October 2020

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BandraBuzz creating community connect since 2010

October 2020 | Volume 11 Issue 10 | Published Monthly | www.bandrabuzz.com | To Advertise: Call 9820783686 or 9920299787 | 16 pages | Price: Rs. 5/-

To gate, or not to gate Pali Hill - that is the question

Pali Hill Residents Association have reached out to the Municipal Corporation and proposed a “gated community” to safeguard Pali Hill better Bandra’s Pali Hill is no stranger to the spotlight. However, this peaceful & quaint neighbourhood has lately been at the centre of attention for discomforting reasons. In the past 3 months, the area has seen a number of cases of burglaries, home break-ins, mobile snatching incidents on unsuspecting walkers, & some instances of eve-teasing. Understandably, the residents are worried for their safety & security. So, along with the Pali Hill Residents Association, they are looking at various solutions that can help fix the problem. We spoke to the Association’s secretary, Madhu Poplai, who elaborated on the issue. “Apart from Rajiv Apartments, there have been break-ins in 7 other buildings in the area & at least 14 cases of petty thefts. We want to protect our residents. So, together with the Khar Police, we have put together a neighbourhood watch, with regular police patrolling in the evening. Most CCTV cameras in the area do not function properly & we can’t just rely on building security either.” The Pali Hill Residents Association has therefore reached out to the Municipal Corporation & proposed a “gated community” to safeguard the area better. They have suggested there be 4 gates at different entry and exit points of Pali Hill, manned by security guards at night, to ef-

fectively curb the crimes in the vicinity. The gate, however, has sparked a debate. While we spoke to many who see this as a welcome move, there are many others who think the gates are unfair. “Why?” reasons Sudhir, a resident. “The intention is not to stop people from using the roads. The roads will remain open through the day & will only be gated from 10 pm onwards; no one wants to disrupt free movement. This gate will only make it more secure for residents, as well as travellers.” Agrees, another resident Sonu, “Yes, it will only make the neighbourhood better. It will discourage miscreant bikers and will be safe for everyone on the road.” Leandra, another Bandraite, however, has a question, “Why not increase security in your compounds, instead? Why put up gates and block a public road? In Delhi too, where such gates have been put up, there are traffic problems at night and long detours. I don’t think that is fair at all to the rest of the public.” “I don’t think it will hinder traffic”, says Rang Ashok. “It is only a matter of 7 hours in the night, and the gate will not stop non-residents from moving in and out.” The Association’s secretary added, “The gate will only restrict thoroughfare,

with a single entry and exit point at night. Our plan is not to inconvenience anyone. Our Association understands social responsibility and we regularly do our bit for the area. For 2 whole months during the pandemic, we organized langar lunches for those most affected in and around our neighbourhood. So the idea is not to be self-sufficing; we are trying to find a middle ground. But Stephanie Pereira, a lawyer, points out, “No one living on Pali or ALM has ownership of the roads. It is not a private property for one to demand gates.” Mr. Zaheer Memon, another Bandra based lawyer, argues, “The suggestion is neither practical nor legal. It’s a route for thoroughfare and cannot be restricted to commuters. Train and increase the number of security guards instead.” We also spoke to Mr. Gajanan Kabdule, Sr. Inspector of the Khar Police Station. He chose to not comment on the pros and cons of the gate, as the decision is not under the purview of the Police Department. But he did speak to us on the substantial work being done towards nipping the transgressions in the bud. “We have increased patrolling, not just at Pali Hill but all areas under the Khar jurisdiction, where there have been cases of

street crimes and thefts. Just 15 days ago we nabbed 3 people involved in 13 cases of house break-ins and burglaries. We managed to recover property worth up to 13 lakh rupees. These are people with previous criminal records; these are not crimes born out of the pandemic, as some are suggesting. We have identified 12 spots in the jurisdiction that are most susceptible to these crimes and we have increased patrolling, surprise checks on vehicles and we have also assigned beat officers in every chowki. CCTV cameras help the Police Department in a big way. So it is important that they are in good working condition aur unki sankhya bhi badhaani chahiye.” Currently, there are 3 types of cameras - private property CCTVs, BMC installed cameras and those installed by Larsen & Toubro. While the cameras directly send feeds to the Police chowkis, they are not maintained on a regular basis and cause hindrance to police work. While the debate continues on whether to make Pali Hill a gated community or not, we can all agree that safety is not a privilege; it is a necessity in a civil society. And this beautiful neighbourhood deserves to get its peace back. Gate or no gate. Chitra Bhanu




The newly opened 7200 sq ft skatepark at the Carter road promenade is an extraordinary avenue for budding skateboarders and X Games enthusiasts

Defining The Spirit of Bandra: Hype In The City The newly opened skatepark at the Carter road promenade is called ‘Hype in the City’ and is an extraordinary avenue for budding skateboarders and X Games enthusiasts. Constructed during the lockdown, the realization of the outdoor space is the result of the concerted efforts of the local government and municipal administrations, Maharashtra Maritime Board, Bombay SB, The Bandra Collective, Homework Studio, Esportz & volunteers. The total area of the skatepark is 7200 sq ft, and its functionality not only includes a range of ramps and parabolas for practitioners but can also be utilised as an open-air amphitheatre. The project is indeed a reflection of the evolving needs and pursuits of the

residents of Mumbai. Aptly titled ‘Hype in the City’ the structure’s core consists of cement, however, the applied aesthetic brings it to life and imbibes it with a heightened degree of engagement with the user. If one were to imagine the progression of the skatepark’s construction in reverse, the journey would begin with the sight of volunteers who signed up to paint the stencilled sections. The creative direction of the established structure was the responsibility of Homework Studio’s founder, Sanskar Sawant. The artist’s proclivity for board games inspired him to create a larger than life arcade theme design for the skatepark. He, in turn, was approached to take up

the project by Bombay SB, a skateboarding community and makers of professional skateboards and X Game arenas. In all actuality, the skatepark, as an entity was the brainchild of Bombay SB & The Bandra Collective. The Bandra Collective comprises of like-minded individuals who intend to enhance the effectiveness of public spaces and have even consulted with the overall design for the re-vamped Carter road promenade. The group of architects and civil engineers along with Bombay SB’s, Altamash Sayed ensured that the technical aspect of the skatepark was in place. They were also responsible for procuring the required permissions from the authorities.

The skatepark when viewed from above is reminiscent of a fish owing to its tapering form, which is in some way is a poetic tribute to our coastal city. The construction and beautification of the skatepark speaks volumes of the prevalent culture in Mumbai, more specifically Bandra, and also validates the importance of maintaining and constantly updating the functionality of public spaces. With this skatepark ready to thrill the citizens of Mumbai, we sure do hope to see many more such initiatives come to fruition in the near future. Sidhant Nayangara Pic Credit: Siddharth Chakraborty (Homework Studio)

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24-year-old Cosma Colony boy arrested for allegedly murdering his grandmother Christopher Pereira, a 24-year-old, resident of room no. 4, Cosma Colony, Mount Mary, Bandra west has been arrested for the alleged murder of his maternal grandmother Rosy Ganesh Rao, 80-year-old, by the Bandra police on October 13, 2020. The Bandra police have booked Pereira for allegedly murdering his grandmother as her head was found separated from her torso in the same room where Pereira was present. Padmakar Devre, police inspector, Bandra police, handling the case, said, “We arrested Christopher immediately when we reached the murder spot on October 13. We have charged him with Section 302 (Murder) in The Indian Penal Code for allegedly murdering his grandmother. Her head was found separated from the torso. We are continuing further investigation to find out why he committed the crime and further details.” Abigail Dias, 31-year-old, who is Pereira’s cousin sister (Christopher’s mother’s twin sister’s daughter), was the first person to whom Pereira admitted having murdered his grandmother. Dias said, “He had returned from a rehabilitation centre in Thane on Monday, October 12 in the evening. I picked him up & brought him to our maternal home at Cosma Colony, Bandra on October 12. He seemed normal & okay. I ordered fried rice for him around 8 pm for dinner. After eating food, he was watching television in the same room where the grandmother was present too.” Dias said, “We have three floors in our house where each floor has one room. My two children, husband & I live in the room on the top floor. Chris’ room is on the middle floor & grandmother used to live in the room on the ground floor. But, Chris used to sleep on the ground floor room where the grandmother lived. I told Chris to finish eating food & sleep. I told him not to close the door because I had to come down to fill water.” “When I came down at 11.30 pm to fill water, I started banging the door but Christopher was not opening the door. On hearing the door banging noise, my husband came down from the top floor enquiring what was happening. My grandmother used to take tablets and sleep because she was old.” “When Christopher did not open the door, I thought maybe both of them were sleeping because Christopher was tired as he had come home after so long and my grandmother is old. So, I stopped banging the door thinking they both might be asleep. I thought it is okay if I do not fill water for one day instead of waking them up from their sleep.” “But I could hear the water noise so I tried calling Christopher by his name sev-

eral times but he did not respond. So then I sat down chatting till almost 1 am with the neighbouring four ladies just outside our house and then I went up to my room on the top floor and slept because it was late and I could not even fill water.” Then at 10.30 am the following morning (October 13), Pereira’s dad came from Goa to see Chris. Dias said, “My husband Pravin Maiti went to pick him up till Mount Mary steps. His father banged the door but Christopher did not open the door. I came down and banged the door several times in the morning but he did not open at first.” “Then I banged the door again, after which Christopher opened the door and stared at me with red eyes. I asked him where is Nana (grandmother) and, I told him to open the door. He looked at me and said, “I murdered her.” I said, What, he said, “I murdered her, Christopher was arrested for the alleged murder of his 80-year-old grandmother mere haath se khoon ho gaya.” “I panicked and I called my husband understand what went wrong. I do not ents were working abroad. Christopher and told him to lock the door of the room. know. For the first time, I saw something was into alcohol & drugs but he seemed like a normal boy. He was aggressive & Chris was inside the room. I started crying like this in my life.” Christopher, who is the only son of his used to get angry at times. He used to get and called my neighbours and immediately informed the police. When the police ar- parents, was at Trucare Trust Alcohol and into fights. I had taken him to a psycholorived, they told me to enter the room to see Drug Rehabilitation Centre, Thane west gist a few years back at Holy Family Hospidue to his alcohol and drug problem since tal. There was no sign of mental illness or what had happened.” Dias said, “He had slit our grand- the last one and a half years. Christopher’s disorder. We used to keep checking on him mother’s neck & kept her head on the bed. father, who is retired now, has been work- by seeing the live footage of him playing ing in Kuwait for the last 40 years and or watching television at the rehab centre.” Her remaining body was on the floor. Dias adds, “He was a very good football his mother works in Israel. Her chest was ripped open, her Christopher’s father & hockey player. He was a troublemakbreasts were removed & her who was stuck in his Goa er because he would get into fights & get ribs could be seen. There house since the last few aggressive but he was smart & clever. He was blood spread on months due to lock- seemed quite normal when he came back the floor in the room. down, said, “I do not from the rehab centre. I had never thought She was fully naked.” know why he did such he would do such a terrible thing.” Pravin Maiti, husChristopher studied at St. Andrew’s a thing to his grandband of Abigail, said, mother who loved him School till Class 10 & completed his pri“When I entered the & cared for him since vate 12th from NIOS board. After which he room after the pohe was a child. Abigail pursued a six-month bartending course at lice arrived, I saw that & his grandmother have Cocktails & Dreams. A friend of Christobody parts were kept in a brought him up since he was pher who is also his neighbour said, “Chris plastic bag and kept in the born because my wife & I have & I used to work for small events long back freezer in the refrigerator in the Rosy Ganesh Rao been working abroad. I came after we did our bartending course. But room. The body was dry & yellow which indicated that the murder was from Goa to Mumbai by bus to visit my son once he started getting into drugs & alconot done early morning by 4 or 5 am may- because I was excited to meet Chris. I was hol, I kept my distance from him. I stopped be, it was done the previous night. Chris- going to buy him a new phone because he chilling or meeting him often. I met him in the evening on the day he returned from topher stayed the whole night in the same does not have a phone.” His father added, “I used to give him rehab because his sister asked me to meet room until 10.30 am the next morning till everything he wanted. I used to often give him as he had come after a long time.” he opened the door.” “When I met him, he seemed quite When the police arrested Chris, Abigail him money to eat food. I even took him to Kuwait and he lived with me for one and different. I asked him how he was and he Dias said, “Christopher was smiling.” Christopher’s father, 63-year-old, said, a half years. I knew about his alcohol and asked me how I was and that is it. We did “When I came home from Goa on Tuesday drug problem but I never hit him or pres- not talk much. I also wondered why did morning and Chris was not opening the surised him for anything. He stole money the rehab centre send him home if he was door I told Abigail to break the door. Lat- from me once but I used to always let it not doing well or was still going through er when I saw the police take him, he was go thinking he is small and he will under- problems. I did not hear any noise in the stand one day. I never said no to him for night. It is quite shocking to know what smiling at me.” His father added, “I cannot understand anything. He is my only son, I cannot un- happened. I have not been able to sleep in the night since the incident.” what happened that night between him derstand why he did what he did.” Continued on Page 6 >> Abigail Dias said, “I brought up Chrisand his grandmother. I cannot understand Bandra Buzz Correspondent why he did such a terrible thing. I cannot topher since he was born because his par-




Fate of Carter Road Promenade undecided

Hi there, remember I made you walk, jog, ride, keeping that bulge away from your body. Not to mention your four-legged baby needs a stroll every day & I’m at your rescue. When you want your cheeks to be massaged by the fresh breeze - you think of me when your eyeballs want to adore a magnificent sunset - you think of me when your mind needs some peace & all you want to see is the sea - you think of me. Guess who am I? I came to this beautiful world in January 2002 & I’m frequented by almost every Bandraite. Bang on, most of you would have got it right - I’m that beachside promenade sitting not so quietly on the shore of Arabian Sea - your one & only: Carter Road Promenade. So, are you thinking about what happened to me? Why I’m writing to you today? Well, as it turns out 2020 is a year full of surprises & for me, it’s no different. I was been looked after by Bandra West Residents Association (BWRA) since my birth but recently we had to part ways. BWRA had a maintenance agreement with my biological parent - Mumbai Maritime Board (MMB) which expired on 30th June 2020. “Even diamonds start out as coal”. It’s true, isn’t it? Most of you won’t know that back in the 1990s a ship named MV Zhen Don was grounded off at Carter Road & the plan was to convert it into a floating hotel. The then Bandraites wanted to preserve their precious coastline & moved to court to win the battle. I was virtually a dumping ground then but with the help of Mumbai Waterfronts Centre & well-known architect PK Das, I’m what I’m today - standing long & strong in front of you. Are you thinking that if I’m sad? Yes, I’m. Won’t you feel desolated if you had to walk away from someone who’s with you from decades? Well, I’m not complaining. I’m blessed to be surrounded by well-wishers & I’m sure you’re one of them.

Few of my well-wishers are in action making sure that I don’t lose my functionality & am at your service always. When this news started spilling out, media people reached out to those close to me & this is what they had to say: Naaznin Husein, the trustee of BWRA, has been my long-term guardian & with a heavy heart, she mentions: “We had given notice to MMB in the month of March 2020 with our intention to discontinue the maintenance agreement. This is by no means is a sudden decision. With the recent renovation work carried out by MMB, the footfall to the promenade is increasing by the day thus also increasing maintenance costs. The 1.2 km long promenade has small pockets like the recently built skating rink, exercise zone, Children’s Park, Dog’s Park, Amphitheatre & all these zones need to be manned separately thus making it difficult for association to generate funds. Adding fuel to the fire are the rising concerns of the security especially during night time. There were drug peddlers in different areas of the promenade & thus having proper security is paramount. Hence, we thought the need of the hour is to hand the management of the promenade back to the MMB however we don’t mind staying in the background & functioning as a watchdog to ensure that our beloved promenade is safely operational.” Asif Zakaria, Corporator of H-West Ward # 101, mentions: “BWRA is operating under the pump as it’s facing severe difficulties in maintaining the promenade especially after the promenade got its makeover by MMB who renovated the stretch by the means of carrying out civil works, lightning & horticulture works. If any type of laxity is shown in maintaining the promenade, then all this work will fall apart thus wasting taxpayer’s money. As BMC has the necessary expertise in main-

taining open spaces like Marine Drive & Worli Sea Face so it will be in our best interests to hand over this responsibility to the apex civic body. I’ve written to the State Minister of Tourism, Aaditya Thackeray & BMC Chief, Iqbal Singh Chahal, to take over the maintenance of the promenade from MMB. However, temporarily BMC has taken up the responsibility to clean the promenade so that the local citizens can use the promenade without any hassle.” This is my story so far. I don’t know what will happen next as MMB is yet to make a decision if my maintenance will be

handed over to BMC. I’m also waiting for the verdict to come out. Meanwhile, I & my well-wishers are making sure that I don’t give you any trouble. I’m still available when you want to get your cheeks massaged, I’m still available when you want to adore a magnificent sunset, I’m still available when you feel like talking to the sea. So please come over - I’m at your service always. But my friend, I would urge you to keep me clean and green so please don’t litter around as after all “We all are together in this” Jasmine Keshwani

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Thrift like a boss & sustain as a hero, with the beloved Chelsea Das! Chelsea Das is a renowned Bandraite, she’s extremely popular at the Andrean Zonals Talent Competition each year, bagging first place in singing and fabulously participating in the play. She’s a proud Xavierite, who recently started Thrifty Tales, it’s her remarkable contribution to creating a sustainable environment and delivering happiness home in exciting shopping bags to many girls! What inspired you to start Thrifty Tales? My inspiration to kick-start Thrifty arrived earlier in March of this year. When I donated clothes to some of the girls, who I became acquainted with by Xavier Institute of Communications in college. However, I was informed that although my gesture was brilliant, the clothes wouldn’t be too beneficial. Were your family and friends supportive along the way? I didn’t get disappointed after making my donation, began to ponder and realised Thrifty Tales could be the perfect solution to the dilemma. My mother and friends were very supportive, owing to my strong belief that it would cause a large impact. I patiently waited for three months, understanding the procedure of outsourcing and then went forward.

During my research, I encountered a revelatory fact that expressed a pair of jeans consumes as much as 10,000 litres of water, which can easily provide sufficient electricity to an entire village!

What were some intriguing ideas you found in the process? During my research, I encountered a revelatory fact that expressed a pair of jeans consumes as much as ten thousand litres of water, which can easily provide sufficient electricity to an entire village! How did you go about the logo & name? I enjoy doodling and I’m greatly fascinated by the distinguished shapes of leaves. This is incorporated in the logo, the name was conceptualised by an alliterative touch. How would you define your style? My style is truly unique, not influenced by multiple magazines. Through the years, it’s been shaped by my own experimentation with clothes. I’m independent in my approach and a trend-setter to several other’s, who are enabled to learn from my example. What’s the mission of Thrifty Tales? I share deep emotional bonds with my clothes, which make me sincerely care for them and ensure they fulfil their purpose of letting other girls rejoice in whose hands they land. I’ve received clothing donations through numerous friends and people who have a similar sentiment as I. My profits are thoughtfully utilised, by not putting them into already successful NGO’s, but rather to artists who are struggling in recent times. What’s your vision for sustainity? My vision for a sustainable future is to maximise reading. The smallest steps count, whether it’s putting lights or other appliances off. These go a long way, limit impulse purchasing and support your local markets wholeheartedly. Veganism is an excellent choice by some, that prevents the abuse spread against animals, who are also our companions.

Chelsea Das recently started Thrifty Tales to creating a sustainable environment How can we make a donation? If you would like to make a donation of your clothes, there’s a special highlight icon on the Instagram handle of the store. I encourage you to choose a charity and market by capturing pictures in bright light, they’re sent with a trustworthy courier across India. During COVID times, how are the clothes kept clean? I ensure a complete quality check is done for the clothes, to safeguard them against germs. If there’s a slight stain on them, I don’t motivate selling. I’m alert to the clothes I accept for donations.

What kind of clothing will you like to include in the store? I would be thrilled to outsource clothes for children in the future if such an enquiry was forwarded. I understand how expensive they are & the excitement in having only the best clothes for your little one’s. We’re ecstatic a young girl like Chelsea is selfless and desires change not only for our suburb of Bandra but also Mumbai and India at large. She’s a star in all her platforms, we wish her our very best as well as a gratifying road of milestones overcome! Anushka Dutt


We are a local newspaper looking for experienced & interns journalists to join our team in a freelance capacity If you are a local journalist with a strong knowledge of Bandra & Khar, an interest in community news & lots of ideas for stories that you think will appeal to our readers, please drop us a line at news@bandrabuzz.com today!




Sarah to Exeter

Sarah Monteiro fell in love with films during an exhibition her mother took her to when she was 11. She knew in her heart that this was the path she wanted to set out on and began studying filmmaking professionally while interning alongside. After navigating through the different roles in the industry, she settled on diving into the business side of things - film production and distribution. “The fact that you never know how the audience will receive your film, and there’s no formula to making a ‘successful’ film is what excites and drives me the most,” says Sarah. Sarah was immediately hired by Balaji Telefilms Ltd as a production trainee and later moved up to Assistant Producer. She worked long hours at the production house through the day and, being a musician, she’d perform gigs across the city post work. Her family has been facing a financial crunch over the past few years, and more so during this time. But Sarah has never been one to complain about the hard work that was needed to be done. All this while she was balancing music with her career in production, and the national edition of the Rolling Stone magazine (the biggest pop culture magazine in the world) listed Sarah as an artist to look out >> Continued from Page 3 24-Year-Old Boy Arrested For Allegedly Murdering His Grandmother According to the members present in the house & nearby residents, nobody heard any noise in the night. Abigail Dias said, “I was sleeping with my kids & my husband in the room on the top floor but I did not hear any noise in the night.” Pravin Maiti said, “I did not hear any sound of struggle or screams.” A nearby resident said, “We did not hear any sound & did not know anything that happened until Tuesday morning.” The Bandra police has identified

for in their singer-songwriter category! During the pandemic, Sarah realised that she held dreams in her heart and she no longer wanted to be discouraged from pursuing them. She looked up universities abroad and came across the University of Exeter, a public research university in the United Kingdom. The college is part of the Russell Group of Universities. It’s one of the two colleges which offers a Master’s programme she’s interested in - International Business in Film. She applied and was accepted by the university! Sarah doesn’t simply want to create films for entertainment value. She wants to create films that will benefit society and create awareness of important issues. She wants to use her craft for the greater good of society. And so, she turns to you to help make her dream come true. Please consider supporting her by contributing any amount of money you wish. You can read more about Sarah’s story on her Facebook page ‘Sarah to Exeter’ as well as her Instagram page @sarahtoexeter. Sarah’s goal is to raise Rs.3,050,000. Support her by contributing and sharing her campaign with friends and family. Pearl Mathias a house knife as the murder weapon. Devre, police inspector, said, “We have kept Christopher in police custody & are conducting an investigation to find out evidence, proof & further details. We will keep him in police custody till October 22 & then produce him at Bandra east court for further process.” Following the post-mortem of Rosy Ganesh Rao conducted at Cooper Hospital, Juhu, the cause of death has been stated as “Shock and haemorrhage as a result of Decapitation sustained due to assault (allegedly homicidal).” The funeral took place on October 15 at St Francis of Assisi Church, Bandra West.

Making the switch for a Greener Future For more than a decade, the world has been talking about sustainability and how we need to reduce non-biodegradable waste. While bigger movements are being executed around the globe to combat climate change, there is a lot you and I can do from where we are sitting. Did you know that 97% of personal hygiene products we use are made of or packaged in plastic? Making a small switch from using sustainable & environmentally friendly personal products can go a long way in joining the march for a sustainable SafePad, India’s first tested antimicrobial cloth pad which prevents you from getting future. vaginal infection, the EzeePad, which is 100% natural cotton disposable pads that come in biodegradable disposal bags & menstrual cups that are made from medical grade silicone. The red dot on the disposal bag for EzeePad lets sanitation workers know that it contains bio waste & should not be handled with bare hands. They understand how overwhelming adopting a new practise can be & so to make your transition to sustainable menstrual products smoother, Avni also has a Let’s start with our toothbrush. All tooth- Period Hotline. You can chat or call them brushes available in the market are made about your questions & queries, making it up of plastic. It is a personal hygiene prod- easier to make the switch. uct we change every 3-4 months. That’s Website: www.myavni.com why the good folks at Bamboo India came Instagram: www.instagram.com/my.avni up with a solution of making toothbrush- Call: +91 99304 46364 es out of bamboo. Not only toothbrushes, they also have hair combs, tongue cleaners, shaving brushes, razors, cotton buds, soap cases & more to make your bathroom shelf plastic-free. Next switch - feminine hygiene products. Our monthly supply of pads is nothing but more plastic. It’s a product we use month after month without paying attention to the damage it is causing to the environment. Keeping this & the health of the sanitation workers in mind, Avni developed a range of menstrual products that are earth friendly, skin friendly, sanitation Even our soaps and shampoos can be more earth-friendly. The sulphates in them & worker friendly & pocket-friendly too! “Your period, your choice. While mak- their plastic packaging can be replaced by ing the switch is important, we didn’t want more organic solutions. The Switch Fix & anyone to feel uncomfortable. So we came Bare Necessities have a range of products up with eco-friendly solutions that can fit that are not only 100% natural but also everyone’s needs,” says Sujata Pawar from come in zero-waste packaging. Bare NeAvni. Their product range includes the cessities also has a host of products for your kitchen & workspace. Website: https://barenecessities.in Call: +91 097403 26425 With all of these great products available, making the switch is easy. Not only are you choosing an earth friendly option, but you will also be supporting small & organic businesses. Together, we can make a big difference. So, what are you switching first? Sarika Nerurkar




A dreamy makeover for every ‘Little Head’, marking its unique presence at the heart of Bandra Kausar and Aafreen Aghadi are truly am- treatment, a prior appointment is necesbitious, fashionable as well as intelligent sary but, walking into the parlour is perentrepreneur’s, who share a highly im- mitted. They fabulously conduct house vispressive goal of kick-starting a joy rendering beauty salon for every child as well as its, across the gigantic city of Mumbai. Hence, the terrific offers aren’t limited to a teenager. Little Heads is centrally located in the doors of the salon, but also at honest our ever hustling suburb of Bandra West, home comfort. It’s priced nominally, to thereby gaining huge access from trendy lessen your burden of discouraging costs and you receive nothing else than the best folks of Hill Road and Turner Road. Empathic by nature, it extends to suf- experience! As you await your turn, the play area fice member’s belonging to a vast age is totally delightful. It comes equipped group, whether the person’s a tender with an enthralling fuse-ball toddler at whose parent’s gentable, dazzling lego theme tle request, all hair must be & the interiors are brightchopped off or the indily decorated to capture vidual’s a modern teenone’s whole attention. ager who’s aspiring to The generous benemesmerise their comfits consist of fresh cuts, panion’s in varied soalongside a refreshing cial circles, with a funky playtime, a sizable 15% hair-do. Each wish is off on your next visit & undoubtedly fulfilled at extremely kind tokens like Little Heads! blue as well as pink sanitisers. The very efficient services Little Heads keeps up are completely diverse, Kausar & Aafreen Aghadi with present confusing they geniusly master exceptional hair cuts and hair tattoos, exam- times, happiness & excellent grooming are ples like Avengers and Spider-Man, which utmost priorities. Tiny tots are tech-savvy are evidently popular timeless classics. & so absolutely smarter. The parlour aims Fantastic nail services include nail art, jelly to distract your child the right way with a manicure, cupcake pedicure, additional- healthy time for fun as well as serious stylly a totally relaxing foot massage. Final- ing. The Aghadi family not only considers ly, a superb icing is non-toxic nail polish little heads but also little hearts to renew to prevent zero chemicals from reaching their lost faith, simultaneously their joy! Anushka Dutt anywhere close on your little one’s skin. Senior stylist Rehan possesses fourteen long years of crucial styling experi- Little Heads Kids Salon ence and an extra seven years as a kid’s Shanti Vanam, shop no. 6, Ground floor, grooming expert. Besides, some other Manuel Gonsalves Road, Bandra West trained professionals who vitally contrib- Call: 7208322533 or 9819701323 ute in Little Heads. To avail any wishful Instagram: @littleheadskidsofficial

PHAT Sweet Treats offers an assortment of Customised Cakes, Cupcakes, Twix Bar Pie and Seasonal Ice-Creams Call / WhatsApp: +91-9820091631 Facebook: PHAT Sweet Treats | Instagram: phat_sweet_treats

Little Heads recently opened their kids salon on Manuel Gonsalves Road

Senior stylist Rehan Khan possesses 7 years experience as a kid’s grooming expert




Connecting with Samantha Noella’s Music-Filled Soul... With a voice that can fill a room technically unaided, it’s practically redundant to introduce her… But as honest as the vocalist and vocal coach that she is, this reflects in her personality too. She tells it like it is and you can check that out with the release of her new single, 5-Minute Fudge – it’s something that she literally churns out in the kitchen too! The Stirring of Controversial Sound… “My mum, brother, sister and dad were all lovely singers but no one had ventured into the music industry professionally. When I was five years old & the St. Andrews Zonals were on, people asked my mum to let me sing. She knew I could & the first song I sang was My Next Door Neighbour. I went on stage & came second. Belinda Aguiar would play for us & the Aguiar sisters would encourage us to play music, sing and introduce us to different genres of music. “While growing up it was more of jazz, Barbra Streisand – the greats. So by the time I was six, I was already singing Mac the Knife, Louis Armstrong, Ella Fitzgerald… “Some people at the zonals were really upset with me because when I was 10, I did Big Spender by Shirley Bassey. They felt it was inappropriate… But every year, I searched for different, uncommon songs. While everyone sang run of the mill songs I knew I didn’t want to. There was the usual Hey Mr. Melody, Somewhere Over the Rainbow, Hey Good Looking… But for me, there was no point doing something that was done to death. “By the time I was 14, I was doing a lot of Barbra Streisand; I was also in the studio with Kim Rodrigues… I think I always knew I would be a singer. My mum couldn’t afford to put me to piano lessons & my dad died before I was born. We were three kids & my sister went to piano lessons. A nun offered to help & taught me completely wrong. She taught me to read numbers & not to sight read. While my sister, who was classically trained, could sight read like there was no tomorrow. So for the longest time that was the biggest block I had. “At 15, I took piano lessons from a good teacher, Shanti Chaurasia & learnt a lot from her. By then my style had improved. I was singing Anita Baker, Diane Reeves, Streisand, Mariah Carey… Also, singing with Heather D’Souza in the choir, singing with Alfie & singing for films helped me a lot. I’m glad for that grounding & foundation. Mary Lou Castellino, who conducted

the children’s choir taught us those little things. When Deepika Mathias played for me, when I sang New York State of Mind at 15, I got nuances from her too. “There were no contemporary vocal teachers only classical ones. And I was very sure I didn’t have a pore in my body that was classical! It was all improvisation. “So yes, by the time I was 15 I was already in the industry. I didn’t do too many jingles but the well-known Nescafe jingle was me, in the late ‘90s. I had no godfather so I had to pretty much work my way up to make it; whether it was singing in the studios, for films, the odd jingle or someone’s album… Stepping It Up “I joined Merlin with Mantra between 1993 and 1997; and sang with some great singers like Jazzy Joe, Joe Alvares… Then they asked me to leave the band – not for any talent issues – they were evolving into something else and it made no sense for me to be part of it. I then sang at the Apollo Bar at the Taj Mahal Hotel for a year-anda-half. This was much against my mother’s wishes but at that point in time, I needed some income. I also had a cake and pastry business going simultaneously… But I was very clear that I didn’t want to be part of the ‘wedding’ circuit. I was called a snob for not wanting to sing the ‘masala’… but I wouldn’t. My talent would be wasted on that. I wanted to be authentic or nothing at all. It’s like me singing I’m a Barbie Girl… which doesn’t make sense or suit me. A Mind to Match “In the industry, they made fun of my Hindi, so I learnt Hindustani classical (pronunciation) for three years. People thought I wouldn’t even finish my graduation but I did, at St. Xavier’s College; and just for kicks, did my M.A. as well through Mumbai University! I wanted plan A in place – if my singing didn’t take off I had back-up. That’s something I tell my students today – do not take music as a full major. I tell them, ‘when your music can make more money than your plan A, that’s when you make the switch’. “After leaving the Taj, I was with seven or eight bands simultaneously. Jazz by the Bay was at its peak & I got to work with many different musicians which was great. It opened up my mind to versatility. Today, when I do a set, I don’t have to worry about whether I will be able to pull off a song – I know I can because of my experience. “Between 2002-2004 I took a bit of a

Samantha Noella is all set to release her new single, 5-Minute Fudge backseat – I had my daughter Lauren in 2004. But I was singing 17 days after she was born, even after a caesarean! I didn’t have a choice at that point, since I had bills to pay. Then came The Big Night “A lot of people said I should teach music but I had no certification. Then the Rock School (of Music) London, came up with a certification for Contemporary Music in 2006. I was the first person in India to do Grade 8. I was happy because my gradation was 94. But I always say, if I had someone to help me, to teach me, I might have got a 96 or a 98! “Thereafter, I started teaching classes at mum’s house & scheduled them threefour times a week. I also started doing exercises that worked for me. When I visited my sister in the States, I scheduled training programmes & workshops there. I started to network with people & I’m still in touch with all my teachers in the States. “In 2011, I taught Priyanka Chopra, Hrithik Roshan, Varun Dhawan, Ananya Birla, Farhan Akhtar, Shraddha Kapoor, Eli Avram, Ileana D’Cruz, Vir Das… Rohan Sippy was doing Love & All That Jazz so I trained Ali Fazal, Shahana, Hazel… Priyanka & I still share a good relationship to date; I travelled with her a lot (in India) & got a call from Troy Carter (the big boy at Universal) who needed me to get her ready by April 2012, for the single that she eventually released. I was on her outdoor locations of Teri Meri Kahani, Barfi, Krissh 2… I have some great memories of those times. Today too, if she’s in town & wants to do a recording, I am in the studios with her. “At the end of 2011, is when Faustin Missier came in & told me I should expand, have a back end as well. I was still teaching at mum’s home & we also rented a place, so lessons were happening at both places. By 2012, I did my Licentiate in Music Performance from the Rock School. At that time, just two of us from India had these licentiates. By the end of 2013, I got the one in music teaching; I was the only woman in India, the other two candidates were guys. “In 2015, I did all three levels of Somat-

ic Voice Work in the States – which basically helps people with voice pathology; or vocal abuse. It’s a great certification; something that I could bring back here. Jeanie LoVetri, who founded Somatic Voice Work, is the one who rehabilitated Adele after her vocal reconstruction. She is quite celebrated in vocal science industries & even one lesson with her can change your life. “With this science, back home, we could rehabilitate some celebrated artistes & Sufi singers who had ruined their voices. Our main premise is to work with your voice, not your genre of music. It’s about using your voice as a vocal instrument; if that instrument works efficiently, it doesn’t matter what genre of music you sing. “Last year, I enrolled for Modern Vocal Training, Level One. Again, we’re only four in Asia who have certification and I’m the only Indian. I will start Level Two soon. And Finally, Her Own Academy! “Moving forward, we finally founded the Scattitude School of Music in January, 2018. We wanted a name that had to stand for me and what I do. Scat of course is improvisation, and etude stands for study… It still spells Sam, and has Faustin’s last name – Missier – in it; and we are partners in the school. He handles all the production and programming. “One of the things we constantly do is showcase students. During the lockdown, we’ve been showcasing seven students a month, via a theme-based show on YouTube. The last concert we had (on ground), The Legends, was at the Andrews Auditorium, with 80 students on stage. We are also getting our live website together. We’ve sent up kids for Amazon Prime; Radio One. We do web concerts; open mike events and about 95 per cent of vocal students that go up from the western region are from us. We also teach piano and voice, guitar, music production, song writing and music theory and have students from Australia, Canada, London. “We work really hard through the year and take off in December to catch all the great concerts abroad!” Virginia Vacha




The Gypsy Baker – Exploring the Art of Cooking took a turn when she received a panicked quisite delight experienced by one’s pal- & has even politely redirected, run-of-thecall from a friend to bake a cake for his ate, there is an insightful projection mill orders in the past. It’s perdaughter’s 15th birthday. Christine then of form, space & texture in her haps her gypsy spirit that started doing this for her friends on their creations. inspires her to explore birthdays during the lockdown just to It is safe to & share a new perspecbring a smile in an otherwise grey period. say that the items tive with her audience. After another couple of such instances, on the menu are One such item that the Gypsy Baker gradually came the accomplishment showcases a renewed into being, & naturally, her of- of Christine’s artishorizon is the potferings were meant to be shared tic vision, infused ted meats section. with a larger audience. with the baker’s Available in three Her approach was guided obsession for holistic preparations, this by the ‘inherent artist in her’. Even while tangibility. The experidense, mysterious Basil & Chicken Potted Meat curating her menu she included items ence starts before you loaf is delightthat resonate with her identity, even taste it. The presentation ful because of its subtle, yet well-defined some of the confectionar& packaging of the product taste. Topped with a homemade infused ies include her ‘Fudgy is no doubt Instagram oil this is indeed a unique & exclusive ofLemon Squares’, worthy, but one needs fering. Speaking of bespoke services, the ‘Coffee Latte to adopt a slightly en- Gypsy Baker also provides personalised Squares’ & ‘Sticky hanced, almost dis- gift hampers, which consists of an assortGluten-Free, cerning eye to view her ment of products. These hampers also Refined sugcreations. ‘The Coffee have a touch of art, for instance for one ar-free Date & Latte Squares’, to simply such order the tray was painted keeping ith the breakdown of the geWalnut squares state that they are a cof- the theme in mind. neric restaurant & dining ma- are just the beginning. fee lover’s paradise would After the revelry is over, what strikes chinery, coupled with the time Furthermore, the menu is be a lacklustre description, the most about the preparations is the at our disposal to introspect & rediscover not limited to the sweet tooth because it is so much more. The overall nuance. There is an intended unCoffee Latte Squares core of this delicate entiour inner-song (the only silver lining of this but also includes savouries derplay of heaviness, which in pandemic); has resulted in an overwhelmwhich are so unique to her! The best ty gets enshrined in its layered-symturn makes it’s possible for ing exposition of our creative traits. Seller, Suzie’s Cheese Twists, metric form, which is filled with the partaker to relish the In the same chain of thought, her mum’s recipe, she has homemade almond mascartaste & flavour, rather than The Gypsy Baker is Christweaked to her style. Her pone & vanilla flavoured feeling bloated. tine’s triumphant story as signature potted meats non-dairy cream. The A special mena confectioner. are unique such as square shape almost tion must be given Galvanized by her ‘The Cumberland resembles an edifice to Christine’s better gypsy soul & her bostyled Potted Meat’, erected, a layer at a half for his support & hemian way of life, to ‘The English styled time, commencing for being responsible dream, to create & to Potted Meat & ‘Ba- with Vanilla sponge for the logistics. The inspire, the painter & sil & Chicken Potted dipped in a sweetened Gypsy Baker delivers writer unleashed her bakMeat’ & make a great black coffee Liqueur that within city limits & acing skills, which until now conversation start- is flavoured with a coffee cepts orders 24 - 48 hours had been merely a passion, as er over a cracker or two. On vodka, all of which is in advance. she was separated from the Vegetarian front, finally topped with a Vegan Mushroom & Walnut Pate Death by Chocolate her studio space. Baking there’s the ‘Beetroot chocolate-covered coffee bean, toasted alSidhant Nayangara over the years was a way to reconnect & re- Mousse with Feta’, ‘Vegan Mushroom & mond slices & cocoa dust! Pic Credit: Jordana Quadros live her childhood memories, one of them Walnut Pate’ & the Black Olive, Rosemary All in all, it’s an intriguing menu, one was watching her mother create scrump- & Oatmeal muffins to name a few. How- which pushes you to overcome your com- Instagram: @thegypsybaker tious delicacies. But then it all changed & ever most importantly, apart from the ex- fort zone. Christine stays true to her ethos Call +91-9821039231 to order now!


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ells Guts & Glory

In my esteem, he stands over 10 feet tall. Mark Dharmai, the para-athlete world champion level badminton player, proves his motto all right: guiding me. The from the impossible badminton player to Disha the possible. Embracing Pandya also supports every opportunity us.” that life throws his But as always, Mark way, Mark is the is thinking bigger epitome of positivity. and out of the box A meeting with since he wants to him motivates you to strive take along at least 25 for the best, as he athletes! He’s not has. It’s his determinatio sure of generating the n that has taken funds right now him the world over, and admits, “I know from Germany this is very challenging to Canada, to the Asian but let’s see. I really Games and other want to make people tournaments, fiercely aware that there wielding that badminare people like us… ton racket and You do find life partners coming up trumps. when you The go there accolades include as well. Around a countless number 600-800 athletes of attend medals about which these tournaments he says modestly, and you get to “I make really don’t count good friends too.” them… But each He, of course, has medal many reminds me of the from Britain, the training and the U.S., Canada, Beirut hard work that went into and even Egypt! winning it.” What drives him Language, for him, is “the challenge is not a stumbling of doing something. block on an internationa If there’s something l level. “Since I was I can do, I want to born and brought do it. I want to make up in Bandra, thankfully, people aware that we English is no problem. (dwarfs) exist and A lot of people have we can do it.” And the difficulty speaking human motivating the language. When force behind him since I went abroad for childhood has been the first time there his mother who took was this impression a lot of care of him that I am from India “and motivated me when so I can’t speak English. I wanted to get But they were surinto sports. From there prised when I went on, I started pushing up and had a conversamyself.” Mrs. Dharmai’s tion with people!” advice to her son was, “Just keep His ultimate goal playing and do is to have his own whatever your heart wants academy where to. Don’t give up. others like him You may can play fall the first, second the sports they and third time but like and motivate the others. fourth time people “People are aware will appreciate you.” of able sports persons Combined with but they don’t know the movie Rocky much about us.” Balboa, which had So Mark tries to create a strong impact awareness wherever on him, he went forward. he goes and reaches Like he says, “when out to them. “There I watched that movie are schemes for I was really inspired. them to get help – like my And the song ‘Eye bike (it’s a modified of the Tiger’ drives three-wheeler) is me – from I play it while working a government scheme. out.” There are also other Mark has also schemes like a quota been blessed with for government a strong support system jobs, bank schemes, senior by the way of close citizen schemes.” friends from Chimbai, Tough beginnings, Mark Dharmai, a resident where he lives. like the bullying “They are my childhood in school, etc., didn’t of Chimbai, is hoping in the upcoming Dwarf get him down for friends who have to represent India Olympics 2022 in Germany long. supported me in “But you can’t be good and bad times. negative. You have with the help of sponsors If not para-athlete to get for a strong support out of that space.” s and at times, he system, it would Again, it was his sends us to makes have Bangalore, mothbeen very difficult.” er who pushed him me very proud and where we play with with. “the world gives me a lot able bodies. of is not It’s very different But keeping the blessings going to feed you, courage. You have playing with them I am feeding you.” to respect the counall to himself learn – you try you come So he is the last thing Mark always remains from your mistakes from.” He admits wants! He’s constantpositive despite and it’s more of that he has that, the fact ly on the lookout a challenge. Being received support “You have to climb for people informed by our at the state level that ladder one too and step at coach now knows has put many para-athlete to train and that we are on a time and that is how the system world level tournaments s on the map, difficult.” works. “Conwith his dedication. , sidering the they respect us But he did it and struggle I went and share a lot Like the three-feet reiterates “I always through, I have with us. don’t tall Ever since Bina Gandhi who want others to go that support – be I got a membership he’s training in shot through it from for the Bandmy put same. ily, godparents, famfor the Dwarf Olympics ra Gym as well, a I do as much as I lot of the members can in my capacity friends or even in 2022, to be held the relito help gious-like have someone in Germany… and helped me improve else.” priests. It was a the badminton players my game. I also great challenge travel Ruhi Shingade and to camps in Haryana but I took it up and Does he have an Suresh Sutar. and Chandigarh.” succeeded… My biggest eye on the Dwarf Where does his Olympics 2022 to support comes His favourite badminton professional inspirabe held in Germany? from God Almighty player is the enthuses, tion come from? He prayers. I want and now-retired Lin “Yes, I have to go! “It’s from my life Dan, who he got people to know But only if I get to meet sponsors…Th coach when he that if I Nawal Seth (a could do it, they attended the Yonex gem of a person), e can too.” organised tournaments government supports some who’s Legend very encouraging When you think Vision meet. “In but where Germany to dispel negativity of celebrating life, fact, I got to meet and all the legends, is con- ly, Mark show us the way trucerned, we have comes to mind! which was my dream!” forward. I travel to go on our own. We hope he gets to LucMy life all the know where my coach, who I mentioned He is also strong support he needs coach has a base about – country earlier, to camp for – when champion Mr. Nawal cause of first Seth, will the it comes to representing explain how to go para-athletes like him… about things India. “It and Dr. Cheryl D’Souza the dentist is also Virginia Vacha Pic Credit: Jordana Quadros




Strays of Bandra Not all superheroes wear capes. Some just put on their sweatpants & sneakers & get going, doing their daily superhero duties. Meet Kajal, our very own next-door Robinhood, who along with her cousin, Twinkle Parmar run a not for profit, but just for love, an organisation called Strays of Bandra. The girls feed stray dogs & cats every day covering major areas from Bandstand, Waroda Road, Hill Road & Holy Family Hospital. Alongside feeding, they also offer first aid, on spot treatment & medication, rescue & adoption drives & sterilization. Strays of Bandra are mentored & supported forthrightly by Jenny Lou, founder of HSS Bandra (Human Society for Strays) who conduct sterilizations for stray cats in mass numbers & there are no questions asked. Jenny Lou has tremendous experience in animal welfare & has dedicated her life for the betterment of strays of the city. Apart from Jenny, Nandini Singh, Erica D’Souza & Sonia are active members of the family who feed the strays every day on the Bandstand stretch. Together this army feeds around 50-60 strays every day & are trying to reach out for more & more numbers.

Their monthly consumption of feed comes up to around 40 kilos of cat food & 20 kilos of dog food. Strays of Bandra are also supported by some good samaritans namely Mayur Ghosalkar, Bhavesh Jhetva, Hemant Boring, Jitesh Agarwal & Pavan Punjabi through his PwrPup Co. which is a dog walking initiative in exchange for food for strays. Kajal’s story inspires us because she relentlessly works towards the welfare of our furry friends despite the roadblocks they face on a daily. ‘I urge people to show more compassion towards stray feeders & cooperate with us in case we are feeding them outside your building compounds. A lot of people have behaved very rudely with us in the past & shooed us off citing extremely weird reasons where they do not want a stray to come outside their building’, says Kajal. A lot of feeders face issues from RWAs & we urge our readers to cooperate with them if you are not already feeding your stray friends. ‘One stray a day’ is an initiative that Strays of Bandra want each one of us to adopt.

Kajal Solanki runs a not-for-profit organization called Strays of Bandra “If every family pledges to look after only one stray everyday day by feeding them, giving them whatever minimal shelter & care they can; we will not have strays struggling on roads, dying in accidents & struggling for basic survival,” says Kajal & we couldn’t agree more. It does not take a lot to feed one stray as they are the lowest maintenance animals. All you have to do is make some more boiled rice & curd or just make two more chapatis & you never know, you might earn a friend & a guard for yourself for life. Along with running Strays of Bandra, Kajal & her family have also 5 rescue cats & a rescue dog. They pledge to work persistently so that no Strays of Bandra are forced to sleep hungry. You can drop in a good word for Kajal & her team or come forward & extend your support in whatever way possible at @StraysofBandra on Instagram. As residents of Bandra lets ensure we support the good humans in all promising ways & help make their paths a little easy.

Do drop them a line if you would like to volunteer & for Strays of Bandra & show support & solidarity to our friendly neighbourhood superheroes’ & remember compassion & cooperation from our end can go a long way in ensuring we eradicate the hunger problems of animals. Nehal Shah Pic Credit: Jordana Quadros

I urge people to show more compassion towards stray feeders & cooperate with us in case we are feeding them outside your building compounds. A lot of people have behaved very rudely with us in the past & shooed us off citing extremely weird reasons where they do not want a stray to come outside their building.

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Life under Lockdown and Livelihoods The 24th of March, 2020, will go down as one of the most significant days in the history of India. It was on this day that our Prime Minister called for a nationwide lockdown for a period of 21 days. Many of us thought it would be just a matter of 21 days & indeed took it as a vacation to get away from the stress & pressures of working life. But it was not just a 21 day lockdown. It kept getting extended & extended. Now it is October, & for many, the lockdown has become a nightmare. Never did people initially realise how their lives would change due to the lockdown. For those in some professions, work from home facilities were possible and provided. But for the remaining, working life, & with it their income, came to a total halt due to the lockdown. Fabian Barretto, an employee of an IT company, states that he last went to his workplace on March 20th, 2020, & was provided a ‘Work From Home’ office setup on the 1st of April, which included an Internet connection & an entire computer system at his home. He has been working ever since then at home till today. Fabian states that work from home is convenient for him as he doesn’t have to travel, and can also deliver the same performance from home. At the same time, the ‘Work From Home’ system is also demanding and challenging. When he was asked how the ‘Work From Home’ system was chal-

lenging for him, he mentioned that “We are being trained for a new project, and virtual co-ordination and communication issues make it a bit difficult to receive the desired assistance.” In short, quite a few new challenges in addition to the workload. But there are some occupations that have not managed to keep up with their livelihoods through the ‘Work From Home’ system. These are the unfortunate ones, like the one Dhawal Shethia, a performing musician and a music instructor, is in. He states that the lockdown may or may not have protected his life, but has definitely killed his livelihood and finished his life’s savings. When asked how the lockdown has affected him and others in his profession, he said, “The lockdown has destroyed my profession. I had to shut down my music classes due to the Covid-19 restrictions on educational institutions.” He further stated that he has been facing severe economic losses due to the lockdown, and the inflated electricity bills during this period have further added to his woes. He went on to state that he is considering closing his music institute and has also sold many of his musical instruments to generate some income just to survive. Apart from Dha-

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wal, another musician, drummer Vikram Vishwakarma, states that since the first day of the lockdown, his livelihood has stopped totally, and he has no source of income ever since then. When asked whether he tried to get a job to survive post the enforcement of the lockdown, he says that organisations that are hiring have made their hiring criteria even more strict due to excess availability of human resources and lack of job vacancies. In short, lots of people applying for the same job. He further states that he personally doesn’t fear Covid-19, and wouldn’t mind going physically to work if he got a job. He believes that Covid-19 has been overhyped, and there are other diseases that are more dangerous, such as malaria, tuberculosis, and others. When asked whether he would be fine with a ‘Work From Home’ job, he said, “I wouldn’t mind having a ‘Work From Home’ job if the organisation hiring me provides me with a laptop and Wi-Fi, but most organisations that are providing jobs at this moment require you to own a laptop and have a high-speed Wi-Fi, which not everyone has and not everyone can afford.” Advocacy (legal) is another profession that has been hit severely by the lockdown as per a senior Bandra based Criminal Advocate, who didn’t wish to be named. He states that during the lockdown, courts were dealing only with extremely urgent matters. When asked whether the lockdown affected Advocates, he says that the lockdown has affected Advocates not only mentally, but also financially, and that Advocates are among the worst affected professionals due to the lockdown. Another Bandra based High Court Advocate, who also didn’t wish to be named, stated that if the lockdown continues any further, Advocates might end up on the streets as beggars. A very strong opinion. He states that the Courts are the workplaces of Advocates, and since currently only urgent matters are being dealt with by Courts, and not regular matters, many Advocates are suffering from financial losses as their income has been halted. He further stated that it’s not just the Advocates, but

also all those associated with Advocacy like Advocate-clerks and Legal interns who have been affected by the Lockdown. I also interacted with some rickshawalas from Bandra, and most of them said that the lockdown has ruined their profession and livelihood. A couple of them stated that prior to the lockdown, they easily made Rs. 800 to Rs. 1000 a day, but now, they barely make around Rs. 500 a day, out of which they have to pay for gas and other expenses. One of the rickshawalas even stated that during the peak of the lockdown period, when there were curfew restrictions, he still plied his rickshaw as he had to provide for his family, but as a result, he had to face the wrath of police brutality. I even sought the opinion of Dr. Mustakeem Khan, a practising MBBS doctor. His view was that many people may have contracted Covid-19 and may have even got cured by themselves and may not even have realised it. He further states that the fear of Corona is doing more harm to people than the actual Coronavirus. When asked how people should build their immunity against Covid-19, he says, “Anxiety and depression reduce our immunity. To build our overall immunity, we should do physical exercises, consume Vitamin C rich foods. Diabetics should do physical exercises daily because Diabetes coupled with Covid-19 can be life-threatening.” When asked whether the lockdown was necessary to combat Covid-19, he says, “I don’t think the lockdown was necessary to combat Covid-19. Due to the lockdown, many healthy people have begun suffering from anxiety and depression and other mental health issues.” This is a cross-section of opinions regarding the lockdown from people across professions, and the majority view is that it will be difficult to get back on track once the lockdown is over. Adnan Mookhtiar




Creating Green Ripples!

St. Teresa’s Institute of Education proudly receiving its first bench from the Go Green with Tetra Pak program Bandra Buzz catches up with Assoc. Prof. Dr. Giselle D’Souza, St. Teresa’s Institute of Education, Santa Cruz, to learn about her RIPPLE effect, which made the institution the highest performing spoke of 2020! Go Green with Tetra Pak is now ten years old, with a 35 percent growth in cartons collected every year! To what can we attribute this? Well, of course, to our green champs and their passion for recycling, but even more so to “Green Warriors” as we call them, who voluntarily take up the onus of pushing the program forward. One such ‘Green Warrior’ is Dr. Giselle D’Souza, who has developed a ‘RIPPLE MODEL’ to spread the word of Tetra Pak Cartons Recycling far and wide. It made the institution the highest performing spoke of 2020! We caught up with Dr. Giselle to learn more about her winning model... A CALLING “My journey at St. Teresa’s Institute of Education (S.T.I.E.) dates back to 21 years ago. S.T.I.E. has always been committed to the goal of Environmental Stewardship, thanks to the whole-hearted support of our Principal Dr. Sr. Tanuja Waghmare. In 2015, I had the perfect opportunity to embark on my Green Mission when I took over Environment Education as a subject of the B.Ed. curriculum. It is my firm belief that teaching must go beyond the boundaries of a classroom and ensure students are responsible future inhabitants of the planet. To begin with, we launched “PLANIT-E” - the first-ever All-Mumbai Inter-School cum Inter-Collegiate Eco-Fest dedicated to environmental consciousness and protection. In the first year itself, we saw an overwhelming participation of 70 educational institutions across the Metropolitan giving it the status of a Mini Earth Summit. From thereon we’ve made it bigger and better

year on year, making it to the headlines of Hindustan Times and Bandra Buzz. We’re proud to say that Planit-E is the ‘Green Jewel’ in the crown of S.T.I.E! S.T.I.E. – A Green Institution S.T.I.E. is committed to several environment initiatives. One-time-use plastic is banned on campus, we advocate the use of metal and glass containers for carrying food. To move towards our goal of a paperless office we encourage online submissions of projects, spiral binding is prohibited and so are plastic folders. Saplings and eco-friendly gifts such as cloth carry bags are presented to visiting faculty and for valedictory functions.

Trainee teachers of the institute brought back cartons from schools where they were placed for internships, thus sensitizing 25,000 students most important – from our Principal to the support staff, I am proud to say, everyone has cleaned and washed cartons and thus walked the talk. E - Evaluate whether the objectives have been achieved and extend the reach for the following year.

IMPLEMENTING THE MODEL This model has met with roaring success in the Tetra Pak program. Modus operandi Phase 1: Educating the leaders of the program. Neha oriented our student-teachers along with representatives of the 4 Institutions to the Cut-Clean-Flatten process. So we had a Green Army of 50 trained students on board. Phase 2: Involving everyone on campus. These Green ChamTHE WINNING RIPpions oriented the PLE MODEL Primary, Secondary In 2018, I got introsections of the school, duced to the Tetra Pak Special School and Junior recycling program, through College on the campus to their Monisha Narke and Neha MunDr. Giselle D’Souza role in carton collection. Thus, dra of RUR Greenlife. I was completely taken in by the concept when I 3000 persons were sensitized about carsaw some of the recycled products like pen ton collection in the first year! stands, photo frames and more. Tetra Pak Phase 3: Spreading the message. This is cartons were being recycled into products when school students carry the knowledge and awareness into the societies where of such utility, I was fascinated. Driven by my passion to propagate this they live, making the ripples spread wider. awareness further, I evolved the RIPPLE In this manner, 10,255 cartons were colmodel, wherein RIPPLE is an acronym, lected in 2019! and also symbolic, as it signifies an effect which originates at a focal point and can This year we extended the program to 10 be transmitted outwards incrementally. of our practice teaching schools where trainees were placed for their internships. The modus operandi is as follows: Thus, 25,000 persons were sensitized to R - Research for a relevant theme I - Inform and involve all the stakeholders carton collection in the second year! Cartons collected from the school students of the Institution P - Plan how the activity will be carried out were brought back to the college, though sometimes a bit dirty & unwashed. But P - Phase the plan of action L - Lead by example – which I consider that did not deter Team S.T.I.E. with every

member participating in the cut-cleanflatten process, neatly tying the cartons in packs of 10 & taking the dream to fruition! We met with laudable success this year, as in just three months, we reached the 14,251 all-time high! We were awarded the title of the ‘Highest Performing Spoke’ in the Go Green with Tetra Pak program across Mumbai, not only in the school category but in all categories, including Corporates, Churches and Societies. This venture has been greatly appreciated by the members of our Regulatory Bodies as well, proving the green-vantage of the RIPPLE model. Each time we cross a target our students get super excited about it which only boosts their morale to set higher benchmarks for the next year. My colleagues at S.T.I.E. certainly need to be applauded for their invaluable contribution as they have been instrumental as a Green Team to rock the Green Dream. GREEN IS SATISFYING! In my 21 years of teaching, nothing has given me more happiness than the satisfaction I have experienced through all these green projects. The future seems promising as even after our students graduate from the Institution, they continue to communicate their passion for the environment in a myriad different ways. I want to commend RUR for the great work they are doing. I hope they continue to inspire more people to join in their mission of saving the Environment. Signing off, I’d like to say, the journey of a thousand miles begins with one tiny green step. And I am grateful that in my journey, I have not only been able to make some change but I can, more importantly, say, I have made a green difference! Aditi Kane




Navratri amidst Covid-19 Bandra, en Français,

S’il Vous Plaît

India is a land of festivals & fairs, it is recognized in the world for its rich cultural heritage, despite being divided into numerous states & union territories with people belonging to various religions it stands united through a wide variety of festivals which are being celebrated throughout the year & it is indeed a mirror of our culture & traditions. It brings excitement & happiness, by celebrating life with music, dance, food, colours, friends & family. One such joyous festival is Navratri, ‘Nav’ means nine & ‘ratri’ means night. It is a nine-day festival in which nine forms of Goddess Durga are worshipped. It is celebrated in October & is an important festival of the Hindus. The glitter, excitement & enthusiasm for festivals seem to be subdued as celebration are submerged in isolation due to global pandemic. Rising corona cases have left people panic-stricken. No religious congregations are being allowed in India as compared to huge pandals which were set to worship the Goddess every year with people playing Dandiya & Garba in traditional attire as a part of the celebration. Falguni Pathak shows which cater huge crowds have also been cancelled due to social distancing norms which need to be followed. So the devotees have decided to celebrate it within their homes. Preeti Shetty, a resident of Carter Road said, “I will be fasting for nine days which includes not having non-veg food completely, with temples being shut it will be celebrated at home wearing 9 different coloured attire for 9 days & won’t be attending any gathering if there is any as older people at home are at higher risk of getting infected. It will be a low key affair with loved ones.” In eastern & northeastern states Durga Puja is vividly celebrated especially in West Bengal to worship goddess Durga. The actual purpose of Navratri is to is celebrate the victory of good over evil.

According to Dharmistha Kishor Somaiya, a resident of Nutan Nagar “Every year we had a pandal in our society & we used to play garba & dandiya throughout Navratri but this year it won’t be held due to the current situation. I will be fasting for nine days & doing Devi puja twice a day. On 8th day kheer & padh (a type of chapati) will be offered to the Goddess as prasad. Garba (the spiritual pot) is decorated with fresh gajra daily. On the day of Dussehra jalebi will be offered”. Sushma Pardeshi says, “I will be bringing the idol at my home from 17th - 25th October & offerings will be made in form of sari, sindoor, etc to the Goddess. Later 9 little girls will be called home & offered bhog. Similarly, 9 married women will be given Vati (spiritual gifts) & then the Maharaj will be given food & offering too. No relatives will be coming home just our family members & on the tenth day the idol will be immersed.” Celebrating festivals with loved ones with more spiritual connect is what corona has taught us. Everyone can be gathered in aarti’s virtually through video calls. “I will be celebrating Navratri with my grandparents. It will be fun,” added Shubham Pardeshi. Despite not being able to celebrate Navratri in full swing, everybody is hoping to celebrate in their houses with the family with all safety measures & keeping safe. Aafreen Chouhan

Bandra’s perhaps only known plaque in the French language as seen today within the walls of Mount Mary Convent High School As a place, Bandra is fortunate enough to be dotted with historical markings of various kinds - secular & religious. These are reminders of our history and heritage. These markings and plaques are mostly inscribed in English, Portuguese, and Gujarati - some of the languages spoken in the region over the last five centuries. However, there is one plaque that stands apart from these, for it is in a language out of the ordinary - French. Bandra’s perhaps only known plaque in the French language lies tucked away within the walls of Mount Mary Convent High School, on Mount Mary Road. This keeps it out of sight of the general public, as few people have access to it. Interestingly enough, not many even know that the language of the inscription is indeed French. Unlike certain parts of India, Bandra never had a French influence (as there was in places line Pondicherry and Chandanagore). And this makes the French plaque rather unique and intriguing. The date on the plaque mentions 14th February 1858. However, this does not refer to the date the plaque was installed. The date is that of the second appearance of the Marian apparition which appeared to Bernadette Soubirous, in Lourdes, France. The text on the plaque itself is a paraphrased version of the message said to have been heard by Bernadette Soubirous on that day, which translates in English as “Go drink and wash yourself at the fountain”. The age of the plaque itself is uncertain. While the school itself was estab-

The “Go drink and wash yourself at the fountain” plaque as seen before its latest restoration lished in 1910, as the “Colegio da Imaculada Conceição, it was in 1931 that the school became a High School. It can be assumed that the marble plaque was installed sometimes in the last century. Whatever the age, it is an integral and unique piece of Bandra’s local history & heritage. While there is a tremendous history associated with Mount Mary Road, it is also the site of one of Bandra’s lesser-known, and mostly inaccessible pieces of heritage. So the next time you pass that way, even if you don’t see it, don’t forget to say “Bonjour” or “Bonsoir” to Bandra’s French plaque, s’il vous plait. Debasish Chakraverty




Boarding Bandra Central Nothing succeeds like a dollop of humour. Laughter is the best Boarding Bandra Central is a journey that Medicine and this Book is just what the Doctor ordered. The Author finds humour in the most stressful and bizarre situations! His 3 Book crosses boundaries of the city, suburb, villike the other 2 before, is a laugh riot. The Author also has a serious poignant side though, as a few of his anecdotes reveal. la, ocean and country…..it’s a journey into BANDRA, made quite a splash at the last Celebrate Bandra theBEYOND deep2018. corners of the readers’ As Festival BOARDING BANDRA CENTRAL takes the senses. reader on a magical mystical tour of his exhilarating kite flying childhood; I started turning the pages, each of the auJ Bob Tailor in Waroda Rd; being duped by a Hockey player in the St. Peter’s Church Summer Club; an intriguing encounter with a thor’s aroused the child in me Chickenanecdotes shop owner; First day at work – which was almost his last; Office Romances; Motorbike trips in Assam; rib-tickling Poetry; -not wanting to stop even when it Celebrities from Bollywood and Cricket; the Power of Dreams; Money was Laundering; Morality lessons in Singapore; The Korum Mall Mauler in time to– Edwin’s switch off repertoire, the bed lights. And wait, Thane roller coaster is dizzyingly bewitching. there’s also a lyrical poetry section to make Boarding Bandra Central it complete. Edwin Fernandes writes Edwin Fernandes Author and hard core Mumbaikar, aspired to with be a Journalist. Journalism’s loss was Banking’s gain as Edwin the flair ofjoinedthe legendary ‘Bandra – the then financial behemoth – IDBI. (He also edited boy’ the House Journal of IDBI, for decades). Edwin surprised himself, carefree, casual, - and a ofcertain by completingchic a full tenure in the Bank almost 38 years.comHe retired as a General Manager. Add to that a 2-year post ic timing only with retirement stint,that in one ofbelongs the concerns of the Reserve Bank of India.him. A total For banking service of 40 years, not bad for a reluctant Banker who also served as a those familiar Bandra, it’s the heady Nominee Director, on manywith Assisted Companies. Banking also gave the multi-talented ample opportunity to pursue nostalgia that leavesEdwin, you longing for hismore. other passion, sports. Edwin was the President of the IDBI Sports Club and the distinction of captaining the Football Teams of IDBI, in Mumbai and Andhas for those who are not familiar with Guwahati. He now keeps fit by playing Badminton and swimming occasionally. is also a Soft Skills Trainer, conducts Corporate Quiz Contests and is a star theHe place and all the bearings that it brings blogger on Sulekha.com Price 300 with itself, the author takes you on a royal joy ride! Making sure you experience all the flavours of the delights embedded in his soul that he so generously bares for you. Through snippets from his own life, he brings to you real-life characters in whom you quickly see your own next-door neighbour, a sister, cousin, colleague or a long-lost aunt! Not to mention the comic savouries he intersperses his stories with transporting you right onto the scene. To me, Boarding the Bandra Central was more than a one-time read you do inflight or en route to your next destination. It left a lasting impression about human fragility, reminded me that man is a social animal longing for togetherness with their

E dw i n E F e r n a n d e s


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Central loved ones, and of the simplest pleasures of life. Those that are usually derived from the most mundane of events and ordinary of people that surround us. And doing so with a comic flair – ah, that’s a given. After all, the author’s boarded the Bandra Central all his life you see! Thank you for this delectable journey Mr. Edwin Fernandes. For copies contact 9870336765 / edshmi6@gmail.com. Price: Rs. 300/Dr. Kaumudi Misra Faculty of California State University

An initiative of Bandra Buzz newspaper

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Do you feel like your talents are stuck in a rut amid COVID-19? Showcase your talents as we believe that every Bandraite has a talent which could inspire someone during this difficult time.

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Record your talents at home in a 2 mins. video & WhatsApp it to 9820783686 or 9920299787. Videos will be reviewed and will then be published on our Website and Social Media Platforms.

Poems of a Common Man I recall reading long back that poems can be stereotyped in 15 basic forms. Poems range from Blank verse to Free verse, to Epics, to Haiku, to Sonnets (many more forms in between) and end with a form termed Villanelle. Figure the last one for yourselves. I´m not going to be the villain of the piece! Be that as it may, who writes poems these days? Our former city boy Dom Moraes, certainly left rather large shoes to fill. Poetry is like Chicken Soup for the Soul. You have to have compassion, empathy and a romantic streak in you to appreciate and be immersed in this art form. Besides, in a fast-moving world of electronic media, communication in nanoseconds and texting. Poetry with its accompanying accoutrements of dreams, rhyme, metre and syntax is perceived as being unwieldy and burdensome - an anachronism in this modern world. Yet Hope lies eternal in the human breast. Some dogged souls have not yet given up on poetry. They still bash on regardless and cut a path for themselves in this labyrinth of stifling mass media. One such brave soul is Bertron Gonsalves, who is not afraid to bare his soul, as he has his soulmate Lydia, soul-idly behind him! Bertron has just debuted in the fascinating world of poetry with Poems of a Common Man. The anthology is divided into three segments dedicated to (i) himself - the Common Man, (ii) his wife and (iii) their little Angel, a baby boy who pitchforked them to parenthood. Fittingly, the cover page is symbolically emblazoned with their 3 palm prints. The poems are quite simplistic and straight forward. Perhaps accentuating the emphasis on the Common Man theme. Nowadays most folk do not consider themselves to be Common Men. Rather they would like to think of themselves as Extraordinary Men! So Bertron unabashedly declaring himself to be a Common Man, is a refreshing change. Shades of R.K. Laxman. The first chapter is all about this Common Man´s dreams as a Youngman. In fact, the first poem dwells on the girl of his dreams, particularly the exemplary and common qualities he expects to find in her. The poem ends with the lines: This is the girl I would never know, But the thought of her makes my heart just glow Well his heart must now be all aglow with a dazzling lustre. Bertron eventually met such a girl and made her his soulmate. This chapter consists of 17 such poems dealing with mundane or common themes like good old fashion family values, the importance of positivity in life – the sun will always rise, no matter what, the welcome Obama mantra of I Can, the

importance of music in life, the father figure who inspired him, taking long drives to beat ennui and of course not forgetting the friend and Spiritual Guru who will always stand by you, no matter what – Old Monk! Such happy carefree days. Absolutely common thoughts and ideas even uncommon men will relate to…… The 2nd segment is all about “The Girl I thought I would Never Know”. We now know who the lucky girl is. Even before she came into his life, Lydia was the inspiration of Bertron waxing lyrical. The poems in this segment are a mishmash of awe viz her inspiring qualities, his gratitude to her for choosing him as her soulmate, the time when he forgot her birthday gift but gifted a poem instead, the happiness aura she exudes. In other words, Lydia completes him. 13 mushy cho chweet poems dedicated to lucky Lydia. No wonder they say 13, is lucky for someone. The last segment is all about GenNext, their darling little Angel. A little boy and an absolute bundle of joy. He came into their lives and taught them what pure unbridled joy is. His laughter, his cries, his Mickey Mouse toy, all conspire to fill up the house. In lockdown times, this Angel has unlocked so much of happiness. One facet of every poem, is that the poet gives a summary / explanation at the end of each page. To me, this is unnecessary hand holding. I would prefer no explanation, just let the readers decide why the poem was written and in what mood. That apart, this anthology certainly does not have scholarly pretensions or shades of erudition. However, the anthology has one absolutely endearing attribute. It is straight from the heart, which is guaranteed to strike a chord with you. After all it is an offering from a Common Man! Edwin Fernandes

BANDRA BUZZ | OCTOBER 2020 BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY Looking for honest, hardworking dynamic individuals to join my team. Remarkable company, fantastic products & unbelievable income. Call Sushil Punyarthi 98210 79832 & 98217 29832. COME (BOOK) "COME" by Joan Mary Pereira. A journey to our heavenly home. A book to gift, for 15-60 years at Christmas, Confirmations and Birthdays. Available Rs. 300/- Amazon (India), Kindle Ebooks or Call 90290 98873. COMPUTER CLASSES Computer Training - Open Source Software √ Learn Microsoft Office Suite (Word/PowerPoint/Excel) for personal & professional use. √ Learn Graphics/3D for students & adults. Training offered at your home or through online media. Call 98215 25921 or email us computertraining.os@gmail.com for more details! COOKING & BAKING CLASSES Learn Mughlai, Biryanis, Starters (Veg. & Non-Veg.), Chinese, Italian, Mexican, Thai, Cakes, Chocolates, Brownies, Desserts, Sandwiches and Salads from an Experienced Homechef in Bandra West (on Perry Cross Road) for over 12 years. Special discount for a group of 5 or more. Call 98213 10728 / 99300 46523 CORNED TONGUE Available, Delicious Buffalo Corned Tongue & Meat Loaf - Home made with best ingredients. No Home Delivery - Call 98203 00751 DANCE CLASSES Dances like the Waltz/Rumba/Jive/Chacha with Alvito Cabral. Learn Social Dancing! Easy and fun for absolute beginners. Whether you’re 20 years or 60 years, doesn’t matter! YOU’LL LOVE IT! No partner needed; Age - 20years+. WhatsApp Alvito on 98201 19553. Experience our class dance videos on www.facebook.com/alssocialdance/ and on Instagram @alvitocabral EVENT MANAGEMENT For Christenings, Birthdays, First Holy Communions, Engagements, Weddings / Anniversaries, Baby Showers, Corporate Events & Picnics contact Queen the Entertainist Elizabeth Carvalho 98928 30169 and 98206 25901. EXPANDABLE SHOE RACKS Sturdy stainless steel 2 tier shoe stand. Lightweight, portable, expandable & stackable. Comes in 1 & 2 footers. Expandable to 2 & 4 footers. Suitable for homes, offices, clinics, hospitals, wherever neatness desired. Price Rs 650 for 1 footers holds 6 pairs. Rs 1200 for 2 footers holds 12 pairs. Free Delivery Bandra, Khar, Santa Cruz, Mahim with assembly if required. Call 98198 40314

CLASSIFIEDS FLATS FOR SALE Last 3 flats available for immediate sale. O.C. received and ready possession only for Catholics. Easy bank loan. Three storey building with 7 flats only. Mountain view flats facing the Church. Two way highway touch. Direct local train service from Bandra to Boisar station. Call Oberoi 97681 32932. FLATS ON RENT - WANTED Rented Flat, near Mt. Carmel Church, Bandra West - Budget 40K pm - Brokers Excuse - Call 98698 42767, 92220 0841. HOMEMADE FOOD Portuguese coconut cake, fluffy and moist. Try it to believe it! Unique as a gift. Also available carrot cake, quiches etc. Freshly baked on order, no preservatives. Contact :+91 81047 40056. Lee-Ayn Bandra (West) Chicken / Mutton Gravy, Roast Tongue, Cutlets, Fish, Chilly Fry, Pork Sorpotel and Pork Vindaloo, Pulao and Roast. For home cooked hygienic Veg and Non-Veg Tiffins contact Mrs Xaverina D'souza on +91 91672 27296. HOMEMADE HAIR OILS Love Thy Strands brings to you a range of homemade hair oils that stops hair fall, promotes hair growth, nourishes the scalp fights dandruff, dryness and much more. Also good for babies, kids and men. To order you can WhatsApp at 98199 36855 or follow us on Instagram @lovethystrands. Avail offer - one 100ml at Rs. 300/- or two 100mls at Rs. 500/-. JOB VACANCY Progressive housing society seeks manager for handling accounts and day-to-day running of affairs. Knowledge of local laws and handling of staff is required. Part-time / Full time. Kindly mail us your resume to juneblossomschsltd@gmail.com KICKBOXING CLASSES Amit Lalwani’s Kickboxing, Muaythai and self defence for teenagers & adults at St Peters Kindergarten on Hill Road in Bandra (West), Mumbai 400050. Monday, Thursday & Saturday at 7pm. Call 84540 01235 / 98690 36872. KEYBOARD WORKSHOP Golden Rhythm. Summer keyboard workshops. Learn accompaniment techniques, chords and sight reading. 12 sessions. Batch 1: 1st - 30th April. Batch 2: 2nd - 31st May. Monday, Wednesday, Friday or Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday. Maximum 10 students. Private classes also available, contact Joshua Michael 9819705387. Golda Michael - 9920517127 Cost Rs 3000/-. St Joseph's Convent, Bandra (Primary), Mumbai 400050.


LEARN TO EARN Computer courses (MKCL authorised learning centre), admissions open round the year. Basic, MSCIT/Klic, laptop / iPad / printer, LCD repairing courses (repairing done), tailoring & beautician courses. (stitching of ladies & gents outfits). Contact: 26006258 LOST PHYSICAL SHARES & DIVIDENDS Get doorstep personal service for your lost physical shares/dividends. Duplicate procedure and FIR & notary all in-house. We also offer services in insurance of cars/buildings/ mediclaim and other financial consulting services. B/34 Elco Arcade, Bandra (West) with prior appointment. Call 98211 72450. NURSERY Let your child develop his observation, general knowledge, social skills, writing and singing. Monday to Friday 10 am to 12 noon at B-10 Mount Nirmala Colony, St John the Baptist Road, Bandra West. Call Jean-Ann 97697 22593 / 75066 09236. OFFICE FOR SALE Office for sale at Khira Nagar in Santa Cruz (West). Located on the ground floor the office has a carpet area of 363 sq. ft. and also boasts of 2 cabins and 2 toilets and also comes with a commercial license from BMC. Contact Mr Gupta (owner) on 93235 72448 REASONABLE COST HEALTHCARE Clinics (Open all through the week): - Ayurveda Clinic with Panchakarma Theatre - Dental Clinic with specialities of Implantologist, Orthodontist, Endontist, Oral Pathologist, Paediatric Dentistry, Physiotherapy, Eye Clinic, Foot Spa & Reflexology, Apple Diagnostics Collection Centre. Contact: 26006258 REPAIR SERVICES Kwality service repair of washing machine, microwave, oven, fridge, LED tv, other electronics. Call 9820174984 or 9769324984. Amrit Bldg., opp. Foodhall, SantaCruz West SPANISH CLASSES Hispanic Horizons is an institute for teaching Spanish language. We have weekday & weekend courses suitable for both college students & working professionals. We are an accredited examination center to conduct international Spanish exams like DELE, DIE & specialized Spanish exams for business, tourism & medicine. We have a placement cell as well through which we help our students to get Spanish related jobs. No age limit. Vas Chambers building, 1st floor, Hill road, Bandra West. Call: 022-26409039 / 8082647938 or www.hispanic-horizons.org TUITIONS Marathi and Hindi Lady Tutor, for one-to-one tuition from Std II to V for IGCSE / ICSE / SSC medium at Chapel Road, Bandra West - Call : 9224707192

To Advertise in Bandra Buzz Call / WhatsApp 9820783686 or 9920299787




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