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Jewish Community Football League (Weeks 3, 4, 5, and 6)
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Rav Avrohom Schorr Visits Yeshivas Kochav Yitzchok / Torah Institute
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oct. 30
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. vol 1, #18
We all struggle to cope with our own unique challenges…
anger worry cravings
OCTOBER 30, 2014
SUCCEED WITH YOUR PERSONAL CHALLENGES, and actualize your potential to think, feel, and act more in Hashem’s image! Presented by two of the foremost international PTSD Trauma Care experts. Mrs. Callahan & Rabbi Legomsky will also discuss their joint project with the Herzog Hospital Israel Center for the Treatment of Psychotrauma in Jerusalem. Don’t let anxiety, fear, anger, cravings, and other challenges rule your life. Join us for a life-changing evening!
At the Home of Frank & Danielle Sarah Storch
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For additional information, call 410-963-5675
Haskamas from Rav Chaim Pinchas Scheinberg, Rav Shalom Yosef Elyashiv, Rav Ovadia Yosef, & Rav Mordechai Eliyahu zt”l. Rabbi Legomsky has taught & licensed approximately 700 professionals and lay people in 12 Israeli cities and several continents.
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OCTOBER 30, 2014
COMMUNITY Around the Community . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .6
JEWISH THOUGHT I Wood if I Could . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40 For Whom the Bell Tolls. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 49 A Parsha Thought. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 52 Rabbi Berel Wein. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 53
HUMOR & ENTERTAINMENT Centerfold. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38 Notable Quotes. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 46
COVER STORY Kosher KITCHENSURFING in Crown Heights. . . . . 36 The Balfour Declaration and the Reaction of Rav Kook. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 44
LIFESTYLES In the Kitchen: Soup-er Soups. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 42 Forgotten Heroes. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 48 Dear BJH. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 51
NEWS Global News. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21 National News. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21 That’s Odd. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25
ISRAEL Israel News . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26
Dear Readers,
It might feel that we are entering a trying time of year. Just a few weeks ago we were surrounded by the Yomim Tovim and enthusiastically tuned into our spiritual side. We were actually lifted out of our regular challenges and felt we may have become different, wiser or better in some real and meaningful way. Then came the day after, and back we tumbled, seemingly right into our darker side with bad habits and all. But, in truth, we are different. Deep inside we have packed a suitcase filled with merchandise, all waiting to be unpacked and enjoyed at the right time. We had the more serious moments, the celebrated and extremely joyous holidays and they gave us the spirit to succeed in the challenges delivered to us by our creator. It is now up to us to decide whether our “Tishrei” side will define who we are, or whether the needs of the mundane will be allowed to shape us. Yes, the storms of apathy and insensitivity are magnetic but, like Noach in last week’s parsha, we have an ark to enter for protection. The ship we own is one of learning and prayer and it well guards those who enter it. It is allowing us to keep alive our passion for Judaism which is what we reacquired during the previous weeks. Just as a ship rides the waves of the ocean, our ultimate goal is to harness the raging waters of cynicism and indifference, using that energy and strength in Torah and good deeds. This past week many people in our community and around the world had a most demanding commandment, “tzay min hateivah”: go out of your tevah, your ark of spiritual protection, and reach out to those who have not yet entered. Noach probably would’ve liked to stay inside the protective walls of the Tevah for the rest of his life, but that was not G-d’s intention. We are also in this world for a purpose; we need to leave our comfort zone and make good things happen. Our mission is to bring the light of the Torah to others who may not have known its joys. The Shabbos Project, that took place last weekend, was truly a wonderful opportunity, where the average observant Jew was able to reach out to an acquaintance, neighbor, colleague or family and invite them to experience the beauty of their very own tradition. It’s theirs as much as it’s ours. They are our brothers and sisters and it’s our responsibility to show the value of our customs. The “Shabbos Project” is now over but our mission is not, I am looking forward to hearing the impact this one Shabbos has had globally over the next few months. Wishing everyone a good Shabbos,
The Baltimore Jewish Home is an independent bi-weekly newspaper. Opinions expressed by writers are not necessarily the opinions of the publisher or editor. The Baltimore Jewish Home is not responsible for typographical errors, or for the kashrus of any product or business advertised within. The BJH contains words of Torah. Please treat accordingly.
OCTOBER 30, 2014
Around the
The Path to a Happy Family: Bonei Olam Leaves No Stone Unturned By Shimmy Blum
A beautiful baby boy was born to a large frum family in a major metro-area community. Unfortunately, it did not take long for doctors to discover that little Hershele suffered from a severe physical disability that left him confined to a wheelchair. The first day that his sister Rochele, one year his junior, began attending preschool, Hershele began wailing uncontrollably, he blurted out to her, “How can you go to school while I remain home myself?” Rochele’s heart was seared with pain. At that moment, the young girl decided that every possible hour of her day would be devoted to showing her suffering brother that he was never far from her thoughts and that she cared for him deeply. Every day, she brought home her arts and crafts from school, going the same project with him step by step. While her friends were playing jump rope in the backyard, Rochele sat beside Hershele’s wheelchair, reading to him and serving him supper. It was no wonder that Hershele sat by the window with tears in his eyes each morning as he watched his sister leave to school and would anxiously wait at the window each afternoon for her return. Years went by and, although Rochele advanced in age and capability, her devotion to her brother remained as steadfast as it was on her first day of preschool. After pitifully watching her brother receive uncomfortable stares at a family simcha, she volunteered to miss every Chanuka party and simcha in order to remain home with him. When Hershele was wheeled into his Bar Mitzvah celebration, he told his sister, “You are making me Bar Mitzvah.” However, when the two siblings reached marriageable age, making simchas was not at all simple… The parents received many calls with suggested shidduchim for Rochele, but none for her disabled brother who tearfully asked, “How can you leave me alone for the first time in my life?” Rochele’s heart was torn and she postponed shidduchim for as long as possible. When she could no longer put off the inevitable, Rochele pleaded with Hershele for forgiveness and promised to take it upon herself to make sure that one day, he too, would marry and would not be forced to live his life in solitude.
Despite the inherent difficulties, Rochele was determined to keep her word. Shortly after her own Sheva Berachos, she began calling shadchan after shadchan, each one of whom offered the same grim pronouncement: Even girls who might entertain marrying her disabled brother feared that his disability was genetic and could potentially be passed down to his own children. Rochele turned to Bonei Olam with a poignant letter sharing her story. “I gave up my best years for my brother, but I am no longer in a position to help him with what he needs. Please be there for him and help me keep my promise to him.” Bonei Olam administered extensive medical and genetic tests on Hershele, confirming that there was a reliable method for him to bring healthy children into this world, b’ezras Hashem. With this information in hand, Hershele found his zivug within a matter of months and, with extensive guidance and support from Bonei Olam, had several beautiful, healthy children, bli ayin hora. No, even with Rochele out of the house, Hershele and his family were not alone… The above story highlights the complex twists and turns on the road to bearing healthy children and the great void that Bonei Olam fills for thousands of our brethren. “Fertility” encompasses much more than the conventional complications and remedies that we typically associate with the word. A whole host of other issues can imperil the chances of our brothers and sisters meriting healthy children or even getting married in the first place. To date, nearly 4,700 births have been celebrated in our homes and shuls with the help of Bonei Olam’s intervention, with 45 Baltimore children bringing nachas to their parents thanks to Bonei Olam. By now, most of us are somewhat familiar with the myriad forms of assistance that Bonei Olam offers: the teams of dedicated counselors who offer couples cutting edge guidance, and emotional and practical support, the rabbinical assistance that helps couples navigate the complex halachic ramifications associated with infertility, funding for the enormously costly treatments and the right
doctors to administer the procedures. Yet, while Bonei Olam has become a household name, few are aware that in recent years, Bonei Olam has expanded its horizons, dedicating itself to trailblazing fields that are widely considered to be outside the typical scope of services, hoping to bring salvation to those who not only have to deal with diseases of the past, but also the potentially shattered dreams of the future. “My job is not to run an organization,” explains Rabbi Schlomo Bochner, founder of Bonei Olam. “It is to help klal Yisroel in any way I can.” In the Genes Baruch Hashem, several well known genetic diseases that were prevalent in our community have been largely eradicated from our midst and the Bonei Olam team can now help hundreds of families bear and raise healthy children, new generations that are free of diseases whose genetic roots and/or remedies were previously unknown. Rabbi Bochner and others in the Bonei Olam network have familiarized themselves with the field of genetics and the organization’s Genetic Research Division employs two fertility experts, R’ Chaim Landau and R’ Chaim Jalas, who have won accolades for their familiarity with genetics. “Genetics can be at the root of some common infertility issues and diseases that we find in children,” Rabbi Bochner explains. “Our advancement in this field has helped make significant headway on both fronts.” Understanding the root of these complications and diseases is a major step in their avoidance and treatment and Bonei Olam has already spent over $2 million researching complex genetic issues within our communities. The results speak for themselves. “Many couples have, b’ezras Hashem, been blessed with children. Boys and girls have been able to find shidduchim and families afflicted with diseases have had healthy children due to the latest breakthroughs in genetics,” says Mr. Jalas. Dealing with highly unique cases, Bonei Olam consults with each family, researching the intricacies of their case, and guiding them, whenever possible, on how to prevent diseases in the future. The issue of shidduchim is a particular soft spot for the organization, since so much of the research is new and misunderstood by the general public. “When a prospective shidduch considers marrying into a family where there is some disease, there is no amount of time in the world that we wouldn’t spend with them,” says Mr. Jalas. “We explain every detail of the case and the medical background behind it, until they become fully comfortable with the idea.” The number of afflictions that Bonei Olam has helped families conquer is long and diverse. They range from serious afflictions, such as early death and mental retardation, to more minor issues like loss of hearing and vision. While there have been advances in the field of genetic research, until recently they
had yet to be taken advantage of by the Jewish community. Additionally, Bonei Olam has pioneered research and discovered the genetic mutations for dozens of difficult cases and Bonei Olam’s staff members and their findings have repeatedly been featured in the American Journal of Medical Genetics and other prestigious publications. Bonei Olam continues to conduct studies on scores of others, working in tandem with a vast network of top-of-the-line geneticists and institutions, such as Columbia Presbyterian and Hadassah Ein Kerem hospitals. To the Heart of Things Whether dealing with ordinary fertility issues, genetics or a combination of both, the journey is complex, confusing and often excruciating. “When it is bashert to struggle in this area, you realize how much it takes for things to go right,” remarks Yaakov, a Lakewood resident. “‘Natural’ begins to seem abnormal.” “The toll of up-and-down hopes, painful treatments and their side effects, car rides and financial stress is unimaginable,” says Rivky, who merited two beautiful children, bli ayin hora, with the help of Bonei Olam. “I owe my life to Bonei Olam.” Bonei Olam’s success is more than just a sum of its components, which includes its staff of volunteers, logistical assistance and a staggering dollar amount invested in each couple, who are effusive in both their praise and their gratitude. While it is difficult to pinpoint the secret of Bonei Olam’s impressive results, they seem to have extraordinary success in cracking the code to unlock many genetic mysteries. “Bonei Olam is like the adult who helps a lost child cross a busy Manhattan intersection,” Yaakov explains. “They grab your hand and don’t leave go of it until you’ve happily reached your destination.” The annual Bonei Olam Breakfast of Inspiration in Baltimore is an event that enables every member of our community to have a hand in increasing the number of brissim and kiddushim that will, b’ezras Hashem, occupy the communal calendar. This year’s event will IY”H be held this coming Monday, November 3rd, 2014 at 7:30 P.M. at the home of Dr. and Mrs. Hal Crane, 3511 Bonfield Road (across from Darchei Tzedek), with a special Divrei Bracha by Rabbi Moshe Hauer, Rav of Bnai Jacob Shaarei Zion, a special founder’s message from Rabbi Schlomo Bochner and a personal story from a beneficiary of Bonei Olam. Please join us and help us be able to continue to help others. “The most painful thing for us is to ever have to say no to, or even delay, a request for help,” says Rabbi Bochner, “For the sake of Hashem’s children, we hope to continue hearing a resounding ‘yes’ from the Baltimore community to their neighbors’ pleas for help.”
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OCTOBER 30, 2014
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OCTOBER 30, 2014
Around the
Jewish Community Football League (Weeks 3, 4, 5, and 6) As the “Jewish Community Football League” enters its seventh week of the 2014 season, the playoff picture is beginning to take shape. With only three weeks remaining in the regular season, one of the league’s coveted four playoff spots has been clinched by “Y and L Landscaping,” who currently stands at 6-0. The three remaining spots are still up for grabs with the results of the next few weeks determining the postseason picture.
sition to remain undefeated and continue their Cinderella season in the “Maroon Bowl,” (i.e. EST’s “Maroon” colored jerseys vs. RI’s “Cardinal” colored jerseys.)However, Recruiting Innovators wasn’t fazed by the slow start, allowing the team to regroup and came from behind to take a commanding lead early in the second half.
With EST down by two scores late in the second half, the boys from Silver Spring ratcheted up their defense and scored on two straight drives to pull within one The current standings are as point. After much internal debate, follows: EST went Team Won Lost Tied Pct. with the gutsy move 6 0 0 1.000 Y and L Landscaping to go for 5 0 0 1.000 Northwest Refuse the 2-point 4 1 0 .800 Elle Remodeling conversion 4 2 0 .667 Early Steps Therapy and grab the 2 3 0 .400 Recruiting Innovators lead, rather than play 1 4 0 .200 Park Heights Roofing for a tie. 1 4 0 .200 Limited Goods (WR Baruch 1 5 0 .167 Harris Automotive “Drizzle” Jerusalem Rentals of Dollman 0 5 0 .000 Distinction came through on a post route to convert the play, To learn more about the league, giving EST their first lead since the check out their website: http:// beginning of the first half.) Following a pass interference call asp?url=jewishcommunityfootagainst EST with 30 seconds left ball&sid=283687172 in the game, giving RI the ball on For a recap of some of the exthe 1 yard line and a fresh set of citing games from the past few downs, things looked grim for EST. weeks of the season, read on: However, EST’s defense had their best stand of the day; stopping September 21 the potent “Dovid Flamm-led” offense on three straight plays Early Steps Therapy 36 to give maroon the hard fought Recruiting Innovators 35 victory, proving they belong in discussions of “elite teams” with their neighbors to the north. After jumping out to an early 14 point lead on the shoulders of WR Yossi Berliant, Early Steps Therapy Elle Remodeling 27 (also known as the “Silver Spring Limited Goods 21 Team”) looked to be in prime po-
Missing 5 of its regular players, Elle Remodeling opened the game with a 2 touchdown lead only to see Limited Goods tie it up late in the game on 2 long touchdown throws by LG QB Chaim Herman. With time running out and the score tied at 21 apiece, Elle QB Moshe Afrah hit WR Naftali Gardyn for a deep, last second touchdown as the game clock expired, giving ER the dramatic win.
October 5 Early Steps Therapy Park Heights Roofing
14 12
In what seems to be becoming a new Sunday tradition, Early Steps Therapy pulled away with another suspenseful victory as the game clock ticked down in the final minutes of last Sunday’s game against Park Heights Roofing. Park Height’s Roofing led off early with two unanswered touchdowns due to their versatile, and apparently unstoppable, offensive mix of deep pass routes, quarterback runs, reverses, and more that seemed to overwhelm the defensive backs of the, as of yet, undefeated squad. Early Step’s normally high powered and fast paced offense also struggled to get their passing routes in sync, being forced instead to go 4 and out over and over and entering the half in an abysmal 12-0 hole. But Early Steps, led by QBk Ross Mailman and defensive lineman Howie Friedman, stuck with it to lead their team to a fiery finish as the game came to a close. With just a few minutes remaining, Ross connected with wide receiver Baruch Dolman for a touchdown pass to put their team on the scoreboard. On the defensive end, an intercepted pass by cornerback
Yossi Berliant gave the offense a chance for one last drive to go for the win with 2 and a half minutes on the game clock. Despite this final push, hope began to fade, as Park height’s roofing answered back with an interception of their own to regain possession of the ball just shy of their own ten yard line. But in the final minute of play, defensive lineman Howie Friedman delivered on his earlier promised safety, giving his team the 2nd chance they needed to set up a tight end roll out for Sruli Rubin to seal their 14-12 victory with just 4 seconds remaining in the game that left fans wondering whether Early Steps eat 3 meals of adrenaline every day of the week or only on Sundays.
Y & L Landscaping Harris Automotive
78 6
Y&L Landscaping continued their dominant season, beating Harris Automotive 78-6. As a regular follower of Y&L Landscaping might expect, QB Yoyo Strauss threw a bunch of touchdowns, most of them to WR Shulie Hochman. Y&L’s defense was fast and swarming, getting to the QB seemingly at will despite the regular presence of 3 blockers, and intercepted a number of balls, returning a handful of them for TDs. Harris Automotive’s lone score came on its first possession, as David Pensak relived his glory days by streaking down the left sideline, getting behind the defense, and catching a well
Around the
OCTOBER 30, 2014
thrown deep ball in stride. After Pensak was stopped at the 1 yard line, Reuvaine Goodman caught a one yard TD strike from HA’s QB, Avraham Szojchet on the very next play. After that, Y&L’s defense buckled down, leading to their commanding victory.
October 19 Park Heights Roofing Limited Goods
25 19
Missing four regulars from their lineup, Park Heights Roofing went into this game 0-3 but full of confidence, as this game represented their first game of the season against a team without an undefeated record. After Limited Good’s rocket-armed QB, Chaim Herman, helped LG jump to a 13-0 lead, PHR realized they had to get down to business. Leading the way, PHR’s QB, Jake “The Snake” Karasik, started chipping away. PHR’s defense changed to a three-man blitz which flustered Herman, and slowed LG’s high-power offensive attack.
Following two beautiful TD throws to Uri Aaronson, and a long run by Karasik, PHR had a 19-13 lead with about eight minutes left. Another TD toss with three minutes left put PHR up 25-13. Herman responded with a quick touchdown to get within one score. After letting the clock run down to about 25 seconds, PHR punted. On the second play of the drive and with no time left, Herman threw a Hail Mary that was intercepted just short of the end zone by the always solid, Rabbi Yehuda Oratz, helping to seal the game.
Recruiting Innovators Harris Automotive
18 12
After suffering heartbreaking losses on the last play in two of the first three weeks of the season, Recruiting Innovators finally earned their first win. In a game filled with intensity and emotion, RI led 18-6 with two minutes remaining in the game. Late in the contest, after RI thought they clinched the game by forcing a turnover on downs,
Harris Automotive was the beneficiaries of a fourth down, pass interference call on the goal line. Reciving a fresh set of downs from the goal line, HA scored a touchdown to make it a one score game. However, with only 45 seconds left, RI ran out the clock to earn their first win of the season.
October 26 Northwest Refuse Early Steps Therapy
25 18
In a hard-fought battle, Northwest Refuse edged Early Steps Therapy 25-18. The difference in this game was Northwest’s ability to close out both halves strong. Shmuly Luxenberg scored a touchdown as time expired in the first half and Nadav Spiegler made a spectacular touchdown catch with under a minute left in the game to seal the win for NWR. NWR remains unbeaten, and moves to 5-0 on the season.
Y & L Landscaping Park Heights Roofing
42 12
In the battle of Strauss child #9 (Yoyo) vs. Strauss #s 2, 6, and 7, (Ben, Yoni, and Yaki) Y&L Landscaping remained undefeated with a convincing 42-12 win over the scrappy Park Heights Roofing team. Y&L followed its typical winning formula, using its fast, aggressive defense and quick strike offense, to put this game out of reach in the first half. Y&L QB Yoyo Strauss spread the ball around with 5 players catching TDs. Y&L used this game as a tune-up for its looming matchup next week with the only other remaining undefeated team, Northwest Refuse, which will likely determine the coveted number 1 playoff seed.
Tudor Heights is now “Peregrine’s Landing at Tudor Heights”
OCTOBER 30, 2014
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OCTOBER 30, 2014
Around the
Hapoel Soccer - Week Two and Three Hapoel Baltimore Soccer played Games 2 and 3 of the fall soccer season. Girls In Week Two, The Hapoel Girls had a game between Hapoel Blue and Hapoel Red. Hapoel Blue won 3-1 behind a hat-trick by Faigy Lefkowitz. Hapoel Red had numerous scoring opportunities but Hapoel Blue goalie, Miriam Schwartz, held Red to only one goal. Hapoel Red’s lone goal came from Menucha Schmidman. In Week Three, the GK123 (Girl’s Kindergarten, 1st, 2nd and 3rd Grade) League had a game between Hapoel Columbia and Hapoel Red. Hapoel Columbia won 4-3 behind the four goals of Faigy Lefkowitz. Hapoel Red’s three goals came from Rachel Lefkowitz, two, and Rena Caine. Zehava Pepper, Miriam Schwartz and Miriam Liebman assisted on these three goals. In Week Three, the G4567 (Girl’s 4th, 5th, 6th and 7th Grade) League had a game between Hapoel Green and Hapoel Orange. Hapoel Orange
won 2-1 behind a goal by Liala Ram and an own goal. Hapoel Orange’s lone goal came from Hinda Leah Feigenbaum. In Week Four, the GK123 (Girl’s Kindergarten, 1st, 2nd and 3rd Grade) League had a game between Hapoel Columbia and Hapoel Orange which ended in a 3-3 tie. Hapoel Orange’s three goals came from Faigy Lefkowitz with one of these goals assisted by Zehava Pepper. Hapoel Columbia had two goals from Esther Baden as well as a goal by Rena Caine which was assisted by Miriam Schwartz. In Week Four, the G4567 (Girl’s 4th, 5th, 6th and 7th Grade) League had a game between Hapoel Green and Hapoel Red with Red winning 4-1. Hapoel Red’s goals were scored by Hinda Leah Feigenbaum, two, Elana Openden and Rena Grunhaus as well as an assist by Menucha Shmidman. Hapoel Green’s lone goal was scored by Shaindy Goldstein. Boys In Week Two, the BK12 (Boy’s Kindergarten, 1st and 2nd Grade) League had a game between Hapoel
Green and Hapoel Orange. Hapoel Green won 5-1 with a hat-trick from Noam Englard and two goals from Abie Prero. The lone goal from Hapoel Orange came from Naftali Don. The B3456 (Boy’s 3rd, 4th, 5th and 6th Grade) League had a game between Hapoel Purple and Hapoel Red. Hapoel Purple won 3-2 with two goals from Mendel Berman and a goal from Yoseph Seinfeld. Hapoel Red had a goal and an assist from Rafi Rose, a goal from Yishai Eagle as well as an assist from Yosef Slatkin. In Week Three, the BK12 (Boy’s Kindergarten, 1st and 2nd Grade) League had a game between Hapoel Green and Hapoel Blue. Hapoel Green won 2-1 with goals from Gedalya Blau and Noam Englard. Hapoel Blue’s goal came from Eliyahu Glazer. The B3456 (Boy’s 3rd, 4th, 5th and 6th Grade) League had a game between Hapoel Purple and Hapoel Scarlet. The two teams tied 1-1 with Purple’s goal being a Scarlet own goal while Scarlet’s goal was a beautiful play where Yishai Eagle hit a perfect cross to Mendel Berman who
finished the play with a shot to the upper corner. In Week Four, the BK12 (Boy’s Kindergarten, 1st and 2nd Grade) League had a game between Hapoel Kelly and Hapoel Red. Though there were numerous near misses, the game finished 0-0. The B3456 (Boy’s 3rd, 4th, 5th and 6th Grade) League had a game between Hapoel Purple and Hapoel Red. Hapoel Purple won 6-0 with goals from Yishai Eagle (two), Mendel Berman (two), Yoseph Seinfeld and Yaakov Neuman. Mendel Berman and Shmuel Prero had assists.
Rav Avrohom Schorr Visits Yeshivas Kochav Yitzchok / Torah Institute This past Erev Shabbos Parshas Noach, in honor of Rosh Chodesh Cheshvon, Yeshivas Kochav Yitzchok / Torah Institute of Baltimore was privileged to host Rav Avrohom Schorr, shlit’a, for Shachris and hear divrei Torah afterwards. Upon arrival in school, grades 3-5 slowly made their way into the Beis Medresh, joining the 6th- 8th graders who were finishing davening Shachris. They came to hear Rav Schorr brilliantly and passionately deliver an inspiring message while quoting various sources in his inimitable style. Rav Schorr began with bringing attention to the Cheder’s founder, Rav Yitzchok Sternhell zt’l, saying he was a great gaon and wrote the sefer Kochavei Yitzchok on Yerushalmi Zeroim. The Rav then went on to share one of Rav Sternhell’s insights on the famous Yerushalmi in Brachos where Rabbi Shimon Bar Yochai says that, had
he been at Har Sinai, he would have asked Hashem for two mouths – one to use for devarim she’bekedusha and the other for all other speech. Eventually Rabbi Shimon rescinded his hypothetical request as guarding one mouth from inappropriate speech is difficult enough; guarding two mouths would be an over-bearing obstacle and potential source of grave sin. Rav Schorr underscored Rav Sternhell’s insight and the Yerushalmi’s message with the importance of Shmiras Hadibur – speaking properly and appropriately. Quoting a source, the Rav shared that one of the most important preparations for a bar mitzvah bachur is Shmiras Hadibur. Speaking to family, adults and peers with derech eretz is something that every talmid must work on. The Rav cited how the Mabul was partly caused by a lack in Shmiras Hadibur and how we must learn from this.
Along with the actual content of his shmooze, Rav Schorr also gave a glimpse of the greatness of Rav Sternhell. It was very meaningful for the talmidim to hear from a preeminent Talmid Chocham how their Cheder was founded through mesiras nefesh by a true Gaon and Yirei Shomayim. In addition to bearing his name, the Cheder is proud to develop Bnei Torah from which Rav Sternhell would surely have much nachas. As Rav Schorr concluded his schmooze, the1st and 2nd graders entered the Beis Medresh to greet him. Although too young to appreciate his Divrei Torah,
these young talmidim felt Rav Schorr’s warmth and Ahavas Yisroel when receiving his shalom aleichem and brachos.
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OCTOBER 30, 2014
Around the
Community Talmudical Academy- 4th Grade have a Bundle of Fun!
Talmudical Academy Nursery Siyum Mazal Tov! The nursery classes began learning their Aleph Bais. To mark this momentous occasion the boys came to school in white shirts and dark pants. They decorated gold crowns to wear on their heads.
Rabbi Kahana and Mrs. Rosen came in to the classes to wish the boys Mazal Tov on this milestone. We ended our morning with Aleph Bais cake and lollipops. We wish the boys much continued success.
The talmidim in Rabbi Slansky’s class got the opportunity to see what a real bundle of hay looks, feels, and smells like. They recently learned a mishna in the first Perek of Sukkah that discusses the halacha of using bundles of hay for s’chach. Rabbi Slansky went
on a Chol Hamoed trip to a farm and purchased this hay bundle to bring to life the mishnayos that they learned before Sukkos. The talmidim enjoyed the experience and were very helpful with the messy cleanup in the classroom!
Renaissance - Jewish Culture... With a Twist By Lisa Geldfein
“There’s nothing to do!” No, these are not only the complaints of teenagers, many local adults share that same sentiment; aside from going out to eat there seems to be nothing to do! There are occasional concerts, and dinners (more food!), there are weddings to go to, but where can a Jewish adult in Baltimore go to unwind? Where can an adult go to do something that would be both intellectually stimulating and enjoyable?
Ner Tamid is rolling out a new set of programs and in doing so are hoping to provide the solution. ‘Renaissance Jewish Culture... With a Twist’ is a series of events that aim to be interesting, entertaining, and provide a venue for Baltimore Jewish adults to unwind. The series includes cultural events, films, and presentations, all combined with a social component. The kick-off event is The Persian
Experience. There will be genuine Persian cuisine, Persian music (DJ Gholian), exhibits on Iranian Jewry and a lecture by Rabbi Emmauel Goldfeiz. The event will take place on November 22 at 7:30 (www.nertamid.netfor details and tickets). Other events include a 60’s Night with a lecture by Rabbi Katz, a Chagall Wine and Cheese event, a number of films with special speakers, including Rabbi Dr. H. Weinreb, and a
Night of Klez. Thank G-d, Baltimore has no shortage of classes taking place on any given evening, there are many projects and initiatives that need constant volunteerism, but when you need a break and a place to unwind, Renaissance is your destination. Stay tuned for more details.
Ohr Chadash Academy Holds First Student Elections Ohr Chadash Academy held its first Presidential Election for Student Government on October 21. After already being voted for class representatives in grades 4th and 5th, Jonathan R., Dani C., Grace L., and Hadassah J., took it a step further and ran for School President. Each candidate wrote a speech explaining why he/she would make an excellent president for the school and delivered the speech to each class. Jonathan wrote that he was honest which is an important characteristic for a good president. Dani said he was responsible and wanted to make positive changes for the school.
Grace expressed her desire to help people and try to make school a fun experience. Hadassah gave examples of some great ideas as to how to make school the best it could possibly be. Every speech was clear and to the point and it was evident the candidates all worked very hard preparing. It was an extremely hard decision for everyone for whom to vote. Each student had a chance to vote by secret ballot. The anticipation of who would be president was evident as the morning announcements were being made the next day. Hadassah was voted as School President, while Dani was elected as Vice Pres-
ident. The cheers were loud, and everyone was happy for their fellow schoolmates. A presidential inauguration will take place in the upcoming weeks. Ohr Chadash Academy looks forward
to having these students and the other student representatives participate in the school and community as their leaders for the 2014-2015 school year!
Around the
Unique Depth of Kinyan Torah of Dirshu Participants Hailed By Chaim Gold
Seder Moed Siyumim Across the Globe In North America, lomdei Dirshu were treated to a unique tribute to their kinyan Torah at the recent monthly test. In Lakewood, the crowd heard profound words of chizuk hailing their accomplishments from HaGaon HaRav Yeruchem Olshin, shlita, Rosh Yeshiva of Beth Medrash Govoha of Lakewood.
At the Boro Park testing site, HaGaon HaRav Zev Smith, shlita, a Daf HaYomi B’Halacha maggid shiur addressed the assemblage. In Monsey, HaGaon HaRav Eliezer Simcha Lieff, shlita,
Rosh Yeshiva of Yeshiva Gedolah of South Monsey impressed upon the test takers the magnitude of their accomplishments. In Williamsburg, HaGaon HaRav Efrayim Tzvi Rosenberg, shlita, Vizhnitzer Dayan, delivered a drasha and the assemblage in Shikun Skver was addressed by HaGaon HaRav Shalom Pollack, shlita, a prominent Dayan in the community. Rav Yitzchok Scheiner: “Ohavei Torah and Ohavei Hashem Yisbarach Should Increase Manifold!” In his brief remarks, Rav Scheiner praised Dirshu’s founder and Nasi, Rav Hofstedter for helping create an entire generation of lomdei v’yodei Shas. He then gave a heartfelt bracha that “ohavei Torah and ohavei Hashem Yisbarach should increase manifold and that Dirshu should continue to accomplish great things and grow without limit!” Rav Moshe Chodosh: “With Dirshu, an End is Not an End… It’s a Beginning!” In his moving drasha, Rav Moshe Chodosh related a dvar Torah that encapsulates and defines Dirshu. He cited a fascinating question that was posed to the Radvaz. “Why, on Simchas Torah when we finish Parshas Vezos Habracha do we not lein the maftir first? Rather we first lein Bereishis and only afterwards lein the maftir?” In a teshuvah, the Radvaz responds, “The reason we read Parshas Bereishis on Simchas Torah and do no wait until the following Shabbos is so that the Satan should not come claim that, “They finished the Torah and that is it! They think they can rest on their laurels!” We
therefore start Bereishis as a declaration of our intent to continue learning Torah without respite. That is why,” the Radvaz concludes, “Despite the halacha dictating that we should say Kaddish upon completing one sefer before continuing to the next sefer, after Vezos Habracha we don’t say Kaddish. Instead, we immediately continue with Bereishis, without any break whatsoever. In Torah there is no break. Finishing one part of Torah, finishing one Masechta is a great accomplishment. That more than anything marks the haschala, the beginning of a new masechta.” Rav Hofstedter: The Difference Between a Lomeid Torah and an Oseik B’Torah The Nasi of Dirshu, Rav Dovid Hofstedter delivered an in-depth shiur, where he explored the question at the end of Masechta Chagigah, on whether the prohibition against doing melacha
on Chol Hamoed is Torah mandated, mi’d’Oraysah or Rabbinic mandated, mi’d’Rabbanan. In his introductory words of chizuk, Rav Hofstedter quoted the mishnah in Masechta Avos, “Rabbi Yehoshua ben Levi teaches: Every day a Heavenly Voice (Bas Kol) goes forth from Mt. Horeb and proclaims ‘Woe to the creatures because of the shame caused to the Torah. For whoever does not engage in Torah is called, “Rebuked” as is said, “Like a golden ring in a swine’s snout… [Avos 6:2]’” “The pasuk that the mishnah brings would appear to be problematic,” Rav Hofstedter proposed. “A golden ring is beautiful. The implication is that the person is engaged in something beautiful but he is not doing it properly, hence the comparison to a beautiful ring in the nose of a pig. But the mishnah just said we are talking about someone who does
not engage in Torah learning. What is beautiful about that?!” Rav Hofstedter then suggested an insightful explanation into the mission of Dirshu. He explained, “The mishnah does not state, whoever is not a “lomeid” Torah, a Torah learner; rather, it says whoever is not “oseik”, engaged in Torah learning. Being oseik in Torah means that you toil in Torah, you are fully engaged in Torah, seeking to reach the ultimate clarity and retention of everything you learn. Kinyan Torah, really acquiring Torah, requires the person to be an oseik b’Torah. “Being an osek in Torah is the true kiyum of the Daf Yomi!” Rav Hofstedter exclaimed passionately. Rav Yeruchem Olshin: Dirshu’s Transformative Emphasis on Chazarah! Rav Olshin related in the name of the Chassid Yaavetz that the famed mishnah in Pirkei Avos that states, “L’fum tzaarah agrah - the reward a person gets is dependent on the amount of effort invested” – refers primarily to the reward for chazarah, review. As the Chassid Yaavetz explains, it is much more difficult to review than to learn things from scratch. Rav Yeruchem continued with a fascinating story. “A young bachur learning in the Lomza Yeshiva in Petach Tikva would rise immediately after the Rosh Yeshiva finished delivering his shiur, go stand in a corner and begin reviewing the entire shiur by heart. Some bachurim viewed his conduct as a bit strange but that bachur took no notice. He wanted to know the shiur. Nothing else mattered to him. Do you know the name of that bachur? His name was Chaim Kanievsky! That is the power of chazarah!” thundered the Rosh Yeshiva. “Those bachurim may have thought it strange but no one knows who they are today! Rav Chaim, however, became a Sar HaTorah and a Gadol Hador!” Rav Olshin concluded by saying that he has already attended several Dirshu events and each time he is simply amazed by how Dirshu participants learn and chazer with such diligence.
OCTOBER 30, 2014
It was Sunday night, 2 Cheshvan/ October 26, at the Dirshu testing site in Lakewood. The Rosh Yeshiva of Lakewood, HaGaon HaRav Yeruchem Olshin, shlita, had just finished addressing the hundreds of test takers celebrating the completion of Seder Moed in Dirshu’s Daf HaYomi Kinyan Torah program. Rav Olshin turned to Dirshu’s North American Director, Rav Ahron Gobioff and said, “Reb Ahron, after seeing all of those talmidei chachomim taking tests, I feel satiated. Does one need anything else? Does one need to eat or sleep after such spiritual nourishment?!” All over the world, siyumim were held on Seder Moed this past month as the Daf HaYomi completed Masechta Chagiga, the final masechta in Seder Moed, but perhaps one of the most uniquely inspiring siyumim was the Dirshu Siyum at the Prima Palace Hotel in Yerushalayim during the week following Sukkos. The Dirshu Siyum there was graced by numerous Gedolei Yisrael including the venerated senior gadol, HaGaon HaRav Yitzchok Scheiner, shlita, Rosh Yeshiva of the Kamenitz Yeshiva and a member of the Moetzes Gedolei HaTorah, HaGaon HaRav Eliezer Yehuda Finkel, shlita, Rosh Yeshiva of the Mir Yeshiva of Yerushalayim and HaGaon HaRav Moshe Chodosh, shlita, Rosh Yeshiva of the Network of Ohr Elchonon Yeshivos. These Gedolim and numerous other Rabbonim came not just to celebrate the Simchas HaTorah of completing Seder Moed, but even more to show their deep appreciation for the comprehensive method in which lomdei Dirshu complete a Seder in Shas. In short, they came to celebrate kinyan haTorah, a much deeper level of limud haTorah which is the raison d’etre of Dirshu.
Gedolei Torah Address Dirshu Worldwide Siyumim on Seder Moed
OCTOBER 30, 2014
Around the
The Great Challah Bake at the JCC-Owings Mills Brings in Over 1300 Women! Jeff Cohn/
Photo Credit: Hindel Leiter, Frank Storch
The Week
Terror in Canada
U.S. Accused of Hiring Nazis as Spies
Eric Lichtblau is about to shock the world, specifically American Jewry. His book, The Nazis Next Door: How America Became a Safe Haven for Hitler’s Men, which was released on Tuesday accuses the U.S. of employing Nazis as spies during the Cold Water. In a preview in the New York Times ahead of the release of his book last week, the author wrote, “At the height of the Cold War in the 1950s, law enforcement and intelligence leaders like J. Edgar Hoover at the FBI and Allen Dulles at the CIA aggressively recruited onetime Nazis of all ranks as secret, anti-Soviet ‘assets,’ declassified records show.” He claims that U.S. intelligence and law enforcement agencies likely employed over 1,000 Nazis as spies
Italy’s President Testifies against the Mafia
On Tuesday, Italy’s President Giorgio Napolitano testified for more than three hours in an unprecedented appearance in a major trial that accus-
es the state of holding secret talks with the Sicilian Mafia in the 1990s. This is the first time in the country’s history that a sitting head of state was questioned in a mafia trial. Palermo prosecutors are seeking to shed light on a murky period when the mob targeted the state with assassinations and bombings. Among the defendants are Nicola Mancino, who was interior minister at the time and is charged with giving false testimony, and Salvatore Riina, once Italy’s most powerful mafia boss. Riina and eight others in the dock face charges of trying to blackmail the state. All deny any wrongdoing. The 89-year-old Napolitano is not accused of any crime. He was called as a witness who may have knowledge useful to the trial, but the hearing may tarnish the image of a president who has guided Italy in a period of political and economic turmoil. Even so, the Italian leader responded to questions with the “maximum amount of transparency and serenity” and without invoking his constitutional right to remain silent, a statement from the president’s office said afterward. “He said he had been a spectator to the events [of 1992-93], nothing more,” Luca Cianferoni, lawyer for the Corleone-born mob boss Riina, told reporters outside the president’s Quirinale Palace where the closeddoor hearing took place. Prosecutors allege senior politicians and police, hoping to stem mounting violence, held talks with mob bosses after anti-mafia magistrate Giovanni Falcone, his wife and three bodyguards were killed by a mafia bomb planted under a road in 1992. The state’s willingness to enter into talks after Falcone’s murder actually encouraged further bombings, prosecutors allege, including the one that killed another anti-mafia magistrate, Paolo Borsellino, two months later. At the time of the bombings, Napolitano was president of Italy’s Chamber of Deputies, the lower house of parliament. He became Italy’s president in 2006. Unlike other mostly representative presidents, Napolitano has taken critical political decisions such as naming Mario Monti to re-
OCTOBER 30, 2014
Last week, gunfire erupted in Canada’s Parliament when a lone gunman opened fire at Canada’s National War Memorial outside of Parliament, killing a uniformed soldier. Michael Zehaf-Bibeau, 32, then hijacked a car, drove to Parliament, and once again opened fire. He was killed by Sgt. at Arms Kevin Vickers before anyone else could be hurt. Authorities say that a video, prerecorded prior to the brazen, daytime attack, is proof that the assault was ideologically and politically motivated. A source revealed that Zehaf-Bibeau announced on the video that he will act in the name of Allah in response to Canada’s foreign policy. Before the shooting, Zehaf-Bibeau, a Canadian national with prior drug-related convictions, had attempted to get a passport to travel to the Middle East, but was delayed. RCMP Commission Bob Paulson said he believed the passport issue “figured prominently in his motives.” He appears to have acted alone, police said. According to his mother, Susan Bibeau, Zehaf-Bibeau had wanted to go to Syria to join the terrorist group, ISIS. Later, Zehaf-Bibeau’s mother denied that he wanted to go to Syria, saying he wanted to travel to Saudi Arabia to study the Koran. Despite not having a passport, he was able to travel to the United States four times. It seems that he had access to a considerable amount of funds from working in Alberta oil fields. The terrorist attended the Masjid
during the Cold War, sometimes turning a blind eye or worse, covering up their war crimes and helping them immigrate to the United States. “They believed the ex-Nazis’ intelligence value against the Russians outweighed what one official called ‘moral lapses’ in their service to the Third Reich,” Lichtblau wrote. Efraim Zuroff, director of the Simon Wiesenthal Center in Jerusalem, told The Times of Israel that U.S. officials’ willingness to work with former Nazis has been documented in the past but this book may provide fresh details. “I’m not at all shocked by the story,” he said. “The principle of it is not new,” he pointed out. To gather information for his book, Lichtblau studied newly disclosed records and interviewed witnesses. Lichtblau has written for the New York Times since 2002 and, along with fellow New York Times reporter James Risen, won a Pulitzer Prize in 2006 for their story on the National Security Agency’s wiretapping program. In 2008, he wrote a book on the Bush administration’s post-9/11 warrant-less wiretapping program entitled, Bush’s Law: The Remaking of American Justice. Last week, it was revealed that an Associated Press investigation discovered that millions of dollars in social security benefits are been paid to SS guards who fled the U.S. for Europe.
Al-Salaam mosque for three to four months in late 2011, and possibly early 2012, before he was told not to return by Muslim leaders, according to British Columbia Muslim Association spokesman Aasim Rashid. He apparently was upset by the mosque’s inclusive policies. Mrs. Bibeau insists that he was unstable and that the shooting was only the act of a madman. The attack in Ottawa came two days after a man described as an “ISIL-inspired terrorist” ran over two soldiers in a parking lot in Quebec, killing one and injuring the other before being shot to death by police. The man had been under surveillance by Canadian authorities, who feared he had jihadist ambitions and seized his passport when he tried to travel to Turkey.
In News
OCTOBER 30, 2014
The Week place Silvio Berlusconi as prime minister in the 2011 euro zone debt crisis. About 40 people – including prosecutors, judges and defense lawyers – attended the hearing in a large hall in the 16th century Quirinale Palace in central Rome. The proceedings were not open to the public and those present were not allowed to record. Napolitano urged for transcriptions of the testimony be made public quickly.
Baghdad Security Guards Found Guilty
Four former Blackwater security guards who served in Baghdad back in 2007 have been found guilty of murder. On Wednesday, the federal jury found Nicholas Slatten guilty of first-degree murder, the most serious charge in a multi-count indictment. The other three men involved, Paul Slough, Evan Liberty, and Dustin Heard, were charged with multiple counts of voluntary manslaughter, attempted manslaughter, and gun violations. All four were sent directly to prison. The four men were accused of shootings more than 30 Iraqis on September 16, 2007; the guards claimed self-defense. In the shootings, 14 Iraqis were killed and 17 were wounded. Federal prosecutors claimed the men had shown “a grave indifference” to the carnage their actions would cause. The incident caused a global outcry and sparked anti-American sentiment around the world. David Schertler, a lawyer for Heard, promised to appeal. “The verdict is wrong, it’s incomprehensible. We’re devastated. We’re going to fight it every step of the way. We still think we’re going to win,” he argued. Liberty’s attorney, William Cof-
field, said he expected to appeal on the grounds of an issue involving a law which he believed the defendants were charged, the Military Extraterritorial Jurisdiction Act. Defense lawyers argue that law does not apply to the defendants since the Blackwater guards were contractors for the State Department, not the Pentagon. Hassan Jabir, a victim who was hit by gunfire during the shootings, was in Baghdad when he heard the news. “At last we are hearing good news where justice has been achieved, and Blackwater will receive their punishment.” There are two bullets still inside his body, one in his hand and one in his back, which doctors have said would be too risky to remove. The State Department had hired Blackwater, an independent contracting security company, to protect American diplomats in Iraq’s capital of Baghdad.
Mexico City Running out of Graves
Mexico’s capital is rapidly running out of gravesites and many residents of this city of 9 million people have to exhume the remains of their loved ones once the burial rights expire to make room for new bodies. Officials say there is no public land available for new cemeteries. This week, Edgardo Galvan watched as two gravediggers shoveled muddy soil from his father’s grave until they reached a set of bones mixed with wood chips, the remnants of the coffin he was buried in seven years earlier. The gravediggers placed the bones in a black plastic bag and handed them to Galvan, who planned to cremate them and put the ashes in a small crypt the family bought in a
In News church. “I’ve had to go through two difficult moments, first burying him and now unburying him,” the 42-year-old carpenter said as he stood in the San Isidro cemetery in the Mexico City borough of Azcapotzalco. The lack of cemetery space has prompted the city’s legislative assembly to propose a law that would reduce the time a body can remain in a grave and encourage people to cremate the bodies of their love ones, a move that critics say will threaten Mexico’s long and rich traditions surrounding burying and celebrating the dead. Assemblywoman Polimnia Sierra, who proposed the law, said the city’s 119 cemeteries only have 71,000 gravesites available and that each year about 30,000 people die in the capital. “In less than three years [the cemeteries] will be completely filled,” said Sierra in defense of the law which was passed by the assembly this summer but sent back by Mayor Miguel Angel Mancera who wanted changes implemented. A vote on the revised law is expected soon. It would require that the city government educate people about cremation as an option and build more crematoriums — there are currently just two public crematoriums. It would also lower the maximum gravesite tenure from 21 years to 15 years, as long as cemetery rights are paid. Complicating matters is that the regulations aren’t applied consistently, with borough officials administering and sometimes setting their own grave time limits in the cemeteries in their areas. Sierra said there have been cases of cemeteries exhuming graves to bury someone else in as little as one year. While other countries around the world reuse graves, it is a sensitive issue in Mexico where celebrating the dead is still a living part of the culture. The law’s opponents say above-ground mausoleums and crypts don’t allow for the traditional Day of the Dead celebrations on November 1 and 2, when Mexicans honor the dead by building elaborate altars on their tombstones, laden with candles, flowers, colorful sugar skulls and the favorite food and drink of the departed. Entire families gather in cemeteries brightened by
flickering candles to pray and share memories of their loved ones, whose photos sit on the graves. “What really bothers us is that they don’t respect our loved ones. They come a year or two after we bury them, take them out of the grave and bury whoever is next,” said Jose Jimenez, who helps administer the San Francisco cemetery in the borough of Magdalena Contreras. “We won’t allow them to take away our resources, our cemetery.”
Execution Condemned By U.S. It is very common for trials and executions to be carried out without scrutiny in Iran. This week, the United States condemned the hanging of an Iranian woman who was convicted of murdering a former intelligence officer she claimed had tried to assault her. “We condemn this morning’s execution in Iran of Reyhaneh Jabbari,” said the statement by State Department spokeswoman Jen Psaki. Jabbari, 26, who had been on death row for five years, was put to death at dawn. Psaki said there were “serious concerns with the fairness of the trial and the circumstances surrounding this case.” Among those concerns were “reports of confessions made under severe duress.” The UN and international human rights groups have said her confession was obtained under intense pressure and threats from Iranian prosecutors, and that she should have had a retrial. “Iranian authorities proceeded with this execution despite pleas from Iranian human rights activists and an international outcry over this case,” Psaki pointed out. “We join our voice with those who call on Iran to respect the fair trial guarantees afforded to its people under Iran’s own laws and its international obligations.” Jabbari was convicted for the 2007 stabbing of Morteza Abdolali Sarbandi. A UN human rights monitor said the killing came in self-defense after Sarbandi tried to abuse Jabbari, and that the condemned woman’s trial in 2009 had been deeply flawed. A medical report that was prepared for the
The Week
The Best and Worst Airports in the World
New Mayor for Toronto On Monday, Toronto elected a new mayor, ending the scandal-ridden era of Rob Ford’s tenure as mayor of the Canadian town. John Tory, a former chief executive of major cable company Rogers Communications, garnered 40 percent of the vote, compared to 34 percent for Doug Ford, brother of outgoing Mayor Rob Ford. Left-leaning
Olivia Chow came in third with nearly 23 percent, with nearly 100 percent of polling stations reporting. “The people have spoken and tonight we begin the work of building one Toronto,” Tory exulted. “Torontonians want to see an end to the divisions that have paralyzed city hall for the last few years. I hear you.” Rob Ford’s four-year tenure as mayor of Canada’s largest city was
OCTOBER 30, 2014
Some people enjoy the hub of the airport; the energy of arrivals and departures can be exciting. But for those who travel often, an airport is not just an airport. Sometimes travelers spend many hours waiting for a connecting flight and sometimes an airport serves as a hotel for an evening. According to SleepingatAirports. net, a website that gives tips for exactly that—sleeping at airports—the worst airport in the world is Pakistan’s Islamabad Benazir Bhutto International Airport. It’s probably not to frequent that country on your next vacation. Each year, the site ranks all airports globally. The rankings are based on tourist surveys that question comfort and crowds at terminals, Wi-Fi availability, food options, and overall cleanliness. It turns out that the best airport for a snooze is Hartsfield-Jackson Atlanta International Airport of Atlanta, Georgia; the best airport for stress relief is Miami International Airport of Florida, and the best airport for being part of the action was Denver International Airport of Colorado. The only U.S. airport to make the least favorite list was New York’s LaGuardia, ranked at number 10. It was criticized for its “poor restaurant selection, lackluster cleanliness, counterintuitive layout and the notoriously unhelpful staff.” Vice President Joe Biden once called LaGuardia a “third world country.” had a separate ranking that listed the worst airports in North America. LAX came
in as the second most hated airport in America after LGA. Now, New Yorkers, before you run and say “I told you so” to your Californian friends, note that all three major New York City metro area airports—Newark, JFK and LaGuardia—got bad marks. Los Angeles, though, may just have worse traffic.
judge said Sarbandi was stabbed in the back and that the killing had been premeditated.
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OCTOBER 30, 2014
The Week marred by his drinking and drug use. He announced last month that he wouldn’t seek re-election as he battles a rare form of cancer. His brother, a city councilor, ran in his place. Doug Ford’s supporters booed when he congratulated Tory on his victory. Doug Ford later said the scandals played a part in the loss but said he was “super proud” of his brother. “I still believe he’s the best mayor ever,” Doug Ford said. Despite his illness, Rob Ford is seeking the City Council seat held by his brother in Etobicoke. The former mayor won by a landslide on Monday and hinted that he may run again for mayor in four years. “In four more years, you’re going to see another example of the Ford family never, ever, ever giving up,” he said. After months of denials, in 2013, Rob Ford acknowledged he did drugs in one of his “drunken stupors,” but he refused to resign. The City Council stripped Ford of most of his powers but lacked the authority to force him out of office because he wasn’t convicted of a crime. He announced he would enter rehab in April 2014 after the media reported on his intoxication. When Ford was elected mayor in 2010, his drug and alcohol use weren’t known — but his bluster was. A plurality of voters backed him, eager to shake things up at a City Hall they viewed as elitist and wasteful. Ford’s voter base resided mainly in those outer suburbs like Etobicoke. He appealed to those residents with his populist, common man touch and with promises to slash spending, cut taxes and end what he called “the war on the car.” Once in office, he certainly shook things up, albeit quite unconventionally. Tory, 60, a longtime moderate conservative politician and adviser, has also served as commissioner of the Canadian Football League and more recently hosted a radio talk show. He ran for mayor in 2003 and lost. Tory has promised to end the circus at City Hall and to get people moving with a new public transit plan. “I will be a balanced and accountable leader,” he pledged. Nelson Wiseman, a University of Toronto political science professor, said Toronto municipal politics will unlikely be international news with
Tory as mayor. “Personality-wise they are mirror opposites but anybody is dull compared to Rob Ford,” Wiseman said. “It’s been an outrageously entertaining circus. Alas, the curtain has come down.”
Acquittal for Conspirator in Daniel Pearl’s Murder
Qari Hashim has been acquitted by a Pakistani anti-terrorism court of being involved in the 2002 murder of American journalist Daniel Pearl. He was cleared for lack of evidence. Hashim had been arrested in 2005, three years after British-born extremist Omar Sheikh was arrested and sentenced to death by an anti-terror court for the murder of Daniel Pearl. Three other co-conspirators received life in prison for their involvement. The prosecution had no “valid witness in proving the role of my client in the Pearl case,” said Hashim’s defense lawyer, Sher Mohammad Leghari. Pearl, 38, was the South Asia bureau chief for the Wall Street Journal when he was abducted and beheaded in Karachi in 2002 while researching a story about Islamist militants. A video showing Pearl’s gruesome execution was delivered to the U.S. consulate in the city nearly a month later. Hashim was accused of introducing Pearl to Omar in the course of his journalistic research. In January 2011, a report released by the Pearl Project at Georgetown University following an investigation into his death made chilling revelations when it claimed that the wrong men were convicted for Pearl’s murder. The investigation, led by Pearl’s friend and former Wall Street Journal colleague Asra Nomani and a George-
In News town University professor, claimed Khalid Sheikh Mohammad, the alleged brains behind the September 11, 2001 attacks, murdered the reporter, not Omar Sheikh. Self-proclaimed 9/11 mastermind Khalid Sheikh Mohammed was arrested in Pakistan in 2003 and is being held in Guantanamo Bay, Cuba, awaiting trial by a U.S. military tribunal.
flect official acceptance that Austria was a perpetrator of Nazi atrocities rather than a victim. Nearly all Austrians voted for annexation of their country by Hitler’s Germany in 1938 and many of the Fuehrer’s henchmen were Austrians. But for decades, the country presented itself both at home and to the world as a target of Nazi aggression instead of a willing collaborator.
The president of Austria apologized this week for his country’s postwar treatment of deserters from Hitler’s army as traitors. President Heinz Fischer made his apology at the unveiling of a memorial honoring those who fled military duty rather than serve under the Nazi regime. The Vienna ceremony was attended by some of the deserters who have suffered with the dishonor for decades. All are in their late 80s or older, including Richard Wadani, who has lobbied for more than a decade for the memorial. He called the unveiling a “happy occasion.” The stone monument is the first of its kind in the Austrian capital. Steps lead up to a large “X” that stands for the tens of thousands of deserters executed under Hitler. The president criticized the indignities surviving deserters have had to suffer. Fischer said labeling them as traitors is “something for which one has to apologize and shame himself.” Germany has long recognized that deserters from Hitler’s Wehrmacht deserved praise. But Austria passed a law only five years ago that officially rehabilitates them, in attempts to counter lingering perceptions within the older generation that they were traitors. That move, and others since, re-
Oscar Pistorius may not end up getting off as easily as it seems. The Olympic runner was recently convicted of culpable homicide and given a five year prison term for killing his Reeva Steenkamp. But prosecutors say they will appeal the verdict in the next few days for a harsher sentence. The decision by South Africa’s National Prosecuting Authority could see Pistorius face a murder conviction again for shooting Steenkamp and, if found guilty on the appeal, a minimum of 15 years in prison. Judge Thokozile Masipa acquitted the 27-year-old double-amputee athlete of murder for shooting Steenkamp multiple times through a bathroom door in his home. He testified he mistook her for a nighttime intruder. Instead of convicting him of murder, Masipa found him guilty on a lesser charge comparable to manslaughter. The NPA said in a statement its decision to appeal was based on a “question of law,” meaning it believes that Judge Masipa misapplied the law when she acquitted Pistorius of murder. “The merits and the demerits of the NPA’s argument ... will become evident when we file papers for leave to appeal,” the national prosecuting body said. “The prosecutors are now preparing the necessary papers in order to be able to file within the next few days.”
Austria Honors WWII Defectors
Pistorius Prosecutors Push Back
The Week
Brazil President Reelected in Close Race
years in office have been very weak,” said Carlos Pereira, a political analyst at the Getulio Vargas Foundation, Brazil’s leading think tank. “Inflation has returned, the country is in a technical recession and public spending is out of control. It is less likely she will be able to offer social inclusion and macroeconomic stability at the same time.” The choice between Rousseff and
Neves split Brazilians into two camps. On one side were those who thought only the president could continue to protect the poor and advance social inclusion. Supporters of Neves were certain that only the contender’s market-friendly economic policies could see Brazil return to solid growth.
Death Penalty Sought for S. Korean Ferry Captain South Korean prosecutors are demanding the death penalty for the
Pistorius started serving his prison sentence last week for negligently killing Steenkamp on February 14, 2013. Currently, the multiple Paralympic champion is eligible for release after 10 months to complete the sentence under house arrest.
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OCTOBER 30, 2014
In the closest race Brazil has seen since its return to democracy 30 years ago, President Dilma Rousseff was re-elected this week to her seat. Rousseff took 51.6 percent of the votes and center-right challenger Aecio Neves had 48.4 percent, with almost all ballots counted. The result reflected a nation deeply divided after what many called the most hostile campaign since the return to democracy, with charges of corruption, discrimination and ample personal barbs thrown by both sides. The win gives the Worker’s party a fourth straight victory. The re-elected leader faces an immense challenge of reigniting a stalled economy, improving woeful public services that ignited huge anti-government protests last year, and trying to push political reforms through a highly divided congress where the governing coalition has less support than it did four years ago. During the Workers’ Party time in power, the government has enacted expansive social programs that have helped pull millions of Brazilians out of poverty and into the middle class, transforming the lives of the poor. But the globe’s seventh-largest economy has underperformed since 2011, with some fearing it could put the social gains at risk. “Dilma has social inclusion on her side, but the macroeconomic policies during her first four
OCTOBER 30, 2014
The Week
captain of a ferry that sank earlier this year. The accident claimed the lives of more than 300 people. The captain is blamed for his negligence and failure to rescue passengers in need. Prosecutors also requested life sentences for three other key crewmembers, a court official said. Prosecutors asked for sentences of up to 30 years for 11 other crewmembers. The 15 crewmembers tasked with the ship’s navigation were among the first people rescued from the ship when it began to tip. Most of those who were not able to be rescued and died in the disaster were students from a single high school who were en-route to the resort island of Jeju on April 16. “The captain made no rescue efforts after issuing a broadcast asking passengers to stay in their cabins. ... He didn’t organize any rescue operations after leaving the ship,” prosecutors said during the trial.
and caused nationwide grief and fury. Authorities blamed overloading of cargo, improper storage, and delayed, bungled rescue efforts for the incident. More than six months after the sinking, the bodies of 294 people have been recovered, while 10 others have still not been found. A total of 476 people were aboard the ship, with 172 of them rescued. Lee has apologized for abandoning the passengers, and admitted he didn’t know his action would lead to so many deaths. The defense in the trial has denied any collusion among the crew members, saying they were confused, injured and panicked.
Saving Thousands of Lives
Doctors Without Borders reached an impressive milestone this week. Since March, the organization has been able to save the lives of over 1,000 patients suffering from the Ebola virus. The organization has been under fire for letting its doctors return home with the infection, so it could use the good news.
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you proud.” Nearly 5,000 people have succumbed to the world’s worst Ebola outbreak on record, according to the World Health Organization, and Liberia has been hit the hardest. Though the virus has been raging since March, many people in West Africa still don’t consider Ebola a threat until they become highly contagious and many don’t trust foreign healthcare workers. There are also unverified rumors being spread about physicians harvesting organs from unconfirmed Ebola cases. When Kollie met his father in Foya after losing his mother, uncle and sisters, the village outright rejected him because of the heavy stigma associated with Ebola. That’s another factor contributing to the spread of the disease. Children who have been orphaned by Ebola are often left to fend for themselves because family members are reluctant to take them in. Survivors are being shunned by their communities, despite the fact that they are now immune to the disease and could play critical roles in caring for people with the disease. Doctors Without Borders currently operates six medical centers in Guinea, Liberia and Sierra Leone and has 3,000 personnel on the ground.
N. Korea Releases American Prisoner Capt. Lee Joon-seok and the three key crewmembers — a first mate, a second mate and the chief engineer — were indicted in May on homicide charges. Eleven other crewmembers were indicted on less serious charges. The death penalty is the maximum legal sentence in South Korea, but the country has a de facto moratorium on capital punishment and has not executed anyone since December 1997. South Korean courts, however, still occasionally issue death sentences. The sinking was one of South Korea’s deadliest disasters in decades
Christian evangelism is considered a crime in North Korea. He had been awaiting trial prior to being released last Tuesday. Fowle was jetted out of North Korea on a U.S. government plane. The Swedish government was instrumental in negotiating Fowle’s release since the U.S. doesn’t have formal diplomatic relations with North Korea. State Department deputy spokeswoman Marie Harf said the plane took Fowle to Guam on its way to the United States. According to the State Department, Fowle has been evaluated by a physician and appeared to be in good health. Foley was one of three Americans being held hostage by North Korea. White House spokesman Josh Earnest said it was a positive decision by North Korea to release Fowle. He urged Pyongyang to release the other two Americans, Kenneth Bae and Matthew Miller. The three prisoners all entered the country separately. In interviews last month with the AP, all three agreed that the only solution was for a U.S. representative to come to North Korea to make a direct appeal. Fowle was an equipment operator for the city of Moraine, Ohio, and has a wife and three children.
Israel New Jerusalem Chief Rabbis Elected
Kollie James, a teenage Liberian boy who lost his mother, two sisters and uncle to the disease, is now Ebola-free. “Stop crying Papa, I will not die,” Kollie told his despondent father from across the treatment center’s fence in Foya, Liberia, after he was diagnosed. “My sisters are gone, but I am going to survive and I will make
Jeffrey Fowle, an American from Ohio, spent close to a half a year imprisoned in North Korea. Foley, 56, was taken into custody after leaving a Bible in a nightclub in the northern port city of Chongjin last spring.
For the first time in 11 years, Je-
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OCTOBER 30, 2014
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B e th Tfiloh
campaign strategy: h. leiner & co. | writing: d. koenig
OCTOBER 30, 2014
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The precious Mesorah of HaRav Zvi Dov Slanger is a rare find; A treasure from an era gone by. Revered names like the Chazon Ish, the Brisker Rav, Rav Elya Lopian, Rav Schach, Rav Yechezkel Abramsky and the Steipler Gaon grace the crown of his Torah heritage, confirming his survival from Churban Europe as all the more essential for the survival of Torah in America.
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OCTOBER 30, 2014
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OCTOBER 30, 2014
The Week
rusalem officially has two chief rabbis. Rabbi Aryeh Stern and former chief rabbi of Israel Shlomo Amar were elected this week as Jerusalem’s Ashkenazi and Sephardi chief rabbis, respectively. Since the deaths of the two previous Jerusalem chief rabbis in 2003, the position has been vacant. 48 members make up the voting electorate. Rabbi Stern, who was backed by the nationalist Jewish Home party as well as by Jerusalem Mayor Nir Barkat, garnered 27 votes, placing him ahead of Rabbi Moshe Chaim Lau (backed by Shas), who received 20 votes in total. Rabbi Yehoshua Zand was the third candidate for Ashkenazi chief rabbi. Rabbi Amar, backed by Shas, was chosen by 28 electorates to beat out Rabbi Shmuel Eliyahu, the current chief rabbi of Tsfat, who received 18 votes. The other candidates for Sephardi chief rabbi were ex-Shas MK Chaim Amsalem, and Rabbi Mordechai Toledano, the son-in-law of the late Rabbi Ovadiah Yosef, Rabbi Yehuda Chaik, and Rabbi Mordechai Malka. “It is in my intention to serve as the rabbi of all Jerusalemites: secular, modern-orthodox and Charedi alike,” Rabbi Stern announced following his election. “The Jerusalem rabbinate is a great merit, but it also comprises a hefty responsibility. I will make sure that the religious services will become accessible and friendly and will serve as an outstanding model for all of the other rabbinate in Israel.”
Defense Minister Ya’alon Speaks His Mind Israel’s Defense Minister Moshe Ya’alon has given a biting assessment of the Obama Administration’s wrongheadedness on the Middle East. In an interview at the end of his trip to the United States, Ya’alon criticized the
misconception that the failure to solve the Palestinian conflict was provoking extremism elsewhere in the region. He rejected John Kerry’s notion that territorial concessions by Israel would resolve the Palestinian conflict, calling it “irrational.” He also dismissed the idea that the Palestinian Authority president is a partner for peace.
When asked whether the West “just doesn’t get it” in the Middle East, Ya’alon listed what he said were the misconceptions, misunderstandings, naiveté, wishful thinking and ignorance that left the West thinking erroneously, “We the Westerners know what is good for the Arabs.” The product of this kind of mindset, which had falsely contended that mere elections in the region would yield democratization, Ya’alon said bitterly, “is collapsing in front of us.” The Likud Party defense minister delivered his onslaught in the course of a relatively brief Question & Answer interview with the press at the end of his visit to D.C. this week. During his visit, U.S. officials were quoted confirming that his requests to meet with Kerry, Vice President Joe Biden and other senior officials were rejected by the administration — apparently in retaliation for previous criticisms aired by Ya’alon and other senior Israeli government ministers. Nonetheless, Ya’alon did meet with Defense Secretary Chuck Hagel. He stressed that the Pentagon and the Israel Defense Forces still share an unbreakable bond, and that the U.S. and Israel remain strategic allies despite any disagreements that arise between the nations’ leaders. The politicians
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“have disputes,” he allowed. But “with all the disputes, the United States is Israel’s strategic ally.” On the Palestinian front, Ya’alon said thinking was “dominated by too many misconceptions. We don’t find any linkage between the uprising in Tunisia, the revolution in Egypt, the sectarian conflict in Iraq and the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. Mainly, these come from the Sunni-Shia conflict, without any connection to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. The core of the conflict is their reluctance to recognize our right to exist as a nation state of the Jewish people…” Elaborating on this thought, he said: “There are many who believe that just having some territorial concessions will conclude it. But I don’t think this is right… The conflict is about the existence of the Jewish state and not about the creation of the Palestinian one. Any territory that was delivered to them after Oslo became a safe haven for terrorists. Bearing that in mind, to conclude that after the [recent] military operation in Gaza this is a time for another withdrawal from Judea and Samaria [the West Bank] is irrational. If we withdraw now from Judea and Samaria, we might face another ‘Hamastan.’”
Biggest Booze Bust This story is about a record setter, just not a very good record to set. The highest ever-recorded blood alcohol content of an Israeli driver was documented this week. Police in the northern town of Kiryat Motzkin pulled over a man who witnesses said was driving erratically, zigzagging and driving on sidewalks. A Breathalyzer test turned up a blood alcohol level of 1,625 micrograms per liter, six and a half times the legal limit of 240. The 73-year-old man, a resident of Kiryat Yam, was taken to the police station, where authorities discovered his driver’s license had already been suspended.
Israel is Leading Destination for Medical Tourists
Israel has been recognized as one of the world’s leading destinations for foreigners seeking expert medical attention. According to an authoritative annual report released by the Medical Tourism Index (MTI), Israel ranks highest in a survey of 25 of the most popular destinations for medical tourism for care, services, and best patient experiences. Overall, it ranked third best place for non-Israelis to get medical care. Usually, “medical tourists” are residents of less developed countries seeking treatment in more westernized and technologically advanced territories. However, that migration has shifted. Now a lot of medical tourism “traffic” is from more developed countries to smaller countries where procedures and medication are available at a cheaper price. Normally, this kind of recognition is welcomed with pride by Israelis, however some are concerned that this compliment may take up beds and care that would otherwise be reserved for Israeli citizens. “Medical tourism is a very sensitive issue for Israel’s health system. Every medical tourist admitted raises the question of whether that person is taking the place of an Israeli patient, particularly given that the hospitals are very overcrowded and the wait for treatment is long,” the
The Week
Terrorist Rams into Crowd in Jerusalem
On Wednesday, a three-month-old baby was murdered while waiting with her family at a Jerusalem train station when an Arab rammed his car into the crowd. Chaya Zisel Braun hy”d was killed immediately; her parents had waited ten long years to finally have children, only to have their joy smashed in an instant. Seven others were wounded in the attack. On Sunday, Keren Yamima Muscara, a 22-year-old tourist from Ecuador who was in the process of converting to Judaism, succumbed to her injuries from
the attack. Abdel-Rahman Shaloudi, 21, had a history of anti-Israel violence and was shot and killed by police as he fled the scene. Relatives and friends lauded the murderer at his funeral on Sunday in his hometown of Shaloudi. Angered by what they believe is a deliberate attempt by the Israelis to oust them from the neighborhood by buying up properties and moving in Jews, there have been nightly rock attacks for several months by Palestinian teenagers on the light rail system, which is seen by them as a symbol of Israeli oppression. On Sunday, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu plans to add some 1,000 extra officers and special forces to patrol Jerusalem amid the rising violence.
National Top Cities for Retirement This year’s Best Places to Retire list may come as a surprise. Apparently, it’s not just the sunny beach states like Florida that attract retirees; retirees are primarily concerned with state policy that guarantees a secure retirement. A study by the National Institute on Retirement Security ranks the 50 states on factors essential to retirees. Surprisingly, Florida and Arizona were at the bottom while northern states led the pack. Christian Weller, the study’s lead author and a professor of public policy at the University of Massachusetts, says he and his colleagues ranked states based on factors such as housing prices, taxes on pension income, job opportunities for older workers, potential retiree income, Medicare reimbursements, and generosity of Medicaid, which functions as “the default long-term-care insurance for many Americans.”
Based on this year’s Best Places to Retire list, compiled a list of the best cities for retirement. Nearly 200 towns and cities in 12 states were analyzed. Data on everything from crime and green space to job growth and health care was analyzed and these were the key findings: So where should hang your hat if you want to keep costs low when you retire? Head to Bella Vista, Arkansas. 52% of the population of 27,600 is over 50, the average home price is $102,000 and the average monthly rent is just $895. What about if you’re looking for a second career after you got that golden watch at your retirement party? Iowa City, Iowa, is the place for you. There’s a 3.1 % unemployment rate and 23% of the population of the town is over 50. Projected job growth is 4.2%, so hopefully you’ll find a job right away. Northfield, Minnesota, is the place to go if you’re looking for a well-rounded retirement. There are 33 city parks there for the population of 20,600 to enjoy. The average house costs $200,450, and if you need a doctor, it’s only 55 miles to the Mayo Clinic. Remember, life doesn’t end at 65, or 70, or even 75. Take your time to enjoy the golden years!
NYC’s First Ebola Patient Dr. Craig Spencer, New York
OCTOBER 30, 2014
few weeks to rest and recuperate. But even with the cost of a hotel for that period, along with the airfare, patients can still save between 25% and 35% on the cost of equivalent care in the U.S.,” he explained. According to data collected by the Health Ministry, Israel’s total income from medical tourism – including money spent at hospitals, hotels, and other expenses – reached $140 million in 2012. According to the International Medical Travel Journal, Israel’s public hospitals took in NIS 291 million (about $80 million) from medical tourism that year, with NIS 130 million of that going to Sheba Hospital in Ramat Gan, and NIS 108 million taken in by Hadassah University Hospital in Jerusalem.
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publication said, adding that “no authority in Israel has full data on medical tourism. The Health Ministry has only partial data that includes the state hospitals’ revenue. It does not know how many patients are treated, or in which departments. Many public and private hospitals have refused to provide any revenue figures or numbers [of patients].” The 2013 report of the Medical Tourism Association (MTA) shows that nearly 80% of demand for medical travel is driven by cost savings, and almost 76% of patients who have or would be interested in medical travel are Americans. As many as 1.6 million Americans traveled abroad for medical treatment in 2021, the organization said, highlighting the daunting expense that health care has become within the U.S. Most medical tourists traveled to India and Latin America (Mexico, Brazil, and Argentina) for treatment, but according to the MTI, which is issued every year by the International Healthcare Research Center (IHRC), there are better medical tourism destinations out there. The top overall places for medical care – based on level and quality of care, price, convenience, services, and tourism possibilities are Canada, the UK, Israel, Singapore, and Costa Rica. The rankings were based on the number of tourists, how many organizations were involved in arranging tours, the amount of web outreach hospitals and doctors did to potential patients, and other factors. Approximately 50,000 medical tourists visit the Holy Land each year, the majority travel from Russia and other Eastern European countries, and just a few thousand come from the States. According to medical tourism expert Stuart Katz, orthopedic procedures are popular in the Middle East, where the cost is roughly half than in the United States. “Of course, patients just can’t get back on a plane when the procedure is over. They need to take a
OCTOBER 30, 2014
The Week
City’s first Ebola patient, is said to be in serious but stable condition as he continues to fight the deadly Ebola virus. Dr. Spencer, who exhibited symptoms upon his return from fighting the disease in Guinea, seems to be doing well.
Dr. Ram Raju said, “The patient looks better than he looked yesterday, but he remains in serious but stable condition with the expected symptoms of the virus. He tolerated the plasma treatment well and had a good night sleep.” On Friday, the 33-year-old received a blood donation from aid worker Nancy Writebol who survived the virus. Many believe that that would save his life, as other survivors in the U.S. were all cured following blood transfusions. Writebol contracted Ebola while working with Christian aid group SIM in Liberia with her husband, who is also a missionary. Spencer arrived in New York on October 17, but was feeling fine. During that time, he went bowling in Brooklyn, rode the subway, took a taxi and went out to eat. On Tuesday, he started to feel ill but only developed a fever of 100.3 on Thursday. At that time, he contacted officials and the New York Department of Health. He was taken to the hospital while workers sealed off his apartment. His girlfriend was put under quarantine. Due to the concern of possible exposure, New York Governor Andrew Cuomo and New Jersey Governor Chris Christie announced immediate, mandatory quarantines for anyone returning from treating Ebola patients. Kaci Hickox, 33, a Doctors Without Borders nurse, was the first to be put in isolation in a tent in the University
Hospital parking lot in Newark. She was forced into isolation on Friday last week after showing a temperature of 101F, although she later tested negative for Ebola. Her caustic criticism of the quarantine prompted the governors to soften their policy to allow quarantine in the person’s home instead of a medical center. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention issued new guidelines on Monday, saying those who had come into contact with the bodily fluids of Ebola patients should stay away from commercial transportation or public gatherings. Soldiers in the army who had been in Liberia were remaining in isolation for 21 days, although they are not presenting with any symptoms of the virus. Symptoms of Ebola include a fever, a headache, diarrhea, vomiting, muscle and joint aches and in some cases bleeding. These appear two to 21 days after exposure to the disease, the CDC said. Even if a person is infected, the virus can only be passed on once symptoms appear. It is transmitted through direct contact with the infected person’s bodily fluids.
First Soldier Dies in Syria
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nearly three months later, the first life has been lost due to that initiative. On Friday, the Pentagon reported the first death of a U.S. soldier in Iraq. Marine Lance Corporal Sean Neal, 19, from California when he died in Baghdad on Thursday. The Pentagon described the death as a non-combat incident. Further details about how Neal died were not immediately available. This is the first casualty in Iraq since the Obama administration announced its “Inherent Resolve” mission, which now includes airstrikes against the extremist group in both Iraq and Syria and a growing number of U.S. military personnel on the ground in Iraq. The Iraq casualty comes as the Obama administration seeks to ensure the United States is not drawn into more of the costly, messy ground wars that characterized the decade after the 9/11 attacks. The Obama administration insists that it will avoid a ground war at all costs, hoping to ensure a different outcome than the U.S.-led invasion into Iraq in 2003 when more than 4,000 troops were killed.
The State of Wealth
zeros on the bottom line of his bank account. Predictably, Bill Gates is the richest man in Washington with a net worth of $81.5 billion. Nebraska’s crown goes to Warren Buffet, and California is scooped up by non other than Larry Ellison. David Koch wins the title for Kansas while WalMart’s leading lady, Christy Walton, belongs to Arkansas. She is one of six women who made the list of wealthiest person in their state. Michael Bloomberg is the richest person in New York, while Sheldon Adelson is king of the casinos in Nevada. Of the fifty individuals listed, 41 are billionaires with a combined wealth of $594.1 billion—26% of the total billionaire wealth in the nation. Amazingly, America really is the land of opportunity. 35 of the people on the list were entrepreneurs who made their fortune on their own. In nine states—Utah, New Mexico, Mississippi, Maine, Delaware, Hawaii, South Dakota, Alaska and Wyoming—the wealthiest person in the state was not a billionaire. In fact, Jonathan Ledecky of Wyoming has a mere $340 million—coming in as the wealthiest person in his state but way behind the others with golden bank accounts.
Famous Editor Involved in Watergate Dies
After being provoked, Obama decided to take military action in Syria against ISIS back in August and now
Recently, Wealth-X released a report ranking the wealthiest individuals in each state. Believe it or not, it doesn’t necessarily take a billion dollars to get top billing in your state; it all depends on where you live. In some states in the nation, the wealthiest person only has eight
Ben Bradlee became a national figure during Nixon’s presidency when he challenged the federal government over the right to publish the Pentagon Papers and oversaw the publication of Bob Woodward’s and Carl Bernstein’s accounts of the Watergate scandal. Bradlee also served as the editor of The Washington Post
The Week
Horror in Queens, NY
Footage of the incident looks straight out of a horror film—a crouching, bearded man turns a street corner, whips a hatchet out of his knapsack, and charges at two police officers. But, shockingly, this scene actually occurred in Queens, New York, in broad daylight last Thursday afternoon. Authorities believe that it was a terrorist attack by a reclusive Muslim convert. The suspect had posted anti-American rants online but had no known direct ties to international extremists, according to the Police Commissioner William Bratton. Despite that, Zale Thompson had not been on any watch lists. Authorities believe Thompson was self-radicalized. Bratton said investigators are currently in the process of trying to determine whether the attack was a planned event or spontaneous. The police commissioner added, “This was a terrorist attack, certainly.” Mayor De Blasio commended the officers’ rapid response, which police claim lasted only seven seconds. “Here are four rookie cops, just starting out in their career, when the absolute unexpected happened,” de Blasio said at a Thursday press conference. “They responded exactly as their training dictated and ended the situation – thank G-d – very,
very quickly.” In recent postings on social media, the suspect ranted about injustices in American society and oppression abroad. In one comment posted in response to a YouTube video, Thompson raged, “If the Zionists and the Crusaders had never invaded and colonized the Islamic lands after WW1, then there would be no need for Jihad!” Surveillance videos make it clear that Thompson specifically targeted the four rookie New York Police Department officers who were in uniform and on foot patrol in a bustling Queens commercial district. At the moment Thompson approached them, the officers were posing for a photo for a passerby. Without a word, Thompson swung at an officer who blocked the blow with his arm, police said. Another officer was hit in the back of the head and fell to the ground. As the suspect raised the hatchet again, the two uninjured officers drew their weapons and fired several rounds, police said. The bullets killed the assailant and in the chaos accidently wounded a bystander, police said. The 18-inch hatchet was recovered at the scene. Officer Kenneth Healey suffered a head wound and the bystander, a 29-year-old woman, was treated for a gunshot wound to the back. Thompson, 32, had once served in the U.S. Navy and had a history of run-ins with the law for domestic violence in California in 2003 and 2004. He was unemployed and his father told officials he converted to Islam about two years ago and had been depressed lately.
That’s Odd Cat Town Café Only the finest for my favorite fe-
line. Looking for a coffee and a cuddle with a furry cat? Perhaps you’d like to head out to Oakland where the nation’s first permanent cat café opened last week. Cat Town Café is “fun shtick on top of a serious rescue operation,” Adam “Catman” Myatt, a photographer who co-founded the eatery with Ann Dunn, said.
Dunn started a nonprofit foster program to help whiskery creatures find homes in 2010 when he saw the abysmal conditions they were living under in local animal shelters. Now, his operation has catapulted and became the springboard for the spot in downtown Oakland where customers frolicked with adoptable felines while munching bagels last Saturday. “This is kind of my dream vision of what Cat Town would be like,” said Julie Sammons, an employee and the nearby University of California-Berkeley, as she stroked one cat in her lap and another sprawled preciously on a burlap cat bed beside her. There have been others who have tried to marry felines and food, but due to health hazards were shut down. Cat Town is up to code. The cat zone and the café are separated by closed doors. The ventilation system was built so air can’t be circulated from the animal area into the restaurant. There are even separate restrooms—for those who have been in the feline abode and others who have not. The shop is also really purrr-ty, with elaborate cat houses and murals painted by local graffiti artists. “This is much nicer than I expected,” said Ellen Breeden, who teaches
OCTOBER 30, 2014
“Bet me that when I die,” he wrote in his 1995 memoir, “there will be something in my obit about how The Washington Post ‘won’ 18 Pulitzer prizes while Bradlee was editor.” However, he took issue with that recognition; he felt that the prizes are overrated and that the credit should really be for the reporters and not newspapers or their editors. When Bradlee retired from the Post newsroom in 1991, then-publisher Donald Graham said, “Thank G-d the person making decisions in the last 26 years showed us how to do it with verve and with guts and with zest for the big story and for the little story.” Last November, at age 92, Bradlee stood in the White House East Room and received the Presidential Medal of Freedom from President Barack Obama who saluted Bradlee for bringing an intensity and dedication to journalism that served as a reminder that “our freedom as a nation rests on our freedom of the press.” In September 2014, Bradlee’s wife revealed that her husband had suffered from Alzheimer’s disease for several years. She described him as happy to be cared for and content even in decline. “Ben has never been depressed a day in his life,” she told
C-SPAN in an interview.
for nearly two and a half decades, from 1968 to 1991. Bradlee died at home at the age of 93 last Tuesday of natural causes. He was 93.
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OCTOBER 30, 2014
The Week
special education in Oakland, “not as creepy as the ones in Japan I’ve seen on the Internet.” When asked what brought her out for opening day, Breeden had a simple response: “I love cats.” The grand opening was a success. After grabbing a bagel and a coffee, many walked home with their new furry pets. Food, fun and felines— now that’s fantastic!
World’s Tallest Cow
Let me tell you a tall tale—unless you’re afraid of heights. When Blosom was growing up, she was considered a barnyard misfit because of her inability to birth a calf. Now, the 13-year-old cow has given birth to a world record and is officially the world’s tallest cow. She measures 6 feet, 4.8 inches. “She’s massive,” said Patty Meads-Hanson at her farm amid the hills north of Freeport, Illinois. “Usually people can stand on each side of a cow and have a conversation, but not with Blosom. You can’t see over her. Honestly, if we had measured her at about age 8, she would have been taller. I think she’s shrunk with age.” Blosom’s veterinarian, Lynne Acebey at Orangeville Animal Health Services, says large frame Holsteins like Blosom are generally 5 feet tall to the shoulder and weigh 1,200 to 1,400 pounds. Blosom is estimated to weigh 2,000 to 2,500 pounds. Wearing an ear tag with the name “Blosom” on it, the animal arrived on the farm as one in a herd of heifers when she was 8 weeks old. Over time, Meads-Hanson and her dad, Gene
Meads, discovered that the cow could not reproduce or provide milk. They guessed that maybe she put her energy instead into growing to an unusual size. “Any place else, poor Blosom would be gone, but my Dad had a soft heart,” says Meads-Hanson, who took over the family farm after her father died four years ago. “My kids and I wanted so much to keep her as a pet.” She’s always loved attention, but since news of the Guinness record broke, Blosom has become a rural celebrity, drawing a steady stream of visitors to the farm. This cow is not just for show. Blosom also serves as a greeter for Memory Lane Craft Retreat, a side business Meads-Hanson operates on the farm. In that role, Blosom wears a hat and stands for pictures. “Blosom was unable to do what a dairy cow is supposed to do, but she was destined for greatness,” says Meads-Hanson, who is waiting for the hoopla to die down so she can focus more on her harvest. “She has a way of making people smile, and she doesn’t have a mean bone in that big body.” On the bottom of the Guinness certificate it says: “Officially Amazing.” “But I always knew that,” Meads-Hanson says. “She’s my friend.”
A Million Dollar Chip
Here’s a chip off the new block. Want to know which potato chip will be making its way to your lunchbox next month? Lay’s Potato Chips has announced its new flavor, Wasabi Ginger, and it’s going to be packing lots of heat. The entry to the brand’s annu-
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al “Do Us a Flavor” contest beat out Mango Salsa, Cheddar Bacon Mac & Cheese, and Cappuccino. The unique flavors have been on sale nationwide since late July, and chip lovers have been voting on them. “I don’t really think it’s sunk in quite yet,” the flavor’s creator, Meneko Spigner McBeth, admitted. McBeth, a 35-year-old nurse at Temple University Hospital in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, learned she won last Monday night, at a dinner for the finalists in New York City. She’ll take home either $1 million or a percentage of one year in Wasabi Ginger potato chip sales, whichever is more. “It was inspired by my grandmother: She’s Japanese, and I grew up eating her sushi,” McBeth said. “I wasn’t allowed to have the wasabi until I got older, and when I was [allowed to try it], I fell in love with it!” It wasn’t until college, though, that McBeth visited her “first real sushi restaurant” and became acquainted with pickled ginger. “The flavor of the two of them in combination, I love it. I said, ‘[Why not] try it on a chip? It can’t hurt!’” And it didn’t. Perhaps the behavior of McBeth’s three daughters sums up the country’s collective positive reaction to the flavor: “I mean, they went through bags and bags and bags [of Wasabi Ginger chips]. And I said, ‘That’s enough! You guys cannot eat this for lunch and dinner every day!’” As for that prize money? Most of it will go into a college fund for her daughters, but McBeth plans on one major splurge for herself. “That’s probably [going to be] a sports car, because I’ve been driving a minivan for the past few years!” she said. Gives a whole new meaning to cashing in your chips.
Borrow a Baby; Win the Race Julia Webb is married to Alan
Webb, the American who holds the record for the fastest mile. Now, she has made headlines of her own, when she ran a 10K in 38:15 while pushing a baby in a stroller. The baby, 7-month-old Ruby Schares, wasn’t even hers. Julia borrowed her for the event when she realized that her 2-year-old daughter wouldn’t be available for the race. Webb ran in the cold, wind, and rain with little Ruby—an infant of some friends—safely tucked away in blankets under a rain cover during the Run Like Hell 10K in Portland, Oregon.
Alan Webb, currently pursuing a professional career in triathlon, set the American record in the mile at 3:46.91 in 2007. With her time, Julia will be the new owner of the Guinness World Record for a 10K while pushing a baby in a stroller, if it is approved. Allison Tai of Canada currently holds the record at 43:07. After being told by organizers of numerous 10K runs that she couldn’t run with a stroller, she finally found one that would accept her attempt at the record. Only there was a slight problem. She didn’t have a baby for the stroller. Her own daughter, 2-year-old Joanie, was with her dad on a trip almost 3,000 miles away and wouldn’t be available for Sunday’s race. That’s where Stephanie and Eric Schares and their infant daughter come in. “[Eric] jokingly suggested, ‘Have you ever considered using a lighter
The Week
Phoning it In
details of the alleged crime during their getaway while the call was being recorded by authorities, Roswell police said. “We basically robbed them, dude,” one of the two suspects could be heard saying on audio of the accidental 911 call released by police. Dispatchers listened to the unintended confession for nearly 45 minutes as the duo continued to discuss their alleged heist. “I know we should have gotten a lot more, but you know what, my only thing is that we got away safe, clean,” one of the suspects said, according to the 911 call. Ironically, at one point, the song “Wanted Dead or Alive” could be heard playing in the background. In another snippet of the call, one of the suspects said: “We rolled over to Hervey Street and took it out of the … house.” Police ascertained that the home they mentioned was indeed burglarized and then they traced the call to the robber’s phone. When the police nabbed the suspects, they tried to deny their role in the heist, saying the call was recording sounds from another vehicle. Unfortunately for the robbers, police officers were way too smart for them.
Darth Vader Runs for the Dark Side in Ukraine Looking for a slimy, slithering pet? How about over 100 snakes in your home? Recently, a family in the town of Regina in Canada discovered small snakes in their basement. It seems that they weren’t too alarmed. These snakes were “just” garter snakes and after all, they were only in their basement, preparing to hibernate for the winter. But then, the snakes began to take over some rooms in the house,
Dialing the police after burglarizing a home and then talking about the robbery is probably not something that’s recommended for thieves looking to avoid arrest. But that’s what two really brilliant robbers in New Mexico did when they unintentionally dialed the copy right after driving away from stealing a television from a house in Roswell. Two people were arrested in Roswell, New Mexico, after they unintentionally dialed police immediately after burglarizing a home and discussed
One candidate in Ukraine’s parliamentary elections hopes to bring vot-
ers to the dark side: Darth Alekseyevich Vader. Dressed in full Star Wars regalia, Vader prowls the streets of Kiev atop his black campaign van wooing voters with promises to turn Ukraine into a “galactic empire.” So serious is he about his mission that he even legally changed his name to Darth Vader ahead of the elections. (He was previously known as Viktor Shevchenko.) The electrician-turned-interplanetary warlord insists his Internet Party is serious business. Speaking on his van, flanked by Stormtroopers and shrouded in white fumes, Vader explained that his top goal is to computerize all government business. “When I get to parliament, I will expel all the deputies. They have proven their uselessness,” he said. “Computers will work in their place and they will fulfil their functions without cease,” he declared. Most agree that the party, which also includes a Stepan Chewbacca on its list, has little chance of getting into parliament in Sunday’s vote. Still, the public greets Vader enthusiastically when he drives around the capital atop his van — which he refers to as “my helicopter.” Despite his pledge to enhance transparency, Vader declines to ever show his own face. That got him banned from voting in May presidential elections by electoral commission workers who said he was violating voting rules. Vader is not shying away from the major issues in the election. To the ominous backdrop of the Imperial March theme from Star Wars, he thundered from the top of his van that he would win the war against separatist rebels in the east — even as he withdrew government troops. And he vowed to reclaim the Crimean Peninsula, which was annexed by Russia in March. How will he achieve these feats? “A military space station will be built,” he said, “that will protect the whole territory of Ukraine.” May the force be with you.
OCTOBER 30, 2014
Snakes in the Sink
and when the family started to find them in the kitchen and bedrooms, they finally decided to call the local wildlife rehab agency. Megan Lawrence, the agency director, said, “The family contacted us when they found a few garter snakes in their basement. ... They were finding them in their kitchen and their bedrooms, and they decided it wasn’t a good idea to have them there anymore.” I can’t agree more. When Megan and her partner came to the home, they used five pillowcases to collect the 102 snakes. The snakes were separated by size; the longest was over three feet long and the shortest was only about 8 inches. Megan said her agency will be keeping the snakes through the winter but are looking for donations to help feed them. I’ll give her whatever she needs, as long as she keeps them far away from my home.
baby?’ looking down at Ruby, who was only about 4 months old at the time,” Webb recalled. The idea was hatched over the summer and Webb ran with it, calling it “rent-a-baby.” Ruby’s mom thought the baby would sleep through the race, but the infant was up and alert during the run. “Wide-eyed Ruby definitely didn’t want to miss out and was far from asleep when I peeked in at her after the finish,” Webb wrote. “Just like our first [practice] run, she took it all in stride, alert, and intensely sucking on her binky, only to pass out from exhaustion once she returned home from her running adventure.” I could sure use a babysitter. Perhaps she’d like to rent another little one for her next race.
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T H E J E W I S H H O M E n M AY 2 4 , 2012
OCTOBER 30, 2014
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Kosher KITCHENSURFING in Crown Heights How I Dined On Cured Branzini and Fahrenheit Turnip on Eastern Parkway BY MALKY LOWINGER
Last week I went surfing – KitchenSurfing, that is. It was a totally new experience for me, as well as for most of the twenty others who were joining me at this unique dinner party. The event, which was held in a swanky penthouse apartment overlooking Eastern Parkway, was a strictly kosher version of the popular start-up service that has become all the rage with foodies and plain old folk as well. Now that a kosher option is being introduced, chances are that it will take off just as quickly in the Jewish market. What is KitchenSurfing? It’s an internet service that pairs up private chefs with anyone interested in hiring them for a dinner, a party, or perhaps a unique ethnic experience. To book a chef, one need just browse the website, choose the type of dinner that is preferred, read the menus and the reviews, compare the prices, and finally contact the chef (or chefs) of your choice. The KitchenSurfing experience can be customized to your specifications, and the chefs do all the work including shopping, cooking, serving, and cleaning up. The company was launched in May of 2012 by Chris Muscarella, Mars Kluge, and Borahm Cho as a means of making the hiring of a private chef “a uniquely personal experience.” It was started in New York but today there are branches in many other locations including Chicago, LA, Boston and Berlin. Since its inception, it has connected
thousands of chefs with over 100,000 consumers.
f course, it was only a matter of time until KitchenSurfing went kosher. And to promote its kosher debut, a cozy little dinner party was arranged at the aforementioned Crown Heights apartment. I arrive at the dinner to find an eclectic mix of people mingling comfortably while nibbling on hors d’oeuvres. For this event, KitchenSurfing teamed up with renowned food writer and celebrity chef Jamie Geller, who is here tonight along with her assistant, Tamar. I introduce myself to Tamar and Jamie. Jamie is warm, friendly, and perky and while she’s delighted to be here tonight, she also can’t wait to get back to her home in Beit Shemesh, Israel. I make my way over to the kitchen so I can meet Chef David. David and his team are busy stirring, dicing, sautéing, and arranging but he takes a mo-
Jamie Geller and Chef David
ventually, we make our way to the elegantly set dining room table. I am seated between Hilda from the Lower East Side and Shifra who lives in Crown Heights. Hilda is here because she and her husband enjoy dining out and are always willing to try something new. Shifra is the
editor of the Joy of Kosher magazine, and a lively conversation develops about the latest trends in kosher eating. Our lovely waitress serves the first course, which is a Fresh Corn Soup garnished with Farro. We are really enjoying the soup, which is silky smooth and sweet. David emerges from the kitchen to tell us that the secret to the soup’s silkiness is the Yukon potatoes that are cleverly blended inside. He also confides that he roasts the corn a full forty five minutes before cooking the soup so as to bring out its sweetness. In the course of conversation, he tells us that he recently got married and is today living on the East Side of Manhattan, not far from where Hilda lives. This is the kind of informal interaction that makes KitchenSurfing so appealing. Even if you’ve visited your favorite restaurant a dozen times, chances are you’ll never really get to know much about the person who prepared your dinner. Our next course is Cured Branzini which I learn is a type of sea bass. It’s served with cucumber and beets. The fish is lightly sautéed and served cold, and David suggests that it would make a nice first course for Shabbat dinner. When I ask him who does the Shabbat cooking in his own home, David smiles shyly and confirms that he does. And so the evening continues. Fahrenheit Turnip prepared with carrots and truffle oil, Beef Steak Cruda with cumin, Yukon potatoes, Vidalia onions, and capers. (I later discover that “cruda” means raw.) And Roasted Prime Rib Chantarelle with mushrooms, beef juice, and salad. Dessert is a Grapefruit and Orange Aspic, a chilled jelly with fruit which Aaron says is David’s personal creation. Each course is plated creatively and meticulously. To be honest, KitchenSurfing may not be for everyone. Those who insist on dining on timehonored, traditional, and predictable dishes might not appreciate eating a single turnip served with truffle oil emulsion. But for those with a sense of culinary adventure, or anyone with a penchant for innovative gastronomic experiences, it’s certainly a treat for the senses. This could be the next big thing in upscale kosher dining. TJH
T H E J E W I S H H O M E n M AY 2 4 , 2012
ment to tell me his story. Born in the Lake Como region of northern Italy, he has been cooking since he’s 15, and has worked in an upscale Manhattan restaurant. Today he is twenty five years old and already a master chef. Intrigued by the concept of KitchenSurfing, he is preparing a chic and trendy dinner for us tonight that would presumably delight the fussiest foodies among us. I check out the hors d’oeuvres. There are pickled eggs made with onions and balsamic marmalade, risotto cakes made with fried green peas, and lamb meatball skewers. They look lovely but I am saving myself for dinner. And while David seems like a nice enough fellow, I’m wondering who is in charge of the kashrus here tonight. I find out soon enough, when I am introduced to Rabbi Weinfeld of O-K Labs. Rabbi Weinfeld assures me that he has been here since the morning supervising the preparation of the food as well as checking the vegetables. He also tells me that kosher KitchenSurfers can specify which meats and chickens they prefer for their event and can even choose the markets that their chefs should shop in. This is, after all, a personalized experience. I meet Aaron who is handling the Kosher KitchenSurfing event tonight and he explains that this growing startup has discovered the kosher consumer as an intriguing and potentially powerful niche market. He is betting that the KitchenSurfing concept will really take off with members of the community who are hosting a sheva brochos at home, a private fundraising event, a backyard barbecue, or even an anniversary dinner for two. The possibilities are endless. It’s fun to meet the people who are preparing your dinner, as well as those who are ensuring its kashrus and I’m beginning to see how KitchenSurfing can be more interesting and intriguing than simply making a restaurant reservation. No matter how much you enjoy your meal at your favorite eatery, chances are you will never have the opportunity to meet your chef, interact with him (or her) and learn about how he prepared the food you are eating.
78 T h e J e w i s h h o m e n m ay 2 4 , 2012
OCTOBER 30, 2014
Congressional Sound Bites
Riddle! Four politicians run for office and after counting the ballots only they know the results. If the politicians who finished in the top two places are truthful, while the other two politicians are lying, then who really won the race? Pat: George got 1st. Mike: Pat did worse than George. Sara: Mike is lying. George: I did better than Sara.
When they call the roll in the Senate, the senators do not know whether to answer “present” or “not guilty.“ - Theodore Roosevelt
Talk is cheap – except when Congress does it. - Cullen Hightower
The only difference between death and taxes is that death doesn’t get worse every time Congress meets. - Will Rogers
Congress is so strange; a man gets up to speak and says nothing – nobody listens—and then everybody disagrees. Boris Marshalov
Politics is the art of looking for trouble, finding it everywhere, diagnosing it incorrectly, and applying the wrong remedies. - Groucho Marx
The reason there are two senators for each state is so that one can be the designated driver. - Jay Leno
The Democrats are the party of government activism, the party that says government can make you richer, smarter, taller, and get the chickweed out of your lawn. Republicans are the party that says government doesn’t work, and then get elected and prove it. - P.J. O’Rourke
I have come to the conclusion that one useless man is a disgrace, that two become a law firm, and that three or more become a Congress. - John Adams
Answer on next page
You Gotta be
A busload of politicians were driving down a country road, when suddenly the bus ran off the road and crashed into an old farmer’s barn. The old farmer got off his tractor and went to investigate. Soon, he dug a hole and buried the politicians. A few days later, the local sheriff came out, saw the crashed bus and asked the old farmer where all the politicians had gone. The old farmer told him he had buried them. The sheriff asked the old farmer, “Gosh, were they all dead?” The old farmer answered, “Well, some of them said they weren’t, but you know how them crooked politicians always lie!”
3. How did South Carolina Congressman Preston Brooks react after Senator Charles Sumner (R-MA, not to be confused with Senator Charles Schumer) declared on the Senate floor in 1856 that Democratic Senator Douglas of Illinois was a “noise-some, squat, and nameless animal . . . not a proper model for an American senator”? a. He put forth a bill proposing rules of etiquette for all those delivering speeches from the podium b. He proposed a bill to impeach Senator Sumner c. He challenged Senator Sumner to a duel d. He snuck up behind him and hit him with a metal cane until he was unconscious 4. The word “senator” is derived from the Latin word “senex,” which means what? a. Leader b. Listener
5. The mid-term elections features races (in some locales) for which of the following offices? a. Drain commissioner b. Tree warden c. Fence viewers d. Prothonotary 6. In order to be eligible to serve in the House of Representatives, what of the following three qualifications must one meet? a. You must be at least twenty-five years old; b. Have been a citizen of the United States for the past seven years; c. Be an inhabitant of the state they represent. d. Be able to show up to work for a maximum 1/3 of the year, love to hear yourself talk, think you are the best thing since sliced bread, be self-depreciating enough for people to think you are so normal but not too much that people lose respect for you, speak out of both sides of your mouth, promise that you are going to change Washington, get embroiled in good financial scandals, make laws that drive people crazy, etc. (Do I sound cynical? OK, let me clean that up. Note: obviously, this does not apply to everyone…just most of them). 7. In 1994, the Republicans took control of the House of Representatives for the first time in 40 years. Who led the so-called “Republican Revolution” and became Speaker of the House as a result of that victory? a. Tip O’Neal
Answers: 1. A 2. C- The other presidents listed were all killed in office. John Quincy Adams returned to the House of Representatives for eight terms and Andrew Johnson returned to the Senate for one year before he died. 3. D- I guess Washington bickering isn’t a new phenomenon 4. D- Yep, how predictable. 5. All four. The description of each position is pretty much exactly what the title of the position is, except that “prothonotary” is simply—actually, not simply— Pennsylvania’s way of referring to the chief clerk of the courts. 6. A through C (but D usually fits the bill as well). 7. B Wisdom Key: 6-7 correct: You are a political junkie. (How many books did you read about “the recount”?) 3-5 correct: You know enough to do okay at a cocktail party (because why not talk about something that is guaranteed to offend somebody?). 0-2 correct: Please tell me that you answered question number two correctly. If not, oy vey.
Answer to riddle: Mike. George couldn’t have gotten 1st because then Pat would be the other truth teller and would have to be 2nd. Mike would have to be lying that Pat did worse than George, which isn’t a lie. Since there is a contradiction, George was definitely not 1st and Pat is lying. If Mike is the other liar, then George and Sara must be the truth tellers. That means Pat had to have done worse than George, resulting in Mike telling the truth. Since there is a contradiction, Mike isn’t the other liar. Sara has to be lying about Mike lying, so Sara and Pat are in the liars in the bottom 2. George has to be in the top 2, but since Pat is lying about George being 1st, George is 2nd and Mike is 1st. Sara and Pat are still somewhere in the bottom 2.
G ot fu n n y?
Comm Let the ission er dec Send your s tuff
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OCTOBER 30, 2014
2. Two U.S. presidents have returned to Congress after leaving the presidency. One was Andrew Johnson. Who was the other one? a. John F. Kennedy b. Abraham Lincoln c. John Quincy Adams d. James A. Garfield
b. Newt Gingrich c. Tom Foley d. Dennis Hastart
c. Lover of mankind d. Old man
1. The closest election in Senate history was decided on September 16, 1975 when Democrat John Durkin was declared the winner of the New Hampshire race, defeating Republican Louis Wyman by a slight margin of how many votes? a. 2 b. 78 c. 195 d. 734
T h e J e w i s h h o m e n m ay 2 4 , 2012
Congressional Elections Trivia
OCTOBER 30, 2014
Rabbi Jonathan Gewirtz
I Wood if I Could
rom time to time, I visit a shul in which I notice a great many wooden items made by the same man. There are bookrests, lecterns, memorial plaque boards and even a large wooden tzedaka box. How do I know they were made by the same man? Because his name is featured prominently on each of them in large letters - “Made by Ben Martin*,” or “Donated by Ben Martin” or something similar. The first few times I saw this, I was taken aback. It seemed that the fellow had an urgent need for recognition. Why else would he put his name on these items, especially in such a noticeable way? Of course, if I were to build something, I would definitely have to sign it. As I am not handy in the slightest, my creation, instead of being useful, would likely be a possible candidate for the Museum of Modern Art, and those pieces have to be signed. However, the more I thought about it, the more I realized just how much sense it made for this man to mark his work. You see, when I write an article, I, too, put my name on it. This is my craft, and I want people to know where to get more if they like it. More importantly, I’m advertising the fact that I am using the gifts and talents Hashem gave me
for a good purpose. I’m a natural writer. If you can’t write, you don’t have to feel bad. Some of us have a way with words and others… um…well…others…“have not a way,” I guess. Because G-d gave me the ability to string subjects and predicates together, nouns and verbs and the occasional adjective or gerund, I use that ability to write things to hopefully bring people closer to their Father in Heaven. By putting my name on it, I’m letting people (including myself) know that I’m
fulfilling my obligation to use my gifts properly. Ben the woodworker could be mak-
talent? We’re building and creating constantly. Is it making the best use of our G-d-given talent? Are we proud of
ing birdhouses but he chooses to make items for his shul (though for all I know he makes beautiful birdhouses too). By putting his name on things he’s telling the world that G-d gave him the skill and aptitude to build and create with wood and he’s using it. When people dedicate buildings for shuls, schools and yeshivos, or put their name on an ambulance, it’s not a call for attention. What they’re actually saying is that G-d blessed them with financial wherewithal and they’re using it for Him! They’re taking what He gave them and doing what He wants with their money. It’s an amazing lesson. We all have gifts and abilities, and we all sign our work product. The question is what statement we’re making. Do’aig HaEdomi (a contemporary of King David) was a brilliant Torah scholar, but he had a darker side. He used his Torah abilities to ridicule others, to embarrass them until they got red in the face, hence his moniker, “Edomi,” the red one. His signature move was to take his talents and abuse them, along with whoever was unlucky enough to get in his way. Some names are less insulting, but not that much more praiseworthy. A woman who is a perfectionist in the kitchen might be called “a real Martha Stewart,” but it doesn’t tell you that she’s using her talents to brighten her family’s life or to enhance the Shabbos. The question to ask ourselves is what our name will mean to people. What will they consider our “signature”
what we’re producing? Take a lesson from Ben the woodworker that your craft in life is to be the best you can be and use what you have for the glory of G-d. Make sure you will be proud to put your name in big block letters on everything you do because, after all, that’s how others will see it. Chanuka is coming! Why not give your family the gift that will keep on
giving? With easy-to-read, humorous insights that strengthen bitachon, middos tovos, and simchas hachaim, The Observant Jew, a compilation of some of Rabbi Gewirtz’s best articles from years past, is a perfect choice. Look for it in your favorite Jewish bookstore or visit and see what a difference it can make! Jonathan Gewirtz is an inspirational writer and speaker whose work has appeared in publications around the world. He also operates, where you can order a custom-made speech for your next special occasion. Sign up for the Migdal Ohr, his weekly PDF Dvar Torah in English. E-mail info@ and put Subscribe in the subject. © 2014 by Jonathan Gewirtz. All rights reserved.
T H E J E W I S H H O M E n M AY 2 4 , 2012
The Observant Jew
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OCTOBER 30, 2014
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OCTOBER 30, 2014
42 82
In the Kitchen Naomi Nachman
Soup-er Soups to warm your family on cool fall nights There is nothing like the magic of hot soup to warm your soul and fill your belly. I have always loved soup. These easy-to-make, hearty soups will keep you warm and satisfied any night of the year. I try to make a lot of different soups on one day so I have ready to go meals in the freezer on those chilly days. My kids love having a bowl of soup waiting for them when they come home from school.
This soup is great for a Thanksgiving dinner and is perfect for fall with all the seasonal root vegetables.
Red Lentil Vegetable Soup
Ingredients 1 cup red lentils, sorted and rinsed 4 cups water Bay leaf Salt 2 TBS olive oil 2 onions, diced 4 cloves garlic, minced 2-inch piece ginger, minced 2 tsp cumin 1 tsp curry 2 tsp dried coriander 2 cups butternut squash, cut into ½ inch dice 1 cup zucchini, peeled and cut into ½ inch dice 1 medium parsnip, peeled and cut into ½ inch dice
2 carrots, peeled and cut into ½ inch dice 1 TBS lemon juice 1 bunch baby spinach Pinch cayenne pepper Preparation Add lentils, water and bay leaf to a medium saucepan. Cover and boil on a simmer for 20 minutes until lentils are tender. Add 1 tablespoon salt and remove bay leaf; puree lentils in a blender. Add onions to a skillet and sauté until onions are soft. Add garlic, ginger, cumin, curry, and coriander and sauté for a few more minutes. Add butternut squash, parsnip, carrots, zucchini, salt, and 1 ½ cups water simmer for 10 minutes until vegetables are soft. Stir lemon juice and spinach into pureed lentils, then add the vegetables and stir to combine. The heat will wilt the spinach. Add pepper and salt if necessary.
Naomi Nachman, the owner of The Aussie Gourmet, caters weekly and Shabbat/ Yom Tov meals for families and individuals within The Five Towns and neighboring communities, with a specialty in Pesach catering. Naomi is a contributing editor to this paper and also produces and hosts her own weekly radio show on the Nachum Segal Network stream called “A Table for Two with Naomi Nachman.” Naomi gives cooking presentations for organizations and private groups throughout the New York/New Jersey Metropolitan area. In addition, Naomi has been a guest host on the QVC TV network and has been featured in cookbooks, magazines as well as other media covering topics related to cuisine preparation and personal chefs. To obtain additional recipes, join The Aussie Gourmet on Facebook or visit Naomi’s blog. Naomi can be reached through her website, or at (516) 295-9669.
Hot And Sour Soup
Ingredients ¼ cup (about 6) dried mushrooms ½ cup hot water 1 cup shredded cooked chicken 1 TBS sherry or any red sweet wine 4 cups chicken broth 8oz. can bamboo shoots 1 cup firm tofu, cut into cubes 3 TBS rice vinegar 2 TBS soy sauce 1 TBS cornstarch ¼ cup water ½ tsp white pepper 1 egg, beaten 1 tsp roasted or toasted sesame oil 3 scallions, chopped into ½-inch pieces
Preparation Soak mushrooms in hot water to cover for 30 minutes; drain. Cut off their stems and discard. Thinly slice caps and set aside. Combine chicken with sherry; let stand for 10 minutes. This will give the chicken a richer flavor. Combine stock, chicken, bamboo shoots, and mushrooms and bring to a boil; cook for five minutes. Add tofu and cook gently for 1 minute. Add soy sauce, white pepper and vinegar. In a separate bowl, mix water and cornstarch until it become a milky liquid. Pour the cornstarch mixture into the soup, stir gently and bring to a boil. Let the soup thicken. Slowly pour the beaten egg into the soup while stirring constantly. To finish off the soup, remove from heat and sprinkle with scallions and add sesame oil.
OCTOBER 30, 2014
This is a great way to use up some of the leftover chicken from your chicken soup.
*Dried porcini mushrooms are available at Italian markets, specialty foods stores and many supermarkets.
Preparation Combine 2 cups warm water and dried porcini mushrooms in small bowl. Let mushrooms soak until soft, about 30 minutes. Using slotted spoon, remove mushrooms from liquid. Squeeze excess liquid from mushrooms back into bowl. Strain 1 cup soaking liquid into another small bowl, leaving any sediment behind.
Heat 1 tablespoon oil in heavy large pot over medium heat. Add onion, carrots and leek. Sauté until vegetables are tender and pale golden, about 10 minutes. Add remaining oil and fresh mushrooms; sauté until mushrooms are tender and brown, about 10 minutes. Stir in porcini mushrooms and wine. Cook until liquid evaporates, about 5 minutes. Add 4 cups stock, potato, thyme, bay leaf and 1 cup reserved porcini soaking liquid. Bring to boil. Reduce heat and simmer until potato is very soft, stirring occasionally, about 30 minutes. Discard bay leaf. Cool slightly. Working in batches, puree soup in blender. Return soup to pot. Mix in soy milk. Bring to simmer. Season with salt and pepper. (Can be prepared 1 day ahead. Cover and refrigerate. Rewarm before serving, thinning with more stock, if desired.) Ladle soup into bowls. Sprinkle with chopped parsley.
T H E J E W I S H H O M E n M AY 2 4 , 2012
Crème Wild Mushroom
Ingredients 2 cups warm water ¾ oz. dried porcini mushrooms 2 TBS canola oil (divided) 1 cup chopped onion 1 cup chopped, peeled carrots ½ cup chopped leek (white and pale green parts only) 22 oz. assorted fresh wild mushrooms (such as cremini or stemmed shiitake), sliced ½ cup dry white wine 4 cups chicken stock 1 cup chopped, peeled russet potato 1 tsp dried thyme 1 bay leaf ½ cup soy milk Chopped fresh parsley or chives
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Jewish History
The Balfour Declaration and the Reaction of Rav Kook
s nations issued statements of support for the Balfour Declaration, issued on November 2, 1917, Jewish communities around the world paused and celebrated. The American Jewish Zionist newspaper, the Maccabaean, termed the Balfour Declaration, “The Jewish Magna Carta,” the American Jewish Chronicle called it, “A Turning Point in Jewish History,” and the Canadian Jewish Chronicle, considered it the “The End of the Galut.” A popular Yiddish daily, Dos Yiddishe Folk, stated, “For the first time in two thousand years we again enter into the arena of world history as a nation which deserves a national home.” The religious Zionist movement, Mizrahi, issued a statement in response to the news, “It seems that Holy Providence which guided Israel in its long night of
exile is about to reward the Jewish people for all their suffering and tribulations.” In one celebration, a reported crowd of 100,000 danced outside the U.S. Consulate in Odessa. Christian Zionists around the world were elated as well. On Sunday evening, December 2, 1917, crowds gathered in the London Opera House, which was filled to capacity with over 2,700 in attendance. An overflow crowd met simultaneously in the Kingsway Theatre of London. The rally was entitled a “Great Thanksgiving Meeting,” by the London Jewish Chronicle and it featured members of the British Government and leaders of British Jewry. At the rally, speeches were delivered with the frequent theme por-
Rav Kook offered recognition to the
British but not thanks.
45 He believed the British need not be thanked for giving the Jews what had been rightfully theirs for over three thousand years, or for offering the Jews the land which was taken from them by Roman conquerors 1,800 years earlier.
urthermore, the British issued the declaration, but they had not yet delivered on their promises of Jewish Statehood. Despite the euphoria, the British would soon abandon their pledge. By 1919, members of the Jewish Legion who fought valiantly with the British to expel the Turks from Palestine in 1918 were prohibited from entering Jerusalem on Passover. One year later, during Passover, an Arab pogrom broke out in Jerusalem. Five Jews were murdered and hundreds were wounded—eighteen critically. Synagogues were desecrated, shops were loot-
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OCTOBER 30, 2014
British High Commissioner Herbert Samuel adn Rav Kook visiting a Jewish neighborhood in Jerusalem in 1925
ed, and homes were ransacked. The British military authorities rejected the Jews’ demands to dismiss the Arab police who participated. The Jews as a whole condemned the response by the British, and accused them of complicity in the pogrom. Accusations were also subsequently leveled that the British incited the violence. Weeks later, as the British were granted a mandate over Palestine signifying a possible shift in policy, another event expressing gratitude was held. On the same page of the London Jewish Chronicle, on April 30, 1920, which contains eyewitness accounts of the horrors on the pogrom, an advertisement appeared calling for a “Thanksgiving Meeting” to be held on May 2 “in gratification for the granting of the mandate to Great Britain and the establishment in Palestine of the new Jewish homeland.” With the new mandate granted, the British were again showered with words of appreciation, but the Palestine mandate continued and the promises of Jewish Statehood were not fulfilled. Over five years later, on November 11, 1925, crowds filled the Churva synagogue in the Old City of Jerusalem to commemorate the armistice which concluded the First World War. As thunderous cannon fire ushered in a two minute moment of silence, Rav Kook addressed the audience, “We, the Jewish people, have kept silent not only for two minutes but for two thousand years. The nations robbed our Land from us; they plundered our cherished soil; they spilled our blood; and we always kept silent. We suffered for two thousand years of indescribable afflictions, but we kept our peace. …Our silence today is our protest, our outcry: Return the theft! Return our holy places, which you took by force!” TJH
traying the British as liberators of the Jewish people from millennia of suffering. British Member of Parliament Colonel Mark Sykes called the event a “turning point in the history of the whole world.” MP Robert Cecil proclaimed, “The keynote of our meeting this afternoon is liberation.” MP Herbert Samuel, who would later become the first British High Commissioner over the Middle East, pronounced the words, “Next year in Jerusalem” and decried those who had doubted that British promise of Jewish statehood. Dr. Chaim Weitzmann, president of the English Zionist Federation, who had an integral role in the promulgation of the Declaration, called upon those present to rise and take an oath, which quoted a passage from Isaiah, “If I forget thee Jerusalem, may my right hand forget its power.” The general perception was that the deliverance of the Jews was forthcoming, thanks to the declaration of the British government. Among the speakers was the eminent Rav Abraham Isaac Kook from the city of Jaffa who due to circumstances related to the war was in London at the time. Rav Kook’s message was quite different: “I have not come here to thank the British nation, but even more, to congratulate it for the privilege of making this declaration. The Jewish nation is the ‘scholar’ among the nations, the ‘people of the book,’ a nation of prophets; and it is a great honor for any nation to aid it. I bless the British nation for having extended such honorable aid to the people of the Torah, so that they may return to their land and renew their homeland.” Rav Kook offered recognition to the British but not thanks. If the British offered the pledge, then it fulfilled a role for which it was destined.
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Compiled by Nate Davis
“Say What?” Yesterday yet another person jumped the White House fence. It happened again. On the bright side, at least Michelle Obama is finally getting more Americans to exercise. - Conan O’Brien According to a new survey, almost 40 percent of new moms create social media accounts for their newborns. A good way to know you shouldn’t have a baby is if you think it’s a good idea to set up a Twitter account for it. – Jimmy Kimmel
The Pentagon just announced that its fight against ISIS will be called “Operation Inherent Resolve.” They came up with that name using “Operation Random Thesaurus.” - Jimmy Fallon
Don’t let anybody tell you it’s corporations and businesses that create jobs. You know that old theory, “trickle-down economics,” that has been tried? That has failed. It has failed rather spectacularly. - Hillary Clinton at a rally for Massachusetts Democrat gubernatorial candidate Martha Coakley last week
As a fifth generation Coloradan, Mark understands what makes this state special. - First Lady Michelle Obama while campaigning for Colorado Senator Mark Udall (D), who was born in Tucson, Arizona, and is the son of the former Arizona congressman. (His Republican opponent is a fifth generation Coloradan)
A Dutch motorcycle gang called “No Surrender” has declared war on ISIS, and plans to ride their motorcycles through Syria and Iraq. When they heard the name “No Surrender,” the Pentagon said, “[Wow]! That would have been a perfect name!” - Jimmy Fallon
It was announced today that the head of the TSA will retire after 31 years. I guess he wants to spend his time sitting around doing nothing instead of standing around doing nothing. – Seth Myers
[Gov. Christie] is coming because he asked if he could come and we weren’t going to say no. - Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker (R), while discussing his dissatisfaction with the overall lack of support from the Republican Governor’s Association, led by Gov. Christie (R), who may face off against Walker in the 2016 Republican primaries
TSA Chief John Pistole announced that he is stepping down. So whoever takes his place is going to have some pretty big shoes to take off. - Jimmy Fallon
Israeli police shoot man in East Jerusalem. - AP headline after a Hamas terrorist plowed into a crowd at a Jerusalem train station, killing a 3 month old and injuring 8 others Car hits people at Jerusalem station. - BBC’s headline regarding the Hamas terrorist attack
I prefer not to dwell on that aspect and focus more on the joy that the game has brought to so many over the years. - 77-year-old John Spinello, who 50 years ago invented the board game Operation and sold it to Milton Bradley for just $500, when asked if he regrets that sale now that he is in need of a $25,000 operation and is unable to afford it
Whole Foods is introducing a new system that will label its produce “good, better, and best” depending on their supplier’s farming practices. Good means “no pesticides,” better means “environmentally friendly,” and best means “still not worth five bucks for an apple.” - Jimmy Fallon Over the weekend, President Obama told Americans not to panic about Ebola. Then, when asked about the Democrats’ chances in the upcoming midterm elections, Obama said, “Man, that Ebola sure is scary.” - Conan O’Brien
All I can say is I’m sorry and ask for the nation’s forgiveness. My nerves got the best of me and I am completely torn up about what happened. - Singer Aaron Lewis apologizing for messing up some of the lyrics in the national anthem before Game 5 of the World Series
It is a pleasure to open the Information Age exhibition today at the @ ScienceMuseum and I hope people will enjoy visiting. Elizabeth R. - England’s Queen Elizabeth II, tweeting for the first time last week (R stands for Regina, which means Queen in Latin)
A diet pill endorsed by Dr. Oz was found to be based on bogus scientific research. Yeah, people are shocked that you can’t trust a TV doctor named after a lying wizard. - Conan O’Brien
The only thing he’s interested in is protecting himself from political defeat… He’s got no guts. - An anonymous senior White House official to Jeffrey Goldberg of the Atlantic, discussing Prime Minister Netanyahu
Last night, someone jumped the White House fence again. See, the problem is, if the pizza doesn’t get to Obama in 30 minutes, it’s free. And that comes out of their paycheck. – Jimmy Kimmel There have been seven fence jumps now at the White House so far this year. Maybe it’s time the president gives Joe Biden a key. – Ibid. Fortunate for the intruder, dog bites are covered under Obamacare, so he will be fine. – Ibid. Maybe people would stop trying to jump the fence if the first lady wasn’t taunting us by growing gardens full of that sweet, sweet kale. – Ibid. The stock market is going crazy. Earlier this week, Warren Buffett lost $2 billion. Luckily, Buffett found it this morning under a pile of $8 billion. – Conan O’Brien
Our government spent $387,000 giving rabbits a daily massage. That doesn’t sound wasteful to me. That sounds adorable. - Ibid. It’s kind of ironic for a member of Congress to be complaining about government waste. I think we spend around $5 billion every year on Congress. We don’t seem to be getting anything out of that, right? What we got is a report on how much money they waste, so thank you. - Ibid. Speaking of major expenditures, a new Starbucks drink is on the way. Starbucks soon will be offering a chestnut praline latte. And I have to say, it’s hard to criticize the government for wasteful spending when we pay $7 for candy-flavored coffee twice a day, right? - Ibid. They say a chestnut praline latte is the perfect beverage to buy a rabbit after a relaxing massage. - Ibid.
An Apple computer built by Steve Jobs in his garage in 1976 sold for nearly $1 million. It makes it the most affordable Apple product currently on the market. - Conan O’Brien
So, it seems that the Democrats’ overall message is yes, ISIS is scary. Yes, Ebola is scary but Republicans are a lot scarier. - CNN host Candy Crowley to Democratic National Committee chairwoman Debbie Wasserman Schultz
The president is upset. Very upset. Frustrated and angry. Seething about the government’s handling of Ebola, said the frontpage headline in the New York Times last Saturday. There’s only one problem with this pose, so obligingly transcribed for him by the Times. It’s his government. He’s president. Has been for six years. Yet Barack Obama reflexively insists on playing the shocked outsider when something goes wrong within his own administration. – Charles Krauthammer, the Washington Post
Well, that’s right. - Wasserman Schultz in reply
As of today, Starbucks will allow their employees to display tattoos and ear gauges. Those are the round plugs that some people put in their earlobe to let the world know their dads never played catch with them. – Jimmy Kimmel
Politicians in Miami have passed a resolution to split Florida into two states. Yeah, the two states would be known as Geezerville and Methylvania. - Conan O’Brien
OCTOBER 30, 2014
I’ve got a problem with our scoreboard operator. I’ve got to have a little talk with him. I’m not sure what he’s doing, he’s playing music and showing players dancing and getting the crowd fired up when we have the ball. - Denver Broncos quarterback Peyton Manning, explaining why he frantically waved his hands to get Denver fans to quiet down during an offensive drive in a game last week
If someone throws out a ballot, like if you want to fill it out, you should do it. - Meredith Hicks, director of Work for Progress, a liberal group funded by Democratic Super PACS, to James O’Keefe who posed as a liberal election volunteer in Colorado
The annual Wastebook report was released today. This is an annual report that lists what Senator Tom Coburn describes as wasteful government spending. I didn’t read it. I’m waiting for the movie to come out. - Jimmy Kimmel
Musician Kenny G was in Hong Kong showing support for protesters there. Kenny G played three notes and they immediately surrendered to Hong Kong. - Conan O’Brien
Kenny G caused a controversy. I never get to say that. He tweeted his support of the Hong Kong protesters. Now China’s Communist government is mad at him. China has threatened to pull Kenny G’s music out of all of their elevators. – Conan O’Brien
T H E J E W I S H H O M E n M AY 2 4 , 2012
Today was the muchanticipated launch of Apple Pay, the mobile payment system that allows you to buy stuff with your iPhone. So now you don’t have to go through the excruciating experience of going into your wallet, handing them your card, and putting the card back in your wallet. - Jimmy Kimmel
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OCTOBER 30, 2014
Forgotten Heroes
Avi Heiligman
Aces in the Israeli Skies
ir-to-air combat has played large- ed States and France gave Israel their ly in every major war in the past latest versions. It was the height of the 100 years. At first, the planes Cold War and both sides were eager to were propeller driven and slow. A pilot- see how their planes would stand up in combat against operated single each other. The machine gun Six Day War and was put in place the War of Atto knock down trition gave the enemy planes. world a view of Bigger and faster planes soon were the amazing capabilities of jet invented and by fighters in the the end of WWII, hands of skilled jet engines repilots. placed propellers The key to (although not fighting a top line completely, as enemy fighter is some prop planes to know its caremained in serGiora Romm, the Israeli Air Force’s first jet ace, pabilities. To that vice for decades). scoring five kills during the 1967 Six Day War end, Israeli miliIn the 1960s, several countries were coming up with tary intelligence wanted to know about better designs for a frontline fighter jet. the MiG-21. In 1966, Mossad agents Russia was supplying MiG jets to the came through when they convinced an Middle East at a fast rate, and the Unit- Iraqi Christian pilot, Munir Redfa, to dew
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fect to Israel with his plane. The plane with regularity and the missiles would was the only Russian example in West- veer off target. During the War of Atern hands, so after completing tests and trition (1967-1973) the top Israeli pilots discovering its weaknesses, the MiG was would switch to the American-made F-4 loaned to the U.S. America was fighting Phantom, and its top aces were slated to the Vietnam War at the time, so the en- become Phantom fliers. emy plane came in handy. Before Romm went to train on the The Six Day War started with an new planes, he was called to participate Israeli strike on Egyptian, Jordanian in an operation on Egyptian bases. The and Syrian air forces. The attacks were Egyptians retaliated, and on Septema huge success and most of the enemy ber 11, 1969, Romm was chasing two air forces were destroyed. Some enemy MiGs over the Sinai Desert. He failed planes managed to take off, and 79 Arab to notice another MiG 21 on his tail, planes were knocked down in air-to-air and Romm was forced to bail out. Sufcombat during the war. This is where fering from injuries, he was captured the training of the pilots took over. by the Egyptians but was denied proper Before the war actually started, the medical care. Three months later, he IAF downed several enemy planes in was released in a prisoner exchange their French-built Mirage III fighters. with another Israeli pilot, Nissim AshThe 119th Squadron was a vital part of the kenazi. Romm got his revenge during attack and only a few of their battle tested the Yom Kippur War when he was made Mirage IIIs weren’t tasked to bomb land commander of an A-4 Skyhawk unit. targets. Giora Romm and his wingman, In 1985, he flew in an F-15 Eagle that Eitan Karmi, were circling an Egyptian struck PLO headquarters in Tunisia. Another Six Day War hero, Reuven base searching for any enemy planes that escaped the bombing. Sure enough, they Rozen, became a Phantom pilot along saw several MiG 21 fighters and each with Asher Snir and Avraham Salmon, downed two and went back to base to who is ranked 2nd among all Israeli aces refuel. This time, Romm’s wingman was with 14.5 kills. Rozen was still flying the Asher Snir when Mirage when he Romm called over shot down a MiG the radio, “Two 21 with a new MiGs, 12 o’clock American-made high.” Snir posiAIM 9 Sidewinder tioned himself bemissile—a first hind one and shot for the IAF. Snir him down. Howshot down several ever, the second more MiGs and was on the tail of became Israel’s Romm and fired 4th highest scoring a missile which ace with 13.5 kills. MiG 21 fighter planes failed to lock on He holds the disthe Mirage. Frustinction of being trated, the MiG 21 pilot shot cannon fire the first Phantom pilot to shoot down a at the fire but his aim was off. Finally, MiG 21. Both Rozen and Romm ended Romm was able turn the tables and shot their careers with five kills and are on the him out of the sky. On June 6, Romm small list of elite pilots that achieved the was shot down, injured but landed safely coveted status of an ace. in friendly hands. The next day, he was These pilots were a big part of the back flying and brought down a MiG 17. reason the Egyptians were forced to the This was Romm’s fifth kill, which made negotiating table to sign a peace agreehim an ace. ment. Complete control of the sky was Meanwhile, in June, Asher Snir shot vital to win the war and these aces of down two more MiGs in his Mirage. The the skies were the ones who got the job Mirages proved to be the master of the done. skies for the rest of the war as the Arab pilots were afraid to fly in their own airspace. However, for all it’s worth, the Avi Heiligman is a weekly contributor to The Mirage Three had a lot of mechanical Jewish Home. He welcomes your comments problems, especially with its armament. and suggestions.for future columns and can Its cannon and machine guns jammed be reached at
63 Rivki D. Rosenwald Esq., CLC, SDS
Oh, and did I forget to mention the makeup lady, the hairdresser and the photographer? Coordinating everything adds to the final sprint and creates
agita. It’s supposed to be a convenience, an accommodation, I’d say. And it is— initially! But when you are ready to leave, it makes you want to shoot your-
unnecessary last minute anxiety. Not for someone like me, of course. I have the luxury of sending my hair in way in advance to get done, while I stay home leisurely laying out my tables. Now let me discuss something that gives everyone in attendance a dose of
self for taking advantage of it. You’ve got it: Valet parking! Do they actually take the car to another borough to park it? Because, short of that, I can’t figure out why it takes as long to get your car back as it did to drive to the affair! And that’s got the added challenge
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of trying to find your car ticket while balancing the three popcorns, five cupcakes, and two cups of coffee you grabbed on the way out. A wedding is a great event. Two people find their soul mate, though why they lost them in the first place is beyond me! People should keep better track of their stuff. We all get a little tussled at the dancing, a little teary-eyed at the ceremony, but mostly invigorated by the wonderful joy and energy of the occasion. Maybe we are all supposed to get a little caught up with the excitement and infectious chaos of the wedding. Maybe, just maybe, everyone is supposed to join in and start hearing the bells! Rivki Rosenwald is a certified relationship counselor, and career and life coach. She can be contacted at 917-705-2004 or
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OCTOBER 30, 2014
hear bells! Some people might think it’s the imminent sound of wedding bells but I think it’s “them” coming to take me away. As the last few days of preparation descend upon the family making the wedding, the pressure mounts proportionately. Everyone wants to know the final count: the caterer, the florist, even the band members... Wait, why do the band members need to know? Are any of them going to play that much louder just because three second cousins from New Joizy walked through the door?! It’s all part of the plot against the already scurrying hosts. And honestly, who knows less than these hosts how many people are actually showing up?! The return cards have nothing to do with the ultimate attendance. The flu, the traffic, the weather… I’m certain even the way Jupiter aligns with Mars all play a giant role in why people decide to show up or not on the actual day of the wedding.
For Whom the Bell Tolls
T H E J E W I S H H O M E n M AY 2 4 , 2012
Life Coach
OCTOBER 30, 2014
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Thanks, GS Send in your own questions to
ing fantastic items (magic beans, anyone?) or that they themselves are animals of some kind while they eat. Older children may enjoy being a part of the preparation process. Creativity is key. This is not an exhaustive list of ways to better manage dinnertime, but I hope it will spark some ideas for you. Most importantly, keep in mind the pitfall of the power struggle. When you let go of your need for the children to behave in a certain way – and this is true in many areas – you may find that they will step up to the responsibility quite on their own. Rabbi Raffi Bilek, LCSW-C, is the director of the Baltimore Therapy Center. He loves working with families and couples, and invites you to get in touch with him for a free consultation, Dear GS, Getting kids to eat properly is always a difficult process. Kids usually do not understand the value of a proper diet. As such, explaining to them why it is important to eat properly is often ineffective. Generally there are two possible reasons why they don’t want to eat at dinner time. The first reason is because they are not hungry at dinner time. This is usually because they have been eating late afternoon snacks (usually junk food, unfortunately) and aren’t hungry by the time dinner comes. The way to solve this problem is by giving them less snacks to bring to school or denying them access to many snacks when they come home. This can be done by simply buying less junk food snacks to have around the house, and substitute those with fruits and vegetables instead. Of course, only having fruits and vegetables around will encourage them to
eat more of them, and will also usually whet their appetite for dinner, as fruits and vegetables don’t satisfy hunger for kids the same way junk food does. The second reason for not eating at dinner time is also since they usually prefer junk food and not proper food,especially when the dinner is a healthy one. Carrots and broccoli just simply does not have the same appeal as a candy bar Unfortunately, as mentioned above, explaining to them the importance of eating healthy usually does not work. However, what is effective is setting up a reward and punishment system. For example an increase in weekly allowance money or some other entertainment that the child enjoys if they finish up their full plate every day till the end of the week is one effective way. Another reward could be that if they eat well during the week at dinner, then the last night of the week can be a dinner that they can pick whatever they want to eat for it. Of course,it is also equally important to punish the child by taking away some allowance money or an entertainment that they value if they do not finish every day what is on their plates. Children need to see that there are consequences to their actions. By giving them a system that they have control over, when they see their actions have value that will empower them to start to listen. Wishing you the best of luck! Yisroel Juskowitz is a critically acclaimed musician, artist, author, and speaker. Yisroel has toured throughout the United States and his live performances have inspired Jewish audiences of all walks life and ages. Yisroel has been featured in dozens of magazines, newspapers, websites, and blogs, and his artwork has been featured numerous art shows and fairs. He currently lives in Rockville, MD with his wife, and works as a physical therapist with special needs children. He recently became a Certified Life Coach.
OCTOBER 30, 2014
Dinnertime is a common flashpoint between parents and kids. You are not alone! Let’s take a look at some conceptual points that will help us develop a healthy approach to dinnertime, and then we’ll touch on some practical tips to grease the wheels. The cardinal rule of handling your children’s eating habits is not to make it a power struggle. If you really really want your kids to eat, and they know it and feel it, they are likely to take the opportunity to assert their independence, as children are wont to do – especially if they are already feeling too controlled or micromanaged at home. This is normal behavior for a child, not a behavior problem! The more you try to compel your child to eat, the more resistance you are liable to face. (This is evident in the classic “Try it – how do you know you don’t like it if you haven’t tried it?” debate. Have you ever seen a kid finally give in and then say, “Hey, you know what Dad, you’re right! This is really tasty!” No, you have not.) The solution is to not care if they eat. Really. If you are genuinely concerned about their nutritional levels, take them to the doctor and get a blood test. If the doctor says your child is healthy, then there is no problem with their food intake. If they aren’t hungry for dinner, then they aren’t hungry. (Do you often eat a meal when you aren’t hungry? Probably not.) However: you can and should nonetheless establish rules so that they do not drive you crazy later on in the evening. That means that dinner should be available for a defined period, not whenever they feel like eating. If they discov-
er that they are in fact hungry just before bedtime, let them have a piece of bread or matzah – something really plain that will sate their hunger. What happens when you give up your need for them to eat is one of two things: either they stop feeling the need to resist and start eating, or they continue not to eat because they really aren’t hungry. Fortunately, nature works in your favor on this one, and eventually, they will be hungry enough to eat (trust me on this one). If you keep junk food out of the house as much as possible (or at least inaccessible), and model healthy eating yourself, then when the cravings strike your children will start eating nutritional foods, which keeps you, them, and the doctor happy. Finally, some practical points to bear in mind to help ease the situation for fussy eaters and such: first of all, make sure your kids like the food you serve. This may be obvious, but we sometimes forget that kids in general like simple, whereas we older folks enjoy more complex flavors. Complex doesn’t do it for kids. They want plain noodles, or maybe noodles with cheese. A bowl of cottage cheese could be great, with a cucumber stick on the side. If you are making delicious casseroles for you and your spouse, you may need to be making backup foods for the kids as well. And yes, they may want to eat the same thing every single day. Don’t force them not to! It seems unpalatable to us, but as long as the doc says the kids are healthy, there is absolutely nothing wrong with it. Their bodies will provide cravings for the right balance – carbs, proteins, etc. – over time (provided that their systems are not awash in sugar). Lastly, make it fun. A young child who refused to east his or her veggies moments ago might do a complete 180 once s/he sees the little man with funny hair that you created out of carrots and cukes. Some children like to pretend they are eat-
My kids are really great overall, but the one area that never seems to work out is dinnertime. They simply don’t want to eat! It always seems to be a fight getting some food into them. How can I get them to eat their dinner properly?
A Parsha Thought Lech Lecha: Tethered to the Past, Reaching for the Future Rabbi Shmuel Silber
OCTOBER 30, 2014
you (Genesis 12:1).”
“And the Lord said to Abram, “Go forth (Lech Lecha) from your land and from your birthplace and from your father’s house, to the land that I will show
In this week’s Parsha we read of the first of Avraham’s ten tests. Each test enabled Avraham to actualize his potential and groomed him to be the father of our great nation. But what was so difficult about this Lech Lecha command? As challenging as it may have been to leave his home and travel to a distant unknown land, God promised Avraham that he would be successful in every way. What is the test if God assures you of success? Rav Yosef Dov HaLevi Soloveitchik zt’l provides a fascinating insight. The Rav points out that later in the Parsha Avraham is told, “But you will come to your forefathers in peace; you will
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be buried in a good old age (Genesis 15:15).” The commentaries are puzzled – Avraham’s father, Terach, was a known idolater, why would God tell Avraham that he would be joining his father in the afterlife? Rashi explains, “This teaches us that Terach repented.” Avraham and Terach, father and son were locked in fierce religious debate. Avraham was a monotheist and his father, a staunch idolater. Avraham tried to teach his father about God, he tried to show Terach the folly and emptiness of his idolatrous ways. Terach felt so betrayed by his son that he handed Avraham over to the authorities to be executed for “heresy.” Through miraculous intervention, Avraham survived (Midrash Rabba Noach 38:13). Could it be that Terach had a place in the World to Come? Could it be that Avraham was to spend eternity alongside the man who had ordered his execution? The Rav explains: “Terach so hated Abraham that he denounced him and colluded to have him executed. Later – I don’t know how long it took – the same Terach saw the light and realized Avraham was right and society wrong, that his past was wrong, that a life dedicated to paganism and idolatry, to a cruel philosophy, to ideals in conflict with the basic principles of decency, was a waste. There was a tremendous change in Terach … When the command of Lech Lecha came and Abraham began to pack his bags, he realized to his great surprise that his father’s bags had already been packed long before. Father and son, hitherto locked in mortal combat, joined hands and together started out on the great march to Canaan …. (Abraham’s Journey, 54).” After years of conflict, disagreement and animosity, father and son finally had a chance to build a meaningful and en-
during relationship. Herein lies the true test of Lech Lecha. At the very moment when Avraham and Terach established this common ground with one another, God called out to Avraham, Lech Lecha, Go forth, you must leave. For Avraham to self-actualize and become the man he was destined to become he had to leave his father, he had to leave behind any and every vestige of his past. Lech Lecha, you must go to yourself, by yourself. You must strike out on your own, separate and distinct from all you have known until now. To remain connected to the circumstances of your birth and childhood will handicap and prevent you, Avram from becoming Avraham. The theme of the Book of Bereishis is maaseh avos siman la’banim, that which occurred to the fathers is a symbolic foreshadow for the children. The experiences of our Patriarchs and Matriarchs pave the way and set the stage for our life challenges and in reality represent the challenges inherent in the human condition. Avraham’s first test was to muster the strength to let go and detach from the things that would hold him back. This came with great personal pain as it meant not just leaving behind a parent, but leaving behind a father whom he was just getting to know. We each have things that hold us back and keep us tethered to our present reality. Sometimes, it is an unhealthy relationship, a negative habit, a destructive behavior, hurt feelings or a grudge so old I forgot what it’s about. If we want a chance to make it to our personal promised land, if we want to become the people we know deep down we are capable of becoming, we too must engage in the process of Lech Lecha and learn to detach, move on and let go.
Torah Thought Rabbi Berel Wein
Parshas Lech Lecha
the language with an accent and though his inner spiritual self tells him that this place – the Land of Israel – is his Godgiven true home, he nevertheless feels the angst of being considered a stranger
history would have been different. But the Torah itself describes Avraham as a wandering Aramean and so he remains throughout Jewish tradition and Torah commentary.
in a strange land. Avraham becomes the prototype for Jewish existence throughout the millennia. And even when returning home to the Land of Israel, it has taken generations for Jews to fully realize that they are finally home and are no longer strangers or aliens in someone else’s country. If Avraham been born in the Land of Israel, perhaps all of Jewish and human
The L-rd, in telling Avraham to leave his home, does not specify the exact location where he is now allowed to reside. G-d promises him that He will yet show him the new place. Avraham instinctively travels to the Land of Israel and it is there and only then that G-d confirms that this is to be not only his place of residence but the eternal home of the Jewish people. There is an inner drive of holiness
within human beings that brings them to come to the Land of Israel. Whereas it was persecution and the absence of other options that brought hundreds of thousands of Jews to settle in the Land of Israel in the twentieth century, the overwhelming trend of new immigration to our country today is by choice. The inner drive of connection to our homeland – to our past and future at one and the same time – is the driving force of the recent increased immigration of Jews to the State of Israel. The rabbis taught us that Avraham’s personal greatness could only be realized in the Land of Israel. The truth be said, the development and fulfillment of the greatness of the Jewish people apparently is also contingent upon their living in the Land of Israel. As such, we have only to emulate our father Avraham, in his attitude, fortitude and love for the land that spoke to his soul and guaranteed his eternity. Shabbat shalom.
Results Staiman Design
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OCTOBER 30, 2014
elocating one’s self is a challenging task at any age. Doing so in the later stages of life is doubly challenging. It is no wonder that the rabbis of the Mishnah characterized our father Avraham’s move from Mesopotamia to the Land of Israel as being one of the ten major tests of his turbulent life. Leaving all that is familiar and attempting to integrate oneself in a new and strange environment is a very taxing experience. We are all aware of the immigrant experience of our forebears, whether in Western countries or here in the State of Israel. The language is different, the streets are unfamiliar, the customs and mores of everyday life are foreign to us and one has a feeling of being a permanent alien. Avraham himself expresses this feeling when, after decades of successful living and earning the respect of the local population, he describes himself as a mere stranger and a sojourner in their midst. He is not native born, he speaks
T H E J E W I S H H O M E n M AY 2 4 , 2012
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