April 2020 issue of Bandra Buzz newspaper

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BandraBuzz creating community connect since 2010

April 2020 | Volume 11 Issue 4 | Published Monthly | www.bandrabuzz.com | To Advertise: Call 9820783686 or 9920299787 | 16 pages | Price: Rs. 5/-

Manna-on-Wheels: An initiative of St. Peter’s Church to feed the hungry in COVID times

Over 15,000 meals have been served by St. Peter’s Youth & other volunteers who have been fearless yet taking all precautions of social distancing, masking & sanitization In these COVID times where due to the lockdown, when the migrants and homeless find it difficult to find a decent meal for the day, St. Peter’s Church runs a Manna on Wheels programme to feed these affected persons; Manna being the biblical name for ‘food’. The projected initiated by Dr. Richard Pereira and his wife Canice and started on the 30th of March with 25 food packets in their own car accompanied by Fr. Gerard Rodricks; today feeds 1500 persons daily through 10 cars and over 20 volunteers. The cars venture out in different marked up zones in the Bandra-Khar-Santacruz area. Partnering with the St. Joseph the Worker Church helped reach out to the needy in Bandra East area as well. Manna on Wheels received utmost support and was hugely appreciated by Fr. Frazer Mascarenhas, Parish Priest at St. Peter’s. The fillip to the programme was when St. Peter’s Youth were brought on board by their coordinator Arabelle. They brought in

a huge amount of enthusiasm and joy into the project. On Easter Sunday, the youth personally baked cakes as an add on to the meals for all persons. Other volunteers from different Parish Churches and other faiths too joined in and their passion and zeal was infectious and helped take the initiative to a newer level. More than 200 donors have come forward to chip in generously despite the harsh economic slowdown. The funds help this project serve piping hot fresh quality standard meals prepared hygienically by Vaibhav Foods & Al-Ron Caterers. Many others came forward offering their cars, drivers, facemasks & other ways to support the project. Dr. Richard personally believes in the biblical adage that when God guides He provides; it’s just finding the end & the means will follow. He appreciates the support of Fr. Frazer right from the start & the constant encouragement of Fr. Gerard; and

also the families that have supported their members being part of this initiative. Till date over 15000 meals have been served & if the lockdown extends, the project intends to continue. The Youth & other volunteers have been fearless yet taking all the precautions of social distancing, masking & sanitization. Dr. Richard is happy that this project is a contribution of the Church in reaching out to Society & is super proud of the team behind it: Arabelle, Shawn, Liam, Dr. Simone, Golda, Mallaika, Terrence, Anil, Pooja, Griselle, Jocelin, Candice, Jason, Daisy, Sam, Jerry, Milton, Allwyn, Rebecca, Savio, Sherize, Nikhil, Reagan & Dylan. He feels every volunteer, donor & prayer partner who pray for the project daily for the safety of all, have played an important role in contributing of themselves in this once-ina-lifetime crisis. The project has been a testimony to teamwork and service with Christlike love.

And to conclude in the words of one of the Youth, Liam who said ‘repayment is only with happiness seen on the faces of those receiving that Manna’. Josh D’silva

Every business is waiting with bated breath until the pandemic situation normalises but what happens to your business now is very important! If your business is not seen you will soon be forgotten, hence act now before your competitor does by reminding Bandraites about your business. Reach out to over 50,000+ Bandraites in every nook and corner of Bandra Call 9820783686 or 9920299787 to advertise today!




Don’t get stuck in a rut We’ve got you covered at Bandra’s Got Talent Are you bored? Stressed? Disappointed? Knocked down by the lockdown? Does your mind keep on pondering on what’s next? Well, wait. Life isn’t rainbows and sunshine always but it isn’t all rains and sunset also, isn’t it? We all have a sword called “Power of today”. No battle can be lost when this weapon is effectively utilized. They say: “Now is everything, Now is the essence, Now is the focus, Focus on the now for that is the key.” So let’s think about “What’s now” and not on “What’s next”. Hey, by the way, do you know what other Bandraites are doing to kill their time? Instead of killing mosquitoes, they’ve got their time and mind on work to enhance their skills and fulfil their passion. They’re claimed as “Super-talents” if not “Super-heroes”. And they’re here to pump in some inspiration in you on BANDRA’S GOT TALENT. So let’s get you racking your brain to find out who inspires you not to be a “Couch Potato”. ALERT: They’ll get your moving and grooving so keep your props ready...

huh, this one is exclusively for the ladies. Wait for your turn in the next story. It feels good when you look good, isn’t it? Nikhita Ferreira, 27, firmly believes in the “lipstick effect” which is a psychological phenomenon that boosts the confidence of a female when she wears makeup. As a Journalism grad, Nikhita never imagined that a pen will be replaced by makeup brush. A strong believer in “Sharing is Caring”, she shows her tips and tricks to put some color on your face making it look alluring yet natural. After watching her video, I pulled out my foundation, mascara, eye shadows, lip colors that were resting in my handbag for over a month. Don’t wait anymore, just tune on to her video, get yourself decked up and leave us with photos of your pretty faces :) Well after putting on few calories let’s shed it. It’s a fresh day, a fresh start. If you’re the one who starts tapping your feet on the rhythm of the music, if your body feels the vibration of the music then this would definitely sound like you. Akanksha Mathur, 28, says “If you can move your hands and legs, then you can dance.” An MBA graduate in Finance currently working in Corporate Treasury resorts to dancing to let her hair down. An introvert by nature, it’s obvious to be camera-shy but her belly dancing video on BANDRA’S GOT TALENT doesn’t reveal her personal side at all. Amused and inspired by her moves and grooves, it was difficult for me to stand still. Watch it out to get your feet tapping. Dancing is a great way to get your heart pumping so dance your heart out with Akanksha.

“He who sings frightens away his ills”. A lockdown can put stay on you but not on your emotions. Singing is the best way to express self and to keep stress under control says 31-year-old Rafi Khan. From Kashmir to Mumbai, this Kashmiri bloke got some light on him by beating all the odds on his way to The City of Dreams. A singer by passion and profession, Khan is extrovert by nature only on stage but actually is a recluse. Are you thinking: Ahh, she’s exaggerating it? Well, I’m not. His recent performance on BANDRA’S GOT TALENT evokes some nostalgia for those looking to end their day with some soul-pleasing

Fitness Trainer

music on their lounge chair: Likhe jo Khat Tujhe..... Well, I’ll leave you here to enjoy the rest of your day with this melodious tune comforting your heart and soul. I’m sure these talents will get you rocking and rolling urging you to pursue your passion religiously. And you don’t wait anymore as BANDRA’S GOT TALENT is eagerly waiting to get some videos from you that inspire the rest of the community!!! You can WhatsApp your videos to 9820783686 or 9920299787 Jasmine Keshwani

An initiative of Bandra Buzz newspaper

Nutritionist Cook Dancer

Singer “Cooking and baking is both physical and mental therapy”. But wait, baking, are you serious? Do you know how many ingredients it takes to bake a cake? Do you know the difficulty of sourcing all the ingredients in the Corona era? Worry not says Athelia Fonseca, 26, who’s got you covered. With baking in her DNA from her grandmom’s generation, Fonseca shows baking can’t get any simpler as what you need is just two ingredients that are easily available even in a road-side grocery. One chocolate bar, three eggs, and 30 minutes is all it takes to get some yummy in your tummy. What are you waiting for? Check out her quick recipe and get yourself claimed as “Baking Star” of your family and end the day with a sweet treat. Yup, do not forget to share photos of your delicious cake with us :)

Hair Stylist


Life Coach


Do you feel like your talents are stuck in a rut amid COVID-19? Showcase your talents as we believe that every Bandraite has a talent which could inspire someone during this difficult time.

Are you sweating out after dancing your heart out? Get your batteries recharged as we will make you look like a million dollars. Kindly excuse us guys, though we don’t believe in gender-discrimination,

What do you need to do?

Record your talents at home in a 2 mins. video & WhatsApp it to 9820783686 or 9920299787. Videos will be reviewed and will then be published on our Website and Social Media Platforms.




Tête-à-tête with Tanaz Mohammed Bandra’s only female Premier Skills Coach Educator

Tanaz is a Grassroots Development Officer with ISL giants, Mumbai City FC Being a female athlete in India comes with a lot of challenges; the environment, state of infrastructure, equipment, lack of female coaches, no foreseeable future in the sport and most importantly, our society’s patriarchal mindset. For years now, many top athletes have given up promising careers to support their families at home or join a corporate that would help them become independent, while some others who would still want to somehow pursue the sport would join government jobs that had sports teams in alien towns away from their families, not to mention the discrimination they would face for being a woman. Having faced all of these challenges and much more, Tanaz Mohammed took this as an opportunity rather than a challenge. Having been an avid sportsperson since her childhood, she was not willing to let go of the sports in her blood. She pursued her first love hockey until 2016 when she played the Senior Nationals at Bangalore representing Maharashtra and prior to that, was even part of the initial pool for the junior Indian hockey team in 2013. In fact, she was even offered a job with the Railways on the basis of her merits but decided against it since she had to set base in some faraway part of the country. “When I started coaching football, I couldn’t find a girl who was in the game professionally. Most of the time there is parental pressure & girls are forced to focus on their academics for the lack of options professionally,” exclaims Tanaz, who is now a Grassroots Development Officer with ISL giants, Mumbai City FC as well as a Premier Skills Coach Educator. At the age of 7, she surprised her parents when she told them she wanted to take part in a road running race. The then very shy & reserved girl has come a long way since, now training football coaches & even giving lectures & guiding management students about careers in sports. So much so she was even felicitated

for her work by People Who Usually Don’t Lecture - an event where she was invited to speak on her journey in August last year. But the journey for her has been nothing short of enthralling. At the age of nine, Tanaz started playing hockey - a game no one in her family had ever played before (her father played cricket) – with her school team. Over the years, Tanaz created a name for herself representing & captaining her school, the Mumbai district, the Maharashtra state & even took part in international tournaments the world over. After completing her graduation, Tanaz continued to dabble with sports taking coaching assignments as & when they came & also played local tournaments. She even worked in a corporate setting for 3 months but sooner than later decided that it wasn’t her cup of tea. Things changed for the better when she appeared for & cleared the entrance exam for her PG in Sports Management, which she completed as the Gold Medallist & also the Student of the Year in her batch post which her career in football began. Until then, her contribution to football was limited to representing the school & college in district level tournaments. “I joined Mumbai City FC as an assistant coach for 2 months but they were really impressed and soon I was the Grassroots Coordinator. I’m guessing I did well because last year I was promoted as the Grassroots Development Officer for this massive club!” Her first assignment was where she decided to get her hands dirty. “When I went to conduct a summer camp in Madanpura back in 2017, I had received an astounding 1200 registrations but on closer inspection, I realised that there was not a single girl! I spoke to a parent & found out that they don’t have the equipment & felt uncomfortable without a female coach. I told that parent to inform the rest that I would be there myself to train their daughters. I was pleasantly surprised the next day when

Tanaz teaches underprivileged children of Bandra Reclamation to play football around 500 girls turned up to play football, some in football gear & others in their hijabs, my point being that the boundaries are existing only in your head. As a woman, you must push those boundaries & set your inhibitions free.” So much so many of the girls’ mothers were overwhelmed & approached her to conduct a training for them as well. “I was so happy to be able to create a spark & encourage women to do their best & conquer their inhibitions. In fact, to date, I get goosebumps when I think of the time one of the girl’s father approached & thanked me & said he never imagined something like this could happen!” “But the larger impact was that most of the girls started representing their school football teams,” beams a satisfied Tanaz. It’s hard work & sheer dedication that has taken her to where she is. She kept upgrading her skillset & attended Premier Skills – a joint initiative by the Premier League & British Council that empowers Grassroots Coaches to help young people to improve their lives through football first as a student in 2017. Today she is the only female Premier Skills Head Coach Educator in the country all thanks to her desire to improve the football landscape for women in the country. In fact, she got a positive surprise on Women’s Day last month when Premier League India featured her on their website. Tanaz has since mentored hundreds of football coaches over the country and is hungry to do more. I want to create an atmosphere where girls come out and play the sport and

thus feel empowered. I also want to educate parents because parents are their children’s first teachers and more often than not pressurise their children to do what they feel should be done rather than allow their children to explore their options. It’s really fulfilling to see when a child gets happy and wants to come back the next day again to training. That’s the main purpose - for children to start loving the game at that age and not to win. Most coaches go wrong there and at the end of the day the child goes home disappointed.” But when she’s not on the field, Tanaz likes to try her hand at something new and the current lockdown has given her ample time to cook, do some nail art and spend some more time with her family at home. Her mother jokes, “I thought my daughter would be a doctor or a Chartered Accountant, she excelled at her studies but here she is breaking bones on the field instead of mending them in a clinic!” She shares a bit of advice, “For all the women out there, take every challenge as an opportunity & break the glass ceiling because, for you, the sky is the limit!” Valerian D’Costa




How Bandraites are dealing with the Coronavirus Lockdown In these unprecedented and apocalyptic circumstances, Monarose Sheila Pereira spoke to a cross-section of people across Bandra to know how they are keeping themselves occupied. As activities have confined to the four walls of the house, work from home has become an instant mantra with kitchen and living rooms buzzing in affable pursuits. I have been keeping myself busy running errands for essential grocery shopping and helping around the house with chores and dabbling in some cooking or helping in the kitchen. I tried my hand at cooking and successfully made some yummy dishes. I sent it over to my friend who cannot cook and is home alone. I also made a few videos of me singing and posted it on Facebook and Instagram account and helped spread happiness and light. Apart from my evening walk in the compound. I feed a couple of strays outside my house in the evening and then sort of end my evening with a live mass on Facebook with Fr. Warner at 7 pm and then listen and watch some of the music my friends and fellow musicians live stream on various social media platforms. Siddharth Meghani India’s Elvis Elvis Presley The lockdown hasn’t altered my schedule drastically, except for commuting which in Mumbai takes up most of the day. My husband & I still begin our day with Holy Mass (streamed live daily by our Parish) & since we’re home, we also recite the Rosary & the Divine Mercy Chaplet. During the day, I’m logged onto work. We do have online training modules which we can attend at our own pace. During breaks & in the evenings, I go about sorting or recycling stuff collected over the years! When the mood beckons, it’s time to play the flute & sometimes, the harmonica, guitar & old Yamaha keyboard! In between, I check up on my mum & communicate with folks & friends through WhatsApp or calls. While sharing recipes with the sisters, mum & aunts, I keep a tab on the situation on Twitter or TV networks. I’ve also managed exercising (though I must confess, I’ve been eating way much more than I normally do!!),

making flower arrangements, crocheting (completed two shawls so far) & baking as well! Household chores & cooking, you may ask. My husband chips in almost all of the time! Blessed, right? Dominica D’souza Flutist After the lockdown was announced I couldn’t be more delighted. I made a quick mental pack with myself that of course, it will be safe for us to stay put indoors but what will it do for me as an individual? The answer I realized only lay within. The first morning gave me enough time to saunter around my abode to count the pans and pots of my kitchen, had a heart to heart chat with my husband and allotted tasks to my son. As the evening sunset on us I realized that there’s so much more I could do with this ‘free time’ as this had never happened to any of us before (we get such limited time) so I decided I would start cooking, adorning my very forgotten chef ‘s hat for my family who never had forced me to cook. I started cooking to my families heart’s content and in the process gained so many brownie points with the family. I am trying to focus so much more on my health, my sleep (which always goes for a toss) and quality time with my family. In this challenging time we need to keep our calm; send out help to those who are less fortunate and spend time with oneself which will turn out to be the biggest investment I feel in the days to come. Rumina Rai Asst. Professor, Coordinator, BMM Dept., R.D. National College I do not think it is right for us to pass the class without clearing our exams. I have worked so hard during the year & done well. I would surely want to evaluate myself to know where I stand at the end of the year, so I am prepared to take on the next class with confidence. I hope that everything is okay soon and I can go to school. I have been working on the coming school class lessons, reading textbooks & workbooks. I am looking forward to school next year. I miss meeting my friends & the fun we have in school. Keira Ferreira Student, St Joseph’s Convent High School

The lockdown has indeed given me a wonderful opportunity to sit back at home, relax, give online music lessons to my students & mainly improvise on my singing, guitar & keyboard playing skills. I was looking forward to a break as I was always wanted to productively improvise on myself. I am a self-taught musician. I had never joined any music institute or taken any course. I learnt music completely on my own. So it feels great to look back at my musical journey so far. I try my best to make people happy through music as I firmly believe that music leaves a strong impact on people. Harmonious music is one element to please a pressured mind. The lockdown is the best time to invest it in entertaining yourself. Make your playlist of favourite songs & keep rolling them one by one. Also, take-up playing a musical instrument that you always dreamt of playing. Hearing music will lead your mind to forget the stress of the real world for some time. Elson Miranda Keyboard player I miss hanging out with my friends & classmates. Now we hang around through audio & video chats. But the lockdown has forced us to spend more time with our families & I think this is a good thing. It has brought families together and we bond more. I also watch a lot of videos & help around the house. Shikha Gala Student, St. Andrews College This Covid-19 pandemic lockdown has been a great opportunity to get creative. I’ve been producing and recording a lot of music, practising, posting videos and taking online video bass lessons with some very talented and enthusiastic students. Besides this I have been doing the regular household stuff like cooking, cleaning, watching movies & working out. Sheldon D’Silva Lead Guitarist

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BandraBuzz creating community connect since 2010

March 2020 | Volume 11 Issue 3 | Published Monthly | www.bandrabuzz.com | To Advertise: Call 9820783686 or 9920299787 | 16 pages | Price: Rs. 5/-

Indian Naval Fighter plane ‘Sea Harrier’ now installed at Bandstand

Residents of Bandra along with tourists can now have an opportunity to get a sneak peek of the functioning of the Indian Navy as the Jet Fighter plane ‘Sea Harrier SH 617’ has been installed at BJ Road, Bandstand. This Indian Naval Ship (INS) Viraat sea fighter plane has been installed by the Indian Navy on request accepted by the Brihanmumbai Municipal Corporation (BMC). Peter deSouza, Convener and Director of the Brihanmumbai Interschool Republic Day (BIRD) parade group, initiated this project along with the Rear Admiral R Pedankar of the Indian Navy. deSouza said, “We started working on this project in October 2019. This plane was the last Sea Harrier standing so it is a special one.” This plane will be accessible to the common public, visitors and tourists alike, says Asif Zakaria, BMC Corporator. Zakaria said, “We have displayed the Sea Harrirer in a suspended manner so that it projects as if it is taking off. Anybody and everybody walking around Bandstand will be able to look at this installation as there are no grills or barricades.” The fighter plane installed weighs around 4.5 tonnes approximately. It was part of the INS Viraat, an aircraft carrier of the Indian Navy, which was commissioned to the Indian Navy on May 12, 1987 and served for 30 years till it was formally decom-

misioned in March 2017. INS Viraat was the last British-built ship serving with the Indian Navy and was the oldest aircraft carrier in service in the world. Officers of the Indian Navy installed the Sea Harrier SH 617 at Bandstand on March 14, 2020. Captain Paresh Kowli, Indian Navy, said, “We helped in the installation of SH 617 at Bandstand.” Along with the installation, Architect Rinka D’monte has designed the space including the pathway around the plane. D’monte said, “In order to enhance the installation of the Sea Harrier, we have designed a pathway around it. We will lit up the space so that it serves as an iconic tourist attraction. There is going to be a seating place too in the space around the plane.” For the maintenance of this project, deSouza has suggested the project will be maintained by every school of Bandra for one month on a rotational basis. deSouza said, “We have many schools in Bandra who are willing to maintain this project on a monthly basis. Students and faculty members of a school can visit the site and manage basic maintenance like cleaning the space around, watering and gardening. It will provide an opportunity for students to interact with the Indian Navy and BMC while gaining a sense of responsibility.”

Peter deSouza (in a blue shirt) initiated the Sea Harrier IN617 installation project at Bandstand along with the Rear Admiral R Pedankar of the Indian Navy back in October 2019 In addition, the BJ Road where the Sea Harrier has been installed has a strong military tradition. deSouza said, “The BJ Road where the Sea Harrier is now installed has had four Vice Admirals, two Lieutenant Generals and three Air Vice Marshalls hosted there along with many senior military officers since 2014. Also, this road has dis-

played the MMCB (Mobile Missile Coastal Battery), the Pechora Missiles, the L70 Artillery of the Army and Air Defence major hardware during the Republic Day parade.” According to the BMC, the entire project costs about Rs 30 to 35 lakhs. A senior official of BMC said, “People who have worked for this project have done it for free.”

This project comprising of the installation of the plane was accepted by Sharad Ughade, former Assistant municipal commissioner (AMC) H-West ward. After Ughade, the project was led by current AMC offficer Vinayak Vispute. Ronald Rodrigues Pic Credit: Paula deSouza

Every business is waiting with bated breath until the pandemic situation normalises but what happens to your business now is very important! If your business is not seen you will soon be forgotten, hence act now before your competitor does by reminding Bandraites about your business. Reach out to over 50,000+ Bandraites in every nook and corner of Bandra Call 9820783686 or 9920299787 to advertise today!

Since Bandra Buzz newspaper launched in 2010, our team has made it their mission to help citizens stay informed and keep local businesses thriving. In this time of lockdown, we at Bandra Buzz newspaper have been on the job to make sure we give our readers genuine news from our most trusted sources & are looking to add to our existing team with your help. Due to the current scenario, we haven’t been able to get many advertisers & are looking to our readers to support us by sponsoring ads. We will provide readers who sponsor Rs 1000 or more with an ad in the May issue of Bandra Buzz. If you’re interested to place a sponsored ad you can Call or WhatsApp us on 9820783686 or 9920299787


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Businesses in Bandra try battling the odds amid the COVID-19 scare Ahead of the worrying spike in the number coronavirus positive cases, its monetary aftermath in Bandra is perturbing. Economically speaking, the shift to normalcy will be glacial owing to the affected consumer behaviour. With huge sectors such as travel, tourism, airlines, retail, e-commerce, tech, sports, entertainment and construction coming to an almost screeching halt, the financial state of Bandra much like anyplace else stands challenged. Obstructed cash flow, glitches in online transactions and reduced purchase power have added to the woes of businesses. However, our chat with some entrepreneurs goes to show that they’re determined to rise above the odds. Santosh Chaurasiya, Founder at S.S. Tutorials is now coaching his students via oneon-one video call sessions, providing them notes in the PDF format and emailing question papers to those appearing for CET. He tells us that the upside of online teaching is that monies don’t have to be culled for renting premises, travelling, utility bills. Says Chaurasia, “The difficulty in teaching online is that it obstructs the interaction between the students and the teacher. Sometimes the topics are mentally taxing or as the students say, ‘boring’. In such cases, they get distracted or zoned out.” The founder shares that some students have issues with their mobile data, while some have no Wi-Fi or laptop. Chaurasiya

has a team of renowned expert teachers across the suburb and many of them have opted for teaching sessions on Zoom. He informs, “Students haven’t disenrolled as of now. However, payment has been affected because modes of payment are limited now. Some parents haven’t received money so how will they pay me? Once things go back to normal, I’m positive that they will pay me.” Joshua Pereira, who runs a home-based business of cured and smoked meat along with his girlfriend, Larissa Valladares is also trying to keep the showing going while adhering to the lockdown rules. The entrepreneur says, “The business is running well during the lockdown as customers look forward to having some delicious meat.” Given his optimism, one might wonder if he has been hit by the slowdown at all. He then conveys that he & Valladares are working from home and enduring salary cuts too. They have been carrying out deliveries amid the lockdown with the help of a trusted courier company. As the customers have hygiene concerns, they pack the product with the utmost care and they also make contactless deliveries if requested. Pereira states that his team has handled the load quite well and that that none of his orders have gone unfulfilled. His business was also successful in generating new customers as the demand for meat increased.

Entrepreneur siblings, Aakansha & Anurag Gupta have left no stone unturned to keep their PR company, The Other Circle afloat. The said company has retained its 30 employees, who have been ensured that they will not be retrenched. The two founders will also be forgoing their salaries for the next six months to be able to issue salaries to the employees. Says Aakansha, “Anurag and I are co-founders, we have decided to forgo our

salaries for the next six months. We also announced that we will maintain our entire staff.” Most understandably, not all have been able to keep their businesses green. One of our Bandra dwellers, who owns an electronics shop had to close it, in keeping with the lockdown rules. He expressed that the lockdown has caused him tremendous stress financially as well as mentally. He has been trying to support his employees in these testing times. He believes that customers will take a while to get back to normal and so do the suppliers. He also hopes that the government remedies the loans and the EMI situation. Pratiksha Kale

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Invest in your Immunity We’ve been following the 20-second hand wash drill, wearing masks when stepping out of the home and trying to stay indoors as much as possible. But, there’s another important aspect to being precautionary during this pandemic, and that is eating right. We’re definitely craving our favourite meals from our favourite restaurants while we’re stuck eating ghar ka khaana mostly. However, when done right, your homecooked meals can help boost your immunity, which is an absolute need of the hour.

TURN UP THE HEAT Author and practitioner of Integrative Lifestyle Medicine and Life Coaching, Luke Coutinho shares some interesting recipes which you could try your hand at.

For The Little Ones: Ragi Porridge Ingredients: • 1/4 cup ragi flour (finger millet flour) • 2 cups water (increase as per desired consistency) To temper: • 1 tsp A2 ghee • 1/4 tsp mustard seeds • 1/4 tsp jeera • Grated veggies as per choice • A small sprig of curry leaf Method: 1. In a pan, add ragi flour. Roast it for 2 mins. No need for the colour to change. Now add water. 2. Whisk it well so that there are no lumps. Now start cooking in low flame. 3. First, it will start to thicken here & there, so keep stirring to avoid lumps. Use a whisk. 4. Cook until it forms a thick pudding-like consistency. 5. When it starts to thicken switch to a ladle and keep stirring. 6. Keep cooking low flame and keep stirring continuously. 7. Now, tempering. Heat ghee in a tadka pan & add the tempering ingredients. Let it crackle. Now transfer it to the porridge. 8. Add pink salt and grated vegetables as per choice and mix well. 9. Check consistency and let it cook for 5 min. in slow flame 10. Serve hot.

For The Grown-Ups: Simple Dal Khichdi Ingredients: • 1 cup Parboiled rice (soaked for 8-10 hrs) • 1/2 cup dhuli dal (split moong dal) • 2 tbsp organic A2 ghee • Pinch of Ceylon cinnamon

• 2 elaichi / cardamom pods • 1-2 cloves • 1 tsp cumin seeds • 1-inch grated ginger • 1/2 tsp turmeric powder • 1 pinch hing / asafoetida • Half cup veggies (bottle gourd, peas, carrots) • Salt to taste • 5 cups water Method: 1. Rinse & soak rice and dal for 8-10 hours respectively to make it more digestible. 2. Heat ghee first and roast all the whole spices in it . 3. ow add ginger, turmeric, and hing. 4. Add the veggies. 5. Add salt and water. 6. Pressure cook for four whistles. 7. Relish it with a dollop of ghee. 8. Heat ghee in a pan add cumin seeds, black peppercorns, curry leaves, cashew nuts, turmeric powder and jaggery. 9. Add the dry grated coconut & stir, now add the rinsed beaten rice, salt and continue stirring it till semi-solid consistency. 10. When we use the parboiled rice, we add the rice & pressure cook with other ingredients above for about 4 to 5 whistles.

For The Old-Timers: Sweet Potato Soup Ingredients: • 500 gm sweet potato • 1 medium onion, chopped • 2 cloves garlic, chopped • 1/2 tsp organic turmeric powder • Pink Himalayan salt & pepper – as per taste • 3-4 cups water • 3 sprigs fresh thyme (herbs are optional and as per availability) • 2 tsp A2 cow ghee • 1/2 cup coconut milk (optional) Method: 1. In a pressure cooker, add ghee over medium-high heat. 2. Add onion and garlic and sauté for 5 minutes until tender. 3. Add sweet potatoes & sauté for 5 mins. 4. Season with salt and pepper. 5. Add water (about 3-4 cups) and bring to a boil. 6. Cover the pressure cooker. 7. Reduce heat to medium and pressure cook for 2 to 3 whistles. 8. Turn off the burner. 9. Open the lid and using a hand blender, puree the soup in the pot until smooth. 10. Stir in thyme, turmeric, coconut milk (if desired) and salt and pepper as per taste and cook for 2-3 mins. more. 11. Relish & enjoy the super immunity-boosting soup. Variations: • Adding some coconut milk will bring

about a creamy texture. • Can add fresh greens like spinach, spring onion – as per availability along with the sweet potato for more variations. • Top it with soaked pumpkin seeds too for the extra crunch. • A natural remedy Ayurvedic nutritionist Dimple Jangda tells us that this pandemic is nature’s way of saying ‘I have hit pause to reset my normal state.’ This is a sign from nature that we need to acclimatize. Circadian rhythm & Ayurveda say that you must imitate nature. If nature is active, you become active. If nature has hit pause & reset, we must also hit pause & reset our health to its natural state by staying in quarantine & boosting immunity. At the same time, practise letting go of all old baggages in your wardrobe, personal, professional or emotional life before we get back to a brand new world. Till a vaccine is discovered, we can rely on our grandmother’s age-old knowledge & nook says from a 5000-year-old science like Ayurveda. Here are a few tips she shares: Neem ka patta – Take the leaf, wash it nicely, grind it with pestle and mortar, make a paste without adding water and put it at the back of your throat and swallow it. Follow it with jaggery or khadi sugar or mishri. Avoid water or breakfast for an hour because it takes a while for the neem to work in the body. Have this early in the morning on an empty stomach. Phyllanthus niruri (stone breaker) leaves are available in capsule form or powder form. Take 50g of the leaf, wash it and make a paste and have it on an empty stomach every morning. Have breakfast after one hour. Neem & Phyllanthus niruri capsules are available in medical stores and online. Ideally, these capsules should only be taken for 15 days because too much of good is also bad. They may cause excessive heat

in the body. Pregnant women, children and senior citizens should avoid these. Chyawanprash 1 tsp in the morning and evening followed by a glass of warm milk + haldi is perfect for children from the age of 4 to senior citizens up to the age of 90. Milk is a good carrier of medicines. Amalaki (Indian gooseberry) is anti-inflammatory and anti-carcinogenic. It has 1000x more vitamin C than lemons. It is present in Chyawanprash. You can have one raw every morning. You can have the sweetened version if you like. If you don’t have the raw amla, get the juice and have 10ml or 20ml every morning. Bramhi - tablet or powder. Boil herbs in water to make tea or mix in ghee and have. (not recommended for pregnant women) • Sip ginger tea, dried ginger, or ginger chews, or fresh ginger. Take it before every meal to increase your immunity. • Most importantly, don’t worry about it! Do what you can, but don’t stress because stress weakens immunity.

FOLLOW YOUR GUT Dietician and nutritionist Neha Ranglani shares some quick tips to follow through the day: The best way to up your immunity is to heal and repair your gut. • Starting your day with ginger lemon turmeric warm water and fruits is the best way to calm your gut. • Sip on a green smoothie as a mid-meal drink. Including fresh salads with your meals and millets in place of wheat is also a good option. • A concoction of saunf jeera ajwain helps to calm the gut and improve digestion. • Soups and stir fry for dinner along with a light meal helps to ease digestion through the night. • Make sure to add superfoods like coconut, mulethi, aloe vera, pumpkin seeds, chia seeds and walnuts to your diet. Pearl Mathias




Get Gardening Since we’ve been confined to our homes, we’re all looking for ways to be productive and creative with our time. This is a good time to pick up skills like reading, baking, painting, crocheting…and even gardening! If you’ve always wanted to grow some greens in your home, but just didn’t have the time to do so, here’s how you can get started right where you are. Beginning the planting process… Rowena D’souza’s first experience of gardening was at the age of 8 in Mangalore where her paternal family grew their veggies even though they had the option to purchase them at any local market. She shares some tips for beginners, “Pick a spot: This will help you understand the kind of plants you can grow given the availability of space, sunlight, access, etc. Pick your plants accordingly: Start with low maintenance plants, I started with money plants, indoor plants & succulents & eventually moved to vegetables & fruit. It’s a process, you’ll learn through your journey.” Diipti Jhangiani is an urban farmer who has been growing a variety of edible plants in her home balcony for over 5 years now. She especially enjoys brewing her soil via kitchen composting & tending to her worm hotel too. She says, “Beginners can try their hands at growing microgreens in their homes. Microgreens are little 5-6 inch tall seedlings that are rich in multivitamins & are ready to harvest within a week. You can grow microgreens in any 3-4 inch deep container. Just make a few drainage holes in the container you choose. All you need is to fill the tray with soil or coco peat & then choose herb seeds from your kitchen cabinets like fenugreek, coriander, dill, sesame seeds, basil seeds, garden cress or mustard. Sow the seeds like stars in a sky - not too far away yet not too dense. And remember to gently water with half a glass daily. You need not even keep this in sunlight as microgreens do not require sunlight to grow.” Pick your plant Sudakshina Chacko has a lovely farmhouse about 85 kms from Bandra, in a small village called Mircholi. It houses more than 250 varieties of trees, plants, vegetable trees, fruit trees etc. “It’s like growing our baby!” she exclaims! She says, “Indoor plants too need

reflected sunlight like anthurium, coleus, varieties of creepers, money plants, chrysanthemums. You can grow herbs in small pots too such as basil, thyme, rosemary, oregano, curry patta they are low on maintenance. These are the best to grow indoors as they are all-weather plants & require water only when the soil is dry... overwatering kills small plants.” She too has been experimenting with microgreens for which one needs coco peat & a bit of soil. They can be used in salads as they are very healthy & packed with vitamins. Keep in mind A few things to keep in mind when you’ve begun gardening, by Diipti & Rowena. • Avoid overwatering, a glass a day is more than enough for a 10-inch potted plant. • Make sure to mulch well. Mulching is an important part of summer gardening where you ensure your plant soil is covered by leaves, cardboard, stones or shells. This regulates the moisture levels & protects all microbes living in the soil, thereby keeping the plant healthy. • Feed your plants some compost, manure or organic matter from time to time. You can make a puree of banana peels, dilute it in water & then feed this mixture to your plants for a nice dose of potassium. • Chip off dried leaves, those are damaged, they don’t need to be hanging on the plant. • Since you water them every day, they’re bound to grow slugs & snails, make sure you’re picking those regularly. Pearl Mathias

Bellpepper plant

Lemon plant

Curry Leaf plant

Pineapple plant

Best Plants to Grow at Home & How to Grow Them, shared by Rowena: Tomatoes: Grow them in your balcony, make sure they have at least 6 - 8 hours of strong sunlight every day. Make sure you pot this in a deep pot. Mint Leaves: Pluck the leaves and use them as required, now let the stem sit in water for a couple of days. Once you see the stem grows roots plant them in soil. Place then in any low light to strong sunlight area and watch them bloom. Basil Leaves: Same as the mint leaves. You’ll be amazed how big one stem can grow up to. It’s a basil fest!

Do you happen to grow veggies or edible plants on the balcony or terrace?

Green Chillies: Any area in the balcony where there is adequate sunlight through the day. Pineapple: Save the top of the pineapple fruit, pluck few of the green leaves and soak it in water for 2 weeks, once it grows roots move to the soil. Pineapple can do wonders in the weather that Mumbai has. Place in any corner of the house that has adequate sunlight through the day. Watermelon: Throw the seeds in the soil and watch them sprout in a week’s time.

WhatsApp us pictures of what your grow on +91-9820783686 Mint plant



Young Covid-19 W As residents of Bandra stay indoors amid the lockdown to stem the spread of Covid-19 epidemic, it has brought us all closer while confining all of us to our homes. Amidst these difficult times, there are several members of society trying to help others in a multitude of ways. From donating food, providing financial aid to making masks and other healthcare materials, citizens are taking initiatives to help each other. In the frontline along with the Government, we have many citizen warriors in the fight against Covid-19. We have come across many such stories in media and our Bandraites are at the lead in such initiatives as well. We have a few youngsters from Bandra who are at the forefront of such missions.

Krysyn, Shayne & Ardelia have distributed over 11,000 face shields around Bandra to frontline health workers

Sarabjyot, Karamjyot, Avneesh & Rishika’s SKAR initiative has distributed over 10,000 face shields to vendors & security guards

Krysyn Rego, Shayne Rego and Ardelia D’Cruz have an initiative where they are making face shields for frontline healthcare workers, police personnel, sanitation workers, people distributing food among the needy & other officials managing the pandemic from their workshop which has been set up at Corona Garden in Bandra. The face shields cost Rs 30 per piece and give additional protection from the virus in addition to face masks. What makes them different is that for every shield purchased, the team donates 1 to Covid warriors. So far, the team has distributed over 11,000 masks in and around Bandra. The trio has now taken this initiative to St. Stanislaus High School, where migrant workers who have nothing to do have been trained by them to make faces shields. Four teenagers from Bandra, Sarabjyot Chawla, Karamjyot Chawla, Avneesh Bhargava & Rishika Bhargava (SKAR) have started the SKAR initiative for crowdfunding the distribution of face shields among members who are exposed to the virus more like vendors & security guards. The project also supported by Dolson Jewels has distributed over 10,000 shields. They have so far collected more than 3 lakhs through a Ketto crowdfunding & have donated face shields to healthcare staffs, policemen and security staffs, small shop owners, municipality workers, delivery boys, transporter’s, communities living in slums and many



Warriors of Bandra other front-line workers fighting Covid for our livelihood and daily essentials. The program started in Pali Hill has gone beyond Bandra and has spread to other parts of Mumbai. You can also become their local ambassador by joining their ant’s army and facilitate distribution of these face shields and masks within your area Rhubarb Refill founded by 3 women - Simran Dariya, Sugandh Dariya and Georgia Sagolsem is also in the forefront to support the families, senior citizens and children roaming about the streets in search of essentials amid Covid-19. Rhubarb strives for a common goal - to leave the planet in a better state than when we came into it. It is an initiative to provide drinking water to Covid warriors and people struggling in the lockdown. It has distributed around 70-80 bottles of water across Bandra West and Khar. Rhubarb has around 25 people who have signed up for the cause and it is growing. If you are thinking of a DIY activity yet something to save you from Covid, Michelle Ribeiro has the answer to it. She is a freelance hairdresser and gives a creative twist to the face masks via her ‘Mich’s Fancy Masks’. She makes DIY face masks which can be assembled using used clothes and materials available at any household. These can be made easily with any filter cloth as the base. You need rectangular shape cloth and an elastic as well. After cutting a good rectangle measuring size properly, keep the filter cloth, stitch it all around and then add the Elastic. Voila, your DIY mask is ready!

Simran Dariya, Sugandh Dariya and Georgia Sagolsem’s Rhubarb Refill has distributed around 70-80 bottles of water across Bandra & Khar

It is impressive to see the participation of the community in supporting the Government and Health officials. These endeavours give further fillip to our strong community feeling & the importance of supporting each other in such testing times. You may contact these Covid citizen warriors if you wish to donate or require assistance with their products. Krysyn Rego - 9819184096 Project SKAR - 9892199906 Rhubarb Refill - 9892452270 Jessica Bernard

Michelle Ribeiro makes DIY face masks which can be assembled using used clothes and materials available at any household




Bishop Barthol Barretto addresses the crowd at St. Andrew High School quadrangle

She-roes shared experiences about making their stance in this challenging world

SHE-Links – Past, Present, Future To make an attempt to change this perception of a woman’s strength, the Andrean Network of Dynamic and Inspired Educators (ANDIE), Grand Academic Portal (GAP) and Indian Association of Secretaries and Administrative Professionals (IASAP) partnered by St. Andrew’s Centre for Philosophy and Performing Arts (SAPP) and the Women’s Cell of St. Andrew Parish, Bandra proudly presented SHE-Links – Past, Present, Future on 6th, 7th & 8th March 2020. Just as the Bandra-Worli Sea Link connects Bandra to Worli, SHE-links aims to link the women of the present & future to ‘she-roes’ of the past who have overcome obstacles & have triumphed. It is important to raise awareness about the issues they have faced (environmental issues, gender discrimination, domestic violence, human trafficking, honour killings, etc.) as well as embrace the spirit of these women who carry on despite the odds. The Project, with the tagline ‘Built to Inspire’, was inaugurated by Bishop Barthol Barretto on 8th March, 2018 at St. Andrew Church, Bandra. On Day 1 (6th March), we had the SHE-lympics organised. 13-member allgirls’ teams (the future of women) from schools affiliated to the Archdiocesan Board of Education (ABE) participated in a fun evening of tele-games spread across St. Andrew High School quadrangle and St. Andrew’s Turf Park from 5pm onwards. The new basketball court (on the School quadrangle), conceptualised and designed by Adidas and curated by a Delhi-based artist, was transformed with an innovative typographic design that embedded the message of equality ‘Girls = Boys’ and ‘Sport doesn’t care’ and was inaugurated by Bishop Barthol Barretto. The brain behind the games, Ms. Suzie D’Silva, was also the compere for the evening and brought the whole crowd alive as she took the teams and their mascots dancing through the quadrangle. The mascots, who were teachers or the students’ parents, presented their

perception of a woman. The entire place looked colourful and the crowd danced to the foot-tapping music of DJ Delon D’Souza. The girls enjoyed themselves and gave it their best. Apostolic Carmel High School, Bandra (W) was the winner for the day. St Anne’s High School, Bandra (W) was the first runner-up while Auxilium Convent High School, Bandra (W) won second runner-up. The Auxilium team was also the winner of the ‘Best Mascot’. The teams were awarded trophies, cash prizes as well as certificates and tons of give-aways that were sponsored by ColorBar, our gifting partner for all 3 days. The highlight of the day was the smile on the faces of every participant who left with her hands filled with a goodie bag & a snack box. The SHE-roes Conclaveon Day 2 (7th March) brought together women from different walks of life & different strata of society who have fought or continue to fight for change in the status quo of women. We had a room filled with women across different age groups who were present to witness the she-roes of the present, past & the future. It was amazing to watch the young & budding future - Ms. Licypriya Kangujam, an 8-year old social activist who spoke with such confidence on being instruments of climate change, Ms. Zen Sadavarte – a 12-year old who was presented a National Bravery Award by Prime Minister Narendra Modi for saving the lives of 17 people, including her parents, when her building caught fire in August 2018. She is well-read & very vocal with her opinions concerning various social causes. She wants to be a lawyer representing India at the International Court of Justice. We also had Captain Keithair Misquitta, one of the first women pilots to circumnavigate the globe in an ultra-light motor glider. She wants the number of Indian women pilots to be equal to that of men, she also advised aspiring female pilots about the hard work that needs to go into getting those three

stripes. We wish our ‘hope of the future’ all the very best in their endeavours to make a change. In the next segment, we had our present she-roes: Dr. Snehal Pinto – Director, Ryan International Group of Institutions, Dr. Uma Rele – Principal, Nalanda Nritya Kala Mahavidyalaya, Ms. Anna Bredemeyer – India’s ‘original’ supermodel, Dr. Jasmine Gujarathi – Ayurveda doctor & advocate for women’s health issues & Ms. Shibani Sachdeva – Director of Empower India, Art of Living teacher & a sailing champion. These powerful women shared their experiences about making their stance in this challenging world. There was not a dry eye in the room as Ms. Pinto spoke about her passion as an educator. Ms. Bredemeyer had the audience in splits of laughter as she took them through her journey as a supermodel while Ms. Sachdeva gave the audience a 3-minute taste of a meditation technique. One could feel the difference instantaneously. Our last segment showcased ‘the glory of the past’; our she-roes who with their vast experience have laid a foundation for our present & future superwomen. We had Dr. (Maj.) Anuradha – India’s first lady army officer to drive & fire from Arjun tank & the Managing Trustee of Aasthagram Trust, an NGO for inclusive education among tribal children in Madhya Pradesh who was present along with a few children from the school, Dr. Kanak Rele – a Padmashri recipient, Founder-Director of Nalanda Dance Research Centre & Founder-Principal of Nalanda Nritya Kala Mahavidyalaya in Mumbai, Ms. Zelma Lazarus, the Founder-Director & Chief Executive Officer of Impact India which started the Lifeline Express project, a special rake of 5 railway coaches specially adapted to serve as a mobile hospital, & thus reach anywhere on the railway map of India & Dr. Ketna Mehta – a paraplegic because of a paragliding accident & Founder-Trustee of Nina Foun-

dation, an NGO involved in rehabilitating friends with spinal cord injuries. These stalwarts shared their experiences & their struggles to get to where they are today. The Conclave took place at St. Andrew’s Conference Hall. It was a great experience for all those who attended as they got to hear these wonderful women speak and also interact with them at the end of each session. The participants were treated to a sumptuous meal and exciting takeaways from Phoenix MarketCity, Kurla as well as a participation certificate. Sunday, 8th March was International Women’s Day and the final day of SHElinks. SHE-nanigans was an evening of masti and entertainment-focused on the celebration of womanhood. The venue – St. Andrew High School quadrangle was lit up with bright lights and colourful stalls wherein the women showcased their talents by selling their creations – food, jewellery, clothing, etc. The evening opened up with a few women representatives releasing the balloons and Sr. Suchitra Furtado AC, Principal, Apostolic Carmel High School declaring it open. There was much entertainment lined up for the evening thanks to our entertainment partner – Infrared who got the crowd rolling with its talented performers. Ms. Daniella Gomes got the crowd tapping to a fitness mode with a power-packed Zumba session. We were also entertained by some professional dancers who mesmerised us with their performances. Attractive prizes were won by the crowd. For those who witnessed the dhol and dance, the music and the masti, it was an evening well-spent. Kudos to Fr. Magi Murzello and his team for putting up this wonderful 3-day event, Glenn Dodd for capturing the beautiful moments of the events, DJ Delon D’Souza and all the women who worked behind the scenes to make the event a grand success. Vanessa D’Cruz Photo by Anjali Gracias




St Stanislaus School provides migrant workers with shelter, food & a source of livelihood Not only food and shelter but also relief and a source of livelihood is being provided to migrant workers and labourers for free at St Stanislaus School, Bandra. Following the recent incident of migrant workers gathering at Bandra station wanting to return to their homes, a shelter cum relief camp which is providing a source of livelihood has been set up at the school campus. Due to the nationwide lockdown amidst the coronavirus pandemic, migrant workers, labourers and daily wagers were caught at loggerheads with nowhere to go. These workers are not having any source of income as their projects are halted while they cannot return to their native villages or states because transportation is shut. In order to provide a helping hand during such a crisis, Cardinal Gracias approached St. Peter’s Church & St. Stanislaus School Bandra to set up a shelter relief camp for these migrants workers. In consultation with professor Brinelle D’Souza of the Tata Institute of Social Sciences (TISS) & Anil Hebbar of Helping Hands Charitable Trust, with the help of the Brihanmumbai Municipal Corporation (BMC) officers of H/ West ward, a “Migrant Workers’ Relief Camp”, potentially for 125, 100 men and 25 women, has been set up since April 19, 2020, till the end of the lockdown period. Currently, over 20 to 30 mi-

grant workers are being provided accommodation, bathing and toilet facilities, food, water, security and medical checkups every day for free. Fr Frazer Mascarenhas, manager of St Stanislaus School, explained, “We are using the vacant hall space of our school for this camp. We are providing beds, bedsheets and mattresses. Our school canteen staff have volunteered to cook daily meals for these migrant workers. While the BMC officers are sanitising the premises and conducting regular health checkups.” Interestingly, this shelter relief camp has turned into a small cottage industry as migrant workers are making masks and face shields and providing it to the frontline workers. Fr Felix D’Souza, who is the school supervisor managing this project, said, “We conducted some volunteer recreational activities as the workers were bored sitting inside the camp for the entire day. So then, we started making masks and face shields and now it is like a small cottage industry. We are making almost 50 to 500 masks and shields every day. The money earned by each worker through this project will be given to them when they leave. Apart from this, we are having story sharing sessions, cooking together, watching movies in the night and living as a family. Along with relief, this camp is providing a source of livelihood to these workers.”

A Migrant Workers’ Relief Camp, potentially for 125, 100 men and 25 women, has been set up since April 19, 2020, till the end of the lockdown period at St. Stanislaus High School campus Vaqar Javeed Hafiz, the executive engineer of BMC H/West Bandra ward, said, “It is good to see these migrant workers contributing for the cause. Nobody was ready to provide shelter to these workers initially as they were part of the huge gathering at Bandra station. But now, these same workers are contributing and helping in the battle against the spread of COVID-19.” Asif Zakaria, Municipal Corporator, said, “These migrant workers have nowhere to go. Some of them are in need

of shelter while, others need food every day as they have lost their daily source of income. We are all trying our best to help each other in any way possible during this crucial time of crisis.” “There is space for more,” claimed Fr Frazer Mascarenhas as he stated that the camp has vacant rooms and can accommodate more migrant workers, labourers and those in need. Also, anybody can volunteer as short term training in skills, conscientisation on rights and even some

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productive occupation are being provided in these camps. Ronald Rodrigues Donation to this Migrants’ Camp project is welcome at: St. Peter’s Church, Central Bank of India, Turner Road, Bandra, A/C No. 3805703587 IFSC Code: CBIN0282259 Please send a message to stpetersparishoffice@gmail.com with your NEFT receipt and PAN card number (required).

BandraBuzz creating commu

nity connect since

March 2020 | Volume 11 Issue 3 | Publishe d Monthly | www.ba ndrabuzz.com | To

Indian Naval Fight er plane ‘Sea Harri er’ now installed at Ba ndstand Advertise: Call 9820783 686


or 9920299787 | 16 pages | Price: Rs. 5/-

Residents of Bandra along with misioned tourists can now in March 2017. have an opporINS Viraat was the last tunity to get a sneak British-built ship peek of the serving functioning of with the Indian the Indian Navy Navy and was the oldest aircraft as the Jet Fighter carrier in plane ‘Sea Harservice in the world. rier SH 617’ has been installed at Officers of the BJ Road, Bandstan Indian Navy d. This Indian installed the Sea Naval Ship (INS) Harrier SH 617 Viraat sea fightat Bandstand on er plane has been March 14, 2020. installed by the Captain Paresh Indian Navy on Kowli, Indian request accepted Navy, said, “We by the Brihanm helped in the umbai Municipa l installation of Corporation (BMC). SH 617 at Bandstand.” Peter deSouza, Convene r and Along with the Director of the installation, Brihanmumbai Architect Rinka Interschool Republic D’monte Day (BIRD) designed has parade group, initiated the space including this proj- the pathway ect along with the around the plane. Rear Admiral R D’monte said, “In Pedankar of the order to enIndian Navy. dehance the installati Souza said, “We on of the Sea started working Harrier, we have on this project designed a pathin October 2019. way around it. We This plane was the will lit up the last Sea Harrispace so that it serves er standing so it as an iconic is a special one.” tourist attraction This plane will be . There is going accessible to to be a seating place the common public, too in the visitors and space around the plane.” tourists alike, says Asif Zakaria, For the maintena BMC Corporator. nce of this Zakaria said, project, “We have displayed deSouza has suggeste the Sea Har- the d project rirer in a suspende will be maintain d manner so by ed every school of that it projects as Bandra for if it is taking off. one month on a Anybody and everybod rotational basis. y walking deSouza around Bandstan Peter deSouza (in a said, “We have d will be able to blue shirt) initiated many schools in Bandra the Sea Harrier IN617 look at this installati along with the Rear who are willinstallation project on as there ing Admiral R Pedanka at Bandstand to maintain this are no grills or barricade r of the Indian Navy project on a s.” back in October 2019 In addition, the BJ monthly basis. Students The fighter plane Road where played and fac- the Sea installed ulty members the MMCB (Mobile Harrier has been weighs around Missile This project of a school can visit installed Coastal 4.5 tonnes apcomprising of has Battery), the Pechora a the strong military site and manage proximately. It the Mis- installation tradition. siles, basic main- deSouza was part of the of the plane was the L70 Artillery tenance like cleaning said, “The BJ Road INS Viraat, an aircraft of the Army cepted acwhere the space the Sea and Air Defence by Sharad Ughade, carrier of around, Harrier is now major hardware former the Indian Navy, watering and gardenin installed during Assistant municipa which was comg. has had four the Republic l commissionIt will Day provide Vice Admirals, two missioned to the parade.” er (AMC) an opportunity for Indian Navy on H-West ward. After According to the Lieutenant Generals students to interact BMC, the en- ade, UghMay 12, 1987 and and three Air tire with the Indi- Vice the project was led served for 30 an project costs about Marshalls hosted by current Navy and BMC while years till it was Rs 30 to AMC there along 35 formally decomgaining a with offficer Vinayak Vispute. lakhs. A senior official many senior military sense of responsi of BMC bility.” officers said, “People since 2014. Also, who have worked this road has disfor this project have Ronald Rodrigue done it for free.” s Pic Credit: Paula deSouza

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Reminiscing the good old Bandra days For many years there were only 3 cinema halls, in Bandra. New Talkies, Bandra Talkies and Neptune Talkies. The ticket were all fixed at the same rates at all the theatres. 5 annas, 10 annas, one rupee two annas (Stall) and 1 Rupee five annas (Balcony)! (1 Rupee = 16 annas, one anna = 4 paisa). Show timings were fixed at 3 pm, 6 pm and 9 pm every day. On Sundays, an additional show was shown screened at 10 am or 12 noon. New Talkies was on Hill Road where now stands Marks & Spencers, Globus Cinema was atop, now named Le Reve. When I was very young, my father gave me money to go to that theatre to see a movie named “Nargis”. At that time, I did not know what a balcony was. So, I went and asked for a ticket for “Balakni” (meaning for young children)! Saw the movie very happily but came to know the real meaning of balcony much later! I also recall that at this theatre, the first two seats on the left as you entered in “stalls”, were permanently booked every Saturday for the 6 o’clock show, for the actor of yesteryears, Jayant (famous Amjad Khan’s father) and his wife! The seats remained empty when they did not come to see the movie! Bandra Talkies is no more. In its place, a tall building has come up housing Shoppers Stop, along with offices and an exotic restaurant. Also on top is a theatre called Movietime Suburbia. Neptune Talkies has been dismantled a long ago and a big business complex “Veena Beena” has sprung up in its place. A new multiplex G7 has come up adjoining railway tracks in Bandra and it consists of Gaiety, Galaxy, Gemini, Gem, Glamour, Gossip and Grate. On Hill Road, there used to be only 3 shops, the Police Station and a small Parsi

LtoR: Neptune Talkies was dismantled long ago & was replaced by a business complex called Veena Beena near Bandra Station whereas New Talkies was on Hill Road where now stands Marks & Spencers, Globus Cinema was atop, now named Le Reve owned a shop near the Agiary. The shops were Johnson & Johnson Medical Store, Bandra Medical and in the opposite direction two bohri shops near St. Stanislaus´High School. This, I am speaking about in the 1950s. Later Hill Road developed very fast and became very congested. A Sindhi gentleman used to sit on the footpath selling pani puris. With the growth in population in Bandra, his business too slowly grew. He continued selling his stuff from the footpath. Female staff were employed to clean utensils on the road near his “shop”. Then he started commuting in a Maruti car as his business began growing. Later, he bought a shop in

the adjoining building. Slowly he bought the whole building. His pani-puri business grew manifold and now he is running an extremely successful business. A restaurant Elco pani puri house, selling a variety of items, including sweet dishes and whatnot. His sons are now managing the show. The original aged owner, I find sometimes sitting on a chair nearby! Today the price at his shop for 6 pani puris is almost Rs.100. Seats are hard to come by in a crowded restaurant. You will see people standing in long lines during the evenings. In a building, adjoining the Police station, on St Martins Road was a club where my father was a member. He used to play

billiards as well as cards. Long back the club stopped functioning and now the H/ West ward BMC building housing various Departmental Offices. Waterfield Road ended at Turner Road. Thereafter the area consisted of fields. Only one white coloured 3-4 storied building existed there, which was rented by some airline. Their pilots and air-hostesses stayed there. There was not a single shop on Turner Road! The first multi-storied buildings constructed in Bandra was Landmark on Carter Road and one where the Hongkong Bank started its Bandra office on Turner Road. Prabodh Godiwala

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Book Review: Love from Alpha to Omega I always knew “Love is a many splendoured thing”. This belief has now been reiterated by 3 Authors in their joint offering aptly titled: Love – From Alpha to Omega. A Book for Lovers only, Haters, hands-off! The last admonishing line too is theirs, not mine. How did these 3 heterogeneous souls collaborate to write stories on a feeling as intense as love, especially when the youngest of the musketeers is all of 15 years? These love stories are not just the run of the mill love stories. They are purportedly based on the 8 types of love as propagated by that Ancient Intellectual Civilisation - the Greeks. 8 types of love – ranging from the Friendly, the Familial, the Playful, the Erotic, the Obsessive, the Enduring, the Self-love to the Brotherhood kind. Phew, that´s a lot of loving & I guess I got all 8 types correctly. Lucky Greeks, such a variety to choose from. For the vast majority of humanity, love still remains all Greek and Latin. The 3 Musketeers of love have not co-written these stories. They have each contributed their respective stories on one or two of the 8 categories of Greek love, weaving the same into a tumultuous tapestry. All monumental work in a time span of 7 days! Opening the batting in this anthology is Cyrus, probably in deference to his age. The oldest of the triumvirate writes on the category of friendly love. He says it in poetry, not prose. The 2 protagonists of his poem are a discarded house puppy (by a spoilt brat) & a street cat with a heart of gold. We have often heard that streets cats have morals not be mentioned in polite society. This cat, however, is different. It actually adopts the discarded pet & nurtures it in the cruel street world. Well, an interesting bit of verse but I wasn’t really held in thrall by the poem. The youngest Tia Kulkarni, then takes over with her offering in the Familial Love category. A nice family story about a matriarch, her non-ambitious son, her daughter in law & his 4 children. One of the sons a teenager is actually the conscience keeper & the voice of reason in the house. A well-written family tale with a moral, by the15-year-old. The jet flying Kainaz J first flirts with the Playful kind of Love. A modern-day love story which is increasingly being seen in modern times. A forbidden alliance of a South Indian girl & a Roman Catholic boy, falling madly in love. Against all odds, they actually succeed. Her next story is a no-holds-barred narrative of a hotshot News Reporter out to bust a Godman. What actually happens is that the hot-blooded attractive News Reporter ends up seducing the Guruji in his Ashram. Shades of King Vikramaditya & the Apsara Menaka? Kainaz´s skills as a raconteur, leave nothing to the imagination. Obviously, this piece slots neatly into the Erotic category. Well so on & so forth. I will not delve into



the details of each & every story, in each & every category. That super species the Greeks sure knew what they were talking about. The different categories of love, hold true even today. Cyrus Gonda´s Obsessive Love, like the one the infatuated Jagdeep, with the pearly whites displays, is perhaps the most common. A very believable story. Obsession makes mere mortals act crazily. Kainaz who knows a thing or two of the ways of the world then takes us on a fascinating roller coaster ride through the hazy world of reincarnation & historical ages. From the times of Alexander, the Great to medieval Rome, France, Messina & colonisation, to the slave markets of Brazil, to patriarchal England of the 1800s to Rishikesh, in India of modern times. The characters i.e. warriors, peasant girls, clergymen, sailors, high ranking noblemen & ladies, slaves & their masters, backpackers. These characters, at times, change genders & mysteriously wade through the ages, with effortless ease. Tia´s last offering is an ode to the modern single independent multi-tasking woman, out to prove her mettle in a competitive world. A story many young women today will identify with. Kainaz concludes the fascinating anthology with a “feel-good factor” story on Unconditional Love. A story most residents who lived in the Willingdon Catholic Colony of Santa Cruz will swear is a true story! A crabbity old woman scarred by the vicissitudes of life learns how to reinvent her life. All thanks to a precocious but honest to goodness schoolboy next door. An unusual book, on an unusual subject, written by 3 unusual Authors. Definitely worth a read & value for money too. Edwin Fernandes



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Working from Home?

Lockdown Virus The lockdown has impacted us in various ways. I´m especially referring to that species of the homo sapiens called men who have been forced to become Ghar Jamais (GJ) of sorts. The house helps, staying safe, in their own homes (are of no help now). So, the men who hitherto were, under the delusion that they were the Boss of the House, now know that they only House the Boss. What a hard and vicious reality check this is. Ok, let´s analyse this peculiar situation in depth. The country maybe in lockdown mode but at home, life has to go on. There is no lockdown from domestic chores, unfortunately. In the absence of house help, it is imperative that domestic chores like shopping for essentials, cooking, washing utensils, clothes, sweeping, swabbing floors, etc do not come to a grinding halt. Other than being adept at cooking their own goose (which does not count anyway), very few men can cook. So, this specialised chore is housed with the Master Chef alias the Lady of the House (LOH) who can put all Master Chefs of the world, to shame. So, what does the newly ordained GJ do? After he tries to portray that he is up to his neck, assiduously working from home (WFH), the LOH calls his bluff. She suggests that he pulls in his weight, lending a helping hand around the house. The poor guy quickly stops forwarding silly email jokes to his pals (his idea of WFH), shuts his laptop and desultorily trudges to lend a helping hand. Initially other than sucking in his tummy (his idea of pulling in his weight), he is all at sea amidst the ocean of domestic opportunities, opening up. The LOH assigns chores with military-like precision. Before the GJ can come to terms with the sweeping changes life has thrown at him, he finds himself floored or in other words, sweeping the floors. The poor chap who sometimes

has to bend before his Boss, now realises if he has not already realised earlier, that he has to bend before a much tougher but practical one. The inexperienced GJ clumsily wields the broom, raising quite a dust storm, the likes of which are only seen in the Sahara Desert. New brooms may sweep clean but not new broom wielders. Ruefully he ponders how in another age, he was swept off his feet. Now he is in imminent danger of being swept out! Next comes the mopping of floors. Thankfully this chore is no longer back-breaking, as it does not require him to bend. He realised long back, he is no David Beckham. Modern mops are attached to metal sticks. This innovation saves the GJ from getting a further stick! Even then, the GJ is at a loss as to how to use the mop. He is sarcastically asked, whether he intends to stand there moping or mopping? Poor GJ, yet to decipher the import of these profound words, decides that discretion is the better part of valour and sets about the task with gusto. Much like Old Mac Donald, he does it with a splash-splash here and a splash-splash there, here a splash, there a splash, everywhere a splash-splash…. Both moping and mopping done in plentiful doses, wet and dishevelled, the GJ tentatively enters the kitchen for the next dose. His heart sinks as he spots the dishes in the sink. Fortunately, the GJ is spared the drudgery of doing the dishes. What if he damages the sink while pottering with the pots and pans? As things stand, now there is neither a Harry Potter nor plumbers to work magic. It´s better not to delegate the washing of the dishes to any Tom, Dick or Harry and certainly not to a bumbling GJ. The realistic conclusion: In these unusual times, it’s better to have a man handy, then a handyman. Edwin Fernandes

The PM made the first appeal for lockdown 23rd March for 14 hours. Next was 21-day lockdown from 25th March, 2020, leaving people 4 hours to stock food and medicines. The fallout from second sudden drastic step made thousands of migrant workers flee overnight to native places in UP-Bihar. In 48 hours, Mumbai saw an exodus of lakh migrant labourers. Those who made it were happy to be on the train, even if it meant travelling standing in toilets. Delhi-Noida was worse for migrant workers. Since all trains/buses got cancelled, walking 400 km, with women and children, without food, without money and without water, it was a pitiable sight. This was yet another instance when the government in 2017 without warning and prior planning announced Demonetisation causing public outrage. ‘Diya Jalao’ or lighting candles on 5th April was to signify solidarity. But Ruling Party MLA’s were shown on TV celebrating birthdays in lockdown paying no heed to social distancing. Ex-Karnataka CM celebrates son’s wedding defying all strictures under lockdown. In this country, rules are meant for citizens, not for third rate politicians who have no morals. UP CM (another joker in the pack) arranges 400 buses for college students stranded in Rajasthan because they are from rich families. The same treatment is not given to labourers. This is called the politics of class and money. In another instance, the notorious family of Wadhwans (Directors of PMC Bank & looters of public money) who are supposed to be in jail as per ED circulars, were actually holidaying in Khandala at a small hotel to avoid being traced or tracked by the media. Everything was fine until they decided to shift to Mahableshwar when they got caught by the police on the highway. They were given permission

in writing by Principal Secretary. That idiot got the boot when the whole matter went viral; nonetheless, it goes to show nexus between Babus and Criminals. What India needs in this present situation of lockdown is money for loss of wages, money for loss of business and money to pay rent electricity and water. Old FM (Tamilian) said on 24th March, Government should shell out minimum 5 lakh crores to fix the economy. Next day New FM (Ruling Party) announces she will give 1.7 lakh crores, like as if she is paying from her own pocket. Without Coronavirus our economy is rapidly sinking, with it, we will be in tatters. On 14th April, food was being distributed to poor outside Bandra Station. A fake message was circulating on “WhatsApp” that trains for UP-Bihar would start. The reason for this was to gather more people & create an atmosphere of unrest. From TV images it was clear that the crowd of 3000 did not look like migrant workers, but people living close to the rail tracks. The leader of the fake call was traced & arrested. Yet the mystery hasn’t been solved. There is more than what meets the eye. Apart from the nonsense of pandemic, people had to make tremendous sacrifices of staying indoors. MAHA CM appealed to migrants to treat the present situation as a lockdown and not as a lockup. Imagine people living in squalid, one-room tenements with tin walls and asbestos roofing, in cramped conditions with 10 or more in such small space. This is worse than a lockup. No wonder these people sit out in the shade or roam the streets to breathe fresh air. They are also human. Everybody does not live in air-conditioned bungalows Mr. CM, least of all these labourers who save every rupee to feed their families back home in UP-Bihar. We need a humane approach, which sadly is missing in India. Amar Singh

BANDRA BUZZ | APRIL 2020 BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY Looking for honest, hardworking dynamic individuals to join my team. Remarkable company, fantastic products & unbelievable income. Call Sushil Punyarthi 98210 79832 & 98217 29832. COME (BOOK) "COME" by Joan Mary Pereira. A journey to our heavenly home. A book to gift, for 15-60 years at Christmas, Confirmations and Birthdays. Available Rs. 300/- Amazon (India), Kindle Ebooks or Call 90290 98873. COMPUTER CLASSES Computer Training - Open Source Software √ Learn Microsoft Office Suite (Word/PowerPoint/Excel) for personal & professional use. √ Learn Graphics/3D for students & adults. Training offered at your home or through online media. Call 98215 25921 or email us computertraining.os@gmail.com for more details! COOKING & BAKING CLASSES Learn Mughlai, Biryanis, Starters (Veg. & Non-Veg.), Chinese, Italian, Mexican, Thai, Cakes, Chocolates, Brownies, Desserts, Sandwiches and Salads from an Experienced Homechef in Bandra West (on Perry Cross Road) for over 12 years. Special discount for a group of 5 or more. Call 98213 10728 / 99300 46523 CORNED TONGUE Available, Delicious Buffalo Corned Tongue & Meat Loaf - Home made with best ingredients. No Home Delivery - Call 98203 00751 DANCE CLASSES Dances like the Waltz/Rumba/Jive/Chacha with Alvito Cabral. Learn Social Dancing! Easy and fun for absolute beginners. Whether you’re 20 years or 60 years, doesn’t matter! YOU’LL LOVE IT! No partner needed; Age - 20years+. WhatsApp Alvito on 98201 19553. Experience our class dance videos on www.facebook.com/alssocialdance/ and on Instagram @alvitocabral EVENT MANAGEMENT For Christenings, Birthdays, First Holy Communions, Engagements, Weddings / Anniversaries, Baby Showers, Corporate Events & Picnics contact Queen the Entertainist Elizabeth Carvalho 98928 30169 and 98206 25901. EXPANDABLE SHOE RACKS Sturdy stainless steel 2 tier shoe stand. Lightweight, portable, expandable & stackable. Comes in 1 & 2 footers. Expandable to 2 & 4 footers. Suitable for homes, offices, clinics, hospitals, wherever neatness desired. Price Rs 650 for 1 footers holds 6 pairs. Rs 1200 for 2 footers holds 12 pairs. Free Delivery Bandra, Khar, Santa Cruz, Mahim with assembly if required. Call 98198 40314

CLASSIFIEDS FLATS FOR SALE For sale in Lonavla. 2 bedroom semi-attached bungalow, clean and well maintained is on sale with furniture and fridge TV etc. Owner in Mumbai 9920219038, 9820947130. Last 3 flats available for immediate sale. O.C. received and ready possession only for Catholics. Easy bank loan. Three storey building with 7 flats only. Mountain view flats facing the Church. Two way highway touch. Direct local train service from Bandra to Boisar station. Call Oberoi 97681 32932 for further enquiries. FLATS ON RENT - WANTED Rented Flat, near Mt. Carmel Church, Bandra West - Budget 40K pm - Brokers Excuse - Call 98698 42767, 92220 0841. HOMEMADE FOOD Chicken / Mutton Gravy, Roast Tongue, Cutlets, Fish, Chilly Fry, Pork Sorpotel and Pork Vindaloo, Pulao and Roast. For home cooked hygienic Veg and Non-Veg Tiffins contact Mrs Xaverina D'souza on +91 91672 27296. HOMEMADE HAIR OILS Love Thy Strands brings to you a range of homemade hair oils that stops hair fall, promotes hair growth, nourishes the scalp fights dandruff, dryness and much more. Also good for babies, kids and men. To order you can WhatsApp at 98199 36855 or follow us on Instagram @lovethystrands. Avail offer - one 100ml at Rs. 300/- or two 100mls at Rs. 500/-. JOB VACANCY Progressive housing society seeks manager for handling accounts and day-to-day running of affairs. Knowledge of local laws and handling of staff is required. Part-time / Full time. Kindly mail us your resume to juneblossomschsltd@gmail.com KICKBOXING CLASSES Amit Lalwani’s Kickboxing, Muaythai and self defence for teenagers & adults at St Peters on Hill Road in Bandra (W), Mumbai 400050. Monday, Thursday & Saturday at 7pm. Call 84540 01235 / 98690 36872. KEYBOARD WORKSHOP Golden Rhythm. Summer keyboard workshops. Learn accompaniment techniques, chords and sight reading. 12 sessions. Batch 1: 1st - 30th April. Batch 2: 2nd - 31st May. Monday, Wednesday, Friday or Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday. Maximum 10 students. Private classes also available, contact Joshua Michael 9819705387. Golda Michael - 9920517127 Cost Rs 3000/-. St Joseph's Convent, Bandra (Primary), Mumbai 400050. Please bring your keyboard, music sheets will be provided.


LEARN TO EARN Computer courses (MKCL authorised learning centre), admissions open round the year. Basic, MSCIT/Klic, laptop / iPad / printer, LCD repairing courses (repairing done), tailoring & beautician courses. (stitching of ladies & gents outfits). Contact: 26006258 LOST PHYSICAL SHARES & DIVIDENDS Get doorstep personal service for your lost physical shares/dividends. Duplicate procedure and FIR & notary all in-house. We also offer services in insurance of cars/buildings/ mediclaim and other financial consulting services. B/34 Elco Arcade, Bandra (West) with prior appointment. Call 98211 72450. NURSERY Let your child develop his observation, general knowledge, social skills, writing and singing. Monday to Friday 10 am to 12 noon at B-10 Mount Nirmala Colony, St John the Baptist Road, Bandra West. Call Jean-Ann 97697 22593 / 75066 09236. OFFICE FOR SALE Office for sale at Khira Nagar in Santa Cruz (West). Located on the ground floor the office has a carpet area of 363 sq. ft. and also boasts of 2 cabins and 2 toilets and also comes with a commercial license from BMC. Contact Mr Gupta (owner) on 93235 72448 REASONABLE COST HEALTHCARE Clinics (Open all through the week): - Ayurveda Clinic with Panchakarma Theatre - Dental Clinic with specialities of Implantologist, Orthodontist, Endontist, Oral Pathologist, Paediatric Dentistry, Physiotherapy, Eye Clinic, Foot Spa & Reflexology, Apple Diagnostics Collection Centre. Contact: 26006258 REPAIR SERVICES Kwality service repair of washing machine, microwave, oven, fridge, LED tv, other electronics. Call 9820174984 or 9769324984. Amrit Bldg., opp. Foodhall, SantaCruz West SPANISH CLASSES Hispanic Horizons is an institute for teaching Spanish language. We have weekday & weekend courses suitable for both college students & working professionals. We are an accredited examination center to conduct international Spanish exams like DELE, DIE & specialized Spanish exams for business, tourism & medicine. We have a placement cell as well through which we help our students to get Spanish related jobs. No age limit. Vas Chambers building, 1st floor, Hill road, Bandra West. Call: 022-26409039 / 8082647938 or www.hispanic-horizons.org TUITIONS Marathi and Hindi Lady Tutor, for one-to-one tuition from Std II to V for IGCSE / ICSE / SSC medium at Chapel Road, Bandra West - Call : 9224707192

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BandraB uzz January 2020


| Volume 11

Issue 1

| Published Monthly | www.ban drabuzz. com


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Air Human Pollution Turn Lungs B s lack W Effigy Of ithin Tw o Week s | To Adve rtise: Call

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