganartscentre.co.uk and 01382 542 062. Forgan Arts Centre - Cupar Road, Newport-on -Tay, DD6 8RA Registered Charity SCO08537 www.forganartscentre.co.uk
#BalmulloLife RECIPE OF THE MONTH Ingredients 4 tablespoons olive oil 2 onions, chopped 4 teaspoons cumin seeds 2 lbs carrots, sliced 3 pints stock Handful of coriander leaves
CARROT & CUMIN SOUP Method 1. Heat the oil in a large pan, and add the onion and cumin. Cook until the onion is soft but not browned. 2. Add the carrots and stock and simmer for about 20 minutes until the carrots are just soft. 3. Blend until smooth, then adjust the seasoning. 4. Serve with coriander leaves.
Accountants & Tax Consultants APPOINTMENTS: MORNING, AFTERNOON or EVENING OUR OFFICE, YOUR HOME or PREMISES Minimum Hourly Rate Increases for 1st October 16-17 rises from £3.79 to £3.87 18-20 rises from £3.13 to £3.30 21 upwards rises from £6.50 to £6.70 National Living Wage From April 2016 25’s and over increase from £6.70 to £7.20 Pension Schemes for Auto - Enrolement If you manage your own Paye and reporting to HMRC then please find out about the new pension scheme. IT IS OBLIGATORY. In 2016 and 2017 every employer will be registering and they need to find an administrator and a pension fund that will take them. Many funds are up to their ears in it already and will be turning down business. So that will leave some employers without a decent scheme, the dregs of administrators and perhaps having penalties from HMRC for not being setup on time. We are organized and can provide the service. But even if you choose not to use ourselves, get moving soon. FINANCIAL ADVICE WE HELP - WE SAVE YOU MONEY FULL ACCOUNTANCY AND COMPLETE TAXATION SERVICES WWW.MONTEATHS.COM Cairnfield, 14 School Road, Balmullo, St Andrews, Fife, KY16 0BD Tel 01334 870343 - Fax 01334 871004 E mail : morag@monteaths.com
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