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Notable Quotes

“Say What?!”

For rich people, deciding that you’re a victim has many levels of appeal. For one thing, it gives meaning to your decadent, empty life. There are only so many expensive vacations you can take to St. Barts, only so many overpriced clothes you can buy, only so many dumb parties you can go to in Aspen before you begin to realize that none of it is enough. None of it really means anything. It’s empty. Victimhood solves that problem. When you’re a victim, you’re inherently significant.


– Tucker Carlson, Fox News, talking about Meghan Markle’s Oprah interview

To whom much is given, much is expected. That was the deal for centuries. But self-identified victimhood instantly nullifies this deal and restores power to the powerful. No one expects anything from a victim. Victims don’t give, they receive. “That poor duchess,” you think to yourself, “I hope she’s OK.” Of course, she should be thinking that very thing about you, but she’s not.

– Ibid. Of course, I was talking with several heads of state. I spoke to your prime minister; he convinced me that Israel is the place with the right conditions.

-Pfizer CEO Albert Bourla, telling Israel’s Channel 12 why his company provided millions of doses of the Covid-19 vaccine to Israel, choosing it as a case study for the vaccine’s efficacy

I was impressed, frankly, with the obsession of your prime minister. He called me 30 times. He would call me at 3 o’clock in the morning, and he would ask me, “What about the variants?” asking what data we have. I would say, “Mr. Prime Minister, it’s 3 o’clock,” and he would say, “No, no, don’t worry, tell me.”

– Ibid.

I knew that the Israelis, they have such an experience in managing crises because of the situation they live, surrounded, basically, by hostile nations, to a varying degree, and living under this almost constant war situation. So I felt that they can do it, and I felt that the leader was really going to guarantee that this would happen. So we placed a bet with Israel. We are so happy because the way that you executed was beyond our imagination.

– Ibid.

It was really my first real hug of the year.

- Renee Behinfar, 43, a psychologist from Arizona, talking to the Washington Post about her experience of hugging a cow, a new pandemic-era fad that started for people who feel like they need a hug

Over the past few days, I have come to better understand the pain caused by the book I endorsed. I have offended not only a lot of people I don’t know but also those closest to me, including my bandmates, and for that, I am truly sorry. As a result of my actions I am taking time away from the band to examine my blind spots

- Mumford & Sons banjoist Winston Marshall’s statement upon being cancelled and forced out of the band because he complimented a book which is critical of Antifa, a radical-left terrorist organization

There will be no such thing. Listen, we’ll send the ultra-Orthodox together with Bibi on a wheelbarrow to a landfill.

- Yisrael Beytenu leader Avigdor Liberman when asked if he would consider serving in a coalition with the ultraOrthodox parties if it meant ousting Netanyahu

I am not sending a Jew to the landfill, G-d forbid, but a visit to Abarbanel [psychiatric hospital] would not hurt him.

- Deputy Education Minister Meir Porush of the United Torah Judaism party responding to Liberman’s hateful comments

People are constantly using their phones because they are worried they will miss something and check WhatsApp, Facebook and other apps.This creates a cycle of growing dependency on cellphones, which leads to feelings of stress and anxiety, and the feeling that someone might write something on social media and I’ll miss it and not be in the loop. In short, phones are actually causing many people stress, and we’re seeing physical manifestations of this.

- From study findings by Dr. Pessia Friedman-Rubin, of Tel Aviv University’s dental school, finding among other things that smartphone users grind their teeth more than nonsmartphone users On Monday, I said I didn’t believe Meghan Markle in her Oprah interview. I’ve had time to reflect on this opinion, and I still don’t. If you did, OK. Freedom of speech is a hill I’m happy to die on. Thanks for all the love, and hate. I’m off to spend more time with my opinions.

– Tweet by Piers Morgan, who left or was forced out of his host position at “Good Morning Britain” after receiving backlash for criticizing Meghan Markle


This is the rooster…taking credit for the dawn.

- Dick Morris, Newsmax, talking about President Biden taking credit for the Covid-19 vaccine

I think he’ll try to hold out.… I think he is used to getting things his way. The folks in this state and the political leadership don’t believe him anymore. He doesn’t have any credibility. He’s literally in the way of us saving lives right now.

-Mayor Bill de Blasio, in a CBS interview, discussing his rival Gov. Cuomo

This is bizarre and problematic on several levels. Let’s be clear: the federal government does not instruct free citizens how they may gather in small groups with their own families.

- Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell responding to President Biden’s goal of allowing “small outdoor gatherings” on the 4th of July

I thought this was my building. And I feel terrible that I’m getting stopped, accosted, asking for passes, everybody in this building should know who … I am. I’m getting stopped. I can’t move around this building. I was like, “What [in the world]? Is this Madison Square Garden? I thought this was my building.” I’m going to have to call [Knicks owner James Dolan] and say, “Geez, is my number in the rafters or what?”

- Legendary Knicks center Patrick Ewing, who returned to Madison Square Garden last week as coach of Georgetown, joking about how MSG security treated him like any other coach during the Big East Tournament at MSG last week

Technoking of Tesla

– Elon Musk’s new title at Tesla, aside for his titles of founder and CEO Woke supremacy is as bad as white supremacy. We need to take that seriously. When she calls a United States senator who’s a subject matter expert a prop, a token, or a superficial covering, that’s personal and that’s wrong and she should be held to account.

- Sen. Tim Scott (R-SC), who is the only black Republican senator, responding to MSNBC’s Joy Reid calling him a “prop” of the Republican Party

It’s amazing – Indian-descent Americans are taking over the country, you, my vice president, my speechwriter.

- Pres. Biden to Swati Mohan, NASA’s guidance and controls operations head for the Mars Perseverance rover landing, during a conference call

If you believe Meghan Markle’s racism claims, then i’m a Nigerian prince and give me your credit card.

- Candace Owens

As I said before, race isn’t a new construct in this world for people of color, and so it wasn’t a complete surprise to hear her feelings and to have them articulated.

- Michelle Obama reacting to Meghan Markle’s allegation that a Royal asked her what color skin her baby has, while the baby was still in utero

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