2 minute read
Teamwork. Scholarship. Service
Ms Sandy Gippel
Dixon Housemaster
Mr Corey Tones
Shepherd Housemaster
Mr Joey Fumar
Mitre Housemaster
Mr Joshua Beecher
Musgrave Housemaster
The acronym for The Southport School (TSS) was the inspiration for the newly formed Preparatory School ‘Values’ of Teamwork, Scholarship and Service.
Since its introduction through our Pastoral Care System, many initiatives have followed, to point our growing young men in the right direction and develop strong values they can live by.
Service Scholarship
‘Teamwork’ comes naturally to the boys, as they participate in many team sports across the school week and during the weekends. Additionally, we are encouraging our boys to engage in being a team member in all areas of their schooling, by working together to complete group tasks during lessons, being more socially aware of situations, and working in unison, to ensure that everyone in their class benefits academically.
‘Scholarship’ encompasses a good work ethic, settled mindful approach, and a diligent attitude toward individual academic growth. The VIVO point system encourages the boys to recognise that perseverance and personal goal setting, is the key to academic success. This targeted approach rewards boys with VIVO points for displaying behaviours such as productivity, independence, conflict resolution, purposeful engagement, and strategic direction.
The boys have participated in many wonderful opportunities to demonstrate ‘Service’ within our own community. During lunch times, older boys from each House give up their own time to accompany their Housemaster on playground duty. The benefit is twofold. They learn how to teach and practise tolerance and teamwork whilst building strong relationships with younger students. School Playground Leaders offer mentoring to the younger students, some who need to be taught how to play cooperatively, as well as how to engage those boys who are a little shy. In addition to Playground duty, the duty House each week covers many of the day in, day out jobs across the School. The boys learn about service to others, as they give up their own lunchtimes to help tidy readers, assist the younger boys with their tuck shop deliveries, return lost property, assist in organised lunch time programs, and clean up the Art room.
It’s not hard to make decisions, once you know what your values are
Roy Disney
Our Values and Bounceback themes are taught each week during Chapel, and further consolidated by class teachers. Recognition for boys who have lived these values, is acknowledged through our ‘Student of the Week’ awards presented during Friday’s Assembly. The boys are motivated by the extrinsic rewards but benefit immensely from the intrinsic reward, gained by doing meaningful work and performing it well.