A BERKELEY ART MUSEUM/PACIFIC FILM ARCHIVE STUDENT COMMITTEE RAG Made Possible by the Patronage of M. Cummings and S. Rodriguez
www.bampfasc.org April 2013
Vol. I / Issue 2
echo: silence a fashion show inspired by Silence April 6th 5-7PM BAM/PFA galleries
free admission w/ college ID vintage raffle by BARE magazine
presented by the BAM/PFA Student Committee
Doxology Tight End for the Wrong Team The knownothings, lamemovers, arrhythmicshakers, longwinds, !"#$%"&'()&*#+#,-!%!.&'(.*/#*+/.#0.,/'/$&+.-'&1%-#'.$2'.%"/.3/+(. and the clock, inching out scrimmages with bloated thoughts on the subject. Concentration on the plays is diffused through the ranks, though they seek constant validation of the manager, hop -',."/.4-,"%.(-!*+&1/.%"/-$.&'5-/%-/!.#0.6&11-(.-'!*-$&%-#'7.4&$-%&+. 0#$/1+#!2$/7.(/%/$4-'&%/.-4*/$4&'/'1/7.3+-&+.!"#$%1#4-',!7.+#!%. references and the like. The manager is often unable to console his wayward team, because, he too, lacks a sound and supported argument. ‘Our problems are just semiotic’, chimes the wideout; ‘How doyou picture that?’, contests the left guard, ‘Rather, how do 8#2.3,2$/.%"&%9:;.<2((+/!.&$/.1+#!/+8.&=-'.%#.>&4.!/!!-#'!)).#*-' ions are noted with alacrity, votes are tallied, ballots misplaced. National leaguers null and void the team’s charter, leaving the closedcircuit electorate to fend for themselves. The team cannot possibly account for their expenses, especially the number of key playereccentrics with dietary restrictions. It is not that they are badsports, but aloofsports, which does not maximize opportunity in the game. One might think a team with such dissented views on the openface sandwich could not survive. Surprisingly, the team survives, listlessly plodding along, resistant to accept the convenience of parking in range of a destination. They get on, FINALLY. LOTTSA LUV, D. Peretz XOXOXO