Baltimore Jewish Home - 10-21-21

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OCTOBER 21, 2021



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OCTOBER 21, 2021



by the numbers

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CONTENTS COMMUNITY Dear Editor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .6


OCTOBER 21, 2021

Around the Community . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .8 Community Calendar . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36

JEWISH THOUGHT Rabbi Zvi Teichman. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32

PEOPLE 613 Seconds . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15

FEATURE Speaking Up for Rochel Imeinu. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 64

HUMOR & ENTERTAINMENT Centerfold. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 54 Notable Quotes. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 56

LIFESTYLES Middle East Musings. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38 World Builders. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40

Dear Readers, Change. During this time of year, the plants and trees shed their foliage following another season of production.They worked so hard to produce and protect humanity and now it’s their time to rest, renew, and rejuvenate. The fleeting glimpses of their beauty as they change colors, help us give them that one final nod of appreciation for their hard work. It propels us to appreciate the amazing world we live in, and signals to us that sometimes it’s important to change in order to reinvigorate ourselves so we’re producing at peak performance. We recently went through our own Autumn. We were given the Yomim Noraim to shed our baggage and cleanse ourselves of our transgressions of the past year. It would be impossible for us to move forward into another year without this unloading process. It’s ingrained in us to embrace this period of time because that’s the only way to take steps forward. At the Baltimore Jewish Home we’re also going through our own metamorphosis. As we’ve established ourselves within the community, there’s always been a focus to produce a publication that provides value; valuable content, valuable Torah, valuable advertisements. Yet, there’s an ongoing drive to be even better. How can we provide even more for Baltimore? You’ll notice some subtle changes, yet, as we launch this new year we’re preparing to introduce some new initiatives that will elevate our publication to new levels. We’re here to serve our amazing community and we look forward to new opportunities!

Parenting Pearls. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 42 Forgotten Heroes. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 46

Aaron Menachem

Common Cents. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 52 Mental Health Corner. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 60 Dating Dialogue. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 61 Your Money. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 70


Israel . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16 National. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18 That’s Odd. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28

Send your news to BJH! Send us your: community events, articles & photos, and mazal tovs to to be featured in coming editions!

The Baltimore Jewish Home is an independent bi-weekly newspaper. All opinions expressed by the journalists, contributors and/or advertisers printed and/or quoted herein are solely their opinions and do not reflect the opinions of BALTIMORE JEWISH HOME, their parent company or affiliates, and may have been previously disseminated by them on television, radio, Internet or another medium. The Baltimore Jewish Home is not responsible for typographical errors, or for the kashrus of any product or business advertised within. The BJH contains words of Torah. Please treat accordingly.



Honoring Baltimore Natives

Mark & Shavy Schlossberg

Miriam Weiss, A”H

guests of honor

in tribute and celebration

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Liberty One Group

OCTOBER 21, 2021



Please join us for Ohel’s 52nd Annual Gala


OCTOBER 21, 2021


Dear Editor, I wanted to comment on the Ahavas Yisroel informational spread that ran on page 2&3 of your issue dated October 7, 2021. It has always amazed me how the Baltimore community has many organizations that work together in all different areas of support of people in need be it financial, emotional or helping with food and accommodations for families attending to someone not well in one of our local Hospitals. The infographic on page 2 really brought it home for everyone to see the myriad of places help is provided. It really opened my eyes to how far reaching and thoughtful these organizations really are. To be able to identify, as an example, 318 instances of helping in “Home management services” is remarkable. Thank you Ahavas Yisroel for the service you provide to our entire community in being a conduit between the community members who can give and the ones who are unfortunately in need. Thank you, A proud Baltimorean

Dear Editor, I’m a frequent traveler to Baltimore for business and I’m enthralled with the community. People are friendly, there is an abundance of minyanim, and traffic is manageable. There are a wide range of restaurants as well that serve delicious food. But I can’t understand why it’s nearly impossible to get a bite to eat after 9pm? Pizza, burger, or kugel, nada! Please for my sake and the sake of other travelers (and I’m sure Baltimoreans also), can a restaurant stay open late for us? I appreciate your consideration and keep up the good work! Yosef Mann

To submit letters to the editor, please email

Local Musings

B A LT I M O R E J E W I S H H O M E . C O M


ust some musings I’d like to share as someone currently in shidduchim. Dear friends and peers who are sharing this journey, We are in an interesting stage, one that contains lots of unknown, and one that can feel painful and endless at times. Here are some things I like to remind myself of, and it is my hope that they will be encouraging to you. 1. I am exactly where H-Shem wants be to be at this moment. He placed me in the circumstances that will be enable me to serve Him and deepen my commitment and connection to Him. 2. What others have is directly from H-Shem, given to them to by the same One who gives to me. 3. External circumstances have no bearing on when my yeshua will arrive. Things that appear as roadblocks may just be the bridge that carries over salvation. 4. No one and nothing has any power to assist unless He wills it. Shadchanim are just people and resumes are just paper. 5. To quote Rebbetzin Heller: “H-Shem is on His own clock”. Take a breather and maximize the time He allots for me on this journey. IY”H we should all stay strong, stand tall, and be zoche to build a bayis neeman b’Yisrael, B’KAROV! With love, Your friend

Dear shadchanim, First off, I’d like to thank you for your special and tireless work of bringing couples together and being part of building Jewish homes. I’d like to share an excerpt from the book ‘Guardian of Jerusalem’, a biography of Rav Yosef Chaim Sonnenfeld. “Rav Chaim’s correspondence with R’ Meir Auerbach was the first of many correspondences that R’ Chaim carried on throughout his life with Torah sages and laymen throughout the world. Thousands of shailos were addressed to him and he was careful to respond to every one. In a letter dated 1883, R’ Chaim replies, “I do not know of any letter to which I have failed to respond…far be it from me not to respond to anyone, especially to your honor…This is required by the simple code of decency which is the prerequisite of the Torah…”. I believe the above says it all. If Rav Yosef Chaim could personally write and responds by hand to thousands of petitioners, why is it so difficult to respond by text message to a single or a parent who reaches out to you, the shadchan? You are swamped with names. The phone is ringing off the hook. The other side is waiting for a response. You are stopped in the store by harried mothers. This is all true, but what about “the simple code of decency which is the prerequisite of the Torah”?! It takes a certain amount of vulnerability to continually put oneself out there, sending friendly and polite reminders that “I so appreciate you having me in mind”. Please take the time to send a thumbs up emoji or a quick “got it, thinking for you”. With hakaras hatov for all you’ve done and continue to do, Just a girl in the parsha.

To continue / contribute to this or other local musings conversations email



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OCTOBER 21, 2021

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Yehuda Furst ___ Call ___


Around the Community

B A LT I M O R E J E W I S H H O M E . C O M


OCTOBER 21, 2021

Baltimore Chesed League - Girls: Launch of Their Third Season! !‫הודו לה’ כי טוב‬ We are incredibly grateful to be able to launch our 3rd year of the Girls’ Chesed League! We had our kick-off event where all the teams came together to meet each other, the coaches, and hear about the mission behind this league. We were also privileged to hear a dvar Torah from Rabbi Silber who shared with us how every time we engage in Chesed we are essentially emulating Hashem, who is chesed. We are so proud of these middle school girls from Bais Yaakov, Beth Tfiloh, Bnos Yisroel, and Ohr Chadash Academy for their enthusiasm to take time out if their day to engage in giving back to the community and making a difference in the lives of others. In our second week, the Chesed League girls assisted Councilman Isaac Yitzy Schleifer with the Western Run stream clean up project. Equipped

with gloves, grabbers, and large garbage bags, the girls had a great time cleaning the area around the creek. Working together, they filled bags and bags of litter and trash! It was exciting to find and clean the area of all sorts of miscellaneous items! One team hauled up a car tire, while another found a shopping cart! The girls appreciated receiving waves and nods from people walking by. They left the stream wet and tired, but happy and fulfilled to play a part in helping our community to stay looking nice and clean. Thank you to our league sponsor, Northwest Refuse Service and our team sponors, Adina B, The Mimi Boutique, Nina Elman Interiors, Simcha Steps, Chic Events by Shira, Leba D. Photography, Pompoms, Perfect Piercing and more, Kinder Krafts, Talint Consulting, and Yehudis Katz Wigs.


Platinum Realty is pleased to invite you to an Israel Real Estate event.

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B A LT I M O R E J E W I S H H O M E . C O M

Abie Dayan CEO Platinum realty

OCTOBER 21, 2021



Baltimore Here we come!



Around the Community


OCTOBER 21, 2021

The Construction Company wins “JCNSL by Tripping Kosher Championship” in unprecedented, undefeated season


he Construction Company (TCC) defeated Diamond Medical Laboratories (DML) 9-6 in the “Premier Group by EXP Realty Championship,” thereby taking the crown of the 2021 “JCNSL – by Tripping Kosher” Championship. In doing so, TCC completed its historic season with a 9-0 record, becoming the first team to win every regular and postseason game in JCNSL and JCSL history. News of the championship reached far and wide. In fact, Orioles great Brooks Robinson was particularly impressed and said he checked out the team championship picture. To quote Robinson, “Congratulations to The Construction Company Team for winning the pennant!” “We need a pennant around here – it’s been a long time.” Just two weeks earlier, TCC defeated a shorthanded DML 18-4, when DML had multiple replacement play-

ers. “We’ll see you in the playoffs,” were DML’s parting words. This certainly proved to be true. Not only that but before TCC completed its 7-4 semifinal victory over “Park Heights Roofing,” DML had already won its semifinal game against “YESH Hummus and Grill,” giving them time to physically, mentally, and spiritually (i.e. davening maariv) prepare before the championship game. The stage was set for a major championship showdown. DML was strong out of the gate with runs scored in the first inning by Ariel Kramer, Andy Diamond, Nadav Spiegler, and Motti Bendet, en route to

Looking for a full-time administrative assistant to work in a Shomer Shabbos office in Pikesville.

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a 4-0 lead to open the game. But TCC never panicked, responding with three runs of their own, with runs scored by Yaakov Furman, team captain Levi Zaslow, and Yankie Goldsmith. In the second, both teams left multiple runners on base with no damage done. TCC had hits by Zechariah Zaslow and Yanky Scheinfeld but both were left on base. DML picked up one run in the top of the third, but in the bottom of the inning, TCC picked up two runs of their own to tie the game at 5-5. With a new game on hand, the momentum had shifted. In the fourth inning, CY Young Award candidate and undefeated starting pitcher Jacob “The Shrieking Mongoose” Benzaquen displayed his presence on the mound, getting a strikeout and fielding a ground ball for an out in a 1-2-3 fourth inning. Team veteran Mike Holzman provided crucial assistance calling out the defensive shifts and alignments throughout the game. TCC seemed destined to strike again but, despite getting three base runners, Zechariah Zaslow, Jacob Benzaquen, and Tzvi Willner, they could not capitalize and came away with no runs in the inning. In the fifth inning, after DML again

went three up and three down, TCC finally broke through. Jeremy Strauss, Levi Zaslow, Yankie Goldsmith, and Ari Elman all scored for TCC. Josh Zaslow, who played great defense and had multiple big hits all season, moved the runners along with a sacrifice, and Meir Samberg, who played a defensive third base that would’ve made Brooks Robinson proud, also got a hit. Zechariah Zaslow, who went 3-3 on the evening, also got a hit but was again left on base. After the damage was done, TCC led 9-5 in the bottom of the fifth. DML responded with a run in the 6th to get to 9-6. With no score in the bottom of the sixth, DML came up in the 7th with its last chance to tie the game. On an otherwise loud and exciting evening, after two outs on pop ups to shortstop and center field, a calm quiet came over the field as the pitches were thrown to the final batter. Samberg cleanly fielded the ground ball to third and threw over to Elman at first for the final out. The spectators erupted in exhilaration. After an incredible season, the undefeated season was complete and The Construction Company earned its championship. The JCNSL Leadership would like to thank all of their sponsors, captains, players, and fans, for the role they played in enabling a successful and exciting season. Looking forward to seeing everyone again in the summer of 2022!

Great End of Season for “Likras Shabbos”


ikras Shabbos of The Agudah of Park Heights celebrated the conclusion of their 6th season with a lunch at Caramels Pizza! The event was sponsored by Dr. and Mrs. Avrom Pollak with Divrei Bracha given by Rabbi Mordechai Frankel. Likras Shabbos is a program for boys during the summer months, to come 30 minutes before Kabalas Shabbos to learn

and attend a Shiur in Hilchos Shabbos given by Rabbi Shalom Tendler. The boys also eat delicious hot kugel and participate in exciting raffles.



The bestselling ‫ספר קול רם‬ NOW AVAILABLE IN ENGLISH! Comments and perspectives based on lectures of


Over 200 stories! by Rabbi Yitzchok Hisiger


compiled by Rabbi Avraham Shlomo Fishelis


abbi Avraham Shlomo Fishelis, talmid muvhak of Rav Moshe Feinstein, presented insights from thousands of Rav Moshe’s shemuessin and derashos in his multi-volume Hebrew work, Sefer Kol Rom. Rav Moshe on Chumash has adapted Sefer Kol Rom into a flowing new English work. These gems of hashkafah and Jewish thought, insights and life lessons are perfect for the Shabbos table or anyone wishing to be inspired.

In preparation: Volume 2: Vayikra | Bamidbar | Devarim



abbi Yitzchok Hisiger knows how to find a great story — and how to tell it beautifully. In Powerful Moments he shares with us hundreds of short stories, each with its own powerful message. Here are stories about famous gedolim and “regular” people. About prayer and chesed and emunah and all the important things in our lives. So take a moment. Read a story. And feel the power grow.

OCTOBER 21, 2021

·  What did the simple man know about prayer, a secret that even Yerushalayim’s greatest rabbanim missed? ·  Why did the Chafetz Chaim refuse to have flowers at his home? ·  How did a student’s error — and a crate of oranges — save a man’s life?



om r f s e s a e l e R w Ne

Bring the Parashah & Your Shabbos Table to Life! The Jaffa Family Edition

by Rabbi Meyer Yedid


Rabbi Meyer Yedid is a renowned educator, sought-after speaker, and Rav of Brooklyn’s thriving Congregation Shaare Zion. In The Power of Chinuch Rabbi Yedid combines his vast knowledge of Torah with his profound understanding of children — and the adults tasked to raise them (that’s us!). His guidance is warm, practical, and firmly sourced in the Torah’s eternal wisdom.

Weekly Parashah

THE E ULTIMTA!T GIF Shoftim  ‫ׁש ְֹפ ִטים‬


Want to be proud of your children — and proud of yourself as a parent? Discover... The Power of Chinuch!

eidim zomemim. In that case, Avraham and Baruch would have $1,000 to Mordechai, to pay since that is the amount of money they tried make him lose. to


The Jews go to WAR!

nation needs an army for protection. A Torah army is different from any other army. It’s an army that follows the Torah laws of war.

Soldiers of other nations are frightened of an enemy that has them outgunned and outnumbered. Not our Torah army. Because we are the only nation that can say that Hashem, Who took us out of Egypt, is still with Hashem can defeat us! the largest armies as easily as He can defeat soldier. No matter how one many tanks, planes, and bombs the enemy Hashem can destroy has, them all as easily as if it were just one jeep. In the words of the Torah: “When you go out to war against your enemies, and you see horses and chariots, people (soldiers) many more than you, you shall them, for Hashem not fear your God is with you, Who brought you up the land of Egypt.” out of

Why does the Torah teach us about the rules of war right after a discussion of how to judge court cases? This is to teach us that if the judges are fair and honest, Hashem promises that we will win our wars.

Parashas Shoftim

Weekly Parashah Devarim.indb


95 6/23/21 5:51 PM

The Weekly Parashah features age-appropriate text and graphics, gorgeous illustrations, and fascinating sidebars on every page. 58

Weekly Parashah

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PM 6/23/21 5:45

B A LT I M O R E J E W I S H H O M E . C O M

ant to become a fantastic parent? Want to raise caring and successful children? Use the best book available ... the Torah!


B A LT I M O R E J E W I S H H O M E . C O M


OCTOBER 21, 2021


Around the Community

Shoppers in Greenspring Shopping Center to Become Safeway By: Jeremy Diamond Cohn


nother grocery store is coming to the Greenspring Shopping Center on Nov. 8 as that Shoppers location will be converted to a Safeway supermarket. Safeway will join the grocery stores that have previously occupied the anchor spot at the popular shopping center. Original anchor grocers began with Food Fair, then converted to Pantry Pride, followed by Farm Fresh - Metro Food Market - and Shoppers. The more considerable loss may be the Shoppers store manager, Mr. Phil Moffit, who has been at that location since he was a night-time stock clerk for Food Fair back in the 1960s.

Safeway has tried to break into the Pikesville marketplace for decades. Beginning with Food Barn on Seven Mile Lane (former Seven Mile Market location), Safeway opened at the former Frankel Cadillac location (present-day Seven Mile Market location). This is Safeway’s 3rd try at a Pikesville location in a great spot!

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OCTOBER 21, 2021





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OCTOBER 21, 2021



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Loni Goldman and Bonnie Pollak, Bonei Olam What does Bonei Olam Baltimore actually help with? Loni - The fact is that the cost of a single advanced treatment for ONE couple averages between $15,000 and $35,000. Due to the sensitive nature of infertility, most couples hesitate to share their problems with parents and friends. Even in the rare cases where couples do open their hearts to loved ones, there is hardly anything their loved ones can do. They cannot assist with financial costs, they cannot guide couples through the labyrinth of treatments and doctors, and more painfully they cannot lessen their emotional burden. That is where Bonei Olam steps in. Bonei Olam is a non for profit organization renowned for providing financial support to childless couples enduring the agony of infertility as well as providing advice about doctors and treatments. How many couples does Bonei Olam Baltimore help through the year? Loni - On average it ranges from 1535 couples per year. How many babies have been born since the inception of Bonei Olam Baltimore? Loni - KN”H 9,670 worldwide! And 119 local Baltimore babies! Can you explain the process for a couple who would need Bonei Olam’s help? Loni - If a couple would like to re-

ceive advice or assistance from Bonei Olam they should call 718-373-2000 or in Baltimore they can call 443-8390784. They will receive an application, they should send in their filled out application and a counselor will be in touch with them to begin with assistance. How can the community help Bonei Olam Baltimore? On Sunday, October 24, 2021 through Tuesday, October 26, 2021 the Baltimore community can show their support by donating to Bonei Olam’s matching campaign at www.boneiolam. org/baltimore. All donations will help LOCAL BALTIMORE couples struggling with infertility. What else would you like to tell our readers? Bonnie and Loni- We are so grateful to be involved in such an amazing organization! The head of the organization Rabbi Schlomo Bochner is such a special person we feel so blessed to know and interact with him throughout the year. The Finance Committee Chairs spearheaded by Dovid Charnowitz, Dovi Ziffer and Hillel Goldman have devoted endless hours of their precious time helping raise funds for our past campaigns and our upcoming online event. B”H through the efforts of our amazing volunteers and the wonderful Baltimore community we have always been able to meet our financial goals and we hope this year will be the same. Together we can make costly dreams become a priceless rewards!

B A LT I M O R E J E W I S H H O M E . C O M

Loni Goldman and Bonnie Pollak started the Baltimore Bonei Olam chapter in 2009. Please tell us a little about yourselves. Bonnie- I am an original Baltimorean – I was born here and have lived here my entire life. I graduated from Bais Yaakov (when it was still near Sinai hospital). After my daughter was born, I began working for NCSY and stayed there for 33 years. After leaving NCSY, I started working for Baltimore Bikur Cholim where I have been for the past 8 years. I am privileged that I have had the zechus to work for the Baltimore Klal for more than 40 years. Loni- I am from Silver Spring, MD. I always enjoyed working with children and therefore decided to pursue my Masters in Education. When I moved to Baltimore I started teaching at Bnos Yisroel, I currently work in Bnos Yisroel’s Business office. Twelve years ago my husband and I were privileged to found the Baltimore Bonei Olam chapter together with Bonnie Pollak. Two years ago I became an official Bonei Olam counselor

where I help guide couples through their fertility journey. I feel so fortunate to be able to give back to an organization that has given so much to me. How did you get involved in Bonei Olam? Bonnie- Having waited 5 years to have our daughter, we felt the agony of being childless so when the opportunity arose to help others going through the same anguish I was excited to be able to help. B”H, today there are many options available to couples facing infertility however finances still remains an obstacle. I am proud to be able to be a part of Bonei Olam whose mission is to assist couples make their dreams of becoming parents a reality. Loni- When my husband and I married we were excited to start growing our family. Unfortunately, we faced a long and challenging fertility journey. One of our Rabbanim suggested Bonei Olam. He explained to us Bonei Olam helps couples going through infertility in a variety of ways. As soon as we called we felt a burden lifted. We were assigned a counselor who not only held our hands but assisted us financially with our significant medical bills. She mentioned to us that Bonei Olam did not have an office in Baltimore and maybe after our journey was completed we could help open a Bonei Olam chapter in Baltimore. 12 years ago after our oldest son Shimmy was born, with much Siyata Dishmaya and the help of Bonnie the Bonei Olam Baltimore chapter was born!

OCTOBER 21, 2021




B A LT I M O R E J E W I S H H O M E . C O M


OCTOBER 21, 2021


The Week In News and which is located near a two-story house he built. According to sources cited by Walla, “Whoever wanted to take him out didn’t need too many identifying details, as he was almost two meters tall and fat.”

Syrian Terrorist Shot by Israeli Sniper Syrian official Medhat Al-Saleh was killed on Saturday by Israeli sniper fire, outside his home in Syria, located near the shared border between Syria and Israel. Saleh is believed to have been recruited by Iranian forces to plot terrorist activities with Iranian senior officials along the border against Israel. He had spent 12 years in an Israeli prison on terrorism charges before being released in 1997.

Saleh was killed in the town of Ein al-Tina, near the border with Israel along the slopes of Mount Hermon. The town is located across the border from Majdal Shams, a Druze village in the Israeli-controlled Golan Heights in which Saleh was born and raised and where most of his family still lives. “Saleh is known to us as a prominent activist. He may have worked to carry out a terrorist attack in collaboration with one of the Shiite axis units,” tweeted Maj. (res.) Tal Beeri, head of the research department at the Alma Center. Following his release from Israeli prison in the late 1990s, Saleh decided to cross the border and flee to Syria, where he continued his involvement in in anti-Israel terror activities while maintaining contact with the Druze community in Israel. A few years later, he was voted into the Syrian parliament representing Golan Heights affairs. Over the years, Saleh was reported to communicate with his family from the so-called shouting hill, where Syrian civilians stand and send shouting messages to the Israeli side,

Indian FM Visits the Holy Land Indian Foreign Minister Subrahmanyam Jaishankar on Sunday praised the business relationship between his country and Israel, saying at a meeting with CEOs and government officials that India regards Israel “in many ways as perhaps our most trusted and innovative partner.” Speaking at the King David Hotel in Jerusalem, he added, “The degree of trust between us is very high.”

Israeli Foreign Minister Yair Lapid (Yesh Atid) met Jaishankar at the Foreign Ministry in Jerusalem. During their meeting, the two decided to renew negotiations on a free trade area agreement between the countries in November, with the aspiration that the agreement be ready for signature by the middle of 2022. The ministers also agreed on mutual recognition of vaccination certificates, as well as to expand cooperation in the areas of water and agriculture, which in recent years have become a central anchor of the relations between the two countries. “I thank my friend, Dr. Jaishankar, for his visit to Israel, a visit which is a precursor of events which will take place next year to mark thirty years of bilateral relations between India and Israel,” Lapid said. “We are continuing with our policy of connections, and we have seen in India a very important ally for many years. India also brings with her new opportunities for cooperation.” He added, “In the last year, we have dealt, India and Israel, with the COVID-19 pandemic, and we have

helped one another during this crisis. This is how friends and partners behave.” Following the meeting of the foreign ministers, a signing ceremony was held, marking Israel’s accession to the ISA (the International Solar Alliance, founded in 2015 on the initiative of India and France) which will allow Israel to contribute its knowledge and experience to the organization. Energy Minister Karine Elharrar (Yesh Atid), who participated in the meeting between the foreign ministers and signed the agreement on behalf of the Government of Israel in the presence of the two foreign ministers, noted, “Membership in the ISA, alongside more than 80 countries blessed with sun and promoting solar energy, will enable the State of Israel to contribute to the global struggle against climate change and to advance together solutions for a greener future.” Elharrar added, “I thank Foreign Affairs Minister Yair Lapid and Minister of External Affairs of India, Dr. Subrahmanyam Jaishankar, for their support of this partnership and expect that it will be the first of many. I’m hopeful that membership in this organization which has engraved on its flag investment in research and development in the field of solar energy will encourage Israeli entrepreneurs to bring forth developments in the field of energy and to bring the State of Israel to the global forefront in this field as well.”

Russia: Israel Used Civilian Airliners in Syria Strike A Syrian general on Thursday said that Syrian air defenses did not react during a recent air strike by Israel due to the fact that there were two civilian airliners nearby. The strike killed nine pro-government militants, four of them Syrians and five of unknown nationality, a British war monitor said. Speaking to Sputnik, Syrian Rear Admiral Vadim Kulit said, “The Syrian military leadership decided not to use air defense systems since at the

time of the Israeli aviation attack, two civilian passenger aircraft were in the zone of destruction of the anti-aircraft systems.”

Syria’s SANA news agency quoted a military source saying that the Wednesday attack near Palmyra had killed a soldier and wounded three others. Meanwhile, the Syrian Observatory for Human Rights said the attack targeted several Iranian positions, including the communication tower near the T4 air base east of Palmyra. Prior to the strike, Israel’s head of military intelligence, Major General Aharon Haliva, promised, “We will continue to hinder Iran’s actions, to hedge and harm its abilities, and take action to preserve Israel’s power.” He added that in the meantime, Iran is “continuing” its promotion of “subversion and terror in the Middle East.”

German Flyby Over Jerusalem

The Israeli Air Force (IAF) and German Luftwaffe on Sunday afternoon performed a flyby over the Knesset in Jerusalem, the IDF said, adding that the operation was a display of the close cooperation between the two countries and their militaries. The flyby was part of the Blue Flag exercise; a second flyby took place Sunday after the German flyby. The second event included aircraft from the U.S., UK, Italy, France, Greece, and India. It is the first time German aircraft

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OCTOBER 21, 2021


The Week In News have flown over Jerusalem since the First World War. In a statement, the IDF said, “The flyby expresses the strong partnership and connection between the air forces and the countries, as well as the commitment to continued cooperation in the future.” Earlier on Sunday, IAF Commander Major-General Amikam Norkin and his German counterpart Lt. Gen. Ingo Gerhartz visited the Yad Vashem Holocaust museum in Jerusalem. In August 2020, Israeli jets flew over the Dachau concentration camp and the Fuerstenfeldbruck airfield, where 11 Israeli Olympic athletes were murdered by terrorists in 1972. Speaking at Yad Vashem, Norkin said, “Roughly one year ago, we stood in the Dachau camp and together we visited the Olympic village where 11 athletes were murdered in Munich, and we said and declared together: Never again.” Speaking in English, Gerhartz said that as commander of the German air force, he felt a “special responsibility” to maintain a good relationship with the IAF commander. “We still feel the suffering of the Jewish victims of the Shoah,” he said. “Our responsibility will not expire. The eternal flame of remembrance must not fade.”

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Billionaire’s Debt Cleared

Israel’s Justice Ministry cleared a debt of approximately $20 million (65 million NIS) owed to the State by billionaire Idan Ofer, Channel 13 News reported on Sunday. According to the report, the Justice Ministry cleared the debt due to fears it could lose a legal battle in court. Channel 13 added that Ofer, who is estimated to be worth $6.5 billion, incurred the debt after a law passed requiring payment from companies using Israel’s natural saltwater.

Upon the law’s passing, the Dead Sea Works company, controlled by Ofer, argued that it should not have to pay anything other than what it agreed to during the original deal in the 1960s. Since the Justice Ministry was not certain their retroactive claim would hold up in court, it backed off, clearing the debt.

Israeli Hospitals Prep for Cyberattacks

The Hillel Yaffe Medical Center in Hadera last Wednesday suffered a ransomware attack – the biggest cyberattack ever to hit Israel’s healthcare system – forcing the hospital to shut its network and causing delays in care. Responding to the cyberattack, hospitals are taking some of their IT systems offline to reduce vulnerability. Israel’s National Cyber Directorate on Wednesday warned that other hospitals may also be targeted. Avi Shushan, spokesman for Tel Aviv’s Sourasky Medical Center, said, “We were ready for this. We practiced, and we knew that being protected is a number one priority.” Shaare Zedek Medical Center is also working around the clock to upgrade defenses and check their systems. Eyal Zimlichman, chief medical officer at Sheba Medical Center near Tel Aviv, told The Times of Israel, “We’re deploying more advanced defense mechanisms and working with companies that strengthen protection. We have been planning for attacks like this, but the question is how good the attackers are and whether they can they bypass the defenses.” He added, “Good hackers can hack into anything. Now, after a hospital has been attacked, others are taking precautions.”

John Deere Workers Strike Over 10,000 employees at 14 John Deere plants declared a strike at midnight last Thursday. The production and warehouse workers are employed at plants in Colorado, Georgia, Illinois, Iowa, and Kansas.

The strike is the biggest in the U.S. private sector since United Auto Workers (UAW) led an action against General Motors two years ago. The John Deere workers are represented by nine locals with the UAW and voted 99% in favor of a strike authorization in September following the receipt of the initial six-year contract proposal from John Deere. In early October, workers voted by 90% to reject the tentative contract agreement offered by the company, and set a deadline for October 13 at 11:59p.m. for the strike. David Schmelzer, a quality control inspector at John Deere in Milan, Illinois for 24 years and former chairman of UAW Local 79, said, “We sacrificed, and we want that back now. Workers in this country need to understand that we have a considerable amount of power in this country, if we choose to utilize it, and there’s no reason why we should stand back and let these companies just completely exploit our labor for billions of dollars and fight tooth and nail not to give us anything.” He added that John Deere has prepared for salaried employees to come in and replace the striking workers. Schmelzer also noted that during the pandemic, workers had been forced to work 10- to 12-hour days through the week, as well as to work

on Saturdays. Meanwhile, during that time the company reported record profits. Schmelzer emphasized, “A lot of what’s been going on in the country over the last couple of years has definitely made people more aware of the disparity between corporate and income inequality. Just massive amounts of corporate greed. The majority of people want a bigger share of the success of this company, the success that we’ve been a major part of.” The last time John Deere workers went on strike was in 1986. In a statement, a spokesperson for John Deere said, “John Deere remains fully committed to continuing the collective bargaining process in an effort to better understand our employees’ viewpoints. In the meantime, our operations will continue as normal.”

Marine Punished for Speaking Out

A court-martial judge has set the maximum punishment for a Marine who criticized the Afghanistan pullout at a letter of reprimand. Since the letter is issued by the Department of Defense and not by the judge, it is likely that Lieutenant Colonel Stuart Scheller will receive a discharge but unlikely that he will face jail time. In August, in a series of viral videos posted on social media, Scheller criticized the U.S. withdrawal from Afghanistan. He was then relieved of his command. On Thursday at a court-martial hearing at the Marine Corps Base Camp Lejeune in North Carolina, Scheller pleaded guilty to six misdemeanor-level charges, including disrespect toward superior commissioned officers, willfully disobeying a superior commissioned officer, dereliction in the performance of duties, and conduct unbecoming an officer and a




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OCTOBER 21, 2021


The Week In News gentleman. On Friday, Military Court Judge Col. Glen Hines issued a letter of reprimand, calling for a forfeiture of $5,000 pay for a month from Scheller.

200K Shipping Containers – Nowhere to Go Having trouble finding shoes or toilet paper or blocks for your child? Those products may be lingering on the shores of the U.S. with no one there to pass them along the supply chain to shelves on a store near you. Approximately 200,000 shipping containers remained on ships off the coast of Los Angeles on Monday as pandemic-related gridlock continues to disrupt various supply chains. Gene Seroka, the executive director of the Port of Los Angeles, told CNN, “We have about two weeks’ worth of work sitting at anchor right now.” He added, “There’s product that needs to get out there in super-fast

speed. Think about the toys, the other [holiday] product, and parts and components for factories.” The port has made some progress moving containers off the docks since President Joe Biden announced at a White House supply chain summit last week that the port would move to a 24/7 operating schedule. The port is the nation’s largest in terms of container volume. “We had 25% of all cargo on our dock sitting here for 13 days or longer [and] that’s been cut in just about half over the last week,” Seroka noted. But despite the government demanding that the port remain open, many terminals, which are owned privately, are closed during some nighttime hours because businesses aren’t using them at that time. The backlog in goods getting to supermarket shelves is a conglomerate of factors, among them demand from consumers for products coming from Asia. Seroka doesn’t see any alleviation in the disruption in the supply chain until at least February 2022. “We’re going to have to work all

out,” he said. He also pointed to the problem of finding the truckers and trucks to move the containers away from the port.

School: Holocaust Needs “Opposing” Perspective A top administrator with the Carroll Independent School District in Southlake, Texas, told teachers last week to balance Holocaust books in a classroom and curriculum with books from an “opposing” perspective. According to an audio recording, Gina Peddy, the Carroll district’s executive director of curriculum and instruction, told teachers during a training session, “Just try to remember the concepts of [House Bill] 3979. And make sure that if you have a book on the Holocaust, that you have one that has an opposing, that has other perspectives.” In the recording, which was made secretly by one of the participants and

shared with NBC, one of the teachers can be heard asking Peddy, “How do you oppose the Holocaust?” Peddy responded, “Believe me. That’s come up.” However, in a written response to a question about Peddy’s remarks, Carroll spokeswoman Karen Fitzgerald said, “Our district recognizes that all Texas teachers are in a precarious position with the latest legal requirements. Our purpose is to support our teachers in ensuring they have all of the professional development, resources, and materials needed. Our district has not and will not mandate books be removed nor will we mandate that classroom libraries be unavailable.” Anyone unsure about a specific book “should visit with their campus principal, campus team and curriculum coordinators about appropriate next steps,” she added. Clay Robison, a spokesman for the Texas State Teachers Association, a union representing educators, said, “We find it reprehensible for an educator to require a Holocaust denier to get equal treatment with the facts



OCTOBER 21, 2021

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OCTOBER 21, 2021


The Week In News of history. That’s absurd. It’s worse than absurd. And this law does not require it.” State Sen. Bryan Hughes, an East Texas Republican who wrote Senate Bill 3, asserted, “That’s not what the bill says. I’m glad we can have this discussion to help elucidate what the bill says, because that’s not what the bill says.” One elementary school teacher said, “Teachers are literally afraid that we’re going to be punished for having books in our classes. There are no children’s books that show the ‘opposing perspective’ of the Holocaust or the ‘opposing perspective’ of slavery. Are we supposed to get rid of all of the books on those subjects?” Following NBC’s publication, Carroll ISD posted on Facebook a statement from Superintendent Lane Ledbetter, saying, Peddy’s statement was “in no way to convey that the Holocaust was anything less than a terrible event in history.” “Additionally, we recognize there are not two sides of the Holocaust. As we continue to work through implementation of HB [House Bill] 3979, we also understand this bill does not require an opposing viewpoint on historical facts.” Ledbetter added that the district would work to add clarity to its expectations for teachers. In a Friday note to parents, Ledbetter wrote, “I would like to take this opportunity to set the record straight. The district has not mandated that any book be removed from teachers’ classroom libraries. Additionally, the district has not provided any training on removing books.”

Black Staff at Congress Demand Diversity Black staff members on Capitol Hill are sounding the alarm after two “painful” years, warning that diversity may be in danger. The current Congress is the most diverse yet, with the percentage of Black lawmakers nearly equal to the percentage of Black Americans, but representation among congressional

staff still falls short of reflecting the U.S. population itself, according to The New York Times. LaShonda Brenson, senior fellow of diversity and inclusion with the Joint Center for Political and Economic Studies, noted that many of the Black staffers are leaving, their departures partly caused by the general turnover which comes at the start of a new administration. At the same time, she noted that their vacant positions are not necessarily being filled by people of color. In a letter published on Friday on behalf of over 300 Black staff members in the House and Senate, two congressional staff associations called for better pay and “a stronger college-to-Congress pipeline” to recruit Black graduates. The Senate Black Legislative Staff Caucus and Congressional Black Associates also called on voters to urge lawmakers to diversify their staff. The letter continued, “Today, we are sending a message to America. We come to you as Black congressional staffers on Capitol Hill. We come as proud public servants. We believe that if the United States Congress wants to hold steadfast to its representative form of government, then congressional staffers hired to construct and inform legislation should be reflective of the United States’ population.”

Chicago Art Institute Fires Whites for “Diversity” The Art Institute of Chicago fired all its trained volunteers and guides last month. Most of those who were fired were older White women. The Institute said the firings aimed to allow it to diversify the team. Gigi Vaffis, president of the docent council, said, “We were surprised, we were disappointed. There is an army of very highly skilled docents that are willing and ready and able to continue with arts education.” The Art Institute had over 100 docents, 82 of whom were active. On September 3, an executive director of learning and engagement, Veronica Stein, sent them all an email informing they were fired.



OCTOBER 21, 2021

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The Week In News

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OCTOBER 21, 2021


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Docents are trained volunteers and at the Art Institute they averaged 15 years of unpaid service. According to Stein, the museum needed to operate “in a way that allows community members of all income levels to participate, responds to issues of class and income equity, and does not require financial flexibility.” Those fired were offered a twoyear free pass to the museum, as a token of gratitude. Dietrich Klevorn, a docent since 2012, told the Wall Street Journal, “It was nearly a full-time job. We had to spend a lot of time physically in the museum studying works of art, researching, putting tours together. We had to be very comprehensive about everything as we talked with them, moving through the space.” The museum had reportedly requested that none of those fired speak to the media. In an opinion piece later that month, the Chicago Tribune’s Editorial Board said, “Why not invest some time in recruiting new, diverse docents? Why not grow the corps in such a way that it’s refreshed? Why not help docents who need help with expenses or child care? Why not have a hybrid model, at least until the current docents exit? Instead of trashing volunteerism as inherently elitist, why not avow and attest to its ongoing value as a vital part of necessary diversification and cultural change?” Robert Levy, chairman of the Art Institute, said, “Critical self-reflection and participatory, recuperative action is required if we are to remain relevant to the changing audiences seeking connection to art.”

Colin Powell Dies

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Colin Powell, the retired four-star general who became the country’s first Black secretary of state and chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, died on Monday due to complications from Covid-19.

Powell had been fully vaccinated but was suffering from multiple myeloma, a cancer of a type of white blood cell, which can harm the body’s immune system, surgery for prostate cancer when he was Secretary of State and, more recently, Parkinson’s disease. Powell became the first Black secretary of state under President George W. Bush. As the nation’s chief diplomat, Powell delivered a well-known speech to the United Nations Security Council in February 2003 laying out the White House argument for invading Iraq and stating that there was intelligence that the country had weapons of mass destruction. U.S. troops launched an invasion the following month. The evidence he presented about Iraq having biological weapons was later proven to be incorrect. Powell left the administration shortly after Bush’s re-election in 2004. Powell later expressed regret over the remarks before the U.N., saying in a 2005 interview with ABC News’ Barbara Walters that it would tarnish his reputation and describing it as a “blot” on his record that “was painful then” and “painful now.” After rising through the military ranks, Powell became a four-star general and then chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff under President George H.W. Bush. He had served as U.S. national security adviser and deputy national security adviser for President Ronald Reagan in the 1980s. Powell served twice in Vietnam — during the first tour, he was wounded in action, and on the second tour, he received the Soldier’s Medal for rescuing several men from a burning helicopter. Powell broke with his party on several occasions in recent years, including when he endorsed Sen. Barack Obama, D-Ill., for president in 2008 over then-Sen. John McCain, R-Ariz. Powell endorsed Obama again in 2012 over the GOP’s nominee that year, Mitt Romney, and later became a vocal critic of President Donald Trump. Powell was born in 1937 in Harlem, New York, to immigrants from Jamaica. He grew up in the South Bronx, going on to get a bachelor’s degree from the City College of New York.

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The Week In News


Bumblebees at Risk


OCTOBER 21, 2021


American bumblebees have completely disappeared from eight U.S. states and their species is dwindling and may face extinction. According to a petition filed by the Center for Biological Diversity and Bombus Pollinators Association of Law Students, the states of Maine, Rhode Island, New Hampshire, Vermont, Idaho, North Dakota, Wyoming, and Oregon have zero or close to zero American bumblebees left.


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In their petition, the authors note, “The American bumblebee was once the most common bumblebee species in North America, but without immediate action to protect it under the ESA (Endangered Species Act – ed.), it will continue its alarming decline towards extinction.” Over the past 20 years, the American bumblebee population has decreased by 89% across the U.S., with New York seeing a decline of 99%, and the northern part of Illinois seeing a decrease of 74% since 2004, the petition noted. The petition was submitted to the


Unvaccinated Chicago Police Put on Leave The Chicago Police Department has begun placing officers on no-pay status for not reporting their coronavirus vaccination status, Mayor Lori Lightfoot, a Democrat, said this week. In a news conference on Monday, Lightfoot said that CPD has been reaching out to officers who are not in compliance with the vaccine mandate to ensure that they are in compliance. Lightfoot noted that a “very small number” of officers have been put on no-pay status, even after having multiple opportunities to comply with the mandate. The deadline for officers and all other city employees to come into compliance with vaccinations was Friday. The police department warned in a memo that officers who choose to disobey the mandate would “become the subject of a disciplinary investigation that could result in a penalty up

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U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service earlier this year for review, to determine if the bumblebee could be listed as an endangered species and a protected habitat designed for it. The 90-day review which followed found that the listing of the American bumblebee under the ESA may be warranted. The review now heads to a 12-month status review to evaluate the potential threat to the species. If federal protection is granted, anyone harming or killing bumblebees may face fines of up to $13,000.




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OCTOBER 21, 2021


The Week In News to and including separation from the Chicago Police Department.” John Catanzara, president of the Fraternal Order of Police, has repeatedly encouraged members to violate the mandate, to the point where the city sued Catanzara over his encouragement. A judge ruled on Friday that he could no longer publicly discourage people from complying with the mandate. Under the city’s vaccine mandate, employees must report whether they are vaccinated, have an exemption, or will be undergoing weekly testing. The testing option is only available through December 31, after which all employees will need to be vaccinated or have an exemption.

Illegals Secretly Sent to NYC

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Wondering where underage migrants live after coming to the United States illegally? Chances are they are being flown into New York.

According to The Post, planeloads of underage migrants are being flown secretly into suburban New York in an effort by President Biden’s administration to quietly resettle them across the region. The charter flights originate in Texas and have been underway since at least August. Last week, The Post saw two planes land at the Westchester County Airport, where most of the passengers who got off appeared to be children and teens, with a small portion appearing to be men in their 20s. Westchester County cops stood by as the passengers got off and piled into buses. Some of them were later seen meeting up with relatives or sponsors in New Jersey or being dropped off at a residential facility on Long Island. Around 2,000 migrants who had been caught infiltrating the U.S. at the Mexican border have arrived at the New York airport since August 8. The secret nature of the flights and the buses which bring the children and teens to other areas has been raising eyebrows. Additionally, there

have been men older than 20 on these flights. The White House insisted Monday that the flights only carry children and teens. The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services said, “It is our legal responsibility to safely care for unaccompanied children until they can be swiftly unified with a parent or a vetted sponsor.” “Our Office of Refugee Resettlement facilitates travel for the children in its custody to their family or sponsors across the country,” HHS spokesman Jorge Silva said. “In recent weeks, unaccompanied children passed through the Westchester airport en route to their final destination to be unified with their parents or vetted sponsor.” New York is not the only state that is forced to house these illegals. Jacksonville, Florida, was also noted as one of the other locations where these illegals are being sent. Republican Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis expressed outrage at The Post’s findings, with a spokeswoman saying, “If the Biden Administration is so

confident that their open-border policy is good for our country, why the secrecy? “Why is the Biden Administration refusing to share even the most basic information about illegal alien resettlement in communities throughout our state and the entire country?” spokeswoman Christina Pushaw said. The most recent figures from U.S. Customs and Border Protection show that just during July and August, 37,805 unaccompanied minors were caught entering the U.S. from Mexico.

Water’s Soul As if New York wasn’t busy enough, there is now a towering figure in New York’s harbor. “Water’s Soul” is the brainchild of Barcelona-based artist Jaume Plensa.


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OCTOBER 21, 2021

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The Week In News

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The 80-foot giant head of a woman holding a finger to her lips is his newest installation in the U.S. His biggest work to-date, Plensa says it urges viewers to “keep silent ... to listen to the profound noise of the water talking to us.” Plensa is not referring to the chaos of trains, cars, and honking taxis in New York. He says that the statue is reminding people to quiet to “noise of information and messages to us.” Plensa, 66, was commissioned to create the piece about two years ago by LaFrak and Simon Property Group, which have developed the area, including the plot jutting into the river where “Water’s Soul” stands.

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Depicting a real-life model whose image was scanned, the piece was fashioned from polyester resin, fiberglass and marble dust at Plensa’s Barcelona studio and shipped in 23 containers, each 40 feet, to the Jersey City site for assembly. “In many of my pieces I’m asking the viewer: Close your eyes and look inside yourself, because you have an amazing quantity of beauty hidden inside,” Plensa urges. Still waters run deep.

Big Baby

Cary and Tim Patonai’s newest bundle of joy is a big baby – and we mean that literally. Their newborn son Finnley weighed 14.1 pounds when he was born earlier this month. Patonai was 38 weeks pregnant when she gave birth in Glendale, Arizona. “Finnley was a little celebrity at the hospital. Nurses and doctors were non-stop talking about him,” Cary said. “He is quite tall too at 23.75 inches.” Having a baby that big poses challenges. For one, Finney does not fit into standard newborn-size diapers; he had to wear a size 2 diaper starting at birth. Additionally, he is wearing clothes for 6- and 9-month-olds. In any case, his older siblings are happy to have him around. As long as he doesn’t throw his weight around.

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OCTOBER 21, 2021

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B A LT I M O R E J E W I S H H O M E . C O M


OCTOBER 21, 2021


Torah Thought

Recovery By Rabbi Zvi Teichman


here is a popular Yiddish aphorism describing someone so inebriated that he is unaware of his actions that goes: Ehr iz shikkur vi Lot! This literally translates as ‘He is as drunk as Lot’. This refers to the incident after the destruction of Sodom when his daughters fearing they are the last survivors in the world ‘drug’ him with wine, bringing him to a state of unconsciousness that enabled them to commit incest for the sake of preserving humanity. It seems that despite his having been numbed beyond awareness by the alcohol, he was faulted and derided for his behavior. When the Torah describes him waking up the next morning after having experienced intimacy with his older daughter it states that ‘he was not aware of her lying down, ‫ובקומה‬, and of her getting up’. In a Torah scroll there appears a dot above the word ‫ובקֹומה‬, which indicates some ambiguity as to the proper placement of the word here. We are taught that indeed upon arising he had some recollection of her having gone off the bed but had no further memory of what actually transpired. On the second night when his younger daughter implemented the same strategy to dose him with spirits, despite suspecting her intention, Lot readily submitted to her offer of a stiff drink. For this lecherous consent he is forever remembered in disgrace. There is in fact a Midrash that many understand to be referring to a custom in ancient times to publicly read this paragraph weekly, every Shabbos, in spotlighting Lot as an object lesson of the pitfall of indulging in drink ‘to instruct the populace of the dangers of intoxication and how it can bring one to licentiousness’. ‫(ב"ר‬ )‫נא ט ובפי' עץ יוסף שם‬ What is baffling though is the fact

that Lot entertained the opportunity to drink the second time despite knowing he would likely have no memory of the experience whatsoever. In fact when reporting his waking up the second time, the Torah reiterates once again his having been unaware of ‘her getting up’, it is not dotted, indicating that this time he had no recall whatsoever of her even arising. Clearly they must have doubled the dose having perhaps sensed his suspicion the first time. It also seems that it was necessary for his daughters to put Lot asleep to accomplish this mission, and that they didn’t even consider the possibility that he would concede such an inappropriate act otherwise. He must have had some healthy pangs of guilt. What would compel Lot to imbibe in pursuit of a pleasure that he would have no consciousness of anyway? Was Lot that vulnerable that his daughters were so confident they could get him to drink to such an extreme that he would lose cognizance? Lot parts ways with his beloved brother-in-law and uncle, Avraham, declaring, ‫אי אפשי לא באברהם ולא בא־‬ ‫לוקיו‬, “It is impossible for me to accept Avraham or his G-d.” )‫(רש"י‬ Impossible?! Was it really ‘impossible’ or simply difficult and not enticing? Throughout the entire episode with Lot, he is driven by the pursuit of pleasure, whether it be the lure of wealth, the beautiful atmosphere, or the captivating and freewheeling lifestyle of Sodom. Lot constantly struggles with what he knows to be true and his seeming blind ambition for pleasure. He valiantly champions the rights of foreigners at risk to his own life, in facing off with the maddening masses that seek to abuse his guests, yet so callously offers them in exchange the carnal

pleasure of taking his virgin daughters in order to placate the dangerous mob. Perhaps the most distinguishing hallmark of an addict is the lack of ability for self-control. Lot perhaps was the world’s first pleasure addict, who by his own admission was totally incapable of controlling his habits. He acknowledged the just life of Avraham, but was so entrenched in his addiction that the restrictions of Avraham and his G-d were ‘impossible’ to abide by. Only one addicted mindlessly to behaviors that one inherently knew to be improper would pine to drink even in the pursuit of what couldn’t possibly give him sensorial pleasure in his drunken stupor. He was an addict, his daughters well knew, who could be easily enticed by the promise of powerful and enticing alcohol. Might the ‘blindness’ the angels brought upon the lynch mob and their subsequent exercise in futility in searching for the door nevertheless, be instructive in revealing the nature of addiction — to recklessly pursue that which may bring them further danger? Might Lot’s wife’s inability to control herself from looking back knowing that she’s doomed, another piece of evidence in the dossier of addiction this family and the inhabitants of Sodom struggled with? The Ibn Ezra avers that this was not simply a physical malady of sightlessness but more so a blindness of the ‘eye and heart’, a temporary insanity that blocks clear perception of truth. One of the first steps one must take to overcome an addiction is to realize that one is powerless to break those chains alone, and one cannot get there without the help of a Higher Power. When Lot is instructed by the angels to escape to the mountain in the direction of Avraham, he hesitates. Turning to the angel he first begs ‫אל‬ ‫נא‬, “Please don’t” ask that of me. He then, for the first time in the entire account of Lot until now, beseeches of

G-d, ‫י‬-‫אדנ‬, declaring, ‫לא אוכל להמלט‬, “I cannot escape...”. -‫(בראשית יט יח‬ )‫יט‬ Lot for the first time in his life turns to the Higher Power, G-d, and admits that without His help he cannot conquer his demons. He knew he couldn’t simply return to the rigors of life according to the House of Avraham just yet. He asks to relocate to Tzoar a town not yet as corrupt and indulgent as Sodom where he stands a chance to rehabilitate himself with the help of G-d. The child his oldest daughter begets is named ‫מואב‬, Moav, meaning ‘from my father’. Refusing to hide the taint of this conception and the will to declare the reality for what it is, is another step in the direction of recovery. One must take inventory of one’s wrongs and admit the exact nature of that flaw in order to affect repair. The Midrash adds that ‫ מואב‬is also a contraction of the sentiment, ?‫מי אב‬ — ‘who is our true father?’; a rhetorical question meant to identify Avraham and his legacy. We are ready, his daughter declares, to proceed healthily, with proper direction and help in removing our defects. From these daughters’ descendants, Rus and her progeny, the destiny of our nation will come to fruition with the coming of Moshiach. Although we no longer recite this paragraph weekly, but once a year we recall this remarkable comeback that began with one finally accepting one’s shortcomings and committing to be guided by the only One who can bring us home. May we each take an inventory of our ‘addictions’, no longer wallowing in the ‘impossible’ task of ridding ourselves of our flaws, acknowledging G-d as the only one who can bring us up to greatness, as long as we submit totally to His embrace and authority. If we do, we just might hear soon the footsteps of Moshiach coming a bit closer.








OCTOBER 21, 2021

Gemora Fundamentals with Rabbi Nosson Friedman ‫שליט״א‬ Would you like to brush up on your skills in learning Gemora?

Here’s your chance!

Beginning October 24th Weekly Sunday Nights 8-9pm | Shomrei Emunah

Shiur is free of charge Register at

For more information please contact Chaim Weiss at 410-358-1847

‫לז’’נ בנימין מתתיהו בן חיים‬

Rabbi Friedman has been a Rebbi at Mechinas Ner Israel for over 40 years. He is widely sought after for his expertise in teaching the skills to help talmidim build a foundation to independent study in learning.

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Do you want the satisfaction of being able to figure out p’shat on your own or together with a chavrusa?

34 ‫בס״ד‬


OCTOBER 21, 2021


A Shidduch in the Sukkah: Hoshana Rabbah 5782 When Simi* was still in school, her parents had high hopes for her. She was talented and beloved among her peers. The shadchanim would certainly run after her with suggestions. It wouldn’t be long before they would dance at her wedding. Or so they thought. The first few months passed. Nothing moved. The months turned to years and they were still waiting. Waiting. No Yid should ever know the pain and anguish that dedicated parents experience, watching their child wait with no befitting shidduch on the horizon. Only with rock-solid emunah and bitachon could a family push through another week, another month, and another year. What didn’t they try? Which segulos did they not perform? Their number was familiar to all shadchanim in the area. Still, time was ticking. They turned calendar pages again and again… and Simi was nearing twenty-five!

Gemora Fundamentals


unique Gemora shiur is being offered to the Baltimore community by Torah Together. Gemora Fundamentals will be presented by Rabbi Nosson Friedman starting Sunday, October 24th from 8 – 9 pm at Congregation Shomrei Emunah. Rabbi Friedman, a Rebbi at Mechinas Ner Israel for over 40 years, offers his expertise in teaching the skills talmidim need to build a foundation to learn independently. Rabbi Friedman explains the idea behind this class: “There is no greater feeling of fulfillment in learning than to be able to learn a piece of Gemora on your own in its original text. Many people are unable to do this because they never acquired the proper foundation for learning Gemora or have gaps in training and practice. I’m

excited to have this opportunity to help these people gain a feeling of independence and accomplishment in their learning.” When health scientist, Daniel Sklare, PhD, retired early from the NIH to devote himself to full-time learning, he first sought to upgrade his skills for independent study of Gemora with Rashi. After checking out several venues, he found the best option was to engage Rabbi Nosson Friedman as his private Rebbe. He commented, “Rabbi Friedman is a master pedagogue in developing Talmud study skills within students across a range of proficiency levels.” The shiur is free of charge. To register, log onto gemora. For questions, please call Chaim Weiss at 410.358.1847.

And then, Simi’s mother explains: “I was leafing through the pages of one of the weekly papers when the weekly Tehillim Kollel story jumped out at me. I passed the paper over to my husband, ‘We didn’t try this yet!’ I said. We agreed that it couldn’t hurt to try. Why not have a minyan of Yidden say the entire sefer Tehillim on Simi’s behalf daily?

Flower Delivery Club Join the

“Just this past Hoshana Rabbah, on the very day of the Ushpizin of David Hamelech, we had more than just a Yom Tov seudah in our sukkah. To our delight, we finally had reason to pull off a simchah! Yes, the moment finally arrived – Simi, our radiant kallah, stood excitedly at her L’chaim!”



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“It seems this wasn’t ‘just another segulah’… because it didn’t take long!

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OCTOBER 21, 2021

B A LT I M O R E J E W I S H H O M E . C O M

Cheshvon 11


Monday Cheshvon 12

Tuesday Tuesday Cheshvon 13

Kislev 12

Kislev 5

Cheshvon 27

Bonei Olam Campaign see page 3

Platinum Realty Event see page 9

26 Cheshvon 20




25 Cheshvon 19

Bonei Olam Campaign see page 3








Kislev 13

Kislev 6

Cheshvon 28

Cheshvon 21

20 Cheshvon 14

Wednesday Wednesday

2021 October/November 17

24 Cheshvon 18 @ 8:00 see pg 12

Yeshiva Gedolah of Providence Reception

Bonei Olam Campaign see page 3

Cheshvon 26


Cheshvon 25

Kislev 11

Kislev 4




Toras Chaim Campaign see cover

Kislev 3

Toras Chaim Campaign see cover


7 Daylight Saving Ends

Kislev 10

TA Mesivta Open House @ 7:30 see page 49

OCTOBER 21, 2021


Friday Friday Cheshvon 16

5:59 PM

6:57 PM

Cheshvon 17

Saturday Saturday 23

‫פרשת וירא‬

Kislev 2

30Cheshvon 24

‫פרשת וישלח‬


‫פרשת ויצא‬


5:31 PM

Kislev 16


Kislev 9

‫ פרשת תולדות‬6:42 PM


29 Cheshvon 23

4:30 PM

Kislev 15

4:36 PM

Kislev 8

5:42 PM

‫ראש חודש‬

Kislev 1

‫ פרשת חיי שרה‬6:49PM




5:50 PM


Community Calendar Cheshvon 15

Thursday Thursday 21

Kislev 7

Next BJH Issue

Cheshvon 29

28 Cheshvon 22



Kislev 14

OCA Info Session @ 8:00 see page 31


Next BJH Issue

To have your future event listed in the Community Calendar please contact

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The Jewish Home | OCTOBER 29, 2015



Middle East Musings

OCTOBER 21, 2021

Israel is the Homeland of the Jews


By David Billet

Members of Hashomer posing on October 1, 1907 in the Upper Galilee during the Ottoman rule

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srael is stolen land and rightfully belongs to the Palestinians.” This is a leading anti-Semitic and anti-Israel trope that has come to dominate university campuses, the radical left-leaning media, and tragically, even the halls of Congress. It is also argued that the Israeli-Palestinian conflict can never come to an end until all Palestinian refugees are allowed to return to a land that they claim is rightfully theirs. Although these claims have grown in society today, anyone with even the slightest knowledge of history can recognize that the land of Israel has been the homeland to only one nation: the Jewish people. Over the past 2,500 years, the Jews are the only people to have ruled over the land of Israel as a sovereign state. The first Jewish Kingdom, the Davidic Dynasty, arose in 1030 BC, and the First Temple was built by King Solomon between 930-970 BC. Although the Kingdom of Israel was conquered by the Assyrian Empire in 722 BC, the Jewish Kingdom of Judea continued to survive for another 136 years until the reign of Nebuchadnezzar. Shortly thereafter, the Persian Empire conquered the Assyrian Empire and ruled from 586-333 BC. The Greeks, led by Alexander the

Members of the pre-Haganah defense movement in their guard post on November 3, 1938 in Kibbutz Givat Brenner

Great, conquered the Persians and ruled from 322-167 BC. Soon afterwards, the Israelites, led by the Hasmoneans, regained control of the land and ruled from 167-37 BC, until they were eventually captured and defeated by the Romans. The Byzantines conquered the Romans and ruled from AD 324-638, until the Muslim Empire conquered the Byzantines and ruled until 1099. The Crusaders continued this endless merry-go-round of conquerors and defeated the Muslim Empire and ruled until 1260. The Mamluks then defeated the Crusaders and ruled until 1517, when they were conquered by the Ottoman Empire. The Ottomans were eventually destroyed, and the British gained control of the land and declared it to be the British Mandate of Palestine. The British controlled the land from 1917 until 1947, and soon thereafter the Jewish state was formed. It is crucial to recognize that even while conquerors have come and gone, a Jewish presence has never left the land and that Jews around the world have been praying to return to their homeland for thousands of years. A brief glimpse into history clearly proves two essential points: 1) that the Jews are the only People to establish a sovereign state in Israel, and 2) of all

Jewish children playing in Holon on July 1, 1946, during the British Mandate of Palestine

the nations in the world, the Jews have the oldest claim to the land of Israel in history. Even after recognizing that the Jewish people are undeniably connected to the land of Israel, many claim that this connection was formed more than 2,000 years ago and lacks any relevance today. Karl Marx, the founder of communism, visited Jerusalem in the 19th century and provided an eyewitness account of the Jewish population in Jerusalem. Marx, who was a virulent anti-Semite, had stated that the Jewish people were a majority in Jerusalem as early as 1854. For all those doubting the legitimacy of the Jewish right to the land of Israel, the Jewish people were a majority in 1854 and have only grown since then. Furthermore, ever since the Israelite Kingdom was defeated and the Jewish People were exiled, the land lay as a desolate, barren wasteland that was uninhabitable to all. As early as 1267, Rabbi Moses ben Nachman fled from persecution in Spain by finding a new home in the land of Israel. Rabbi Nachman stated in a letter to his son that “many are Israel’s forsaken places, and great is the desecration. The more sacred the place, the greater the devastation it has suffered. Jerusalem is the most desolate place of all.”

If we fast forward almost 500 years, Mark Twain also stated in a written account that the land lay as a barren wasteland, essentially as fruitless and dangerous as Rabbi Nachman saw 500 years earlier. The land rejected each conqueror just as a human body may reject an organ that is not its own. The land of Israel has been the homeland of the Jewish People, as proven throughout history. While the Davidic dynasty may have come to an end, no other sovereign state arose in the land until Israel was reborn in 1948. The land of Israel lay as a barren wasteland while patiently waiting for the Jewish Nation to return home. While life may often pose questions that we will never be able to answer, one eternal truth continues to persist: the land of Israel is the only homeland of the Jewish People. David Billet is a student at Fordham Law School, where he is an Associate Editor of the International Law Journal. In May of 2018, David graduated from Queens College, CUNY, with a B.A. in Accounting and a minor in Economics. David additionally writes articles that focus on foreign affairs, domestic policy, and global anti-Semitism. To date, his work has been featured in the Wall Street Journal, Israel Hayom, and almost twenty other media publications.


OCTOBER 21, 2021






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The Jewish Home | OCTOBER 29, 2015





OCTOBER 21, 2021

An Emotional Reunion


By Raphael Poch

Akiva, Avi, and Eran

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bout a month ago on a Friday night, Eran, a man in his early thirties suffered a sudden cardiac arrest in Ramat Gan. United Hatzalah volunteers Akiva Kaufman and Avi Bismut, from the Ramat Gan-Givatayim branch, were situated at the United Hatzalah volunteer house when they were alerted to the emergency. The two trained EMTs rushed to the scene on their motorcycles and arrived in just 90 seconds. They arrived first to the home of the man whom they found sprawled on the floor by the entrance to his home and performed a prolonged resuscitation effort, at the end of which the patient was evacuated to the hospital with a steady pulse and breathing. However, volunteer EMT Avi Bismut mentioned that, at the time, they were not sure whether Eran would make it or not because they did not know how long he was without a pulse before they started CPR. Avi had also found out that

the man was still unconscious even after arriving at the hospital. Five days later, the patient’s wife texted the volunteers and told them that her husband had finally woken up that morning. Eran returned to his home a short while later.

broad smile etched on his face. Avi spoke about the heartfelt meeting. “We are still in shock and unable to grasp how a person who was literally dead, without a pulse and breathing, is standing in the same spot at the entrance to his

“We are still in shock and unable to grasp how a person who was literally dead, without a pulse and breathing, is standing”

In a special and exciting meeting organized by Eran’s wife this week at their home in Ramat Gan, the volunteers who participated in the resuscitation, Akiva and Avi, met with the family for the first time after saving the man’s life. Eran opened the door and welcomed them inside with a

house where he was sprawled out on the floor just a few weeks before.” Avi continued, “I remember looking at Eran as we were doing CPR and trying to communicate with him saying, ‘Don’t go; you have a wife and a baby boy who needs his dad to raise him.’ It was so important to

me that we bring him back.” Akiva said, “Coming back to this house and meeting with Eran is so emotional for me. It’s as if I was transported back to the night of the incident. I can almost hear the small baby crying from his room and sense his wife’s panicking all over again.” During the emotional reunion, the two volunteers spoke with Eran and told him about the resuscitation process which they performed on him during his cardiac arrest. They showed him the defibrillator, which was a crucial part of the procedure and which was responsible for restarting his heart. Then Eran told them about his rehabilitation process and his rapid improvement. After the meeting, both Eran and his wife thanked the dedicated volunteers profusely and with great excitement. ““You gave me my life back.” Eran told them. “Thanks to you my child has a father.”


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OCTOBER 29, 2015 | The Jewish Home


Parenting Pearls

B A LT I M O R E J E W I S H H O M E . C O M


OCTOBER 21, 2021

I’m Not Your Friend By Sara Rayvych, MSEd


ased on the title alone, you’d think this is an article about toddlers playing in the playground. There are different ideas floating around about how a parent should see themselves. One of those ideas is that parents should be their child’s friend. The concept is to be like a close companion rather than someone firm and distant. These parents might see themselves as on the same level or as one and the same as their child. Who are they to tell their child what to do? For those who know where this is heading, I’m going to suggest that, in my humble opinion, this is the incorrect approach. I certainly don’t believe parents should be distant or emotionally disconnected from their child, but parents should never forget that their role is unique in their child’s life. As I remind myself often, there are billions of people who can be my children’s friend but only I am their mother (the same applies to fathers, too). I remember back to my substitute teaching days. Being a substitute teacher is a rather interesting job. Just think back to what it was like when you had a “sub,” and it gives you an idea of some of the craziness and insanity I ran up against. I would often remind myself of two things. One, I wasn’t there to win a popularity contest by giving them a day off. The second was that I wasn’t

there to be their friend – I have other people to fulfill that role. I was friendly and caring to my students, but I still had my job to do and that was more important and necessary than giving them a full day of vacation. If I chose to do nothing more than “hang out,” it would have led to utter chaos. Not only would I have potentially been fired, but it wouldn’t have been a chessed to my students. They needed to learn the day’s assignments and have the structure an adult would provide.

Saying “No” Nobody wants to hear it, but it needs to be said at times. The word “no” can create strong emotions in the youngest of people but it’s a necessary evil. It creates structure through its limitations. I will remind our readers that structure is crucial for children as they grow. It creates security and stability. It’s helpful for everyone, but especially children, to know their boundaries. Prior to COVID, an experienced educator told me with frustration that the school she worked in had a rule that staff was prohibited from saying “no” to the students. I was shocked and even disturbed. How do you have an educational environment that bans telling children they can’t do something? Even worse, these were young children. As important as it is to speak positively to everyone, the word “no” is crucial to

guiding our young charges. There are so many things that kids don’t know about the world and saying not to do something is part of teaching the dangers that exist. Kids need to know that the street cannot be crossed alone, chemicals and medications are off limits, and knives are not to be touched. Kids also need to learn boundaries. They need to learn that their parents’ and siblings’ personal belongings aren’t theirs. They need to learn that there is a way we do and don’t speak to our parents. Allowing children to know what they can’t do helps them define boundaries and recognize what’s appropriate behavior. As adults, we often make assumptions about what our children understand but often we incorrectly guess what they grasp. Boundaries and limitations needed to be directly taught, not assumed. Don’t say no just to say no – recognize it has its place. You don’t want to say no to everything but don’t think of it as a bad word. Think carefully before giving a no or making a request. You want your “no” to matter and be meaningful. You also don’t want your “no” to be ignored. Be very hesitant before asking your child to do something you know they won’t do or you can’t enforce. Demanding something you know your child will disregard not only sets them up to disrespect a parent but also degrades your authority.

Saying “Yes” Both the words “yes” and “no” are important, but balance is the key. “Yes” can clarify those details. While it’s crucial your child needs to know they can’t walk in the street, they also need to know to remain on the sidewalk. They need to know that climbing the shaky bookshelf isn’t safe but that using a chair or step-stool is a better method to reach something. Rather than only tell your child what they can’t do, inform or demonstrate to your child what they can or should do. You’d be surprised how often children don’t realize the correct way to do something when you only point out the wrong way. While I put the “no” section first in this article, the “yes” section should be more prominent in your child’s life. Your child should hear far more “yeses” than “noes.” It’s generally better to phrase something positively rather than negatively. For example, “You can’t play till you do your homework” is better phrased as “you can play after you finish your work.” When possible, they should hear yes responses far more often than no responses. Obviously, this isn’t always possible, but it tends to create a more positive home environment.

Authority with Love I have written a number of articles on communication and bonding with your child. To be fully honest, you shouldn’t be surprised if I write more

43 ment. Love your child because you love them, not to manipulate them, but know those reciprocated feelings are also what gives parents their ultimate strength.

Creating Impressions Our children learn from what they see us do. When we act with the

we are someone worth looking up to. Alternatively, if we act in a degrading way, they see that, too. If we curse or speak rudely, they not only think it’s OK to speak similarly but they may, chas v’shalom, see us as coarse people. We certainly don’t want to diminish our kavod or demean ourselves in front of them.

utmost honesty, they will generally follow. When we prioritize minyan, most likely so will they. Additionally, they will also see us as individuals worthy of the respect halacha accords us. They will recognize that

Our behavior is not only a lesson for them but a definition of who we are. Daily we choose with our actions how they perceive us. It’s important to remember that kids don’t respect hypocrites. If we demand one thing

Sara Rayvych, MSEd, has her master’s in general and special education. She has been homeschooling for over 10 years in Far Rockaway. She can be contacted at

OCTOBER 21, 2021

As important as it is to speak positively to everyone, the word “no” is crucial to guiding our young charges.

from them but act differently ourselves, they will notice – and not in a way we want. Children need guidance and leadership, and we are the ones meant to provide it. By recognizing that we have that place in their lives we can best provide them with that need. Children come into the world knowing very little. We forget how much we’ve learned over the years until we have become their adult. The years under our tutelage are their apprenticeship for adulthood. We are doing a major injustice if we don’t give them our full efforts. Hashem picked us to be their parents and entrusted us to raise them. Clearly, we have that unique ability, even if it’s sometimes a challenge.


such articles in the future. These topics are that important. That being said, creating a close connection to your child is a part of being a parent – but don’t make your child into your buddy. A parent is the parent and needs to maintain that role. Recognize that you are both an authority figure and someone your child is intended to look up to. We know this clearly from halacha as a child may not call their parents by their first name, sit in their place, or talk back. Allowing our child to treat us as they treat their peers is doing a disservice to them. We, in turn, need to act in a way that generates respect and shows our dignity. You might ask, “Where does the role of communication and bonding come in if we’re authority figures and not chums to our child?” You only have influence over your child if they feel connected to you and recognize you have their best interests in mind. A king needs an army to enforce his power; a parent has love and attach-

Engagements Yitzy Glenner (Baltimore) to Estee Kaufman (Lakewood) Bracha Hutman (Baltimore) to Moshe Milevsky (Toronto) Noson Korb (Silver Spring) to Hensche Lege (Baltimore) Mordechai Reese (Lakewood) to Esther Goldman (Baltimore)

Want to see your simcha here? Email or text 443-675-6507 to submit your simcha!

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Gershon Grossman (Flatbush) to Esther Niknava (Baltimore)



OCTOBER 21, 2021

L ast year HasHem cLosed our sHuLs and scHooLs because He wants us to cHange our avodas HasHem.


Baltimore's newest kehillah, led by Rabbi Yisroel Roll

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Shabbos Mevorchim Shabbaton october 29-30 At Heather ridge Clubhouse friday night Carlebach minyan 6:15 pm Shacharis 8:30 am Childcare 10:45-11:30am Shiur after davening by rabbi Yisroel roll at 11am followed by a sit down Shabbos mevorchim Kiddush

Geshmak Learning! Learn how to learn

Gemara with Rabbi Ayson Englander. Analysis of what the Gemara is asking and how does it get to the answer. Sunday evenings 8:30-9:30pm at Shaarei Zion. Starts Sunday October 17.

Advanced Gemara Bava Metzia with Rabbi Josh Livingstone. Monday evenings at Shomrei Emunah at 8:00 pm. Starts Monday October 18.

Gadlus HaAdam The positive mussar of the

Alter of Slobodka with Rabbi Yisroel Roll. Sunday mornings 10:15-11:15am at Shaarei Zion. Starts Sunday October 17.

Women's Learning with Childcare:

Women’s shiur with guest speakers on Sunday mornings every other week. Starting Oct. 24th from 10:15am-11:00am at Shaarei Zion with Mrs. Chaya Lasson. Sunday morning children’s program with music and arts and crafts at Shaarei Zion for ages 3-5 and 6-8. ($10 Per child) 10:10-11:20 am. Starts October 24.

for more info: 410-301-4663 | yisroeLroLL@GmAiL.Com

Hashem’s Covid Challenge... And Netzach Yisroel Responds


ast year Hashem closed our shuls and schools. Rav Reuvein Leuchter asked rhetorically whether Hashem is ‘angry’ with us? Rav Leuchter answered that He is not angry, but that He WANTS something different from us. The newest kehillah in Baltimore, Netzach Yisroel, led by Rabbi Yisroel Roll, is rising to that challenge and is offering a shir chadash in our Avodas Hashem. Geared for families with children and grandchidren, Netzach Yisroel is offering passionate Carlbach minyanim, shiurim with a geshmack for hashkafa and inspired avodas Hashem, learning for women with childcare, Shabbos davening with childcare so women can join, daven and learn, and children’s prorgams. ‘We cannot resume shul life in the same manner as we did before Covid,’ said Rabbi Roll. ‘If you go to Shabbos davening or a weekday minyan, and walk away numb and uninspired, then you are missing the point. Hashem is looking for a connection with depth and passion--where we can ‘experience’ and feel a relationship and closeness with our Creator. Netzach Yisroel is offering the opportunity for a dynamic and live relationship with Hashem, said Rabbi Roll. Rabbi Yisroel Roll is the talmid of Rav Moshe Shapiro, ztz’l. Rabbi Roll is a psychotherapist and runs a practice called Believe in Yourself Psychotherapy. He has written ten books including Self Esteem in the Talmud, When the Going Gets Tough, and Alone Against the World. He started his career as a criminal defense attorney in Toronto and after practicing law for six years received Smicha in Israel and became the Rov of the New West End shul in London, England where he revived a downtown shul and led the shul to win the Chief Rabbi’s Community of the Year award. He then started a new shul in Edgware, a London suburb, called Netzach Yisroel with 20 families. Netzach London now is thriving with 80 families and is led by Rabbi Roll’s protege and student, Rabbi Reuven Stepsky. Rabbi Roll said, “I innovated a new concept in vibrant kehillah life in England, and we are seeking to involve spiritually growing families in Baltimore with a new Netzach branch.” NETZACH YISROEL INVITES

YOU TO JOIN OUR INSPIRING RESPONSE TO COVID: Shabbos Mevorchim October 29-30. Carlbach Minyan At Heather Ridge Clubhouse. Friday Night At 6:15pm. Shabbos morning at 8:30am followed by a shiur by Rabbi Yisroel Roll at 11am and a sit down kiddush. Geshmack Learning: Learn How To Learn Gemara. Sunday Nights 8:30-9:30pm at Shaarei Zion with Rabbi Ayson Englander. Analysis of what the Gemara asking and how does it get to the answer. Go deeper in Gemara analysis than Daf Yomi and learn how to make a leyning. Starts October 17. Advanced Inspired Gemara— Bava Metzia With Rabbi Josh Livingstone. Monday Nights at Shomrei Emunah At 8 pm. Mearn a new Mehalach in learning. Getting rave reviews from seasoned learners. Gadlus Haadam—The Positive Mussar of The Alter of Solobodka With Rabbi Yisroel Roll. Sunday Mornings 10:15-11:15am at Shaarei Zion Women’s Shiur Sunday Mornings With Guest Speakers. October 24 at 10:15-11:00 am at Shaarei Zion. Guest speaker Mrs Chaya Lasson-How To Teach Emunah To Our Children And Discover Their Inner Light. Children’s Program With Music And Arts And Crafts. Sunday morning at Shaarei Zion ages 3-5 and 6-8. ($10 per child) 10:10-11:20am. Every two weeks starting October 24. For questions and information please text Rabbi Yisroel Roll at 410301-4663. Email yisroelroll@gmail. com



OCTOBER 21, 2021

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OCTOBER 29, 2015 | The Jewish Home


Forgotten Her es


OCTOBER 21, 2021

Calling All Secret Agents By Avi Heiligman

Moe Berg, a catcher and a spy

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major aspect of planning for battle is knowing what the enemy is doing and planning for the future. This includes assessing the troops’ strength, disposition, which commander is in charge and their strengths and weaknesses, and their possible future plans. There are many uses for an intelligence service in this instance, as they should be able to gather all this information and be able to perform other high-risk operations. Many civilians proved to be great agents for military intelligence gathering. Two Jewish civilians who performed admirably were Hayim Solomon in the Revolutionary War and Moe Berg during World War II. Throughout American history, different organizations have taken on the role of intelligence gathering and covert operations, and there are many stories about their agents’ courage and cunning that have saved countless lives. From the very beginning of the birth of the United States, there was espionage and intelligence gathering. During the Revolutionary War, both sides performed multiple operations to glean intelligence from each other. As early as the summer of 1776, the British occupied New York City and were preparing for Washington to launch an attack. After a series

William Donovan, head of the OSS

of engagements, the British under General Howe forced the Continental Army to retreat to New Jersey. Washington badly needed information on the British movements in New York, and after a few failed attempts to use soldiers to perform these tasks, he turned to civilians. Nathaniel Sackett was selected; his contact in the army would be Lieutenant Colonel Benjamin Tallmadge. This became known as the Culper Spy Ring. Altogether about 20 civilians were members of the network. Two of the most valuable members of the spy ring were Irish-born Hercules Mulligan and his slave Cato. Mulligan became a tailor for British soldiers, and he would deduce when their military unit was about be leaving based on the day they would need their clothes back. This information was sent back to General Washington and even thwarted an attempt to capture the general and future president. Mulligan was told by a British officer of the kidnapping plan and was able reroute Washington’s travel plans to avoid capture. Hayim Solomon was of the most famous Jews in America from that time period as he was known as a prime financer for the Americans during the Revolutionary War. In addition to his financial contributions,

A bronze sculpture in Chicago depicting George Washington, center, with Robert Morris, left, and Hayim Salomon, right

Solomon was arrested as a spy. The British used him as an interpreter for the Hessian soldiers they employed, and he used this position to help American POWs escape. It was also during this time that he connected with Mulligan and Cato and helped in their espionage activities. Military intelligence during the War of 1812 was severely lacking, as the existing units failed to pick up information about British troop movements until they were just sixteen miles out of Washington, D.C. Even then, the government refused to believe that the capital was in danger until it was too late. Intelligence gathering was vastly expanded during the Civil War. Technology was greatly improved as inventions such as the telegraph and spying techniques like hot air balloons gave the Union an advantage as the Confederate telegraph system and balloon corps were inferior. Cavalry missions were also integral units in gathering information. Confederate General Jeb Stuart went unheard from for several with his unit right before the Battle of Gettysburg, thus putting General Robert E. Lee and the rest of the Confederate Army at a disadvantage. Union General John Buford, on the other hand, was in place with his cavalry division and

sent back intelligence on the Confederate movements. In addition, he stayed in place and held back a much larger force of enemy soldiers while the rest of the Union Army made their way towards Gettysburg. Allen Pinkerton and his agency went undercover as spies during the Civil War, disguising themselves as Confederate soldiers. Most of their reports provided the Union Army with vital intelligence that couldn’t be gleaned from cavalry missions. During the 20 th century, military intelligence grew by leaps and bounds as America was at the forefront of technological advances. America’s chief spymaster during World War II was OSS head William Donovan. He was a Columbia-trained Wall Street lawyer and in 1912 created a cavalry troop in the New York Militia. This unit was involved in the American government’s attempt to capture Mexican revolutionary Pancho Villa. During World War I, Wild Bill, as Donovan was called, served with the 42nd Division in France and was awarded the Congressional Medal of Honor for his daring leadership. Right before the U.S. entered World War II, Donovan created the COI, which was rebranded to the OSS, the Office of Strategic Services, and considered




OCTOBER 21, 2021



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OCTOBER 21, 2021


the forerunner of the CIA. The OSS office in Bern, Switzerland, was active throughout most of the war and recruited the most important spy for the Allies during the conflict. Fritz Kolbe, aka George Wood, was a German diplomat trusted with secret documents that were photographed and handed to the OSS. He was an ardent anti-Nazi, and the information that he passed on included information on the German defenses for the Allied landings in France, experimental aircraft and missile details, and plans for the Japanese conquest in the Pacific. Kolbe also exposed a spy in the British embassy in Turkey whose codename was Cicero (as a side point, Cicero was a butler and Kolbe was low-ranking diplomat, which proves the point that anyone with enough mettle can be a successful spy). The best American-born spy was a Jewish genius who had an unusual background. Moe Berg was a catcher for the Boston Red Sox and was with

Babe Ruth and Lou Gehrig when they went on a barnstorming tour of Japan in 1934. Before one game, Moe slipped away and went to the rooftop of a Tokyo hospital in typical Japanese dress and filmed the downtown area. Eight years later, this footage

crash course in nuclear physics. He was sent on arguably OSS’s most important mission – to find out if the Germans were close to building a nuclear bomb. Moe finagled his way into a lecture given by the leading German scientist Werner Heisen-

He snuck past security with a pistol hidden in his jacket with the orders to shoot Heisenberg if he felt the Germans were close to having the bomb.

was used to plan the famous Doolittle raid from the aircraft carrier Wasp. Before the war started, Berg retired from baseball and Donovan hired him as a spy. Moe knew sixteen languages fluently and took a

berg. He snuck past security with a pistol hidden in his jacket with the orders to shoot Heisenberg if he felt the Germans were close to having the bomb. Thankfully for everyone involved, Moe overheard Heisenberg saying to a colleague that the Ger-

A Healing Laugh B A LT I M O R E


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Using Humor to Cope with Stress

mans were going to lose the war. This convinced Moe and the OSS that the Germans weren’t even close to succeeding at building a nuclear bomb. Donovan personally relayed the information to the ailing Roosevelt. The president then sent his regards to the catcher. The military itself has their own intelligence services branches and doesn’t only rely on non-military organizations to provide vital information to generals. Soldiers are trained in intelligence gathering and provide their commanders with upto-date information. Even so, many spies and intelligence gatherers are relatively unknown, making them Forgotten Heroes.

Avi Heiligman is a weekly contributor to The Jewish Home. He welcomes your comments and suggestions for future columns and can be reached at




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Toras Chaim Matching Campaign


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Shabbos & Motzei Shabbos activities, and a hands-on construction program. The talmidim of Toras Chaim are taught to develop a strong work ethic and a sense of responsibility. Toras Chaim’s mission is to produce talmidim who find satisfaction and joy both in learning and in their Avodas Hashem. Its graduates matriculate to excellent bais medrash programs and are equipped to continue their preparation for a future parnasa. Toras Chaim imbues its bochurim with solid skills and values that will guide them throughout their lives. Recently, two young men who attended Toras Chaim years ago asked if they could make a siyum in yeshi-

va. After graduating, these two bochurim went their separate ways, but would set aside time to learn together when they returned to Baltimore for bein ha’zmanim. They made the siyum with the very same Gemara that they originally learned from in Toras Chaim and dedicated their accomplishment le’iluy nishmas their beloved teacher, Rabbi Marc Messing z”l. At the siyum, they spoke about how much Toras Chaim has done for them and how fortunate they feel that they still have such close relationships

with their classmates and rebbeim. Toras Chaim truly offers the education of a lifetime. Your donation to Toras Chaim will make a direct difference to the success of its students. Your generosity will enable Toras Chaim to continue its mission to produce sterling bnei Torah by providing a warm, high-quality learning environment. Share in their simcha. Partner in their success. Build the future of Klal Yisroel at

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OCTOBER 21, 2021

he bochurim of Toras Chaim walk through the door each morning with genuine smiles, a sincere simcha for learning, and the confidence that success is within reach. With a sense of purpose, a cause for connection, and an inner-drive to soar, the future of Klal Yisroel is being built one talmid at a time. The hanhala and staff of Toras Chaim successfully create a positive, simcha-filled learning environment with a structured, yet individualized program that enables, encourages, and demands success. The bochurim are challenged and engaged. The talmidim look up to their experienced rebbeim, as well as their veteran general studies teachers, clearly feeling their deep care and pride. In addition to the standard courses found in most yeshivos, Toras Chaim offers a wide array of electives and extracurricular programs including cybersecurity, archery, personal training, financial literacy, videography,

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OCTOBER 21, 2021

By Elliot Pepper, CPA, CFP®️, MST

The Great Mortgage Debate


olitics and religion - two topics to be avoided at work, social gatherings, and if you are looking to stay away from unwinnable discussions with soon-to-be former friends. I might add “mortgage advice” to that list. The real estate market has been on quite a tear recently, and with rising house values and historically low interest rates, the mortgage debates are stronger than ever. Below are 4 of the more common statements (there are plenty more) I hear passionately debated regarding mortgages and real estate: 1. Mortgages are “good debt” since it is tax deductible and connected to an appreciating asset. 2. There is nothing better than a paid off house, or a 15 year mortgage is better than a 30 year mortgage. 3. 30 year mortgages are preferable to 15 year mortgages since I can invest the difference and earn more money. 4. Mortgages are a great hedge against inflation. I want to dive a bit deeper and share some thoughts. 1. Mortgages are “good debt” since it is tax deductible and connected to an appreciating asset. When people refer to “good debt” this means debt connected with an asset that should go up in value. Since we like to be optimistic about the future value of our homes, mortgages may fit this definition. In regards to taxes, generally, you can deduct interest paid on a personal mortgage. This falls under the category of “Itemized Deductions” which, when taken together with other deductions such as charity, state taxes, and other less common scenarios, gets compared to the “Standard Deduction” and you typically deduct the

larger of the two. For joint filers, the standard deduction in 2021 is $25,100 and for single filers it is $12,550. Additionally, under the 2017 TCJA, limits were placed on the amount of interest that can be deducted for very large mortgages and state tax deductions were limited to $10,000 per year. Elliot’s Take: Mortgage interest is not as tax deductible as people believe*. Also, approval for a large mortgage, doesn’t mean you can afford a large mortgage and your taxes will drop. Large outlays (think tuition) do not go into the mortgage broker’s calculations. It is your responsibility to determine what works for your own cash flow! 2. There is nothing better than a paid off house, or a 15 year mortgage is better than a 30 year mortgage. I believe broad sweeping personal finance advice can do more harm than good. There are some calculations that should be made before you buy or decide to refinance your house. Yes, a 15 year mortgage leads to a lower total cost since the amount of interest paid is significantly lower. However, the monthly payment can be significantly higher. Elliot’s Take: Consider all options across mortgage terms, and appreciate the trade off between a lower payment, but more interest vs. a higher payment, lower interest, and a quicker paid off house. There is no one size fits all solution in personal finance, so make sure to find the size that works for you and go for it! 3. 30 year mortgages are preferable to 15 year mortgages since I can invest the difference and earn more money. There are a couple of assumptions in this statement. #1) The return on investment from allocating the difference between a 15 year and 30 year mortgage will be higher than the total interest paid #2) People are disciplined enough to invest the dif-

ference in a way that will achieve the returns assumed in point #1. I have worked with people that firmly believe in #1 but fail to follow through with #2 and with people that firmly believe in #1 but do follow through with #2. I have also worked with people that accept both #1 & #2, but use the difference to enhance lifestyle. Elliot’s Take: I believe that while point #1 has a high degree of probability in today’s low interest rate world, point #2 is much easier said than done. At the bottom of the article I share my personal experience with this. 4. Mortgages are a great hedge against inflation. In an inflationary environment, a fixed rate long term debt should provide inflation hedge since interest rates tend to rise during this time, and you are “locked in” to a comparatively lower rate. On the asset side, real estate has proven to maintain “real” (i.e. after inflation) value over time. Elliot’s Take: Sure, a mortgage can be a hedge against inflation, but we have no clue what inflation will look like next month let alone over the next 30 years, so don’t justify more mortgage than your cash flow can support just because it can hedge against inflation. We are in an extraordinary time for real estate in this country, and the decisions that we make with any purchase of this size impacts our financial well being in the future. My Mortgage Journey (ending: TBD) I have been living in my current

home for just about 10 years. Here is my mortgage journey: 1. Purchased home with 20% down and a 4.25% 30 year mortgage. 2. Around 5 years ago I refinanced to a 15 year mortgage at a 2.5% interest rate. My monthly payment went up by ~$600. 3. Around 18 months ago I refinanced again to a 30 year mortgage at a 2.75% interest rate. My monthly payment went down by ~$800. I opened a brokerage account and have invested the $800 difference into a balanced portfolio of stocks (80%) and bonds (20%) every month. What’s next? Who knows… I am happy that I spent time aggressively paying down my mortgage, then when interest rates dropped, I was able to refinance and (so far) maintained the discipline to invest the difference in a portfolio that I believe will return a rate higher than 2.75%. I choose not to think much farther than that…life is too exciting! The decision to start saving and investing is yours, the “how” can be hard. We suggest speaking with a “fee only” financial planner operating as a fiduciary - having a CPA or tax background is a huge plus. Email to schedule a free financial planning consultation with our team. *This article does not constitute tax advice, please consult your tax advisor for more information about your situation.

Elliot Pepper, CPA, CFP®, MST is Co-Founder of Northbrook Financial, a Financial Planning, Tax, and Investment Management Firm. He has developed and continues to teach a popular Financial Literacy course for high school students.


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Avi Landa





OCTOBER 21, 2021



Animal Personality Test Truity, a personality test company, used one of the most famous personality tests to define animals’ personalities. Can you match the personality with the animal? 1. Whale 2. Owl 3. Fox 4. Panda 5. Octopus 6. Bear 7. Dog 8. Ant 9. Elephant 10. Dolphin

A. Perceptive, Supportive, Optimistic B. Enthusiastic, Creative, Engaging C. Powerful, Direct, Outgoing D. Clever, Curious, Quick E. Intellectual, Perceptive, Strategic F. Cooperative, Devoted, Conscientious G. Reliable, Loyal, Principled H. Original, Aloof, Philosophical I. Spontaneous, Gentle, Present J. Dependable, Productive, Meticulous

B A LT I M O R E J E W I S H H O M E . C O M

Ridd le Me Th is

A man is standing on one side of a river, and his cat is on the other side of the river. The man calls the cat, who immediately crosses the river without getting wet and without using a bridge or a boat. How did the cat do it? Answer on right page

Answers 1. F 2. H 3. D 4. I 5. E 6. C 7. A 8. J 9. G 10. B


OCTOBER 29, 2015 | The Jewish Home

The Jewish Home | OCTOBER 29, 2015




A housefly buzzes in an F key. (I guess it can’t sing at a kumzitz…because everyone always plays in A minor!)

3. 4.

Zebra stripes act as a natural bug repellant. (I thought I saw someone in Back Lawrence dressed up as a zebra this summer.)

Frogs can freeze without dying. (For the next smoothie… that’s gross!)

5. 6.

Koalas sleep up to 22 hours a day. (Uhh…so do teenagers!)

7. 8. 9.

Kangaroos can jump over 27 feet at a time. (They can totally dunk from the 3-point line!)

Cats can’t taste sugar because they don’t have sweet taste buds. (So if you gave them D’Vash vanilla milk…total waste!) African elephant’s pregnancies can last for 2 years. (That’s a lot of Berrylicious runs!)


The parrot replied, “Yes.” Relieved, the burglar asked, “What is your name?” The parrot answered, “Peas.” The burglar said, “That’s a silly name for a parrot. Who named you Peas?” The parrot answered, “The same guy that named the rottweiler Corn.”

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Alligators can grow for more than 30 years. (I guess I’m an alligator!)

Late one night, a burglar broke into a house. While he was sneaking around, he heard a voice say, “Corn is watching you.” He looked around and saw nothing. He kept on creeping and again heard, “Corn is watching you.” In a dark corner, he saw a cage with a parrot inside. The burglar asked the parrot, “Was it you who said Corn is watching me?”

OCTOBER 21, 2021

A grizzly bear’s bite is strong enough to crush a bowling ball. (I guess I won’t bring my bowling ball on my next camping trip.)

You Gotta Be Kidding Me!

Answer to Riddle: The river was frozen.


Female lions do 90 percent of the hunting. (Hmmm…so they have these problems, too!)


Ten Amazing Animal Facts


OCTOBER 21, 2021

Notable Quotes


“Say What?!”

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Organized retail crime continues to be a challenge facing retailers across San Francisco, and we are not immune to that. Retail theft across our San Francisco stores has continued to increase in the past few months to five times our chain average. – Walgreens spokesperson Phil Caruso explaining why the pharmacy chain is closing 5 stores in San Francisco, due to an increase in shoplifting ever since the liberal DA stopped prosecuting criminals for these types of crimes

During this time to help combat this issue, we increased our investments in security measures in stores across the city to 46 times our chain average in an effort to provide a safe environment. - Ibid.

I am completely devastated by this news — this Walgreens is less than a mile from seven schools and has been a staple for seniors, families, and children for decades. This closure will significantly impact this community. - A San Francisco resident talking to the San Francisco Gate

You, sir, are the one ignoring the science. The vast preponderance of scientific studies, dozens and dozens, show robust, long-lasting immunity after COVID infection. Even the CDC does not recommend a measles vaccine if you have measles immunity. The same was true for smallpox. But you ignore history and science to shame the flat earthers, as you call them. You should be ashamed of yourself and apologize to the American people for being dishonest about naturally acquired immunity. You want more people to choose vaccination? So do I. You want to lessen vaccine hesitancy? So do I. You want to have that happen? Quit lying to people about naturally acquired immunity. Quit lording it over people, acting as if these people are deplorable and unwashed. Try persuasion instead of government cudgels. Try humility instead of arrogance. Try freedom instead of coercion. Most of all, try understanding there is no more basic medical right than deciding what we inject into our bodies. – Sen. Rand Paul (R-KY) addressing Department of Health and Human Services Secretary Xavier Becerra during a Senate hearing

We have no competing fighting chance against China in 15 to 20 years. Right now, it’s already a done deal; it is already over, in my opinion. - Nicolas Chaillan, who recently quit his job as the Pentagon’s software chief, in an interview with The Financial Times



You deserve



a break

Let your family enjoy too!

Friday Night

2 Challahs 2 Dips

2 qt Chicken Soup 6 Matzoh Balls Box of Cookies Appetizer CHOOSE 1 ❍ 7 pcs Salmon Wellington ❍ 7 pcs Gefilta Fish + 2 pcs Salmon

Main Dish CHOOSE 1 ❍ Brisket with Gravy ❍ Pastrami Stuffed Chicken ❍ Roast Chicken ❍ Grilled Chicken ❍ Shnitzel



Shabbos Day

Parve Salads CHOOSE 2

2 Challahs

Parve Salads CHOOSE 2

❍ Coleslaw ❍ Potato Salad ❍ Cous Cous ❍ Cucumber Salad ❍ Israeli Salad ❍ Baby Corn Salad ❍ Chickpea Salad ❍ Quinoa ❍ Corn Salad ❍ Garden Salad ❍ Cesar Salad

2 Dips

❍ Coleslaw ❍ Potato Salad ❍ Cous Cous ❍ Cucumber Salad ❍ Israeli Salad ❍ Baby Corn Salad ❍ Chickpea Salad ❍ Quinoa ❍ Corn Salad ❍ Garden Salad ❍ Cesar Salad

Side 1 CHOOSE 1 ❍ Rice ❍ Roasted Potatoes ❍ Potato Kugel ❍ Farfal

Side 2 CHOOSE 1

2 qt Cholent Box of Cookies Appetizer CHOOSE 1 ❍ 1 lb Liver & 1 lb Egg Salad ❍ Liver Sauté & 1 lb Egg Salad ❍ Gefilta Fish ❍ Salmon

Premium Deli CHOOSE 1 ❍ Corned Beef ❍ Roast Beef ❍ Pastrami ❍ Brisket


❍ Grilled Chicken Strips ❍ Shnitzel Fingers

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OCTOBER 21, 2021



The Jewish Home | OCTOBER 29, 2015


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OCTOBER 21, 2021


In a new statement, former President Trump is suggesting that unless the issue of election fraud is addressed, Republicans should not vote in 2024. Democrats heard and were like, “Let’s get this guy back on Twitter.” — Jimmy Fallon

Exodus 35:3 bans doing this on the Sabbath, hence the Jewish dish “cholent,” which can go on the stove Friday and cook until Saturday lunch. - The question that stumped Jeopardy! contestants last week in the “Sabbath” category

What is lighting a fire? – The answer that no one was able to guess

And here’s a big story, especially if you got the Johnson & Johnson one-anddone vaccine. Dr. Anthony Fauci is now saying that FDA data shows the Johnson & Johnson vaccine should have been two shots. I mean, come on — it was right there in the name.

While I have never painted before, Hunter has inspired me to immediately begin painting because I’ve always felt I have a talent at that, and could surely get at least $2 million per canvas – and probably a lot more. I will begin immediately.

— James Corden

But I also want people to know who supports these mandates that I fight for you. Because if this is the direction we take our country, there will come a time when the government or corporations mandate you to get something that does not align with your values. Power given is seldom returned. And when that day comes, I want you to at least know that we fought, and we tried.

He opposed every one of Ronald Reagan’s military programs to contest the Soviet Union. He opposed the first Gulf War. That list goes on. Now I will say that in the Obama administration, he and I obviously had significant differences over Afghanistan. - Robert Gates, President Obama’s secretary of defense, on “60 Minutes” talking about Pres. Biden’s ineptness at foreign policy

Colorado is tied for state with the least shark attacks! -Tweet by Colorado Gov. Jared Polis (D) boasting about the lack of shark attacks in his state (Colorado is landlocked and shares that “amazing stat” with 23 other landlocked states which also – obviously – have no shark attacks)

- From a statement by former President Donald Trump, mocking Hunter Biden making millions from his amateur paintings

- ESPN reporter Allison Williams announcing last week that she is leaving the network due to its parent company’s COVID-19 vaccine mandate

He has a strong legacy from his administration. He has the ability to get strong people elected, and he has the ability to move the ball — and I hope that he continues to do that. We need him in the Republican Party. I don’t want us to go back to the days before Trump. -- Nikki Haley, the former United Nations ambassador, on working with former President Donald Trump come 2024



OCTOBER 29, 2015 | The Jewish Home



To be clear, again, Congress should proceed with caution on any additional spending, and I will not vote for a reckless expansion of government programs. No op-ed from a self-declared Independent socialist is going to change that. - Sen. Joe Manchin (D-West Virginia) tweeting in response to Sen. Bernie Sanders writing an op-ed in a West Virginia newspaper calling for Manchin to support Biden’s $3.5 trillion spending bill

- Former Walmart CEO Bill Simon

Most of the economic problems we’re facing (inflation, supply chains, etc.) are high class problems. We wouldn’t have had them if the unemployment rate was still 10 percent. We would instead have had a much worse problem.

I am not comfortable telling people what they should do under normal circumstances, but we are not in normal circumstances right now. - Dr. Anthony Fauci on “FOX News Sunday” with Chris Wallace

We were surprised; we were disappointed. - Gigi Vaffis, president of the docent council, in a radio interview, responding to The Art Institute of Chicago firing all of its trained volunteers and guides last month, who were mostly older White women, in order “to diversify its team”

- Virginia Democrat gubernatorial candidate Terry McAuliffe snapping at a conservative parent who tried asking him a question about education, days before images of him in a packed restaurant without a mask surfaced

We welcome stiff competition, but we do not want that competition to veer into conflict, and that is certainly what we conveyed privately as well - White House Press Secretary Jen Psaki responding to the U.S. being caught off guard by China’s hypersonic nuclear-capable missile that circled the globe at low-orbit last week

American, Southwest, United, JetBlue, Alaska — most of the major airlines have mandates. The only big one that I know that doesn’t have it is Delta, which is nuts. If any airline should have a vaccine mandate, it’s the one named after the variant. — Jimmy Kimmel

Look, part of what’s happening isn’t just the supply side. It’s the demand side. Demand is off the charts. Retail sales are through the roof. And if you think about those images of ships, for example, waiting at anchor on the West Coast, you know, every one of those ships is full of record amounts of goods that Americans are buying, because demand is up, because income is up, because the president has successfully guided this economy out of the teeth of a terrifying recession. - Transportation Secretary Pete Buttigieg, who has been on paternity leave since August, during a CNN interview, talking about the logistical clog at the U.S. ports

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- Tweet by Harvard economist Jason Furman, retweeted by White House chief of staff Ronald Klain

Are you vaccinated yet? That’s the question I want to know. You should have a mask on. … You’re dangerous here!

OCTOBER 21, 2021

I’ve never seen it like this ,and I don’t think anyone living in this country has. This is really unprecedented. The supply chain is a mess from start to finish. They are backed up in the ports in Asia. They are backed up on the water. They are backed up in the ports in the U.S. as well. There’s a shortage of truck drivers, there’s a shortage of labor in our distribution system, and there’s a shortage of people to put it on the shelves. Other than that, everything is going pretty well.


Mental Health Corner

ADHD – A Misnomer


OCTOBER 21, 2021

By Rabbi Azriel Hauptman Attention Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) is a well-known disorder that has a reference in its very name to the notion that individuals with this disorder have a deficit of attention. This has unfortunately led to great confusion about this disorder since many other disorders create deficits of attention and ADHD does not! This might sound shocking to you, so some explanation is required. The expression “attention deficit” creates an impression that there is a difficulty in paying attention. That is not entirely true. If you have ADHD, you can pay attention better than anyone else can on stimulating and interesting activities. Thus, one of the common features of ADHD is hyperfocusing, which means that they can get so engrossed in something that they will not even hear you if you call their name.

When we say that individuals with ADHD have an attention deficit, we really mean that they have difficulties regulating their attention. When they are not paying attention to something, it is not because they are not paying attention to anything, rather it is because their attention at the present moment is somewhere else. Most of us have the ability to direct our attention to where it is important. For example, a child in school wants to get good grades. For most children, that motivation directs them to focus their attention on the lesson. If you have ADHD, the importance of paying attention in class does not help them direct their attention. Therefore, their attention can easily go somewhere else. If something that they see out of the window seems interesting, then that is where their attention will go.

Other disorders do indeed create genuine deficits of attention. Depression and anxiety can wreak havoc on your concentration. Cognitive impairment is the norm for depression and anxiety and can cause a spectrum of symptoms, such as difficulty concentrating, forgetfulness, memory loss, distorted thinking and indecisiveness. Just imagine how difficult it is to focus on anything when you are in a gloomy mood and you want nothing more than to crawl under your covers and block out the world for a month! When faced with an attention difficulty, ask yourself the following questions. Is this a difficulty in concentration or is it a difficulty in directing one’s concentration? In addition, is this a problem that has been around for as long as you can remember, or is it a problem that has recently exacerbated? If it is ADHD related, then it

probably was a problem since childhood. If it relates to anxiety or depression, then most likely it is a problem that has become aggravated over time correlating with the anxiety or depression. This might sound somewhat confusing, which it is. The diagnosis of ADHD and other disorders can be difficult and has major implications on the nature of any intervention. An experienced mental health professional can help you navigate these confusing waters. This is a service of Relief Resources. Relief is an organization that provides mental health referrals, education, and support to the frum community. Rabbi Yisrael Slansky is director of the Baltimore branch of Relief. He can be contacted at 410-448-8356 or at yslansky@

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OCTOBER 29, 2015 | The Jewish Home


Dating Dialogue

Dear Navidaters,

OCTOBER 21, 2021

Moderated by Jennifer Mann, LCSW of The Navidaters


What Would You Do If… This is not a shidduch question, however, I would like to ask this particular panel their advice since I am a big fan of the Navidaters. I got married during Covid, so it was really just a crazy time overall, and thank G-d I am happily married. It was not a big deal when I did not meet my husband’s whole extended family. It just came to light recently that my husband has two cousins (in different families) who have a psychological illness (schizophrenia), and I am petrified because I have been reading up that this runs in families. I also feel taken aback that my husband never told me about these cousins’ illnesses – in a way I feel like he was hiding it from me. He

Ever since I found out this information, I wake up with a pit in my stomach, like what else don’t I know? What are your thoughts? Thank you. --Aliza*

Disclaimer: This column is not intended to diagnose or otherwise conclude resolutions to any questions. Our intention is not to offer any definitive conclusions to any particular question, rather offer areas of exploration for the author and reader. Due to the nature of the column receiving only a short snapshot of an issue, without the benefit of an actual discussion, the panel’s role is to offer a range of possibilities. We hope to open up meaningful dialogue and individual exploration.

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says it just never seemed to come up.


B A LT I M O R E J E W I S H H O M E . C O M


OCTOBER 21, 2021


The Panel

The Rebbetzin

The Shadchan

Rebbetzin Faigie Horowitz, M.S.

Michelle Mond



liza, your fears are understandable. There is a genetic facet to schizophrenia. Keep in mind the research on this is rather recent and the role that family plays in it is not generally known by the general public. Therefore, it is not surprising that your husband did not think to mention it. He probably didn’t even know. On the other hand, the observant community has become highly sensitized to mental illness in the very recent past few years. Stigma is abating on one hand, yet on the other hand, history of mental illness in the family is one of the questions people ask when looking into shidduchim these days. It’s more than awareness. It’s also because mental illness emerges most frequently during young adulthood. During the late teens and early twenties is exactly when frum young people date for marriage. It is something that has surprised people who saw nothing. Mental illness needs commitment and management; it frequently takes a few years to get some illnesses under control with medication and more, even if they are serious about dealing with it. It’s a condition that needs prolonged and often lifelong treatment. Your concerns and trust issues during shana rishona will be successfully addressed by a skilled marriage therapist in short-term therapy. Navigating this challenge successfully will strengthen your marriage. Investing in acquiring tools for improved communication and working through issues together is very worthwhile. You will come out of therapy much stronger as a couple. Do it! You will both be happier you did.

ifferent people have different standards about the things in life that are a big deal. I’m sure you have learned this over the course of your first year married. Things from the biggest to the smallest can grate on the nerves of others who are not familiar with it. Do you leave the lights on when you leave the house, or make sure to turn them off? Does your husband leave his socks on the floor right next to the laundry bin? Does your husband know about all your cousin’s mental health issues? Physical health issues? I’m not trying to belittle your problem, but I am trying to help you be dan l’kaf zechus your husband. It could be that he is just a perfectly healthy young man who did not think his cousins’ mental state was a big topic to be covered before marriage. Note that he did not go into any lengths to prevent you from “finding out,” and it seems you eventually did. Hashem brought you down the aisle with your bashert. He is your bashert with everything that comes along with this. You were meant to be with him and are perfect for each other – approach him lovingly about this rather than attacking. You can tell him how you feel about not being told ahead of time but also validate the understanding that to him, it was just not something on his mind to bring up in conversation. I’m not quite sure this conversation even warrants running to therapy – I think this could be resolved with a quiet, loving conversation over a cup of tea. Ask your husband about it, perhaps he himself does not even know much other than the facts. Not everyone is lucky enough to have super close connections to their families. To respond to your worry about the genetic component, Dr. Yehuda Mond

(who happens to be my husband), was consulted and had this to say: “If this were siblings or parents there would be cause for possible concern and disclosure, but if the affected individuals are cousins, then it’s far, far less a cause for concern.” Good luck with this, and remember why you married him, and how lucky you are to feel happy in your marriage!

The Single Rivka Weinberg


liza, I’m so sorry you’re going through this. I suggest you and your husband speak with a therapist to work this through. As always, keep in mind that Hashem put you in the situation you are currently in, so it is exactly where you are meant to be. Turn to Him for guidance, and put in hishtadlus to speak with a professional.

The Zaidy Dr. Jeffrey Galler


have three thoughts to share. First, an important principle in our religion is dan l’kaf zechut. We are instructed to judge folks favorably and give them the benefit of the doubt. Don’t hold a grudge against your husband. Perhaps he didn’t realize there is a hereditary element to this mental illness, or perhaps it simply didn’t occur to him to discuss it with you. Second, although there is a genetic component to schizophrenia, there is no single gene responsible and there are no obvious genetic markers for the disease. So, for example, unlike pre-marital

Mental illness needs commitment and management.

testing for Tay-Sachs recessive genes, there is no test that can forecast schizophrenia probabilities in offspring. And, unlike the Down’s syndrome mutation, there is no embryonic testing that can diagnose schizophrenia in a developing fetus. Please don’t live your life with fears of future gloom and doom. Instead, deal with it the same way that some men seem to have a familial predisposition to heart disease or that some women seem to have a familial predisposition to breast cancer. Third, therefore, I would respectfully suggest, that you live your life normally and calmly, while working to reduce the risk of disease. For example, according to the American Heart Association, men who are at increased, genetic risk for heart disease, should make sure to control their blood pressure, cholesterol, and triglyceride levels, commit to a healthy diet, get regular exercise, limit alcohol, and never smoke. And, according to the Mayo Clinic, women who are at increased, genetic risk for breast cancer, should limit alcohol consumption, maintain a healthy weight, be physically active, breastfeed, and limit postmenopausal hormone therapy. Similarly, by maintaining a healthy lifestyle you can decrease the risk of a susceptible child developing schizophrenia. Note that the data is not conclusive, but it might help, according to some researchers, to make sure that your children: 1. Avoid drugs and alcohol. 2. Avoid abusive or traumatic sit-



wise be at risk. According to JScreen geneticist Estie Rose, “Schizophrenia and other mental health disorders are very tricky in the genetics world because there is a genetic component, but there are other factors (such a life experiences, trauma, and other environmental factors) that increase one’s risk to develop men-

The Navidaters

We all want to be seen and deserve to be seen by our partner.

remember is that even with schizophrenia in your husband’s family, it is unlikely to develop in your children. So, maintain a healthy lifestyle, and enjoy an optimistic, healthy, happy life.

Dating and Relationship Coaches and Therapists


ternalized the cousins’ diagnoses, so he felt he truly had nothing to share. Another unfortunate possibility (which I have seen too many times) is that he was told to lie to you by his family or mentor to ensure the shidduch. There are two possible issues here that are keeping you up at night. The first is the fact that your husband has two cousins with schizophrenia, an extremely complex mental disorder that affects a person’s ability to think, feel, and behave clearly. Perhaps you are worried how this may, G-d forbid, impact your own future children. There is so much information on the internet available to you if you’d like to learn more about schizophrenia and genetic risk. I did a quick search on the internet before I sat down to respond to your delicate question. What I have found is that genetic risk is minimal for cousins. Please visit easacommunity. org to learn more about schizophrenia

port from a friend, a trusted mentor or a therapist. Actually, please seek the support of a therapist if you need to. You need to understand that your feelings are valid. Sometimes we are in situations where the other person is so invalidating, and we can begin to feel like we are “crazy.” We begin to question, Am I crazy or is he crazy? Your thought about What else don’t I know? also makes perfect sense to me. It is my hope that your husband can come alongside you and understand and validate you. If he can’t, you need to know that his beliefs do not make your feelings wrong. Please seek your own support separate from couples counseling. Wishing you all the best. Take good care of yourself. Be gentle and kind with yourself and indulge in a lot of self-care (healthy boundaries, being true to yourself, and anything else that makes you feel good, like a manicure or long walk or a drive in the country to see the fall foliage). And always, alfways, always trust your own intuition. Sincerely, Jennifer

Jennifer Mann, LCSW is a licensed psychotherapist and certified trauma healing life coach, as well as a dating and relationship coach working with individuals, couples, and families in private practice at 123 Maple Avenue in Cedarhurst, NY. She also teaches a psychology course at Touro College. To set up a consultation or to ask questions, please call 718-908-0512. Visit for more information. If you would like to submit a dating or relationship question to the panel anonymously, please email You can follow The Navidaters on FB and Instagram for dating and relationship advice.

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ear Aliza, Thank you for writing into the panel. No one enjoys finding out that they have been lied to or to find out that a loved one has withheld a truth, especially a truth that may be of direct personal impact. Without knowing your husband, it is impossible for me to speculate what his motivation was in withholding this information. When we withhold the truth, more often than not, we are afraid of the consequences of said truth. We are afraid people will leave us; we are afraid of an unwelcomed change of sorts. Some of us have learned to lie or omit truths as a result of growing up in overly punitive homes. Some people who are more impulsive or have a hard time with executive functioning make poor decisions and then grow to lie about them to cover it up and avoid punishment. Why your husband lied/omitted the truth is unclear. It is also possible that he is not close with his family, or that his family is in a very strong state of denial and have not emotionally in-

if you’d like. There you will find a reference manual for families and caregivers. The second thing weighing on you perhaps is not the disorder itself but the lie your husband told, or did not tell. Furthermore, he is not understanding or validating how serious this feels for you. My thought on this is that the two of you may deeply benefit from starting couples therapy. We do not want this to fester and grow into a large, irreconcilable wedge between you. In therapy, hopefully, your husband will understand the importance of honoring your feelings. You will learn the truth about why he withheld this information from you. My hope is that he can sincerely understand and apologize to you. Then, you will either be able to forgive him or not. But right now, your husband doesn’t recognize your feelings and that is at least a part of the pit in your stomach. We all want to be seen and deserve to be seen by our partner. Also, if you have not spoken to anyone about this situation, due to its private nature, I highly recommend that you seek your own sup-

OCTOBER 21, 2021

Pulling It All Together

tal illness. Mental illness is therefore considered to be ‘multifactorial’…much like diabetes, there are genetic and non-genetic (i.e. diet, exercise) factors that cause it. As such, it’s hard to predict how likely someone is to have it. And there is no one genetic test one can do to determine risks. When people ask us for help with this, we tell them that having a family history increases the risk over the general population, but we can’t tell them exactly what that risk is.” Schizophrenia occurs in 1 out of 100 people in the United States. The important thing to


uations. 3. Develop strong, healthy social ties, and avoid isolation. 4. Learn how to manage stress. 5. Get plenty of exercise and good nutrition. 6. Take fish oil. Some studies seem to suggest that omega-3-fatty acids might prevent psychotic disorders in children who might other-


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OCTOBER 21, 2021


OCTOBER 29, 2015 | The Jewish Home

Speaking Up for Rochel Imeinu

How a Group of Determined Women Took on the Establishment to Keep Kever Rochel Open for All of Klal Yisroel BY SUSAN SCHWAMM


you know this is a firing range?” shouted the incredulous Israeli soldier at the dozens of women marching towards his station at Kever Rochel. The women – mothers, grandmothers, and children in carriages – continued to proceed. Nothing would stop them from davening at their communal Mother’s grave on erev Yom Kippur. The year was 2000, and Kever Rochel was closed to visitors due to the second Intifada, which officially started on September 29, 2000. During those frightening first days of the Intifada, Kever Rochel, like many other holy sites, was shuttered. No one was allowed into the burial place of Rochel Imeinu. But this group of determined women was not to be deterred from reaching Rochel Imeinu’s tomb. On erev Yom Kippur, the courageous group, armed with their sifrei Tehillim, bravely walked from Gilo to Kever Rochel, demanding that they be allowed access to pray at their matriarch Rochel. The Arabs, as they marched through Beit Lechem, were shocked into inaction by the temerity of the group. Upon reaching the holy site, the soldiers guarding Kever Rochel were astounded too by the women who showed up to the locked tomb. But the women were insistent. “It’s the Intifada. The Arabs are rising up against us. We need to beseech our Mother; we need to beg her to intercede on our behalf.”

Reluctantly, the soldiers opened Kever Rochel for the women. The group entered the tomb, which was dark and dank from disuse. But they davened and they sang and were reminded of the pasuk in Yirmiyahu, “Rochel mevakeh al baneheh v’ainenu,” Rochel Imeinu was crying because her children were not there. After they left Rochel Imeinu’s burial site, they were determined to keep Kever Rochel open for Klal Yisroel. They wanted to beg the authorities to keep it open so the Jewish nation could pray to their Mother in their time of need. And so, they reached out to Miriam Adani, the founder of the Kever Rachel Heritage Fund.


Miriam created the fund in 1995, she was working on behalf of the women in Klal Yisroel and on behalf of Rochel Imeinu for many years before that. “My vision was to unite all Jewish women from all around the world around the image of Rochel Imeinu,” Miriam explained. Without any name recognition and without any money, twenty-six years ago, Miriam endeavored to create a huge gathering of women in Binyanei HaUmah for Rochel Imeinu’s yahrtzeit. Thousands of women attended. “I worked with ratzon me’od chazak – with a powerful will – to put together this event,” she recalls. “It was my goal to unite all women with achdus. Hakadosh Baruch Hu, our Father, wants to see His children sitting together. And what would be the best way to get everyone together? Rochel Imeinu.” Miriam chose Rochel Imeinu’s yahrtzeit as a

The Jewish Home | OCTOBER 29, 2015



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2000, when the group of women who marched through the streets of Beit Lechem on erev Yom Kippur needed a spokesperson to approach the authorities to beseech them to keep Kever Rochel open despite the dangers, Miriam was the ideal person to intercede on their behalf. “It was 41 days that Kever Rochel had been closed,” Miriam notes. “They closed Kever Rochel on Rosh Hashana, and Rochel Imeinu’s yahrtzeit is yud-aleph Cheshvan. Forty-one is in gematria ‘aim,’ a mother. We had to act on behalf of our Mother.” Miriam called the general who covered the area of Kever Rochel and asked him to meet with her. “Who are you?” he asked her. “I am Miriam Adani. I am a regular woman, and I want to meet with you about Kever Rochel,” Miriam responded. He asked her, “Are you from the Women in Green? Are you from the Women of Hebron?” She assured him, “No, I am a regular woman, a woman b’mitbach, in the kitchen. I am a mother of seven children. I just want to meet with you.” The general agreed to the meeting. When Miriam showed up at the meeting at the Gush Etzion base, she was prepared to meet with the general. But there were many others at the meeting – commanders in the IDF, commanders from the police, a member of the Knesset. They started the meeting cautioning that only people in the government and the IDF could be privy to what was going on at the meeting. Miriam, though, was not asked to leave. The conversation revolved around the dangerous situation surrounding Kever Rochel, which was getting worse every day. Arabs would target the holy site, creating a hostile security situation for those who wished to visit the tomb. The meeting, then, seemed to conclude with the declaration that Kever Rochel needed to remain closed. But Miriam could not remain silent when the resting place of Rochel Imeinu was being shuttered.

Miriam looked the commanders in the eye and proclaimed in Hebrew, ”Eretz Yisroel is the home of all Jews from around the world. And a house without a mother is not the same house.”

OCTOBER 21, 2021


“Can I say only one sentence?” she asked those in the room and was given the opportunity to say “just one sentence.” Miriam looked the commanders in the eye and proclaimed in Hebrew, “Eretz Yisroel is the home of all Jews from around the world. V’bayit bli imma, zeh lo oto bayit – and a house without a mother is not the same house. Please, give all of the children of Rochel Imeinu the opportunity to come and visit their mother.” Miriam’s words, said simply yet passionately, hit their intended targets. One of the generals, Marcelle Aviv, told Miriam that he would acquiesce to keep Kever Rochel open for a few hours each day. But, he cautioned, those coming need to make the trek on bulletproof buses, which the army was not able to supply. Miriam, sensing a golden opportunity, pledged to provide the bulletproof buses for those heading to Kever Rochel. Bulletproof buses are not cheap. Each day that the buses ran – and they only allowed Kever Rochel to be open for four hours each morning – cost $250. But when Miriam heard that the army would allow Kever Rochel to be open for even a few hours, she immediately called friends in America, and together, along with her network of family, friends, and supporters, they worked to raise the necessary funds to provide the buses for those who wanted to pray at Kever Rochel. A few weeks later, Miriam called Marcelle Aviv again. “Remember the woman in the mitbach, in the kitchen?” she asked him. “It was such a busha, embarrassment, that Kever Rochel was closed on her yahrtzeit this year – this hadn’t happened in thousands of years! Please, allow us to open Kever Rochel on Chanukah at night so we can light the menorah at Kever Rochel.” Sensing his hesitation, Miriam pressed on. “Do you know what?” she asked him. “I have an idea. I want you and all the soldiers in your unit to come and to light the menorah. You will light the menorah the first day.” Marcelle was touched and agreed to open Kever Rochel for the lighting of the menorah. Miriam invited MK Benny Elon and two buses of bochurim from Yeshivat HaKotel to join in the celebration. She bought menorahs and candles and doughnuts for every soldier. With the packages, she included a card with the brachos and a note that said that it was from their “friends in America” who helped to raise the necessary funds


forum for her event because she noted that Rochel Imeinu is the Mother of all of Klal Yisroel – regardless of where they live or what they’re wearing. She quips, “If I would have said that it’s an event about ahavas chinam, people would have said I was part of the Rav Kook community. If I would have said that it’s an event about Moshiach and achdus, people would have said that it’s for Chabad. But I chose Rochel Imeinu because she’s for everyone. Everyone sees her as their Mother. She is for all Jews.” The event brought 3,000 women to Binyanei HaUmah for Rochel Imeinu’s yahrtzeit that first year. The event became a yearly gathering, inspiring, uniting, and uplifting thousands of women for the past 26 years. People were inspired and begged Miriam to do more. And so, she began to create programs centered around Kever Rochel for all Jews to enjoy. In 1995, the Kever Rochel Heritage Fund was born.


OCTOBER 29, 2015 | The Jewish Home


OCTOBER 21, 2021

66 to bring this to reality. There was singing, there was dancing, there was light – from the menorah and from the soldiers’ faces. But Miriam wanted more. She told Marcelle, “You saw how it turned out well on Chanukah. Please, keep Kever Rochel open day and night.” Amazingly, Marcelle agreed, but he reminded Miriam that he would provide the soldiers for protection and she needed to provide the bulletproof buses. “No problem,” was Miriam’s swift response. “I knew I was not alone,” she recalls about the expense that she agreed to take on. “I knew that our brothers and sisters in America and around the world were supporting me and wanted me to continue this project.” For two years, Miriam and her group offered free bulletproof buses for all those who wished to daven at Kever Rochel.


Pinchuk was one of those women who traveled to Kever Rochel on a bulletproof bus during those years. Aviva has a special connection to the holy site. Every year, she would visit Kever Rochel on erev Yom Kippur between the two seudos. The year of the start of the Intifada, Aviva was forced to stay home that day. “I was so angry,” she recalls. “I was pacing my living room, so upset that I couldn’t daven at Kever Rochel.” Some time later, Aviva took a bus sponsored by

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Eternal Bride


was the night before her wedding. Nava Appelbaum’s wedding gown was hanging in her living room, ready for its owner to wear it as she walked down the aisle the next day. Nava, 20, and her father, Rabbi Dr. David Appelbaum, decided to go out for a latenight father-daughter chat before her nuptials. But then, as they walked into the restaurant, the busy streets of Jerusalem were shattered by the blast of a suicide bomber. The bomb at Jerusalem’s Café Hillel that detonated on September 9,

the Kever Rochel Heritage Fund to Kever Rochel. The buses used to transport people to Kever Rochel were the same buses used to transport children in Gush Katif to their schools each day. Aviva remembers that there was a fully armed soldier, with a rifle at the ready, standing on the bus giving instructions to the passengers. Only one person was allowed on each bench. In case of shooting, they were told to lay down on the floor as only the windows and sides of the bus were bulletproof. A jeep led the bus, and another armored jeep trailed behind the bus. The bus driver was only given the green light to proceed to Kever Rochel when a soldier in a watchtower was able to confirm that the road was clear. “I remember looking through the window – even though we weren’t supposed to be close to the window – and seeing an Arab woman on the way holding her little daughter,” Aviva recalls. “The little girl looked so cute. She was wearing a pink outfit with a Disney figure on the front with pigtails in her hair. And I remember looking at this mother, with this cute little girl, thinking, this little girl, what does she know about what’s going on? But before I could finish my thought, this little girl raised her hand and shaped her fingers into a ‘gun’ and began ‘shooting’ at the bus with her pretend weapon, moving her lips in a ‘tat, tat, tat,’ sound. “That’s when I realized that these children are engrained from birth to hate and to kill Jews.” After Aviva’s first ride to Kever Rochel on the bulletproof bus, she wished to pay for her trip. But she was told that the bus was free and eventually was introduced to Miriam Adani. Thus began a partnership. Aviva, who became co-director of the Kever Rochel Heritage Fund,

2003, killed seven people and injured more than 50 others. Nava and her father were two of those who were slaughtered by the terrorist. Aviva Pinchuk’s family was close to the Appelbaums and are related as well. “It took me a long time to be able to tell this story without breaking down into tears,” Aviva says quietly. When she first heard the blast, Aviva said she thought immediately of Dr. Appelbaum, who was the head of the emergency room in Shaarei Zedek hospital. She knew he would be working on the victims

of terror through the night. Little did she know that he and his daughter were among the victims. “It was such a horrendous night,” Aviva remembers. “When I got to their house, I saw, through their big window, Nava’s wedding gown hanging in the room. I told someone, ‘Please take it away. They can’t come back home as aveilim and see this stark reminder of their daughter and what should have been her wedding.’” Later, Aviva recalled once visiting a museum in Tzfat dedicated to the early yishuvim. At the time, she saw a piece of white fab-

The Jewish Home | OCTOBER 29, 2015

worked with Miriam to raise funds for the buses, eventually purchasing a bulletproof van for those wishing to visit Kever Rochel.

OCTOBER 21, 2021

Kever Rochel Heritage Fund is not just about bulletproof buses. Since the founding of the fund, Miriam and her group have instituted programs to raise awareness about Kever Rochel and to encourage people to visit the holy site. In fact, Miriam quips that she is the first female “rosh kollel.” At one point, Susan Roth, a woman from New Jersey, asked Miriam to help form a kollel in Kever Rochel. It was the first kollel in Kever Rochel and was comprised of many members. Now, there are five kollelim in Kever Rochel, along with a night kollel. The Klein family, from Cleveland, supports many people in the kollel there. (The Klein family also singlehandedly sponsored the restoration of Kever Rochel after hearing about the pressing need from Miriam. She calls them “shluchim of Hakadosh Baruch Hu.”) Many young girls feel a deep connection to Rochel Imeinu. Sensing this relationship, Miriam and Aviva instituted their bat mitzvah program, in which they bring girls – from Eretz Yisroel and from Chutz l’Aretz – to Kever Rochel for their bat mitzvah to celebrate with them. They “twin” the bat mitzvah girls with those who are less fortunate than them and help them to arrange a chessed project for the girls to do in honor of their bat mitzvah. Paul and Drora Brody, activists from Great Neck, NY, and their family were the first American family to “twin” their daughters, Tali and Liat, with Israeli girls for their bat mitzvah at Kever Rochel.




“Every Jew in the whole world is a son or daughter of Rochel Imeinu - that is my connection.”

Paul described the celebration as “moving” and “inspiring.” The Brody girls twinned with Israelis whose parents and grandparents were victims of Arab terror – Iska Lieberman, daughter of Hillel Lieberman, Hy”d, who was killed on the way to Kever Yosef to rescue sifrei Torah; and with Yehudit Kahane, the daughter of Binyamin Hy”d, and Tali Hy”d Kahane, the granddaughter of Rabbi Meir Kahane, Hy”d. After a moving ceremony at Kever Rochel, the Brodys brought the girls’ entire class of Itamar, in the Shomron, including the town’s mayor, from Kever Rochel via a bulletproof bus to the Kotel, including a tour of the then-new Kotel excavations, culminating in a gala celebration at the Colel Chabad Restaurant, overlooking the Kotel. Such an experience is not to be forgotten. Miriam and Aviva personally attend each bat mitzvah at Kever Rochel. They decorate the side room and provide food and music. Each girl receives a certificate from the city with their photo on it. “It gives each girl a real connection to the universal Mother of Klal Yisroel,” Miriam explains. But more inspiring than the food and the décor is the chessed that’s performed and the mitzvah of hafrashas challah that’s done at Kever Rochel. Miriam points out that hafrashas challah is the first mitzvah given to the Jews when they came to Eretz Yisroel. During the bat mitzvah celebrations,  Miriam Adani at Kever Miriam and Aviva bring dough and


Rochel on Chanukah last year

her wedding. “I remember, as a tourist, it shook me to the bone,” Aviva relates. “A girl to be killed the night before her wedding…” But the image came to her after Nava’s petira, and she suggested to Mrs. Debra Appelbaum that Nava’s wedding gown could be made into a paroches. Nava’s mother was taken with the idea. She only asked that the paroches should have something on it to symbolize Jerusalem. The designer, Tal Levy, used gold silk for the arches that portrayed the City of Gold. Kever Rochel was deemed the appropriate place for

Nava’s paroches to hang. The day of the dedication was set for yud-aleph Adar, Nava’s 21 st birthday. That year, it was also Taanis Esther. Throngs joined in the dedication, remembering Nava and the goodness that she exuded. At her levaya, Nava’s brother referred to Nava as “kallah l’netzach, eternal bride.” The words, so fitting, were embroidered onto the paroches. Now, Nava’s paroches hangs at Rochel Imeinu’s final resting place, a source of inspiration and remembrance for all who pray there.

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ric on the wall and then was told that it was from a paroches made from the wedding gown of a girl who was killed in a pogrom in Tzfat the night before


OCTOBER 29, 2015 | The Jewish Home

 A bat mitzvah girl celebrating at Kever Rochel


OCTOBER 21, 2021


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A bat mitzvah celebration

A group of tourists from the States

ovens to the event. The bat mitzvah girl (sometimes a bar mitzvah boy celebrates his bar mitzvah at Kever Rochel – and he also does the hafrasha) says the special bracha and is mafrish the challah. Then they bake the challah in the special ovens so each participant could go home with a fresh challah. Aviva recalls, “During the time of the bombings in Sderot, we brought a whole class to Kever Rochel, and we did the mesibas Chumash in Kever Rochel. Some of the girls acted out the story of Leah and Rochel for us. It was very sweet and moving.” Miriam and Aviva helped arrange sheva brachos in Kever Rochel. They would arrange seder nights for chayalim who were guarding the holy site. Together, they would give tours of Kever Rochel – to tourists, to soldiers, to college students and even to non-Jewish ministers who wished to know of the significance of Rochel Imeinu to the Jewish people. “Our primary purpose was to keep the whole idea of Kever Rochel alive in people’s minds,” Aviva explains. “At the time, Rabin was about to give it away during the Oslo agreements, and we couldn’t allow that to happen. “We set out to publicize Rochel Imeinu’s significance to Klal Yisroel and her image of chessed, of being the mother to all Jewish people all over the world. That was really our goal,” Aviva says. Although Miriam and Aviva did so much over the years, Aviva says that perhaps education was the most important element to all that they did. Most significantly, Aviva feels that educating the chayalim, the soldiers, was paramount. “So often, we had chayalim and chayalot who were stationed there, and they had no idea what the tomb was, who was buried there, and why she was important. But by the time we finished talking with them and showing them, boy, did they know!” She recalls a group of soldiers – possibly a group of immigrant soldiers – who were stationed at the tomb. “I approached one, and I said, ‘Do you know about Rochel Imeinu?’ And he had no idea. And then I said, ‘OK, let’s go back. Do you know about Avraham Avinu?’ And the soldiers didn’t even know who Avraham Avinu was! This,” Aviva opines, “was perhaps our most important job – teaching those who were guarding Kever Rochel who Rochel Imeinu was, teaching them about their mother and her chessed.” Aside from the knowledge about who Rochel Imeinu was, they would give each soldier a Tehillim and a card with Shema Yisroel. In addition to feeding the soldiers’ spiritual soul, Miriam and Aviva would cre-

ate connections with the soldiers by giving them special care packages. Before Rosh Hashana, they would prepare packages with apples and honey; before Chanukah, the soldiers would receive candles and menorahs and a card with the brachos. They also were there for wounded soldiers, going to hospitals and providing them with gifts like sweatshirts and phone chargers – items they really need. At one point, Aviva suggested that they give out something for all those mothers who sit at the wounded soldiers’ bedsides. “Like Rochel Imeinu cries for her children, these mothers cry for their children,” Aviva says. They brought the mothers packages of lotions and creams and gave them each a Rosh Hashana machzor when they visited before the new year. “It brought such chizuk,” Aviva recalls. “The nurses would sing and dance with them, and other mothers would ask us for machzorim – can you believe that a Jewish mother doesn’t have a machzor for Rosh Hashana?! It was such a zechus.”


corona descended on the world, three thousand to five thousand people would visit Kever Rochel each day. Of course, over the past year, less people have been visiting, but this year, during Chodesh Elul and the chagim, around 10,000 people came to Kever Rochel each day. For years, Miriam and Aviva would visit the Knesset to speak with government officials about helping to arrange logistics for Rochel Imeinu’s yahrtzeit on yud-aleph Cheshvan. Before corona, around 100,000 people would come to Kever Rochel on her yahrtzeit. “There’s a lot to arrange,” Miriam says. “We would talk about food and water and bathrooms and security… Remember, the Kotel is a huge, empty space; Kever Rochel is a very small, enclosed space, so there’s a lot that needs to be arranged.” When asked about her personal connection to Rochel Imeinu, Miriam laughs. “People ask me if Rochel Imeinu revealed herself to me in a dream or if I ‘saw’ her at Kever Rochel, but my answer is that every Jew in the whole world is a son or daughter of Rochel Imeinu – that is my connection,” she says. “If we want to bring the geulah, we need to make a connection to someone big in a big way.” Miriam notes that Rochel Imeinu is buried in Beit Lechem and that Dovid HaMelech was born in Beit Lechem. They both are connected in that they help to bring the geulah for Klal Yisroel. Rochel Imeinu was known for crying to Hashem through the tzaaros and for her children; Dovid HaMelech is known for singing about the galus and challenges he experienced. In Rochel Imeinu, we see the power of tears; in Dovid HaMelech, we see the power of song. “At Kever Rochel,” she says, “we want to bring both of them together – the crying and the davening and the singing and the Tehillim in a very

The Jewish Home | OCTOBER 29, 2015

“If we - all the women in the world increase our bein adam l’chaveiro, then surely Hashem will listen to us, like He listens to Rochel Imeinu, and bring the geulah with middas ha’rachamim.”

OCTOBER 21, 2021

chel. But Aviva cautions that we don’t truly know where yeshuos come from. She adds, “We know that even though we daven and we cry, Hashem sometimes says, ‘No,’ or He tells us, ‘Not right now.’ A person shouldn’t think that davening is a guarantee that what we ask for will come to fruition. It’s guaranteed to be heard, but we may not always get the answer that we’re looking for.” Miriam recalls a woman who told her, “Miriam, I have been coming to Kever Rochel every day, and where is my miracle?” She had been davening for children for many years. Miriam assured her. “Hashem is listening to your prayers, and no prayer goes unanswered.” This woman came to Kever Rochel every day and continued to daven. She would cry each time she came – her tears broke Miriam’s heart. But then, a few months later, this woman became pregnant. Her joy propelled her to make a neder, a vow. She told Hashem that if she had a boy, she would make the bris at Kever Rochel. During the next few months, the woman’s excitement mingled with apprehension – what if she had a baby on Shabbos and she needed to make a Shabbos bris at Kever Rochel? Nine months later, her baby was born. It was a boy, and the bris was held – not on Shabbos – at Kever Rochel. “I was at that bris,” Miriam relates. “And I saw many, many beautiful things in all the years at Kever Rochel. But this bris was so powerful. It was as if the gates of Shomayim were open for everyone there – I felt like it was Neilah on Yom Kippur at that time. “I’ll never forget that powerful moment.”



If you’d like someone to daven for you or someone close to you at Kever Rochel on your behalf, submit your name at

 Tourists and soldiers guarding the holy site

 Soldiers holding up cards of thanks 

A Rosh Hashana package for a soldier

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special place.” She adds, “Nowadays, there is no one who doesn’t hear Hashem’s voice. He is calling us so powerfully. The Beis Hamikdash was destroyed because of sinas chinam. In order to bring the geulah – the world’s geulah and each person’s private geulah – we need to change ourselves. We need to bring people closer to each other. Rav Chaim Kanievsky, shlita, says that Moshiach is standing at the door. He is already here. We just need to do our part.” Miriam adds that Chazal say that if one wants to be saved from chevlei Moshiach, the birth pangs of Moshiach, they should increase their Torah and tzedakah and chessed. “If we – all the women in the world – increase our bein adam l’chaveiro, then surely Hashem will listen to us, like He listens to Rochel Imeinu, and bring the geulah with middas ha’rachamim.” Certainly, there are many people who have davened at the kever of Rochel Imeinu and have seen Hashem’s yeshuos. Miriam recalls how one man called her, insisting on visiting Kever Rochel during those 41 days it was closed during the Intifada. Hoping to help him, she told him that the Nadvorna Rebbe from Bnei Brak had been given permission to visit Kever Rochel with 200 chassidim to daven at chatzos during Aseres Yimei Teshuva. She offered to connect the man with the Rebbe’s gabbai so he could also join. But then she asked him what was so pressing that he needed to visit Kever Rochel so urgently. He explained: At one point, his wife was terribly ill in Rambam Hospital. The doctors were flummoxed; they were not able to find out a diagnosis for what was ailing her. The situation was very dire. But then, the man decided to go daven at Kever Rochel. He and his wife had two children. He thought that Rochel Imeinu, who also was the mother of two children, would be the right shaliach for a refuah for his wife. And so, he went to Kever Rochel, and he cried, and said Tehillim, and davened, beseeching Hashem to bring his wife a complete recovery. Upon his return to the hospital, he saw the doctors in a frenzy. Their agitation worried him – he thought that something had gone terribly wrong in his absence. No, the doctors told him, they had been looking for him because another doctor came and had a different approach on how to help his wife. They wanted his permission to proceed. Slowly, the new medication worked its magic. His wife eventually opened her eyes, and months later, she was discharged from the hospital. “Now, she is back at home, with our children. She can work. She is back to normal,” he expressed. “I need to go Kever Rochel to thank Hashem for answering my tefillos. I am sure that they were answered because I davened at Kever Rochel.” There are many stories of those experiencing yeshuos after davening at Kever Ro-


The Jewish Home | OCTOBER 29, 2015





OCTOBER 21, 2021

Making the Grade


By Allan Rolnick, CPA

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eople have always aspired to “make the grade” and take their place on the lists of the world’s most famous and accomplished people. A generation ago, business executives and politicians aimed for Who’s Who in America, while athletes aimed for the Hall of Fame and entertainers pined for stars on the Walk of Fame. Today, the internet has brought those lists online, made them searchable, and added new ones: for general noteworthiness, IMDB. com for Hollywood players, and the Forbes 400 for billionaires. But there’s one searchable online directory nobody wants to make, and that’s the Bureau of Prisons Inmate Locator. And while most of the lucky nominees wind up on that list for drug offenses, weapons charges, or other offenses, the list has a fair number of tax cheats, too. Two years ago, prosecutors indicted dozens of rich and famous parents for hiring a crooked college counselor named Rick Singer to buy their children’s way into more prestigious colleges than they could earn their way into on their own. Sometimes that involved cheating on standardized tests. Other times, it involved using a fake charity to

launder bribes to college coaches to admit the kids as athletic recruits. Ironically, many of those parents got their kids admitted just in time for COVID-19 to empty those campuses. The kids wound up sitting in Zoom classes just like their classmates at state schools (oh, the horror!) and missing out on the real college experience that those of us who studied in a more

lin took two years to accept a plea deal that included spending two months in a very full house. But a few hardy souls chose to go down swinging. Some people just can’t take no for an answer — maybe that’s why they wound up indicted in the first place. They included John Wilson, a private equity investor headquartered on Cape Cod. (Translation: he’s a rich guy who

Not surprisingly, the jury found him and his co-defendant, a former casino executive, “really, really guilty.”

innocent era enjoyed, including keg stands and cow-tipping, to name a few. Today’s vocabulary word is schadenfreude, kids. When indictments dropped, the smart parents folded right away. Actress Felicity Huffman pled guilty just two months after the scandal broke and spent just 11 days in jail. Others dithered before bowing to the inevitable. Actress Lori Laugh-

does deals.) In 2014, he “donated” $220,000 to Singer’s charity to buy his son’s way into USC. He even deducted it on his taxes! He must not have had any problem sleeping at night because, in 2018, he dropped another $1.5 million to get his twin daughters into Harvard and Stanford. On Friday, Wilson’s verdict came down. Not surprisingly, the jury

found him and his co-defendant, a former casino executive, “really, really guilty.” No, that’s not an official verdict, but it really should be. Now Wilson stands convicted of various conspiracy and fraud charges, including one count of filing a false tax return. Sentencing is in February, and he can expect about four years in jail. Ironically, that’s about as long as his kids spent in the considerably more prestigious institutions he cheated to get them into. John Wilson was, by any measure, one of the most privileged people to walk the face of the earth, a card-carrying 1%er in the richest country in the history of the world. But that wasn’t enough, not if his kids had to settle for Boston College instead of Harvard or UCLA instead of Stanford. Defrauding the government just means more jail time. Sometimes enough really is enough.

Allan J Rolnick is a CPA who has been in practice for over 30 years in Queens, NY. He welcomes your comments and can be reached at 718-896-8715 or at


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