Baltimore Jewish Home - 3-18-21

Page 64


OCTOBER 29, 2015 | The Jewish Home


Notable Quotes MARCH 18, 2021

“Say What?!”


Of course, I was talking with several heads of state. I spoke to your prime minister; he convinced me that Israel is the place with the right conditions. -Pfizer CEO Albert Bourla, telling Israel’s Channel 12 why his company provided millions of doses of the Covid-19 vaccine to Israel, choosing it as a case study for the vaccine’s efficacy

I was impressed, frankly, with the obsession of your prime minister. He called me 30 times. He would call me at 3 o’clock in the morning, and he would ask me, “What about the variants?” asking what data we have. I would say, “Mr. Prime Minister, it’s 3 o’clock,” and he would say, “No, no, don’t worry, tell me.”

B A LT I M O R E J E W I S H H O M E . C O M

– Ibid.

For rich people, deciding that you’re a victim has many levels of appeal. For one thing, it gives meaning to your decadent, empty life. There are only so many expensive vacations you can take to St. Barts, only so many overpriced clothes you can buy, only so many dumb parties you can go to in Aspen before you begin to realize that none of it is enough. None of it really means anything. It’s empty. Victimhood solves that problem. When you’re a victim, you’re inherently significant. – Tucker Carlson, Fox News, talking about Meghan Markle’s Oprah interview

To whom much is given, much is expected. That was the deal for centuries. But self-identified victimhood instantly nullifies this deal and restores power to the powerful. No one expects anything from a victim. Victims don’t give, they receive. “That poor duchess,” you think to yourself, “I hope she’s OK.” Of course, she should be thinking that very thing about you, but she’s not. – Ibid.

I knew that the Israelis, they have such an experience in managing crises because of the situation they live, surrounded, basically, by hostile nations, to a varying degree, and living under this almost constant war situation. So I felt that they can do it, and I felt that the leader was really going to guarantee that this would happen. So we placed a bet with Israel. We are so happy because the way that you executed was beyond our imagination. – Ibid.

It was really my first real hug of the year. - Renee Behinfar, 43, a psychologist from Arizona, talking to the Washington Post about her experience of hugging a cow, a new pandemic-era fad that started for people who feel like they need a hug

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