2016 May Newsletter

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Photo of West Highland Way by Moira Christie

Community Council Newsletter 2016, [issue five]

Online newsletter www.issuu.com/ balmullo



ANDREW FALCONER along Burnside or on the Eden from the riverside paths. Both species can be seen along the burn in Dura Den or Kinness Burn from the Lade Braes walk in St. Andrews.

This month we feature 2 bird species which are very different but share the same habitat – fast-flowing, rocky burns and rivers. Obviously, these are not seen in Balmullo but are to be found in a few locations easily reached from here. The Dipper (Cinclus Cinclus) is 17-20 cm long, with a very obvious white throat and chest area, reddish-brown belly, darker brown head and back and a short cocked tail. Both sexes are alike but juvenile birds are grey. It gets its name from its habit of frequent bobbing (or dipping) up and down while perched on a rock. It catches prey by “swimming” on the surface or underwater using its wings for propulsion.

One of the easiest places to see Dippers is Cupar, on the Lady Burn from the footpath

The Grey Wagtail (Motacilla Cinerea) is similar in size at 17-20 cm long, but a very different shape including a long tail which it “wags” frequently. The sexes are fairly alike with a grey head and back, black wings and yellow underparts. The male is brighter yellow underneath and has a darker bib. Juvenile birds are generally paler. These wagtails are very active, moving quickly around stony edges in search of aquatic insects and have an undulating flight from one area to the next.

Photos courtesy of John Anderson, Crail.





Chairman Colin Finlay 870578 colinfinlay52@gmail.com

Secretary: Sue Smith 870221 secretary@balmullo.net

Treasurer & Newsletter Andrew Falconer 870496 anfalconer@tiscali.co.uk

Minute-Secretary: Ann Falconer 870496 anfalconer@tiscali.co.uk

Vice-Chairman: Alison Jeffrey 870674 alison@balmullo.net

Councillors: Ina Cameron



John Normand janormand1@gmail.com Gwenyth Mitchell 870010 gwenyth@balmullo.net Peter Lomas 870848 pil77@btinternet.com


twaauldgoats@btinternet.com Maggie Taylor 07872 423841 cllr.margaret.taylor@fife.gov.uk Tim Brett 01382 330905 cllr.tim.brett@fife.gov.uk Bill Connor 077 1866 8792 cllr.bill.connor@fife.gov.uk

Useful Contacts Burnside Hall Keeper Lynn Murphy 870466 GALA Committee: 077 8033 5250 http://balmullogala.weebly.com Community Police Officers 101 PC’s Susie Martin & Ewan McIntosh Non Emergency Police Contact 101 Dog Warden 0345 155 0022

Statements made or opinions expressed in this Newsletter do not necessarily reflect the views of the Balmullo Community Council or any of its officers.

NHS24 111 Rev. John Duncan 870038 jduncan@churchofscotland.org.uk M.P. Stephen Gethins 657765 M.S.P. Willie Rennie 656361 Doctors Surgery Balmullo 871164 Balmullo Primary School 659451 Bell Baxter High School 659459 Madras College 659402

Advert Prices - Small £5, Half Page £10, Full Page £20. You can rent advertising space on a month by month basis or on a longer term basis. The Balmullo Newsletter has a circulation of 700 and is hand delivered FREE of charge. TO ALL ADVERTISERS – Please check your advert. If you would like to remove it or change it in any way, please let us know.

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ANNOUNCEMENTS Planning Applications have been permitted for the Gala Committee to place a storage container in the Park (work recently commenced) and for Fife Council to erect 5metre fencing on Straiton Terrace behind the football pitch.

BALMULLO COMMUNITY COUNCIL roofline, following recent gales and offered to do a quick repair job. This seemed a decent offer to the householder who did not wish to trouble her family. When a concerned neighbour saw that all of the roofline tiles had been removed, he smelt a rat and called the Police. It transpired that the Police were already looking for these men in connection with 3 previous “jobs” done in Glenrothes, where the householders had been scammed into handing over large sums of money for the work. Be on your guard for such scams!

Scottish Power’s solicitors have not yet signed off the legal documents required before the overhead power cable can be moved from the site of the extension to Leuchars Station Car Park, but Fife Council are still hopeful that the new car park will be completed by the end of The next meeting is in Burnside Hall at October. 7.30pm on Monday 13th June 2016. Residents Beware! It has come to our attention that an elderly resident was A copy of the Minutes will be available on the approached by 2 workmen with a van. They shelves at the Post Office. had noticed that a tile was missing from the



Community Council Liaison Officer for Fife full Strategic Plan for Fife (2016-19) and Council, Bill Welsh is retiring and will be Summary Report are now available. replaced by Beth Flynn. To find out more about the Rural Manifesto for We have a reminder that the Promoting the Scottish Rural Parliament and complete a Kinship Day is being held on 23rd July 2016 at survey on your views, visit: the Dalgety Bay Sports Centre. Places are still http://www.scottishruralparliament.org.uk/aavailable for village representatives. rural-manifesto-for-scotland/ Fife Health and Social Care Partnership final WHAT’S ON? JUNE 1ST BURNSIDE HALL COMMITTEE MEETING. 7.30 PM. 2ND WRI MEETING. INTER-INSTITUTE VISIT. BURNSIDE HALL. 7.15 PM. 4TH/5TH BALMULLO GALA: 5-A-SIDE FOOTBALL TOURNAMENT. 11TH BALMULLO GALA DAY 13TH COMMUNITY COUNCIL MEETING. BURNSIDE HALL 7.30 PM. ALL WELCOME. 25TH CRAFT/COFFEE MORNING IN AID OF AM SOCCER. CORN EXCHANGE, CUPAR 9.30-12. JULY 1ST BALMULLO BOWLING CLUB B.B.Q. 8.00 PM TILL LATE. £10 PP. DANCE TO JOHNNY DUNCAN. BALGOVE BURGERS & BANGERS










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Burnside Hall became the Balmullo polling station on 5th May, so our May meeting was a visit to the Eden Mill Distillery & Brewery, a followup to the talk by Steven and James at our February meeting. We had decided to go on the Gin Tour and had sufficient interest to require splitting the members into 2 groups, on the 12.00 and 16.00 tours. The tour guide was Ashleigh who explained the history of the site with the aid of a short video. From 1810 the site was a distillery for Haig’s whisky until they moved to larger premises in 1865. It then became the Paper Mill which lasted until 2008 before the business collapsed. Eden Mill started the brewery 3 years ago and diversified into distilling in 2014. We were then taken into the Distillery where we saw Gin being distilled. The Gin has proved very popular, with 4 varieties – Original, Love, Oak and Golf at present and a 5th in the development stage. We next moved into the bottling and labelling department where everything is done by hand. Although Gin is not matured, we visited the

bonded warehouse and saw the Whisky barrels which are matured for at least 3 years and a day. We finally arrived at the Lounge Area where Gin samples awaited us, either to be drunk there or taken away for later consumption (drivers please note!). Members of both groups congregated at the home of vice-president Mary Reilly, where everyone enjoyed an excellent afternoon tea with home baking, before our usual raffle. Ann Falconer thanked Mary for her hospitality and also those committee members who provided the food. The next meeting will be on Thursday 2nd June and will be an Inter-Institute Visit. The competitions will be a Small Jar of Lemon Curd, a Cushion Cover of any craft, colours Lemon & Lime and Flower of the Month. New members are always welcome. Our summer outing will be to Monturpie for High Tea on Thursday 7th July at 6.30 pm. Numbers will be taken and drivers organised at our June meeting.



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SUGAR HIGH - SUGAR LOW There is always a special place in my heart for Aiesha, my 10 year old granddaughter, who recently received a certificate personally signed from Lord Dean David S Adam and Lord Provost Bob Duncan, The Guildry Incorporation of Dundee, for her participation with merit, in designing a book, as part of a School Project, raising money to help the Diabetes Research Centre Cure Diabetes. I think Diabetes is a good topic that never gets enough recognition and deserves a mention. Aiesha, is diagnosed with Type 1 Diabetes which means her body is unable to produce any insulin. Diabetes is a chronic long-lasting condition that needs close attention. Her journey started six years ago then aged 4, she developed the worrying symptoms of losing weight, drinking huge quantities of water, feeling tired and going to the toilet a lot. Her mum had suspected something was wrong when her weight dropped three pounds in just one week! Overwhelmed by worry, as Aiesha would barely eat and when she did eat, her appetite would only consist of cucumber and olives. Not eating enough or the right foods to keep her healthy, how did she survive? It took a lot of hospital appointments but Aiesha now benefits from new technology and far from the numerous previous injections, her insulin is more faster acting, delivered in an adjustable flow from her insulin pump, (about the size of a mobile phone, worn 24 hours a day), through a cannula attached to her bottom. The cannula needs to be changed every third day. There are the occasional sleepless nights when she wakes up and says to her Mum that she feels 'funny!' She has had many absences from school yet still manages to keep on top of her work and is in top groups for most subjects. So, one would think, the idea of pricking her finger to check her blood sugar six or so times a day and then counting her carbs and pushing some buttons on her pump must not be such a big deal. I disagree - no one knows what it's like to ride this Diabetic roller coaster, as for a ten year

CHRISTINA JACK old to grow up with this disease is horrible and really hard work. Aiesha, since recently settling into a new school, has gained more self confidence, feels and looks much happier and now eats a proper healthy diet. Her former unthinking school friends made such remarks which had a significant effect on her. These friendship problems caused Aiesha a lot of anxiety and stress. After returning home from school, feeling sick, she just wanted to lie in bed to try to overcome her feelings of insecurity and frustration, and as she yearned for a cure, she continuously wrote in her journal, words we didn't want to hear, 'I am so sad, I hate my Diabetes life!!' To help her stay healthy she now attends a monthly check at the Diabetes Clinic but if there was any way I could change it for her I would. Hats off to her mum who, is an absolute gem, a mathematician and nurse rolled into one, is always there to remind her, don't eat that, check your blood sugar, have you put in your carbs? She can never switch off as she has to be on call 24 hours a day to make sure Aiesha's blood sugar level doesn't get dangerously out of control. If Aiesha falls sick her blood sugar levels can change more dramatically and this could mean another sleepless night for Mum. Adolescence could become a trying time as the changes happening in her body could make maintaining blood glucose control more challenging, so, we know that a lot more TLC will be needed. A family day out always has to be planned around Aiesha and her mealtimes. To help Aiesha settle in at her new school and make new friends, as I mentioned earlier, her class recently worked on a Project of Victorian Times and all of their research of stories and tips were collated in a book. The books sold at ÂŁ1 each and the class raised over ÂŁ500 which will be donated to Diabetes Research. My message to other young children suffering from this disease is never listen to anyone who bullies you about Diabetes.


SUGAR HIGH - SUGAR LOW CONTINUED It's just something you are born with and you are exactly the same as everybody else. Being friends is all about having fun together, not having a perfect pancreas! Find somebody you can trust and talk about any problems you may have even if it’s for reassurance. Don’t suffer in silence and remember – never stop taking your insulin! Staying on top of the blood sugar control every day and balancing the insulin with carbs, means counting the carbs at each meal or snack. Aiesha's lunch begins a daily routine with measuring the food, 20 grams carbs per sandwich and adding another 15

CHRISTINA JACK grams carbs for one portion of fruit etc etc. There will be no end to the blood tests, needles and mental arithmetic unless a cure can be found. Playing sport can affect her blood sugar levels to shoot up, but despite the difficulties, Aiesha has since become a serious Swimmer and recently came 2nd in the School Races. To see her focus on sport activities, her new friends and class work, I'm so proud of her..... and pleased she was diagnosed when she was to have access to her insulin pump although it isn't a magic box of tricks to cure her diabetes!

Get Involved. Join the Balmullo Community Council.







My sister (Sheila Lindsay from Gauldry) and I have just completed the West Highland Way from North to South. It was the first time for my sister and the second time for me as I walked from South to North last year. Two charities are benefitting from this endeavour – Alzheimers and Chest , Heart and Stroke. Both can be donated to if wished by going online and accessing the Just Giving site. We have exceeded our target and are very grateful to all who donated. www.justgiving.com/sheila-lindsay1 is for Alzheimers www.justgiving.cim/sheila-lindsay2 is for Chest Heart and Stroke

– thank goodness. Stopped at Kingshouse for our packed lunch before climbing again to head to Bridge of Orchy. Not very interesting scenery this time. Miles walked today – 21. I stayed at Stance Cottage, Bridge of Orchy last year and was looking forward to staying again but unfortunately it had changed hands and the new owners did not give the same good service or facilities. The meal at Bridge of Orchy

Hotel just next door made up for some of it. Weather is still cold but fair and next day heading for Tyndrum and then on to Inverarnan. Terrain getting more interesting and varied with a lot of steep Our journey commenced on Sunday 10th April leaving by bus from Dundee at 1.05 pm and travelling to Glasgow to catch the Fort William bus. Things didn’t start too well as the bus was late and we missed our connection in Glasgow and had to wait 3 hours for the next one. This made our arrival in Fort William at just after 9pm. Staying at the Alexandra Hotel overnight we made our way to the other end of the main street to have our picture taken at the official end of the WHW (our start as we were doing it what most people call the wrong way round). The weather was good and we were in good spirits. The views are few and far between to begin with but improve as we head towards Kinlochleven. climbs through woods. Miles walked today – 19. Unfortunately the wind got up and was in our face which made walking hard. Miles walked today - 16. Last year I stayed at the Drovers Inn but decided it was too far from the route so booked Beinglas Farm Tailrace Inn, Kinlochleven was our next stop over and it was perfect. They have a shop there which and was very comfortable. We were confused by the has everything for travellers with every possible detour signs leaving here in the morning and added ailment and I had a few by this time! Fed, watered an extra 1.5 miles by taking the wrong route. and then to a bed that was the most comfortable yet Difficult steady climb for around 4 miles before we awoke refreshed and raring to go. The climb out reaching Devils Staircase which we were going down of Inverarnan was quite steep but it wasn’t long


before we got our first glimpse of Loch Lomond. The route from here on is quite challenging clambering over rocks, routes of trees and other obstacles. Heading now to Rowardennan. Miles walked today – 14. The youth hostel at Rowardennan was basic but the food was far better than we had anticipated. The views over the loch were wonderful and quite calm but weather closing in – not looking good for tomorrow. Again interesting walking but easier until we reached Balmaha and taking the Conic Hill route.

I was struggling and it was snowing and windy by the time we reached the top. I got very cold and my sister gave me encouragement to keep soldiering on. Was never so glad to see Drymen and could hardly keep my eyes open after finishing our meal at the Clachan. Out for the count by 9pm!!!! Miles waked today – 15

Leaving the Hawthornes B & B in the morning the sun was shining and we were looking forward to the last leg back to Milngavie. More varied scenery again and lots more traffic noise. Not much more to say except when we reached the obelisk which is






the start of the WHW in Milngavie it started to hailstone! Miles walked today – 12 and in total 97! Never again – but I think I said that last time as well. Moira Christie


NEW - SUMMER SEASON AT FORGAN ARTS CENTRE! Summer 2016 sees the return of some of our most popular courses, as well as some new and exciting workshops. There are classes for adults and children too! We will kick off the season this Saturday with our celebratory Open Day, on 7th May from 11-4.

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For a full programme of events please visit our website at forganartscetre.co.uk, here you The new season starts on the 24th May, with will find details on times, prices, how to book both weekday and weekend classes, day time and much more. and evenings. With something for everyone, we are sure you will find a class that you love Enquiries are always welcomed – at Forgan Arts Centre. info@forganartscentre.co.uk and 01382 542 062. Courses include – Pottery Upholstery Booking opens on Saturday 7th, although you Sun print photography Dressmaking can put your name on the waiting list before Charcoal drawing Watercolour this date. RECIPE OF THE MONTH


Ingredients 100 g (4 oz) self-raising flour 100 g (4 oz) chopped mixed nuts 100 g (4 oz) wholemeal flour 150 g (6 oz) cheddar cheese, grated 100 g (4 oz) wholemeal breadcrumbs 100 g (4 oz) onions, finely chopped 100 g (4 oz) butter 1 teaspoon mixed herbs 15g (½ oz) butter to sauté onions 140 ml (¼ pint) milk 2 eggs, beaten Method 1. Rub butter into flour until mixture resembles fine breadcrumbs.


2. Add wholemeal breadcrumbs, nuts, cheese and seasoning. Mix well. 3. Sauté onions and add to dry ingredients. 4. Add the beaten eggs and enough milk to bind the ingredients together. 5. Pour the mixture into a lightly greased 1kg (2 lb) loaf tin. 6. Cover with foil and bake for 1½ hours at 180°C/350°F (gas mark 4). 7. Remove foil and continue baking for 15 minutes. 8. Allow to cool in tin before turning out onto a wire rack. 9. Serve with a green salad.


£50 £20 £20 £20 £20 £20

Mrs Couper

Mrs Taylor, Pitcairn Drive Mr & Mrs Swanson, Lucklawhill Mr Kidd, Pitcairn Drive Mrs Latto, The Mount Mrs Mason, The Mount

How to Join Our 200 Club? It's easy to join the 200 Club. Call or email Ina at twaauldgoats@btinternet.com or call 870253. It only costs £1 per entry per month,

£10 £10 £10 £10 £10

Pitcairn Drive Mr Bennett, Murray Row Mrs Paton, Lucklawhill Mrs Dall, Anderson Drive Mrs Perry, Burnside Mrs Wilson, School Road

and you can enter as many times as you like. We are currently trying to raise money for various Balmullo community activities and projects. - GOOD LUCK!



MAUREEN YOUNG filling can in Fife” as she is regularly called on to replace it. To date, the can has been emptied 19 times, securing a valuable £375.59 for the charity. “People in this part of the world are very aware of SCAA and the amazing service it provides for the people of Scotland,” said Gwenyth, “and many individuals and organisations are doing what they can to help fund the air ambulance in its work. I have 12 collecting cans out in my small region alone - but the one in the Spar at Balmullo seems to fill the

Scotland’s Charity Air Ambulance (SCAA) has become a regular sight in the skies above Fife as it flies help and hope to communities throughout the region in times of serious accident or illness. Among those championing Scotland’s only charity-funded helicopter air ambulance is the Spar shop in Balmullo where manager Gayle Ramsay and her customers are helping to keep the life-saving service in the air. For the past two years, a SCAA collecting can has sat beside the till in the popular store with regular cus t o me rs and passing trade happy to pop their s m a l l change in for such a deserving c a u s e . SCAA East F i f e collecting can coordinator, Gwenyth Mitchell, reckons it’s the “fastest

fastest!” SCAA’s Head of Fundraising Sally Cameron praised Gayle and her customers for their longstanding support. “Public donations are the only fuel we fly on,” she said, “and we can’t thank Gayle and everyone at the Spar in Balmullo enough for their regular donations. Support like this ensures our life-saving helicopter and crew can fly to time-critical emergencies wherever and whenever they are needed. Without the public’s generosity, we simply couldn’t function. I hope the customers at the Balmullo Spar continue to keep us in their thoughts and maintain their vital support in the months and years to come.” Since launching operations in May 2013, SCAA has responded to well over 1,000 emergencies all over Scotland. From their centrally located base at Perth Airport, they have flown expert paramedic care quickly and directly to the scene and airlifted patients rapidly to hospital. Many of those emergencies have been in Fife ranging from cardiac arrests to road traffic collisions and equestrian accidents to industrial incidents - with patients flown to Dundee or Edinburgh. As a key part of the country’s 999 emergency response network, the service has proved a life -saver - and will continue to do so if it can raise the £2 million required each year to keep it in the air. Thanks go to everyone who continues to support their vital work.




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I've lived in Balmullo for over 40 years and been involved with the Flower Show for about 30 years which has given me the opportunity to meet and become friends with many in the surrounding area. Early on members of the committee went out in pairs to visit supporters and local exhibitors of the Flower Show. This was when I first met Willie and Zibby as their children were regular exhibitors. We were always given a warm welcome and it was then that I became aware of Willie's contentment with life by the permanent smile on his face.


went to Balmullo Primary School and Logie Church where Mary was his Sunday School teacher. He went on to Bell Baxter High School and after attending Agricultural College in Edinburgh worked with his father on the farm. As a natural progression Willie's parents moved to Lucklaw Farm House when Willie and Zibby married and set about farming and bringing up a family at Cuplahills they then moved to Cuplahills Cottage when Stephen married and returned to take on the farm. As well as playing golf, Willie was a member of Leuchars Curling Club and was at the last Grand Match on the Lake of Menteith where the whisky had flowed freely and at the end of the day he had been kidnapped by the Rolling Stones, a ladies team from Glasgow. He was eventually brought home and always related it as one of the best days in his life.

It has always been a pleasure to visit Cuplahills and after the children grew up the connection remained and Willie joined us as one of our Vice Presidents. Visits consisted of discussions of the Flower Show, farming and nature accompanied by a cup of coffee and delicious home baking. Willie always had a smile on his face and One of my memories of Willie was on a appeared content with life no matter what visit I noticed his ankle was bound up with it threw at him. Gaffa tape. I later found out that after his I grew up in Carnoustie and like Willie foot had been amputated and he had been spent a lot of my childhood with a golf club given a prosthetic leg but the foot kept in my hand. I played on the local course coming off and it took a long time to get unlike Willie who built his own course on the special glue to refix it so Willie got out the fields around the farm with a few a roll of tape bound it on and in his typical additional rules and regulations, one fashion got on with life. With his interest in related to cow pats, if the ball landed in a nature he decided to give up part of the fresh pat you were allowed to “lift and land to woodland for bird life and pathways drop� if it was an old pat you were required for the community's enjoyment and was to play it from where it was. We also given a few acorns by a friend who had shared the boyhood joy of fishing in the visited Italy. One of the acorns from Assisi local burns although neither would have produced a tree which has been planted up there in what is called Willies Wood and survived long on our catches. his ashes have been scattered under it. I listened to his brother Ron's eulogy at the Service of Thanksgiving and have had a So if you pass that way pause for a chat with Zibby and Mary Campbell who moment's thought and remember his grew up on Brackmont Farm and whose smile. My memory of Willie will always be sister went to Balmullo School with Willie. of him smiling. Willie was born at Cuplahills Farm. He





Thank you to everyone who voted for me in the Scottish Parliamentary Election. I will seek to represent everyone in North East Fife irrespective of whether they voted for me or not. I’d also like to thank Rod Campbell for his service to the community over the last five years. I know people who have been grateful for Rod’s assistance with issues they have raised. I intend to hold regular advice surgeries which will be advertised locally but if you need any assistance you don’t need to wait for the next surgery. You can contact my office, preferably by email, with the details of the problem or inquiry. Sometimes it is best to seek the support of your local councillors but if you don’t know who to turn to please don’t farmers is a priority too. Many have hesitate to contact me. I can’t promise been left out of pocket by a failed IT to solve all issues but I will do my best. system and poor planning. I will be the matter in Holyrood. I have already had a preliminary raising discussion with Stephen Gethins MP Superfast broadband and decent mobile about how we can work in phone service is something that need partnership. We may be for different resolution. I am planning meetings with political parties but when it comes to the service providers to press for an North East Fife we plan to work acceleration of the roll out. together. These are just some of the issues I will There are many issues that need my attention. I have already met with representatives of STEPAL, Parent Voice and St. Andrews Community Council to discuss the Madras issue and to discuss how we can reach some form of agreement on the location of the new school. It won’t be easy but there is an opportunity which needs exploring. I will also be working to secure a promising future for Elmwood. I am meeting with the Principals of Fife College and SRUC to press for a resolution to the matter.

be seeking to resolve but if you have suggestions of other matters please don’t hesitate to contact me.

Securing CAP basic payments for local

16 Millgate ¦ Cupar ¦ KY15 5EG Tel: 01334 656361

My family are from Cupar, my dad’s first job was at the sugar beet factory. I was born and brought up in North East Fife and educated at Bell Baxter. It is therefore special to be the Member of the Scottish Parliament for North East Fife. I am looking forward to working with you.

Willie Rennie MSP NE Fife Constituency Office




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A brilliant Scottish racing driver that made racing today so much safer that modern day drivers have a lot to be thankful for. Jackie Stewart’s early involvement with cars was in the family business, Dumbuck Garage, in Dumbarton, where he worked as an apprentice mechanic. His family were Jaguar dealers and had built up a successful garage. Jackie's brother Jimmy was a racing driver with a growing local reputation. It was only natural that Jackie would soon become involved in motor racing. After his brother was injured in a crash at Le Mans Jackie was discouraged by his parents and Jackie took up target shooting instead. He became so good that he just missed out on qualifying for the 1960 Olympics. However JS (Jackie Stewart) took up an offer from a customer of Dumbuck Garage, to test in a number of his cars at Oulten Park. JS impressed all who were in attendance that day. Ken Tyrrell who was then running the Formula Junior team heard of JS from a track manager and called up his brother Jimmy to see if his younger brother was interested in a tryout. Jackie came down for the test and took over a car that Bruce McLaren was testing. McLaren at that time was already an experienced Formula One driver and the new Cooper F3 was a very competitive car in its


class. Soon Stewart was besting the times of McLaren causing McLaren to return to the track for some quick laps. Again Stewart was faster and Tyrrell offered Stewart a spot on the team. This would be the beginning of a great partnership that would see them reach at the pinnacle of the sport. In 1964 he drove Formula 3 for Ken Tyrrell and in the wet at Snetterton on 15th March, was dominant, taking an astounding 25second lead in just two laps before coasting home to a win on a 44second cushion. Within days, he was offered a Formula One ride with Cooper, but declined, preferring to gain experience under Tyrrell; he failed to win just two races in becoming F3 champion. Since Tyrrell did not compete in Formula 1 at that time he joined Graham Hill at BRM in 1965. On his debut in South Africa he scored his first Championship point. Before the end of the year he won his first race at Monza. 1966 saw him almost win the Indianapolis 500 on his first only to be denied by a mechanical failure with eight laps to go. All the world seemed at his feet, until Spa in Belgium. A sudden downpour made the course treacherous and cars were sliding off the track at an alarming rate. Stewart unable to control his car crashed into a ditch into a ditch. His team-mate Hill said: "I spun round like a top myself. When I came to a stop at the side of the road I saw Jackie's BRM in the ditch. He was in considerable pain, trapped by the side of the car, which had been pushed in. The petrol tanks had ruptured and he was covered with petrol. There was a big risk of fire and I turned off the fuel pump switches and then tried to lift him out. The steering wheel was jammed up against his leg and it was obvious that this would have to be removed before I could get him out." JS lay trapped in the car for twentyfive minutes, unable to be moved.


Fellow drivers Graham Hill and Bob Bondurant got me out using the spanners from a spectator's toolkit. There were no doctors and there was nowhere to put me. They in fact put me in the back of a van. Eventually an ambulance took me to a first aid spot near the control tower and I was left on a stretcher, on the floor, surrounded by cigarette ends. I was put into an ambulance with a police escort and the police escort lost the ambulance, and the ambulance didn't know how to get to Liège. At the time they thought I had a spinal injury. As it turned out, I wasn't seriously injured, but they didn't know that." "I realised that if this was the best we had there was something sadly wrong: things wrong with the race track, the cars, the medical side, the fire-fighting, and the emergency crews. There were also grass banks that were launch pads, things you went straight into, trees that were unprotected and so on. Young people today just wouldn't understand it. It was ridiculous." "If I have any legacy to leave the sport I hope it will be seen to be an area of safety because when I arrived in Grand Prix racing so-called precautions and safety measures were

diabolical." From that day on he would have a spanner taped to his steering wheel. He launched a campaign to improve safety standards and medical facilities in the case of injury. An so he began a long uphill fight that still continues to this day. His speed was apparent to all those around him yet some questioned his courage because of his outspokenness in favour of greater driver safety. His driving style was marked by almost machine like consistency. When Tyrrell moved up in class to Formula 1 Stewart joined him. In 1969 at the wheel of a Matra-Ford he won the World Championship for himself and Ken Tyrrell. In 1971 he repeated as champion racing a Tyrrell. The following year saw him missing some races because of illness brought upon by stomach ulcers. In 1973 his final year, was marked by triumph and tragedy. His third and final World Championship was marred by the death of his friend and protĂŠgĂŠ Francois Cevert. Jackie Stewart followed through with a decision that he had made at the beginning of the year and retired from racing. In 1997 Jackie Stewart returned to Formula 1 as a team owner in partnership with his son Paul and Ford Motor Company.

Jacky Stewart was Formula 1 World Champion in 1969, 1971 & 1973

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