2016 June Newsletter

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Online newsletter www.issuu.com/ balmullo

Balmullo Community Council Newsletter 2016, [issue six]







Chairman Colin Finlay 870578 colinfinlay52@gmail.com

Secretary: Sue Smith 870221 secretary@balmullo.net

Treasurer & Newsletter Andrew Falconer 870496 anfalconer@tiscali.co.uk

Minute-Secretary: Ann Falconer 870496 anfalconer@tiscali.co.uk

Vice-Chairman: Alison Jeffrey 870674 alison@balmullo.net

Councillors: Ina Cameron



John Normand janormand1@gmail.com Gwenyth Mitchell 870010 gwenyth@balmullo.net Peter Lomas 870848 pil77@btinternet.com


twaauldgoats@btinternet.com Maggie Taylor 07872 423841 cllr.margaret.taylor@fife.gov.uk Tim Brett 01382 330905 cllr.tim.brett@fife.gov.uk Bill Connor 077 1866 8792 cllr.bill.connor@fife.gov.uk

Useful Contacts Burnside Hall Keeper Lynn Murphy 870466 GALA Committee: 077 8033 5250 http://balmullogala.weebly.com Community Police Officers 101 PC’s Susie Martin & Ewan McIntosh Non Emergency Police Contact 101 Dog Warden 0345 155 0022

Statements made or opinions expressed in this Newsletter do not necessarily reflect the views of the Balmullo Community Council or any of its officers.

NHS24 111 Rev. John Duncan 870038 jduncan@churchofscotland.org.uk M.P. Stephen Gethins 657765 M.S.P. Willie Rennie 656361 Doctors Surgery Balmullo 871164 Balmullo Primary School 659451 Bell Baxter High School 659459 Madras College 659402

Advert Prices - Small £5, Half Page £10, Full Page £20. You can rent advertising space on a month by month basis or on a longer term basis. The Balmullo Newsletter has a circulation of 700 and is hand delivered FREE of charge. TO ALL ADVERTISERS – Please check your advert. If you would like to remove it or change it in any way, please let us know.

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We were very saddened to hear of the sudden death of Mrs. Isa Baxter, 1 Park View on Friday 10th June. As a weel-kent face around Balmullo, a regular attendee at BCC meetings and a long-time member of Balmullo WI, she will be sadly missed. We offer our sincere condolences to her husband John and family. Public consultation has begun on the Scottish Fire & Rescue Service Strategic Plan 2016-19. This is open for 10 weeks till 9 August 2016 and can be completed at https:// firescotland.citizenspace.com

Road & General Safety – We have been made aware that children are putting themselves in danger on bicycles or scooters by not looking out for road traffic. Even if the 20 mph speed limit is being observed, a collision with a vehicle could cause serious or fatal injury. This is very apparent on School Road with children coming out of the Playing Fields. They have been warned of the dangers at a Primary School assembly. We have also seen children climbing onto the roof of the large green container and from there onto Mrs Cameron’s Significant changes are being proposed in shed roof, which may not take their weight! We many Stagecoach Bus Service timetables from would ask parents to reinforce these warnings 15th August. The X42 service would be and keep their children safe. replaced by a new service X53. This would still The next meeting is our AGM and is in be hourly but terminate in Dundee city centre, Burnside Hall at 7.30pm on Monday 12th rather than Ninewells Hospital, but there are September 2016. plenty of services between these points with a A copy of the Minutes will be available on the relatively easy interchange. The existing X54 shelves at the Post Office. hourly service from Dundee to Edinburgh is being rerouted through Cupar and Balmullo. POINTS FROM THE SECRETARY’S EMAIL


Fife Council’s Development Management projects. He has asked us to publicise the Annual Customer Satisfaction Survey report is availability of funds to any local organisations available on the Fife Direct website. who may be interested. Fife Forum – Making Community Connections – their newsletter is available at www.fifeforum.org.uk It gives lots of information about health and community services available.

Fifth Statutory Reviews of Electoral Arrangements - The Local Government Boundary Commission for Scotland has submitted to Scottish Ministers its Reports and Final Recommendations, for the number of councillors and the electoral ward boundaries TAYplan submitted the Proposed Strategic in each of Scotland's 32 local authorities. Development Plan (May 2015) to Scottish Ward 17 Tay Bridgehead is now to include Ministers on 7th June. Balmerino, Kirkton of Balmerino, The Gauldry Stephen Gethins MP has contacted us about and Bottomcraig. Heritage Lottery funding for First World War THANK YOU I would like to say a big thank you to the Balmullo Gala Committee for the lovely engraved vase I was presented with at the Gala. I had no idea about this and I was so surprised I didn’t say thank you properly, so please accept my apologies & to say thank you again. Mary Campbell DANCE PARTNER WANTED For Ballroom / Social Dancing with lessons in Balmullo. For more details contact Angela on 07708 624363.



PITCAIRN PRACTICE feel an ‘emergency’ to you, that sore toe you’ve had for a fortnight, or the tickly cough that’s bothered you for the past 3 days, really isn’t a medical emergency and can wait to be seen in a routine appointment later in the week. You can also pop along and see your local pharmacist, as they can help with many minor complaints. However we will see all genuine emergencies as required!

We’ve all been there; phoning the Doctor trying to get an appointment only to be told “we only have Emergency’ appointments left”, and a receptionist asking all sorts of questions that are none of their business!! Believe it or not….. it’s not the receptionists fault! There is a finite number of patients the Doctors and Nurses can see in one day, and as a small 2 partner practice, we have over 400 patient contacts per week.

Another ‘drain’ on our appointment availability is the number of ‘missed’ appointments or DNA’s (did not attends), as we call them. Between January and the end of April this year there were a total of 303 DNA’s equating to about 50½ hours. That’s on average 12½ hours or 75 appointments a month! This is valuable time so PLEASE make sure you only make an appointment if necessary, and if you are unable to attend, let us know in good time so that your appointment can be given to someone else.

You can also find many useful links for self Our Reception Team ensure you see the right management on our website. person at the right time; e.g. the Health Care Assistant for blood samples and basic health www.pitcairnpractice.co.uk checks, the Practice Nurse for Chronic Disease Management, the correct GP, (as they each specialise in certain areas), and there are many more reasons why you are asked “can you give me some indication as to what the appointment is for?” So please don’t be offended when asked, they are NOT being nosey, just trying to help! You are of course free to say “No, I’d rather not” If you feel you require an “Emergency” appointment, you will need to give some detail; as in some cases it may be more appropriate to go to A&E or the Minor Injuries department. Please also bear in mind that although it may

See you at the next Balmullo Community Council meeting on September 12th.



ARE COMMUNITIES AN IRRELEVANCE? We hear the word community banded around everywhere. Most recently it’s been online communities that have grabbed the headlines. After all, it’s never been easier to connect with like-minded souls and pursue a cause or interest. It’s an exciting advance, in one sense, but when you see people hunched over their phones barely passing a word between them you wonder. Communities have a long history and have always been important. Everyone needs support and many take comfort in the feeling of belonging. We all look for collaborative opportunities and the knowledge that someone is there who understands the kind of things we believe in. It’s rare that someone manages to achieve without any help at all. You only have to listen to the Oscar acceptance speeches to realise just how many people are backing a public face. It’s not how many people you know but who you really know We may well live in a global village and we may well be connected to thousands of people but how important is the sense of community in Balmullo? What is it that makes this place special? What is it that makes you realise you are home? Is it the landscape, a landmark, a smell, a person or just a feeling? Physical face-to-face conversations can never really be replaced. In this fast-paced technological age it’s astonishing to see how often people choose to gather together rather than communicate virtually. In fact it has been proved that we can only have meaningful connections with about

150 people and beyond that the relationship hardly exists. Dunbar’s number, as it’s known is a suggested number of stable social relationships we can manage. This is where people know one another individually and can relate to them. This is based on the correlation between the average human brain size and average group size. Communities have moved mountains in their times. Groups of people have stood up for things they believed in and made profound sacrifices. Yet right now, we are not fighting justice or an enemy but a kind of apathy instead. More than ever before our traditions, and our sense of identity, really needs nurturing. Isn’t it time we all joined together and celebrated this summer? Whether it’s a festival or community games, a jumble sale or a coffee morning we should give our support and help this place thrive. Balmullo would be impoverished if no one stepped outside their front door and strengthened ties with neighbours. So set aside the apathy and join in the community events that will take place this year. We’d be really interested to publish your commentaries and photos of all the community occasions; perhaps it’s time we started considering some new traditions too. After all every tradition started somewhere. Tell us what you’d like to see in Balmullo. We’ll publish all the suggestions. To make your magazine even more relevant why not pen an article and send it to :-


Get Involved. Join the Balmullo Community Council.





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President Mrs. Ann Falconer welcomed Competition winners: members to the meeting on Thursday 2nd Lemon Curd 1st Grace Steven June. 2nd Penny Wiles The meeting took the form of an Inter-Institute Penny Wiles Visit, with 6 members of Cults & District SWI Cushion Cover joining us and providing entertainment for the Flower of the Month Grace Steven evening. We began with a memory-testing quiz where the answer to each question was an Our next event is the annual outing, on amount of pre-decimal money e.g. a half- Thursday 7th July, to Monturpie Restaurant for crown. The total of all answers had to match a high tea at 6.30 pm. Drivers and passengers given amount. Most of our members were able have been arranged. to complete the quiz correctly. The next meeting will be on Thursday 1st We were then treated to 3 humorous September when committee member Jill recitations and Mary Hutchison rounded off Dhanjal will give a demonstration of Indian the hilarity with 2 Scottish songs with Cookery. The competitions will be a Flask of members joining in. Everyone thoroughly Curried Soup, a Holiday Memento and Flower enjoyed themselves and Ann Falconer thanked of the month. New members are always the ladies for such a diverse and well- welcome. presented evening. RECIPE OF THE MONTH


Ingredients 1 lb (450g) digestive biscuits (crushed) 12 oz (340g) block margarine 12 oz (340g) caster sugar 4 tablespoons golden syrup 1 tin condensed milk 8 oz (225g) baking chocolate

Method 1. Melt margarine, sugar, syrup and condensed milk. 2. Bring to the boil and simmer for 8 minutes. 3. Add crushed biscuits then press into 8” by 12” baking tin. 4. Leave to cool and set before covering with melted chocolate.






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From left Councillor John Docherty, Councillor Bill Connor and Stephen Gethins MP enjoying burgers from the St Athernase Church stall.

It doesn't seem long since the Scottish Parliament Elections and we are already in the full throes of the European Referendum. I hope that everyone, whatever your views, will take the opportunity to vote on Thursday, June 23. It also doesn't seem that long since May 2015 but already a year has passed since I was elected and it has been a bit of a whirlwind. The constituency office has dealt with nearly 4500 cases and helped many people overcome problems they face including high profile cases like representing Cupar postman David Mitchell and the local host family for Chernobyl orphan Yaroslava Naida, as well as cases relating to housing, welfare and benefits payments. Representing North East Fife is a privilege and there are so many people, organisations and businesses worth celebrating. I was really pleased to visit Balmullo Gala at the weekend. This is a great community event and a huge effort by all those involved to make sure that whatever the weather, visitors really enjoy their day. I saw quite a few

STEPHEN GETHINS children running around with colourfully-painted faces and, like us, enjoying some of the food on offer! Congratulations to the Queen and her attendants who did a great job on the day. In addition to everything else going on the participants of the hill race deserve a pat on the back for their efforts, as do those organising and part in the 5s football tournament over the course of the weekend. And a special mention, of course, to all those from St Athernase Church, Leuchars who cooked up some delicious burgers to raise funds for the church regeneration appeal. One local couple who have achieved great things are Moira and David Henderson at the The Rings, a fantastic development of fully accessible self catering cottages at Chance Inn by Craigrothie. This project has been a real labour of love for the couple who, inspired by their own family circumstances, wanted to create a facility where all people, regardless of their physical mobility, are able to enjoy a holiday. During my recent visit there I was able to hear about how the facility will offer holidays for families and those who require care and it is fantastic that North East Fife has become home to such a state of the art resource. Also deserving of recognition is the team at the University of St Andrews Sports Centre who are working really hard not only to encourage and develop sport within the student body, but also throughout the wider community. The director of the Hockey Club explained more about how they are developing several initiatives to promote hockey including running a training programme with school children across North East Fife. I really enjoyed my time there meeting with staff and hearing more about


OUR M.P. CONTINUED what they are doing to encourage sport from a very young age, as well as seeing the University's facilities. I have also been impressed by the efforts of local school children to do what they can to improve their local environment. A few months ago children at Ladybank Primary School got in touch with me to ask if I could help with a friendship bench for their new playground garden. Luckily the team at Tesco in Cupar were able to help with not only supplying a bench but providing the expertise and manpower to create a very special garden for the children. The friendship bench, which the Primary 3 & 4 class painted themselves in rainbow colours and was recently unveiled, is a great way for the children to make sure everyone is included and makes a great addition to their outdoor play area. Funding is also available for community projects from Tesco's Bags for Help fund, which generates income from the carrier bag

STEPHEN GETHINS charge introduced by the Scottish Government. Several local groups have benefited in the past and it would be great if we could see some projects in North East Fife sharing in this cash boost. On a slightly bigger scale is the Heritage Lottery Fund which will distribute a share of £1 million each year over the next three years to local groups wishing to mark the centenary of the First World War. The HLF 'First World War: then and now' programme will be able to award community grants of between £3000 and £10,000 so if you are planning something it is well worth looking into. More details about both schemes are available my website www.stephengethins.scot and my electronic newsletter which you can sign up to. Details are also on my website. www.stephengethins.scot and my electronic newsletter which you can sign up to. Details are also on my website.



Gala season kicked off this year in May with a great appreciated, thank you again. Fun Run, supported by many adults and children Back by popular demand our main attraction on from the community. Gala Day was “The Balmullo Dog Show”, judged by The sun shone for the Balmullo 5’s Football Julie Tulleth, helped by Simone Nelson. Numerous tournament held on the 4th and 5th June, which dogs turned out to compete in different categories was bigger than previous years, a lot of hard work by such as, ‘Scruffiest dog’, ‘Best 6 legs’, ‘Most like its Stevie Thaw made this happen, without which it owner’ etc in the hope to make it to the final round wouldn’t have been the huge success it was. A ‘Best in Show’. Julie had a difficult decision but fantastic event held over 2 days which saw ‘The awarded the runner up prize to ‘Lola’ the Dalmation Dream Team’ winners of the adult competition for and the winner to ‘Dexter’ the fox red Labrador, both the 3rd year running, once again donate their prize stunning dogs winning beautiful rosettes and plenty money to the Gala and Fife Thistle! of goodies. I’m sure everyone who saw it will agree After having had week after week of glorious they put on a great show. Thank you to Julie for weather in typical Balmullo Gala day fashion it was giving up her time and single-handedly organising unfortunately overcast and damp but this did not the show and judging it on the day. Thank you to deter the community from coming out to see this The Pet Larder for donating the Best in Show prizes. year’s Gala Parade which was led by RAF Pipes & Drums – Central Scotland, who gave the day an In addition to the main event we had many other attractions, numerous stalls from local businesses impressive start. This year’s gala party consisted of; selling their goods and charities and local Gala Queen 2016: Emma Samson organisations who were raising funds; thanks go to Attendants: Esmee Thoms all of them for their continued support. Eve Gill The races proved ever popular again, including the Herald: Finlay Adamson adult ones. Congratulations to all those who took Page: Harris MacLeod part, especially the winners. Guard of Honour: Beavers and Cubs Rainbows & Brownies balmullogala@hotmail.co.uk Balmullo Nursery in fancy dress For her contribution to the Balmullo Community, Mary Campbell was presented with the Balmullo Gala outstanding contribution to the village award in recognition of the many years she has supported the village through her many ventures, from the Burns Club, parks committee, SWI, right up to the present day with the 200 club. Thank you Mary. Andy Mackie once again stepped into the role of MC and I hope you agree he did a fantastic job, he seems to be coming quite at home wearing a microphone. Once again his company JACS gave a generous sponsorship, which was greatly


As always the last event on the schedule for the day was the Hill Race, sponsored by Monteaths. This is a huge part and a highlight for many kids (and adults) in the village. Unfortunately this year due to the adverse weather we were unable to go up the hill for health and safety reasons, but took the race as far as the quarry gates. This did not put runners off, those who participated tried their best as always, and on completion were awarded a medal. The evening event commenced after the Championship and Hill Race award ceremony (those winners are listed below). This year we had a great band ‘Rock Bottom’ play, the lead female vocalist Gill Nicoll you may have recognised as she comes from Balmullo. For all those who saw or heard them I’m sure you’d agree they put on a brilliant set which kept the party atmosphere going. Even though the weather wasn’t the best, it didn’t seem to put off the many people who attended and enjoyed themselves throughout the day and night. A huge thank you to everyone who came and showed their support. On a more personal note from the committee, a huge thank you needs to go to our families who become gala ‘widows’ over BALMULLO GALA Once more we had a rather damp day for the Gala which is a shame considering all the work that goes into it each year. Happily it did not deter too many folk from attending. I personally thought it was a very good event and enjoyed going round all the stalls. The tea tent was particularly good and the cakes were delicious, best wishes to all the bakers. I did


the 3 days, we give up a huge amount of our time which has an impact on our families, without their support we wouldn’t be able to do it, so thank you. We know there is always room for improvement and we’d love any feedback to us directly; good or bad! You can find us on Facebook or email us at balmullogala@hotmail.co.uk. Championships Winners Senior Girls Championship 1st Amaidh Grant Senior Boys Championship 1st Ewan Goodwin Junior Girls Championship 1st Isla Thoms Junior Boys Championship 1st Callum Strothers Hill Race Overall Winner Ewan Goodwin Senior Girl Keera Kulmar Senior Boy Ewan Goodwin Junior Girl Isla Thoms Junior Boy Calum Munro With these results the 2016 Gala is over and the Committee will take a well earned rest over the summer before starting again in the autumn with the AGM. We hope you enjoyed it and hope to see you all again next year. Alison Couper - Gala Committee Chairperson AN APPRECIATION enjoy watching the children in the water balls and have decided to add that to my bucket list! It was fabulous to see all the various dogs, I’m sure the winners were all delighted. Mrs Mary Campbell received the Gala Community Award which she rightly deserved. That’s it for another year and will hope for better weather next year. Ina Cameron





As I sit and type this, it is only about 6 weeks to our Summer Flower Show and 4 weeks to our Gardens Competition so time to step up a gear. A small number of the classes and trophies are confined, that is the people who donated the trophies to the club wished them to be for locals to win. The confined area is a radius of 4 miles from the centre of Leuchars, so Balmullo is within this area. Entries for the Gardens Competition and for the Flower Show prior to the show (entries for the show can be taken in the hall up to 9.30 am. on show day) should be given to me - Bill Duff, Secretary, 1b Smithy Road Balmullo Tel. 870787. The Gardens Competition is on Saturday 23 July and has classes for:

The Summer Show is as usual in the Burnside Hall and is on Saturday 6 August. with staging of exhibits from Friday 5 August 6 to 9 pm. and Saturday 7.30 to 9.45 am. when entries can also be taken. Along with the usual Flower Show classes there is an extensive Novice Section for beginners to try before entering the open classes. So if you would like to try showing but are a bit apprehensive come along with your produce and someone will be on hand to help you stage them, or have a chat with me before the show. The Children's Section has 3 grades, which have been changed this year to 6 years and under, 7 to 9 years, and 10 to 12 years. The classes are the same for each grade:

Vegetable Gardens, both confined and open.

Painting or drawing of a flower.

Hanging Basket or Pot.

A jar with posy of garden flowers.

Flower Garden.

An animal made with vegetables.

Miniature Garden in a seed tray.

Landscaped Gardens, large and small.

2 chocolate truffles. Picture of an animal using pulses/beans/ Beds of Onions from seed and sets. lentils. Foliage or Floral Display utilising Containers. If there is anything you are interested in These all being open to everyone. showing and do not have a schedule, give me The judge is taken for lunch, so lets have lots a call, 870787, or Gwenyth 870010. of entries and make him work for it. JUNE 200 CLUB DRAW WINNERS

£50 Miss Dingwall, Park View £20 £20 £20 £20 £20

Mrs Aveling, Park View Mrs Scott, Smithy Road Mr Charles, Park View Mr Christie, Main Road Mrs McNeil, Park View

£10 £10 £10 £10 £10

How to Join Our 200 Club? It's easy to join the 200 Club. Call or email Ina at twaauldgoats@btinternet.com or call 870253. It only costs £1 per entry per month,

Mr Larsinski, Pitcairn Drive Mrs Colford, Clay Road Mrs Pattie, Hillview Road Mr Farquhar, Park View Ms Barr, The Mount

and you can enter as many times as you like. We are currently trying to raise money for various Balmullo community activities and projects. - GOOD LUCK!

Join our 200 Club :)




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HANDBAG ABSOLUTE ESSENTIALS Always carried on the left arm not to get in the way when she shakes hands, the Queen's handbag is compact enough to carry Her Majesty's essentials, the contents of which has long been a mystery. It will always remain a Royal secret but we do know the Queen doesn't have to carry a passport, driving licence or keys. A Royal biographer once revealed that the handbag usually contains reading glasses, mirror and lipstick, mint lozenges, a fountain pen, a handkerchief and a crisply folded ÂŁ5 or ÂŁ10 note for church donation on Sundays. Carrying the weight of the world on my shoulders, my bag is my most valued possession, like my best friend, it accompanies me everywhere. What do I keep in my handbag apart from my purse, make-up bag and keys? My mobile is my first life long friend and is attached to me 24/7. I'm a stickler for cleanliness so anti bacterial gel for my hands, for many reasons is a must! It helps protect me against all those little germ infested areas such as shopping trolley handles and toilet door handles. A safety pin and sewing kit to the rescue of my blouse with the missing button. I always keep a couple of hair bands, handy to tie my hair back on a sweaty sticky warm day and my second life long friend is my hair comb. Paracetamol to banish that unexpected headache. A small notebook and my favourite gel pen for reminders and addresses. I don't smoke but I carry a lighter for emergencies like when I had to light the candles on my granddaughter's birthday cake at a restaurant. A little compact mirror to check my lips and hair are okay and that nothing is stuck in my teeth after my salad sandwich. I love my lipstick and lip balm which I endlessly re-apply. Make-up brushes which I wash once a week with InfaCare baby bath. It helps keep my brushes nice and soft and smells lovely too. A nail file for the unexpected rugged nail. An umbrella - just in case! How I hate if someone speaks to me after eating an Indian curry! I always carry a

CHRISTINA JACK little box of mints to freshen up my breath. Stuck in traffic for ages could be so frustrating so having something to munch on like a brunch bar relieves the hunger pangs and a small bottle of water to control my thirst. I always have moisten wipes in my bag at all times to freshen up when needed or for those messy fingers after eating a favourite sticky bun. Hand cream is a necessity and a little travel size deodorant is a life saver in hot weather. A few dabs of my favourite perfume onto my wrists and neck gives me a moment to catch the smell of the lovely scent that makes me feel good. Breaking in new shoes is hard so a couple of blister plasters are always handy to have. Going for a bar lunch? A handy little pack of tissues not only comes to the rescue of mopping up spilt drinks but can become an emergency loo roll as well. My MP3 and headphones are an absolute must as my journey always seems to go in a lot quicker, listening to my favourite songs, when using public transport. Sunglasses and my reading glasses are essentials. Eye glass cleaner although I forget I carry it as I always clean my glasses on my blouse! A fold up shopping bag never goes amiss! Small loose coins float deep in the recess of my bag along with the earring I thought I lost and a few crumpled up receipts here and there.

My George will ask, 'how is your handbag always so heavy?' Well there are some things a woman just can't do without, is my answer. How about the stuff in a man's wallet? a













Georges response:You ask what about men's wallets? Well they do bulge now and again but it's not with money, it's all the shop receipts after spending all the money on all the things that women want....... Shhhh! He treats me well!



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