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August Crossword Puzzle



1. “I have a …”

2. A man of many tricks, including staying in a box under water for an hour

4. FDR stricken with this disease

5. Sales that remind us how fast summer flies by

7. Began in Massachusetts as ex-Revolutionary led an armed mob

8. This machine was patented in 1859, and it simply goes up and down

10. Something many of us do on Sundays in August

12. Nixon’s middle name

13. Proclamation announcing freedom of slaves Across

3. President born in Honolulu, Hawaii, on August 4

6. Francis Scott Key wrote this ever-popular song

9. The first atomic bomb was dropped over the center of this city

11. Games played in August every several years

14. Ends in August, leaving many with nothing to do for weeks on end

15. Official flower of August

16. This pitcher was so good, an award was even named after him

17. This president signed into law the first federal income tax, a 3 percent tax on incomes over $800, as an emergency wartime measure


DOWN - 1 Dream; 2 Houdini; 4 Polio; 5 Backtoschool; 7 Shaysrebellion; 8 Elevator; 10 Barbeques; 12 Milhouse; ACROSS - 3 BarackObama;

6 StarSpangledBanner; 9 Hiroshima; 11 Olympics; 14 Camp; 15 Gladiolus; 16 CyYoung; 17 AbrahamLincoln

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