chaplain rang and asked if we would like to host Baroness Cox. It turned out to be an exceptional visit and a wonderful dinner with an opportunity to speak to the boys participating in Round Square. Baroness Cox is a serious warrior for people who are being forgotten around the world. She has written books on the modern slave trade and the modern martyrs of the Christian church, especially those aggressively attacked by Islamists like ISIS. What an inspiration she is and has the energy and passion of a person at least half her age. PREPARATORY SCHOOL CHAPLAINCY AND RELIGIOUS EDUCATION PERSPECTIVE
Chaplaincy and Religious Education has again unfolded positively during 2018. Chapel services are conducted weekly at both the Reception to Year 2 level, and the Years 3 - 6 level. We continue to use our Bounceback theme as the basis of our planning for weekly chapels. These occasions are times when the boys show great
awareness of the need to exercise respect and reverence. Each week a class in Reception to Year 2 Chapel takes a role, with boys reading prayers and acting as cross bearer, while in our Years 3 - 6 Chapel, a House takes responsibility for setting up and participating. Boys read prayers and take roles as cross bearer and candle attendant. Having the scapula in House colours has given the boys a real sense of ownership and pride in these services. As well as our weekly chapel services we have evening House chapel services in second term each year. These services are very much a family occasion, with boys sitting with their family rather than being “on parade”. Other special occasions each year are our Year 6 Clay and Candle services at the beginning and end of the boys final year at the Prep School. In these services boys are challenged to embrace their role as leaders, and to take responsibility for the choices they make
which will affect their growth as young men of integrity. Mr Jonathon Scoones teaches Religious Education to Preschool, Reception, Years 1, 2 and 3. He is a man of educated faith who brings a genuine energy and passion to his work with these boys. RE classes are a highlight of this area. Boys have a very natural spiritual curiosity which leads to some astounding questions and discussions. The pastoral role of Chaplain continues to be an area of support to staff and boys alike. There have been a number of cases of bereavement over the last twelve months. This has affected both staff and boys. I encourage you to continue in prayer not only for our school, but all Anglican schools throughout Australia, that they may continue to prepare students for a life of aware faith in a positive relationship with our creator God.