2017 June Newsletter

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Balmullo Community Council Newsletter 2017, [issue four]

Online newsletter www.issuu.com/balmullo




from Africa, birds start to move south by late August and many birds from further north “stop-over” on the Eden Estuary to feed up. Up to 4 Ospreys at a time can be seen throughout September.

It may seem strange to feature these 2 large raptors (birds of prey) in this newsletter but it is possible to see both close to Balmullo if you know where and when to look. The Osprey (Pandion haliaetus)) is 52-60 cm in length, with a wingspan of 152-167 cm. The sexes are alike, although the female is larger. Adults have uniformly grey-brown upperparts, and are mainly pale below with barred and streaked underwings and tail. A distinctive feature is the head pattern having a yellow eye with a dark-brown stripe and a white crown. When Ospreys hover to watch for fish, the wings are bowed giving a rough “M” shape when viewed head-on. When a fish is spotted, Ospreys close their wings and dive with feet outstretched ready to grasp the fish in their large talons. By the early 20th century, Ospreys in Scotland had been reduced to occasional visiting birds and sporadic breeding pairs. However, from about 1954, regular breeding occurred in Speyside and with better protection and support, numbers increased steadily. There are now over 200 breeding pairs widespread throughout Scotland and extending into England and Wales. Being summer visitors

The White-tailed Eagle (Haliaetus albicilla) is 7692 cm in length with a huge wingspan of 190240 cm (up to 8 feet!). The sexes are alike, but again the female is larger. Adult birds are generally brown, with a paler creamy head and neck, yellow beak and distinctive white tail. Juvenile birds are much darker brown with a dark beak and tail, which takes 3-4 years to turn white. They eat predominantly fish but also waterbirds, carrion and offal. They became extinct in Scotland by 1918 but were reintroduced from Norway in phases between 1975 and 1998 in North-west Scotland. After this population became established with over 50 pairs, a further 85 birds were released from Fife between 2007 and 2012. These birds are now starting to breed and both adults and juveniles can be seen, again on the Eden estuary, but potentially all year around. Their immense size and long rectangular wings, even at a distance, make them unmistakeable. Photos courtesy of John Anderson, Crail.


Balmullo Chairman Colin Finlay 870578 colinfinlay52@gmail.com Treasurer & Newsletter Andrew Falconer 870496 anfalconer@tiscali.co.uk Vice-Chairman: Alison Jeffrey 870674 alison@balmullo.net Secretary: Sue Smith 870221 secretary@balmullo.net Minute-Secretary: Ann Falconer 870496 anfalconer@tiscali.co.uk Councillors: Ina Cameron 870253 twaauldgoats@btinternet.com

Useful Contacts Burnside Hall Keeper Lynn Murphy 870466 GALA Committee 07780335250 http://balmullogala.weebly.com 2ND BURNSIDE HALL COMMITTEE MEETING. Community Police Officers 101 7.30 PM. Peter Holmes & Ewan McIntosh 5TH SUMMER FLOWER SHOW. Non Emergency Police 101 BURNSIDE HALL 1.30 – 5.00 PM. ADMISSION £2.50 Dog Warden 0345 155 0022 NHS24 111 Rev. John Duncan 870038 jduncan@churchofscotland.org.uk 7TH SWI MEETING. BEES & HONEY – BILL DUFF. M.P. Stephen Gethins 657765 BURNSIDE HALL. 7.15 PM. M.S.P. Willie Rennie 656361 11TH COMMUNITY COUNCIL Doctors @ Balmullo 871164 AGM & MEETING. BURNSIDE HALL 7.30 PM. Balmullo Primary 659451 ALL WELCOME. Bell Baxter High School 659459 Madras College 659402




Gwenyth Mitchell 870010 gwenyth@balmullo.net




Jonny Tepp Phone 078 4091 9734 Email jonnytepp@gmail.com Tim Brett 01382 330905 cllr.tim.brett@fife.gov.uk Bill Connor 077 1866 8792 cllr.bill.connor@fife.gov.uk



John Normand janormand1@gmail.com

Peter Lomas 870848 pil77@btinternet.com





Advert Prices Small £5, Half Page £10, Full Page £20. You can rent advertising space on a month by month basis or on a longer term basis. The Balmullo Newsletter has a circulation of 700 and is hand delivered FREE of charge. TO ALL ADVERTISERS – Please check your advert. If you would like to remove it or change it in any way, please let us know.


Statements made or opinions expressed in this Newsletter do not necessarily reflect the views of the Balmullo Community Council or any of its officers.



INHERITANCE TAX ON YOUR HOME YES your home might be liable to death taxes- but only if you’re reasonably wealthy. ON 6TH April a new IHT exemption was introduced of £100,000 per person who live in their own home. This exemption will increase by £25000pa until it reaches £175,000 each. Providing the home is passed on to children, step-children or grandchildren.

This exemption is added to your normal lifetime exemption of £325000. So by 6th April 2020 your available exemptions total £500000 or £1,000,000 per married couple. If the home is worth less the exemption is restricted to its’ value. If the home is worth more than £350,000 the exemption is restricted to the maximum exemption. If you downsize then you can retain the value of the higher value house – but keep the papers to prove it. Inheritance tax is charged at 40% on death values after expenses, mortgages and other deductions. I suppose some people might consider £1M as “not enough”. FINANCIAL ADVICE

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LEUCHARS AND DISTRICT GARDENING AND CRAFTS CLUB I enjoyed a visit to Bob Herd's garden on his open day, it was a pleasant and relaxing walk around and I was able to chat with other people as I am usually on a flying visit either taking a judge around for our flower show gardens competition or judging it for the Fife gardens competition. This year Fife Council have cancelled their gardens competition due to they say lack of funds which is a shame. I find as I go around a lot of people get great enjoyment out of it, perhaps other things could have been cut for example: filling pot holes as we are getting used to dodging them by now or cutting councillor's expenses, there never seems a lack of applicants for these positions so it must be quite well paid. But, I digress, as there will be no Council gardens judging I will have extra time to get on with the sweetpeas and bees as the judging usually takes up about a week of my time unlike Show judging which only takes up part of a day although I have been asked to judge at the National Vegetable Society's Show at Malvern so I intend to make it a long weekend, getting down on Friday for an early night, judging starts at 7.00 in the morning as it's a big show with normally in the region of 20 entries per class. Entries for our Gardens Competition and for the Flower Show should be given to me - Bill Duff, Secretary, 1b Smithy Road Balmullo Tel. 870787. Entries for the show can also be taken in the hall up to 9.30 am. on show day. The Gardens Competition is on Saturday 22 July and has classes for: Vegetable Gardens, both confined and open. Hanging Basket or Pot. Flower Garden.


Landscaped Gardens, large and small. Beds of Onions from seed and sets. Foliage or Floral Display utilising Containers. These all being open to everyone. The judge is taken for lunch, so lets have lots of local entries and make him work for his lunch! The Summer Show is as usual in the Burnside Hall and is on Saturday 5 August.with staging of exhibits from Friday 4 August 6 to 9 pm. and Saturday 7.30 to 9.45 am. when entries can also be taken. Along with the usual Flower Show classes there is an extensive Novice Section for beginners to try before entering the open classes. So if you would like to try showing but are a bit apprehensive come along with your produce and someone will be on hand to help you stage them, or have a chat with me before the show. The Childrens Section has 3 grades, which have been changed this year to :6 years and under, 7-9 years 10-12 years. The classes are the same for each grade: Miniature Garden in a seed tray; Painted stone; A jar with posy of garden flowers; A monster made with vegetables; 2 Crispy cakes; Photograph of your choice unframed – 7" by 5".

If there is anything you are interested in showing schedules are now available, give me a call, 870787, or Gwenyth 870010.

#BalmulloLife #BalmulloLife #BalmulloLife JUNE 200 CLUB WINNERS




Ms Mathers, School Road


Mrs Wilson, School Road

£20 £20 £20 £20 £20

Mr & Mrs Alcock, Lucklawhill Mrs Hood, The Mount Mrs Carr, Burnside Mrs Glen, Dunedin Park Mr Perry, Burnside

£20 £20 £20 £20 £20

Mr Prophet, Park View Mrs Thow, Pitcairn Drive Mrs Smith, Park View Mrs Allen, Inchlaw Mrs Walker, School Road

£10 £10 £10 £10 £10

Mrs J Wilson, Smithy Road Mrs Evans, School Road Miss Gray, School Road Ms Angus, Mansfield Road Mrs Leask, Park View

£10 £10 £10 £10 £10

Mrs Hughes, Hillfield Road Mr Thommeny, Summerhill Mrs Normand, Lomond Place Mrs Malcolm, Smithy Road Mrs Pattie, Inchlaw

It's easy to join the 200 Club. Call or email Ina at t w a a u l d goats@btinternet.com or call 870253. It only costs £1 per entry per month, and you can enter as many times as you like. We are currently trying to raise money for various Balmullo community activities and projects. GOOD LUCK!



ANNOUNCEMENTS Vandalism - Mr Daniel O’Connor of 15 School Road has a low line of posts and chains running along the front of his house at the roadside. He reported that one pierce of the chains had been pulled off with some force, bending the fitting out of shape. He is hoping that the length of chain has been thrown into a nearby garden and asks Newsletter readers to look out for it. He will be very grateful for its return. Speed Limit Lucklawhill - The current speed limit of 60mph is enforceable, contrary to some suggestions. The proposal to reduce the speed limit to 30mph will be brought forward to the next NE Fife area committee. Community Council Vacancies – Andrew Falconer has decided to carry on as Treasurer & Newsletter Editor for the time being. However, we still need a new Minute Secretary, starting at the September AGM. If the Council is to continue, we must keep minutes of each meeting so are making this plea for anyone who is prepared to help.

BALMULLO COMMUNITY COUNCIL Planned Roadworks on A914 – Please note (in the Secretary’s mail) the expectation that the A914 may be closed for part of a 3 week period in August. The road is being resurfaced between St Michaels and Lucklawhill (i.e. the bottom of Whinny Brae) and may involve diversions. Leuchars Rail Station Car Park - The new area should be open by the end of June but there will be extra work needed to install prepay meters in the old car park. There will be double yellow lines along the whole length of Station Road up to Toll Road. Pitcairn Drive - The dilapidated street signposts will be attended to this summer. The next meeting is our AGM in Burnside Hall at 7.30pm on Monday 11th September. A copy of the Minutes will be available on the shelves at the Post Office.

POINTS FROM THE SECRETARY’S EMAIL Bus users of North East Fife are being asked to have their say on the future of subsidised bus services in their area. Fife Council Assets, Transportation & Environmental Services are looking for feedback on what services are most important to residents of North Fife. A consultation will take place from Monday 8th May until Friday 30th June. The bus services that are currently subsidised or partly subsidised in North East Fife are: Go Flexi (F3, F4, F5, F6), 24, 77, 41 & 41B, 41C, 47, 53, 64, 64A, 66, 67, 67A, 66B, 68, 68A, 68B, 92, 92A, 94, 94A and 95. The Council is interested in finding out the places/ facilities residents go to by bus and what times they need or prefer to travel. www.fifedirect.org.uk/ bussurvey Bus service changes were implemented on 5th June. The only one directly affecting us is x53/53. It has been re-routed around Newport. Fife Council Transportation are proposing to resurface the A914 from Lucklawhill to St Michaels in

SUE SMITH August. Work should take no more than 3 weeks and will be under taken using a road closure with diversion. Mark Ruskell MSP launched the consultation for his 20mph members bill in the Scottish Parliament on 15th May. The bill proposes reducing the default speed limit on restricted roads from 30mph to 20mph, whilst giving local councils the power to retain specific streets as 30mph zones where suitable, e.g. as designated through routes. We believe that setting a lower speed limit by default is the best way to ensure all our communities are safe places to walk, cycle, scoot and play. The full consultation document can be downloaded at h ttp ://w w w .p ar l i am e n t.s c ot/ parliamentarybusiness/104723.aspx where you can also complete a survey.






President Ann Falconer welcomed members, and guests from Balmerino Women’s Institute, to our meeting on Thursday, 1st June, 2017. Our guests, Anne, Isabel and Mary, from Balmerino, entertained members, with a song, poetry and a discussion on tea towels, including the history of some stitches used in knitting Aran jumpers etc. This was followed by a couple of quizzes, finishing up with a humerous wee story of Cinderella ... many years on!! Members and guests enjoyed a delicious light supper, prepared and served by the Committee Members, and were able to purchase goods from the ‘Bring and Buy’ tables, which had been set up. The raffle was drawn and Competition Winners announced. Next month, there will be no meeting, instead the ladies will be having lunch at the Rufflets Hotel, before the summer break. The next meeting to be held will be on Thursday, 7th September, 2017 at 7.15pm, where there will be a talk by local bee keeper, Bill Duff. Competitions will be: 1. Cake Made using honey (cake recipe in issue 3 of the Balmullo Newsletter, and will also be on the Balmullo SWI Facebook page); 2. An item with a bee theme; 3. Flower of the month.

As always, new members will be made very welcome. President, Ann Falconer, welcomed members, guests and Guest Speaker, Margaret Watson, to our meeting on Thursday, 6th April, 2017. Margaret, from Birchwood Cottage, Art Gallery and Tearoom, gave a most informative talk about the charity Mary’s Meals and also the work of Birchwood Cottage. Mary’s Meals is a charity which was founded by Magnus MacFarlane-Barrow from Argyll, in 2002, following previous visits and fundraising for war torn Bosnia-Herzegovina. When it first started, Mary’s Meals were providing just 200 meals a day to children. They now provide nearly 1.2 million children with nutritious meals daily in 14 countries. It costs just £13.90 to feed a child for a year, and for every £1 raised, a minimum of 93p goes towards their charitable activities, led by an army of volunteers. More information can be found at www.marysmeals.org All the profits from Birchwood Cottage Art Gallery and tea room are donated to Mary’s Meals and also Rachel House, Kinross. Birchwood also supports two schools in the provision of meals, one in Malawi and the other in Liberia. In the past four years, they have raised £50,000!

Competition Winners : Empire Biscuits 1. Grace Steven 2. Ann Falconer 3. Gina Baird

Potholder (sewn) 1. Gina Baird 2. Elizabeth Hughes

Flower of the Month 1. Mary Campbell 2. Jan Redpath 3. Katriona Addison


3. Measure the flour, baking powder and sugar into a large bowl, make a well in 4. the centre and then add the egg and half of the milk. Beat to a smooth, thick batter, then beat in enough of the remaining milk to make the batter the consistency of thick cream. 5. Drop the mixture in tablespoons onto the hot griddle or pan, spacing the 6. spoonfuls well apart. When bubbles rise to the surface, turn the scones over with a palette knife and cook on the other side for a further 30 seconds – 1 minute, until golden brown. Lift off on to a wire rack and cover with a clean tea towel to keep them soft. 1. Prepare a griddle or heavy-based non-stick frying 7. Cook the remaining mixture in the same way. pan by heating and greasing 2. with vegetable oil or white fat.





The Burnside Hall Committee held its 2017 AGM on 7th June with 13 attendees. The minutes of the 2016 AGM were approved and the Chairman, Kim Carr, then gave her report on another good year. The groups who use the Hall regularly were very satisfied by the service provided, particularly in the hard work of the Hallkeeper, Lynn Murphy, who has been responsible for maintaining the Hall in excellent condition since it opened. The Treasurer, Richard Hynd, presented the Annual Accounts and explained that the Deficit shown was mainly due to 2 significant items of expenditure – resurfacing of the Car Park Extension and Fife Council Rates. The Hall is no longer exempt from Rates, so this will now be an annual charge. Two donations totalling £250 helped improve the Income. The overall accounts were approved. There were only 6 nominees for the new

Committee, so an election was unnecessary and the Committee remains unchanged. The Committee has also coopted Maggie Taylor who was willing to give us the benefit of her experience from Fife Council. The Hall and grounds are administered and maintained by the Hallkeeper and the Hall Committee. There are no formal written rules or regulations governing use of the Hall grounds, which is a public open space. However, it has been established practice that children are asked not to play near the Hall when it is in use. This simply shows consideration and fair treatment for groups who have paid for their use and can expect a decent level of peace and quiet. We would respectfully ask parents, whose children play here, to remind them to stick to the main grassy area at these times. It should be obvious when the Hall is in use, by the presence of cars and people coming and going, but “Hall in Use” notices will be displayed at the door and main windows to confirm this. We are all concerned about the safety of children playing near the Hall. The random visits of residents’ vehicles to the recycling area and, even more so the large “bin lorry” (usually on a Sunday) pose a specific risk to those playing with bikes or scooters on the roadways, so once again we would ask parents to make children particularly aware of this danger and pay attention when they are playing here.

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roles from the Beavers, Cub and Scouts, Rainbows and Brownies and the nursery children in fancy dress , all led by Piper Isla Watson. This year’s Gala was once more sponsored by JACS, thank you to Andy Mackie for his kind donation and for keeping us entertained as Master of Ceremonies. Many thanks to Julie Tulleth for organising and co-ordinating another dog show. We launched a new format to the junior and senior championships this year to include all primary aged children across 4 sporting events. Feedback on this new format would be greatly appreciated. The popular Hill Race finished off our sporting The Balmullo Gala festivities started with events, once again sponsored by another hugely successful Balmullo 5s Monteaths Accountants. Unfortunately Football Tournaments and our thanks go we were unable to run to the top of the to Steve Thaw and his volunteers. On behalf of the Gala Committee I would like to thank the village for turning out on Saturday 10th of June despite the bad weather reports, to give Balmullo another great Gala Day. With a number of events being cancelled in the area it was suggested that we should do likewise, a decision was made on the Thursday evening that despite the weather we would ensure our Queen could be crowned. The weather proved challenging during Friday setup, the Gala Committee, together with a number of volunteers from the village, worked through all the downpours and we were ready to receive the Gala Party on Saturday. The procession of Gala Queen, Lucy McCallum and her two Attendants, Niamh Grant and Heidi Dunbar, Herald was Callum Stothers and Page was Fraser Black, supporting



hill and we hope to have a new challenging route next year. Due to the cancellation of another event we were able to welcome for the first time the City of St. Andrews Pipe Band, which was great to see as a number of local children play in the band. As the afternoon event drew to a close the park and marquee were transformed for the Grand Finale of Balmullo’s Got Talent where 11 acts, coming from the 3 previous heats held in the Balmullo Inn performed in front of our 3 judges; Heather Booker, Donna Hazelton and Vanessa Motion. With the close of a very successful talent show, our live band Rock Bottom with lead singer Gill Nicholl then took over to bring the Balmullo Gala 2017 to a close. So many people contributed to ensuring that not only the Gala went ahead but was a great success and for their support we thank you. The following awards were presented: Paul Monteath was presented with an Outstanding Award for his commitment to Balmullo on behalf of the Gala Committee Overall Hill Race Winner: Ewan Goodwin Senior Hill Race Boy Winner: Ewan Goodwin Senior Hill Race Girl Winner: Esmée Thoms Junior Hill Race Boy Winner:

Calum Munro Junior Hill Race Girl Winner: Isla Thoms Senior Championship Boy Winner: Aaron Stewart Senior Championship Girl Winner: Niamh Grant Junior Championship Boy Winner: Evan Muir Junior Championship Girl Winner: Abbey Lunan Balmullo’s Got Talent: 1st Rowan Ritchie 2nd Amaidh Grant 3rd Maggie Davidson




Just thought people might like to hear about the latest adventure of my sister and myself. We decided to do this walk for two charities - The first being Cash for Kids Dundee and Care International. They are Just Giving sites under Sheila-Lindsay3 and Sheila-Lindsay4. I, Moira Christie, and my sister, Sheila Lindsay, left on a sunny Sunday afternoon on 7th May from Broxden bus park in Perth at 4pm to head for Aviemore to start our walk of the Speyside Way the next day. The bus trip was a bit eventful as we just missed being involved in a crash at the House of Bruar turn off. The driver was a witness so we were delayed amusing. More woodland for a bit then under a few there about 2 hours. Luckily walking wounded old railway bridges before coming to the Spey river only. We arrived at our hotel around 6.30pm and and the first of many fishermen out in the water. We head into Anagach Woods for a short while and then reach Grantown and our bed for the night. Lovely meal and wine!!!

after dumping our bags went for a meal and the compulsory!! bottle of wine. Day 1. Up for breakfast and off to start at the Railway Station. Weather not great but at least fair. This stage takes us first to Boat of Garten around 6 miles away. Mainly woodland at first, then close to a golf course, then onto moorland areas. Soon we reach the railway line and walk close to this for some time. We took a detour to go and see the Osprey. Very informative talk from very helpful staff. Found out that the female Osprey is bigger than the male and she doesn't trust him to look after the eggs for too long. Never did see them flying on our trip. We press on to Nethy Bridge where we stop for lunch. Seat, toilets and shop near the river - very pleasant. Once refreshed we head to Grantown on Spey 6 miles away. We come across Abernethy bunkhouse which had a plastic cow sitting on the platform. Very

Day 2. Leave our lodgings and head back to Anagach Woods. This stretch has a lot of climbing and very uneven footpaths. The weather has improved and we are enjoying ourselves. Lots of squeeze gates which are quite awkward. Cromdale is our first small village 3 and a half miles into this section. Leaving here we head for Ballindalloch Station - another 11 miles. This part is mostly old railway track to follow and lots of old railway stations along the way. We are to get a lift at Ballindalloch from the owner of the next B & B in Aberlour. As we could not find any lodgings at a reasonable price our next proprietors offered to pick us up and take us back again in the morning(for a small fee). This meant we would stay two nights in Aberlour. Note if staying here and want an evening meal book ahead for the favourite places as they are very busy even in the middle of the week! Had a lovely meal and wine!!




Day 3. Back to Ballindalloch to continue where we left off. Still on the old railway track not much to see. Bridges around here seem to have been made by McFarlane of Dundee. Leisurely day today as we are only doing 10 miles. Start passing lots of distilleries shame I don't like whisky. On nearing Aberlour we take a detour to see Linn Falls. Very picturesque and told it froze completely one year and looked spectacular. Lovely meal and wine!!! Day 4. Now heading to Fochabers 15 miles away. After Craigellachie the route is following a road which is very uninteresting and seems to go on forever making us think at one with an old ice house. Spey Bay has a wildlife centre point we have gone the wrong way. But no we come and cafe but no stopping here as we have another bus to catch home this time. As we reach Portgordon there is a lot of works going laying pipelines under the sea. Buckie is in sight and as we head towards what we think is the finish and friendly resident informs us that they have moved it into the town near the library. As we struggle to find this I think others will too. Finally we get our pictures taken beside the signs with start on one side and finish on the other! Picked up our bags at the B & B and waited for the bus to Aberdeen - takes three and a half hours then have to wait and hour at Aberdeen for a bus to Dundee which takes one and half hours. Only bonus was we had a luxury gold to civilisation and a sign to Earth Pillars. On taking bus and got a cake and juice on the way back. this detour we did not see what they were meaning. We headed into Fochabers where we were I think we left a very low carbon footprint on our to catch a bus to Buckie and our next overnight journeys! stop. We are getting the bus back to Fochabers in the morning to continue our walk. We had time to spare so went for a hot chocolate to pass the time. Aren't bus passes great!

Day 5. Our stay at the B & B in Buckie was our best yet. Fabulous people and place. Lovely meal and wine again!! Shame it was the last one. Anyway back to Fochabers and as we leave we are caught up in a sponsored walk by the local school on a very narrow path. We had to walk extremely fast to pass them and then keep it up till we reached their finish line - then we could relax. Through woods mostly again until we reach sight of the water and a lovely little place



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