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The Week In News
tion of leadership,” which has become the refrain of her messaging leading up to the launch.
Haley was the nation’s youngest governor when she won her bid for governor of South Carolina at the age of 38. She was also South Carolina’s first female and minority governor. She earned a speaking slot at the 2012 Republican National Convention and gave the GOP response to President Barack Obama’s State of the Union in 2016.
Haley became the first Indian American in a presidential Cabinet when she became Trump’s ambassador to the UN.
During her nearly two-year tenure, Haley feuded at times with other administration officials while bolstering her own public persona.
One of her most memorable moments as UN ambassador came in 2018 after National Economic Council Director Larry Kudlow suggested Haley had suffered “momentary confusion” when she said Russian sanctions were imminent.
“With all due respect, I don’t get confused,” she responded. The first half of the quote became the title of her 2019 memoir.
Have a Safe Flight
205,552, compared with 1 in 102 in a car. Even so, our minds start to whirl when we hear about a plane crash in Nepal. The car crash in the next neighborhood garners less of our attention.
According to a TIME investigation that looked at 35 years of aircraft accident data, the middle rear seats of an aircraft had the lowest fatality rate: 28%, compared with 44% for the middle aisle seats.
risk, but because of “clear air turbulence” that can be experienced at any time at high altitudes. It is this weather phenomenon that can cause the most damage to passengers and aircraft.
Want to book the safest spot on your next flight? You may not be happy sitting in it, though.
According to experts, the middle seats in the last row are the safe seats on an airplane.
Air travel is one of the safest methods of transport. According to the U.S. National Safety Council’s analysis of census data, the odds of dying in a plane are about 1 in
Pilots are trained to minimize potential risk in an emergency event as best as they can. They will try to avoid hitting mountains and look for a level place, such as an open field, to land as normally as possible. The technique for landing in water requires assessing the surface conditions and attempting to land between waves at a normal landing angle.
Aircraft are designed to be very robust in emergency situations. In fact, the main reason the cabin crew remind us to keep our seat belts fastened is not because of crash
Additionally, manufacturers are designing new planes with more composite materials capable of handling in-flight stress. In these designs, the wings are not rigid and can flex to absorb extreme loading to prevent structural failure.
An Early Bloom
It seems that the flowers can’t wait to bloom. Some parts of the
Three Siblings in Two Months!
28, 26, 25, 23, 21. These aren’t just numbers; they are the ages of my children. My unmarried children. Every one of them. Waiting, trying, hoping. But it’s as if the clock has frozen. There is nothing on the horizon.
I remember how I mouthed the words, “L’Torah, l’chuppah, u’l’maasim tovim,” at the bris milah of each of my sons. I had tears in my eyes then as I hoped for their future. My eyes are still filled with tears for my children, but they are no longer tears of joy. For some odd reason, it seems as if those joyous times I dreamt of will never arrive.
Why? I don’t know. We are davening, calling shadchanim, working on our emunah, yet no shidduch has taken root. We are living on an island of loneliness.
Several times, my wife broached the topic of Tehillim Kollel. “You have to hear the stories,” she would say, waving the newspaper in her hand.
“I’m not interested,” I’d say. “Don’t believe everything you read.”
But my wife was persistent, begging me to try. “The worst that could happen is we’ll lose a few dollars… On the other hand, if it is true, we only stand to gain. Why not look at it that way?”
I was never much of a believer in the various segulos out there. I’m a practical person. I began to be swayed. If Tehillim Kollel effects such concrete results as she claims, it may have merit, I thought.
I finally agreed. My wife immediately signed up all five of our grown children in Kollel Meron. Just 20 days later my oldest, Sarah, got engaged.
Two weeks later, Moshe!
Two weeks after that, Eliyahu!
Yes! Seven weeks after we signed up, three of my children had found shidduchim. I could hardly believe I was experiencing my own miracle! No words could do justice in expressing my emotions of joy and gratitude. I proved to myself the power of Tehillim, and I learned an important lesson along the way… always listen to what your wife has to say!