7 minute read
rang and asked if we would like to host Baroness Cox. It turned out to be an exceptional visit and a wonderful dinner with an opportunity to speak to the boys participating in Round Square. Baroness Cox is a serious warrior for people who are being forgotten around the world. She has written books on the modern slave trade and the modern martyrs of the Christian church, especially those aggressively attacked by Islamists like ISIS. What an inspiration she is and has the energy and passion of a person at least half her age.
PREPARATORY SCHOOL CHAPLAINCY AND RELIGIOUS EDUCATION PERSPECTIVE Chaplaincy and Religious Education has again unfolded positively during 2018. Chapel services are conducted weekly at both the Reception to Year 2 level, and the Years 3 - 6 level. We continue to use our Bounceback theme as the basis of our planning for weekly chapels. These occasions are times when the boys show great awareness of the need to exercise respect and reverence. Each week a class in Reception to Year 2 Chapel takes a role, with boys reading prayers and acting as cross bearer, while in our Years 3 - 6 Chapel, a House takes responsibility for setting up and participating. Boys read prayers and take roles as cross bearer and candle attendant. Having the scapula in House colours has given the boys a real sense of ownership and pride in these services.
As well as our weekly chapel services we have evening House chapel services in second term each year. These services are very much a family occasion, with boys sitting with their family rather than being “on parade”. Other special occasions each year are our Year 6 Clay and Candle services at the beginning and end of the boys final year at the Prep School. In these services boys are challenged to embrace their role as leaders, and to take responsibility for the choices they make which will affect their growth as young men of integrity. Mr Jonathon Scoones teaches Religious Education to Preschool, Reception, Years 1, 2 and 3. He is a man of educated faith who brings a genuine energy and passion to his work with these boys. RE classes are a highlight of this area. Boys have a very natural spiritual curiosity which leads to some astounding questions and discussions. The pastoral role of Chaplain continues to be an area of support to staff and boys alike. There have been a number of cases of bereavement over the last twelve months. This has affected both staff and boys.
I encourage you to continue in prayer not only for our school, but all Anglican schools throughout Australia, that they may continue to prepare students for a life of aware faith in a positive relationship with our creator God.

MS OLIVIA DEAN tss foundation
In 2018 the TSS Foundation raised over half a million dollars through sponsorship, fundraising campaigns and donations which shows the strength and support of the School and the wider TSS community.
2018 BUSINESS BREAKFAST SERIES Hosted by some of the Gold Coast’s most renowned venues, the TSS Foundation welcomed over 3,000 guests to the Business Breakfast series, raising funds for the Indigenous Education program here at the School. Those lucky enough to attend had the pleasure of listening to a diverse range of business and sporting elite with all six events selling out.

To kick start 2018, Dr Dave Alred wowed the audience with his thought provoking presentation on ‘removing the hidden blocks to performance’. In a change of pace, a very different story was told in March by self-made entrepreneur and millionaire Tony Quinn. Tony’s theme for the morning ‘from a wooden caravan to a multi-million dollar business empire’ tracked his remarkable story of success that started in a Scottish mobile home. In May, guests were treated to an insightful and engaging address by Ian Narev, former CEO of the Commonwealth Bank of Australia. Ian’s passion for education and leadership was evident throughout his presentation, referring consistently to The Southport School’s mission, values and vision.

A trio of sporting legends graced the stage in August entertaining guests with memories from the ‘Golden Age of Australian Sport’. Pat Rafter, Ian Healy and Tom Lawton did not disappoint, giving an honest opinion of the future of tennis, cricket and rugby in Australia.
October saw another sporting heavyweight Raelene Castle, CEO of Rugby Australia, navigate some tricky questions surrounding the state of rugby on a global scale. Raelene’s obvious passion and experience in sports leadership was evident to all and a great relief to the die-hard rugby fans in the room.

Finally, November took a very creative turn with Lord David Puttnam thoroughly inspiring our audience for the last event of the year. Lord Puttnam enjoyed a distinguished career as an Oscar winning film and television producer, author and educator.
The TSS Foundation would like to thank all of our Breakfast Series sponsors for 2018 and we look forward to welcoming more guests next year to this fundraising event.

2018 DONORS – EXCEEDING EXPECTATIONS In addition to funds raised at the TSS Foundation Business Breakfast series of events throughout the year, the Indigenous Education Program at TSS is also funded through the generosity of a handful of very special donors, committed to the advancement of our indigenous students. These annual donations and pledges support the TSS Foundation's Indigenous Education Scholarship Program, which funds the education of indigenous students who may not otherwise have the opportunity or means to attend TSS. In 2018 the TSS Foundation and The Southport School are supporting 24 indigenous students by way of funding all tuition and boarding costs throughout the year.
TAKE A SEAT Donors to the Broomhead Lecture Theatre and the new Preparatory School Hall have also contributed greatly to the Foundation Building Fund by purchasing a seat plaque, which displays their name, leaving a lasting family legacy within the walls of these important learning spaces. The Prep Hall received a funding boost via the Mastrocostas family who generously donated a large sum to assist in the completion of the two classrooms that feature in the Hall. Visitors to the multipurpose building will see that these classrooms have forever been renamed to ‘Dimitri’ and ‘Odysseus’ in memory of the family’s generosity.
GENERATIONS COCKTAIL RECEPTION 2018 The stage was set at The Old Gym Café on Thursday 23 August, ready to host our annual Generations thank you event. This year, a cocktail reception format ensured the room and its surrounds were transformed to an elegant evening space to celebrate the rich history of our generational families.

In 2018, The Southport School is proud to support some 196 students with a family history of attending TSS, some dating back to fourth and fifth generations. This ongoing commitment demonstrates the strong connection our Old Boys have developed over the years to the education and opportunities available here at TSS for our boys.

TSS FOUNDATION GOLF DAY AND MCWHIRTER CUP With the rain looming, TSS Foundation Golf Day attendees gathered confidently at Royal Pines on Friday 23 August, ready to beat the weather and their opposing competitors. With the event selling out in a record four weeks, the competition could not have been hotter. In the end, the Elk family were once again named not only the overall winners on the day but claimed the McWhirter Cup for 2018 as a full team of Old Boys. Congratulations to John Elks, Malcolm Elks, Murray Elks and Jim Twentyman. Also, thanks to Old Boy Doug Murphy and his family for continuing the traditions of the McWhirter Cup.

The TSS Foundation thanks all of our players and sponsors on the day and we look forward to welcoming you again in August 2019.

THE CHAPEL OF ST ALBAN ORGAN APPEAL The Southport School Foundation embarked on a very special project in 2018, calling on all Old Boys, parents, students and the wider TSS community to contribute to the restoration of the chapel organ, preserving the heritage and history of this sacred instrument.
With thanks to some very special individuals and families, the campaign has raised over $85,000 to date, but much more is needed to commence this major project. The total estimated cost for the restoration will be over $600,000 and will take two years to complete.
With the centenary of St Alban’s Chapel in 2021, we will continue our work to ensure the St Alban's Chapel organ will be enjoyed and remembered for future generations.